The Besties - The Besties Podcast XII

Episode Date: May 11, 2012

The Besties return with their most unusual rule change yet: They've completely forgone making any sort of decision an instead created an robot version of their editor-in-chief Chris Grant to choose a ...winner for them.... Yeah, it's one of those kinds of episodes. Get the full list of games (and other stuff) discussed at Want more episodes? Join us at for three bonus episodes each month!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 guys i don't know what class i should play in diablo 3 is everyone it's dabs on wizard dabs on wizard you can't uh oh crap i was thinking about maybe monk yeah you uh i don't know monk was fun i don't know if i want that now do witch doctor i'll take witch doctor if you if you want to take monk maybe demon hunter i wouldn't be a romancer we can't use that why can't we use that because it's not gonna make sense when you're beeping out what if you what if i reiterate that he said romancer is there a word that would be there that wouldn't be funny Okay. Hello, my name is Justin McElroy, and I know the best game of the week. Hello, my name is Griffin McElroy. I didn't bring a game of the week. Hello. My name is Griffin McElroy.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I didn't bring a game this week. Just kidding. I did, and it's great. Hey, my name is Chris Plant, and I brought a game. My name is Russ Frustick, and I know the best game of the week. Russ Frustick is coming to us from a roller coaster. Here on the Besties, we, each of us, pitch new games or games that have been recently released. We make them compete in a sort of battle royale. And we give our best pitches.
Starting point is 00:01:37 And then at the end of our program, the winning game is decided by our live-in android, the Chris Granatron. It's a robotic version of our editor in chief with no emotions. It's the platonic ideal of Chris Grant. Right. And it is made of plutonium, so his core is highly radioactive.
Starting point is 00:02:00 So we do have to be careful of that. But we will make our pitches. We've decided that our typical method... It's not very entertaining to listen to. It's not entertaining to listen to. So we're going to skip all that. No more fighting. Just four friends, you know, four best friends
Starting point is 00:02:20 giving their pitches to a robot programmed with the mind and personality and spirit, in as much of that as possible, of their editor-in-chief. Russ Freshstick, how do you think having an android make our decision is going to alter the podcast? Oh, I'm not so much worried about the podcast as the future of our civilization. This might be the end. I think it's, yeah, it'll probably be the podcast. I'm not so much worried about the podcast as the future of our civilization. This might be the end. Yeah, it'll probably be the end. And the future of our career, right?
Starting point is 00:02:53 If an Android can become the new tastemaker, you know, an Android is going to be completely free of bias, which all of us obviously house. I hate the PS3. Android's not going to come with that bias installed in it unless it is a microsoft android i guess lol xbot i heard that arthur geese is uh a microsoft android i just heard that like i read it on on a forum somewhere i think the person who really has to be concerned
Starting point is 00:03:25 is flesh man chris grant you know robotic chris grant uh the android that lives at the besties mansion uh he he is free except for some light maintenance i mean once we got past the three million dollars it took to build him obviously yeah i'll be honest though i i've seen them both kind of next to each other and i can't totally tell the difference no uh i'll be honest fleshman chris grant sounds like a sex toy yeah yeah that is that was a long time suspicion that's actually where we got the idea for android chris grant hey guys hey what's our current game of the year because i honest to god can't remember is it still walking dead i think it's walking dead yeah which we picked because of its dynamic story
Starting point is 00:04:11 choices and its tense narrative um who out of curiosity who on the call now has played walking dead who's gone through it i still haven't not me no i wow wow this game required this podcast requires you to play new games every single week i played through it twice i played through it again with my wife on the 360 which is actually a really which is actually a really neat experience i just had her i did all like the um you know the action sequences and i let her make all the narrative decisions which was kind of which was kind of an interesting way to go through it, because she made completely different choices than I did. Did you hint
Starting point is 00:04:50 her about the energy bars? No, she only gave an energy... She's much smarter than me. She only gave an energy bar to the one person she liked, and then she moved on with her life with many energy bars in tow. Griffin, who's going first this week?
Starting point is 00:05:08 What's everyone's favorite Pokemon? Oh, God. Mr. Mime. Ghastly. Frustrating. This is such a hard decision. Just make it. It's like Sophie's Choice.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Just go. It's very much not like that. Charmander. Charmander. Okay, that's obviously the worst. I'm going to say Mr. Mime definitely, definitely. just make it it's like sophie's choice just go uh very much not like that charmander charmander okay that's obviously the worst uh i'm gonna say mr mime definitely definitely first place uh and then we'll go justin and then i will abstain and go forth mr i don't like that i don't like that pokemon i'm not a little kid wow mr hit it uh so this week i am bringing awesome knots which is uh baby's first moba game uh if you haven't heard of moba that is a multiplayer online battle arena genre it's
Starting point is 00:05:57 also known as dota or an arts short for action rts it It's a lot of acronyms but the basic point of it is kind of think Think team Fortress 2 where you have two sides you have a red and blue team on opposite sides You're trying to protect some giant thing on in the case of this game It's like a drill core and to get to the other side. You have to team up with your three well two teammates there's three on each team uh and destroy these turrets that are protecting whatever that magical uh wonderful drill core thing is on the opposing side uh but before you can get there and before you can even kill these turrets you have to work in tandem with ai controlled teammates that are like bots that basically if they make it all the way to the turret,
Starting point is 00:06:47 suck up all the turret's ammo and give you a few choice seconds to lay down and attack. So the game kind of becomes this rock-paper-scissors game where you're defending the core, you're defending the bots, and then you're also trying to attack turrets. And there's all these different types of characters. There's the rogue, there's the tank, there's the healer, and they have goofy powers that you upgrade as you level up by playing more and more games.
Starting point is 00:07:17 And it all comes wrapped in this adorable Saturday morning uh kind of aesthetic where the there's this weird strange uh french theme song that keeps playing throughout it all the characters have their own goofy theme songs there's lots of screaming from an announcer uh lots of bright colors that's pretty much it is there is there any progression between matches like if you do well on your rogue will it there is after you finish a match you get your xp uh and you use that to well i mean you don't even have a choice or you use that and as you hit levels it unlocks additional characters and it also unlocks certain uh you can choose abilities before a match for the character so basically before a match the character has like a number of special skills that they can choose abilities before a match for the character so basically before a match the character
Starting point is 00:08:05 has like a number of special skills that they can choose from they have a number of like movement and health skills that they can choose from and you select three from each of these categories and then the available options increases as you level up but there's no like purchasing system for any of this now it's an isometric perspective like other it's 2d it's it's like uh just a very cartoony 2d platformer look which is great because the reason that i never played a dota game is because those are usually isometric like warcraft looking games that was the original dota is depends Ancients, which was a mod for Warcraft 3, I believe. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah. I looked at this, and I was sort of turned off by the aesthetic in the little trailer that I watched. And I also saw a man purchase like four items in a store type thing. And every time he bought one, he said, let's spend some dinero. And he said like four times right in a row. Is that a thing that goes on a lot?
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, so when you start in a match between the other team, you don't have any powers. You have a little bit of in-game currency to spend, and you want to purchase an initial power. One is to gain more currency quickly or just a super move. And the strategy is in choosing these. Do you want to get the super move right away so you can rush the other side and just start bashing at him or do you want to think long term and you know get a health bonus or get the money bonus that will kind of get you through a longer match i think justin was more
Starting point is 00:09:54 commenting on the almost gex like repetition of yes dialogue oh you're talking about how i mean it's no more annoying than any of these type of games. They have the same calls over and over and over. I mean, the same, like, a lot, man. There have been some really, really great indie games lately that have almost fallen prey to this Nintendo 64-style approach to spoken word. Yeah, that's the new retro. We've gone past super nintendo and now we're entering kind of the maybe territory that's not one yeah it ain't it's not charming though to like
Starting point is 00:10:33 full-blown bubsy 3d it because like orcs most i did it too i'm like that was i loved that game but every time you kill the guy's like yeah bullse yeah, bullseye! Yeah, bullseye! Yeah, so developers, if you're listening, please just don't do that anymore. We'll record a voiceover for you. It's not a big deal. Yeah. That's like the wicked easiest. Just have somebody say two or three more things, you know? And then don't make your characters talk quite as much.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You got exploderized yeah yeah uh you know what i would want i would want a game that i could play infinitely and never hear a single repeat every patch and update just delivered another like hundred thousand lines of dialogue they have that game already griffin it's called life no because like i don't know i can hear somebody like tell the same joke over and over again you know about work world of warcraft hear somebody say yeah baby over and over again i get it or don't touch or don't touch me there i'll call the police like yeah yeah i know how many times do i have to hear that one okay my name aborats i suspect that if i start hearing russ fresh to do brand impressions i'm never going to let him
Starting point is 00:11:52 stop so i'm i'm going to step in here uh and pitch you guys on tribes ascend now this is a free-to-play first-person shooter that is obviously based on the old series. A bunch of armored dudes, and maybe ladies, I don't know, you don't see inside the armor, battle it out capturing flags or deathmatching or what have you. to let out capturing flags or death matching or what have you. Everybody's armed with a jetpack and the ability to ski downhill not with actual
Starting point is 00:12:31 skis, with sort of a friction reducing ability which makes locomotion a lot of fun. It's a free to play game and you could absolutely play and never spend a dime on it. If you want to spend money, you can use it to unlock certain extra items or to get experience boosts that increase the amount you earn with every win.
Starting point is 00:13:01 But there's so much... What I really am enjoying about it, I'm not great at first-person shooters as a rule, and I don't necessarily like to spend a lot of time getting better. That doesn't really interest me to practice a lot before I start having fun. And in Tribes, there's so many different roles you can be playing. Obviously, there's different classes.
Starting point is 00:13:24 There's a juggernaut that is best for standing around the base and uh and defending it there's a pathfinder who's much faster and is great for chasing people the flag or or capping the flag and there's just some general soldier types but and so if you want to fill those roles you can and then there's additional like support stuff. Like, uh, you can, each base has a generator that powers turrets that protect you. Um, and that generator and turrets can get destroyed. And at any time you can go into a base and get a repair gun and go out to
Starting point is 00:13:57 fix generators and fix turrets. And you get, you know, you get points for that. So even if you, you know, aren't the greatest at just chasing guys, you can work a strategic position and still feel like you're having an impact,
Starting point is 00:14:12 which I think is cool any time that they can support that many different people. And just the playing of the game is so kinetic and fun and fun to whip around the map and there's one map where there's a aqueduct system that runs through the entire thing and the sides are curved of the aqueduct so you can actually use it
Starting point is 00:14:38 as a method of transportation by using your skiing ability and like up and down the sides of it to speed around the map. And there's all kinds of great stuff like that. Huge slopes that you can build up a ton of speed and then jet pack off of. And it's just a blast getting around.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And it's free. And it's a lot of fun. My name on there is Hoops McElroy if you want to get up in. And I'm going to put my referral link in the post so you can sign up with it and I can get gold. So tell me, it's free to play. Tell us about how they make you pay an arm and a leg for every bullet costs you two pennies. Every bullet costs you two pennies.
Starting point is 00:15:22 No, you can buy gold packs. Every bullet costs you two pennies. No, you can buy gold packs, and those gold packs are, you know, it's typical, you know, buy more and get a bunch of bonus gold. The packs go from, like, $9.99 all the way up to $50. What do you get with the packs? Like, what kind of stuff can you buy? Well, it's all the stuff that's, you know, it's all the stuff that's in the game right so if you you know if uh maybe a jetpack boost cost you know like to to make your jetpack last longer maybe it typically costs 40 000
Starting point is 00:15:56 experience or you know four or five matches worth of experience or you could spend you know a couple dollars worth of gold on it there's also i don't like that what i take issue with that i find i like if it was a visual change like oh you get a new hat for five dollars or whatever okay that's fine but that clearly like someone that's spending money is given an advantage you yes and no there are some there are some that you can use it on. You usually, it's to unlock a new, okay. So like, for example, for your secondary weapon, if you're a soldier, you can have a sort of grenade launcher or a pistol, right?
Starting point is 00:16:36 So, and keep in mind that I haven't, I just bought gold for the first time today. So I'm not, I may be a little bit off base here, but this is what I was noticing, was that if you wanted to upgrade your rocket launcher, you wouldn't... you could only use experience to do it. If you wanted to open up the other secondary weapon, you could use experience or gold to do it it so like you absolutely could like it's not letting you just get better it's just opening up more options for you i understand so you're
Starting point is 00:17:14 basically saying this game is designed for the one percenters and everyone else can die no i i i've been enjoying it without spending any money i actually bought some gold today for the first time only if only because like it seemed fair i've got a lot of fun out of it and and i would like to support the people making the game uh but but uh you could totally keep playing and not and not need to spend a dime i i kind of wish they would make a version of this game that didn't have any shooting in it oh that's interesting i have a hard time i love jetpacking and skiing like there's no other shooter that is as fun to move around in but once everybody's going 200 miles an hour like it's like trying to shoot a fly with a potato gun and also the fly has a jet pack yeah absolutely now that's that's true on in the one hand you're absolutely right uh in the
Starting point is 00:18:14 other it's kind of cool because the only time where it becomes super practical to to fight somebody, or at least for me, with my limited skill set, is when they've stopped to try to do something. They've stopped to try to do something strategic, like capture a flag or repair something or get into a fight with somebody else. So it keeps the flow of the game going because it's not just a bunch of dudes running around shooting at each other on the map. It just doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:18:49 If you see somebody whipping past you, you can try to take a few pot shots at them. And it usually is. It's almost like a, hey, how's it going? As you pass an enemy, you'll both take a couple of shots at each other and miss and then go about your business. That's romantic. It is nice. So instead of shooting that guy that's running right past you, you shoot your business that's romantic it is nice so instead of shooting that guy that's running right past you shoot the guy that's crouching down to take a dump
Starting point is 00:19:09 basically i don't think that functionality that is that functionality i don't think you have a you don't have a dump bar that you know like well you did in the sims okay there's something kind of amazing about this game. Like, when you think about it, like, as a history lesson. Like, a history lesson from the future. Right? Like, what if this is future war? Like, you know, we're evolving so fast.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Yeah. What if future war were so powerful that we just whooshed right past each other and no one dies? That is so beautiful. Like, they just get together and they're like, like they just get together hey thank god i made some oolong yeah no it's like they go they all go like super jetpack skiing on like the swiss alps they're like i mean we tried shooting at each other we missed yeah maybe this is you know kind of a metaphor for the human existence. But then they zoom right past all the soldiers and go right into the towns, and all the civilians get murdered. But, and also, you've got to keep in mind, what is powering those jetpacks? Oh, human blood.
Starting point is 00:20:16 The answer is Rare Earth Minerals, Black Ops 2, coming to you November 13th, an Oliver North production. Oliver Platt. Thank production. Oliver Platt. Thank you, Oliver Platt. You're so good at games. Is anybody doing anything fun? Anything interesting so we can take a little break? Give the Chris Granatron 2000 time to process?
Starting point is 00:20:37 You got to warm it up. I'm moving on Sunday. For the first time in a long time, not to a new entirely i'm selling my bed i am excited i'm selling my bait who's gonna buy your bed that's fine i'm selling my bed on craigslist and it's a very upsetting prospect gross yeah it's a new bed i bought it now you want to talk about you want to talk about gross now okay this bed is important because this bed is what made you move to austin oh yeah yeah that's true i didn't even think about that i bought a groupon uh for a mattress firm here in austin and the day that i bought that groupon was the day that i decided that i pretty much just thrown my hat over the
Starting point is 00:21:21 fence and then i had to move to austin to to cash in on this groupon did you not know that the groupon was in austin no i did i was i was thinking about what the fuck rust so you think the group was just clicking around and he accidentally got bought a groupon in another state what's good what's good in tucson today oops i bought it i guess i have to move now griffin i don't know if you're comfortable with this but um do you think you would be able to enlighten us as to your bed situation before you bought the bed the bed you're selling now oh you can tell how far you've come can you talk about super bed you want me to talk about super bed super bed was it was basically like the avengers if you think about it
Starting point is 00:22:07 it was the plurality of bed becoming one it was two twin beds that i had wrapped in a california king-size sheet no um now i know you're hearing this you're wondering but wasn't there a crack yeah there's a crack in between the two i only slept on one side of the bed so effectively i had a twin bed with a vestigial but let me ask you what what sort of like frame was it in oh uh god's frame my man the floor which is to say the floor um there was a box spring i wasn't you know i wasn't that it it was but it was it was it was a king-size box spring no no sorry two box springs two mattresses i but the same mattress no did you sleep two totally different mattresses with different comfort ratings so it's like you have different sleep numbers in the same bed uh-huh sometimes you feel like a soft bed and you
Starting point is 00:23:04 could probably jump on one side of the bed and the wine wouldn't tip over on the other side yeah because they weren't even connected yeah i could spend ten thousand dollars on a california king-size tempur-pedic mattress or i could take two beds that i've owned for 17 years and smoosh them together and then what's up now what's up now i can't tell you how many ladies i entertain zero the colonies that must have been living in a 17 year old pair of mattresses and you know it's messed up i really did sleep on those beds for basically my entire life until i moved to austin you know what's messed up other than that thing i just said it's hard for me to get comfortable with any other bed now you mean any other beds my back like has stockholm syndrome
Starting point is 00:23:53 have you tried so you're you're in a like what kind of bed are you in now uh oh now i'm in an aberdeen plush uh queen size. That's the one I'm selling. My GF home. What are you moving up to? It's actually, it's a slight, it's the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on, but it's full. It's not a queen. So like, I know. You might as well be living outside, not paying any money in tribes. This is fun.
Starting point is 00:24:20 So when I was trying to sell my bed, I was looking at some of the differences between bed sizes, which if you've never done before, it's illuminating. But did you know that different countries have different ways of sizing beds? Yes. And like pretty much everybody's is, they're almost the same except for, uh, the UK has like crazy, crazy bed sizes. Like they have a toddler bed. That's their smallest bed. It's called the toddler bed.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And then they have like a twin and then a full, and then they have a bed size that's their smallest bed it's called the toddler bed and then they have like a twin and then a full and then they have a bed size called the prince whoa and then a king and then they have one called the super king which is also called the queen what's up uh who's who's who's up i believe it's the turn of russ fresh dick well that's fresh dick okay please please please please please don't sing and No, I'm not going to sing this week. No, I'm not. But I did want to tell you guys a story. Last week, I was walking around Atlantic City in New Jersey. I don't know if you've ever been.
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's a very nice city. There's a show about it right now called Boardwalk Empire. Anyway, I was walking around Atlantic City. And they have a few hotels out there um one of them is owned by donald trump of the television show what's that show he's in trump squad trump trump squad right so uh i was walking through his his hotel and he's got a casino there and in the casino many slot machines you know run in the rows of uh people spending money on these slot machines i was looking at one and i was like i wish this slot machine was more like zelda and it was because i looked at my iphone and i found tower of fortune
Starting point is 00:26:02 the rpg that's also a slot machine okay you could have skipped like right to that you didn't have to tell this fake story about how you were no that was all that was all real anyway so tower of fortune you uh you like fight monsters but in order to fight them you got to spin the slot machine and you spend money in-game money and then if you get like swords you do damage to them but if you get skulls they do damage to you and it's sort of those like risk reward system and eventually you're moving up the tower spending more money trying to like fight more monsters and uh and then when you open chest you spin more slot machines and then you go to the bar and you spend more slot machines because you've got to drink beer. And you've got to get beer on the slot machine.
Starting point is 00:26:49 There's a lot of slot machines in this game. This is like listening to someone have a stroke. I don't understand. I know. It's kind of hard to understand. So wait, how do you collect the real money? Not real money. Not like dollars.
Starting point is 00:27:01 They're in-game money. You're playing slot machines, but you don't get money. No, you get damage on monsters. That's pretty much the same thing. And then you get equipment for killing them. And then you level up. What's this called again? It's called Tower of Fortune.
Starting point is 00:27:16 It's called My Nani's Sweetest, Sweetest Dream. Does your nani do the slots? Slots. Kino. Hey i just to let you guys know i am bringing a keno rpg so just when you're ready let me know when you i do want to mention the graphics are kind of neat they they you remember tiger electronics yeah you remember how good the graphics were on tiger electronics yeah well that's what's back baby do you mean like the lcd yep full circle are you serious yeah it's pretty uh lo-fi and colors are a luxury they can apparently not afford but i kind of like it. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. They're on an iPhone. Are you telling me you brought a mobile slot-based black and white RPG? Well, it's actually four shades of gray.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I think it's 50 shades of gray. Shut up, Chris Plant. Is it free? No, it's a dollar. Oh oh jesus and that's an introductory price so it's gonna go up shortly so make your move now yeah i gotta get on this this offer is too good to last i can't wait to hear what the chris grant machine says about this puppy i think he's gonna be all over it because you know what's also a robot is slot machines slot machine is not a robot yeah it is slot machine's not a robot an iphone is a robot so maybe a slot machine inside an iphone is a robot but a slot machine natively is not a robot why not it's just a bunch of is a clock a robot it's got an arm uh yeah so a tower of fortune is the name of the game in case you didn't hear it before
Starting point is 00:29:09 uh if you like um portal 2 i think you'll love tower okay okay okay um that doesn't make any sense so my game that i'm bringing this week is minecraft xbla version it lets you know right there in the title what platform it's on xbla which is an acronym for xbox live arcade um it's kind of like before you get into this could i request that you tell what your what's your like history with the pc slash mac version uh yeah sure i got deep a minecraft guy are you i uh so i i got minecraft when it first made the rounds i think after like penny arcade started talking about it which i bet is when a lot of people got into it and um i played it for a while and i would dip back in whenever there was an update for the first
Starting point is 00:29:57 couple updates but um i could never get there were certain things about it that were inaccessible. Like I did not like how there was no tutorial. There was no, there was no like crafting handbook to tell you what things you could make and how those things operated in the world. And that only got more and more inscrutable as they added more advanced stuff i remember watching a trailer for these redstone activated pistons that you could use to like create these huge machines and like i watched that and that was probably when i stopped playing minecraft because i just didn't have the the engineering degree that i needed to make things work uh and i also could never get the online to work because you had to host your own server, and I am not PC literate enough to know how to do that stuff. So yeah, I played a bit of Minecraft,
Starting point is 00:30:56 but so the Xbox Live Arcade version is missing some of the stuff from the past few updates. Like I don't think pistons are in it for for instance and that the adventure mode update isn't part of it but um it does have a lot of the stuff and it also has i'd say its biggest strength is its simplified multiplayer so it has like split screen two player four player split screen uh and i think eight player online co-op which really is just as simple as you can see from the main menu which of your friends are playing the game and you can just hop into their world and and help them with projects um so you can't actually join a random person's game i know
Starting point is 00:31:39 no you can't because god that would be that would be miserable i have a swimming pool with a glass bottom on top of my house if you broke one of those panes of glass it it would be an absolute nightmare in there that's happening okay do um do i need to go into what minecraft is i i'm pretty sure people know i don't think so you punch, you get the things, you make more things with it. Is it weird to, like, sometimes I'm doing some real precision work with, like, block placement and stuff. Yeah. Does it feel okay with a controller? Mm-hmm. Yeah, it feels just fine.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Because you know exactly where the, because there's a crosshairs on the screen. Yeah. And if your crosshairs is pointing at, like, whatever it's directly aiming at, that's where the block's going a crosshairs on the screen yeah and if your crosshairs is pointing at like whatever it's directly aiming at that's where the block is going to go yeah i really haven't had any problem as far as the control scheme goes and oh okay so what this also has over the pc version is it sort of has a crafting interface similar to the the mobile version of the game where you basically have a menu with different tabs so there's like a structures tab and a tools tab and a food tab and an armor tab and you can see everything you can make and it tells you like what you need to make it
Starting point is 00:32:54 and if you have it you just like hit a on the thing and then it makes it for you and then there's a long there's a tutorial there's um there's tool tips every time you highlight an item and hit right bumper you can see like what it does and how you're supposed to use it and what it can combine with so like crafting is a whole lot more intuitive um thank god because i i i despise that yeah yeah you you basically have to hold a keep a wiki open whatever you played minecraft yeah and it's like once i figure out how to make a pickaxe like don't make me drop all the stuff in that three by three grid like i know how to do this already like the discovery of it is kind of entertaining but then it's just it's tedious
Starting point is 00:33:34 every other time you have to do it um but but this game skirts around it and um yeah i got i've been getting super deep into it deeper than i think i got into the PC version, even though I am fully cognizant of the fact that... You got to keep in mind, like, games on Xbox Live just don't get the kind of TLC that they get on PC or Steam. Like, it's hard for me to be excited about the future of the game when I look at something like Monday Night Combat, It's hard for me to be excited about the future of the game when I look at something like Monday Night Combat, which on PC blossomed into this insanely...
Starting point is 00:34:09 insane amount of free update content experience. And on Xbox Live, I think it got one piece of DLC or one update. So I just know... I know that they're not... The Mojang guys aren't going to spend all the money that they need to on on cert to get to get updates on the xbox i've already you say then what do you say it's fair that if you had uh you know you have a 360 you have a pc you're gonna get it for one i mean does it still make more sense to get the PC version? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:54 It's perfect for someone like me who is frustrated with some of the more tedious aspects of it. And, like, I've never understood, like, creating your own server. If that kind of stuff frustrated you, then it is right for you. Here's the big bad thing that's wrong with it though is that it's 20 god dollars yeah which is which is for a game that was 15 to start with 80 years ago yeah um well it's 20 now is it 20 now i think they moved it up to 20 when it went to beta but so that being said yeah that being said it's not like i did i bought the pc version played it for a bit i didn't like it maybe i'll if the price is right i'll check out the x but the price is so wrong the price is the wrongest
Starting point is 00:35:36 um but uh i don't know i think they're a 99 cent version of like a minecraft clone on indie games that people love fortress craft that's not to be encouraged chris plant yeah um i don't know if you if you haven't played any minecraft though and your tendencies skew towards console games over pc games for the reasons that i outlined um i think i think that's probably the version to go with i think yeah the xbox one is much more user-friendly for beginners but no slot machines so who cares okay we'll now have two minutes of uh final arguments as we uh as the chris grand charm prepares it's uh it's a final decision okay i think you can all agree that your game sounds like bulls**t my i um you got a tony tiger 4-bit like it's like something you find a cereal box it's it's so out i think
Starting point is 00:36:32 i had that game on my nokia phone my nokia 9600 thanks it's a classic i think we can all agree that minecraft had its time in the sun it was was called last year. And I don't really need to play it that much more. A weaker version of a great game? No. I wouldn't call it a weaker version of a great game. Can it do as much? Wait, can it do as much? How many shades of gray does it have?
Starting point is 00:36:59 In the sense that I want to do more things with it than i did with the pc version you know what i mean it's all about the veil of ignorance that's fair that's fair um so what what does that leave us with uh awesome not awesome knots and one percenter buy your way to the best guns occupy tribes i i but you can play it for free which is something you can't say about awesome knots yeah you'll just die a lot no you won't die a lot if you got mad skills like me sure yeah guys that are dropping dookies maybe so you don't need to you don't need to have mad skills to pay the bills you either need to have mad skills or possess the capacity to literally pay the bills
Starting point is 00:37:46 i mean isn't that how supply and demand works like you either have a crap or you have you have the ability to barter and trade justin has a set of shooting skills that the market has valued at a you know a hundred bucks right which which i do not possess but guess what i have bucks right which which i do not possess but guess what i have a hundred a hundred a hundred american dollars us that that makes perfect sense i like to eat good food can i cook no so i pay someone to do it for me exactly who do you pay to do it for you my wife all right there's the closing arguments. Let's put it into the Chris Grandtron and see how it shakes out. That was the worst robot noise I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And it's trying. Wow, this is huge. This is huge for me. Thank you so much to the robot version of our boss chris grant uh and thank you to you guys this is this is a huge honor for me um now of course what what a robot can't decide is uh is whether or not tribes is better than the walking dead if this if the chris granatron possesses infinite wisdom to calculate the the value of games against other games i don't understand why we're replacing these fictional limitations it's not really infinite it's only wisdom of the last seven days okay okay well tribes came out nothing about robots i guess not they're like dogs they forget
Starting point is 00:39:27 everything after a certain amount of time right not love his all i knew is that he eats metal like in the iron giant and he's got tank treads and he's my boss and i'm very afraid of him he lives on the dark side of the moon that sounds more like the six million dollar man which i guess also works because he was kind of an android he was totally an android guys i don't know and chris granatron i don't know justin can you make any case for tribes over walking dead i mean tribes is free but walking dead is very inexpensive okay tribes you can play for much longer i think you're gonna get a lot more out of it um but i'm not sure i could say it's it i i definitely thought it was a better
Starting point is 00:40:19 walking dead is like a more unique uh not more unique. It is a far more singular experience. And the two hours I played with it are a lot more thrilling. So I think I'd still have to stick with Walking Dead. Fine with me. Okay. I guess I just, I guess at the end of the day, I just wish that Walking Dead had skiing in it. Like, oh no, here comes the zombies.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It might in episode like three or four. just wish that Walking Dead had skiing in it. Like, oh no, here comes the zombies! In episode 3 or 4, do they go to a snowy resort? The third one is Slopes of Terror, so I'm looking forward to that. That one. Awesome. Let's keep it Walking Dead then, I guess. So that is the
Starting point is 00:41:01 besties for this week. Make sure to follow us on Twitter at Polygon or come read our stuff. It's forward slash gaming, at least until we get our own site finished. Or you can go to right now. You can find our Facebook, our YouTube, our Twitter link is there. Our Tumblr is there. And you can subscribe to our mailing list, which something will happen if you do that. I don't know what. I don't know where this goes i guess i should find that out uh and uh make sure
Starting point is 00:41:31 you go to itunes maybe share the show with a friend say hey listen this listen to the show they let their robot make all their decisions for them and uh subscribe while you're there that won't happen that won't happen again next i don't think we'll have another robot episode. We gotta figure this show out, you guys. We can't do it. We can't keep doing it while we record. We're not who's doing it anyway. We need to have a meeting.
Starting point is 00:42:00 We do have meetings. We have weekly meetings. We just record them and then make people listen to them. Make sure to join us again next Friday for the besties. It gets better. We should. The world's best friends choose the world's best games. besties

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