The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Episode 35

Episode Date: April 9, 2022

The Windows 10 Search Bar, Boycotts of the Week, Kink Shaming, Disability Discrimination  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think it's good. I think it sounds good. It sounds pretty good. It's hot, but you don't have to turn it up. That's what I wanted Sean to do. Yeah, it is. Well, it's hot. Are we outputting the USB digital audio?
Starting point is 00:00:11 Yeah, that one. It's hot. It's limited, though, but it's hot. Is it limited? Okay. Yeah, it's limited at 0.1, but it's hot. Okay. How does it sound?
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah, are we peaking like crazy or no? Tell us how it sounds. Is it better? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Justin says it sounds Is it better? Yeah yeah yeah Because usually you have to I'm not an audio guy Usually you have to turn it up too much You know when you listen to something and you're like
Starting point is 00:00:34 What the hell I gotta turn this up to like 70, 80 Yeah On the TV What the fuck I try to always jack my audio up as high as I can when I export a video You don't know nothing about audio. No, I don't. I just crank the gain as close to...
Starting point is 00:00:48 Oh, you're cranking gain? Yeah, you gotta crank the gain. You shouldn't even know what gain is. I honestly don't. Are you ready? Yeah. Oh, what a week. Two weeks.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Two weeks. Well, you know what I'm ready for, Dick? The biggest problem in the universe! Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe! The only show that ranks every problem in the universe from catching a block to foregoing cock forever. I'm your host host Dick Masterson. Joining me as always is Vito G's quality.
Starting point is 00:01:29 What's up buddy? How you doing? I'm okay. Better than you. Well, be careful. What? Every time we do this show we have to talk about how my co-host is a little wooden boy who's falling apart.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I'm a wooden man, god damn it. I who's falling apart. I'm a wooden man, goddammit. I'm a tin man. I'm a tin man. Stop calling me a wooden boy. I'm a tin man. Why would a wooden boy get a dog? He's going to snap off your little wooden limbs and play fetch with them. It feels like there's a worm slithering around in my bones.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. That's the feeling of what this is with a detached muscle intended it's like a sick feeling and you can slithering around your tendon i have no idea but if i think about it for long enough i can i can feel a gummy worm slithering around it's off yeah it's gone maybe i'll never get it back for those who don't follow you on the internet or whatever everyone follows me on the internet what's the internet existence to follow me maybe there's somebody out there who doesn't know i fucked my arm up you fucked up your arm ralph ralph is semi-responsible for this ralph's bowling event. Dick tried to go bowling and what happened exactly, Dick?
Starting point is 00:02:47 I just bowled too hard. You bowled too hard, but did you know that it snapped the second it happened? Oh, you could hear it. You could hear it tear and rip. Like, I could hear it go. Have you ever ripped anything?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Have you ever broken or ripped anything? I've broken a bone, but I don't remember the noise of it. Oh, yeah. Okay. I could add them up i'm probably broken or torn ligaments or tendons and bones probably 15 or 20 jesus christ you could hear you could hear them you could feel it instantly like this sickening sweat like i'm
Starting point is 00:03:19 gonna throw up i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go yeah that's horrifying and then as i was going how much pain was it it's the only time i've ever you know the smiley face scale yeah the frowny face yeah didn't we talk about this we talked about the scale yeah and then the very frowny face and then the black one yeah at 11 you went for the black frowny face i picked it i picked a nine this is the only time i've ever out of 11 9 out of 11 yeah wow only time i've ever done did you cry uh not at the time yeah then i got back to the room and i just laid down and i realized that it's gonna be another like six months and then my arm will never feel the same way again and i could just feel tears like falling down my face i'm like i just i'm so sick why shouldn't laugh. I just, I'm so sick. Why can't I not be sick of this entire year?
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm so fucking tired. Crippled in one way or another. I'm so fucking tired of this. Well, there's two problems I think people should vote up. First of all, I'd like to say I'm glad I didn't go. Sour grapes. Vote those up. And also, of course, elder care I think is a good one to vote up now.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. Has Dick's aging body. Hospital fucked me over today, too. I'll talk about that on my show. All right. Well, tune into The Dick Show for all the good news. Wait, we got a bonus episode. We do have a bonus episode.
Starting point is 00:04:37 People seem to like it. Yeah, they love it. There's a great bonus clip on our YouTube you can watch. Yeah. It's Biggest Problems in Batman. a great bonus clip on our youtube you can watch yeah it's biggest problems in batman and we talk about one of batman's most classic villains according to dick i don't know if i should spoil you're gonna say who it is i'm not gonna say the name okay well i'm still not convinced that the niggler is a true batman villain though we do have some exclusive art of this supposed character
Starting point is 00:05:06 i think people should check even if you've listened to the bonus episode already uh go watch this clip because can you imagine if black people were in charge and you still couldn't say the n-word yeah right like white people in charge and white people are not letting you say the n-word what if black people were in charge you can then it'd be like well wait a minute yeah i just you guys can't come up with a word i don't even know why we're talking about the n-word because niggler has nothing to do with it completely different word slash biggest problem check it out we're over four grand i know i think it's because of the batman episode and now we're gonna do more themed bonus problems. We should just do them whenever. Yeah, we're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Yeah, whenever the patrons have displeased us, that's when we'll hit you. And we hate money. We hate money. No, we might pick up on the bonus problem because I know we were talking about May the 4th is coming up. Do maybe a Star Wars. Don't spoil it. Don't spoil it. Whatever. I think they knew that was coming. I think July 4th will do up do maybe a Star Wars don't spoil it don't spoil it whatever I think they knew that was coming
Starting point is 00:06:07 I think July 4th will do biggest problem in America right that's a patriotic a patriotic tribute
Starting point is 00:06:15 to all the horrible things the pain sweats you ever get those no because I don't go bowling and break every part of my body oh my god
Starting point is 00:06:22 or let my dog trip me up with his leash. You know the worst thing was there was a guy there bowling Lee who I was bowling with and as soon as I did it he goes yeah you tore your bicep. Oh God. My brother did
Starting point is 00:06:35 that. I'm like really God? You slapped this fucking guy? He goes yeah it's torn. It's torn. You're fucked. Let me see it. You're fucked. You're fucked. It's fucked. You tore it. You can even see any point. And he like went through the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Yeah. I would think the worst part is all the internet armchair critics going, Dick faked it so he could leave Ralph's bowling tournament because it was a disaster. I don't think you understand what a nine in pain is. No, I know. I don't care. Yeah, I know. To me, personally, if he you guys have to deal with the pain
Starting point is 00:07:06 the more annoying thing is people coming to me and going i can't believe you're on a show with dick who lies about breaking his arm like i think he actually just fucked up his biceps i lie to women and for money right i don't lie to get at you know right just leave yeah you would just leave out of here i was like i think you guys underestimate how much dick would prefer to stay in a place that has liquor and yelling fights and fights why would dick actively like but they're fighting and like yeah like the best yeah dick would never leave that well you know what's funny so i tried to do a biggest problem there who are you gonna do that with everybody there roy's and that's what people don't know is that people are coming
Starting point is 00:07:44 to me they're like why are we not doing an episode? Oh, well, Dick said he was going to do an episode while he was there. Yeah, the arm took it out of it. Yeah. You were going to do that the next day or something? No, I was going to do it all night.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I was waiting for the debate to go down and we were all hanging out bowling because I thought the sound of like bowling would be cool. Right. Afterwards. Well, I guess you guys didn't get your bowling episode. We'll make it up to you some other way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Sorry, sorry again that we missed a week. You really niggled me. Yeah, you niggled yourself. The niggler struck me. Oh, the niggler did this? Struck me. The niggler struck me at the bowling alley. This is more than a niggle, sir.
Starting point is 00:08:24 This is a... If that's a niggle, I don niggler? This is more than a niggle, sir. Struck me at the bowling alley. If that's a niggle, I don't know. It's too much for a niggle. Anyway. I forget what I was going to say. I'm so sorry. They had some problems that they had keyed up, but I just couldn't do it. And then I sat in bed all the next day just feeling sorry for myself. Yeah, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Zoning out. Well, we'll make it up to the fans somehow. Maybe we'll do an extra bonus problem at some point. Don't say that. We'll hold you to that. Don't say we'll do an extra one because then they'll be like, where's our extra one? Let me know if you want it.
Starting point is 00:08:55 We're going to take one away. We're taking more episodes away. There's going to be a month where we don't have one. I'm just saying that we're aware. To make up for this. We will have one. I'm just saying that we're aware. Because to make up for this, we will have one less bonus episode to even it out. Alright, who won?
Starting point is 00:09:12 The unbearable silence of our technological overlords. Nailed it. Thank you. Good problem. So Elon Musk, you think is going to save it? No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:24 You think so? I don't know. You think so? I don't know. Elon Musk is kind of nuts. What do you mean nuts? Nuts like a fox? Nuts like... Nuts like Deez? We were going through some of Elon Musk's weird crimes against people.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Crimes, yeah. Well, I mean, there's... Buying all the stock and then reporting it afterwards and acting like he's doing... Like putting it on Twitter that he's going to save the company, but he already had bought the stock. Would that be a crime? Yeah, there's problems with that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 He's called a crime. He's a weird guy. Criminal. We'll see if he, I mean, I don't know. What could he do to Twitter? If he unbans me on Twitter, I'm happy, so who cares?
Starting point is 00:10:01 You know what I love? It's that Jeff- He should also unban Trump at this point. Oh, he's never going to do that. Why not? They won't let him. The organization won't let him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:09 The organization won't let him. Yeah. Love bombing, quote, love bombing. There was some confusion about that. Somebody thought we were talking about love bombing was the problem, but we're not women. Right. So obviously we weren't talking about- Problem is the interpretation of love bombing Is being a real thing
Starting point is 00:10:25 And it has quotes on it Yeah sometimes people don't get the problem They gotta just Take a minute Well you have to be specific The problem isn't love bombing It's like just listen to the episode And figure out what the intention was
Starting point is 00:10:35 Don't comment at all Yeah Just pay money If you're angry pay more Right Because we hate it I hate the money that comes in for the show. I love five bucks.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I hate seven bucks. Yeah, that's the worst. Laws that make you lie. That's a good pro. That was dumb. It was too complicated. Asexuality. That didn't get a lot of votes.
Starting point is 00:11:01 That should have gotten more votes. I feel sorry for that. I think our audience is all asexual as the problem. Oh, yeah. Involuntary asexuals. As an involuntarily celibate man, I don't understand what the problem is. Is Flamenco...
Starting point is 00:11:14 Is Flamenco involuntary? Yeah, he's sending... He's definitely not asexual. He's definitely not. He's doing all the things. Which maybe that'll be what we jump into. Should we do that one? Well, let me read some comments.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Petty, I don't know. Petty says, I don't know how to keep living on this earth, says Vito, after voting for this to happen. I didn't. I didn't vote. You voted for Biden. What are you pointing at? I voted for what?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Biden. Biden is not responsible for all the woes that I experience on a daily basis. Oh. What is? Everyone everyone it's all part of the same agree shit all right if trump getting elected would not have led me like oh my world is so much better i would still be miserable was your world better four years ago no come on i don't it was equal come on whatever it was better, it was not due to Trump being there. It was due to the general economic climate that was like this land of milk and honey,
Starting point is 00:12:12 which is now about to dry up through no fault of Biden. Come on. All right. I hate you. Eric M., I need to sue that strip club because all the strippers love bombed me into spending all my money. How about that? That's what they do. That's their job.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Pop chart. Vito went from supporting terms of service to not supporting them pretty fast. I think I commented on this. The problem... Oh, boy. No, no, no, no, no, no. Okay, so this is a pre-written argument.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Well, I just... What do you call it? The problem is not terms of service. The problem is failure to communicate the terms of service. So what we have here is a failure to communicate. Is a failure to communicate. Okay. I got that.
Starting point is 00:12:53 If I can contact, if there was someone there who could go, hey, I didn't actually violate the guidelines and here's why. It's fine to have rules, but you can't have like an invisible rule keeper who nobody can contact or talk to could you imagine your data complaining in your hard drive like i don't like to be over here right i don't give a shit um you're part of my pirated lord of the rings set i don't care where you are i don't care at all uh it's a pazonki chick says it's not just white women who touch hair i have a huge beard and black women want to touch it
Starting point is 00:13:27 all the time. I don't see a problem with that. Yeah, that's awesome. Not just acquaintances but literally random strangers in the city. You know what? This might be
Starting point is 00:13:35 I don't know if I'm allowed to say this but a friend of mine who grew up in the hood said that like beards like it's good to have a beard in the hood because there's like less of a chance that you're a child molester. That's strange.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I thought it was a weird thing when he said that. Beards were normally associated with pederasty. I don't know. Anthropologists have recently done studies where they believe beards were evolutionarily developed due to the human desire for fisticuffs, that it will cushion a punch ever so slightly and protect the face. Yeah. Like how your fingers wrinkle.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah. In the water. What is that for? It's a neurological, it's not your fingers getting soggy. It's like your brain registering that you've been in water for a while so it makes your fingers uh ridge so you can grip more and fight better oh in the water and the thumb you can throw a punch because we have a thumb
Starting point is 00:14:35 not to grab stuff it's to hit harder it's all about just fights tell me about it um de gromp says i love it when Vito argues with the voicemail I think I do a great job of arguing with the voicemail me too Screaming Red says oh my god
Starting point is 00:14:51 I fucking cried I laughed so hard at this episode I've been married 11 years and I'm only now realizing that I've never been love bombed and it's bullshit
Starting point is 00:15:00 well one of these days you'll get it one of these days slow as uh being love bomb sounds awesome can you imagine that like these old grizzled broads sitting around hearing about these young millennials with their tight pussies complaining about my boyfriend was so nice to me because he's a manipulative asshole oh yeah, yeah? Oh, that's awful. That's horrible. How terrible.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Where's my gifts and shit? Now I'm depressed and I need two slices of cheesecake. Oh, I see the problem. Thanks, fellas. There you go. Thank you, Nicole. Manny says the Crown Act got me laid. Oh, it's kind of a long...
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's a long email, but it makes me... You're not blaming me in what way? Dear Dick and Vito, the Crown Act, specifically for me, is a huge solution. For as long as I can remember growing up, I would get the same haircut, size 1 or 2, shave all around, with a taper to 0 in the back. To this day, I will attest
Starting point is 00:15:59 that I was quite handsome with a clean-cut look, but because women are illogical creatures, girls did not like it. They constantly encouraged me to grow it out for a more homeless look, which was completely unprofessional for an office environment. As far as I know,
Starting point is 00:16:13 the Crown Act passed sometime in late 2019, not too long before I got my first software job, which gave me the courage to finally grow my hair out during the work-from from home era of the pandemic my pussy stock rocketed immediately. In 2020 alone I was able to double my body count. But do you have to prove that it's an ethnic hairstyle? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Or just any hair? Can I just make my hair into a bunch of dicks and I go crown act? What race is that? Well that's what I'm saying. Do I have to prove that a certain ethnicity has endorsed this race has dicks in their hand well i could i don't know polynesians okay i i anyway good on this guy good on good good congratulations man good work okay let's go veto well dick there's been some drama in the online community lately
Starting point is 00:17:03 and i think both that's kind of their job is to create drama create drama well there's been some drama in the online community lately and i think both that's kind of their job is to create create drama well there's a gentleman named flamenco oh who uh is that how you pronounce i've heard some different pronunciations of his name the correct way to pronounce it all i know is this man used to be kind of like a co-host of ralph's is that correct he's like on the show a lot. I don't know why everyone hates Ralph when he provides so much content. He finds these guys.
Starting point is 00:17:32 It's the Ralphiverse. We all live in the Marvel Cinematic Ralphiverse. And I'm not joking. I mean... How is that not true? He's like the Thanos of the online drama sphere. He's providing major, he's like the Thanos of the, yeah, of the online drama sphere. He's providing us with so many all-terrain dimensions.
Starting point is 00:17:49 He's the giving tree. And there's going to be a stump of Ralph in 70 years. And we're going to go the new, whatever, they're going to go up with their space goggles and say, like, can we have some drama? And Ralph's going to go, you can sit on me and think about it. I guess i do have to say uh yeah you're right in that you have to appreciate ralph for that if anything okay keep going sorry his former co-host who he's been fighting with uh recently was uh i don't know
Starting point is 00:18:18 how you would say this was sex doxed in a way where they-doxing. Now that's a problem. Sex-doxing? Yeah. Is that what I'm talking about, or is that a different one? I don't know. Keep going. Well, regardless, they found his... He was streaming.
Starting point is 00:18:34 They unearthed him. Yeah, they found his password and his email and everything, and they started looking through all his accounts, and now this man's porn history has been spilled onto the internet for all to see and people are now digging through this man's porn history to try and shame him
Starting point is 00:18:52 dick. This is the biggest problem. This is a problem called kink shaming dick. It's my problem for the week. Now as psychologists say kink shaming really only serves to make people live in silence and fear of judgment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:14 This is from a psychiatrist named Jenna Carbello. What's she into? I want to find out. What would she say, though? I think it's a little kink shaming. find out i wouldn't she say though it creates negative internal emotional consequences leaving the receiver to question the validity of their own desires now to be clear this idea of kink shaming is you can't switch it to to be clear do you want me to just say it like are you mad that i'm not letting you catch me with the TV? I'm just saying. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Look, I'm very good at escaping the judgment of the button. To be clear, stop trying to get me on that. This is the idea that you have some sort of sexual predilections, which are maybe considered abnormal. Yeah. You know, ones that you wouldn't normally want to talk about in public. But maybe you go to a sexual partner or somehow
Starting point is 00:20:07 a friend comes over, finds something weird in your closet. And the next thing you know, they're shaming you for your abnormal desires. And as the psychologist says, that could exacerbate lingering questions of self-worth, bring up depression or anxiety that the receiver already has about their sexuality
Starting point is 00:20:24 and identity. It could make you feel bad feel bad exactly i think everyone knows that their ability to have and enjoy sex and might kill desire altogether dick it can have a serious impact on a person's mental and emotional well-being yeah and cause serious psychological harm i have this uh i have this kink that i always I have to sit girls down and tell them that I have. It's that I don't like spending money. It really gets me hard. You like when you don't spend money?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Oh man, I love it. My kink is when the girl pays for dinner. It gets me really hard. I don't want to go out either. I don't want anybody spending money. Man, I love it. Don't even to go out either. You don't want to go out. I don't want anybody spending money. Ooh, man, I love it. I love it. The point is...
Starting point is 00:21:06 Don't even turn the air on. Shut the gas. Go to the fucking earthquake thing and jimmy that thing so it shuts the gas off automatically. Yeah. And we're just living for free. The air is free. Well, if you love bomb these girls well enough, maybe you can convince them. I don't.
Starting point is 00:21:21 No, you don't. That's my kink is not love bombing. Hate bombing is my kink. Now, Flamenco, we've seen his porn history. I feel like I'm gaining weight, and I say, yeah, I mean, it looks like it. And you hate bomb them. Yeah, you hate bomb them. It's the only way to get off.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah. Yeah, and I wouldn't shame you for that, Dick, because it could harm your emotional self-worth. Thank you. Which is important to not interfere with. Listen, I think everybody's going at this flamenco guy. What have they uncovered? There was a pegging video.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Oh, no. Now, this is a thing we also saw with Jack Murphy, of course, who was aggressively kink-shamed. I mean, he was a fucking porn star. Well, here's— I want to know more about what annoys me about jack is that i want to know more like do this do this guy watching that like a starship troopers going would you like to know more yes yeah because it annoys me when they all like all scams go to god like they all it's like yeah uh i'm like doing porno shit and whatever you're not doing it to make ends meet bro like they had uber when you were shooting this porno yeah when he was like oh it was the only way i could like possibly survive and you like looked at his history and he
Starting point is 00:22:36 was doing books and like two years ago like two years ago i couldn't possibly survive without jamming a dildo up my butt so that's what i was gonna say more's more interesting. It's not kink shaming if you're exposing hypocrisy. And I think the Jack Murphy thing was all about the hypocrisy of the situation. Oh, really? Yes, I do. Because that guy was trying to paint himself as I'm the ultimate conservative man's man, you know, the alpha male, whatever else. And meanwhile, he's, you know, bringing little twink boys over and they're fingering each other's butts.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And you go, okay, okay well that's fine it's just you have to admit that you're not this guy that you're pretending to be for money yeah all right so i don't know if flamenco has ever commented publicly saying anything that would you know he said he was dating a brazilian woman that was into kinky stuff that's what he said that. That's his dodge, it sounds like. It sounds like he's saying she was into kinky stuff and that's the only reason. Yeah, just go.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Lean into it. Why even dodge, though? Just go, no, I like watching pegging videos. I looked up that porn that he got caught with. Which one? The hentai or the...
Starting point is 00:23:37 The hentai. Because there's some videos and then there's the hentai that he got caught with. The hentai. Yeah. The art's very shitty. I thought the art was fine.
Starting point is 00:23:46 No, no, no, no. Hold on. what read it i'll bring it up right now that art is the one boy soprano yeah well what everybody is talking about can we show this no but we can look at it we're gonna argue about it people were very upset because there's a list of tags this is a website read the boy boy soprano what is it boy soprano hentai hentai because you can read the list of tags. Well, I'm not going to type eHentai first, am I? Why not? Oh, because then it'll show all your eHentai galleries. Well, this one.
Starting point is 00:24:15 This one. This one. Okay. Wagonuda. Paizuri Team. No, go back. I know what that is. Because the other one had all the tags on it, and that's what everybody was ripping
Starting point is 00:24:22 on it for. Oh, fuck. Go to the first top one. What's the top one? God damn. Oh, wait. Is that not? You told me to start.
Starting point is 00:24:28 You told me to fuck around and click around. The top one says E-Hentai. Not that one. The top result. Why will you not click it? It doesn't have it. All right. Well, the one that he was looking at had all these.
Starting point is 00:24:42 How many of this boy? How many boy sopranos are there? No, it's all the same one it's just this stupid website everybody uploads the same thing a million times anyway he was getting ripped on because it has all these tags like lollicon shoda whatever else it annoys me because
Starting point is 00:24:58 like everybody knows my stance on this if there's no victims it's just drawings doesn't matter like the mind's there's no victims it's just drawings yeah doesn't matter like the mind's very complicated you know sexuality is very complicated this is all in your fucking imagination based on every tag which first of all i don't it's still funny i mean it is still funny let's be clear that's kind of the problem is it's like that's funny but can it be
Starting point is 00:25:21 funny and i like hey it's fine it's we all are into weird shit. Oh, it's fine. I just want to clarify that this is definitely not Lolly or Shota. Why? It's just not. Because they're not kids. Okay. What? That would mean Sailor Moon is Lolly. Regardless, I don't even care if you're into Lolly, but I'm just saying this one in particular.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Okay. But people were like going through the tags and it's like farting, urination, a lot of people did not know what wooden horse is dick are you aware of wooden horse fetishes yeah where they get the pussy yeah it's a i don't like that one you don't like a lady on a triangle horse and the triangle point because it's up on our pussy explain it again without me interrupting there's a wooden horse but the part of the horse that you sit on is a triangle base so it's like jamming its way up her vagina as she sits on it i don't like that because of the leg workout like when i see it i'm like ah that's that leg workout is too that's too much man that's uh i don't like it it's too much work for her too much workout
Starting point is 00:26:22 like that's uh well i'm just saying we don't know exactly which part of that. I was in an MRI today. Yeah. That was skinnier than me. Yeah. And that was about this far for three hours. Getting a bad MRI. I would have rather been on a wooden horse for 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Exactly. All I could think of was like Iron Maiden. Like, man, that really must have sucked for those guys because this sucks. Yeah. Did you get to do anything while they did the MRI? Did you listen to music? No. maiden like man that really must have sucked for those guys because this sucks yeah um did you have to did you get to do anything while they did the mri do you to listen to music don't they let you listen to a podcast no they usually do yeah but somehow they didn't i this guy said hey you want me put on music and i said yeah sure and it said ding dong that like all this and i said hey
Starting point is 00:27:02 and you're like no no was it a Chinese doctor no that's the weirdest part it's just some white guy who's really into a lady a little white lady who's like
Starting point is 00:27:11 I got this new African wind ballad it's yeah normally you're supposed to ask for podcasts I know I've gotten
Starting point is 00:27:19 MRIs before they let you hear something not just what the fuck man I would tell them we have to reschedule MRIs before. They let you hear something. Yeah, so you're not just sitting there. Not just... What the fuck, man? I would tell them we have to reschedule this until you can find something for me to not go crazy for three hours.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm just going to go shoot it up. Anyway, back on topic. Point is, I mean, we're looking at this comic. I don't know how you can say the art's bad. Vito. This is classic early 2000s art. This looks fine. Look at the tits. Look at the tits.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Look at these tits. What's wrong with the tits? Those are not how tits look. It's anime. Anime is never how anything actually looks. You could draw whatever tits you wanted, and these are the tits you draw. It's semi.
Starting point is 00:27:59 They look like circles. Bro, it looks like it was drawn by a fucking protractor. Those tits are dog shit. I love that we're now going through Flamenco's kink shame. I mean, that's my problem with it. I got ass eating here. That lady's got a whip. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I got everything going on in this comic. Well, that's what I also, people, we don't know. You know, when it says the comic has urination, it's like, yeah, well, the Japanese, pretty much every comic has at least one panel of urination somewhere doesn't mean he specifically is into urination but even if he is dick why shaming for it because it's funny well what are you gonna i mean honestly you do take a stand like you have never people fuck with you yeah on sexual stuff you've done and you're just like whatever i don't care well that's always been my thing is it's like why try to dodge it it's like what do you do what can you
Starting point is 00:28:50 do it's what you're into it's uh it's your sexual predilections and they're teaching this as long as you're teaching this to second graders did you know that right this comic right now is they're fighting to teach this in florida k-3 pushing this he printed these out and he's taking him to second grade classroom mexico wants kids to see the wooden horse so they can prepare for it in their normal lives i don't know i i think that i think the kink shaming should go so far as oh you're into you know watching cookie monster be inflated up his butthole like all right that's fucking weird but what isn't you know well no that's weird passing i think right now ralph is passing
Starting point is 00:29:32 judgment on flamenco okay saying he's a bad he's a pervert and a like a creep he always a pervert but like it doesn't make him a bad person necessarily did he say that i think he's saying that because you know it's clearly you because, you know, it's clearly you know, like schoolgirl fantasy. This is clearly, that's the thing they were going on. They're like, it's incest. It's incest. I'm like, yeah, all the fucking porn is incest. We talked about this.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Everyone's watching incest porn. It doesn't mean you want to commit an act of incest. Not with your own sister. With someone else's sister. And I want to be clear because I feel like somebody's going to leave a comment, they're going, well, how can you say don't kink shame, and you're making fun of incest porn?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Well, no, the reason- Yeah, you are. But the reason- Because it's funny. Well, because it's funny. Ralph is just making fun of it. What's the big deal? Well, I think Ralph might go a little too far,
Starting point is 00:30:16 and he's really trying to- What? Ralph is going too far? Wait a minute. No, no, no, no, no. I've been fucked with. Yeah. I've been called a pedophile or whatever for like two years over nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I know nothing about that scenario. Yeah, so if anybody's, let's get it all out here, everybody. Well, it seems like at this point everybody's a pedophile, which is maybe another problem we need to bring in. According to the conservatives, if you're not us, you're a pedophile. Is it my turn? I just want to say, you know, live and let live. And like let live and like i was saying don't let you can make fun of it you can make fun of it that's the problem but that's the problem with tolerance it's like you know you know you
Starting point is 00:30:55 gotta tolerate us like yeah i am look at yeah like what you're fucking doing it's hilarious come pizza guy you have on we made fun of him yeah but it's in good fun. You know, it's not like in a... I mean, I don't know. I don't know the difference. I'm just saying, I don't wish harm on cum pizza guy. I don't. What the fuck's wrong with you? Not more than anybody else.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Not in a more, like, not in a specific way. Yeah, I think some people... It's like a general misanthropy towards people. I think some people may... I think it's when you take it too far and you start casting aspirations about someone's character and you go, well, aspirations, I don't fucking know. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:32 All right. Fair enough. You think Ralph's doing that? But yeah, I think they say, well, if he would look at manga, if he would look at hentai featuring, you know, school girls getting railed, he might go out and molest a school girl himself, you know? Ralph's not saying that. I haven't seen what Ralph has said, but I... What are you talking about that he's
Starting point is 00:31:52 saying? He's about to stream. He hasn't streamed yet, and I think if I watched the stream... You'd be disappointed? I think he might say that. I think that might be... Ralph! I think Ralph might accuse... Why does everyone pick on him? I'm not picking on him. I'm not picking on him.
Starting point is 00:32:06 You're preemptively picking on him. I'm saying I hope he is even-handed and fair. What's Joe Biden think about gay anything? Pre-1995. What did he say about gay marriage? He probably said, don't do it like everybody at the time did. Well, I mean, him, though. Not everybody.
Starting point is 00:32:24 No, not just him. Look, man, the super predators were running around. Everybody was all messed up. They didn't know what to do. Kick shaming. So somehow this is Ralph's fault.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Well, I think if he was being fair, he'd go, What is fair? He'd go, We found flamenco's porn and I have to say, you know, what you like is what you like.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And I can't, I can't say boo. Really? I don't know. Those guys have been making fun of him for like pill addictions and all kinds of shit for a long time. And he can't get like, he can't rip them back. I don't think pill, you know, you shouldn't pill shame either. I think there's a lot of shaming going on in all these communities. You gotta get a laugh somehow. I'm not
Starting point is 00:33:08 saying Ralph can't do, you know, like a show on it. I'm just saying if people take it. We're part of the Ralph extended universe. There's some people. I mean, that's what's happening here. But there's some people who will then say like, we're gonna cancel him over it. You know, like he's done. Your guys are gonna say.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Whatever. I don't know. No, they want to cancel Flamenco. They're going to say, oh, he's a disgusting pervert. And he can't. We can't watch his streams. He's a danger to the community. Yeah, they are. Because they're insane.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I don't know. What do you. I mean, what do you. I just have to say I've seen this comic. I don't think it's that bad. As long as we don't kink shame women. Pagging stuff. Whatever you're into. As long as you're not kink shame women. Pagging stuff, whatever you're into.
Starting point is 00:33:45 As long as you're not a hypocrite. That's the biggest problem to me. No hypocrisy. That's the worst. I'm saying. That's impossible to not be. Well, yeah, but then you should be rightfully called out for it. If in the past he said like, oh, I would never look at like... My kink is to be a hypocrite and not be called out for it.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah. Well. So. So. So does that mean it happens a lot? I just, I want to be a hypocrite and I don't want to be called. Your hypocrisy gets you off. And not being called out for it.
Starting point is 00:34:13 People let it go by. Yeah, and they don't say anything. Well, I'm not going to shame you for that. Thank you. Because kink shaming is wrong and it is the biggest problem
Starting point is 00:34:22 in the universe. When does it become shame what's the difference between like joking about it and shaming someone i think it's just the old the attitude surrounding it you know of like oh you're beating off the sonic the hedgehog again you crazy goose you know it's got to be a it's got to be a sense of we're all in this together no no we're not in this together why we're not because you you sleep with one eye open these motherfuckers try to steal your stuff gotta fucking blast them everyone has their own interests and uh let let people enjoy what they enjoy as long as you're not hurting anyone and as long as you're not as long as you're not hurting me yeah then go for it well
Starting point is 00:35:06 i mean or someone i know right go for it like a whatever you want child well i don't know them not the court i'm not the cops what do you have for me uh should i forget oh disability discrimination do you know how fucking easy you guys have it? Have you ever really thought down, have you really sat down, have you ever thought down and sat about it? You guys? You guys. What, us normal, able-bodied individuals?
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah. Yeah. Able-mos that I call you? Able-mos. Yeah. Have you able-mos ever thought about how easy Sometimes You have it
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah Giving you a bag and a receipt with the other Giving you a bag You obviously have your arm in a fucking Sling Sling, yeah Here's your bag You want a receipt with that?
Starting point is 00:35:58 No, you dumb bitch What do you think What am I going to do with the receipt? What am I going to reach for it with? Eat it? You fucking idiot You got with your two hands hanging them out there? Disability discrimination.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Do you know how much shit requires two hands to do? Turning your car on, always on the right hand. Doorknobs always way over there on the right side of the door. Not in the middle where they should be. All of society is structured to a certain level of disability, which is all of you retarded idiots. You're all disabled because you're dumb. It's all society caters to that level of disability,
Starting point is 00:36:42 but just one rung below that, oh, it's a big problem. Here you go. Have some parking. Have some fucking parking to go. Are you saying we're not doing enough for the disabled? I should have. It should be everything 50% off. If you have any kind of disability, 50% off at the store.
Starting point is 00:37:08 disability 50 off at the store it's fucking it's out fucking outrageous what you able mows have at your disposal all the time and you take it so fucking for granted it makes me sick sometimes i just move my arms in crazy ways i'm suffering i and me and my disabled friends are suffering every day yeah but maybe you did something in a previous life that justifies the bad treatment you get now. And that's what makes it, because I fucking know that all you able-mows and the God, exactly what you're saying, the God people are the worst. They're like, well, you know, every time they talk about God, I'm like, oh, so you want this? That's your, I mean, if God wants it, how can I, it's God. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well, you know, you got to put your faith... So this is your idea of what's perfect, right?
Starting point is 00:37:49 Me getting fucked with. I don't know what Christopher Reeve did, but clearly he did something. It should be illegal. God doesn't just do that to people. It should be illegal. This is an able-mown society. You know. All of it.
Starting point is 00:38:03 The cars, the shopping. You guys ramp ramps you don't like the ramp i would like to roll your heads down those ramps it's not enough see this is why we don't give you anything is because you're also entitled we'll rise up oh yeah yeah there's like a tenth of a tenth of able mows he's gonna come running down the street with one arm at your side Mows is gonna come running down the street with one arm at your side Wave in the other one. We'll find you. We'll find you where you sleep. We've got old people on our side We'll vote you into camps. Okay, and then we'll put peg legs on our shit I've been disabled for so long. Yeah already two months two months out of this year. Yeah, which is a lifetime yeah and now more
Starting point is 00:38:46 six more i think we give you guys too much if anything i think we should take the parking spots away one in four people with a disability will face at least one incident of discrimination each day wow each day how's that people look at you like you're cute. They've all got some fucking joke. They've all got some fucking Abelmo joke about how you hurt yourself. Oh, wow, man. Oh, what did you do? Try to dig a ball out of your dog's ass?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Anyone ever like toss an object at your bad hand so you try to catch it you know when you got your other hand full disabled that would be funny are in every race see they try to separate us black people have disableds chinese people have disabled you guys are your own your white women are all disabled well yes yes yes. Yes. It is. That's the real, that's the real division. Not this race shit, but the able-mows versus the disableds. Why don't you just, uh, I don't know. Yeah. Why don't you cut it off and get a blade? A blade for my arm?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Oh, you know that guy that got his legs cut off And he got blade legs And he was really fast The story is He's a hero of ours Yeah I bet he is Cause he shot that Cunt His Abelmo girlfriend
Starting point is 00:40:11 His cunt girlfriend That's what he's mad about She's dancing around Yeah Fucking parading her legs off All around You don't have to walk everywhere All right
Starting point is 00:40:21 And he toddled across the ground On his stump legs Disabled shit doesn't have to always cost seven, $700 for a stool and whatever. How much was that shower chair you got? Too much. Yeah. It should be in every shower.
Starting point is 00:40:36 If that, a shower chair should be in every shower. It should be free. And you as an able Mo should have to dig it out. You should have to come up with some kind of excuse. Well, I mean, I just don't like seeing you guys around. I feel like you're an eyesore. We feel the same way about you.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Well, it's kind of our world. It's built for us. I think of you guys like animals. You look at a dog, and a dog's like, oh, I can't go in here. I can't do this. And we go, right, this world is not built for you. Yeah. Able-bodied people.
Starting point is 00:41:04 What we need is a disabled on the Supreme Court. Oh. can't do this and we go right this world is not built for you yeah able-bodied people what we need is a disabled on the supreme court oh and it is and then we'll see some real changes you got like four of them which ones are those all the republican ones they're mentally handicapped wait a minute come on i need a want want i want i want a soundboard so you don't have a soundboard the poverty rate for people with disabilities is 47 percent yeah i don't know what that means for the rest of them uh in countries with no that's not 90 percent of children who have a disability don't attend school 90% of children with a disability? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Is that what it said? Yeah. They should all be in there to be molested by liberals. I'm confused. That's a really high number. See? Because you never thought about it. Disabled in what way?
Starting point is 00:41:57 You're talking about like- What do you mean disabled in some way? Like mentally handicapped kids? I don't know. So they're probably in like a home. It's like different. What's the difference? So like a certain level of mental handicap is too much?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Mental handicap and physical handicap shouldn't even be in the same category. They're totally different things. Stop, stop. You're trying to divide us. You're trying to divide me and my disabled brothers because they have a mental handicap and I have a physical handicap. That's why. You're should have fucking divide us this is like when a guy becomes a transgender lady and then starts using lady stats to like just like did you know that women face this much rape and i'm like yeah but not you because you're like six foot five you can't you
Starting point is 00:42:40 can't use the like you would not feel experience any of the discrimination of a mentally handicapped kid. Me? Yeah. I absolutely would. Okay. You want to bet? You got it just as bad as Simple Joe on the corner. I think I could.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I think I could prove that. We end up homeless all the time. You go, well, yeah, the fucking schizophrenics do, not the guys who broke their arm fucking bowling. The whole world goes too fast for us you gotta slow it down okay you have to slow it down you cannot do we give you guys a lady i have to get the fucking plate out i have to get the fucking plate out of the cupboard put it down then i have to get the forks and shit out put them down then i have to turn the grill on it takes everything takes four times as long.
Starting point is 00:43:28 For you to have the whole day is horseshit. Do you know how many great- You should have your whole day cut in half. At least. At least. So many great performances are ruined by that one signing lady off to the side, just waving her hands around. I'm like, hey, somebody important is giving a speech. There should be 10 of that lady.
Starting point is 00:43:43 There should be a guy shouting louder to the hearing people. Hearing impaired. Yeah. Another guy should be standing in front of them, writing it all down on cue cards. They should chop his legs off, too. It's bullshit. You guys ruin everything with that stupid hand lady. 10% of the world's population live with a disability.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. Did you know that about us? 10% of the world us how many Italians are there not 10% 10% there's more of us I bet I have more in common than with a guy in China with no legs Then you have with the guy in China Okay I'll give you that I give them a not what's up, man? Hey, man Hey, look at him with no legs.
Starting point is 00:44:26 You raise up your crippled arm a little bit. You've been discriminated against today, too. You're having a T-Rex arm now? I knew a kid like that. More fucking jokes. More Abel Mo jokes. I knew a kid like that in school. It's great.
Starting point is 00:44:41 You think it's so funny. Kink shaming. Getting a big dick up your ass Kink shaming's not okay Nothing but Crippled for life Fucking hilarious Hilarious
Starting point is 00:44:50 Fucking hilarious We had this one kid in school Who his hand was always up You know like a T-Rex arm And we never asked him Like what happened to his hand Until one day we were playing Of course you don't care
Starting point is 00:44:59 Oh yeah What if any of you Abel most care We thought it would be rude But then one day we were playing tennis And like somehow he won with his good arm. And he went to the other guy. He's like, I guess you're not so good at tennis.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And the other kid just goes, what the fuck's wrong with your arm? And we all laughed really, really hard. Classic. Classic Abelmo. Like we'd all been waiting for somebody to ask. And that was the moment. And a moment of rage. What the fuck's wrong with your arm always punching down?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Always punching down. I love how rude kids are we're gonna make you pay that moment. We're gonna rise up Yeah, yeah, you guys can stack all your wheelchairs together and I don't know make an effigy People with disabilities are 1.7 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime You know, and we still can't buy whores also Disabled people like me Well, I could understand that They should relax the rules If you're disabled
Starting point is 00:45:56 If you're a cop harassing a disabled person getting a hooker You're a bad man It should just be a government sponsored If you're disabled, you should get a free whore. Well, the problem is they, I think they did kind of do that. Well, they need to do it more. Well, it was a complicated situation. What is so complicated about whores?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Well, it was the most simple thing that there's ever been. It was a period of time where like the mentally handicapped they would like argue like well they still need they need help jerking off basically you know so they would have nurses jerk off the mentally handicapped okay but then it kind of turned into like is this sexual abuse or not for whom for the handicapped people how is it sexual abuse for the handicap i don't want to get jerked because you fucking able mows-mows, because you able-mows will cater to women sooner than you will cater to us disabled
Starting point is 00:46:49 people who are disabled and who are suffering, who are suffering every day. You need to give us your women. Did you ever read about the Japanese organization that does that? Yeah. The white glove women who just go to the handicapped people's houses and jerk them off for free?
Starting point is 00:47:05 Let's go. Get them over here. I don't think you guys deserve it. I think you should just accept that God is punishing you for something you did.
Starting point is 00:47:13 You know, we're going to get together one day. Yeah? Yeah, there's going to be a Spartacus of disabled. I am.
Starting point is 00:47:19 We don't talk like that. Spartacus. And the other guy is just going to go, duh. Good luck with your revolution, you fucking cripple.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Good luck with your depression, you able-mo asshole. Yeah, that's true. I'm depressed. I have a disability, too. So depressed. I'm depressed. I'm so depressed. I have all my arms and legs. Clinical depression. And obesity, so. What's your excuse? I'm part. I'm so depressed. I have all my arms and legs. Clinical depression. And obesity. What's your excuse?
Starting point is 00:47:50 I'm part of the 10%. Alright. Disabled, what is it? Disabled discrimination. Disabled discrimination. You guys can suck it up. You'll figure it out. I have to walk slow everywhere I go. Yeah. Did you know that the clitoris is right-handed you mean access to the no it's not what are you talking about i can't
Starting point is 00:48:12 figure it out i've only had your right hand you'd get there yeah well i'm sorry buddy okay there's a great protest in burbank that i missed. I got to go to more protests. Oh, what was that one for? This is a protest outside of the Disney headquarters in Burbank. Oh, okay. Because as we've seen, the Disney Corporation is being accused of grooming your children or whatever. Just say fucking them.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Yeah. Don't say grooming. You know what? Why don't I just say, I wish I would actually have more fun if the conservatives would just say. Disney's raping kids. Yeah. Disney rapes children.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Really? This is a long line. Thud records. In a long line of political boycotts for a problem I am calling the weekly boycott. Dick, I'm tired of it. Yeah. The constant grandstanding of, this company done us wrong,
Starting point is 00:49:08 and we're going to all get together and put them out of business. And then a week goes by, completely forgotten about. Nobody even remembers what we were boycotting the week before. I fucking hate conservatives so much. It's driving me up a wall. We remember a great one recently, or a tweet I saw what's that stupid
Starting point is 00:49:26 guy dave rubin yeah dave rubin goes after disney's support of this horrible bill in florida i i can't have it on my conscience i had to cancel my disney plus subscription again well that's the thing everyone goes hold the phone yeah one second yeah let's rewind to six months ago or what was it it's been about a year now yeah where dave rubin goes after disney fired gina carano a proud conservative woman i can't have it on my conscience i need to cancel my disney plus subscription i'm like so you just you canceled, and then what? You re-canceled it? How long did your boycott last? These boycotts are ridiculous. I hate the conservative talking point, the conservative media industry.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I hate it more than the liberal media industry. It's so much more craven and impotent. is so much more craven and impotent. The left sends you to the voting booth. The right sends you to the merch booth. Right. It's so much more disingenuous. If you want to save America, buy my book.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Buy my Dave Rubin two gay fetuses shirt. Buy my mug. Buy my support, my radio show. You're right. It's never about getting people into the polling booth. This never is. I forget who was commenting about that recently. But that has been a major complaint for guys like, yeah, like Jordan Peterson.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Oh, yeah. He ultimately tells guys, you know, well, the way to save this country or your, you know, world. Buy my book. Buy my book. Buy my book. Buy my merch. Yeah. It's very bizarre. And, yeah, it reduces politics down to consumerism, which is bizarre.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You go, you know, there's more going on in the world than just the buying and exchanging of goods. I know we like to tell ourself that, you know know it's an oligarchy and it's all based on business but there are legitimate political mechanisms that you can affect uh other than just not buying ice cream or not buying nike sneakers for a week and then forgetting about it but no one's gonna do that right well that's why these things are so impotent is that it's just an excuse for people to go on their it's no it's an excuse for people to go buy other stuff right like i wasn't gonna buy nike but now i'm gonna go buy some new i'm gonna go buy some adidas yeah yeah it's an excuse to go
Starting point is 00:51:56 to the mall i got some new stuff it is uh yeah consumerism as political action to go see i and i mean it goes both ways to be clear the uh to be fair it goes both ways hit the fucking button i'll give you one i suck you know what actually i should take it away because somebody pointed out i gotta find the clip you dinged me on one where i didn't say it oh really yeah what did you say i think i said to be clear and you dinged me i Oh, and I did it. Yeah, I'm going to look it up. You're going to get a punishment for that. But also, part I really dislike about it is how many people betray their really deep,
Starting point is 00:52:40 fundamental ignorance of the stock market and companies. Oh, constantly. As a whole whole by saying like oh look well because they'll always go like look everybody it's working it's working bro that's not even that do you think you guys tweeting by disney side will make it go up you should i mean you should do that then no that's the thing is they go look did you short it this has especially been going on recently, and it's a problem I have with a lot of these YouTube guys is they go,
Starting point is 00:53:09 see, Netflix stock is down. Disney stock is down. And the reason is that these disgusting woke liberals and their politics are pushing consumers away. And I go, have you guys looked at the NASDAQ index as a whole? Like all stocks are down about roughly the same amount right now it's not due to these individual little boycotts i mean it's not even possible to explain it to them at that point it's like somebody's telling you why the moon's going down like well you see what that's
Starting point is 00:53:36 what the moon's this is why it's raining because we did all this stuff like man there's a whole climate and stuff well i remember famously when they said uh because nike sponsored uh what's his name colin kaepernick and they said we're gonna boycott nike and all the conservatives were celebrating they're like look it's down two percent for the day we're doing it we're doing it and like two months after they announced the endorsement nike was up like 30 and you go see you can't judge it based on a short period of time it doesn't exactly work that way it fills me with some with uh so much disgust yeah that i don't know how to handle it it's just look at the big board yeah i don't know man you're like it's not
Starting point is 00:54:21 i mean if if do you have any stocks? Like, do you... Well, that's the question. I'm like, do you guys... How many people do you have to call to find somebody who owns a stock? Yeah, meanwhile, Disney is still up, you know, probably 50% over the last... You kind of got to wait two, three years, and then maybe you could go, hey, that boycott kind of maybe had a small impact. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:39 It didn't. It didn't. It never did. Because they're addicted to... All of the... All the conservatives who want to boycott Disney are addicted to this Marvel shit. Like Marvel cape shit and entertainment. Disney owns all of entertainment.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Sports, Marvel, movies, GoPro. They're a massive conglomerate. They own everything and the people bitching about it are addicted to it. The people bitching about it are not nearly as numerous as they seem to think they are, nor are they as committed as the... I mean, we already saw from Dave Rubin who went, oh, I'm canceling my Disney Plus because of what they did to Gina Carano. And then, of course, he goes, oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:19 I kind of want to watch that Boba Fett show. And then he pumps two ass babies up into his boyfriend's butt. Can you believe that? You think he's not going to let them watch that and then he pumps two ass babies up into his boyfriend's butt yeah can you believe that you think he's not gonna let them watch disney yeah are dave rubin's ass babies gonna watch disney plus because i bet they are i bet they are you can just look i mean right now doctor strange is the most uh pre-sold film of 2022 yeah uh that's the thing is it's the what do you call it naivete naivete of these guys going this one's gonna be the one i'm seeing that statement a lot they're going i know all our other boycotts have been ineffectual limp-wristed bullshit yeah but this one's gonna be different and i'm like it won't be you're not gonna do anything because you know what most what? Most people right now, they're just like, I don't give.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Most people don't give a shit. Most people don't live in Florida. Most people don't have a choice. Yeah. Like it's just built into my cable package. I don't know what you want me to tell you. If I told my kid he can't watch his fucking, what do you call it? I don't know what Disney cartoons they have.
Starting point is 00:56:20 He can't watch DuckTales. He's going to pitch a fit. And I really don't give a much. Mickey's Mousecapades. Yeah. I don't care as much about making a weird political statement as much as I care about having a free babysitter for my kids. Well, that's not what they make their money.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Well, that's the other thing. They're a global organization. Okay? They're not making money because you aren't watching. That's just free. Yeah. Okay. Let's say Dave Rubin. Let's say dave rubin his butt babies that's three ben shapiro ben shapiro his big
Starting point is 00:56:54 titty sister that's five and 10 million of their followers cancel their shit right right that's what uh 0.0001% of their overall profits. Yeah, it's nothing. No. They're getting money from the Fed to buy their own stock back. Whatever. This is going nowhere. And again, it's the weekly protest.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Because you know what? You guys aren't going to be able to sustain this because you're constantly finding a new company to get outraged at. And then everybody forgets about the last one. The only way this is... But they're all on YouTube. I'm going to give you guys some advice. If you want the Disney boycott to work, you can't boycott other companies. You can't next week come up with a new company to boycott.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Okay, I had like a list. NASCAR, they tried boycotting because they got rid of conservative flags. Netflix had a certain French movie that everybody lost their mind over, which I have never seen. Me either. Ben and Jerry's because they wouldn't sell their ice cream in Israel. If you want this to work, you have to pick one,
Starting point is 00:57:57 but I know you won't be able to. I know a week from now you're going to bring up some company who did some stupid thing. Nobody who eats Ben and Jerry's is boycotting it. Look at the size of them. Right. It has not mattered at all. bring up some company. I mean, nobody's, nobody's who eats boys. Ben and Jerry's is boycotting it. Look at the size of them. Right? No,
Starting point is 00:58:08 they're killing themselves. They're like, Oh, I'm not going to fucking be an ice cream. And I think everybody goes, they go to the store. Everybody says, Oh,
Starting point is 00:58:14 I'm going to boycott Ben and Jerry's. And then I go to the store and they go, well, I do want some ice cream of ice cream. Nobody's here to see that. I'm, I already posted the Instagram photo of me throwing it in the trash. Actually, what I can do is I can buy it, throw it in the trash, take a picture of it, and
Starting point is 00:58:28 then take it out and eat it. That's my favorite. That's just as powerful. I'm going to buy two. The guys who take the pictures. I'm going to throw one away on Instagram. Yeah. Burn it.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Dump it all out. Say with Nike sneakers, I buy two pairs. One so I can burn them and everyone can cheer for me. And the other one just to wear around the house. Boycotts, sir. Have boycotts ever worked? and everyone can cheer for me and the other one just boycotts have boycotts ever worked well as i uh looked up uh i have some quotes from this guy a professor of management and organizations braden king oh wow he says that given the recent rise in anti-corporate activism
Starting point is 00:58:58 he says there was a point of time where boycotts were effective slightly. That was when we had maybe one a year. I bet it wasn't when companies weren't vertically integrated, so they're like corporate behemoths. Yeah, they cannot fail. You cannot boycott Disney. Well, what do you call it? Wasn't it Coca-Cola during apartheid times? I think that boycott was semi-successful.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah, but he's saying my advice for companies now is to just wait it out instead of taking any action in response to a boycott. Yeah. Uh, these, he's saying there's so many protests. It's such a diluted marketplace for protests that if you just ignore these people again, a week later, they'll find someone else to be mad at. Well, they boycotted the cops. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah, it didn't really work out. It didn't work? No. None of these, all of these boycotts are disorganized, ineffectual, and it is hilarious to see people on Twitter going, this is going to be the one. We're going to make a difference. We're going to show the groomers that they can't do anything or fuck you're not going to do anything but there's so many like normal people make me eat my words if you actually somehow manage to
Starting point is 01:00:16 make this boycott work i will be blown away i know this whole thing you can downvote this problem to oblivion but i feel like in a month we're not even going to be talking about this anymore. But the same people are talking about Moon Knight. Like, oh, did you see Moon Knight? I'm like, no, I actually, I boycott, like, I don't consume Disney products. I think I consume less Disney than the people who are boycotting Disney. As I said, my kink is to not spend any money. Right. I don't spend any money on anything.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I go down my credit card bill and I yell at my girlfriend on every expense that I don't recognize. For real. Yeah. They can't get, they're addicted to it. They're addicted. It's so sick and weird. I mean, how many pictures can you post of you burning a piece of merchandise before you go, you know, maybe I need a new identity for myself.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Yeah. And then the right wing grifter goes, well, if you buy my book, then you'll have something you don't. some merchandise before you go you know maybe i need a new identity for myself yeah uh and then the right wing grifter goes well if you buy my book then you'll have something you don't and then you wait for that grifter of course you can't i mean how many people are burning their jack murphy liminal order patches or whatever the fuck it's like uh it's like alcohol is it's like alcohol and gambling like they make all the money on the small percentage of people that are addicts yeah and politics is the same way most people don't care about disney i just can't imagine taking a screenshot of are you sure you want to cancel your disney plus subscription you go yeah for america
Starting point is 01:01:36 bro like come on man do something with your life wow this is not a political statement this is fucking pathetic. That's amazing, buddy. If you want to cancel it because there's something you don't want to watch. No, you should charge it back. Yeah. Don't cancel. Charge it back because that'll hit them for 15 bucks, bro.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Right. What if everybody hit them for 15 bucks? That drove me nuts for the Kickstarter one. Oh, where they charge back at people? People were like, guys, guys, guys, we got to really hit them. We got to charge them back. You can't do a charge back past like six months, right? Well, even like you think the bank's not just going to go, oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah. All you guys are stupid fucking around. Like, okay, well, we're just going to either do it or not do it. Well, charge it back. They're going to go like, hey, guys, why don't you just refund them? I understand that money is power in certain ways and yes maybe if you get enough people together you can somehow influence a company's wages but if you're constantly i mean yes mostly no no and especially not a company as far for that the government controls the government controls
Starting point is 01:02:41 money yeah they're giving you free money to buy your stock to inflate the price. You are... I really want... Whenever I interact with somebody, like you're saying, like you're talking about boycotting stuff, I just really want to like, man, I hate to be the bearer of this news, but you're worthless.
Starting point is 01:02:59 You have no power. You have no power at all. You have the power to annoy. Yeah. And you're doing that. You have the power for all. You have the power to annoy. Yeah. And you're doing that. You have the power for you and all your buddies to pat each other on the back and go, we scored a victory for America today. Just suck each other's cocks. Yeah, basically. So much easier.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But you're nothing. No. Nothing. Well, I wish you guys the best of luck. I see some of these guys proposing, we're going to be the future of entertainment. We're going to make new media for kids. Adventure periods. Yeah like all right guys good none of you guys are funny though like that's the problem i saw one guy he's like we can just make like our own marvel dc comics and we can i'm like no it took 70 years to make those i'm like the most talented people in like america in the world
Starting point is 01:03:44 we're making them for 70 years, and now they've distilled it into a multi-billion dollar Disney-owned property. You guys couldn't tell a joke with a gun to your head. These guys are making some real bad media. Gina Carano is not talented at all. Yeah. I would beat a door down to see a nicholas cage movie sure gina carano you gotta basically capture me and strap me to the seat and say i also go like
Starting point is 01:04:14 i go if you guys want to take over media clockwork go watch this like i don't want to watch this if you want to take over media you have to understand they always go we don't want political media we want to take the politics out of media. Gina Carano, I can't believe those liberals and their politics. And they go, she's starring in the Hunter Biden laptop story. And I go, okay, so you do want politics and media. No, I think she's starring in a Western. So do that, but it's going to be a Western where it goes.
Starting point is 01:04:39 A Western is still political. Yeah, it's going to be about a bunch of Mexicans trying to come over to el paso and over the wall if your media is not political quote unquote right then you have written a bad media like you're the metaphors should not be stupid political yeah you have to not be it should be good you shouldn't have ice showing up in star trek which apparently just happened recently stacy abrams showed up yeah stacy ever showed up. Yeah, Stacey Abrams showed up. They're currently in the year 2024 and ICE is arresting illegals in the world of Star Trek.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Oh, really? Yeah, I don't know why. Biden didn't do anything about ICE? Biden didn't get it done. This is the Star Trek timeline. Biden's not part of it. Mama mia. Oh, that's my problem, Dick.
Starting point is 01:05:21 The weekly boycott. Okay, here's my problem. I think we're about, we're close to being out of time. I know. But this is a better problem than all the other, all. The weekly boycott. Okay, here's my problem. I think we're about... We're close to being out of time. I know. But this is a better problem than all the other... All of your dog shit problems. The Windows 10 search bar?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yeah. I almost brought that in one, I think. I was thinking about that one recently. What's going on, buddy? Windows is such dog shit. What's going on with this search... What happened to search bars, man? Just show me where the...
Starting point is 01:05:43 Show me the files at. Where are the files at? That's what I want. Keep the search bar, but I Just show me where the... Show me the files at. Where are the files at? That's what I want. Keep the search bar, but I want to know where the files at bar. Yeah. Where are the files at? Or just like half the stuff you pipe into the search bar, it doesn't even know what you're looking for. Like, does it know star anymore?
Starting point is 01:06:00 I don't know. Star dot... Star dot JPEG. You have to know the very specific name of like, like you couldn't type in microphone to get the microphone settings. You have to know to type in like audio. Mike 32 dot. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:14 You're like, how did you not? Where are the files at? slash summer vacation 2014. I don't want Bing. Nobody on earth has wanted Bing ever. I use Bing sometimes. Just for images and porn. Porn?
Starting point is 01:06:32 You search a search engine for porn? Only sometimes. You gotta hook up with Flamenco. Well, this searches all the different places at once. What places? All the different, like, Pornhub, RedTube, you know. What do you search for? Homegrown Simpsons stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:47 That's a quote. Oh, yeah. What do you search for? Just, like, whatever. Just, like, different things. No, no, no, whatever. What do you search for? Like, Loli and Shoda.
Starting point is 01:06:55 What do you really search for? I don't know. Just, like... What do you mean you don't know? You're talking about kink shaming, and now you want... Like, you know... Hot Latinas? Les, uh, you know...
Starting point is 01:07:04 Lesbians? I don't believebians i don't i don't believe you what a hypocrite because i don't want to get kink shamed oh i i'll look up you know yeah like lesbians you look up lesbians yeah sure i hate lesbian porn oh it depends on like what the lesbians it's, sure. I hate lesbian porn. Oh, it depends on what the lesbians are doing. It's worse than one woman enjoying it. Yeah. I can tolerate. I prefer no women, but two women enjoying it?
Starting point is 01:07:33 Honestly, I prefer porn with no men in it. I don't like seeing the gay. Because you get too excited? I hate seeing penises. What? I really dislike the penis. In pornography? Yeah, in pornography. What? I really, I dislike the penis. In pornography? Yeah, in pornography.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Really? Yeah. I want to see a porno where they bring the penis in with like, like they bring Shamu in. With that trailer. Yeah. With the cradle, you know, with the penis. This bitch is like, oh, I got a fucking deep throat. That shit, I just got off this bus from home.
Starting point is 01:08:02 All her school books fall on the... Ooh. Does she fall in the washer dryer? No. What the fuck problem are we even talking about? I don't even remember. The Windows 10 search bar. You were talking about how you search Bing for lesbian pornography?
Starting point is 01:08:15 And also it has a better image search because you can actually save the images. You search for images? Well, for doing graphic design and making thumbnails for YouTube. But what about pornography? I don't... No, I don't look for the images for pornography there. You search for videos. It has X Hamster and stuff?
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah, it has cataloged all the different places. Does it have Shota and peeing? I don't know. I'm not looking up Shota. Shota peeing? Is that the two? Whatever Flamenco had? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Does it have that? Wooden horse. It probably... Well, would it have wooden horse Whatever Flamenco had? Yeah. Does it have that? It probably, well, would have wooden whores? Shoda would be animated. What about like the wooden whores? That's the Iron Man, that's the Tin Man's wife.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah, the Iron Horse. Wooden whores? You talking about my wife's sisters? Get it? The Windows 10 search bar, everything about Windows is just... Searches, no matter what, no matter what you're searching for, it takes forever.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah. You could be looking, you could be looking at the search, and it will still take 10 minutes. Yeah. No explanation of why. It used to be pop, pop, pop, pop. You punch a thing in.
Starting point is 01:09:20 It used to be you load up the search, and it would already show you what you were looking for. You're like, how the fuck did it do that? Now it's destroyed. I had to get like a separate like Probably by Bill Gates' wife.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You remember how like it used to be? It's so simple to get the start menu or whatever the classic start menu that they used to have. Yeah. I had to get like a widget or a, I don't know, skin to get that back. Now now look at it what the fuck is all this tile shit like office you want your stock ticker do you want to know what the friday
Starting point is 01:09:51 eight what the fuck an arrow that says download what the fuck am i downloading yeah once they started doing see they started doing this thing i forgot they call them the little squares that they have tiles yeah because they really want a black guy all the tiles are a nightmare command prompt xbox this is this is nonsense get the fuck away from my xbox i never have clicked on any tile top like have you ever clicked top news today in history it says oh today in history why the fuck would i want to go who on earth has ever gone to the search bar in windows 10 and said you know what i want to see i want to learn about today in history i want to see what's going on in history today well why don't you just load up the
Starting point is 01:10:33 windows 10 search coronavirus trends that's i'm glad that's my operating system i don't know why it's included in my operating there you go it's a big it's been nothing who is going on windows to look up a coronavirus graph why is that part of the operating system. There you go. It's a big, it's been nothing. Who is going on Windows to look up a coronavirus graph? Why is that part of the operating system? Helpful info, it says. Who should be vaccinated? Who is this for?
Starting point is 01:10:58 Web, more web shit. I hate Windows. You know what I hate also about Windows? You ever right click on that little uh sound yeah that like to get to the microphone there's there's three different things that all sound the same yeah that's not relatable though mine is like just searching for files i just can't search for anything on windows i never know what i want because i'm like i want to adjust my microphone levels and then it'll be buried like ten things deep and you can't just search
Starting point is 01:11:27 for it. I found sound pretty easily. But sound settings isn't always the right one. Yeah, that's true. Because there's sound mixer options. Alright, look. If you miss... If you're too young to remember the old search, you don't know how good it was.
Starting point is 01:11:43 It would just find your file that you were looking for. All it would do is search for files and somehow it it knew all the files already yeah had them in the cache it was really weird like you don't add a shitload of new files to your computer a lot yeah it just kind of knew where they were and it would tell you what you were where you were looking for the search is a big problem that's a problem that it's hitting the internet is a problem you know that it's giving me when the coronavirus one goes away it's just gonna say holocaust stats that's updated holocaust that's gonna say holocaust like meter how close are we you know this day in the history of the holocaust you know what did happen what does cortana? I don't even know Cortana either. I thought it was that naked lady from Halo.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Well, that's what the name is from. But if you click it, it's like, she's like, can I help you? And I'm like, no. None of this is helpful. Never. You've never helped one person. No.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Never. That's my problem. The Windows 10 search bar. Well, I'm there. I think everything about Windows. I'm surprised. I'm always surprised when software that is just globally used, it's like...
Starting point is 01:12:46 Is dog shit? Yeah. You think that somebody at the organization would be like, hey, here's a... It seems like every single person using this program hates this thing. How do they use it at the office? Let's never change it. Okay. So what are our problems?
Starting point is 01:12:58 The Windows 10 search bar. Kink shaming. Kink shaming. The weekly boycott. The weekly boycott and... Disability whatever. Disabled discrimination. Kink shaming. The weekly boycott. The weekly boycott and... Disability whatever. Disabled discrimination. Don't say whatever.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Disability discrimination. Disability discrimination. Okay, go to slash biggest problem. Vote on the problems at And I want to see a lot of votes. I want to see a lot of votes. The voting has been dog shit lately. Well, it seems like a lot of votes. I want to see a lot of votes. The voting has been dog shit lately. Well, it seems like a lot of the old votes keep being at the top,
Starting point is 01:13:28 and people are not voting on the new problems. I need you. You know what? Go to and go look at some of the old problems. We've got a whole list of the problems. Vote up and down the ones that are even from old shows. Again, might I point out elder care is still funny. It goes in waves
Starting point is 01:13:46 You can probably see it On my face In the video Like when it hurts a lot I'm like Oh god It just feels like A fucking gummy worm
Starting point is 01:13:54 In my In my Rooting around Yeah it's horrifying I can't imagine having A broken Snapped off Muscle inside my arm
Starting point is 01:14:01 Uh Okay Here we go. And everything is slow with my left hand. Yeah. So everyone else should have to go slow. When you go bowling, use your non-dominant hand.
Starting point is 01:14:21 This is how long it takes me to even drag a fucking voicemail guys love bombing is a solution i don't know how you haven't seen this but you struck the fattest vein of gold possible for men you can now just not do shit ever in a relationship and if they think you're not doing enough you can say say, hey, I'm coming at this because, this way, because I don't want to love bomb you. Yeah. I'm not that sort of guy. I'm not a manipulative man. Okay. I don't want to love bomb you.
Starting point is 01:14:53 In turn, you're actually love bombing them. Okay, that's smart. Tell all girls I'm emotionally unavailable for your sake. Because I don't want to hurt you. How are you going to get me with all this love? A present for my birthday. I don't want to love you. How are you going to get me with all this love? A present for my birthday. I don't want to love you, Bonnie. I don't want to love Bonnie. I heard all about that shit. Look at this Rejectress article that I got
Starting point is 01:15:12 about... If I'm nice to you, it'll hurt you only. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Vito, I'm going to take issue with your problem of too long a media you use the example of the Beatles documentary
Starting point is 01:15:28 Get Back yeah that's made for fans man that's not made it's made for fans man an hour and 25 minutes easily consumable just because you're
Starting point is 01:15:36 not a fan you just want something quick to watch you just want something quick to beat off yeah you stupid cunt who wants to watch
Starting point is 01:15:44 a 10 hour documentary about the Beatles nah I Who wants to watch a 10-hour documentary about the Beatles? No, I would like to watch a 10-hour documentary about something. Yeah, like something important like World War II. World War I. Or the Vietnam War. World War I now. Korean War. World War II.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Only war documentaries are valid to me. Man, you want to talk about shitty slow motion? Remember I brought that in? No. to me man you want to talk about shitty slow motion remember i brought that in the end of saving private ryan has some of the shittiest slow motion there is what scene is that the the final battle when they're getting killed oh spoiler alert well whatever i'm just fucking with you and tom crew tom hanks is shooting the gun at the tank like before that when they get all blowed up to hell and they're stumbling around
Starting point is 01:16:29 it's all that jerky slowed down Steven Spielberg didn't have enough money to shoot regular slow-mo? I think it's one of these things where they shoot it and then after it's always when they don't plan for slow-mo oh it looks bad it looks bad okay could happen it looks bad
Starting point is 01:16:45 uh okay let's see here veto is completely right about the social media getting banned and then not being able to actually appeal but it's way worse because literally the social media and everything else is it's like it's a drug it's a it's a drug that they addict you to and then it'd be like going to your heroin dealer after being there for 10 years and then your heroin dealer just ghosts you and blocks your and blocks your number that happens it's it happens. It's that bad. Yeah, but what if he's the only guy who has heroin in the world? People need their fix so, so terribly bad on social media that you at least feel like you have a right to be like, at least tell me why you're not. That would be good.
Starting point is 01:17:39 No, no, no. I should have a petition in court. There should be a jury system on Twitter where you should be able to, they should randomly assemble eight other users, a jury of my peers to determine whether or not me saying that Dopey and Snow White is retarded is ban-worthy behavior. Yeah, so repeal 230. And then you have that.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Okay, I'll do that too. Whatever. Make that an important thing in liberals. No, not ban me. No, not. Elon, save me. Elon. Okay important thing in liberals. No, not ban me. No, not. Save me. Elon. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Here's a, this one ought to be good. Vito, you fat fuck. Hi. Oh, God damn it. You fat fuck. And you fat fuck idea. And it's fucking potash, motherfucker. God damn. Pot. Jesus. What'd you And it's fucking potash, motherfucker. God damn.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Pot. Jesus. What'd you say? It's potash? Fucking global warming. Horseshit. Motherfucker. Wait, what did I say?
Starting point is 01:18:35 I don't know, but this guy had the same thing. I don't know what you said. Because I was talking about the- Stock tip veto. Day trader veto. Always with the hot stock tip. Hot stock tip. I'm telling you to go all in on Patash.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Patash. He sounds like he knows a lot about Patash. Yeah, it's like green. That's how he's pronouncing Patash. Patash. Who gives a fucking shit? Either buy the stock or don't. Wait, that intro for you.
Starting point is 01:19:03 That was the best part. Stock tip veto. Day trader veto. Always with the hot stock tip. Yeah. That should be your intro. Day trader veto. I should bring my terrible day trades.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Let me. Potash. Oh, wait. Shit. Stock trader veto. Stock tip veto. Day trader veto. Always with the hot stock tip veto day trader veto all of the hot tips
Starting point is 01:19:26 don't clip it god damn it all my stock tips are great buy solar all right last last one you know no one's gone over the worst part about north porn oh that's how it's invading one of my favorites bimbo? Bimbo. No. Oh, my. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I thought bimbo porn was like, they don't even make it now. What do you mean? I don't know. I never see it. Bimbo porn? I thought bimbo porn, now it's like exclusively become like a transsexual thing.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Well, let's go to Bing, your fucking favorite. I actually do go to Bing. Okay. And go to the video tab. Of course they make bimbo. It says for you. Bimbo, bimbo it says for you bimbo bimbo porn
Starting point is 01:20:27 yeah look of course there's bimbo stuff turn off turn off safe search uh right there where it says my safe search is filtering off all right i mean that's definitely boyfriend bimbo it's always like a transsexual no he's right look bimbo milf yeah where boyfriend to bimbo. It's always like a transsexual. No, he's right. Look bimbo milf Yeah, where's boyfriend bimbo right there right here boyfriend to bimbo. Yeah Seems like the end of thing has been taken over by the by the Transgenders bimbo milf. Yeah, he's right. Oh milf Bimbo redundant. Yeah blonde bimbo. Ah It's just like a craigslist ad where they list everything possible.
Starting point is 01:21:08 You do see that this is a good search engine, though. I mean, I don't want to watch bimbo. No, but I'm saying, well, search for something you would like, then. Okay. Hitomi Tanaka not retiring. I don't think you have to put that Well it's not Already I see not
Starting point is 01:21:28 One who told me Tanaka Why did you put not retiring? What is that? That's gonna screw up the search engine Okay I guess I've messed it up again Big tits fuck Where? 16 seconds
Starting point is 01:21:40 What the hell is this? This isn't That's VR It's a cartoon It's a VR cartoon Wait is that a VR Who told me Tanaka? I don't know No's VR. It's a VR cartoon. Wait, is that a VR Tomitonaka? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:46 No, it's a CGI. Who fucks Jessica Rabbit 3D VR porn? That's not what I want, because then I think about all those silly... You have to learn the way Bing works. You can't just make shit up. All right. You want to do Super Chats now?
Starting point is 01:21:59 Let's do Super Chats. And I want to thank everybody who came on by. Don't forget, we have a Biggest Problem bonus episode. The biggest problems in Batman. Yeah. Available at slash biggest problem. It's good. Check it out.
Starting point is 01:22:15 We're over $4,000 now. We need to be over five. That would be good. That's my goal for the month. That would be great if we could get it to five. Mike Hunt for five says, too much struggle snuggle in hentai is the biggest problem. I'm no prude.
Starting point is 01:22:33 It's a fine genre, but why is so much of it grape? Grape. Struggle snuggle is a word I have not encountered. Is he like a hentai researcher? How does he know how much rape is in hentai i mean there's a lot is that quantified is there a like a uh kato institute that researches hentai to see how much of what is in there it does the japanese seem to be very into kind of rapey scenarios rape yeah well did you ever see that nightclub in Japan that's like a
Starting point is 01:23:06 train car that they decommissioned and you just get on it and you can just grope a lady? No way that exists. Really? Yeah. I don't want to go back there. Justin Gomez for two says, I got a super chat right here for you, groin. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Thank you. Gare for five. My favorite hentai is ugly bastard because I appreciate being represented in media for five my favorite hentai is ugly bastard because i appreciate being represented in media you know hentai is great there's a lot of representation i agree uh riley ase presents for two says i exclusively masturbate to e-fucked or its derivatives do i know e-fucked is that a good one don't know. I have to check it out. Dominic for five. Ralph versus Rackets. Everyone wants to know who is in the right. Opinions. Well, in which scenario?
Starting point is 01:23:50 I mean, there's a lot of ground to cover there. Let's just say we're staying out of it for the sake of... No, I said I don't think the chart was real. Yeah. And I don't like people going after people's wives because they have enough to deal with us. Who went after whose wife in that scenario? Well, Ralph was saying things about Lady Rackets. I always wish, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:12 People are saying a lot of things about Pantsu, though. As people, though. Yeah, again, look, that's why I'm saying I don't like when anyone says anything negative about anyone's wife or girlfriend, all right? And don't kink shame, of course. I didn't say that. I just said about the wife thing. Because women are a property. I wouldn't make fun of a guy's car, you know?
Starting point is 01:24:33 Why would you make fun of his wife? That's my... Or whatever. You might be right. You might be right. Because there's always that, like... I might be right. There's always that I wouldn't let him watch my kids' shit and it's like, well, I mean, I could come up with scenarios where, kind of a slam. All right. Well, it's too complicated.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Thank you, Dominic, for bringing us to that. I just want everyone to have, as long as everyone's having a good time. Everyone have fun. Stay safe. Keep your hands inside the vehicle. Idaho Melf for 10. Thank you for not killing yourself. Can't wait to see the first bpitu live show biggest problem
Starting point is 01:25:05 live show we should do it yeah we could do that i want another veto verse pokemon guy incident was that fun that was so funny good fight uh i gotta i gotta watch the replay when that guy came up yeah fuck you veto i'm like fuck you that's good r Ranzo for 10. If you're going to procrastinate writing by playing Dark Souls, it's smarter to monetize it by streaming. We were talking about that the other day. That I'm like, man, I don't want to do anything except play Elden Ring. Yeah. And they were like, well, at least you're monetizing it.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I know another writer who just played Dark Souls instead of writing a book. Because he was so bad at Dark Souls. Was he really bad? Oh, yeah. I never saw him win against the red guys that come in and their other guys. Oh, the invaders. I never saw Maddox win one of those. You watched him play?
Starting point is 01:25:53 Well, I would go over to write and try to write stuff, and he was just playing... And he was playing video games. Fantastic. I need the chat to know I hate Nick. And then he spells out Nick. Gerrits. Gerrits. Gerrits.
Starting point is 01:26:09 He hates Nick Gerrits. Well, I suck. That's a good name. All right. His name is I suck. Or I ice sock. And then. Cox.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Yeah. Cox. Finish it off for me. Dominic for five. Vito, you look good tonight. Did you drop some late? No, definitely not. He says, don't worry, I'm not gay.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Trust me, bro, I'm not gay. If you think I'm gay, you're gay. Thanks for clarifying, Dominic. Justin for five. Since you guys are in LA, will you be going to the... Shut the fuck up with this shit. They keep trying to get me to say the thing. You fell for it once. tubi festival okay what you think i'm gonna fall for something that stupid the tubi whatever fest yeah no how would you spell it i heard matt not
Starting point is 01:26:57 like that that's ridiculous oh i'm not gonna fall for that mike hunt for five says i dated a woman who never shaved she called it her beef hair Oh god How far did you date her? From one truck stop to another? Did she bring that up unprompted? She just went by the way The thing about my crotch hair is I call it my beef hair I managed to get a three way with a second hairy woman
Starting point is 01:27:19 They called it their two God fucking dammit Stop it They called it their beef hair with a two in front of it yeah they're double beef hair you cocksuckers they keep getting me rare steak cubes for seven i remember pulling my bicep on a rope swing and everyone i was swimming with thought i was lying probably the worst pain i ever had i feel yeah it feels horrible isn't that the worst uh rich f for five says veto you're the best part of the biggest problem thank you so much lying probably the worst pain i ever had i feel yeah it feels horrible isn't that the worst uh
Starting point is 01:27:45 rich f for five says veto you're the best part of the biggest problem thank you so much for what you do every where'd you go i'm right i'm right there on rich f oh yeah i see it i see it now much for making this show wonderful yeah and i want you to put your penis inside me mike hunt for two says corn pizza guy is jackass the next generation yeah well corn pizza pizza guy yes they don't let you put that on youtube rare state cubes for 10 frick the veto haters veto enjoyers stand up big ups to veto for not being a blind supporter for dicks trumpian nonsense oh beautiful and having a spine probably one of my favorite co-hosts other than Sean. God damn it. From Canada
Starting point is 01:28:28 though. Yeah. Doesn't matter as much. No, it matters. It matters. I'll take it. Jay Gonzalez for five. I wish Vito would show more sympathy for disabled people. I refuse. Yeah. No. Jason Reed for 20. Easy mode activists are a huge problem.
Starting point is 01:28:44 In every Steam forum, I see pleas for easy mode when it ruins the game's point. Like Portal 2, Binding of Isaac, Hawke's Eye, and Terraria. How do you make Portal 2 easy? I was just going to ask, how do you make Portal 2 easy? It's a puzzle game. Just do the same puzzle. If you want it easier, they escalate. That's the point of a fucking puzzle game.
Starting point is 01:29:01 You can go watch a guide if you can't figure out one of the puzzles, I guess. Just do it for a while. Yeah, do it for a while and then cheat. I did a rant because you know that guy Jim Sterling who's now a woman? A lady. Yeah. I made a video about because she was saying how Elden Ring, he needs an easy mode for disabled people.
Starting point is 01:29:21 She's a disability activist now. True, true. I can't play video games. I need a one-handed game. No, we're not doing that for you. Well, True, true. I can't play video games. I need a one-handed game. No, we're not doing that for you. Well, how the fuck am I supposed to play video games? Some things are not for certain people. If you don't have eyeballs,
Starting point is 01:29:32 I will sue you. I will fucking sue you. Anyway, that video has done very well. So if you want to see me rant about easy mode, head on over to slash Vito2. Vito, T-W-O. Wet Bandit for five says Vito. I want to become your feeder.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Please use this money to buy a big Mac smooches. You know, an ex girlfriend of mine later came to me and she said, I'm a fee. I'm a feeder feeder or she, she wanted to be, she was a fat chick. I think I've told this story. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:03 She goes, I'm really into this now and i'm like well that's unhealthy but i won't kink shame you for it because you're fat or she's a big she's a big girl is that why she was into it though i mean i think it was because yeah she was a big girl and like she found like a website where you could post pictures of yourself being a big fat ass and all these guys would go oh my god you're so hot can you post a picture of you you know like eating a chicken wing or something and it was like the first time that she had gotten that kind of attention oh god got off on it so good for her ride dog only fats is that only fats
Starting point is 01:30:38 i forget what blues musicians and fat chicks and i was like well i think naked both of them are naked i think i think she said that i had somehow inspired it though because i i told her and i was like well i think both of them are naked i think i think she said that i had somehow inspired it though because i i had told her and i'm like she's like oh i just hate my body and i think i told her i'm like well you know the internet's so vast like your ass yeah if you think you're disgusting i guarantee there's like communities that will probably tell you you're the most beautiful thing that ever happened they're crazy but they're out there say that i would never right after five says good episode matt from tinder for two says can someone pay for my bankruptcy oh and that may be the end of the super chats from tinder is the guy jack uh jack cucks jack uh jack murphy yeah matt from tender
Starting point is 01:31:23 well guys what a show. What part are you upset? Like the Jack Murphy thing. You're just upset about the hypocrisy? I think the hypocrisy is the problem. But what's the hypocrisy? The hypocrisy is that he sold himself as one of these like conservative alpha males where it's like, you know, you got to love one woman and you know, you got to fucking no gay shit. You can't do any gay shit.
Starting point is 01:31:41 Does he say no gay shit? I think he avoided saying it but he obviously operates in that sphere where he knows that like he has to keep it on the DL it would have been one thing if he said nah it's cool fuck whoever you want man free love well he had that was the
Starting point is 01:31:57 problem is that he had an article that said like yeah you know I fucking swing and me and my wife do sex parties that article is weird though and then everybody was like oh you're a cuck. And what he should have done is say, Yeah, I'm the biggest cuck. No, no, no, no, no. He should have said, I'm not a cuck.
Starting point is 01:32:11 We just, you know, he's fucking everybody, sleeping with everybody and fucking and that's... That movie Chicken Run, I did the soundtrack. Yeah, he tried to lie. He tried to lie and he tried to say it. I don't like liars. It was lying, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:23 What a show. What a show What a show Alright goodbye everyone Vote on the problems Please do And don't forget to check out
Starting point is 01:32:30 Slash biggest problem Oh wait there's one that snuck in And there's one that snuck in At the wire Mike Hunt for two Is R2-D2 fair Or No I didn't say it
Starting point is 01:32:40 You have to I didn't get to the second part Is R2-D2 fair And to the second part. Is R2D2 fair? And then the other party put another robot name or is DR to be, and then a word that I will not smear. Do you just want me to say it? Or is DR to be fair? Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Wait, there it is. I suck. There you go. You got one. Bye everyone. There it is. I suck cocks. There you go. You got one. Bye everyone. Cock suckers.

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