The Basement Yard - Remember When Life Was Simple?

Episode Date: March 27, 2018

On this episode, @DannyLopriore & I are talking about Donald's Dong, Pixar vs Disney, & more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm joined by Danny. Lo priori. He is back. I'm back and better than ever Still sucking titties. Oh all the day all day all day all night all day all day and all night I would say all day and all night Does I prefer the day dusk and dawn? I prefer the day right, but I I tend to I tend to suck it right by the way What is dusk? I? Think it's that weird orange part of the day We're like the Sun is like is set But it's still light out
Starting point is 00:00:32 Like Lion King that scene. You know what I'm talking about exactly Lion King like that. Yes, but then I thought that was dawn No, I don't know I don't fucking know what dusk is. I really don't I don't I also don't know why like also nobody uses dusk She's like, I'll see you at dusk. Yeah, why we feel like that. Yeah, that and sundials We can get rid of that's like wild wild west shit. Yeah, I don't I don't know tonight. We've ratted dusk. Yeah Fuck dusk. Yeah, don't know what dusk is from Wrong hole. No, I'm wrong pipe. Whoa. Whoa If you're not watching this I could have got weird. Yeah, we shared some looks new just like swallow your spit by accident
Starting point is 00:01:20 You're sick choking on my own spit. Yeah, I don't know Bobby Yeah, exactly. You're at Ricky Choking on my own spit Anyway, we're gonna start off this episode hot with some good old presidential D Trump's dick may or may not be surfacing in the coming days
Starting point is 00:01:48 I'll be honest. Yeah, I kind of hope it surfaces same Like that would be the quickest dick pic I ever looked at Yes, right 100% I I almost I need to see it. I need to see that dick. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, and also it would be the the most viewed dick pic probably of all time Yep, like internationally like international cock international Crazy think about the balls you would have to have though to release that first of all, let's think about his balls for a second
Starting point is 00:02:22 What are those looking like very orange orange balls? Oh quite saggy I have a third pluribus I really saggy balls You 70 of course is saggy balls. Is he 70? Yeah, he's up. I think he's like 71 or 70 To I think I think his balls are just like so red I think he's the oldest president we've ever had and his balls are definitely red 100% you know like really like very blonde fucking pubes. Oh Man so weird imagine we're right though. I know you think he's circumcised or he's not he's circumcised. Is he? Yeah, he's rich Fuck's that me rich people get circumcised like you get money like by the way, let's cut this up. Snip him. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:07 Snip it Snip me right now. No, but a story Daniels the porn star that he allegedly Threshed He's they thrashed. Oh, they thrashed. She said it on six. Did you watch 60 minutes? I didn't you check it out It's pretty it was actually just going to detail. She goes into like yeah Wait, what did she say? She's like I came in like I came into the room and like I went to the bathroom for a little bit I came out and he was like laying on the bed like on the bed not laying but like on it just like Like what's next?
Starting point is 00:03:39 Did he say that? Yeah, basically, and it was like time to thrash Time to thrash. Did you say anything like is he into like weird shit like yo spit in my mouth? She said that she spanked them She spanked him. Yeah Mm-hmm. Wait My presence being spanked That's what's happening Yeah, I guess how does it dude get spanked though? Like is he across her knees like like a like he did something wrong. I think he's probably just like all fours on the bed
Starting point is 00:04:08 Doggy style spanking doggy style spank That's heavy. I can't me spank me stormy Stormy stormy listen, you're gonna spank me and one of us is gonna get off and most likely it's gonna be me So spank me rightly That's I kind of out of control it's kind of scary that our president's been spanked listen apparently you might be on camera I don't I can't watch all that Dude, I don't know the world the world would burn. Yeah, if the president leaked getting spanked Yeah, I'd be it'd be I'd be over
Starting point is 00:04:51 First of all, what is going on like I can't why are we having this conversation? I know I can't even believe we're having this conversation It's just so funny. It's like This is real This is happening stormy spanking the press the Trump is getting spanked. I know It's insane if he's getting spanked all the style too is his b-hole showing if yeah, his b-hole Oh, yeah, it's b-holes out not a good b-hole. Would you let yourself get spanked? I'm not no, I'm the spanker not the spanky. I hear you. You know me spanky. Yeah, it's a little rascal. I do shout out Spanky wait spanky was he was like Alphalfa's best friend
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah, kind of mean froggy the kid don't idea. Yeah, where'd they get that kid? I don't know Is that a real voice? I don't know bullseye though, right? The dog the dog cool fire fire fire Was a Whippy Goldberg in that movie for like a second Goldberg was in that movie. Oh, that movie was fire Yeah, it was a good movie. Hell. Yeah the race at the end. Yeah, also. What's her name? Dela Darla Darla Darla You stole my heart What version did you watch? It's like a country music? No, I think he sounds like that No, he doesn't and then she like crushes that soda can I remember that
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah, I don't play no shit tough bitch Darla was a tough bitch bitch that rich kid fuck you pussy Which are amazingly built fucking elitist go-kart dick. Yeah, fuck that down hill race Nitrous oxide and smoke grenades and spikes and spikes. She was like, I want to get out This kid was trying to raise his box car. This guy's fucking playing Mario cars. Yeah, it's like darling We are here to win like he was like real like That guy kind of reminds me of Trump though. Yeah, that yeah, that is Trump get in there
Starting point is 00:06:46 We're gonna win this down. What the fuck were you talking about that we started talking about I'm getting spanked spanky spanky. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. No, I'm not into that I don't you to spank me. That's just kind of like emasculating to me. I Yeah, I don't know and another thing too is like It's weird Like I just feel like a dude getting spanked a little weird Like desiring it like if you're like mid like mid thrash and she like smacks your ass while you're doing it That's alright
Starting point is 00:07:17 But if you're like laying on all fours and the only thing you want somebody to do is spank you spank you get a little weird Yeah, it's a little heavy Because when is she ever in the position to spank you? I know unless she's thrashing you Some people are getting the getting thrashed They're into getting thrashed at that point might as well spank me if I'm getting thrashed Well according to like awesome like every guy wants to get fucked in the ass. Yeah, I don't know where she got that information I don't believe it. I don't believe it. No But yeah, it's just kind of it's kind of wild and
Starting point is 00:07:48 awesome Here we go stormy Daniels her lawyer tweeted out a picture of like a CD-ROM Might as well be a floppy disk at this point I got a floppy disk. It's a picture that was dick on it. No, but he had a CD-ROM in A safe and he said if a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is this picture worth? Right, and I think that's the DP the dick pic You think it's yeah, I think it's on the CD. They put it on a CD has to be
Starting point is 00:08:20 It's like Skynet or like some shit. It's like it was put it on a CD. Make sure no one could get yeah I know and it's like and like it wasn't a one like one of those paper sleeves. Yes, it was I hated those things I hated it. I hated it. You'd make like mixes on it. I know your girlfriend It was like this is like when I think about you at night. It was all like taking back Sunday and simple plan. Here you go I was used to try to like write on them. Yeah, I'm so dumb that like I'd be writing on it and then My mixtape for her yeah Yeah, oh my god, do you think he'll get You think they'll like get rid of them if he gets like caught like that. Why everyone's got a dick
Starting point is 00:09:01 That's what I'm saying. It's a dick. I mean it you know it sucks because you're the president now like everyone's gonna see your ween But like yo, it's not legal to have a dick. We'll flip it like a J though like on Twitter He's a Twitter J like he kills it on there. He says I'm like, yeah, what is this guy's just be like Joe Biden said he wants to beat me up I will fucking I will thrash him. He basically said like Joe Biden. I'll fuck you up Yeah, he's like I will fucking rock your shit. By the way, fuck with Joe Biden. Fuck with Joe Biden I think that's a hot old guy Joe Biden. Yeah, but he did use that thing He's like, you know, we used to do kids like that take him behind the gym
Starting point is 00:09:36 Who that's what Joe Biden said, he's like, you know, we used to do guys like Trump used to bring him behind the gym after class It's like to suck their dick What does he mean when you talk about Joey How do you go behind a gym? You have to go inside a gym you go behind bleachers. You can't go behind a gym Joe Biden wants to suck me off. I think Yeah, that was a weird statement. Joey lost that one, but like he's still a great guy. I love that guy I'll fucking wash you. Yeah, that's Joe Biden's a J Yeah, yeah, by the way, I saw pictures when he was younger
Starting point is 00:10:13 absolute smoker Smokey That's okay, like Marlon Brando smokey. I Feel like people back then were like so like Like normally smoky You think people are way hotter back then no, I think they were just like more handsome They were definitely handsome, you know, yeah, not a lot of hot guys a lot of handsome guys handsome There's a difference. You know what I mean, you know, I'm trying to get out
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah, yeah, yeah handsome is like comb over no facial hair whatsoever Just a strong ass fucking jawline. Yeah strong jawline cigarettes thick power hands like thick Just like a blacksmith. Yeah, like if you like open hands slap did knock you out for a month Which they did to their wives back then which was fucked up, you know, it's weird that there's a shirt named after it And they just ran with it. Yeah wife beater Let's just keep calling it the wife and no one's like, you know, let's stop doing that. It's like no, no, no It's a wife beater. Yeah, I don't think they still call that imagine y'all so wife beaters here dude imagine Beating someone beating a woman so many times in that shirt after you get home from work that people are like, let's just
Starting point is 00:11:28 Are you kidding me? This is happening. It's insane. That's very weird now that I really think about it That's the only like piece of clothing that has like a nickname. I need to get some wife beaters That's insanity no one cares nobody cares Can't do that shit now though people rob banks and ski masks. We still call them ski masks for skiing Yeah, no one wears them for skiing. No someone beat your wife in a ski mask I was like, it's good that that bitch beater wife That wife beater in the ski mask right there
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's so fun. I've never seen somebody come down a mountain with a ski mask on Yeah, like fucking no one Wears those Anyone wore a ski mask just like walk it on the street. I'd be like, oh fuck. No. Yeah, I'd be like, yeah What is it? Please put that away? God. Yeah, they're a little weird. Yeah Anyway, Joe Biden time You know we get so off track so quickly. That's it. But it all comes back. It'll come back to stormy and Trump and Trump What a combo big-time combo. Wait, did he like pay her?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah, they paid her like two hundred thousand dollars to shut the fuck up. Oh, no I meant like first the sex or she was just like down. I'm sure there was an agreement to something probably wind and dine there Dude probably has mad money invited her up to the hotel dude definitely has mad money You know, she you know, like they were consenting together. I wasn't like anything crazy. No, I know that I was saying like did I just want I don't know. Yeah, but now they gave her hush money Like yeah, like we're about to run for president like shut the fuck up. Like you never suck this dick like just chill out That's basically what it was. Do you think they did that with a what's her name Monica the wince? Yeah, but Monica the wins like blow job bill blow job bill guys a great guy big dick Willie for sure
Starting point is 00:13:18 He does look like he's got a big dick hell Yeah, he's got like long features long face long nose long limbs. Yeah guys got a long wing long and thin though Yeah, long and thin. I don't think pack a much girth in there. No, it's like a pencil. He's got a bigger dick Trump or bill Trump or bill bill. I think Bill does Bill's got a hammer on him. Yeah now presidential hammer I don't think any of the presidents had big dicks. What do you think when you Reagan had a dick on him probably probably? That was a tan Michael like yo, come on like the bush family No
Starting point is 00:13:53 Georgian George George. He probably had a wreck his dad definitely had a bigger dick George H Yeah, yeah, he had some god rest his soul George W. He's still alive. He's definitely still my bad George dub Gw not good. Not good there the jesider I'll tell you he probably doesn't have a great one. No It's not good. I don't think I can't really picture any presidents heaven Rocks probably got a hammer. Oh, I didn't want to say it because it would just be like I don't want people You know first black president, right? Also biggest day, right? No, obviously have like all pictures of their dicks
Starting point is 00:14:29 Like pictures of all presidents and their dicks What a horrible room that would be you think George Washington had the hammer No, dude had like wooden teeth. Tom's Jefferson though Yeah, he could be he threw that dick around too. Did he yeah, they probably all did yeah They were scumbags. Yeah, for sure. They were assholes back then. They were probably like riping and pillaging and shit 100% I don't even know what that means, but I those people were crazy. Yeah, but if this stuff does come out about Trump I I really want to see how he reacts. Yeah, it's gonna be weird President is ready to address the union
Starting point is 00:15:09 Here's state the union That's not my day My dick is way bigger. I sure you remember what he said about Marco Rubio Wait, what remember like Marco Rubio said he has little hands. Yeah, Rubio's like he's got little hands You know what that means and Trump was like I assure you it doesn't mean anything Dude, I got a big-ass dick You think he comes out. He's like I wasn't fully hard Let the record show it's deplorable, but I
Starting point is 00:15:41 Was only half-mast at that moment That was a chub That was a chubby old crooked Hillary tried to do this to me. Do you think of it? He's like it was a bad angle. He starts giving up on all the excuses the lighting was so bad It was so so deplorable. It was so crazy. Yeah, that's the craziest thing that one day like I wonder what like That's gonna be even crazy. I know they're gonna be like what happened. They'd be like that was it They're gonna be like, oh, I think it's gonna be worse. They'd be like oh the president's dick came out cares It's all moves the president's a nudist
Starting point is 00:16:15 Okay, I just we're very progressive. That's just weird like now cuz like at our age. I Just miss a simpler times man. I know where like everything wasn't so crazy You worry about any of this. Yeah, I just feel like as an adult you have to have an opinion It's like people get mad if you don't I know people get mad at me all the time because they're like, yo You don't talk about anything like political. It's like I can't yeah, it's like I don't feel one And it's not because like I don't really feel like it's like a conversation thing because I don't want to try and convince someone to believe What exactly you know, it's like me going to like like Jehovah's Witnesses Yeah, all right, but you guys going door-to-door to try and like recruit is kind of insane to me
Starting point is 00:16:53 But that's that's nuts. You're seeing like the Buddhist dudes to try to like hand you like a bracelet or like a gold like star Well on the train No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is I'm sorry. No, but I mean I feel you It's you know, that's growing up. We never even watched the news. All it was was like Disney movies Fucking and and sports and don't you miss? Don't you miss just running home? Just a pop. Do you remember the fucking? The cases that Disney movies the giant white one. Yeah, they were like I bite them like a dog
Starting point is 00:17:30 I used to do that too. No, I had space-jam. That shit was huge. I have space-jam, too Dude, I had Tarzan. I had fucking Little Mermaid Aladdin. Yeah, you have the bangers Crazy the greatest and you could even yeah, you could even get it You could either get them in like those sleeves the sleeves I hate it. Yeah, I didn't like them either because the white ones were fire hell. Yeah, pop them up Yeah, hey, yes closing them together was so awesome. So fun. You had a lot of Disney movies though Did you have Pixar movies too? I don't think they made like VHS. I think you know, they did in the beginning bugs Is bugs like Pixar? I don't know. Did you see this bracket that's going around?
Starting point is 00:18:06 what the It's it's it's two divisions. It's a Disney Bracket. It's a Disney Bracket and a Pixar Bracket Oh, I saw they did one of these for like Kanye West's greatest hits. It was awesome That honestly made me realize how many bangers I got. Yeah, it's insane. It's insane But they did this with Disney movies and did it so they probably the hardest thing in the world They look I have it right here. Oh, good. Bye. Let me see. Hold up. Hold up. All right before we move on Let's just get to the sponsor real quick MVM T watches pronounced movement. So movement watches I have one of these watches
Starting point is 00:18:41 Super dope not a big watch guy, but like on occasions like watch occasions You gotta pull out a good watch birthdays holidays weddings weddings just like you know what I mean? Oh, yeah, love watch occasions any time you're wearing like a button or meetings meetings a good watch will pull together a nice outfit Dude, they're like one of the most important Accessory pieces to an outfit and you can get these movement watches. They're starting at just $95. Okay I had a department store looking at 400 to 500 bucks Something insane like that. You don't want to walk down that. That's too much. That's for a watch What what more do you need too much and they have they have all they have a variety of things to choose from
Starting point is 00:19:26 But yeah movement figured out by selling online that they were able to cut out the minimum and retail markup providing the best possible price And again, who doesn't like a watch I agree unisex gifts that's kind Especially if you got a boyfriend dude's gonna want to watch dude. Oh, yeah, some people collect watches They do so whatever like over 1 million watches sold in over 160 countries. I didn't even know there was that many That's a lot of watches. It's a lot of countries Get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns by going to slash basement Okay, again, you want to make a fashion statement? Dude?
Starting point is 00:20:05 mvmt watches Get it together here Go to mv slash basement join the movement anyway I'm honestly like scared because like I love all those movies Pixar barely misses they make bangers Yeah, and also like all school Disney was just like hit after hit Yeah, and I also feel like Pixar is like more progressive Like like when they started doing like really like their storytelling. Yeah, it was like a little more like up
Starting point is 00:20:40 Up was fire Up was fire. Yeah, but like in the beginning like coming in hot with sadness Up was my shit. Yeah, it made me cry. I feel like Disney movies like tears. Oh, yeah for sure And you got to see that later in life. Yeah, you know, all right, so let's go through this bracket Yeah, let's just do it. Fire it out. Fire it out first one. I'm so scared. I'm like nervous. Why am I nervous? I'm finding I'm finding it because it's your childhood. You get excited about that. I'm so nervous. I don't want to fuck it up simpler times. Oh Man, all right, so they're listed obviously like March Manistyle, so I'm just gonna read them off Lion King vs. Tarzan
Starting point is 00:21:17 Are you fucking kidding me that's a tough one off the job I'm gonna get a nosebleed thinking about that. Can we move past that? I'll come back to it Do you want to move past that one? I mean, it's gonna be Lion King. It has to be Tarzan The fact that this is a matchup because usually how they do it is like the first seed versus the last seed There's no way that Tarzan's a last seed. I've yeah, no, but I feel yeah Phil Collins? That's soundtrack alone. I know. I've seen you with that soundtrack. It's official I wanna know Can you show me? Come on son, Phil! Fuck!
Starting point is 00:21:51 Kiss him on the lips, dude. Easily kiss him on the lips. That's an easy kiss. You got to give it to Lion King I'll give it to Lion King because That was the best note I've ever had in my life. You like that shit? Anyway, what do they say? He's like did they say What does he say? I don't know Sack of bones. I think you just I think he says that I don't know we got to look that up I think only he says vagabonds vagabonds. Yeah, that makes sense. I think that's it. Yeah You know Ellen John another guy kiss right now fucking. Oh, yeah Sir Elton. I'm kissing that night. Come on. He's such a diva to probably let you do it though. 100%
Starting point is 00:22:49 It was the next matchup All right next one I hate this one already Princess frog and Lilo and stitch I never get rid of both of them. I was never like a Lilo and stitch guy You always know that that kid in school that could like yeah, I can do a crazy stitch impression It's like dude. I don't give a shit. Yeah, it's like nine of you. I don't care I Could get the fuck out of here fucking fuck that movie fuck Lilo and stitch. Yeah, seriously
Starting point is 00:23:28 What's next but Lilo and stitch wins no, yeah That's the only one I really know I don't know the other one. It's a big one. I already know what I'm gonna want to win tangled Tangled in big hero six I'm gonna give the edge to big hero six just for emotional factors Hero six was fucked fucked me up fucked me up You kidding me? It was so sad at the end. I'll leave this one. I'll right. Did you cry? I was pretty damn close I only didn't cry because there was other people in the room I was doing that like you know when you're crying to start looking up and like gasping for air you
Starting point is 00:24:10 Know I Was doing that. I was alone. No tears. I know I'm just tires. Yeah. No, no, I was fucked up I think hero six. I'll say I'll give it to big hero because there was a there was different emotions in that right tangles It was just like a pretty solid movie and really funny So which I feel like it's an underrated aspect of like kids movies these days, but the swing of emotions. Yeah, like you know, it's like They're fucking teach it some shit in these movies now Especially that fucking death and like parents and I was like damn dude I just want to fucking see some kids started point a and end up at point B and be happy
Starting point is 00:24:44 I see a movie about a fucking insect or something and I like this kid's parents are divorced or dead or something It's like hey, oh man, this kid's really sad He's going through a tough time his family fucking hates him and oh his wife. Yeah, she's awesome, right? She's fucking dead She's dead now. We're gonna kill her. Yeah first 15 next one. What do we got frozen in Moana? I'm gonna give it to frozen. Come on frozen. Yeah, it's timeless Damn dude, dude, I'm too you know who you sell sound like who Adele does aim What was he doing John Travolta listen Johnny Trump the one in a wickedly Adele does he
Starting point is 00:25:34 I Before he walked out on stage he's practicing I was like, that's not her name. He's like I got this Wickedly talented. Oh my god, Adele does he first of all she does Define gravity from wicked Yeah, might be the best song of all time Is that your favorite musical though easily? Yeah, I saw Wicked twice you fuck with Wicked hard That motherfucking shows insane. You haven't seen Book of Mormon yet, right? No, you would really like it But I think you'll like Wicked more
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah, it sounds like you're sad on Wicked book warmer. You should see those really good so sad So wait, what are we talking about? Oh, yeah, I'm frozen one frozen one. Yeah Let me just crush that solo That was not planned good pun not playing love it This one really gonna fuck your actually no, it's a really good fuck your heart I think yeah, it's really gonna fuck your heart, but no, it's not Aladdin Hercules Aladdin easy wash Oh my god, dragon those Arabian nuts all over that guy's face Listen anyone picks Hercules we're throwing them into outer space. Get the fuck off the planet. Yeah, like Hercules
Starting point is 00:26:59 Never liked it. It was all right. It's not fucking it was good Aladdin How's Aladdin not a one-seat is it I Don't think they work like that. Okay. I just think they try to do like powerhouse versus powerhouse Aladdin like you can't do Aladdin versus Lion King in the first round. Yeah, I would start crying right now I know but we might get there. We're gonna see how we pick Oh my god All right, what do we got the little mermaid versus Pocahontas now? I will say if we're judging on how he pokey's hot
Starting point is 00:27:31 Pokey wait, what if little smokey pokey smokey pokey, dude. Okay pokey. Listen What happens if little mermaid has legs? It's a whole different ballgame Those are points. Yeah, but then she like kind of just turns into like Jessica Rabbit You remember Jessica Rabbit. Oh first of all Jessica Rabbit's a porn star. She's not a Disney character big old knockers Oh, yeah, I'm not into anime But if they have like a Jessica Rabbit like getting nailed by Homer Simpson I'm watching that. Oh, they have it. I'm gonna have to look that up the next time I get get crazy
Starting point is 00:28:05 You know what I'm talking about crazy So so weird like you're in the mood for sex and cartoon Anyway, you want to watch cartoons and Jericho Anime porn so weird. Yeah, I can't feel like it always comes up to like on the side it does it's like yo I'm trying to jerk it here. I'm not trying to watch fucking fucking Final Fantasy queef. Yeah, I'm fucking final fantasy like squirt I don't watch that shit That's always what it is. I know it's like Final Fantasy chick with like a size z tits. Yeah, just like perfectly spinning Yeah, crazy stuff. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:46 Pretty dope though. So little mermaid wins. Yeah. All right. Yeah, happy we got there I don't even remember what it was going up against me on it. Oh Pocahontas colors of the wind good great song Yeah under the sea though It's fucking good to the crab Whoever was I feel like it was somebody famous, but it's all right. We'll figure it out Mulan versus Zootopia. I'm giving it to Mulan cuz I didn't really like Zootopia I'd never seen Zootopia. It sounds like a off-brand Madagascar, which is a banger Which Madagascar may have taken actually Madagascar would have definitely taken not a Mulan guy
Starting point is 00:29:23 But Mulan's gonna win this one cuz fuck Zootopia. Yeah, fuck Zootopia a hundred percent Beauty and the Beast Nightmare Before Christmas both great movies the beauty and the beauty and the beast The beauty and the beast is timeless. Come on weird thing about that Why is everything talking there everything tea cups candles clocks? It's like some drunk. I wrote that movie's like I Everything got a voice. Just be like yo, man I was the other nobody crazy if like fucking candle like talked and shit
Starting point is 00:29:55 And then like you got a clock that talks and shit and like honestly our guest Yeah, and like they all got good voices and shit like let's just make all this shit talk and like make them have like be able to Sing and shit and by the way the main character is gonna fuck a wolf Yeah, and then like he's like gonna fight some like really much better-looking dude like on the roof Was guest on guest on one fucks like guest on Wait was that quasi moto or was that yo, Hunter back a Notre Dame No, Triton was he in that movie. No, he wasn't in that was that crossover. I don't know. No, he's not Beauty and the Beast wins. Yeah. All right, we're moving over to Pixar now good picks our first round. I'm down
Starting point is 00:30:40 up Doesn't matter what you're saying right now. It's up. I agree. Who was it? It was brave The fuck is that I think it's that like girl warrior like archer movie. Sorry get the fuck out of here Yeah, this is nasty. Oh, this is a tough matchup toy story one Versus toy story to why would they do that? I wish they didn't fucking do that. That's an elite eight matchup For sure What you got I'll go out on a limb and say toy story one You have to give it to the OG just for being like if I can Randy Newman, dude
Starting point is 00:31:31 Every song he does yeah, he's the man so toy story one. Yeah By landslide or close Dude, what do you kidding me? This is the closest thing in the world. Yeah, it's OT. That's OT OT OT Cocoa much time when you go Cocoa. Yeah, no never honestly, there's very little very little time Yeah, for sure Cocoa I haven't seen it. I heard it's really good cars too. I never saw it. I never saw cars too either Let's give it to Cocoa Fuck it. I'm down. I'd match. I feel like if we both watch neither of those things are making it far in the tournament
Starting point is 00:32:02 No, I feel but I feel like if we watch Cocoa, we might like it I think Cocoa gets washed in the next round though I saw the trailer. I was like that's gonna be good I remember I went to go see a movie and they came up and I was like that's gonna be fire. Yeah, it's probably good We should watch it We should watch it Toy story three versus the good dinosaur class. What the fuck is the good dinosaur? I don't know If the only dinosaurs I know the only dinosaurs I know land before time the good dinosaur get the fuck walking little foot
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, what was that movie where like they were fairies like like like what? Like Robin Williams was in it and then there's like pixies and stuff What not land before time there were dinosaurs. No, there were no dinosaurs It's just it I thought I thought this movie was land before time the titles But I remember land before time was little foot and dinosaurs Robin Williams was a was a pixie. Yeah Well, I'll look it up. I'll look it up after we do this. We'll move on. I don't know what the fuck that is You might have seen this movie Like this is a good one. I'm not gonna like this. You might not like this one. Oh, no
Starting point is 00:33:11 Ratatouille versus a bug's life My adult life versus my child life. That's yeah There's a hot ant in the bugs life I think easy a hot ant yeah smoky ant Not like and like your uncle's wife Carry like ten times its own body weight right like that. My aunts are all weak. Yeah, they can't carry anything bad ankles very bad Bad shoulders too for some reason. Really? Yeah, my family's got bad shoulders I think Ratatouille wins. I love Ratatouille. Ratatouille is a good place. It is a good place. Yeah, and the food looks so good. No You know, it's a good movie. Is this on there a cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Starting point is 00:33:55 No, dude, I watched the first time I watched that I was like 22 or 23 something like that. I watched it like five times in a week. That movie was fucking awesome Is Andy Sandberg in it? He might be maybe I gotta check Didn't they do a sequel? I gotta check. Huh? Didn't they do a sequel? To what like cloudy with a chance of meatballs to I don't know. I thought they did. All right. Oh That's a good one too finding Nemo or Inside out Both kind of sad both kind of sad. I mean finding Nemo is also another one of these like like
Starting point is 00:34:34 I know I'm going finding how many finding Nemo pillows. Do you think we're sold? I know a lot clownfish People probably bought the shit out of clownfish fish Fish you got like a Lisbon out the fuck's going on clownfish I Said you sound like a little good. Yeah inside out. It's really good movie though. It is a good movie Bill Hader Amy Poehler. It's a good fucking play. It is I recommend it to everyone But it's not gonna be a funny name. Honestly, I think adults enjoy it more
Starting point is 00:35:07 Maybe I feel like all these movies like people can of all ages. That's that's the move now Yeah, it's like now. We're not doing just kids like the Shrek's Fire was that noise I just made You know Chris Farley was supposed to be Shrek and then he died Don't tell me that I was a big Chris Farley guy. It's very true and they have footage of him reading For it. Yeah, it's pretty fucking sad. Anyway, moving on other sad stuff like Myers killed that. Yeah, he's a fantastic Monster sink versus cars. I think it's an absolute wash. This is a beat down. Yeah, this is not even close This is a blow-up. I 80. Yeah, fuck lightning McQueen. He has a bitch. Yeah, monsters ain't fucking fire
Starting point is 00:35:54 The Incredibles versus Wally, they don't even talk to Wally for like an hour and a half fuck Wally Incredibles absolute wash of robots the fuck out of here. Incredibles. It was amazing. The kid that was incredible. It was it's quite incredible All right, we're killing with these puns two puns two puns down two puns probably more to come. Oh hell Yeah, probably not though. No We want we don't want to punish them Anyway Anyhoos here. So all right now we're back to the second round of Disney. Okay. Oh god, we're gonna speed it up a little bit. Here we go. All right Lion King versus Lee Lone Stitch, obviously lying. Oh my god. This is the big speed down of all time
Starting point is 00:36:36 Lion King's in the elite eight. Yeah, big hero six we took right versus frozen I'll go frozen. I'm gonna go frozen just because of all the merch mad merch and let it go and it was so viral So viral, you know Aladdin versus the Little Mermaid I'm giving it to Aladdin. I'm giving it to Aladdin Aladdin's my guy Just a better story to just a just a great rags to riches rags to riches not well. Yeah, yeah rags to riches He gets the person he wants. Yeah Jasmine to oh my god made out on that deal. Hell hell being poor and stealing bread to bang in the princess who's a Yeah, she is
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, a magic rug. Yep a genie. That's who's played by Robin Williams crazy Guy made out like if I had a genie, I would want it selling Robin Williams. What? Yeah You're killing. I've never seen somebody kill it more Robbie's got it. Yeah, for sure. 100% he kills that fucking movie So the next one would be Mulan versus Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast, right easy Yeah, I feel like we're gonna have a lot of people saying Milan, but I like Beauty and the Beast Well, anyone who says Milan literally can fight me in the street I'm not you really floss on over that
Starting point is 00:37:58 What fuck my bitch? You're an idiot story arcs terrible story arc women could be ninjas Warriors are the ninjas in that? I don't know. She becomes a warrior. She's got a sword I think she's gonna samurai or something. I don't know. I can't remember that move that well. Nope. Oh Man up versus toy story This is the hardest one. This is the hardest one so far the hardest one is the hardest one so far I'm trying to be biased toy story I'm gonna say toy story to nice. Yeah, I'm gonna go that I just think up Was like it wasn't really like my era so like I'm getting a little personal with it now, but like I
Starting point is 00:38:38 Was like a real kid when toy story came out. Yeah, that's why I say I'm trying to be biased. Yeah, I was phenomenal though It's a great fucking movie. Yeah, but I will say lack of music And you know lack of music enough lack of music enough, but good movie fucking great movie All right, what's the next one the next one that we would have is Coco versus toy story three. I think that's I mean come on Coco. It's toy story three. It's toy story three Wait three. Yeah, that's the one with a very sad. We're all holding on to it. Oh my god I'll hold hands fuck that dude such a sad
Starting point is 00:39:17 I was like, yo, I'm about to lose all these fucking toys. Yeah, dude Andy goes to fucking college Fucked up that director and he goes to college. Yeah, man. That is fuck sad college sucks. Who was your favorite? And he was just going to get hammered and fuck fuck chicks. Yeah, dude. You forgot about your toys. I take woody with me Imagine if what he went with them just saw I'm just getting fucking Hammered yeah, and then they took him back home with them. He's like what how was it Andy fucking slinky was the man Yes, how was it Andy? Slinky was smoking cigarettes Definitely smoke some weed too
Starting point is 00:39:54 He had low eyes. I liked him though. I loved him Who's your favorite secondary? Toy story character just while we're on it before we move on probably the Is it Rex? No, cuz it's post. Yo, remember the penguin they find mr. Potato heads my guy this potato head. Yeah. Yeah, the penguin Weezy you like lose his squeaker. He's like Yeah, it's fucked up. It's that one anyway Damn, yo, all these movies are fucking sad though
Starting point is 00:40:23 Trying to make the kids cry I know I feel like the kids never cry. No always the adults. I'll cry right now You go home like what the fuck are my toys and what happened to what happened to his wife mommy She died Did they ever go to paradise falls? No, they didn't All right, shoot one shoot shoot at me. Oh Excellent That was a weird statement. I'm sorry for saying that shoot it. Shoot it at me
Starting point is 00:40:53 Shoot it at me. All right. All right, so toy story three wins. Yeah, okay story three wins Ratatouille versus finding Nemo Honestly, I might give the edge to Ratatouille dude, I swear to God, I think it's a better movie, but like Finding Nemo was the bigger movie by far way more for the culture Right and people are gonna hate us for that, but I'd liked Ratatouille So you're you're I'm gonna go finding Nemo now I Think because honestly, I think it's just like I haven't seen in a while. I've seen Ratatouille like like recently, right?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Fuck it. I'm staying original. I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna stay right to ready. Yeah, I'll ride with you. Yeah Uh What's the next one here? I'm just trying to read it, right? Oh Oh, this is a big one. You ready? I'm not gonna like this monsters ain't versus the Incredibles I'll go monsters. I'm gonna go monsters. I'll go monsters ain't cuz they're too. Yeah, John Goodman Billy Crystal Billy Christ killing it Billy Just so the idea is just so inventive it is like a factory doors That's like touching also kind of terrifying. Yeah, but that's like going like I'm like
Starting point is 00:42:19 Like like extraterrestrial type shit. It's like other dimensional You're getting too into it I know but like it's cool that they come from basically from like another dimension, right? If you really think about it, but they're like checking in the work. It's a fucking great idea. It is great Monsters University wasn't a fan didn't watch it refuse. I didn't like it First one was too good. I'm like, I'm not gonna watch this. It's like Sandlot 2. Yeah, the fuck you think I'm gonna watch Sandlot 2 Suck it. Yeah, yeah, no, just Benny the jet Rodriguez isn't in it. Fuck you. Yeah, okay, so it's Lion King Versus frozen Lion King. I'm gonna go Lion King too. Yeah, you got to go Lion King 100% too much power too much
Starting point is 00:43:00 Aladdin versus Beauty and the Beast I'm going to lend to fucking a lands fire. Yeah, this is fire. So alright, so those are set Over here we have Do we we pick Toy Story over up, right? Yes. Yeah. Alright, so it's Toy Story Versus Toy Story 3 I go OG Toy Story. Gotta go OG Toy Story Toy Story 3 is fucking good though, bro. Alright, but yeah, you're right And then we have Ratatouille
Starting point is 00:43:35 Probably gonna lose here versus Monsters Ink Monster saying yeah, I think Monsters Inc. Nice, dude. Found it on camera too. Pound me, dude. That's right. Pound me, right? Fist me. Pound me, right, Lee Okay Hey So it's Lion King versus Beauty and the Beast
Starting point is 00:43:57 Like I mean Aladdin not Beauty and the Beast Lion King versus Aladdin. Whoo I Think I'm gonna go You're gonna go at it. I think so I'm gonna go Lion King just because I like the music better And they had good songs, but they also had good songs If I was a young boy, huh? When I was a good song
Starting point is 00:44:23 Come on Tonight My love Slag alone what is slag alone? What does he say there? We went over this Kings and vagabonds. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes What is it soda? I don't know Yeah, I'll look it up. I'll look it up. No one knows the fucking words. Anyway, not a hair. All right What do we got? What did we just pick the marquee matchups in this? I think it's toy story one
Starting point is 00:44:56 Oh, we just picked Aladdin to go to the finals. I did And I picked Lion King. Yeah, so We fight We've been pretty close and this is where it's going to get separated. Yeah All right, you went Lion King I'm uh, uh, you went Aladdin. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm going Lion King. And now what's on the other side? It is Toy story toy story monsters egg
Starting point is 00:45:22 Going to the big dance. I'm going to the toy story. You have to yeah Damn, you know monsters think it's fire though. I know, but it's not toy story I know all right toy story versus Lion Lion King or or Aladdin. See I'm giving this shit to Aladdin Like you got to say why because yo first of all Aladdin like I said, it's way more magical guys hot. Yeah Poor shit has a pet monkey. I know that's baller Stealing shit and he was all like assassin All over the place parkouring before it was cool. Yes. And like stealing shit. Who doesn't like that? I love a good pit pocket every now and then you know what I mean? That's why gangs of new york was so good
Starting point is 00:46:00 I'll be honest with you. Cameron Diaz was pit pocket over there. It's true. It's good And then you can't say this robin williams. He finds a genie. I know dog You know, it's a shady a fun-ass fucking part of that when this that movie like when the sand dune like eats something Yeah, dude. I fucked with the sand dune. Yeah, I used to think about that every time There's a lot. Yeah, there was a lot of shit a lot of good scenes a lot of good scenes, but you can also say though. Jaffa Jaffa Look like prince That's my guy and the fat sultan fat sultan fat sultan's my guy. Have you ever seen a lad in absolute smoke?
Starting point is 00:46:34 Yeah, always so smoky. Jesus. She gets bit right in my mouth. Yeah, for sure. Why not? I don't know 100 I can't even think of a reason. No, we're not we're not disagreeing on that. Did they ever make an Aladdin sequel? So didn't they say something like the thieves? Aladdin in the 30 thieves or something. Oh, I don't know. I think they did I think they mean I don't know. Fuck that But you could also say though Aladdin kind of was going back Why just stealing You got to steal when you're poor But fuck that the sultan lives in a castle. I got nothing. That's true. All right. It holds in my fucking
Starting point is 00:47:04 So you're giving it to Aladdin over toy story. I'm going Toy story over Lion King first of all, that's out of control. Yeah, I'm doing it Toy story over a Lion King. I think right now it's Aladdin. Why I mean, yeah, Aladdin Toy story. That's your big three 100% Here's the reason why I'm gonna go toy story because I feel like not a lot of people would say it So I feel Lion King is just gonna hipster that I'm gonna hipster it. Yeah We're going straight barista. No, but I'm going I'm going lying. I mean a toy story for the w
Starting point is 00:47:36 I just like Pixar more nah Aladdin and Lion King are absolutely. Aladdin is dope. Aladdin is dope. They're all dope. They're all fire. No, everyone's fucking good. Everyone wins though Yeah, everyone wins. Everyone does one You know you used to watch it on vhs, which imagine do people do they even still sell vhs as anyone? I don't think so, but my mom has a vhs like player player. Yeah, she can't let it go. No It was plugged in until like last year. I was like my enough here. Okay, let's put it down I forgot someone recently asked me that you got a dvd player. I was like, no, I don't have a fucking dvd player
Starting point is 00:48:12 Those are even gone. Isn't that weird though? Like things just don't exist anymore house phones Who the fuck's got one of those and it's weird that the cable company still try to sell you that It's like, yeah, you get a landline. It's like, dude, keep your fuck shove your landline in your ass Oh, I got a phone that I could take anywhere I want. Yeah, fuck this phone people will get in contact with me. Yeah Much faster. Yeah, I don't like that What else is missing Doorbells
Starting point is 00:48:40 No one rings doorbell Yeah, or they're there because they're there. You know what I mean, but they just don't nobody rings doorbell Yeah, it's a pay phone at this point. It's like who the fuck is using this shit People it's it's a bathroom is what it is. It's not it's not a pay phone Yep, and then like dvds. I thought would have been around a little longer Me too because they made like blu-ray like they tried to make like cool shit Blu-ray was like I never got into that and honestly, I never really understood collecting dvds Who's collecting dvds? A lot of people do it. Oh, they had like that
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, or they have like 15 or they have like that that's thing in the corner. It has like all those like slots Where you put it in remember people used to have those. Oh, I had that actually before like CDs Yeah, oh, I had the uh lion king soundtrack on a CD. Oh, yeah CD books We could read the lyrics Oh, man, remember those Like you open up a CD you read the fucking art. Yeah, you see who fucking You read the fucking art you read the art But you know what I mean like
Starting point is 00:49:45 They would always have thank-yous in there like who they thank like for the record Yeah, I would always see who the rappers like thanked and shit. Yeah booklets mad pictures in there. They were awesome I think a coupon is some shit that sucks Yeah, like also, you know what I noticed the other day cover used to be awesome Yeah, you know what I noticed the other day that doesn't exist anymore wallpaper Yeah, the fuck has wallpaper now I used to have like sick wallpaper had like Like a baseball bats and footballs and shit and it was awesome
Starting point is 00:50:14 I think it's like all like fat heads and shit now. It's like shit that you could easily take off the wall Yeah, but like we you know, you got to commit you remember like covering your book in school book socks book socks First of all, book socks were like the new are they still around? I think do kids still cover their books I don't know. I never got that It's like, yo, this isn't my fucking book. Why do I have to and the weird thing was was like teachers would be fucking Dicks of Dicks, right? You know, it's part of your home. I get your book cover. They don't suck me. Yeah, I didn't ask for this book It's not my book. It's so true But the other thing though, too
Starting point is 00:50:47 Is when you open you always wanted to see who had your book last year Yes, I don't want to know if somebody dude, that still happens to me people. Please. Did somebody I'd have my book Did somebody hot? Did one of my boys have this book last year? Please kids from my high school tweeted me recently and we're like Oh, look, I had your textbook That's cool. I gotta be honest with you Didn't open it. That's cool though. No, that's cool. That's cool It's just like it was so weird how that was like you wanted to have a book previously owned by somebody Yeah, and I didn't even know anybody so
Starting point is 00:51:18 I don't know what name I was looking for like John Travolta used this book John Travolta was your high school now. Oh damn it That would have been fire Joe Tory did Did he but we're definitely not using the same books that guy was writing on papyrus papyrus That's a crazy crazy. Do you ever see a snl sketch about what about papyrus? No. Oh, you have to see it Well, ryan gosseling. It's so fucking funny, dude. Is it sterical because it's all I have a tar
Starting point is 00:51:44 Oh, I have seen that. Yeah, why did they use papyrus? Yeah. Yeah, it's like fucking going crazy and like the the text thing Yeah, I remember yeah, that she was funny. Yeah A rare a rare hit these days by snl. By the way, another thing I think we should get rid of voicemail Honestly, I get I get scared every time my phone rings I think somebody's dying Like why are you calling me? Because they're old and they don't like I I called my brother earlier my dad's got a flip phone Yeah, I called my brother earlier. Look at listen to how he responded
Starting point is 00:52:19 Because this is because I called him you called everything okay I was sleeping. My schedule is all weird with my new twitch schedule. I'm trying to configure it. What's up? Are you all right? All from one phone call. Yeah That's crazy because it is weird. Yeah, it's like, oh fuck is it panic mode? We work together every day. Yeah We very rarely talk on the phone though. Yeah, no, and if we do it's FaceTime, right? I Yeah, I could see how like FaceTime is like it's more personable. Yeah, and I feel like texting like allows you to like Think about what you're really gonna say, right, you know Like if I were to call and say I'd be like, yo text me
Starting point is 00:53:00 Uh, uh, uh, uh, you know, how do you how do you type that? Yeah, you can't type in coughs emojis It's true Very we were talking about our old jobs before though, but you remember like calling sick to school though Like could you like easily get your parents to call and sick for you? It was a fucking battle for me It wasn't that hard
Starting point is 00:53:23 like My mom Sometimes my mom was like hot and cold some days some days. I'm like, oh man I'm really feeling sick and she's like grab me by the back of my head. Like, you know, you grab a puppy Yeah, by the back. It's got a lot of skin. I don't have that but mom would grab me like I did Get the fuck out of the shower. Yeah, I know and let's go But sometimes you'd be like, all right, whatever. She wouldn't even check. All right. Go back to sleep Dude, my friend Frankie
Starting point is 00:53:48 He would Get like the wiggling clam chowder and like ketchup and like throw that shit in the fucking toilet Be like, oh, I threw up. What a beast. Yeah, he's a fucking pathological liar My parents hate it Frankie. I sort of got he grew out of the Oh, yeah, no, they did. They love him now, but like We all had a friend like that. Yeah, we all we all did our dirt as kids, but um, Frankie's nuts Yeah, like my mom like I would try to preface it like the night before Smart
Starting point is 00:54:18 She's like, oh really? Yeah, she'd be like you want to eat it be like honestly like my stomach's like kind of bothering me And she'd be like, all right And then I'm like fucking got her Dumb and then and then what you then what you do is you wake up like an hour and a half Even before you usually wake up and then you act and you mom I don't know my belly hurts. I would always walk into my mom's room like I was the most confused I've ever been like
Starting point is 00:54:45 Because I was just like, I don't know For some reason I've never felt this way before What's happening? I'm just so dizzy. That was a big one for me. I don't know. I'm just so dizzy. Yeah dizzy's good though Dizzy's great dizzy's good because that could be a many things. Yeah. It's like, I don't I don't know. I was so confused I'm just so dizzy. Yeah, and like you don't have a fever. I know but I'm dizzy I need to lie down because no one could prove prove dizzy. No a doctor couldn't no way. Remember doctor house couldn't even Do that good show Doctor house. I forgot about it. I thought it was house. It is just house, but he stopped out. Hugh Lowry good actor
Starting point is 00:55:22 Good actor. Good movie. I mean, uh, yeah, weirdly smoky. Weirdly smoky. Strange. Strange smoke. You know there's another weirdly smoky guy Clive Owen Who's that? I'll show you later. All right, but I honestly think that I've stayed home More times because I faked sick than I was actually sick Yeah, but in my high school was like this whole big thing You had to get a note from your parents and like they had to sign off on it I'm like the fuck like they had these like little coupons. You had to fill out. I'm like, okay No, fuck that. Come on. Can I just not come in also parents having to sign your report card chill
Starting point is 00:55:56 Major l first of all middle school my parents didn't sign a thing ever. I forged on the first day Yeah, I got after it. I was like, if I forge it, that's my signature for the rest of the year Remember reading logs Yep, dude. Fuck reading logs. I got to read for 30 minutes a night Yeah I got playstation dog. Fuck this. What the fuck you mean siphon filter dude Yeah, dude fucking mad in o3 just came out siphon filter double disc crazy game game was fire taser She was fire. Did you ever play uh, dude?
Starting point is 00:56:24 You would tase a guy and hold it there and then you'd light on fire Siphon filter was awesome. Really good. Oh another one too. That was great Splinter cell. Did you play splinter cell? I didn't those games were fucking cool back. I I people were into them And it was that and like so calm so calm. I played so calm was cool So calm was cool. That was the best because being like yo like i'm literally home alone for like six hours Twisted metal twisted metal Twisted metals a fucking banger who'd you use? Everyone yeah, I used axel axel the guy with the fucking tires
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, sweet tooth sweet tooth thumper thumper had a crazy special there guy like warthog or something warthog. Yeah He was the tank specter specter Fucking who's the dude on the motorcycle? Mr. Grimm mr. Grimm. I can't believe i'm remembering these names. We got a place to twist the metal Oh my god, dude. I just i'm fully erect now. It's so weird that game was that game was so awesome Dude i'm gonna look up play um twisted metal original characters Do when you get those calypso calypso is the outlaw. Yep, dude. This is fucking awesome
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yeah, those games those games were awesome. They made a new one too metal uh metal not metal gears hot. Sorry Do you remember the oh you twisted metal black? God, yo Twist metal black. Yeah, there was a cob car and shit. That was outlaw. Yo, what a good game One time I played that game for like five hours straight hell. Yeah when you get those fucking drive up the like the What the fuck's that called the Eiffel Tower? Yeah, or are you the one where you jump in like to that pool area? Yes Game was awesome, and he had the best is when you found like those the seeking missiles. They're like the The homing missiles homing equivalent. Yeah equivalent of the red shelf. That was what yes the blue shell the blue shell
Starting point is 00:58:14 Well, then red shell and red shell but uh specter Though it was a white car with blue two blue Stripes. Yeah, his special was like that. Yeah seats you out and fucked your shit up I fucked with what happened to cool games like that. I don't know everything's so complicated toys in general You never see any toy commercials anymore. No, it's never like check out that like when we were young Always your favorite one toy. Yeah Did you have a favorite toy growing up? I don't think so
Starting point is 00:58:41 Do you have a favorite board game growing up? Favorite board game. We played a lot of trivial pursuit when I was younger Like we we had family game night every friday very trivial pursuits a hard game very white very white very white very white No, but it is a hard game But we would play and just like I'd get nothing right. Yeah same. You know what I mean? Just like me watching jeopardy now Every once in a while I go on like a two question shriek on jeopardy. I'm like I am the smartest man alive Dude, I'm not even kidding the other day the last time I watched jeopardy A question came up
Starting point is 00:59:13 And I just said three words I said the something something I forgot what I said But it was too. I didn't even know the question right like the question came up And you know sometimes it's so fucking you like I have no idea what any of these words mean and you just you just say anything I just said anything. It was the right answer Everyone looked at me like and I went. Oh my god It was so crazy. It would have been funny if you were just like real like quite like yes Got it indeed. No, but it was nuts. Or you know, you know, my favorite thing is you know when like the the
Starting point is 00:59:43 Jackpot comes out or the powerball and those balls get sucked up Yeah, dude, me and my family used to go ape shit for that seven 11 And then when you get a thing I don't know. Do any of you even have a lot of retake? Oh, no, no, no, this is for we're just playing We're just having a good time me and my family used to play like the weirdest games Like I remember also in the morning because me my sister my brother Keith all went to different schools at one time And we would sit at the table and eat cereal every morning
Starting point is 01:00:14 And we would compare cereal ingredients. So it's like, all right, how much zinc do you have? And it's like I got 32 zinc I got 47 and then my sister who had would eat fucking totals like I got 100 But like suck me that whole fucking cereal is 100 you guys are nerds. Yeah, that's that's pretty nerdy That's what we would do every morning. We'd have the cereal and we'd do it I swear to god every single time like I feel like how much magnesium you got in there 47 You guys were pretty ahead of the curve though with that What like reading reading the fucking shit
Starting point is 01:00:44 I mean, we only pay attention to the number. I just wanted my number to be higher than hers I didn't give a shit if it was healthy. I mean, I was crushing like Fucking french toast crunch and shit. Yeah, yeah, cinnamon toast crunch cinnamon toast crunch honey combs I'm good honey. I'm a good guy. Yo kicks shady kicks are shady checks are also shady But like those aren't the sugary ones like some kicks though Like I have to be in the mood for kicks regular cheerios or 100 cheerios Honey nut. Yeah, I feel you on that regular cheerios. It's like eating the box. Oh, yeah, it's good. Fuck. I'll I'll crush them though I mean, I'll crush your cereal too. Fuck. Yeah 100% on put it in like a plastic cup
Starting point is 01:01:17 Fucking eat that shit up. Oh, yeah, that's a I used to eat a good portable snack 100% I used to put cereal in a cup and then put milk in it and eat that all the time. It's perfect Can I ask you another question? Yeah, ask me a way Do you peel or bite your string cheese? I Go through phases and I'm not proud of that because I bite it sometimes I feel like The older I get the more I just bite
Starting point is 01:01:42 I don't get that kind of time now. Yeah peel fucking string cheese Yeah, feed it to myself like a weird gross old man What's your favorite cereal of all time? My favorite cereal of all time 100 cheerios is up there, but if I'm getting gross probably lucky charms I like the lucky charms growing up because they're gross and then they had marshmallows in it Lucky charms, you don't like lucky charms lucky charms is the biggest imposter in the cereal world Are you unhealthy or are you like this fake fucking whatever grain bullshit they have in there disgusting It's terrible. There's three spoons full of marshmallows a lot of fun like that. I know but after that soggy
Starting point is 01:02:27 I don't know And then your milk turns like weird shade of like gray. You got yeah, it's like filming. There's like a film on I can't I can't believe I used to eat that shit all the first of all Fruity pebbles. Yeah, very good cap and crunch. Hell yeah God damn it cut the shit out of your mouth though cut the shit out of my mouth But I like that because it got into my bloodstream quicker. It's true boom Uh, what else we have? Um, cookie crisp It's kind of Dracula
Starting point is 01:02:56 Cocoa puffs Fucked with cocoa. I liked cocoa puffs because then you had chocolate milk. Yes Fucking wish I had cocoa puffs right now. God. What else is there tricks tricks is good tricks before they like stop that before they got lazy Yeah, yeah for they started phoning it in around like yeah 2002 come on fucking assholes other one rice krispies I kind of like them I do too, but I put sugar in it You do put sugar in it. Yeah, see I could never do that rice krispies trees were fired. Do you drink your milk? Do I drink my milk? Some people pour it out. I drink my milk
Starting point is 01:03:31 Who pours it out? Some people do Some people pour their milk out bro. Oh someone actually said that to me the other day Like oh when I eat cinnamon toast crunch, I just pour the milk out. I'm like that's the best part Yeah, what are you doing? It's just like like what do you think like the milk's bad now? Fucking something amazing was in it doesn't make any sense if they sold Cinnamon toast crunch milk in a thing. I would I haven't drinking milk in like three years. I would Chug it. Yeah, it's the best tasting thing in the world. I don't understand why people don't drink that milk Fucking idiots apple jacks. Apple jacks are good
Starting point is 01:04:07 Honeycombs, I like the I liked honeycombs too and there's weird. There's certain cereals like frosted mini weeds Yeah, awesome, but but they have to reach that level of being soaked in milk Yes to be a little a little to enhance the performance now I eat kashi, which is kind of like that But not as good. Yeah, those are good. There is also also, also there is uh other cereal, sorry You ever have puffins The fuck is that y'all they're mad good like peanut butter puffins. Oh, I don't like peanut butter cereal So far like Reese's puffs here. I was like fuck this shit
Starting point is 01:04:42 Reese's puffs cereals Not bad. Oh fruit loops. Hello loops fruit loops. That's a classic Fruit loops is big big huge Oh, berry kicks. Do you remember berry kicks mix berry kicks? Yo, those are mad good. Yeah, those are small but mad good very good Wow, like are you like uh, do you go more cereal than milk or more milk than cereal? Hold on. I'm gonna ask you a question. I swear to god if you answer wrong. I'm coming across the state Do you put your cereal in first or your milk in first? I put my cereal in first. Okay. Thank you god people put their milk in first People put milk in first. That's so weird
Starting point is 01:05:21 Put your milk in first that makes no sense. You put your milk in first put a gun to your head No, yeah, because I have to see I place it and I I have to gauge the milk see how much how high up it rises And the bowl gauge your shit gauge your shit. Otherwise, this is floating on the top Yeah, were you uh, were you a sandwich cut in half or triangles? I You didn't care Yeah, let me eat that sweet That's another thing too. It's if I asked my mom like can you cut it diagonally and stuff?
Starting point is 01:05:55 She would literally hit me in the face like I fucking eat it Like you're right. I'm so sorry mom. Do you remember those things that uncrossed the bowls? Yeah, that was rich people. They were like Pain peanut butter and jelly sandwiches without the crust not the crust. Yeah I'm like, what the fuck yeah, uh, I take you take the crust off if they made pizza without crust I I I don't know what I would do hollowed out bagels Why what's the use of getting a bagel
Starting point is 01:06:24 Go eat I'm a fucking this Cardboard. Yeah, I was in I was literally hollowed out bagels. I was at the bagel store around the uh around the uh corner from my apartment I was like, yo, uh Let me get this the guy comes up behind me. He's like, yeah, can I get a whole wheat everything bagel scooped? I was like, bro Scooped get the fuck out of this bagel store. Yeah Go ahead egg whites. Yeah, there's something fucking you think you're healthy
Starting point is 01:06:48 Get two pieces of paper and put cream cheese on it goof cuts Fucking cunts, bro. That was that was aggressive, but I helped you out. I'm sorry I'm glad you were with me along for that because I thought I was coming on too strong That guy is a cut though. Yeah, he's a real cut. Do you remember like any good kid commercials though? Do you remember those mad max toys? They were like those little like pocket things and there was like a whole bunch of little shit in them I remember poly pocket shady They were poly they were poly pockets, but for like boys
Starting point is 01:07:18 No, I fucked the poly pocket more My sister had poly pocket. I was like, this is awesome I'm trying to remember like any like good like kids commercials hungry hungry hippos Fire game hungry hungry. Do you remember the game where like the the elephant blows the fucking Butterflies in there. You're like, yeah And the other one was a bop it Yo, I lost it Shove it suck it. Fuck it. How mad would you get when that just goes?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Fuck it's like I twist it. It's it's broken twisted it I fucking flicked it that'll that game will tear a family apart I used to play it like and pass it because you like pass it and then it gets to someone else I was not good under pressure out of that game. I'm gonna front like I was my sister was nasty at it Bop it flick. Yeah, that shit starts going so fast It's it's gets impossible. Oh remember simon Yes Made me feel like a fucking idiot playing that game. I know
Starting point is 01:08:10 Yeah, the only four things lit up. How do I now remember this? I know it's funny too. Like family guy did it later on like stewie's playing simon And he's like I do it. I say the colors as they come up like yellow blue green red blue green I used to do that shit when I was a kid try to cheat never worked I can't it didn't remember yo-yos Dude, could you do tricks? I could walk the dog I could walk the dog Oh, I could for sure walk a dog. Could you do around the world? I could sleep. No, I mean, I
Starting point is 01:08:39 You know, I probably hit somebody if I try to do that. I used to hit that one kid. It's like Fucking like witches cradle that shit aging kids were so nice at yo-yos. Hell. Yeah, dude You know what I could do where you where you like make the triangle and it swings through Yeah, that's like rocking the cradle, isn't it something like that? I made it my life's like mission to get that done But also there was this kid who was nasty with a yo-yo. This is Asian kid Andrew He was like doing some crazy shit and then you know, you take the string and you put it over here and it shoots up Yeah, does that thing also fire fireball. Yo-yo yo-yo used to light up
Starting point is 01:09:12 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's what that's what I'm talking about. The fireballs were fire I made my mom drive into a nigh assessor To get one. Yeah Remember kongies What are those like jacks? Those I remember I was nasty at that and what were those things too They were like half of a super ball that you would just fold over And it would fold up and pop up in the air mad high
Starting point is 01:09:36 I don't know. He says like cut a handball and have to do that, but I don't know what you're talking about I used to like sell them. I don't know what they're called poppers A lot of cool really cool shit You don't get that remember like walking out of the supermarket and just be like, yo, can I please get one of these 25 cents? And you got like the sticky hands like you throw them and it's just like And the worst is when you would just be like, oh, it's all fucking gross now like my cat's hair is all over it It's like dirty still flicking it around Tie to your finger and fucking flap shit that shows fire
Starting point is 01:10:06 Those were and that's the weirdest thing. It's like all you wanted was a 25 cent toy so bad Yeah, now kid want a fucking iphone. Yeah tell my kid to fucking blow me for well, I don't tell him that I'll tell him something else that kind of gets a point across but I might have to cut that one in post I might have to I might have to edit that one out But no, I definitely I definitely would be like fuck that. Are you gonna buy like your kid's toys and shit? Don't even get me started. I know I feel like I will though. Oh, I'm buying toys. They're not getting phones. No, fuck for that No, no, no
Starting point is 01:10:40 No No danger danger. You're gonna get like a wonder ball. Yeah, what's in a wonder ball? Those were commercials Yummy nestly chocolate with candy ships inside Something something something Oh, I wonder wonder who I do. I do What's in a wonder ball? Yeah, this was awesome. We also killed that. Yeah, we did shout to figure it out in summer sanders very hot Remember the dude that was I was like and our brand new came on the dude that was like always read the prizes Yeah, he's like, what's he going home with? He's going home. He's going to Orlando, Florida
Starting point is 01:11:15 He always had like wacky glasses on he's like, yeah back in the day. Everyone got sketchers in the crowd Yeah, yeah, it's like you said the magic word. It was the you got sketch. Yeah Fuck yeah, it was either a brand new keyboard or like a mountain bike Right, you got a 12 speak trek bag. You got a pair of skis It's like we're in Orlando, Florida dude like Danny and like lori beth Would always be like getting slimed like the worst guesses ever. Yeah, you fart on tables. Yeah uh, you eat Nail clipper shavings. What is the nail clipper shavings?
Starting point is 01:11:55 Nail clipper shavings But that's true. That's the type of shit they would say Dude those shows were good, man Nickelodeon are double dare. I know The legend of the hidden temple First of all, what's your favorite team? On on legend I think it's the green monkeys. No, dude silver snakes silver snakes
Starting point is 01:12:21 Come on. No one Run into that fucking thing and then those weird dudes will come out and grab you grab the kids Like I didn't make it. Yeah, definitely didn't sign waivers back then either That would not be accepted now, right? Hold on. This is grown-ass man with a panted face is grabbing my kid So what do you do for work? I uh hide in corners and grab kids I'm the guy in legend here at the temple. I uh scare the shit out of children You ever seen that guy that grabs those little kids on legend the hidden temple? You're looking at him right here, bitch
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yo that they'll all look like guts Guts The aggro crag with moe like back to the leaderboard moe Wow, you'll be like ryan is in first place with 100 points Fucking michael malley, bro back to the leaderboard moe Yo, I would I really I want to go on ebay after this and see if I can buy a piece of the aggro crag Yo, I should be fire. First of all, that wasn't even hard. We need the yo wasn't hard I think if I was 12 it'd be hard though
Starting point is 01:13:33 They're throwing like beach balls at these kids. It's like look at the boulders and all the smoke That's true. It wasn't hard. It's like hit the confetti. Yeah flashbang him Imagine you have like ptsd from fucking Jesus from losing the aggro crag We should try and buy a piece and just put it in the studio You could buy it. Why are you making it seem like you've no idea that you can't you can't oh You could buy anything on the internet. Yeah, maybe somebody's hit rock bottom and has to sell a piece of their aggro crag but uh
Starting point is 01:14:03 Those were all nicolodian shows. All right, I think so, right? So what was your favorite nicolodian show? Give me quick top three Hey, arnold ops. Absolutely I liked catdog, but like it was great. Yeah, and then kind of sad too. It's fucked up. Yeah, it's pretty sad And then spongebob Spongebob was a banger. Yeah, like you're just that Few years younger than me. So like Mine's dug
Starting point is 01:14:33 Oh, I like the regrets Damn, I like regrets too. And I love. Hey, arnold. Hey arnold's is ridiculous. Unanimous like banger Remember that dude. You keep the money Fucking uh Eugene You keep the money. It was the best of times It was the best of times Guy couldn't even read you can't even read remember spamoni. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 01:15:01 Dino spamoni. Dino spamoni. Yeah, that show was awesome. And his grandma was like a crazy activist Helga wanted that football cock. Oh wanted that fucking so bad And remember the thing was always like is he wearing a skirt? Yeah, it's like it's a kill to your asshole. Yeah, it's like it's a kill Or it's like it's like it's a long shirt. Yeah, or I thought it was like a shirt tied around his waist or some shit Yo, gerald Fox cool guy as soon as he got to high school. He was thrashing. He was definitely wasn't he fucking that like asian girl I think so the rich one
Starting point is 01:15:30 Or I don't know Phoebe or something Is it Phoebe? Yeah, it was Phoebe. I think it was Phoebe. Yeah Helga wanted that cock though. Helga wanted that cock Helga like if she cleaned it up She could be good. Yeah, and then like Helga's sister was hot. I think Yeah, and her dad was like a beeper salesman Shout out to beepers big bobs beepers Wow Throwing the back unbelievable
Starting point is 01:15:54 It's crazy the shit you remember, isn't it? I know what was your favorite cartoon network shows? Oh, wait, are do you like cartoon network or nicolodium more probably nicolodium me too. Yeah, uh cartoon network ed ed and eddie liked Yes, the show was awesome. The show got me into jawbreakers. Yeah dexter's laboratory Yes Remember when we like learned french Get out of my laboratory Yeah, you like learned some shit in french and my other one's johnny bravo The most
Starting point is 01:16:26 Non-pc show ever. Yo, right? He says it actually how would you like your age? You're like a sunny side up or fertilized. I know I know bro. He's talking about raw dog and hose. Yep Crazy, yeah, dude. I forgot about that. We should have looked at shit up too though Like it's fucked up like crazy moments. Remember like space ghost like real late at night No, it was like a like a cartoon talk show. No, I've never seen that. Yeah, space ghost coast to coast tom and jerry Bang tom and jerry was great. I love this shit. Yeah, you still always watch tom and jerry. Were loony tunes on cartoon network I don't know. I don't know
Starting point is 01:17:02 And then there was the rare like saturday cartoons that like recess and shit, but they couldn't touch those shows Yeah, and uh, nicolodium had hits though. Just straight bangers. I real monsters. I real monsters the dude was holding his eyes up Scary introduction, dude. Are you afraid of the dark? Don't don't don't I gotta sleep in this house alone the scariest theme music of all time That and like unsolved mysteries and then like the the flames Rated it and then like smoke And they always said what did they say submitted for approval by the late night society or something Oh, yeah, so maybe like throw like sand on a fire. Yeah, she's like, who the fuck are you?
Starting point is 01:17:44 You know ryan gossamer's on that, right? Oh, is he? Yeah, it's mad weird. There's mad famous people around guys to smoke Yeah, but yeah, I would have to give the edge to nicolodium. Yeah for sure I think we should wrap this up. We could go about this all fucking yeah It's gonna be a long one between the pixar and nicolodi and all that trumps dick. I'm tired trumps. D. I'm tired out I've had a long day. I've had a real long day I've had a real long you've had a long one. Yeah. Oh, yeah, we're getting after it. Uh, anyway, where can they uh find you? Danny just find me on twitter and instagram at dany low priori. I think something pops up, right?
Starting point is 01:18:19 In the beginning. Yeah, it does. Yeah, see you know where nowhere to find me. You know where to find it Come hang out. It's fun. You're gonna be editing the video. So it's yeah, if you wanted to be in or out It's gonna be all over the screen. It's fine All right. Well, that is all for this week's episode. Thanks for listening. Pace fuckers

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