The Basement Yard - The Extra Yard - Camille Kostek

Episode Date: February 20, 2020

Camille Kostek joins us on The Basement Yard to talk about getting the cover of SI. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today. What's up guys? Welcome to the extra yard. I'm your girl Camille caustic, and these are my boys She's been on the radio before for sure. I also was looking at the I don't know if I need to do that again I was looking at myself, and then I like shifted my eyes It's cool. Yeah, anyway Camille caustic Is here guys for those of you who don't know she's a sports illustrated model cover model. She's a cover model Which I haven't seen I haven't seen yet. I've seen oh my gosh I didn't even think to bring you guys one. Yeah a pathetic I brought you a present
Starting point is 00:00:47 But I forgot that I to bring you're playing up this present like it's like this big thing now It has a story behind it. That's why I'm excited Okay, so it can I get I have it or who's it for it's for you. Okay, but But also Danny is it something that Danny can put on my body? Yeah I'm into it already Actually asked me to Loop him down this morning. I didn't ask you to loop me down
Starting point is 00:01:17 I got my back wax yesterday, and I need some loash, and I needed somebody to help Here we go with the a breeze. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh Are you want to say she doesn't she doesn't like the way we abbreviate words? No, I actually think it's hilarious I just can't believe how quick your brain functions to just abbreviate abbreviate words like that straight up a brief The kitch the kitch that one. Yeah, I'll say kitch. It just happens. Easy. Just not that big of a word Yeah, neither is lotion, but loach just sounds better. Yeah, loach also just sounds like comfortable Loach me up Yeah, I'm not I have refused by the way. Do you put lotion on all the time this guy doesn't put lotion on yeah, I don't I'm just a wife
Starting point is 00:01:58 I will say That I am very good about moisturizing my face But I need to be better about my body because let's be honest. This is only 5% I Actually saw I was I when I went to see a dermatologist I actually there was like a poster on the wall and I was like wow I'm one of those statistics and it was like a statistic of people that only moisturize their face and the regular and they were 95% of the rest of your skin is like crying for help. What percent doesn't lotion any part of my body because that's this guy It was just like I use chapstick
Starting point is 00:02:27 A lot of people just don't give love to the rest of their body just because they're like I love Yeah, but I loathe up for bed and then in the morning. Wait you lotion before bed in the morning. Yeah, wait No, you don't you don't loach and get right into bed you loach and then you walk around Yeah, you kind of air out you air out a little bit because you don't want everything in the bed like kind of stick to you Cuz my dogs. I'm uncomfortable talking about that Yeah, what kind of lotion we could talk in cocoa cocoa butter Vaseline, baby. It's the best vanilla stuff No, I only use coconut like a Yankee candle in there. No, I have some some color to my skin. So I need cocoa butter Oh, yeah guys look guys a little brown. Yeah, I'm a little brown
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm Italian Puerto Rican Yeah, what are you what's yours again? Mine's interesting. Let me guess you're like Dutch Did you do ancestry that whatever 23 and Whoever no, I just asked my parents and then they told me about their family That's the old school life. That'll save you $150 now Everyone wants to spit in a cup and send it in the mail. You can't just ask your parents. They know. Yeah, it's a way What are you Polish Irish and Jamaican? You're Jamaican. We've we've gone over this. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:37 And you said it the same way to your Jamaican. I mean, I had this it's an authentic reaction Root boy team. Yeah, my mom my dad 100% Polish blonde hair blue. I boy Yeah, guys Polish Polish both are they from Poland your parents. I'm not not my dad, but my Your grandparents nice My mom's dad Jamaican my mom's mom red hair freckles Irish. Where the hell did they meet? But they grew up in a virgin my mom was raised in the Virgin Islands So we have a family my aunt Camille who I'm named after still lives in the Virgin Islands She never left which is great because do you go there all the time every year. It's it is my fate
Starting point is 00:04:18 I do a lot of traveling is my favorite place in the entire world But I but the reason that I also love it so much because there's a lot of people like oh Yeah, I've been there for cruises, but like I don't live the tourist life there I live the local life the island. I know like the secret spots the good restaurants. You know secrets Like the beaches that like like people down there probably are just like friendly friendly, right? Everyone's has had everybody afternoon. That's what you say to everybody. You say morning Why are you talking about that? That's just the guy I don't know how to speak like it, but like in my head I can hear my auntie Camille. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:51 Wait, you say auntie wait, what do you say auntie Camille aunt or auntie really strange just now Yeah, she said it like Are all your aunt or all your aunt's aunties or what? Chachi is one of them Chachi Chachi Chachi Chachi Chachi with a you Chachi it's C. Oh, I see I eat. I believe that's Polish for aunt. Yeah. Oh, that's my dad I call my grandma my Puerto Rican grandma abuelita. I will uh, that's like a sexy way to say abuelita abuelita It kind of sounds So it means little grandma. Yeah, I know, but it's like is she a little woman. Oh, she's the tiniest most Puerto Rican thing of all
Starting point is 00:05:36 Time all people also shrink. That's a fact. Yeah, but she yeah, but she was always super soft on a hyunja coming here I have you No, it's just how she talks This is how she talks she wakes up at 4 30 in the morning Cooks Breakfast lunch and dinner in like four hours and then like goes to sleep at like 4 30 wraps. It's on the counter Yeah, I know how that's cool. Let's see. That's a cool that it actually isn't interesting background. Yeah I didn't know I was waiting for like I'm German and Irish. Yeah, I thought there was gonna be some like well
Starting point is 00:06:06 I'm also a little Dutch. Yeah, and like I don't I don't really know all right So let's get to this cover right model to model here. Oh, yes. Yeah Yeah, I'm a model now. Congratulations. I'm surrounded by models today. It's unbelievable. What a what a life I'm living. Do you want to model Joe? I rather not. I don't know if I have what it takes to be honest. Hey You have everything Yeah, that's thinking that's that's called stinking thinking, but if you don't believe in yourself Let me tell you you're never gonna get it. Yeah, I walked right in that meeting. I said listen guys What can you guys do for me? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:06:38 He did and it worked it worked and it worked Grace that place of confidence. I always say if you don't believe in yourself Then who will if you went in there was like, so do you guys think I can you were like? Yeah? Well, you guys do for me, but I have I've got all of this. That's what it is. Yeah, and he's got a lot I'm gonna make you money. Yeah, I pulled out. Yeah. Yes. I said, I'll you just tell me to show up I'll get the work done. Yeah, we'll get a popper in here trying to sell that's to sell that body Well, I also have this turtle neck. Thank you so much because you guys make jokes all the time And so when when I got the news before I came here, I I didn't believe it at first. Yeah, because I don't believe
Starting point is 00:07:12 Thank you. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. No, not believe it. Okay. Okay. Oh, that's a genuine. Thank you My hands are cold. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, why are you so clammy got that Reynolds? That's what your brother has got right now. It's his hands turn white. Oh, yeah We'll find out we'll find out we do a blood test at the end of every show every show We donated it's a thing. I can't even withstand like fingerprints. Yeah, do you know what time sorry we're getting off track I forgot you forgot that's better than not knowing ever I don't know I found out in 2013 night before I went to China and I was really scared because I hate needles
Starting point is 00:07:49 hate them and Then I found out but I forgot but I realized now as I'm getting older and I care more about what I put my body as far as food goes That it's a very important to know your blood type because you could have someone like Nutritionists or a dietitian or whoever give you like a meal plan, but it might not be good for your body For you specific because of your blood type. Yes, you can find out what you should be eliminating based on your blood type That will help you like live your best life. Basically. Yeah, they did that for me when I got diabetes And they just told you don't eat anything. They're like, yeah, you're like you see this white thing called sugar You can't have it anymore. Everything we've been eating eliminate that wait. This actually segues into my present. I
Starting point is 00:08:28 Have a guess, but I'm not gonna say what it is say it. No, no say it I'm not gonna say it. No because then if I pull it out, you're gonna be like that's what I thought it was I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna say it if it wasn't what I just say it. No, I don't want to well When we see it, okay, I need to see this thing if it segues we could segway so speaking of diabetes and sugar Yes, yes. Oh, so this is not a gift for Danny. No, I'll sneak a couple But okay, but you did ask me if Danny could rub it on you Danny can rub it on you. Okay. All right, so Well, you guys are inappropriate so you could rub it on it, but it's not that's not are we inappropriate I would say that I'd say for sure
Starting point is 00:09:06 100 I saw your ass like four days ago Like and not against my will the most inappropriate friends ever against my will I saw your ass I'm sorry, and it wasn't say that now in this climate. We live in and I get in trouble. Don't say that I guess my will in the workplace Against my will And I haven't taken it over to HR, but now that I'm really saying it out loud. Yeah, but now now you're gonna miss your HR It's yeah, yeah, it's Josh
Starting point is 00:09:39 He's not on my side, okay presents. Yes. Okay. Yeah, I'm talking about but okay. Sorry. So when I was in Frank Park yesterday I found these what the hell hello at this farm to table place and Anything cotton candy flavored I will buy because it's very far in few wait. What is that? Marshmallows But they're like a healthy oh, I'm eating one right now, but I ate one last night. They're trash I don't really like it. Okay. I'm bombed. Okay, but I want you to try it and then you can have some and When you go to a farm to table place and that's the worst thing on their menu Yeah, and I bought it for me and then I would so I bought this plastic is made out of like
Starting point is 00:10:27 Just the farm people. Yeah. Yeah, you can tell and then um, I'm curious if you're gonna like it I mean the only good thing is that this is gonna actually help my modeling career. Oh my god I have to maintain. No, don't they want you to be softer. Yeah, they said you're too muscular Hey, they like they muscular shame me Yeah, I have a very large upper shelf. It smells good. It smells like cotton candy flavor It smells like a like my grandma's bathroom. Oh, I would like to hurry It's a marshmallow, yeah, it was a marshmallow That was me yesterday
Starting point is 00:11:12 This marshmallow was made in a farm. Yeah, it tastes like the walls in a farm Like what's inside of the wall of your apartment? Oh, that pink stuff I Through my now I threw my package out and that says a lot Because I love every kind like someone would be like that. It's way too sweet That's way too has too much sugar in it. And I'm like, oh, that's mine. I can't put cotton candy flavor Italian ice and ice cream and so does Shots
Starting point is 00:12:02 Which insulin shots no, no, no, no like a shot at the bar. It's the only shot. I'll drink. What's your drink of choice? Can't even talk about it yet. I do have a drink of choice coming soon Wow I can't really like focus or think right now because this is disgusting. It's can I be I need water so bad I'm so sorry that it's bad, but I need to eat a whole pizza right now But I know if I said it's so bad. I don't want to give it to you anymore. You'd be like still give it to me Yeah, yeah, yeah, and after I had yesterday. I was like, I can't give them to yeah Yeah, but luckily I have no ties to that brand so I don't
Starting point is 00:12:45 If you trash it sprinkles, I don't know fake sprinkles. Yeah, it's their sprinkle. Yeah, that was like, hey It's okay. Oh, it's a good effort. It's good. It's great timing of coming You know what? I thought it was I thought it was like one of those giant gummy bears. Oh, why I don't know I've never even seen that. I don't know how big is it like that? No, they're fucking you say Haribo or Haribo I know the word you're talking about. I've never said it out loud. What the fuck I've never said it I just say gummy bears gummy bears, but I know that the wrapping with the with the gold and The green yellow and Because I don't I could say but I don't know if you had to just get like if you said do you say tomato or tomato?
Starting point is 00:13:29 No, but when you read a word, you have to say it in your head. Yeah, you've said it to yourself Yes Haribo, but I'm also low-influenced, but I wouldn't say Haribos Haribo, okay. No Haribo, it's a Japanese company. I believe Haribo It's a real serious question Do you ever put candy in the fridge? Yes, it's my favorite. Wait, which ones? Okay Like a lint chocolate bar yummy or a lint truffle yummy, you know, and then the outside's like hard like
Starting point is 00:14:17 Do you know how many of those are the giddles or like Haribo's you never put in a gummy bear in the fridge No, he's gonna yell it. It's so good. No, he's gonna yell it. It's so good. Please next time Whoever's whoever's running errands for you make sure that they they put your goddamn gummy bears in The goddamn fridge it is it'll change your life You want to know like how people put grapes in the freezer in the fridge? I hate that. I never was Yeah, no, like teeth. Oh, it's hurting my teeth. I want to do a girl who would eat cold gum Not gummy bears grapes and bite the skin off That's a girl who needs to be you know punched in the dark so she doesn't know who did it. Yeah, but that's not nice
Starting point is 00:15:01 No, it's not nice, but it's I Didn't say I was gonna hit the woman. I said a woman can hit her That's what it's in the dark so no one knows it could be anybody. It could be an animal So as I cover. Yes, how did you get the news? Hold on. I want to backtrack. I was a good. I want to backtrack because I want to know how you even get into the modeling game I know how Danny I can tell you I know how you went about it. It was just kind of like, yeah I think it'd be a plus-size model very lucky. You're blessed for that. Yeah, that was my journey for years
Starting point is 00:15:34 He's just a just he has a lot to offer and he's just like a very just a sexy plus-sized man There's a void that he's feeling the guy said I was extremely handsome. Yeah And it was a gay man named sparrow. Yes. Yes. His name was sparrow. Are you serious? Yeah, we're dead serious. It's so it's so hard for me to tell. No, no, no, you think I can make up the name sparrow I'm absolutely you're very good at like being like quick-witted and like Sparrows out of my life. Okay. Wow. That's your agent's name Basically, he's uh in three six weeks since it's the holidays, you know, we're gonna lock some stuff down. I'm gonna get myself out there My first agency that I signed with I signed right before the new year and it was the best decision ever get that paperwork done
Starting point is 00:16:17 You meet the team and then they're ready to rock and roll. You did your digitals or you did not know what they used was The eye test Basically have semi-nude photos on my Instagram that are like pretty pretty pretty awesome So they had these pictures I had all do you want me to take your digitals? We just need a white wall They'll be really excited if we send them in. Yeah, for sure. I'll take digits. Okay See, that's a good abbreviation to use. Thank you. That's actually normal. Thank you. Okay, you're welcome So I was just like, yeah, so they were like, yeah, listen like you definitely have a look to you like you have these pictures I have like
Starting point is 00:16:54 three Pretty popular pictures on Instagram with me almost naked They asked for it they were like so like what do you have they were like you could bring headshots as an option I said no, I put on my best turtleneck. I have this turtleneck that I put on that gives me so much So like you bring headshots I was like, nah, man, like cuz I went into it like yo This should just be funny if like I could be a legitimate model Yeah, just off getting naked and wearing Tommy Hilfiger pants and I was just like get hired wearing clothes
Starting point is 00:17:26 No, but they asked me if I do they asked me if I do nudity and I was like, yeah Is that like a normal question on your first interview? It is on the paperwork like it will say like nude semi-nude like and then and what's a new they got to know where to send you out What's semi-nude like like okay for for sports illustrates swimsuit. I Had agreed I had agreed to it for for this shoot not my first shoot I said implied so like if you were like I held my boobs like this. Yeah, you couldn't see anything so But for this year, I signed off that I Always write like ask first, you know, it depends on the brand
Starting point is 00:18:05 It depends, you know There's a lot of things that go into it But where it's gonna be how long the usage all the stuff you'll learn or you probably I know you're really smart Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome, but um, I Think I in my definition of semi-nude It's like you can wear something that's sheer, but so you could see through it, but it's not like I got you So so you could like I wore like a net a net Swimsuit, okay, and you could see through the top, but the bottom was like covered my your stuff
Starting point is 00:18:32 I have a try to keep up Joe. Um, but uh, I'm trying to learn here. No, no, you are you're doing a great job But like for sports illustrates swimsuit. I'm like, yes I'm all in because I trust the team the way that it's put out the Yes Boss no, it's I stay at the equinox hotel and this is like some fancy Christmas she's got a glass water bottle. I love that. Yeah, it's good They're not cutting a check right well because I didn't want to like push my lipstick up to my nose I'm Danny you'll learn about that as well. Yeah. Yeah, I gotta learn how to drink water professionally
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah, there's a lot of stuff. You don't know so when you get the call right you get the call for the cover Where are you? Oh, I didn't get the call You haven't seen the video. I saw it. I haven't seen it. Shall I show it? You haven't seen it. No, she doesn't follow me on Instagram. She'll follow her. Oh Now he now she now now you've done it now you've done it now you've done it That's changing right now. Well, it's a little too late. He'll never forgive you No, it's not good Jojo
Starting point is 00:19:47 Jojo Jojo Jojo I think she says shoot she doesn't say shoot to shoot. I remember when I first saw Jojo saying I was like, whoa Not 14. Yeah, you know the song baby. It's you. Yeah, dude. I've turned that all the way up in my car It's my name at Daniel Priori on Instagram or you can go by like a very dark Instagram picture Yeah, yeah, it's it's actually one of my headshots as Tupac and I have my Rolex on and I'm gold Did you wear a black turtleneck against a black wall? And you have black hair. No, we blacked it out because what we did was just like a no Because we wanted it to look like yeah, exactly. Have you ever seen the death row?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Cover with Tupac and dr. Dre should night should night. It's a very famous photo So we recreated it. I just followed you Wow, it's amazing, but to my knowledge you were I do now You just bated you That's really what it is 100% like everyone I didn't even realize I didn't follow you because I'm always watching the basement yard and all that's in Joe's stuff And you're always in it. So I just feel like I'm following you already. That is a great point. Do we have to get into it? Should we get into it?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Well, we met we met. Oh, I love this. Yeah, we got to talk about singer boy I can I can I set the setting? Oh, yeah, how she big dick the shit. Oh, she took a big steamy dump on Danny So we we were at this company I don't I could say a name we're at this company and then when we were walking out Camille was walking in So I was like, oh shit. Hey like whatever and then we like we're passing in the hallway. I don't I remember this I don't know what I said. We had a brief. We had a brief conversation and then she turns to Danny And what does she say? She goes? Oh? You're singer boy
Starting point is 00:21:49 That's a compliment totally have a name totally have a name. It's Danny And it's Danny I Would I've seen you sing you have a great voice. Oh your singer boy. I know you you're singer boy Honestly, that's not I thought that was gonna be worse. We don't know you guys would sing her boy And I had no idea what you're talking about. I just want like this Say like are you as manager or something like that's Businessy because the manager isn't you're usually the talent. Why can't I be singer man?
Starting point is 00:22:39 You weren't 30 back then no, no, no, so maybe you were a boy Yeah, you know I have grown up a lot. He's listen. Here's the thing. He is a singer boy It was so funny because we're going down the elevator. I just go. It's real quiet. I just like a jug of And I lost it. It's like Like we're what did you say when I said that nothing like obviously we're playing it up and being funny But like it was just so funny because I remember that You said that and then like everything was fine and like you and Danny had a brief exchange And then that's because I literally binge watched your videos of you singing and deep boxing and rapping and stuff
Starting point is 00:23:16 That's why and that's stuck in my head. It still is But you're his better half or you're his better half. Yeah, we've been together for a very long time Things are happening. They're great. Things are going great at the wedding. We're in therapy right now. Yeah, so that's the thing No, I'm actually in therapy. I think you should I think this is very therapeutic. Oh, yeah, it is Okay, well, let me tell you right now You're two years later. I'm sorry, but that was a compliment. It's all good dogs I'm cool with you like me and you I really like your singing voice Once listen once I got into the modeling game
Starting point is 00:23:52 I could tell how you meet a lot of people, you know what I mean So some people are just you've been a model for four days like you have to sometimes You don't know their names, but you have to put something to their eyes I'm really good with faces and that's just the name that came up. I'm like that too I have a doorman that I've had for four years and now what did I say as soon as I walked in the door today, Danny? Hi, Danny. Yeah, Danny. She did she tossed a Danny. No, I mean, she knows Yeah, I mean, we all got to get somewhere, you know, I mean, I don't know what you mean I'm just saying it's like you build you build relationships. It started as singer boy. Now. It's model Danny. I'm good. Okay. It's Evelyn model boy
Starting point is 00:24:31 Man there we go model man So much it's cooler to show the video but all right basically You don't know who's cover until the cover comes out and they Good morning America announced it. They usually announced it one time Jimmy Fallon announced Hannah Jeter's cover Yeah, which one stunning who was hotter Derek Jeter is the worst dressed richest man I've ever seen not Adam Sandler, but let's move on Yeah, but like that like he wears button downs with like jeans and the button downs go to like almost above his knees Oh, I'm like not tucked in. No, I hate when they don't and I was like, yo, dude, you're Derek Jeter
Starting point is 00:25:22 comes in gives a Julian my brother a hug cuz they're what's up to those guys. They work their manager and captain and I was like This is the actual captain. So I said what's up to him, but I couldn't Think of just how poorly dressed he was. I mean, it's okay. Well, it's all right because Hannah makes up for yeah I'm gonna start dressing like him. Yeah, she is Yeah, she's gorgeous. You know, she's very sweet too, which makes it you All right, so go ahead so anyway, you don't find out until
Starting point is 00:25:53 The debt you shoot months go by you are dying to see what your images look like inside the pages I obviously was so excited that I was a rookie so I couldn't wait to see my images inside of the magazine and then I It's kind of a long story, but I'm a part of something called swim search I didn't get into the modeling industry normally and I had a lot of doors shut in my face I didn't have the luxury of being so blessed to be signed on the spot as you walk in the door And not everyone can you know, but I'm happy for you. Yeah, so you're in the presence of greatness honestly and
Starting point is 00:26:25 Basically, I was called in everyone we they do this swim search documentary I did it last year did again this year and I was already coming to New York because we were doing a press day when the issue came out on May 8th of this year in 2019 so I came in and I did my sit-down and I was like, I'll come in a couple days early. Does that work and what's funny is I was actually asked to come in so May 8th, I think it fell like a Tuesday or Wednesday and It asked me to come in on a Friday before that week and I told them I was busy
Starting point is 00:26:58 They were trying to tell me that I got the cover but I was I I was I Had an appearance in Vegas and I was like the soonest I can get there is Monday and they were like Okay, well, we'll set up the studio for your interview for that. Well, that's dope that they waited though. Yeah It could have easily been like Pull her off. Yeah and So they were able to work with me to make it work for that day and I was like perfect I'll be in a couple days early. I'll be able to like have that travel day cool down refresh. We'll do the documentary I'll go to sleep. I'll have a day
Starting point is 00:27:34 before Cover announcement and we start the whole press day because it's crazy it starts early goes all day And then we go to Miami and we celebrate and all those stuff down there And then so I went in did my interview the interview was like I don't even know 20 minutes long of just talking about my process of getting the swim search how I won swim search How I ended up being a rookie? And then they were like Camille Although you don't get to see your images in the magazine yet. We are going to show you
Starting point is 00:27:58 the behind the scenes video of the making of The shoot from australia and I was like, oh my god And I was the first one to shoot for the 2019 magazine. So back in october. So now fast fast forward to may I didn't remember what I looked like anymore. So They set up a monitor next to me and they were like every 15 seconds. It was about a minute long They're like, we're gonna stop it. We want you to give us a reaction like talk us through what it feel like to be on set You're a rookie in australia shooting For this magazine that you've jumped of
Starting point is 00:28:25 For the majority of your life and I was like, okay, so they play the 15 seconds give my feedback play it again They're like, all right, here's the fourth clip. We'll let it roll They play the video and I'm like I'm like so excited and then it's like And they put up the cover the magazine And I just like looked at it and I all I could see was like I resonated with my eyeballs and I was like, okay, that's me and then I could just see like the sports illustrated cover Like work like sports illustrated swimsuit was like blown up behind my head like where the cover letters go and I just like You cried I couldn't catch my breath and I thought I was gonna faint and so I I
Starting point is 00:29:01 I was like, I still I'm still speechless every time I talk about it. Like I when I read you're about to cry right now I really could I haven't talked about this story for a little bit but But I just remember looking at it and no one in the room like said anything because they all they all knew it was coming And they just literally wanted to see what I was gonna do and they looked around and I was like And you'll see the video but I like had to throw my head into my hands because I started to like black out right and I like thought I was gonna faint thank god I was staying down
Starting point is 00:29:28 So I like threw my head in my hands and then mj day is the swimsuit editor and she walked in and she had the cover Blown up in a poster She walked and she put her hand on my back and I looked up and then I was even more overwhelmed. I was like, oh my god And they had the magazine and they put it in my hands and it was like a whole thing but it was cool because it was on camera and I wouldn't have remembered I literally like I like yeah It was like euphoria time to the max of like literally
Starting point is 00:29:53 It was it was that like moment in life like that will be something that flashes before my eyes when I die Oh, yeah, I mean that's that's the sports illustrated cover the swimsuit Edition is like that's a pinnacle. Yeah of all magazine covers. It doesn't even matter. Um, I had I actually have it I got it. I'd sub to si but Oh amazing. Yeah, so I really yeah, I sub to si sub to espn and you're like, oh, look at I was like, I know her I'm single same. I've been subscribed. You would have thought that I liked girls I grew up with patriots cheerleader posters on my wall and every magazine that came out every year You were a cheerleader, right?
Starting point is 00:30:27 Okay, did you cheer lead in high school college? What was your favorite cheer ours is dynamite? Did you guys do dynamite if you mess with dynamite? No, no, no, no. I had a different one dynamite doesn't tick Yes, it does no, it goes No, no, that's all that's tnt you idiot the cheer says tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick boom dynamite Boom boom dynamite. Yes, hold up. Wait a minute. Put a little boom in it. Boom Yeah, you're you do a tight. No, and then you do a toe touch. Oh, no. But but that wasn't high school You don't cheer at then the NFL game no one can hear you. No, no, I know that but in college though
Starting point is 00:31:06 What's one of those ones did you do this Yeah, this kid said that the dynamite doesn't tick. He's saying tick. No, I'm Dynamite you light it. You know, that's TNT It's a dynamite stick. I think TNT is dynamite actually. Yeah. No guys. I'm smart You can put a timer on on dynamite. Whatever. I'm just saying sometimes there are those things All I know is that that's a great one or like that's our favorite. What was your personal favorite? Yeah, that you knew like I'm gonna fucking murder like when when the teacher or the cheer captain calls out this cheer I'm gonna absolutely lose it
Starting point is 00:31:49 My god, it's really hard to remember I remember there was one that I was like, yeah, that was my favorite one because I had like a good jump in it A great dance routine. Did you get tossed? I was the flyer. Whoa Actually, I have a scar. Oh, you hit the ground. Oh, yeah Cement no mats. We were warming up before my coach is there before we had the the mats that We would share with other people in our high school and they weren't there yet and we were in our cafeteria and I They didn't catch you my the flow So there's two bases in a back spot the back spot as I was going down the number one rule for a back spot as soon as someone's
Starting point is 00:32:27 Going down let go of their ankles because they can land on their feet still. Yeah Land on their feet and then their butt the flyer thought she could literally take my whole body and Stanley back up So I had no choice. She held my ankles the whole time So she held my feet and I just went boom boom and I like fractured my Wrists busted up my chin. This girl almost ruined everything. Yeah, I still got the cover. You know Despite Janice in the back the base or those dude at cheerleaders or athletic as shit Strong yo strong men. So were you like strong women strong women too? Yeah, absolutely Were you like in one of those cheerleading squads that you see on like ESPN to like three in the morning?
Starting point is 00:33:10 And you're just fucking go crazy throwing people all over the place. Can you like black? Well, I don't know what you speak about like bring it on type stuff. Yes. Yes. You were in there. Yes. Could you backflip? I Can't remember last time I threw back handspring, but I was doing those Oh back top back back handspring use your hands. Yeah back tuck you just kind of grab your knees and your chest and That's out of control. I'll do anything to be able to do that by the way if I could backflip I would do it for no reason I could start to spot you I could teach you guys how to start spotting and practicing Listen, we're not gonna do that today. I'll flip. I need to be a great spotter. Absolutely. Oh, yeah You get our house. Yeah, that's not the shit. I just like all my ankles. I will I'll let you go
Starting point is 00:33:53 That's different. So you just have to support your back. So when all right, so you get it you get out of college, right? No more dynamite no no more dynamite dynamite's done and then you you move right into a cheerleading with the paths Well, I was in I was in college, right? Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah So you have to like try out for that audition. Yeah So I actually tried out my freshman my sophomore year and then I finally made it my junior year So third time's charm. We don't give up again. Yeah, unless you're doing back first time's a charm. I guess Yeah, keep referring I'm god level with that, but um
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, so the third year you get the call What do you guys do in terms of cheers? Is it like just kind of just hyping people up? Yeah, let's go pass. Right. Is there is there like music that you're like, oh, there's always music Yeah, we do I think we do about four routines in a game. Okay two-minute warnings Between quarters. Oh like in the middle of field in the end zone. We swap end zones. Gotcha Yep, we rotate around the four corners of the stadium We'll like divide into groups and then we'll rotate at certain times We always know when and we do a little walk and then we pose and then we get to see that crowd
Starting point is 00:35:03 So everyone kind of gets to see you So it's nice if you have a friend over here and a friend over here and a mom over here And then you perform in the two end zones and then and on the side and on the sidelines So what's like the tryout process because it's like a month long three years on you have to try out every year So there's even if you don't come backsies Chugbound not taking your spot for granted you you could be captain and get cut which has happened Cap goes down. It's scary. That's how we do it around here every day come in It's the same with sports illustrated swimsuit. You're not promised to come back every year. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:39 So you really so you could be a one in the moment. You could be cover and then just out like Peyton Hillis Yeah All right, she's not Peyton Hillis. No, no, no, I just I think she'll be okay He was a running back. He was on Madden and then he's sucked. Oh, I was like what model is this no No, no, no, no, he was a white running back. Yeah, besides Christian McCaffrey now are quite rare So he had a very good year and then they put him on the cover of Madden and then he disappeared He was terrible. Do you believe in the Madden curse 100%? 100% what happened the year that Larry Fitzelden was his name was on it. Who was that some Troy Paul?
Starting point is 00:36:19 All in Larry Fitz. They both got hurt. I think no, yeah Larry. Yeah Maybe yeah Wasn't Tom Brady just on it and what all he the curse was he lost in the Super Bowl? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a curse He lost though Win the Super Bowl has seven as a giant fan. Don't even get it get like don't even get started. You're not gonna hurt his ear What'd you say I forgot I think Rob got hurt Gronkowski. Oh, yeah, he got hurt I think I think it might have been that year. I'm not sure. I just remember people like chatty about it Yeah, that's what I don't actually remember
Starting point is 00:36:55 Brown had quite a year. I mean, yeah, yeah, quite a year He was on what year? Was he a cover? I think last year, right? Last year. Yeah, and now he just doesn't play football. Yeah, now Yeah, now he just doesn't play anymore Play on the Patriots you play sports growing up. Yeah, I actually played lacrosse in college for a Season did you have to wear like the goggles and I played in high school as well. Why did they make the girls wear? Goggles, what is that? What do you mean? Dude the ball is hard dude? I know all the stick, but you guys I mean, we should be wearing helmets Yeah, I thought you might like why do you even use any pretty if these guys these super cool cage helmets and like here girls
Starting point is 00:37:34 Throw these goggles on yeah, like dude. This is gonna cave my head in we're definitely I mean we get called in a lot more like there a lot of guys who play lacrosse don't really like to watch Girls lacrosse or not. They don't like to watch it It's it's a little bit more boring in their eyes because let's be real like a lot of people like watching hockey because of the fights I like watching men's lacrosse because it's like you're checking everybody. Yeah We don't do that. I just see a dude running up the field and just a guy Yeah, I I don't know if I've never studied them You can hit you can hit them as long as you you're like making an attempt at the stick or the ball
Starting point is 00:38:10 You don't like have to it's like just you're checking someone. It's like in hockey basically Yeah, it's illegal. I feel like you guys are hockey players. No Me to Brian Park right now, which I'm gonna do soon. You would say oh you'll find the marshmallows. Yeah Burn that thing to the ground. I do not know how to ice-kate Which he can but he can rollerblade I Can roll a blade and I'm not gonna die. Why this doesn't make sense. It's different. No ice. It's the same moche It's not the same motion. It's not the moche. It's the same moche. It's just going There's a psychological factor to ice being there one time
Starting point is 00:38:51 I went to Central Park and I was afraid and I hung on to the wall and I let go of the wall And I just drifted out into the middle of the rink and I was stuck there For about 10 minutes The center is the dangerous part like a 13-year-old girl goes in there and she tries to do in triple axels and shit You're like damn no the thing is it's not just like everyone's Doing their own thing in the ice people gather around to watch people like you yeah, and then they videotape it and then they post Yes, and I was like dude. I was like I'm stuck. I'm stuck here. This is it I saw a dude who was like obviously on like one of the first few dates with this girl that he was with and this dude
Starting point is 00:39:30 I love watching that it couldn't move. He couldn't one of my favorite games is like what day do they all it's Fantastic, I love that game, but this is like the third also. I want to tell another story about that which is amazing So like it looked like a third date to me. It was like, okay, we know each other's names and stuff So we're gonna go ice skating not really a first-day kind of move That would be not no no especially if you can't skate dude. What are you doing? This dude went down so hard on his face that he started bleeding Well, you're watching in Brian Park. Oh, yeah I had to stop in the way and I was like this is amazing because the guy was like
Starting point is 00:40:03 And then he kept going And it went down was she good at skating She just she wasn't like great, but she was not going down Yeah, she was moving and this dude went down hit his face of bleeding. Oh my god Yeah, it was great. It was amazing. It was a great. It was a great statement. I like my fiance. She figured skater her whole life So, yeah, so she's back flip. She can't back flip. Can she jump? Yeah, she jumps and all that shit still I don't know about still. I mean if I throw her out there, you know, give me a montage. I'll get her ready Yeah, give me a month to train. I'll get her out there. I get there out there and show she was like come on
Starting point is 00:40:37 like I'll show you how to skate and The ice was like fresh. She steps on the ice and almost falls. I was like, I don't even trust you But now I get out there and I feel bad because she's skating with me. Yeah, I'm slowing her down Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I was like, babe, like, you know what like go on without me Yeah, I know you want to skate just go I'll watch you It'll be beautiful go that's the worst it's holding on to you And you're like finally like getting with a rhythm and then they like start to pull you down You're like what are you doing? So she's skating around and
Starting point is 00:41:12 Just kind of just completely forgets about me. So now I'm with a couple other friends, too And I just started fucking just drifted And it's the best because you can't stop my knees are bent and my hands are out like this and you're just going and the Momentum is just going forward like this slower and slower And I get to the middle and I come to a stop and I'm standing there like you know when you do a wall sit I can picture you like right before you go to sit on the toilet You're just like this like and terrified hamstrings are just firing. Yeah, I'm doing this and you're not laughing That's the funniest part. You're serious. You're scared looking for her and I can't find her
Starting point is 00:41:52 I'm a grown man. I'm going a lot of a lot of a lot of Like a lost kid in the supermarket mom and she has to come out and get me and save me Like I think No, cuz I'm gonna be like this guy's sad This guy's just a sad man Once you're down it is hard cuz you have to like roll over on your hands and knees and then like try to put you Yeah, I just hate the dudes that are just fucking tearing it up
Starting point is 00:42:22 Sideways backwards this guy's killing it. I can skate pretty well. I just can't skate backwards that well I feel like less of a man that I can't ice skate when I'm out there I feel You're not good skiing. Where do you one of those kids that grew up skiing? Oh, I learned as an adult which was worse. Yeah, you're like gangly and long I just have to the ground side-to-side pizza french-fried pizza No pizza doesn't work when you're going down a hill that has ice Because then you just go down and pizza and your knees like
Starting point is 00:42:55 Okay, then Yeah, and twist up the wrong way. Yeah, you can't pizza what you're supposed to french-fried Pizza when you french fries, no, I mean you can't just french fries keep french fries all the way down and somehow survives Just just like a me. That's amazing. Yeah, I was over there like going side to side You guys join the scenery you guys went skiing. I wish I know it was slow I went skiing one time when I was younger. I hated when all the ski kids would come to school with all their ski tags on their jackets Oh, yeah, I always wondered what that was and then when I got one I was like I feel like the cool kids on my school. Hey, what's up? It's my Heli Hansen jacket with 11 fucking tags on it
Starting point is 00:43:34 Oh, dude, it's fucking me. I'm like, dude. They've got so many on this zipper They got it on the zipper on the pocket now. I'm like, dude, we get it your dad's successful That was like the original Coachella fucking bracelets. It was like the ski jacket tags. Oh my god. Oh my god That is so true. I hated those kids. I hated that. I'm so lucky. I want one of those tags I'm trying to go skiing. They'd be like, what did you do winter break? I was like, is that home? I want the Jones Beach Went to the movies All right, let's get to our sponsors before we go any further
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Starting point is 00:46:47 When they put on clinics and so you go in there Doors are open Anybody can come through sometimes. There's a thousand people in there sometimes five hundred people all vying for like it always switches up around like 20 25 28 girls make the squad and you go in there you get your number and Everybody learns the routine and if you don't pick up the choreography They teach you as quick as you would learn, you know, they don't like slow it down for everybody because a month later You're on the team. Yeah, and So, yeah, so you go in you wear
Starting point is 00:47:22 Your best outfit and I learned that that was a big Factor and why I think I didn't make it the first year Would you like you just didn't have like the right little my outfit. Yeah, my outfit would do not resemble a Cheer you envision me as a New England Patriot. You know, it was just like I didn't put much effort into it What was it? Just what pants flip-flops? No, it was Black jazz shoes Elvis Presley tap dance for your audition. What were you doing? Yes, you'd for tap shoes for a jazz. They're not cute
Starting point is 00:47:58 I'll tell you that much and they have and and you wear a like a go-go boot like a white healed boot on the field So these little jazz shoes are not Cute, so you went in there like Billy Elliot thinking you were gonna make the team kind of and they were like, dude No, the one was the mistake you made the next year. Would you wear that? I think I confidence issues there Okay, I didn't I didn't sell it. I didn't own it. I used to have those I was the choreography. I was having I don't remember exactly But I just got the boot up prelims got the boot up prelims my first year third year went all the way through In fact, I actually did my sit-down inner so you go through the prelims
Starting point is 00:48:35 You're there sometimes for like hours like the sun up the sundown situation, but that's a good thing I mean to keep advancing so you'll do like across-the-floor combination. They'll see your technique How can you kick your split leaps your rhythm your facial expressions your flexibility all that and then they'll teach you like I think two combinations to let you do a freestyle portion And then if you make it by the end of that you get a letter advancing because the next step is meeting the head coach Because if you become a Patriots cheerleader, it's not like you're just on the field dancing You're out in the community. You are representing the New England Patriots organization. You're at children's hospitals. You're working with veterinarians you're going to military bases you're
Starting point is 00:49:16 You do a lot of things and you're speaking on behalf of the cheerleaders and the organization and they want to make sure that you know the team you actually have to do a I think it's like a 100 question test or something I remember numbers and you have to pass it off with Bill Belichick gives you a hundred No, he procs later coach does. Oh, I thought he came out as I hear take this test. You have to know. Here's my pencil Every Super Bowl they played in the year the stadium the team they played. What was the score? Every team the AFC NFC at all 32 teams you need to know this is fucking fire The owner what year did he pick it up?
Starting point is 00:49:57 How many people I held in the stadium? What is what is a safety? What does defense do? What does offense do? Who are the those are the real? Well, no, but what is a touchdown? Yeah. Yeah, how many points is touchdown? Yeah, you know many dancers and cheerleaders are that don't know the game of football It's like that was a home run not at the Patriots, but also everything so a lot of the time And I'm thankful for that test that was I studied for that harder than I studied for my final for real And it was around the same time. I'll never forget and I just That was a side and I studied
Starting point is 00:50:35 Studied that so as I was asking the cheerleaders though like Who'd they play? Super Bowl you'd be surprised Besides like dudes are just trying to be dicks and just be like, oh, would you know how much is a field goal? Were you more scared of your cheer coach or coach Belchak? At that time at that particular moment and oh my cheer coach because I didn't work with Bill right I also was never scared of Bill. I love Bill. Yeah. Yeah. Whoa. I love Bill big old Billy I think Bill's great. I love me. He is great. He is great. We're big Bill guys. Yeah, I'm a big Bill girl
Starting point is 00:51:10 Yeah, and I mean I would go on record and say where we are big Bill girls, too. Yeah, I'm a big And he has Giants ties He does he won two Super Bowls with the New York Giants So we are we're a giant under Bill Parcells So giant bill girls and when he was he did a duck He did a 30 for 30 bill Parcells and he was in the Giants locker room I actually crying and I was like come back to us. Please Bill One more shot. Come on one more go one more go for the fun for fun bring Tom with when Tom goes down when he retires
Starting point is 00:51:42 48 years from now. That's it little DJ. Oh, thank you Jones actually Fun fact, I'm really good friends with his girlfriend Linda. Shout out Linda holiday and a girl friend Yeah, Bill's beautiful. She's so sweet and she does so much for for his foundation and she oh my gosh I don't even know how she does it all like I don't know how she does it all anyway. She is Amazing and she I sit in Bill's Sweet at the games and and then Linda will take me and the other her other friends and stuff We'll go down to the field and then we'll go back in Bill's office and all I would wait until Rob got out of a locker room And after every game again, big hug usually we were winning but when we were losing
Starting point is 00:52:26 I saw I think I still gave him a hug, but he's like a big teddy bear I mean, he's a businessman But like but I'm gonna hug that guy but like for to me and Linda He definitely loves Linda way differently, but he like I like couldn't wait to see Bill But you want to know why I love Bill so much because Bill is the same as my dad. Oh, really? Yes, and my dad even goes Bill reminds me of myself. Really? Yes, like just like Yes, very comes off very like very serious Just
Starting point is 00:53:04 Probably if it builds my dad he probably I would probably say I love you dad you go, okay? Yeah, like you know, and that's what my dad does. Yeah, I've been very vocal that my dad doesn't say he loves me a lot My dad doesn't say that actually my dad's so much better about it My dad says I love you now, and if I say it back he says Thank you But you would make it seem like I told my hate of them my whole life. No, but no because thank you I think a lot with dads is they don't realize in the moment how much it means to a kid to tell them that you love them So as you they get older, I think they realize that when they see them grow up
Starting point is 00:53:38 You know start careers, you know, they realize sometimes they come out of do you guys say? I love you every time you hang up the phone with your parents cuz I don't no no people do that though Frankie does that. No, I love you. Bye like I don't say I love you every time I hang up with my fiance No Frankie says hey, can you pick up toilet paper? Okay? I love you. Bye Frankie does that Frankie does that Fucking Frankie does that to his brother's and sister Wow as I love you see I don't tell my siblings. I love them Often he probably should you should eat around the holidays and I should leave here You should tell them I should they would go a long way. Trust me. I am does yeah, my brother does it. He's a sweet boy
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, yes. Yeah, he's a nice guy. Oh, yeah, I forgot you know my own family He's got it. He has a great belt. He had a great belt on that. I have a shot out for a guy I wore my Ferragamo belt just because he is so happy you pointed that out because I took him to the mall to get that He has never cared about designer labels, whatever But he knew if he was going to the Hamptons, he's gotta get something about saying the Hamptons You're going to the Hamptons. Yeah, he had to wear something. Yeah, that was different than the ordinary clothes He wore in Connecticut. Yeah, I'm gonna record It's a hot guy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:48 Tommy's cute. Tommy's gonna do he's got he's got long luscious hair. Yeah I think pulled back into a fucking ponytail Jesus. I was I was so happy that he liked me for some oh He loves you guys. He sends me your videos all the time. I was like he likes me. Oh, thank God the same belt He was like this 16 year old boy loves me. Were you wearing it then? Yeah, that's right. Holds down. We were Ferragamo boys Rolly too He doesn't have that yet. He's always boost. I'll get one. He'll be all right. Wait. Wait. It's a waste of money now Be fine He doesn't need it. How old? Oh, yeah, how old is it 22? Oh, thank God. He was a hot guy. Yeah, I thought he was younger
Starting point is 00:55:29 You went to 16. I got a little nervous. You know when anyone knocking on my door or anything So we haven't exchanged any text around. Yeah, never This is sweetheart. No, they're dolls. Yes. Great. It's a nice nice wholesome family And the other question is is how many times is Bill called Rob this week? Oh gosh What are you doing bud? What's going on so young fox you want to drop by for a couple weeks? I can't talk about that That's so funny. But um How's he enjoying retirement? He's crushing it. Yeah, he really is. Yeah, he's crushing it. Am I crazy or did he lose mad weight?
Starting point is 00:56:05 No, he did he lost like I think like 20 25 pounds. Yeah, cuz I'm like, yo, this dude looks but if that dude was standing in this room Like mass he is so oh, yeah, big boy. Yeah Big bill guy And um, no, but he's he's people think he's so Like he's stronger. If that makes any sense. Yeah, he's probably like his bones don't hurt nothing hurts him anymore He's he does yoga now. Oh, he's pliable flexible. Nice. Yeah, he'll try out for the team then I mean, did you see him be a Lakers dancer? I did see that He's kicks pretty high, but they could you know, I could always use work
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yes, I'm gonna talk about this Lizzo at the Laker game at all. I mean, what are we gonna talk about Lizzo? Yeah, Lizzo, she had her whole cheeks out at the game. When you didn't see this. I'm a big Lizzo fan and I did not see this She went up in this video. Yeah, she went see I haven't I've been running around the city this week. I'm behind I'm hot. You're missing out on so Lizzo went to the Lakers game courtside What's she wear? No, it was it was like a it was like it looked like a gown in the front and in the back There was just a hole cut out for her ass She is the definite. She is the definition for like, you know how there's girls who are like, I don't care what other people think No, she does that is real. I don't give up. You're at the Laker game with those cheeks out
Starting point is 00:57:26 I want to see major cheeks. Oh, you got your phone Lizzo Lakers game. Just put a Lizzo if you type in Lizzo It's gonna come up. Yeah, it's gonna be butt out the Laker post a photo on Instagram I don't she got on like go on like Safari right now. Oh, there she goes. Lizzo. What is it at Lakers game? Yeah You know, you haven't I can't believe you haven't seen this it's been everywhere people are some people are disgusted Images Yeah, see it's it's more breathtaking than you thought. Yeah, exactly. It's out there. Yeah, major major butt. There's major butt Yeah, but in the back surprise big ol butt big ol Lizzo cheeks big ol Lizzo stuff And make no mistake. She's got stuff. She's just dancing
Starting point is 00:58:20 She twerks a little bit and then they cut from the camera because they realize her whole butt is out. Yeah She's cheeked up double cheeked up at the Lakers game, so it's Double cheeked court side cheeks. So that looks like it was custom made for her Yeah, of course, it looks like they cut the holes out before they got there Yeah, this is reminding me of the Cardi B song that goes something like this press press press press press Cardi don't need no press. That is just straight up press. I mean, I mean, I just know It's a big not that she needs it anymore, but she now she was she's entertainer of the year She's all the record. I just saw was announced the other day. Oh nice
Starting point is 00:58:58 Now shit she does with the flute well year like a year ago. I mean her you never saw what you never saw the flu She plays the flute what like a savage. Oh, yeah, she flutes. Yeah Bit I used to think I was like, yeah, whoever this girl is is dope and then she blew up I never told I used to think it was like loserville to tell people that I played the flute in the band ever since Liz will play the flu. I was like and by the way, I played the flute Yo, she plays the front row played the flute in the band. I'm a I like yeah You would you would appreciate it because you have a good appreciation for music and talent like that You have to watch it after that. I mean, I gotta see this flute. She goes off. Yo, but like where is it like?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah, it's an award show And then she yells bitch like yeah, this girl's fire like like Van Halen eruption. Yes That's basically what it was like. That's basically what it was like, but on the flute I had no idea she flutes that kind of changes things not only that No, but shit this the song the songs that she have had whoa that she has the song that she has out There was there's a couple of them, but they're both like Bangers the radio is killing them though. They're playing them every five seconds Truth hurts truth hers is one of them and then there was another one that I forget the name of
Starting point is 01:00:15 Not the water man, that's truth hurts right what water man great till he got it That's it. I don't know whatever, but she has these songs out. I'm pretty good Which one is that that's that one Yeah Yes, yes, yeah, she got hit I saw it on a commercial I saw it on a commercial and I was like And then I looked it up and then like when I knew that song like I didn't know who the fuck Lizzo was But I knew like of that song because it was on a commercial and then she came out with truth
Starting point is 01:00:49 Hers and I was like damn this is for real and then she's out here with her cheeks out playing the flute Oh, and did you guys see her at the last award show with her baby purse? Yes, that was cool She's their good her team is good. Yes. Yeah. I mean, you know whose team is bad I don't think those are all her ideas fucking Jarrell leto bringing his own head to a work show Yeah, be be more obvious. You've had a head Just a head was this out like the Met Gowler. I don't I don't know it was one of those, you know shows But he had a head that looked like him and it was cut was it the Met? I don't know probably it wasn't this year's met though this year's met had nothing to do with your own head into the Met Gala
Starting point is 01:01:25 Have I? Yeah I want to wear something. How about this? I want to be dressed as a chandelier. How about instead of person? No, no Yes, well, yes, but models but the models are talking. I'm gonna look into this camera. No, how about oopsies How about you? Pursue instead of pursuing not you could still pursue modeling But on the side and start pursuing being a designer I will because then the designer walks the Met with the person they dress. Well, you don't know how I'm a fresh individual You have to get the invite and a winter dress Camille
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, and then be a designer and be like make her look like a chandelier Yes, you know or like a big piece of like a ribeye steak or something. No Wow, how do you depend it depends on? But then we could walk together and you and we do our couple pictures and then you just like let me You'll hold your train. Is that what's called? Yeah, the train. He'll hold the train. I'll hold the shit out of that Yeah, he's he's held many trains. Honestly, you've got to start somewhere with we just put out into the universe Let's see how it manifests We're gonna be at the Met Gala next year if not the year after and we're taking photos in the bathroom
Starting point is 01:02:33 Yes, big time. We might run in a Katy Perry in jail. That's fine. It's perfectly fine If I ever ran into jail, they're gonna run into us, sweetie It was the two of them that ran into each other in the bathroom, right? Yes during the alpha change change to a hamburger Yes, wait, what the hell are we talking about the Met Gala, sweetie? I know but Wait, what is it with the J with the J Lo and you there's no pictures allowed in the Met Gala once you get inside apparently But in the bathroom you could snap off. So they were taking pictures in there. They were some fucking Power teams in there taking pictures. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like everyone was in there and there's like a video of Someone coming in. Yeah, and Katie was switching her outfits. I think J Lo was in there and there's a video of it
Starting point is 01:03:13 So when we go next year, we'll send you back some stuff. Yeah It's honestly my dream to go to the Met Gala It's one of them. It's one of my I love fashion. I'm really liking the model man, Danny This is this has been Danny. I've always loved fashion like I we have so much in common now. Yeah, of course No, but you know that it's not Your outfits are true. This is not a persona. Danny Danny puts puts himself together. I know I love fashion And I love though. I love everything about it. It's amazing You know what you know what you remind me of every time I see a lot of like the videos
Starting point is 01:03:51 You remind me that I want to go to Kithmore. I got you Got the hook up a kid, which do you I get 50% off everything I go. Are you for real everything? I go up and ask him. Can we go together? I got you discounted. Come on, man I want to go to Kith with you. Oh, we'll kill it in there. I'm telling you Do we have work we're going to And this will be perfect you could start to get an idea of my style You're good. I got you know, but you're I'm talking something else like you'll get an idea of my style That's right. You could start styling me. I can see how you're doing cuz you're gonna be my designer see with you
Starting point is 01:04:28 It's like wow, this is great. I think I think How often are you in New York? Pretty often. So you need to the street stylist got to come together. You know what I'm saying So that's why I like Kith is a great street brand. It's not like Insanely it's big. It's big. I did go to the Kiff Versace. Dude. It's pretty you did. Yeah. Oh cuz you know Remember when you guys both went and remember how bad I wanted to go. Oh, you were going to go. Yeah, I wanted him to come I wanted to go Donatella Versace said I looked awesome
Starting point is 01:05:03 My face Danny. This is one of those times you guys joke all the time. I can't This is a serious one. This is a real thing. We haven't lied this whole time I haven't said one lie to you. So when Kiff well Versace did the collab. What did you wear? I wore Versace robe Versace robe, but I opened it up to make it look like a long coat And I wore Sunglasses Versace shades the biggie smalls Versace sunglasses that they did a re-release So if you watch the hypnotized video, that's what biggie's wearing and then I had a kiff beanie on That said kiff on it. Oh, so you really did the collab on yourself. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:05:38 He's glad we didn't just watch show. He looks like a mannequin. Wow that and Donatella walked in a little late I love that because it was a robe, but I made it look like a long jacket She was yeah, and then Fabulous was there and I tried to talk to him. He didn't say anything to me. I Was like yeah fab You know, what's that song that they had that? Who's they I'm gonna tell you if you really want to get down with kiff I can I could probably get you on the client list there. I Don't know what that means, but that means you get stuff before they come out
Starting point is 01:06:14 Yeah Like his friend DeVino Hit me up for like Mickey Mouse. Did you get on that? Yeah, I got him that but the guy said the guy sent me the wrong thing Bastards, yeah, he sent me the jacket instead of the hoodie So I see they're shooting them like a winter campaign right now and they're ski gear It makes me just want to ski and swim board or just look like I do just get a tag and then they did it Yeah, I liked I Didn't hate the Versace kiff collab. It just I don't think it was very good though. There was one there was one
Starting point is 01:06:44 No, the shorts were fire the basketball shorts that LeBron was playing in those are fire fire, but they were like five grand I was like dude. I'm good. I when you went and when you went you're like, yo, there's these and I was like Oh, dude, how much are they? I want to get I was like 5g. I was wondering. I was like, yo They what are they $600 or something? I was like, you know, I'll fucking do it. Whatever. I was well five thousand fuck Dude, I was willing to spend like two or three grand. I wasn't worried about that, but then I was like, yeah I was like for basketball shorts. I was like these are tough Then they did Then they did they did a collab with carbone to yeah the carbone collab the carbone collab is fire
Starting point is 01:07:22 Yeah, it's a good song, but yeah, I'll get an idea for your street style We'll build you from the ground up. We'll take care of this and then we'll get you back into the flute Yeah, and then we'll get you back into the we gotta have you more angles, you know what I mean? You gotta have more things. We're gonna get you back in the float. Yeah, so good idea. Yeah, get back into the float Wait, so how do you see me? Oh through his Instagram? I was like, you know, you don't follow me, but you just like steal my style No, you want to know what I was one of those people that I don't like when they do it to me I just didn't realize I was doing it to you like they check your page
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, but they didn't hit the follow button It was it was like after after the Hamptons. I was like we're friends now and then no, so I threw a follow on there and Sydney What's up, Sid's? Did you unfollow she followed me and I unfollowed you Oh We're learning a lot Things are cooking up things are cooking up here. I could be a petty bitch sometimes. Okay. This is gonna sound Super stupid coming out of my mouth. I already regret saying it
Starting point is 01:08:20 When you have Hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram you don't see you don't see that alert anymore. Oh, I don't see it, but I know it Wait, what? Because what happened was you were checking you were checking. I was checking Danny was checking I'm a checker. You're trying to check. I'm checking. Listen. We're Titans of the industry. Well, here's a beautiful thing I didn't know that you followed and unfollowed me because I would have brought that up here I would have been really salty You want to talk to the microphone? I know you want to stay back there. I would have been really salty But what I will say is I
Starting point is 01:08:51 Followed Danny right now and he doesn't follow me. That's a fact. That's a fact of my phone is in the other room I'm gonna unfollow him. Oh do it Do it No, sing a boy do it Guess we're not going to kids you pay full price Oh cool good luck paying a hundred percent of the price Yeah, you were definitely one of the worst like little kids were like, oh fine. Let me get back my fucking action figures That was terrible. I'll be like, yeah, give my Pokemon back. Give me back that for all of them fine
Starting point is 01:09:24 That's fine with me. Just getting back to for all of Oh You're an Indian griever. Oh, that's kind of racist. I met her entire family. I was I was in there I left my medication there We held on to it safely. You know what I mean? I forgot about it I felt safe enough to leave my my my lexpro and my good metformin with these people. That's another thing That was thank God that you guys had that because my third or fourth time talking about this. I Also didn't believe you were serious when you at when you told me that what what they had
Starting point is 01:09:53 Diabetes or depression or whatever and he left his medicine Bag we think I was planting a bomb in there. No, I didn't know there was a bag right there the same bags right there Yeah, you know, I know but you like yo also. Why was there no service there? Yeah No, no, we're well, that's well, that's what it is Montauk is literally in the middle of the water I didn't know I get 14 fairies to get there But we're surrounded by like first of all place was insanely hot. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of fire Everywhere flames flamey place very flamey. I remember Nick like sweating. Oh, yeah. Oh, I was Great sense of humor. He was sweating through that shirt though. He was really his impressions. Oh
Starting point is 01:10:37 Like nothing I've ever seen you will see Yeah, I Be like yeah, I love that. That's exactly what Jay-Z sounds That was more like Snoopy like that was like any good impressions. Yeah, I Can do Rob That's here. I can do his laugh. I want to hear it. I don't like know it It's really hard if I heard it then I'd be like, okay. He has a couple of oh, but the reason I it's really easy to do You can do it too. So try it after me
Starting point is 01:11:20 We're kidding but I remember when we first started dating I literally said to myself Can you stop doing that fake laugh? Like, you know, that makes me more encouraged by writing You just not laughing. He was like what he literally goes Like like a cheat a cheat and that's and whenever I say something to him like that's comical he raised back He's staying true to his actual laugh. Yeah, man In all of his brothers and his dad do it they all he he And I'm always like y'all are just fake laughing at me like but it's for real dude What does that sound like in unison a bunch of he he's it must be like a little scary?
Starting point is 01:11:59 It is you feel like they're making fun of you such a small laugh out of a giant family I'm happy that he's feeling healthy though now. That's a tough game to be playing. Yeah I mean, I don't know from experience, but I'm just saying it's good for him. I'm happy. They're feeling good I mean, what are we without our health it? It's a it's big. I also like that He's also like a common added from a mental health standpoint, too Like in terms of like he wants people to just be better overall. Oh completely, you know, yep That's cool that you took that took it took that away from that's what I take away most from it I'm like, dude, like yeah, like dude, you're already a physical. We are big in a journaling writing things
Starting point is 01:12:37 Affirmations I had to do all that What was it 2018 big old nervous breakdown. Oh, yeah, huge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was great. I had a nervous breakdown I watched it in real time. Yeah, he did it was it was pretty tough and And he started writing things down. Yeah, no, I'm writing everything writing So I started journaling and like figuring all that out So that's what I take more most from what he's doing right now like the like CBD I know that's that's business and doing that and all that and Getting his health better because he played a tough position. He was huge and got hit all the time
Starting point is 01:13:09 But his mental health. He looks happy. Yes. So that's what it looks. That's what I've never seen him unhappy Yeah, but you happy when you're banged up and you could barely walk. I saw that side, you know, I can attest to that Yes, the answer is yes, you got a hundred people asking you're gonna play and then a couple years ago He was gonna retire and people put in pressure on him to come back and you know what I hated the most The most was and I never got into this crap and you guys definitely probably do it Fantasy football. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, freaking hate it. You might play each other in championship. Yeah So it's not that I hate fantasy football I hate the people that would like Rob would be out with an injury and people come up to me be like
Starting point is 01:13:55 Screw him. I lost money. I lost fantasy points over and I'm like, he's hurt. Yeah I would never say Imaginary points. Yeah. Yeah, all you fantasy assholes Probably hate me right now, but let me tell you I am so Excited and then even after retirement. It was like for my fantasy team. I need to know and like, you know I'm gonna give you insider information. I don't even know you like all the people in my DM I will say I will say I did stash robber early in the year. I did Just what he said, so I was like, maybe I would need like
Starting point is 01:14:36 Four to six weeks And then you know, but no, but all jokes aside, he just looks like mentally he's just in a good spot So good for him. Totally, you know, I'm sure you're a big part of that big part of big part of that big part of that big part of that big part of that big part of that In terms of like TV though, like how else is he spending this time though yoga? Yeah, um, we do we do a lot of like self-care in the sense of like we do bath Bath tubs with like a lot of like the epsom salts and the magnesium tubs and we do a lot of
Starting point is 01:15:13 Sonnas cryotherapy. We do we work out a lot together. Um, oh, I want to do cryo so bad. Have you ever done it? No, it's awesome. We got to do that for Santa Claus Studios. Oh, it's cold I'll do it. I'll get I'll get freezing step right in there and freeze everything on this with the right footwear I don't want to be Antonio Brown. Oh, they give you slippers. They give you everything. Nice. Yeah But I think you guys should do the one where they close you in there There's ones that like your head comes out. I'm like, that's do the whole no whole shit in there. Yeah, I'll do it Yeah, freeze me up. I want to do you know what I want to do those sensory deprivation tanks and you just float You know the float tanks. Yeah, I don't know all the big
Starting point is 01:15:51 It's just a float tank. Well, no, it's a sensory deprivation It's like I hate it, but I love it. There's no sound. There's no nothing Cryo therapy there you already call a cryo, so that's okay. How's like cryo tip some fit I said I said freezing cold tip How long is that I'm doing you know, I think it's three minutes max Have you ever gone the full three minutes? Yes the first time Something like that. Oh wow girls go in. Do you have to wear underwear or you go nakes? I Go naked. Yeah, freeze it all up me too. Yeah, I go nakes you never want to go
Starting point is 01:16:36 Wedding like if you just go to the gym, and then you're like, I want to recover and do cryo Oh, no, no shower dry up because if you go in there with like like moisture wetty boxers, like you're they're gonna Yeah, yeah, no sweatiness, so you wait so guys try to be dry what guys going naked to you gotta protect your junk Oh my god. Yeah Yeah, worry about you can worry boxers and girls and girls were Actually, I can't remember if I were like a thong or if I go naked. I mean, what's the difference? I think I wore thong I don't know I'm still of the there's no way a thong could be comfortable I 100% were thong now that I think about it because someone walked me into the tank and I like dropped
Starting point is 01:17:17 My robe and then I go in. Yeah, I didn't know top though Thongs comfortable though. I'm sorry. No, I can't get into them anything in your butt cracks not comfortable I tried back in 2015 anymore Just cuz from I like I had to question if I was wearing underwear right now cuz they just you just don't know what's there Yeah, I feel like I definitely feel that Dude if it just like a small inkling of wind touches my butt Yeah, I'm aware of that something's there. I don't like it. Yeah, I don't know I can't imagine wearing like shorts under my pants. It's not shorts. We it's just a whole like tight
Starting point is 01:17:56 It's like a girl like a like booty shorts or shorts If I had booty shorts on underneath it like I'd be hot right now. Oh, it's hot. It's definitely hot No, but I got the Calvin Klein's with like oh, they're breathing. They're breathing. I only wear Calvin Klein underwear It's breezy. Yeah, he's lying, but it's fine You want to know the other day you had them on you had some American flag Are you ready for this I believe that I've got a trade-off with you. Yeah, I can get you discount on Calvin Klein. Oh Let's talk. Let's talk. First of all, I mean mine's a little more expensive I'm also gonna be in these talks because I need some fresh ends. Okay
Starting point is 01:18:35 What I mean Be conversation right here with I'm just saying I let me get it first and I'll pass it down. No, no I'm sure those will fit me. No, but that's Talk what it I'm with it Should we get these questions? Oh, yeah, let's get to these questions. I'm so hungry right now Do you guys have like pizza or something? Yeah, we just have pizza on hand. We knew you were coming
Starting point is 01:19:03 I brought you marshmallows. That's true. You brought a shit Yeah, you brought us insulate insulation I almost didn't give them to you. Okay, that looked like my old bathroom before I was on this party city snow Oh, yeah, it's so nice to come like that or you did that. It came like that. I just can't like that Are you serious? Yeah, like it was like pretty new the way that it was like made That's nice. Okay. You ready? I don't know. I'm scared. Yeah. Do you want to go first on me? Oh, okay All right, if you lie during these we have to beat you up Or you have to give us your wallet one of the other yeah
Starting point is 01:19:41 And by your wallet, we mean your social and everything else that comes along with that My god, my heart's racing and also like Hannah Jeter's like number. Yeah. Yeah. Are you guys friends? Yes? Actually, I will she's gonna come today. She was she was No, she actually Once to know the next time Rob and I will be in Miami to do a double date Which I think will be really cool because I actually grew up. I've been a fan of Hannah She's actually from St. Thomas from the Virgin Islands as well So we kind of bonded over that a couple years ago, and then I I mean I grew I'm a Yankee fan
Starting point is 01:20:18 So yeah me and me and Danny would love to join you guys and make it like a triple day six people thing It's amazing. I mean that would be really fun. Yeah, we would pretend we'd be a great fake couple because we basically are one now We would sell I think we're closer than them all of them. I Think yeah for sure. Yeah, they're married with children, but we have more we'll make a children I can get a child right now. We can make a children. Okay, that makes I'll Amazon I am is on prime a child if you if you if the kids is the thing I could get a kid here Is Amazon Prime now not the best thing ever created if they don't have kids. I have never ordered up. What I know postmates I use postmates. Yes fucking abuse postman
Starting point is 01:20:57 My postmates here because I can't sit in that car ride all the back to him Alright, so where do you live don't give us an address, but like where do you live mostly now? More so Massachusetts lately more so Massachusetts get I got it All right, the sheets that are currently on your bed at your main stay home. Yep. How long have they been there? What do you mean? Well, I just washed the same sheets. They're like a Jersey she's right, but like how long was the last time you watched Don't dance around five days ago. What? Yeah, wait, how often do you change these things very often? God, I share a bed with Rob. So he like it's like sweating
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you change him you change him. Yes. All right, some people don't do that No, it is very important pillowcases, but you need to be washing those They can get smelling your head sweats and the oils and stuff. Yeah, it's gross the oils. Yeah, your face. Oh, yeah Yeah, those oils. I was like what oil are we wearing in bed here? Okay, next question here we go. No one's been able to do this so you could be the first one. Oh, I'm excited. Yeah, I doubt it Name five kid rock songs What oh god, yeah, um Like I just had dinner with them. Oh my gosh. What's the one like you would sing around a campfire?
Starting point is 01:22:17 Can't even think of it right now. Can't think of one. No, I like know it But it's like give us one kid rock song. No, if you give us two. Yeah, this is I know the one you're thinking of Oh my gosh Oh It was a re can I give her a clue? Yeah, it was a remake of an old song. That was huge. That is very famous No, I know by Leonard Skinner, but like if I what if I give you like a little bit of a head All right Oh
Starting point is 01:22:46 Yeah I'll even give you the song the song is sweet home Alabama That was by Leonard Skinner and he remade it and now people sing it around a campfire when they're drinking Yeah, can't even think of all right, so I'll give you some I'll give you some lyrics. Okay. We were trying funny blank We were funny things. We were smoking Favorite song another hip and whiskey at the bottom I think about my singing sweet home Alabama all summer long What is the song called? She doesn't get it she doesn't get it I
Starting point is 01:23:23 Have her god the song is called all summer long All summer long see All right, so you got and then I have another one in my head. Okay good Is this one of his songs, it's like I don't even know the words but I can hear like the the sound of the song There's a who in the wind Instrument like whistles I'll give you one. I'll give you one lyric. Do you know the song I'm talking about? I think I know she's like wow. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Okay. All right. It's there's one lyric say it like kid rock though
Starting point is 01:24:06 No, no, I'm gonna say it as a like a thespian Get in the pit and try to love someone That's nothing for me. Okay, so here's another one. Here's another one. My name is kid It's kid baby kid. I can like you're rapping like my name and kid rock, but it's not the song I don't think we're thinking the same song. No, I think so. I don't I think what you're thinking about is the song cowboy Is that a kid rock song? That's exactly what I'm thinking and then like that's what she's talking about. That's the whistle song Yeah, yeah, I'm thinking the whistle. Are we counting the whistle? We're not counting either of these. We gave both of them to you
Starting point is 01:24:46 I think my favorite kid rock song is the one with Cheryl Crowe though pictures is a great song I'll put your picture away Kid rock's in that song? Yeah, I can't look at you Long time I went to drink you That's a great that was a great way your lips curled under yeah to get that voice Yeah, yeah, okay, so you're out on that you can't do it. No, here's the thing though. It's fine. Dang it. No one
Starting point is 01:25:29 Can you? No, I think I got four. It's not about us. Uh, here we go Never been what's something you have to do every day not something that's like go to the bathroom or brush your teeth Okay, a little off the beaten path here. Yeah, I know something I have to do every day. Yeah, no poopoo. Oh, I People who does not count doesn't I count here I put my feet up on the the wall every morning for four minutes before I get out of bed You time it? Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:55 Sometimes it goes longer if I'm like checking like Put your feet up like if I were to lay on this couch I would put my back down put my butt all the way up to the back like a 90 degree angle exactly It just really cleanses the cells since it's opposite of gravity. It just kind of Wait, did you think about the last time you put your feet up on the wall? I've put up. I put my feet up all the time. Do you yeah? Yeah, I love putting my feet up No, no, I like being upside down I lay on the floor all the time, too No, no, you do ask him I lay on the floor
Starting point is 01:26:25 I'd rather lay on the floor than a couch. We actually lay butt-to-butt and our legs go straight up so it's kind of like a Like a tie-down tee. That's a lie a capital T But I lay on the floor all the time. Yeah, but he doesn't have his feet up and I have to listen music while I get ready It's like the because I'm not a morning person Gotcha, awesome. I start to sing and dance. I think we should add one new question. Okay good We always talk about it What's the screen time on your phone right now? Oh, how do I know?
Starting point is 01:26:57 I'm gonna get my phone too. We're all gonna compare screen time. Okay, cool I'm gonna change that question because the next one I am like, okay, so I'm gonna I'm gonna hex this I go to do I is it like a setting in my phone or on Instagram? No, it's on your phone Jesus, what's going on here? Let me here go to your settings. I don't even know how to do it. I forget Oh, yeah, dude go to settings and then there's screen time. Oh Here's the problem. I have the iPhone 8s Without updating it and that is not a thing. Why? Why?
Starting point is 01:27:30 I've got general brightness wallpaper sounds Siri. She doesn't have it She has fucking iOS one. I hate updates because I lost everything my phone one time. You say everything Yeah, she said everything. I didn't mean to say it like that. That was weird to me She I lost Yeah, so if you if you go to your time Go to your screen time How here's not I'm talking to him. My daily average is 11 hours. What? What's your day today? What's your day today?
Starting point is 01:28:03 My day so far today. That's not it. Go to see all activity Three hours 56 minutes. I have two hours and seven minutes. I spent four hours Screen time icon looks like it just says screen time. How did you get to that? So it's right in settings right here. I guarantee you you have screen time. No, she doesn't iOS 4 I Go to search and just type in screen time Upload your update your phone right now. It takes two hours We'll do it right now. I type in screen. It says reset home screen layout. Yeah, your phone is just I don't even know why you have a phone
Starting point is 01:28:32 And you can schedule downtime like when you Your phone will be like, you know, chill like put your phone down Yeah, yeah, all right next question What animal best describes you? Mmm and not your favorite animal. I know yeah, I know it's gotta describe you everyone's gonna be like tiger like Come on. We all got it. No one's a golden retriever a golden retriever Me too because there's like happy and they're just like do you shed a lot? No, it just has to do with like I feel like my personality. I always say like whenever I see a golden retriever
Starting point is 01:29:04 I'm like, that's my daughter. That's my son or like that's my like sibling Like I feel like that was like in a past life. I was one of them. Yeah, my dog is my child That is my son. You're one of those people. And if anyone ever tries in your bio is no, he doesn't have his own Instagram Thank God, you know when they do it like dog mom Yeah, Cooper's Cooper's son is like that Or Cooper's mom. Oh People do that with their children though. They'll be like their new Instagram handles like Tyler's mom. I'm like, okay Does your mom have an Instagram? Yeah, does it say like it just says mom says, yeah, mom's an ago
Starting point is 01:29:38 Okay, it doesn't really have a body. I do know mom's who are like mother of Joe Danny and Whoever yeah Yeah, Sam a sample or sample I said example Exactly, I'll tell you what I would love us. You say eggs, right? Eggs No, you do that X in there hard Exactly I go eggs
Starting point is 01:30:08 Say pajamas. Yeah, say pajamas. Oh, you don't say pajamas. Oh, do you say drawers or? I say I say drawers drawers. You add another or in there. Someone says draws. Who's that? Yes, you try dad says kindergarten instead of kindergarten man, that's crazy your dad is so wrong I know kindergarten. We all make fun of him for it. Candy garden. Candy garden. I like you garden though This is a big yeah Pirates of the Caribbean or Pirates of the Caribbean. It's Caribbean, but it's it is the Caribbean It's the Caribbean. All right. It's the Caribbean. We all Yeah, I thought you were you were stopping the press
Starting point is 01:30:52 That's that was probably your favorite cheer that was a good cheer also, how much does your haircut cost? Just making these up It's right. I've been what if it wasn't how much you think okay haircut cuz All that shit give it to me. Yeah, if you were going there like I'm changing $400. Holy shithole. Mine cost like 80 I mean if you're in LA it's like Yeah, cuz you're in a fancy land hundo a hundred boys haircuts are $25. Yeah, there's yeah That's if you go like supercuts and like get like a John Cena. Oh, but you guys like to have like the fade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Just how often do you guys get haircuts every two weeks?
Starting point is 01:31:31 Yeah, I'm around I know people who get it done every week. Yeah, so do I and it's like my hair doesn't four hours I'm serious. Oh really? Yeah, he gets haircuts like every four to six hours Do you imagine getting haircuts twice and he only drinks apple tea apples wine spritzers. Oh, man. He sounds like a great dude. Yeah Jesus every four hours. What happens to your hair in that time? He has a guy that's with them all the time just cutting his hair That's great. Um, is this your question or my question? Um, rate yourself from one to ten And eight Wait, you're not gonna throw decimals on this. Oh, yeah, okay, Dave. Yeah, um, I Would say I'm an 8.2 because choose my lucky number and that number's just going there, but I've got I've got more I've got
Starting point is 01:32:20 Are you proud of where I've gotten to now there's I've been on a big journey from like 21 to 27 got there a lot of shit Yeah, a lot of self-awareness a lot of self-love So that's some stuff. I doubt myself Trending upwards you're trying to upwards or downwards. Oh going upwards. Good. Okay. Good So you feel like one day you could reach like it like a higher eight. Oh very much so, okay We're gonna reach my highest. Where do you see yourself? Hopping out. Yeah, where's like you're hot? Yeah, what do you mean like a year? No, no, no, like what number like you're like, all right, I'm never gonna be a 9-7
Starting point is 01:32:54 Or like I don't know like you're 8.2 right now. Oh, there's always gonna be improvements. I don't know I think like I think I think my top number would be 9.2 then Like it. Okay. I like it. I just I got I'm glad you weren't in the 7th because everyone says 7 and it's just No Also seven's not is seven average I thought well five is the add seven to me just feels very flat Seven you barely past five feels seven is someone being like I'm an eight But I'm not gonna say eight because seven is like a C like you're a C student Yeah, we're not there's no C students cuz that's like you want to know why I'm associating that with average cuz seven 70s
Starting point is 01:33:33 Like I got a 70. That's a C. You got a 65. It's an F kind of or or D Cuz here's the problem if you get a 50% Which would be the five in the in the one you can get a 1% if you get a 50% you're failing Yeah, 10% you're you might as well just be it might as well be a zero. Yeah, it's true Yeah, now you're just not 70s a C to me seven is a C. Yeah, you're not you're not trying it in a I'm gonna be plus Okay, yeah, this fucking I love that. Yeah, that's confidence and self-awareness Package together. So what was it? Good number that's a great number
Starting point is 01:34:07 No, we never tell our numbers. Okay. This is about me. Actually, we've said our numbers before so we have yeah, yeah Yeah, I've actually forgot we had yeah And we're also we vary based on where we are so if we're on the West Coast There's it's a different number our numbers are drastically lower in the West Coast Oh, cuz he first in New York. Yeah, well, just like I just feel like people are just hotter in certain places of the world Like I would just not fit in like I could be in New York Say, I'm not saying this but I could be like a New York eight, right? But I'm like a Miami four point five. Yeah, which means he's in LA one point seven. So that's where it's
Starting point is 01:34:43 Geographical. Yeah, so we have we have different scores, but you know if you want to take the average like I know my average But I'm not gonna say because you know we're a chamber secret Yeah, I put it there next question. Do you have any tattoos zero? She's afraid Never right fucks the business out I just get bored easily Yeah, I'd be like I want this guy. Yeah sick of looking at this not if you get a tattoo of a golden retriever Would be sick of it Okay, I used to
Starting point is 01:35:21 Okay, next question what game show would you be best would you have the best chance on? I Can you throw some at me will afford Family did you hear just say the same things at the same time? Yes, you did you guys are so happy by the fashion family Do you trust your family double dare? I just trust my mom really my mom's so quick So you and your mom fast money for sure. Oh for sure. Okay The newlywed game who wants to be a millionaire who wants to be a millionaire. No Deal or no deal legend of the hidden temple deal or no deal. Oh, that's like
Starting point is 01:35:57 Legend of the hidden temple you didn't watch that Yeah, purple Silver snakes purple. What happened to you. Oh, wait speaking of pyramid Rob. Did a pyramid game with Julian? Yeah, pyramids great. Yeah, Michael straight. I would crush pyramid. Yeah, is it just called pyramid or like hundred pyramid or something Yeah, thousand Gameworks, um, I would be good And that's who it was. Are you good at like catchphrase because that's what like pyramid is right? Yes. Yeah I'm really good at like
Starting point is 01:36:29 Like the game heads up. I'm really good at like telling people clues. That's like that's that's what exactly that's pyramid I'd be really good at that. Okay, and who would you choose to be the other person? Yeah I'm nasty. I know You're good at your good. You're good. You're good. My cousin's tried to disrespect me on Thanksgiving And I was like, yo, I forgot who I was with I was me and Pete versus my cousin Mike and someone I forgot who it was we should play game ahead after this Oh and Vin it was Vin and and my cousin Mike and me and Pete and we beat them literally like 55 to 20 I was like get the fuck out of here. I actually hate when I have people that are bad at giving the clues
Starting point is 01:37:08 So I was like we could have gotten so many more points if I just read all the clues. Have you ever played a taboo? Yes, I just played that for Thanksgiving with my family and like my dad couldn't even read the clues He was just reading all the words that you're not supposed to say The word was Disney World and he's like it's an amusement park. It's almost like yeah. Yeah, he was like it has rides They're like, oh my god. Yeah, it's a great fucking game. I love it too. Yeah, it's good game. Are you gonna play banana grams? The fuck is that? Oh, I knew you guys banana grams are great. It comes a little think tiles coming a little banana put the words Yeah Never play banana. I'm a big game dude. By the way board games. I'm signed me the fuck up for anything
Starting point is 01:37:46 Crush life. Are you good at life? I've actually never played life in my life Also risk I'm good dude. I'm good. It's like yeah, I'm gonna take the Ukraine now It's like get the fuck out of here. I play chess now though. That game is hard shit I like chess. What's your least favorite feature about yourself? Hmm. We're getting deep Are you skipped one? Fuck That one I would have been able to answer I probably would have given you a laundry list of things a couple years ago But now you could say nothing. Yeah, you can say a lot of things
Starting point is 01:38:21 There's definitely things that I'm working on loving more about my body but one in particular For the sake of the question I want to uh, I Don't know. I honestly don't know. All right, that's fine. Let's go with nothing. Let's go with nothing That could be nothing. That was I have been a lot more. I feel like I'm almost like lying to myself I sang it because I'd be like saying it to say it. Yeah, don't just say it. I'm actually pretty cool with it now Just one of just one up to an 8.5
Starting point is 01:38:50 Confidence is uh, um Do you think your personality is better than your looks? Yes, okay It's a great personality. It's a great person. All right, here we go. Uh last question Are you happy today? Yes That you want to know what that is I am so happy you just asked that question. I do come up with that question That's a fucking lie. No, that's my question. No, it's not. That is such a good question
Starting point is 01:39:16 It's the last question though It is it is because you never know what someone's gonna say on the other end, but you but but it causes you to quickly assess yourself Yes, it's an introspective question I woke up this morning and I said today is going to out loud while I was peeing today. That's tmi, but yeah No reason to say that Just It's a pee pee epiphany. It's fine. Yeah, it's a pee pee. Yeah, there's an extra pee in that one I was setting my intentions for the day right and that was the first thing I did I woke up
Starting point is 01:39:45 I didn't want to get up. You know that those moments so you don't want to go You just I just would rather just wear a diaper but you got a pee. Yep. And while I was peeing I was like Today's gonna be a good day And it's got up I continued my day getting ready in the morning and I was like this podcast is gonna be so fun with the boys I'm gonna make make it all the way downtown on time probably not But even if I don't you know what it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be a good day. It's gonna be a good day. You're happy Yeah, good. It's gonna get a laundry list of things to do. I'm slow. It was a little stressed, but I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:40:13 Time is precious. I'm gonna enjoy everything that I committed to today except of except the marshmallows, but Yeah, we'll bump in the road. It's okay. There's bumps. I'm a big fan of the thought Counts more than the actual yes, and I'm a big fan of the thought. I love it Because I almost wasn't gonna bring it. I feel like guys would have been more upset even if it was bad I would have lost my mind. It's the thought. It's the thought. I'd have been so curious. Yeah, but I but I hear like like the new mentally
Starting point is 01:40:43 Healthy way to say I don't know that made sense. Yeah, that was a long question No, the new you just like did a whole Cheer are you wrapping me? Yeah, are you like are you battling us? I was like, are you about to spin a 16? Is this the funk mass reflection? But they say that instead of saying how are you? Because no one's gonna say bad very rarely. You're supposed to say are you happy? That's why we have the question being the last one because no one really asks. So whose idea was it? Okay, I'm really not gonna have this fight, but it was me. Okay. All right. It was It really was. It was both of you. But but it is our question though. Okay. It is our question. See look at your therapy
Starting point is 01:41:17 I think your therapy is working. But it is our question. Look at the touch. It's you made it up. We're big. We're big on touching That's a big thing too. I'm trying to get to Joe and do you go to therapy? No. Have you ever thought about it? I feel like my therapy is like when I talk when I do my University tour talks like that is my therapy because I get very vulnerable I open up It's not for everybody What's your love? What's your love language? Like mine is uh words of affirmation Oh, you don't know about your the love language. Can I take a test and find out?
Starting point is 01:41:53 No, you wouldn't know. It's like a book you can read. Oh, it's like touch gifts. I want her to take the dictation test too What's that? Yeah, see if you can do that. You find it's like you take a test on like The way certain things that you like. Oh, what do you call like a lightning bug or do you call it a firefly? And like they find out where you're from based on your answers graphically by your answers We mean where I'm from so like the town you grew up in like the dialect when you see a group of people Do you be like, yo, you guys are crazy or do you say y'all or do you say use Yeah, you all
Starting point is 01:42:24 Are you guys know you guys? Yeah. Yeah, so it does that and it actually pins down where you're from Lightning bug or a firefly Both see that's the same thing I was I was a firefly when I was younger, but now I am a lightning bug man. Yeah Yeah, but we're all we're all I think we're all happy today. I'm having a great day. I'm having a fantastic Are you happy? Fantastic. I'm happy. I'm happy. I'll tell you what you remember. You know when I found out I wasn't happy So bo bernum has a comedy special which I recommend to everyone. It's actually called Wait, I think it's called. Are you happy or is it called happy something like that? I think it's just happy. Yeah
Starting point is 01:43:00 Yeah, it might be just happy. Um, oh, it's called make happy. It's called make happy. It's on netflix. Thank you Um, and at the end he has this song that he does and it's basically him asking like are you happy? And I and then it got me like oh fucking like weird it out like oh my god No one's ever asked me that before yeah, because people don't stop and ask themselves that questions They go through the motions a lot. Oh, you just go about your day. You don't really think about like am I happy with what I'm doing Am I happy? I'm a by chef by dad. Well, you said the checklist of things you're more worried about that than checking in with yourself She's over here working on it every single morning when she's peeing saying it out loud I meditated on the couch and I fell asleep. Oh, he fell asleep. The boy
Starting point is 01:43:33 I meditated. I mean I fall asleep and I meditated a lot. I woke him up every day. I woke him up because he was like That's really good. He was laying on the couch. It's hard to meditate. It's really hard. You gotta get good at it's a skill But he he was laying on the couch and I just like woke him up I didn't say anything and he had his hand like this and then I shook him and he just went No, I'm fine And I was like what he goes. I'm fine. I'm good. I was like I didn't say anything. No, we're good I've done so so much now that I can turn off Like my everything the earth
Starting point is 01:44:02 So like I still hear the like I even asked him. I said did the meditation turn off Or did it keep going it turned off? But I can't tell So I get myself into a zone where I have so many questions So I could pop right up like when we did it like I'm ready to like go Yeah, like I'm in a good mood. Yeah, it's uh, I do it in the morning I didn't get to do it that morning. So I did it here and I do it before I go to sleep. Wow That's that's really good. Yeah, it's good for you. You know, you know what it is Do you use an app or like makes my ass late to work? No, you know, it is. It's just good old meditation. It's good old meditation
Starting point is 01:44:35 Good old meditation Do I use an app like do you use an app with certain songs or There's a book there's a book That I read before I got into it because it taught me how to do it. What book I'll send it to you Okay, um, it taught me how to do it Um, and once I started to learn like those mechanisms and stuff like that now After a year like I'm in it. I love that shit The guy disappears into a different dimension different realm. That's for real. Yeah, you do
Starting point is 01:45:04 You ever had reiki? No, I want that's where I disappear. I want it real bad. I want that too. I want that too It feels very it sounds very tribal. It does it's well They don't use tools and it's it's straight up energy. It's how we all function. Yeah I'd like rocks rocks on me dude. Yeah crystals. They'll put whatever I'll do the selenite in your hands Put them on your third eye and everywhere. We should do that. You should just put rocks on me for like a video I'll put rocks on you. I feel you have like you could put a lot You probably tapped in you probably couldn't start to get some energy. Yeah, I'm tapped in. Yeah, I want you to tap me in
Starting point is 01:45:37 I'm so happy when I get up at me into the game But yeah, I I it's just it's very good for you I can't wait to be tapped in I'll tap you It was 146 he's gonna Yeah, it's an hour 46 minutes for a long time. You're gonna be late. Anyway, so camille, um, what's the famous question we ask on here? Uh, where can they find you? Oh, I thought I was like the famous question was are you happy? Yeah, um Camille caustic from my first and last name on twitter and instagram
Starting point is 01:46:07 Anything big coming up that you can uh share Yeah, I'm in the movies with ryan reynolds That comes out July 3rd the trailer just got released this week free guy free guy. Yeah Earlier I could talk about ryan reynolds for hours While we were making the movie even when the cameras weren't rolling and I was watching him with his kids I was like his life is a movie Yeah, like I was like it was like slow music was playing as he's like picking up his daughter and like lifting her up and kissing her And spitting her around the sunlight. I was like
Starting point is 01:46:37 Just crush it lives a movie crushing life Dude, if I ever met him In a in a in a way not like I'm like a red carp or something But if I met him like oh my my ryan reynolds has come over he's like a friend of mine I'd be like cool and I made him and then like ten minutes in me. I'd be like, dude. Can I just like kiss you? Just for like quick one for the shits and gigs. I think you probably would kiss you. I think you'd be down Who's the most famous person you ever met? Just quick one before we leave And were you nervous meeting them?
Starting point is 01:47:10 I mean ryan reynolds is up there. Yeah ryan reynolds is the famous guy. Were you nervous when you met the rock? I actually wasn't I would have been nervous when I met the rock. I met steven tyler. He came over to the house That was kind of cool Because I miss you baby, and I don't want to miss her Actually, this is very bizarre. This is very bizarre How many scars did he have on? I don't know how many bracelets. I don't know. Yeah way too many to count. I know No, but talk about timing is everything and like be be patient situation
Starting point is 01:47:41 We flew on the same flight from LA to boston and I sat in the seat behind him and as we were walking in the airport I just wanted to say hello and I usually don't do that because I don't like to I When I'm walking off a red eye like don't talk to me. Yeah, and And then I was like, you know what? I'm not gonna say anything just gonna Whatever two days later. He was in my in me and rob's house like after the football game I was like and then I was able to tell him what I wanted to tell him, but I was just like that's so interesting Yeah
Starting point is 01:48:08 Like see at the house So I would have got nervous with the rock because we grew up with the rock like the rest Yeah, he was the thing is though like he doesn't give off that energy Like he is like one of the biggest like people in the world or whatever, but he was man cool I was like boys with him. I immediately immediately started making fun of each other So it wasn't there wasn't even a time to be like Think we'll come on the show. Oh the rock. Yeah. Yeah, he's on the show. Yeah, we have the rock. Didn't you do something with him? Yeah, I filmed with a video. That's huge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was that was a while ago. He was really cool though
Starting point is 01:48:39 But yeah, I didn't feel that way. I only felt that way about uh, jz And kanya and no no not even kanya, but like jayz. Did you guys did you mean? Yeah, I went to like a easy listening party like years ago Obviously when that album came out and I met all these people but jay-z. I was like damn Fuck jay-z, bro. Yeah, you know because we're from new york. So, you know, it was like that was crazy But also like I didn't feel that way with kanya because he wasn't giving off that like vibe Like he was right around like saying hi to people and shit. I met rihanna and I got really nervous
Starting point is 01:49:08 That's what that's my favorite person in the earth planet Oh See, you don't even know to talk. No, I love her death and she liked my instagram post. What? Yeah. Yeah It was a song about eating butt And she and she liked it No, no How did she see it? Did you tag her? This is our life. Did you tag her? No, she just got it and bad girl re re liked it And I post I I snapped it and I posted it and I said I'm good. I made it. She knows. Oh you posted on your instagram
Starting point is 01:49:42 Like her liking it. Yeah, I made it. How did how did she see it power the internet power You know, it is it's destiny is what it is. You know when I saw that I fucking almost fainted almost fainted That is huge. It's a love in my life. We have what would you say if you could say one thing in her, what would it be? I love you. Oh, no, I would just be like, yeah, you're just you're you're my everything That was that I love you. It's you my everything. I love you. Everyone says I love you to it's a celebrity You're my everything. I love you. Yeah, you just don't know how much you mean to me Just just thank you so much. I just say thank you Yeah, so you got
Starting point is 01:50:20 This is good. You got the movie coming out um You're just you're just everything to me. You're just everything Hi, you're everything. How you doing? Um You're everything that I am practice it now. Oh, hey, what's up? Because when she's walking really fast by you somewhere in new york, and then you just can't be like you're my everything Wait, I gotta tell a funny story real quick. I think I might have told you so are you familiar with epic mealtime? No, so this is this guy harley, right? If you saw me might you might know but this guy harley, right?
Starting point is 01:50:52 He's told me he because he had a huge youtube channel back in the day and he ended up being at the saint this eye heart radio Uh Event and taylor swift was there. And he's like backstage and he's he's like, yo I'm the brokeest person in there like everyone there is mad famous He's like taylor swift walks by me and it reminded me because you said you got to like practice when a random walks by you She walks by and she's like with a team of people or whatever And he goes and then she stops and looks at me And just goes I like your beard because he has a big beard and he goes and I couldn't say anything
Starting point is 01:51:25 And the only thing that came out of my mouth was goo I think he was trying to say good, but thank you or something he goes all I said was you're crying You're crying. Yo, I when I heard that I was at a bar and I was laughing so loud Out of your nose dude, it was so funny remember I pretended to be a huge chris angel fan when he was signing autographs We went to hamilton and then chris angel chris angel was across the street and he just cut mad people in the line I was going chris chris, please Mine freak mine freak
Starting point is 01:52:11 Chris angel bro, you got to take your shots or you could get him. Yeah, you know, so when's the movie come out? Yeah, july 3rd 2020 big box 2020 big box office day nice we're talking about we're talking about a big role here Big role for me. Yeah, it's a principal role for me. I'm with it That's dope. I mean I have character development. You got some lines in that bitch Nice this isn't like hey can you guys want to sit here and then you're off the screen Now that was some is this your first acting are you saying that because that was my line? No, I'm just saying that's some That was my line in my first movie. What what movie was it?
Starting point is 01:52:43 I feel pretty with amy schumer. I go follow me right this way your guests are in the private dining room And I'm a hostess and I show them to the way. Yeah, I didn't why the fuck would I know I've never even heard of this movie. I haven't but Go watch it's great. I haven't and you the message behind it trainwreck was good though trainwreck was good The message behind I feel pretty is she literally is her she hits her head and soul cycle And then she nothing changes physically about her but mentally she feels prettier She gets the job she wants she gets the love she wants
Starting point is 01:53:14 She gets everything and then she falls down again hits her head and then she goes to give this big I I can't give it away, but yeah, you're doing. I'm going to support a fellow model. I'm going to watch your movie And then also don't blink after the sex scene. That's my intention Right after the sex scene. Yep. They go out to dinner after that. Okay. Oh, I didn't know if they have sex to go to bed They wake up and is that your first and this is your second I would I also filmed with Denzel Washington equalizer two and it's a deleted scene We know that guy. Yeah, we know the producer. Uh, Todd black's a good friend of ours. Oh, it's a good friend Of what he's a friend of of us all the equalizer movies. Oh, so then then then he was there
Starting point is 01:53:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah my scene got cut. Yeah, I'll talk to him. We're equalizer three. We'll make sure you we'll get it back in there Equalizer four. Yeah, yeah, they're gonna make those until fucking hell free guy We'll take I filmed in three movies two of them. We'll go to the great. Well, thank you so much for coming on Camille We really appreciate it. This is really fun. We've done this probably the longest episode we've ever done That's not true. We've done one a little longer than this. But this is a really long one. What are we tapping off? This is this is an hour and 54 minutes right now. Yes Yeah, it's been no wonder. I'm hungry. It's been a fucking ride I'm only two hours. No snacks. Yeah, check the Rolex. I'm just checking the time. I'm just hey, does it work?
Starting point is 01:54:31 My watch it's a rolling on a stopwatch. Oh, I'm sorry. It doesn't ever stop Wow That's a lyric. I believe that was Ah, yes, of course. So, you know, that's just All right, all right, so everybody Uh, you know her supermodel. I'm gonna say it. She's a supermodel guys. Go check her out in the free guy With ryan and go pick up a magazine while while it's on there you go sports illustrator Go check the magazine now if you don't know you pick up the magazine. You're like, I know her
Starting point is 01:55:00 She was on the thing with those two guys With those two tens and she rated herself an eight. Yeah, you know, you know, exactly exactly other than that But other than that, that is all thank you so much. Camilo. Thanks again. Do your thing and we'll see you guys next time What are we doing? Okay, we're not gonna talk about that. We're not gonna talk about that Oh

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