The Bugle - Bugle 210 – Punch up for President!

Episode Date: October 19, 2012

The battle to be US president descends to one level above/below boxing match. In other news, Scotland slides away, war crimes news and Bugler attempts to beat Chris to title of The Bugle's worst dista...nce runner. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. This is a podcast from
Starting point is 00:00:34 The Bugle, audio newspaper for a visual world. Hello, Bugleers and welcome to issue 210 of the Bugle, audio newspaper for an unremittingly visual world. Now into its second half decade with me and his ultimately former five-time British clarinetist interrogation champion, you would not believe what I made at the Acabelc infestoo. I'm live in London, raining largest city in England champion, clean onto that title very impressively. And in New York, nowhere to be seen in that particular contest even Old York is lacking way behind these days. It's the man who puts news in the oven, waits 40 minutes, and then serves up a piping hot satiric cake. It's the 21st
Starting point is 00:01:23 century Johnny Wisemulla, only less good at swimming or being tarzan. It's John Oliver. Hello, Andy. Hello, Buglas. Andy, the president, the actual president, the main president, not the president of the Arizona Cardinals. The president of the United States of America
Starting point is 00:01:40 was the guest last night on the Daily Show. And the Secret Service, consequently have been in and around our office all week. And the good thing about having Secret Service agents everywhere is that you realise that you've probably never been safer in your whole life. The downside is that you also realise that you've probably never been in more danger if you suddenly decide to run as fast as you can down the corridor, desperately reaching for something under your shirt while screaming the morning prayer. But as long as you can down the corridor, desperately reaching for something under your shirt while screaming the morning prayer.
Starting point is 00:02:05 But as long as you resist doing that, which is actually very difficult as soon as you think of it, then you're in fact in a very reassuring safety bubble. So I've had a safe week having, I felt like a baby in a womb. That's a big, metallic, pointy metal object, woof. The kind of womb that could kill anything
Starting point is 00:02:23 that moves around it. The American who. And how how was the president john C. So you know, it was it was like campaign mode Andy, which you know, it's not the most human modes that there is. Did you for a living creature? Did you get to play with scissors paper stone or not? Always. Yeah, always. Yeah. But he calls it scissors paper drone and the tester wouldn't do a lot. Got boom. That's your second pun. Your second pun within about three months. Yeah, it's not a break you down mate. I'm going to break you down. Slipy slope. So this is bugle 210, 210 ironically today as we record bugle 210. It's exactly 60 years since the day in 1952 when the famous communism skeptic Senator Joe McCarthy saw his dad's sister Nora talking to a
Starting point is 00:03:18 man wearing an overcoat like Lenin might have worn an acute ear of being a Marxist causing her to flee the country, and he then wrote on his to-do list, uh, to hunt Red-Art N, to-to-hundred-and-two-hunt Red-Art N. There you go. That's just a coincident. Historical coincidences. As always, a section of the vehicle is going straight in the bin. This week, part one of a 52-part, build your own audio-funeral series. Part one, The Priest. Are you bride or groom? I'm terribly sorry, it gets so confusing doing this job. Still we'll be as dead as this guy in the box soon, so don't worry about it. Top story this week. Seconds out. presidential debate, round two! On Tuesday night, Andy, it was the second of three presidential debates.
Starting point is 00:04:11 This took on an extra importance after it seemed like President Obama had fallen asleep from over before the first one and accidentally slipped walked onto the stage. I only to wake up a couple of hours later saying, I just had the strangest dream. I dreamt that Mitt Romney handed me my own ass in a debate. I must have eaten way too much cheese before taking that nap. Amazing what f***** up, things your mind can conjure up. Anyway, what time does the debate start? This second debate, or formal argument, was here in New York and it was town hall style, meaning that the questions were posed from the audience, and a moderator was on hand to make sure that everything went smoothly, but rather than smoothly, it went aggressively instead.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And that is hardly a surprise, because town hall style essentially means just removing the podiums and leaving the candidates free to wander around the stage. But as so often happens with these style of debates, the simple act of removing the podiums seems to make the candidates want to kill each other. Podium seemed to be the great pacifier, and so it'd be interesting to see if it worked in reverse. If two sumo wrestlers were about to fight Andy, you popped two podiums in front of each of them.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I think they'd instinctively just spend the entire about arguing with each other instead. And we should take it one step further. Would they not just air-dropping podiums, Andy, into trouble spots around the world? Let's air-dropped them onto the Syrian army and forced them to stop their tanks, get out and just shout at rebel towns instead. It's gotta be worth trying.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Would the Sumer Eskis not just throw salt on the podiums and just get on with it? That's their connoisseur, isn't it? Yeah, I suppose so. It was, as you say, much more aggressive debate. So aggressive, in fact, when the cameras had stopped rolling, apparently the two candidates agreed to meet each other in a disused car park at 3am and then wrestled until dawn.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Obama described the confrontation as, quote, a journey into the darkest corners of the human soul, whilst Romney described it as strangely erotic, like being in a D.H. Lawrence film. One journalist wrote that the two candidates stalked the stage frequently interrupting and intruding on each other's personal space. And the debate certainly did get hostile at times, but is this really a surprise? Can anyone honestly justify being shocked that these two men look like they genuinely hate each other?
Starting point is 00:06:26 For months, they've spent most of their days publicly criticizing each other and authorising others to do the same on their behalf. They've run poisonous attack ads and taken cheap shots. I'm frankly amazed that they didn't use their opening statement to tell each other to f**k off and go eat a bag of dicks. Romney said that Obama and his campaign team had been trying to characterize him quotes as someone who's very different than who I am. And you can see why Romney's upset about that,
Starting point is 00:06:52 because that is exactly what he himself is trying to do. Yeah. We've seen exactly the baddies on the hidden camera footage. And he knows that the real met Romney is a electoral crypto knight. He frankly should be thanking a barber if they're showing him as someone different to who he actually is.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And the media might find shock with all this aggression, but the truth is that it's complete bullshit. The nastier it is, the more they love it, especially because for the media, the debates are never about the debates themselves. They're about the after party, hours and hours of analysing the shit out of the debate until the sun comes up With a ludicrous, the long guest list that includes pundits, polsters, body language experts, scientists with facial recognition software
Starting point is 00:07:34 Psychics, contacting the afterlife to find out which candidate Teddy Roosevelt thought won. It's all It's all a it's an all-night fiesta of nonsense. And much of the analysis afterwards focused on the aggression and the hostility and whether it was too much as analysts desperately tried to come off like delicate, petty coated Victorian ladies about to swoop over in shock at the sight of all the male barbarism.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And that is disingenuous in the extreme because they've been hyping this and the like a heavyweight title fight so you can't complain when you basically get what you've been asking for. It seems that Romney who, of course, recently pretty much wrote off half the American population seemed to have a go for another 50% chunk of America by taking a dig at women it seemed when he's some extraordinary things that he said, in particular the binders full of women comment, which I mean it's always an electoral risk, John,
Starting point is 00:08:31 I think, to pass off one of the world's leading genders as slightly annoying paperwork or maybe as a catalog to be perused on the toilet while you're having your Sunday shit. It's a slightly dehumanizing collective now, that, it could have been worse. I mean, he could have said that they brought us whole trailers full of women who might now keep chained up in my special Romney dungeon. That would make you more interesting than I think he has the capacity to be.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But besides, Annie, I just want some consistency. If these debates are going to be promoted more and more like boxing fights, then the least they can do is have all the embellishments of a prize fight that make watching two men attempt to Poverise each other's faces palatable. So before the final debate in Florida on Monday, they should have boxing announcers introduce each candidate. The challenger 65 years old born in D-Short Michigan with a personal wealth of $250 million. His temples were already growing when he was nine years old. The only entitlement he's in favor of is his feeling that he's entitled to be president. Mit the storm and Mormon, RUMMY! And in the blue corner, the presidential title holder, he's 51 years old, born in Hawaii or Kenya depending on who you're listening to. He's spent four years successfully failing
Starting point is 00:09:55 to close Guantanamo. Open wide America, he's about to shove healthcare down your throat, even if for some bizarre reason you don't want it. It's Barack, a boom boom bummer! And they should both burst through pictures of themselves as entrance music blasts uncomfortably loud. But honestly Andy, I don't even think it should stop there. I think in between each round of questions each candidate's highest donors should be forced to walk across the stage in a bikini, holding up cards showing what round it is. If Sheldon Adelson really wants to donate so much money
Starting point is 00:10:30 to campaigns that he's basically subverting the entire democratic process, he should be forced to squeeze into a star's and striped bikini in high heels and have to toss across the stage as the crowd sarcastically wolf whistles at him. And then finally, it's what they used to do until Lincoln's actually. Exactly. Well, yeah, exactly. And finally, a referee should get between them right at the start and say, right, gentlemen, we want a nice dirty fight.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Remember, no hitting above the belt. When I say break, I want you to ignore me and talk over the top of me. Any questions? Good. Remember, protect yourselves and your donors at all times. OK, on my signal, I want you neither touch gloves, come out of the bell and turn the Democratic Dream of the Founding Fathers into a waking nightmare.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Seconds out, leave your dignity in your corners and let's f***ing do this. BELL RINGS Well, I guess John that would just reunite the presidency and boxing back to the early 60s days when they were both completely run by the mafia. So... The rules that both sides agreed to before these debates were leaked to the press early this week and they were really depressingly restrictive.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Seeming to nip in the bud, any chance to, um, I was the word, debate and favouring regurgitation of talking points instead. These were just some of the rules which, as I say, were agreed upon by both campaigns. The candidates may not ask each other direct questions during any of the four debates. The candidates shall not address each other with proposed pledges. For the town hall style debate, the moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate. The audience members shall not ask follow-up questions or otherwise participate in the extended discussion.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And the audience members' microphone shall be turned off after he or she completes asking the questions. And also, the commission shall take appropriate steps to cut off the microphones of any audience member who attempts to pose any question or statement different from that previously posed to the moderator for review.
Starting point is 00:12:23 That is pretty demoralising, especially Andy. When you look at the rules that they could have had, but one or both sides turned down rules, such as every time a candidate says the American people, the other candidate has to take a drink. There will be a two-minute hot dog eating round. The candidate who eats the most hot dogs in that time will receive an extra 10,000 votes on Election Day
Starting point is 00:12:43 in the state of his opponent's choosing. Candidates may not ask each other direct questions unless those questions are sung in a high-pitched voice, in which case they are allowable. If a candidate says Ronald Reagan ten times during a single debate, they get a free sandwich. The moderator may call for a dance-off in any exchange that he or she deems to be a tie. And half-way through the debate, a live chicken will be released onto the stage, the candidate who successfully catches the chicken
Starting point is 00:13:08 will be allowed three minutes to criticize his opponent's appearance. Well, they've tried that in Portugal, John. And that's not the man he could have told. But the point is, you'll agree to audience members having their mics cut off if they stray from pre-vetted questions. And you'll agree not to be able to ask a question
Starting point is 00:13:23 to your opponent, but you won't agree to live chickens being released onto the stage and you won't agree to a hot dog eating round. Just for the record Abraham Lincoln agreed to both of those and he won both of them too. That's why he was great. So who did Teddy Roosevelt favor John? I imagine he'd just go for whichever candidate looks most likely to slaughter an unbelievable amount of wildlife. Yeah, I think he was very disappointed in both of them, but probably he favored Romney. Another Romney comment on women, he said, we're going to have to have employers
Starting point is 00:13:55 in the new economy. In the economy, I'm going to bring to play that are going to be so anxious to get good workers that are going to hire women. Oh, basically saying times are hard. We're going to have to bite this bullion till it goes banging our faces and do things we in America never thought we would have to do. Times change, we must change with them. This might sound extreme. The summit probably sounds chilling, but in these desperate times we must regrettably
Starting point is 00:14:20 force ourselves to forget what Eve did and allow women in the workplace. For now, for now. This shows I'm not afraid to take tough measures. Vote for emergency. Only in an emergency. So how's the polling seems pretty close at the moment? Yes, it does. It does. It does.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. It does. a couple of weeks of campaigning. Well, the decisive factor will be a little thing called Ohio and it will be just that. There's only one state that really counts. There's two states that count a little bit as well.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Everyone else is basically wasting their time and fun. Isn't democracy fun? Isn't it f***ed? And I guess, it could also be a little bit could hinge on the last debate and who can pull the least main G rabbit out of their electoral hat to Richie Lee slaughter in front of the undecided voter. It's so this one in particular for some reason It's not that either of the candidates are particularly disgusting, but the whole thing this whole campaign is so depressing
Starting point is 00:15:21 This is this is what we get Andy expensive bullshit That's what we've been spreading around the world. Well, we've been traveling the world, killing people just to give them the right to vote. Scottish Freedom News Now. And it seems that before the end of 2014, Scotland will be allowed to stage a referendum on full independence from the United Kingdom. I mean, wow, Andy, I made one throw a comment at the start of last week's bugle about Scotland not really being a country and now they go and do this. That's some classic Scottish shirtiness right there. One off the cuff insensitive clip and all of a sudden it's, you can't see that! You did it! You can watch you're tucking a boot! You shut your mouth! You shut your mouth! And you know, now I've
Starting point is 00:16:13 done that, now I've done that impression Andy, what are they gonna do next? Incis that they're physically cut off at the border so they can sail 20 feet away from us, you're over correcting your haggies' chomping haemages. That's a fair point, John. That's a fair point. Has that helped the debate running up to this referendum? I certainly think that has helped the debate. Sorry, a very fair point, particularly from someone who's not going to have to do any gigs in Scotland for the foreseeable future. Well Scottish independence has of course for a long time been, you know, the elephant in the room whenever the United Kingdom 6 down to have a family dinner with itself.
Starting point is 00:16:54 albeit there is a small porcelain replica elephant that most of the guests don't notice or really feel the need to talk about. Well one guy in the corner jumps up and down shouting, look at that elephant! What do you think of that? Pretty fucking trunky, eh? Let's all vote on our favourite trunked animal, me first. Elephant! Elephant! This really is. Genuinely a historic agreement between David Cameron and Alex Salmond,
Starting point is 00:17:18 paving the way for a vote sometime in the autumn of 2014 with a single yes-no question on Scotland leaving the UK or staying. And they're basically serving us with divorce papers, Andy, they just haven't signed them themselves yet. And if this is the end, let's hope this is not a messy breakup and that we have to get lawyers involved, you know, who gets custody of Hadrian's Wall,
Starting point is 00:17:39 do we get Carlisle during the week and they get to have it on weekends, who gets all the proclamers CDs? Do they take the Duke of Edinburgh now, but do we get to have it on weekends, who get all the proclaimer CDs. Do they take the Duke of Edinburgh now, but do we get to see them on holidays? We should have got a prenup before getting into all of this Andy, or at least put little yellow stickers on everything that we thought we owned at the time. Yeah, I think putting yellow stickers on stuff, that's slightly gone out of fashion over the last 75 years, John. But of course, the UK goes back a long time. John and a bugle
Starting point is 00:18:08 has course been half based in the UK, or it was known in the Olympics in Team GB, or it's known whenever there's cricket on England. But basically, we're in the UK. And this nation could in essence, John, return to the swamp of history, once it emerged one, two, three, or four hundred odd years ago, depending on whether you take its origin as when the King of Scotland also became the King of England, when Scotland and England signed the Acts of Union to form the Kingdom of Great Britain, when they tagged on Ireland, before the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or when Ireland told the rest of Great Britain were to stick itself apart from a little bit of Ireland,
Starting point is 00:18:39 which didn't agree with that, and it became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or when the British lines rugby team first toured in 1888. Any of those dates are going to valid start points for the UK, which could be ripped to pieces, John. Things are going to get pretty spicy. If there is a yes vote to independence, Alex Samony, head of the Scottish National Party, will demand a ceremonial reattachment of William Wallace's testicles. So memory sliced off for the strawberry feed and fried at the end of the Braveheart documentary,
Starting point is 00:19:12 which of course start Mel Gibson as someone who hates Jews. Oh, sorry, no, I'm mixing that up. No, I'm mixing it up with one of his home videos. No, no, not with one of his, I'm sorry, I'm in with Hitler at Nuremberg. It wasn't Mel Gibson at all. It was definitely not Mel Gibson in that video. Nope, no, you were right, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Just as in Leitha Weppner, he starred as a Maverick Cop, who also hated you. It didn't become an issue in that movie, but it was there. Believe me. The testicle ceremony will feature Sam and himself slicing off Prince Charles' testicles with some Scottish-made garden shears and having them sewn onto his own scrotum or scotum as it will be known after independence
Starting point is 00:19:55 and then tattooed with tartan. But if there's a no vote then David Cameron will insist that the result of the Battle of Banachburn in 1314 is overturned into an English victory before a rematch on the same pitch will take place in a form of a rugby match between the England team and the Pilt Pit Lockery School under 9. The Alex Salmon said that the Edinburgh agreement paved the way for the most important political decision that Scotland has made in several hundred years. He added, it is in that sense a historic day for Scotland, and I think a major step forward in Scotland's home rule journey. And he managed to resist delivering that statement on the back of a horse waving a sword around after stripping to the waist and pay to himself blue. But
Starting point is 00:20:36 if he wants to go full brave heart on us, Andy, we should go full brave heart on him and hang, draw, and quarter him in front of the entire country. We used to be a lot more decisive when it came to this kind of conflict resolution with our neighbours. But as you say, if Scotland does vote for independent, Alex Hammond will become genuinely a historic figure for future generations of independent Scots. And I wonder if he too will inspire a blockbuster Hollywood action film about him, I suppose it would be slightly less spectacular rather than a horseback riding William Wallace charging fearlessly into battle with the English, screaming freedom and defiant triumph. It would be a slightly
Starting point is 00:21:15 overweight man in a conservative charcoal grey suit walking into a room and quietly signing some papers. Before ripping his clothes off screaming independence and furiously kissing an attractive red-headed woman in a mini-kilt. That's how the movie will tell the story anyway, and they have to take some license to punch it up a bit. Shilah Burf is David Cameron. Vin Diesel is Alex Sammond. Katy Perry is red-headed lady in mini-kilt
Starting point is 00:21:41 in Independence Day 2, Scotland The Brave. Coming to movie theaters, nowhere near you summer 2015. There was a, I see it's a very interesting issue. John, it goes to the very heart of what it means to be a nation, questions of identity and what it really means to be British and to be Scottish. And also, whether it'll make you slightly better off or not, And what it really means to be British and to be Scottish. And also, whether it'll make you slightly better off or not. There was a poll in December that reported that two thirds of Scots would support independence
Starting point is 00:22:14 if it made them £500 a year better off, but only one-fifth of them would support it if it meant they'd be £500 a year worse off. So, it really is an issue of conscience and deeply held philosophical beliefs. Now I know opinion polls are essentially John Lack of Ventriloquist dummy that you know you stick your hand far enough up and you can make them say whatever the f*** you want or the only only children and idiots will take them seriously. But even so this certainly would have made Braveheart that we keep referring to a very different movie. Freedom! What are you not coming with me?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Freedom on 500 pounds! Cheers! Cheers! Listen Andy, we are a modern people principle nowadays. We cannot be bought off at any price unless that price is 500 pounds in which case, we are all yours. Ironically John, this is Bugle 210 and in the year 210 the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus
Starting point is 00:23:15 sent his son the future Emperor Caracalla to wipe out all scots with the words, let no one escape sheer destruction, no one escape our hands, not even the babe in the womb of the mother. If it be male, let it nevertheless not escape sheer destruction." Said the friendly little emperor. Words which actually were echoed under his breath by David Cameron, as he signed a treaty, if you really turn up the volume, you can just hear him whispering it. Luckily for Scotland, though,
Starting point is 00:23:43 Septimius Severus popped his imperial clog soon after that, and Caracalla then became Emperor and got distracted from the task of wiping out all scots by the more pressing task of wiping out his entire family as he killed his brother, his ex-wife and his brother-in-law, and assorted other friends and acquaintances. He was described by top ancient Rome obsessive Edward Gibbon as, quote common enemy of mankind and that is a one star of view. He also, uh, Caracalla responded to a satire in a city of Alexandria in Egypt that mocked him by slaughtering 20,000 of its inhabitants. Now that is one hell of a put down and suggests that a, he did not take Mickey taking well, b, no one wanted to be best manner, his wedding.
Starting point is 00:24:26 See, he was decisive as a leader, arguably to a fault. And D, he would probably not like the bugle very much. Now, here's a quick question, a quiz question, John, about the Emperor Cala. How in the notoriously violent days of the early third century in Rome, and bearing in mind that his father, Septimius, was the only Roman Empire to die of natural causes in a 70-year spell from 180 to 250 AD. The only one in a 50-year stint not to be assassinated or executed. How did Caracalla this notorious grand dill a f*** die? A peacefully in his sleep at the ripe old age of 93 or be assassinated whilst taking a waz at the unripe age of 29
Starting point is 00:25:07 or see motorbike crash. Oh it's kind of easy. He sounds like he was a reckless man Andy and I'm sure that's exactly the kind of idiotic thing he did. He probably wasn't wearing a helmet. Actually it was Beijon. He was assassinated, just stopping to take a piss by the side of the road was killed by one of his bodyguards, which does suggest that he was not the easiest boss to work for. I guess what can we read into all of that? Don't piss off the scots. BORRANE NEWS Now, and well, colour colour was not the only one
Starting point is 00:25:41 who wasn't great at accepting a well-aimed joke in his direction because authorities in Bahrain have arrested four men on charges of insulting the king on Twitter. The men all in their 20s were arrested on Wednesday morning after security forces confiscated their computers and other electronic equipment. Criticising King Hamad or any of the ruling family is a very serious crime in Bahrain and the defenders have been told that they face an urgent trial before the criminal court for their actions. Look, Andy. Years ago, when Mubarak tried to pull this shit and imprison people for insulting him, we devoted most of an episode to stepping up and zinging the shit out of it. Where is Mubarak now, Andy? Exactly. He's out of part power and not just that,
Starting point is 00:26:29 if Helter reports out of he believed, if he checks his watch anytime soon, he'll probably notice that it's very nearly dead at clock. The point is, the point is, don't push us, King Hamab. Because the bugle is nothing if it is not aggressively infantile when it comes to responding to things like this. You think we're joking? Brace yourself. Hey! King Hamad!
Starting point is 00:26:51 Is that your mustache? Or did you have a Tom Selectransplant? Boom! Boom! Hey! King Hamad! Apparently you have four wives. Congratulations!
Starting point is 00:27:01 You made all of them the unluckiest ladies in the world. Boom! And finally, hey, King of Mad, what's got two legs, a stupid mustache, I could go f**k myself. It's you, boom boom! How did you not get that last one? Boom boom! That was just warning shots, Andy. If a mad does not back down, we will release the full insults in the future after that.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Well, this is going to come as a rude shock to him, John, because he probably thought he had the tacit approval of the West's furious dictatorial rule due to things like being invited to last year's Royal Wedding, hosting a Grand Prix, proudly showcasing many of the Western world's leading brands, zooming around the track whilst people across the world settle down for their Sunday snooze, and also being an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, despite allegedly imprisoning and torturing surgeons. Well, yeah, the point is, it's your move, Hamad. At the moment, Andy and I are just parading our insults through the streets as an deterrent. Don't make us use these. And if you don't want to come on the bugle next
Starting point is 00:28:04 week, Mr King, Hamad, please do contact us via Twitter. And if you don't want to come on the bugle next week, Mr King, him had, uh, please do contact us via Twitter. And you can have a right of reply. That seems only fair, John. It seems only fair. I've got no problem with that. Serbian war criminal news now. And, uh, you might remember Radavan Carreditch. She was the former Bosnian Serb leader who was arrested four years ago after 13 years on the run.
Starting point is 00:28:30 It was thought that he'd been in hiding all that time, whereas in fact, he'd just grown a huge white beard and was writing poetry and working openly as a doctor of alternative medicine under the false name, Dragan Dabitch. Now I know that sounds a lot more like the plot line to a daytime soap opera than an important piece of European history. What soap operas do you watch now, John? Opera, pretty weird one, Andy. You need to get back onto neighbours. They're pretty good over here. It's a lot of Serbian warlords turning up all the time. Caradage faces 10 charges of genocide and crimes against humanity, including the Srebrenica massacre, where 7,000 Bosniak genocide and crimes against humanity, including the
Starting point is 00:29:05 Srebrenica massacre, where 7,000 Bosnian men and boys were killed, and the siege of Sarajevo were more than 12,000 civilians died. So how do you respond to a rap sheet like that Andy, do you just admit everything and throw yourself at the mercy of the hake? Do you desperately try to quickly squeeze out another massive beard from your face and then say, I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong man, I'm Dr. Dragandabbage. Can I interest you in some echinasia oil? He did neither of these things, Andy. Instead, at the start of his war crimes trial at the hake, he launched into a lengthy personal statement where he took the court on a fascinating journey
Starting point is 00:29:45 into the mind of a maniac. He argued that he should be rewarded for reducing suffering, not accused of carrying out war crimes. And I think this might make him the first person to turn up to a war crimes tribunal and attempt to flip it on its head by demanding gratitude and a reward. That was bums, bullsy. Yeah, me, what, what me? demanding gratitude and a reward.
Starting point is 00:30:06 That's bums, bullsie. Well, what may go? No, I'm just a regular guide offense, which I mean, that's, that is, I mean, as you say, that's 10 different charges ranging from inhumane acts to full on genocide from murder to taking EPO during the 2003 Tour de France. I'm not, I'm getting confused now. I mean, he is a hard man to warm to as a neutral John. I think that's fair to say. The former poet and author of the best-selling vegetarian food preparation guide, Ratavans Carrot Tips.
Starting point is 00:30:35 OK. That, that, that, there's a one-off Andy, but that is very good. Thank you, John. Now, he went on to say, he really did try to show a different sides to him. He went on to say that he was a mild man, a tolerant man, with a great capacity to understand others. That sounds more like a dating profile
Starting point is 00:30:56 than a defense at a war crimes trial. Was there a horrible mixup, Andy? Has E-Harmony now received a dating profile description from him with an 18-page denial of having anything to do with massacring in entire town? Because if that's true, it will be very interesting to see the dating matches they came back to, for him, with a profile like that.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I think he'd end up with Kim Kardashian. That's my prediction. What a TV show. Well, what a TV show that would make John. He argued that he'd been responsible for great restraint during the war, taking the jazz defence. Basically, don't listen to the war crimes are committed. Listen to the war crimes I did not commit.
Starting point is 00:31:40 He also criticized media coverage of the war as biased and disputed the official number of the victims of the war saying that the true figure was three to four times less. But just for some mathematical context there, official figures state that more than 100,000 people were killed during that war. So even if Carriedage's maths were true, which they're not, he would still be claiming the death of over 25,000 people. That's not so much pleading innocent as it is pleading less guilty. But he said he claimed he was a tolerant man, and I guess, look at the evidence, it does suggest that what he was tolerant of was genocide, and, mhm, and arguably you have to be even more tolerant to tolerate something as appalling as that. be even more tolerant to tolerate something as appalling as that. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:25 So, yeah, actually, I guess he could argue. I mean, he's probably more tolerant than Jesus. I mean, I think that's a strong defence. That's a very strong defence. I wouldn't be surprised if that exact sentiment came out of his hairy face at some point during this trial. Because he also said that every shell that had fallen on Sarajevo, I quote, hurt me personally. Although, to be fair, not quite as much as it hurt the people those shells actually fell on.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And finally, he agreed that while some people had clearly been killed, he said, and again, I quote, we also saw Android mannequins being thrown onto trucks creating this show for the world. That's his defence, Andy, that some of the dead bodies were actually Android mannequins. Did his defense lawyer then proceed to throw themselves through a window at that point? And he carried it, say, oh, don't worry about it. He's not actually dead. He was just an animatronic blow-up doll. I'm telling you, it is such a shame that he's a weak link for the brass balls update, Andy, because that is, he's a ball worthy nominee.
Starting point is 00:33:25 He said that he'd done everything within human power to avoid the war and to reduce human suffering before thinking about it for a couple of seconds and adding, hang on, maybe not quite everything. Maybe, I mean, maybe I could have tried to stop my forces carrying out mass slaughter and maybe I could have not done absolutely nothing to stop the war from kicking off. So I want to say everything within human power.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I mean, everything within the human power of a human with no power who has been dead for several hundred years and lived in a cave all his life and never met anyone else. I'm innocent, judge. I'm innocent, Judge. I'm innocent. BUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUM who in the name of science held himself out of a balloon from 24 miles above the earth. And I want to say in the name of science, it wasn't in the name of science, it was in the name of doing something f***ing idiotic for the hell of it, which is a far more noble pursuit. But we've over-accorded already this week, so we're going to hold the Daredevil section for next week. And to that end, if you've ever done anything that fits into the category of
Starting point is 00:34:45 Daredevilry. Do let us know on the emails info at and we'll have a special Daredevil's feature section next week. Your emails now and this one comes from Jeff who writes, dear Chris and the Injohn, as a long standing subscriber to the Bugle podcast, I see it as entirely fair that I should sign up for your voluntary contribution scheme. The only problem I have is settling on a fair valuation for the service he's offered. Whilst listening to your podcast on a recent commuter London,
Starting point is 00:35:17 I was struck with a solution. As it costs 30 pence to use the toilets at Waterloo Station, and listening to the Bugle is marginally less satisfying than relieving one's bladder. Does 27 pence an episode seem there? Rickard, Jeff Crawford. I start to argue with that. Yeah, I think that is basically how most consumer products are priced. Yes. It's in relation to how much more or less satisfying than a waz they are. Yeah, that's, it's basically spread betting at a twice point.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I mean, that's why peaches cost, you know, probably 20 times more than a waz, because you know, it's just that much more, it's 2,000% more satisfying than urinating as Papa John's old slogan used to say. We have another email here that says, dear Admiral Oliver, major Paul, generalissimo saltman and f*** Chris. First, let me congratulate you on five years of brilliant bullshitting. Your podcast is I like to the world
Starting point is 00:36:15 and an inspiration to the masses. I presume that's sarcastic. In Google 2009, John complained about the lack of a Nobel Peace Prize for the bugle, though. Your excellent podcast has undeniably been the undoing of many dots, but despoits, I must agree with the Nobel Committee. John remarks that he and the Bugle have never launched a war, but you did declare one on the sinister town of Elk River Idaho.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I forgot about that war, I think. I forgot about that as well. He says, I'm afraid he's to forget about wars, isn't it? He says, I'm afraid the Nobel Peace Prize only applies to 499,999,999 citizens of the EU. If it's any consolation, we, butlers, agree with your decision and support the just a necessary war declared on those degenerates.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Quite fair for you. Quite frankly, I'm glad the world has not forgotten this inexplicably under reported war, since we've been laying siege to Elk River for over a year after it was ordered in the bugle. I'm sure you're well aware, as Chris has forwarded all of our monthly reports to you, right? Good thing too, since those of us left standing, if it quite demoralized and another winter is coming, we're almost out of food, medical supplies and tombstones. Ah, man up your losers
Starting point is 00:37:27 God's it all thanks Henry the fifth great speech The constant gorilla starletaxe and insurgency by the locals paired with a recent outbreak of dysentery have taken a bit of a toll on the men The only kind of solace we have is gathering around a fire get a bit of frostbite and listen to Andy's reassuring speech from his pillow fort his gathering around a fire, get a bit of frostbite, and listen to Andy's reassuring speech from his pillow fort. It's in only the same fort structure housing your forces in the hills of looking Elk River. We'll try to push it to town again by next bugle as we always do after playing one of Andy's pun runs through loud speakers for a fourth night in lieu of artillery. Is that a war crime?
Starting point is 00:37:59 To the last man, the bugle's Elk River garrison. Yes, we've saddled and rendered your horse, still feel burless, Pony. The beauty of riding to battle once you make an appearance in the field. Heroes. Heroes. Well, I mean, it just shows, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:15 and we'd forgotten about the war between the Bugles and the village of Elk River. Yeah. But it's so easy to forget about these things as the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo would testify. This email comes in from Ross Henry's age 35 and 16 days, who writes, dear Andy John and Chris, in order to be responsible for the most sophisticated and aggressive doping program the world has ever seen. Guilziest yard, one in Rome. an aggressive doping programme the world has ever seen. Guilty as charged.
Starting point is 00:38:45 One in Rome. On Sunday, the 21st of October, I will, with many other idiots, be competing in the Birmingham Half-Marathon, including running past the ex-home of the Michael Bolton Colerge. Are you aware of that, John? Do you know that I don't know? I don't know. Birmingham Connections, have I? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:04 I think more cities need a Colerge of Michael Bolton, if only to try and concentrate all vandals into one place. Well, most people are running for either a worthy charity close to their hearts or just running for themselves, the selfish bastards. I thought I should do the noble thing and do something for the entire world. So I think I've encouraged my friends not to sponsor me, but the bugle. Thanks for having me. Nice.
Starting point is 00:39:27 The bugle has been my finest companion to only hard training runs, and without it, I'm not sure I would have gotten through this stupid feat. You cannot write gotten from a British address. Yeah, you did it. Leave it alone. That is not allowed.
Starting point is 00:39:39 That's not allowed. And you as a linguistic traitor, do not have a leg to stand on. As the last bastion of unbiased news journalism, that's certainly true. The bugle needs to be saved for all of its seven billion listeners. Everyone owes the other. I should be saving the podcast for the first part of the race. So hopefully I will have had the pleasure of one of Andy's finest pun runs around the
Starting point is 00:39:59 five mile mark. I'm sorry, I've just been a couple of puns this week. Yeah, John doing it. Yeah, a run of one pun. And that's a joint personal best. And with Ain't Like I'll be hearing this email around the nine mile mark. So please read this out and help this 35 year old
Starting point is 00:40:13 short fat unfit and balding bloke to reach the end of the race and then go straight to the pub and get pissed. What Andy, should we encourage him a little bit now? Maybe that would help. Okay, so Ross, run your f***er little bit now. Maybe that would help. Okay, so... Ross, run, you f***er! Run! Move it!
Starting point is 00:40:28 Move it! You're moving to slow-ros! If you do not get at least a podium finish, do not come back to this podcast. We will not be associated with losers. Oh, look to your left. Is that the Michael Bolton Colourish location? Flip it in the barred, Ross!
Starting point is 00:40:44 And run! Pump those legs Ross! Pump those legs! Do it for Michael Bolton. It's what he would have wanted. He's what? He's still alive! Run Ross! Run! Do keep your emails coming into info at including your tales of dead devilry and don't get to check out the soundcloud page soundcloud dot com slash the hyphen bugle Recently voted the greatest cultural achievement in the history of the internet Sport now and while the Lantern strong saga a piece be reaching its end John, just before we came on air, he's emotionally admitted that his entire career is a fraud and a theory, statements from a head, near his home in Skegness on Sea, Lincolnshire, England, Armstrong,
Starting point is 00:41:35 admitted that he cannot actually ride a bike without stabilizers, or without his father holding his hand and running alongside, shouting, good boy, keep peddling those little feet of yours. As his entire life's workers unraveled, Armstrong shorn now of all credibility, added that the cancer he's campaigned against so vigorously for a decade and a half is in fact, quotes, great fun and really good for you.
Starting point is 00:41:59 That's it for this week's Bugal. Thank you very much for listening to Bugal 210 and we'll be back next week with Bugle 211 and the final of the presidential debate John Wassiel prediction for that. How do you see that one going? It's going to be pretty... My prediction for that is that the founding fathers
Starting point is 00:42:17 will be pounding their heads against the roof of their coffins in their grave. No, no, no, that's demonstrable not what we were hoping for. And of course, the section on the great dead levels of the modern world, including a man who tried to cross the Irish Sea in a giant hamster wheel. And it is that kind of heroism that the world needs in these darken times. Goodbye, beauties. Bye! That kind of heroism that the world needs in these darkened times. Goodbye, viewers.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Bye! Run, Ross! Run! Don't stop for a was! Run! What happened? What happened to him for a caracalawaii stop for a WAZ? Oh, you're not not anything. Oh, you're not not anything. The Rome marathon of 2017.
Starting point is 00:43:08 But you stop for a WAZ, you get murdered. Listen to the laws of history. And Paula Ragcliffe.

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