The Basement Yard - #285 - What Is Going On Here?

Episode Date: March 15, 2021

Frank & Joe go through their old photos and try to figure out what the hell they were thinking Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard patreon. How you doing Frank? Why did why did you start like that? I don't know I was full-on ready for you to do things one. Yes, just farted to and it's traveled up my my sweater And it smells like a pumpkin really yeah, yeah, yeah It's kind of impressive usually I fart like that around October people would pay for that what a fart your farts You pay no one's ever paid for do the people pay for farts fucking party party pay pay farts people pay for those People definitely pay for paying farts. I would definitely like an old Italian woman how they make sauce and put it in their garage I'll fart in jars and put it in my garage dude people will be so fucking hype if you did that Dude, cuz sometimes I'll fart and it smells like a doctor's office another time
Starting point is 00:00:39 It'll smell like a rubber glove other times it'll smell like pumpkins and then other times it smells like fucking poop Yeah, yeah, well that that last one makes the most sense. Yeah, that one is most of the time usually when I eat ice cream Really? Yeah, do you get do they like hurt you do they burn sometimes farts burn butts 11 that was Keith's old screen Yeah, yeah, yeah, but uh, no I it doesn't really hurt too much because I like to eat healthy now sell it in a candle, baby But back in the day I used to drink a lot of milk like I'd be thirsty and be like, you know what? I'm just gonna drink a ton of milk and then I would you know I'll be farting and it'd be burning my my rim
Starting point is 00:01:09 That's pretty good. Also one thing I wanted to say before we start here today Yes, is that before when you were in the bathroom? I was in the kitchen and I was eating a banana. Oh, yeah, and as you were oh Yeah, and as you were coming out of the bathroom, I was like, oh, this will be a funny joke So I pretended to take the banana and shove it in my ass and was just like oh, and then you never came So I was just in my you I was just in my kitchen and no one's looking at me doing you you had a smirk on your face Yeah, I was like, what the fuck is he doing? Why is he laughing? I was doing a joke of me shoving a banana my ass and no one was there to see it So it was kind of I can't tell you how embarrassing like how like I have so many stories of things like that
Starting point is 00:01:50 Where I've like Becca's like come home and I've like pretended to be like face-down ass up like butt-naked I do that constantly and she just doesn't like doesn't like walk into the room for like a while So I have to just like get dressed in my own sorrow In my own shame you put your butthole to the wind for no reason. Yeah, it was you know But hey, I mean some of my funniest moments. No one has been around to see that's a fact Jack But this episode Joey is something I came up with because I was going through the archives And I was looking at stuff and I was pulling up old pictures in the title of this episode is What's going on here? Yeah? Yeah, you have you have like 15,000 pictures on your laptop that date back to like 2010
Starting point is 00:02:30 They do they certainly do from my old and there are a lot that are still like gone You know what I mean? Like there are some pictures that are just like gone to the time This is a decade of memories. This is this is a decade of memories and some even older than that Yeah, and what I what I did is I pulled up pictures that you really haven't seen right and We're gonna go through and we're gonna talk about them and say like what's going on here Yeah, I'm I can only see the first one right now. Yep, and as I hit next I'll see the others Yeah, but yeah, let's talk about this one. This is the first one. This is a 2005 yeah, 2004 this is 15 16 years ago two things right off the bat
Starting point is 00:03:06 I just want to talk about you're wearing a witch hat and those boots wouldn't fit you now I'm wearing Tim's baby New Yorker. Yeah, I remember those. That's the first pair of jeans I've ever like I owned like kid jeans like, you know cute kid jeans But like as like a pretty kid jeans, you know cute kid jeans like kids and jeans like gosh-kosh Yeah, and they're like all like crumpled near like the legs and arms. This was your first like carpenter pant There aren't no arms on jeans Yeah, no, there's my like those are the one did it have one of those straps where you could like hold a hammer in there I'm sure I'm sure I did I'm sure I did but these were like I remember this was like
Starting point is 00:03:45 Do you remember back in the day? You would buy one outfit and you would try to make it you'd wear that one outfit like once every two weeks two weeks What are you like six days? Yeah, you're going that frequent But my outfit was those jeans and those Timberland boots, which I didn't ever tie. Yeah. Yeah, though. I mean listen And that's also how I dress I don't think I wore jeans until I was like 14 years old You there was a point in time where people don't realize I was compared to you a fucking giant Yeah, yeah, it was a small Fucking boy yeah, I was a little tiny man like look at like look at the size of your head compared to my fist
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, you could have knocked my block off That's why you always kept me around because you knew I could physically kill you probably until now. I'm fat I Like you got better looking and I think from there it just went downhill for me I think it went uphill for a while did it and then there was a slide a big slide Do you remember where these pictures were this was this was Jamie's basement Yeah, the girl who I was in love with you were hard in love with from like kindergarten to 5th grade Why the fuck did I say that little past that Joey? I think it was like seventh grade
Starting point is 00:04:59 No, no, no once we once we parted school. Yeah, well, I remember I used to pass mad notes You chose the king of note passing ladies and gentlemen if you didn't know this king not the king You were the king. I mean, I would pass all hell the king. Let me tell you you were past notes, too I would pass I was the intermediary like I would you the note would be written by you giving me to give to somebody else That's all baby. I was just a fucking passenger. Yeah, but then in middle school. You were slamming notes to I was slamming But like not just little notes because that that's what we used to do back there I used to write romantic novels. I used to write letters and pretend my name was Chester. Yeah. Oh god I'll never get over that. But yeah, I remember this day specifically because and I remember those pants for some reason
Starting point is 00:05:39 I remember those pants, but this was in Jamie's basement. Yeah, and I Someone took this with one of those cameras that we had we had a friend I don't know a hat. She's still a friend. We just don't see her ever Chelsea, yeah, who just like followed everyone with the camera We have we have Chelsea to thank for a lot of our memories because she just had a camera She was really into photography and like this was back before phones or for anything She would take pictures of us all the time and it was just like it was like a thing like oh My space and yeah, exactly where it was on my space and and do you remember like in this photo shoot?
Starting point is 00:06:15 We also like put on wigs and like I pretend to cut off your wiener. Oh, yeah You pretended to have a black wiener. Yeah, I did. I did. What was that? It was like a thing a whip There are a lot of weird things going on Yeah, what the fuck is going on down there? This is the least of the issue Yeah, a witch hat and then it was like a it wasn't a Penis, but it was something that resembled like a hairy penis phallus. It was it was a very phallic-looking item one hundred and You put it in your pants pretend and there was a wig that we pretend were your pubes that yes Which back in the day you had some wild pubes dog. You always say that you did I remember I remember you had fucking pubes for days
Starting point is 00:06:51 Well, I'm gonna have to change your mind eventually because I've been keeping up with that as an adult Let's see it. Yeah, not well not here. I know Maybe a 15 million patrons will do that. Yeah, this was a good old day Look at that. They're just just not a care in the world Just a nice friendly couple of friends hanging out the only thing we cared about is where we were putting our fingers Yeah, not on each other. Well, yeah, no, well No one even knows you can interpret that how you will because I don't even know the answer Talking about seeing my pubes. Yep. Yep all kinds of stuff. All right. Let's get to the next one next one
Starting point is 00:07:26 Oh, yeah, how do I get to that? You got a click on the okay click on that? right Joey what's going on here? All right Frankie, uh I Don't know I feel like I You're looking at me. This is this is kind of like the Mona Lisa any angle you get it's looking right in your soul It's looking right in your soul and like you feel I feel like you're disappointed in me I but I'm actually disappointed in you. Well, listen. I'm disappointed myself. I
Starting point is 00:08:04 Remember I was in I think my first year at grad school and that was the most my facial hair could do Like I just want to say this before, you know, go ahead. You go into like a long course yours Yeah, I just let's quit quick thing that sucks It was such an awesome time That's it. I will say this The mustache is actually pretty nice. Not bad. Yeah, it's just everything around it. I didn't I Didn't earn like my face isn't allowed to have that mustache there. I was pretty heavy there That was my fattest year. I think I would say you look nothing like that right now. I know. Thank God. Yeah. Thank God
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, I remember I was so like in my mornings. It was a part of my routine to wax the end of my mustache. Oh I was thinking wax. No, like I would I would get I Bought mustache wax just to twirl the end of it. That's good. And it was a pretty good I mean, that's a pretty good twirl. We got going on there, baby. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's something but yeah, you look like Now this so this was post-RA Frank first year Rd Frank Is this someone that hold that you hold in your your heart? Oh, I fucking hated this version really much Why it's just what you just so I Can't even look at it. I can't even look at it because it's so distracted. Should I do it again? No
Starting point is 00:09:27 If yeah, you could do it now. Yeah, you could just don't have That big of a face and the mustache Glasses don't help either like those are there stylistically dead like there's no fucking like they're just a barren wasteland of any sort of style Yeah, yeah, you you also just look like someone made you take this picture. Um, you're kind of like, yeah, fine I think I think this was a candid taken by you I don't remember where or when but I'm pretty sure it was it was around end of 2014 beginning of 2015 What an excellent year. It was it was a rough year You're looking into the heart and soul of a man that was heartbroken. Yeah. Yeah, I was in a lot of pain there
Starting point is 00:10:07 Yeah, I can see that I Can convey the pain Great, all right. I'm having a great time. Not all these are of you some of them are like you were you're there for them And there are time in our lives. Mm-hmm. Okay, next Oh Now this this is prime. Look at those gang signs and everything baby So I don't I'll be honest with you at the time and I would say even now. I don't really know what I'm doing I'm pretty sure that's like Albania. I'm yeah, I'm throwing up a W
Starting point is 00:10:39 Which is normally commonly associated with the west side the west side. We live on the east coast We live on the east coast also on the east side of We could not be more east. Yeah, there's we're not even on the west side of our town Yeah, there's water right next to us and it's called the East River. Yeah, so, uh, is it? Yeah Yeah, that's the East River. Oh, I was saying like right next to LaGuardia That's like the bay and the ocean that I don't know But you're wearing my green Astros hat that didn't fit me it didn't fit me you could have fit my whole self in there
Starting point is 00:11:12 I well, so that's not like tilted that was put on your head normal and it just fell Right, I'm not going for a ti kind of no. Oh ti. How does he do it? It's got to be some sort of tape. It's gotta be right away him and his wife We've got some crazy allegations right now. Wow, what's going on that? They were like they would you know having like sex parties and some of it wasn't consensual. Oh, no drugs and oh, yeah That's not good. Yeah, that's probably why he's out of Ant-Man 3 He was in Ant-Man 3 he was in Ant-Man 1 and 2 now. He's out of Ant-Man 3 well Tip don't call yourself tip by the way guys unless you want to make fun of but he has a lot of guns
Starting point is 00:11:50 He has guns he has money You know he's got money. Okay, so that if you got guns and money you can call yourself whatever you want tip dip Yeah, flip still gonna need some consent. Otherwise, you're gonna deal with that jail Oh, yeah, then you're gonna be getting the tip and fucking jail, right? We thought we were like I To our defense go we weren't like this like this was a joke No To an extent like we weren't like thrown up gang size. We were like when you would talk with us
Starting point is 00:12:21 We'd be like yo, what's up like we're normal, but like when we were like on aim It was like yeah, welcome to the block the block. Yeah, we live in the hood Yeah, yeah, you know with the boys boys the boys live in the hood with the boys on the block on the block I'm in the crib it the crib Yeah, the bat cave was on my that was my phone number and my my house phone number in my phone Your house phone number was the bat cave. No, no, no, not the bat cave Dubbat cave. Gotcha. The D is very important. So that would make you the Batman the Batman Was I to Robin?
Starting point is 00:12:56 You were probably to Robin. Yeah, okay, but Yeah, I remember this picture because this again Chelsea hooking it up. Yeah, I was wearing scarface boxers That said the world is yours around the the elastic crazy part about that is that it wasn't The world never was mine and it never will be baby Did you have any of those like graphic boxers I remember One of my first pair of boxers when I made the switch from tidy whites to boxers. I thought I was so fucking cool yeah, whoa and
Starting point is 00:13:38 hindsight And they were just four leaf clovers and it's and it said feeling lucky. Oh, yeah And I wore them to the bone dude like I I killed on to them. They had rips dude I still have some boxers from when I was in fucking sixth grade. I still have my loony tune boxers They're like they're in my drawer. I'll never get rid of them because I have separation issues obviously They are I mean think about the balls that Dropped in those eventually. Yeah da balls da balls on the block with the boys in the crib in the crib and the hood
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah, uh in the back case honestly. Well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and This was just this was it. This was quite this was quite the time Unreal we like what was the like did you have any because you wore like pretty much like just like Fucking Tommy Hilfiger like with sweatshirts and just baggy sweats. Yeah. Yeah I like I said, I don't think I wore jeans until I was like 14 and then when I started wearing jeans They were big big old jeans big jeans big jeans Averilivine looking jeans. Yeah, never wore any chains like on my pants Oh, I didn't really wear chains. Yeah, well, I yeah, I did go through a phase where I wore some wooden rosary beads Did you I for like a hot you were a big fan of those fucking silicone bands
Starting point is 00:15:03 Do you know how fucking badly I wanted to get my hands on one of those braces that said I heart boobies I had one and let me tell you they were just as stupid as you would have I mean, no they were though. Well, they're about like breast cancer, which that's cool Yeah, yeah, not breast cancer is not cool But like no supporting ending it and research. That's the cool thing, right? And boobies are cool boobies. Yeah, pretty dope. I mean You had I remember you had like a Livestrong one and then like a sleepwalkers one I had one that was wooden and had some like religious figures. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. I remember those
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I just I couldn't even tell you what I had the chains I had my girlfriend got me dog tags for our for my birthday, right because you're what were your I'm a fucking soldier Yeah, you're a soldier. I'm a soldier for her Okay, I think it was around that time that song that doesn't need child came song came out I need a soldier and she wanted you to be the soldier. I was the soldier for her, you know I think that's also a tip Harris song. I believe that was Lil Wayne where you got it. I'm the hottest around No, that's I think that's I'm a son. That's that's the guy. What's the what's the Lil Wayne one? I think so I ever made me Don't know
Starting point is 00:16:14 Whatever. Yeah, doesn't matter. Good time. Good times next one So This is the first time I grew out my hair Frank that was the longest it had been at that point in my life. How did it get so straight someone straightened it? Got it. Um, you look like Andrew Kai That's a kid we were like in third grade. God, how do I remember this? I don't know but someone what I what this happened. They told me that I looked like you ever see that picture of like the cat with A hollowed out lime on its head
Starting point is 00:16:56 Oh, I do know what you're talking Dude that just looks like a very soft helmet It was very like surprisingly soft because my hair naturally is very curly this this just This feels British this Yeah, I could see that just feels British like right before that picture. I was like the bullies is coming Are you into like a psych ward like what are we what are we in? Uh, no, I was in a bathroom Yeah, I know that it was my friends I this is when I lived at college. I was in my grad. I think it was grad school again
Starting point is 00:17:35 Oh, okay, cuz yeah, that doesn't look like anywhere. That's nice. Yeah, no, no, no It was a very poorly decorated bathroom. You could say that again. Uh-huh. It did look like it was very white I'll say that just that's all scary things in this world are very white Oh Yeah, you there was one year where you begged for this for your birthday. I did I did I did because I had Frankie hit this picture for me for so long. Well, would you blame me? Yes, because it's a it's a relic and It needs to be in a in a museum
Starting point is 00:18:07 By the way, how do you say that word museum museum museum museum? No, you don't I do I say museum No, you fucking don't I mean you just said museum. Did I yeah, I said to see you Do you speak differently to other fucking people? No, I meant like I purposefully pronounced it correctly to you Oh, but I say like museum museum See, I don't say museum. How do you say that the stuff you drink in the morning? The fuck is that like it's hot you put coffee. Yeah coffee coffee What the fuck does that do? Okay, this was this was also a very heartbroken person you're seeing right here
Starting point is 00:18:47 Really cuz it looks like you're living it up. I you know, I was pretty happy. Yeah, it looks like you were really having a good I go and the saddest part is I was very sober in this picture. Really? Yeah You what would you you should grow your hair out? Yeah One second Mortal Kombat. What about it? What's that guy's name? There's a lot of the main guy in the movie Liu Kang Yeah, Liu Kang and I kind of if I was Liu Kang I'd crush it My animality would be fire. You don't know what I'm talking about don't even pretend you said animality Yeah, you don't know what that is. You're a dumb bitch or is it bestiality? No, that's something different. That's fucking horses
Starting point is 00:19:26 It's fucking dogs. Yeah Not just dogs just anything in the animal animal animal Go ahead. What the fuck is going on humans are in the animal kingdom So I ever tell you I saw someone suck off a dolphin once I randomly on the don't it was an Asian woman Oh, that's I feel like I don't want to be like yeah, I don't just I don't be racist or anything But I just want to say the Japanese they they do some stuff on the internet And one of them one of them one of them one of them is sucking off dolphins because I did see it I didn't even know dolphins had penis is up until that point. I mean they're mammals
Starting point is 00:19:57 They got pee-pees. Yeah, but I feel like they're hard to find and then also you have to get one I could probably point to a dolphin's penis Joey But what are you gonna do you're gonna get the dolphin out of the water the dolphin up point there? It's a dolphin up. How are you gonna pick up a dolphin? It's like it's a big fish. It's a big it is a big fish And they're smart. They know what you're doing and they'll know if you're going for that Stop don't touch me there. This is my private square like they're they know just to like leave him alone Stop did you learn that in college? I Did nice
Starting point is 00:20:29 All right next picture Okay, all right, you remember that time you remember this I do remember Frankie hit me up And he's like yo, I'm gonna be on TV. Do you want to come I thought I was gonna be on TV Right, and I actively chose to wear suspenders for the occasion. Yeah, so this is back This was might have been like rd. Frank This one. Yeah, this was this was yeah. Yeah, it was which would explain the suspenders suspenders Yeah, and the glosses. Yeah, I mean look at you. You I mean you got the hair flip so close to still being a douche Right, I don't look terrible there. You look good. I mean you're make me look tiny though because yo, you're you're a small boy
Starting point is 00:21:07 I don't think you realize Like you're you look big and masculine and hot, but next to me it shrinks you down, right? You know, yeah But did we went to so a friend of mine from college She's like do you want to be on this game show? It's not you're like you'll go Well, you might get selected and you can win like shit and I was like that was actually when I learned how they do the TV stuff Oh, yeah, I didn't do you remember all right, so it was called best time ever with Neil Patrick here It was a live show too very live First of all canceled. Yeah, it's gone after like four episodes. Yeah. Yeah, they got out Baldwin and Nicole Schwarz
Starting point is 00:21:44 We were you sure sure. Yeah, sure. She and Nicole ball Alec Baldwin was the host Yeah, no, he was like the guest host. He was like the guest announcer or whatever it was NPH was the guy NPH was up there Do you remember like this might be mean he was like kind of mean in between takes I don't remember that they would go to like commercial break and it would stop and he'd be like all right He didn't have a deep voice like that, but like he would like bark orders at people. I get it's a very hectic hectic area, but One of the reasons that I like this show put me off to like Hollywood and like so much Do you remember when we were in that room and they were like everyone say something like interesting about yourself, dude
Starting point is 00:22:25 That was the best time at all. Let me just tell from my point of view because it's so funny So they they take the people that are possibly going to be picked to be put on the show and they put them in a room You beforehand you get there like an like two hours before showtime and filming Astoria So it was easy for us, right? so we we went and They put all the guests so me and all the other people that were came coming with the people who are actually gonna be on the show On one side and then all the people who are possibly gonna be on the show on the other side And then they were going up and down the rows and being like stand up and say something about yourself
Starting point is 00:22:55 Mind you they only put the most like bubbly and In on TV and that's why when you watch the prizes, right? You get someone up there and they're like This person's a psycho. Yeah, so Everyone knows that going into this. I assume it seemed like it was like everyone's 20th time I'll tell you this everyone knew it but us exactly But the person that wanted to get picked and win money and it was it was so funny because they'd be like alright Tell us something about yourself and a woman would stand up. She's like hi. Yeah Agatha I speak three languages and my husband is a male man
Starting point is 00:23:28 And and then like all the people around know that they're being filmed and taped the whole time so they're like Like it was fucking insane me and Frankie kept looking at each other like what the fuck we are in the wrong place Yeah, we're like fuck. I don't even remember what my interesting fact was I can tell you this okay I know that there was a Legitimate trend of people saying they speak certain languages and then you stood up and The first thing you said was hi. I'm Frank I only speak English He said something like I don't speak seven languages and then you said something else
Starting point is 00:24:05 I don't know what the fact was but it was just like Whatever the fuck it was, but it was these people were just like hi. Yeah, it's like it's a stay-at-home wife I have four lovely boys. Yeah, like they are the light of my life would drive me Like just like fucking grow and this is I remember saying to myself like damn like that was visible and someone said like yo That's what every fucking waking minute is in Hollywood like if you live in Los Angeles You'll be like alright at a restaurant like yeah, can I get the? Caesar salad. Oh you want the Caesar salad? Well, let me tell you there's no real Caesar on it, buddy Pat like just like just want to take a shit on that person's face
Starting point is 00:24:49 It was exotic and then at the taping. I remember they had like a like a fucking role of The pictures of people that were gonna get picked for the yeah, and mine was the one right before they got picked Oh, and the trivia I would have swept this shit because it was like name the four Members of the Beatles and the person up there was like oh, oh my oh my god Michael Oh Steven yeah, like they had no fucking clue all right before we go any further We do have to get to the ads the friends of the show I'm doing it after the fact as I forgot to do it, but anyway here we go
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Starting point is 00:29:15 What a day what a day what a day put me off to Hollywood also very tight pants Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm very baggy pants for me. Yeah, all right next we have This is I mean look at this sexy son of a bitch Josh This is in Miami my jammy my my jammy my jammy we were in Miami. This was what 2012. Yeah, this was Jew Yeah, June of 2012 because it was right before I turned 21 he looks like was that hey he was yeah the fonts the fonts He first of all he is no I kid you not like 90 pounds lighter here. Yeah He's he's like 110 soaking wet here He probably benched I would say 18 pounds in this picture and then now he benches
Starting point is 00:30:07 I think a hundred and million pounds so like imagine someone just like blew him up like just took him and just Hey, and what are you doing? Do you not realize that this is the internet and you can't just do that Do you not realize sorry Josh's gonna cut this cuz he's gonna be embarrassed anyway He's gonna hit me up. He'd be like But do you remember what he was drinking What he was drinking do you remember I remember this as clear as day because something specific Yeah, it was fucking disgusting. It was pink lemonade Burnett's. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh
Starting point is 00:30:48 Disgusting there was a there was a There was a liquor store like a block away from this place We were staying out of Miami and we would go to it every single day And we would buy these things of like this vodka Burnett's was it vodka? It was yeah Yeah, and we would just crush them every night. That was I don't know. No. Yeah, I know not me I was drinking mostly beer and the only thing that I got that I wanted to drink was Jameson and you remember what happened to that bottle Jameson Eric tried to pop it as if it was champagne He put his he popped it put his thumb on it and shook it as if there was some sort of carbonation in there
Starting point is 00:31:25 It's just whiskey just flat-out Irish whiskey. So yeah, but this was a good trip. It was a fun time a Lot of memories from that, but hey Josh good good stuff fix that baby next Look at that. Wow. Look at that. So I Look pretty good that you fucking surprised you look hot still pretty baggy jeans though Oh, they were big for I would say until maybe five years ago. They were pretty big. What's going on with Danny is my oh Yeah, so Danny is one or two Yeah, a couple I can't tell you how many pictures I have of Danny with that exact same face probably a thousand He loved to do that face. Look at the same Francis prep football. Yeah, you were a football star, baby
Starting point is 00:32:11 No, I was I know I didn't want to say it also Also, how old do you think we are in this picture? I can tell you exactly how old we are given context clues, okay? Yeah, let's go with this Cut out picture stickers of baseball players on your wall What is that is Um, we're drinking 40s. Yes, we are I want to say this to back in these days. However, all we were which wasn't 21 Nope, I think every weekend we would go to your house and drink 40s. Yeah, and that's where the You know the the bad habits start, huh? Yeah, so this
Starting point is 00:32:52 Contrary to what you can see in the picture. This isn't a prison conjugal room, right? Yeah, that's my bedroom That was my bedroom, which was painted Prison floor gray. Yes. Yeah. Yes. That is that is janitor closet gray janitor closet gray and yeah, those are That's it's 2010 I think it's like January or February 2010. Oh, so then I was like freshly 18 or 19. Yes So because all those pictures that thing the Yankees thing was it was like a collectible thing that my mom got And it was like every newspaper clipping of the Yankees World Series and they had just one in 2009 also
Starting point is 00:33:31 So as an you know a teenager I had fat heads on my wall of the Yankees because yes You know, yeah, and then We were crushing 40s, baby That was beer tasted better in a 40 if you ask me Yeah, especially when your hands are duct taped to it. Yeah, Frankie wanted to play Edward 40 hands It's a fun game every week, which if you don't know the rules you tape to 40s to your hands So you don't have the ability to do anything with your hands, but drink but drink and you're not allowed to pee You have one hour to finish the beers
Starting point is 00:34:05 And you win how much is a 40 like two and a half beers or something. Uh, well regular beers 12 So it's three and a half Gotcha or three and a quarter or something a solid amount of beers. It's like three and a third But yeah, yeah, that's so times that by two that's over seven beers in an hour, baby I think if I drank a 40 straight up like In like a half hour My asshole would just fucking I couldn't do it now my ass would just you know what like a salute We should do it. Well, we should do Edward 40 hands. I'm coming over on Friday. Oh, you have 40s there
Starting point is 00:34:35 I swear to God. I'm gonna die laughing. I'm first of all, I don't think they sell 40s in the state of New Jersey If you bring 40s, that'll be incredible I'm not gonna drink to 40s and duct tape into my hands, but I'll I'll then you go bigger you go home Well, I'm gonna bring a 40. I'll bring oh, it's gonna be you meeting my daughter. Yeah with just 40s tape here You're gonna be holding the baby. I'm gonna be holding the 40s. That's gonna be great. Yeah, but this is what we used to do Oh, look see that is a religious rope So what I'm wearing around my neck is a is a rope, you know, and then it's it then it's a Crucifix that's made out of wood
Starting point is 00:35:17 Beginning of the end Where did you get that and where is it gone? I got that in high school They gave it to us for something and I don't know where it is But I remember really liking it at the time You can't throw out religious stuff because that's when you go to the hell I I can't tell you how many times I've done that but like it's because like I'm not really like when someone gives me a Cart like a birthday card. I go. Oh my god. It's very nice and as soon as you Look away. Go on throw it away really because like I what am I gonna keep I have hundreds of birthday cards?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, I see I'm not the one thing I don't throw out is when you go to like funerals and you get those cards Oh, yeah, I have a bunch of those. I can't I can't throw those out I take an anordinate amount of those though I'll take like 17 and just be like just you know A lot of Yeah, this is a good time soul patch Frank also just the soul patch. I don't know that's not a soul patch That's a that's just a beard. Yeah, oh like a dirt. Yeah, like I got dragged through a pile of shit You still have that spider-man shirt. I know you do I don't it's so fun fact
Starting point is 00:36:16 That's spider-man shirt from old Navy was a I liked it bought it forgot that it was a child's shirt So that's a child's double XL which guess what nowhere near fitting me now. Yeah, that's a big child also Yeah, well, that's why I go double X right okay next Wow look at that So that's four four boys four teenage boys in a kiddie pool. Yeah, that's me you impian David. Yeah, that's that's not the abomination from the Hulk movies. That's David That's not the monster from fucking pans labyrinth. I didn't know rib cages go all the way around Yeah, I don't think your bones are supposed to be that out
Starting point is 00:37:00 God, I love David. I haven't seen him in a long time. Yeah me. I'm surprised. We were able to fit in that pool Well, I'm not because David's body is basically like one of those like toys when you press the bottom and it falls apart I don't know what toys, you know, like it's like a statue. It like looks like a thing Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let go and agree. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is on my mom's patio Yeah, that's a dog pool. Mm-hmm very hot day. So we just wanted to get in the pool which guess what you also had a pool Yep, I did but we didn't yeah at a pool that was pretty sure this was taken with a laptop as well It was a hundred percent a little laptop And I'll tell you why I remember because there's an accompanying video of me and David underneath the deck dancing to its
Starting point is 00:37:42 Raining men. I remember that and then you pouring the water on us. Yes. Yeah, holy shit How do you remember that because I have it so they were below and I've poured the water from this pool And it was raining and I was like, it's raining man. Bang. So we were always, you know Questionable. Well, that's not what I was gonna say. I was gonna say that we were always creating content Well, you know, this is this is trying to be funny men free YouTube Joe. Yeah post 48 street files So this right here is the dawn of a new day. It is it is it is, you know, you don't even realize it You see those feet in the corner there my feet. Those are earning money nowadays. I Don't know how baby
Starting point is 00:38:20 All right next up So this isn't you obviously Where is this this so this is in Las Vegas Again, this isn't You kind of have a Hasidic Jewish haircut. Well, it was so this is when I had the long hair Yeah, but there's and it was in a ponytail and it sideburn curls and it came out of the ponytail. Yeah Yeah, this is a set of fat cheeks behind you there, too. Yeah, I don't know. I honestly
Starting point is 00:38:59 It looks like one of our I can tell you exactly who that is in those blue Those blue shorts wait, where is this? This is Vegas. Was I at this one? Yes? That's why I included it. You were there Joey. Oh Now is that boss in the all the way back in the all the way background. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah But this is when we went to the daylight pool party. Oh, yeah, we got the personal pool Yeah, so we went so fucking love I can't go again to Las Vegas my body will literally I won't come back The last time I'll die my body was like, dude, we really like you got there and you were instantly upset Yeah, I was not I was not good and I think this was the last time we went. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:41 and Joey we went to a pool party We went to a pool party. So this is mid-blank. I'm not like super drunk No, you fall were fucked up that day. I remember because you were fucked. I was like when Frank got there I thought I was drunk and I was like your friend. He's no no no We were so we went together and all of our friends are like now We don't want to go it was like me you and like four other people and then some people were like, yo We're gonna stay we're gonna you know, like play roulette
Starting point is 00:40:08 Like some people are gonna play go to a poker tournament and then we get there and this guy comes up to you He's like, yo, it was a Thursday. It was pretty dead at the time. Oh, yeah, you knew who I was He's like, yo, like I know who you are. You make fucking awesome videos. They're funny here Here's five free drink tickets. Yeah, and we were like cool. You know that that's great And Joey being the kind and courteous person. He was handed them out to the people over there And then he goes, yo, it's pretty dead today. Do you want a cabana? And with a personal pull and I just went you just fucked up. Yeah And we went and we got just bottles of their cheapest vodka. Yeah, I think they threw in like two bottles for free
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah, maybe and this is vodka Frank Frank don't drink vodka as you can tell But it was a good time. It was that was a good day. I remember that was a day for you Yeah, and then my day was the following day. Your day was the Saturday You were another man different person so I was I listen would I go back to Vegas? Yes, but I wouldn't be right group I wouldn't go with it. We went with like fucking 17 people I would just want to go with a group where there's at least two other people that enjoy rest Because our friends do no no, so I enjoy rest you enjoy rest Danny Sergeant lieutenant the sleep police lieutenant Danny emma holds up to sleep police
Starting point is 00:41:33 Dude if he he would come into your room if you if you blinked too slow He'd like to get sleep sleep when you go home and sleep him. Oh my god It was so bad, but uh, I would go I would go back with like you I'd go back with Josh. Josh was a good time. Yeah, Josh was fun. Josh is a wild card, too Just like you are you guys are wild card. No, I know sometimes Josh has a very chill day But there's no time just like you know Josh's off the wall I'd go back. Yeah, I'd go back with some friends. Yeah. Yeah, it would be a good time Yeah, but we'll see I still got you know, we went how many times to go to Vegas like four five
Starting point is 00:42:08 I went five times. Yeah, so I went four Booked five and then couldn't go to fifth. Yeah, I had to just eat the thing because I had to go to a wedding but anyway next Okay, where the fuck oh remember that wait, this is a Legends in the city legends bar. Yeah, so you could see also directly into my nostrils. Yeah, like I could see your brain at this point Yeah, I'm pretty sure you could see a lot of this is later in life
Starting point is 00:42:37 These fucking people so it was it was LSU. It was the LSU vs. Bama game. I'm pretty sure Yeah, you can see it in the background. This is LSU Bama it was Saturday, November 8th. Yeah, November 8th. Yeah, this was like 2014 2015 maybe I think it was 2014. Yeah, and do you remember that kid? No, he was like Yo, my dad like ran some department at fucking LSU come down and like he was like in a fraternity or some shit And he was like trying to get you to like go down and spend like a weekend there You don't remember that and he I was probably all over that too. Oh, yeah, I mean probably at the time But then also they were maybe not these two people other people in that bar
Starting point is 00:43:23 They had that. Oh, there was a lot of decokane. The coke was flying. The coke was sniffle Yeah, and You guys loved this fucking bar I just liked going because when like you would watch college football on Saturdays if there was an LSU game on people would go insane like they would have like Horns going off and like all this shit I this was the first time I ever heard of a bar being themed after like a team or insane I'd never heard about it before that dude. Yeah, there's tons. There's there's Florida bars. There's Bama bars
Starting point is 00:43:55 Now I know yeah, I had never known and I remember I this is the only time I had went a lot of debt Lot of debt place was huge and this was the night that remember someone started a fake trend on Twitter that Macaulay Culkin died And we all like bought beers and we're like, yo, we got to pour it out for Macaulay Culkin I think I have like on my Fuck it's somewhere. I think I was tagging a picture on Instagram and it was like RIP Macaulay Culkin And there's all of us was just beers. What fucking idiots? Yeah, you were a big-time Snapback guy too. Oh my god back then I was snapping so hard. You had a lot of snapback I'm surprised with you know the money that you steal from me that you don't have more hats
Starting point is 00:44:43 You invested your money into putting your name on shirts that you make me wear I hope these people are doing well. Yeah, I'd like to know that guy in with the eyes Yeah, I believe oh, yeah, you know actually that's Chris Martin of Coldplay. So yeah, oh, yeah, it's very nice meeting him Yeah, yeah, all right. Let's get to this next picture here. There's not many left So do you remember this? This was what was it called a central bar. Oh In like the Lower East. Yes, and we had a friend That was a wild night
Starting point is 00:45:24 We had a friend there was a party of like just a bunch of like super cool fucking Asian guys that were there Yeah, and one of our friends belly flopped onto their table. Oh, yeah, I remember that and then had him on his back At one point and then I have to use no names here because I'll get trouble. Here's the thing, right? Our friends there for the most part. They're good people But sometimes yeah, well not anymore because everyone's super tame now But back in the day these days we would go up to a bar and it was like I this is too many people Like this is gonna get out of hand something's gonna happen Literally, I think in the first like nine minutes of us being at this bar our friend jumped on these guys table like this
Starting point is 00:46:05 Like as you know, why does he really flopped belly flopped on their table like bang? Yeah for no reason Yeah, I was like, oh my god It was it was a rock then a fight almost broke out not with them But some other people I think and I remember this was one of our friends who at the time wasn't really a friend But it's come to be a better friend now had broken up with like a long-time Partner yes, and then went fucking AWOL that night And I had to pull them out Physically I had a lie to them lie to them about our friend getting jumped to get them out of a strip club
Starting point is 00:46:35 Do you remember that I do I do I do it was a good time man. It was a good time It was a good time. This is I just I've always liked this picture because that's pure happiness just to just two boys It's real happy. Yeah, honestly. Yeah, it looks like your head's not really connected Like that looks like like as if it was my body, but you have photoshop photoshop your head on it. Yeah Yeah, I mean you're doing something, but that guy I hope that guy's doing really I really hope he's having a great Old-time because you look like this this magic. Yeah, exactly. All right. Let's get to a next one two more left. I think I Got teabag Why does this exist I was sick
Starting point is 00:47:17 Like in the head. Yes, obviously, but also physically are we gonna talk about the chin strap? Are we gonna ignore it? We have to you can't ignore it. It's a little thick It was as thick as it could get at that point in my life. Yeah, it does look a little dusty It was my freshman year of college. So that's where you see the weight starting to come out Well, there's not a whole lot of weight. I would you it was it was a Bruin. Oh, what? Yeah I'm sure it was and there was a lot of calories being it was consumed. Yeah, I was like throwing throwing beers back I used to get 40s of this malt liquor called Cobra Cobra it was fucking dangerous. Did it have a debt in there? I might have done had it. Yeah for locos debt you
Starting point is 00:47:59 I almost put one of the four local pictures in here, but I didn't which one The one it's it's just the fireplace engulfing the in neighboring area. Gotcha. Yeah, that was a night That seriously was there was also like that's one of the drunkest I've ever been but not fun drunk. Yeah, that was like I Was scared. Yeah, because I had just fist-fought Josh mm-hmm on the dock Funny how full circle like our most dangerous drunk night. It was us three. Yeah Let's do it again, baby. Look at Josh in the photo. He's here for this Josh was on the phone On the dock and I walked up to him. I was like, you know who you talking to and then he just socked me in the eye So I fucking tossed him you hired him years later
Starting point is 00:48:45 He just turned around and socked me in the face and I was like the fuck so I started fighting Josh and then after that was done You threw a can or someone threw a can into a fire and because Frankie was super drunk He thought I could just pull this out of the fire. Yep So he stuck his hand into a fire and pulled out a can that was probably at 8,000 degrees at that place at least at least 20 Yeah, and then you also threw cardboard on it, which then caused a fire fire, which then do you remember how we put out? I pissed on it. We peed on it. I pissed on it. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, so it was a good night and also Espo Drank two four locos and then couldn't get out of his chair. I think he sat there for four hours straight He fucking loves that chair dude. He loves that chair. He loves that and this is pre-recall four loco pre-call
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah, which there was like a study that came out that was like those four locos Were the equivalent of us their words small mountain of cocaine fire. Yeah, I was like, well, all right All right Well, now we know one time I drank two four locos on a party bus that had like those like lights like the green like the neon lights I To I thought I was like in space like it was just like tariff like I thought I was in space Yeah, I was like pull over and let me out. It's not fun. I need the earth But this was this was around that time
Starting point is 00:50:01 And I don't know why I put the tea bag in there. You're just a funny guy You know honestly comes full circle because you're a big tea boy now. I love tea. Yeah, don't drink coffee There's a big tea boy a big herbal tea Right yeah all kinds of tea. You know, there's a tea spot over here. Where there's it's on Oh the Queen's room. I don't know what it's called No, no, no, no, there's one. There's a small spot like right here and they sell tea It's a tea spot. Not like I'm saying like I buy like loose leaf Why'd you say it like that loose leaf? Oh, not like loose leaf not loose leaf loose leaf
Starting point is 00:50:37 Do you buy loose leaf? I haven't wrote on loose leaf and how many how long years? You know at least eight. Yeah But yeah, no, they got a herbal tea spot over here damn How does a tea spot even make money dude, why don't you don't realize a lot of people are fucking super into tea you watch Oh, here we go. Joey's gonna read about it and they get super into tea and tell me like yo, if you ever drink tea I'm gonna come here and you're gonna have a fucking cabinet full. No No, uh, watch some tea the other day But I think about this largely like a tea spot, right?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Teas cheap you how much is it tea? I mean a cup of tea could be cheap, but you can get teas and they're expensive No, sure, but it's like a cup of tea is like what like a dollar eighty. Yeah. Yeah, so With the rents around here. How do you make enough money with this tea? Oh, yeah, that's a good That's I don't know how any business realistically survives around here I mean foods one thing you could make it like you buy a burger or something like 20 fucking bucks or something You're like, okay, and like it costs like three dollars to make that but tea. Yeah, I don't know I don't know around here. It's crazy. It's crazy. All right. Last one
Starting point is 00:51:44 Yes, oh, yeah, that was a fucking good costume for you. I won Full-on won a costume contest for it a bar tab, right? So there's red in my face. It's not just black. Oh This looks bad. It's Think about it till right now. Yeah, you're too face and that was yeah, so that's it. That's not black Sleep That's not black you could see the red on my cheek. Yeah You were meant to look like To face and have like a fucked up like it was red and it was like supposed to be it's red and burgundy
Starting point is 00:52:20 Yeah, but what the fuck are you? So I actually remember this night clearly because you at first of all my arm is just small dust What is that? But I push up will you I remember you were super psyched about your costume. You're like, oh, yeah I'm gonna be too face and like whatever and You were like, yeah, let's go out to a bar and I at that point had no plans I think this was Halloween night like legit. Yes. Yes, it was and I never liked going out on Halloween Halloween night
Starting point is 00:52:48 So then I was like, oh damn. I need a costume because you were like, it's a costume thing We might have been underaged here. We definitely were underage That's probably why I needed a costume so I was like, oh if I use a fake we were definitely underage here also devino That was my fake. I would use his I would use his Fucking license. So I don't know how we both got in there But so I just had that gray wig from like YouTube videos and I put on glasses and a wife beater And then I put on jeans and I was like, yeah So this was there was my favorite bar that got closed down dip our station love that place those boneless buffalo bites
Starting point is 00:53:24 Penis tell me they're not there. They were good. Yeah But they had a costume contest and I went and and it was like $500 We're like $200. It was like a bar tab. Yeah, it was a $200 bar tab So I went and ran up a bar tab. Yeah, and fully prayed to fucking win this cut because I was broke Yeah, broke times. Yeah, and and I ended up winning and I remember Keith was drunk Keith was next to me So he was whispering in my ear and usually he likes to whisper into people's mouths. Yeah strong when he and he was Doing the math in real time next to me on how many shots I could buy with this $200 bar tab
Starting point is 00:54:02 He's like to have a guy like that. So if a shot is seven dollars that he says you can buy one two four Twenty you could buy it like 12. No did more than that like he was like full on more dead He was doing math in my ear But I pulled this up because I was like what the fuck is Joey dressed as Yeah, I was just like a I like said I was gonna be like a redneck or something Yeah, and DeVino obviously dressed as a child predator. Right, right, right, right, right, right? He was Freddy Krueger, but I remember this night, man Do you remember one time you were there and you ordered sliders that had a DS on it and
Starting point is 00:54:38 Some drunk girl comes over and she goes a DS that means dick sucker No, oh my god, maybe it wasn't not you but yo, I remember Specifically you someone got sliders and there was like a DS I remember they did that or I had ordered sliders from them many times Yeah, because the place is dip Mars station. Yeah, and the girl comes over she guys. Oh you guys sliders dick sucker And we were like what I just like DS your dick sucker She knew wasn't mine. It wasn't mine. So I was on her side immediately. I was just like yo I was like, yeah, you maybe that place was fucking awesome one. They didn't card two
Starting point is 00:55:18 We like made friends with the owners. So like they would be like I got these people free Like we drank like a lot there. Yeah, and it was you know what it was It was like a cool place because the music was never too loud But it was loud enough that you couldn't hear everyone else. Yeah, and it was like booths So it was very comfortable to like Joe just like have a beer. Yeah, but they're TV situation wasn't great Yeah, I remember that their bathroom situation was also really cool But it was also very danger because there was like two flights of stairs to get there big-time danger, baby Yeah, yeah, it was rough. It was rough, but that's it. That was good memories, but
Starting point is 00:55:50 You need to pull you need to pull up some old ones for another one. I Yeah, I could find some I'll find some good ones. I'm afraid. Yeah, I'm afraid to but that's it. Yeah, these are these are great It's a video What why does he say recording? Because I was recording the screen. Oh But yeah, we are we are It's been some it's been some time that was the last decade right there. That's the week Yeah, I could find some pretty good ones. You should you should know you should but before we go
Starting point is 00:56:23 I do need to let people know about the movie trivia. Shmo down. Let them know, baby You can go to slash the shmo down. What's the movie trivia shmo down? Well, guess what? It's the premiere the best the pinnacle of Movie trivia league competitive. It's real competitive too in the world and it's a lot of movie trivia and flair, baby You got storylines. We got shit. We got going on It's like a little bit of WWE in there, too, baby And you're definitely gonna want to see because your boy the animal Frank Alvarez is competing and on March 11th I got my debut match. I got my debut match, baby against brother. Lomas brother. Lomas. You can't hide no more
Starting point is 00:56:54 No more a keyboard warrior brother. Lomas. You got to face me on March 11. I'm coming for you. Oh my god I'm coming for you, baby. You better bring the heat because I am Wow That's it. What's your socials? Oh F Halvors 8085 on Twitter and on Twitch one-player video games. Let me be Frank Alvarez on Instagram. Thanks for being patrons We love it. Yes, you know shout out to the patrons Slash the base me yard and go follow the show at the base me yard on tiktok and on Instagram and that is all we'll see you guys next time

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