The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Dave Attell In Studio, Ali Siddiq Tells Us Proper Jail Cell Bathroom Etiquette & Ron Bennington & Big Jay Oakerson Talk To Bam Margera In Philly

Episode Date: October 1, 2018

With Dan Soder out shooting “Billions” Big Jay welcomed Mike Finoia and Shane Gillis to the studio. Turns out, before for he became a first-rate comic, Shane was a terrific bully in high school.�...�Learn some of his signature moves on this week’s best of The Bonfire... “Hell, Yeah!” Then comedian Ali Siddiq stopped by and talked about his years in prison, schooling everyone on how to pee properly in your cell, the high demand for laminated naked pictures, and how much five “soups” can buy you in the joint. Catch the full interview with Ali and hear more about his incredible time in prison on The Bonfire on demand on the Sirius XM app. If that isn’t enough, the legend Dave Attell was a guest this week and talked about performing at Skankfest in Brooklyn, and how Sebastian Maniscalco is performing four show at Madison Square Garden. Then, Jay talks about bringing his bo staff on stage with him at Mohegan Sun and nobody in the audience knew why. Finally, Jay and Ron Bennington interview Bam Margara in Philadelphia.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Comedy Central. Hi, I'm Dan Soder. I'm Big J. Ocasin. And you're listening to the Best of the Bond Fire. Stay tuned to hear some of our favorite moments from this week. You can listen to the Bond Fire Live every Monday through Thursday from 6th APM on Comedy Central Radio. Serious XM95 or on demand on the Serious XM app. Also, be sure to follow us on all social media at the Bond Fire, SXM.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Show favorites, everybody, sitting with us, Mike Fenoya and Shane Gillis. Yes, baby. Yes, let's fucking get it, dude. Wow, can I say something? You were making jokes about what butt buddies Shane and Jacob are, mm-hmm. Because Jacob really loves being admired.
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's all you have to say. I'll tell you, you could be the fattest woman in the world. You wanted to bed down, Jacob. Really lay some compliments on him. But I said, Mike Fenoya and Jacob sat there stoic and I said, and Shane Gill is, and Jacob did a weird little like clap, like almost so Mike wouldn't see over the computer.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'll excuse you, Jacob. Damn, dude. Damn. Fuck them, dude. It's the bald thing, man. He's nervous. But Shane, he said you weren't. Were you like, oh, you were a bully? I forgot
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah, well I would just you know Call how you got kids gay Classic bully shit. I feel like that's exactly how you got your 23 year old girlfriend now Oh for sure you just saw where she goes. I don't know. I'm only 23 and you go, you hate this guy? Faggot. She's like, I don't know, I mean. I guess maybe. If you want to give me a ride home, I guess.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I guess so. Yeah, I bullied. Bullying is fucking sick. Shout out to all the fucking bullies, dude. Keep bullying. Fuck those pussy. This is not your fault, they can't take a joke. Kill it, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well, I did, I used to argue a lot. When they hit all those anti-bullying campaigns. He lost you so much. He lost you so much. And I got the shit kicked out of me by bullies. Yeah, but now you're flung with the bullies. Yeah. Now you got one.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's so beautiful. Hey, got one on your side. I love it. Next time he coughs, I'll give him a fucking swirly. Yeah, swirly. There you go, bad friend. That is, I used to argue a lot when all the anti-bullying campaign, Mike used to go Shuck and drive at school, it's telling that story.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah, we bullied each other just like sports and shit. We did a lot of hate-sac- No, but I got bullied a little bit. I'm sure I bullied somebody in my life, but my thing is, I think, and I'm not saying you should be a bully, I'd be mortified if my kid was the bully and something or whatever, you know? Yeah. And I never intentionally went out to bully someone with that mindset, but I think there's a place in the ecosystem for bully.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I think it teaches you something. Absolutely. Like when I stuck up to somebody who I was nervous, that was coming at me, when I stuck up to somebody for myself was nervous that was coming at me when I stuck up to somebody for myself But that was like that's a thing Jacob you remember remember you fucking gave a two-piece to that fucking guy at the restaurant Yeah, it changes the whole terms world around fucking beat up a dude the guy freaked out after he saw blood and what's best is Jacob told him he goes in five hours when we're off the shift. I'm gonna fuck you up It's great. They completed your shift. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:13 See after shift. Oh my god. Hey, man. Can you cover my fucking table? I'm gonna go for a smoke Where was where and when was this? The most neutral place when did you graduate Shane? High school high school 2006. Oh wow, okay You get bummed out now. You know he's so young. Well, no, I just think I graduated like almost 10 years before that I was thinking about bullying I graduate We just before that you got you were pretty combined so bullying was cool people still respected a good bullying Yeah, but if you were a piece of shit about it, other people would bully him.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah, of course. I didn't actually bully. I wasn't fucking with kids that actually had to. No, shit talk. Like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like, the ball busting. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:55 But that is bullying now. That is. For sure, it's called bullying. We used to ball bust all the time, but we did have that. We said my friend Benji had a rough go. First of all, his name was Benji. Ginger kid, heavy set. Oh, I would have been all over that. We said my friend, uh, my friend Benji had a rough go. First of all, his name was Benji. Mm-hmm. Change your kid. Heavy set. Uh, I would have been all over that. Uh, short. Rough go. A bit of a rough go as far as that goes. And we'd bust his balls as much as anybody. But if somebody like externally came at him a little bit, you got to go,
Starting point is 00:04:18 like, why? That's our guy. You got to be nice to Benji first before you bust his ball. You know, I mean, like, you have to be cool with them before you can shit on them like that. We had a kid on our football team Carlos that never played and he was the, he was fucking would pick on everybody smaller and younger in school. And one time he like nailed a kid's jacket to the wood shop table. And the kid was just so small and sad and he had nothing. He couldn't do anything about it.
Starting point is 00:04:40 So the rest of us went and fucking nailed Carlos's shit to the wood shop table and what the fuck you gonna do. Yeah. And then we flew away. vigilante Amiga. The low risk vigilante man. I didn't like what people got picked on because they were little. That's all I got. I got in the face of what was a Tom Carter, Tom Van Horn and some other fucking old comic strip comic. When I was young and went there, they took I didn't know the middle These are having spoken words to these guys really anywhere yet and they took my wallet chain thing off and clipped it to like You know the rope the velvet rope thing and it didn't nothing happened Yeah, cuz I just felt it happening so my turn around just looked and unhooked it
Starting point is 00:05:18 So I didn't like pull anything down, but I just like immediately something like that like I went to them So and I'm not a computational person, but that was already I was like you're trying to make a link an asshole They were hoping I'd walk away and yank the thing down and I got three old men's face. Yeah those dudes two of all fucking by the way Funny to call them old men now. I was probably 23 and they were my age now He's old dudes now like I wish one of these 23 old combs would say something. I'll drop his ass That's so fucking weird. Tom Carter being a bully. And it wasn't any of those. It was just the poodles on America's Got Talent.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Could you imagine? That was right. Second place to poodles. Jamie lost the poodles. Poodles are good show dogs though. Yeah. If I'm going to Vegas, I want to see poodles over Tom Carter for sure. Damn, they were, the poodles were in clothes and dancing. Yeah. One more fucking tough act to follow.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, what are you gonna do? Tilt jokes after that? Like an asshole? Cater got fucking buried by these dogs. That's the fucking bummer. And Cater, they say that night flawless. It would suck to have the best set of your life. It'd be like, damn, I definitely got through.
Starting point is 00:06:19 They're like, up next, poodles. Oh my God. Mike Fino, I think you guys met before Mike, you're the best guy on the team. Everybody joining the bonfire. I'll always to deek everybody. Hell yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Good to see you, pal. What we were talking about very briefly was that, I know Mike for sure, and we all are to a degree, but I know you like very much 90s alternate rock. Yes, that is like your thing. And I would wonder where you fell on that. I bet you would know a lot more songs of 90s contemporary rock than anyone would think you'd know.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I probably do, but you don't have to excuse me after it's a little stent in that little 60s, stent in the 90s. I would carcerate it. Well, don't ask me like anything. No biggie. Even with hip hop, he was like, did don't ask me like anything No, but Even with hip hop people like did you see park I was locked up. I didn't see nothing That's why That's why you could have been you could have been locked up for the entire trajectory of east coast west coast
Starting point is 00:07:17 At least there's no east coast west coast problems and you come out and he goes still the same no problems Serious got solved I guess they solved the solved the wall was away. Do you feel? Anger at all that if you were in prison now I bet there's internet and all kinds of shit that like you would have just made the days go by so much quicker I wonder about that just doing nine shit. What do you know in 90s? Like hoping someone sends you a VHS of blossom reruns? VHS of Blossom reruns. He ain't got no VHS in front of him. This is a very nice prison. It's the Mike and Sinyu VHS.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I see some of them have cable TV and the guys complain if it's out. On lock up raw, you've seen that, yeah, complaining. See if you can find the guy complaining about his cable and jail being out. And he's bitching to go, we're trying to get the cable fixed, sir. The guy said he can't come to the morning, he goes, well, then I'm going to keep throwing shit on my walls until the morning. What about Nirvana? Right.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Gene Spear was all of that on to me, and I think it's really high to the public's point of that. Yeah. Yeah. That was, like, that was the group. Big crossover, Red Houchy Puppers. They had that kind of reggae and funk. Tons of funk.
Starting point is 00:08:25 The early stuff. George Clinton produced a bunch of their early shit. I have several stories of George Clinton, which is my favorite person to talk about. Because George Clinton, he was the friend of this girl's mom for a long time that I was dating. And she's telling me, say, you know, George coming over house. I was like, look, I've been dating this girl for two years.
Starting point is 00:08:50 George's never been over here. You told me you was wanting to funk a tear dance with everything. So I'm waiting at the house and I ain't not falling asleep. So my normal path to go out is coming on steps. I go through the kitchen because the kitchen has a garage Go out. I'm coming down and the light is on in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm like the light no man. I don't know kitchen. I just go out in the dark and George Clinton is literally sitting at table with crack and His goods on he playing riffs and He's like I'm walking out. He's like Oh man, I want you here something He playing because he's doing scoff face out at the time. He's producing stuff for scoff face out So he's playing all these riffs and he just smoking crack and I'm just you know
Starting point is 00:09:39 I saw Chris I'm just trying not to get the smoke blowing in my face I was like and then my mom say yo and my mom's gonna sit here and listen to George Clinton play guitar riffs and smoke crack cuz how many people Had this story man just sit there and when he's every time he see me like y'all still You ain't telling nobody about the crack I've been with I cut his half. Dude, George Clinton smoking crack in the kitchen is incredible. That is crazy. That's great.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah, George Clinton, that's my man. Watch it. I didn't know that he could have a eight ball in here. He did so much dope coming up with Parliament. He needed drugs and now he cleaned. Actually, just got totally off everything. Man, he's that told out everything. What was it in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:10:25 I think it was a booty Collins intervention Can you dig what part of the country were you in? incarcerated Texas Texas Yeah, Texas is is so this is the bad thing about Texas presence people don't know how bad they are because if you notice everybody's been Allow to film things in the prison besides say Texas really how yeah, they like they like no No, let let everyone else think they're the worst prison. Huh, go ahead be on lock up and tell your little little stories Texas like no I assume it's bad because it's scary black people, the scariest of white people.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And then all the scary is Mexicans. There's no way, there's no way to skip it. It's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:11:18 it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like The war you can run what you got going on but if not you can't run the prison. When people say that on movies, we run this prison. They say, you know, that's all I mean in my every movie, I hit it and I'm like, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Because if they say, you're gonna run this prison to go lights out and he goes, I gotta turn the lights off, but. Just you know, tomorrow when I wake up, I expect my breakfast ready Do you ever sell me at one at one point I did then He couldn't With which this is I know this story going sound awful. It's gonna sound awful and don't take it like that
Starting point is 00:12:01 Okay, I didn't like people to stand up in the room and use restroom. Cause I hate that sound. It nothing about I'm trying to punk you or nothing like that. I hated the sound of water going into other water. And we both in here. So, hey man, just go and sit down. It's just us. Just sit down. Use your restroom. This guy, and I'm not gonna say his nationality because I wanted to be seen like a racial thing. He couldn't do it. He couldn't do it. And he would you, he would leave urine on the floor and and around the steel of the toilet. And in prison, you'll toilet in your floor being clean is a big deal. And I just told him, I say, hey man, if I come back in here, you'll told it in your floor being clean as a big deal. And I just told him, I say, Hey, man, if I come back and
Starting point is 00:12:47 you got pee on this floor and then talking, you don't have to move voluntary involuntarily. And he, um, he moved voluntarily. Yeah. I like to, I like to, you left it. Yeah. The decision goes, because I do like piston, like big decision goes. I do like piss standing up. I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:08 He's like, I like Ali. It's a good hang, but I do enjoy pissing things. You could see how I can take it. You could see that if you didn't explain it out that way, that he would take that as, oh, you think, um, you want me to pee sitting down? You could see how he could take a mask you didn't explain it out. Yeah, you mask you later. Yeah, I wanted him.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I told him I didn't want to be on the floor. Were you able to like hang posters and shit? Were you able to kind of like, you know, they come. Like how do you get, like you could just pull shit out of a magazine and like, No, let me tell you that, so that's a, that's a thing. A picture of, you could be a pimp in prison with pictures.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like my man used to sell pictures. Like he had, they had to be laminated. Yeah, laminated. Somebody had to be laminated. Pictures of some hot chicks from the world. And he's used to tickling me. I didn't know what he was doing. You know, I got to go, like he had to be like, you know, I got to talk to Jay. Jay owe me five soups. He got my broad name brought a bag Five you like broad That's like the dollar 25 you know unbelievable great sentence You didn't read it abroad
Starting point is 00:14:18 Day be kind row You You ready to picture for five soups? And you just said that would have been on your mouth. Or you in the shower, you in the shower with it. That's why I lubricated it. You in the shower, you'll see a dude written, you're like, yo man, you know I got the Puerto Rican. You like, wow. Were they like, porno pictures?
Starting point is 00:14:38 No, it was like real chicks from the world. Like it'd be a hot chick. Just a picture of a girl from the world. Just cut out like a hot chick from the world. Like you sent your man like a girl. And you like. But not naked even. Yeah, she's naked.
Starting point is 00:14:53 She's growled out. Wreck your little pictures. Yeah, she's. Yeah, it's the best. That's the still the point I watch now is I watch all the homemade shit. She's Brad Eagle. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Is she laminated? Yeah, so it doesn't matter if you get a waterproof, if you miss fire, it's an easy wipe down. It's a rip, it's a rip. You can use your shittin' towel. It's a look that you did. Holy shit. Look on her face.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Yeah, the face always says, you're not gonna show anybody, right? Yeah. Now, this is making it swear right now. This was definitely, this was definitely becausees that he has somebody sending him yeah that was for the purpose of him being able to Survive and yeah, what about poems? Oh, that's that much super sonic It's some do want to write up on to his girl. Oh, yeah girl go straight. He no good writer. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yo, Troy, you know good writer. All year. That's what I would be. Give me a joke, that's the real thing. Give me two envelopes, man, I'll write you something. That's fucking great. Yeah, it's like, this is the coffee. So anything that you can buy is, it's like the body system. Now, you want some idea?
Starting point is 00:15:58 That's like a couple bags of coffee. Oh, that's a crazy. Check the big sentence I've read about. That's a big thing. No, Larry, Steve, tell joins us. How are you guys? I know I'm into promote the gigs, but I'm also in here to thanks again for the skankfest for being on that. It was fantastic. You know what I felt like, and I think what I felt like. Have you guys ever gone to the Intrepid Museum? They have old sailors that walk around and tell kids like,
Starting point is 00:16:26 this is my bunk, I used to sleep here. Every other Sunday we get steak and lobster. So I felt like this old comic was walking around like, ask me a question, make me feel relevant. How like do the show go in the city? Did you really do this for a living? Yes, this's all we did There's no internet then
Starting point is 00:16:48 Well had you promote flyers It was in Brooklyn this time. It wasn't at the Creek in the cave Location the Creek in the game. What's the location? Skankfest this year. Oh, no, yeah, we moved to Yeah, it was very cool. Yeah, very very cool venue. It was I'm gonna say, I was very happy for you guys, the amount of people that showed up, all those comedy fans and just like, not a thousand people, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And you know, we did live bonfire from there. When shows were you on, you did the big, one of the big shows in the big room. I did the show where everyone smells like they walked there. Yeah. Man, those shows started at about 3 p.m. It was indoors, but it smelled like an outdoor five day fire. It was my inside burning man.
Starting point is 00:17:34 There's a guy rocking his buddy's foot like a sap. I got bit by a snake. Me and Dan are having a blast thinking of our post comedy specials. How you gonna do it? Dan's my favorite was skydiving. While holding your mom's hand and doing the comedy just to her. I want to do mine as a burning my comedy notebook.
Starting point is 00:17:58 At gunpoint. I'm gonna do mine. I'm gonna do mine. All my inappropriate humor. Just throwing it in a good cry. Half cry. Here's one where I said in a good cry. Half cry. Here's one where I said, a midget for that in there.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Hey, Jay, let me ask a question now, because we all worked on the road together. You guys all open for me and everything. I'm old and everything. But when you finally started making some money, what was the first thing that you did that you didn't have to do, like a bills and all that stuff? Like what was the first, you bought a TV?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Big TVs, yeah, I got to see you. I got a big TV for all three rooms in my apartment. Really? Yeah, that's cool. That was the one thing. Pretty much everything else I have to spend on everybody else. Okay, that's cool. I think that's a good one.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I'm 100% overhead. And very little. Yeah. Mike Vicki owns a new album, the worst kind of thoughtful on iTunes. Now, Jay, you probably don't know this, but Mike and I, when Mike brought me into probably the most Fun part of the process the naming of the CD. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, he came up with a couple of great one after the world my favorite one is real news fake career That is unbelievable I wanted to call it that's over. Yeah, But remember we were trying to go with the Italian thing because Sebastian is the biggest act, so we were trying to like Italian it up. Oh, I was trying to do, I was gonna call it Sebastian. Can't make all the money, can he?
Starting point is 00:19:12 He'd be everywhere. Blue, I know he's your main job and love and passion is working for a Pete and Sebastian. That's what she can tell us me every day. Everybody's got a side gig. Pete, you produce that. They show you no respect or love the way we do, but I know that's your bread and butter.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Pins Sebastian, am I crazy that Sebastian's doing four nights at the garden? Yeah, it's all at the garden. The main arena. No. I think Maine. Exactly. That's fucking it.
Starting point is 00:19:40 You couldn't pull in a favor and get him in here for like 10 minutes just to give it it like a sauce like a sauce recipe. I just like that. I do an impression of it. This is my baja, gooo. This is how I do the giga, gooo. He might have, I think Sebastian's great. I think he might have had us, uh, for my impression of him.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I think so. How do you be flattered? I saw Hayes and Netflix special and it killed. It was great. And that crowd there, the one in Chicago, they really like you could like, like did some specials where you like does the audience even know who they're watching? They knew who they were watching. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, he was so Chicago specific to goes the parking here Where do these people bar?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Standing out I love it. I go watching for three hours. It really does make me happy. Tell me he sold out four shows Just tell it to me and I'll give you the Italian reaction. Yeah, you know, Sebastian sort of four shows the guard That's a lot of big Z That's a lot of meatballs Wait, let me ask Mike and I laugh at that I'm gonna tweet my story. That's great. Other victims of Italian shaming.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Italian shaming. Somebody seats is the garden. That's what I want to know. And we looked at, I think, like 27,000 for the concert. That's like when you play the Bergata, but you're playing that little tiny room. I'm playing the Bergata, everyone.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You know, it's like by the gift shop, you know, that area. You know, like with a staff gets a, a shift meal, I'm playing like that area. You were in Connecticut. Well, he can son. Well, he can son. Woo, woo, woo. So fine, then I had to leave right after the show.
Starting point is 00:21:17 We were going back to New York. So I had to go right after the show on Saturday. It was by far and wide. Most fans at any show. I did, the crowds were definitely sort of light, but the clubs fought at all. It's the thing is, it is what it is. It's Malik and Son. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:34 It's a casino, sort of a destination. I also happened to do Rhode Island three weeks ago. Yeah. Two weeks ago, I did Boston with Legion of Skanks, so it's just like, I've been in the area a lot, you know, cost money to come to these shows You're a regular Bob Marley. Yeah, I'm really making my way through that new England. New England. Can you know England? But not thinking when I made
Starting point is 00:21:55 The joke on air last week I go I'll start bringing the bow staff with me People will take pictures with it. Yeah. I was sort of joking people say bring it I was like, oh yeah, I'll bring it and then I left without it that night Well, we were downstairs and it religionily was sort of joking, people were saying bring it. I was like, oh yeah, yeah, I'll bring it. And then I left without it that night. Well, we were downstairs and it religionially was one of those things where you go. And Christine goes, I left the staff upstairs and was like, I think I'm not gonna bring the staff. No one gives a shit or anything.
Starting point is 00:22:15 No one gives a shit. Then that night I go home. Yeah. And I'm looking at Twitter, there's a bunch of people going, oh man, I'm actually thinking about making the drive now. But I just saw you in Boston, thinking about making the three hour drive. I want to take a picture with the boast staff dude, you in the boast staff.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Dude, you're gonna be your thing. God damn it. I can't wait for the day where you're doing theaters and airline loses the boast staff. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. But on the flight to London, you go, I cannot work with royal Albert Hall without the boast staff. You want me to go outside to the O2 arena and tell them I have no bow staff? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:47 I can get you another bow staff, they'll know. They'll know. The noise picks me up. Yeah, to go. I go, hey man, would you mind if we weave through the city we'll go up the west side but swing by DJ Lewis, it'll bring out the bow staff for me. And we'll grab it on the way, I'll bring it
Starting point is 00:23:03 because everyone online was saying they'd wanted to take a picture with the bow staff. And you have security for the whole weekend. It'd be psyched for the bow staff for me and we'll grab it on the way. I'll bring it because everyone online was saying they'd want to take a picture with the bow staff and you have security for the whole weekend. Maybe psyched for the bow staff. We go by. I pick it up from Lou. Lou brings it down for me. Police escort. We drive up.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah. Get to the hotel. I got a walk in check in behind Chaz, Palm and Terry. It's pretty awesome. Yeah. If I wasn't holding a bow staff and wasn't saying behind Mike Fenoya who went Mr. Palmentary we are work We are workmates or so he gave some bad thing with a friend of yours Chris the staff and now it was awkward
Starting point is 00:23:35 He knows it was awkward. Workmates. Workmates something like that Yeah, yeah, yeah, good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, Chris. Yeah. Oh, see? Oh, Chris, yeah. He's a good kid that kid. Oh, he's a good for blue.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I check in with the bow staff. Hell yeah, you do. I go up and check in my room with the bow staff. You never check out. Woo, woo, woo, woo. Woo, woo, woo. I go to the radio right away. With the bow staff.
Starting point is 00:23:57 No, damn it. Put up my room. But then go up, take a shower, get ready for the show. Shower with the bow staff. Have to go down. Oh, I have to go down. Walk through the show shower with the boss have to go down have to go down Walk through the entire place with the boss staff To get to the show if now when I get to the show in my head
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm of course gonna leave the boss staff in the green room all weekend. Uh, take them when I leave But I gotta get it there. I get it into the green room meet the host host goes on my goes on I hear him, you know, when they say my name and the woman introduces me, he says, all right, he's from Bonfire, Legion of Skanks, everybody. Big J. O'Coursen, moderate, applaud, everyone applaud, but moderate, do I feel like this is my audience and I've already come through the curtain holding a boast. Now I want to explain you in my head what was going to happen. Yeah, you're going to go out there. The place was going to light up. Go lose their goddamn minds.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Jamie did Boston. Yeah. Legion of Skanks. Yeah. And Lewis brought out hate speech to the bear. Yeah. He held it up in the air like Simba. It almost got a standing ovation.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Yeah. I was like the staff's going to get that kind of electricity. Buddy, do you now loud when the claps that were just moderate because it was mostly not my fans stop and i haven't put the staff down yet do you know the sound of trying to non-genallly drop this thing onto a stage it's something i dropped rebar from a hundred floor ruf i just resonates and then no one asked why i had it. No one acknowledged why I had it. No one seemed interested.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Why didn't you take a picture with it? Yeah, do you look like an oracle? I look like an asshole. You're pronouncing it wrong. It's uh, I did not look cool and then the second day for the one show on Friday I did. I go again, they go, you guys ready for Big J. Ocarson? And you hear like not a ton of applause. Love like people being psyched just like again, the pleasant like sure whoever the headline race. Yeah, we're here for comedy. And I grab that staff again. I go, here we go again, because this I go, now we're Friday. Now we're getting the nights. The fans are going to come to a casino, not just casino people. Yeah. The fans are coming first night is mostly I had a decent sized audience because blink 1802 canceled last minute
Starting point is 00:26:11 So I blink 1802 spill over shot that up to fucking mark hoppest and Tom to long no Tom long I already got on a Travis Barker got blood clots in his arms. Oh, no, so they had to they couldn't play Jesus Yeah, yeah. So I Go out with the staff again now my time this face that I have on This time going through a curtain isn't that of hope anymore now. It's like I'm gonna feel gonna answer all again And sure enough, Dan. I did good. I feel like an asshole again No one again gave a shitter acknowledged it that second time I even think I gave a little bit of like a
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yeah, like I raised it a little bit of like a yeah Like I raised it a little bit with like a the thing and the thing from the show and and like people looking like Couldn't guess why he's holding that thing you don't have them once again a crushing As it hits the floor. I love that there's one person in the audience That doesn't know you That sees you walk out with the staff and gets excited for the staff because they're like, well he's going to do some of that staff. He brought it out. So the whole time you're doing your act, like, when's he going to go for the staff?
Starting point is 00:27:11 And then you say, good night. And they're like, is it like an encore thing? Does he come out and twirl it? And then you just, he need that to walk. Yeah. Is it is a staff necessary? I'm trying to think of the inner monologue I would have if I was going to see a guy I've never seen before. And he came out with a staff, I'd be like, well, surely the staff is part of the intermodal long I would have if I was going to see a guy I've never seen before and he came out with a staff I'd be like well surely the staff is part of the act. Like it's just shit is over size book. And after the show Thursday, I stayed, I drank, I sang karaoke, me and Fenoi hung out for hours after the show.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Just bullshit is having drinks and smoking butts and stuff. And I met everybody at the show, even fans, no one even asked why I brought the Boast Airphone stage. Until Saturday night, when I made a decision, I'm not walking out with the Boast Airphone. It's in the green room because I'm leaving with it. And right before the second show, the last show of the weekend,
Starting point is 00:28:01 a guy saw me out in the hallway and he goes, Big J, what's up? I felt terrible because it was the show I'd leave when most of the weekend. A guy saw me out in the hallway and he goes, big J with something. I felt terrible because it was the show I believed when the fans were. It's got this big J with up because you're going on soon, man, I can't wait. You bring the staff, I go, you know, I did. And then didn't bring it out again and left from the back hatch door after the show. But good news is you busted up in that back hatch door with the staff. When I went outside, did I was butterfly swinging this thing all over the place.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I almost vaulted to Mike's car. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. I was embarrassed beyond belief walking out and knowing technology and then just having to drop it on the ground that thunderous and then pick it up on the way off stage. You will get that love that you desired because the next live show, you and Christine
Starting point is 00:28:46 are gonna do a tandem display. You're right by the way, we do a live bonfire show. You're gonna bring both of us. They have us gonna get crazy wrist-packs. But you and Christina, I like doing this. Do your couples tandem, both staff, you and fly girl. Yeah, don't section off a whole segment for it. It's gonna be quick, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I light her up, she's no good. Oh no, you guys want to fight No casino living in general for the weekend even is Tough man. It's just you see the same shit over and over again. Mm-hmm. It's sort of a bummer of a place to bummer me. There's so many Especially walking around during the day just fat Sad people yeah dwelling around this thing, just getting like the cards, they have the players cards all connected to their shirts, and it's just a very weird lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:29:39 It doesn't seem vacationated at all. If you don't smoke cigarettes, you're gonna die. From being there. Yeah, I forgot how thick of the smoke. I used to smoke. I hate it. vacation or anything all if you don't smoke cigarettes you're gonna die Yeah, I forgot how thick of the smoke I used to smoke I hate it. It makes why go downstairs? I get my eyes foggy. Yeah, I like what's happening and I'm going to smoke and I hate it Do you like smoking inside you don't like smoking inside though, buddy? I like smoking inside when I'm smoking inside Yeah, I don't like living in a world of smoking inside You turn the corner and you're like, eh. They don't even, there's so many areas that I walked right through
Starting point is 00:30:11 smoking that says you can't smoke here. No one cares. No one cares. No one gives a shit through the security walk right by you. They don't give a fuck. No, it's just casino life, man. Living that casino life. It's does not, it does not seem right. Like a grilled chicken from Chick-fil-A in a casino. The whole thing, it was, it was weird. The whole thing was weird. Starting to sound like a Tom Waitsong. Shit, all the gettin' grilled, jiggin' in. Crazy stuff. Crazy stuff. Oh, like casino life. Casino life. Casino life. I saw a cowboy with a nose bleed. Hell yeah. I mean, this really is becoming fucking song thereaii. I saw a cowboy with a nose bleed. Hell yeah! I mean, this really is becoming fucking song there, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I saw a cowboy with a nose bleed. And a woman on a scooter. Everybody, here's a clip of me and Ron Bennington having some fun in Philadelphia on a little road trip we took together. Big Jail kiss and Ron Bennington. We are joined out by our guest, everybody. What intro's he need especially in this fucking town? How about it for Bam Marjaro?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Bam Marjaro! What's the most hurt you ever got making one of the like the most? I mean it looked like the the dick farm on your butt. Well that was painful but um is what happened was you know they branded the dick on my ass, which was like, I kept jumping, so now I have a hologram dick. But it's like, you know, eight, eight of them. But I decided to wear the same pants for ten days straight, which gave me a fucking staff infection.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And that hurt worse than the actual brand. It was like screaming at my mom to take me to the hospital and it was bad news. It was so posthien-infected. Do you have to talk to an agent that you're wearing the same pants for 10 days and Steve O's walking on money because I think you guys were equal parts pretty big in those films. That's what was so strange about the first time I went to rehab, which I was forced to go to, and I'm listening to the lady give the speech, and she's trying to tell me that she's like, there's nothing good they could come from alcohol. Everything bad
Starting point is 00:32:26 happened. I'm like tell that to the threesome I had last night. Tell that to me doing all this. Any time I do any jackass stunts, you know, I usually like will do a shot at crime back then, you know, like it would make it would give me like beer mussels. So it's actually fueled three super successful films in a TV show. Yes, to tell that to the two Lamborghinis in my driveway bitch. That's probably not the speech they were looking for
Starting point is 00:32:53 at that meeting. Bam. You know, would you like to speak? Yeah. You know the exactly bottom amount when you have two Lamborghinis in the driveway. You know what I mean? That's not your bottom yet.
Starting point is 00:33:07 You know, I gotta go for a while after that. And that's what was so hard like how do you know, you could tell when friends hit rock bottom, like my best friend Novak, he, his rock bottom, was everybody, like just, he kept calling everybody up and he was on heroin, everybody knew this
Starting point is 00:33:31 and his mom was the last person to let him in his house and he shit his mom's couch on Mother's Day with a needle in his arm, tried to claim he had food poisoning but he forgot that the needle was still in his arms. So like, oh, I shake your cash, mom. Sorry, it's Mother's Day. I must have had food poisoning. Well, the needle is still in your, it's from that.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Then he got kicked out of her house, and that's when he hit rock bottom. That was rock bottom. I actually met Novak not two to a couple of years ago, and it seemed like a good guy. I think he had it together at that point. Well, once again, he's four years over now and it's insane because he was probably worse than Steve O. But I mean, the stories that he has so, we, we're the Baltimore Orioles Stadium,
Starting point is 00:34:26 and there's this big concert happening, and he's kicking game to some girl, and he goes, you know what, let's just find a discrete location to go fuck, and she's like, all right, let's go do that. His idea of a discrete location was the nosebleed section of the bleachers, the whole stadium could just look like this and see this. So now the security guard sees it and he's like, you better knock that off right now.
Starting point is 00:34:53 He's like, dude, shut the fuck up. I'm going to come in 10 seconds. And then as soon as he grabs him, he's like, you know, he pulls them off and comes all in for a song. And he's like, I told you, motherfucker, 10 seconds. That is not rock bottom. No. That's a good Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:35:12 That's a fun Tuesday right there. If you could still come, no, it's not rock bottom. Hey, it's Big J. Algracen, and I hope you enjoyed this week's Best of the Bond Fire. You can listen to the show live every Monday through Thursday from 6th to 8 p.m. Eastern on Comedy Central Radio, Series XM 95, or on demand on the Series XMF. Be sure to follow us on social media at the Bond Fire at
Starting point is 00:35:34 SexM. The Series XM Comedy Central Radio show, you up with Nikki Glazer is now a podcast. Join me, Nikki Glazer, and my best friend Tom Tacar as we overshare stuff about our personal lives. We get perspective on dating and sex. And make fun of whatever or whoever else deserves it. Check out some of the latest episodes featuring great interviews with Tracy Morgan, Amy Schumer,
Starting point is 00:36:00 Amber Tamplin, and more. Subscribe now to you up with Nikki Glazer on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app. Shumur, Amber Tamplin, and more.

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