The Basement Yard - #485 - New Year, Same Me

Episode Date: January 13, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I always need you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, we got dog sucking season. But seasons end, you should hug your bros for life. Seasons end only. I was going to say you should brug your hoes. Yeah. Brug your hoes and hug your bros. And hug your bros, dude. That's it. Don't forget to brug your hoes. 2025, the year you brug your hoes and hug your bros.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah. I kind of like that. Me too. What does brug stand for though? Athena, make a shirt. Shirt it. She's not, she lives in Arizona I think. She's not even, she lives, she might be in the UK.
Starting point is 00:00:44 She's across the pond. As far as I know. She's always moving. Yeah, she was in Arizona. I think she's okay. She's across the pond Yeah, she's she's all over the place yeah, um I Think that this should be the year that people like stop this like, you know, like feeling Weird about showing affection for their bros. Yeah, you, make this the year of brugging your hoes and hugging your bros. That's it. I agree, I'm in agreement. What were you just talking about?
Starting point is 00:01:13 I will say, I don't know why you showed up looking like Dexter Morgan, but it's kind of working. See, this is last year energy that you're doing here. No, no, no, no, no. Yeah, you are. No, no, no, bitch, because I love, see, all right, all right, I'm backpedaling a little bit. Some people, their resolutions go out the window in a week Frank is immediately Well, you mistook me calling you just or Dexter Morgan for a bad thing one of my favorite shows of all time
Starting point is 00:01:34 I will say this is a very Dexter Morgan and people Absolutely love Dexter Morgan. I mean the way he like you love him you had a poster of him in your college dorm I did not for gay reasons versus because it's a good show Was it the one where he's covered in plastic wrap or it's the one where it's like he's holding a fake hand Right and it's it's like like oh, he's just like us, but a killer, but it's a killer. It's a dead hand Yeah, I mean not a bad thing. I think that you know, I would never let a dead hand touch my face Disgusting trying to think of where dead hands have touched isn't it weird. So there's two examples of things, right?
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah of things just things. No. Yeah of what I'm about to say You know, you shake someone's hand. You know, whatever you love your grandma, you know, whatever the fuck as soon as they're dead it's like oh, yeah, well, I would never touch a dead body, unless it was like... Go ahead. I realize that's a weird place to pause. But it's like, if your loved one just died, it's like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:02:38 But like, you know, like three hours after a body dies, I'm kind of like, ugh, that's gross. So there's like a real, there's like a time frame at which you're touching dead bodies. Yeah, you have to be like very newly. Freshly dead. Fresh off the press dead. Freshly dead or after the embalming fluid
Starting point is 00:02:54 is kind of doing its thing. No, but I don't even want to touch bodies then. Really? No, what do you want? I want to just lean over into the casket and give it a hug. I'll be honest with you. You love touching dead people.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Every wake that I have been to to I have to touch the body I know but just to make me feel something I know well that's insane But I but you also like love to touch stuff you touch the street. I am a very tactile person I've explained this anytime one of my I remember this You know younger my sister, and I would like go to the mall or like she'd go shopping We'd like hang out or whatever and anytime she'd go clothing shopping and I would like go to the mall or like she'd go shopping we'd like hang out or whatever and anytime She'd go clothing shopping. I would She'd be like do you like this? I would immediately touch it because so much of what I enjoy about life is
Starting point is 00:03:34 Right here. You know what I mean like fingers It could be a beautifully like a really nice shirt and if it feels like shit. Yeah, I don't care for it Yeah, I don't like shirts that feel like construction paper. You know what I'm saying? Oh my god. I hate that. Listen, I'm all about saving the planet, but like recycled shirts? Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Yeah, I'm all set on that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, I'd rather let the turtles go on that one. Yeah, like if you're going to feel icky on my skin, I don't want to save the planet. I agree. I don't want that. You know?
Starting point is 00:04:02 And now what they're doing with like Snapple bottles and shit like that. Yeah, now we're going- Now we're going back. Wait, with plastic? Isn't plastic worse than like tin or whatever the fuck that's in? Yeah, dude. People are just like, glass is bad for everything, like save the turtles. And it's like now everything-
Starting point is 00:04:16 Wait, glass is bad? When is glass bad? I guess glass is bad? I think it's also probably from the company's perspective more expensive to create- That's what it is. glass bottles. Right. And it is glass bottles, right? And they're just like this is a hundred percent recycled material Where do you get it from the floating island of recycled? Nonsense, I'm on to you recycle thing. I don't even know what plastic really is. I don't know. How do you make that?
Starting point is 00:04:37 It's a polymer What's that a Pokemon? I don't know what that is Frank. Well poly is like it's like a bunch of materials You know like put together right, Polly is like, it's like a bunch of materials, you know, like put together. Right, but I, but like which? Exactly. Yeah, that's why I'm saying I don't even know what plastic is. Like I know that, you know, it's plastic. I will say, you know, there is some credit to be, cause you know all these old people that is like, I lived in the greatest time of the universe and you know my time, the greatest generation.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I will say, things were better when everything was made of metal and plastic Just I mean metal and glass just saying just saying I like glass. I love glass. This is so cool This is great. I feel important when I have something in my hand made of glass. Mm-hmm. I feel like You know like a glass bottle of Coke. Yes, those are cool. Those are real cool. Yeah. Did I tell you? I told you the story about the guy who like showed me this place was like always ordering a glass Coke every time I saw him.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I was like, this is so weird. I think you are vastly underplaying how popular Coca-Cola is. And I'm not. It's the fucking biggest drink in the world. There's a new study that came out that apparently every, you know a can of coke you have takes like 12 minutes off your life I haven't drank a lot of soda in my life. Oh, I have and I'll tell you this We know someone that might be dead in a week from the amount of Coca-Cola. Oh, yeah Yeah, and his name starts with a and ends with Ahmed Yeah, that's going down if that's true.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah. Just bring back glass. I'd like some glass. I also like fucking doing that, you know what I mean? What's your favorite way to drink a beer? Draft, can, glass, funneled. Draft? Rank those. Draft, can, glass. You don't need to put funneled in there because that's not a real way to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Draft is... Or keg. Keg. Keg. Certainly last keg. Keg is certainly last. I would say... I know what my answers are. Easily. I think that mine is glass, can, draft, keg. I don't love draft. I do like draft I was gonna say it's so big. I was gonna say glass
Starting point is 00:06:49 draft can keg last for me I don't mind a can cuz you kind of like you can do this I don't know what that is like you kind of move around and talk a little how are you talking? How are you talking like you're firing off a shotgun? Oh, like sometimes I get really into a story and I gotta move a little bit You know what I mean? Or it's like it's just nice to stand like yeah Oh, you can't do that with a bottle if anything you could do it more with a bottle than a can Bottles first
Starting point is 00:07:10 That's what I'm saying But you said I like cans cuz I can just shove them around More than a draft cuz I kind of have to balance that That is true But most of the time when you're having a draft you're at like a bar or something you can put it down tell your story Go like this There's also not a lot of beers that are like on draft that are really good It's like light beers and like some fucking bullshit. Yeah, I mean I went to the diviest bar
Starting point is 00:07:30 I've ever been to this past weekend. Mm-hmm. Let me tell you it smelled like people died in that bitch Well, I'll tell you this you kind of liked it Why what do you gaslighting me into having an opinion what was that? You liked it. You did like it. No, I mean I didn't I didn't I was like really It's cuz it smelled like a basement, but we were above ground But there's something that that's actually probably the black mold coursing through your lungs right now 100% There's black mold. I I there was a hole in the ceiling unexplainable as bestos That's what that probably was.
Starting point is 00:08:05 No, I don't know if you know what espesdos is. Yeah. It doesn't make holes. I know, but it was probably in the hole. Oh, it was probably in the hole. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was probably in that hole. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 It was probably filled with that. Yeah. I'm just, I think a dive bar is such a, first of all, you live in Brooklyn now. People are trying to make dive bars. Second of all, there is something so heartwarming about it because it's just like it's a relic of the past like Pre-corporatization of everything it was just like a little mom-and-pop place that was owned by an old guy that wore a newsie hat And anytime you walked in he's cleaning the glasses. He's like, what do you want, huh? Yeah, and he makes inappropriate comments at women. See that that's the kind of bar you want to go to. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You want a bar? I went to a bar one time where it was called, like, Jerry's. I walked in, the guy's like, you guys aren't from here. And I was like, what's your name? Jerry, he's Jerry. He's Jerry, you met Jerry. That's what I'm talking about. Dude, one of my- Love that.
Starting point is 00:08:58 This is gonna sound so fucking insane, but one of my favorite places, because during college, we'd go out, house parties, there was like kind of like up, not upscale, like half bar, half clubs, but like, one of my favorite places, there were two bars in West Haven, one was called Spectators, AKA Specs. That sounds like a voyeurism bar.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It basically was, and the other one was called The Br Brick and they were the dibiest of dive bars, but there's just such a comfort and camaraderie in that. Like you walk in and they're just like, oh, yeah, cheers. We have lost, cheers doesn't exist anymore. Haven't even seen a frame of that show. Neither have I, but I know what it's about. It's about a bar. Where everyone knows your name.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Right. Why do you think that show. Neither have I, but I know what it's about. It's about a bar. Where everyone knows your name. Right. Why do you think that show is so timeless? No, there's only been one bartender in my entire life that has ever like remembered my name. Was it the Irish guy from fucking what's it called? Joe's Garage? Joe's Garage? No.
Starting point is 00:10:00 What was his name? Like Cormac? It was something, oh it was like a, yeah it was something like that. Like McLernan or? Yeah, it was mad Irish. Yeah, it could have been Connor It could have been Macintosh. You did have red hair But no delicious. It was the dude. I'm just naming apples. His name is not red delicious. That's what I know No, it was the bartender at McCann's oh, yeah, his name was Richie
Starting point is 00:10:21 But that's what I'm talking about like a nice dive bar and that place is gone now I know you know it now. It's like a fucking like salon or some stupid shit. No. It's a it's a wine bar I think also stupid I went and it was pretty cool, okay, but also stupid Yeah, but like I went to these places like specs and the brick and you'd go and they'd be like what do you want? I'll be like whatever you got on draft You'd get a dollar draft beer and I remember this for a fact I went in October and they still had green beer from think match day and that's insane. Yeah, but it was home Yeah, I mean there is something you're right. Like when you go to a duck when I go to a dive bar
Starting point is 00:10:58 I want it to not be good in a way Like I want to get my drink and like I want the beer to taste good but I want there to be a spider in it. Well here's the thing is that what a lot of people, what a lot of people are not understanding in today's society where it's like oh it's like a small hole in the wall restaurant like what we are missing out on now is the actual hole in the wall. Yes and everything is too polished. Like there was a certain amount of just dingy, grungy dirtiness Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:27 That made things feel more human-like. Yeah. And now when you go into a dive bar, they have $40 cocktails. Can't have that. And a fucking toilet gin that is made by a Norwegian immigrant that is too expensive. I don't know what a toilet gin is. Bathtub gin, excuse me Toilet wine bathtub gin, you know what I'm saying though
Starting point is 00:11:54 What's toilet wine? Is that present? It's a real thing toilet wine is a real thing and so is bathtub gin Well, I don't know familiar with either of those. Uh, I will say though I I agree with you because this was like a real one. This was upstate, you know They had a giant beer list so I go up and I'm sitting at the bar and I'm talking to the bartender and I'm like Oh, can I just get this and he goes? Looks to the sides of on the ground by the way, it wasn't like the taps It wasn't the fridge behind him. He looks on the ground He's like I don't think we have that anymore. I'm like, oh, I don't got so I I did three beers that they didn't have I've seen one and the second one he was like, uh
Starting point is 00:12:32 Jess do we have that? We just got rid of the last one. Yeah ordered a beer the one that he did have He's like got the last one brings it out to me one when someone says that it's not gonna be good Okay. Oh, yeah, it's the last one. You know why they call it bottom of the barrel, right? Yeah handed me it it looked like he slammed it against his head There was a giant dent in like the top of it I don't even know if I can open this Jeep. What are we doing? But but I drank it you drank it and you enjoyed it. That is what is so wrong with society here
Starting point is 00:13:05 You know what I often? reintroduced trends we've often spoke about giving me credit for reintroducing Hawaiian shirts the the reestablishment of Red lobster a lot of people understand the power of words on this show So 2025 is gonna be the year we get dirty dirty and stinky dirty and stinky again because listen, hey Big Dems you're watching right? We're getting political bitch who? Democrats yeah, yeah, you're speaking to the demo to all of them got it lives the Dems everyone in between okay You know why you know why you lost?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Because you're appealing to not the real Americans in this country, alright? Oh, say can you see? You have lost your way You're singing? Shut up, shut up, shut up, you have lost your way By the dawn's early light Oh, it's background music is what you're doing Yes, yes, yes, do you mind doing it for me?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Um, nope Please What so proudly we ha- You're supposed to talk. Oh, sorry. You have lost your way. This country was built off of the dirty, grimy, greasy hands of those that have come over and sought asylum. So guess what, America?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Guess what, okay? Guess what, big Dems? I know you're listening, Bernie. Can you imagine that if Bernie Sanders listened to this show make this year? Let's get back to our roots Let's be a little grimy. I want to see someone hand me a beer like this I don't want I want to see someone wipe their mouth with a cup and then fill it up with water and ask me to drink From it. Let's get back. How roots. What the hell are you talking about? Us as a society, we feel we need to be too clean cut and prim and proper. Let's get back to being dirty, grimy and grungy and that's when we reestablish America.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm being serious when I say this. 8% of that made sense. I think most of it did. I don't. I don't think that. But you think the election was won and lost with the amount of like that we need to be at dive bars more. That's what you're saying. Yes, absolutely. The dive bars need to be really. I imagine if you ask people that voted a very specific way during this last election, if they want more dive bars, bring it back to, you know, to all old, you know, screaming Steve down the block, give him his establishment back. They'll say yeah. Here's one thing that I will say I'm cool with bringing back. I think that we need to have more saloon doors. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I'd like to kick open some saloon doors. Yeah, we've lost the ability to do that with like, and people turn around and like anytime you walk through saloon doors, you got people gotta look at you. Anytime. It should be a law. Bars need to have saloon doors. Right. And it's like a, you know, like remember that guy that was screaming, the white guy that was screaming questionably racist Japanese at that restaurant we went to anytime someone walked in? Oh, yep yeah he was screaming actual stuff. He wasn't he wasn't screaming racist remarks. Yeah no he would but he was saying welcome I think. Yeah but also it was a Japanese restaurant without a single Japanese person working there. Right. It should be a rule that anytime someone walks in and
Starting point is 00:16:19 one just does one of these. I think they do. Look back, you know? No? Dive bars though, if you go to places where there's not a lot of people, everyone looks at you. I don't know if I love that. I don't, but that's because of who we are. What is that? You like attention, but you're like,
Starting point is 00:16:33 when I walk into a room, nobody look at me. You know? I think that's the complex in the world that we live in, having made our living off. You have referenced society in the world that we live in 400 times, and'm done. I'm sick of it already It's 20-25. I know I'm trying to be more positive Stop talking for society. I listen we are a mouth for society society's assets to be their mouths
Starting point is 00:16:57 Okay We we have a responsibility on this platform. This is the year Joey where we we start responsibility on this platform. This is the year Joey where we we start shutting mouths and opening mouths. This is what what you know this is why I hate New Year's okay resolutions and it's like this is what this year is gonna be about you're gonna forget this you may have already forgotten it right now. I'll be honest with you most of what I say on this show immediately out the window the second I walk through that door. Right that just goes to show how much thought goes into the things that we say on this show immediately out the window the second I walked through that door right that just goes to show how much thought Goes into the things that we say on this show, but it is the new year. Thank you. We Christmas was here
Starting point is 00:17:29 We exchanged gifts exchange kind of you we talked about it where we exchange gifts in the parking lot here Which looked very not safe. Yeah, it was it was a questionable drug deal I did make a grave mistake when giving Frank gifts for him and his children and his wife. Yeah. And Miles, the oldest one, which is the one that you shouldn't mess up because he knows what's going on. He gets it. I got him a miniature hockey net because he's into hockey now and he's a Devils fan.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Trust me, it's been a topic of contention in the house. But it was like branded as like the New Jersey Devils and there's like two little sticks. So, you know, Frankie can get on his knees and they play hockey in the basement or something like that. You know what I mean? And I wrapped it. Well, I took some stuff out of the box
Starting point is 00:18:23 because I was like gonna put it in a bag, the box because I was like, gonna put it in a bag, but then the box was like this big so it didn't fit in the bag. This is a very long-winded explanation here. But I took some stuff out of the bag, forgot about it, wrapped the box, then gave him the box, and on Christmas morning, I think. No, actually Christmas Eve morning. Christmas Eve morning, Miles opened it up and it was just the pipes. And it was missing the sticks, the balls, the net, and the part that says New Jersey Devils.
Starting point is 00:18:51 He literally opened up a box from old Uncle Joey that was white pipes. And Frankie didn't know what I got him either. So Frankie, when I got home, I was like, oh shit, everything that makes this a gift, I still have. You still had it, yeah. So I opened the box, or I'm thinking, I'm like, they just opened up a bunch of white parts. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's weird because when kids get to a certain age,
Starting point is 00:19:16 like Christmas is, you make it as magical for your kids, but it can be often overwhelming. Like it is like- Lot of gifts. Lot of gifts, kids wake up at the crack of dawn and like you just start bombarding them with shit. Do you guys go in order? Like everyone opens their sp- No, we try to like one at a time it, you know, but- But it's not a free-for-all is what I'm saying. No, correct. It's not a free-for-all because we want to see the kids, you know, open their gifts from Santa and stuff like that. But it's overwhelming. So like at a certain age, and you'll see this when you have kids like you kind of need to like train them
Starting point is 00:19:45 when opening gifts from loved ones because like Kids are very honest and it'll open something and they'll go like oh I don't you know like they'll say like there have been times in the past I mean not with miles, but I've seen other kids being like opening something. It's being like oh Okay, whack, you know basically yeah, so like miles is really empathetic, and he's really good at being like Even if in the moment. He's not excited about he's like wow this is awesome I may have stumped him with pipes though. He opened that and like I Was laughing so hard. It's just like
Starting point is 00:20:21 whoa And like you know like the parent in me like Beck and I are sitting there We're just like oh, what is that like oh this could that be you know and like it's no guess It's just white just pipe indiscriminate PVC pipes. There's yeah Just like oh, okay, you know and then Yeah We're just like oh, okay, you know and then Yeah, we're like and I didn't I didn't cuz you had texted me laughing about this like I Didn't want to reach out to you and be like what the fuck the hell is yeah Yeah, because it comes off as insensitive right I mean like you're not gonna be the one to get a gift and she'd be like
Starting point is 00:20:57 Hey, by the way, what the fuck was that right? So like we just like we're just like, oh, okay We just like let it do its thing and then you texted me the whole the best part about this is that You're trying to do a nice thing so when he was opening it Frank he was taking pictures, but Frank he didn't send me those pictures He sent it to me after I was like dude I fucked up, and I didn't put all this shit in there And then he sent me the pictures of the girls opening their gifts He sent me a picture of miles opening my gift But he had just started opening it and I was thinking about this after the fact
Starting point is 00:21:32 I was like you probably didn't send that to me because you were so confused that I gave your son pipes Yeah, he was he was a little confused like I don't I just he was confused I just you know like again like you want funny. It was a very confused. Like, I don't know. I just, pipes. He was confused. I just, you know, like, again, like you want. That's so funny. It was a very, it was very funny. It was a very, it was actually, you know, like, Joey's being honest when he said we hadn't seen each other since the day before, so the 23rd.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah. And now, the day we're recording, it's after New Year's. So, almost two weeks. But, it was an adventurous break. I did almost, I told you this right before we started recording, I did almost pass out in the shower. Mmm, you know hold that thought we have sponsors We will find out what happens to you in the shower right after this This podcast is sponsored by better help
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Starting point is 00:23:48 Maybe that I had been paying for like this Website that I don't even remember signing up for and it was like thirteen dollars a month or it was like eight dollars a month So I didn't really Notice it on my statement, but I had been paying for it for like years, and I never used it So rocket money is gonna help in that way find those things cancel them so you can put the money back in your pocket They have other features like a budgeting feature that will help you like stay within your budget every single month You'd be for more financially responsible, and they also have a feature that could help you lower your bills as well But yeah on average people are saving
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Starting point is 00:24:41 Put that money back in your pocket, folks. Frank? And you know what you can do if you have a little bit more money in your pocket and you're feeling generous Why don't you support the patreon slash the basement yard? I tell you guys about it every single week and I'm very appreciative that you guys have helped us amass Almost 33,000 patrons. Thank you guys so much. It has been an incredible ride and 2025 is here and we are excited and gearing up to
Starting point is 00:25:03 See what the next phase of Patreon looks like. So go over to sign up today for that first here. You get these weekly episodes one week in advance, seven whole days in advance, one week in advance. And then that next year you get exclusive episodes every single Friday morning. That's right. The sun may rise, the sun may set and the basement yard will be there for the entire time on Mondays and Fridays at least.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So go check it out. Thank you so much for all of our patrons. And if you're unable to, we still appreciate the love and support anyways. So slash the basement yard. We're excited for a real fun year. This is the year, Joey, we've spoken about openly. We've gotten a new studio.
Starting point is 00:25:36 So this may be the last episode we're in this one. You never know, you never know. I don't know. You know? It's just about. Okay, all right. So go check it out. slash the basement yard back to you Well back to you. You said you were gonna pass out and what'd you say back to you?
Starting point is 00:25:51 What do you remember what I said back to you back to you back? Don't you know you don't like pointing? You know what point away, babe 2025 you can point at me When you twist a point... That felt a little mud blood. This is so much worse than that. This, actually which is worse? This, this is kind of bad.
Starting point is 00:26:14 That's like that person, that's like get that person. Like the minute it turns it's just like, get him! Yeah, it's like you're a person and now you're a target. Now someone's after you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Turning it makes it like yeah Yeah, oh crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy. We're starting off this year hot hot steam But speaking of steaming I was in the shower
Starting point is 00:26:36 You like a real hot in the shower, don't you? I kind of do yeah, you know, that's probably why my skin is so dry Why could you have really hot water? A little dry right now. I know, here we go. What? I thought you were gonna lick your hands like a cat. Like you usually do. No, no, no, they're not that dry right now.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Actually, this one is, but. So. Mm-hmm, yep, I know. So, but I'm in the shower and I was, I guess on TikTok or something, I saw that guy that I always talk about that annoys me. Yep. You're in the shower on Tik Tok?
Starting point is 00:27:07 No, no, no, no, no. Before the shower. Got it. I saw that guy on Tik Tok that's just like, the water is a putrid zero degrees today and it's a minus three outside. We're gonna, you know, that guy that takes fucking cold, cold plunges all the time.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Cold plunges every day, yeah. Fuck him, also good for him But then I was thinking about as I do in the shower If I would have verbally berate someone that would take cold showers which I have gotten very close before because there's a family member who like tried to like push me toward cold showers once and then I was just like I Kind of like started hyping myself up. I was like wait. no I could do this if I wanted to but I don't want to You don't want to because someone's telling you to do it basically. Yeah, nope not basically basically yes, okay
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yes, but I was getting to the point like how many and honestly be honest with yourself How many times have you just put yourself in the mindset of just like I? Have no reason to do something, but like my own determination wants to see if I can do it. So I'm going to do it. All the time. Exactly. Yeah. That was what it was. It's just like, I,
Starting point is 00:28:11 I'm not going to be one of those cold shower people, but like I could do this if I wanted to. Okay. So I turned the shower at the end of my shower. I was like, I'm going to count in my head. How long were you planning to do the cold shower? Until I couldn't take it anymore. Got it. I was like, I'm gonna count in my head How long were you planning to do the cold shower until I couldn't take it anymore? Got it. I was like, I'm just gonna count my head and turn the water cold and see what happens and
Starting point is 00:28:30 You were in a steaming hot. Yeah, I this is not an exaggeration. I I Started hyperventilating and almost passed out Could you have imagined if I passed out face down in a cold shower? Ass up. Frank. Could you imagine? I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:28:54 This is gonna sound fucked up. I'm ready for it. I wish that happened. Really? How funny would it be if that happened? If you were like, back at the shower and I found me your asshole imagine she had to find you with your
Starting point is 00:29:12 bunghole wide open yeah that would have well first of all I don't know how you think I shower I don't shower with my asshole agape no I know that but I'm saying like you just go down so now you're just kind of like toot it up I have openly thought about how bad it would be because Becca is Without exaggeration half of my size right so like she can't get you out of there. Just imagine
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah, you know like she's gonna have to call someone. Maybe she could put a like a little It's right. Here's the thing it would be bad if Becca found me, but I imagine that she would have to call her father, my father-in-law, to rescue me. That's way worse than Becca. First of all, I'm hoping she would call 911 before she would call her dad. Let a fireman or a paramedic handle this. But also bad, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yeah, I mean, at least like they've seen a bunch of butts in the shower I don't need to add something to that I agree and now I love my butt right but I don't want like I feel like a passed out but wouldn't look as good as like a well living but let's also not forget the space between which is a great song by I Man. The space between. Oh, I was talking about that. I forgot that song existed. It's such a good song. That's all I know. Yeah, I think that's all their songs though.
Starting point is 00:30:34 The space between. Oh, I can't lie in here. And hope to keep safe from the pain. That's a great song. I'm gonna listen to that shit as soon as I get in the car You might have to So you almost went down
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yo legit like I shut the water off By the way, five seconds It took you five seconds Five seconds I went what And I felt my heart rate and I was just like yo I'm gonna go down And I just shut the water off as quick as I could Did you sit down? Like yo let me just I stayed like breathing like like like so
Starting point is 00:31:09 do you have a newfound respect for people who cold plunge no they're still stupid you're still dumb to me no because like I think like I've heard it all I've heard the oh like the brown fat you know and all that shit like yeah you know what I'm talking about yeah not only have I I still think they're dumb I probably have less respect for them. Okay, but I secretly have a lot of respect for I can tell that's what that's what the Joke is here. Right joke the joke. Yeah. Yeah, I've done it before and almost passed out The last time I went to the bath house They have a freezing cold like a pool and I was like, oh, let me check cuz, they have a freezing cold plunge, like a pool.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And I was like, oh, let me check. Cause I had never done a cold plunge before. That was the only time in my life that I've done it. And I got in like up to here and I'm just like. How cold were you talking? I believe it was 30, 40 or 39 degrees. The water? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 That's not bad. It's very bad. It's very bad. It's bad? Yep. Okay. Way colder than the water that you were in. Oh, 32 is freezing. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I thought we were going Celsius here. I was just like 30. Oh, so you thought I was in a hot tub. Yeah. I was just like, wait a sec, that's not that hot. No, it was very cold and I just like stood still and I was like, fush, fush. And like I couldn't breathe.
Starting point is 00:32:24 You were counting in German? Well, I was like, fush, fush. And like I couldn't breathe. You were counting in German? Nine, nine! No, then I was staring at the clock. And then I, looking up made me dizzy. So I was like, I'm not going to look up. And I was just standing there and then eventually I had to walk out of steps to get out.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And I was holding the pole. And then once I got out, I was like, oh shit, I might go down I think that's the closest I'll ever get to understanding like what the people in Titanic went through because can you imagine? What was how cold was it that I think they're saying they probably lost a lot of brown fat in that All of their life a lot of them lost. Yeah, because of the hypothermia Correct, you know Jack dude Jack froze dude. Yeah, you know I will say honestly I'd probably rather be dead then like I'm gonna I'm gonna float on a fucking door and
Starting point is 00:33:11 Become a brick. I'm not I'd rather be swimming with the fish. Yeah at a certain point This is probably not true But you know when you go in a pool, and then you go outside like well, it's so cold I'd rather stay in the water this is the water is the water better than yeah, the water has to be better than being outside I mean, I imagine the combination of the two dead either way not good Yeah, you know like if they were dry on that door She might have had like I mean she's you know, we're also talking about a fictional movie, right? She might have been good but like the combination of being wet and then on that door, right?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Not a good combination. I would I would imagine I would imagine that I don't like that. How cold is the Arctic Ocean? It was the Arctic, right? No, no, no, the Atlantic is the Atlantic If they weren't the yeah, well the the Arctic I tell you this right now very cold well it was January too right wait when did go look up when the Titanic went down okay when it dipped how cold how cold why are you why am I walking now how cold is the Atlantic how cold is the water did you hear what I did? Worst How cold was the what no how cold was the water when the Titanic saying here we go? Oh? Baby hmm 28 how is it not icy cold saltwater, baby? That's right, but also there was I mean there was a burg
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, but they hit it was nice. It's salt water So that's why it doesn't freeze over. I Didn't know that was true salt water doesn't freeze at the same temperature as regular water, baby You know this near-freezing temperature would have led to rapid onset of hypothermia. Yeah anyone in the water Oh, yeah impact on survive. That's why when people do those polar plunges. I'm just like yo you guys are crazy I've done a polar plunge crazy. I did it when my brother lived in Long Beach They do one on Super Bowl Sunday, so I went and did it Hey, man, I jumped in that water and I came out look at me white red
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah, my body and me Lee was like beet red well It's funny because the way that the earth is moving if you believe certain scientists polar plunges are like not like as bad because you'll go the day the polar plunge it'll be like 60 degrees out oh yeah maybe that's crazy though 28 degrees Fahrenheit dude I'm chili I would have not done well not yet you probably would have died I would have hated the Titanic I would have hated being on the Titanic Yeah, I imagine for a couple reasons you would have hated it. Yeah Yeah, how do you drive into a iceberg bro like be responsible? Well, no, that's the thing is there have been scientists that have come out and said like if they had hit the thing head-on
Starting point is 00:35:57 There would have been damaged to the hull but they would have been able to complete the journey but the fact that they tried to like Maneuver away from the iceberg is what ended up doing them in fact that they tried to like maneuver away from the iceberg is what ended up doing them in so basically they're like like don't be a fucking don't be a fucking bitch dude like hit that shit head-on dog so it's kind of like when you see a deer it's like you speed up hit that fucking I've never heard that one yeah they're like you're supposed to speed up really apparently oh all right cool they're like and I just I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:36:24 do that like I would see a deer And I'm like I would do anything, but hit this deer so dude Speaking of Beck and I watched a movie, and I'm not gonna spoil it have you seen juror number two? No with Nicholas Holt. It's on max dude watch it. It's good. It's really good Does he kill a deer in it dreamy guy? No just watch the movie really dreamy dude? Yeah, you don't think so he doesn't look like a pinky with eyes on him It's really good. First of all, dreamy guy. No, no, just watch the movie. Dreamy dude, yeah. You don't think so? He does look like a pinky with eyes on him,
Starting point is 00:36:49 but like he's got like... He reminds me of Benedict Cumberbatch a little. And they both remind me of Gumby, which is not a bad thing. Remember Gumby? So why are you saying dreamy? Cause he's not like, he's got good eyes. He's a good looking dude. Maybe the show is making you attracted to this man.
Starting point is 00:37:11 But also directed by Clint Eastwood. How? How is that guy alive? How, dude? How is Clint Eastwood alive? And like, this is the thing. He looks like... a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Or... He looks like a worm from Men in Black. Leg black legitimately a lizard was what I was gonna say yeah he looks like those worms from men in black and his face has looked old from the day he was born to yeah he's he's looked at least 70 his whole life but now he looks double you ever think about that where it's like yo my entire life our entire life. That's a long time Yeah, we're like we're not super young snap of a finger for him Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood Dude, Jack guys have fucking been old for Regis Phil. I mean, I know he's dead now. He's been gone Regis Philbin, too I was like brothers guys been fucking all this fuck Jack Nicholson Jack nit while he looks like oh, you know what Jack Nicholson looks like
Starting point is 00:38:05 There's a certain type of penguin that I don't know, but you know the ones that kinda look like they have hair? It's a little blonde. Yeah, dude. They're all like kinda like, they're big and fat and they're like, that's Jack Nicholson. I know what you're talking about, because that movie surfs up.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Where like John Cena's a penguin and surfs with penguins in the Bahamas or something. And the surf is up. Yeah. Yeah, and kinda like, that's what he looks like to me. He does. He does a little bit. But like that always fucks me up because I'll be like they had a whole career before I was even born.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Right. And then now they're just like who they are, you know? Jack Nicholson, he's probably it for him this one. Who? Jack Nicholson. Oh my god. He's up there. By a thread he's hanging.
Starting point is 00:38:43 He's up there, dude. Yeah, dude. Yeah. I mean not only He's hanging. He's he's up there. Yeah, dude. Yeah I mean not only is he up there, but he's Visually up there. Oh, I haven't seen him cuz I don't watch a lot of bad. Well, he he I Feel like that sounds like he's playing in the game. I Imagine that the most like recent photo of him has been at him in the Lakers game. Well, apparently he... Which also, traitor, bitch, from Jersey. I typed in Jack Nicklaus, Jack Nicklaus. Who is still alive, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah. How do you spell Jack Nicklaus? N-I-C-H. I got it, I got it. Big guy's 87. He's got a, maybe you know what, maybe, maybe you know what? Like maybe finish the sentence before I flip out. He's gonna maybe you know what maybe maybe you know what like maybe Finished the sentence for a flip out maybe like maybe four or five more years in him, dude. He's born in
Starting point is 00:39:38 1937 yeah, dude, isn't that weird? I feel like that's when they invented the coin Well, like that's how far away that went before. But like he might have existed before like sliced bread. When was sliced bread? When was sliced bread invented? 1928. Okay, basically the same time. First of all, the person who invented sliced bread, their name is Otto Roweater. Here's the thing about back in the day. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:40:09 People were named dumb shit. You know, and not just their first names. Their last names were dumb. Oh yeah. How did we get rid of, no one's named that. I hope not. No one is named that. I hope they aren't, and if they are,
Starting point is 00:40:21 I hope that they get rid of the last name. And how do you invent something like sliced bread and your family just isn't well known. Here's the thing that and this is a legit question How the fuck did someone not think of sliced bread before him? I think they just were just like Just great just rip it. What like I there is I will say ripping bread is way cooler than slicing bread You know just be like yeah, you want like when we did that shoot I don't want to say where or when, but keep your eyes out.
Starting point is 00:40:46 We did, we were ripping some bread. I like ripping bread. I like it because then you wipe it and you're a big food wiper. We know that about you. Yeah, I like wiping it. I know. Remember all those times you said that you didn't
Starting point is 00:40:57 and you tried gas lighting me? No, you made up a story No, I didn't. that for some reason you believe and I'm willing to say. I didn't make it up. I remember as I remember so clearly you putting duck sauce on a plate and wiping chip chicken through it I remember I remember wait wiping what do you wait that's not the story that I remember what what do you wait what are
Starting point is 00:41:16 you talking about wiping chicken you took talking about dipping chicken yeah but you and you wouldn't just dip you would put cuz it's flat on a plate criminal you put dips in something round and deep, whether it be a shot glass or... Frank, I'm in my house, in a... Frankie. What? You eat at home and if you have a side,
Starting point is 00:41:35 like a thing of ketchup, you put it in a shot glass? Yes, if I need to, because here's the... What do you think, that's normal? Here's the laws of sauces, the laws of sauces, losses. If you don't have the proper container to dip, or a lot of sauces now will come in dipable containers that you can just toss out. Frank, I'm in my house.
Starting point is 00:41:52 If you don't, you drizzle on top. No! Those are the rules, yes bitch. No. Yes bitch. No, I put my sauce on the side and then after a while, cause it like spreads. Criminal, exactly, that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Then that's why you were a wipe master general with Your food, that's why it was so stupid people what people dip that way. It's stupid I'm telling you they do, but I know it's dumb Judgmental yep bitch That hit so perfectly it's a really good bitch That was a really good bitch better than a bitch that hits really hard a well-placed bitch is so great Yeah, so great go get to these I know that when you could just be when the B comes out so good bitch
Starting point is 00:42:34 Yeah, that was bad. See the last one was good. Well the B needs to pop a little yeah, you know Yes, like out like a real good like bitch like a Harry Potter. Oh, you want to get racist like Malfoy? Like a real good like bitch like a Harry Potter. Oh you want to get racist like Malfoy? He he was dropping hard peas yeah His dad forget about it. Yeah, we're almost me and miles are almost done with our rewatch. We're on the very very last movie Yeah, his dad who looks like his mom from behind yo, I'm gonna say something crazy here Is this gonna piss me off? Maybe, but get to the ads first. Okay. Okay, we do have another sponsor for today
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Starting point is 00:46:41 And Frank, what the heck were you about to say that was gonna make me pay? Okay, all right, so I was talking to our buddy Scott recently mm-hmm and we were talking about Harry Potter and all that Hogwarts legacy the game which I haven't finished I'm actually gonna go back and read like there's a new one coming right I think they said that they're gonna make the second one but there's been a bunch of like weird stuff about like when it's actually coming okay, but He said and this is not an exact. He said that he prefers Slytherin over Gryffindor and I
Starting point is 00:47:10 was like you so you prefer that is an asshole thank you so much yeah damn it piece of shit yeah like you prefer like just be like you what what about it is cool well the green and black what What was wrong with the color scheme dude? Yeah. Griggy and Dor, You get those two guys, their names are like Barf and Grogor, what was the name? Crab and Goyle? Crab and Goyle, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Barf and Gargoyle, yeah. Yeah that's right, I'm confusing that with space balls. But his name is Barf. But yeah, like what the fuck is cool about that? And he's just like, and then he was just like also Malfoy's the coolest. I was like bro get the fuck out of now Boy is a fucking dweeb. He's a little bitch Malfoy would be cooler
Starting point is 00:47:49 If he was just like an asshole through the whole thing, but he turns into a puss and here's why he said this Because he named his character in fucking Hogwarts legacy Mean mean guy one two nine. What is it Scott Malfoy? Like I was like that's like naming yourself Eva Braun, you know what I mean? Like what are we doing here? You remember Eva Braun obviously? I don't know that she was the girlfriend to Hitler He goes not don't disrespect Draco. And he goes, slithering through the flyest. Yo! Scott Malfoy?
Starting point is 00:48:27 That's insane, dude! That, I, I, I'm trying to, like, I don't even know. That's an insane thing. Just like, Gryffindor is cool. And like, people are gonna say, well, if you go on Pottermore, and like, you get, you're, you get sorted by the hat Bro, Griffin doors first of all cool animal. Yeah lions, you know color scheme Harry Potter
Starting point is 00:48:54 Yeah, Ron Weasley coolest robes easily Also Slytherin's like third. I would say Hufflepuff sucks Yeah, Hufflepuff sucks. Yeah The name is so sick Yeah, I love that what color are they purple like that and that's your favorite color yeah I'll tell you this right now when I played the Harry Potter video game and the sorting hat went on my head I'm like if this isn't Gryffindor, I'm gonna cut my own head off and if it puts me in Hufflepuff I'm gonna cut my head off and I'm gonna step on it with the last with you I'll be honest cuz so if you don't get placed in the proper house
Starting point is 00:49:37 You can ask to move right in the game. They put me in Ravenclaw the hardest switch dude the hardest We have to go back and play that game now. Go, go, do it, go and do it. I'll just get on a hippogriff and be like, shh, shh, shh. Love that game, fuck. Yeah, but I couldn't believe it when he was just like, Slytherin's got the most drip.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I think he was just going off the color scheme, which don't get me wrong, I like the color green, purple, if we're going off color scheme. What? If we're going off color scheme, Ravenclaw is the coolest. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ravenclaw's cool. What? If we're going off color scheme? Yeah. Ravenclaw is the coolest. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Ravenclaw's cool.
Starting point is 00:50:07 But we can all agree across the board. I'm sorry if there are any Pottermore nerds out there. Hufflepuff sucks, dude. Sucks, dude. And your founder's name was Helga? Ugh. Ravonna. What's that?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Ravonna Ravenclaw. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's a, yo, that's a sexy name. Hell yeah. Ravonna? Yeah. And even G yeah. Yeah, that's a yo, that's a sexy name. Hell. Yeah, Ravonna Yeah, and even Gryffindor his name Godric That's kind of cool, you know, he's with yo his nickname is God bro or Rick That's so less cool than God Frank or Rick
Starting point is 00:50:42 The option to have the nickname Rick The option to have the nickname God or Rick and you go with the name that sounds like you work in an office like I just office space I think that speaks to who me and you are internally but You're Rick and you think you're God. I don't think I'm God. Oh, oh people can call me God. No Call me God everyone. Oh Or they're so sick people can call me God. No call me God everyone. Oh Or that's so sick people can call me God
Starting point is 00:51:10 Your name's God Rick and you're like just call me Rick All right, dude or God Rick just call me my full name don't you don't need it, you know Yeah, but full names are losers Remember all those losers we knew that grew up on Long Island that would just be like anytime they talk about someone they'd be like, oh, that's Stephanie Miller. It's like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. She sees the name. Steph, Steffy, Lil' Steph.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah. I, well, I'm trying to think of if we know anyone who goes by their full name. I don't know anyone who goes by their full name. I mean't know anyone who goes by their full name. I mean, Greg, whenever he walks into a room, he says, he's like, I am Gregory Dyback. Yeah. Oh, no, Greg's a nickname. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah, but he reminds us whenever he talks, because a lot of people don't know this about Greg. He speaks in the third person. So we'll be like, yo, anyone hungry? And he'll say, he'll be like, Greg Dyback. He'll say, Gregory Dyback wants some white rice. Also, Gregory Dyback left a bunch of little snacks in my backseat, which I just found today.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I looked behind me and there's a little packet of cashews and there's another little packet of crushed pretzels. Yeah, he also left me garbage in my backseat the last time he was there. He's very garbage-leaving. He ate sunflower seeds and just spit the shells on the seat. No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Bro, there were shells everywhere where he was sitting. What a pig. What a fucking pig. Yeah, and honestly, it's really weird. I don't know if you guys have friends like this, but Greg legitimately can't go anywhere without having you would think it's medical It isn't it's just Psychopathy probs. It's honestly he always has little snacks on him dude. He's like a bird
Starting point is 00:52:53 He's like a bird is like a bird and like they're not like snacks that would get someone to like a satisfied level of hunger It's just like a little like Yeah, like and that's the thing too. So if if he eats cashews he's usually eating them with both hands and he's like and he did like yo bro it's just a pretzel by guy a fucking raccoon or something he eats Greg eats like a raccoon. No dairy little little claws Yeah, and he speaks in the third, but instead of eating garbage, he leaves it in your backseat. Yes, that is correct So yeah, that's our friend Gregory the raccoon what? 2025 is gonna be the year we expose Greg for the fucking raccoon. He is stop talking about the year. I'm over it. No
Starting point is 00:53:43 25 raccoon he is. Stop talking about the year, I'm over it. No. 25, no I'm just kidding. So you don't understand, Joey, here we go. Here's what you don't understand. Tell me. You don't understand that 2025, whether it be, you know, like the reason that people like doing that toward the beginning of the year is because it is a passing of the torch from your former self
Starting point is 00:53:59 to your future self, whom you've wanted to be and who you are currently trying to become. Can I say I am shocked that you Subscribe to that I I don't subscribe to it as much like I but I I am aware that people use it as kind of Like a spiritual like restart and I respect it because I respect people so do you or do you not you wanted to be called? God no, I didn't you know he's see what see no. I'm saying I Am NOT although. I don't subscribe to that I I understand you just said let them do it so I let them do it those filth if you don't
Starting point is 00:54:32 If you if you know 30 raccoons that eat with both hands if you if you don't subscribe to it And I don't then we're on the same team, and then you're telling me Here's what you don't understand because I but you don't described to it. You know why you know what no opinions You know why I'm leaving 2025 with love. You keep saying that, but I haven't seen it. Love and joy and happiness. Just not for Slytherin. Just not for Slytherin. Scott Malfoy?
Starting point is 00:55:12 What? Dude, use a condom. Just be safe when you're fucking, fucking Draco, all right? Jeez. Scott Malfoy. Boy, do I have a fun text message going out as soon as this episode is done.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Just let him know like, hey, hey, we talked about you a little bit It's alright, it's okay. Yeah, I mean that would be like Joe Potter, which is yeah, which I'll say Scott I'll do you a favor here Scott Malfoy, although it's probably a little worse. It's not that much worse than me Just making my name Yeah, I remember my guys your name my guys name was like Frank Something like it was a fun whimsical name not Joe's Santa. God. Oh, you were like Frank twisters Whoa, not really good off the top of my head 2025 a hot start for Joe
Starting point is 00:56:02 Whoa, not really good off the top of my head. 2025, a hot start for Joe. No, it was like- A wizard's name. It was like Jingleforth or something. Like something like- Frank Jingleforth? Something whimsical and fun, you know? And my guy was hot.
Starting point is 00:56:15 He had cool stuff? I wanna show you a picture, because I recently sent this. You have a picture of your Harry Potter character on your, like, handy? Good looking dude. Come on. of your Harry Potter character in there like handy good-looking dude come on you're telling this guy doesn't got the fucking drip look at that baby what do you think you know it's funny to think I like my outfits drippy bro
Starting point is 00:56:51 I'm still digesting what you just said. That was really bad. What's going on? I'm gonna fucking pass out. You want to try that? Say it again. No, no, no, no. Say it again and we won't laugh. Say it again.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Say it in a straight face and I'm not going to laugh. Go. Wait, you gotta stop laughing. a straight face and I'm not gonna laugh. Go. Wait, you gotta stop laughing. Okay, go. I'm not laughing. Me neither. I like my outfits. Drippy, bruh. I'm hip.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I'm dumbing. I'm in lockstep with what the kids are laughing about nowadays what is that you know lockstep what's lockstep you know when you're when you're like you're with them you're walking together that's how I walk hey hey kids I like my outfits drippy bro we should end there right uh no no I think that we should bury that a little bit I like my office drippy, bro. How much time be honest? Did you spend on your Harry Potter characters outfit? Yep All the time because you can get really cool. Here's the thing the cool gear that you could get You got it. It looks stupid
Starting point is 00:58:03 So like what you could do is I figured out is that you can put you can like equip the cool gear that gives you All the buffs you can make it look like nuts something else. I did that. Yeah, bitch Yeah, like you know like that legendary mythical Godric Gryffindor hat and ravona Ravenclaw's high heels don't ask me why my guys in high heels Maybe it's just something that he wants to do, you know, but I'm like, all right, you know, but you you make it just like black boots though make it look chill oh yeah well you're like yo this gives me plus 13 health hell yeah but they just look like black boots hell yeah yeah you know I might you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna restart that game as
Starting point is 00:58:40 soon as I'm done I'm still on my cod wave right now. Yeah, I wanna get back into that. But isn't it funny how like, I'm picturing some like dude being like, oh, don't play with dolls, like accessorizing dolls is fucking gay and like whatever. But then you get on Harry Potter and you're like, ooh, I hope I have a nice cape. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yep, you know. Which is exactly what I did. That's what I'm saying. Need a really nice cape. Good capes. 2025 is the year of just exposing the hypocrisy of that classification of people that think that it's like not cool to collect toys
Starting point is 00:59:14 or drink a lot of tea. Yeah. You're the perfect mascot to be defending that. Thank you. Yeah. What? Thank you. I wonder how much crossover there is between people who love tea and people who love collecting toys. There's probably
Starting point is 00:59:30 a lot of people. The world may never know. Could just ask chat GPT. Which I've been heavy on asking at things. Yeah. Well maybe don't ask artificial intelligence because it could not be accurate sometimes. You know, maybe just do your own research, Joe. I'd just be typing it into Google, which was technically also like- You can find peer-reviewed articles, you know, there's- Peer-reviewed articles? Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:59:52 About tea? Metadata searches and stuff like that. Metadata searches. You know, really understand like the, you know, quantitative way that they were able to decipher this data and, you know, apply it to real life, make sure that the study was done with a well-represented group of members of the society.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Right, yeah. Oh, society again. Yep, yep, yep. That was about the 14th society you dropped to this episode, I appreciate you being here. You know, I have already explained, I'm leading 2025 with love. You seem like you have a lot of animosity today. You called me a bitch earlier and I gave you a bitch back.
Starting point is 01:00:21 You gave me the hardest bitch anyone's ever given. You bitched me hard. I wasn't planning on bitching that hard but it I didn't I don't regret it cuz honestly it was a good one don't regret it I'm allowing you to not regret that one bitch all right anyway that's all for this week's episode sorry folks Frank where can they find you uh Hogwarts legacy or common room look upor common room. Look up Frank Jingle Bust. What was it? I don't remember. Definitely not Jingle.
Starting point is 01:00:46 I'll have to look up my name, but it was whimsical. Yeah. It was fun. Mm-hmm. But yeah, and then you go find me elsewhere. Go to the Patreon, slash The Basement Yard. Thanks, love you guys. 2025, let's rock and roll, baby.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You had to throw in one more 2025. You guys can go follow me, at Joe Sandigato, go follow the show on TikTok and Instagram at The Basement Yard. And that is all. See you guys can go follow me at Joe Sanagato go follow the show on tick tock and Instagram at the basement yard And that is all see you guys next time

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