The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Episode 147

Episode Date: July 6, 2024


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Starting point is 00:00:00 He also bought me the Clerks 2 special edition box set because I really liked the movie Clerks 2 which looking back I'm like something was wrong with me. Thank you There's like when that movie came out that again when that movie came out. I was like clerks 2 I think I saw in the theaters like three different times Because I was like this is just a good that the one with the movie. Yeah, where they work in the fast food restaurant The one with movie yeah, where they work in the fast food restaurant Well I Think when you saw if you saw when you came out obviously was a younger guy I was like ah you know they're talking about donkey sex yeah
Starting point is 00:00:35 That movie does seem like it was made just for you. I think was made for a younger version of me mm-hmm That was like ah you know Lord of the Rings joke meta. Yeah, man. I shit. Yeah, I love it I'm the original me more this meta shit I was a big Kevin Smith guy at a young age and then clerks 3 was like the worst thing ever made still I'm launched it. Oh my god. That's the weirdest thing is there why guys I know I went from like oh my god Kevin's I think a lot of people though. There was a period of time where Kevin Smith was from like, oh my God, Kevin, I think a lot of people though, there was a period of time where Kevin Smith was talked of in the same breath as Tarantino, do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah, I do, that was a embarrassing time. They're like, oh, these young filmmakers with their quippy fun dialogue, like Tarantino, they're just like us, they're just like us. Quentin Tarantino and of course, Kevin Smith, and you're like, how does it feel to be Kevin Smith? And you can go, at one point, you were being mentioned in the same breath of one of the greatest directors of all time Quentin Tarantino And then you said I'm gonna make chasing Amy. I'm gonna make it they bought they all put too many women in shit
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, you know what he made a lot of our sazy just men every the same guys Yeah, well, that's that's awesome I didn't do it when you find guys who are good at what they do Just keep making movies with those guys these guys are like the quartering It's just like how many women can I cram in this and pay them? Yeah, tell them what to do like man No one wants nobody wants this the only time that makes any sense is when the woman is your wife and you get half her Paycheck like that guy Mila Jovovich or where her husband makes all her movies. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:05 He just casts her in everything. Is it the Resident Evil? Yeah, all the Resident Evil movies. You're like, these are terrible. Those are so fucking stupid, man. Mila Jovovich sucks. Why does she keep getting this work? And it's like directed by...
Starting point is 00:02:15 Are those made for young boys? Or Chinese people? Who is the target audience for the Resident Evil movies? Chinese people is probably 100% correct. I'll watch them and it feels like I'm having a stroke. Like, I don't know what's going on. Yeah. Why it's going on. It's not good. And they're also not really connected to the games in any, like, meaningful way.
Starting point is 00:02:38 No, I understand the games. Yeah. It's like zombies. The three you ever see the 3D movies they put out, though, those are kind of fun. The Resident Evil movies is like it's like all. The three, you ever see the 3D movies they put out though? Those are kind of fun. The Resident Evil movies is like, it's like all the corporation parts. Yeah. Not the zombies. Well, did you see when they made-
Starting point is 00:02:52 There's no kung fu in the game either. No. It's just like ammo management. I want to see a movie about resource management. I think the Resident Evil Netflix series was like the peak of the like Diversity initiative whatever yeah stuffing into stuff cuz you're like all right an evil. What's it about? And they're like it's about Wesker, and you know I'll ask her the bad guy right they go yeah Yeah, I don't know who the fuck Wesker is Wesker
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hey, Wesker is the games, and I don't know where that idiot keeps coming from he was in the first one He was one of the was yeah He was one of the guys went into the mansion with you And he goes off to explore by himself and it turns out he's working for Umbrella the whole time. See, no one cares about that shit. Wesker is relevant to the Resident Evil mythos. Getting the shotguns. That's the game. I got a gun, now I have a shotgun. Right? Not, who's Wesker? No one gives a fuck about Wesker. I kind of give a shit about Wesker. You're one of these Wesker motherfuckers?
Starting point is 00:03:47 I'm a Wesker head. I'm a big- I'm transitioning now. Wesker guy. The fuck has Wesker ever done? For Resident Evil? And it's always a real fuck- it's always a real weirdo that is all into the Resident Evil Wesker shit. Lore?
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. I'm not that deep into lore, but Wesker is like a pretty well-known character. I don't know how you don't know Wesker. He's like Lyman on Garfield. That's who Wesker is. He's there in the first couple comics and then he's gone. You don't even know who Lyman is. You- you're- That's Odie's owner. You're behind on your Resident Evil knowledge.
Starting point is 00:04:15 No, I'm perfect. Cause I know that it's about health packs, not wasting health packs, and getting a new weapon. That's what the game's about. Not Umbrella or Wesker or any of this shit. Well, as I was trying to say, the key moment in the let's inject diversity and everything was they're like, we're gonna make a Resident Evil series on Netflix. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You're like, okay. How many black people can we put in? Who's it about? Yeah, exactly. Well, it's about Albert Wesker. And you're like, oh, that white guy who's the head of everything? Black lady.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But he's gotta be black. Yeah, he's a black guy. Like a suicide squad lady. He's a black guy. And you're like, OK, I guess he can be a black guy. That's not a big deal. Yeah. And they go, but it's not really about him. It's about his children. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And you're like, oh. How many are black? Well, both of them are black. And you go, well, surely one of them's a man. No, it's about his two black daughters in the zombie apocalypse. And you're like, you took Resident Resident Evil bro. This is every movie now It's just like oh alright a movie. Yeah, you know that character you love. This is about his daughter
Starting point is 00:05:12 Why the fuck would I want to watch this? It's uh, it's like how do you even get to that point? I mean, I guess I've never in my life have I gone Oh, wow, can you tell me more about your daughter? I? Had this theory that- You're an interesting guy. What's your daughter like? Well, here's what I've noticed is that you don't see in Hollywood,
Starting point is 00:05:34 okay, you think about all these classic franchises. The original- Garfield, as I was saying. Sure, Garfield. Classic. Whatever. You got Lyman, you got Odie, Nermal, you got Pookie. Sure. You got the din. You got Odie. Nermal. You got Pookie. Sure. You got the diner lady that's all, that's like senile.
Starting point is 00:05:48 You got the veterinarian. These are classic characters. I was going to say. It's one of the most best written series of all time. When you think of the classic beloved franchises of the 70s Wizard of It you're talking about. Stop with the, yeah, Hagrid the Horrible. Why are you going to newspaper comics? OK, Star Wars. What's it about? It's about a. You're talking about
Starting point is 00:06:12 Okay Star Wars what's it about it's about a ladies doing there cutting their hair about a little kid in an old man It's about Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan yeah, man. Yeah, well, it's about a relationship between an older male mentor and a younger man Come on, it was a way not in a gay Way, that's what I'm gonna get to then you get now. Let's kind of gay way. That's what I'm gonna get to. Then you get- Now let's hear about their daughters. That's what I really wanna know about. Okay, Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom. Now does he have a daughter that I can hear about? Well, that's what's happened.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Indiana Jones- I'm bored of interesting things. Was about Indiana Jones in short round, okay? An older male figure. And then the third one was about his dad was the older figure in a younger male figure, okay? A. A lot of these franchises Highlander, okay. Right. Yeah, it was about male mentorship.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah. And now it's become- Not in a gay way. Well, that's the thing is I think now Hollywood goes, well, it can't be about a guy training a younger guy because that's like kind of gay and maybe pedophilic. No. They all want to write daughters they didn't have. It's like this weird collective putting her in a pumpkin shell, but in the movies.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I don't know why they don't want to hand anything down to like, again, when they did it. A man, they're threatened by it. They're like polygamists. They'd kick all the young men out. The next spanner can't be handed down to a man. It has to be handed down to a woman. So they can maintain control, like the quartering and all of his women employees. I don't think it's a, I don't know if it's a communist, DEI, whatever thing like these guys always claim. It's just weak men do this.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I think that, I don't know. But your comics got a woman in it. I'd put a man. There is a man. I'd have made. This is a, he's not, but they're like the same age basically. That's not like a mentorship. So it's like a will they won't they like Ross and Rachel?
Starting point is 00:07:52 It's like, what would you call that? What about the robot? What sex is he? It's a robot. I mean. Yeah, but all, if it thinks and talks, it has a gender. It presents as a male robot, I would say. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Thank you for not dicking with me. It's two dudes and a lady. Okay, that's got a good thing going on. You ready to do the show? I am ready to do the show, yes. Alright, let's do the show. Did I tweet about it or something? I don't know. I didn't tweet about it.
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's a weird day. It's the day after July 4th. Yeah, everybody's wrecked out. It's a weird day. Biggest problem in the universe. Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe. Oh, god, that's strong. The only show that ranks every problem in the universe.
Starting point is 00:08:36 From the chevron doctrine to boogie's crypto hawking. I'm your house tick master. You're gonna need to always beat up your swaldy. That boogie shit is the stupidest fucking thing. Didn't he promise me that he wouldn't apologize? Didn't he promise us that? And then he immediately went, all he had to do was let our interview with him stand on its own two feet.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And not do any other interviews. If anybody asked about it, he should have said, go watch Biggest Problem. They got to the heart of it, but it goes on with these guys And they go you gotta apologize you gotta apologize boogie you scammed your fans. You're a scammer blah blah blah He doesn't he can't He can't just accept boogie none of these people actually care. They're just making content They just need something to be pissed at this week, and it'll be way funnier They were all on YouTube running ads for FTX
Starting point is 00:09:25 Yeah, all the day it crashed so fuck off Nobody who's got ads on their program can criticize boogie a lot for doing a joke Advertising gotta download Voyager now for a joke coin that offers no utility Well, but value at all boogie is always a PR disaster the whole way through. And then that guy, Coffeezilla, he's like a notorious like, good-doe authority, you know. Somebody said or Boogie said that Coffeezilla would have been okay with it if it was an NFT. Which is like profoundly fucking stupid if he said that.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's equally stupid. The difference is selling an integer versus selling a decimal point with an image attached to it. It's fucking dumb. With an image that you don't own! A link to an image! Well then I talked, I was texting Boogie and telling him, I was giving him,
Starting point is 00:10:20 not like feeding him lines, but basically like, well here's how you have to treat it. Are you his Jill Biden? Kind of, yeah. I was like, Bo lines, but basically like well, here's how you have to treat it. Here's what are you his Jill Biden? Kind of yeah, I was like I was like boogie you have to remember like this is a novelty gift. It's not a real coin Okay, and then I said I said it's like beanie babies Some people bought them trying to make money, but that's not the business of the tie Warner corporation The tie Warner corporation exists ago. Do you want to buy a Beanie Baby? Here's a Beanie Baby. And then he-
Starting point is 00:10:46 No, you give bad advice, if that's your advice. Cause Beanie Babies were promoted like- As investments? Yes. By the Tye Warner Company? Yes, they're like, this is an exclusive. You have to get the exclusive now. You can say that, but once you say-
Starting point is 00:11:00 They were way more scammy than a meme coin. Yeah, they were more scammy, but at the end of the day, maybe they're not the best example. They're not a good example. But like, you know, these places that say- Don't use analogies. That's a bad- Well, these places that say, oh, it's a collector's item.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I guess that's a little different because they sell it as a collector's item. But if a company ever tells you, and it'll be worth money, then that's when it becomes a scam, right? Yeah, they have to say, it's not gonna appreciate in value. Right? These collector plates. Well, then the problem is that then Boogie went on becomes a scam, right? Yeah, they have to say it's not gonna appreciate in value. Right, these collector plates. Well then, the problem is that then Boogie went on
Starting point is 00:11:29 with Caleb Hammer and he goes, like nobody bought Beanie Babies trying to make money, and I go, no, a lot of people bought Beanie Babies trying to make money. The point is that you're not the one, god damn it. None of these guys know shit about crypto or the crypto space. No. None of them no
Starting point is 00:11:46 But they're all grandstanding about kids are blowing and spending billions of dollars on shit that they know has no value Oh for the only reason that they're trying to sell it to other dumb people Let's be real all the YouTube guys lecturing casino are all running You know they're like I don't know why boogie doesn't just do what I do and get hundreds of thousands of views and do all these ad revenue. I'm like, no, he sucks and he can't do anything. So just let him get his ten grand. Like that's how he's gonna get his fucking bag. He can't do what he's doing. He has cancer. Do you guys not remember that? He actually has actual cancer.
Starting point is 00:12:19 It might be a goofy kind of blood cancer, but the guy's got to fucking pay for it. People want to buy his Batman coin. a goofy kind of blood cancer but the guys got a fucking papers he needs money anyway he did completely fuck it up and he turned on us he was blaming you he said oh you know dick mashing told me to double down and yeah you blame me you should do triple quadruple down whatever he he wants he wants to be liked and he can't wrap his head around the fact that it's not gonna happen All right, I'm like me and you or I go. Yeah people don't like me. I don't give a shit. Fuck you I don't want internet friends And if I want internet friends, I don't want to be like I try to pick one new fight every day with people
Starting point is 00:12:58 Yeah, you know, well, I think that's what a lot of our haters don't understand is they're like, I don't understand We all hate them, but they're not crying about it. It's like, yeah, because I don't respect your opinion at all. I do. Yeah? OK, let's do the sound. The sound in the show this week is so high fidelity. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Team guys, one. That was me. Yeah, getting cut out of the conversation circle. no, I would never do that again. I Had a pretty good demonstration. Yeah, yeah, you did. Yeah. I had a good joke at the party. We had a fun party yesterday We didn't I did well again. I brought food again with it kind of becomes like I'm part of the party Do you want to tell the class what you did with the red vines right before the show? Would you like to what you like to tell people? I grabbed a red vine and I broke it in half and then I took the half and I ate that and I put the other half back.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And I hear I hear my girlfriend in the kitchen going what the fuck Vito? What? Did you just put back half of a am I? Who eats a whole red vine the entire world that no one has terrible Why did you eat half then I don't know cuz I was like, yeah, maybe I want a little try a little bit okay, then if you're manhandling a gummy snack and You don't want it Throw it away if I had pulled it out and I'd cut it with a knife. Would that have been okay? No, because you're still fucking touching it
Starting point is 00:14:25 How do you not understand when you reach your hand in a bag of chips are the rest of the chips forever tainted? Because your hands might have touched them It depends how you're reaching into the bag of chips But usually usually you're not squeezing and massaging the other chips. I didn't squeeze or massage I broke it in half. You have to break it. That's how those work. You have to squeeze it I'm sorry that I tried to maintain tried to not waste red vine. You're right. I should have just thrown it out In the future do that there will be no future cuz I don't want any red vines anyway, and why do you even have red? I don't you know, she got them. I don't know. I just I don't want them. So don't worry about it. I
Starting point is 00:15:02 Couldn't believe that I Figured it was like, It's like, you're jacking it off. When do you get a candy bar? You ever cut a candy bar in half and you put the other half of the candy bar away? What's the difference? No, I just eat the candy bar.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Oh, come on. What do you mean half a candy bar? How many sittings does it take you to get through a Snickers bar? I don't wanna eat a whole Snickers bar. That's a lot of candy. You can bite, why do you think a Hershey's bar? I leave it in the wrapper at least.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Why does a Hershey's bar have squares? For fun? So you don't have to eat the whole thing at once. You can eat one, why do you think a Hershey's bar? I leave it in the wrapper at least. Why does a Hershey's bar have squares? For fun? So you don't have to eat the whole thing at once, you can eat one square, two squares. Yeah but you're not like, it has a wrapper right? If you were breaking it with your hands on the candy, you wouldn't put it back would you? Well, maybe you should. With a bunch of fingerprints in the chocolate? I don't think.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Fucking disgusting! My fingers were not all over it, I quickly broke it in half and I took... Would you scoop out M&M's with your hand and then put the M&M's back with all the stain all over your fingers? No, but if I... I could take a couple M&M's out and then if my hand happens to touch a couple M&M's in the bag... That's fine because the insides... They're not tainted forever.
Starting point is 00:15:59 The insides of your hands are producing sweat and grease. The backs of your fingers aren't doing it as much, but the gripping, it's the gripping and the juicing of the red vine that's the problem. I think that most people don't. And that would have been in there forever if she didn't see it. What do you think is gonna happen? Like there's some sort of horrible fucking red vine virus
Starting point is 00:16:18 that I've now transmitted to the rest of them? It's just, people don't wanna eat things that other people have molested. There's other people than you, is what I'm saying. I took a piece of a red vine and put the rest of the red vine back. Don't ever do that again. I didn't want a whole red vine. I'm gonna go do it to all of them. You're gonna be at some, when Superkiller 2 comes out in like 2050, you're gonna be
Starting point is 00:16:39 at some Hollywood party. I'm gonna be a red vine guy. Pitching it and you're gonna put a red vine back and they're gonna go, get this fucking guy out of Hollywood. his deal back you're making this sound like a double dipping situation like I bit into it and I put the bit half back it is not equally bad that is not equally bad in the slightest mouth bacteria is genuinely a thing hand bacteria is like whatever it's the same bacteria that's on everything else I don't't want to... I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Okay. Well... I did like your deep fried lasagna though. Thank you. It was surprisingly, I'm surprised it worked. Because I honestly had no idea what I was doing. You missed your calling. Being what? An appetizer chef? Yeah, you could be part of the food fads in Koreatown. Like a hot dog covered in marshmallows.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I remember my father catered a wedding. I remember watching him. His negro basketball. Somebody sent me a link. Oh fuck I gotta find it. I saw a picture. I can't tell if it's the same one but there's no other one so I'm like that must have been it. I thought it had a patch on the breast that maybe there's a couple different ones but maybe I need the Negro baseball jacket. Yeah. Basketball. Oh yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You can just say basketball. You don't have to. There was not multiple leagues because, wow, who's best at this? Okay. And then the Chevron deference, CryptoKaren's and your old grandpa embarrassing you. That got a negative vote because we're all really loving Biden's antics right now. Is that what it was? We're loving it.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Vitos, fried lasagna. As I was gonna say, my father, I remember, was a big, made a lot of great appetizers. Oh, he did? Yeah, I almost made stuffed mushroom caps in honor of him, but I couldn't find decent mushrooms. Okay, this is Nick says, if you change the next next problem transition sound effect
Starting point is 00:18:27 I will take everyone to Greenland. He'll kill himself and kill it. Okay, so that was a vote for the song then That's why I want to keep the song James AW says higher energy problem transition stinger will not make you more energetic veto you have to bring that energy yourself He's saying you know what it might I think it might give me more energy Maybe maybe we have a different one for your problems one for my like for your problems We do the sci-fi thing confusing that and for my problems. It's it's time for vetoes problem Vito brought in is all sorts of things What could it be I should have put it on here? I thought of that too, but that's pretty we'll get you a soundboard after all
Starting point is 00:19:03 Big Z says biggest biggest problem in the university is ants in the kitchen because Vito's been slinging coffee everywhere, yeah. I poured it over the sink at the party. Good. Joshua Perry says, when Vito is telling us the comic is coming along, the Johnny Depp trial was still coming along.
Starting point is 00:19:19 OK. Now it's still coming along. King of Europe was nice of Vito to offer to switch headphones knowing Dick was struggling with his I Think he's being serious, but I'm not sure you have like ten pairs of headphones if you wanted a different pair of phones you could I I have my good ones back. Thank you. Yeah, I Really argue with a woman on the internet again you break those two. I'm never doing that again Wow, I hate talking to women
Starting point is 00:19:42 Wow. I hate talking to women. I mean, I think if you go in a mint salad chat room, you end up, you know, she's not your female friend. That's where you need to go. Give money to Riley. Rarity made me a dress. Vito, the gay team guy song makes me laugh so hard every time. And him being mad about it just makes it funnier. And then he has some insulting things. $50 if you want to hear the team guy song. Oh no no no no no no.
Starting point is 00:20:06 What? Way less. You were giving it away for like two bucks. Five bucks. Five, six bucks. Ten. Six bucks. Ten.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I'll make you a deal. Six bucks. That's bullshit. We're gonna hear it like 80 times if you turn six dollars towards it. Mr. Dan Tastic says, This is the only show I know where the host seemed to be having a good time making it. Well, Dick seems to be having a great time. That's what matters. I agree. I have a
Starting point is 00:20:27 time Coba veto going to war against yellow flash the man who wants to put him in a wood chipper by complementing the art of his of his Comic yeah, I did see you. Well. It isn't the art of his comics the cover alternate cover art as drawn by fiendish artist Renée or Renee. Huh. Look. Who the fuck is that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:50 She's like a comic, she was a comics gate person I think. Uh huh. Oh really? There's been a big upheaval of who's comics gate and who's not. Yeah. Matt Barr is mad at everybody. Uh, here's what I said. They're very touchy.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I saw some guy write a giant co-post about how you can't, about how no one can criticize art anymore. Yeah. Because the art, because it looks bad. Because it looks shitty. And everyone says it looks shitty, so. All I said is look, I don't like, I don't think the main- The art's good!
Starting point is 00:21:26 Let me see, wait, you want me to bring it up? I can find it. Yeah, bring it up. Alright. So Yellow Flashes is a comic. I thought this cover, I was like, I think that's a fine figure or whatever. I don't like the coloring at all and the background is bad, but... Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And the image, and the drawing itself is bad. No, I think the drawing is fine. Looks like shit. It looks okay to me. Yeah. As somebody said, they're like, well, you know, you can't compliment it, blah, blah, blah. I was like, I think this whole thing started with Eric July
Starting point is 00:21:51 because everybody was lying about the quality of comic books, right? It's been like, well, it's good because of this reason. And I don't wanna say it's bad because of a... It's bad though. See, you like to be a contrarian, especially to your own side. Liberals will always stab you in the back.
Starting point is 00:22:07 They're like, alright, we're going as one team together. Uh, no, you're banned from, uh... I think it's up. It is? Yeah. Alright. Uh, that one. This one.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah. Here is the... Here is the drawing. Looks like shit. Looks stupid. No one has ever... No one punches like this look a Woman I didn't know a woman draw drew it woman drew that and
Starting point is 00:22:32 The boob honk yeah the the fingers look like little like Calvin and Hobbs shoes right they look like it They look like a Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse they don't look like a man's yellow shoe like it looks like they're cartoonishly bent back, like, in a totally non-threatening way. This is a superhero, right? Right. A guy who's gonna kill you and he's got little pudding fingers, right? Looks like shit. This is- here it is, and then here's the punch.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Wow, what a terrifying pose. Well, I'm not much of an art critic. I focus mostly on story. That's what I'm mostly concerned with. Yeah. As long as the story is communicating, it makes sense. That's what I focus on. I think the line art, though, click the line art real quick. But then you said, uh, the art is solid. This is a guy that wants to feed you into a wood chipper, right? Renee doesn't want to feed me into a wood chipper. It's talking about Yellow Flash's comic cover, though.
Starting point is 00:23:20 If Yellow Flash paid Todd McFarlane- okay, let's put it this way. Todd McFarlane made a Yaira statue. I didn't say that looks like shit, because Todd McFarlane made it. I'm like this way, Todd McFarlane made a Yaira statue I didn't say that looks like shit cause Todd McFarlane made it, I'm like yeah it looks cool I guess, I don't know This, and then you said actually it's solid as an understatement, it's a great piece You go look at it It looks like- no no no no no no no no no, stop with the mouse, you are banned, I told you you are banned from phones and mice in here That looks, well actually- It looks fucking stupid It looks worse on here
Starting point is 00:23:45 I don't know your monitors blown out though. Oh wait wait. I think the liner it looks okay. Yeah, I like this Here it is Doesn't matter it's a cover look all that matters. Yeah, what does it cover matter right? Well it doesn't in this case because it's a youtuber fucking book so people just gonna buy it for that reason It's not like people are gonna go to the comic store to buy this trash look Superman throwing a car. Oh shit That's that guy can throw a car Wow What else could he do the only part of any of this that matters to me is whether or not Tony Stark's an alcoholic What oh man masks off?
Starting point is 00:24:20 Invest in the art the way you guys are like yeah, Eric's art looks pretty bad to me most of the time But I think the far more interesting thing is the fact that not only can he not write, but he can't hire anybody who can write, which is bizarre to me. Yeah. Okay. And I don't think Yellow Flash can write, and I want to know if he hired a ghost or,
Starting point is 00:24:36 I mean, if you look at his paint. Actually, solid is an understatement. It's a great piece. Yeah, it's a great, I think it's a great piece. You like the fingers of the superhero? I do like the fingers. It looks like baguettes. I think it looks fine. It looks like goofy, like goofy fingers. It's a comic book. Yeah, it's a great. I like the fingers of the superhero I do like the fingers. Baguettes. I think it looks fine. Like goof like goofy fingers. It's a comic book It's supposed to be exaggerated look again
Starting point is 00:24:51 If it really looked like shit, and I said the coloring looks like shit the coloring looks terrible The liner it looks so solid to me. Oh, that's the guy that wants to feed me into a wood chipper What good can I find in this guy? I would hire that lady. That's a good, but she can draw pretty good You know I do is a favor don't please don't Look again, I think I gotta be on I gotta be honest. It's all about honesty Okay, all these guys are lying about comic books. I can have the basic amount of honesty to go I don't I like the lion art. It's a good. It's a good piece of line art looks great and the coloring really sucks
Starting point is 00:25:26 What do you want me to do looks like shit? That's all I can say You know cool or not is also still acting like a pedophile and you should stop that yeah Yeah, that this lady who say that thing said oh, it's a great piece look I don't want to I also I'm not gonna go at artists cuz the artist didn't do anything yet that I know other than to Take a job and Draw his ugly stupid character If he was drawing it then I would you know be a lot more critical of it But here I go yeah lady got paid to fucking draw it. I don't care. Yeah, I know I'll say that fucking the Ira art sucks. The Ira art is the worst art out of the whole rip-off
Starting point is 00:26:00 Here's the other and this is and then this is the end of comics time. I have one more Twitter to load for you. Vito's Twitter. Uh. Vito's Twitter. Okay. Yeah, here it is. Okay. You're saying that foreigners are getting paid. It's genuinely tragic that while American animators
Starting point is 00:26:20 are getting laid off in droves, studios are cutting costs by outsourcing work to North Korea. Something is very broken in this country. I agree. And then the headline is, documents found in North Korean servers suggest the US studios may have unknowingly outsourced the animation work. It's a tragedy. Who's doing the drawing of your comic?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Greg Giney. Where does the guy live? He lives in Mexico. Space of America. Is that because the system is broken? It does that lives in Mexico Is that this because of the system is broken Hold on let's be clear No, I don't because I don't think it's comparable they're not going to North Korea because North Korea has the best artists Oh, okay, okay. I got a guy. It's cheap. I would have hired that guy regardless of where he lived.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I went looking for the guy who had the right art. Okay. And there's actually, I would have got, there's another guy who I would have had do the art, but he's like, he didn't want to get canceled. So that's the thing with American artists. Oh, okay. So the system is broken. Yeah, but it's not like I'm against working with Americans, and I'm paying this guy, you know. American rates. Probably more than American rates because it gets a cut of the campaign So that's why it doesn't make look if I went to North if there was a guy in North Korea is the best artists of all Time okay, but that's not why they're going on they're going to them because they cost nothing I didn't go to this guy because he doesn't cause anything. I'm paying him a shit time. Okay. All right
Starting point is 00:27:38 So now you've explained it That makes sense now, all right, I'm like Eric who does go to Brazil probably because it was cheap and he won't stop Hiring. Everyone's like, Eric, why do you keep hiring guys from Brazil? Can you hire anybody else? Just this one fucking place? Only Brazilians. It's super weird. Okay. Do you have any? I have a very famous segment that we all love called Vote It Up No, well, we'll- Yeah, I played that one last. Yeah, we did that one.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Okay, how about this one? Got off the drama, forget Kiwi Farms. Is this fucking Dame Peso's? It's gotta be. It's gotta be. Is this actually Dame Peso's? Vote, vote, vote, just vote it up. The last one was like fake Tommy Or website, it's in the description
Starting point is 00:28:31 That page is biggest problem that show I want your problems and I want to vote them Peter please just fuck your cat again Call it a woman or the civil rights act. I don't care. I want to vote it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Oh, go and vote it up. I like the effects. Clean the greens out of your fucking glasses. That's true, I should. It's been hot, guys. And so hot. Don't they have like anti-fog glasses? I think you gotta get the coating for it. They make like a coating you can put on there.
Starting point is 00:29:17 All I know, guys, is it's voted up where you visit past prom, put them in a new light. Dick! Yeah. I don't know if this is an entertaining one, but it's a good news from episode 88. The problem of drip pricing. That must be one you brought in, I think. I don't even know what it is. Well, that's what I thought. I said, how'd this get on the board? Who brought this in? No. Drip pricing is the idea that, you know, you go to get a product or service and he says like, hey, it's only $70 a night for this hotel room.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah. And then it's got all these weird hidden fees and whatever else. Yeah. Service charges and whatever else. Yeah. Well, effective July 1st, the new California Senate Bill 478 bans the practice of drip pricing, where the price for a product or service is advertised without including all mandatory fees and charges that consumers must pay. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, it will eliminate hidden fees often referred to as junk fees. Like airlines can't do that now? Yeah, they can't fuck you. They have to tell you upfront 500 bucks. Seems they seem to go back and forth on that one. Who? Airlines. Airlines and hotels in Vegas. Sometimes it's illegal for them to fuck you, and then it will be legal again. Well, Vegas is definitely one of the worst places. That's the first time I ever encountered like $40 resort fee. They'll advertise.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah, they'll advertise. $10 roams. Oh my god, $10 a night. And then it's like a $120 hotel fee, and you're like, why even advertise it? At that point, don't you feel like a kind of an asshole? Who falls for that? Who goes, oh cool, $10 a night,
Starting point is 00:30:51 and then just goes through the whole checkout process without checking the fact that it actually totals 600 bucks? It is illegal to advertise, display, or offer a price that does not reflect the full amount consumers must pay, excluding taxes and shipping costs. So that's the, and that's, well, I mean, you know, like with my comic book, that helps me cause people just go through shipping costs aren't on there. So that's good. I like that. But, uh, that's the real scam that all these guys should be talking that Mouda Har should be talking about.
Starting point is 00:31:19 He should be. That's a good shimmy. This prohibits businesses from advertising an artificially low headline price. Well, let's hope the rest of the country follow. This is one of Biden's things for some reason. Remember Biden said, I'm going to get rid of service fees at all the hotels. Biden had a bunch of weird like, I'm going to end cancer and I'm getting rid of hotel service charges. And you're like, yeah, that's because his wife is running it. That's like the dumb shit that a woman would
Starting point is 00:31:46 Boomers care about boomers like don't have they're like well I already got a house cuz she like I already got a Facebook group. Yeah Like if you ask if you ask a woman to prior to prioritize all the problems If you ask them what the biggest problem the universe is you go yeah, probably cancer probably deforestation Oh cancer and when you try to get a hotel Yeah, Vegas, uh-huh. They charged like way more than I wanted to pay guys being mean online That is one of theirs. That's probably that's probably another thing Biden's clamping down Well drip rising going by the wayside isn't that wonderful?
Starting point is 00:32:20 Here's another one though a little more exciting. This is when episode 28 was the problem of the Olympics. I think, did you bring that in? That must have been when the last time the Olympics were coming around. Well, here's the thing, the Olympics are about, well, not the Olympics. There's gonna be a new type of Olympics, a new, exciting, sport.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Stereoid Olympics? Is that it? You've breaking, you're breaking, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, substances. The enhanced games, terrible name, which is open to anyone will not test athletes for drugs. All athletes who are participating in the enhanced games will be allowed to take substances approved by the FDA, including antibiotic steroids and growth hormones. This is like a boomer. In your transphobia, you're against this thing because then they can take whatever you want. Well, there's no women's division because it's all guys I look at you can take all the hormones and you know because the problem with the trans athletes But they're like all because the hormones and change things around. It's like I don't know they might still lock it down
Starting point is 00:33:36 This is like a boomer bait, right? If there's two things that every boomer on earth has said it's explaining the difference between the n-word of ah and er Mm-hmm and telling me how much they want to see a steroid Olympics and how cool really be every fucking I don't think there's a boomer alive that hasn't told why do they want that thousand people those two things I would think it's funny. It's like that's their version of comedy. Could you imagine there's a steroid Olympics, bro? Yeah, man, the great the first fucking ten times I heard this story might be interesting I would like to see you know what what is the upper limit he'll do anything good what is his what is his problem with us I thought he was supposed to be
Starting point is 00:34:19 jolly got rid of Gawker that was good right I don't think that was good for free speech no it really was it really bad. I remember when everyone's cheering it on you're like well It is funny, but it's also horrifying that you can just bankrupt an entire newest organization I mean they really fucked up But the company hopes to begin staging sporting events with been dubbed get this get this tagline Olympics on steroids Starting next year. It's gonna beline. Olympics on steroids! Starting next year. It's gonna be like the Olympics
Starting point is 00:34:48 on steroids! Dick. The day the last boomer dies, I'm gonna hold a fucking parade. We're all gonna party. Our whole generation will smile for the first time. What is this feeling I feel? We got a way to go. It's like all those jokes died
Starting point is 00:35:05 They are they are still trying to fund this they have several potential investors So I guess the now they're trying to get people are really excited for guys if you want to support the enhanced games kill yourself Well, I don't know if we can say that on YouTube. Maybe seek out Peter Thiel and send him a check That was the Olympics. Vote it up, folks. Vote it up. Got off the drive-up, forget Kiwi Fums. I want Veto talking shit on the Asians. I want the vote.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I want Veto talking shit on the Asians. I didn't talk shit on the Asians. Yeah, you did Costco. There's a lot. I didn't say that was bad. I just said it was a problem. You had a lot. I didn't say that was bad. I just said it was a problem. You had a 20 minute speech on how it was bad. I just... I mean...
Starting point is 00:35:50 And you didn't like it specifically. They need to accommodate them more and make more space for not just Asians like us, you know? Yeah, yeah. I gotta go to Costco, take some pictures. You gotta see this. It's all Asian people! The whole fucking store! I believe you. I'm gonna go I gotta go to Costco take some pictures you gotta see this It's all Asian people the whole fucking store I believe you You live in an Asian area I do live in an Asian area
Starting point is 00:36:13 I think they all moved next to Costco's now If you're trying to sell a house to an Asian guy tell them how close the Costco is What's the distance to Costco? They probably asked that What's Wacabilla Bay School? Is there Costco in the Obiah? What's the distance to Costco? They probably asked that. What's Wacabellity School? Is there a Costco in the Obaya? Sam's Club? Sam's Club no good. Costco better.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Oh God. No, I won. Is Rumble going to stream the steroid Olympics? Like their cool and amazing slap fight competition? Oh my God. That's such a fun and interesting sport. I Would like there to be a piece of like conservative media where I go. Yeah, that's pretty good Yeah, like what is that? What is the good piece of conservative media? I don't know Wagner Well, it's not mr. Virgil, but it ain't the new norm
Starting point is 00:37:01 Fight it ain't Steven Crowder. It ain't Ben Shapiro, it ain't Chip Chilla. It's like they can't, it's not that rip-a-verse. I'm like, can't you guys just make like one good thing? No, they can't. Like one... There's gotta be like one thing. No. Well, King of the Hill, is King of the Hill... Very. I think so.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Mike Judge is conservative, I believe. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I don't know, though. So Beavis and Butthead, Mike Judge. Very conservative Beavis and Butthead. But he's like very smart. He's a very smart guy. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Well, I'm going to do a problem here. And well, I might have already given away my problem, but I'll still ask this question, Dick. What is the most destructive invasive species in the United States? And I'm going to give you a hint. Nerd-Rodic is married to one. Do you know what the most destructive invasive species is?
Starting point is 00:37:54 Well, I'm going to say it's not women. It's not women. I'm not going to say that's not the answer that the survey has. No, it's not. Do you want to know what it is? I don't get any more guesses? You can get a guess. You got a guess? Uh, it's some kind of creature where
Starting point is 00:38:08 the stomach and the neck and the chin are one solid line. What kind of nose would you describe that creature as having? Upturned. Something you could easily snort out of. Yes. I think. Perhaps a snout-like appendage. A snout-like appendage. Certainly hooves, I would say. Well, Dick, the biggest problem in the universe,
Starting point is 00:38:29 as Neuronic knows well himself, is feral hogs, Dick. Feral hogs. These wild hogs are the most destructive. They called the cops on Riley. Well, they did. This wild pig called the cops on Riley. Well, that they did. Called the cops on Riley. That was part of the problem. They're one of the most destructive invasive species
Starting point is 00:38:51 in the United States today, with as many as six million hogs currently wreaking havoc across 39 different US states and four Canadian provinces. They've taken over. They've made their way into our homes now. They're birthing our children. Dick, have you kept up on the wild hog problem in America? No.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Have you seen this stuff? Have you seen the videos? The hogs? I saw a hog got blown up by dynamite today, I think. Wow, they're doing all like...wait, is that a joke I don't know about? No, I saw it was a video. They were like, put dynamite on a pig and then blew it up. They also do this thing where you can go to Texas, you can rent a helicopter and just machine gun the wild hog populations Yeah, don't roll your eyes. This is important We got to take care of these things half the wild hog populations in Texas where they do about 400 million dollars in damages Annually just wild pigs. Yeah, dude. They're everywhere. They're like I don't see any yeah, cuz we're in Texas
Starting point is 00:39:45 There's six million of them. It's correct You don't watch the videos on YouTube of catching the sounding sounders. They call them. That's what you call It's difficult Logistically to round up six million. Yes things that don't want to be rounded up. Yeah, do it Well, they're really smart Wild hogs are really smart! They're like smart animals. Almost as smart as people. Almost as smart as people.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And it's so difficult. They have extra long snouts, which are flattened and strengthened on the end by a piece of cartilage allowing them to root as deep as three feet. Okay. I think we saw that in the picture. They'll devour and destroy all ho-ho fields of wheat, soybeans, potatoes. They just get, if you've got a farm you're fucked, because they'll just go nuts on the picture. They'll devour and destroy all fields of wheat, soybeans, potatoes. They just get it. If you've got a farm, you're fucked because they'll just go nuts on the thing. Not only that, they damage farmland, threaten livestock and pets and carry nearly
Starting point is 00:40:34 40 parasites and over 30 viral and bacterial diseases, including swine fever, hepatitis E, tuberculosis and bruchella disease, causing fever and headache, present roughly one in 10 feral hogs. Now I know what you're saying. Yeah. You're saying why don't we just poison these fuckers? Why? If we make some pig poison, we're gonna be good, right? We can wipe them out.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Well here's the problem, they're close enough in DNA to the normal regular pig that we like to consume. Well they are pigs. Well, they're like a certain varietal of pig. A wild hog is different from a- You can't eat it? You can eat it, but I think the meat's a little tougher. It's not exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Oh. Okay. A wild hog is a slightly different breed for you. Where are they from? How did this happen? Well, that's glad you asked. Good, our favorite Italian, Christopher Columbus. Well, here's the thing is people have been bringing hogs over Christopher Columbus brought pigs and hogs
Starting point is 00:41:30 to the Caribbean and Hernando de Soto brought them to Florida. Okay. However, in the 1930s, things started getting crazy when Eurasian wild boars were brought to Texas and released for hunting. So we said, these will be fun to hunt. We'll just let them out there.
Starting point is 00:41:45 They'll breed. We'll have something to do. And, yeah, that'd be fun. Yeah, well, hunters enjoyed hunting these wild hog populations to the point that there were farms that were breeding more wild hogs and telling tourists, come on in, you can hunt our wild hogs. What's actually interesting is that their population
Starting point is 00:42:06 explosion is kind of a modern phenomenon. Do you remember when there was a period of time where a lot of hunting shows started showing up on TV? There was a lot of like, like cable TV was taking off, and they're like, we got to have a bunch of programs. There was? There was some late night hunting programs and stuff. No. And because of that... Can you just sit around and wait with a guy? Yeah, you just like, yeah, you
Starting point is 00:42:30 go with a guy to the hunting blind, this guy's hunting deer and guy's hunting hogs or whatever. And because of that, these shows got people interested in pig hunting, leading to, again, relocating these pig populations to other states. Like, oh, well, we got a bunch of tourists coming. Texas coming yeah, Texas Whatever others ain't can we hunt man any hogs like that TV show I saw when I had some hogs So now Texas is overrun by millions of wild Hogs that are too smart for traps, and they're just running around going nuts. I like anything bad that happens to Texas It's it's a total shithole.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Well, and all these morons are like trying to gaslight themselves into thinking that Texas is the polar opposite of California somehow. When people say like Texas is like, oh, it's like, you know, that's where you wanna be. They got it all figured out. I'm like, they don't? Well, here's something I found interesting
Starting point is 00:43:24 is that Texas went oh my god We have a huge wild hog problem. This is out of fucking control. They're everywhere. They're destroying farmland Yeah, the only thing we could do is we're gonna set up like huge bounties You know kill the X number of wild hogs. We will pay you to kill wild hogs whatever else okay, that'll Solve oh really they're gonna pay you to kill wild hogs, whatever else, okay? That'll solve the problem. Oh really, they're gonna pay you to kill, so I'm gonna breed hogs now for money. So they started breeding more, the population actually went up
Starting point is 00:43:52 because the guys who had the hogs to begin with were like, oh shit, they're paying me to kill these things? Well, I better make a shit ton more. And they're like, oh fuck, god damn it. Oh shit. We didn't realize the obvious implication of what we were doing. How much of an asshole do you have to be to be like,
Starting point is 00:44:06 Hey, it's an invasive species that's completely destroying our state. Yeah, but I could make money. What is the- What do you- If I make more of them. You're like, what the fuck is wrong with you? What do you- what do you mean? Why would you not?
Starting point is 00:44:18 Oh my god, it's terrible. Who cares? Terrible plan. Texas does allow hunters to kill wild hogs year-round without any limits or capture them alive to take to slaughterhouses to be processed and sold to restaurants as exotic meat. So they're not even considered regular meat. It's exotic meat to kill these things. The goal is not eradication, which people do not believe would be possible, but control. Dick, these things populate like crazy. They start breeding. Why do you know about this? The wild hog. How do you not know about this? How do you? Can I can we go to YouTube? I guess what do you need on YouTube? Look up wild hog trap
Starting point is 00:44:54 Okay, these are some of my favorite videos Let me see if I can look for the one that's like a sir 48 hogs in the trap Let's just watch. Oh, he watched for buster for buster This is the one I want you watch this. Yeah. Yeah. All right hold on Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, cuz they'll be like there's some that are like documentaries it goes all right Well, there's like four in there right now But we're gonna wait two more nights to see if they get comfortable with this thing Here's the bore buster
Starting point is 00:45:23 You fucked and they all run around a ram into the side Why do you watch this? Get they got silly some of the traps they'll get like a hundred fucking wild boars in there And they just go in there with a shotgun and just fucking boy. Why would that why would you like that kind of content? Look, I don't why does it appeal to you? It doesn't I don't know There's just something like this the stupid coin slot machines things that you also watch. It also is.
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's completely all I saw. It's a coin brammer. It's a brand after I cried about killing pigs instead of the children or whatever. But I guess I just find it interesting. I mean, not really. This is what I think you would like. Here, go watch another one real quick.
Starting point is 00:46:00 It's just interesting to see, like this is what they gotta do. We're not getting sucked into the veto YouTube hour. It's just one more. One more we get it. It's got 13 million views. I just want to see how many you got What is your? Because there's all you know it's depressing. I don't want to watch this not depressing. It's take care of an invasive species You see the video of them like electrifying Asian carb? They're like running into the thing to escape getting shot by some Mexican illegal Mexican. Hey snowflake welcome to the fucking real world, okay? There is six million of those fucking things What is this? Who cares? Oh my god. It's like the way we think about animals like uh
Starting point is 00:46:42 Who's we? Just like like oh, I can't wait to eat a big ol' steak, oh, I wanna murder a million fuckin' cows, and I go... I don't wanna murder, it's not murder! And then I go, here's how they're trapping an invasive species, it's very interesting what's going on. You know, I find it interesting how they're... But you're laughing at it, it's not... I'm laughing because it's like...
Starting point is 00:46:59 You're not saying it's interesting, it's not interesting, it's some rednecks. The laughing is that you have never seen this, and I think it's, you know, interesting that you've never seen how crazy the problem is. The problem is nuts, there's like hundreds of thousands of these fucking things, millions of these things. Millions. Millions of wild hogs. That we made to be funny.
Starting point is 00:47:17 We made for fun. Well we made to hunt them, we said we wanted to, we did it because we wanted to kill them anyway. Just made a ton of things to kill them. And now we're killing them and all of them is a problem. They begin breeding at 6 to 8 months of age, have two litters of 4 to 8 piglets. You don't think this is a little much? Like, I like meat.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I think that they should be slaughtered humanely. But this is just crazy. You can't slaughter them humanely. They're too smart. What are you going to do? Process them into a little box? I'm just saying it's a lot of them, you mainly. They're too smart. You can't like, what are you gonna do, process them into a little box? I'm just saying it's a little much. This is real life, baby. You gotta build a fucking spiral trap that out of the saw it's been down. It's not real life. It's we made this problem. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:47:55 For novelty purposes. And now we gotta get it out. We should watch one of the videos with a helicopter sometime. Where they just get in the helicopter and go shoot. No, I don't need to watch a video. I can imagine. I think this might be, I think your YouTube fixation with YouTube videos might tie into your AI, like, fetishization. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Cause I don't, I can, okay yeah, shooting pigs in a helicopter, yeah I got it. I don't need to watch, it's interesting. It's not interesting. It's interesting to learn. It's like you're ever watch Dirty Jobs, you know, and you learn what these farmers, and all that. Yes, that was interesting. It's not interesting. It's interesting to learn. It's like you're ever watch Dirty Jobs, you know, and you learn what these farmers... Yes, that was interesting. Yeah, well, what are the hardships of being a farmer dealing with an invasive population
Starting point is 00:48:32 of like hundreds of fucking hogs destroying your farm? What do you got to do? And you got to set up... Get a fence. No, the fence doesn't work. They'll get under the fence. You got to set up... It was above them.
Starting point is 00:48:41 The trap's above them. And you got to slam it down, it's a remote control. So you sit at home and you watch in a webcam. That's what all these farmers do, they're watching on a webcam. And once they get like 40 hogs in, they gotta make- What is 40 gonna do with six million hogs? Well they gotta make a decision, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:48:58 They go, do I go for the 40 or do I wait? It's the gambling, it's the fucking gambling that appeals to you. It's the fucking gambling. Do I you. It's the fucking gambling. Do I keep, do I take the 40 pigs? Or do I try to double my pigs? Or do I risk it all and hope I'll get 80 next time? Because once you're allowed to trap, that trap is, like the pigs will not come back to that trap.
Starting point is 00:49:16 You gotta go pick it up. You gotta move the trap, you can't use the trap in the same place twice because the hogs know about it. Right, right, right. So, it's interesting. Yeah, it is like it's like a prisoners dilemma You lock it down, and then you might have no hogs. Yeah, it's a game theory Anyway dick the best we can do right now to deal with the wild hog population again We can't do any poison we can't do any like birth know so much about this these wild cuz I do research for my problems I'm like you comes up with them five seconds before the show
Starting point is 00:49:48 We can't start coming up with this one during this we can't like DNA alter them to sterilize them cuz again It might fuck up the regular pig population So all they said they're doing that with mosquitoes in California. They've been trying to do mosquitoes for a while So does it just not work cuz it's not it's not working. Uh, it works the deal it worked That's how they got rid of... That was one of Bill Gates' big things. Yeah, so does it not work like everything else he does? It worked for a period of time.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I think it lasted about eight years before the mosquitoes mutate again and then they can... They mutate their dicks? What do you mean they mutate? I think the big problem in the third world is that they were transmitting... Was it West Nile virus? I don't give a shit about the third world. I give a shit about the third world. I give a shit about mosquitoes in my yard. They were trying to make it so they don't breed
Starting point is 00:50:29 and don't populate, but there's always mutations that find a way. Life finds a way. So you don't know. Just say I don't know. I just said I kinda know. I don't make up a bunch of bullshit about mutating and life finds a way. Why don't you bring it in
Starting point is 00:50:40 as a problem and have some fucking interesting facts instead of dumping it on me? What is this show? Why do you have all these facts? Why do you have all these facts cuz I looked it up cuz I did research for the show it seems like I show up at 445 15 minutes for the show and you go what problem should I do? Yeah, I got a whole fucking I went through and I found facts. I'm so offended I'm just asking why you know so much about wild I. Well, then I tried to have a conversation about what
Starting point is 00:51:05 I think is going on with mosquitoes. You'll fucking know. Yeah, but you don't know. You'll fucking know. Just say you don't know. OK, well, you don't know either. That's why I asked you. I'm part of the show.
Starting point is 00:51:12 I'm not talking about making shit up about they mutated. All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I tried to. Hey, Vito, do you know anything about mosquitoes? Well, here's what I believe is going on. You'll fucking know. That's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:51:24 But you don't know. You'll fucking know. Yeah, I know I don't exactly know,, here's what I believe is going on. You'll fucking know that's fucking good You don't know. Yeah, I know I don't exactly know but that's what I believe happened. Oh, okay. I'm sorry I don't care should have done mosquitoes Nah, yeah. All right. Well, my problem is wild. I have two animal problems. I can't do mosquitoes now All right, can't have two animal problems. Can you summon the fucking the AT-ET there? Great great. Great transition. And guys, don't forget YouTube. A lot of videos of wild hogs getting savagely destroyed. Let's watch another one. Let's watch another one. Let's watch another one. I mean, I'm one of these guys, I remember one time, I'll say this, I was on a business trip with my boss, and we were just like hanging out in the hotel room. He turned out to be a pig?
Starting point is 00:52:06 No, no, no, no, no. In disguise? We were just hanging out, he's like, what should we do? And I'm like, uh, I'm like, oh, let's go to that Reddit board that has videos of people getting murdered. And then I put one on and he went, what the fuck, I don't want to watch this! And then I went, that was the moment I went, oh, I'm like, uh, I'm not, uh, I'm not good at social. You're like American Psycho but you don't look anything like him And then he put her head on a pike
Starting point is 00:52:28 I went, you don't watch videos of Chinese people getting sucked into industrial equipment? He's like, no! Of course not! I'm like, oh I thought everybody did this for some reason Nobody does it You never watch the videos of like a Chinese guy gets sucked into a lathe? No, I don't want to see that But then you like, don't you want to learn lathe safety? You're not learning anything! It's not interesting! You just have a Suck into a lathe. No, I don't want to see that but then you like you don't you want to learn lathe safety
Starting point is 00:52:45 You're not learning anything. It's not interesting. You just have a Now I know if I see a lathe, just stay the fuck away from a lathe You just have a sick morbid fascination with things getting killed and the more human they are the better the more conscious they are the better I saw a little Chinese lady trying to make a carpet and the next thing I knew she was the carpet and that was fucking Pretty nuts man, And you love it. You love it for some reason. I don't know, man. I want to see.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I want to know what's going on. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Yes. Stop saying you want to know what's going on. You just want to see people get killed because you're sick You know I want to see the people get You don't watch any of that same context no watch like a video like a house on fire or a car crash you watch that No, I watch like people hitting their nuts on skateboards and stuff. Why do people go to NASCAR? So that hopefully Camelot crashes that fucking Tim Cass car other piece of shit. No I'm just kidding
Starting point is 00:53:57 No one believes you now if it was yellow flash you'd be like oh I hope he wins I can recognize a good racer when I see one like all I know is me a camelot He was mad at me cuz I said I don't know I think that doctor disrespect is a bad guy He was mad at you. Yeah, I said cuz he was the fee was defending doctor disrespect before doctors He's right of course admitted to everything he's like. Oh, I can't believe they're trying to bury a good man, but I'm like dude I think he did it. I think it right away. Yeah, I'm like he didn't say no I wasn't sexting a minor. I tried to say he's like like, oh, you mean like how everybody calls you a pedophile? I'm like, the difference is if anybody asked me, hey, did you, did you sext a minor?
Starting point is 00:54:29 I would say no. Well, no, you would say yes first. No, I don't think I would. To be funny. Yeah, you did. You went on like three days of leaning into the joke of saying, yeah, I am a pedophile. I'm gonna fuck your kid. But nobody's ever accused me of actually, if somebody actually said, hey, you did this
Starting point is 00:54:44 crime, I would say, obviously I didn't do the fucking whatever crime you put back the you put back a half-eaten red vine I did put back a half-eaten red vine Anyway, I don't want Camelot to crash into a wall But people do you say some people going to the race are They're not going there to watch the race the exciting race They're going to see fucking car crashes. You actually think that. I think guys who go to NASCAR are like, if they see a car crash, they're excited.
Starting point is 00:55:09 They're like, oh cool, I got to see a crash. I don't think so. I think everybody who went to the race where Dale Earnhardt died, I think for the rest of the time they go, hey, you remember that guy who crashed the wall and fucking his head severed off his body? I was there. That's their NASCAR story. Their NASCAR story is not the time
Starting point is 00:55:25 They saw a car go fast. You're a sick guy. No everybody's a sick guy. I'm just the guy who admits to it, okay? Nobody is watching these Chinese murder videos that you're showing your boss How many how many fucking views were on that Wild Hog video 13 million? Okay, so I'm probably just the same 10,000 over and over again. I think there's a look, there's a macabre, there's a, you want to, you want to,, you want to see what's going on, right? Stop saying that!
Starting point is 00:55:57 Don't want to keep your finger on the pulse. Alright, my problem is blackouts. Mmm. One in... one... approximately five and a half hours of energy interruptions a year. How about that? That doesn't seem like a lot. What do you mean? It's a lot, because all your shit resets. Five and a half per person? All of the... Per person? Per person, yeah, in America.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Other countries, it's way worse. Africa is... Well, I would imagine, yeah. Imagine, you only have power for like 20 minutes or something. It is the worst, especially when it happens during a heat event. Fourth of July party. Yes. Oh my god, it happened during the party, like five or six times, and the worst part was the power in my house went out.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And I'm frantically going through my garage looking for lights. Yeah. With... were you helping in that or was it another guy? I did not help you find lights. I'm finding camping stuff. How would I help you find all your fucking lights? I would never rely on you in that situation. What am I gonna do?
Starting point is 00:56:58 You just be in there making jokes. Just fumble around blindly. I don't know what you people like. I'm handing these lights and batteries to people and they're like, What do you want me to do with this? I tried to club one on the fan and he yelled at me. So blindly, I don't know what you people like. I'm handing these lights and batteries to people and they're like, What do you want me to do with this? I tried to clip one on the fan and you yelled at me and you said put it on the other side of the fan. Oh that's right, I forgot about that! I give you a camping light with a clip on it and you put it on the fucking ceiling fan!
Starting point is 00:57:17 What's gonna happen when the power turns back on? Then you're gonna have a cool spinny light. It'll turn into a missile and it'll scratch the fan. Maybe it won't But the worst part was that's when dr. Kevin showed up yes With his wife and kids his wife was not there that wasn't his wife. I was a teen well Yeah, this is a family. It was not his wife. Oh You thought those is white
Starting point is 00:57:48 Look I don't want to I don't have to dox him he brought over that was not his wife my man It was dark. It was a blackout. You couldn't see. I couldn't see yeah, so he comes in with some kids sure I'm like oh shit. I'm soaked in sweat right now trying to explain to him What's happening that we don't have there's not not 80 people here with no light for no reason. Yeah. And now I gotta go through the house, reset everything, reset the cameras, reset all the computers. Oh, because of the blackout. Because of the blackout.
Starting point is 00:58:17 What does Dr. Kevin have to do with that? Nothing, that was just an embarrassing part of it. Oh, because he came over to the park. Well, it's not your fault there's a blackout. Yeah, but somehow it is you know. That's what people think they come to your house, and there's a blackout They're like well. I mean why did you have? Dr. Kevin looked at me like it was my fault. Why don't you have a backup generator going? Something yeah Well, just take all that shit. You could have a fucking a Septic tank generator going all that shit is just funneling into a yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:58:51 Clock off everything on yeah, well all your stuff resets. That's no fun, and then it did it again Yeah, it did it again Today after I reset it. We had to reset everything in here. That's why the show was late I just want to know when at what point we're we're doing so well that we can just have power all the time You know we're doing so well that we can just have power all the time. You know? Well, we're doing pretty good. When are you guys gonna do that for us? Well, I think we did do it. You gotta get a bat- you gotta get the wall battery. You gotta get a Tesla wall.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Is that the solution? I think it is. Having a big retarded, um, Solar battery. battery on my house? Yeah. You should get one. Somehow I don't think that's- I should?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah. I just don't wanna be part of it. I don't think that's I should yeah, I just don't want to be part of it I don't want to be part of the solution You don't want to be part of this now Now you just I on principle I I reject it mmm if you guys start putting in more nuclear power plants I'll I'll think about how we might if dr. Kevin's new fundraiser and whatever the hell he's doing he's trying to build nuclear reactors Yeah, farm nuclear reactors that what it is? Yeah, he's trying to put them on farmland. Yeah, I didn't get the whole pitch when he said he needed like two million dollars
Starting point is 00:59:51 I'm like cool and then I tuned out cuz I'm like I can't help you with that at all I can't make any money with this. I'm not listening. I'm like I'm excited about nuclear power You are? Yeah, not two million dollars worth, but somebody else's two million dollars, sure. Blackouts, well I don't know, I thought it was kind of fun. You thought the blackouts were fun? Yeah, it was fun, everybody, oh, lights are off. Sweltering hot. Well that's the worst, I think it was a year ago.
Starting point is 01:00:18 They do that thing, and then they send you a text, and they go, here's when the power might come back on,, when they do like the rolling black and then you know storing things here Nobody turn your AC on because the power might go out. You won't be able to use your AC. Oh, okay. Okay? I'm blast. I walked up today. I'm hungover as shit and My girlfriend had it's hot upstairs like an oven. Yeah, why isn't the AC on she goes? Well, I didn't want to you know cause another blackout but because Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:50 You should want should want to use the devices if you're not God I remember that now when you say and I walked out you had the fucking light hanging off the fan Oh, whatever blade turns into a missile. I was I was out of it. I had no sleep for that a party Oh, yeah, I didn't even get to eat as much as I wanted to and that was the real much is that I only had half One of those one of those sausages is Josh Denny made Those were those were pretty good. Eve pretty good, man I wish I'd taken one of those home. You guys were like the The playing cards and now you can order we coordinated ahead of time
Starting point is 01:01:27 We had a little we had a little bad guys making well Carl's sausage. I guess Carl's a little he's a bigger guy He's like six foot five though, so he wears it a lot better Did you see when he threatened to throw that gay guy off a cliff no why? Oh, man, I spooking his dog no No, no, so we were all up on the Hill watching the fireworks and it's packed right time hundreds of people up there and a one lane road Yeah, it's already parked on. Yeah sucks if you're driving. Why are people parking on that? That's such an asshole fucking mood There was there was a guy in like a lawn chair in his truck. I'm like, dude Don't park your truck on this fucking thing. I wish they would just close the gates sometimes they've done that I don't want any of these cocksuckers driving up on my it's a lot of looky-loos right a lot of looky-loos
Starting point is 01:02:11 So it's packed that it's like exiting exiting Dodger Stadium packed and like stopped and this little sassy homosexual Starts pounding on his horn. To try and get through? Yeah, like he's being Mr. Cute, sassy, gay best friend of a woman though, right? How do you sassily honk a horn? Cause he's going like, yeah, come on, move! Was he yelling out the window? He's talking it gayly, and I shouted, hey Pride Month is over, right?
Starting point is 01:02:43 And Carl comes out of nowhere, he starts yelling at this old Chinese guy, the gay guy does, so Carl steps in to defend the Chinese guy. Trying to get the Chinese guy out of the way so he can get through? No, just upset that the gay guy's yelling at him. So he starts yelling at the gay guy. He would tear him out of his car and throw him off the mountain. So now the gay guy's stuck, right? It was a real Heather Heyer situation.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Did he eventually make his way through? The gay guy? Yeah, he got to the glory hole party he was going to. That was a fun mountain. See, the blackout didn't affect that at all. Maybe the blackout just brings people together. Maybe you're right. No, I mean it is. Look, if you're getting surgery.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I was gonna say, I think blackouts in a party is like one of the few times you go, okay, well this is fun, you know? I mean, I need to be able to see what you fuckers are doing in my house. Wow, I did steal some cool stuff when the lights were out, but you know. No, it was a good party. The food was pretty good. It was mostly bad just because Dr. Kevin looked at me like it was my fault. Dr. Kevin was not judging you at all. He was perfectly fine.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I was soaked in sweat, Vito. Yeah, we all... I was already so drunk. I think you handled the blackout with aplomb. And then I fucked it up and said his wife and that's not... Well, the lights were off. You couldn't see what was going on. I believe that was his daughter. That's horrible.
Starting point is 01:04:11 It is pretty bad. That's horrible, of me to say. That makes it even worse. I'm not going to comment at all. Those chicken wings Carl brought, I wish I had gotten more of those too. He makes great chicken wings. Because the blackout had me all flustered.ustered sure I would have known it wasn't his wife Otherwise of course damn it. Well. It was a good party nonetheless
Starting point is 01:04:33 Yeah, it was good, and yeah, it was cool. I Heard you were up to like 3 a.m.. Cuz people wouldn't leave well. They were talking you know talking about what I don't know I got People wouldn't leave well. They were talking you know talking about what I don't know I got out of there I got out of there like what ten? All right, am I doing a problem? I guess I am because there's the sound Dick you know me. I'm a big game guy. I love my video game. Oh big game guy Yeah, big gay game guy And well you know what I think we've talked about What did you talk about?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Was it the Final Fantasy episode, like, SideQuest or whatever else? Do you know all these, like, little mini-games or whatever? Mini-games, I fucking hate them. I like... but here's the thing, I like money games. I like, uh... Like the card game in Final Fantasy. Yeah, yeah, we talked about that. Queens, whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Queens Blood. I think they put a little too much Queens Blood in the new one. The Chocobo Racing. Fucking hate. I could understand why some people... It's janky. Remember Blitz? Did you ever play Final Fantasy X?
Starting point is 01:05:29 Little Blitz ball? I never played it. It was fun. I refuse. Some people hated it, but I liked it. Well, here's the thing is I like minigames, but sometimes I encounter a minigame that is pointlessly infuriating to the point where I go, did the developers think about this at all my problem is many games that assume I have a brand new
Starting point is 01:05:48 Controller that functions 100% perfectly every single time so I'm playing I thought this is gonna be stupid, but it's I'm so I know I know they're testing. I know they're testing these games They're going yeah, this is fine a player can do this because they're testing these games and they're going, yeah, this is fine. A player can do this because they're testing it on a brand new controller. Or they're testing it on a keyboard. Yeah, or they're testing it on a keyboard and they're going, this is something the player can absolutely do accurately 100% of the time. What game are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Well, I'm playing that new Final Fantasy 7 and there's a point where Tifa has to engage in a ab-crunching contest doing sit-ups against people. So you already, I mean, you already don already, I mean you already don't like it. I already don't like it. No I do like it because I like watching Tifa. I like watching it get buffed. And it's pretty hot. But, okay, so you gotta press the buttons in order.
Starting point is 01:06:37 There's four buttons you gotta go ding ding ding ding. There should have a game where she dodges food. All right, food's coming out of you. You gotta move her out of the way. That would be good. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So the four buttons I go go, that's fine. I can do that.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And then I also, when the button is yellow, I got to press it a bunch of times. I go, that's fine. But then there's one where it goes, if it's green, you have to hold the trigger button down halfway. What? Until the ring fills up all the way. How do you hold it down halfway?
Starting point is 01:07:02 You know how they're pressure sensitive triggers now? So the trigger, like if you hold it down a little bit, it'll do. No, I don't like that. Yeah, on the PS5 controller, the triggers have like halfway press and then all the way press and it knows just how much pressure you're putting on it. Like the focus on a camera? Like how you push it down halfway? Yeah, like that. Is it like that or is it? It's like that with more levels because you can do it as little or as much as You want? Okay, I don't like that and I'm gonna need this And also if you have that that doesn't exist in real life though. That's what makes it so annoying like Trigger that you can know it's just on like nothing that we have in real life works with this sort of I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:42 Maybe a nipple works like that, but not really real life works with this sort of, maybe a nipple works like that but not really. Well, I for some reason have to in this fucking minigame where you can't miss one beat or you're going to lose to Johnny Krunschenstein. I have to slowly hold down the trigger but I can't press it all the way and then I have to wait to a certain point and then press it all the way. And I, because I've had this controller for like two years now and I've spilled Mountain Dew on it a couple hundred times. You know, if you have, if it's bad controllers, there is it. We could fill an entire hour. We could do an entire hour. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:10 I'm saying this is more design, not considering the fact that bad controllers exist and designing a game in an infuriating way, that does not consider this. Did you ever play Grand Theft Auto 5? No. There is a mini game, and I think this is actually famous because I looked it up I'm like is this supposed to be this ridiculous Where you have to do yoga with your your wife's yoga instructor? And he's like yeah, you got a again. You know the analog stick also knows how far it's traveled So it's like you got a halfway go like stick to the bottom left and the other one has to go up Yeah, and I just I failed it a million times because again the controller is just like my analog sticks are kind of fucked up because I've had it
Starting point is 01:08:47 How many controllers do you have in your house the one thing you don't collect? I have like a couple different controllers, but I don't want to plug in another one It's already working, you know, like it works for every other part of the game except this one yoga fucking thing And also, I don't know if you've ever tried to change controllers on a ps4 But you have to like go into a menu disconnect that one. It's impossible. It's a complete waste of my fucking time. It's horrible. One of the worst ones ever, Dick, was the original Mario Party. And this is a fun story.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I don't know if you ever remember this story. There was one Mario Party mini game. Now, they never confirmed that this was the mini game, but everybody kind of knew what that was, that it was like slot car racing. Yeah. I knew what that was that it was like slot car racing Yeah, and the way you made your slot car go around was spinning that little White analog think I remember this and it's playing in a circle. Yeah, and you spin it really fast Yeah If you're playing it at the hardest level you just spin it as so fucking hard as you can that like half the kids snap the
Starting point is 01:09:40 Thing fucking off because that little is a breaker. It was a breaker But on top of being a breaker The amount of pressure that was required to do it like the amount of speed required was giving children horrible friction burns Okay, that's cool like multi-gral what pussies marble madness turned my thumb into meat fuck you kids Parents and children claim that children suffered cuts, punctures, blisters and friction burns on their hands because of the intense joystick movements. That's why Nick Raquetti's kid tested positive for cocaine too. The cocaine was on the controller on his planet too, hardening on the blood system.
Starting point is 01:10:19 A spokeswoman for the New York Attorney General said one kid had to get a tetanus shot because of Mario Party. There was a class action lawsuit. One parent said their child had been playing for just 15 to 20 minutes before obtaining a second degree burn from Mario Party. What's that? Second degree is uh... It's like... Skin's still on? The skin's still on, but it's not like rotting away. I don't know exactly. It's bad. Nobody knows third I'm sure they know and fucking knows we all use these words nobody knows anyway I don't know if this was this was not a classic unless it was more an agreement with the New York General Attorney General's office where Nintendo had to
Starting point is 01:10:55 actually if you cut out the UPC from your copy of Mario Party and sent to Nintendo they would send you a pair of sporting gloves to play Mario Party in do you have those no they're not like Nintendo branded. They're just like, nobody's gonna fucking do this. So like the five kids who said I want gloves, they just sent them like, you know. Whatever those training gloves are. Guys, we did it.
Starting point is 01:11:14 We did it, yeah. Everybody's busting their hands and getting fucking Q degree burns. Trust me, the video game collecting community did, there are threads where they're like, guys, we have to figure out what the exact Mario Party clubs were so we can add them to our collection
Starting point is 01:11:27 It's just this shitty brand of like 2002 fucking workout gloves in gloves Yeah, basically this company East on is that some sort of a Nintendo subsidiary? acronym for like Luigi Many a party sucks though doesn't it? Yeah, all the All the board game shoot is so annoying. Well, the way that you'll be like, hey, I'm winning, and then it'll be like, we're gonna give a star to whoever, you know, touch the most green blocks, and you're like,
Starting point is 01:11:54 that's not, it didn't do anything, it didn't win the games. It's not a game if it's just random bullshit. Yeah, the Mario Parties are kind of a little waste of time. My controller, it is- Your Switch controller. My Switch controller, my nephewhews got it for me. So I thought it was like the best...
Starting point is 01:12:11 It's like a controller controller? Like your own? It's a controller controller, you know? Controller looks like the normal controller. Is it the Pro controller? No, and I got it and it was bad immediately. Like it feels flimsy and crappy. And the buttons now after so many years squeak
Starting point is 01:12:28 when I press them, like, re, re, re, re. That's not good. Every time. And the button that you use the most of all on the far right, I have to push it at this precise angle. If I push it straight down, it doesn't register. So I have to push it at an angle yeah And then I when I got the controller from them. I was like all right
Starting point is 01:12:50 I mean, I guess this is like the state of modern controllers Sure, they've said you believe for some reason yeah, cuz I just think everything gets worse all the time Then I went up to their house, and they get we were playing and they gave me a controller I'm like this thing feels like a fucking Why did you get me that shitty one and they're like well cuz it had red so we thought you would like it It's red. Are you are you fucking with me? This is obviously this is obviously so was it cheaper and they're like now yours was more expensive I'm no way fucking with me. I know you're fucking with you got me some cheap piece of shit
Starting point is 01:13:26 You gotta get the official the I'll send you a link you can get actually The pro controllers are the ones you want to get the black one. Yeah, their controllers are like I mean pro honestly Yeah, I had their pro level to describe Yeah, well, I remember you know the classic thing where you'd go over to play a Golden Eye with everybody and you'd be like, okay, he's got a good controller and you can play with this fucking boomerang looking thing. And you're like, why can't they just make, why can't even the third party controllers not look like dog crap? What was the name of that brand? Madcats.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Madcats that made the worst Nintendo controllers. They started off making the worst controllers and then they got good and then the worst thing happened was remember those a Guitar hero games that everybody's really into yeah, and I kind of went away and it was like well We're kind of done with guitar hero. Yeah, and then they said it's been long enough to bring it back, right? You're like no, it's only been like four years. You gotta wait and they're like no, it's been enough time So they spent all their money bringing guitar hero back and then it bankrupted mad cats So they're completely gone good. They're doing like pretty good for a while. Now. They're just a yeah complete trash I saw you talking shit about the Sonic 3
Starting point is 01:14:34 I want to make sure I want to see if you were confused though, so I wasn't I promise you I was not okay So which ones of the Mario 3 bonus levels Mario 3 or sorry Sonic 3? confused Which ones of the Mario 3 bonus levels? Mario 3? Er sorry, Sonic 3. Now I'm confused. Now I'm confused. Uh, Sonic 2 was the half pipe. Sonic 3 was the marbles. On the globe. So you like the marbles on the globe?
Starting point is 01:14:52 The marble zone was good. You're nuts, that sucks. It was probably too good for you. That's why you probably weren't any good at it. You wanna run through like a fucking thing of marbles and like you gotta do this hard turn. I remember the noise. You know the sound? Bung! Bung! And then it would send you going back the other way and you jump over okay but it would get all fast and then you get them all and go everywhere
Starting point is 01:15:15 yeah okay you those were way harder than the half pipe levels I'm not saying they weren't harder I'm saying you don't like it though you're shitting on that pipe is better it looks better more fun and The Sonic one a good game though Yes, it is the half pipe Sonic 2 bonus levels are clearly better than the marble Spinning around is uneven You're nuts. No that the the globe with the marbles it took like strategy and quick reacting I think all the fucking sides great
Starting point is 01:15:45 Remember the races the Sonic 3 races for the multiplayer? That also sucked. When you had like the little split screen? The small little Sonic? That was dog shit. Yeah, that was dog shit. That was stupid. Do you remember the Mario, or the Sonic 1 bonus levels? The spinny like pinball fucking thing. Oh, yeah, that was weird. I liked those. Those were cool. They're really hard, but it was fun. Yeah, those was weird. I liked those. Those were cool. They're really hard, but it was fun. Yeah, those were weird. Alright, my problem is bad controllers. Games not designed for bad controllers. People who have been through the yoga section of Grand Theft Auto will know what I'm talking about. Why don't you get a new controller? You're waiting for a fan to buy you one?
Starting point is 01:16:22 Yes, send it into Vito's booty. No, I have other controllers. I don't know which ones. I actually have a controller in Vito's booty. I bet you do, okay? Doesn't matter, I'm never gonna get anything good out of there. Because that's not the bet. The bet is to give me trinkets and dog shit. Oh great, now you're going, ooh maybe this week.
Starting point is 01:16:38 This week there is something good. To celebrate 4th of July, yeah. Now I want to know what it is. Okay, my final, oh wait. Play the good one. This week there is something good. This week there is something good. To celebrate 4th of July, yeah. I want to know what it is. Okay, my final, oh wait. Play the good one. Play the, it's Vito's time. It's the fun time.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I don't know what it is though. I think the fans, you know, a lot of people are saying they like the sci-fi sound. I think they're just saying that as a joke. No one likes, no they're not. They like the little song and the chime, you know. It's like when you get used to something some but then when you really think about it You know what the new one is, but I got to admit the the new fuck I can't find a new coke is better than a classic coke. Of course. Where did I put it? Oh, whatever
Starting point is 01:17:17 You get the Vito team guys song cute up Let's hear it. It sucks. It's so fun. It's got so much energy. It's like, no erasure. That's my problem. What? No erasure?
Starting point is 01:17:42 Everything on the computer is now, it used to be like, yes, no. Hey, do you want to be like, yes, no. Yeah. Hey, do you want to put this, you want this AI shit on your mail? You want this AI shit in your whatever, dating, hey, you want this AI shit in your- Do you want to watch this Wild Hog video? Yeah, hey, do you want to, hey, are you still, it's actually, it might have started with that Netflix, Hey, are you still there? Are you still watching?
Starting point is 01:18:02 And then instead of just, yes, yes, I'd like to continue, no, fuck off, yes, I want this AI shit, yes, let AI help me with my pizza order, right? Do you consent to allow your cookies to be cookified? Yeah, yes or no. But now they've changed it, so they turn your computer into a woman where the choices are like not yes, no anymore You know, but I'd love I'd love I'd love that. Thanks or how about later? Yeah, well, no, it's no this later looking for no, can I have a no on? Yeah, would you like this? Would you like your AI pizza assistant installed on your phone? Hey, that sounds great, but I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Well, I'm not sure, but that sounds great. I don't know which one. It is really weirdly infuriating that sometimes there just is not a no option. No. I don't want to have to think about which of these... I have a hard enough time communicating with regular people that matter. I don't want to have to think about communicating with the fucking computer Do like yes, no, so uh I know we race you I have one of those
Starting point is 01:19:12 Extensions that'll tell you if there's like a coupon code or something you know yeah money at checkout Okay, and you know I'll check my Robin Hood account my stocks okay, and every time I go on there They go hey Did you know you can get $50 for signing up for Robinhood? And I'm like, right, but I've already signed up for Robinhood so I don't qualify for that. And they go, okay, so do you want to do it or do you want me to tell you about it later?
Starting point is 01:19:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And I go, I want you to stop every time I load this page telling me there's a $50 offer because I can't do anything about it. Here's 100 bucks, fuck off. And I want a little, I just, give me a picture of Ricky giving Leahy $100. Here's 20 bucks to fuck off. It's bizarre, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:53 And then you get hit by your phone. I guess with the phone you gotta do it. Like, do you wanna install this update now? Or do you wanna install it a little bit later? Do you wanna subscribe to Microsoft Word? Absolutely, or remind me in three days. You're right, there should be, I don't know, there should be like a law that they can't just
Starting point is 01:20:10 keep popping a thing up. Yeah, you should have the ability to opt out. Uh, I guess women have gotten into the UX space like, cause they can't do STEM. And they tried, and they're like, oh, okay, well at least I learned some terms. And now my social network is now a bunch of guys and computers
Starting point is 01:20:26 So now I can get a job at Bing or whatever Microsoft Oh, yeah, and then you can eat your acai bowl and go to the bar take pictures on the roof I'm like, what's your job? Well, I'm the my job is to turn every single pop-up box into something. That's totally indecipherable I knew one of those man what she did would. You did? She was nuts. Yeah. I did get a free Google launch, that was pretty cool though. Oh, you went to the Googleplex?
Starting point is 01:20:49 I went to the Googleplex in San Francisco. It's a cult, you know. It is a cult, yeah. Yeah. Well. I've been there a lot. She was, so she worked at Google. You know, I went to a party at Google one time,
Starting point is 01:21:00 they ran out of beer, and I said, this is amazing. This is fucking amazing. This is exactly what I would have expected from Google. Well, I didn't really know her very well. I was more as friends with her boyfriend. And then she's like, oh, do you want to come to Google? I'm like, yeah, sure. And then a couple months later, she freaked out at my friend.
Starting point is 01:21:17 And she went into his room and cut all his clothes into shreds with a pair of scissors, and then got herself committed. And I said, that's the lady who's in charge of figuring out your Google experience right there. Yeah, it is. I can tell now when I'm using computers that a woman wrote what I'm reading.
Starting point is 01:21:32 She was also obsessed with crystals, something, but go ahead. That's who's coming up with your stuff is a girl who after she destroys your computer thing, goes home and arranges her crystal grid in her room to make sure her chakra energies are aligned. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it reads like. It's crazy Whitman there. Would you like Google Gemini to AI and email an AI to AI your AI? Sounds great. Let me know more. Yeah, tell me about it once you've taken over the planet
Starting point is 01:22:06 Remind me in ten minutes Remind me right now. I want to know no I wonder if that I wonder if there's any articles about this because it does Seem like yeah, it's happening more often the no button. Oh, you know what? I sure you know what else is awful what and this is kind of the same thing is when you're using an app And they go hey, are you liking the app? What? And this is kind of the same thing. It's when you're using an app, and they go, hey, are you liking the app?
Starting point is 01:22:27 And there's no option to say, please stop asking me if I like the app. You can say no, but if you answer no, it doesn't just go, oh, I'll leave you alone. Why? It brings you to a screen where you have to fill out what's wrong with the app. And I go, I want to.
Starting point is 01:22:43 And if you hit yes, then they go, they bring you a different screen. And they go, cool, can you write a fucking review? I'm like, I go I want and if you hit yes then they go they bring you a different screen where they go cool tell us write a fucking review I'm like I don't want to be bothered. I fucking hate the reviews man. Hey stay tuned for a little survey. Yeah. I'm really surprised no one has gone on a shooting rampage over these surveys where you could win 50 bucks. It's insulting that you would offer me a carrot of maybe you could win 50 bucks. At least Burger King on the receipt tells you you will definitely get a whopper Yeah, you get a whopper no matter what but those those phone you ever do the Burger King phone call?
Starting point is 01:23:13 Fido No, I've never done a Burger King phone call It's like an hour of Burger King questions What are they asking? They know what the problem is, they know that you're hiring speaks English That's the fucking problem And they have a thing on the receipt where they're like you can only get one free whopper a month don't abuse your They know what the problem is, not that they know that your hiring speaks English! That's the fucking problem! And they have a thing on the receipt where they're like, you can only get one free Whopper a month, don't abuse your... I'm like, how often am I gonna call Burger King to get a whopper?
Starting point is 01:23:32 I don't wanna do it the first time, I just wanna see how easy it was, it was not easy. I was like, I'm never doing this shit again. I did do, um, can I forget what it was for? Some service stuff? Yeah, it was like a rank, it was like a rating thing. Yeah. Some service software wanted reviews, and you had to write a review and then rate it. I don't know why they liked it so much.
Starting point is 01:23:52 But I got $50. That's cool. Amazon. That's cool. Yeah, well, they used to have an entire board of people figuring out different ways to go through all these surveys and watch ads just to make money that way.
Starting point is 01:24:02 And you're like, isn't that terrible? Isn't this like worse than boogie's scam coin? Well. What's the point of money? What's the point of what this is? Back when I was a... This is performative capitalism, I'm sure. There was a time where there is,
Starting point is 01:24:19 I think they still have it now, where if you play one of those terrible city building mobile games, Oh God. And if you play one of those terrible city building like mobile games Oh, and if you get your city to level 50 They'll give you like a hundred dollar gift card because they're hoping to just they're like it will just if we hook one whale It'll pay for like a million of these gift cards, right? Okay, so I was true. I guess I don't know I mean, they're not giving you like a hundred like for me. It was like a hundred dollars credit on this like app I liked and I was like was like a hundred dollars credit on this like app I liked. And I was like, well, for a hundred dollars credit,
Starting point is 01:24:46 I'll just load up this stupid Farmville thing and click the buttons for a week or whatever. Which, and when I look back on it, I go, that was like complete. The return on investment was not worth it. But, yeah, I guess that's just one of those things where something to do, something to click, get your reviews in, get 50 fun bucks. It's pretty soon you'll just need a woman
Starting point is 01:25:10 to decipher the UI for you of the screen. Tell me what it's. I'll need to ask a woman for help with the computer. Well, you'll have an AI. Can you imagine that? You'll have an AI woman to confront you with infuriating choices all day long. It doesn't work that well.
Starting point is 01:25:24 You're always talking about it, but it doesn't work. Do you use it? Yes. What do you use it for? Jacking off? Yes, and I use it for the show to generate thumbnails. Shitty looking thumbnails, right? I use it for shitty looking thumbnails, too.
Starting point is 01:25:38 I think they look pretty good. But they look like AI. Yeah, OK, whatever. It's like when computer graphics... I just go like background stuff, nobody cares. Right, it's like when Jurassic Park came out and the special effects were digital and amazing, and then they just like turned... That was as good as it got. Then the Matrix and then it was like everything else has been just complete shit. I use it for like our thumbnails where like again, we never get a shot of us without the microphones
Starting point is 01:26:06 in front of our face. So I got to cut the microphone out in Photoshop and then have it generated. And that's why your t-shirt, instead of saying rip daddy right now in the thumbnail, probably says rip, because it's automatically generating whatever the hell it thinks your t-shirt looks like. It's fucking peaked, man.
Starting point is 01:26:22 AI has peaked? It's not that good. It's not that good You're not it's not that transformative of a technology LLMs, I don't think so. I think in videos way way I tried luma have you tried the video shit doesn't look like total shit You're nuts your fuck they just change into totally different things. Yeah Conception of its making fucking now it's the fucking baseline. Like in the fucking year.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Okay, do you remember? In a year what? Do you remember when the Generative AI first showed up and you're like, that's kind of cool. It looks like complete dog shit. And now it can make- Dolly? Yeah, well yeah, I remember typing in like the Kool-Aid man
Starting point is 01:26:57 and it's looking spooky in a hallway and it made this weird looking stupid thing. I'm like, ah, that's pretty cool. Yeah, yeah. You know, it'll never be a viable technology. And now I can do that. And I'm like, oh my God, the things that come out of this fucking thing now. You can make the Kool-Aid man Now I can make the actual it knows what the Kool-Aid man is. Yeah, that's it
Starting point is 01:27:13 That's as good as it's gonna get now. It's just crap. There isn't there is an interesting thing I saw a lot of people were mad at that article where it said uh, we gave a lot of scientific We fed six,000 scientific articles in AI. We had to take it offline. Yeah, we had to take it offline. Because it just made a bunch of bullshit. Well, that's what most of the articles were in the first place. The thing is people were like, oh, they had to take it down
Starting point is 01:27:34 because it was being too real with the data, and it wasn't woke, you know, and saying stuff about IQ. It's like, no, you would ask you, like, how do I cure a fever? And it would be like, just shoot yourself in the head with a shotgun. And you're like, yeah, because it doesn't actually, it doesn't learn anything. It just learns how to regurgitate. What sounds like a human response So you're saying to put glue in pizza. Yeah, it says a lot of you don't like fix that. Yeah, that's what it does I asked it how do you make how do you make fried lasagna?
Starting point is 01:28:00 And they said put a bunch of dirt in it and then I did that and thankfully nobody could taste it but I know it's I know it's peaked because all of the open AI like cocksucker all the all the the Scientists whatever they call themselves working there. Yeah, we're all talking about how we're gonna have thinking computers You know within the next eight months. I remember it's not at all Reflected by the crap that they're putting out. We should have Dr. Kevin come in to talk about AI. Cause I remember like five years ago- I don't know if a scientist who's currently raising funds
Starting point is 01:28:33 is gonna have this true opinion about these sorts of things. He was talking about this stuff like five years ago. He was spooking me. He said AI was gonna take over in 30 years. Yeah, cause people are incompetent. Not because it's good. Can you fix the angle of my camera? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:28:47 I'm completely slanted and I've been slanted the whole show. Well, can't we fix it later then? I'm like, you want to sit here and what do you like? It's just I'm like at an angle. Do you have some kind of weird thing about your... Well, your camera's like straight on and then I look like I'm like a slanted...
Starting point is 01:29:03 Now you want me to fix it in the middle of the Show well cuz I should have brought it up is that what you're doing over there You're like slanting yourself some weird thing fixation on the camera straightness That's cuz I can't you fucking slanted you look fine. It looks like I'm like at an angle How what angle are you at this would be straight up? But see I'm pointing off to the side Your finger is not pointing straight up here do it with a can put the can in front of you on the table Not you holding it up. It's completely at an angle Jesus Christ
Starting point is 01:29:34 Tilt it a little bit Yeah, I've been screwed up the whole show. I think I bet the chat right now is going guy. What looks so what's wrong with Vito? He's like off to the side You know Got to just The blackout will do that Yeah, it's better that's more straight Well now it's fucking tilting again. No, it's not these goddamn friction things Well again, this is it looks it looks better
Starting point is 01:30:03 Now it looks all right on it's no now it's straight let's see just move me over a little okay there down and there you go nice and straight all right what's the problem no erasure our problems this way get no back we should we meet a law that's just like, are you enjoying the app? Yes? Or automatically post the N-word on your app review page a hundred thousand times and give it one star. There's two choices.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Well, we are running out of power against the tech companies. Dick, my problems this week were feral hogs and many games that assume I have a brand new controller. Okay, my problems were blackouts and no erasure. There you go. Well guys, don't forget to vote on all the problems. The biggest problem that's shown and slash biggest problems where you check out all our bonus episodes this month. I think we might do the biggest problem in card games bonus episode. Oh yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:31:07 So if you have any good card game related problems. Cause you're gonna have Super Killer out, right? By the time we do the bonus episode? Oh, I guess not. No. You gotta have it out before we sell a card game. Yeah. And you're gonna have it out,
Starting point is 01:31:23 you said before the end of the month, right? Sure. You said that on the update that you sent out. I did say that. Okay, so yes. Can we not talk about the release? What happened to like buy my comic and it's gonna be so great? Just let me make it good, Okay. I'm gonna make it good and everyone's gonna like it All right, I don't need this You know people they shouldn't have sent you money they should have sent you like an IOU yeah Well, right like I was your I'll buy it when it comes out. You got it buddy. I love it I'm interested. I I promise to buy it when it comes out. It's funny. I get I got a guy I love it. I'm interested. I I promise to buy it when it comes out. It's funny. I get I got a guy
Starting point is 01:32:09 Email I had a guy send me a message where he said I need money for my kids x-rays I said 25 bucks is not gonna buy an x-ray. Will you shut the fuck up and just wait for it should and I said Don't be stupid. You're gonna 10x your money on this thing It's gonna be better than any boogie crypto coin you could have bought. Yeah Am I allowed to believe am I allowed to believe you're gonna 10x your money? I believe you will 10x you super killer money. Uh Yeah, I think you are yeah, I believe that I think I think it's a good says you can I think it's a good event although they're going after roaring kitty for just saying he likes GameStop stock the trend charge me How does he's gonna break the entire? Yeah, it's exposing that it doesn't make any... It's nothing. It's all...
Starting point is 01:32:45 I mean, he might literally break the transactional foundation of the entire stock market doing what he's doing. You almost did it the first time. Because of all the... Because the shares don't exist. All the naked shorting that these guys are doing. So outlaw naked shorting, it's not his fault. Well, the problem is the country's being run by a senile old man who doesn't understand. Okay What do you mean? Okay, he didn't set up the stock market Naked short selling existed before Biden Yeah, it was a scam then it's always been a scam But how can he how can these people stop a scam that when they can't even understand what day it is?
Starting point is 01:33:25 That's what I'm saying. If you elect Biden, he'll put a stop to it. Like he said he'd do with Roe v. Swade. Jill Biden! Yeah, right. If we elect him, he'll bring back Roe v. Swade. You can't be voting for Joe Biden, can you? Jill, that's who you're voting for.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Who are you voting for? Trump, obviously. Why? It's funny. Alright, well, I think it's- He said that, I don't even think he knows what he said. I think it's funny to vote for Joe Biden. I think that it's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Yeah, but you think people getting killed in YouTube videos is funny. I didn't say it was funny, it's interesting. I said Camelot crashing the Tim Cass car into a wall would be funny, but you know what I mean? I do think the Tim Cass- If he was driving anything else, I would not- It would think the Tim Kress if he was driving anything else I would not if he was driving anything else if he was driving the cyber fraud car. I would not want him to crash it
Starting point is 01:34:10 Yeah, I do want the Tim crash car to burn. He doesn't have to be inside it Yeah, it'll also be okay if it just burned in the fucking parking lot It's not even good. That's another thing where I go. How do you go from the cyber fraud car? Can't you look at the cyber frog car which looks awesome and it actually won like a best looking car of the race? Green is fast man. Green is way faster than blue. They had an award, it said like best car, best car design. And Tim Cass came in and shit all over it. Yeah, well I was like, oh well this is interesting.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Hey maybe like, you know, some of these guys can move in and bring a little fucking design sense to frankly half these cars look like dog shit. And then the lamest guy in the world who writes the- makes the worst content ever made. Did you see on the car, it's on the Tim Cass car, it says news politics commentary and you go, NPC? Are you doing- And I want to- I want to help- I didn't know that! Dude, I want- I was like, I want to hope. You might know that. Dude, I want, I was like, I don't think he did that as a bit. I think he put NPC on his car
Starting point is 01:35:10 and he didn't even realize that he did it. I was like, I want to think that this is a bit, but I don't think it is. I think he's that stupid. He is that stupid. I'm like, how did you, how did you not think, oh, I put NPC on my car. I'm a moron God are like right click open images
Starting point is 01:35:34 You click that no click into it. Hey. I'm gonna do whatever I want over here I'm just fucking clicking on shit. All right. I know it open an image Look it's fine. You can't right-click and open as on Instagram fuck off You can try to find not an Instagram link you can do it from within Google God damn it. Sorry. I ruined it. All right Well, what else is written on the car? What are people circling? Cody Denison in the news politics and culture car Madison in the news, politics, and culture car.
Starting point is 01:36:08 How did, is that their actual slogan? Timcast? I think it's beanie, beanie, beanie. And the word Timcast isn't even like, can you get a logo? It's just the word Timcast. What are these lines? I don't know, but this tar, this car looks like dog shit. Like I, does Camelot go, hey Tim, hey,
Starting point is 01:36:24 thanks for spawning sponsor in the car Can we maybe make it now? Okay, well if you wanted to like dog shit, I'll drive the dog shit Tim design this why must do what's the Morse code? Does it say like you know what the Morse code probably does say something stupid, huh? It probably says listen to my shitty music or some Line dot-dine dots and dashes so probably is rather a morse code than his music. Yeah Mersh and Phil or fighting with a Phil. I like Phil's coming back on this show It was nice that he came in that one time. It was nice. But yeah, I understand taking the payday man, but
Starting point is 01:36:57 Mersh has been telling music is just Phil LaBonce who Phil is a Accomplished musician. He doesn't make good music, but he's good friends with Tim Pool and merch keeps asking me He's like hey, what's your favorite Tim cast song? What's your favorite one? You know I broke them All you have to say I fucking asked what I'm Randy Quaid When you figured out that you could shoot the alien lasers yeah right in the laser and they would blow up I figured that out you did You have to ask these people to give an honest opinion about a piece of media and they just can't do it. What's your favorite Tim Cass song?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah. What's your favorite riff? Wines and like a little bitch about the culture war. News politics. This looks like the, can you show the cyber frog car or whatever? People can look it up. They know what this looks like that can you show the cyber fraud car or whatever people can look it up but this looks so bad dude it's just got like a stock blue gradient across it there's nothing in the Morse code lines what is with the fucking Morse code lines I don't know look at how much better the fucking cyber fraud car is cool I'm just hoping that if we crash the Tim Cascar,
Starting point is 01:38:06 I'd bring the cyber fraud car back. What are you talking about? Well, we collectively pray and hope for the Tim Cascar to smash into a wall. And of course, Cody will be fine. And we want him to be fine. We don't want Camelot to be hurt. We just want him to win.
Starting point is 01:38:20 I want the race to be so tight that he has to crash the car Especially that and right into a guy's asshole as he's shitting it shits all over the Tim Kast logo and he wins the race I want him to drive it. Two Indian guys are lined up like a whole row of them are shitting and it hits their asshole as the Shit comes out. He crashes into the wall the Tim Kast logo tears away and the beautiful cyber frog The Tim Cass logo tears away and the beautiful cyber frog Job is left. Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. This just looks infinitely. This looks so good That looks like I want to own are they making models? I think they were talking about making a match like a Hot Wheels car out of it I'm surprised you don't have Hot Wheels cars for your was it like a minimum order of like 10,000 You know what maybe next one all that I thought about doing a Lego minifigure
Starting point is 01:39:05 Those are actually hard to get done Really? Why? Well, the precision is because it's harder to make them I don't think I don't think any comp I think any company that makes the Lego minifigures They use like actual Lego parts and they just paint them. So you gotta like pay to Get a bunch of blanks and paint them. Really? Yeah, I couldn't find a Chinese factory that puts that shit together. What about an American factory? Why don't you look there?
Starting point is 01:39:29 What American factory? It's a tra- honestly you can't make any of that stuff in America. I kinda get it but like there's no companies making that stuff in America. Why is this circled? I think, let's see, very surprised at the insane amount of interest in the spots on the car. That's where you can put your ad. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:39:47 So each of those represents a potential sticker? No, any open space. Any open space you can make. We can put a sticker of Superkiller. Can I put a... It's out soon. Can I put a sticker of Tim Poole with a gun to his fucking head and a bullet coming out the other side and the bullet says... In Minecraft, why don't you bring this hate to yellow flash? You're always sucking his dick and complimenting
Starting point is 01:40:10 Well the problem is I don't I don't have a I only have that one picture of him in the fucking Naruto headband You know like Tim Poole. I can you know I could visualize You know a fucking bazooka blowing his But you know sound like null talking about yellow flash I gotta look at a fucking like cartoon character He was talking about how real men Yellow flash was saying oh flash tweeted Yeah, he said that children play blackjack, but real men play play poker and
Starting point is 01:40:41 Dress up like Naruto. Yeah, okay. That's the other thing. Why are all guys paragons of masculine anything go? Hey you guys want to hear about the lolly pornography? I was watching it's like you're not the ultra fucking humanite man real men. Yeah Why is that who's talking shit about blackjack It's just a table game You just say what do you think roulette is gay cuz a little's spin- the ball is like a testicle and you're gay if you play roulette. Oh, poker's for men, bro. What do you mean, poker's for men? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:41:13 I would honestly make the argument that poker is more gay than blackjack because you have to interact with other men and like, you know, blackjack- You have to be sensitive to their feelings. You're looking at eight other guys and trying to learn their feelings. Like they're your wife. It's fucking gay. It's not masculine to play a mind... How do you feel? Do you feel confident? Do you feel afraid of your hand?
Starting point is 01:41:35 Can you look in my eyes while I talk to you? Blackjack, you can just sip a drink and try to get 21. Sip? Okay, you can guzzle down your big... Now you're fucking yelling, You know what's manly is the amount of whiskeys I'm pounding at that blackjack table. I'm alcoholic because it's manly. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:41:55 Yellow Flash for some... What was that even a reference to? Was it Nick Reketa was playing blackjack or something? I don't know. These guys, these guys, they're like desperation to, they all know they're big anime nerds, okay? But for some reason in their heads, they gotta like walk around and be like, yeah, you know, I'm a big tough guy.
Starting point is 01:42:13 Hey Vito, I wanna fight you. Okay, let's fight. Well, yeah, I'm not really- I'm too busy playing poker. I'm too busy and you're a fucking man. I'm like, okay, you're not a masculine guy, okay? Don't- I smoke cigars. Don't swing your dick around. Oh man, I'm too busy playing poker. My keyboard is made a masculine guy. Okay, don't I smoke cigars swing your dick around? Oh, man I'm too big. My keyboard is made out of leather
Starting point is 01:42:29 Oh, yeah, yeah, that's the reason when you say I go to a strip club to get a prostate exam I said, oh my god, let's do it. You're a little fucking anime nerd Y'all you think about his Naruto and bullshit, which let's be clear I think about Naruto and bullshit too But at least I'm like, oh self aware of the fact that I'm like yeah I'm not like a fucking cyber badass or whatever the fuck you think you are Alright, what do we and this looks like shit? It looks fine The character's a woman Jew it that's why you're standing up for. The character design is stupid
Starting point is 01:42:58 I still don't know why he's fucking Egyptian. I know he's gonna explain in the lore, but it's a bad idea. Art wise what's the deal with this Pfizer? What's it reflecting? A fucking portal? What's the reflection of this? It's just like, let me just make stuff to fill in the space. There's nothing behind it. What does this say about what's going on? What is his power? Is he shooting electricity? He wears a gay little scarf like Launchpad McQuack. What's the fucking point of this picture? WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT OF THIS PIC- Tell me why this is not AI in three words or less explain to me how this is not an AI his thumb it can't do it his thumb is kind of like looks like it's broken thumb looks like a fucking finger how many how many Garfield fingers does this
Starting point is 01:43:40 guy have does he like does he like lasagna does yellow flat is it about bringing lasagna to Japan? My problem is the amount of Garfield comparisons are doing in this fucking episode It just looks like his fingers look like fucking Garfield. I think the problem. I think you honestly the biggest problem here Looks like shit. It just looks like the Gold Ranger. It doesn't look like a unique design. This just looks like What's going on in this? What's going on in this what's going on is it in his eye mask and his ski goggles looks like he's a big ol eyeball what's
Starting point is 01:44:13 up with this fucking cape what's up with this scarf that he knitted himself it's it's like where is this attached I don't like this attach I this is not how I would do a world war two comic book I'll say that where's this fin attached on his arm? Is it attached into outer space? Because it's attached here, it's attached to this part of the arm right here. I know, I've seen a person before, I can identify where things are coming out on their
Starting point is 01:44:37 body, but then where is this attached? Because his hands like this open, so it should be right here. That's where it is on this one. So does he have one brace over here on his elbow and then the fin is attached in outer space beyond the elbow? The fin is probably- Hey, Tolan! I'm like fucking Polly Walnuts, right? Hey Tolan, how come that guy's wooden door is- right?
Starting point is 01:45:00 I see what you're saying. You know that meme. I know what you're saying. Well what is it? I don't't look. What's this leg? What's this leg doing down here? I'm not gonna spend all this time thinking about it, okay? I'm gonna wait to read. Look at the leg! Vito, look at the leg! I know, he's got a weird little leg that looks like it's breaking off. It's sticking out like a sassy. I know, it should probably be behind, it probably actually shouldn't even be visible in this angle. It should be back here. Yeah, it should be back there. If he's doing one of these! I know.
Starting point is 01:45:26 I agree. It looks like complete shit! This drawing looks like dog shit! Look, I'm more interested in the story. That's it. I want to see what the story is. I think the character looks stupid. I think it's a stupid design.
Starting point is 01:45:44 And the drawing looks stupid the drawing drawing is bad it's got some nice cross-etching how's that look at that hey that's what I do when I dry when I make a drawing I know it sucks you gotta oh my god there's definitely some amount of it's gonna put you in a woodchipper and this is how you're responding this lady who drew this thing is not gonna put me in a woodchipper I don't know anything about this lady, okay I'd like her to draw a fingernail. I wanted to prove to me that you could drive a man's fingernail I will wait to read the comic so it's got like it. Look at this like a hand of dildos
Starting point is 01:46:20 What is going on on these? What is this? I'm not look. I'm not All that I think matters is comics. I read a lot of comics that don't have great art. I'm not, I'm not, I think you can have... As long as the art, you know, communicates the story, that's what matters. Oh. You know. There's a lot of comics with bad art.
Starting point is 01:46:40 It's a comic cover of a guy gonna punch a thing. Man, I'm not gonna think about it that hard. What do you mean, think about it? You could have more, you know what, this is probably a comic cover of a guy gonna punch a thing, man. I'm not gonna think about it that hard. What do you mean think about it? You could have more, you know what, this is probably a bad cover image because I don't know where you're gonna put the logo or whatever else. It's gonna cover up the back arm.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Look at this exciting background. See in the photo, she dragged it from, and Photoshop went to gradient yellow and black. I agree with gradient is bad. I very much don't. It clicked here and then dragged it up here and then went, wallah, done. It's a bad background. I agree the gradient is bad. I very much don't like the background. I don't like the background. I agree. And then went, voila, done. It's a bad background. I can definitely agree with that. How much can I pay for this gradient? Click and then unclick. The coloring is bad. The background is bad.
Starting point is 01:47:16 The angle wasn't right there. I'm gonna drag it right here. Ooh, there we go. Now that's a spicy gradient. You know, I don't know how it's gonna work as a cover, because again, once you put the title on here, it's gonna cover up his fist or his front, so maybe- Everything should be covered up. Looks like crap. I- I- I am excited to learn what it's about. Looks like it was shit right a-
Starting point is 01:47:38 And where's the face looking? The only thing I- Bro, the face is fucking not even in the right plane of existence! This is the fucking punch Right comic critic dick master said nailing them again I don't see what the big deal is and everyone's mad at me for just saying that I don't like the picture It's fucking my fault. That's a fair criticism. You don't have to like you should say when they took out when they replaced Pinky in the Huntington
Starting point is 01:48:02 Library art gallery. Oh Pinkie in the Huntington Library art gallery. Oh man that makes this look like nothing. Wait, who's pinky the painting? They took it down You don't know this story. No, this is another episode. Okay. I don't want to get into it today Huntington Setting was it like a offensive photo or something It was a painting was it offensive painting that take it down a beautiful painting of they were placed it What was it of? a girl
Starting point is 01:48:35 What do you mean? What is it? What is it of well that Does that help they have bad. That's not no shit All right, okay Vote up finger pain. Holy shit. I guys got finger fucking problem when dick first mentioned that yeah, but The other day I ripped out a hangnail a little too aggressively and my finger got fucking infected and my right ring finger It's probably doubled the size of my left one. Oh
Starting point is 01:49:16 It's fucking purple. It looks like an eggplant probably gonna have to get it chopped off vote up finger pain Vote up finger pain. I remember one time I burned my thumb that really sucked. What up finger pain. Finger pain. Vote up finger pain. I remember one time I burned my thumb, that really sucked. What were you doing? Cooking something. And then we went out to dinner and it was really, it really was hurting.
Starting point is 01:49:35 So I had a glass of water and I just had my thumb in the water. Yeah. The people I was with were like, what are you doing? I'm like, it's just fucking hurting, I don't know. You got finger pain, man. What do you mean to tell you? You see what I'm doing. Yeah For some reason the water made it feel better
Starting point is 01:49:50 That guy's right. Everyone was picking on my problem, but it's probably the it's easily the biggest problem I mean other parts of your body can hurt as well, but it's not as bad as it's so your problem is just pain You know no finger because you're always doing stuff with your fingers. Like, back pain is different than finger pain. Neck pain is different than finger pain. Finger pain is more aggravating. I would think back pain would be worse than finger pain. I don't think so. Because when you have back pain, everyone's really like-
Starting point is 01:50:20 You ever hear anybody complain about their chronic finger- Well, like- Because everyone makes fun of you. Guys with arthritis, maybe. Yeah, arthritis. But, back pain is one more common- If you have back pain, everyone's like, Oh God, get to bed.
Starting point is 01:50:31 What can I do for you? Which disc did you slip? I'll walk the dog. Um, but finger pain, people just make fun of you. You might have a point. Okay. Hey, Dick. Hey, tubby tits. Alright, well that's the end of that one. Hey Dick, hey Tubby Tits.
Starting point is 01:50:45 Alright, well that's the end of that one. No, no, no, no. Nope. I didn't know he said that. I just read it. Here's a new rule for the voicemails. If you start off with, hey Tubby Tits, we don't listen to the voicemail. I'm instituting a new rule isn't that a
Starting point is 01:51:05 fun rule you guys have to have the smallest amount of basic decorum within the fucking voicemail sounds like a guy who would put half-eaten red vines back sounds like that all right I'm sick of this shit you can just just do the do the problem you don't need to go hey fatty McOinks McGee fucking pig tits Feels like it feels like Monday honestly, I was excited for that I was excited to hear what he was gonna say, but you know what I don't want to hear in this Okay, you messed up buddy. Yeah, we need to go Vito's Twitter account as the biggest problem in the universe. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:51:49 Two things that veto did this week that are overly Illustrative of this problem. Mm-hmm. Number one complaining about mr. B's building homes The only thing you're contributing to society is trying to steal cards homes. Oh, did you? Well, the only thing you're contributing to society is trying to steal cards, magic cards from Target. Yeah. And then also complaining that animation studios aren't using you as a base. Nah, we did that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Were you complaining about Mr. Beast? Yeah, but that's valuable. He builds the homes, people can say that's valuable, and I think it's valuable for me to point out how fucking gay it is. To build people homes?
Starting point is 01:52:25 Who gives a shit? Well, the people. Yeah, I know. So, you know, if you give them 50 bucks, they'd probably be happy about it too. Yeah, you'd have a problem with that though, right? Mr. Beast going around giving out 50 bucks? It's the whole like, oh, I'm,
Starting point is 01:52:40 look at what a great philanthropist I am, and it's all just like stupid marketing bullshit. It's all manufactured Well, they're manufactured. Yeah, it is specifically designed to sell you candy bars. That's it That's the only thing that's the only uses that money to make homes Okay, so a problem with that. So if the Frito like corporation just built houses that would be So if the Frito-Lay Corporation just built houses, that would be the same shit. That'd be great. Great. Sure, do it.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Go nuts. What do you mean, sure, go nuts? You have a house. What do you care? I don't have a house. I wish I had. You have an apartment. I have an apartment.
Starting point is 01:53:16 They have, people don't have, homeless people don't have houses. It's just this like low grade, like nobody could ever take the time to learn about any actual therapy that's going on in the world? What's more actual than building houses? There's like charities and there's guys devoting their lives to doing stuff. Charities are totals, they just take money. The only thing that's ever visible is that retarded kid who fucking crashes trains in the ground going, oh I win and there's a bunch of black people and I get my house, look at
Starting point is 01:53:44 how great I am. Were they black? I think so. It was like Nigeria. No, it was span. It was Latin America. It's gotta be. Well, that's a little it wouldn't be the same. Yeah. So you think people should be giving money to scam and NGOs? No, I don't think anybody should give money to anything. Just stop. Who cares? MNGOs. No, I don't think anybody should give money to anything. Just stop. Who cares? Okay. What if he had taken away people's houses?
Starting point is 01:54:11 That would be better. Would you support that? Yes. You would like that. I would like that. Okay. I don't get the Mr. Beast hate either. I don't...
Starting point is 01:54:19 If I had that much money, I would give people houses. So Mr. Beast is good like me. I mean, I think that much money I would give people houses so mr. Beast is good like me I Mean I think that you wouldn't you know what you know what that is probably the mentality is someone goes if I would I would do the same thing Though I would if the government if the government stopped I think all the content that guy makes is this like sick You know all these like kids they go. I want to be YouTube guys, right? Yeah, they have in their head Well, yeah, because they look at mr. Beast and they go cuz mr. Beast he's such a good guy and then I People houses and I can he didn't sell out
Starting point is 01:55:00 And whatever. Yeah, literally cured the plan. The only reason he didn't sell out his transfriends busy sat down with the Corporate board that owns him. I forget what the name of it is that owns him. Yes, they own his brand mr. Beast Mr. Beast is not a guy. Mr. Beast is a manufactured celebrity in the vein of a Okay. No, it's like little it's like one of these brand look up who owns it. I forget who owns it, but basically- He's just a guy though. He's just like out there going like, hey I'm Mr. V. He's a guy who is making YouTube videos and then instead of, remember YouTube was supposed to be like an organic thing, it's just guys making their own things.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Instead a bunch of guys in Hollywood, who could be any religion, decided, hey we could control this so they showed up and they said listen We want to take you we want to make you into one of these manufacturers. We're gonna carefully cultivate your public image We're gonna come up with these schemes that make it appear that you're a great philanthropist like hey this guy is not He is giving houses. They're giving houses to people somebody just somebody's got a house, right? Sure They had that fucking okay So what like yeah, they had that TV show where you build a guy a house. Remember that one? Move that truck, right? Was that what it was called? The one where they go to like, you know, some poor, destitute family and they go,
Starting point is 01:56:16 Oh, we lost our house in the hurricane. And then you make a bunch of poor people porn of going, oh, look how shitty... Poor people porn. Yeah, basically. Look at how poor these fucking people are. But thankfully. But why are you so upset by it? By a guy building houses for people.
Starting point is 01:56:32 Because it's fake. Because it's not him building the house. The houses are real. Do you have a problem with him getting credit for the houses? Or that the houses are being built? I have a problem with the fact that people don't understand what
Starting point is 01:56:47 this is being done for. Ads. Everyone knows it's for ads. No one thinks Mr. Beast is building houses for fun. So just say, wow what a great ad campaign. If that's what people were saying, I would go, yes you're right, it is a great ad campaign. But they don't say that. They say, Mr. Beast is such a good guy. And I go, yeah, he is. No, he's not. He's just running an effective ad campaign. But he didn't turn on his trans friend though. He didn't have to do that. Because the corporate boardroom sat down and they weighed the financial effects of turning on his trans friend. And it was like 60-40 where they said, well, if you turn on your trans friend we'll get a bunch of right-wing dollars but they don't have as much money as the left-wing guys
Starting point is 01:57:28 so we're gonna go the other way with it. You are so cynical. Do you really think Mr. Beast sat down and said I got to stand next to my friend or you think he went to a boardroom and he sat down with a bunch of guys from Hollywood of whoever knows whatever they're from and they said listen here's what we've calculated how we're gonna handle this situation. Why do you think like that he's not a super famous millionaire? You think he has to listen to a bunch of bored people? Yes.
Starting point is 01:57:54 More than any other celebrity? I don't think he has to, he has to listen to them, but they've basically, he trusts them to manufacture the image that he's putting out there. So nothing good, nothing good that he does is because of him. It's all because of some shadowy organization that's maliciously helping people. They're not shadowy, their name's out there.
Starting point is 01:58:13 Okay, that's maliciously helping people to advertise. Yes, well not maliciously helping people, they're coming up with fun ad campaigns. And the ad campaigns are, hey, we gave money away, we did this, blah, blah, blah. You should buy our shitty candy bar and you should buy a Mr. Beast cheeseburger because they want to expand Mr. Beast out.
Starting point is 01:58:31 What organization do you think is good? Doing good. Bill Gates is doing a lot of good stuff. Bill Gates. Yeah. Okay. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation took care of all those mosquitoes. George Soros is killing it. Soros is killing it right now. I bet you love Soros. You know, he's helping get all those DA's in there
Starting point is 01:58:51 Okay There we go. I don't like fake. I don't like manufactured shit, you know, but he's helping people he's not Sure, he there obviously is they are helping people in an amount in a way That results in the most possible net good for their business. So that's like when BP goes Hey, we've set up all these clean energy initiatives Can you believe it we we helped really repair this village, you know, and then they go and they fucking be is dumping oil everywhere Mr. Beast isn't dumping any oil everywhere No, but like the company that he works for I'm sure is doing, I don't know, some sort of shady bullshit.
Starting point is 01:59:27 And they're also ruining fucking YouTube with all this manufactured personality trash. They've destroyed the human attention span by reducing entertainment down to crashing cars into each other. So? I know, well people should just be watching pigs die and the Chinese people get sucked into industrial lanes. You have this hatred of life, I think. You have this liberal conception of the rocks, any rock in the universe is as important as a human life. I feel equally about that. I have a belief that the human race currently exists in a pocket of lies and supple
Starting point is 02:00:08 Where the reality holding coffee reality reality I am the catcher in the ride You see a lot of ponies around everywhere a lot of fucking phony And if I see that John Lennon motherfucker, I'm gonna put a bullet between his eyes. Okay, okay? Yeah, and we have these manufactured celebrities that people, again, they form these parasocial relationships with and they go Mr. Beast, that's my guy. But if it was so easy why aren't there like ten Mr. Beasts? There are, there's a lot of these guys. Who's another one, Dr. Disrespect? What's that uh, iShow, Well Ice Show Speed actually seems a little... like still his own kind of guy.
Starting point is 02:00:48 Okay, you like him. He seems like a nicer guy. I don't know. I don't know enough about him. Because he like tried to steal Mr. Beast's money. No, no, I don't know. He seems alright. Look, some guys are a little more... but again at the end of the day you're never going to... So there is no other Mr. Beast?
Starting point is 02:01:04 There are other... a other manufac- a lot of Minecraft guys or whatever else. But they're not building houses for people. I'm sure they're doing- they're doing like charity streams and whatever else. I don't know man. Look the point- Remember when you said you'd give like 50 bucks to charity? Uh, for some reason?
Starting point is 02:01:22 For some reason? I don't know. Yeah. I'll do that. Uh, it was when you reported Alex Jones. When you tweeted it. Oh yeah well nobody took me up on that so I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. I'll do that. It was when you reported Alex Jones when you tweeted it. Oh yeah. Well, nobody took me up on that, so I don't have to do shit. All I'm saying is that people are intensely drawn to the fakest, most manufactured people out there.
Starting point is 02:01:40 Okay. And that's the... Okay. And I go, why would you not as a human being? And we've also entered an era where if anybody is like the slightest bit, you know, rough around the edges or says something you don't like, we go, oh, we got to sand that down. We got to get rid of that. Yeah. And you're like, no, don't get rid of that. I want complicated
Starting point is 02:01:57 human beings. I want, you know, I, you see they're going at like Steve Albini who just died. I don't know who that is. Steve Albini is the guy who produced like that Nirvana record in Utero. He's like famous music producer. And he also had, he was like very important to like early A guy? Like punk music. Yeah, he's like a guy.
Starting point is 02:02:17 And now they're doing the late- Punk, which is authentic. It was. Okay. Yeah, I mean, it's lost some of that. Okay. Well, here's the thing. Marketing destroys all cultures. We're seeing that right now. We know that. Okay. Yeah, I mean, it's lost some of that. Okay. Well, here's the thing. Marketing destroys all cultures.
Starting point is 02:02:26 We're seeing that right now. We know that. Okay. You see like that guy who's doing that little wizard bit where he like hops around as a little wizard? Yeah, a little green wizard. Yeah, you're like, that's funny. And then like the other day, the duo lingo people were like,
Starting point is 02:02:38 what if our mascot did that little wizard thing? I'm like, don't steal his bit. Let us have this meme for two seconds. Why are you so possessive about memes? It's like I said, that's the reason I think everybody's drawn towards nazism is because It's the only it's the only Hoffman Attention Gabe Hoffman. This is what you know that sound you're looking for when that clip you're looking for punk rock was popular
Starting point is 02:03:01 Why was punk rock popular because it was outside different. Well, also it was outside. Sounded different. Well, also, it was outside the mainstream. It was like, look at us. We're wearing outrageous clothing. Society hates us. We're on the outside. And then eventually, it just became cool and became part of the thing, and now you market. Now you go to see the Spider-Man movie,
Starting point is 02:03:14 and there's a spider punk, because it's just completely normalized. OK? And you move on to, oh, here's grunge culture. It's outside the mainstream. We don't like it, and here's our dark side. Are you upset about getting old? No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 02:03:22 Here's what I'm trying to say. The process. Yeah? And like, the hippies. The hippies were. We're on the outside,? No, no, no, no, no. Here's what I'm trying to say. The process, yeah. And like the hippies, the hippies were. We're on the outside and then we sell, give the world a Coke and the hippie subculture gets taken over. Great.
Starting point is 02:03:31 Okay? But they can never take the Nazi subculture away. They can never, the marketers can never go, hey, buy a Coke. It's got Hitler on the bottle now. You will always be, it is the ultimate counterculture. You will always be on the outside. But even now, we're even losing that because if you go on like Twitter, who's we? Well just like society is like normalizing. It's almost getting to the point where being
Starting point is 02:03:56 a Nazi is not like even a big deal anymore. Well yeah, you guys took that by calling everyone a Nazi. I know and the next thing you know, you're going to go buy a fucking bag of Doritos and they're going to have little swastikas on every chip. A pedophile gaming. No, it's gonna be a swastika with an X over it, like a no smoking sign over it. I think these guys on the internet, and you know, you call them edgelords or whatever else, but in a way they're going, I want a subculture that I know will never be infiltrated into the mainstream.
Starting point is 02:04:21 It will never. But that's not how culture works. What are you talking about? I think that people want to belong to a counterculture. But that's not how culture works. What are you talking about? I think that count... People want to belong to a counter... But that's not how it works. All these guys are obsessed with being the counterculture. Eric Jalai is obsessed. We are the counterculture. We hate the libtards. We're on the outside. They pushed us out. We're making our own thing. It grows and becomes something else. Yeah, except for the Nazis. You have to be... The Nazis get to have their own little... No, there's like, buy Fritos if you hate Nazis.
Starting point is 02:04:45 That's how it was co-opted. That's a little different. How? I'm just saying I understand, you know, why the... And then the white supremacist guys, you know, you get in a club and you're... Fritos, no, Lays goes, no, not, buy us if you hate Nazis. And then Ruffles goes like, we didn't say anything. Ruffles. The we didn't say anything
Starting point is 02:05:16 You know, I've been noticing a lot of things but I won't say what they were Ruffles makes a lot of noise if you're hiding anywhere I'm not saying we engineered the chips to Get in Frank caught Ruffles. Yeah, were they in the attic? We're not saying they weren't. We don't know. They're not anymore. That's what we know. All I know is I just, I see Mr. Beast as the ultimate form of like manufactured fakery. Are you gonna be having these meltdowns about like culture when you're like 90 years old?
Starting point is 02:05:37 You have many cycles of processing that process. No, I've already done the big job by then. Okay. I've already I'll have already done the big job by then Somehow is the shining light of like fairness on this like internet crap So much shit about boogie for like a year now, right? To explain themselves like None of these fucking other guys and move the heart fucking coffee. So I just they're all like They put on that facade of where like they act like they care about things and all this shit I don't give a fuck about it. They don't really take a little maniac
Starting point is 02:06:18 It has no reason other than that the fact that he thinks it's funny that boogie did something to have him on his show and he has him on happily It's not like some fucking snipe. I know the next episode dick's gonna say you hope boogie dies probably but boogie fucking knows that I don't know I'm getting worked up about internet crap. I think the dumbest thing the whole situation is I think the dumbest thing in the whole situation is there's not a single known like victim of the scammer. That's pretty good. Ray Riley.
Starting point is 02:06:49 That's pretty good. That's probably the worst shirt I own. Yeah, I was going to say who put that together? It's a nice material. The Sam Hyde shirt, the material, the material could be better. Sam Hyde, well Sam Hyde does those like thick, those are the shirts you get at the flea market you know? they're very thick It's very very thick. I think but I think you can't do those graphics that he's doing. I think you need a thick shirt
Starting point is 02:07:11 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I don't think you can I don't think it's a thin shirt in this shirt though. It's not gonna break down Yeah, I just prefer more. Those are the rapper shirts. You get all the rap guys get their logos on them Yeah, Boogie didn't do anything wrong. He didn't do... Except snuggle like a little bitch and apologize. Yeah, I don't like that. But making the coin was like cool and funny. Funny.
Starting point is 02:07:33 And I'm sure in the back of his head, he's like, ah, maybe it'd be cool if it went up, but I'm sure he also went and it's probably not gonna. It could, but yeah, it's not gonna. The guys who are ripping on him are not part of meme coin or crypto culture. Somebody said there's like 20 meme coins launched every day. That sounds very low.
Starting point is 02:07:53 Yeah, I honestly it might have been a much higher number. It's like you can just go, you go plug it in. If you're part of like the new, I mean, they're it's it's shifting now from like the whatever Twitter generation are now boomers and all the kids are on Telegram and TikTok and they don't give a fuck about what anyone's opinion is on boogie coffeezilla. Yeah. Yeah, I don't need you to tell me I don't need you to warn me about the dangers watch out guys. You might lose money on crypto might lose a hundred bucks Yeah, this guy turned a hundred bucks into like $20 million. It's one of these like, there's like these stock things that people think they have to
Starting point is 02:08:31 complain about because they think it makes them smart. You know, like what? Like AI art is going to destroy everything. Oh, you know, yeah. Or, yeah, go cryptos. All these crypto guys are the NFTs are the worst thing Oh, man, why would you buy a digital thing and it's because you can buy it for 20 bucks and sell it for 2 million That's why yeah also it's did that help did that explain it for you?
Starting point is 02:08:54 Well, also those same guys go hey check out my PlayStation trophies and I go hold the fuck hold the fuck on for a second What do you mean? What do you what? It's a digital representation of me being good at a video game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, well I got a digital representation of the boogie's fucking asshole. Who cares? It's the same amount of bullshit. Yeah. You're putting stock in little digital achievements. Uh, okay. Let's do some super chats.
Starting point is 02:09:20 Oh shit, there's a lot. Whoa! I also think there's gonna be some curious ones. We said a lot of stuff this episode Well guys guess your super show well I talked about how I watch videos of people dying and I said mr. B should let people not have houses Well, we're having a lot of fun. Hold on. Hold on. I need to do something real fast. Okay Okay Okay Okay As you need to load up the team guy song you don't have to do that just in case just in case not necessary Okay Let's see
Starting point is 02:10:02 SB for two video we believe in you you got it think you're not killing yourself Random guy for five you know seems low at it. Okay. Fuck you Chris. Go Phil for two. Coup is the man Synthetic shinobi for 10 I wanted to update the Gavin McDickless claim that dick stole the dates of wars bit from him Dick was 100% on the money that Gavin made it too serious and not funny at all Yeah, somebody's gonna send us a clip of that. Lemon Sake did. I have it. And is it just not funny? I haven't watched it yet.
Starting point is 02:10:27 I can watch it after this guy's comments. OK. So Thiedeck Shinobi for 10. Taylor brought the topic up by giving dick props for a funny bit. And Gavin immediately got jealous and said his version was better, despite it being about something other than wars.
Starting point is 02:10:38 Oh, so they were talking about it on PKA. OK. So Thiedeck Shinobi for another 10. Taylor also fundamentally misunderstood the bit, pointing out how women are- Oh, understood, he says. Oh, fundamentally understood misunderstood the bit pointing out how I'm gonna study says Oh fundamentally understood the bit pointing out how women are out of touch and shouldn't be able to vote given that they don't Understand history and how it still affects modern-day issues
Starting point is 02:10:53 Yeah, the point of the bit is that it's not that women don't know it's that they think like they don't have a thing Vietnam happened in the 90s. Yeah, like that's how bad the point is not that they don't know It's that what they think they know is so dumb and wrong. It is very interesting that uh You do kind of need a grasp of history cuz you can go oh well that was this time period. You have to have the same the right century, you know It's like when was the Civil War? 1995. Okay So you don't get like there's no possible way yeah well like
Starting point is 02:11:26 you know black guys on the street they go that guy was a slave 20 years ago right right now but they think that they do so then when they see stuff happen it's like really easy to this is a brain that is like you know putty was it a whole movie was it where you see the old lady and he goes yeah you must thought it was pretty cool when steam engines were invented, right? And she's like, well, that's fucking old. All right, here, do you want to watch it? This is Gavin explaining how you stole his bit, supposedly.
Starting point is 02:11:55 Let me see. That's very exciting, I'm very excited. All right. Gavin, just be funny, stop being a cantankerous bitch. I mean, he's got a cantankerous bitch. I mean, he's got a billion dollars from selling Vice. Shouldn't he be happier? I don't know what he wants out of life.
Starting point is 02:12:11 He seems like a deeply unhappy person. He doesn't have a billion dollars. He got out early. He got out... He made a couple million bucks payday. It's not a billion. Yeah. Well, Vice ended up not being worth anything in the long run, so, you know.
Starting point is 02:12:22 Yeah, but the founders made money. Yeah, if they stocked it away. If they what? Well, I think him and that, aren't there only him and the other guy? It's him and the one guy. The other guy got a billion dollars. Way more money, yes.
Starting point is 02:12:34 Gavin got like 10 million or something like that. Yeah. And then he became insufferable and lame. Well, he's got compound meat. He's having a lot of fun. Actually, I don't think he is having a lot of fun. He seems miserable. We were talking. You guys are talking about like the people on those protests, not knowing what they're talking about. And it reminded me of this.
Starting point is 02:12:53 I'll call it theory that Dick Masterson was talking about a long time ago. And he's like, if you're ever in like a serious, like political discussion with like a woman, because he's big on the woman stuff. He's like, ask them what year the most common wars in history started. And you will immediately realize their level of understanding of the world. So he'll be like, you know, ask him when did like, like what years? Give me the gist. When was World War one? Like kind of like and he said to try this with the women in your life And I did with a couple and they didn't know like I don't know like 1895
Starting point is 02:13:32 Parks 1911 1918 like it can be close. I think he stole that from me My thing was I say I said that exact thing verbatim, but I said asking the population of America That's got nothing to do with history Gavin you fucking idiot that's got nothing to do with having like a well-reasoned Point of view on politics I also fucking population of America Is it six point five billion is America is that the It's the world. Yeah, so I don't know America. 1.7 billion? Gavin, let's see. You will not get rem- I asked one lesbian I was arguing with about illegal immigration. I said, you're not gonna believe me by the way, so get ready. I said, how many legals do you think are in this country? Now the left usually says 12, although it's been 12 with fucking
Starting point is 02:14:25 12 million Biden. But in the right, if you're really like right, you say 30. That's the rain 12 to 30 seems to be the range. She said hilarious. Okay. I don't know. I don't know population stuff. 70 billion with a B 70 billion. A big number. Oh, damn. My dad's a B. With a B. 70 million. That's a big number. 70 million. Oh, damn. My dad's a mathematician and I said, Dad, work out for me how many people could possibly fit in America. He spent like 20 hours on it. He was like, can I freeze leeks?
Starting point is 02:14:58 Oh, God. Fucking accent. Bro. Well, you know. He stole that from me. What I like to do is... Once my magazine shows up, you guys don't have to worry about Vice again. You'll have Vito magazine. He must be pissed that he's on a show and people are talking about me,
Starting point is 02:15:17 funny stuff that I did, and I'm not there. You know? That's like the worst thing. I would think Gavin McInnes being like a multi-milli- like I would think he should be in a world where he's above appearing on any of these shows. Oh really? Not to cast shade on. I don't know, it just feels like shouldn't he be a mover and shaker in some sort of, I mean he's been kicked out of Hollywood obviously, but shouldn't be producing movies or documentaries or something
Starting point is 02:15:45 He did a movie that was okay. I mean it was okay. What was that? It wasn't good. I didn't see that. It was like what makes a man. Yeah, it was competent, you know competently made. It seems like he just That podcast is he does it seems like spinning his wheels, you know It's like I don't know what else to do, but I want I still want to be seen. He's pushed out with the Proud Boys Yeah, he sold them out when it got too hot right now. He's a culture warrior until you have to like Hey, his culture war plan was a real bad idea I mean he did he did get steamrolled though, and they were like we're gonna label you a terrorist organization
Starting point is 02:16:20 I'm like oh Jesus Christ, and then he bitched out. Well. I would have probably bitched you definitely would have yeah Well, whatever cuz the FBI is gonna lose nuts Yes, you would have bitched out you would bitch out to yellow flash would not with nothing You're complimenting him left and right you tried to Doc's Riley to that guy What was that guy's mark Miller mark marks Miller's mark you bend over backwards? But the problem is Gavin wants people to think he's like a great guitar. He's more like you 20 years for fucking sending a text message Like way to go guys all right. Don't tell me I bitched out. I would have bitched out immediately So Gavin I don't want nothing to do with a fucking proud boys the FBI's got a fucking hate boner for those guys
Starting point is 02:17:02 Anyway, yeah, Dick Peninsky says, can I have a Vito's booty? Yeah, you'll get a Vito's booty. Yeah, well. C for two says, play the Vito team guy stinger, but that's not enough money. It's not enough, it's gotta be $6. Britzman for two says, 100 big ones on the board.
Starting point is 02:17:18 That's not how that works, Britzman. Dick Peninsky for 556, team guys are a real big problem. Like Vito the gay team guy Penis ecky Dean dick penis ecky penis ecky. Yeah, I think there's a song about that, but I can't remember J-Rob detailing Ireland for five euros. I love this show. Cheers boys with clinking glasses Jacob for 320 yen a coup for two firm handshakes FR Jacob for 320 yen, Kufa for two firm handshakes. FR8242 for $20 says Tic-Toc, Oinktober or something. Oinktober is coming up.
Starting point is 02:17:54 Joseph Reed for six USD. Vito said $5 was enough to play the team guy theme. Here's $6 for Vito the team guy. Vito the gay team guy. Vito the gay team guy. Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. Vito the gay team guy. The gay team guy. Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay! The gay team guy. Shut up.
Starting point is 02:18:10 This is not that good. D-I rules. The gay team guy. Alright, we got it. I got it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no! He paid six bucks! The gay team guy. Female game characters are more like men. Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep sleep asleep sleep asleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Happy birthday girl lips first name Nick. I get it black crimson for five Australian. Thanks for the snacks Thanks for not killing yourselves the locks for two. Hey Vito. Sorry. I called you fat and gay
Starting point is 02:19:12 Yes, cool. I was nice of him. Thank you for not killing Koof. I can never kill Koof He makes such great stickers random guy for five. Are you looking for your stupid gay eye patch or something? No, I'm looking for my hammer. Oh, here it is. Got it. Why do you need your hammer? Just in case. Jesus Christ. OK, random guy for five.
Starting point is 02:19:32 Look at the time. It looks like it's time for another round of Veto the Gay Team Guys Stinger. Oh, wait. No, six bucks. Six bucks. I don't know if I have a Canadian transfer store. It's got to be six bucks.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Canadians like 10. Peter Get for five. Veto the late team guy. Late, late, guy late late late late Austin next for two gay gay gay gay You guys can just do the song Yeah, put the lyrics in the super chits Cole Margolin for two if you know any updates on the thermos everybody's getting the thermos Oh, Justin Brody for two. Just want to say I really enjoyed the last show
Starting point is 02:20:03 Oh with Ralph That was good And then Ralph went on to do a stellar interview with Nick Reketa one of the greatest broadcasting interviews I think you've ever seen got some really hard-hitting questions in there like Hey Hey Nick, how you been? It's not great Really knocked it out of the park got the exclusive Reketa interview How you been? It's not great. Really knocked it out of the park. Got the exclusive Reketa interview.
Starting point is 02:20:28 Dragon Atheist Studio for two USD. Biggest hangover in the years. Yeah, no shit. Yeah, I think this was somebody. Government name for five. Paying child support isn't cool. Paying your favorite pet-o is worth every penny. Chatergery for 10.
Starting point is 02:20:41 Imagine Kato Gooding, the Po-Lemith, events a robot to tell you his five paragraph log line, but instead it just yells, Bidness and Chuck Dicks in my ass. Nobody wants that. Bidness. Veeds and Dicks, nobody wants that. I can't wait for one of those morons
Starting point is 02:20:58 to make another comic book to make fun of. Eric July. I do wanna see what Yellow Flashes comic is. Yeah, because it's going to be terrible. Because it's a stupid premise. I don't think he's smart enough to write a story. He's a dumb guy. He likes an anime with a bunch of kids getting raped.
Starting point is 02:21:18 That's a 12 out of 10 for him. It's... a lot of these guys are just actually dumb. Yeah, the fact that they're able to upload and if you've ever seen his videos It's just a screen capture of his computer. Like there's no amount of wham Johnny And I do believe him it's like How do people end up watching that and they go this is what I I want. Just a dumb guy saying, having angry opinions. Utah based Armenian. The Wokes.
Starting point is 02:21:50 You know what the most infuriating thing about Yellow Flash's channel is, is that he doesn't know how to baseline shift apostrophes. Have you seen that? What's that? Can we show his channel real quick? I guess, yeah. All right, type in a, go to YouTube.
Starting point is 02:22:04 Yellow Flash on YouTube. You would think at some point what the fuck you'd you think at some point you'd go you know I've been making YouTube videos for a while I should probably just learn how to use Photoshop correctly you know okay that's just a thing I should do yeah okay so here let's look at his thumbnails really quick if we go to videos can I put pop this up? His channel, I don't know is it yeah, okay put this on okay here Yeah, you can say this is nitpicky but again, this is a man with how many subscribers like a million now, yeah, okay 450,000 okay, you know like an apostrophe
Starting point is 02:22:44 Where does it? Oh right there? It's so over you know like an apostrophe? Where does it- Oh, right there, it's so over. Where does an apostrophe go? At the top. Yeah. And he's got it in the, what the fuck? And he's been doing this for years. It, apostrophe in the middle of the word, S.
Starting point is 02:22:59 What the fuck? And they're all like that. And I'm like, bro, can you just learn in Photoshop that if this, for some reason, whatever font you're using isn't putting the apostrophe in the right place, that you can just ship it up? How do you have a font that puts the apostrophe in the middle of the word? I don't know! And how do you make, first of all, these are dogshit thumbnails. Look at the, every one of them is always the same.
Starting point is 02:23:16 What the fuck? It's over for them. Just got fucked. What a shit show. It's over for her. They can't stand this! They can't stand, it's the same thing every, they can't stand this. They can't stand. It's the same thing every they can't stand this. They can't stand him. She hates the fans. The force is gay.
Starting point is 02:23:31 Shit got real. They won't stop. Bro, your comic is gay. And at the end of the day I go, can you just learn how to shift an imposter for you? What a shit show WHOA! This is why- What a shit and a fuck! Disney shit all over my cock! And then fucked up- Fucked themselves in the ass with my dick! I know people have said- Bob Iger! I know people have said this is a cope, and I said
Starting point is 02:23:58 It's really not. No, they're like, why don't you make YouTube videos anymore? Cause I would check that thing that says Other channels that people who watch you are subscribed to Yeah, I would say your subscribers are subscribed to yellow flash. That is cut though the quartering geeks. Well, that's cup I don't want to make you just don't you just have to make videos man, but I don't want to make this This is so you have to make something though. Okay, but if I make what I want to make It's not gonna get any views because this is the audience that showed up for Star Wars shit.
Starting point is 02:24:28 What is this attitude though? If I make what I want to make, it won't work, so fuck it. So then stop talking about making anything. You're just like a ghost at that point. Right? You have to make something. I am making something. I'm making this show right now. Okay, that's true. You gotta make something. I am making something. I'm making this show right now. You have to make- okay. That's true. Yeah. You gotta make videos. I'm saying, I don't think I should- well if I'm gonna make videos-
Starting point is 02:24:48 You gotta deep fry a pizza or something. If I was gonna make videos I would have to like completely- I can't talk about like movies and TV shows anymore. Cause this is the only thing- Cause you don't know what you're talking about. Okay. Furiosa sucked. You said it was good.
Starting point is 02:25:00 It was good! It was shit. I liked- it's not great! There was a toy commercial for a toy I don't for toys I don't want for a toy line that I don't want look It's not a perfect movie, but the the whole concept and here comes queer mo coming in with the octopus flyer Oh watch out the little midget guys got you and the battle that battle wagon trap the entire Concept of taking desert combat deadly serious
Starting point is 02:25:25 and what that might look like. That was not Furiosa. They're like driving over the dunes and setting up sniper positions and going around and like kicking up dirt or disguising as the enemy. Like that was all interesting, genuinely interesting, like battle tactician stuff. No, it was like Wile E. Coyote retarded dog shit.
Starting point is 02:25:43 I'm not saying it was realistic, but it was at least like you know interesting that I'm like hey somebody thought this scene through They had a worrying fucking blade of death that they were like the time they had I said it's not 100% Fucking stupid some of its Why would we need an anti hippopotamus gun and then here comes a hippopotamus? Oh, yeah? Anti hippopotamus gun and then here comes a hippopotamus. Oh, yeah Fucking sucks. I mean Chris Evans was that guy's name Chris Chris Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth had a Silly voice the whole time. Yeah, like something that his wife probably said was funny that his kids think is funny It was so stupid. I didn't hate furiousious I like I love the end totally sucked and then the worst thing is they made that guy
Starting point is 02:26:34 From the first the bad guy from the first movie they made him a pedophile in the second movie No, you talking about the big guy. Yeah, they made him a pedophile Being a bad guy The bad guys are the best part. You make him a pet- if you made Hans Gruber a pedophile, be like, oh. This isn't- this movie sucks now. You think a lot of guys are cheering for fucking erectus or whatever the fuck- There's two of them, there's erectus and- Well he was an interesting bad guy.
Starting point is 02:27:01 You're supposed to be able to identify with a bad guy. Like, oh I understand your plan Yeah, I would do that too. I guys yeah I like do that too not it now You're not always supposed to think that about the villain you are you are supposed to think I got it You have to think I get it. I get why you would do this That's what makes well. I get what makes it engaging. I get why he's a pedophile. He wants to fuck kids I get that that's what he wants I'm not saying I identify with it engaging. I get why he's a pedophile, he wants to fuck kids. I get that that's what he wants.
Starting point is 02:27:26 I'm not saying I identify with it, but I understand. You just did. No, but I'm saying I understand why Hitler wants to kill Jews, because he thought this about Jews. I don't think that about Jews, but I get what was in his head that made him think that. Oh, yeah, so if they had a villain
Starting point is 02:27:41 and he just fucked fat chicks, that's fine for you? He's like, oh, well, he just likes fat chicks. Yeah, he could. No, that would they had a villain and he just fucked fat chicks, that's fine for you. He's like, oh well, he just likes fat chicks. Like, yeah, he could- No, that would be a terrible villain because you don't get it in your heart. You're not supposed- You're saying you need to actually identify- like you could have been the villain in an alternate timeline? Yes. No!
Starting point is 02:27:56 That is the entire- That's retarded. Crux of good villains. That's not- Why is he doing this? I want $600 million in bearer bonds. Oh, okay, yeah, me too. I would like that too.
Starting point is 02:28:10 I'm trying to think what other villains. I don't know man. You can't because your examples are fucked. Like Darth Vader, you identify with Darth Vader? Yeah. I just want to be a bitch for the Emperor. I gotta stop these fucking assholes from messing up our whole town. Alright.
Starting point is 02:28:24 Look, I think you can have... Guys are coming in, stealing secrets, the Bothans are coming in... You're basically saying you could never have a pedophile villain because the audience could never identify with them. Well, it's a different story. If the villain's a pedophile, you have to take it way more seriously, I think. It can't be. Well, you might have a good point. It was a little, treated a little goofy. Yeah. Like, it was like goofy.
Starting point is 02:28:49 Well, because then in the first movie, the muscle guy pulls out the dead body of the fetus, and he's like, yo, he's a boy. Now I'm like, well, wait, you're a pedophile. This is a different kind of context. You fucked up the context of the whole first movie. I did not think about it that deeply. You're just a s**t. All right. Utah based Armenia for two. Kind of context you fucked up the context of the whole thing. I did not think about it that
Starting point is 02:29:10 You're in it. All right, Utah based Armenia for two. Yeah, you guys are counter programming Nick Fuentes I think that our audience. I like his new studio. It looks cool. Oh, I haven't seen it. Austin Nicks for five Someone firmly shake my hand. I just did something awful. Yes firm handshakes Anyone who's sex minors gets a firm handshake at the quartering channel. Why was Quartering defending Dr. Disrespect again? It's a bit odd, isn't it? Odd to defend a... Somebody said, I'm worried about his kids. The Quartering's like, Yeah, well, you know, you're a fucking bitch in a horror whatever. Cake-faced whore makeup. No, actually, women are supposed to worry about children.
Starting point is 02:29:44 Especially those whose father have been outed as potential sex criminals. Yeah, if you're a dad's grooming minors, then I'm worried about the kids too. You have a worry there. The quartering, you are so fucked up. Maybe you could hire another girl to work for you. Michael Winning for fives is, Muddahar got rich off the GameStop pump and dump and used to run ads for better help. God forbid someone else do it.
Starting point is 02:30:10 All these guys have done stupid. It's such fucking stupid. But they all have the posture as like, well I'm the good guy, I'm exposing the bad guys. And this fat guy who made a funny video and got paid 10k for it is the worst guy! Because they're old man they don't understand that kids are doing meme coins and they like it awesome next
Starting point is 02:30:28 for two if you don't only it eats chips from the bottom of the bag yeah James Gartner for a big 50 on the board coke coins couldn't fall I don't know what that means coins couldn't fall. CCCF. Is that related? I think he's talking about, well, we were talking about cryptocurrency. Couldn't fall. Maybe he's coked up.
Starting point is 02:30:52 Maybe, I don't know. Steve for two. I'm sure there's a coke coin. Vito, no one wants a sebum covered red vine. Maybe added a little bit of flavor there. Who knows? Clap trap destroyer for five. This red vine bit is a George Costanzism,
Starting point is 02:31:05 I was gonna say. But that was, he double dipped. Yeah, but you did it. You actually did it. He put it in his mouth and then went back in. But he used the other side. If I had bitten off the red vine, put it back in, you would have had a point.
Starting point is 02:31:18 But I didn't, I used my hands. You're so wrong. You're like, what if you went through the whole red vine thing, right? And you touched every red vine. Would that be bad? If I touched every one? Why would that be bad? If you touched every red vine. That would be unnecessary.
Starting point is 02:31:35 But why would it be bad or gross? You know what? You're right. I should just touch every red vine. Who cares? Well that's what you're thinking is a world where you can go around, infinity people can touch every red vine and it's fine. So if I, let's say you got a box, let's say you got a box of donuts. Yeah. And I pick up a donut.
Starting point is 02:31:54 Yeah. And I go, you know what? I don't, I don't, I actually want that donut. The other one. You put it back? I put that one back. Totally unacceptable. You're so retarded.
Starting point is 02:32:01 Totally unacceptable. That's fucking disgusting. That's so stupid. Vito, do you do that? Yeah, all the time. But I think you do. Probably. Cause I saw you touch a red vine and put it back. Man, you have to be, you have to be more aware of your own body touching things that other people are gonna put in their mouths. Why? Cause everyone hates it and thinks it's gross. Did you eat my fried lasagna? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:26 Okay. How do you think it got in that pan? Fucking tongs? I took- I- I- My hands made it! I rolled the lasagna in the thing! And then you cooked it. And I put it in the deep fryer! Then you cooked it. Yeah, that's what cleans it. The fire cleanses it. Okay. Well I touched-
Starting point is 02:32:43 And then you take it out with tongs. I touched the pan, and the pan has it in there. I touch the whatever you didn't touch the food I might have had them. I might have said oh, you know what that one. I'm gonna put over there. So it's a I Probably did arrange them in the pan to make sure they were all you like Oh, man, that one's gonna fall out. So I got to put it over there. I don't like that Good don't eat my food then, who cares? Well don't put red vines back that you're molesting. I'm gonna start just touching stuff.
Starting point is 02:33:11 I'm sure you already do. There's no way you go from not molesting other people's food to doing that. I can't believe I ripped off a little piece of red vine, who cares? Just throw it in the trash. All right, next time I will. I don't know who you're fooling either, half a red vine, like what? I didn't want know who you're fooling either. Half a red vine.
Starting point is 02:33:25 Like what? I didn't want a whole one. How does one want half a red vine? I didn't want half a one. You're right. I don't know why I touched it. I just, I saw red sugared treat and I took a- You said I want half of that?
Starting point is 02:33:37 I took a little piece of it. It's like a half diet soda? That was one of these things where I said, maybe I'll like licorice more than I normally like licorice and I ate it and I went, no, I still don't really like licorice more than I normally like licorice and I ate it and I went no I still don't really like licorice that much throw it away All right. Well, I was next for five says Vito. We've seen your shower. Those hands are never clean Shampoo bacteria plus hand bacteria. I'm always clean Benjamin five you know to mr. Owl It took me five days and a thousand licks to get to the center of the tootsie. Yeah pop booty man for six 50 I will just play
Starting point is 02:34:01 center of the tootsie. Pop, Bootyman for $6.50. I will just play. There we go. This is what you want. There we go. The gay team guy. Synthesis for two. Please give this to Vito only.
Starting point is 02:34:10 I love Vito. Random guy for six. Canadian. You hear that? That's the gay team guy's stinger. Okay, we gotta play it again. Team guy rule. There we go.
Starting point is 02:34:19 Okay. Bootyman for two. This money's not for Vito. Kyle Oppenheimer for five. Vito, I think you need a sandwich and some ham on your neck. Cody Titus for five, please don't give this to Vito, he will spend it on food. Cole Barkley for ten, says keep the teen guys song playing.
Starting point is 02:34:38 There we go. Benjamin for five, Vito outsourcing work to Mexico. Flemmi Budox for five, submitting a strip to a to Mexico. Let me buttocks for five. Submit a strip club contest where first place wins a comic adaptation. Sending money to appease the great magnet and TBF certain of success. Veto in-game dishwash for five.
Starting point is 02:34:56 Shampoo bottles have instruction. On the job for five Canadians. The only way in Washington to enhance the ink is if we know exactly what drug these persons have gone. Veto's wiener for five. Instead of only way I'm watching to enhance the image that we always have of this rugby person is gone. Vito's Weaver for five. Instead of coddling your artists, try to coddle these nuts. Since 2018.
Starting point is 02:35:13 2018, all right. What a show. Wow, that was great. 2K for a big 50 on the board. It's time for Yee to deal with the feral hog and make him walk the plank. It's Vito's booty. Pretend that nerd Roddick's on the she's the kraken.
Starting point is 02:35:28 She's released and she's stumping all over the poop deck. Austin X for two imagine if feral hogs tweeted Kyle Oppenheimer. She probably did fucking call the cops dude, nerd Roddick's wife. 100%. I'm sure of it. She's all pissed that she's getting filmed and being fat. Women hate those at the same time. They love being fat.
Starting point is 02:35:49 They love being filmed, but they hate being fat and being filmed. They really don't like it. A lot of Karens out there. Kyle Oppenheimer for five. Vito, your face makes onions cry. I'm not insulting you. I'm just describing you.
Starting point is 02:36:00 Cody Titus for two. You'd think Vito would have sympathy for hogs. Austin Nex for two. Twitter is full of invasive species. Justin Brodyk for two you'd think Vito would have sympathy for hogs. Austin Nix for two Twitter's full of invasive species Justin Brodyk for two Vito's obviously the foremost hog expert. Austin Nix for two says industrial accidents What is wrong with you Vito? Yeah what that is? Random guy for five Canadian. Did you ask your boss about his thoughts on Huey Lewis in the news after showing him gore? You get that reference? No. That's
Starting point is 02:36:25 American Psycho. Huey Lewis in the news? I think he really came into his own when he released sports with this classic. Yeah. He rants about Huey Lewis in the news when he kills a guy. Cyphers sucks his five. NASCAR is really cool for motorsports. Autism's veto is a big L. Cyphers in for another five. Says all that NASCAR stuff from the guy who couldn't figure out basketball. That guy is veto, veto L. Cypher's in for another five. Says all that NASCAR stuff from the guy who couldn't figure out basketball. That guy is Vito. Vito L. I think dribbling is still complicated. Johnny Rock for five. I can't believe Vito gets off on the slot of his brother is the Hogs, not the Chinese.
Starting point is 02:36:54 Chinese are my brother as well. Ah, as an extra two, Vito's problem was Ralph. Yeah, I got it. Coo for five. Super Chat from Racon. I will do a C-U-M... Wait, I will do a C-U-M-Pro- wait, I will do a C-U-M-Tribute. Com-Tribute. C-U-M. Oh, don't shoot the messenger. Wendy's chilly in my blunt for two. Welcome to Costco. I love you. Saffron Suckedist for five. Super Chat fraud. Uh oh.
Starting point is 02:37:19 A series of bats for two since I'm watching the Chinese murder videos. He has a devil followed by four bats for bats So you read his emojis being read the pig? Well, I'm trying to figure out the pig one. I understand I know what he's communicating the devil followed by bats I don't I was trying to figure that out Clap to the destroyer for five says please play please never play that Phineas and our Ferb ass song ever again awesome, Nick's are two pigs and Mountain Dew Controllers, two food problems.
Starting point is 02:37:48 Feral Horricks is not a food problem. But Scrinwa for 10, Vito doesn't know Jack about NASCAR, but he's a little right about Camelot. I back the Cyberfrog Car Fundraiser, I would have never done that if I knew he was gonna rep Tim Kast and suck shit. No, Camelot's gotta go, he's gotta get the money. He's gotta get the money.
Starting point is 02:38:05 It's fine, it's fine. I accept that he's gotta get the money. It's just Tim Pool just like sucks. He should apologize to me for being wrong about Dr. Disrespect. That's very important, yeah. Camelot? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:38:16 He blocked me, he muted, well he said he muted me. He said I'm muting you. Like why? Because I said Dr. Disrespect definitely did something wrong which is why he refuses to say that he didn't. Oh, he did. He did. It was one of those things. It was before he came out and like fully admitted to it. He said, no wrongdoing was found. You know, contract was fine. That's how you, that's how you knew.
Starting point is 02:38:33 That's the most guilty thing. That's the most guilty thing you could ever say. I don't understand how people were like, I don't understand how you guys can judge him when he hasn't admitted to it. I'm like, no, he, he admitted to it. He just. Yeah, that's what that was. That's what that was. What do you mean? Hey, did you do this? Hey, no, he admitted to it. He just- Yeah, that's what that was. That's what that was.
Starting point is 02:38:45 What do you mean? Hey, did you do this? Hey, no wrongdoing was found. That's like a really interesting intelligence level is to have somebody- Are you cheating on me? You don't have any evidence. Okay.
Starting point is 02:38:54 Yeah, have somebody read that initial doctor disrespect response where he goes, no wrongdoing was found. Go, tell me what that means. And if their answer is, well, he's saying he didn't do it Yeah, man that was like the most baseline intelligence test and I was like shocked and how many people failed it go to a daycare Yeah, did you have you ever molested any kids? Well, no wrongdoing was found. Okay. I'm not daycare obviously That was fucking crazy.
Starting point is 02:39:26 Hey, I'm a dog sitter. And I just want you to know, all those dogs that died in my house, well, no wrongdoing was found. So we're going to be fine on that front. You're not going to hire that guy. Yeah. Very, very bizarre. Justin Broderick for two, I love how happy dick looks saying,
Starting point is 02:39:43 it's a breaker. Austin Nixon, too. What? What's a breaker. Austin Nixon for two. What? What's a breaker? I don't know. Vito, is that a Arizona cucumber? No, it's a regular Arizona and I had to buy it myself. You should have to buy your own drinks yourself.
Starting point is 02:39:54 Well, I'm the talent. I feel like drinks should be provided. Meow Mang Chegs for ten, so you haven't washed that shirt since Hackamania. The one that says Hackamania with the name tag. Oh yeah, yeah. I haven't washed. You haven't washed that shirt since Hackamania. HAHAHAHA! The one that says Hackamania with the name tag. Oh yeah, yeah, I haven't washed- You haven't washed the shirt? I haven't worn it since Hackamania or one time at Hackamania. You have to wear- you have to wash your clothes.
Starting point is 02:40:15 Yeah, well this is like an over shirt. You gotta wash that. Yeah, I will wash it. I wear it like a couple times and then I wash it. How many times? Like two or three times. I haven't worn it since Hackamania. You gotta wash that shit, man. I wash my clothes. Just this one.
Starting point is 02:40:30 I haven't washed it. No, you have to wash them more. Well, I don't have a washer dryer. I gotta get a laundry service. Wait, what? I have a laundry service. Pick it up and do it for me. You pay?
Starting point is 02:40:41 Yeah. I don't have a washer dryer. I don't want to go to the laundry, man. It don't have a washer dryer. I don't wanna get a laundry man It's a waste of fucking time So you pay somebody like 50 bucks to do your laundry? Yeah What the fuck? Bro, that's time I could be spent doing it like literally anything else I don't want to do laundry if I had a lot you have a lot of fucking washer dryer You have a laundry hookup in your apartment? I do I could get a washer dryer, but I have to make- You just don't?
Starting point is 02:41:04 No, I just don't? No, I just don't have one. What about your shirts? I have the service do it. I just, they pick it up, it's like 50 bucks. They wash it, they fold it all. You're paying 50 bucks a week to do laundry? Drew, the, let's put it this way.
Starting point is 02:41:19 What is my time worth? An hour of my time's- Nothing. No, it is worth something. I can make money, an hour of work to me is like 35 are you on like the hustle like trend I don't think it's that crazy to have somebody else do your fucking laundry it's totally normal for paying for it is I see they fold everything the amount of time would take me to fold all that shit and like it's all done perfectly how
Starting point is 02:41:43 much do you pay it's's like 50, 60 bucks. It's no problem. A week? No, every two weeks, three weeks. For two months. I have a lot of clothes. So I have a ton of shirts. So you re-wear stuff from Hackamania?
Starting point is 02:41:55 That was in a bar. Once clothes go in a bar, they're done. All right, well, whatever. I just haven't watched this one, but I've worn it since Hackamania. And it's not like, it's not a big deal. People are smoking cigarettes and stuff around that shirt. The t-shirts I don't rewear, it's like an over shirt.
Starting point is 02:42:10 I just wear it over stuff. It's not touching any flesh other than like the arm here. So it's not- You're half eating red vines in that shirt? Whatever. You guys are stupid. Kevin Flesher. That was a good super chat, meow man. For two, deep fried lasagna was actually good. Be fair.
Starting point is 02:42:31 Cyphers and Suck This for five, Super Killer's gonna blow. How do you not see the value of the spooky sci-fi sound? Wait, did you say it for two, be fair? No, I skipped over it. Are you sure? I'm 100% sure. I said deep fried lasagna was actually good.
Starting point is 02:42:42 Be fair. Oh, okay. Because I read it. I would suck this super Cool. Yeah, okay super coach like DFK for five I will take over if I could tell an original joke so I percent for five AI is dumb Yeah, Douglas Ivy for five. You don't know about hogs cuz he's a pig. Yep. Okay Cyber suckers for five is to see you know, why are you thinking about cameras? Are you having a stroke? Why are you thinking about cameras? Are you having a stroke?
Starting point is 02:43:11 Dr. Till for five. Holy Jesus. Thank you dick for fixing that gay ass Dutch angle. It's been driving me nuts for months What the fuck is a Dutch angle? tilt It's a movie term Okay, have you ever seen you guys? I know you guys are fucking film buffs over here. Well, you ever see the movie? What do you call it? Battlefield Earth? The two gay guys that talk about stuff. Wait, is Battlefield Earth what it's called?
Starting point is 02:43:31 The more- John Travolta? Yeah, the John Travolta one. I haven't seen it. Well, the whole movie's like shot tilted. So that's whenever they want to touch angle, they just watch battle. You just tilt it? Every shot in the movie for some reason is fucking tilted.
Starting point is 02:43:41 Why would you want an angle that's tilted? Cause it like, it's like kind of, it like disorients you. It's like kind of spookier in a way. Where it's like, ooh that's weird, oh hey. So your head is tilted? Well your head, it feels like your head's tilted. It feels like a guy's like, you're on your back
Starting point is 02:43:57 and a guy's like standing over you at a weird angle. That's, I don't want that feeling. Well that's what you get when you ask about Phil Durd. I'm sorry I was doing that to you guys. Dutch angle the Dutch filmmakers used it a lot I guess. Two socks calzini for ten Canadian hey guys big ten so Vito can shut his mouth play the Vita. Okay, deep shock for five. I was modding a game to get controller for smash. We started your problem Vito. Thanks for the laughs. Awesome nix for five. Someone told me laugh. Awesome, Nick's for five. Someone told me they wanted AI to make decisions for them.
Starting point is 02:44:27 I hope they do what AI says. Two millennials with COVID should have been the boomers. Geo for five. All right, we get the fucking idea. Yeah, yeah, you got it. Okay. No, no, no, he paid for the whole thing! He's already heard it 10 times today!
Starting point is 02:44:40 He paid for the whole thing! 10 times today, he's heard the song! No, no, no, no, no, no. Gamergate never happens! Veto, look at you die! That's the song, okay. No, there's the end part too! That's not part of the song!
Starting point is 02:44:54 That's not part of the song! We've been reading the Sarkeesian agenda since 2018! No, everyone needs that part! That's the fucking song! It's not part of the song. Ah, Coofer5, CrookedCan Crooked Cam Vito, Dutch Angle Vito, always with the most off-center picks. Oxel for five, does the Tim Crash car have a beanie? Yeah, it should. That would- actually, if it had, like, the top of the car was a beanie, that would be funny.
Starting point is 02:45:19 See, I said, the only way he can make that beanie work now is if he actually leans into it and starts having fun with it. But he can't, beanie work now is if he actually leans into it and starts having fun with it But he can't because he's not fun He went to Mar-a-Lago with his suit and he buttoned both buttons Yeah, and he wore a beanie That's like wearing your hackamania shirt and not washing it No, it's way worse. It's way way way way way worse Wearing a beanie to Mar-a-Lago is like, bro, you gotta figure something out. I know it's like your little like Scooby-Doo outfit
Starting point is 02:45:48 or whatever, but. Bro, like you're fucked. Even Shaggy I think put on a suit sometimes. You're a fucking embarrassment to your side. Well, he's gonna say it's not his side. He's a liberal, dick. He is a liberal. He bought the land at that skate park, you see that?
Starting point is 02:46:05 They didn't want him participating in their skate park event. Yeah, because who would want him to participate in anything? Nobody likes that guy. No one wants that fucking freak around kids. Or any kind of fun thing. He doesn''s what I also don't get is I've seen clips of him and I've seen parts of his show and I go, this is not a likable individual. This guy's like a fucking weirdo in a creed.
Starting point is 02:46:28 Yeah. So he bought the land of the skate park. To punish them for not letting him go to their. And he's like gloating about how he's gonna make such an amazing park. Like, bro, you're such a shit head. He doesn't understand why people would not wanna hang out with him.
Starting point is 02:46:42 Actually, well, he's justified in his head and he goes, well, they're just mad that I'm speaking truth to them. Like the truth that Trump is going to sweep 49 states. Civil War. Civil War, dude. Civil War. Civil War. Yeah. Why are you building this? If you thought a civil war was coming, would you be pouring concrete for a skate park? Would that be at the top of your list?
Starting point is 02:47:03 No. No, you'd probably be building a concrete bunker or something. I don't think he thinks that's real. Harzo for five, please consider uploading the voted up songs I think about the Reverend Scott singer at least once a week. I will do that. Dick needs to send me some of them or whatever.
Starting point is 02:47:22 Not gonna happen. I won't send them. Okay, well I'll just find them and I will email them to myself. I won't send them. Okay, well I'll just find them and I will email them to my site. What do you mean find them? In my house? Guys, if you have previously made a stinger for the show, and you would like it to appear, you can email VitoGiswally at Do not send it. Do not come. And I will probably have to put some fucking password on it because otherwise, Dick will just delete it.
Starting point is 02:47:46 OK. Stretchy Peony for 10, can you add a fan music playlist so I can listen to Vito the Gay Team Guy on command? Maybe I'll upload that for you. JJ for 5, EVS triple-discvention prop fits at Blackjack. Young Flash and Keno Casino don't know anything about gambling and tried to own. They were trying to give him sh- oh, that's what they was? That EVS played Blackjack, Young Flash, and Kano Casino don't know anything about gambling and tried to own. They were trying to give him sh-
Starting point is 02:48:05 Oh, that's what they was, that EVS played Blackjack at the casino, so they were trying to whip on him? They're making fun of a guy for playing Blackjack? Have these guys been to- Wait, has Kano Casino not actually been to a casino? No, they don't have doors wide enough for PPP. I don't think PPP has been to a casino. I don't think- Has he been to America?
Starting point is 02:48:21 They don't have casinos in Canada. They don't? I don't think so. Do they? No, they do. Yeah, they do to America? They don't have casinos in Canada. They don't? I don't think so. Do they? No, they do. Yeah, they do. Where?
Starting point is 02:48:31 They have slot machines and stuff. I saw it on Trailer Park Boys. They had slot machines. Okay. Well, I guess, but he's never sat on a blackjack table and just played cards for a couple hours? You don't play blackjack like a child. You play blackjack.
Starting point is 02:48:42 Poker is like a real man. Then you wear, you wear shades. So you can look at other men and see what they're gonna play. That's how you do it. I cannot imagine PPP trying to bluff people at a poker table. Sit at a poker table. The cards I got are so bad. You don't want to bet against my cards. I can't do it. It's fucking weird to, it's weird that any of these guys would talk about what is manly or not.
Starting point is 02:49:10 It's insane to talk about some sort of gambling. I just, I don't understand how once these guys get down to the pathetic minutiae of, can you believe EVS is playing blackjack at a casino? Yeah, wow. And the audience doesn't go, wait. I think these guys are retarded It's like when null went can you believe this guy's using unlicensed reference material that was your moment to go You are a retard. It's not that smart
Starting point is 02:49:41 Here's Ralph eating a sandwich look at him Look at how gay he's eating that sandwich. Also the odds on Blackjack is like what? Negative point six percent. Yeah, it's like a six percent house edge. So it's just like yeah, you got a chance at doubling up. I want to see how awesome you guys are at poker. Like real men. You're like fucking Maverick. Let's see it. Pull in the big go. Go like join in. I want to see is he worse you try to like add the cards together? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's probably why you can't play blackjack poker He's like I just got to match the colors I can do that But everyone how cool you are yellow flash go go enter a poker turn go enter a women's poker tournament
Starting point is 02:50:18 Andy you have an ace and a seven. Oh, that's like 12 No What's wild what's So that's like 12? No. No. What's wild, man? What's wild? Can I split? Can I split if I have a king and rules for stud poker? You're supposed to take that out of the deck before you start playing, Andy.
Starting point is 02:50:36 Oh. You're the big blind. Yeah! Yeah! Let's see. Cyberdusk is a video, just be nice to your friends, stop being nice to people who hate you. Who was I nice to? Am I nice? YellowFlash, you're bending over backwards to
Starting point is 02:50:52 compliment his fucking shitty comic. It looks incredible. It's cause it was drawn by a woman. I didn't find that out until later. You will kill yourself to compliment a woman. I can compliment things about the Ripperverse, I'm trying to think what I would compliment. Anything that a woman I can come and think about the rivers I'm trying to think what I would compliment anything that was a better woman touched you'll
Starting point is 02:51:09 compliment we stop this it is it's just your I'm saying the world probably the biggest problem yeah I was the worst comic they got because it was written by fucking women yeah cuz that's two women yeah you'll one woman though then you're now then you're all that's all look at she. Yo, one woman though. Then you're all in. Oh, look it, she drew this. Isn't that nice? I'm gonna print this out and put it on the fridge. Good job, sweetie. Nice fucking hot dog fingers. They look like shit.
Starting point is 02:51:34 Cipher Suspectus, don't forget Vito was defending ISON's art is competently good for weeks before the 3DS discovery. That's right! You're busted! I will still say that again, the function of comic book art is to communicate the story effectively. So... That is, uh, totally retarded. I could kind of figure out what was going on in ISOM.
Starting point is 02:51:56 Yeah, that's something a writer would say. The purpose of the drawings is to communicate my story. Yeah. Yeah. That, totally retarded. Oh, whatever. You got a lot of museums and there's like a big story next to every painting or is it just a painting? I'm big on story, okay, and I like, I like- You see.
Starting point is 02:52:17 Shut up. Uh, you know, and I like a lot of artists who, uh- Yeah, but you compliment Yellow Flash's shitty cover. That's what he's saying Do you want me to lie would that make would you want me to lie about the cover? What do you think you are lying? I think you are lying and you say it's amazing you're thinking that I think that it's bad look okay I'll say this said it's outstanding now that you have pointed out a couple I've seen you've pointed out a couple flaws around well you are kind of right about the leg I think the leg is in a bad nothing about it is good nothing about that drawing is
Starting point is 02:53:00 good I don't agree with that I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't find anything enjoyable about it what's enjoyable with that. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't find anything enjoyable about it What's enjoyable about it? No, I'm really excited to learn about what happened a world war two with the Gold Ranger running around You know going oh Where's my dinosaur? You know, I hope that yeah that'll be cool I don't think this motherfucking right. I said, but you know what? I might have a big on my face Maybe you can we're gonna find out What does that girl draw the girl that drew it? What does she has a comic called fiendish, which I have not read
Starting point is 02:53:31 Does everyone have hot dog fingers in the comic you want to look at her comic real quick? Uh, I don't know. Maybe type in fiendish Indiegogo Indiegogo. I think her art's like, I don't actually know. I'm just saying that cover sucks. That's all I'm saying. Okay, well let's take a look. Here's her normal,
Starting point is 02:53:53 we love promoting our indie comic people, right? Here's, I think this is her, right? Rini, yeah. Yep. Irene Strajinky. Yep. That's it. Okay. Oh, but, oh, okay. Let's see I don't know if she drew these covers though. Is this right? This is not her. Where's your work ma'am? Hmm I
Starting point is 02:54:15 Don't like her. Oh, that's me. Sorry. I don't like her coloring. I think all right. I don't care about this All right I don't care about this. It's too super chest. Well, it's very interesting to me. Alright. You guys are the ones that go, oh, Vito's defending. Yeah, you are. We all know you are. We all know that you're ready to sell out at any moment. To who?
Starting point is 02:54:35 To like, abstract ideas. I don't want to sell. I'm not gonna be friends with your flesh. You're like a liberal that's on our side, which is a fucking nightmare. The worst thing possible. A liberal on your side. I think it's a fine fucking piece of line work, okay? I don't fucking hate it. With the fucking fins coming out of space? Looks like shit in the legs sticking out. Like this?
Starting point is 02:54:56 Compared to some of the other... Ten million dollars I couldn't put my leg like that. I have to break my leg off to put it like that. I agree the leg. I would just delete the leg. But... Okay. With the visor reflecting nothing? break my leg I agree the leg I would I would just delete the leg but okay the visor reflecting nothing not reflecting like the you know what listen listen World War two right what could you reflect in the visor that would be like symbolic of Japan well how about a bunch of fucking American troops hoisting the American flag in Iwo Jima but how about reflecting in the
Starting point is 02:55:23 fucking visor literally anything a big fucking nuclear bomb going off instead of just scribbles Whoa, wow fucking energy scribbles right in the eyes right where you want to look cuz it's another human You look at the fucking eyes where I see oh scribbles whoa It looks like shit. It looks like dog shit Right what is the name of that comic? You agree? What is the name of that? I can't even say coming soon because I don't even know what it's called. I mean, you know, it looks like crap though. Everybody knows Everybody knows it looks like shit. That's why all these guys are lining up like oh, I can't believe oh Oh, I can't believe anyone's criticizing this. I for one will not
Starting point is 02:56:04 You saw that guy? I did see that guy. Oh, I can't believe anyone's criticizing this. I for one will not. You saw that guy? I did see that guy. Oh man. Well, the adventures of Captain F slur in World War two land is coming soon. Hey, Mr. McD. Look at my little scarf over here. I want to see what fatal J said about the cover. Has he seen the cover yet? I can't wait to see that. Okay, I'm excited. I like fatal J. I know you know what yet? I can't wait to see that. Okay. I'm excited to see. I like Fatal J. I know. You know what I think I'll say about it? What? I think I'll say that's a good looking cover. And I'll say it in that exact tone. I like that guy. Pineapple Man for two, Mr. Beast is ENTJ excellence. Cyphers and Suck This is trying to trigger
Starting point is 02:56:43 people's series intellectuals. Refund Superkiller he said. Moist for five. Hey we're not doing any series. Hey Siri update Vito. Stop with the Siri shit. Clap Trap for five only Vito felt as strongly about Sweet Baby as he does about James Beast. Justin Brodick for five. Sometimes I think I should hand over my most racist man alive joke t-shirt to Vito. He's earned the title week after week How can we now feel like with mr. Beast with sweet, baby? Incorporated because nobody can name what sweet baby did They made all women ugly and video game. Okay. Well, then I don't like them. Okay. Okay, Greedo failed for five
Starting point is 02:57:24 Just how abused betrayed in life is veto biddy can't believe mr. B simply stood up for his friend Yeah Just how abused and betrayed in life is veto-bidity. Can't believe Mr. B is simply still up for his friend. Yeah. I think that if there was any chance that it would negatively affect his bottom line in a drastic way, he would say, we have been forced to part ways with Chris due to their new whatever. But we wish them there would be a corporate. So you're inventing a world wherein he betrays his friend to prove your.
Starting point is 02:57:43 What other political issue has he taken any sort of stance on? It's not a political issue. It's just about supporting his friend. To prove your... What other political issue has he taken any sort of stance on? It's not a political issue. It's just about supporting your friend. It's not a political issue. It's not! You got a million fucking people going, he's gonna make all the kids gay
Starting point is 02:57:56 and he's putting his kid in... Right? It's not political. Well, to them it is. To who's them? The quartering, for one. The quartering, for one. The quartering, yeah. He supports groomers though.
Starting point is 02:58:07 I know he does. The quartering is openly welcoming and encouraging groomers. Evil. The quartering is pro-groomer, we know this. The quartering is pro-groomer. We've seen this. He gives groomers handshakes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:58:20 I don't know. I just think, look, I've been sent some information about Mr. Beast. So bullshit. And I believe he is a compromised individual. Meowmang Chegs for five is the son of two responsible for Vito being so bitter and mad at the chat lately. Eat shit. No, I thought you said lighten up tubby tits. Okay, Cyphers and Suck this for ten. Shut up about that catcher in the rye. Akari Shinji is our detached phony hater that kills John Lennon with a
Starting point is 02:58:45 Giant robot get out of the robot veto you're gonna kill everyone and not see how that is bad Okay, I'm gonna throw you guys in an industrial lathe and laugh Sarah Gardner for two Australian Mr. B said the all the phonies gonna spin around and make them into a carpet. Yeah, mr. B says a weird creepy smile He's dead by in the eyes moist for five You're looking wider than normal veto. Did you change the camera angle Mike hunt for two Australian name three shading styles aside from cross hatching Fuck you man Henry Lou in for two can't name one. I'm not an artist Okay, I don't know
Starting point is 02:59:24 Cross hatching like turning that pencil sideways and going like this. Okay, and then like coloring it in hard like this I'm not an artist, I don't fucking know Oh, what's the what's the relative minor of C-flat major? Well A-flat there you go. Henley Ruolin for two American manufactured like everything you eat, moo, pictures of cows. That'd be B though. B-maged. You wouldn't say C-flat. You could have said it was fucking J and I probably would have agreed with you.
Starting point is 02:59:57 I don't fucking know. No one ever says C-flat. Yeah, exactly. There you go. Let's see. It's a trick question. We got a bunch of these. Yeah, right. It's a trick question Marissa Tomei moment Say c-flat major they would say B Austin extra to Gavin is an F slur go away boomer. Yeah, go away boomer Gavin go away boomer
Starting point is 03:00:27 Get out of here. Get some more mustache whack. Go get more fucking beard trim Go see over your the billion of dollars you lost. He's not having fun. Go have fun. Great guy Gabe for Seven Canadian with the 11th overall pick the San Jose Sharks like Sam dick in Sun okay Steve for six play the stinger you got it get two seconds of this I walk the plank while wearing the Sonichu medallion. D.I. rules. No, we're not doing that. Thank you for the 50, Jake Ohio. Awesome. We're covering up $50 super chats with that shit, okay? I would rather celebrate the guy who spent $50 and go, can you play the fucking song?
Starting point is 03:01:18 I didn't bring you for the song. Thank you to Jake Ohio, who wants me to wear the Sonichu medallion. What does it say? You have to read it. Make me to walk the plank while wear the Sonichu medallion. I am well What does it say you have to read it? I have to walk the plank while wearing the Sonichu medallion. Gotta pay more than 50 bucks. Ralph is touching it You see what happened to him. Yeah, you got he showed up. He got a cold Yeah, he made him a stutter when he made him a sleepy sleepy boy Ah, this is an extra too Vito. You're not well, you're not gay meow man checks for 10 one more for the road
Starting point is 03:01:46 Play the team guys song. Oh my god You have to start over I have it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it Start over I have it. I got it. I got it. I got it. I got it You're messing it up you're messing it up Well, that doesn't even know you fucking messed it up good You fucking you totally messed it up good. What the fuck? What happened? I know how to fix it here. You fucking messed it up. You put it on mute or something. I see that it's fucked up.
Starting point is 03:02:28 There. Now it's fixed. Vito. Look, we don't need to play this. You're such a fucking idiot. It's not that funny. It's fucking stupid. It is funny.
Starting point is 03:02:38 No, it's not. What's not funny about it? It's just, it's like the Bill Nye song. He's gay. Team guy. I'm not a team guy? It's like the bill nice Team guy I'm not a team guy. That's so stupid. You're the most you're the biggest team guy ever cuz mr. Beast is like Republican And is he yeah What? Yeah, he's standing up for trans people and housing people and doing good things
Starting point is 03:03:06 Yeah trans people and housing people and doing good things. That's a Republican stuff. Yeah. He's a card game guy. We go the gay team guy. We go the gay team guy. I want you to think about the song. Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay. We go the gay team guy. Every time we play the song, we just
Starting point is 03:03:18 say slurs until the show gets banned. G-I rules. We go the gay team guy We go locate you dog! Alright, I get it. It's a good song. You're just a hater. You're just jealous of that song's success. It's just, you know, we find a song I like, we never play that one. Everyone hated that song though.
Starting point is 03:03:38 No, that song was great. Where's that one? It was 146? No, audio. Where's audio? Right above, audio. Where's audio? Right above 146. Where you clicking? No. How can we ever play this one?
Starting point is 03:03:51 Or is it the little one? We just did a problem! It's way too loud! It's way too loud! You don't know what you're doing. Hold on, I got it, I got it. Get the fuck out of here. Stop!
Starting point is 03:04:01 Stop! I wanna see what other songs we got. I-I- Fucking stop moving around I want to do it no I don't like that one either That's it, just the law and order theme song. What the fuck are you doing? Is this the thing where you're like, just do dumb things? I like the law and order theme song. That's pretty cool. Can we work that into the show?
Starting point is 03:04:43 This is the everyone look at my YouTube videos can we watch some YouTube videos like Boris yeah yeah let's watch some YouTube videos hey check this out everyone no I don't know man you're doing a show remember that yeah but who cares who fucking cares yeah yeah yeah who's even watching this shit how many people are watching let's see who cares 1300 people you the music is if the team got things affecting you it's trying to get into your brain here's what I'm thinking it's starting to break you I wish I had the soundboard this is fun all these anyway not fun it's very fun ah let's see let's see where the fuck are we let's see. Let's see. Where the fuck are we?
Starting point is 03:05:27 Let's see Chris We got me on man. It's Chris Scofield five any dickheads We're already should read your all the yellow flash cover with fixed anatomy. Okay, have fun with that I was next for two discovered decline me not calling veto fat. Sorry So turns we for five minutes telling yellow flash to shift his apostrophes, but is that he shifts dicks in my ass I'm not telling yellow flash to shift his apostrophes, but is that he shifts dicks in my ass Clips on for to make a video deep-frying a lasagna. Well now I have to figure out the the best way to do it I didn't put mozzarella on top. Oh So normally you make a lasagna the last layer is like a layer of mozzarella cheese. And I said, yeah, but I'm going to fry it.
Starting point is 03:06:05 So that would mean that I'm going to have a layer of cheese immediately next to the breading. That was so good, man. That was... Well, the problem was I lost the top layer of noodles ended up not being usable. So I actually had to tear that off and then fry the rest of the layers down. So we're missing a noodle layer because I guess I should have done the mozzarella cheese protective.
Starting point is 03:06:24 I got to do some protective layer for the top layer noodles or else they get like a little, not crispy. I don't know how to, they get like hard. They weren't suitable for frying. Get hard. You like the cheeses though. It was great, man. I don't know, I'm not good at cooking.
Starting point is 03:06:40 It was a ricotta mixed with an Italian cheese blend into one. I think the cheese is what makes it work Justin Brodyk for two the main new villain was so laughable and Furiosa. Yeah, it wasn't great clip Sama I want a biggest review of Furiosa Might be too late, but it would be interesting to talk about K-gon postal for five you know, how are you enjoying your gameboy emulation thing? Are you where it's been hacked? You're talking about the analog pocket on a sell it
Starting point is 03:07:05 I don't actually use it though now. I'll probably keep it Chad Bronson for 20 Canadian dick. Why are you anti-roids? I'm all for Reuters fighting with each other and I train with them. I'm going to a world-class MMA gym Wish me luck also eight point eighteen Canadian is six dollars USD play that music play that music. Oh my god. Wait, I don't even queue it up anymore. Oh, you fucked it up! Hold on, I know where it is. This one, right? No! No! Wrong! Get out of here. Stop.
Starting point is 03:07:32 Alright. Can't I just sing it? Vito's gay. He's gay in my head. And also he's fat. He's a fat guy. Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Vito the gay team guys! D.I. rules!
Starting point is 03:07:52 We don't look gay team guys! Female game character Shula Hoagman! Hammering on the fucking guitar is a little much. It's a little... I love it. Anti-roids? I mean, I just... It's like a I love it Josh. I mean I just It's like a phony fake Olympics. I hate the normal Olympics I don't want like a better version of something. I hate I just don't want Olympic I don't like that like criminals can't be in the Olympics. I don't give a shit at all. I
Starting point is 03:08:20 Fucking despise the entire spectacle. Yeah, this like pretense that we're gonna solve all of our conflicts with a billion dollar like marketing bonanza. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. I hate the Olympic Commission. You understand that, but I say I hate Mr. Beast and you're like, oh, that doesn't make any sense. Yeah, that's one, that guy's making houses. The Olympics don't make any houses. They don't make any fucking houses. Oh, this guy from Kenya, he can run really fast so he's gonna bring a bunch of money back to his village or whatever the fuck. But he doesn't! He just leaves Kenya.
Starting point is 03:08:48 Yeah, well he builds houses for people and they just fucking sell them because they don't... That's a lie. First of all, that's a lie. Yeah, well. Uh... Those houses probably suck anyway. The Olympics comes in, and everybody who is like running the Olympics is like a fraud and probably a plug file. Like Mr. Beast's management. Go on. And they fuck up every town they go to. They build gay stadiums that are paid for by the
Starting point is 03:09:13 government. Like Mr. Beast, yes. No, no. Mr. Beast pays for that. Like those houses that are probably made out of fucking cheese board and are gonna rot away in five years. It's gonna be exactly like the Olympics. It's the opposite. It's the exact same thing. It's the exact same thing. And you don't have to watch any gay sports either with Mr. B's.
Starting point is 03:09:28 You have to watch a fucking thumb war. Look at me I'm a roided out thumb war. No you gotta watch fucking African people cry. Like no athlete, no athletes, no good athletes are even gonna do the roid Olympics because it'll fuck up their normal careers. Oh, maybe they can be like, I'm the clean guy and that's my gimmick, you know? I need the Roy's. Right, I'm the clean guy in the Royed Olympics. Plus, I know it's just like a thing for Peter Thiel to do to distract from the fact that he's using a high to cause wars. I just thought- That's what he's doing, right?
Starting point is 03:09:59 That's what Rumble is, right? Yeah. Anyway. Well, I'm excited for the Olympics on steroids. Sign me up. Oh, man. Joshua McCaffrey for five. It's arena ball.
Starting point is 03:10:11 Vito furiously digging through Dick's red vines with his sebum-covered hands. Yeah. I'm doing you a favor. You don't even want those red vines. Throw them out. So, Everton, suck this for 10. Vito, what's wrong with you?
Starting point is 03:10:20 Most people reflexively grab a donut with some sort of napkin to keep their own fingers clean. already bare fingering donuts is gross You don't need shut up. You don't eat a donut with a napkin. I do no you don't Yeah You grab the dough with an app can you keep it an app in the entire time you eat the donut and then I eat The napkin shut the fuck up. You're Your man margins here for five, five you know send me the vocal track send me an email so I remember and Tune into my waggy live stream tomorrow at 9 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. PST at your man Martian. Oh shit
Starting point is 03:10:57 Jesus Banda for 10 says fog is even plugged in Nicholas for five Canadian the real question for veto regarding laundry is what about washing his sheets? I wash my sheets. I send it to the same place How often? Every couple months or something Oh Whatever euthanasia enthusiast for 7 Canadian doesn't do his laundry can't finish a comic Sleeping psychopath even too. I no longer believe the video deserves nice things. I don't I just want to watch videos of hogs getting murdered and Chinese people can suck into the factories. They're not getting murdered
Starting point is 03:11:26 It's an animal. Well, then why do you care if I watch videos of it? I think it's weird I think we should watch a couple no I think the audience guys send ten dollars if you want to watch a video 40 wild hogs Scorming around a trap and that guy with a shotgun blasted their fucking little heads up It's fucked up that you do that. They don't show the kill on screen. Yeah, but you are like salivating over the kill. That's weird.
Starting point is 03:11:53 They don't show it. They just come back and you get to see them all dead. That doesn't answer what I said. You are salivating. You can see them being afraid in the video. Yeah, well, you know your school of fish gets spooked. They're not having a good time. Fish are not the a good time.
Starting point is 03:12:05 Fish are not the same as mammals. Mammals have the same emotions we do. I know it's gay, I don't fucking care. I don't wanna watch videos of hogs trying to claw their way out of a concentration camp. Look, I understand. I think I just find them, I think from an autistic perspective, I find the mechanics of the trap interesting. The autistic perspective I find the mechanics of the trap interesting
Starting point is 03:12:25 The same way I find the mechanics of an industrial Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's real interesting. It's fucked up. What I just want to know what's going on Where's my fucking fog machine thing I don't fucking know who cares I forgot I was doing one eye this whole time Oh my god. Wow, I can see a lot Let's see pigeon for tenses veto the gay team guy. Yes, Benjamin Stone for 20. No, you gotta play Is lost forever Okay, I Okay, I you've cut got it. I don't care. Well, you know David Gomez for two, Ashley Babbitt noises Yutae Biss, Armenian for six. Kay, we'll skip that. Chud Bronson for five OHHHH THE FAT SONG AGAIN FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT FAT I don't think we have a black line we the show I don't think the show has a black light collectively
Starting point is 03:14:47 VEEDO'S BOOTY! What's in the box? You know you want it! VEEDO'S BOOTY! So get on the smear, I scale, or I smash with the shit! VEEDO'S BOOTY! That's fucked up there. VEEDO'S BOOTY! VEEDO'S BOOTY!
Starting point is 03:15:03 VEEDO'S BOOTY! Vito's booty, Vito's booty, Vito's booty! What's it gonna be, Vito? There's something really good in here. What's it gonna be? See, I think there is actually something good in there. I think, I think, I think that you put something good in there. I did put something good in here So what's it gonna be? You can take another peek at it for a couple of seconds, and then it's going back into briny All right, whatever just give it to me. Can I have it? Now you've got to get on the scale
Starting point is 03:15:41 scale. I don't wanna do this fucking thing. He's doing it! Ladies and gentlemen, he's doing it! So I have to find my app that I used to do the scale. Last time you were at a Svelte 288.7. Yes you were! I've got it at 288.7 and now you're at uh... Oh no... Hahahaha
Starting point is 03:16:11 Who cares? It doesn't matter! What do you think you got? What is this thing? What do you think you got? What's in the box? Hahahaha The number doesn't matter, nobody cares what do you think you got though the fake stupid thing or the maybe actually a good thing for once it's probably a
Starting point is 03:16:31 shitty thing and that's the bit and that's it just what do you think you got who cares what do you think everyone five million I wear it people pay like 150 dollars pounds pounds 350 what Wait, where's my sword? Why do you need a sword? Because I'm a pirate! I've gotta be having a sword, lad! Fuck! The cleaning lady put my sword away!
Starting point is 03:16:54 Can we please wrap up the suit? What do you think you got? I can see it on the scale! There's no mystery! Well, what is it? 294! Pfff, You're correct. Okay, so you put on
Starting point is 03:17:08 You put on 6 pounds Yesterday was the July 4th, we ate a lot. It's all America weight, it comes right off. I don't I think you should not try to be so America. Try to cut down
Starting point is 03:17:24 the America. The fried lasagna, everybody liked it, so. It was great. I did something. But you had two weeks. The last weigh-in was 6, 21. I know. June 21.
Starting point is 03:17:35 That's two weeks. Because last week you smashed a toy, remember? I did. And you had two weeks to lose weight. And you gained six pounds yes How do you feel about that? I feel like I'm gonna get a little toy so It doesn't work man the bit doesn't make any sense But people are paying big money. I know they're stupid. It's stupid
Starting point is 03:18:01 I'm paying big money for the bit look I gotta I know they're stupid. It's stupid. I'm paying big money for the bit look. I got a Everything's everything's going. I need an after I need a mid bit song To say this whole bit well does not make until I get back on this is impic It's just gonna go up and down you were on a zimpic though. What happened? I made me sick, but I'm gonna get the new stuff made you sick because you couldn't eat all day No, cuz I was throwing up all the fuck because you're trying to eat to probably maybe yeah I'd get hungry and I eat something that I throw up violently Look give me my toy so I can go home and watch videos of Chinese people getting obliterated. All right. I got a big
Starting point is 03:18:40 I got a big night. I got all right night. Here's the toy. It's alright Well my you're gonna like it my theory was that maybe because I brought such a great treat to your little party Yes, you did. Hey, that was a really cool thing Vito did I did think that yeah and said you put a mother's milk in there So we got a great show Only because I I forgot to do be those booty and I had that here I put the mother's milk you put the mother's milk in here for a couple of months ago So that if I ever needed a last minute, I forget that I would put it in there You know, I was gonna put something good. I think I'm gonna put something good. I think I'm starting to like mother's milk. So I
Starting point is 03:19:20 Think I I think I think when I first got mother's milk. I didn't like it, but now that I have so many It's kind of fun, so So you want it though I kind of like it now At this point adding to my mother's milk collection is kind of cool. Okay. I got a whole bunch of them I Kind of want to do like an art project with him or something. What's your art project? You do blackface? I don't know, like I think like now I'm the Mother's Milk guy, you know? I wanna be like, that's my lifestyle.
Starting point is 03:19:52 Somebody said they want him to be in the Spawn movie and I was like, you know what? Uh, yeah. He'd be great. Now you're gonna be like an evangelist for that guy. I think I'm coming around. I think this could be my guy. His arms crossed cause he's black. I'm gonna be Mother's Milk for Halloween, I think I'm coming around. I think this could be my guy. He's got his arms crossed because he's black I'm gonna be mother's milk for Halloween, I think If I come in in a red leather jacket a chain and it's just a little bit of blackface
Starting point is 03:20:19 I'd be pretty good. We could do a Halloween. That's like a spray tan. Yeah, just like a spray tan Not too over the top. Uh, you could do like- you could just be like eating a bunch of like a chocolate cake. It's like frosting all over your face. I'm not- I'm not- this is not li- I am kinda coming cool, it's another fucking Mother's Melody. I don't know, it's like a weird psychology thing. It's weird alright. It's funny, it's like part of the show, I like it.
Starting point is 03:20:58 Anything else? Let's see, Steve for two, as an Italian can Vito speak Pig Latin? That's a good one. Meow Mang Chegs for ten, Vito you being a sad sack Humorless makes me not spend more money. Oh lame. Oh, I thought you're saying LMAO And cybersuspectives for two says, thank you You know sad sack humorless lame. Oh, look this show it's been on the exhaust It's been a it's an exhausting week. There's a lot going on a lot of comic stuff. No, didn't you wait lost though?
Starting point is 03:21:25 No, absolutely not and that will not be happening. All right. Goodbye. This comic is out Thank you and good bless and have fun. Bye. Bye

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