The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Wasting Away Again In Margaritaville (feat. Mike Cannon)

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

Mike Cannon joins The Bonfire as the guys try to plan a staycation at the Times Square MargaritavilleStream "The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder" for 3 months free on the SiruisXM app! Offer... Details Apply: us on all social media @TheBonfireXM@DanSoder

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Everybody make sure you check out Dan Soder on the road. He's going to be in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 3rd and 4th. Then he's coming to the UK everybody, London at the Soho Theatre. That's June 13th through June 19th for tickets and all of Dan's tour dates. Visit Key West, Florida. This weekend, Big J. Ocarson and Dan Soder. The world is a vampire. It's sent to you. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist.
Starting point is 00:00:36 You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. You need to do that bassist. Chris and Dan Soder. The world is of empire. Benininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininininin A black king is not in with us today, but he will be back next week, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course, we have Jacob Atat, Christine Mariavins,
Starting point is 00:01:09 DJ Lou with that sweet sweet. Yeah, dude. Re-old repeat Lou. I saw it in the hallway. I told him it wasn't that great. Dangerous. Yeah. So I'm trying to tell you.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Oh, would you prefer that? You want that outcome? No, that hurts just as hard. Yeah, me and Dan, you can't get it. That was crazy. You're pretty either way. Me and Dan were sitting at chairs outside between shows today. Just talking shop.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Just talking and then Luke comes. Luke, I thought Lou went somewhere to get something and eat or something. He didn't, I realized afterwards what he does is he leaves out of the doors behind us, circles around the thing, and then came and sat down with us very quickly. Yeah, he never gives up his back like an old sheriff.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Yeah, he's always got his six covered. He's got to make sure that the problems are in front of him. You are not getting behind DJ Lew anymore. Good luck, dude. Which I would even have thought of it, except for the fact that he unnaturally sat down like he never does. Well, you're such a slow walker. There's no way Wow You look what you stole you know you stole what's it called you a straight stroller?
Starting point is 00:02:12 You do not walk that fast. I'm always ahead of you. Where in life You're always logging behind. I'm not always the first one to come in Oh, you go in I know but you come in first Yeah, but just in, I don't know, but you come in first. Yeah, but just basically walking, you don't walk that fast. I'm not, you do stroll. Yeah, you do stroll, and I'm a street cheetah, because I usually, I think when I walk on, I gotta go for steamy most of the time.
Starting point is 00:02:36 When you're like walking because you need to get somewhere fast, you'll walk fast, but your general walk is slow paced. Wow, okay. So, lolly gagger did. lolly gagger. Jacob, are you a fast walker? Slow walker.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I feel like you're a fast walker like me. No, I'm a super slow. Really? Yeah. So you and Jay walk at the same place. I guess that's why I got this flat ass. Yeah, do you put some head in your step? But I'm a fast walker now, I have a butt.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Not natural, dude do it's organic. You know why? All my walking speed is in my hips. Dude Luke you put it, I got it from my daddy. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, sorry, PSY. I got it from my daddy.
Starting point is 00:03:18 I got. Oh please put this on, it makes me so happy. This should have been the starting song. Well we wanted to start, we want to start with something else too. Yeah, we're going to find out about this guy. I got to see if there's danger happening in the other room. Or just a good interview. It's possibly just a good interview,
Starting point is 00:03:33 but I'll tell you what, there's a lot of unruly's out there. There's a lot of long braids, if you know what I'm saying, Lou, and I think you do, you live near T-neck. You've been outside T-neck. Did you find the song? Yeah, I did. Give it. I didn't make sure that's your song.
Starting point is 00:03:49 This should be your theme song. Yeah. Lou. If anyone runs a bar and sees Lou with T-drinking at it, please. You see, Lou, we see you drink and put this on. Damn, what are you here to build up on this? I feel nice. You look nice.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Narbo jamajana. I'm gonna think jambas. Damn, look. This has got to be anything song. But just the chorus, actually, Lil, I need you at a production level to cut this song where I tell you or hear it. Not cut it, but I mean like the
Starting point is 00:04:25 snippet we need for all forever. It's where the chorus kicks in. You want to drop a make fun of myself? Oh this is forever? Gangnam stuff. Oh yeah. Oh dude. I was trying to find the American dad in the last Oh, DJ, hello I like it He got it from my daddy. He got it from my daddy. I got it This is gonna be the next edit. I got a live show I'm taking a week off. I'm not doing this bullshit. No, you don't mean that you get to cut that right there Would you get that body from?
Starting point is 00:05:21 No, I'm not gonna look at this goes daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy I'm in Paris. I'm in Paris. Lou, we're gonna move forward. We're gonna talk about the lovely scene we saw up front. Jim Jones is here. There's a bunch of people around him. You know what that means? Mass suicide. Yeah, this guy's sold him on a fucking ideology. Well, Jim Jones, the cult leader. Dead.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Dead from poison. Jim Jones, the rapper. In serious right now. In the building, when we were outside, we saw him pull up and I got to say this was really cool Yeah, really what is the awesome moment? So I don't know what was that school. That was such a nice graduation gown That would be a doctorate or something. Yeah, I look like it was a little bit older too So I might have been like a doctorate or some anyway. They were in Del Frisco's It was just a black guy wearing like this
Starting point is 00:06:25 very fancy graduation robe, and a bunch of women he was with. These like middle-aged black ladies who were all, and they saw Jim Jones, and Jim Jones went over and like took a picture with him and shook his hand, took a, I'm like, man, I was like, we just watched. That was such a cool moment for this guy.
Starting point is 00:06:39 He just got his degree and like he walks out and like a rapper he clearly likes is like there. Yeah, so you could tell he was excited to take the picture. Yeah, he walked over with like, he was doing this. He was doing like when he saw it, that was Jim Jones, he was doing that like, no, no way, man, it's just happening right now. It was so neat.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, it was really cool to watch that. And then J and I were laughing because as we walked in, we were like, going by and they're setting it up in the fish bowl for an interview with Jim Jones. And he's just on his phone. And J and I were like, man, man famous people really just want to be do Another stuff really great done effect so great when you see anyone like that like getting their hair done to go do some kind of major
Starting point is 00:07:12 Movie and there's on their phone going like playing solitaire. Yeah, I just want to get home. Yeah, it's like you want to get home and watch my shows Just work. Yeah, Jim Jones song put it on Jim Jones and me goes what's his most pop what's his most popular? Well, this has 14 million. Okay, I think you just want to see the See the me go from five months ago It's the song we set the trends I Bigger than Jenga that warm-up is really good Got him from his daddy Google Christine
Starting point is 00:08:03 This is me go music Do not love to make phone noises as my ad lib Hello hello hello Kardashian oh, I don't want to speak here fucking your desert your desert war yells Do you must suck to be the other me goes guy? He's like, huh, isn't he good? No, he's like all the me goes. They're all delicious. I don't know, man. The guy who just doesn't look good in the clothes ever.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, the guy that puffy, he's got my body. It's like puffing out on like the tight designer clothes. Now Jim Jones, I can appreciate. I'll say what was he was rocking right now. He's a big old gold wallet chain. Had no problem with that. Wow. You didn't see that? Yeah, no, I can appreciate you. I'll say what he was rocking right now. He's a big old gold wallet chain. Had no problem with that. Wow. You didn't see that?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, no, I didn't. No, and here at the studio, I mean. Oh, he was. Yeah, he's gonna, you didn't see that? Lou, you saw that big gold wallet chain? Do you notice wallet chains faster than other people do you think? It's possible.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Yeah, you like, fuck, good chain, dude. I didn't know you're a chain, bro. Here he goes. I feel like I like it. He's rapping. He's not doing that fucking. Yeah, man. Yeah. You should go into it. You should go. Well, I'll the video look. Yeah You should go interrupt the interview and be like hey wall chain wall chain. I like your first on the me go song I like you think do you think it's a touch nothing to it's not I was attached to a wallet Christine with a lot of money
Starting point is 00:09:42 Jacob Um, Jacob. Find out when Jim Jones is doing this super special high security situation. If he wants to come in here and talk to dudes and sweat, and sweatshirts. Yeah, ask him, we need you to mission impossible into that fish bowl. And I want you to go over there, honestly, chest out. I mean, really big dick it. Really corporate white guy over there. Hey, what's up? What's up? Do you guys call your POs? Okay.. Really corporate white guy over there. Hey, what's up? What's up?
Starting point is 00:10:05 You guys call your POs? Okay. He's running the show over here. All right. See, a lot of you guys probably have ankle bracelets on. All right. Why don't I, uh, hey, Jim? Raise your hand if you don't have a firearm.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Hey, Jim, Jim Bo. Yeah. Jimmy, Jim. Yeah, we're a security for security. You know what I mean? All right. All right. Seriously, guys. Christine, you're gonna go down there and know what I mean? All right, all right, seriously guys Christine, you gonna go down there and white girl it you can go put it on the glass form
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, let's Christine goes down there and slap say I saw the fucking fishball for Yeah, give it to him back That's all that here They don't hear the laughter this your boom You go oh girl putting a booty hole up on the glass. Touching booty holding. Now you're covering your ass like DJ Lou. My canton's here. My canton's just getting pushed around out of it. I don't know guys, I'm just looking for a radio show. I have a YouTube special.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Baaah! You fucking look at that boy. Shut up motherfuckers. It's a cop face. This in your pockets. It's like stop, please stop. Oh, poor canton's got to walk through a gauntlet right now. No, it's always cool when there's really famous people there because it makes the lobby important when it's normally never
Starting point is 00:11:09 It does look to us. I'm like, oh, you were able to get through. Okay, welcome. Congratulations. You've made the bonfire. Well, you're lucky to be here. This is a there's a lot of security to get back here. Congratulations. We're normally just looks like a like a normal office with no one at the foot. Oh, we talk about it a little bit on the on the pre-record. So we don't have to like a harp on it here. But I died. Yes. Nine on skanks. No. I, uh, Jay went to the other side. No, I just passed. I wasn't. I didn't pass out even. I was like going down. Going down, down. I didn't lose any time. I know exactly what I just didn't know. What I didn't know was that my head went that low. So maybe if Lewis didn't say anything, I was going to go out, which would have been funny. But Lewis was just like, I remember that I took the dab, I blew it out and I started like
Starting point is 00:11:55 and you nodded. Kind of like not and then Lewis was like, are you okay? I go, am I? I don't know. I was like, what is it showing? I was like, what's it look like on camera? It's a little on camera bad. It is.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It was done a night for nose. That's just a old weed nod to it be a jack a.k.a Be kind rewind at an extraordinary put the clip up Yeah, and I was like cool. I saw my friend that I would scare me your hand your hand I was like oh son of a bitch. I had no auction in my brain just going down and then in the sky was a Jason But I said turn to scaring I said this on the show to I think my my butane dab days are over you know gonna do electric dabs I'm dancing to the dabs I'll do the electric and I love the party but I don't love dabs yeah I know I'm dancing I'm not breath I
Starting point is 00:12:38 represent I represent dance against dabs here at dance against dabs we're trying to stop all of our friends from Dan's V devs I reference you to Dan V devs. It's a it's a super packed it a star. I'll start it Jacob. What's up? What do you put print out all these things dude? Is this for what is this for it's for but it's for a sponsor? It's another thing you got to do later in between yeah on a break. Yes on our downtime. Yeah, Christine's coming in We'll be through Jim Jones I guess my cannon My cannon how cool is it how cool that look like coming to the show today? Did you feel fucking special?
Starting point is 00:13:17 New special out right now white privilege homeless available on YouTube YouTube comm slash my cannon comedy Available on YouTube YouTube comm slash my cannon comedy Damn, too, you can also look a podcast here the scenario Fini saggo. Oh Daddy with the rap song. Yeah, it's too. I love I love saggo, but I can't watch sincere rapping from a friend I can listen to it. Is there a video over now? The videos yeah, the video is something like when he doesn't eat like him I'm like shut up the pubs to the air shoulders up It's not as bad as Katie Perry with the Migos. You know that one where she's like, oh, that's like the cringiest.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Wait, I'm gonna never talk about that where she's like, oh, he's gonna earn it down. Oh, I mean, an earnest video. Yeah, here you go, Sag Daddy. Dude, here it is right here. Sag Daddy, Doug God. Outside of danger fields, which is still shut down. Shuttered, but with the headshots.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Dude, someone needs to put something in there. One of our rich friends, Dangerfields which is still shut down shuttered but with the headshots dude Someone needs One of our rich friends Nancy Redmond one of our rich for you One of our rich friends needs to buy that place and run it like a good club that It's awesome tell Lewis so cool tell Lewis I was Yeah, danger fields is the spot that place on the shelves on the floor Big company club idea What's on the floor. Yeah, it's a big comedy club idea. Oh, peanut shells on the floor. Yeah, real lived in kind of place.
Starting point is 00:14:28 We're going to have some of the comic sleep there in the younger ones. Well, so he filmed this for your. I mean, he didn't I had nothing to do with the video. I didn't sanction it, but I certainly asked him to do a hip hop song for the closing credits, thinking not only is he like shockingly okay at it. He is, we listen to it a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:14:48 He can really string together some words. He's pretty solid. But I also thought it was like a funny thing. He was in the intro of my last one. I thought it would be funny for him to wrap. He has a close friend. Yeah, yeah. That's fucking awesome. Yeah, but then he showed me this. Oh, man, you didn't know this was coming. I mean, he told me he shot something, but I assumed it was going to be like in the vein of a few of his comedy. And then this is, this is, this is for real straight up Dawson's Creek Frosted tips right
Starting point is 00:15:15 in front of a closed down danger fields. Sad daddy to God. Yes, you rip that shit. Christine, should we get Jim Jones in here to see what he thinks of it? Yes. Is anyone checking on Jim Jones coming in nobody is as I we have no respect here. Oh no, is he doing Serious serious stuff is he getting I know we got a shout out also did he call out the blonde fire with Jim and Sam because I'll hunt That fucking asshole down
Starting point is 00:15:43 What's up? You can go check on Jim Jones? Yes, yeah, just see you tell me you have an emerging. I'll tell him we're watching our yeah Just tell him we're watching our white friend rap and with love and opinion god dude if sagalow found out Jim Jones came It's fucking ripped his video No, okay, no I understand whenever he's doing what we can rewatch the video. No pull that pull out of the fishbow Where those people are watching? Sorry, we have a white show takes a little precedent What you said you say because Jay likes your verse with the megos
Starting point is 00:16:17 Fuck his Jay he said that shit was noise. Yeah, he goes all right, man Star cuz if he calls it the bonfire Jim and Sam I'm a fucking souplex. I think he says whether I'm at the bonfire or Jim and Sam on In serious, okay, I think that's it. No, I mean like I'm just standing here. It doesn't feel good Like daddy waiting to start Whether at the bonfire or Jim and Sam I'm curious curious when he to hype man to come with me up a serious I'm serious I think he might say with Jim and Sam He says or space for rent fucking tell About to text Lewis and Rebecca right now and get Rebecca back to New York and be like let's just
Starting point is 00:16:58 We've been talking Yeah, you see she'll move back before you find that it's available still Yeah, you see she'll move back before you find that if it's available still Did space for it and sag a little video I guarantee all the furniture is in there Chario I'll be a part owner of of opening new danger fields, which is named after another like Wolfburgs, every Dennis Wolfburg, you got more or more handbaggers. You know you get a hamburger, you know you get a game, you get a
Starting point is 00:17:36 hamburger. It's just all stand up. Shucky Duckies. It's all stand up with catch phrases. Every comic up there has to be like and Oh Instead of Mike Dees the photos a backdrop. It's staying doing the suit Dude he's just got his Duncan donuts ice coffee down there. Yeah, man It's over placement. I was living life. This is filming the all right give it play it Palmer Curie on the background shout out Kevin Kevin Kevin what's the name junior? This is filming the... Alright, give it, play it. Paul Mercurio in the background. Shout out. Shout out. I mean, award winners. Oh, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Kevin, what's the name, Junior? I'm just waiting to start. Whether I read the bonfire, or Jim and Sam are curious, do I need a hype man to come with me up a serious, I'm serious. The doubt of the learn, like how I'm stern, my racial success is my essence, Steve Bern. Fuck you thinking you little twinksy thing, make you singing. The same for Bob, I murdered seconds, and I'm peckin' really my big span, I'm like I'm havin' a late,
Starting point is 00:18:27 and I'm hain' never yammy, ever since my mic was takin' now, I'm always peckin' in town, like my life. I kinda like, it's like a lot of inside comedy references you should try like, but. Well, I asked him specifically, I was like, do you think you could make a comedy centric rap? I was like, gave it to him as a challenge.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I was like, I think that would be funny to play out my, my special. And obviously all those references are like I was gonna make Jim Jones really turn his head he goes what are any of these things? I don't know who this guy is Bob Sagitt, Fouls guy, he's dead He's dead, he's dead He's dead, he's dead
Starting point is 00:18:56 So I'm gonna start my shattering my world Hey y'all can you give me a second? Here we go, hey AFV AFV every night every Sunday man give him away $10,000. Remember that one thing in a half baked? Damn. Remember when that bird flew into the house and then the mom missed and she won $10,000, man, on my favorite.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Oh God bless him, but it's, you know why? It's because he's putting out that he knows. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna see it. He knows we live in the shadows. He's right. I have to yeah, well, I'm gonna see it. He knows we live in the shadow He's right I have to make he knows we hug this the same decision I had to make when I got a nose ring in my thirties It was like yeah, it's come out goes they're gonna say stuff about it, but like yeah, dude You have to give him credit as such a sensitive open wound. He is routinely putting himself out there
Starting point is 00:19:42 Thanks for trying dog. No? He might come in. He might come in when he's done. Nice. Nice. Hell yeah, then. Pause this wrap, then. Yeah, man. Maybe let the whole thing rock fresh.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And you didn't know he was doing the music video. I mean, he told me he was filming something. I didn't know it was going to be on the stoop. And when he told me in front of Danger Fields, I was like, oh, that's hilarious. I didn't know he was gonna be sexy facing in front of Kevin Brennan's old headshot. He's like, what you know about that? Okay, here's what he's probably doing right now. Because you bring up a Wikipedia on Jim Jones, we can find out anything for you
Starting point is 00:20:15 haven't come here. I like that one song you're on with Amigos, he goes, do you like any other songs? Ballin from the New York Giants. Oh, wait, a season. That's a big one. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's a good G-man. I loved it. I mean, and dipset, right?
Starting point is 00:20:30 He's a part of dipset. Yeah, he's deep. He's dipset. Oh, it's got a straight dipset. I might have mentioned you, or fans. Well, then let's give a little become fans. We got a better neck. We got 35 minutes to become fans.
Starting point is 00:20:38 What do you want me to sit? What did you do? I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. I like the idea. Well then let's get a little become fan We got 35 minutes to become fans The interview by the way dude we're just new we're brand new fans
Starting point is 00:20:55 You know I'm a fan of the newer stuff Except you like the song so I thought I Shaped me as a man watching the video is doing nothing. Please put it on so I could hear it So when he comes in I could be like mowing the words we This kind of just looks like a shaltz vlog It's just in front of private jets with my open brief cases. That's shaltzes in spell I really want to Jim Jones this video Jones this video. Yeah, did he, uh, it's I also like we fly high as like early use of green screen. Yes, it's like, it's like Wayne's world green screen. Yeah, he's like, look, we're
Starting point is 00:21:36 in Delaware. Where? Christine, can you bring up Sag daddy, the God on Wikipedia and then we just continuously ask Jim Jones questions as those are his facts. Pray for rain, dude. It's such a cool name. Pray. The Roman numeral four and then rain our IGN. Come on. That's pretty dope. Pray for rain. What a great His middle name's Guillermo. I know. I'm a fan. I'm in Guillermo. His middle name's Guillermo, so we could tease him about that. I hope you like that. I probably definitely will swing on us. Hey, Guillermo.
Starting point is 00:22:10 More like Guillermo. Anyway, what's that one song with the Migos? And then Luz got a rip off his shirt to clean up the spill of blood. The Diplomats. Oh, he's friends with Cameron. Oh yeah, everyone knows that. You idiot.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I love Hey Ma. He has nothing to do with that don't say that. Cameron? No. Just talk to him Jones. That was such a good one. So your friend Cameron used to be good at basketball. So you could spin out. Oh Cameron. Of all fucking days for Black Lou to be out. What the fuck good dude. Sorry, some of you text Black Lou and see if he knows what he's doing. I love these dresses like a husband from Real Housewives of New Jersey. The blazer with the untucked button up in the jeans.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Honestly, I could do 15 minutes on how did you come up with pray for rain? That's sick dude. What a album title. He was watching like a Sean Camp documentary and was like rain band rain and it's his rain Wait, he really was the rain man. I forgot Sean Yeah, and then he was a Scommon in women dude. It just drop in loads of E.B. Bargards dude. That was a fucking he had so many kids
Starting point is 00:23:17 That was so cool. Oh should we ask him actual Jim Jones the cult leader? Now you led the people's temple for nine years. What was it like to know? You lived in Yukai, California. Do you know what you're start? Do you know what destroy us? And I mean, this is three comedians in a room with destroy us. If you did that, if his response was he goes, uh, yeah, yeah, never heard that before.
Starting point is 00:23:41 That is the worst thing I come up here. Where it goes. You know, that's where he goes. I'll see that in a throw. Cool. I'll throw cool black eye energy on it where he goes. This month I go, he have people's temple jokes like that ain't been done. Things first of my heart that shit. He goes, hey, what are you drinking the cool late? I got to get out of here.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I'm like, I can't walk. I like you're really pulling off the next sweatshirt. I'm ballin'. Fuck outta here. I can't walk I like you're really pulling off the next watcher I'm falling Fuck outta here we fly He pushes the thing out of the sun with the Migos Migos assemble He's coming like Voltron We got another one, do boy. Oh sick turn it up. This is new that dude. It is
Starting point is 00:24:20 Didn't Migos just break up though the two of them? Yeah, I heard they on fall in each other. That's right. Yeah, they're conscious on coupling on social media. Yeah, that's the big conscious on coupling. Yo, with this time, the Migos have decided to consciously uncut. But we still ball catch us in the club. Listen, we're bringing Jim Jones is Jim Jones in to break down bread and sago. Yeah. So yeah, we don't have to ask a ton of questions. This is definitely the fucking party. I mean, here's a good one. I understand what you're saying, but it doesn't have to be inside the actor's studio. It does.
Starting point is 00:24:53 No, no. What's your favorite word? Listen, I'm proud of myself. I recognize him outside. If you meet, yeah, that's it. Jim Jones, for not knowing any songs by like name or do you think like I'm like, that's pretty good. I know that. I know that. What would you hope he says to you? What you feel the curse word?
Starting point is 00:25:08 No, it's your favorite sexual innuendo June Jones now. He's a little bit Hitler. What would it be he goes 2006? Prey for rain What did you pray for? What was Jimmy release painful? Why use the number that Roman numeral full when it's your first album? Hmm. Oh, what's the more? What's it for?
Starting point is 00:25:31 Who's it for? Bradley Cooper sitting in the audience. That's my favorite one, Louis. Talk shit about that. And then went on the tonight show. I was like, I have to apologize because Bradley Cooper's just in the audience. Because I guess Louis did a late night show. And he's like, you never see famous actors in that class
Starting point is 00:25:45 Oh, shit. Anyway back on he's like so I was wrong Yeah, Jim Jones face Smash a trash try to a girl with a big old dome. Lou get up shape your don't Why don't you show Jim Jones your piece dude? Don't pass me That's in house. I apologize. It's a good lose a peach No, he doesn't he doesn't we tweeted it. There it is. Oh wow That's gonna fucking apple that's some deep shadows underneath
Starting point is 00:26:21 Flow rider was in here. He would fucking have it explode. This is saying no ants are free climbing that. Yeah, you definitely got to screw in on that one. You gotta anchor yourself on that. You just don't, you just don't, you just don't. It's not ants free so well. You'll be my curry. I'll be your wife. My name is PS4.
Starting point is 00:26:42 I'm not a little fucked up. Get to the part, dude. It's rare to see something that Harry have that much P.S. Raw. I'm not a little fucked up. Um, get to the part, dude. It's rare to see something that Harry have that much shape. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Typically Harry has his own art shell. I've even shown the hair.
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's a giveaway that it's not, Lou. Oh, Lou, where'd you get that booty from? I just thought that's where it all my brain is from. Where'd you get that booty from? I don't want that South. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. You know what this dude is? New theme song. He's not down. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. You want this to be a new theme song? He's not down. I got it from my daddy. I got it from my daddy. Yeah, I've never back to Sagalo rapping. I've never had a friend, Deroza, maybe, is the only one that's pursued music earnestly in a way. He pursues sandwiches earnestly. Yeah, dude. Well, that was even a thing.
Starting point is 00:27:24 He's like, I'm gonna do sandwiches and you're like, okay And then he does it and you're like okay. Yeah, I can't jump back in the folk rock um Joe did music pretty earnestly and then there was the other comic that I Don't like you comedy still Tom What the hell is a name? He wrapped also. Christine. Tom, no, Tom, he did comedy. Right. Only. Yeah. Do you think we could get him to battle rap, Brendan Saga?
Starting point is 00:27:54 So I'm, do you remember that kid Z who used to produce for Bobby Kelly's podcast? Also used to help out for history hyenas? He's a battle rapper and we're actually going to have him on. Here's the scenario to battle. Sackalo. Sackalo nervous. I don't he said it like totally and I'm going to show him some of his clips because this guy is like legitimately talented and also performs in those like garages where everybody
Starting point is 00:28:16 is piled on top of each other. Yeah, it's like lion heart. I worked with a guy. It was so I forget his name. I wish I remember it, but we were both PAs on impractical jokers and he would get stopped on the street, he was a battle rapper, and he would be stopped on the street with people being like, oh dude.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Let me tell you, there's nothing harder than sitting through someone amateur wrapping at you while you're not into it, and you're like, oh fuck, that's so cool. It's all I want to say. Look at you with your face. I would hate you. With your face and your eyes.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Goofy ass, nose, my fucka goners, get me, choose do's and goos, and you're like, I don't, what am I supposed to do right now? You got a shirt like a dirt, made of dirt, yo, fart, jeans, I went, you're like, I gotta get outta here, can I leave, can I leave this? People asking you to watch comedy is pretty,
Starting point is 00:29:01 like their own comedy. Oh, I get sent clips very often, like watch this, and then I guess you'll probably want me to open For you next time you But I was you put your snooter and then give me a call I give $20 to a guy Which I wonder if you could find him on YouTube or anything But I remember the name for sure it was Pontiac I know that because when I was walking back from to the hotel from the club me and John
Starting point is 00:29:26 Carden was with me. There was just a black dude on the street with I mean like a four amp setup. Just standing in front of a closed restaurant. It would be like Pontiac all day. The funniest, most explosive entertaining in the world. I'm explosive. Pontiac. Alright, yo Yo, I go look at this dude. Just guy over here goes he's walking you never known you'd be walking I do it all man. I play guitar You know you want to do one of the other you could I could play guitar For a guy who could sing or I could sing for a guy who could play guitar. I could not play guitar and sing. Pony act most explosive comedian. He was once ever. I gave 20 bucks. Bow back game 20 bucks. Yeah. Or actually had John some
Starting point is 00:30:17 nervous. I mean, not nervous, but I'm just like weirded out by that. I'm like, can you go give him like 20 bucks? He goes, y'all give it to me. Game 20 bucks. He didn't even acknowledge it. He just kept talking. talking he goes pony act most explosive Comic in the world and he's looked at his bowl and saw the 20 goes all right, but that's it for me tonight Y'all I got to be wrapped up you mean you have that we did you mean it all you gave a money light She uh, there's 20 why don't you go home? That's enough for dinner Yeah, it's spot. Hey, He literally goes he goes and all right. All right y'all there's no it's just means in John Card.
Starting point is 00:30:48 He goes we have filled the thermometer and hit our goal. We're done. We're gonna power down. Oh we're looking. Yeah, Pontiac. And he was like all right I'm gonna wrap it up. Pontiac sufferers. Is there a community name Pontiac at all? I'm looking up comedian Pontiac. It's just bringing up comedians from Pontiac.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Oh shit. Have a Pontiac of the comedian. Street Perfume. I don't know if he's uploading a shit to YouTube. I'll say what? Four amps. Four amps. I mean that's a setup. But we had four amps and I'm not bolshing you. A fucking Elvis mic.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Here the fucking doobie do. He's crudin'. I don't know what it is, but it's so good. He had every second year comics tattoo, Mike. Yeah, yeah. Remember that, Mike? Yeah. Oh, it's right before you got behind it,
Starting point is 00:31:33 the comedy tragedy faces. Oh my God. Dude, so funny when they show it off at a mic, and they're like, yeah, I'm gonna make this commitment. So I got this microphone tattoo on me. That's right. So now I can never fuck, you don't have a mic. I have a embarrassing comedy tattoo,
Starting point is 00:31:49 but it's not a microphone, it's the grim reaper doing standup in a Richard Pryor pose, it's bad. But I like it. The brand-newsale. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it just got levels to it. Yeah, dude. You got levels.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I don't even really know what it means. You just wanted it. I just wanted a tattoo I suppose I did I was coming from the dark Lord I'm do what till I die What's the deal with tormented souls my tattoo? It's my you created you did all that sin in yourself My tattoos are far too serious with you, but I haven't tried to combine a series. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:28 I got a bunch of skull things, but I don't have one with like a spinning bow tie or something. My whole propeller hat. My full back. I have a full back clown makeup on a skull. I'm shoulder to shoulder all the way down of an alfredi Newman. And I, and I, in Owinglish it says what, me worry. Shoulder to shoulder all the way down of an alfredi Newman
Starting point is 00:32:50 I would English it says what me worry. I got live laugh love across my back Damn, dude. I was destined for a shit tattoo for something that I was I have of course because I when I played hoops I was gonna get like a net from my neck down to my arm What and like a basketball in the middle of it? You were for great as a student. How long, how, number one, how old were you when you wanted to get there? 18, and how long did you think it was, that was a badass idea?
Starting point is 00:33:12 Over four months minimum. Like four months of being like, this is, because in my head, it was like with a different body. You know what I mean? When I picture my tattoos, I was not me. I had a character on that. I'm not. Yeah, I picture it on a much better body. Yeah me too. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:28 I thought I was gonna walk in and get a bear claw on my shoulder and then all these women are just gonna throw pussy at me and then I had to get fucking Tribal around it and then it just look like I if I had my shirt off you like that guy. There's a good chances on meth Yeah, I was never gonna get like white boy on my knuckles like Jason Williams, but he was my guy. I almost got time. I almost got that black panther on my arm with the claws. With what about it? Yeah. Did it? Now, I just, I'll say this. Oh, yeah. And we've had this argument of cool, sweat guy of all time. My James Williams, he said Jason Williams, my challenge is, uh, is Everlast. Oh, now we're is Everlast. Now we're talking Everlast. Now we're back in the white rap again.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Now we're doing Everlast's friends when he was young or he started doing white rap. But he lost a white beef Everlast. He picked rap beef with Eminem and Eminem like mopped him. He destroyed a couple tracks. Yeah, yeah. He like one after it was like one after was it was when Eminem was very Unwish yeah, yeah, yeah, and I think he may have said like I created this dude on the reason that he can even exist
Starting point is 00:34:34 Which I think is like partly true. Yeah, but I think he he went at it disrespectfully in Eminem You know at the most sensitive drug induced moment of his You imagine getting a high Eminem and his peak hyped up on drugs? And you're like, yeah, fuck him. He's like, what did you say? You didn't want to screw up his order to chillies. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I didn't order this. I didn't order this. You're like, oh, fuck, you're going to destroy me on a song? I'm so sorry. I thought you had the chicken Caesar salad. Well, ever last, I think even before Kid Rock popped up, ever last had to make that change from being like hip hop. Yeah, But that which is so funny the day he chooses to do that were one day's like yo jump around and the next day's like man
Starting point is 00:35:13 It's too. Oh He even the bulb he just wakes up. He's like now I'm sad I was bad ass now. it's a little cloutier. I've gained perspective. I woke up and saw a different view. Yeah, I want to work some of this out. I have been appropriated. Yeah, I don't want to jump around. Now I want to sit and think. This song is all over TikTok right now. No kidding. What's the trend? The Borschen part. Oh, all right. What a baller.
Starting point is 00:35:51 What's the abortion part? It's just as repeal, Roe v. Wade. Yeah, Everlast is super pro-life. Life begins at conception and that's just a fact. You know, you're willing to have sex and you should have to take it to terms Saddled science Mary got pregnant by a guy named time said he was a little and you said well, maybe you should have got married And then there's one of them a problem. You said you were on the pill slut leaving
Starting point is 00:36:21 I'm out Too pro life ever last my favorite thing about the The argument with the fucking when they go if you know what if men had can get pregnant There'd be a abortion clenched in every street corner goes, uh, yeah, because we have to deliver a baby out of our dick holes There will be no more babies Oh god, I got pregnant. I gotta go get this thing take care of wept to shoot at him I did I'm gonna get blown open like a birthday Gorgon I got your dick
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah, there would oh my god nonstop Maybe if you would a whole like have a last Baby's coming out here dick like Ace Fittura out of the rhino It's face Mary should have swallowed some of the loo yeah, I'll tell you right now Ace and Tara falling out of that fake rhino's asshole possibly the hardest I've ever left in the theater I was 10 it was my senior quote in high school kind of hot in these rhinos asshole possibly the hardest I've ever laughed in the theater. I was 10. It was my senior quote in high school kind of hot in these In the like in the movie theater just being like The noises he was making oh my god. He's coming out all sweaty
Starting point is 00:37:42 Oh my god, he's coming out all sweaty. Yeah. He's pulling some of the tubes and shit. Jim Carrey, specifically from like eight to 11 year old boys, could you just get him fucking riled up? Dude, that was James Hardin on the rockets. High usage rate, give this guy the rock and get the fuck out of the way. But is that the best though?
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's perspective in life too, because it's gotta be when you heard it. A zillion stand up comics who remember Jim Carrey from the comedy store, are watching the thing to go like, he's talking out of his ass like in a movie. Like wow, wow, it's so funny. I just broke down the goal for.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Did you see the, yeah, exactly. You see the rest of us are like punching tables and when he's coming out of a rhinoceros ass, it's like, oh, and like I wrote a thing. Oh. And like, I wrote a thing. Oh, love it. I wrote a serious piece. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Layered. This guy's topical. But I fucking loved this. Yeah, my dad hated Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler. And I realized it's because of that because he was a not successful actor. And he saw them doing noises and was like, they don't have, they don't, they can't do anything. do anything. That's what's fun about being raised by an alcoholic
Starting point is 00:38:47 with no aspirations or I wasn't raised, but when I'd hang out with him and I'd play... I'd play... You know, some of that kicking it without a holocuse happens to be your father. I'd never hang out with a guy that kind of feels court ordered. I would play Adam Sandler and he'd be like, this is so funny.
Starting point is 00:39:01 And I'd be like, yeah, these rules. Ode to my car? And my dad's like, oh like I'm a piece of shit Staring a drink with his fucking index finger Who is this guy he's like Foxworthy because like a little dirty. I like that. We just listen to jerky boys together I might be like yeah, let's go to we'll go to fucking best by I'll buy you some jerky boys He thought it was so funny. No shit. Yeah, dude, he loved it.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I remember the Frank Rizzo one, the roofing, was like the one that my dad would just, he'd like, put on roofing. Put on the track titles. Yeah, he'd put on a pico. He does not hold. And he liked, he liked, um, tarbosh, the Egyptian magician. Yeah. And the snake bit my eye.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I remember all the hits of the gear. Wow. Wow. Early random, interesting person I hung out with probably two or three times my life has come off in the jerky. Really? That's the first guy to New York. He was friends with Craig Gas.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Yeah. And then through Kamala, I met Arty Lang before he was on Stern, I think. Really? Was that weird for you as a Stern? No, no, he was on Stern, I think you just got on Stern. But you're a massive Stern fan, so when you met him. No, you know what? So that's your right, I'm wrong No, no, he was on sternar. I think you just got on But you're a massive stern fan. So when you know it so I know it so that's you're right I'm wrong. It was before he was on stern
Starting point is 00:40:08 But I knew who already lying was from a TV. I knew yeah, sure and and movies and shit dirty work Be early early dirty work. No, dear league was a later, but the dirty work here When you saw him like when you you're right take what you upset with us Crank that way back off Trying to ruin the mood Reviving here. Do you want Jim Jones come in and see his all pasty and vein face? How y'all got blue veins in your forehead When he got stern were you like oh shit? I know that guy and now he's the fuck.
Starting point is 00:40:49 No, we weren't afraid. We just hung out one time. We went to a movie. But I say, weren't you even pumped though? You're like, I got a movie with the guy that's in the fucking Stuttering John Chair. Yes. Yeah, I do think it was very freaking cool. But then I didn't really know already again until, he would even remember that. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? We went to these movies together, but then come on,
Starting point is 00:41:07 I went with a few times to a few things, but it was just an interesting like, dude, it was around, very cool guy. Dude, he was so funny. He had my favorite prank phone call, which is the one where he does the terrorist voice, and he does the shut the fuck up. That would bomb you.
Starting point is 00:41:17 And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot.
Starting point is 00:41:24 And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got the shot. And you got you 20% of you shut the fuck up Dude that even saying that out loud. I remember how hard I've laughed at that because where you shut the fuck up She's like sir, but then Frank would do my dad would we put on roofing about yay roofing Hey, I got these Mexicans update. They slap on around that hot shit and the guy goes are you for real? these Mexicans up day they slapin' around that hot shit and the guy goes, are you for real? I gotta revisit this shit because this is giving me like sense memory like I'm remembering the driveway I was in listening to this. Oh for sure. As a little kid. I love to get it.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Juggie Gay, I always remember my favorite. Yeah, Juggie Gay. We used to work at the Brawl Bill and slap the fuckin' wreckage upside-back. Hey, Sinatra, he died with that money to have Prick. Oh, or when? Took a whittin'. The Saul Rosenberg trying to get the warts removed. He was like, that's where I mean, that's a family. When I saw him on Family Guy, I popped.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Because I was like, oh shit, that's jerky boys. Oh, I didn't even know he did Family Guy. Yeah, he does. He does a bunch of voice on Family Guy. No shit, I ain't got that. But Saul is a more. More is his first character Saul Rosenberg Oh, I he would call him be like I got to get these silly little warts removed. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:42:30 He's like what is the doctor? Do does he go in there with a knife? Oh, it sounds painful and the woman would be like it's like 90s, New York So they're like, sir. I'm gonna need to call you back. What's going on? It's like all right But it might gonna be able to have my warts removed? And then like do you have a prescription? Yes, my favorite My favorite thing is with the glasses Oh, when she comes back on she goes on put you on hold for a second and I'll come right back and she comes back on She goes hello. Yes, Bob, Bob Bob
Starting point is 00:42:58 Bob That's the one where it makes me laugh where she goes do you have a prescription and he goes? Yes And she goes what's what's the number where it makes me laugh, where she goes, do you have a prescription? And he goes, yes. And she goes, what's the number 40? Fantastic then. Yes, of course you go. She goes, fuck a jerk. Are you free to come on four o'clock? Fantastic then.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yes. That was one of the tapes that got swiped by my mom. Oh, that's so, that's so, yeah, my mom didn't like that I listened to. Yeah, jerky boys got taken, ice cube got taken. I brought that home in like third grade predator I think so yeah, but it was immediately like put it on I'm relating to it for some reason as a third grade white My mom coming downstairs to see me just popping it to fucking the fuck shops to live crew
Starting point is 00:43:42 It's porn rap dude my mom my babysitter left appetite for destruction over. And I was like, seven. And I was like, gattig. And my mom showed up and she was like, why the fuck do you have a guns and roses tape? And I was like, I don't know. Today's Tom Sawyer. I'm taking a look at him. It's Russ.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Get out of my face. Today's Tom Sawyer, hang it. I already. I'm sorry. I'm so gonna watch that earth. It's rush. Get out of my face. Today's time sorry, I hate that guy. Oh yeah. Damn, you do KVPI, rocks the Rockies. That's what he's doing up to. They play Metallica and all this shit. But when I got that Guns and Roses taste, I was like,
Starting point is 00:44:16 this is awesome. A lot of day while we're young. Right. And Nick, my stepdad, was super into rush. And I was like, dude, I listened to them on the radio. He's like, yeah, because you listen to a rock station. You fucking, oh my god, I've heard Rush before. You know. That into rush and I was like dude I listened to them on the radio He's like yeah cuz you listen to a rock station you fucking oh my god The industry to recognize as an adult like when a kid's trying to connect with you
Starting point is 00:44:33 I had that so many time where like my dad was obsessed with Eric Clapton I sang it for him and was like don't I sound like him and he's like no Jesus like just flatly like no you by the way You make an excellent point cuz I I shit on it all the time I got into Jimmy Buffett to be closer to my dad I was like, all right this is how I win you over I was already in the night I played golf Dude, because of my dad I literally was on the golf course in eighth grade my dad's like pay more attention to his cigars than me And I'm like, well, I did this for you. I'm learning I'm learning golf
Starting point is 00:45:03 Are we all nervous that Jim Jones actually gonna come in? Yes. I always wonder. Here's the thing, I want serious to give his guess. So I'm always like, I tell they show off. And then the day of them happening,
Starting point is 00:45:13 I go, I hope they're limo crashes. You're in the gum. The day we're supposed to have day, I don't want to meet them. The day we had the day we had Dak Prescott on, I was like, do I stand? Do I sit? I don't like any of this.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I don't like it. Dude went, went, went, went, went. I think Jay came off so cool. And then like any of this I don't like it dude went when when So cool and then he left and then we're all like When little dickie when little dickie came in and just didn't really I thought we're gonna have so much Philly talk and he was like That was the best I go he goes I live out in Shelton ham or Cheltenham and I've always called it Sheltonham. I know what you're talking about I go oh Shelton Ham and he goes Cheltenham and I've always called it Cheltenham. I know what he's talking about, I go, oh, Cheltenham, and he goes Cheltenham and I went, he hates me.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Well, that's that. Thoughts it was gonna be a cool thing. That would be the best friend. And I'd be like, fucking dude, how much you love and you love to imbeade in the Sixers and I remember he was like, yeah, I'm friends with him. You know what I was like? I was like, who's to a picture of my, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I love her gonna be best friends in the world, but all right. But that's what's funny is like even pizza there now. The last time I saw Pete was at the seller and he was like to ask of this video The vendeesle sent me I was like sure. It's him fucking whooping all bark. Things crazy shit happens in my Dude I saw a tweet. I saw conspiracy I saw conspiracy theory tweet That's so much weed at me and I thought it was so funny where they were like Pete Davidson is fucking his way up the illuminati till he finds out who did 9-11 That's all he is and the Saudi prince
Starting point is 00:46:36 I saw that tweet and I was like this is so funny. She Pete covered up from head to toe in the Dead Sea Taking on a weird path. I live with a salt and an ounce, gays off. I was weird, me and the Sheik are gonna go fishing and I'm gonna confront him. Did you blow up the towers? This photo out here kills my crowns. Me dexterism, this is all aifier people that died,
Starting point is 00:47:00 not thing. So now I'm gonna kill you. That'd be like if I hunted down the CEO of Bookhardy. And he was like, why are you here? And I was like, why do you make rums so delicious for certain men? Do you already said it's so good? I'm explaining why you're using the gun as like an Italian hand finger. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I'm thinking and I'm thinking. It's weird to blame for all this. Realm originally was a Caribbean drink, but then you, you, had to put it into my father's Swedish blood. You know my sh**. Yes, you know my father always wanted to be a fancy pirate. Why would you put that pirate on the cover of her? You take Captain Morgan, his dream.
Starting point is 00:47:37 You take Bacardi, you put that fucking bat, you put that bat in a man's face, and then you put Jimmy Buffett on Christine Jimmy Buffett's like white lineman listening to Metallica before football game That's alcohol No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no answers. You know, we gotta go there. He actually, this is the exact motion he did. You saw it. He was, we gotta go to Margaret Reedville. He pointed, check him, check him, went. He made a seven with his head.
Starting point is 00:48:33 He said, he made a two, what it looked like to me. It looked like a mean cat. He was like, hey, do you wanna come over to the couch? He goes, I don't. Yes? That's he slicks a lot. Whatever Whatever you say bud. He likes healthy food But bring up the menu for margarita. We don't know what's happening. They gotta have something. Yeah, they probably got not to resort Not to resort, but I would mind staying at the resort
Starting point is 00:48:55 No, this is a resort in time square. So I think that's where the what? Yeah, oh, yeah, it is because it's It's not the time squares of resort now. I'll go down there. I'll stay should we stay there for a Cause it's like the top scores are resort now. I'll go down there. I'll stay should we stay there for Yes, dude should we stay Tuesday night in the Wednesday? Absolutely we should cuz I'll tell you what yeah Tuesday nights. I'm off the stuff that would be perfect actually Just stayed at my margarita bill He's so fun. It's like how those people go to the old airport Should we do a staycation Monday night after skanks you guys come back and then we have fun and then we stay the old TWA air So we could have Margaritaville like fun time Christine Cuna be so garbage and be that hyped on it
Starting point is 00:49:34 I can't we get a non-stop Chris Ramp could we do a weegy board and try to contact my dad. Yes Is any part of you wish you could like take a 24 hour Hyatis from not drinking to fully enjoy that place Christine stop looking at I would get too emotional yeah, yeah, I get too emotional if I got drunk in a place like Margaritaville outcry Yeah, she's looking like if you put on Pearl Jam's release when I'm hammered. That was a guarantee Pearl Jam release. I'm gonna fucking ball. Yeah, I'm a drunken cry
Starting point is 00:50:09 It's like me on the train home from a brokerage and levittown My dad's from levittown some all the family stuff just surfaces First of all you got to be a real funky place to be called margarita bill based off of drinking and you have a breakfast. They have a breakfast menu. Did you see that? Yeah, but it should be called, it should be called still not done yet. Yeah, late late late dinner. Crack eggs. Oh, well, this is your two fancy island style. I want to see if they do that because we were looking at a whole Cogans menu and the problem is he doesn't lean into being whole Cogans.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Oh, that's what I thought. We want like the big boot burger. I like the big John's shirt rip and fries. Yeah, we want the big John's stud waffle fries. I don't know if this happens on this menu at all, it's not going to happen until the dinner menu. And I have a feeling it might actually be all know the landfalson before lamb is closed down They had a fucking big J. Overson or big J. Neapol sandwich At Hulk's thing is a call my daughter's boyfriend the n-word
Starting point is 00:51:15 He goes into black Russian, but you won't be calling that three Luzer racist inhibitions whiskey Martini buff of the Buff of the love sponge. Yeah. Tater tots. Yeah. He, uh, well, this is, you know, bang your friends wife hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Caught on tape eggs. We got our caught on tape. We was buttermilk pancakes. This looks like straight down the barrel. Jimmy's just letting you know what they got. Keesh for alcoholics.
Starting point is 00:51:44 That's pretty hilarious. They have Keesh. That's because old people are hanging out. Yeah's just letting you know what they got. Keesh for alcoholics. That's pretty hilarious they have Keesh. That's because old people are hanging out. Yeah. I would say one thing too. Do you remember that whole coca-cola video when he finished fucking his friends wife? He takes a call from his son. He goes, what's up brother?
Starting point is 00:51:55 Those guys will talk at another. Do you know another friend? His mom are still hanging out. Dripping with his best friends wife's goo. And he's like, hey, what's up? Yeah, I'll meet you. I hated it because it was a dad picking up for his son. That's why I can't. No matter what. Damn, dude, after pussy, give me your dad. Yeah, your dad used to dunk in the fucking Cheryl and then be like, you're fucking. I was in the last kids call me again. I wasn't even fully down yet. Yeah, dude, my dad, my dad, I'd be in the living room and he wouldn't even pay attention.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I could smoke in the bedroom, I would go out there. That video, she was laying down, she was like, oh my God, you just blasted my pussy apart and he's like, one second my son. Hold on. Yes, so he goes, hold on, sister. Yes, brother. You might want to pack that thing with ice for a second.
Starting point is 00:52:42 I handle a second, yes son. I chop that harder than bun to it. WrestleMania two. I really flung into the turmbuckle on that one, huh? Yeah. This is the inside of the newly opened Margaritaville hotel. That's sick. Dude, let's do it, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:58 You're gonna see some fucking trash. Oh, man. It's like a cruise in-time square. Yeah, it's a nice moving cruise They have to get ground legs these people are so used to just eating a buffet on boats that they're like I got you is this Jim Jones is it happened? It's the most bare feet you'll ever seen It's a gym to go By the way, we can think we suck
Starting point is 00:53:22 55 minutes in oh god, we knew we're like playing in the like 55 minutes in. Oh God. We knew we were like, don't plan on the bril, get Canon here for most of the show, but then we didn't realize we were gonna do our actual job when there's a friend hanging out. All right, we suck. We're gonna be right back. Okay, okay. We're hanging out with Mike Canon,
Starting point is 00:53:33 his special white privilege homeless on YouTube right now. Go check it out. Also go check out his podcast here's the scenario with our friends, Sag Daddy, the God. The God and Mike Fini. Yeah. [♪ Music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music playing, music you

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