The Basement Yard - Would You Cheat On Beyonce?

Episode Date: April 26, 2016

@AntVino is back and we're talking about Beyonce's new album & a bunch of nonsense from our past. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday April 25th. I am here with a returning guest a regular to the basement yard now Anthony DeVino life's too short. I don't know. I don't know what that why is that even relevant to this talk about it about what? You know, you gotta take chances DeVino brought me some fucking ice cream today. Not sure why that was great, but you text me like hey, dude I'm gonna come over for the podcast. I'll bring ice cream. Hell yeah ice creams an everyday thing, bro I get you get ice cream every day. Absolutely. I got cake pops not cake pop birthday cake pops in the freezer on the reg But by side cake pops. I don't like cake pops ice cream. It's it's birthday cake All right, but on the reg on the reg I've been eating those organic apple sauces and those chocolate puddings
Starting point is 00:00:50 What the fuck is organic apples? It says organic. So I just eat it Wait, and that apple sauce is yeah, what do you mean? They're great apple sauce like I like it's like I have five We were like, you know before I go to sleep. I have one of each You have an apple sauce. Yeah and a chocolate pudding. Yeah Do you have a capri sun and a high c2 you fucking five year old seps, dude? Sips the s in the front. This is ice tea sips fucking Frankie always had those in his house Never had arizona ice tea. I just always had this is sips. This is sips. This is sips. I think it's two s It's two s's. Yeah, don't know why they did that sips. It's probably already taken sips
Starting point is 00:01:27 This is sips sips. Yeah, okay. Mike and ice. Anyway, um go for it So We want to speak about a Beyonce for a second. First of all Beyonce, right? Bad ass Phenomenal looking person gorgeous Amazingly talented, right can sing like a motherfucker sing Jesus Christ. I love her. Yeah, right my dad Okay, go ahead continue what I was gonna say was I said that uh, um Like back in the back in the I don't know how long I've always said a couple months ago
Starting point is 00:01:58 I was like, I haven't really liked every uh, Beyonce song since Halo, I think I said he was good. Love on top is a banger also What's that? I'm not like a huge Beyonce fan as far as her music You know what I mean? And that I don't it's just not my cup of tea, whatever But I have I can easily recognize talent in her like she's obviously amazing But um, yeah, I said that and her fucking fans went ape shit. They were attacking me. They were like Mother like they I forgot. They were saying mad internet lingo Like they were calling me like a stan and like all this stuff and I was like, I don't really know what any of this means
Starting point is 00:02:33 But um, she has a sick cult following and she just released her new They're calling it a visual album Uh called lemonade Where she goes into explaining how Uh, apparently jay-z cheated on her. They're together though, right? Like, yeah, I think she like forgave them and now they're just Raising blue. Hey, babe. I'm gonna go make an album about you, babe. Fuck you. Yeah. Yeah, you know, you can do it. Yeah your boy
Starting point is 00:03:05 Jay-z So let me ask you something you're jay-z, right? Yeah, you got tons of money. You got a Yankee hat Right Right You're a rapper. Um Do you cheat on Beyonce? I mean, she's dropped dead gorgeous in my eyes like yeah, probably You cheat on you have that much money you are hove
Starting point is 00:03:34 Come on you are jay-z. Yo, babe. I'm going out for a minute. How they've been together forever Yeah, to think that he hasn't cheated is kind of they have kids too. They have yo what go see what I don't understand But it's a new kid. It's been, you know, two years. They've been dating for years, man Like a decade kids gonna grow up saying yeah, my mommy released an album About my dad cheating on her. Yeah. Yeah, you know what goes on? Yeah, I don't know. It's uh, it's very interesting. I think it's very interesting. I haven't even listened to it I want to listen to it and see how it goes because I want to like You know, I probably should have listened to it before we fucking did this. You know what I mean? Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:09 But um, yo, it's cool because it'll be on stage singing the songs together together But here's my thing, right? I don't think I would cheat on Beyonce because You know, I or I just tweeted about her and I got fucking attacked. Can you imagine cheating on it? Jay-z probably watches fucking back. Yeah, some like weird fan person with the Twitter account yonsei cunt is gonna come and fucking stab him in the back when he's on his way But he'd be chilling on 560 stage street. You know what I'm saying? He's safe, yo Yo, this is me. I wonder how this I wonder what's this is weird now. I feel like so how do you like Release this now. Everyone is obviously looking at Jay-z like he's a piece of shit
Starting point is 00:04:51 And then you guys are like gonna sit court side together and just like chill like everything's okay. Yeah It's weird like this would be appropriate if it was I don't know man. I really don't even know I don't understand the the uh the aftermath I think the idea the album is cool and like yeah, she's able to you know, apparently she goes through I just I've read two articles about it But she goes through all the steps like you know anger and then forgiveness and all the stuff Which is cool. I like that idea for now being angry again But just like dealing with it after the fact like after it goes out
Starting point is 00:05:23 Now you're kind of like, oh, hey, everyone hates you, but it's cool. That's why I mean, it's I wouldn't be Yo, that's not okay. They hang out with kim and kanya too much, bro. I'm not gonna get into that What's your kid priest? Is that the kid's name priest? Whatever, okay, yo on some real Your daughter's name priest Yo, your daughter's name is a compass north northwest like yeah, how do you yo? You know for a fact when she gets older. She's getting a compass tattooed on her somewhere Uh, maybe I'm not sure this is me. This is who I am, but she's only gonna label the north and the west
Starting point is 00:06:01 I can't it's so bad But a lot of people have named their their kids stupid shit like gwyneth paltrow has a kid named apple No way. Yeah, she's so beautiful Gwyneth paltrow. I for her age. I love her I'm not like a huge she's okay I'm a huge gwyneth paltrow. I think she's good. I am a huge jennifer anison Oh, god The things I would do to her. She was just named beautiful most beautiful woman again. Good for her
Starting point is 00:06:31 Um, good for her. She is she is she's like Off the out of a scale from one to ten. She's off the charts in like a special handbook of gorgeous Right special handbook only three people have it. I love her the pope the president and the illuminati Oh Man days good days. Um, anyway, divino. I want you to We spoke briefly about, um Someone you work with not gonna say names Christ not gonna say names here, but you work with a certain someone who's very interesting
Starting point is 00:07:05 Oh, and I think the people want to know What the fuck we're talking about dude like you have to understand like I'm in the electrical field probably the only normal one Not a convict. I do not do drugs the stories that go on like you don't understand. I have to listen to them This guy has a wife in america Right. He has an american wife. He has two girlfriends in colombia So wait, hold on Alrighty, I have questions. Okay, this guy you're working with he's an electrician. He has a wife. Yep, but He also has two girlfriends overseas. Mm-hmm in colombia. Yep
Starting point is 00:07:42 continue Yo, like he's one of the yo, you can't be on your cell phone around this guy All right, because he flips out but he's on his cell phone 24 seven talking to these girls face time in colombia These girlfriends. Yeah, it's annoying like yo, first of all, he thinks they're drop dead gorgeous Like they aren't one to ten three Three they're probably like 19 years old too. I don't know yo three like I'm like and I like a nice guy that I am I'm like, yo, she's bad dude. I'm so jealous. I'm not
Starting point is 00:08:14 I'm not at all Like to myself. I'm like, dude is on acid Maybe he could be and um, he's always like, yeah, you know, uh, yo I send like a hundred bucks a month to them just like chilling You know a hundred bucks has wonders and I'm like it does though a hundred bucks is like, what is that like? I have no idea a thousand there. I have no I have no idea Yo, I spent I sent a hundred dollars down to her last week for braces Wait, dude, how old is she?
Starting point is 00:08:43 It's just her 19 So this is his girlfriend who's 19. Yeah, I'm like, yo, you real serious? Yeah, his girlfriend is 19 years old. How old is he? You're like 39 40. He's 40 years old dating a 19 year old Sad in colombia. Is he like a good-looking dude? Psych He's not I mean, you could admit if a dude's good looking I'd be like, oh, you could pull up a 19 year old or something No, this is all getting very strange here. I don't understand like what goes on through his head and like he thinks it's okay I don't well
Starting point is 00:09:13 I know it's it's pretty brutal like if i'm 40 years old and I could probably he's face timing her and like i'm working and He's like, look at him. Look at him. Look at him and then he'll say something in spanish. She goes Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's like you could definitely bag matte bitches in colombia And i'm like the chances of me ever doing that are like I rather Like like punch through a wooden door with my hands Tied to my face. I don't I wouldn't do it. What the fuck did you just say? It's just it's just what hold on st Davino Your hand tied to your face. It's like I rather stick metal splinters in my arms metal splinters. I've happened before
Starting point is 00:09:52 It's never happened. It's gross bro. You have to understand the stories he tells me. Oh, yeah She just sent me pictures look And i'm like no no no no no no like i'm good i'm good. Thanks bro, but it's like he forces it on me wait Didn't you say that this was his cousin That's part of it. Listen, but the the the best part about this is that all three girls even his wife in america Knows what's going on. So they're they're like they all are okay with it. He goes because i'm honest I'm honest guy. So he's got two girlfriends in colombia one in america. They all know what the hell is going on
Starting point is 00:10:25 They're all on like facebook wars posting pictures of this posting pictures of that and one of them's a cousin No, he was telling me the stories about how he like he almost fucked his cousin. Oh Jesus christ this guy's an animal. Yeah, so he's got three girlfriends almost banging his cousin sending a hundred dollars a month To colombia to pay for braces. Mm-hmm What the fuck is going on? I don't know man. I want to meet this guy shake his hand It's it's pretty bad. Like I try to stay away. I want to shake his hand and tell him that I'll never want to be him Yep, I mean it's It's like you don't understand like a lot of the people that I work with they're just they're just stories just go on and I'm
Starting point is 00:11:04 Just like why and they come to me Yeah, come to me. I don't know why I don't talk That's probably why because they know you're not gonna like you know say shit I know what's like the wildest shit you heard at work Oh my god, let me think bro. Holy because like I never worked anywhere cool. I worked in pizzerias Actually, you know the only story I have that's like funny I used to work as a pizza delivery guy and this whole time I delivered to this dude and um, he was obviously gay um
Starting point is 00:11:32 Because of you know the way that he talked and his mannerisms and he was also wearing a shirt He was like a heavy set guy. He was also wearing a shirt that probably wouldn't fit me And uh, it like was like above his belly button But it wasn't a belly shirt like it would have been cool if it was belly shirt like oh good shit belly shirt Yeah, but it was a shirt that had obviously stretched so much that is above his belly button And it said I heard guitos and guitos was like Sparkly and ship that screams it. Yeah, so I was like whatever you know So I was living pizza to this guy
Starting point is 00:12:02 And uh, I give him his pizza and he goes to hand me the money and he drops it on the floor He wanted to see bend over and we kind of had a moment where we looked at each other and we're like who's gonna get this And I just you know, I made the move I bent down and I got it. He was hyped about that. I don't think so I don't think I have a whole lot going on back there You know one time me and Dominic both went to moon each other at the same time and our ass is kissed I'm not lying ask him about it. Ask him about it. Stop it. God forbid God forbid I would call my hotel Yeah, we didn't speak about it ever again. Wait what
Starting point is 00:12:40 How we why you don't usually moon someone three inches from we were back in oh six Oh six We were young back then we were the best years of my life So you guys went to go moon each other like I would turn around all of a sudden I just pulled out of my pants like moon him, you know, I'm saying just moon him And he went to do it the same time and our ass is kissed. They touched. Yep. Did you guys like we all screamed? Everybody even the people around us. Wait, there was people. There was other people there. Yeah, and they screamed. I forgot what girls were there Yeah, we were all like
Starting point is 00:13:12 And everyone went home and took a nap Dominic I think was upset about it Well, I remember yo, I remember vividly We were playing football and Dominic ran a slant route And nick threw him the ball and as the ball is in the air Uh, Mikey comes across the field and runs into Dominic Like their faces hit each other so they kissed I remember that I swore I remember that I was across the park and I swore I heard No They hit each other full speed
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah I was like we stopped the game like y'all hold up. Yeah, I remember that you motherfuckers just kiss You guys just kiss right now Do you remember when I had braces and Dom got mad at me for something for tackling him? And I threw the football him in the face and he smacked me so hard in the mouth I was leaking blood because I had braces. No, I don't know. Yeah You threw the ball at him and you slapped it we stopped I vowed that I would never talk to him again. I said fuck this kid. I hate him on
Starting point is 00:14:12 I don't need to be his friend and then you know that faded pretty quickly. Huh? Yeah the next day my mom drove him to work And then um, he called me was yo forgive him forget. I was like, yeah, I have fucking stitches in my mouth and uh, I'm forgetting Dude, first of all, do you know how me and Dominic met like the first time we ever met? He thought I robbed his phone That's how we met continue. Really? Yeah, that's interesting because this is how I met him in David's backyard Right. That's the first time I met him Didn't know who this kid was. I knew nick. I knew David and Frankie was there also so I knew them and uh, I come into the backyard and I see this kid there
Starting point is 00:14:50 And he just walks up to me in the shadows a little spanish, right? He just walks up to me Slaps me in the face Right, and I'm getting ready to kill this kid, right? I like my I fucking my face gets cocked to the right So then I look back at him and when I look back at him right until I get attacked this kid He's pointing at his cheek Right pointing at his cheek like this. So I slapped him and he goes. What's up? I'm Dominic And I was like these kids out of fucking control, man Yo, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:15:20 I swear to god ask him. Yo, this kid's fucking crazy, man. Yo, especially back there. That kid was a nut job He slapped me and I wanted to fucking kill that kid Wow And I turned back and he's pointing at his face and I found it so funny and I just slapped him as hard As I could and he's like hi. I'm dumb. I'm like, yo, this kid's crazy. The real first time we met he um, he was stealing second base And I was the second baseman catching the like catching the throwdown Yeah, and I went to tag him and he was safe because that kid was lightening back in the day And my son was wearing sweatpants and he goes. Hey, hey, man. I'm Dominic. Nice to meet you. I'm like, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:15:54 And then I think it was like two years later. I'm walking down the street and I think he got his phone robbed And I'm walking down the street and he's with like my like all those those kids I used to chill with back in the day And he's like, yo, that's the kid who stole my phone and Jeff was like, no, no, no No, I'm like walking down the street like hey, what's up everybody? Dominic sprints at me Like the fastest like snap of the fingers if you were to look across the street and look back He was in front of you And he goes, yo, you stole my phone. I'm like, no, I'm good
Starting point is 00:16:23 Like Dominic had the skinny neck still remember the really really skinny one. He had that that was good God, I remember my first phone. It was a Nokia. Oh my god, and it was it didn't flip It was just like a brick. You know what I'm saying? Like It just looked like a big ass beeper. I had my first neck my first phone Matt eighth grade Of I think it was Louis Armstrong's eighth grade, right? Of junior high school picture that kids are getting phones at eight years old today And mine was in eighth grade. I had the next style the i7 30. Wow How I remember the name
Starting point is 00:16:54 Good lord. I remember everyone had the razor Remember It was good. Oh, everyone would play their fucking ringtones. Oh, mine was um, the whole city behind us Yeah, when my girlfriend used to call me. Uh, it used to be. Uh, tea ammo by angelo venuto And then my regular ringtone was i think it was rome pay Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na, yeah, that's great. It was it was a school it's a good time I was so ghetto back then in high school and then they stopped And then I stopped my first phone though the Nokia like it was it was just like a brick
Starting point is 00:17:33 Right, it was nothing and the coolest thing in the world though the keyboard wasn't plastic It was like this rubber mm-hmm So like it if it rips you're just had a look so and to text on it There was no like keypad or anything you had to like press five three times to get high or whatever the fuck it is At least you had texan my mom didn't even give me texan in high school. Well, I don't know I barely had it, but I remember that the the buttons came off The five and the seven came off So if I wanted to type any of those six or seven letters
Starting point is 00:18:06 I had to get a stick from the ground and poke Like where the five inch and five and seven words like text. I just super ghetto. I always had a stick in my pocket Remember manhunt Manhunt first of all hold on just to give you guys an idea of Dominic I gotta have him on now because now we're talking about Listen, we're playing we used to play this is how our in in 2006 2007 every day used to be the same We would wake up in the summer play basketball And then all and then play man, right we rockos. We play play basketball and then like
Starting point is 00:18:44 Come to my house go in the pool. Yeah small-ass pool And then all in there's 15 of us, right? We would go we would have dinner at our houses and then go play football at night and we spray-painted a football white Right, so we play one play. I think we play man. No, it was manhunter football Yeah, no, but sometimes we play both we play football till from like seven to when it gets dark Which is around like nine or something and then we go play like 1130. Yeah We go manhunt one round and that's it. Yeah, I had to be home at 1130 every night But uh, so then we play manhunt at night and Dominic was like super fast
Starting point is 00:19:19 This kid was super fast him and Keith were first round pick But he was a legend, you know, I mean and and like legend in our group of fans is not a good thing It's like if you're a legend like it's bad. But anyway, this kid's like a legend, right? And he was fast as hell and There was a jail obviously everyone knows the rules to So there's a jail and people are in there and Dominic's like the only one left and he has to free everyone and this girl Josie. Oh, that was great was the jail guard or whatever the fuck you want to call it, right and Josie back then it was on the heavy side lost a lot of weight. She looks great now
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, but she was on the heavy side back then right there's reasons why I'm telling you this and she was wearing denim on denim. I Remember it vividly dude. I remember it And she was wearing a jacket denim and and jeans right so Dominic takes off down the block and he's running straight for the jail and everyone's in there this kid's pulling ass so Josie's there trying to stop him from getting to the jail and Dominic it was like he I was standing in the middle of the street because I was trying to get Dominic I'm standing in the middle of the street. This kid is flying down the block He doesn't slow down at all not one step not one stutter step. This kid ran through
Starting point is 00:20:41 Josie ran through her he hit her so hard with like a shoulder and the game she's yeah She flew I literally literally at least seven to eight feet Seven eight feet flew and then hit the ground and skid another six feet Denim on denim. Yeah, and he freed everyone and kept running Stopped to see if she was okay. Everyone stopped. They're like. Oh my god, Josie. He just kept going Dude, I was in the middle of the street on the ground on my back trying to breathe I was holding up traffic. There was cars coming, but I couldn't move because there's a street laughing so hard I was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:21:24 What about what about when it was Joe Campbell and somebody else was the last man out one time It was me and Joe Campbell and we were the last ones and I had Joe Campbell in front of me lead blocker Now when Joe Campbell used to run, you know, Joe, you know Joe came was just boom boom like chucking you We were 15 years old or 14 years old. This kid was probably 180 190 pounds like two years and he and he was fast. Yeah, he ran like a four nine Yeah, like he was he ran like a four nine four eight and he was like close to 200 pounds And he was tall as hell. So if he's running straight out, he was like, what was he like 13? Yeah, it was like 13 14 was my age So 13 14 at that age. I was probably like a whopping 104
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, I was tiny and I was like five six. He was he was like six foot 180 pounds runs of four eight. Yo, kid. I was like, all right. Well, I'm not tagging him now. Fuck yeah Yo, when he was yo don't get in front of that kid when he's running cuz he just he had no chill He didn't care if you were in his path. You were you were flying in her. Yeah, what about yo I was playing with um Keith was on my team and we were hiding in a bush Well, I was hiding in a bush and Keith was in the middle of the staircase by St. Francis Yeah, you know and there was just you know those pots and then come out of the top of is a big bush Yeah, there's one random one in the middle. So Keith goes y'all. I'm gonna hide on this
Starting point is 00:22:47 I'm like, no, you're not you idiot. You're gonna get spotted in the snap of the fingers He took off his sneakers and he put them to the side Keith all in black put his hood up and he hugs the bush Sits in it hugs it I'm in the bush next to him like off to the side by the staircase and I'm in tears all night long cuz everyone's Dominic walk Right by him stopped had a conversation with someone kept going I remember this day like it was the like it was yesterday and Keith did not get caught He was the last one that he didn't move you didn't move. He was he was the last one He was the last one to get caught. I remember Keith when we were younger
Starting point is 00:23:21 Well, I'm not like I remember it was probably the last time we ever played Honestly because he like ruined the game. We played manhunt and he hid He doesn't get caught and he doesn't come out. He doesn't come out He hid and he was in a bush and he laid down and Like an hour went by and we were pissed because usually it was like a half hour time limit and um, you were getting tight You was like, yo, where the fuck is this kid? We finally find him. You didn't have a phone either back No, yeah, no one had fun. So we finally find him and I'm screaming at him. I'm like, why'd you kill the game? Like it's supposed to be half hour, blah blah and he's like I fell asleep
Starting point is 00:24:04 You guys used to fucking fuck each other up back then. Yeah, no, it's fun like viciously I do remember one time to we playing in Garden Bay. That way the cops came Breaking into houses. No, sir. We're just playing manhunt, sir. What is that drugs? Who are you hunting? Is there somebody out there? I got my bubble jacket ripped. We're gonna play manhunt fucking feathers went everywhere I was pissed. I don't know. We heard people having sex. Oh, they were going at it. Yeah, remember that You know now that I'm looking back on it like there was a bunch of kids in that in that like area Do you think they could have been faking it because they knew we would like Now that you think about it. Yeah, not right because they were screaming. Yeah, they were loud. So they had to have been faking hell
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah, we were mad. We were so little and yeah, who the fucking has sex that loud But the windows were open and it was early too. I wouldn't yeah, no one's born at like nine Either like winding down or you know, or they're just watching a movie first and wait till it gets darker and then Oh Six was the best year of my life 2006 you got a lot of more years going. Yeah, that's the best year You got yep, if I could get a time machine and go back in time do it all over So would I actually Was a great year. Yeah, how old are we? I think I was I
Starting point is 00:25:27 Don't know I was 16. I don't fucking know was it 2006. Oh, that was 10 years ago I was 16. Wow And I was like two years older than all of you. Yeah, I was 14. I was probably I was going into my freshman year I only played football to run the ball knows it So remember how hard it was because I was so short still short, but You know, it happens. Those were the best times 14 years old. I was like five six I remember one oh four every day. You could tell me I think we used to go to Portobello
Starting point is 00:25:56 Remember point a B and C Portobello eat subway every day in the summer Chill in front go home play some Xbox Xbox was we did was no lie Do you remember we used to go home and to play one verse one hundred? Oh my god That was a shit back then. That was my tits. It's like yo, we got to get home one verse one hundred No, we got to play remember. Yo, did you get to the to the main game? Are you anyway? It's so fucking weird like what like we always were into it was cool because our avatars look cool Yeah, we're at my our avatars. We had a mohawk. It's sunglasses. I don't I had a mohawk
Starting point is 00:26:33 Hmm, they call me zebra in high school. No one called you that yeah Because I had a white patch still do they call you zebra. Yeah, because when I took off my helmet Oh, you sure was like the white in my mohawk You should go the mohawk again. No, Joe 26. What does that mean? It's hard the mohawk is maybe I will it's very easy an electrician. I need to chill by the way Never mind, you're not you like an electrician you're not like a carpenter. I want to make my backyard nice I want to go I have carpenter skills too. Well, I need to cut down my trade We got rid of the pool. I want to take
Starting point is 00:27:13 I think I do so let's cut it up. Let's cut it up right now. It's dark out. Let's uh, let's if you give me A weekend I'll bring a six pack over and some marshmallows and we'll cut that shit down. Why marshmallows? You got to eat you got to eat I'm pretty sure I could do anything if you give me a six pack of like blue moons. I hate blue moon Are you kidding me shock top a little blood light doing after vegas? No, no, no, you're bugging dude. I'm doing it like Hopefully I want to get it done this week. Well, wait this weekend. I can't next week because my mom finishing my tattoo this weekend And it's Greek Easter shout out
Starting point is 00:27:47 Uh, yes, it is cannot wait for that. I'll help you next weekend No, this week Everyone's off. Wow. You just heard my voice. Anyway, um, everyone's off. Let's pass over. So call me after work Yeah, I'm calling the place tomorrow. I'm trying to get a quote on the backyard. What are you gonna do to the bed? What are you calling? What place I'm calling verneys. I want to get a quote for sod I want to put sod down some grass. Oh, that's it. You gotta bring up the concrete fan Bring up the concrete. You gotta put the dirt down You think dirt grows on top of concrete
Starting point is 00:28:19 What the hell what what do you mean? First there's grass back there your legend. Oh and that little circle. That's all you want. That's all you want grass 10 by 15 All right, that's a good amount of space. I could put like a nice little Yeah, fire pit some chairs bench. Yeah I saw this thing. Listen, there's this app, right? This isn't an advertisement But there's an app. It's called fancy, right? It's called what? It's called fancy And they have like little weird
Starting point is 00:28:46 Gadget things and I just I love that like the sword gadgets and gizmos or whatever I love that shit. I love little gadgets or whatever and I saw this thing on it I never buy anything off the app because the shipping is absurd It's like 35 dollars. It's like for no fucking reason But like if you see something cool on there and you go on amazon, you can get it sick Oh, of course and I have amazon prime. So I get in two days love amazon prime love it But I saw this thing on there. It's a rock. It just looks like a rock, but it's a bluetooth speaker Oh, I've seen that that's dope. So I want to put one of those back. Hell. Yeah, it's a summer
Starting point is 00:29:16 We just get ripped in the backyard smoke cigars play some Billy Joel. Wow. Don't say the cigars Yeah, yo, if you want to beat up a girl if you If you want some outdoor lighting, you know, I can get that happening. Yeah, man I want to you have any ideas. I want to put some cool shit back there. You know, maybe like a panel is the panels right here, right? No, there's panels upstairs before planning this on the box. There's no panel. All right. No, it's not here It goes up the wall of the house Do you ever see where we turn on our filter for the pool? Yeah, right there. That's the that's the box It's a little rough. It's a lot of pipe work then. No the pipe work is done or we could is there is there an outdoor outlet?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Yes, all right, so we can take the power off of that. We can make our way down Making our way downtown walking fast paces. I call Alberto time to come help us. What the hell's that? Is this the uh, is this the guy who's banging his cousin? No, no different guy. Does he does he have a cousin? No, this is a great guy though. Oh, he's a great guy. He's a great guy. Nice. He vapes He vapes. Yeah, he's a great friend. He's not a great guy He's very friendly. He's very friendly. I sold him my vape. You sold him your vape. How much was it? $122. Yo Dominic and I speaking of that We're just walking past the the vape shop on dimmars and in all sense
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yo, let's just go in and look we won't we won't buy anything the patriots were playing that day on the playoffs. We won that game I forgot what we killed the whole bottle of johnny walker blue that night that night at josh's I did hear about that and yo, we'll just go in we go in we buy vapes $122. I bought crunk berry flavored Which is captain crunch, um berry and Dominic bought fruit loops. Yo, we were the happiest kids in the world lasted a week $122 down the drain. I sold my vape for 50 bucks It was no hope. I'm like, what am I doing with my life? I don't know Dom stop. Yo makes me mad bloated, bro I'm like, no, it doesn't I started vaping. I was like, oh my god Well, you're bloated. Yeah, it was full as fuck. Fuck vaping. Why it's whack. Why it's like air is in you
Starting point is 00:31:15 If you don't smoke cigarettes, there's no point for you to vape. There's no addiction The nicotine is no nicotine and once you put nicotine in it burns your throat for what? Fuck that It was fun while I was it. Yo, I would be laying down watching a movie That's it. That's it. It's boring. Once I take it to work. It's a wrap. You really do get bloated. It's not worth it It's not worth it. I can't wait here come the I can't wait to hear the vape tweet the tweet Oh my god, yo dude, serious everyone tweet divino and tell him how fucking cool he is for vaping Yo, and tell him he's a legend everyone. Please tweet divino like yo, you're gonna beat your address on twitter
Starting point is 00:31:54 Please don't Um, not that it's apparently it's fucking out there for the world to have anyway because People have shown up to my house. Hey, what's up, man? I'm like, hey, this is very uncomfortable Please get out before I punch you in the face. I would take out my bow and sit outside and be like come closer, buddy Fucking language, you know, I mean anyway, let's wrap this bitch up. Do it. Let's wrap this bitch up. Do it Where can they find you if they want to contact you call you a legend, uh, maybe get your phone number maybe uh Ask you for your snapchat and send you a picture, uh of a dick I hope not. I'm not about that life. Yeah, me neither and
Starting point is 00:32:29 Vino A. N. T. V. I. N. O. That's me very interesting Um, that's all for this week's uh baseman yard episode Thanks for listening you motherfucker

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