The Bugle - Bugle 4146 - What would Draco do?

Episode Date: March 27, 2020

BoJo's got it, Trump's lost it, criminals are furious! Andy and Alice with the latest on Coronavirus.Listen to our daily show, The Last Post. Hosted on Acast. See for more informatio...n.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dancelaguard fans, you will be thrilled to know a book is coming out if you fund it via Unbound. We are publishing the Dancelaguard Reader by Alice Fraser and Dancelaguard, a glorious insight into the world of Dancelaguard, self-published romance maven, and online bestseller. If you would like to find out how to support it, go to If we get enough support, we will publish the book. That's a real thing that's going to happen. to support the Danciler Guard Reader. A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A- Audio newspaper for a visual world Hello, B.R. Who am I kidding the Olympics is off right? That that's it this fucking virus can go fuck itself Come here you little crown face to see where are you let's duke it out
Starting point is 00:00:55 Mano Devirus is have hands come on anyway, you don't want to do you sneaky little sub-rockers copic ship bag I've got a stick. I will whack you with my stick. Right, that's it. I'm going into training Rocky style. I'm running up and down the steps outside my shed. Look, well it's one step about an inch high, but the point stands and also my cricket net's a bit in the way of it. But still, I'm gonna take you down, you pathogenic prick. You can't even see me. I'm too fast. But I thought I said you could punch. Is that all you got? I've seen scary adaptor deals than you. Please give me my sport back. I am the hollow shell of a human being formerly known as Andy Zoltzmann. Coming to you live from the shed again for this issue 4146 of the
Starting point is 00:01:36 bugle audio newspaper for a frankly panicking world. Joining me this week from his orbiting production both 50 miles above the earth's surface its producer Chris. Hello, Chris Hello Andy. Sorry, I was on mute because I still haven't mastered online video calling even though that's all I've done for the last 10 days Well, it's just your natural state of existence as a producer on mute where you belong. Yes, and your natural state of existence as a producer on mute where you belong. Yes. And joining me from the other side of the world putting me down under into lockdown under curfew it's Alice Fraser. Hello Andy I've been full quarantine for six days and I am not enjoying it. Really? Oh that's surprising. Yes it's no fun. It's no fun. I've just been in a little room all on my own. Turns out I'm not that great company. Well, I've had a fascinating
Starting point is 00:02:36 week of homeschooling in which, well, we're going to more detail on this next week. I'll give you a full day-by-day breakdown of my home schooling efforts. But suffice it to say that our little physics experiment to, for me, to try to explain the difference for my children between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission went very, very badly wrong in the apologies to women living within a 50 mile radius of our house. We are recording on the 27th of March, 2020, on this day, in 1915, Mary Mallon, also known as Typhoid Mary, became the first asymptomatic healthy carrier of Typhoid to be identified in the USA. She was put in full quarantine for the
Starting point is 00:03:25 second time in her life and was never released for the remaining 23 years until her death. Now in the current circumstances I don't think that story is at all a worrying warning for any of us not at all that we can just ignore it but let's just ignore it. Let's forget that ever ever have 23 years in the shed. I mean I love my shed shed. But even that is, I mean, there's just not enough old sports footage to go around. On this day in 1710 was the birth of Joseph Abaco, the Belgian cellist and composer. He dies at the age of 95 in 1805. So he's in a very high-risk category. Do not listen to any of his music unless you are at
Starting point is 00:04:05 least two meters away from your headphones. As always, some sections of the bugle are going straight in the bin today. Is World Theatre Day not a great day for theatres around the world currently being as they are not allowed to open. But to help you get through World Theatre Day, the bugle presents micro versions of the great works of theatre for you to act out in your own homes. Firstly, Shakespeare's smash hit hamlet.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Bloody Elmote, make your f*** in mind up. Eastcluses agamemnon. Hello, love, you look cross, what's the matter? Checkoffs, three sisters. We are family. I got all my sisters with me. That's basically all you need to know about that one Sofakles is aadipus Rex. You're right. It is going to be an awkward family Christmas mummy stroke darling and Arthur Miller's the crucible. Well, if you can explain why she had a broomstick a cat and a cauldron I'll let her off. Two out of three will be fine.
Starting point is 00:05:07 All three, I'm afraid it just looks bad. Also, in the bin, a home exercise section. Chris, now you're renowned for being, you know, a keen exerciseer for whatever reason. How are you getting on stuck at home? Have you been going out much? I've got my plank up to three minutes and that's the latest. Side plank, big plank, small plank, one-on plank, one footed plank. I just need to leave the house, please. You're allowed to leave the house for a sanctioned one hour. I'm not allowed to leave the house at all, and it's... It's no good. Well, you can do a home triathlon.
Starting point is 00:05:56 The current government advised home triathlon is have a bath, do the crossword, and then see if you've got any snacks left. Other means of keeping fit under current lockdown conditions include WNR, a new form of exercise, which stands for wasps nest release, in which you release 50 wasps into your living room. And by the time you've swatted the loss of the mats, you've burnt it, equivalent calories to playing eight consecutive sets of squash with a peak-era jahangi khaan. And well the French have come up with gymnastic toiletian or known in British as bognastics that is going about your daily shall we say, toiletula rituals whilst
Starting point is 00:06:38 also getting some exercise to do this. Put your toilet rolls, your precious, precious toilet rolls, now worth more than gold itself. Put them on a holder, high up on the wall, by your, as the French would say, shears, porcelain, there's X-flat-grousillon, there's our moniurs, forcing you to do some very important lumbaric and trans-torshular stretches to reach your paper on a, hopefully, at least, daily basis.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And no towels, of course, dry your hands by doing 250 consecutive star jumps. So, everyday rituals can help keep you fit. Also, in the bin this week, well, talked about homeschooling, we on the bugle over the forthcoming weeks, we will be giving you bugleers exams to set either for yourselves or for your children,
Starting point is 00:07:24 if you are homeschooling them over the forthcoming weeks beginning with the key subjects of mathematics. Here is your bugle mathematics exam. Question 1. Put the following numbers in the wrong order. 8, 5, 121, 17, 2, 8000, 0.3 and 356. Question 2, it needs a bit of historical knowledge this one, but it's primarily a math problem, so multiply the following numbers together, pay attention, you can write them down as you go along, the number of wives of Henry VIII, multiplied by the number of disciples of the prominent alleged Messiah Jesus, Jesus Christ, multiplied by the number of founding states
Starting point is 00:08:03 of the United States, multiplied by the number of words in the published novels of Dean R. Coons, correct to March 2020, if you're listening to this in the future. Multiply by the total number of beats per minute in the top 40 UK chart hits of rock legends, death leopard. Multiply by the total weight of plankton in grams that would have been eaten by celebrity whale, Moby Dick. If the novel Moby Dick was allowed to play out in real time in real life multiplied by the number of spanners in a Sid Crome toolkit multiplied by the distance in miles traveled by the Starship Enterprise in all episodes of the original 1960 Star Trek series
Starting point is 00:08:37 multiplied by the number of world snooker champions who were born in the Mayan region during the classic period of Mayan civilization in the first millennium AD. See if your maths skills can get that right for you. I mean I enjoyed watching Chris try to do that maths in his head for about the first three goes round of that. That was excellent. The weird thing is I actually stopped concentrating and it got to the end of it and I actually realised I knew what the answer was. got to the end of it and I actually realised I knew what the answer was. I was saying at the very end of the show for anyone who doesn't want to spoil it. Don't give it away Chris. Next question question 3, Pie, the renowned number that's got something to do with circles has been calculated to 50 trillion digits or something like that, loads anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:21 But if circles were less round by a factor of ironically 3.14%, how many fewer digits would be needed to work out what Pi was and why and how much smaller would a football be? Please show you're working for that. Question 4. James Joseph Silvester, the English mathematician, said mathematics is the music of reason. But the question is, what type of music is it? Is it a free form acid funk, b, TV sports show theme tunes, c, 3 nuns, singing a rude hymn, d, Beethoven times Hendrix over definitely plus Celeste, or e, Herman's Hobbits, who are an ironically partly an anagram of maths. And finally, for your maths question, which of the question five,
Starting point is 00:10:03 which of the following mathematical theories has been conclusively disproved? A, Kepler's third principle of toast dropping, B, Keith from accounts his last theorem, C, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, D, the 5 second rule, E, the law of Archimedes scrotum, which is something to do with how quickly a naked man's private parts dry when he jumps out of the bath and runs through the streets, or F the Borg McEnroe Paradox. So please write your answers down and then burn them at a safe distance. That section in the bin. next week history. Stop story this week, well it's still virus news, coronavirus, the irritating micro buster that has hivect the world into panacisms of megacales continue to tot on its anti-marry way. The renowned pathogen and its disease,
Starting point is 00:11:05 Buddy COVID-19, has come up with the intriguing strategic masterstroke of having a baffling range of symptoms ranging from no symptoms at all to rapid and unpleasant death, leaving its primary target species humanity in a state of globally viral bafflement, and has unleashed an administrative shit alarm that could take decades to recork. And as we came to record today, just minutes ago, Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by repute, has announced that he has been diagnosed with the coronavirus and is now having showed mild symptoms, is now governing in self-isolation as an added concern at least one of his girlfriends is pregnant. And also, we've heard this week that Prince Charles heir to the throne of this pestilent nation
Starting point is 00:11:54 also has tested positive and they are any of someone who's never got to wear the crown being afflicted by a newcomer virus named after crowns must sting particularly hard. Yes, Bojo has the Rona. He's fallen prey to the virus, which proves that viruses are no respectors of high office. We can only hope that he has a mild form of the disease, because it would be terrible optics to have him need a respirator and have to kick a suffering Nana off an ICU bed. Obviously that would never happen, because there are probably special respirators for the cabinet in a bunker somewhere.
Starting point is 00:12:23 You know, they definitely have that. You absolutely know that church you've got revived quietly, at least eight times from various alcohol and cigar-induced organ failures. That man did not look after his organs. Well, as you say, the virus is no respect for status, making it a very un-British virus without wishing to be, um, trumpically xenophobic about it. Uh, yeah, it said, uh, clearly it, it, it will attack the, the rich and powerful as much as anyone else. It is, if you will, somewhat Icoronaclastic. And now, questions, no, I will not. Questions may be asked about the wisdom or otherwise of the strategy of opening the stable door and asking the horsey not to bolt too far or too fast, to be back in time for sugar lumps at 6 p.m. And ignoring the fact that the horsey not to bolt too far or too fastened to be back in time for sugar lumps at 6pm and ignoring the fact that the horsey had all its possessions packed
Starting point is 00:13:07 in a rucksack sunglasses on its head and an airline ticket that would be into just pocket. But we can save that for when this is played out and whatever tragedies it brings. For now, we are in Britain and indeed around the world in the FFC stage, the fingers f***ing crossed and giving thanks to the miracles of modern medicine and its equally miraculous workforce. Alice, how's, I mean, you've, since you were last on the Bugle, you have transferred hemispheres. How's the virus going? Does it go, I forget, does it rotate in a different direction, below the equate of, not up with the song? Well, we're going into more and more lockdown because they asked us politely
Starting point is 00:13:48 and then we went to the beach. That happened here, right? But it's even Britain went to the beach. Scott Morrison, you don't have a beach. You have little piles of rocks, necks, and wet stuff. But yeah, in Australia, it's been fascinating because Scott Morrison of the Australian government has released a series of very clear instructions for the people of Australia which are incredibly
Starting point is 00:14:12 confusing about what you should do and what should stay open when asked what jobs are essential jobs categorized as essential jobs that you should still go to. He said all jobs are essential. He's also insisting that hairdresser appointments are an essential service that must be kept open, but you shouldn't go to the hairdresser for more than half an hour. I mean, everyone's got their addiction, but I reckon he's just preparing for a full apocalypse. I think hairdressers are going to be essential when everything goes to absolute shit, because we all need to get our mohawks in shape for the thunder dome. I've always wondered why stylists get so much work in post-apocalyptic economies. You've
Starting point is 00:14:50 got your thugs, your guards, your scrappy, your scrappy street kids, your warlords, and your hair and nail specialists. When half an hour in a hairdresser is more than I've spent in a hairdresser in a year beginning with two. So I think I'm going to manage to self isolate from my coiffure. Well, in Britain, off licenses have been added to the list of socially crucial outlets that are allowed to remain open because there is absolutely no way Britain can possibly get through this level of isolation and social restriction without access to copious quantities of alcohol. Yeah, get drunk and get a train. Other world leads to been affected, Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau are also operating
Starting point is 00:15:39 in isolation, although they have not been diagnosed as suffering from the virus, whereas Bolsonaro of Brazil and the accident president Lopez Obrador essentially going around licking babies like ice creams and throwing a t-shirt can adapted to fire viruses into their adoring fans. They are not giving in to the demands of science and common sense. Well, Mr Putin is though. Vladimir Putin has been seen making a surprise visit to an infectious disease hospital in Komunaka, which is a settlement on the outskirts of Moscow. I just don't think Vladimir Putin making a surprise visit to anywhere is a good idea. I think he's going to shock people into heart attacks, but he went there wearing a full hazmat suit,
Starting point is 00:16:24 which has led to some crazy memes. I think it's the first time I've ever seen Putin with a shirt on, to be honest. Yeah, I mean, it's a strong look for him. I mean, it has brought out the best and worst in humanity. This crisis very much, like other things do, for example, war and life in general. But unfortunately, in the current climate, many of those from whom it has drawn the worst are rulers of large countries. And obviously, eluding the way is Mr Trump. Trump, as always, has said some, well, controversial things.
Starting point is 00:17:01 He's said that he wants America back to business by Easter, which is not very far away, assuming that he's referring to this Easter, rather than, I don't know, some future, punitive Easter when, I don't know, the Messiah's second coming is ended by Croucher Fiction to the sequel. His thinking is that the economic damage is worse than is necessary for the lives of his citizens. The cure is worse than the problem said Trump will still skin this week, which is reminiscent of Captain Smith saying, well, it's a shorter distance to pour if we try to go through the iceberg rather than around it. So, full steam ahead. Trump said, we cannot let the cure be worse
Starting point is 00:17:43 than the problem itself words that in an ideal world would have been uttered repeatedly by every single Republican voter as they walked into those polling stations in November 2016. And he added the whole concept of death is terrible. I mean, he's supposed he's meant to be a Christian is his supporter by it. I'm death was cracking PR for your special boy, wasn't it? Geez, as his mate's called him. The Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick,
Starting point is 00:18:14 heroically pretty much advocated the sacrifice of the older generation on economic grounds. He said, those of us who are 70 plus will take care of ourselves, but don't sacrifice the country. He said, no one reached out to me and said, as a senior citizen, are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping the America that America loves for its children and grandchildren? And if that is the exchange, I'm all in. Before one assumes, setting an example and slaying himself humanely, of course, in a touchingly humble act of penance to his spiritual lord and Master and Savior, economics.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Perhaps, straight away after that speech, he went and pumped millions of dollars into a TV advertising campaign, targeted at the viro vulnerable community, showing himself willfully picking out for the greater good in a range of fun ways, drowning in a vat of strawberry jelly, human catapulted across the beautiful Appalachian Mountains Mountains or humped to death by giant mechanical sex robot George Washington. There could be no greater act of patriotism, surely. Despite the inference of Trump's and Patrick Suggestions, the cyanide for septal generines movement has not yet had that much political traction, but watched this space. You wouldn't consider that it would be a viable political position to just put an entire generation on ice flow and send them out to sea.
Starting point is 00:19:26 But apparently it is. Yep. Well, there you go. They have passed an American absolute whopper of a rescue package passed by the Senate $2 trillion. The sum was chosen in honor of the fictitious rapper, two trillion bucks, who would, if he or she existed, currently being self-isolation with suspected symptoms. Their sacrifice would not have gone underappreciated and that's good to know.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And that's a lot of money, but I guess when you're 23 trillion in debt, what difference does an extra couple of trill do? You just whack it on the tab. There are probably already some American eggs in American ovaries that are more than willing to settle up when the time comes. The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell described it as a wartime level of investment. And of course, it did come slightly after European governments did exactly the same thing. As...
Starting point is 00:20:11 I mean, the cure is worse than a problem is a reasonable thing to say, if he means like the health impact of high rates of unemployment and economic shutdown. It's like that's a measurable health impact that's quite bad, but it's not worse than the problem if you consider that without trying to prevent the virus, you get an economic impact of lots of people dying of the virus and also of preventable diseases that could be cured if the health care sector wasn't collapsing under the weight of the virus
Starting point is 00:20:35 and also the population being centimated by one in a hundred people dying and also everyone having lung conditions forever and ever ever. Like, I don't think he's thought it through. Although I think you could say that about almost everything that he's ever said. Over 3 million people in America registered to claim jobless benefits for the week ending on the 21st of March.
Starting point is 00:20:57 That's a new American record for Trump to add to his supposed collection. Here in Britain, the government is forking out money. It clearly does not have to cover lost earnings and wages for millions and millions of people. The hospitality industry, retail, entertainment, sport, all been absolutely appallingly affected by this. But what about those other industries that fly further under the radar of public consciousness, like crime? Well, Penelope Lopscomb, the head of the BIPTF, the British Institute of Burglars, Thieves and Fences, and Alan the Claw, Stryvngton, CEO of the Crimson UK pressure group and former boss of the notorious Stryvars gang, issued
Starting point is 00:21:36 a joint statement slamming the government for its lack of support for the criminal community. The statement reads, with everyone locked in their homes, it has never been tougher to pull off a successful break-in, particularly with the government clamping down on people heading off to their second homes in the country, or by the seaside, which is naturally a core part of our members' business models. This has affected everyone in our sector, from large organised drugs gangs to small-time petty crooks, over three-quarters of our registered gangs have had to lay off, or at least furlough their members. In all, 42 percent of gangs have been officially disbanded or been forced to merge with rival gangs.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Furthermore, the statement continues, restrictions on movement make shifting stolen goods on for resale extremely logistically problematic, and as most fences are self-employed, it has been devastating for them. Furthermore, as they generally do not declare the exact source of their income, they do not qualify for the government's new bailout package for the self-employed. Even further more, with people increasingly concerned about their personal finances in these times of uncertainty, the average ransom paid has collapsed by 73.6% in less than a month. The upshot is that many of our members are being forced to turn away from crime to earn a decent
Starting point is 00:22:42 living, which in turn could have a devastating impact on the secondary dependent industries which rely on the crime sector. Police, who are now reduced to stopping people having unlicensed picnics, lawyers, burger alarm installers, insurance companies, car cell rooms, psychologists and counsellors, and mobile phone manufacturers who depend on people having to buy new phones when some bastard nicks theirs and the police don't have time or resources to get involved. The government has described this as a wartime situation, but for us in this ancient industry which has contributed so much to the national economy, culture and TV schedules over the
Starting point is 00:23:12 years, war presented opportunities amidst the chaos. Now we see only restrictions. The government has long provided support, assistance and even nighthoods to white collar criminals. It is time for them to step in for the rest of us to prevent the possibly terminal decline of our entire criminal sector and with it a way of life that has been part of this great British nation ever since Stonehenge had its roof nicked and all the copper stripped off its sarsan stone for day before its official opening. So, moving words.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It's a terrible business, Andy, and you'd think that the Fagans would be alright because children generally don't seem to get the virus, but a lot of fagons have lung conditions. I know, I mean, it's difficult for everyone. I mean, no one really knows. [♪ Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Bzingzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzingzing, Buzzing, Buzzingzing, Buzzingzing, Buzzing, Bzingzing, Buzzing, Bzingzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Buzzing, Bzing known quite how to go about it. There's a lot of talk about the two-meter isolation distance between you and someone who is not living in the same house as you when you go out. So now how do I mean it's hard to ensure all that? I don't know what the human brain is not really trained to work out a two-meter distance by evolution because I mean I think a saber-tooth tiger could jump from five meters. So I mean that's the natural distance we evolution. I mean I think a saber tooth tiger could jump from five meters. So I mean that's the natural distance we estimate.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Well also I mean this is maybe a new maybe this is making some room for new jobs in the post-coronavirus or during coronavirus economic landscape. For example basketballers now no longer able to play against one another could could lie down in between you and another person to show you the distance. There's a lot of room for professional handwashes. Professional coffee explainers, very important, because if you accidentally cough then you feel you have to explain immediately why you were coughing and then you're not sick from the virus. I was just eating so biscuit. A lot of room for people who give out lip injections who are going to go out of business in a mask filled world. Maybe they can offer their injecting skills to the beleaguered health workers. And also, I think Mary Condo's
Starting point is 00:25:16 going to be out of a job because it turns out a whole lot of things that don't give you joy are actually super useful to have around in a shutdown. But you're missing all that old shit now when you're out of your mind bored and looking for craft supplies. I don't believe I got rid of that rusty old wet set. Another business opportunity is, well, the food sector with restaurants having to close down and supermarkets overloaded. Contagium is a new chain of drone. Contagium is a new business that offers meals dropped by drones on edible lettuce parachutes from a safe height of 1,000 feet. They land in the right garden, you have to obviously watch your neighbors chowing down on you, your lovely, lovely lamb shank.
Starting point is 00:26:05 If you want, there's some new government advice has just come out and the government have been criticized for slight nebulousness in their advice which is partly justified, but they have issued very clear advice on how to ensure a two metre distance between yourself and other people. This has just come from Downing Street. We advise people to buy a helicopter, to then trim the blades to a two meter length. That's six foot seven and a half inches if your chopper is from the 1960s or 4.37 qubits if you have the Sikorsky Biblical Avenger H-42. Chop holes for your legs in the floor of the helicopter cabin and remove the tail section of the aircraft and as much of the frontal portion as you can as well without it totally collapsing.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Attach large weights to the remaining parts of the helicopter frame to stop it actually taking off, squish it down a bit so the blades are as close to head height as possible, and gerry-rigly engine of a decommissioned military tank to your lead-weighted chopper suit to enable you to move around. When you are entering an area where you think you might come into contact with a non-sanctioned P.I.H. brackets, that's potentially infectious human. Simply switch the helicopter on so the blades rotate. You will find that most people will grant you the full two-meter virus safety mode, if
Starting point is 00:27:15 not considerably more. So we all know now. Exactly how to get around this? Of course, people are turning to the cause of the virus. Trump's cabinet pastor blamed it on gay people. He said that the coronavirus is a result of the wrath of God, which is an excitingly retro way to approach a virus. I mean, if it is true, if it's true that God caused the coronavirus,
Starting point is 00:27:43 it's an invention for gay people. Either God's wrath has come down disproportionately hard on old people with lung conditions or not washing your hands enough makes you gay. Entirely sure how that works out, but sure. Um, but if that's true then pretty much, uh, I don't know, that will sound bad. It's going to be much better for every child in the world is gay. But what do you want to do? You can't go, can't go. Keep it, keep it. All children are gay, he's now the effacent title. Well, or prayer is, I mean, currently, actually, in terms of, this disease is currently
Starting point is 00:28:28 uncurable by medicine. And prayer is achieving a survival rate in excess of 90%, some say is highest 99%. Now others say this is the same as actual medicine or not praying, and the control placebo-based research in which rather than praying people recite baseball statistics to a wax effigy of Florence Nightingale is actually proving slightly more effective. I mean Florence Nightingale, one of the great handwashes of history.
Starting point is 00:28:56 You know, new problems call for new heroes. We need the list of our great handwashing heroes Florence Nightingale, Pontius Pilate, a lady Mcbeth, Howard Hughes, Jack Nicholson's character in as good as it gets. Mark Spitz, the Olympics swimmer, he really took it too far, just basically lifted him to a lot of massive great patience. There's a huge speculation about the potential availability of tests, accurate or otherwise, just give us a test, vaccines and non-religious cures. Donald Trump, just this morning,
Starting point is 00:29:30 as held a press conference in which he told people, I've heard if you drink a bottle of household bleach, two litres of cheap vermouth and a chocolate milkshake, you'll be cured within minutes. Give it a go folks. And that's been presumably led to some extremely dangerous incidents around America. Of course, people are trying to stop the spread of the disease in different ways, different governments are presenting people with different options. New York has given advice to people to only bang your flatmates. In those words. Basically, yes, they've said, do not look outside the home for sexual contact only only bang people inside your household
Starting point is 00:30:08 Which let's hope is either your spouse or your flatmate and not Not something else. That is a sitcom waiting to happen now Alex But only bang your flatmate sitcom. I mean don't you already have like nude and afraid dating shows in England? But I mean this is the thing they're having to place traditionally intimate moments with more hygienic alternatives. For example, giving birth to your child into a piece of cling film so you can hold them gently but hygienically. The end of weddings, you may not kiss the bride, you may only tap elbows with the bride.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And of course there's a boom in the sexting industry, which is difficult. There's some very specific rules that sexting needs to comply with, which is not particularly good for people who aren't comfortable with expressing their intimate feelings, for example, everyone in England. So I have a list of tips for people who are now forced to engage with over-the-phone sexual contact. If you are sexting and you're using language, be specific but not clinical, you have to be specific but not clinical. Commence lubrication is too graphic, words like insert are too engineering. Time scales are important.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Like it can't just be, let's have sex. We're having sex, we've just had sex. There is a beginning and middle and end, but no detail. You need to fill it in with a little bit of color. Equally, you can't do it too quickly, but you also can't just sex back and forth for a week describing a singular act in my new detail. You're not, you're not Dickens
Starting point is 00:31:43 and even the imagination can get chafing. You need to be very careful about singular and plural. Look at my boobs. Is sexy? Look at my boobs singular. Not sexy. You need to agree on terminology beforehand. You can't have a yony person with a cock person. They're two different worlds that would never work. Equally, you can't have a vulver person with a willy person. They'd never respect each other. If you're going to the world of pictural sexualness, which I've never really understood, the whole dick pic thing is basically just saying,
Starting point is 00:32:14 just look at it. And I don't understand whether. Written off great swathes of wonderful Renaissance art. Well, that's the thing. If you're doing a piece of art or if you're sending a dick pick there's no reciprocal thrill other than like oh red. But even if you're sexting back and forth with with your partner or friend you know you don't know what's going on if you know if it's sort of contemporaneous if there's a little pause between your sent message and their response you don't know how they going on if it's sort of contemporaneous, if there's a little pause between your sent message and their response, you don't know how they're
Starting point is 00:32:46 reacting, they're either passionately unfolding their genitals or they've gone to make a cup of tea or they're working on their grammar. You don't know if they've gone quiet because they're bored if they've gone quiet because they just shove their whole fist into their mouth. But apparently in this time, even in this time, despite the ban on intimate contact, Tinder usage has gone up because people fucking love window shopping. So be careful out there, be careful of everyone. Yeah. Well, now for a coronavirus outbreak person of the week, this week, Draco, the man who gave us the currently hip-tum Draconian measures, but who was he? While Draco or Draco was the first recorded law giver of ancient Athens, he worked
Starting point is 00:33:41 in the late 7th century BC and played a key role in the evolution of a Theenin democracy, which was a key stage in the evolution of the political attack ad, which elevates our species even today. He came up with the first sort of written codified laws, spoken laws up to that point, but considered too vague and imprecise. So if you can't imagine that, it's like imagine maybe a Prime Minister giving a press conference and telling you what you kind and can't and all should and shouldn't probably do and not do.
Starting point is 00:34:09 It was kind of like that. So Draco replaced the prevailing system of oral law and blood feud by a written code to be enforced by a court of law. All the bloody lawyers get in a finger in the pie, as always. Are you married to one? Well, yes. And this is the reason she has a finger in the pie, because she just made the delicious pie.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yep, quite, quite, quite, at the same time. Draco introduced the death penalty for even minor offences such as stealing a cabbage. Now, it is clearly a matter of time of all that comes back in the carot panic buying circumstances. All of Big D's Lord however were appealed by the rather less cantankarous Solon in the sixth century BC, but his name lives on in the term draconian. Now, we don't know much about his personal life, Draco, other than the fact that he is definitely dead. He never did karaoke or ate a big Mac, read into that what you will. He played Snookah very quickly and would have struggled to find a nickname in modern-day Australia.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Draco. Draco. Draco. Draco. But for our rulers and overlords who are currently donning their what would Draco do wristbands, we've run a computer simulation on what Draco would actually have done in the current circumstances. And he would have imposed the death penalty for coughing more than three times in a minute.
Starting point is 00:35:28 He would have banned grandparents and after all it's only emotional ties that make us miss our relatives, isn't it? I mean it's the emotional thing, isn't it? Alice, do you miss Herbert, Balthazar, Whippersnap, Fraser? No. No, well he died in 1765 so you have no emotional attachment to him, you don't give a shit, that's how it works. And also my family only became phrases of a couple of generations ago and so I spoil the joke But that's my job
Starting point is 00:35:55 Joke spoiler extraordinaire and also Dracca would have launched a distracting military strike on Iran. So yeah I'll be able to see how closely people are following him. In celebrity news now, the coronavirus has affected celebrities by revealing to us how many of them are just completely off this planet without their team of people advising them to do everything. There was a viral video. I'm saying right here, Alice. I'm saying right here. I'm saying right here. I'll miss my team. Yeah, you're not you're not a celebrity in this dimension, Andy. Oh, yes, or I forget. There's a viral video of a bunch of celebrities singing Imagine, out of key that's gone viral for
Starting point is 00:36:38 the wrong reasons, in that it seemed to be just a very poorly judged video, very rich people imagining a world in which things weren't as bad as they are for other people. Maybe something about connection. Also Madonna has come out with a series of videos including one of her in a bath talking about how the virus is the great equalizer while surrounded by rose petals and what appears to be milk, also singing one of her own songs into a hairbrush worse than most people would sing that song into a hairbrush. But you know, you know, we can't judge other people, I'm sure she's coming from an interesting place. On the bright side, some things are still unchanged, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are still apparently in a blood feud with Taylor Swift, which is reassuring. Either they haven't noticed the coronavirus or they think their weird beef is more important than the coronavirus. That's where you actually need Draco to come in to end a blood
Starting point is 00:37:35 feud with a written legislation to deal with, he didn't deal with celebrities, that's his problem. Yeah, it's a shame, but every comedian I know has turned to live streaming, so maybe we'll have some news celebrity soon. Sports news now. It's not getting any easier. Right, well that brings us to the end of this week's bugle. Alice, I hope you have a really busy week in your isolation chamber. I'm working in an enormous amount but I just want to hug. I'll email one. Can you do that? I don't know, I'm out of the technological loop. No, you cannot, but I've tried. Believe me, I've tried.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Bueglers do keep safe and yeah, these are strange times. I hope you're enjoying our coverage of this utterly baffling story. Alice, obviously there are no live shows in which you're appearing in person, but what have you got to plug that people can look at on a screen? Well, it would be the Melbourne International Comedy Festival right now. I'm doing a live show on Instagram every evening in Australia slash about 11 a.m. in the UK and that's in the run up to the release of Savage on Amazon Prime on the 17th of April and I'll be doing a live watching party and probably talking to maybe a celebrity guest. Also I do, if you, I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but there is a daily satirical news podcast set in alternate dimension. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 That comes into the podcast feed every day. It's called The Last Post. The host is quite funny. There's someone who sounds a lot like you on it and you might want to have a listen. You get some tips from him. He seems to be quite successful. Right, okay, rub it in. Until next week, goodbye and we will play you out with some more lies about our premium subscribers. To join them, go to and click the donate button. Bye! Jeremy Olson wonders how differently history of the world might have been if rice and potatoes
Starting point is 00:40:21 had been native to the Italian peninsula. I don't think the Roman Empire would have been nearly as impressive, speculates carbohydrate-efficient arduo-gemry, then have had a much starchy a diet, felt sleepier after meals, and not bothered invading nearly as many places. Alexei Jeschenko hopes that the current global hiatus will offer an opportunity for the world to contemplate many things about things,
Starting point is 00:40:44 including the benefits of hiatuses. will offer an opportunity for the world to contemplate many things about things, including the benefits of hiatuses. Without a good hiatus, remarks Alexei, we can forget how good a good hiatus can be. We should definitely take some time out from our current time out to think about taking more time out in future, at some point. Alistair Sinclair is never comfortable hearing religious leaders talk about their congregations as flocks. Alistair comments, it always gives the impression that they only want us for our will,
Starting point is 00:41:10 milk or flesh, and that they're probably training dogs to corral us into small spaces. Claire Quijo, or Cahoe, to lead according to correct pronunciation, is a little disappointed that there has never been an installment of the Spider-Man movie franchise in which the eponymous hero who famously does whatever a spider can is killed and eaten by a woman he met on a Tinder date. The franchise has a duty to reflect all the realities of spider-hood, argues Claire. Katie Reed, who has always been of the opinion that Zebra Chess would be an intriguing, if confusing, spectator sport, hopes one day that the international aviation industry will acknowledge the efficiency savings possible with increased use of ejector
Starting point is 00:41:50 seats. They could just capping people out wherever they needed to get to, says Katie, instead of flying everyone to the same place. And finally, Julian Danton once wrote to the United Nations, suggesting that they try air-dropping harpsichords by parachute into war zones. Sometimes, explains Julian, you have to break a destructive chain of thought and events by doing the unexpected. And a large, seldom-played relic of the Baroque musical era, floating down gently from the sky, looking like a piano, but then not sounding like a piano, could be just the peacemaking ticket.
Starting point is 00:42:20 the piecemaking ticket. Zero!

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