The Bugle - Bonus Bugle: A listener quiz for Andy

Episode Date: October 28, 2017

We asked you to write a quiz for Andy and here it is. A load of questions about puns and almost nothing about the news. Some classic clips are thrown in to remind you of the gold, including frozen cri...cket bats, hotties from history, and yes, puns. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- Audio newspaper for a visual world. Hello, Bugglers, and welcome to Buggle 4077. Sub-episode, Alif, this is an extra Buggle. I'm currently in Toronto, Canada,
Starting point is 00:00:52 having a bit of a week off. But we are providing you with a unique Buggler's part of our largely non-existent 10th birthday celebrations. Chris, the producer, is on the line from London. He will now explain exactly what he's about to put me through. Well, Andy, I think you are obviously a very wise man. That's correct. Testify.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And you know, you know, you spend a lot of time writing this show, and you know it inside out, that's correct. Uh, well, the first of those things is probably more true than the second. Okay, interesting, we've already got some hesitancy there. The audience have collectively written a quiz for you Andy. About your own show, we've got contributions from one I think from four continents. From about eight different countries.
Starting point is 00:01:44 And they've all got questions for you. As I said to you just before we started, some of these questions clearly have an answer in which they've actually provided the answer. Some of them clearly have an answer because I was able to research it and find the answer. Some of them probably have an answer but I don't know what it is. And some of it's just bullshit. Okay, that sounds like an accurate reflection of the nature of the modern world to be honest. So what more appropriate way to launch the inaugural once a decade bugle quiz. How ready are you?
Starting point is 00:02:20 I was born as ready as I am now which is not nearly as ready as would be ideal in the modern world. Okay, so this question is from and forgive any pronunciation errors. This is from AC. Hello Andy, can you tell me what happened in Australia that caused you to go on a dog themed pun run? Oh, I do know this, the dog themed pun run, which I'm sure many Googlers will remember with a mixer of joy and horror and possibly both. That was, it was Lou Reed and his wife doing the concert for dogs. Was it at the Sydney Opera House? I think it was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Right. And to give Googlers a little insight into the, the, scientific creation process the culminatory pun of the pun run the golden retriever pun Which a golden wet weaver Emerge from a lake as I remember I wrote that's at approximately four in the morning sitting in bed and I Loved out loud and and woke my wife up so I probably shouldn't have shared that information but that's the kind of life I lead. You know there's a lady number 35 who you really don't like? What? Shit Sue, I wish you wouldn't call her that dear. It's very rude. And anyway, why don't you like her?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Well, of course she talks rot while her huge husband scares me. I mean, he's a big old bastard. Big old bastard. Last time you told her one of my gigs, she just talked about it endlessly at work. She really bought her colleagues. They cloned into their car. They cloned into their car to go to the airport to Australia.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Wow, said Laurie. I've had a, I've had such a great day. It's only still lunch time. Hang on said, Lou suddenly, we better do some publicity for this gig. Can I borrow 20 bucks for some posters for it? Sure, pay me back next week, reply to his wife. And get me a box of chocolates to say thanks. purchase on the back seat I'll just ridge back and get it have you told any of your own music buddies about it? Has Key Has Key Thriches called? Has Key Thriches? No said Lou but I told X velvet strum a mooring tucker all about it I really talked it up. Second appearance from what? It's very cool. I really talked it up said Lou Jew hour, shorted wow her she was well impressed said Lou I'm so excited about Second appearance from what? It's very good. Already talked to Lopsidlou. Jew Hour.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Shorted Wow, Hershey was well impressed, said Lou. I'm so excited about this gig. If it goes well, I'm going to take the show to Dogs all around the world. Well, let's just see how it goes first, love cautioned his wife. Don't start thinking about an elaborate tour. A elaborate tour. Not yet. It's going to be a logistical challenge anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I mean, for a start, I'm not going to have to clean the auditorium. Not after a crowd of dogs has poodle over it. Not yet, it's going to be a logistical challenge anyway. I mean, first of all, when I have to clean the auditorium, not after a crowd of dogs has poodle over it. And if any promoter asks you to do a gig for cats, I'd be hesitant. I'll say shun that offer. Suddenly, loose land on the brakes. Cripes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 That Indian chef just built a load of melted butter on the road. Oh, yeah. That was cool. Poor, geek. Vizel, I'll thing I wanted to see. Ahhhhh! As they pull into the airpool. Ahhhhh!
Starting point is 00:05:30 Sorry, hold on. Before you get going at it, I just need to set out a primal screech. Ahhhhh! Okay, carry on. As they pull into the airpool, it's only once ago. They drove past a textile maker who'd fallen into the icy Hudson river and just climbed out. Look, Darling said, Lou Reed. It's a cold and wet weaver.
Starting point is 00:05:51 LAUGHTER That was worth a wait. A cold and wet weaver. I resign. LAUGHTER I resigned. Who says I don't use my degree? Oh no. I was quite early in the bugle when you did that and I'd worked with you on sporting things before and wasn't quite sure what I'd let myself in for when that happened. Oh yeah, I sense it is a test to you, Chris, to see if you had the required mental resilience to take 30 consecutive dog puns without resigning.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You passed the test? No, I've resigned many times, but let us keep getting ignored. So you've got one out of one, Andy. This is from Anita. Hi, just wanted to know what was the longest run of puns on one topic. Oh well, I mean it depends what you mean by longs, you mean the most number of puns or most time it lapsed. Well can you answer both for two points? Oh right, the pressure's on, in terms of number of puns, I know I did all American presidents in reverse chronological order,
Starting point is 00:07:07 which at the time was 44, and I think most of the world wishes it was still 44, including Grover Cleveland twice for his two non-consecative terms. I think I'd be surprised if I'd done more than 44 puns on a single topic, in terms of length. I mean, the dogs were pretty long, I think. But I don't know, I'm not sure. How'd I do on that? Yeah, you get a point. Andie, this is from Dave Morris.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yes, hello, Dave. Andie, there's been a lot of controversy over cricket bat design and with the new models that legal or not. What effect does that have on the number of cricket bats made from frozen oil that stretched to the moon and back? Yes, I remember this was when the bugle got scientific, wasn't it? The number of, I can't even remember what, what kicked this off? It was bugle 116.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Right, bugle 116 and frozen cricket, I thought was it stretching to the moon mate? Wasn't it something to do with stretching across the Atlantic initially? Yeah, so it was about America having an oil shortage. I don't know why you would, I don't know how it ended up getting frozen, but it was... Can you freeze oil? Oh, don't know that, I think that's the question that led to the cricket mates. All right. But what the, I guess, was it the length of the handle of cricket
Starting point is 00:08:29 box, whether you're using a short handle or a long handle cricket box, probably makes it like an inch and a half difference, which I mean, when you're stretching cricket bats to the moon and back, that's going to mean that could that's the difference between making it and not making it or overshooting it. I really do wonder, Andy, whether the manpower put into coming up
Starting point is 00:08:47 with super analogies like this would be better diverted into coming up with ways to stop this f***ing leak. Because the complexity of imaginations on show seems to suggest that if successfully hardest this could all be over by now. At the very least, they should all take their stupid milk jugs down to Louisiana
Starting point is 00:09:05 and start scooping some f***ing oil out of the gulf with them. One of these milk jugs made of. I'm guessing a porcelain milk jug and I'm guessing your classic porcelain milk jug. You've got to be looking at some spillages and breakages as well. I just don't think they've factored that in. If they wanted a more impressive distance they should have used maybe longer and thinner receptacles that could have laid end to end. Right, maybe I don't know. Yards of aleth. You know, you know, the yard of aleth. Yeah, that would get to Portugal.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yeah, well I think that would have made me pay more attention. Or maybe, you know, if they'd frozen it into cricket bat molds, how many how many frozen cricket bat oil cricket bats? With, I don't know if you can, can you freeze oil Chris? Yeah, I'm not a scientist. I'm a friend. No, I'm not a scientist. I can look it up for you. I'll be great Chris. Can you please ask if can you please find out if you can freeze oil
Starting point is 00:10:03 and therefore if that oil could be frozen into a crazy bad shape. If the answer to the first is yes, I'm getting the second is yes as well. I'm on through it. Thanks Chris. But it does seem that this John was definitely one occasion when spending that little bit extra short term might have saved a big bit extra long term like when you buy a rhino for a new circus act. You know a dead one might be much cheaper than a live one, but it's not going to work long term. It's straight man-stick will rapidly become tiresome and predictable. Better pay the extra to a respectable poacher or importer of large-hawned ungulates
Starting point is 00:10:37 and get one that can do more than stand there looking stiff and slowly decomposing. Or even you know if you don't want that and hear the hidden costs come in of buying the dead one then you have to have it stuffed by a specialist rhinocytic taxidermist mounted on coasters by a qualified wheelie and then fitted with brakes by a guy from down the garage at the end of the road that will chuck into new wipers for free if you ask nicely and you do need brakes jump because a wheeled rhino on a sloping stage in the musical is a core case from a bereaved orchestra waiting to happen. Now I'm getting off point here, but the point being get yourself a decent live rhinoceros and either train it if you're on a reliable sidekick or just work with its wildness if you
Starting point is 00:11:13 want to morph the cuff edgy genuinely danger-filled gig. By which I mean don't skimp on safety costs when you're setting up and running an oil well, particularly not when you make $14 billion a year. I mean you've made almost $60,000 in the time it's taken for me to say this. So treat yourself next time BB because you're worth it as are your employers and planet. I think you made your point Andy, whatever that point was. I can't even remember. I think it might have been a different one at the end than it was at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. But some bits of various points have been made. Chris has got his pencil in there. Pretty facts. Yeah, I want my facts. There's no one freezing point for crude oil because it varies across the world. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:11:54 But the poor, when it will stop pouring, depending varies from 32 Celsius to minus 57. Really? Most commercial oils in about the minus 30 to minus 40 and then just become a solid lock order is just a lot an unpaulable glute from what I understand from what I'm reading and this is limited it glutes but will eventually eventually you'll get something that might be moldable into a cricket bat should you have something that you can use as a base to create the mold that itself wouldn't break This face through something that's my response degree. This is not the global response to this disaster
Starting point is 00:12:30 That anyone is asking for okay, let's make it clear can Could we hypothetically take this oil and freeze it into cricket backshade? I'm not sure how that would help yet, but it would be interesting to know first Well, why hasn't Barma addressed this John? Yeah, I mean, he's really taking his eyes off the ball though. It's his Katrina. These are the questions that Bueglis want to know and he's ignoring you. It is Katrina.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You're right. This one's from Graham. What present did John get you to celebrate the Buegl's first birthday? Well, present did John give me to celebrate the Buegl's first birthday? Yeah. I can't remember. I know we were given a cake at the recording studio in Edgewear Road where we used to record. They made a special Beagle cake with our logo on the front, our thin logo. What John gave me? I can't, I can't. I remember it wasn't one of the ones I was doing a show
Starting point is 00:13:27 in the fully in the buff, was it? Which goes, that is not the kind of birthday present you want. I've absolutely no recollection of that. Right, so this was before my time. This person submitted the answer and you can tell me this is wrong or not. He says it was a Hugo Chavezogram. and you can tell me this is wrong or not. He says it was a Hugo Chavezogram. Well, yes, I might have been a virtual Hugo Chavezogram. Not, it certainly wasn't one in the act of recording studio. And as he went to the wrong building next door, to a very confused fruit and nut shop.
Starting point is 00:14:00 But that sounds like, well, that would have been an appropriate birthday present at the time for the Buebel, I think. Chavez had featured quite prominently in the world in around about the 2007-2008 time. So, yeah, the Chavez or Grammode, there's probably less demand for it these days. I don't know if you can get an Assadogram, maybe that's the Putin or Gramm. I can imagine what the music could be for that. Here is, oh this is another one from Graham. Who was the personal pick of former Bigelgoer host John Oliver, aka Johnny Trapers, aka
Starting point is 00:14:38 the traitor for Hardy from History? Oh, uh, oh John's personal personal, I don't't know I was too far away in full reverie about About Florence nightingale. I think to even pay attention to who who John was retrospectively lasting after I'm not sure he didn't go for Mary Queen of Scostody. I was at Now I can't I can't quite remember. Apparently, apparently, apparently, is Joanna the Mad? Oh yes, Joanna the Mad. Well, she, yes, I think, I can't know if she was submitted by a listener or not, but when once you've come in a contact with Joanna the Mad, why wouldn't you, well, wouldn't it want to get to know her a bit? I mean, she's an
Starting point is 00:15:22 intriguing character. Any woman who drags around the dead corpse of her former husband, that's, you know, that's, that's someone you want to get to know better over a, you know, a few quite beers in a sports bar with the, with the, the baseball on in the background. Well, you spent more time in the States than me recently, I didn't if that's what happened. Well, that, I mean, that was, that was slightly colored by my recent experience of sitting in support of the bar watching baseball on my own, essentially. So, I mean, touring solo can be a little bit solitary and I've had a couple of very pleasant evenings with some bugle-less in bars after kicks.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But watching sports solo could only be improved by the presence of a 16th century deranged Spanish monarch. And this comes from a man called John who writes, Dear the Bugle, what about Philip the handsome of Spain? Seems obvious, doesn't it? He married Joe Anna the mad of Burgundy. To be honest, I think it was a shame that such a hot he was married to a self-confessed psychopath, but ultimately it enabled Spain's stability throughout the early modern period. Hot! Good email, John. If you have a picture of Joanna the Mad, please send it in. I feel that I might have been born hundreds of years after my time. So do keep your emails in on Hotty's From History and all other subjects.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And controversy has hit Hotty's From History, due to an email from Kalina Kaffiralla in Melbourne, Australia. She writes, I found the Hotties from History somewhat underwhelming. Are you truly human? What criteria were you using to choose these Hotties from History? She writes, I cannot see the common thread between any of these nominees, except they are dead. Let's have some transparency in the nominations. Well, I don't know what up against the wall here, John. I don't think that is a valid criticism. These hotties transcend being alive or dead. Joanne of the Mad is the perfect example there. We had a couple of pictures of her emailed in. One, the email said, I mean, closed a photo of the infamous Joanna the
Starting point is 00:17:25 mad, though one does not recognise the flaming madness upon her glance. She does appear to be carrying some unexplained rage in those crazy eyes of hers. And they're intoxicating eyes and then Sarah wrote, wow, thanks for the tip, John. Joanna the mad is not only pretty, but my friend Erin insists that crazy girls are better in bed and then she advises I'd hit it. Right, you get a point for that, even though you don't deserve one. And this one is actually I think he self-introduces. Hi there and the other Chris, this is Yona, I want to thank you for 10 years of an amazing, if sometimes intermittent bullshit cast.
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're welcome. So here's my question going all the way back to the first view episode ever. What number was repainted on Andy's bin? Was this the first episode ever? I thought it was the third episode. I can't remember, but it's amazing a number of people, even at my live gigs now. We'll look, shout out, where's your bin? It's not a heckle that many comedians have to deal with. I think it was 53.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I think it was the people two doors down. Nick, Nick my bin. Correct. Yes, they've long since moved on. So, if the current residents of number 53 are listening, then there's nothing against you. It's something very much against the people who live there before you, who stole my bin. Never apologize. They never, ever apologize. It's one of the great historic legal injustices of all time. I see a great reality TV show there. What, where's my fucking***ing big? Yeah. One man's quest to recover a lost,
Starting point is 00:19:07 dearly beloved bin. Marcus has a question for you. I'd like to ask the Birmingham question of our time. How long is the congressman's penis? Thank you. I think he means in pages. Oh, how long has the congressman's been in pages? Well, I don't know, I'm just assuming.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I mean, you're welcome to interpret that however you like. Right. Well, I mean, I couldn't possibly comment on his family show. Of course, it's the kind of show people sit around the fireplace listening to on the wireless with great grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, pets. So I don't want to elaborate too much on the exact length of a fictional congressman's whang,
Starting point is 00:19:50 but in terms of pages, obviously it was only excerpts that were read on the bugle, we couldn't get the rights from John Grisham and his lawyers to record the whole thing. I reckon it was a solid 800-pageer. The congressman's penis, that was gonna run along. That was, yeah, that was, I mean, it's one of the great epic novels. There's that war and peace and unices, I would say. And now, you've been all been waiting for, it's part four of the congressman's penis.
Starting point is 00:20:27 John Grisham's long lost debut novel. That's we secretly hacked from his voicemail. Last time Mickey Stantani O'P.I. was on the verge of uncovering the real story behind the missing congressman's penis Who's it was, where it was, and why it wasn't, where it should have been. Now, Chapter 4. I guess I'll leave that kind of philosophy to Malcolm Gladwell, he chuckled, metaphorically rubbing a soothing mayonnaise balm onto his actual toe just in case. Mickey Stantanio finished what had become a very physical disagreement with a coffee machine about what constitutes a cappuccino, in which for the first time in his professional life was a cop,
Starting point is 00:21:16 PI and freelance trapezoid is tea and out of the words, that's just bubbly f***ing brown milk. Anyway, he sat down with his no-pad as Senator Paul Crutch has prepared to spill the most re-fried of all possible beings. Okay, Senator Farrowaich had mucky. The senator took a gulp of water, shipped in the air as if wanting to eat his own destiny with a side order of self-analysis. So anyway, Mr. Stantonio, I was speaking to Maureen this morning and she said that Dirdre
Starting point is 00:21:42 has been told she can't do any gardening anymore, what with her back and of course Dennis is not long for this world anymore, and her bridge has been having an affair with DaVica and now it's not good for her heart, what with him being an escape shooter and he's well criminal, and his wife being a man and then there's Enid, well if she will, jowls to her, she's gonna get hurt. Mind you, if she must do it, she should at least do it on a horse, not a 750cc motorbike, and at the very least put some clothes on as well, and ask for Norrag what I've told her, season when water don't go together. But would she listen to me of course she
Starting point is 00:22:08 fucking would not tell you who I blame for it, Heston Blumenthal and his fancy recipes. And anyway my Albert's dead again, that resurrection really didn't go according to plan, mind you probably wouldn't have worked out for Jesus either if he died with the garden spates messed into his skull, might have made the iconography a little bit more interesting mind. And did I tell you about our abdouyeh, he's got an internship with Hezbollah, we're ever so proud of him, but his angiolar isn't too happy about it, well with them having just bought a house in New York, near islands and her thing a must at age and an all.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Very awkward it is, I give him six months, and poor old actors can't walk these days, and she's worried sick about the Greek economy, and the Americans looking into the Kennedy assassination again, well that gone and well for a candidate. And did I tell you about my kidneys or in a terrible state they are? Yes, I'm going to have to get some new ones. Completely overcooked they were, mind you the stake and the rest of the pie were first class.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Niki carefully took Senator Falkritch in an ad look. Senator, can you please get to the f***ing point? Where is your penis? And why? I'm sorry. Part five next time. No, no, I'll wrap it up. End it. That's what Charles Dickens has had to use to say to him, John. And the ignoiting. I thought it was the most famous novelist, Brenzer, but it's used. This is not a Russian novel, Andy.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, it was an honor to have exclusive rights to the audio serialization of Grishim's masterpiece. But thanks to Mailchimp, we're able to pay back those rights week by week. Ha ha ha. Always thanks to Mailchimp. This is from Matt, Andy. I think you're doing very well at the moment.
Starting point is 00:23:42 This is going, Okay, surprisingly well Yeah, it's amazing the amount of my own bullshit that I actually remember Because generally I like to think that it's just disappeared but actually it's all just clogging up in there Right, yes, it's Matt Hello, Andy, Chris and hello, Buglers My question is, if you could pick one historical figure to be your next co-host Who would it be, and why? Well, I quite like to work with the with Arrest Ophanage, the legendary ancient Greek comic
Starting point is 00:24:12 playwright, who's one of my comedy heroes. So, uh, but might be a bit of a language barrier, I guess. Yeah, obviously Florence Nightingale would be up there just to see, you know, that the sizzling raw animal sexual tension fizzed across the airwaves. Julius Caesar, I reckon you probably have a bit of a temper on him, but you have some good stories, and he traveled a bit. It's sometimes the places that didn't particularly want him to travel there. Marco Polo, we'd have had a few Few stories to tell Muhammad Ali There's someone from the 20th century. Yeah, we'd have got someone with we'd have got some good banter
Starting point is 00:24:55 So Muhammad Ali there is the only person who you can speak English. I think you picked Well, maybe that's the next the next frontier for the Bugle that it has always exclusively been on the English language podcast. Maybe we need to start catering to the ancient Greek community. This is from Michelle. Hello, Andy and Chris. This is Michelle from California. My question is this.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You had someone write in and ask to name her fake race horse. What was the name that was finally chosen and what were some of the alternate names? Fake race horse. I remember this. I can't, I can't, no, I'm drawing, drawing a blank on this. Okay, I reckon if I give you the answer, you might maybe remember some of the, some of the alternative suggestions maybe. Okay, far away. Silvio Burlus Pony. Oh, yes, no, I do remember that. I hope there's a real race horse call that at some point. I can't remember the, well, they all punk based,
Starting point is 00:26:03 punk based horse names or not. They're probably fucking stupid, yeah. Right. Yeah, I mean we're a great moment for the world if a horse calls Silvio Berlus Pony, one of the classic horse races. You're not getting points for that. No, fair enough. I did get it not right, so I guess that's only appropriate, Chris. Right, you got two left. Two questions left, Andy, you're doing well. Andy, who was the last person to enter the soundproofs safe? And when was the last time you checked on them?
Starting point is 00:26:31 That was from Sam. Ah, ah, ah, yes, the soundproofs, but it has got air holes in it. So they might, they might, they might still be alive. Oh, I can't remember the last person to enter it. Quite a few went in, very few came out. So yes, the sound proof safer. I mean, this was quite a long time ago now, we used to invite guests, you know, from, from major news incidents to come and share their views with the view, but we put them in a sound proof safe. I can't remember. I think we put Rumsfeldt in there at one point, but whether he was the last, last person to enter, enter the safe, I don't know. Have you got an answer, Chris? I've, I've opened it now and there, oh, their comment is, I'm f***ing buglers. Please
Starting point is 00:27:21 find my question attached. I have no idea what the answer is. I hope this won't be an issue. What it f***ing is Samuel. It is. I could, yes. Well, I could probably look up on my computer if I put soundproof safe in a certain way. Don't bother. The last evidence of that. I think we put John Oliver in a soundproof safe about a year and a bit ago. He's on the show every week. Yeah, it's just... the same.
Starting point is 00:27:48 This is your last question, Andy. You've done... Okay. ...this is the make or break between you doing average and well. Okay, right. I am, D Tim here from Perth, Western Australia. What was the first ever pun run you did on the show and bonus question? What episode was it in? Right, the first ever pun run. I think might have been North Korea wow I've been North Korea puns and
Starting point is 00:28:10 I'll guess it was around about episode 75 oh I guess how do I do so well North Korea episode 76 I think you deserve you deserve some kind of credit for that. That's pretty good going. A day that will live in for me. Um, uh, wow, I'm, I'm ridiculously pleased I've got that, uh, so close to 100% accurate. It's tattooed on my soul. And many other people.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Yes. I know someone did put up a collection of all the pun runs on SoundCloud that now stretches to a well-known healthy amount of time for actually. I mean it's beyond feature film like that. Andy you've written a movie. What's it about? Puns. Well you know there will have been worse movies and there will have been worst movies involving people who have been on the bugle.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So, there we go. Andy, well done, congratulations. What's my prize, Chris? What's my prize? You win the chance to tell bugle is what you're doing on the 16th of November. Oh, what an awesome prize that is, Chris. Well, it's funny you should ask, because on the 16th of November in London, there will be a live bugle at the Leicester Square Theatre featuring Nish Kumar and Alice
Starting point is 00:29:28 Fraser and it will be probably the showbiz event of the entire millennium so far. I would have thought 16th of November at the Leicester Square Theatre, there's tickets available on the internet at the Leicester Square Theatre website and are they available via the Bugle website as well, Chris? I don't know. All right. Well, anyway, but basically use the internet. I mean, if you can't find them on the internet, you don't deserve to come, Bugle. That's the philosophy behind my history of my web page.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I mean, it's not entirely worked from a commercial point of view, but there you go. My North American tour continues on Monday, the 30th in Chicago, the 31st in New York, then the 1st of November in Boston, the 5th of November in Philadelphia, the 7th in Nashville and concluding on the 8th in Washington, DC. So North America come to all of those gigs or else. So thanks very much for listening, Buegler. I hope you enjoyed this. There's Delv into the Bugle past with some classic clips and thanks for all those who sent your questions and thanks for Chris for organising this for us. Don't forget to contribute to the Radio Topia fundraiser details also on the internet and at the Radio Topia website, which
Starting point is 00:30:40 I believe is slightly more efficient than the Bugle website. And we will be back next week with a full bugle until then bugleers have a sensational Halloween. It is a quite ridiculous festival. I know it dates back way beyond Old Testament times to probably the very dawn. Dawn of time people looking at the sun, the very dawn of humanity thinking oh that looks like a massive pumpkin. How can we recreate that on earth? And Chris you've been sent a truly sensational Halloween pumpkin that we will we'll put a picture of on the the Facebook page and the bugle twitter feed so keep it high up for that. The pumpkin to end all pumpkins. Thanks for listening, Googlers. Until next time, goodbye.
Starting point is 00:31:35 you

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