The Basement Yard - #391 - Have Some Basic Etiquette

Episode Date: March 27, 2023

Joe and Frank argue over who has better etiquette! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard Frank. What's oh you like that? Don't do that do it again do it again do it again what do what what you were doing because I don't think that people saw what you were doing I think if they If it was edited properly josh, okay, they would see I was just like Fuck yeah, your tongue gets so pointy when I when I dance. I'm a tongue guy. Yeah. Hmm. What I don't know Yeah, I'm a tongue guy when I dance You're gonna tell me you're not Am I a tongue guy? No, I don't like like everyone has
Starting point is 00:00:33 Everyone is a tongue guy for different reasons michael jordan dunking basketball right me dancing dancing me You're gonna tell me you never find yourself just being a tongue guy just being like Why don't I put my tongue out You do sometimes you you get a pointy tongue dude Yours gets really really pointy. Yeah, but I don't I don't know why I tongue I sometimes I remember um When I would play guitar here, I'd be like I do do that you do it or when I when I used to stream on twitch
Starting point is 00:01:07 I would See clips and I'm like I would see myself like this I'm like, that's what I look like. I'm like an idiot. You do you do look like an idiot. Oh, well don't agree Welcome back to the basement yard. Welcome back to the basement yard everyone. Welcome back to our show that is comforting warm Really sweet Yeah, what else you got um What are other like that's that's well, that's where we're gonna end up. Why why what no other adjectives for the show steam I didn't lose steam. You lost steam. I didn't lose steam. You ready comforting. Yeah warm
Starting point is 00:01:40 Juicy, okay heartwarming. Yeah voluptuous Nothing anyone's described the podcast. I think people have described our podcast is voluptuous. Okay, uh endearing Mm-hmm Laugh out loud funny. We're done. We're done But speaking speaking of that I don't know why I said that. What do we speak? Nothing. Nothing. Um, but I had another like dream last night Uh-oh
Starting point is 00:02:06 Like I had because lately I've been having like very vivid dreams. Have you been like doing anything different before bedtime? No, I guess when I I if I drink a lot of water beforehand or something. I don't know Do you like how many times the night do you get up to pee? I don't oh Then I have the problem. Maybe No, I wake up. Well, sometimes I'll wake up Like earlier Then I usually wake up like sometimes I'll wake up at like 5 30 or 5 o'clock
Starting point is 00:02:34 Because I have to shit. Hey, you have to you wake up to have to jump Yeah, that's crazy to me sometimes. Well, no every morning like when I was in a really good If I have if my diet is like what I want it to be and I like I'm getting enough fiber and protein I will Shit every day at like when I wake up. Really? Well, yeah, when you wake up you go to the bathroom But like I've never woken up From sleep because I'm like, oh, I got it. I got it. Well, no, that's not that's not what I'm saying It doesn't wake me up because I'm like, oh, I got a call
Starting point is 00:03:04 I'm holding my ass. There are people that poop the bed. Isn't that weird? They're called babies. No, there are people that like accidentally shit the bed They're called old people. No, it's somewhere in between not as sad Like there's something in between babies and old people that idiots there what is maybe So your dream. All right, let's hear this It's you have been known to have these dreams that are off the fucking rails this one and I promise you this isn't a bit I promise it isn't a lot of people tend to think that what we do is bits I know like and I forget we've known each other for 30 years forget about that
Starting point is 00:03:38 Like I haven't done one of these in a long time But I had this dream and I did it was so real And I didn't realize in the dream how strict like what was going on was so strange. So you didn't know it was a dream I guess not what have you been doing because they say if you eat certain stuff before bed like Do you eat like bananas before bed? No, what? Yeah, there are people it says that like if you eat certain fruit or foods before bed You get like more vivid. I mean have banana in my smoothie Maybe that's it. There you go. That explains it. You have when you have smoothies before bed
Starting point is 00:04:09 No, please stop wait one one sec. I'm sorry. I have to interrupt you. I do not eat tell me for dessert You have a smoothie. No, okay, because you're talking to someone who choked down about six robin's eggs last night after dinner What are robin's eggs? They're the supreme easter candy and I won't allow those little blue ones Yeah, and they're crunchy in the middle and they have like the sharp the the candy shell chocolate and like that It's like a whopper. Is it a good chocolate or that shitty easter chocolate? No, not the shitty easter chocolate It's like wax. Yeah, the easter bunny chocolate is kind of garbage. I'll do you one better not kind of full gross Yeah, I don't like it but anyway, so
Starting point is 00:04:46 When this happens sometimes I'll have dreams that are like super weird But I like I get I'm out of it at like 4 a.m Um, and I if I have conversations with people like I don't remember like people were like, yeah, you're saying shit I don't remember anything but Last night I woke up and it was 332 in the morning and I had a dream and I was like, oh, this is hilarious. I need to write this down But I'm delirious. Yeah, so this is what I wrote. I wrote sitting in bed Well, hold on in the dream. I was sitting in my bed in your dream. You were also in your bed and it was daytime
Starting point is 00:05:18 So I wrote sitting in bed Detached dick with inside my hand So, all right, I mean, I think I know what I meant to write We could figure out what that my dick in my hand, but it wasn't on my body was detached It was yeah, it wasn't on my body. I wasn't like bleeding or anything either It was just my dick was in my hand makes sense two for two. All right. I don't know that it makes sense I think we're okay. Detached dick with inside my hand Started eating my own dick like a chicken wing. There it is. Oh like a chicken wing
Starting point is 00:05:48 I was eating it sideways And then I wrote skin came off super easy and meat was tender Back the fuck up. Yeah, hold on Yeah, so you're telling me you're having a dream. I ate my own dick in my dream eating your own dick Yeah, and I gotta say like a chicken wing. It's hysterical that like chicken wings have become like a manly food And we eat them in the most like Yeah, I mean, well, I don't know that anyone yes, you have to like get your tongue in in the you know What I'm talking about and like get the meat and it's like
Starting point is 00:06:18 I well Jesus why I usually like break the oh fuck you. All right Anyway, so you're eating your dick like a chicken wing. Yeah, I uh So I I remember like looking down. By the way, I'm eating in my bed. Not something I do Um, let alone eating a dick My bed absolutely insane You're chomping on your own fucking penis All right, so I have my dick in my hand, right? And then I bite it like a chicken wing and it came off so easy and then I could see like it even looked like chicken
Starting point is 00:06:51 Were you craving chicken wings? Apparently who's to say but that I'm not done with the writing Oh, and then I wrote tip was not edible. Well. Yeah, that's where all the cartilage is apparently I'm too fatty of a yeah You have to remove the tip and like that you could take the tip and the skin off at the same time And then you got the meat. I'm sure dicks taste delicious like cooked cooked cooked. All right cooked Well, you know and then I wrote wake up and checked to make sure for dick That's what I wrote wake up and checked to make sure for dick for dick. Yeah, obviously
Starting point is 00:07:25 But I ate my dick last night of my dream. Were you like craving like chicken? I wasn't craving chicken wasn't craving dick This is such like an elitist billionaire fucking dream of you to have where like you couldn't get on the black market Like human penises to cook and eat you think that's what like that's it by the way for all you dream interpreters out there What the hell does that mean? Yeah, because I was if you see a snake that means eternal wealth if your teeth fall out that means change is coming Yeah, it's like what mean my own dick in my own bed. What does that mean? I think I think we know what it means
Starting point is 00:07:56 But we're just kind of tiptoeing around the elephant in the room there What that what that you might be a little gay for my own dick. I would say so. I mean by the way This just hit me I think it was my dick Well, I think you said my own dick and you checked yourself to make sure it was yeah Because I was thinking this is my dick in my hands. I'm eating it full full stop if you're gonna eat anyone's dick Let it be your own let it be your own because we don't want to trust your meat. We don't well. Yeah, you want to know how you taste? Yeah, well, no, I don't yeah. Yeah, you do. No, I don't yeah, you do. I heard uh
Starting point is 00:08:30 You ever taste jizz no never have never never never have I feel like I've actually had mad times We have we've discussed this multiple times. We know people that have yeah I knew someone who said that he knew a girl That would finger herself and taste it just to see to make sure like she was up to code, you know Say again like he I have a friend We have a friend more my friend my I have a friend Who knew a girl Who would you dip test yourself? Oh like a pool see with the ph level. Yes, exactly. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:03 You know that thing they dip in a pool and it's like I need another tablet like green. Yeah throw another tablet in So she would just go like this and go She would just you know, I personally Although her it's a little psychotic The thought the logic is right there. I agree because she just wanted to make sure she was good Like I feel like you could do a smell test and not really a taste test. No, no, no Taste is what you're really going for. I mean think about it and smell It's like tea tea could be sprayed with scents to really give the idea of a really high quality tea, but if vaginas aren't like tea
Starting point is 00:09:35 If you follow me here, they kind of are Western tea culture the united states mostly they sent to their teas dry leaf really doesn't taste that I mean doesn't smell that great You know, it's really the wet leaf smell and the taste of the wet leaves So what what could be happening wet pussy is exactly exactly Yeah, they could be spraying them with scents spraying who? Who's spraying?
Starting point is 00:10:02 People are spraying themselves. You're gonna tell me you've never sprayed your dick to make it smell better What am I gonna spray it with? ax Bod Bod, you don't ever bod. I've never sprayed my dick with any sort of spray. Let me I've I've I've put hand like soap on my penis to make it smell better Why did you put hand soap on your penis? It didn't smell good Was someone going around sniffing it because if they
Starting point is 00:10:25 If it goes into someone's mouth or their vagina and you have hand soap on it. No, it's the scent I know but when when is someone just gonna smell your dick? No, no, no, no back up back up You're gonna tell me you've never done anything to make your dick smell a little bit cooler shower Normally That's what I did Okay, that makes sense when you're trying to but like you don't always have the opportunity to shower Say you're in like a spontaneous like situation where someone might be like ready to go write that in there and you can't say Excuse me. I got to go shower
Starting point is 00:10:58 So you just a little nothing crazy. It looks Just to make sure like everything is like but I'm not gonna put soap on my dick like why does your dick smell like? I'm not sitting there. I'm not sitting there and my dick smells like fucking dove bars of soap That's what I don't wash your hands and you just you know touch it a little bit like around it You know those soaps that have like sense in them All of them. Well, no, not all of them. Some of them have more than others less. Yes, but They just to make the dick smell a little bit better joey. Don't don't sit here and gas like me like that's a fucking Well, we don't have any like summer's eve type of isn't that what it's called summer's eve that is the vagina wash
Starting point is 00:11:36 It smells good. Yeah, I've never smelled it. So I don't know if it smells good, but I assume the summer smells great I love the summer summer is a good if you're gonna wash your your vagina and you love and I love you love Eve I'm not a big Eve guy. No I'm actually shocked that you're saying that because you strike me as more of an atom lover than Eve Um, I was talking about eve this the rapper. Oh, yeah, I thought I was talking about eve the from the book of genesis I thought you went the biblical route. It was like, oh, what have I done that? You do love god joey. You talked about god way more than I have Okay
Starting point is 00:12:17 But what I was saying Was if a woman is gonna wash with anything, that's the best season to have it smell like Yeah, although if it was like winters do or or like an autumn wind No, an autumn leaf autumn leaves the best Leaves the best autumn like candles and stuff are like Ruffled leaves cozy leaves. No, they're usually like like a cabin cozy cabin. Oh, what's the what's the red one? It's like Apple cider. Yeah, I hate by the way. I hate apple cider. I don't like apple scented stuff apple cider sucks
Starting point is 00:12:58 Hot apple cider. No, no, that's throw up. It's not I've thrown up. No, no, no, it's not that bad It's not it's not that bad and they sell it about the gallon Well, those gallon ones that you get from like fucking shop, right? It's all just sugar. It's all just you want like legitimately made apple cider It's it's it's good if you really haven't had like that could that honestly could be worse If you haven't had small batch apple cider, I would highly recommend it I like apples, but anything they try to make apple flavored sucks like apple pie is not good Well, that's because cooked fruit are disgusting. They're slugs basically. Yeah. Um, I I like apples. I like
Starting point is 00:13:38 Apple apple juice is good apple juice is the best of the juices Probably better than orange way better than cranberry Leagues above great. Oh, no grapes pretty good. No, no, no grape juice group juice Grape cran grape. No, that's disgusting. Whoa Anything with cranberry is gross. Absolutely. You never had cran grape though. Watch me. Don't care. No, it's still disgusting No, it's good. No, it's not apple juice is good though. It makes me shit Why do you why do you always bring up when you have to shit? Why no, no, no, no now you've pissed me off. No, no, why that's not very uh,
Starting point is 00:14:17 That's not good etiquette to bring up when you have to shit all the time And I don't think you realize all the time you you talk about me shitting more than I talk about me shitting He was about etiquette. You're embarrassing. No, no, no Just because you think it's not on camera doesn't think we're not going to talk about this the moment these cameras stop Joey always goes your boy has a dump Now you're just making things up you Joey Fuck I could fucking break this table in half a google date apple juice diuretic. There you go. I know it's it
Starting point is 00:14:44 So it makes me shit. I listen. I understand. We all should I'm not arguing the legitimacy of if it if it is or is not a diuretic I understand that I am saying that it's not really good etiquette It's kind of rude and disgusting how often you talk about having a shit. Let me ask you a question Do you think I have brought up me shitting more than you've brought up? Oh, you probably couldn't eat that because you bubba bubba in front of a group in front of a group. Oh, this is a group now Yeah, this is a big group. This is a big group. It's a huge group now. I don't consider it a group I consider them part of your embarrassing me in front of company. I'm not I'm not trying to embarrass you You talk about my ass. I'm not talking about your asshole. You don't realize how often you bring up having to shit your pants
Starting point is 00:15:25 I say I acknowledge the fact that you continue to gaslight me because I say you have IBS and you swear to god that you don't I don't definitely do joey. I don't but every time you're talking about my medical Stuff you're talking about Fake medical. I'm not a fake medical joey all the time you tell me all the time how eating anything You say and I quote also my body turned it into water in an hour. Let's get something straight also You want to talk about etiquette? What's like one of the basis things of etiquette? How you eat things and we've already proved that you're unable to eat fruit without it sounding like you're deep throating a man Oh my god, you're so dumb. How are you like just true? No, joey
Starting point is 00:16:07 Eat like a pig like a hog that that makes it sound delicious or I eat like a bore I eat like a pig careful calling the only spanish person here a pig you fucking racist Who who calls spanish people pigs you did right here? You see it? You see it? I think you are wait. Are you sit? Hold on. Hold on Are you suggesting that you have overall better etiquette than I do hundo purse how Joey you often irish goodbye Often irish goodbye. You talk about shit in your pants all the time. You don't know you don't know how to tie ties Actually, I learned the other day
Starting point is 00:16:38 So by the other day, do you mean you watch un fucking youtube episode? Give me a tie get me a tie right now Get me a tie right now. I would have trouble when I did it Do you need to do it in the mirror like a child? I didn't have a mirror. I did it I didn't watch youtube. Let me be very clear about something if there is any single world Where you have better etiquette than me it has been destroyed by the apocalypse You're just like You have etiquette for like Like you don't actually have it. You do it. You present like you do. Um, no
Starting point is 00:17:08 Incorrect. I have more etiquette than you. No, you're actually a piece of it. I know what you don't even like soup joey What does that mean What is it you're liking soup after doing etiquette? You don't even know like soup is a big part of like etiquette like dinners and stuff soup What are you talking about? There you know, you're making stuff up. How am I making any way me spit my coffee. That's your fault, bitch Here take another cup you fucking idiot You bastard, bitch. You know, you're throwing things. Oh, yeah, real nice of you. Oh, that was me. Look at me
Starting point is 00:17:46 Look at me. Forgive me. Forgive me. I I had a lapse of judgment and etiquette because of you I can't even now you're blaming me. I am absolutely blaming you. That's called gasoline. I can't no, no, no No, no, no one oh one. No, no, no, I cannot even begin to fathom the fact joey. I've I've Fathom relax. It's just me and you in here joey. I've seen queen Double-breasted t-shirts on a day in 2008. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter joey Double-breasted this is coming from the kid who has more graphic teas than his steps on who's eight Let me be very clear about something you stupid, bitch. I wear those less Okay, because I've grown up
Starting point is 00:18:32 All right, no, I can't justify wearing a dr. Strange t-shirt out to fucking target anymore Yeah, I know I Especially because that's what you buy them this shut up Stop yeah Do you honestly look how you're sitting look how i'm sitting Yeah, oh, oh now you're fucking sitting all prim and proper. I'm sitting here because I'm on the attack. What's that?
Starting point is 00:18:58 What is that? This is etiquette right here. That's not etiquette. That is not etiquette. Yes, it is. I think I am waiting. You're all right Yeah, okay, we'll figure Look at this Yeah, look. Oh look at you. You fucking dirty mess You can't even fucking put your hands on the table. Look. This is what you wanted This is what you wanted. I'll see how I can do it You suck We're gonna find out all right. I'm gonna fucking we should hire an etiquette coach
Starting point is 00:19:37 So I can embarrass you. I don't know if they Think we could get them to set up a competition I don't know. It's like whoever could like I don't know who is the most proper. What's the movie where they do that? Like the princess diaries or something. Oh, yeah. Yes, it is. Yes. It is the princess. I was thinking more along the lines of like You know like uh the charm school vh1 charm school where they took like people like witches labor of love Do you remember that? No Man bucky was on there with new york and they were going at it. Oh bucky. Yeah, you remember bucky
Starting point is 00:20:10 I do and who was the winner of season two of flavor of love Who was the what the winner of season two of flavor of love? I just want to see if you remember Hoops, that's right. Delicious. Bitch. I fucking remember this. I remember one season one hoops was She had it. She was with shack for a while good for Both of them. I guess. Yeah, good for both of them. She was like legitimately five foot and he's definitely not. Yeah, those balls were You think too much you think shack is packing. I feel like you have to he's got it. He's got everything going right for him Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:43 Well, we'll never find out Don't say it never Don't say never That's not the expression never say never. There you go. Don't say never So all right. Well now we know more about you not only are you delusional and thinking that you have more etiquette better etiquette I should say excuse me. Uh, but also, uh, you eat your dick in your own dreams So I think what I ate it and I had a napkin So you had a napkin like was there sauce on it or you?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Raw dog your dick literally raw dick you raw dog your own dick Can I ask you a serious question? Yeah What would be your go-to sauce for a dick? For a penis. Yeah Cajun Or maybe some smoky chipotle. I like that one. That's a good one. I like a little a little sweet and spicy I actually had I had these little like nips of hot sauce of when I went to The factory where we make ours and they had like a bunch of different sauces
Starting point is 00:21:40 So I took a bunch and I had this like spicy barbecue chipotle thing I used the whole thing anything that is smoked. I will shove directly in me Barbecue sauce, you know anything that is smoked. Yeah, like a smoked brisket When you watch those shows and they pull like a this hunk of meat out of like this cabinet outside Yeah, it's and it's just it's just black. It's charred and you're like what then they cut it You're like, oh, yeah. Oh, no the best is when they cut it and they hold it and they squish it And you see the little juices going on What
Starting point is 00:22:18 What was that? I don't know. Oh, okay Um, those are my favorite like when they literally they do like have you ever seen videos of people making burnt ends? No, but I have eaten them and they're good. Have you had burnt ends? Mad times. It's a dream of mine. I've never had them Duck pert. Oh, no, I didn't was it duck burnt ends. I don't know either way I don't even know what a burnt end is. I think it's like a cheek or something. I think it's well I don't know. I don't know if it's whatever it is. It might be but not a joke pork, but I'm with it Only time I've had like
Starting point is 00:22:48 Like fucking barbecue was in austin Like oh, that place was good too. I've had barbecue, but like fucking barbecue. Yeah, you know what I'm saying That was a good spot too. That was really good. Um, all right, so You know before we move forward We do have some ads for today the first one being stitch fix stitch fix Is the easy way to get clothes that fit you without having to endlessly scroll through the options? Okay, so you go on their site you fill out a few questions They have their style quiz you tell them like what kind of clothes you wear what your price range is
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Starting point is 00:25:44 I don't I don't honestly don't know, uh, but there might be more for people to learn about at Size of basement yard where we continue to tell you all the time that we're growing those We're growing those numbers we're getting up and up and up We're becoming closer and closer to being the number one podcast on patreon So with your help we will be able to get there. All right So go on over to slash the basement yard Join today and then, you know, I'll be telling you welcome to the patreon mother fucker where we don't play Where all these patrons get new episodes like every friday. All right, so go check it out because the boys here at the patreon
Starting point is 00:26:17 Uh, the the basement yard I should say You know what we are we're we're sweet. We're smoky. We're sexy and you get a little bit more of that on Were you signed up for that first here? You get these weekly episodes a week in advance that second tier? That's where you get Exclusive episodes so you can use your phone don't need to use a burner because the basement yards where the truth likes a journey Okay, go check it out slash the basement yard the hell was that Who is the you don't have to use a burner because the what's a journey? What does that even mean? Is that words? Did you make that up?
Starting point is 00:26:49 What is that? You know, I'm putting in little easter eggs to songs like I did with the high school music. What song is that? You don't know that song. What is it? You don't need a burner I'm a truth like sojourner Sojourner truth, you don't well. Who's that? I'm gonna if someone I will I will repost whoever can tag Me in where that is from the the quickest because it's a goodie. All right, so go check it out Way to go Frank. Oh, what do you mean way to go? I put things in here that are a little more spicy and cool and fun
Starting point is 00:27:23 Fucking god, I'm sorry. I'm I am a little spicy and cool I'm a little on edge I get a little I get a little upset After you specifically told me on the patreon episode that I wasn't in your top three of party people anymore, but you know, it's okay Party people party people Remember that song No, there's an easter egg for you, bitch party people Tag team
Starting point is 00:27:50 Was that from space jam or something? Oh, yeah, come on slam. Yeah, that's a you want jam I don't know what you ain't Charles Barkley. You just want to be who looks like him It's a good movie. That is a really good movie. Okay. I have written down here, but you haven't explained what's going on How to make a sandwich Yeah, I so I made a sandwich for myself this morning. Remember when you made fun of most of my sandwiches And I wanted I wanted to ask wait what was on the sandwich this one that I had today Yeah, was cheddar cheese. Oh good start bread You don't have to say that. Oh, I just want to make sure mayo
Starting point is 00:28:29 Don't fuck with me. I just put the other piece of bread on it right now. No, and then there was salami and ham Oh, that's good. It's good. It's a it's a very no no lettuce. No lettuce. I didn't have any lettuce But I want to ask you how do you make your sandwiches because I I lay everything flat But I got around my say I got pussy lips around my sandwich. You know what I'm saying How are you making your sandwiches? What? What you know what I'm talking about. No, I don't when you lay because the pieces of meat are mostly bigger than the bread Oh, you lay it flat. I lay it all flat. Why?
Starting point is 00:29:04 Because why else how else would I fucking make it? Please tell me now. This is why I wanted to ask this question Yeah, you're one of those idiots that fucking like lays them down like a coil on your fucking Yeah, why? Because it just tastes better. How does it taste better? Wait, when you make a sandwich you like lay like ham like totally flat flat No, you gotta like no, I don't fucking I don't get decorated with like a like a fucking thing of What am I? I don't know
Starting point is 00:29:32 So you're when you're making your sandwiches you're fucking like it's supposed to look like a pile of laundry No, it's not like ham laundry. Then why do they make the meat flat joey? They don't make the meat flat the meat is just flat No, they make it flat so you lay it flat and then you have extra you have hangover around the side So before you eat your sandwich you can take a trip around the perimeter I do that anyway because there still is some spill No, but not enough spill because your spill is like you have like a little fucking But then you have a sandwich that like you have bread and you have flat ham. Yeah, delicious
Starting point is 00:30:02 But then it looks so dumb you have evenly distributed ham because you're taking bites of sandwiches And you're getting too much ham and not enough or whatever else too much ham Yes, you are frank just because I layer the ham like that doesn't mean that there's more ham on it Yes, it does because now you have one layer and then if it's like curled up in bunches You have like six layers of ham in one spot. Yeah, but I also have the other stuff doing that as well stupid Let me be clear that is stupid You you're you're the one okay the professionals of the world
Starting point is 00:30:32 Whom sandwich makers go into a sandwich shop. Yeah, Joey go into a sandwich shop. They're gonna lay it flat No, they won't What's sandwiching go to south chris and charlie's you stupid dumb bitch go to south chris and charlie's and they lay it all flat That's different. No, why is it different? Are they not the professionals? There's one of the professionals Who else are you talking about jimmy john your boy from subway? What was that guy? Who's that guy you just spent all that time with from subway Oh, that was his name. Oh I was like, what are you talking about? No, I forgot. First of all jarrett wasn't making the sandwiches
Starting point is 00:31:07 You make your own sandwich you idiot. You don't make your own sandwiches You add to the people behind the counter to make the sandwich facts Which by the way Subway No, it's not good. It's not That's sweet onion sauce is good, but it is you don't really take that sweet onion sauce I remember you used to fucking throw back Chicken pizziollas like it was going out of style. I used to but then I started doing the sweet onion chicken teriyaki
Starting point is 00:31:33 Disgusting. I haven't eaten in subway in years and I refuse to now because their bread is yoga mats Is that oh, yes, that is not a joke either. I need a yoga mat too though But I like that much. Let me ask you a question. Yeah, how does subway do it? They lay it flat Is that the right way The flat is the right way. Is it I'm telling you it's the right way. Well, then why am I bunching because you're an idiot We've established this but it's a learned behavior. Yes. So who'd you learn it from? Probably your idiot mom I'm sorry Liz. You're not the idiot. Uh, can I your idiot dad? Which I don't know parents are dumber joey. I don't know. I don't know
Starting point is 00:32:17 It is a learned behavior. Wherever you learned it from it's stupid I do believe though that it tastes better when it's bunched But you then have it's like it looks cooler. You have like a flat boring looking sandwich Listen, one of my favorite things on this planet is symmetry I like when things kind of work together when they are the same I like is it in your top three? A favorite things on the planet. I have kids and my wife, which are probably one and one and two One I would say they're all the same. Do you love more your kids or your wife?
Starting point is 00:32:48 Man different levels of love, but I would use my wife as a bat to protect my children I just drank this coffee that I spit in here before what am I doing? I would use my wife as a bat to protect my children. I really would that's smart and she would kill me too To protect her children But What was I getting at? Oh, yeah, I don't know symmetry Yeah, yeah, so anywhere on that sandwich where you bite you're gonna get a good bite of a sandwich a well represented A fair representation. Let me ask you a different question about sandwiches if there's a mayo situation
Starting point is 00:33:33 Where do you put it both sides top and bottom, but you put it on the bread, of course People that just squirted on the meat you I also do that Oh, I spread it on the meat not a surprise from the person eating their dick in their dream Of course Yeah, I don't know for me. I'm like if I just put this on the bread the bread just gonna soak it up But that's what you want. I don't want it. So you don't want do you want to take a bite and have fucking Yes mayo running down your face. Yes mayo that much. Yeah. No, I don't but I would rather that no I'd rather it be like even I think I can't taste it. I want joey a big part
Starting point is 00:34:10 Like I said the symmetry is I want fairness for everybody. You know how you're always talking about here. We don't want that You want some bites to have more mayo than others Right. No, I don't But then how do you then why not distribute it evenly on the bread? I do I I spread it with a knife On the bread on the on the no on the well, sometimes I do the bread It's not with not with mayo. I won't do that because I don't like that much mayo But like something else like I'll put it on the bread and then on the also whatever else
Starting point is 00:34:40 It's on the bread top and bottom on the bread. You got a good you got a healthy hunkin of You have a what was that measurement that you just said a hunkin a hunkin a healthy hunkin of mayo What how much you've never heard that saying joey? No, I've got a I've got a real hunkin for some mayo You got a hankering Is That much we're thinking of like a hankering I swear to god, I thought it was hunkin Well, I gotta look it up healthy hankering healthy hunkin Is that am I right this is mental health awareness. What are we talking about? Is it hankering?
Starting point is 00:35:21 hankering Well, you wouldn't even say healthy hankering a hankering is a strong desire to have or to do something Well, then a healthy hankering is like a a healthy desire. I've had a healthy desire to uh to get some mayo in your cheek to get some Yeah, but I I don't know. I like feeling like like like the wetness Yeah, but I that's what I'm I'm serious like when I eat a sam or eat anything I need it to be like dipped in something or I need like I need some sort of wet I am I am a wet boy too. I I'm a sauce guy. We're wet guys I like I'm I consider myself a wet guy wet boys wet boys dip boys
Starting point is 00:35:58 Dip boys sauce boys sauce boys wet dippy sauce boys Yeah, because those are where that's where a lot of flavor comes in but people who just like eat fries like Like dry. I'm disgust. What the hell and then you eat a sandwich With nothing on it people that eat sandwiches that it's like. Oh, just just put just put first of all people that eat just dry cheese sandwiches Wild convinced there are murderers The only thing I will say is like a ham and cheese You get wet you get wet ham, dude. Ham is that's true. It is a ham is wet. It is very wet. Yeah But there are I don't know bro. Also, like do you like baloney? I love baloney
Starting point is 00:36:35 I think it's good thin baloney, but do you too thick? Yeah, I don't like that little too. Do you peel the sides? No, I used to do it. Well, well, you're talking about like oscar mire baloney from the store I'm talking about like you go to the deli and they'll cut it deli baloney I've had thin and there's no sides on it Really? I don't like the baloney that makes it feel like you're like there's like grains in your mouth You know I'm saying where it's like oh, it's like sandy in your mouth. No, I don't know what you mean Yeah, can I ask you a real question because it's like eating a rubber band you like olive loaf No, I don't like olives. Oh, okay. Well, I was gonna love a good loaf though. I love baloney. Love olives
Starting point is 00:37:09 Olive loaf can't can't eat it looks too much like a meds back No Not gonna not gonna go there whatsoever, uh, but yeah, that's why I wanted to ask you how you were a sandwich What did you just say? That's why I wanted to ask you how you were a sandwich. Yeah, what's your favorite like dippable sandwich? Dipable sandwich like sandwich dip combo I've never had a french dip Dude
Starting point is 00:37:43 I haven't had one in a while, but that's very good. You know what I had the other day But when you dip what's that called? It was shit called when you like dip a taco Oh, I don't know that shit's like a jus What a jus Be careful. Oh, it sounded like you're It's called a A jus it sounds like you're drunk and trying to say jus. No, I'm not I but I I would like I would not See you got me all flustered now. I don't know what you're saying. I'm not like I I would say
Starting point is 00:38:16 like it went I don't know what we're talking about jus. Yeah, I'm not saying like I wouldn't say jus. I would I You just did but like I'm not Goddamn it. Joey. Are you okay? I'm a little flustered. I gotta be honest sounds like it Look it up not Which ones who am I looking up which which group of people it's like a dip that you dip stuff in it's called How do I spell that?
Starting point is 00:38:43 I think it's j You jw I don't know just look up like sandwich sandwich sandwich jew No, this is the ranking of jewish sandwiches number number two is baylon locks. I thought that would definitely be first Oh, number one. It's got to be Yeah, the oh the ruben. Yeah, the prom me on rise. Number four. Whoa Ruben number one is a savage. What is that? I don't know
Starting point is 00:39:11 But I I'm not gonna pretend to judge it because I've never had it or heard of it Oh my god I'm not even gonna I'm I'm I'm not even gonna say because people are gonna think that I'm being funny But I'm just gonna let you If you have the same me to read it No, no, no, I'm not gonna make you read it. But if you have the same this is the ranking of jewish sandwiches. Yeah Look at this and tell me what you thought it was at first Hold on. I gotta find it now. Oh boy. There we go
Starting point is 00:39:47 The name of the sandwich right Yeah, that's what I at first I was like oh what I thought they were taking I don't know a weird way of taking things back You know Yeah, I don't know. But anyway, um I'm glad we cleared up your sandwich You know making skills Yeah, I mean I usually just make peanut butter and jellies
Starting point is 00:40:12 You're an adult. How do you make a peanut butter and jelly? Do you put it on separate pieces or you put on the same piece? So right now if I were to make a peanut butter jelly today I'd go back in time and be six years old again Um, and then I would realize that I'm not a fucking child anymore and I wouldn't need a peanut butter and jelly sandwich That's a miserable existence. You have that's not a miserable. I'll tell you right now. Are you ready stupid idiot? jelly peanut butter together
Starting point is 00:40:36 That's it. Do you do anything like extra? Well, if you want to get so I do it I do that too If you really want to get like miles sometimes has peanut butter and jellies for school But we got him like a a sandwich cutting and press thing where it makes little crustables Okay, you know what those are Remember crustables. They're like sandwich pockets. Basically. Oh, yeah. Yeah stuff. I'm in and in that situation I just put the jelly right on top of the of the
Starting point is 00:41:02 peanut butter Oh But I'm not a big peanut butter boy What not a big peanut butter boy. You don't like peanut butter. I like it But like people they're like, oh like they could take spoonfuls and just suck on them. I could I could I wouldn't be the last thing I would do Really? Yeah, I'm like it's too It's too much
Starting point is 00:41:23 peanut butter. It's too strong Strong too much too strong. Yes Okay, the best place for peanut butter is in a shake with like bananas and cinnamon In greek yogurt Yeah, it's good in shakes But like peanut butter is it like it's just it's just too much. That's oh, I don't even what do you mean too much too much? How can it be too much? It's too much. It's two ingredients
Starting point is 00:41:48 Any it's two it's actually just one ingredient. It's peanuts just peanuts. Well, there's some sort of oil I think it's guess what kind of oil Peanut oil naturally occurring I am a prick What is that was such a piece of shit way to say that's what's wrong with me That was that was not nice naturally Um feel like a kindergarten. Yeah, you should like god damn What was it? It's just it's just too much anytime you've had peanut butter and anything all you taste is peanut butter
Starting point is 00:42:27 Bananas are like that bananas But that's why it works well with peanut butter and with cinnamon. I love bananas with peanut butter. I do Yeah, those are three really strong Bananas peanut butter and cinnamon strong individual things. So when you put them together, they mesh well Let me tell you which fruit I want to beat up What is what is all right beats Uh beats are technically uh vegetable So, oh, yeah, let's try that again
Starting point is 00:42:59 Which vegetable I want to beat up. Okay beats. Okay I do like I didn't really like beats and then I had like good pickled beats and are they good Yeah, but pickled beats aren't like and I don't like Kimchi is cabbage, right? That's yeah. Yeah. So like kimchi is great Prevented cabbage, but I don't like cabbage. I'm like, oh, I love cabbage. You you love cabbage. I love cabbage. Absolutely I I've eaten a lot of cauliflower too. I do love cauliflower I've eaten a head of cabbage. You've eaten a head of cabbage. Yes raw It was not long after I'd eaten a head of lettuce
Starting point is 00:43:34 I think I had accidentally thought it was lettuce, but you know how it's a little more like rubbery Uh, I've never eaten a head of these things because I was a human being and not a rabbit I was a couple bites in when I realized it wasn't lettuce, but it was still good You can't tell the difference in cabbage and a couple bites. I had to take a couple bites to figure it out Right still delicious You couldn't just tell by the color Not all the time. No, there's green cabbage. Is there You don't know that there's green. I don't I don't you thought that cabbage was only red
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'm really not tapped in. No, I thought the cabbage was like white It's like white and there's green in there A little white and green. I don't know can't believe that I don't know. So you do you like pickles? Yeah, I like pickles. Are you one of those freaks though that make pickles like their whole fucking personality? No, you do that. No, I do not joey. Yes, you do. When was the last time you've seen me eat a pickle? Exactly you hide it from me because I made fun of you for eating it literally again like Sucking a man on valentine's day on your anniversary. No, no, dude. No, Frankie eats pickles like it's
Starting point is 00:44:43 Him in this pickle's wedding night. It's fucking insane. I'm gonna try something different here, bro. You don't go I'm gonna just eat this pickle like crazy. Really good, bro. He knows look at him. I'm really Frankie I'm going to try eat a pickle on the show so people could just understand what I mean I'm just I'm going to respond in a calm coherent fashion Because I don't think I've had enough water today and I think I have a little bit of a headache Okay, yeah The best part of pickles is the juice
Starting point is 00:45:15 I just just let me finish before you interrupt me. This sucks a juice right out joey Hey So when I eat pickles you suck it dry Joey When I eat pickles I like to get every drop of moisture out of them. I don't like to just chew it. You like to drain its balls I don't like to just chew pickles I like to put a pickle in my mouth
Starting point is 00:45:50 And extract all the flavors so I can really get into how you know, is there garlic dill? What's in there? Yeah It's not gay. I'm not saying that that's what you said. No, I'm saying you're you're doing it like you're Like it's like belating a man. You're why can't I enjoy pickles away now? I like watching you eat pickles Do you now Yeah, it's a scene It's a scene. It is a bit of a scene It's like the same reason why I like watching this garbage channel and I like watching like hyena's like how do you say when like lions
Starting point is 00:46:29 Killing as they're like chewing the neck of a fucking zebra and you're like fucking this is crazy So I am a I am an animal to you With a pickle in your hand anything to do with my you know the familial history of nationalities What because I'm Hispanic you call me an animal You think there's only animals in Spain a little bit of a stretch little bit of a stretch. Yeah admit that Huge bit of a stretch. I would say that I like to eat pickles the way I like to eat pickles Joey, nothing wrong with that. Cool. We do have some sponsors for today's show Uh
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Starting point is 00:49:42 With an interesting Matter Here uh since you know, we found out that we're we're like, you know big in the gay community all of a sudden gay icons, baby Love it all the days. I'm an ally, babe. Oh, that's not that's not those one. That's not it. I'm an ally for all How about that? What's like what's like the hand one for for gayness for like the lgbtq. I uh, I don't know that they have a community What's the ia? We've done this intersex and uh
Starting point is 00:50:14 A asexual I think I I I hope if I'm staking it, please correct me right now as you look it up What is it lbgd lgbtq lgbtq i a i a plus me plus Imagine being the plus you're like, bro, let us get a letter give me a letter But you're a fucking letter the ia petition that I got it the ia got it right before the even the q. I thought wait Q is queer. I don't know. I know but didn't they weren't they a late edition? Well, yeah, like lgbt were like 13 colonies those that's the mount rushmore. Yeah, exactly. I'm saying exactly Exactly even the 13 college and then they started, you know adding some stuff i a though
Starting point is 00:50:56 They made a push ia came in in the last minute real late addition to the squad and But who's the plus the plus guy who gets more letters here the plus there's there's plenty of plus in there I know but how but it originally it was lgbtq plus and then the ia was like oh no It was just lgbt And then we we got some q in there the the the yes Then the q was like oh can I do you mind if I and they were like come on over and the ia were like kick the door in Because there was there was a year if you say no you're kind of making the other person's point exactly and you were right It's lesbian gay bisexual transgender
Starting point is 00:51:33 Intersex queer queer excuse me intersex and then asexual and then the plus i'm clicking on the plus The plus is used to signify all the other gender identities and sexual orientations. So it's an all encompassing dude That's why they're very inclusive all about it here at the baseman yard. I'll be honest with you I don't know how many letters we can actually fit at the end of this now because ia we're really pushing it Well, it's if we're being honest because there's a lot of them So it's like I think when they when they after the a they were like we just need to plus it here like we can't we can't They plus they had plus because it would be it would be a little bit of a mouthful every time if we were just like lgbtq ia trfx
Starting point is 00:52:12 I know but i'm saying there was a plus but then we added ia Yeah ia really I want to know who's running the fucking who's the president of the ia because these are leaders Well, they're different chapters. So the lgbt. That's what it is q plus They're the the national You know like the head lesbians and gay are really running the town. I feel like well I don't know. I mean or they're the og's is my point. I would say they're the I would say Probably I we don't know now that we are becoming more accepting damn intersex has a cool
Starting point is 00:52:46 What's their flag? It's like I mean this one. It's like in the shape of hearts But it's like a yellow one with like a circle in it. Oh, I like that. Yeah, I really like the trans flag. It's really cool Which one is that it's the one that has the triangle on the side What and there's pinks and browns in there. I believe transgender flag. Let's see who has cool flags Oh, this shit is fire. Yeah, it's pretty no it's more No, it's like light. It's like pink white and like blue light blue. Where's the there's brown and one Yes, that's what I like that. I'm that I've I've missed that's a good flag. No, I just I just miss I misgendered the flag I just know you didn't misgender anything. I didn't you fucked up the flag. I fucked up the flag. I missed identified it
Starting point is 00:53:26 sexual orientation Flags, let's see how cool these ones are. Let's see who has the worst fucking flag Oh No, let's find out who has a shit flag. Well, I don't want to wow I don't want to offend any flags because I do it's just a flag. No, but they have reasons behind them Oh, yeah, it's not just like it's just like, oh, let's just put together flags. There's a straight ally flag Uh-oh Is it the united states flag?
Starting point is 00:53:54 No, it's gotta be obviously it wouldn't be that right But no, these are these are straight allies. That's a kind of oh straight ally. I thought it was like straight That's a cool one. Why is there a straight ally flag? That looks like the like dark side of the moon like album cover I was thinking pink. I was thinking it looks like pink I saw recently someone posted like pink floyd posted their like 50 year logo trig gender. What is that trig gender? That sounds like really tough math. I was gonna say that's that you're getting into circles and squares and triangles Okay, as such a trig gender. Oh try gender bro. I am a fucking you wait. Hold on. You wrote trig ender Yeah, oh, and then I accidentally hit a button and then my computer went what?
Starting point is 00:54:36 But then this says a person defines their identity in a third category, which is not situated between man and woman Oh, okay. All right. Good. That's right. We're learning how we got to learn somehow right this one. I have Scholeo sexual is that like you love is that like people who? Okay, people who love who have just like fucked up backs No, it's um People is the attraction to people who are transgender or non-binary. Okay, scolio though. Oh, why scolio? Yeah, I will say it They are really like trying to there's another flag that says aromantic
Starting point is 00:55:14 Is this like aromantic? Is that like? Aromantic and like an aromancer Uh an aromatic experiences little to no romantic attraction to persons of gender So, okay, not like a like a romantic Uh connection I guess could be a sexual connection, but not a romantic one I'm not sure. I gotta be honest. I'm a little confused. There's there's there's some good flags here These are good flag. You know the intersex one is just man clean
Starting point is 00:55:45 That isn't really that's a clean way better than like state flags. You ever seen the new york flag? That's a that's a messy They got too much shit messy loud, bitch. That's the that's the thing, bro I will say the best state flag I've ever seen in california. I love that bear with the bear. The bear is cool Oh my god, new york state flag is disgusting, dude You know if we as a country had just been more accepting of people in the lgbtqia plus community When they were making cool like when we were making like state flags and like state models cooler flags way cooler, dude But like so The lesbian flag is that makes sense. That's a good one too. That went ill the straight flag
Starting point is 00:56:21 We have a black flag. Why do we need a flag? Well, we have a the straight flag is just the us It's just three lines. It's kind of like adidas. Yeah It's not cool Get some color in this thing. Yeah, come on. Scholeo sexual flag. I will say coolest. No, it's not cool Damn, it's like this this one Scholeo sexual palestine or iran that's literally that doesn't look like that at all them has similar colors um I think my favorite
Starting point is 00:56:55 Well, the lgbtq the classic rainbow is hard to beat. I have to admit I'm a big fan of the classic. This one is fired the updated one where it's like the head. Yes, that's the one I was that was fired. I want a super fire. That one's good. Absolutely bisexual flag sick Which one is the bisexual one the blue one? It's like blue with the pink. Yeah, that was really that's a good one Pansexual flag. I'm kind of digging too If only we used to have like sweaters like now just look up the new york state flag I looked it up and it's disgusting. Yeah, it's like two people holding like a fucking like pencil and a book Yeah, it's like come on. You'd break. What is this the scholastic book fair?
Starting point is 00:57:30 I don't want some color in there, you know a little like something that pops a little bit more and better The bi-gender flag. Let me see that one. It's got some lilac in it Oh, I like that Damn Listen the non-binary flag. I'll be honest with you needs work. Really? It does. Look at these colors Black purple white that one, you know, I'm a big purple guy But that but the pairing I'm a big purple guy That's why this one's good purple and yellow the intersex one. That's a good one too. Honestly
Starting point is 00:58:01 None of them are bad like none of them are flat out bad if you ask me Uh This one's not great Guy in a sexual I don't know what it means, but That's not good brown pink and green Like I said, there's absolutely a reason for it. So it doesn't feel like try to a little lightly joe It's just I'm talking about the colors. I'm talking about the colors. I'm not talking about what it is
Starting point is 00:58:25 Receptu sexual. What does that mean? Receptu sexual like you're you're turned on by receptionists It's a sexual notation on the asexual spectrum meaning someone who does not experience sexual attraction unless they know that Hold The other individual is sexually attracted to them first. Oh, so you have to kind of like that I mean, I guess I'm kind of like that I guess I'm kind of like that like Afraid to like admit that you're like attracted Until like you get the it's reciprocated. No. Well, no. Well, that's different. I think this one sort of means like
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's more uh, you find out about and you're like, oh, I guess I am too. Yeah Oh, okay. All right. Instead of like you won't be sexual sexually attracted to someone until they pursue you sexually. I think Okay Fraysexual that's a cool flag. I like that one too pray Like you're just like the fray. I'm just gonna say like you're just attracted to the fray Where did I go wrong? I would be at the fray. Yeah um It's a term that describes someone who
Starting point is 00:59:26 Oh, shit. I clicked on it the wrong thing Um, who experiences sexual attraction towards people they don't know or don't know very well I feel like that's a lot of people Go on instagram. You see the comments on any girl's picture. I think there's a lot of men there or joey's you could just go to his A lot of them are just like, oh my god wet wet wet Damn, but I would say overall these flags are really good. Yeah, I don't understand I guess why people get so upset about them or it's like there's too many It's like just let people just kind of do their thing. I guess, you know, you don't need to like
Starting point is 00:59:58 Why do you put the effort into being upset about it? You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean people get upset about flags. What are we talking about here? These are some of these cool. Oh, no, this one's horrible Autosexual do not make a guess Auto sexual. I mean joey. It's right there Autosexual means people are more attracted to themselves than others and make for masturbation to sex with the partner. Why did you point at me? I did I you pointed Fuck it around. Why did you point at me? I don't know you that's if come on. Don't even don't do that dare do that
Starting point is 01:00:31 Autosexual me No I thought that was gonna be something with cars you I did too. I don't like that you pointed at me If anyone hears an auto sexual It's the guy that texted me the other day that he jerked off 18 times before noon That was a joke because you were asking joey. There was no joking context You think that I could pull off jerking off 18 times before absolutely 18 times in a week. Well, mr. Healthy. I'm waking up at 5 a.m. And I'm having fucking shakes with like chia seeds in them and shit like that
Starting point is 01:00:54 That's a normal thing to do Chia seeds in a shake joey. Yes. No, or you put it in oatmeal It's oatmeal. It's healthy enough. Why do you need to up health the fucking oatmeal? It's good to have chia seeds No fiber. Yeah. What do you think oatmeal is? It's got some fiber. I think there's there's something there. Yeah I can't do the cheat like people that make the overnight oats with just like I'll be honest with you overnight oats is not good Dude, I tried it for literally when I lived on my own You look dramatized and you said like I I'm serious
Starting point is 01:01:27 I tried it when I lived on my own I would try it like I did like a month and a half of doing it every morning and I was sitting there like I did it twice like Yeah, I couldn't fucking do it because of the I don't like the way That the what is it like it gelatinizes. Yeah. Yeah, and it's like it's not like giving me like yogurt. It's like honestly like Like gross like thick, you know like viscous But what are you saying? Like, you know what I'm talking about. I don't want to spell it out here joey come
Starting point is 01:02:01 Not where I was going, but you said it. Okay. I didn't know what you were getting. All right. That's what you said No, that's exactly where I was going. Oh, okay It's a little I made one and then I was like, I just don't like this I'd rather have just oatmeal like if you have oatmeal with some raw honey, it that's good That tastes I I can't I mean I can't do oatmeal anymore and the overnight oats couldn't do it either now Just just go for you. I'm telling you if you just make oatmeal with cinnamon and raw honey in it And you mix it in I'm telling you my body will not allow me to eat it It doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:02:28 It does not matter how delicious it looks my body will just say no Interesting That's the way it is That's just the way it is Things will never be the same I've been going through a big Elton John phase lately. I see no changes. No, I was thinking Tupac Well, who do you think does the piano? I know that joey Uh, I've been going through a big Elton John phase. Have you did you watch the live thing he did at Dodger stadium on disney plus? No, what?
Starting point is 01:02:59 Four hours. It's a live. It's his last time in the u.s. I should have went If you would have gone to Elton John without me, I would have been very upset. What's your favorite Elton John song? I mean hard to beat the classics, but Goodbye. Yelabic road has been climbing up the climbing up the rain That's it's climbing up. Also. I'm still standing Big bop. I'm still standing Yeah, yeah, yeah, feeling like a little kid. Yeah, that's that's my favorite part where you Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:34 That part of the song. Yeah, I got it. Um, I might I might go, uh I had it in my head. Not Benny in the chest Tiny dancer. No goody. Not one of those Saturday Saturday nights. All right for fighting. That's the one crocodile rock Crack out Rocky God I could do Elton John all day. You know what I didn't know that fucking Elton John and uh Do a Lipa song was it like an old Elton John? I didn't know that. What song is it? I don't know. It's uh Fuck was it called? I forgot the name of it, but um, you never heard the duet duet duet. I don't I've never I can One miss a Lipa song and it's um, it's not a Lipa
Starting point is 01:04:13 Do a Lipa Nope. Oh, is it dua? Yeah. Um the one, um Your name was do a Lipa. I don't know. Oh, oh, dua is way fucking more. It makes more sense than do Um, though, what was the one that she had that was like a big hit? It was like something about like the stars Something about the stars stars and like the galaxy or something like that. Oh, I don't know. I don't remember It's the only do a Lipa song. I know. Yeah, and I don't even know it That's what I you definitely know like the song because they're like mad pop give me other ones give him to me right now Shoot a man. I just don't know the names, but like if you heard them, I can't I'm blanking
Starting point is 01:04:47 But anyway, I was just I had one in my head. I had yellow brick road on vinyl by the way I think I do too and I have uh I have another one of his albums too. I just can't remember uh leather jackets Or is that phil Collins? I might be feeling Mixing them up right now. I mean, you know, uh Genesis was one of the highest paid bands last year with 230 million What? Genesis Wait, I don't even what is Genesis Genesis phil Collins has been. Oh, I didn't even know that you didn't know phil Collins's band was
Starting point is 01:05:18 Genesis no And you fucking idiot Yeah, it's not but they don't really like present each other like it's like bruce springsteen and the east street band I thought you would know because normal people know that phil Collins's band is genesis. Sorry. Well work on it. How about that? But I know the eagles have the highest selling album of all time. You know that right? It's their greatest hits That's kind of wild. Yeah, it's kind of a little fucked up too. Rumors is up there by fleetwood mac Listen to it the other day great album still got it great album. Absolutely still got it. Is that the chain? Chain go your own way
Starting point is 01:05:51 Uh, uh fucking there's like a bunch of Yeah So I think silver springs is on there Uh, what's it called? Uh, not genie. Do you know your favorite album of all time? Uh It's got to be Night at the opera from queen There's some bangers on there and like some unknown bangers too, but a day at the races is also what is on that
Starting point is 01:06:15 I don't even know like I don't know I like obviously I know like a bunch of queen songs, but I don't know albums Uh, what day at the races? Um I always I do confuse day at the races and night at the opera, but I believe day at the races is no the one that you like Yeah, day at the races. Oh, I think you said the night at the opera. Is it night at the opera? Well, it's the one that has like it has uh, old fashioned a good old fashioned lover boy drows teotoriate Uh, tie your mother down. These are actual legitimately song names Crazy. Yeah, they're they're good. Tie your mother down. It's good. It's a it's a great album. Yeah, what's your favorite album of all time? it might be
Starting point is 01:06:52 Like rock album. Yeah, not rap or like because like rap would be hard like that first beg for mercy Hard to beat beg for mercy Bro that g unit album Was that the g? How could that be better than get richard di trine? The g unit album is no joey get richard di trine is like that might be my answer honestly No, no, no, no, my buddy is better than any song on get richard di trine. I'm gonna throw up. How is it not? It's just not how is it?
Starting point is 01:07:19 Stunt 101 is better than that's a great every song because guess what it has 50 cent or also loy bank's young buck. Yeah That's great. Stunt 101 is way better than my buddy. No, my buddy. It holds a special place in my heart I smell pussy also on there. Don't agree with the name of it. Great song though. I smell pussy What was it? Uh Oh, also hunger for more better than get richard di trine freaky. No, you're pissing me off. I swear to god No, it's not no, it's not the hunger for more one the first one We can pull these loy bank's debut album is better than get richard di trine You're gonna tell me seriously no one's gonna agree with that
Starting point is 01:07:55 Literally no one I will dylan will no he won't No, he won't I will call him right now dude. I'm telling you he won't agree with that. I won't call. I'll call him after jobs Well, no, he doesn't have a job during the day. He works at night. Oh I will we'll figure this out. I I'm telling you right now, but um, but I think rock album. I think I might be hotel, california honestly, that's a good one I remember because I have that one on vinyl. I used to listen to it all the time And there's just like so many different songs on it I think that might be my favorite one
Starting point is 01:08:24 And hotel, california is like not even in my top five on that album. Really? Yeah, what is that the album that has um Uh, the greeks don't want no freaks and uh these shoes. It's not a joke. This is the legit. Oh, yeah This one has tie your brother down Tie your brother. Those are those are by the way real songs tie your dad up Tie your dad. Well, tell you dad up and dad hold your brother down and kick your sister out All right, I think we get in there. All right led zeppelin four. That's a great album Four sticks. I believe that's four sticks, but definitely going to california and stairway to heaven are on those
Starting point is 01:09:00 So maybe black dog. I don't know nonetheless great albums Went to a little music thing. Oh, we got we listen. That's what makes us so appealing is we can hold conversations in any line of work music movies tv Neuroscience, you know neuroscience. Yes. I don't even know what that is Hold a conversation and if you wanted to I'm sure I definitely could bullshit my way through a neuroscience class That's what makes us as the baseman boy so appealing which Go support the patreon to find out why we're also more appealing So that's the baseman yard f albert's 80 85 on twitter the frank albert's on twitch instagram instagram everywhere else
Starting point is 01:09:34 also instagram and the other places and Then the baseman yard across all social media platforms You can find me at joe santa gato go follow the show at the baseman yard on tiktok and instagram and that is all See you guys next time

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