The Bugle - Bugle 4120 - The Guilty Bugle

Episode Date: September 12, 2019

Andy, Alice and Deborah Frances White bring the latest feminist news, coupled with some guilt. Includes a real song, performed by Alice.Listen to the brilliant Guilty Feminist NOW (after this)! Hosted... on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A Audio newspaper for a visual world! Hello, Bugles, and welcome to this week's Bugle. All the way from the beginning of last week, it's a special, mashed up hybrid crossover
Starting point is 00:00:51 inter-bred, in fact the wrong word, live show between the guilty feminist and the... Oh, what was that one? Yeah, the bugle, that's it, the bugle. We recorded this show at King's Placing London on the 1st of September. So let's now go back in time. And here we are with me and his ultimate and the host of the Guilty Feminist, Deborah Francis White. Please welcome someone who's graced both of these podcasts to Alice Fraser!
Starting point is 00:01:19 CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Hello, Budalas. Hello, feminists. Happy Australian Father's Day, Dad. How are you? My father there in the front row representing everything good about the patriarchy. Hashtag not all men. Hashtag Alice's father. He's the one that makes it not all men, well done. Thank you, Alan, for his dad. But historically most men. What the current percentage is. And also joining us on stage, the producer of the Bugle Podcast, please welcome Chris. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Cheers. You can't hear you, mate. You can't hear me. You can't hear me. We just f*** you. Can I just say we don't talk like that at the Guilty Feminist. So whoever said that, I mean... He's taking down the patriarchy.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Is Chris the patriarchy? You can't point at a beatom ale and say patriarchy. It's not right. He takes this every single week. Do you honestly think that man is a manifestation of the patriarchy? I mean, I see beatom ale as a promotion, so. You're one of us, Chris. You're one of us, and I will stand behind you. I should also say, and I might have told this story in the bugle before, but I'm definitely
Starting point is 00:02:48 not a patriarch. My daughter at the age of eight turned to me and said, Daddy, you're too silly to be a patriarch. Oh, did she? Did she know what that means? Well, I think, yes, enough. Yeah, Yeah. How did you feel when she said that? Well, proud and ashamed. LAUGHTER Welcome to Womanhood. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:03:11 MUSIC I'm a feminist, but I'm wearing jeans that are much too small for me, because I saw them today in a pile of old things that I was going through. I am a'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n yw'r ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n ymdwch i'n y neutral, but I thought I'll leave them on because you know they just I mean I had to lie down to put them on and it was a challenge actually in the loop so I could quickly go to the loop for it I think oh wow
Starting point is 00:04:09 how am I going to get these back up so I had to do a sort of you know that kind of standing lie and then now to be honest my heart rate is a little lower than it should be. So if I pass out at any point it is due to a lack of feminism in how I see my party. I'm just like being on stage with John Oliver again. I'm a feminist but I'm self-employed and I think I'd pay myself slightly more than I would if I was a woman. Just a hunch. And I went self-employed at 24 and may have been a woman, I wouldn't have employed myself just to worry that my family situation would change. myself just to worry that my family situation would change. I'm a feminist but I consider firing myself each year for the same reason. I'm a feminist but once I was walking in New York and a man was sitting on some construction
Starting point is 00:05:19 scaffolding that was spanning the footpath, he leapt onto a bar, did a double flip and then a double summer salt onto the ground, pulled his shirt up, showed his abs and said, hey baby, can I get your number? And while the vast majority of me knows that abs and flipping is not the correct vector to judge me, to suitability, there was a little evolutionary bit of me that was like, yeah, that's all I need to know about you. Did you give him your number? I did not. You could have...that's selfish, you could have given it to me. I should have...I should have passed it.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Just for another woman and past paid it forward. Yeah, well, I sometimes feel like a bad feminist because I do look at this hashtag Body Love stuff and I'm like, do I have to love... No, we're not. We're past that. All my elbows are in the right places and I probably do the right amount of poo. Can that be enough?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Your dad's right there. Do you have another one, Andy? I'm a feminist but I think having two ex-chromosomes sends a very negative message. I mean, ex is very negative letter, isn't it, Deborah? No, no, not interest or I'm voting for Brexit. Whereas why? That sounds for yes. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:06:34 Positive, but also with an ex-inquisitive. LAUGHTER So... LAUGHTER I don't... I thought it through. I don't mean to give you a TED talk about intersectional feminism right but XXX and XY is no longer how we determine gender. Oh right, okay Alice has walked down in
Starting point is 00:06:59 He hasn't done any puns yet. Oh, no, sorry, Alice has walked out to get her educational banjo Mae'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n gwaith yw'n He didn't think, no, no, I thought obviously I rethought that. Obviously, I constantly trained myself towards feminism, thought, what, how could you, that's not the worst thing about Melania Trump. But she just looked at a little casual like, she, you know, when she wears those sort of, you know, she wore that jacket that said, I don't give a fuck or whatever. I just thought, it's going along with that, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:59 and no. But I, overall, I'm wearing flats myself. I'm not judging you if you're wearing flats. I'm just judging Melania Trump All right, I'm a feminist, but I'm gonna sing this song and I'm gonna take Deborah's microphone rather than Andy's Is that a feminist thing or an anti-Semitic thing? Is that a feminist thing or an anti-Semitic thing? Why can't it be both? That's filled a better world!
Starting point is 00:08:42 Don't object to find me, I'm more than just a snack, I'm more than my incredible body in my frankly excellent rack. Don't think of me as sexy except a little bit like respect my mind the most, but don't totally ignore my tips. I want you to find me fine find me, get a bone for my mind. I want to be in all your fantasies, but not for you to think it's appropriate to tell me. I want you to find me, hot and think about me, quite a lot, and want to bang me all the time, but not enough to talk to me about it on the train line, or any other form of public transport. When you treat me like an object, almost all of me will object. My mind's as full of thoughtful thoughts as my booties full of sexy sex. Yeah, sexy, sexy, sexy, sex, everybody. Sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy. I won't be young and hot forever and I'm too
Starting point is 00:09:38 confident to care. I don't want to know about your boner, but I want to have a sense it's there. Just a hint of it in the air. I want you to want to bang me, but I don't know about your boner, but I want to have a sense it's there. Just a hint of it in the air. I want you to want to bang me, but I don't want to have to want to bang you. I just want to know I could make you want to bang me if I ever wanted to. Which I don't. But if I did, I wouldn't want you to reject me or say that you respect me too much to have sex with me, which is a surprising number of people have said to me in the past and extremely frustrating and hurtful. Between my body and my mind, I'll choose my mind, it's true,
Starting point is 00:10:11 but in mind of a matter, let's not pretend that matter doesn't matter just a little bit too. Aged death will take me as age a grap take all. Has with all man's pride for works My amazing tips, the one they fall From Rome to California No city about can last So take the time to raise a glass
Starting point is 00:10:40 Do everybody's passing us Ideally, consensually or at least unobtrusively and not in a way that implies their autonomy comes second to your desire. When you treat me like an object, almost all of me will object. My mind's as full of thoughtful thoughts as my booty's full of sexy sex. Give yourselves a round of applause. these cells around the world, plus. CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Alice Grazer, everybody!
Starting point is 00:11:10 CHEERING AND APPLAUSE First musical accompanied, I'm a feminist spot we've ever had. That's the first... I think the first song we've ever had on the Bugle. And also, easily the best Bob Dylan cover I've heard of. Yeah if you don't count John Oliver singing which I don't. Is it time for the Chris you've been you've been mashing up the theme Right, yeah. Well, let's kick it off. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- That was amazing. Your heart, Tom Solinski's fired, you're now the producer of The Girls Feminist. Well, here we are for the Guilty Bugle. Welcome, this is episode one of the Guilty
Starting point is 00:12:16 Bugle. Also, doubling up as issue 4,120 of the Bugle. This, we are here at King's Place in London. Woo! Is King's Place really appropriate for the guilty feminist, Deborah? King's Place, a location dripping with patriarchical hierarchy. Well, listen, you can't smash the patriarchy in a shell within it. You can't smash it, bro. Just as a problem. A feminist is always doing like 48 hours shows
Starting point is 00:12:47 about the gyners under a bridge. What we need to be doing is going into the seats of power. That's where you can undo them. We are what I have learned is called... What do you call it when a tics on a dog? Parasite? Parasite. We are parasitical feminists? Parasite? Parasite.
Starting point is 00:13:05 We are parasitical feminists. Parasitical feminists. And can you add it out the bit where I said, what's a tick on a dog? Because I don't want people to think I didn't know that on my own. Um. Now they're going to leave it in because you did funny laugh. It's watching me cart us all the time.
Starting point is 00:13:24 He does that. And then they have to cut to him to see where that noise is coming from. So what woman's made a joke, the camera cannot stay on her because it has to be on who's going, it's a strategy, I'm telling you, you heard it here, I'm bringing you down car and I'm bringing you down from the inside. As soon as I've allowed on one of your shows, I will be bringing you down from the inside. We are recording on the 1st of September 2019. Again, is this really an appropriate date? The 1st of September for this show.
Starting point is 00:13:54 On this day in 1532, Ann Bolin was made a hereditary peer by her boyfriend, Henry VIII, subsuming her into the patriarchy before less than four years later, quite literally ghosting her. Let me emphasize, there are better ways of making sure you're not tempted to get back with your ex. Not necessarily more effective, but better. On the 1st of September 1914, the last known passenger pigeon, Martha, died in Cincinnati Zoo, a lady pigeon left alone by the slaughter of her entire species by men. Is this an appropriate date for this gig I ask you at a time when women still don't have
Starting point is 00:14:39 the vote in the USA, let alone lady pigeons. And on this day in 1969, 50 years ago today, there was a coup in Libya that brought Muammar Gaddafi to power. But what if a woman had come to power instead? What, for example, if tennis star and equality campaigner Billy Jean King had given me given the keys to number one, Tripoli, instead of Nationalist despot Muammar, or even women's liberation superstar,
Starting point is 00:15:04 Gloria Steinem, wouldn't Libya be better off now? Instead of Nationalist, despot, Muammar, or even women's liberation superstar, Gloria Stynum, wouldn't Libya be better off now? I'm just saying it's a strange day to hold this show. Yeah, almost certainly. Libya would be better off on the Gloria Stynum, almost certainly. Almost certainly there'd be 50% less bloodshed. I mean, it would have been swiftly renamed labia bus. Family show, special guilty bugle section in the bill. This is high-tech, this show is seriously high-tech.
Starting point is 00:15:55 We have forgotten male feminist heroes of history in the bin this week, including Pierre Corsion, the pro-English 15th century French bishop, who put Joan of Arc on trial, and then had her burned at the stake. No preferential treatment for Joan, just because she was a woman. LAUGHTER Bishop Corsion was an equal opportunity's burner at the stake,
Starting point is 00:16:19 centuries before it became fashionable. Jesus Christ. LAUGHTER Great feminist. I mean, he might have employed only men only apostles in his top 12, and an all-male gospel writing team in his PR office. And of course, he dug up his dead body because he thought there should be a man of the house,
Starting point is 00:16:38 Shay Lazarus. But besides that, there were some feminist angles, too, Jesus. He turned water into wine, not beer, which is statistically a much more popular drink with women. And he was known to use a female podiatrist as well. I'm using it at the time. And he was a real hunk, but he didn't exploit that
Starting point is 00:16:57 for his own gratification. So he was like, I'm sorry, green, though. Look at that, what a six-pack. Grunged as well. Does he watch? Did he watch? I suspect that's an image of when the Incredible Hulk was cruised the fact. I'm Jewish, so it's fine. And another forgotten male feminist hero from history, Crackatoa,
Starting point is 00:17:23 the celebrity male volcano that erupted in 1883. There is. In one of the most spectacular acts of geopolitical protest in history, Crackatoa exploded in Indonesia 1883. We don't need to accept things as they are, blasted the celebrity volcano and just 10 years later women got the vote in New Zealand. Are you suggesting this was a protest volcano? Yes, it was. I do a lot of research for this demo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you've brought to us so far the guilty feminist who killed Jonar, I think it's fair to say, and we'd put that in the guilty feminist category. Yeah. Jesus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Have you heard of Jesus? For those who haven't prominent turn of the first millennium, Middle East-based magician and racon turf? LAUGHTER Our...our Lord and Savior, for some of us. So, I'm going to get him from a Jewish angle. He... He cost us a lot of market share, that's all.
Starting point is 00:18:24 LAUGHTER government from a Jewish angle. He cost us a lot of market share at all. Splitter. Also, in the bin this week, Alice. Yes, another section in the bin this week, a women's magazine pull out, style tips based on 14th century fashion, including who needs a bath and how to rock your three remaining teeth while bearing your 12th child. Traditional marriage tips, ever long from the olden days where you could just meet a man by his daughter, make awkward conversation over the breakfast table till she died in childbirth. Dowry bargaining tips and lead-based paints that will wipe away every trace of the
Starting point is 00:19:02 pox. A sexy sealed section with tips for how to choose the most empowering sexual positions, including the who are you calling reverse cowgirl, it's reverse cow woman, thank you. And five ways in which woman on top is a metaphor for how taking power also comes with a lot of responsibility and work. As well as which a bird's life section, she goals. What life is like in the male-dominated sea-goal game? Turn your sea-goal into a sea-goal with special fish-flavored bird lipstick, putting the hot tip into fighting over hot chips, and seven sassy tunes to spice up your endless screaming into the cold ocean wind. A she-mew section for female female emus on how to be a giant flightless bird with beautiful eyes
Starting point is 00:19:47 and deadly dinosaur legs that'll kick your guts out, just like the girls from Sex and the City. And the Flamingo section, 18 ways to go f*** yourself. That section in the bin. Right. Are we ready for the...well, we don't really have a top story, we usually have a top story in the bugle. This week for our top story, have you got a jingle for it, Chris? This week, we are going to ask Planet Earth, how feminists are you? Earth clearly Ys yw'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r ysgwyr, mae'r fawr ymwyr, o'r ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ym'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r a new series of influential women dolls and inspiring women Barbie series.
Starting point is 00:21:25 These include Sally Wright, who was the first American in space, Frieda Carlo, and just this week, they've released Rosa Parks. And this is great news, because Rosa Parks Barbie comes with the dream bus and matching political bandwagon. LAUGHTER
Starting point is 00:21:44 Now, the biggest problem I can see here is that as far as I can make out, like most Barbies, except for horse riding Barbie and gymnastic Barbie, she does not have bendable knees, which I think is really fundamental to her taking a stand. The most famous thing about Rosie Parks is she sat down and would stand up and this doll can't do that. But it's just not enough attention to detail. I mean, I feel it's uncomfortable. Anyway, what are the kids going to do?
Starting point is 00:22:10 I mean, it's important for children to learn the history of civil rights, but let's play Woolworth's sit-ins. Does seem rather awkward. Most Barbies, in my experience, end up with their head ripped off, naked down the back of a sofa. It feels like a little not okay to make it a Rosa Parks doll, if only for that reason. On the other hand, Mattel and the makers of Barbie i'n gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r
Starting point is 00:22:28 gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithion cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r cyfodd i'r bwllwch i'n 1980 a'r 12 oes. Mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r ffwrdd, mae', mae'r ffwrdd, mae'r rhizan, ac mae'r rhizan yn ymwchyniad yn yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhizan yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyniad yn ymwchyn both a black and a white Barbie to go with the Oreos. Until the African-American community pointed out that Oreo is a derogatory term, meaning a person that is black on the outside
Starting point is 00:23:50 and white on the inside. This is a direct quote, the doll was unsuccessful, and Mattel recalled the unsold stock making it sought after by Collectors. So, if you've got one, hold onto it. In May 1997, Mattel introduced Sheriff Smile Becky. Mae'n gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r gwaith yw'r g i'n ei'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch i'r eiwch, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn ymwyr, yn y to seek recourse, breaking quite a lot of Chinese labour laws. Mattel spokesperson said that the company is in reviewing of the report. So that's good.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And they also promised to bring out sweatshop barbie as part of their incredible women, if had to put up all kinds of shit range. I mean, I mean, it's good for children to play with toys made by their peers around the world. I mean, I feel like it's not quite fair to put this level of political burden on an extruded plastic doll. Let Barbie be what Barbie is, a hyper feminine doll based on the unrealistic proportions of a German sex toy whose ultimate purpose is to float free through the ocean and choke out a shortsighted leopard seal.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I feel like if your daughter can only access feminist concepts, if you make them palatable via the channel of barbification, then you may be a worse parent than you think. And you deserve a child that thinks that Rosa Parks' underpants were welded on. Just Rosa Parks have pants, because most Barbies don't have pants. They just have a welded on sort of... So the olden days Barbies, this is the thing, olden days Barbies just had a crease. Now they've put a frilly underpants on top.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's horrifying, yeah. You can't get off on. Yeah. Hey. That wasn't meant to sound like a sandwich. Yes, but it did. The next feminist Barbie rollout, they bring out a Barbie of the Supreme Court select
Starting point is 00:26:26 Ruth Bader Ginsburg. There's an Angela Merkel Barbie coming out, the Boundary Busting Snooker-Efforee Michaela tab. Surely amount of time. Elizabeth Spathory, the pioneering Hungarian 16th and 17th century serial killer, described as likely the most brutal Barbie in history. And Piglienska, Paul Kinskyeva, the former TV star and puppet, better known as Miss Piggie, from a family of Russian immigrants, of course. Her parents escaped the Soviet Union in the 1960s.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Her father, Sossageria Paul Kinskyeva, was a puppet pig in government farming infomercials in the 1950s during the Christchurch years, of course. I digress. LAUGHTER Let's move on to feminism boundary-busting crime sprees now. Alice, you are our feminism criminal space correspondent. Yes, Andy. Breaking through the barriers of the space crime continuum now, feminism criminal space correspondent. Yes, Andy, breaking through the barriers of the space crime continuum now,
Starting point is 00:27:29 a NASA astronaut or an astronaut has been accused of accessing her ex-partners bank account from space. Anne McClean told the New York Times through a lawyer that she was merely making sure the families' finances were in order and there was enough money to pay the bills and care for Miss Warden's son, who they'd been raising together prior to the split. She claimed she wasn't doing anything wrong and one small withdrawal for woman, one giant leap for interstellar of criminal woman kind. I mean, big book buzz, older and so you played golf on the moon. This woman hacked into a bank from a space station.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It is only a matter of time before Spammers catch on and we start having to field emails from Alpha Centaurian Princes with implausible inheritance and cut Christ's sealas from the dark side of Uranus. Hot signals are in your quadrant of the galaxy and they want to chat. It is a truly extraordinary story. This is like the headline I saw, astronaut accessed her XY's bank account from space. Now in terms of sentences, you would not have predicted a'r astronor ac sydd hynny'n ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd. Mae'n ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymwyr i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymryd ymw i'n cymw i'n cymryd ymwyr i I just like to say that I'm half of my clients, space stations, Anna McLean, because I do side, I'm a side barrister, that she tried to make her lazy, no good ex-husband pay his fair share of child support,
Starting point is 00:28:56 and he replied, there's no way on earth, you'll see a penny from me. She took that literally and did what any self-respecting mother would do by immediately setting off for the closest space station. Her estranged spouse, who was actually called truly called Summer Warden, is now regretting, saying that she'll get half the house over my dead body. My favourite, by the way, my favourite space woman story is about Sally Ride
Starting point is 00:29:20 when she was sent up for a week in space and the NASA scientists who were preparing her for the journey sent up 100 tampons just in case. Oh yes, they really don't know about those things. How many is for a week? It's about 100 right? I did think when I heard this story, that women'sorned going to space to unleash their fury is finally a sort of science fiction I'd be interested in mortgaging. If instead of alien that film had been called Alimony I would be there. Instead of, if instead of Dr. Who
Starting point is 00:29:55 it was Dr. Who said he loved me but turned out to be intimidated when I started to make more money than him and ran off with his netflix account I would be all over that. If instead of Guardians of the Galaxy it was you are this child's legal fucking Guardian money than him and ran off with his netflix account, I would be all over that. If instead of Guardians of the Galaxy, you are this child's legal fucking Guardian and will you take him because I have a holiday booked in another Galaxy, you're an absolute waste of space. Yes, please. If instead of Star Wars, it was a f***ing man. Brackets not all men. I'd be all over it. I think this is a new genre and I think I think Hollywood is soon to soon to follow. Yeah, it's a matter of course. There's no great surprise that the first crime in space should be committed by a woman because
Starting point is 00:30:34 this is a continuum that goes back to the first crime on earth perpetrated by the first criminal of them all, the notorious fruit rustler. the notorious fruit rustler. Eww. LAUGHTER Yeah. LAUGHTER Um, meanwhile in other space news, Russia has launched a life-sized humanoid robot for the first time interspace to do tasks, carry, are considered too dangerous for humans like being in space and being in outer space
Starting point is 00:31:07 Presumably they send up a life-size canoes robot into space first Joe friendly like a fans out there Different from the old Russian tactic when there were tasks two dangerous for humans to do and which they used to just get Loads and loads and loads of humans to do them anyway yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n gweithio'r yw'n a lady robot to do it. They've been working on it for 15 years. What they've essentially got is a teenage boy robot. It is a matter of time before he tries to put his robot Wang into a crucial control panel, matter of time. In fact, Alice, you are our urinating in space news correspondent. Yes, Russia has unveiled its new so-called M prototype new space suit, but then design may have to be changed to continue a decades-old tradition, which is winged on the bus you
Starting point is 00:32:19 get out of on the way to the spaceship, which is apparently a tradition that was started by Yuri Gagarin, or as he was known, Yuri Gagarin, or as he was also known, Yuri Gagarin, who famously had to relieve himself on the back wheel of the bus that was taking him to the launch pad in 1961. This stop has apparently been replicated from every launch since, including female astronauts who bring along a vile of their urine to splash on the wheel instead of doing the logistics involved. Lazy ladies. yn y ffemail aesrynol, ac yn yng Nghymru yn y ffemail o'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r yw'r oes i'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae'r oes, mae You've invented them, what, you're the inventor of such rituals? Me personally, also as a representative of... The people. My, my...
Starting point is 00:33:29 LAUGHTER Yeah, very well. That's absolutely, absolutely correct. Your boy, people. What's the most extraordinary ritual you've ever done or... Did you, as a kid, play the biscuit game or anything similar? I did not play the biscuit game. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Don't tell me. LAUGHTER I did not play the biscuit game. I don't know what that is. Don't tell me. Oh no. Oh no. Your dad does it. Oh no. Although, uh, recent. What if they gluten in total?
Starting point is 00:34:04 That's a good way to get out of the biscuit game. Oh no. Although, uh, recent... What if they gluten in top, never? LAUGHTER That's a good way to get out of the biscuit game, so... Oh, I'm gluten free. Um, recent minutes of, uh, cabinet meetings. Um, anyway, let's not go down that... LAUGHTER Did you ever... Are you Oxbridge? And do you see Oxbridge? Did you ever...
Starting point is 00:34:20 Did I ever... Did I ever f*** a dead pig's head? Is that what you're asking? What I was gently getting out around the size? No, I've never to this day. It's not kosher, is it? No, it's not. I think it's kosher to put your penis in the pig's mouth, just not to put the pig's penis in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:34:44 One man there's different ways of interpreting the text, aren't you? I mean, you are talking to the man whose wedding cake was a leg of ham. Some breaking news is coming through. Latest celebrity sex pestilence news. The retired former ancient Greek God Zeus has just become the latest high profile salute to be charged with historic sex offenses. Matt Ratan, really police and Athens searching a library discovered a collection of what they describe as highly incriminating myths, playing a classic pattern of behaviour and overpowerful
Starting point is 00:35:21 entitled male abusing his position of influence, the now disgraced ex-King of Olympus and one-time God of Thunder, was denied bail after turning himself into a point of logger and pouring himself down a stenographer's blouse. I always feel sorry for Zeus. I always feel sorry for Zeus having such low self-esteem, despite the fact that he was the King of the Gods. He was like, what do I have to do to impress her? I'll be a swan. It's always the way. Look at Trump. The problem is low self-esteem, with Greek gods and current dictators.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Never been any different. The male ego has been getting us into trouble since the Mount Olympus incident. LAUGHTER Yeah, it was just Olympus before Zeus mounted it. Should we do Q and I all happiness now? I mean, so many ways you could take that sentence and I'm happy to quonder Should we do it let's do a cue and I we got who has any questions for the panel on
Starting point is 00:36:33 Any of the issues raised in this show or anything else in the universe? Yes, over that beautifully done Classic he's following the traditional People think of being as far away from the microphone as possible. So where does buff jesus fall on hotties from history? So for those who aren't familiar with it, in the early days of the view, there was a section entitled hotties from history in which our listeners would share with us their historical crushes on long dead figures. And I believe Lucy, the Australopithecus afference, is skeleton
Starting point is 00:37:14 actually featured in that somewhere, the real horn for her. And I believe she was discovered in the horn of Africa as well. I think ironically. So I'm in Jesus, not my type of guy. I'll be honest, but as I said, we've covered that ground. Do there ever any long, dead historical figures that you've secretly held a candle for? I mean, it's, no. Actually, I'll tell you what Biblically speaking, probably someone like a Samson,
Starting point is 00:37:54 you know, someone who was sort of like really powerful and, you know, just... He'd be able to throw up against a bookcase, wouldn't he, Samson? Yeah, but you know, he'd be the white guy with Redlocks. a'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymwch i'r gyd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymdodd yn ymwch chi'n gwneud yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r ysgris yw'r trwy'n gweithio'r ymdyn, o'r trwy'n gweithio'r ymdyn, o'r trwy'n gweithio'r ymdyn, o'r trwy'n gweithio'r ymdyn. Parasol? Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn, mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn, mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn, mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn, mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn. Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn, mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn. Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn. Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn. Mae'r gwaithio'r ymdyn. Mae'r gwaithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r gweithio'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i'r rhwb i or tell the soon-to-be technology of artificial wombs so they can make their own grandchildren in a bag. I was a morrisy song, wasn't it? Grancho, remember that? Any other questions for the panel? What a deeply incurious audience. Oh, here we go. I've tormented someone into response.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Only because I'm intimidated. No. What is the strangest or most absurd initiation ritual that any of you have been privy to, maybe not firsthand, but a friend had experienced? Oh. No, well, as I said, I've not already had any personally, but my mother converted to Judaism.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And that sounds pretty fucking weird being bathed by a rabbi. Oh, a friend of mine, and I can't name names, has a father who's quite a famous loyal in New York. And apparently, what they do with the four skins is they put them in Central Park. They bury them in Central Park. They say a nice little thing over them. o'r ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn ymdyn y initiation ritual I did go through aged eight days and it's something I've been trying to forget. I did there was a man in the Melbourne comedy scene at the moment I call him Derek McHugh in my show because it sounds like a fake name and is his name and he regularly hits on all the young women coming into the
Starting point is 00:41:40 scene but in quite a harmless way and I feel like he's your level one he's your training wheels creep like it's quite important to work up your skills on Derek. If you can't get past him the rest of the industry. What do you have to do to Derek? Well he'll say, oh do you want to do on a lift home? Oh and and your job is to go, no but he's sort of very like he's very like, ah, it's like you can see him coming. He no. But he's sort of very like, he's very like, ah, it's like you can see him coming. He's a very low pressure introduction
Starting point is 00:42:09 to the company. You know this is going on the internet, though, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's also not really his name. Oh, it's not exactly. His real name is... I'll tell you after. He's just become Prime Minister.
Starting point is 00:42:20 LAUGHTER Don't they all? LAUGHTER I just want to say a big, big thank you, Mae'r gwybod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn ddod yn d back to me. It was really nice. And said, said, sure, as long as you do all the work and I get half the money, I was like, I'm so into it. I love you. Also, I know he's got John on his phone number and I don't yet. So, you know, there's that. I'm going to LA. So thank you so much, Andy. Thank you so much. Bring around the boss, Rattie Salzman. Thank you. And the incredible Alice Fraser. And a wonderful fuck you, Chris.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And everyone at King's Place. Thank you so much for coming out. Please stay for drunk, guilty feminist, solving crime. Anything you want to tell them before we go? Anything you want to plant? No, no, but give it up for Deborah Frantz, his wife. Thank you very much. Thank you for coming.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Thank you. Thank you for coming to the guilty view. We. Thank you very much. Thank you for coming. Thank you. Thank you for coming to the Guilty Pew. We'll see you next time. We hope you enjoyed the crossover show. To listen to more from the GuiltyFeminist, go to or just ask around. Don't forget there are live bugle shows imminent in Glasgow on the 7th of October and Newcastle on the 8th of October at the stand comedy clubs. To end the show this week, here are some more lies about our voluntary subscribers. To join them and support the show with a one-off or a current contribution
Starting point is 00:43:59 of whatever size you can and want to contribute, go to and click the donate button. Chris, music please. Matt's urine fiscum does not think it is worth trying to reason with rocket scientists anymore. Since they became accepted as the default benchmark for knowledge, says Matt's urine, they think they're untouchable. Alan Hill thinks the phrase, bricking it, should refer to careful long-term planning rather than fear. All three of the little pigs, reasons Alan, were understandably fearful of wolf death, but the one who bricked it was the only one who actually planned sensibly.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Lania Simmons accuses Alan of victim blaming regarding the first two little pigs. Let's be clear, the wolf is the one to blame here, and in fact building a house of straw or sticks is actually very environmentally friendly. Poppycock retorts Karl Hoffman. Building a house of straw is ostentatious architectural and environmental virtue signaling, which will inevitably require an expensive rebuild in the not-too-distant future. James Tannickliff, meanwhile, wishes the pigs had collaborated on a single communal residence using all three of their favoured materials. This obsession with individual home ownership says James engenders socially divisive economics. Michael Grossman suggests
Starting point is 00:45:15 that more effort be made to integrate wolves into mainstream society in future fairy tales. He says the constant demonisation of wolves creates an increasingly entrenched cycle, in which the wolves see aggressively destructive piggression as their only way out of the woods. Eshameda wonders if the root of the problem wasn't entrusting the pigs with too much self-determination in the first place, it's nice in theory, but it's outside their core skill set as a species to build houses, their core skill set of course is snouting around and filth and having tasty legs when dead. Sandra Schmidt adds that there are a surprising number of pig's loitations fables knocking around and speculates that humans use this as a justification for farming the creatures
Starting point is 00:45:56 for food. Meanwhile in a slightly overdue changing of the subject, Dom Sirlis reckons that if Michael Angelo had been around today, he'd probably have won a TV cookery show, maybe with an elaborately designed dessert, and gone on to be a celebrity quiz show host. Air and green counters that the Sistine Chapel star would in fact have been an advertising creative, making really fancy car ads for television, or one of those ads for something when you have no idea what it is they're trying to sell you, but you think that if you ever find out, you would probably be tempted.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Here endeth, this week's lies. Thank you to all who've contributed. you

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