The Biggest Problem in the Universe - Episode 96

Episode Date: July 1, 2023

Charity Fraud, Source Snobs, Cheating at Trivia, The Black/White Test Score Gap  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I mean, I guess. It's 100% a scam. Yeah. Oh, shit. We already switched. Whoops. There we are. Whoops.
Starting point is 00:00:07 Me and Dick were so excited talking about the show that we decided to not do the show. Researching scams. Hold on. Let me see. I'm two's. I'm looking at my secret. Secret scam file here. My correspondence.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I'm so busy looking at my correspondence. Oh, God. Look at my hair. I look like Gomez Adams. You look great. You look great. You look fantastic. I was very surprised. Anybody ever said to you, I was very surprised?
Starting point is 00:00:34 What does that generally mean, generally speaking? It means that something has changed. They weren't expecting, right? How do you express the emotion of something happening that you weren't expecting to happen? Surprise. Surprise. I think you're going to have to save that for later. I'm excited to dig into some of that.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Are you? Yeah. Man, it's fucking... Oh, go ahead. Sorry. Well, I was going to say, I'm excited to be here. I was here yesterday because we actually put together a review of the new Indiana Jones film.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. Currently available on my channel at slash veto. Right. Kind of like a bonus episode. It's basically a bonus episode. Yeah. That's what you guys are getting. Anytime I post anything new.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah. And not like anything new and unusual. I get, so is this the bonus episode or what? I'm like, man, does it say? I it say there will be another but you know what are you gonna call the irs on me like what do you mean is this so is this the
Starting point is 00:01:32 bonus episode like why do you get yeah uh no there will be an official bonus episode but we did do a indiana jones dial destiny review uh-huh uh people uh seem to like it i think they like our discussions of movies Okay You're already bringing up a picture of something I have something to color the conversation here Why did this fuck up again? Oh, it's this shit There, I now have to change it every time
Starting point is 00:01:55 What could that possibly be, Dick? This is stupid Exhibit A This is a... What would you call this? I'd call this a perfectly reasonable amount of popcorn For an adult human man. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:07 If I said, hey, I'm going to buy, if you said to somebody, hey, I'm going to buy, I'll pay for the popcorn. A large popcorn because the popcorn is nine bucks and it's too much. But the medium is eight bucks. The medium is eight bucks, the large nine. Let's get a large and split it. And that was your idea. You're like Wimpy from Popeye. Yeah, we'll split the popcorn.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And I said, okay, I'll pay for the popcorn. Whenever I get a large popcorn, I can't finish it. Do you finish a large popcorn by yourself? No, I split it with my girlfriend, who I am used to eyeing like a hawk. Because we used to share out of the same bucket. Yeah. But she like, as soon as we get the popcorn, she's like using two hands. I'm like yo so then i gotta eat fast to like get my half of the popcorn so i said no we're not doing that anymore you're getting a kid's box and i'm dumping half half into yours and she's like
Starting point is 00:02:58 well i don't even want that much so she only dumps like a fourth in and i get my hoard of popcorn so we agreed to split the popcorn while you were busy getting the drink i thought it would be expedient if i just dumped half the popcorn bucket into the second container that i had obtained and apparently i'll pay for the popcorn and we'll split it and vita says hey buddy he's goes hey here's a 20 give me a big trash bag give me a because i'm gonna fucking ride a, cause I'm going to fucking ride. I'm going to take all the popcorn that this motherfucker, he doesn't even know I'm about to fucking rail him.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Is the audio working? Yeah. I see the audio. Okay. You could have just said, Hey, I don't think you split. Can I get a little more? I think it's not even. You handed me that and I was.
Starting point is 00:03:41 You serotipically, your initial reaction was to snap a photo I was so flummoxed by what you handed me back Which I knew I was like Like that gif of that guy going I would have gave you more In the theater It messed up the whole movie for me
Starting point is 00:04:03 I would have gave you more popcorn Indiana Jones and where the fuck is my popcorn That was the adventure I was on You should have went out to the lobby and got a refill I think you get a free refill You probably would have pilfered that from me as well somehow Look I'm sorry that I didn't give you So I didn't touch it
Starting point is 00:04:18 Exactly half the popcorn You gave it to me and I said I held it and I said Because the tub Big old beautiful tub of popcorn That I was thinking about all week. First of all, the guy at the counter annoyed me when I said. That was a really good exchange where you went, can you layer the butter? And he said, oh, the butter's over there.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Like, and he pointed you to it. And instead of reacting as a normal human being would and going, oh, okay, cool. You went, so the answer was no. And I just burst out laughing. I'm like, dude, that's... Can you layer the butter? Oh, well, you can get your own butter over there. So the answer was... He said the butter's self-service.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I said, so no. How can I layer... He's not going to just say no. Well, how the fuck can I layer the butter if it's all in the tub, jackass? I don't know, man. Ham, I'm talking to ham. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Okay, hey, can you layer the butter? Well, the butter's self-serve. Okay, so you're going to hand it to me when it's all in there, and then what am I going to do, magically insert the butter in the middle? So no. Yeah, no. No, I can't get layered butter here. Just say no, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Don't say, well, actually, you can figure it out over there if you juggle it. I can't believe you just went, so no. Doesn't it annoy you? Look, man, I did not realize popper corn was such a fucking endeavor for you. All right, next time. This is exhibit A. So then after that debacle, I get the drinks. For some reason, I'm the drink bitch. I'm filling up the drink.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I grabbed my own drink from you. You're fucking cutting the cocaine with 90% baby whatever it is. Baby powder, baby formula. And then you hand me this tub of this mostly empty tub. It's got plenty of popcorn. And I grabbed and I said You took the picture from the worst possible angle. I took many pictures because I knew you would say that.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I knew you would say that. You handed it back to me and I said that's 30% of the popcorn. Because it was overflowing like a snow cone. Like it was a fucking dome of popcorn and I was like oh my god that's so much popcorn. I wish it was layered but this fucking idiot wouldn't layer it for me. When we were in the movie and I was like oh my god That's so much popcorn I wish it was layered But this fucking idiot wouldn't layer it for me
Starting point is 00:06:25 When we were in the movie and I noticed You reached the end of your popcorn And I was still eating popcorn I instantly went oh he's Gonna give me so much shit later And I was absolutely it's the bottom Of the popcorn but when you finished your popcorn I only had like a little bit of popcorn left
Starting point is 00:06:42 It was like pretty even exhibit B okay you see the shadows of the popcorn That's I took it with the screen in back so it would illuminate how much thievery had happened here Look at this look at all of first of all. It's a cone. I know it's a cone shape so volumetric Lee the movie Indiana Jones had volume jokes in it like displacement look at the size of this jokes in it like displacement look at the size of this 70 plus a dome by that much and then this okay this is good in this area but in the black area here crumbs and bullshit that sinks to the bottom that's also fair so i probably honestly got 20 of the popcorn that i paid for let me put it all right we were already you know the movie was starting. I was rushing with the, you know, the drinks and the popcorn.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Oops, oops, I poured too much popcorn into mine. Whoops. Oh, shit. No time to fix it. Let's go. We got to see the previews. We got to see the AMC I Love Movies preview. You're going to try and paint this as like a coordinated fat kid stealing effort.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Like I'm sneakily trying to obtain more popcorn. If anything, I would have gave you more. I don't want that much popcorn. So I just... Okay, all right. I screwed up, all right? I didn't eyeball it very well. I didn't take into account the cone.
Starting point is 00:07:56 And I thought there's so much popcorn in there anyway, I didn't think either of us would finish it all. I didn't realize you're such a popcorn hound that you were going to get to the bottom of that thing. These are only a couple of the pictures that I took. I think the buckets are smaller at the AMC. It doesn't matter to me. I got 30%.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, so it's the AMC's fault that I got fucked. Well, I've been going to the Regal and like half a Regal popcorn bucket. You would never finish that. I wouldn't know. I didn't get half a bucket of popcorn. They're tiny. All right. Whatever. We're't get half a bucket of popcorn. So, alright. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:29 We're never doing another movie review show again. By the way, I was thinking about it. I couldn't think of a good name and you called it Biggest Review. Yeah. It should be Biggest Problem Reviews. Because then we can do at the end of the, instead of doing like a what do you give this out of five or ten or whatever, we can do, okay, so what's the biggest problem in this movie? Right. And that capper right i'd be okay with that i just you know you
Starting point is 00:08:50 own the trademark so i'd have to run it i'll allow it check out the biggest review in indiana jones yeah on the youtube channel but now, it's the biggest problem in the universe. Welcome to the biggest problem in the universe. The only problem that ranks every problem in the universe from traveling in metal tubes to NFT-hating dudes. From Aaron. Should be dying in metal tubes. NFT-hating dudes. From Aaron. Should be dying in metal tubes. Should be NFT-hating dudes. To dying in metal tubes.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Okay. You sent a bunch. Maybe I picked the wrong one. I'm your host, Dick Madges, and joining me as always is Vito Giswoldi. Wow, Dick. I'm so excited to be here. Yeah. How about the last episode?
Starting point is 00:09:39 That was fun, huh? Those kids. There's a mixed reaction from the audience. I'm always surprised by that. I really like those guys. Well, they're younger guys. I think our audience skew is a little bit older, but it was interesting. The funny thing was people going, who the fuck are these guys, man? Where'd you get these nobodies?
Starting point is 00:09:57 And I'm like, they have like over a million YouTube. They're bigger than us. Literally on the Facebook group, I had to go, guys, if somebody has like almost a million YouTube subscribers, I'm going to put them on the show and try and steal their audience. Don't complain. I've never even heard of these guys. Yeah, I don't care. And then I got blamed for it. He's like, oh, so these are Dick's friends.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Like, wait, why are they my. I mean, I like them, but why do you jump to my fault that you didn't like them? Shut up. Shut the fuck up. Some people enjoyed it. Some people, a mixed bag. But I think it was fun. The intermingling of the different comedic generations.
Starting point is 00:10:32 You know, we make fun, clever jokes. They obsess over pedophilia. It's just the new. And then Turkey Tom. What do you know? He's got a little fucking pedo in the kid house on his Discord. Pedo in the discord house. That broke after the show, thankfully.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Otherwise, we would have brought that up. You want to know a secret? That pedophile in his discord? Yeah. It was mean. Damn it. Well, Turkey Tom could no longer neg me about any pedophile bullshit because he's literally built a breeding ground to rape kids. So fuck you, Turkey Tom, you dumb piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:11:07 No, you're great. Thanks for coming on the show, fellas. We enjoyed having you. Those guys were great. What do you think the biggest problem in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was? I think the old- His dead kid. Spoilers.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Mutt's dead. Mutt's dead. Yeah, okay. I don't like that. It's really weird to me. Mine was the old man voice. Yeah. In the young man body. That's good. See, It's really weird to me. Mine was the old man voice in the young man body. That's good. See, that's a good capper.
Starting point is 00:11:29 That's a good capper for the end of the show. What was the biggest problem? Yeah. Alright, alright. Here we go. People pretending to be offended by Bo Black's N-word. I can't say the N-word. Martin Luther King speech that he was giving. I had a dream that I said the N-word. I can't say the N-word. Fucking Martin Luther King speech that he was giving.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I had a dream that I said the N-word at work and everybody clapped. White people, brown people, all the colors of the rainbow. And I said, my God, we are free to say the N-word at last. I look forward to Bo Black's pushing forward on his new initiative to get the N-word to be acceptable for some reason. I think that was kind of the linchpin. I'm like, but why do you need it to be? Because it's just a word, man. It's like, yeah, but why is that so important to you?
Starting point is 00:12:18 White people saying that they can't say the N-word and it annoys them. It's like women complaining about this tiny pockets on their pants i'm like well you guys that's your thing you guys made it so no one could say it right you think black people did that that's the first thing on their list black people's problems what do you guys want well we want people to not say this word really that's the first thing they're worried about they got a lot of things they're worried about. Yeah, that's a white people thing and it was like a hundredth down on the list.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And then toxic positivity. That was mine. The anti-plastic movement. I think they were close. Airplane seats. And NFT haters. What's the deal? What's the deal?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, he was doing airplane humor. He's got a whole set now. Chief Slingin' Beef says, Vito is the gayest. Her der. Anyone who likes someone who doesn't like me is my gay hater. Yeah, he's a black anarchist. Probably not. Californians are so gay.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Wow. Was this about Eric Chilai? What? I don't know. i couldn't even get i don't comprehend that at all quizzle says just a silly little guy saying a silly little slur yeah that's all buck buckles says it's going to be an interest it's going to be interesting to see how the farms react to turkey tom being on the podcast, or if they do, this will be interesting. Are people still worried about what Kiwi Farms is saying? I don't know. That site has been banished to fucking Tor. Yeah, Keffel's really...
Starting point is 00:13:54 They've been... It turns out Keffel's chopped more than one dick's off. Seeing how a large segment of his audience are straight from there and are thoroughly on board with the hysteria surrounding Vito and Dick, shit's got potential to be real funny i don't know uh cody bradshaw every time veto hears free markets he always brings up selling poison to kids a good example it is in fact not a good example it's a great example why because if you need limitations
Starting point is 00:14:21 on a free market you need you know truth, truth in advertising Laws, you need I mean, having the FDA Is great, you can make a bunch of arguments For it, having the FAA is great You don't know anything About the FAA What do I not know about the FAA? What do you know about the FAA?
Starting point is 00:14:40 I know that they handle air traffic, whatever the hell Do you know anything about like Their history or anything about them other than that they exist? Oh, my God. This is always the thing. It's like, well, I have a little bit of expert trivia on them. Therefore, you're not allowed to have an opinion on it. Actually, it was established in 1926 in reaction to the...
Starting point is 00:15:00 It doesn't matter. The point is that it's a good system. Okay. I don't need to know exactly what airplane crashed into what to form it. I don't think the kids one is a good example because it's like, you could also say, well, we need the free, instead of like poisoning kids, you could say like, well, what if I opened like a clothing store and when you walked in, I stabbed you. Like, isn't that kind of the same thing, but it's retarded sounding.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So people don't go, oh yeah, well, when you say poison kids are like oh wow my heart i can't say fuck the kids should i be allowed to lie when i sell a product uh yeah okay legally so you want to get rid of like a lemon law that like for instance you can't sell a guy a car that clearly doesn't work and i think you could be sued for that okay well then that's a law no no no a law is. You can't sell a guy a car that clearly doesn't work, and I think you could be sued for that That's a lot no no no laws like you can't do it at all okay? Civil all right anyway civil penalties no yeah, yeah Fuck the free market, okay, you like I well you know you want a mostly free market You don't want like an infinitely free market. That's the point It's like you guys want your infinite free speech or whatever okay? You can't want like an infinitely free market That's the point It's like you guys Who want your infinite free speech
Starting point is 00:16:05 Or whatever Okay You can't have it Sorry Why Cause there's problems And we don't have enough time To go into them right now
Starting point is 00:16:13 Seamoss says Vito blown out by Turkey Tom Kablamo Yeah I got destroyed Um 24 That's pretty nice I'm not gonna yell at an 18 year old kid
Starting point is 00:16:23 Oh Uh Joking I'm just gonna wait for An 18 year old kid Oh Joking I'm just gonna wait for him To have a pedophile Discord server And now Now he can never
Starting point is 00:16:29 Say anything ever again Shut it down See what a cock blocker He cut down the whole discord What a cock blocker That's not the term Those kids wanted to get off Stop it
Starting point is 00:16:38 How do you know They're actually 16 or 15 Or whatever they Got busted saying He had a pedophile Roleplay Discord server I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:16:47 Let's see Charles Kahn says Finally the gay ratio To Dick's straight ratio is balanced out Oh that's a compliment Cody says it's weird It is weird that Vito and Dick both sound like Rosie O'Donnell Do you think we sound the same I mean we have like
Starting point is 00:17:05 We both have radio voices I think Is what it is, I think all these people are watching idiot Streamers, who just sound like Fucking idiot cartoon characters all the time Yeah, me and you have both Developed very classic radio voices That are soothing and nice to listen to Hey, you're listening to the biggest problem in the universe
Starting point is 00:17:22 Wow, coming up on the show we got a lot of fun Problems for you, yeah, okay, we got a lot of fun problems for you. Yeah. Okay. We understand like classic broadcasting and people go, oh, they all sound the same. Sound the same? No, we sound soothing and natural and nice. I've never been told that we sound the same other than by like-
Starting point is 00:17:35 PKA, we had like, there was literally like hundreds of people upvoting tweets or whatever saying, they sound exactly the same. I think Vito's copying Dick's vocal mannerisms. The PKA listeners though, they're, I mean, they're like bottom of the barrel, dumb. They sound exactly the same. I think Vito's copying Dick's vocal mannerisms. The PKA listeners, though, they're like bottom of the barrel, dumb. No. I already told you my plan is to cannibalize the entire PKA audience and convert them to biggest problem. We love them.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Okay. Do we have anything? What was I going to say? I have one big thing. Let's hear it. I want to announce. As of right now, there's probably about 30 hours left. Oh. In the Super Killer Indiegogo campaign.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Wow. This is your last chance. Get in before the deadline. That's all I can say. Look, we're over $60,000. Yeah. We're at about 1,100 backers. We're at about 1,100 backers. 1,100?
Starting point is 00:18:27 1,100. Wow. More than 1,000. That's a lot. So it's been a smash success. Look, if it ended today, it would be great. But let's push it a little farther. If you've been holding out on getting it, please do.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And I will deeply appreciate you. And you are officially a member of my surrogate family. If you do so, you are my internet son and I love you very much. I remember you saying that. Here's another one. Today we're going to do the first Vito loses weigh-in. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I hope you miss this by the amount of popcorn that you stole. I'm worried that I gained weight. Let's say that this first month is like a trial. This is like a trial. I mean, I'll still take the strike if I got to take the strike. And yes, you have to. You know, you have six months to lose 30 pounds and you started at what? 310?
Starting point is 00:19:13 Yeah. I got to go back and look at the exact number. I think it was 310.2. I think it was 310.2. So if today you haven't lost five pounds, if you're not at 305.2 or less You get a strike Yeah And if I get three strikes
Starting point is 00:19:28 And if you get three strikes You lose all that money Right That's free money That you could spend on Final Fantasy figurines Or popcorn Your own popcorn
Starting point is 00:19:38 Stop it with the popcorn Alright Next time you can split the popcorn I'm not Alright If you think that I'm splitting Popcorn with you ever again You are living in another universe
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's too much popcorn We should split it I will take the smaller half Uh huh I should have done the thing One guy splits it The other guy picks Yeah but I want the tub
Starting point is 00:19:59 So take the tub then I did Okay well then you split it And take the tub You should have bumped it a little back then you split it and take the tub. You should have bumped it a little back. Tell you what, I'll take five pieces of popcorn. You can have the whole other fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:20:08 All right? I don't care that much. I wanted some popcorn to see Indiana Jones. Those movie theater seats were nice though. They were nice. That was a nice theater. Okay, here's my problem is stacked trivia teams. You can't.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Trivia cheaters. Trivia cheaters. I went doing bar trivia with Sean and Randy on Wednesday and We must have missed we probably missed maybe six questions the whole time. Yeah, you guys were nailing it Yeah, and like and we got third Wow, so the other two cheat teams were obviously cheating Well, you know, are you looking around to see? Yeah, and you did you see any evidence of cheating Or just know in your bones? How are you gonna not miss?
Starting point is 00:20:51 They probably missed like two questions The whole time Probably cheating mistakes If I'm honest It depends on the makeup of the team Sometimes you got a dream team No, no one's that good because if you get too many smart guys
Starting point is 00:21:07 in the same place, then they start disagreeing. It's just impossible that you would have a team of six guys able to not make any mistakes so consistently that my team always gets
Starting point is 00:21:21 like third, fifth, eighth. What was the prize for the night? I don't know. It's always the same. It's some stupid bar prize. Yeah, bar dollars. Like one drink off or something like that. Fifty bucks off or something like that. I'm saying if it was a shitty prize, they're probably not cheating.
Starting point is 00:21:37 If it's significant though. You know people. They cheat at everything. Pokemon, fucking popcorn, all rampant with fraud yeah and cheating right this is just another example that we go in the week before that and there's a whole table of girls it's like seven people on this team yeah that's cheat that's a violation was there anything over six yeah six or you're out and they're over here giggling on their phones exactly Probably looking up answers. Yeah, you do Bart trivia
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'll haven't done part trivia in forever because I mean you bring up a good point that it seems like a tainted enterprise That it's like maybe back in the day before everyone had a fucking computer in their pocket It was kind of fun, but now it's like maybe back in the day Before everyone had a fucking computer In their pocket It was kind of fun but now it's like It's bullshit And now you have to do the answers on the phones Because of COVID Due to COVID you can't do it on a piece of paper anymore So you submit it and then you hit submit
Starting point is 00:22:36 So everyone is on their phone all the time So you can't even have There's no like paper thing anymore Everything's on the phone Is there like a strict time limit though so maybe you wouldn't have time to look it up there's enough there's plenty of time to look it up there's always like it's always like a game of one or two questions that these guys who win are obviously cheating on every time i gotta give you like one minute
Starting point is 00:22:58 to get your answer in because then they gotta have a they gotta have a monitor from every team on the other team making sure they don't cheat. Who's going to go to bar trivia if one member of your team has to sit at a table with strangers and monitor them for cheating? That's the worst plan I've ever heard. I don't know, but something's got to be done. You're not allowed to drink with us. You have to go over there. You have to sit with strangers and monitor their trivia questions.
Starting point is 00:23:28 I'm sick of getting third max at trivia, and I know we're getting hard answers, but there's no fucking way they're getting these impossible, almost guesses that my team is also getting. There's no way every time. There's no way that we're losing every time unless it's cheating unless you're just taking it a little too seriously maybe they're just really good at trivia nobody is that good you don't know that
Starting point is 00:23:56 every time we're getting third fifth ninth sometimes sometimes we just quit because we're so upset that we're losing so bad Well what they should do Here's what I would do Is cut to the top Like four teams Or whatever Yeah You know
Starting point is 00:24:10 Because then everybody Can cheat And it's a free for all And who fucking cares Cheat as much as you want But then Like the final questions You should have to come up
Starting point is 00:24:17 And like have like a face off With somebody else Yeah okay Family feud style Or something Something where everyone can see Yeah And this guy's standing 40 feet away
Starting point is 00:24:27 Up at the front of the bar Reading the questions badly Mispronouncing basically everything Not no Oh, really? He wasn't a good host? No, he's great Well
Starting point is 00:24:37 Was it a Was it a One of the I remember seeing job applications To like host trivia nights But there's like organizations that do it Is this organized by the bar Or is it like a
Starting point is 00:24:50 Separate guy who comes Well I'm just saying maybe you could clean up this whole organization Maybe you should run the trivia organization Next time I'm going to call them out for cheating Yeah Just stand up and go cheat I fucking know that you're cheating over there They should put a microphone Even if they're not it's still smart It's a smart move because if they are Yeah. You guys are cheating. Just stand up and go cheat. I fucking know that you're cheating over there.
Starting point is 00:25:06 They should put a microphone. Even if they're not, it's still smart. It's a smart move because if they are, they'll stop. And if they're not, nothing bad will happen. You should accuse one of them of cheating, pull them into the bathroom, and then you both come out in blackface. And you go, that guy, not only is he cheating at the quiz, but he blackfaced me. Yeah. I don't know what you do about this problem.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I think bar trivia is just fundamentally flawed. I googled bar trivia cheating. Right. And I get a bunch of articles like, so I did cheat and I justified it to myself. Like, what the hell is this? Was the guy winning hundreds of bar dollars? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:25:44 He did win. Yeah. So it's disturbing to imagine that this is happening to me every week. Well, I mean, you bring up a good point. That's why I, you know, I have buddies who play Magic the Gathering professionally. You're cheating. What are they, how do they fix it there? Well, I assume that some of them were cheating.
Starting point is 00:25:59 But, I mean, there's videos of pros just cheating on camera. Even in chess there's cheating. Remember that guy with the butt plug or something? All right, well, we never proved that. That was a theory. Yeah, but it was obvious that he was cheating. See, it's just like the same thing that happened to me. You can sense it.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I am a pro-level trivia master. Are you a trivia enthusiast? Yeah, in fact, we had to offset the cheating by then saying that our double down, you get one double down per game. Okay. By saying that the computer didn't catch our double down on the round that we did the best at. Just to counteract their cheating. So you cheated and you demanded that they double down your round.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yes, I don't want to do that, but we have to do it. Okay. So then it's just a game. The game means nothing anymore because everyone's cheating. Do you see the problem? If you're not justifying cheating by saying everyone else is cheating, then they're probably doing the same thing. Yeah, but I didn't start it. They did.
Starting point is 00:26:54 You don't know that. I would have been perfectly happy just getting a normal score and winning fairly. And winning. Fairly. But if you lose, they're cheating. No way they ain't. There's no way they got. Who do you go to this trivia with? Who is on your team? My girlfriend, they're cheating. No way they ain't. There's no way they got. Who do you go to this trivia with? Who is on your team?
Starting point is 00:27:09 My girlfriend, Sean, and Randy. There's no way. That's not a dream team. Third place? By two. We only missed it by two this time. Who's the weakest link on the team? Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:27:25 What are you, trying to start a fight for me this evening? She's a teacher. That's not... Well, what are you going to do? All right. How do they stop it in magic? The gathering with your friend. Well, I mean, you got to catch
Starting point is 00:27:37 the other guy cheating. You can't stop bouncing the table. I know. I got fucking microphones going like this the whole time. I got restless leg syndrome. I've decided.
Starting point is 00:27:44 It's a real syndrome That is a real syndrome Just calm down Your leg I like to shake my leg Um Yeah and magically I think there's a lot of videos
Starting point is 00:27:52 Of them catching cheaters That they just They'll you know Draw extra cards A common cheat in magic Despicable Play a land Then do a bunch of other shit
Starting point is 00:28:00 And then play another land Like you haven't already Played a land this turn Ooh Jumping ahead In the game yeah or tapping all the Mana and then like saving some There's a Japanese pro player who'd won You know he was one of the top players he had his own card
Starting point is 00:28:14 And everything and they're like well we noticed That you put in indentation on All the cards that you want to draw So that you know what's on top of your deck at any Point in time he's like no They just came that way. And they're like, they definitely did not come that way. You like specifically marked his deck.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah. Wow. And he was like, again, like a top pro. I think he's banned now. Yeah. The weird thing with magic, though, is that like rarely do they hand out. You should just lifetime ban these people. Sometimes they ban them.
Starting point is 00:28:41 They're like, in two years, he'll stop cheating. I'm like, no. Burn all their cards. Right in front of them. Burn their whole collection their whole asshole yeah hey you're cheating over there here's some fucking lighter fluid and fire fucking tap this bitch well anytime that stakes enter in have you ever cheated at anything uh no you know what's interesting i was recently thinking of a situation involving trivia so back when i was writing for video game websites yeah the nintendo 3ds had come out yeah so nintendo sent me an email they're like we're doing this thing in a bar to promote the nintendo 3ds and you know you come play it and check it out
Starting point is 00:29:16 or whatever it was a really weird uh promo event like nobody showed up but i was like i don't know if i'm gonna go to that and they're like here's the fact sheet where you know all the things you need to know about the Nintendo three DS. And I opened the fact sheet and it goes trivia question. It's for tonight's trivia game in which the prize, the prize is a Nintendo three DS. And I'm like, oh, they sent me the trivia answers instead of the fact sheet. And I'm like, well, if I can win a free Nintendo system, there's kind of no reason not to memorize it.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah. Only you memorize it? Yeah. Only you got it? I don't know if they sent it to anybody else, but they sent it to me, and I looked at it, and it was just all the answers to the trivia questions. So I went, and I won a Nintendo 3DS, which at the time was like a $200 thing. So, yeah, maybe that was scummy.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Were people pissed off? Well well they didn't know that i they were just like wow he's so smart he knows all this i know my not me i know i know they're cheating there's no way because i was performing at maximum level it's impossible that there was someone performing that well or better especially in the last round i i do like bar trivia it's sad that you can't uh you know trust people to not cheat yeah but sometimes when there's when there's a prize on the line people just you do justify as small as 50 well so if there was something even bigger than that i think they've looked imagine the amount of cheating that would go on they've looked into the psychology of people who cheat at games. And what it comes down to is, well, I deserved to win because I'm a better player in general.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Like, especially like Magic. They're like, well, I deserve to win. I deserve to win this game. Yeah. The only reason I was going to lose was because the cards were not coming up in my favor. I'm a better player. But I'm a better player. So morally, I deserve to win. Yeah. Same with like poker and whatever else. Like you guys cheat at poker. They go, well, morally, I'm a better player. But I'm a better player, so morally, I deserve to win.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, right. Same with like poker and whatever else. Like you guys cheat at poker, they go, well, morally, I'm a better poker player, so in the laws of the universe
Starting point is 00:31:11 should give me this win. And that's what these awful trivia cheaters are probably doing. They're saying, I'm so smart. You know, that question was worded badly.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I deserve to get that one right. All right, maybe I'll just call it Trivial Cheaters. Trivial Cheaters. To include Magic the Gathering and Chess. Cheating at Trivial Pursuits. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Whatever you want to do. Cheating at Trivial Pursuits. Well, I mean, then people are going to think of the board game. Which I haven't played in forever. Okay, go ahead. Your problem. Dick, there's been... Are you ready?
Starting point is 00:31:39 Are you excited for your weigh-in? No, it's... I don't know. I have not been weighing myself at all just to like to be like well i'm trying some new things if it results in me losing weight that's awesome and if it doesn't then that means i gotta try something else what are you trying just eating less stuff okay you know or eating at better times. Okay. You know, but I honestly haven't sacrificed too much. And that's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I'm worried I might need to make more sacrifices. Ah, don't be too hard on yourself yet. My feeling is with the Ozempic that I have been less like food cravings where I just run and eat something. But then my problem is that I'm probably going to, maybe I'm just like going to plateau and not go up, which is not helpful either. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:24 We'll see. Dick, an exciting news article. Well, I don't know if it's exciting, but it is important. The Supreme Court has strunk down affirmative action at school admissions and you may no longer use. Jesus Christ. Take that black people. Boom.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Stop. Boom. Nope. Bam. Not disavow. Disavow. Boom. This applies to more that, black people. Boom, bop, boom, bam. Nope, not disavow, disavow. Boom, bop, boom, bam. This applies to more than just black people. We got it.
Starting point is 00:32:51 We got it. The visual has been delivered. I got it. I understand. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop. Not so tough now. Boom, bop. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Due to this decision, stop with no, you don't need the elbow. It's not helpful. People's elbows. Supreme Court. Okay. Clear stop need the elbow. It's not helpful. Supreme Court. Okay. Clear stop is considered. Boom. Bah.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Stop it. Bah. Accepted into all eight Ivy League schools. Bah. Bah. Boom. Boom. Boom.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Look, this is a serious, serious topic. Boom. Bah. Stop punching out theoretical applicants God damn it I'm punching out discrimination against white people Yeah, okay And Asians, we're helping Asians as well
Starting point is 00:33:32 Actually, this probably hurts white people I don't, well Asians and Indians will wipe out Yeah, take over the Take over the schools This will make it, you know, no longer legal To use race as a factor when determining who to admit into the school. There are going to be some interesting loopholes that have already presented themselves, though, where, you know, they can still look at your college essay where you talk about how hard it is to be a disadvantaged. To be black.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Yeah, exactly. The worst thing that happened to me was the Supreme Court said I can't get in just for being black anymore. That's a pretty good, That's a pretty good essay. Oh, wow, that's very affected by his race. Oh, man, we've got to get that perspective in here. It has nothing to do with his race. But this really cuts to the real core of the problem. And it's an uncomfortable topic.
Starting point is 00:34:21 The Civil Rights Act. No, that's your topic. Out, gone. Okay, you can save that for some other time You used up that problem Thankfully And then what do you know a month later They're fucking chiseling away at it They've been watching the podcast the Supreme Court
Starting point is 00:34:37 Clarence Thomas maybe Probably banging his wife listening to this show It's like ooh I hope that Vito misses his wig. Ooh, heavens. Is that Clarence Thomas' voice? It is if I find a little guy and cut his mouth out. Stop, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Anyway, my problem that we are so distracted from. Mrs. Thomas. I don't fucking know. Clarence Thomas' wife's name. Why do you want to know the name of his wife? Ooh, Virginia. The current one is Virginia Thomas.
Starting point is 00:35:11 How Vito misses that? He's a big RVer. He just goes around. Yeah, meeting people. Yeah, that's pretty cool. Seems like a fun guy, Clarence Thomas. Yeah. Okay, so my problem, which I'm trying to get to,
Starting point is 00:35:27 is the black white test score gap. Dick. I know. I know. It's uncomfortable. Not for me. What we,
Starting point is 00:35:42 the problem that we're facing, okay, is that African Americans score lower than What we The problem that we're facing Okay Is that African Americans score lower Than European Americans On vocabulary reading and math tests As well as on tests That measure scholastic aptitude And intelligence
Starting point is 00:35:57 I know I don't want to talk about it But I feel like we have to talk about it You're a liberal you have to talk about this The gap appears before children Talk about it. But I feel like we have to talk about it. You're a liberal. You have to talk about this. The gap appears before children enter kindergarten and persists into adulthood. And by closing the black white test score gap, that would probably do more to promote racial equality in the United States than any other strategy now under serious discussion. The real problem of inequality is blacks and whites are not, you know, testing the same.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Testing the same. Yeah, it's a big problem. It's a very, very big problem. So what do you propose to do about that? The proposal part is where it gets a little too much. You're going to, which side are you going to approach that from? There's no right answer here. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Have you ever seen that dog agility course? Where they fucking bounce around? Please don't bring up dogs right now. In any respect. Just don't. Please. Whatever metaphor you're attempting You know why that Titanic sub squished?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Why? Because the ocean was too hard Yeah That's what it is We gotta lighten it up We gotta lighten it up Yeah Any ocean
Starting point is 00:37:13 Any sub could get down there Now traditional explanations For the black white test score gap Have unfortunately Not stood up well To the test of time What? Starting in the 1960s
Starting point is 00:37:24 Liberals would blame the gap on some combination of black poverty, racial segregation, or inadequate funding of black schools. Oh. But since the 60s, the number of affluent black families has grown dramatically, yet their children's test scores still lag far behind those of white children from equally affluent families. I just can't believe I'm hearing this on this. This is, it sounds like the kill stream.
Starting point is 00:37:50 It's not the kill stream. Let's get Mark Collette in here. It's not the kill stream. We're not bringing in Mark Collette. Okay. But we have to acknowledge this is at the core of the affirmative action thing. The affirmative action thing has always been, listen, we can't figure out how
Starting point is 00:38:06 to get these test scores to line up. So therefore, the solution is to eradicate the testing or dismiss the testing. Just dismiss it. Well, at this point, I think they say now less than half of college applicants are submitting SAT scores or
Starting point is 00:38:22 ACT scores, so the SATs are going away. Yeah, schools, a lot of schools now no longer consider SAT scores or ACT scores. So the SATs are going away. Yeah, schools, a lot of schools now no longer consider SAT scores whatsoever. And what's the point of any of it? I don't. What's the point of college even? Well, I mean, college has kind of lost its point in general. It's like higher education is, I don't know why it exists or for what.
Starting point is 00:38:43 It exists in this, like, it's going to make all these kids smart. And you're like, that's not what happens. That doesn't happen at college. It used to. It used to, I guess. We used to have, yes, yes, yes, yes. We used to have very smart people. Come out of college, university.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Who would go into university and talk to other very smart people and then make the world a better place. And specialize in a meaningful skill. Yeah, and then we turned it into a debt. Adult playground. Well, then we turned it into a debt generation mechanism. Right. And used black people to do it in like the 70s. Yeah, we told them, hey, everybody go to college.
Starting point is 00:39:18 It's going to be great. Yeah. You guys, you dummies that went to war, go to college. You guys, we could still wring some blood out of your bones. Go to college. We monetized the hell out of it. We built a bunch of facilities, and we told every American that the path to upwards mobility for you and your family was for you to give all your money to a dumb box that teaches you nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Unless you're Asian, you're going to be fine. If you're Asian, what, you can't get into school? Yeah, go home. No, that's what the whole lawsuit was about, wasn't it? Well, the lawsuit was about that Harvard, you know, was like, listen, we got too many of these Asians. Asians, sure. Yeah, if you're Asian, you got to get like 500 points above a black guy to get in.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah, you have to be the best Asian to get into school. And if you want to get into school as a black guy, it's like, eh, just be a black guy to get in. Yeah, you have to be the best Asian to get into school. And if you want to get into school as a black guy, it's like, just be a black guy. Are you fun? You got like a cool story to tell? Lady would be better. Black lady would be better, but we'll take some black guys. Yeah, exactly. Lady would be better.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah. Do you think that everyone's going to get sued because of this? This is like the best thing that ever happened. The affirmative action getting whacked. This is a situation where we can no longer just go, well, you know, it'll just figure itself out. Thank God for Trump, right? Thank God for Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Best president. Who would have thought that Trump could personally reverse the Civil Rights Act? Just by virtue of existing. I don't want all civil rights to go away I do agree, look Affirmative action in college admissions Yeah Is fucking weird
Starting point is 00:40:53 It's fucking weird that to be an Asian kid You can't just be an average Asian kid You have to be the best Asian kid who ever existed Yeah If you're a black kid, whatever We want any of you, so who cares Not dismissively but according to finding forrester it's very good for even doing that much is good i mean what do you say what are
Starting point is 00:41:11 you saying to a population when you tell them like you know if you were asian you would have to try really hard but because you're black it's cool to not try as hard or no they're what they're actually saying is worse they're saying that the amount of work that it takes for you to get in as an asian and be like this super exceptional individual yeah is identical to the amount of work that it takes a black guy to do to not do that much less that yeah which i don't i mean i i'm just like a guy i don't know if that's true or not true i'm just a guy government says that so i guess i mean they say the election's safe and covid's real and those are both true. So I guess whatever they're saying about race stuff is true too.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I don't know. The point that this article I made says is that we need to examine possible ways to close the gap. Now, there have been jumps and that's promising. That jumps in what? Well, in the narrowing this gap. Yeah. So ever since the 1970s, as we have improved school standards, that gap has narrowed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:11 We also see that the gap narrows when a black child has white parents, like adopted parents. So don't, I mean, that's not a negative thing to. Mark Collette, get in here. Get on the horn right away. No, that's not a negative thing to... Mark Collette, get in here. Get on the horn right away. No, it's just maybe there's something about the white method of parenting and community. Like what? Just, you know, white people, we really... Very protective of our children.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Helicopter parenting. Who gets the best scores, though? Let's use them. Well, Asians, but they torture their kids. Is there anybody that's right above them in IQ testing? There might be a certain religious group that is very dominant at certain IQ tests. Okay, but again, they have a very tightly knit community.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yeah. You know? Do you think if we had a culture that said like oh football Yeah that's dumb You think that would be better for IQ That might be helpful I know a couple ones do I think some cultures Football dumb
Starting point is 00:43:19 I don't know if they teach the kids They don't have to teach them Another interesting factoid Is that a lot of the gap Disappears In cities where That are less racially segregated So in cities where black kids
Starting point is 00:43:37 And white kids are interacting with each other And forming like a collective culture The black kids are performing better Than in segregated districts Where there is less chance for them to Intermingle with you know White and Asian kids collective culture, the black kids are performing better than in segregated districts where there is less chance for them to mingle with, you know, white and Asian kids. Well, that's how do they measure it? Like Baltimore?
Starting point is 00:43:53 They're not doing well. They're looking at demographic data of the cities and correlating it with test scores. Okay. Point is. So forced diversity. That's what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:05 How's that working for Paris're saying? Yeah, yeah. Is a solution. How's that working for Paris right now? Or France? Like, man, do you really? What? What? I'm trying to make this not an alt-right problem, all right? You don't get to bring up. I'm saying I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:44:19 What are you talking about? Wait, what's wrong with France? That they don't have enough diversity? They're currently in a civil war. Yeah, because they killed that kid. Okay. Yeah, because they killed that kid. Look, all I know is we had this temporary little fix where we're like,
Starting point is 00:44:36 listen, black kids are not getting good test scores, so we're just going to give them a pass and let them into college. That's now gone. Who's we? The good people. The liberals. Okay. We said, we don't have a real solution, so here's a fake one.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah. We tried it for a while. It didn't work. And now you evil Republicans have taken it away. You know? Yeah. And now we've got to come up with something else. Because the Asian people said, it's hurting us.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And we're like, oh, shit. It's hurting Asians, bro. Get them in there. Get these fucking Asians in there. Everybody, that white shit's hurting Asian people, too. And they're like, what? No way. It is?
Starting point is 00:45:15 Oh, awesome. Ka-ching. It is true. And it hurts the Jews as well, I'm sure. Well, they have legacy admissions or something. Point is, we had a little idea. The idea was, well, let's just let them into college anyway. We can't do that now.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Kind of a dumb idea. So the best thing to do would be to figure out a way that they can get into college on their own recognizance. Why is Tony from Hack the Movies calling me? I don't know I don't know Did we get Did we get clipped live? No I hope not
Starting point is 00:45:51 Call Answer it It's better be good Tony Tony what? You're fucking retarded That movie fucking sucked you Tony Tony we're on our show right now
Starting point is 00:46:05 Yo, we're doing a podcast, you idiot Good, I'm going to open it up You're a fucking liar That's the worst Indiana Jones piece of shit I've ever seen That was not that bad You're an idiot Oh my god Oh, fuck you to hell
Starting point is 00:46:19 Go hack a movie, you retard Alright, Tony from Hack the Movies wants us to know That the new Indiana Jones is not that good Great Okay Thanks, Tony It was the Movies wants us to know that the new Indiana Jones is not that good. Great. Okay. Thanks, Tony. It was better than 4. It was definitely better. It's not that bad. I don't know. How is it that bad? I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I had fun with it. Yeah. Point is, I want black people. We're going to figure out how to get your test scores up. You should go to you should go down to Compton and find someone doing bench presses in their yard and tell them how they should read a book about Jordan Peterson's 12 rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 What are you even talking about? What's the problem? The problem is that black people are not performing well at testing, indicating... Why? Okay, so what are the possible explanations for the bad test scores? Well, according to some black people, maybe the tests are a problem and we got to get rid of those. Or maybe there's something else. What else could it be?
Starting point is 00:47:10 I don't know. We're going to figure it out. Do you think it's the tests? I don't know, sir. Do you think that there's a problem with the testing scores between women and men? I don't know. Oh, yeah. Let me help you out there.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yeah. You think there's a problem with the math scores between women and men? The point is there's clearly some problem that we need to figure out. It's sad that we had this, you know, beautiful liberal idea that the problem was lack of funding and upward mobility and incomes. Yeah. That's been proven to not be the problem. I don't know. Black people would probably be doing better if the Federal Reserve didn't exist.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I think, again, a lot of it is, I think a lot of it's going to come down to we have very different cultural beliefs. Oh. And, again, where they say like if you put a black kid with a white family, they teach them all this white stuff. I don't know why that's offensive.
Starting point is 00:48:06 If I said put him with a Chinese family and he learned Chinese stuff, then he's all, like, fucking good at math and shit. That would be fine. I mean, except for that last part that I added on to the end of it. But that's what you think. Well, it's you learn from, you know, role models. You think lacking up Black dads for drugs Is probably bad I think yeah
Starting point is 00:48:27 We Start there I mean yeah The single parent household Is a big problem You think You think combining All companies
Starting point is 00:48:35 Into like A handful of Mega corporations Is maybe bad For like Black business owners Yes If you want to start a company
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yes Yeah you think that might be bad. So there you go. There's lots of potential answers. So maybe this like IQ and like testing shit doesn't matter. It's all the banking stuff
Starting point is 00:48:51 that's fucking everybody. Well, the banking is fucking up the IQs because then you don't have a vibrant, thriving community in which to grow. Yeah. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I don't like this Gattaca shit where it's like, well, the testing scores means you access this this level of like being a human where you're meeting other smart people like this game that they have us engaged in is really highly offensive to me yeah so the whole like i kind of reject the premise of like well you're not allowed to talk about this because it's racist i say like well you know yeah women just aren't as good as men at math which is fine yeah it's fine it doesn't fucking matter right yeah because
Starting point is 00:49:30 the real problem is everything in the whole world is owned by six companies yeah because of interest rates and banks that's the fucking problem that would solve a lot of problems for a lot of communities yeah but we got to get rid of the civil rights stuff too. Now I have these IQ scores here. No, we're not doing that. The problem is the black white test score gap. I mean, it is a problem. Yeah, okay. It is
Starting point is 00:49:56 a problem. I'm not saying I have the solution. Black and white. I like that you made it a pun too. Test score. Is it a pun? Well, yes, because it's black and white people and also black and white. The dichotomy. Yes. You're also saying that the dichotomy is an issue.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Well, I didn't come up with that. That's the actual clinical term for it. The black and white test score gap? The black and white test score gap. You can look it up. Actually, don't look it up. If you look it up, please look it up. Go to the daily.
Starting point is 00:50:23 No, no, no. Please look it up in a reputable scholarly scientific journal. Okay, my problem is charity fraud. Do you know what charity fraud is? The IRS. That's fraud involving a charity.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Yeah, I found that definition. Oh, does the IRS define charity fraud? Yeah. It's estimated that charitable organizations will lose 5% of their revenue each year due to fraud. Wow, can you believe that? That's a lot of fraud. Should I have had that? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Can't believe Tony hated Indiana Jones. Charity fraud schemes seek donations for organizations that do little or no work. How about that? So the charity itself does little. Instead, the money goes to the fake charity's creator. That's pretty bad. Well, these scams can happen at any time. They're especially prevalent after high-profile disasters.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah, you know, criminals often use tragedies to exploit you. Charity fraud scams can come to you in many forms. Emails, social media, crowdfunding platforms wow uh cold calls etc always use caution please use caution when engaging on crowdfunding platforms yeah so like say if you were to say funding platforms that are just put up by a guy as opposed to on a reputable crowdfunding yeah yeah yeah so if you were to say like, okay, buy a, like if you, you have a comic book, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Super Killer. Super Killer. Now on Indiegogo. And you have 30 hours left to get that. 30 hours remaining to get a copy. So if you put,
Starting point is 00:51:53 if you were to put copies up at half price, how much is a copy of Super Killer? I go, I'm selling them for $25. So if you said, I'm going to put it up for
Starting point is 00:52:01 $12.50. $12.50. Yeah. Because that's my cost, right? Right. And if you said, that's my cost put it up for $1,250, because that's my cost, right? Right. And if you said, that's my cost, like when all is said and done, that's how much I'm paying. Take my word for it. So you can get a charity copy for Superkiller at $1,250 at cost.
Starting point is 00:52:16 And then I'm going to give this to a comic book, a guy that gives comic books to kids with cancer. Sick kids, wow. Sick kids with cancer. Are going to get a comic book if you give me $12.50. Yeah, and then everyone said, oh, man, that's awesome. Here's a bunch of hair. I don't want sick kids to not have comic books. Send 10 kids a copy of your I Love Everything that you're doing.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yeah. Well, what could be a problem with that? That's charity fraud. Oh, no. What? How, Dick? How? Because you're not allowed. That's charity fraud Oh no What How Dick How Because you're not allowed
Starting point is 00:52:49 To charge Your operating expenses For a product That you're giving away Really Yeah you're not That's called profit Right
Starting point is 00:53:00 That's called charity fraud Right What you are allowed to do Is collect money for it What you are allowed to do is give product away Write it off, I'm giving a thousand copies Of I mean Super Killer To somebody and I'm writing that off
Starting point is 00:53:12 At about $4,000 worth of charity But what you're not allowed to do Is charge 17 bucks And say here's a bunch of fucking comics Did you look Did you talk to anybody about this? Did you look this up? At Eric July's
Starting point is 00:53:26 Charity thing No I just An unrelated topic That we're not talking about Right now That Eric July was offering Charity copies of Isom For 17.50
Starting point is 00:53:35 For 17 bucks Which is half of his 35 dollar asking price For two sick kids With cancer Right So we contacted That charity
Starting point is 00:53:42 Comic books for kids Is there enough Backstory for comic books for kids okay yeah and at first i thought maybe i shouldn't talk about this because i don't want to fuck up that guy's deal the comic book charity guys sure yeah but then i thought ah fuck it all right so well let me let me losses. Charity fraud losses are up 44%. Wow. 2022, wow. Because of all the GoFundMe shit.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Because you can just say anything. You can just say I have cancer. Run anything, however you want. Collect tons of money, right? Go ahead. What were you going to say? Like my fraud where I tell people I need money to make a comic book, but I'm just going to run away with it and go, no, no, there's no fraud there.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Could be. Potentially. I mean, I could be lying, yeah. Yeah. Anybody could be. You got to look into these things I mean, I could be lying, yeah. Yeah. Anybody could be. You got to look into these things. You got to trust the person running it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Like the American Red Cross, for example. Yeah, there's some Kickstarters out there that have never delivered their goods. Because I've been arguing with people online after I spurged out. After I asked some simple questions of, well, how much of this money that Eric July's raking in, is he giving to the charity? Because it should be, you know, let me,
Starting point is 00:54:48 let me make this very clear for people. So if you have, if the cost to print your book is five bucks and then you charge somebody 1750 to donate it to charity, that means you've made it $12 and 5050 And they've donated $5 to charity Yeah You've donated nothing You, the person selling the book You have actually made a profit
Starting point is 00:55:12 Disguised as a charitable contribution I think you might have made $17 I gotta check on that Well, it's not pure profit Because the cost of the book itself You can give shit away and write it off But I don't know if you can take money for it and then give it away.
Starting point is 00:55:27 I don't know if that's the same. I'm thinking of a charity bake drive. Are you allowed to recoup the cost of what it costs you to make the flour and the eggs and everything else? Maybe. I would think they would allow you to recoup your basic cost. But not the labor involved, not the fucking
Starting point is 00:55:44 guys shipping shit to the warehouse Not all that stuff Yeah cause you're not part of the charity If it was the charity The charity can recoup that All I know is if the charity That you're getting money for Is not getting more than 66%
Starting point is 00:55:59 Of the money coming in You're doing something shady If you're making a profit from charity uh-huh you're doing something extremely shady like the charity is ending up with no money and just a bunch of shitty comic books that they didn't want that you could find in dumpsters all over the fucking world that any comic shop Has storage containers Full of If they're ending up
Starting point is 00:56:27 With just a bunch Of paper trash And no money Right Which is what they want Then you are Scamming people Well that's what's
Starting point is 00:56:35 Also complicated Is that you go Well we donated A thousand books That's technically If my My The cost of the book
Starting point is 00:56:43 Is thirty five dollars Yeah That's like we donated $35,000 It's not though And then you go well it's not because a thousand comic books To that charity is worth Nothing You've given that charity basically nothing
Starting point is 00:56:58 Nothing I can go on eBay right now and buy a hundred comic books For $50 So you've given them about $500. I don't go to Goodwill. Not $35,000. And drop a suit off and go, well, there's a $360 donation for you. I think a Mexican guy will enjoy that in the bands that you've got.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Go ahead. Tell people what happened before I get too into it. Well, what happened was that somebody reached out and talked to the charity, right, to find out was Eric just charging money to give them just books? Eric July puts up a $17 copy of ISOM, which is exactly half of what it is, and he says on Twitter that that's his operating expense.
Starting point is 00:57:40 That's his nut. He's saying $17.50 Is the break even point The break even price Which is I mean it's either It's either a liar He's an idiot It's either a liar
Starting point is 00:57:48 He's the worst businessman Who ever lived Yeah That's horrible If you're not making a profit I've shipped a lot of stuff So I know I know everything
Starting point is 00:57:56 There is I know enough about shipping To know that you are Fucking up big time If that's your If that's your That would mean If that's your cause
Starting point is 00:58:03 Your precious warehouse You must be paying a fortune And all these employees Or whatever else If you can't break even Without selling a comic For $17.50 That's fucking nuts
Starting point is 00:58:12 So I said Well how much is the charity Getting of money I know how charity works They need money Right How much is this charity Getting of money
Starting point is 00:58:17 I didn't get an answer Because Eric July is not Talking about me directly anymore He's not talking about me directly Yeah everyone got the Hey ixnay on these guys because you're getting fucking, they're embarrassing you and you're fucking up your brand and they're never going to fucking stop,
Starting point is 00:58:31 so stop engaging with them because you're retarded. I'm pretty sure Eric July went to his people and said, don't talk about Dick Masterson and Vito Gisualdi. They have very legitimate criticisms. Honestly, I'm like, oh, this is nice. Finally, these guys are not sniping me anymore. So I said, how much is the charity getting, though? How much of this money is the charity getting?
Starting point is 00:58:48 I need to know. It's important. I need to know. You say on your website that you can get a charity deduction because you're charging people $100, $200, $300 to send kids with cancer, you shitty comic book. How much of the money is going to the fucking charity? How much of that? What's the percentage? What did you tell them? Right. So,
Starting point is 00:59:07 a listener contacted the charity company. And this is why I said why you probably shouldn't say this kind of stuff, because it'll fuck up this guy's deal. But again, it's already happened. Fuck it. Honestly, I've looked into this charity, and it seems like it's just a guy running it out of his garage. Yeah. It's not like a big organization.
Starting point is 00:59:24 So this is the line that's important. The guy said, Eric, whom I've never met, reached out to me a couple weeks ago and told me that he was an indie creator who wanted to donate books to both the kiddos and the charity. Here it is. Wanted to donate books to both the kiddos and the charity. Now, this was right when I started being an asshole about the money. Yeah. Because I, man, I'm an asshole for fun. I like it.
Starting point is 00:59:45 If I can say I'm doing it for kids, it's just a socially acceptable way for me to act like a psychopath. Yeah. See? So this is a big opportunity for me to be cruel to people. I think this is also, it's really important that. It's called motivation. Eric reached out and said he wanted to donate books. Did he say, I'm going to charge people money for me to donate the books?
Starting point is 01:00:07 I did give him the green light to donate what he wanted. As long as there was no nudity, profanity, or other inappropriate content in there. But he just gave him the green light to donate books. He didn't say, yeah, it's cool for you to sell them and then donate them. Well, he doesn't, yeah. But here's the thing. If Eric did a thing where he said, listen, for every 50 books I sell, I'm going to donate one to charity. That would be totally reasonable.
Starting point is 01:00:35 It would be stupid, but it would be fine. Yeah. Charging people money. And the money, it's not clear how much money is going to charity is a big fucking problem for me. I genuinely think he might have broke the law and is now like scrambling to cover his tracks. He says, this is from the guy, Eric has informed me, and this was before I started on it. Yeah. Eric has informed me that he received donations for 800 books.
Starting point is 01:00:56 While I would have loved that to be donations of money, this year has been brutal in terms of donations. I think we will receive What he has committed Which is above the books Right? No mention of money here It's fascinating That he was, I was actually surprised How honest he was where he's like
Starting point is 01:01:15 Well we actually just want money But if he's going to send us comic books I guess we'll take them I was like well at least he's honest about it It's good that he was honest because I saw this and then just started being a bigger jerk online. Okay, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Shout out to others. Here's the next. Then two days later. Yeah, well, I would have loved this to be donation money. I think this was the first one. This is the same one too.
Starting point is 01:01:42 This has been a challenge. Checking the team. Interestingly enough, he says, we're not hurting for product donations as we receive so much product. What is challenging for us is the money to pay for shipping, pay the lease space, boxes, and suppliers.
Starting point is 01:01:56 I mean, like, a lot of people are really mad at you for calling this out, but the guy at the charity is confirming it. He's saying, we don't need comics yeah we have where you know we probably have like shipping container or whatever shipping uh we don't need comics we definitely don't need fucking no name isom comics we need superman flash these kids have fucking cancer well they don't have 10 years to sit around waiting to see what uh isom's
Starting point is 01:02:21 powers are and why what what why jasmine's guys who own comic shops and there's comics that go unsold and they'll just go you know what i'm just gonna donate 10 000 comics out of my back lot because they're worth nothing and just send them to charity so a thousand isom comics giving them to kids is like garbage yeah that's like i have to store it it's giving them nothing so two days after i start in on the, how much money? I mean, maybe the cancer kids can sell ice on eBay and get a little something. They probably can. That's smart.
Starting point is 01:02:50 A dickhead is. Yeah. He's seeing how high he can charge people on eBay. No, I've been talking to that same guy. Yeah, he's great. Yeah, he's been doing good. Two days after I started in with, where's the money? Where's the money, Lebowski?
Starting point is 01:03:02 Where's the money, shithead? This guy who we're talking to makes a post on facebook saying wow unbelievable eric july is committed to sending us eight thousand dollars yeah so kind of a random amount isn't it kind of like a maybe this will make it go away amount because in my mind i don't really understand how that maps to the price of. So if I bought 10 as charity and I want a charity receipt, like you say I can get on the website, how much of that was going? I don't think it works like that. I don't think I'm the giver legally.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I think you are for giving the money. Oh, yeah, he's going to get to write the $8,000 off. You're right. This makes no sense. Who gets to write off this charity? I think I caused that. I caused the $8,000 donation of, oh, bro, you're fucking around. You need to give them this money.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I don't think he was breaking the law with what he's doing. I don't think you can make money and claim it's a charitable donation. Yeah. Like, if I go, hey, Give me $30 To help kids with cancer $25 of that goes to my operating costs It's like Well you told me $30 Was going to kids with cancer
Starting point is 01:04:10 Like Ah Well you know We gotta cover this And you know The printing And the blah blah blah Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:15 If 66% is not going To the charity You are You are definitely a scumbag Yeah But you are doing some shady shit And this is American Red Cross
Starting point is 01:04:26 Is like 95% goes Or 90% Or something like that goes Eric's also not the first guy To do this I was telling you There's another
Starting point is 01:04:33 Oh really Well yeah There's another Kickstarter guy Who I was looking at his numbers And I'm like How did he sell so many books And then I'm looking And it's like
Starting point is 01:04:41 Charity Yeah charity It's like People were buying this like pack for like $300 $300, I donate 10 copies of my book to charity And I go, but you just get $300 And the charity gets 10 books Which the value of a book to them is about 25 cents
Starting point is 01:04:57 Yeah So you're donating them $2 Let's see the math on that then, buddy boy Like even, you know, even your opera They don't need books Is at the end of the Is that point Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:07 It would be way better Just fine This is a bad charity First of all I mean The idea of the charity Is fine Giving comic books to kids
Starting point is 01:05:14 Yeah But the second people Came to him and said Hey can I sell copies Of my book To then donate What's he gonna say No
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yes no No that's bullshit No that That no I disagree I would say I would say I would say Why don't you just
Starting point is 01:05:26 Get the word out there Yeah yeah yeah Do whatever Get the word out And then somebody else Sees it As long as it comes along As a nice person
Starting point is 01:05:33 You know as a good person Sure As long as it comes along With a monetary donation As well We'll be happy to promote Your little indie book Okay yeah
Starting point is 01:05:40 Sure So this is the Final email that I got After the guy said Yeah he's giving us eight grand Which I caused Which still might not even add up It doesn't
Starting point is 01:05:49 It's still not enough Right Eric says he sold twelve Twelve hundred copies Right At seventeen bucks a piece And I would estimate his printing cost At about four
Starting point is 01:05:58 Four or five dollars a copy at most Twelve hundred Which we mean That's Twelve fifty profit Two thirds of that is Thirteen thousand dollars So you're about five grand short bud Copy at most 1200 Which we mean That's 1250 profit Two thirds of that is $13,000 So you're about
Starting point is 01:06:08 Five grand short bud You're about $6,000 short Yeah I don't know If making a token And he's still Selling books for charity And again
Starting point is 01:06:16 Pocketing Let's go The money So unless Money up bud Cough it up Raises the amount Let's see that
Starting point is 01:06:21 Fucking money bro Well He should have a thing On the site That specifically As he sells more books For charity The amount of money
Starting point is 01:06:28 Being donated to charity Should also go up Yeah You can't just go Here's 8 grand Now everybody keep Buying my book for charity Is this breast cancer awareness
Starting point is 01:06:36 Is this a licensing fee No The worst part of all this though Is all the people going He's donating comic books To charity He's not Don't you understand
Starting point is 01:06:43 He's doing a good thing Yeah I understand No he's's doing a good thing? Yeah, I understand. No, he's not doing a good thing. The worst thing is when I get told, well, they all do this. Doctors Without Borders does not fucking pocket 90% of your money and then stitch up one hair lip in Africa, you shithead. The whole world is not a scam. Just what you guys do is a scam.
Starting point is 01:07:04 So this was the final email uh from the guy i want to say one thing right now real quick if we're wrong eric can just tell us why you know and say show me the percentage of the money that's going to the guy here how much money is going to this guy yeah but without this information with email before where you said i'm going to give you this and the money. Sure. That's it. No problem. I don't care. That's all I wanted. Yeah. If we're wrong, we'd be happy to be wrong. But as is, we look at this and we go, looks like a scam.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Not only does this look like a scam, I genuinely think that if you went to like a lawyer or something, you'd go, oh, this is drastically illegal. You're going, I'm saying this almost for Eric's own benefit where I'm like, you might get sued for charity fraud. Like, it's not, you don't want that. This is what he says. I was very about the eight grand. I was very surprised. But it does help.
Starting point is 01:07:53 I was very surprised. It's funny. Meaning that Eric had never brought up money ever before. When you gave me my cut of Patreon, I wasn't very surprised. You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. I kind of had a idea in my head of where it would about be. Wow, look at all this money.
Starting point is 01:08:09 When I gave you my Philly receipts for the coffee I bought in the airport, maybe you were surprised. We'll talk about that next week. Mojombo. Next week, we start our shipping cycle. It'll cost us $3,500 in a lease. Again, these guys need money To ship the comics
Starting point is 01:08:26 They don't need I don't want this to become A thing where every Like one of these Indie comics guys Is now gonna go Profiting off of Hey let's profit off
Starting point is 01:08:33 Cancer kids Like this is bad What is happening Yeah This It also is suspicious That the money was $17 Which is exactly
Starting point is 01:08:41 The break even cost Cause if it's for charity It should be Whatever amount Right Like do you wanna Do it for charity Like yeah 20 bucks And all if it's for charity it should be whatever amount Right Like do you want to do it for charity? Like yeah $20 I do not believe that Eric's break-even point is $17
Starting point is 01:08:51 When he made $3.4 million on his first comic I do I mean it's possible if he's like Because look at all the people he hired Tremendously bad at running his company And he's actually paying all those people a full-time wage to do basically nothing To argue on Reddit Yeah If he's doing paying all those people a full-time wage to do basically nothing. To argue on Reddit. Yeah. Yeah. If he's doing that, then okay,
Starting point is 01:09:08 maybe he is just a terrible businessman. Yes. Okay, what's your problem? Fascinating. Charity fraud! Charity fraud. You gotta watch out for it. Dick, my problem is, maybe I'll be arguing on the internet about charity fraud, or any number of contentious topics. For instance, I've been arguing with
Starting point is 01:09:24 people about Adrenochrome, which they think is real. Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome. Whatever. It is real. Well, it's real, but it's not what you think it is. It's not a magic drug you harvest by terrifying children
Starting point is 01:09:35 and then pouring their blood out of their body. And if it was true, let's be real. If adrenochrome was literally an anti-aging drug you could get by terrifying, we would all be on it. We would all be on it. Sure. We would have government labs full of children that we were terrorizing constantly. Build me a Morty shield and fucking knock it out of them. It wouldn't stop at rich people.
Starting point is 01:09:53 We'd find a way to terrorize kids in a good way. Yeah, we harvest bear bile, ducks, don't we? Yes. Yeah. So I would do it myself. I would scare every child and take their blood And live forever Yeah suck it out of their cock Point is when I go to people and I go
Starting point is 01:10:10 Listen this mythical adrenochrome does not exist They go well you got a source for that Buddy or Like let's be real Again there was a video going around recently You know how old videos pop up and then a bunch of Like conspiracy theorists make the same lies about it It's like a video of a little girl and she's crying
Starting point is 01:10:27 And they're putting her on like a Medical table and they're going yeah Those are organ Harvesters in Kuwait They cut them open and they take their organs And then you know that gets tens of Thousands of retweets and I go well I Looked up what that video actually is and it's
Starting point is 01:10:43 There was an air raid on the village and a bunch of people got bombed. And we actually did the bombing. Yeah. And we're, they were, it's in a, Syria. It's a charity group that is X-raying the girl to make sure that, you know, her insides are. She still has her organs. Right.
Starting point is 01:10:57 They're not cutting them out of her. And I go, and here's a followup source of her, you know, father being like, I am very disturbed by the number of people saying that these very nice aid workers cut up my daughter and took her organs. Here she is right now. She's clearly alive. You guys are retarded. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:13 You guys are really retarded. Right. Yeah. So, but the point is not that. The point is that I go, here's all this information for you, the idiot who believes that these children are having their organs harvested Here it is I'll give you a link and you can read about it yourself And then they go
Starting point is 01:11:29 You believe what you read on CNN And I go Fucking Christ My problem is Source snobs Source snobs where No matter what amount of information And sources And background you provide them,
Starting point is 01:11:48 they will immediately attack the source rather than take any amount of time to try and examine what you're saying. I remember one time I was in an argument about stocks, and I was going, you don't understand the stock market. Here, read this article on Yahoo Finance. And they go, you learn about finance from Yahoo? Yahoo Finance is like one of the top stock websites in the world. It's like in the top five. It's where traders go to like, and they go, Yahoo, yeah, I'm going to learn from Yahoo. I'm like, you fucking idiots.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Why would they not have a... They have a dedicated staff that brings in tons of traffic for them that they pay for. All right? Or when you go to somebody and you go, well, here, you can just check the Wikipedia article. And they go, yeah, you're going to believe what you read on Wikipedia. And I go, you don't have to believe what you read on Wikipedia because you can follow the sources that are listed on Wikipedia for each piece of information. You can click that little number five. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Next to the information will tell you exactly what article it came from. You can go read the article yourself. I agree. I'm constantly. It's annoying. All that Wayfair stuff, really. You believe Snopes. You believe MSNBC.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Hell yeah. Don't you know they have a bias? Snopes specifically, though. I don't think Snopes has a bias Snopes specifically though I don't think Snopes has ever gotten anything drastically wrong okay every single newspaper got COVID in the election drastically wrong
Starting point is 01:13:15 I mean it's like if you can't admit that anything else they totally they lied and they bragged about lying to everybody. They gave whatever information they had at the time. But then they stopped everybody else who had other information. The journalists are there.
Starting point is 01:13:31 They aren't scientists. They just go, we are reporting what scientists are telling us. That's it. Here is the consensus of the larger scientific community. Here is the consensus of election experts. Yeah. And now you can run up your ass and be like, well, how do you become an election expert?
Starting point is 01:13:49 I don't understand. Yes, they should be asking that. That's the point of journalism. They should be going, okay, well, who disagrees with you? Let's get their input. It's usually a guy who's worked in the election system for like 20 years or some guy with some buttfuck website who goes, I ran the numbers through an algorithm and the number of people who voted in Georgia does not correspond with the Gregorian calendar.
Starting point is 01:14:10 It's more important to you guys. It's more important for you guys to be right than to stop this conspiracy shit. It's more because you can't look at it. You can't look at COVID in the election and say, well, yeah, there was all journalists lied all over the place about that and didn't do their jobs. And then everyone go like, OK, OK okay so then but everything else is fine i don't know everything else is fine because it doesn't have to do with making a coup of the country i don't think journalists lied for the most part okay i'm sure some did okay enjoy the year enjoy your conspiracy world then go ahead here's what you can say you can say that the data that was obtained by scientists during COVID,
Starting point is 01:14:48 science evolves and changes. We learn new things. Using the best data at the time, it suggested that this was the course of action to be taken. I don't want to talk about COVID on this fucking show because everybody listened to this show. But that's what caused all this. Good.
Starting point is 01:15:01 I'm glad. Well, if you can't say, yeah, they fucked up on COVID, then they're just going to do this forever. But they didn't fuck up. That's the point. Okay. The journalists didn't fuck up. Journalists, all they can do, they're not the scientists.
Starting point is 01:15:16 All they can do is report on what the scientists are telling them. No. You can't blame the journalists when the scientists get something wrong. Okay. So journalist says Wow you know I heard A fucking asteroid was hitting the earth I guess that's it
Starting point is 01:15:29 They're not supposed to say They're not supposed to go find somebody who says Well maybe an asteroid's not hitting the earth You don't expect that of journalists They gotta find both sides on every issue Yes No they don't They can go to experts
Starting point is 01:15:41 Who have established themselves as experts With years of published research and knowledge in their field. Like IQ. Sure. Yeah, like IQ. Let's get some. Okay, so let's find some IQ experts that maybe say it's not because of any wealth inequality. Let's go talk to some of them.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Any IQ experts. Okay. You don't see how that happened after COVID people like, well, you guys should ask more questions like about the mass shit and how it's always flopping back and forth. Should have said, well, you guys are, they're constantly making up. I mean, they reported making laws about this. If they're constantly flopping on it. I guess you can say that journalists could have pushed back and said, but I remember
Starting point is 01:16:24 seeing articles that said like listen the science on masks is not 100 you know it was just being recommended as it might work so let's just do it because it doesn't cost us that much to do it okay masks are not what about that guy i don't like masks i hated masks yeah at the end of the day if some scientist had a study that says there's like a 10% chance it works. A lot. All right, fine. I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:16:49 What about that vaccine guy that wouldn't debate RFK on Joe Rogan? RFK is not a scientist. He has no business debating vaccines of any type. Yeah, but why won't he debate then? Because why? Okay. You don't think journalists should be going? Well, why don't you debate him then?
Starting point is 01:17:02 No. He's a politician. He's running for president. If you're a scientist, journalists should be going, well, why don't you debate him then? No. He's a politician. He's running for president. If you're a scientist, you should be. Look. Vito, people think he's running for president. What is the point of being a spokesman for science or being a journalist if you're not going to try to stop these rampant falsehoods? Like, how can you complain about conspiracies if you're not going to go stop him on Joe Rogan?
Starting point is 01:17:22 Shut his ass up. Get up. Don't fucking do it. And I don't even know what I'm talking about. I'll say this. Look, I don't. Why does it have to be that guy debates him? Can't any guy debate him?
Starting point is 01:17:32 That guy's the one saying offered to debate RFK. They're not letting any of those guys debate him because he's the one that's getting paid by shady sources. Not everyone is good at debate. It's a very niche, unnecessary skill, okay? It's a matter of, you are good at debating. It doesn't mean that you're right. I don't think I'm good at it.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Okay, well, you're very good at yelling over me and getting your points in and making me seem stupid. Go do your point. No, I'm saying this is why debate is useless. Because I'm 100% right because you're yelling and charismatic. My problem is going to get downvoted. Okay. We are perfectly illustrating why debate is a useless way
Starting point is 01:18:13 to try and get topics across because right now the audience is going, well, Dick was funnier, so they're going to vote against me. That's why debate is fucking stupid. This show exists to prove why debate is fucking stupid. This show exists to prove that debate is fucking useless. That is the only point
Starting point is 01:18:30 of this show. It is 90% of the formula. So you can't tell me that on the show where we prove every week that debate is a useless fucking performative comedy bit that I now have to take scientific debate seriously. Okay, you made a good point. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:46 You win the debate. I win the debate. Point is, when someone gives you information and they have a source attached to it, sometimes that source will contain its own sources. It'll say this is from a report from the Department of Justice. You can't just instantly dismiss it for being from a news site you
Starting point is 01:19:04 think is politically biased. You should actually read the article and see if it contains good information. I agree with you. Good. Except for that little. All right. Well, Dick, what were our problems for this week? Mine was charity fraud and cheating and trivial.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Cheating. Cheating and trivial pursuits. Cheating and trivia. Mine was the Black White Test Score Gap and Source Snobs Guys, we're going to put all the problems up on the website Don't forget to vote after the show at Don't forget to check out the bonus episodes
Starting point is 01:19:38 at Biggest Problem on Patreon, slash biggestproblem also slash biggestproblem Watch the, slash biggestproblem. Yeah. Watch the biggest review of Indiana Jones and the Isle of Destiny now on slash veto, and you have less than 30 hours to get yourself a copy of Super Killer on Indiegogo.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Join the Super Killer nation and become your truest, most beautiful self. Oh, Reverend Scott sent us something. Oh, fantastic. Are you interested in that? Yes, I am. I like Reverend Scott sent us something Oh fantastic You interested in that? Yes I am I like Reverend Scott You know it's crazy I don't even like RFK I really hate that guy
Starting point is 01:20:15 I'm actually glad he said a bunch of lefty shit So then you guys can all stop pretending he's based Or whatever He said he wants to take guns away He said that a long time ago And then said Well actually It's the SSRIs
Starting point is 01:20:28 And I thought That motherfucker He fucking jigged his way Out of that one That motherfucker He knows what he's doing They did that with SSRIs too What?
Starting point is 01:20:40 Journalists They made them seem great? Yeah And then The data probably suggested they were great. But they don't know how... Journalists are not the scientists.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Get mad at the scientists. And you should be mad at scientists because the scientists keep fucking up. No, yeah, but the scientists also said that tobacco is fine. And journalists should have been like,
Starting point is 01:20:59 well, yeah, but this scientist is paid by the fucking Tobacco Institute. I think that journalists are running into a problem where they want to push back on stuff, but I don't know. It's like, it's hard to... Surely you can't think that the CNN, like MSNBC, that this organization is out to find the truth.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Like, that corporation is just as bad as every other one about maximizing profit journalism is completely broken because there are certain issues that have been termed i mean we've had this forever though we're just like you have to go along with the popular narrative what do you call it matthew shepherd died because two guys hated gay people it's like no they're trying to rob him of his meth it was a robbery okay yeah one of the guys used to have sex with him. Mm-hmm. So, but, you know, the media. Five months.
Starting point is 01:21:53 There's a lot of stories where, you know, the journalists just. Yeah. They lie. It happened with Epstein. You know, they wanted to, a lot of journalists tried to break the Epstein story and it was like, well, you can't, you can't do it. It's bad for business. It's bad for business. Well, the intersection Of capitalism and speech
Starting point is 01:22:06 Is always going to be the most complicated Fucking place to be so how can you like I guess I have a hard time blaming these guys When the when journalists didn't Figure out Epstein it's like Well how then how can I how can I Listen to anything that they're saying how do I expect A stupid person you know to listen to
Starting point is 01:22:22 Them if they fucked up everything Else important journalism is Completely fucked a stupid person to listen to them if they fucked up everything else important. Journalism is completely fucked. I honestly don't know what's going to happen. I mean, they're just firing journalists like crazy now. You see they're making AI-generated articles for half these websites, they've decided.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Awesome. Yeah. Wow. I don't know if it's awesome. For everybody who's cheering the death of journalism, really think through the 1984-type scenario we're going to be left with when the only people writing the articles are robots owned by the rich people. You're going to have a different set of problems. I'm already rich, though. You're going to wish the journal—
Starting point is 01:22:58 Yeah, okay. You're going to miss the journalists pretty soon. Let's put it that way. Even the bad ones. I already live in 1984, though. How much worse could it get? You have no idea. One last gun or two?
Starting point is 01:23:10 Yeah, and then the forced sterilization of all school children for the greater good. Yeah. I don't have kids. Okay. Then you're fine. Nothing affects you because you live in a little nihilist bubble, okay? You are not the example for any of this. You don't have to care about these people.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I know. I know. I don't have to care about anything. Everything's a joke, okay? But when I'm trying to relate this to the normal people in our audience who have connections with other human beings and aspire to something greater than drinking a fifth of scotch and passing out. Yeah, sometimes I have to put it in terms that they might understand.
Starting point is 01:23:48 I don't know. I don't know. Whatever kind you want. Reverend Scott, what do you got? All right. He reviewed Isom. Oh, fantastic. Did it work?
Starting point is 01:24:04 Ooh, Reverend Scott. Hey there, Dick and Vito. This is Reverend Scott. Hey there, Dick and Vito. This is Reverend Scott. And I have a problem. A problem that not only spans Twitter and YouTube, but extends to this very podcast. That problem is the unwarranted, ignorant, total lack of respect for my new favorite anti-woke comic, I, Psalm No. 1.
Starting point is 01:24:24 It's also anti-groomer, by the way. I'm so anti-groomer, I don't even comb my own hair. Like most people, I recently charged $600 to a credit card that I have no intentions of ever paying back in order to pay Eric July for the honor of owning every single cover of I-SOM I can get my hands on. That's a lot of covers.
Starting point is 01:24:43 After all, it's an investment. Not only that, but I've also decided to do something that none of the other fans of the comic have yet to do. Read the comic. Of course, I purchased these under an alias because I, Reverend Scott, am a humble man. I'm not here for the fame and prestige associated with the utter annihilation of Marvel Comics, I, much like Isom, only seek respect. So after slipping on a pair of fresh cotton gloves, I unsleeved one of my copies of Isom, turned to page one, and began to celebrate Juneteenth. And when I tell you my mind was blown, it's an understatement.
Starting point is 01:25:22 I was instantly transported to Flores Park two weeks ago. Eric immediately subverts your expectations of expecting the establishment of characters or a story or even starting at the beginning of the story. He starts before the beginning. We watch typical inept cops complaining that super people are doing their jobs for them. And then we never see them again. Who has the time? Because we're transported yet again to what we're told is even earlier in the outskirts of Flores Park.
Starting point is 01:25:54 So, maybe this is like three weeks ago. Who fucking knows? All I know that this is something Marvel would never do. And that's why it's good. We finally meet Isom, who's working out on his complete outdoor gym, surrounded by an Olympic-sized foot race track in the middle of a cattle farm. During a gripping phone call conversation, a woman we don't know alerts Isom
Starting point is 01:26:19 that an employee we don't know is absent from work. And this woman is now called upon Isam to locate this girl to appease another woman. We don't know. And that's called establishing a mystery. Now, I don't want to spoil the whole amazing comic, so I won't go beat for beat. But I will mention a few highlights, such as Isam's superpowers, which I've heard he has. Isam says he's no detective, and neither am I, but I've determined what some of those powers are from the amazing writing in this book,
Starting point is 01:26:51 such as he's stronger than an eight-year-old girl. He's able to murder people in public without being arrested. Also, he's able to handle himself. I deduced this when Isom said, Sis, you know I can handle myself, while still wearing a hospital gown after waking up in the hospital from being beaten the fuck up multiple times by multiple strangers within a 10-minute period. And don't get me started on character growth. Isam started as a man that would risk his own life and commit cold-blooded murder to find
Starting point is 01:27:23 someone that he doesn't really know. But once he does finally find this person, purely by accident, we find out that Isom has grown beyond the need to find out any new information from her or even ensure her safety. He now has a new, more important mission, to fight more strangers over the lack of respect. We close out this masterpiece with a visit to Taylorville to retrieve ISOM's custom tailored super suit.
Starting point is 01:27:49 I used to work in a town named Taylorville. A double wide trailer blew up every week in a meth explosion there. But I'm from a different spot. You wouldn't understand. Maybe what I've said here today was meandering and hard to follow, but it's the first draft of my script,
Starting point is 01:28:05 and that's all you really need. At the end of the day, I implore you all to blindly praise this comic. If I had to compare ISOM number one to anything, it would be the Watchmen. Well, at least the giant squid at the end that brought the whole world together to oppose it, because the squid's writing was shit. Thank you all for hearing me out please try to do better thanks for not killing yourselves and as always peace and love guys wow peace and love peace and thank you reverend scott thank you that was my islam review it was It was perfect. At least there's no gay guys in it. The sound clips are impeccable. Good work.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Thank you very much, Reverend Scott. Okay, we'll do voicemails. Are we doing the weigh-in at the end? Yes, the end. After the what? The super chats? After the super chats, yes. You want your present now?
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah, sure. Well, Dick, you have already appeared in this Did it close my eyes? Uh I'll set it up Okay You don't have to close your eyes Alright good
Starting point is 01:29:12 There's a certain video game Which you have appeared in Which I am now going to be appearing in Do you know what that game is? Yik Yik Which has a new update One of the most hated games
Starting point is 01:29:24 One of the most hated games. One of the most hated games. People are coming around on it. People are like, you know what, it's one of those things where they stuck with it and they kept making it better. Yeah. And from the creators of Yik, you have been gifted an official Yik plush. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Of the main character. His name is now escaping me for some reason But there he is Okay, well, that's pretty good Yeah He's got this annoying swoosh thing that he had Wow
Starting point is 01:29:53 People say it's like an RPG starring Vosh Is how it feels It does look like Vosh I gotta keep this away from little kids Well, now you have your own Yik figure And again, we get to make the exciting announcement that if you play Yik, I believe the update is called Yik 1.4
Starting point is 01:30:10 or 1.5. Okay. Regardless, you will be able to fight against me as one of the enemy characters. I don't know if we appear together. That's out? It's not out yet, but it's coming soon. Okay. I've seen the model of me. I should have brought in an image of it.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Well, the thing about the age of consent is... Vosh, no! How old is a horse cock, really? What are they, two? Hey, stop it. If it's not too young for horses... We might be able to get Vosh on this show. Animals can consent, or else you're saying everything they do is rape.
Starting point is 01:30:40 So, actually, you would eat an animal. I want to be friends with Vosh,? I fucked it up. Why? Because him and Mr. Girl had a falling out and then I yelled at him to be nicer to Mr. Girl and then he blocked me. Ooh. But I'm going to mend that bridge. We should give his wife one of these weight loss content. Okay. No, now he's never coming on the show.
Starting point is 01:30:58 You know who might be coming on the show? Who? We have to talk about it if you actually want to have him. Let's talk about it later. Let's talk about it later. We'll talk about it If you actually want to have them Let's talk about it later I don't know what you're talking about We'll talk about it later Alright, alright But yeah, guys
Starting point is 01:31:10 Check out Yik Spelled Y-I-I-K Available on Steam Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 And again, the update Will feature myself I did some voice acting, Dick
Starting point is 01:31:18 I did some Did you voice act in the game? Did they get some voice stuff from you? Yeah, I went like Ooh Yeah Ooh Ah Ugh Ugh Take that Oh Did you voice act in the game? Did they get some voice stuff from you? Yeah, I went like, ooh. Yeah. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Ah. Ugh. Ugh. Take that. Oh. Oh, you want a piece of me? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Okay. Ready? Suck it. Yeah. My problem is young people, a.k.a. your 20-year-old guests, bitching about stupid problems like uncomfortable plane seats. Is that really the worst thing that's happened to you in your life? Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Have you had no fucking hard times at all? Jesus, crime and it. Give them time. They'll have hard times. Oh, you guys only care about traffic problems anyway. Fuck off. You should just bring in more traffic, some more natural disasters. Or food.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Food problems are good. Don't knock food problems. The biggest problem in the universe is getting brain damaged right before getting to listen to the show and also getting put out of work for two weeks whenever I need to
Starting point is 01:32:15 and when I have an opportunity for like 20 hours of overtime that's now lost because I have brain damage. Brain damage? That's right. That's the story, guy.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Jesus Christ. Well, don't get brain damaged. It's going to take a have brain damage. Brain damage? That's a sore guy. Jesus Christ. Well, don't get brain damage. It's going to take a while, man. Yeah, sorry. We'll get through it together. If I got brain damage, the last thing on my mind would be like, well, I'm going to miss out on all that overtime. I'd be like, holy shit, I have brain damage.
Starting point is 01:32:36 Yeah, but you need money. You don't need a brain. That's true. Okay, here's one about tractor tires. What's up, guys? Just catching up on the last couple episodes. And Vito really thinks the load capacity of a fucking tractor tire is 300 pounds. Tractors weigh thousands of pounds.
Starting point is 01:32:55 What the fuck is wrong with you? Go fuck yourself. I don't care. That's the answer. I don't care about the load capacity of a tractor tire. I was reading the website that Dick was reading Okay The point is that you kept looking up tires and saying
Starting point is 01:33:10 Look, it weighs 300 pounds I said, no, it says load capacity 300 pounds It's a tractor though Okay, I don't know what What the dick guy says Great Send me, send us a picture of a 300 pound tire Alright
Starting point is 01:33:19 So that Dick could make a weird metaphor about fucking test holiday Which was a weird Which was a test holiday, which was a weird, which was a pointless extended bit that was completely tired. I don't know why we wasted five minutes of the show. Like a tire with a flashlight. Imagine a tire with a flashlight duct tape to it. That's like fucking test holiday. And it probably smells better.
Starting point is 01:33:40 You're going to get a show band. It's like fucking, uh, Rosie, the robot. That's what I'll call her. Rosie, the robot. You're gonna get a show band It's like fucking Rosie the Robot That's what I'll call her Rosie the Robot Tess Holliday They probably Okay
Starting point is 01:33:51 Do whatever you want It doesn't matter I don't wanna get I don't wanna borrow time Retards telling you that Playing video games While working out Is a bad thing
Starting point is 01:34:01 All that's important Is you're getting out there You're doing it You know I've got a treadmill. I've got a Steam Deck. I hooked up to a TV. Nice.
Starting point is 01:34:08 I play with a controller one-handed. That's something you can think about. Nice. This is a great method to just do it. Okay. And you don't have to hate it the entire time. All right, go fuck yourself. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:18 That's why I got Diablo, so I can do it while I use the exercise bike. Are you? I'm working on it. Right now, I've been cleaning my house. Before you can move the exercise bike in front of the video games? My house, just for my own sanity, you don't understand. Like, I've spent the last six months working on the stupid comic book, and my house has become literally like if a social worker came over,
Starting point is 01:34:39 they would say, you need to clean this up or we're going to condemn this place. So I've just been meticulously buying plastic storage bins and organizing everything like an autistic Tetris player. Okay, good. Yeah. Dick, I don't understand your hard-on for Turkey Tom. Like on the Dick show, you just said something like he's the new Mr. Medica or something. Turkey Tom's videos are like 90% inaccurate at best and when
Starting point is 01:35:07 Mr. Medica fucked something up you could at least you know say it was under the you know guise of it being entertainment more than anything because it was just a bunch of jokes it wasn't really supposed to be a resource but every single time
Starting point is 01:35:22 he has a little disclaimer saying it's an educational resource. He's just a 12-year-old kid. He doesn't know anything. That's a fake laugh. Whatever. All right. Call me back. He's a funny guy.
Starting point is 01:35:39 I do think you like Turkey Tom. I do like Turkey Tom. He's funny. He says funny, smart things. I think Turkey Tom is like your surrogate son. That's weird. You guys make everything weird. I think you see a little of yourself in Turkey Tom.
Starting point is 01:35:52 There you go. I hope this kid... You're like a doting uncle. Why does everything always have to be turned into a weird relationship? Just because I like the guy's comedy. I think he's a funny guy. And I want to raise him. There's's a funny guy Yeah And I want to Raise him
Starting point is 01:36:06 Cause there's a hole in your life I wanna dress him That you wanna fill with a child I wanna dress him In a little outfit Like me Yeah exactly I wanna take him car shopping
Starting point is 01:36:14 Tell him to grow out his hair I wanna rub his little head Ayy I wanna ask him What's How's How's school going for ya Whereas I like Turkey Tom
Starting point is 01:36:23 Cause I want to steal All his subscribers For this show Don't you do that to my Tom Don't you do Whereas I like Turkey Tom Because I want to steal All his subscribers For this show Don't you do that to my Tom Don't you do that to my Turkey Tom Don't worry I'm busy stealing the PK audience I gotta go back on PK
Starting point is 01:36:32 And steal all the viewers I wanna tell Turkey Tom Which of these kids I don't want him Hanging around with It's too late He's already He's got a vibrant
Starting point is 01:36:39 Pedophile community apparently This Augie guy He's bad news No we like Augie You gotta be away You gotta watch out for him I don't know if he's Red Fox or something Community apparently this Augie guy Is bad news we like Be away if you get a swatch out For him I don't know if he's red Fox or something or RPC
Starting point is 01:36:49 Something well We love all those guys They're doing great work Hey biggest problem the universe Is not having Any dip or salsa when you have a bag Of corn chips I have that exact problem right Now super annoying to just completely
Starting point is 01:37:06 and utterly have the most bland chips in the world and absolutely nothing to do with it. That's it. You know what I do? I'll buy one of those jars of the queso. Man, I love those. They're so good, right? But then I put it in the fridge and every time I come back
Starting point is 01:37:22 to it, I go, don't be mold, don't be mold, don't be mold. And I open it up up A little bit of mold I'm ashamed to buy those Because I assume they're so fattening So I just try to sneak it in Yeah Because I know my girlfriend will see it She's like oh you got a little jar of
Starting point is 01:37:34 A little jar Queso Tasty dip there huh They're really good But yeah if you don't eat them immediately Once you open the jar you're fucked They go bad like immediately I've never had leftovers of that.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Really? So I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, I for some reason did, and I don't know why. Okay, here we go. Super chats, and then we'll do the weigh-in. Super chats, get your super chats in now. And if you feel like super chatting $25, why don't you just take it on over to Indiegogo
Starting point is 01:38:02 and buy another copy of Super Killer Super Chat for Charity Yeah, Super Chat for Charity Pretend it's a charity That makes it much better A nightmare Alright, episode number 96 Thank you everybody
Starting point is 01:38:18 Red for two, you're late, you F-slurs Yeah, we were late, but we're here now Jarby Jimson for ten, hey guys, I got a question for Dick Could you explain why you think Spider-Verse 2 would be better If Indio World was destroyed You have slurs. Yeah, we were late. But we're here now. Jarby Jimson for 10. Hey, guys, I got a question for Dick. Could you explain why you think Spider-Verse 2 would be better if India World was destroyed? Accidentally ending a universe seems like a lot to put on Miles. I agree with Jarby Jimson. Well, because if they're the Spider-Men, the collection of Spider-Men led by the Mexican Spider-Man,
Starting point is 01:38:45 they're allowing all of these horrible things to happen. These canon events. They're allowing people in, they're allowing an infinite number of people to die horribly and traumatize an infinite number of Spider-Men. They're doing this horrible thing because preventing it
Starting point is 01:39:01 would destroy an entire universe, which is trillions of people. Right. Which is acceptable. Like, okay, well, I guess we all have to, we all share that pain and we're allowing this pain to happen because it prevents saving millions of people. Like, this is a theme in comics. Like, we have to suffer the greater good. When they establish that preventing a canon event does not destroy a universe and they say well
Starting point is 01:39:25 maybe we can fix it there it it it invalidates the first thing so the you think in your mind well wait a minute uh you mean to tell me they could stop this at any time it's like when roger rabbit slips out you mean you could stop this annihilation of universes at any time and save these spider-men then why don't you do that? Now it makes you... It makes you evil. And I know in my mind the only reason they didn't do that is because they didn't want to kill Indians.
Starting point is 01:39:53 They didn't want to make a bad thing happen in the movie, but they did that in Star... In Star Wars, if Alderaan had not got destroyed, it would be a totally different movie. Like these things are supposed to... Go ahead, what? Well, I'm just going to say that I understand the problem you have, but from a writing perspective,
Starting point is 01:40:12 the way to fix it would be to just explain it better. From a thematic perspective, no one wants to see Indian Spider-Man's world get killed. That's a way fucking fucked up downer way too early in the movie. It wasn't a downer when Alderaan got destroyed. Because we didn't go to Alderaan and see a guy flipping around having fun on Alderaan. If they had that scene, then Star Wars would have been completely fucked. Then ride it better. You can't
Starting point is 01:40:36 go, well, uh, Leia, we can't, well, we destroyed, like, Alderaan too. If they cut to Alderaan guy, you know, and there's just a guy on Alderaan who's like, I love living my life. I love my family. Everything's great. And then we just fucking blast his planet to death. That would have been bad. So that's why you can't do that to Indian Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:40:52 You think that because they didn't. If they had gone, if he had saved him and then said oh shit the whole world's getting ruined and they said alright get in here. Blooping it close and they were all just gone. It's too much Death
Starting point is 01:41:06 To It's too much death To personalize anyway They're not gonna do that Kids understand death It's a bad solution You have Indian Spider-Man going Oh my god
Starting point is 01:41:14 I can't believe you Fucking I can't believe you Fucking did this to me I think all they needed to do Was make it explain That Miles Universe
Starting point is 01:41:20 Was such an anomaly Cause his spider Came from another universe That there's so many things Going wrong That no matter what his was definitely going to collapse or something i ruined the movie it didn't ruin the movie it's a great bad it's a bad it's a mistake all right well let's just move on because we could argue about this forever killer for days for five dollars says nothing thank you killing best super chat jew h for 50 big canadian dollars happy pre-Canada Day.
Starting point is 01:41:45 Gas is going up tomorrow with new taxes, and our internet is going to be controlled more by our government. Nice. Yay. Canada is the biggest problem in the universe. Very cool. Well, who's back in? Bow Blacks is from Canada.
Starting point is 01:41:56 He went back there. Yeah, so it is the biggest problem in the universe because you guys have Bow Blacks. Canada is so fucked. All your autistics are trying to spread the glory of the N-word for some reason. Something's wrong with your country. Koof for two says thank you all for not killing yourselves. Thank you Koof. Jacob Sarisa for
Starting point is 01:42:11 200 Japanese yen says hey Dick, what's with the afro sheen? My hair is wet. Just got out of the shower there. Is it still wet? Yeah. Go ahead. I mean it's a little late now. Antagonist for 10. Ready for mischief? Become an antagonist. Hire me, the, it's a little late now. Antagonist for 10. Ready for mischief. Become an antagonist.
Starting point is 01:42:26 Hire me, the chaos conductor, for revenge and pranks. Like dirty work come to life in the modern age. slash antagonist. Guys, check out antagonist on backed by. Head up. slash antagonist. Thank you, antagonist. Peter Hansman for five Canadian.
Starting point is 01:42:43 I haven't even watched the new Indiana Jones movie, and I still enjoyed you guys reviewing it Thanks for the bonus bonus episode I wasn't sure if people would want to watch a review of a movie That wasn't out yet, but I don't know Yeah, because you don't have to watch it If you watch the, like I watch movie I watch Red Letter Media and then say like
Starting point is 01:42:58 I don't have to watch that shit I want to figure out the format exactly I was thinking maybe Because I wanted to put more stuff in Like I wanted to put clips stuff in like I wanted to put clips From the original Indiana Jones movies Yeah but I was rushing to get it out you know Obviously because it's a new movie or whatever
Starting point is 01:43:11 Oh yeah so I was Wondering if we should you know what I'll talk about it with you Afterwards but honestly guys leave comments On that video and let me know yeah if you like The format if you think there's any ways to improve the format Because I think me and Dick Talking about movies is fun Cougar Hughes For five what were you expecting sharing your popcorn
Starting point is 01:43:27 With Vito the whitewash challenge is off to a great Start yeah see at least you got to help everybody With my fault you're getting Everybody their money back by giving me More popcorn you should be happy I'm gonna Have all kind if you're close to the goal I'm gonna have Donuts and I'm gonna come into a show
Starting point is 01:43:43 And you're gonna have like a whole charcuterie spread. I'm not going to be able to resist some charcuterie. You know this. An entire orange water cooler thing of Mountain Dew. So you're having a 4th of July party and I know every hot dog I eat, you're going to be taking a picture for the fucking feed. You're like, oh, Vito's failing.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Moose the Goose for 20 Canadian. Both of you are hilarious, so let me know. Marmite over Vegemite changed my mind. I like that you assume that I've tried either Marmite or Vegemite. Vegemite's good. I think I haven't had Marmite. Vegemite is just salty, right? It's like a salty spread.
Starting point is 01:44:19 I would try it. I've never actually had it. PW Project for five. Was there a hole in the bottom of your Popcorn tub Who shares popcorn anymore Okay It's a lot of popcorn It's too much popcorn to eat Me
Starting point is 01:44:31 04120 for five Vito just split the popcorn Down the middle You have To be after your co-host Fabrain voted up Jared Easterling for five The free market
Starting point is 01:44:40 Is the American dream Shame on Zito Fuck you Crutch Knox for five can I get a Cat foot ink print with your signature On the comic when I purchase Stop asking me for special signatures Okay I have to sign like
Starting point is 01:44:54 500 comics everybody who sends me a Cheeky little can you say to Branda and draw like a little cat Getting a q-tip of it no I don't I'm no I'm just signing it I'm putting my name On it that's it if you come to me and like like a show come to me if you come to like a con I'll do whatever the fuck you want. Yeah, these ones guys I'm just signing them and throwing them into the side come to your house come to my house then you'll do it
Starting point is 01:45:16 Sure, okay. I'll show up in my door Fatics the great for a big ten. Hey Vito. I'm the idiot shithead who retracted $100 campaign on your Indiegogo Yeah, this motherfucker because of you, by the way. What did I do? Because I said that thing about, like, we should take people's guns away, and you went, well, everybody should unback the comic. Why would you say that when you're trying to raise money?
Starting point is 01:45:36 Why does it matter what I think about guns? What does that have to do with a comic? It has nothing to do- It's the most important thing to us. I want everyone to have a million guns. Oh, man. And everyone should get to shoot Everyone should get one mass shooting You're making it sarcastic And you're messing it up
Starting point is 01:45:51 Let me do one Anyway, Fatix for 10 says If you promise me you'll vote for a Republican candidate In the 2024 election, I will re-back your comment You already have to, you already said Because of the Patreon If it got over 5,000, you said you'd vote for Trump Voting is so fucking useless and pointless that literally I will vote for any...
Starting point is 01:46:08 I will let the... I don't know if it's legal, but if there's a way to have the audience decide who I vote on, like, you know, through a poll or something... Why would that not be legal? I don't know. Because you're not allowed to sell your vote. Okay. So, well, I mean, technically, whatever.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Let's put it this way Whoever you guys all decide You're not? No I don't think you can legally sell your vote Why not? I don't know man Is it like in Oregon? Interference with the democratic process
Starting point is 01:46:33 Oh That seems weird Well then otherwise you would just go like Hey I'm gonna give you 20 bucks to vote for me Well then the other guy would give me 21 It's like you can't give Yeah I know Sounds great
Starting point is 01:46:44 Honestly Just give us the money, I would much prefer that system. I wish that like Trump could give me a hundred bucks to vote for him. Why would that not be illegal? Because they can't make sure you did it. You could just go in and go like, suckers. I mean, that is part. Yeah, I don't know. You feel indebted.
Starting point is 01:47:00 My system would be much better. You have to. I'll vote for anyone you want i don't care all of democracy is retarded and we're all gonna die in a fucking fireball anyway okay just back super killer that's the only thing that matters to me at this point in my life spider eternal for five you owe us a tbf from last week by the way uh we owe the reverse tbf because you fucked it up and didn't get it it should be worse if i fucked it up yeah well you guys it should be like worse the audience but
Starting point is 01:47:25 It's clear the audience has been fucking up because we've been Asking you guys for weeks what is the Punishment when dick misses yeah you guys Fucked it up and you guys still have not come up with One yeah so fucking sit down Honest I was gonna remind people we have a reddit Go to the reddit slash biggest Problem or go to the discord or
Starting point is 01:47:41 Anywhere yeah and say hey how do We punish dick when he misses a tbf and don't do any dumb joke answers like cut his penis off or something be serious stop screwing around stop taking the show like a joke that we can play for that and it would be funny okay there's got to be something more awesomeness for two new zealand sent an amazingly funny super sticker which we can't see for some reason. Thank you. More awesomeness. Eric Wong for five.
Starting point is 01:48:07 All pro MTG players cheat every last one. It's an open secret. I agree. Also, kick-ass Steel Battalion shirt veto. I still have mine and the controller. I actually made the, or I got these print on demand. I found this old Capcom art package with all the logos from every game that came out in 2004.
Starting point is 01:48:25 Okay. So I've just been illegally selling Steel Battalion shirts on my website. When I make these shirts, they're just shirts for me. Like, no one else buys them and wears them. I sell them to a couple friends online. What? So sue me. What's the big deal?
Starting point is 01:48:41 If you want a Steel Battalion shirt, you can go to I have a couple. Yeah. I just make shirts that I want to wear do you have any any stuff on that site that you made yeah there's like some some the drugs thing that drugs on the you stole that from a comic though well yeah like you know i like borrow there's some there's some original designs i think okay you can look later kill dozer done industries there's cool stuff on there goldilocks for 499 g99 GF said The Supreme Court
Starting point is 01:49:05 Also ruled Businesses can deny Groups of people They don't like Slash agree with I don't think that's true Yeah No they did another
Starting point is 01:49:11 Like gay thing A gay person Asked a Christian To like Suck their cock At a cock sucking store Or something Yeah
Starting point is 01:49:17 You don't have to make A cock sucking cake Man The LDA gay people They gotta find Like that That couple specifically That's going around
Starting point is 01:49:27 Asking Christians to do that shit They gotta take them out They gotta give them AIDS Or something Cause they're causing A lot of hatred It's a lot of different people It's not just one couple
Starting point is 01:49:35 One couple does it a lot Maybe They do it on purpose It is yeah It is a waste of time And uh They gotta put the hammer down on it It's stupid guys
Starting point is 01:49:42 Leave If you wouldn't go into A Muslim bakery And be like Draw Jesus Be like well we don't want to We into a Muslim bakery and be like, draw Jesus. They're like, well, we don't want to. We're a Muslim bakery. Leave us alone.
Starting point is 01:49:48 Yeah. Just let people live their lives, man. John Muhammad fucking one of his wives. Yeah. You know the one that I'm talking about. I'm fucking her on top of the barack. Andrew, I love the barack references. Andrew, Amy for five.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Vito, something that might help is cutting out all soda or sugary drinks. Okay, I don't care. Dumb username for five. The biggest problem with woke media is not the gay. It's that they make it so ugly. The Greeks understood aesthetic beauty, and they were gay as heck. Woke media, what are you talking about? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:22 I thought the lady in the new Indiana Jones looks fine. Does she need to be hotter it was my favorite part i wish they just made i really wish she was like doing more indiana jones yeah i wish it was about her and that indiana jones was like doing less stuff like i'm not gonna say brie larson's ugly she's a fine looking lady you know yeah uh i mean you could get like way more smoking hot chicks I guess The new Little Mermaid I will say Is not attractive I don't get it No
Starting point is 01:50:49 Dumb username for five Where you did that Like Yeah Who I see a lot of guys That I didn't know Were so into the Little Mermaid
Starting point is 01:50:56 Talking about that one Why are you guys so Yeah what is this Concerned about This Black Little Mermaid Yeah Why are you obsessed With this 15 year old
Starting point is 01:51:04 Cartoon character Hmm It's kind of like fucking weird are you attracted to her naivete and the lack of understanding if you're in like the 1800s and you go to like a ku klux klan rally are they talking about like that little miss muffet is being you know they're taking an aerial from little mermaid away from us like what the fuck are you guys talking about? I don't know, man. The whole culture war is endless. Darius Ranikovic goes for five. How much would show per killer have to reach to trigger another existential meltdown?
Starting point is 01:51:36 Put a number on it. What do you think? I think if the money goes up, my existential meltdown turns to just pure greed. I'm going to turn into a monster. All my fears and anxieties disappear,. I'm going to turn into a monster. And what? All my fears and anxieties disappear, and I'm just drowning in money. You're doing like a Siddhartha thing then.
Starting point is 01:51:52 Yeah. Okay. At this point, the existential meltdown is I got to finish this goddamn comic. And you gamble it all away. I got to make it good. Kevin Flesher for $9.99. You do have to make it good.
Starting point is 01:52:03 You've read the script. It's a solid script $9.99. You do have to make it good. You've read the script. It's a solid script. Yeah. Yeah. I do want to, once it's all done and I'm putting in the dialogue, I can change the dialogue at any point. Okay. I want to do a pass where all my buddies who I know are funny,
Starting point is 01:52:19 I go, just help me make the dialogue. It's funny. I want, like, funny dialogue. I want good jokes. Right. Okay. Like, I posted one page and everyone went, that joke is stale and gross. I want like funny dialogue I want good jokes Right okay Like I posted one page And everyone went That joke is stale and gross
Starting point is 01:52:28 And I'm like yeah you're right I have like a 1990s Humor sensibility Which sometimes works And sometimes It was like the character About to get punched in the face And he goes
Starting point is 01:52:36 Man I hate my job And everyone's like That's gay That's a little And I'm like okay Well now I understand That I'm Yeah I am probably doing
Starting point is 01:52:44 You should make him say Fart fart, fart, fart, fart. Well, that's the problem. I don't have the Zoomer humor, okay? That's the problem is the Zoomers are like, he should say batteries. And I'm like, why should he say batteries? And they're like, because batteries is like, they'll just have like these random explanations of stupid in-jokes I don't get because I'm an old man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:02 I need some young kids to like read it and be like, yeah, that, you know, that is outdated or whatever. I fully accept that. Kevin Flesher for 999 trivia hosts. Got to have red herring question that can only be found on Google. People found cheating get minus points and have to apologize to the whole bar. Happy birthday, Eric Wong. Oh, so a fake question.
Starting point is 01:53:22 A fake question that isn't real. And if you get it right. You're obviously cheating. Yeah, somehow set up a website. Oh, wow. Okay. That could be interesting. Very good, Kevin.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Very good. I like that. Also for $1.99, it says set up another LAMTG Grand Prix. Did you do that? Yeah. Somebody told us there's going to be one in Vegas. I want to go to that A Grand Prix? A Grand Prix
Starting point is 01:53:47 Well, it's not going to be that But yeah, it'll be a Grand Prix Probably I went to the Vegas Grand Prix like, God, six years ago Claptrap the Destroyer for $9.99 Weekly money give thanks Thank you, Claptrap Guys, honestly, your super chats help make this show happen
Starting point is 01:53:59 James Gardner for $9.99 Maybe Eisen was told he had superpowers in college And that's why no one can coherently articulate what they are. It could be. Maybe he's an affirmative action hero who was told he has incredible powers, but he doesn't actually, yet his belief that he is one of the chosen gives him the strength to overcome. That was the plan, right?
Starting point is 01:54:21 Yeah. With affirmative action? Yeah, that they would just manifest better test scores. Somehow. For some reason. Oh. It was an experiment. It didn't work.
Starting point is 01:54:32 And thankfully, we're getting away from the experiment. Are we? I don't know. I don't think so. We're really fucked. I kind of think that colleges will just disobey on principle. Well. Or pack the court.
Starting point is 01:54:43 You know what we got to do, though? You know what we got to though You know what we gotta do And I might bring it in As another problem I don't care about the college at all It's all a scam I don't care who goes to college Or what college
Starting point is 01:54:51 Yeah Get rid of affirmative action Hiring In jobs Well that's next The college one was easy Dude but we gotta get rid of it Like
Starting point is 01:54:58 Like The stuff that's going on in Hollywood Where like Yeah There are interviews with guys And they're like yeah We just don't hire white people anymore. We're just like not allowed.
Starting point is 01:55:07 I'll get in trouble if I hire a white guy to write a TV show. Yeah. It's like, you know you got to get rid of that. That's fucked. A white woman won a lawsuit against Starbucks for that, I think. Yeah, I saw it. It was like a big. Or was that the one where she got fired because she kicked black people out of the store?
Starting point is 01:55:24 Did you see that one? I don't know. There was one where like because she kicked black people out of the store? Did you see that one? I don't know. There was one where like she kicked two black people out of the store and then they fired her. What were they doing? Crack. It was like a confusing, weird, like miscommunication. Playing dice? Shooting dice?
Starting point is 01:55:36 I think they were like, can I use the bathroom? And she's like, you can't use the bathroom unless you buy something. And they're like, oh, because I'm black? And they're just like, no, because you have to buy something or you can't use the bathroom because a lot of people go in there to do crack and they're like you think i'm gonna do crack and they're like i don't know if you're gonna do crack we just have this rule you don't have any coffee so so it turned into like a big shouting match but then interestingly the lawsuit was like so you fired her for that incident right they're like yeah and they're
Starting point is 01:56:00 like okay if she was black would you have fired her and they're like no no that would have been fine are you crazy? Then she can say whatever she wants to black people. And it's like, oh, well, then you fired her for being white. That's racial discrimination. Yeah, that was an interesting case. It's a good step. We're going in the right direction since Trump, at least.
Starting point is 01:56:17 Jared for two says, if Vito doesn't lose weight, I pirate super killer. Good luck, buddy. I'm giving it away for free. I'm giving it away. free I'm giving it away John Riffs for five Please make sure this money Goes to dying children I will
Starting point is 01:56:29 I am dying And I'm somebody's child Jay Swindy for five Scenario one I sell cookies And send the money to charity Scenario two People send me money
Starting point is 01:56:37 And I send cookies to charity Wait Scenario one I sell cookies And send the money to charity Yeah that's fine That's great Scenario two People send me money And I send cookies and send the money to charity. Yeah, that's fine. That's great. Scenario two, people send me money and I send cookies to charity.
Starting point is 01:56:48 Yeah. That's bad. That's a scam. Charity doesn't need cookies. I'll say, you know what? I'll send the, I'll send the kids, uh, uh, Scottish entitlements. Yeah. You send me 50 bucks.
Starting point is 01:56:58 I'll send you a Scottish entitlement. I'll send you, you're a Lord. It's for charity. I just made all those kids Lords. I don't understand. You're a lord It's for charity I just made all those kids lords I don't understand
Starting point is 01:57:04 I just gave every kid a pet rock That I went out and picked myself Yeah Don't I deserve to be recouped PW Project for 999 Biggest problem in the universe Newly proposed congressional I already
Starting point is 01:57:16 I'm like come on I'll let you read it for him Because it was like He's trying to go down One second He says Oh oh oh sorry Congress, congressional agreement, Charter 5, subsection B, U-tube E, whatever. He's trying to do a TV. Okay.
Starting point is 01:57:37 Nice try. When you get into like the nitty gritty with the like little whatever. When you make it so Vito can't read it anyway It's not gonna work That's not helpful Aaron Easler for five It's a double People dying on tubes Does not apply to airplane seating
Starting point is 01:57:51 Oh that's what He came up with the rhyme I forgot to credit it No that's a good one Sorry Aaron Dumb username for two Infowars has citations too Don't be a source snob
Starting point is 01:57:59 I mean if Infowars If you Okay You've been on Infowars You know that If you linked me an InfoWars article I would read it And then I would identify
Starting point is 01:58:07 Why it's a fucked source That is lying Well no A lot of his You can actually read it A lot of his things Are correct He's just like
Starting point is 01:58:13 He editorializes it Saying it in a funny way Like the frogs gay thing That was true Yes But it was true when he That's the thing That bothers me about Alex Jones
Starting point is 01:58:21 I don't know if they were doing it On purpose To make the frogs gay Well everybody always goes See Alex Jones knew they were turning the frogs. And it's like, yeah, we knew that was already a thing that was established. He didn't like predict that out of nowhere. Yeah. It was based on a study that was already out there.
Starting point is 01:58:34 Yeah. Got for two, says Dick is right about journalists. Just not just funnier. No, he's just funnier. The Gentleman's Sausage for $35. Big dollars. It's the only reason you ever win any of these 35 dollars
Starting point is 01:58:47 In addition to my purchase of super killer Please find and close the purchase price Of an issue of isom which I totally Wasn't already not going to buy I'm going to take that 35 dollars and buy Two copies of isom and donate them to charity Effectively giving a charity 50 cents worth of product
Starting point is 01:59:04 For 35 dollars How generous of me charity effectively giving a charity 50 cents worth of product for $35. How generous of me. Chris Schofield for five. Someone get Dick a new drink. He's been sipping from an empty glass for an hour. I have been watching you suck on ice. There's a little bit of liquor in that last little drop. I don't know how you haven't like installed a fucking tap in here or like a
Starting point is 01:59:20 liquor. Cause I had, I had a liquor bottle down here, but I took it upstairs to pour it, and I forgot to bring it down. Well. Embarrassing. Good work. Chris Cofield for five.
Starting point is 01:59:27 We already did that. Steve for two. Episode three, I Some Battles Veterans in a Nursing Home. I'm looking forward to that. Deadpan for 10 Australian. Vito, have you heard the ongoing replication crisis in science? It's not the institution of integrity worthy of blind faith.
Starting point is 01:59:41 You'd believe it is. Something, something, TBS. Almost. You almost got him. I almost want to give it to him for that one. You do believe it is. Something, something, TBF. Almost. You almost got him. I almost want to give it to him for that one. Andrew, Amy, for two, you mean year 2000? I don't know what that was in reference to. P-Tongue for 10, CDC made spread claims citing a spy.
Starting point is 01:59:56 Okay, I know. You all hate the government and you all hate the scientists. Journos, parroting a press release isn't lying, but you have TBF. Okay, it was a TBF. You almost got me because you got me upset. We do hate the government. We do hate the government. Not scientists.
Starting point is 02:00:11 Well, you should hate scientists as well. A lot of scientists are fucked. Wait, why? Because. Wait, I hate scientists. Why? Because they're lying to us? Because some of them are lying.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Okay. Go down. Is that where we're at? This guy said it a bunch. He said it like a bunch of times. All right, go back up. P-Tong gave us $10, $10. Then T-Junkablucks for five.
Starting point is 02:00:35 Then P-Tong for another 10. CDC made spread games, blah, blah, blah. I think he thought it didn't work, so he's trying to change the words. Okay, well, you just donated $40. If you want a refund, maybe we can make that happen. No, no, no, no, no, no. It'll hurt our credit scores. Don't get a refund.
Starting point is 02:00:53 If you did not mean to donate $40, Pete Tong. I'll take money away from kids with cancer if you take it away. Well, I feel bad. Crunchnox for $99. Wipe that. You know what? Should I just give it? You know what?
Starting point is 02:01:04 Pete Tong, because you donated four times. Scroll down a little bit. Crunch knocks for 99. Wipe that. You know what? Should I just give it? You know what? P-Tong, because you donated four times. Scroll down a little bit. CDC made spread claims, citing a study that said, we don't know. Journalists, parroting a press release isn't lying, but you have to be fairly shitty your job. I suck, Cox. I said, just regurgitate talking points. There you go, P-Tong.
Starting point is 02:01:22 At least you got something out of it. Crunch knocks for 99. Wipe that popcorn bucket off your lap so Eric can get at that hog, Vito. Eight G's for a blow G. What the fuck are you talking about? Eight G's. To hook with guys for five, Vito should educate himself
Starting point is 02:01:35 and visit the Corbet Report. Also, I'm dumb, so you get $10. Thank you, Cara Froh, moderator of the stars for five. Great show as always. Thanks, Cara. Thank you, Cara. Dumb username for two. Woke cartoons are ugly. Steven Universe and Velma.
Starting point is 02:01:51 I don't think they're ugly. Steven Universe looks okay. It's just how they look. Like what, Beavis and Butthead is ugly? Yeah, but on purpose. Everybody's always like, look, some art styles are annoying and ugly. I agree that that Big Mouth show looks like shit, but the people watching it like it, so who cares? You know? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:02:10 I don't know. Yeah. I don't think it's like, and again, I don't think it's like a culture thing where it's like, they're trying to make cartoons uglier. Steven Universe had some weird themes, like when Steven Universe and that little girl combined into one person. Yeah, it was made by As I always keep telling people I'm like, if you think animation is gay Like, go meet animators They're all gay
Starting point is 02:02:31 It's all a bunch of weird gay kids making cartoons And you caused that By bullying the gay kids And turning them into weird artists Yeah It's your fault I don't know if like Transformers were any better though
Starting point is 02:02:44 Like, RC was a woman robot I wanted to fuck Yeah I don't know if like Transformers were any better though Like RC was a woman robot I wanted to fuck Yeah I don't know if that's better than Like a two people merging Or something Disney basically caused Furrydom
Starting point is 02:02:55 With all their Robin Hood Tailspin baby Yeah with Tailspin And Alvin and the Chip Oh god when the Chipettes Showed up You're like what are you doing
Starting point is 02:03:01 You know what you're doing I don't know about this Dancing Dave Get in here Dave Come on Chipette showed up. You're like, what are you doing? You know what you're doing. I don't know about this. Dancing. Dave, get in here. Dave. Come on. Ryan Feeney for 50. Take my money. Put it on black. Okay. No, this is the super killer stream. You want the
Starting point is 02:03:15 ice on stream where you can put it all on black. Oh, okay. You're putting it all on Italian. Italiano. Cynthia Death Rage. Nice. For five. You know, I just spent $175 on your comics. They don't come with corner protectors. Your family is done.
Starting point is 02:03:32 What's a corner protector? Is that a thing? I don't know. I was going to put them in the poly bags and then put that inside a outer cardboard shell. Doesn't that come with a cardboard thing? Well, I'll look into it. Ask Doug TenNapel. His comic
Starting point is 02:03:45 Came in a whole thing Beautifully Beautiful box I'm gonna make sure That everything is shipped Very well Okay And I'll also have a thing
Starting point is 02:03:52 Look if for some reason It shows up bent or damaged I can replace your comic You know Yeah Yeah That's the other thing It's like
Starting point is 02:03:59 It's not There's gonna be Probably pretty good It'll be fine As long as you get it in there right It'll be fine We're gonna have the poly bags Everything else Oh we gotta weigh a way to weigh in. Let's do the weigh-in Doing the weigh-in hold on I'm gonna put on some music or something while we you bring the scale bring the scale over here
Starting point is 02:04:18 Yeah, it has to be Okay, I have to go I have to go check Vita. I mean, let me put on some music I know I have to see it. I have to go I have to go check Let me put on some music No, I have to see it I have to see it I absolutely have to see it Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Put it right there Put it right there, okay
Starting point is 02:04:34 Right there? Just twist it so I can see the front Maddie, get out of the way Maddie, come here, come here Come here Yeah, twist it so I can see And then I'm gonna move the microphone over here Okay
Starting point is 02:04:49 Now I can okay now I'm recording it Vito is on this on the scale Okay, we have it. Okay. We have it step off We'll tell you what it is next week Biggest problem in the universe slash biggest problem Okay bye Or should we tell him now Tell him next week
Starting point is 02:05:22 Next week Then they'll have to continue

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