The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) - Day 102: The Holy Spirit’s Mission
Episode Date: April 12, 2023The working of the Holy Spirit in and through Mary and the Son is a pivotal part of God's plan of salvation. The Catechism today reveals to us how the Holy Spirit prepared Mary to fulfill the Father's... plan and manifest the Son to humanity. We also learn how the Holy Spirit and the Son work together in a joint mission. Finally, Fr. Mike highlights how Mary's humility is essential to her role as the "masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of time." Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 721-730. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.
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Hi, my name is Father Mike Schmitz and you're listening to the Catechism in a Year podcast,
where we encounter God's plan of shared goodness for us, revealed in Scripture and passed down
through the tradition of the Catholic faith.
The Catechism in a Year is brought to you by Ascension.
In 365 days, we'll read through the Catechism of the Catholic Church, discovering our identity
in God's families.
We journey together toward our heavenly home.
This is day 102. We're reading paragraphs 721 to 730. As always, I'm using the Ascension
edition of the Catechism, which includes the Foundations of Faith approach, but you can follow
along with any recent version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I'm also, well, you also
could download your Catechism in your reading plan by visiting slash C-I-Y.
And you can also click follow or subscribe in your podcast app for daily
updates and daily notifications. As I said, it's day one or two reading
paragraphs, 7 21 to 7 30. Um,
two of the things here to keep in mind is paragraph 7 21 to 7 26 is all about
our ladies. So remember we've been following the Holy Spirit,
the working of the Holy Spirit in the economy of salvation.
And so we're going to talk about in like, I don't know, six paragraphs, the working of the Holy Spirit with regard to the Blessed Virgin
Mary and then we're gonna talk about Jesus. So there are four paragraphs on
Christ. What I mean by that is we're gonna show how, or the catechism is gonna
dive into how does the Holy Spirit interact with Our Lady and then how do
Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, word of God the son and the Holy Spirit
How did how did the son and the Holy Spirit?
I don't want to say team up like it's back in the day
There was a thing called world's finest comics and that was when Batman and Superman teamed up. This is not the same
It's better
The mission of the son and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of time is contained in this
This is paragraph 727 the entire mission of the son and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of time is contained in this. This is paragraph 727. The entire mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of time is contained in this, that the Son is the one
anointed by the Father's Spirit since His incarnation. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. And everything,
this is crazy because this is setting us up for the rest of the section of the Creed,
everything in the second chapter of the Creed is to be read in this light in what light in the light of the fact that Christ
Whole work is in fact a joint mission of the Sun and the Holy Spirit
I don't know if you've ever thought about that, but this is that it's kind of a critical
Paragraph here that we're gonna hear today that Christ whole work is in fact a joint mission of the Sun and the Holy Spirit
Now you might think what we covered that already because we kind of did
What the catechism is doing right now is kind of underscoring highlighting and bolding that that Christ whole work everything
he's doing is a joint mission of the Sun and the Holy Spirit and
Goes on to say here
we shall mention only what has to do with Jesus as promise of the Holy Spirit and the gift of him by the
Glorified God because there's other ways in which of course the Sun and the Spirit have worked together
Because you know when you have an
eternal God there's many many ways in which they have interacted with this
world they've redeemed this world created this world all these things but
we're specifically going to mention only what has to do with Jesus's promise of
the Holy Spirit and the gift of the Holy Spirit by the glorified Lord as I said
that's the four last paragraphs we're talking about today the first six are
about Mary and how the Holy Spirit prepared a dwelling place for his son.
Then we also talk about how the Holy Spirit prepared Mary herself by his
grace. That is the feast of the Immaculate Conception or the dogma of
the Immaculate Conception. The Holy Spirit ahead of time prepared Mary from
the moment of her conception. We're also going to talk about how the Holy Spirit
fulfills God's plan of loving goodness in Mary. We're also going to talk about how the Holy Spirit fulfills God's plan of loving goodness in Mary
We're also going to talk about how the Holy Spirit manifests in Mary the son of the father bringing him to the world
We're also going to talk about how finally through Mary the Holy Spirit brings to human beings
The object of God's merciful love into communion with Christ then this is the incredible that God the Holy Spirit through Mary
Brings human beings into communion with Christ, then this is incredible that God, the Holy Spirit through Mary brings human beings into communion with Christ.
And so the Holy Spirit prepares a dwelling place in Mary.
The Holy Spirit prepares Mary.
Holy Spirit fulfills God's plan through Mary.
And the Holy Spirit manifests the Son through Mary.
And the Holy Spirit through Mary brings us
into communion with Jesus.
So it's a little bit exciting to recognize
as we're getting further and further into
this teaching of how here's how the Holy Spirit has been working and you remember we went back
a couple days ago how the Holy Spirit's been working in creation, how the Holy Spirit revealed
the Lord through the prophets, how the Holy Spirit has done all of these things and now
we're coming to this this moment, this massive moment where here is the Holy Spirit in time preparing the Blessed Virgin Mary and bringing our Lord,
your manifesting, the Son to the world and through Mary the Holy Spirit brings us into
communion with Jesus Christ which is just remarkable. So as we begin today let's say a prayer
and ask that same Holy Spirit that prepared Mary,
the whole team Holy Spirit that is teamed up
with the Son of God, that same Holy Spirit
to be with us right now as we pray Father in heaven.
In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ,
we ask you to please hear our prayer, receive our prayer,
and send your Holy Spirit upon our lives
into our lives right now.
Send your Holy Spirit to illumine our minds that we can see clearly
Send your Holy Spirit to inflame our hearts that we can love in truth
And we can love in spirit that we can worship you in truth that we can worship you in spirit
We make this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord
Amen in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen as I said
It's day 102 reading paragraphs 721 to 730.
Rejoice, you who are full of grace! Mary, the all-holy, ever-virgin Mother of God,
is the masterwork of the mission of the Son and the Spirit in the fullness of
time. For the first time in the plan of salvation, and because His Spirit had
prepared her, the Father found the dwelling place where his Son and his spirit could dwell among men.
In this sense, the Church's tradition has often read the most beautiful texts on wisdom
in relation to Mary.
Mary is acclaimed and represented in the liturgy as the seat of wisdom.
In her, the wonders of God that the Spirit was to fulfill in Christ and the Church began
to be manifested.
The Holy Spirit prepared Mary by His grace.
It was fitting that the Mother of Him in whom the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily
should herself be full of grace.
She was, by sheer grace, conceived without sin as the most humble of creatures, the most
capable of welcoming the inexpressible gift of the Almighty.
It was quite correct for the angel Gabriel to greet her as the daughter of Zion,
It is the thanksgiving of the whole people of God and thus of the Church,
which Mary in her canticle lifts up to the Father in the Holy Spirit,
while carrying within her the eternal Son.
In Mary, the Holy Spirit fulfills the plan of the Father's loving goodness.
Through the Holy Spirit, the Virgin conceives and the plan of the Father's loving goodness.
Through the Holy Spirit, the Virgin conceives and gives birth to the Son of God.
By the Holy Spirit's power and her faith, her virginity became uniquely fruitful.
In Mary, the Holy Spirit manifests the Son of the Father now become the Son of the Virgin.
She is the burning bush of the definitive Theophany.
Filled with the Holy Spirit, she makes the Word visible in the humility of his flesh.
It is to the poor and the first representatives of the Gentiles that she makes him known.
Finally, through Mary, the Holy Spirit begins to bring men, the objects of God's merciful
love, into communion with Christ.
And the humble are always the first to accept Him— shepherds, Magi, Simeon and
Anna, the bride and groom at Cana, and the first disciples.
At the end of this mission of the Spirit, Mary became the woman, the new Eve, mother
of the living, the mother of the whole Christ.
As such, she was present with the Twelve, who with one accord devoted themselves to
prayer at the dawn of the end-time which the Spirit was to inaugurate on the morning of Pentecost with the manifestation
of the Church. Christ Jesus.
The entire mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of time is contained
in this, that the Son is the one anointed by the Father's Spirit since his incarnation.
Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah.
Everything in the second chapter of the Creed is to be read in this light.
Christ's whole work is in fact a joint mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Here we shall mention only what has to do with Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit and
the gift of him by the glorified Lord.
Jesus does not reveal the Holy Spirit fully until he himself has been glorified through his death and resurrection.
Nevertheless, little by little, he alludes to him even in his teaching of the multitudes,
as when he reveals that his own flesh will be food for the life of the world.
He also alludes to the Spirit in speaking to Nicodemus, to the Samaritan woman,
and to those who take part in the Feast of Tabernacles.
To his disciples, he speaks openly of the Spirit
in connection with prayer
and with the witness they will have to bear.
Only when the hour has arrived for his glorification
does Jesus promise the coming of the Holy Spirit,
since his death and resurrection
will fulfill the promise made to the Fathers.
The Spirit of Truth, the other Paraclete,
will be given by the Father in answer to Jesus' prayer.
He will be sent by the Father in Jesus' name, and Jesus will send him from the Father's
side since he comes from the Father.
The Holy Spirit will come, and we shall know him.
He will be with us forever.
He will remain with us.
The Spirit will teach us everything, remind us of all that Christ said to us, and bear
witness to him.
The Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth and will glorify Christ. He will prove
the world wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment. At last Jesus's hour
arrives. He commends his spirit into the Father's hands at the very moment when by
his death he conquers death, so that raised from the dead by the glory of the
Father, he might immediately give the Holy Spirit by breathing on his disciples.
From this hour onward, the mission of Christ and the Spirit becomes the mission of the
As the Father has sent me, even so I send you."
Okay, there we have it, paragraphs 721 to 730.
Again, here is this remarkable way in which we've talked about this for the last couple
days, how the Holy Spirit was preparing the prophets, right?
Here's Isaiah writing about Jesus, here's how the Holy Spirit prepared John as the precursor,
the prophet, the Baptist, all of that.
And yet here is also Mary, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the ways in which the Holy Spirit interacted
with humanity in the person of Mary.
And this is remarkable because this is what God is revealing.
One of the things that is so powerful is paragraph 722.
It talks about this.
It says, the Holy Spirit prepared Mary by His grace.
Now we believe that Mary was conceived
without original sin, that we talked about this before.
We'll talk about it again again
That by the merits of her son's life death and resurrection
Mary was preserved from all stain of original sin
So here's seven paragraph 722 goes on to say it was fitting that the mother of him in whom the whole fullness of deity dwells
Bodily should herself be full of grace
Remember we talked about this how Mary is the new Eve. Remember the old Eve
without sin, the old Adam without sin. The angel of light, Lucifer, speaks words to her,
the woman without sin, that caused her to disbelieve and disobey. She hands on the disbelief
and disobedience to the man who handed on to the whole world. In the new covenant, Jesus,
as St. Paul says, is the new Adam. And yet we also have an angel announcing we also have
a woman. And that since the new Adam, is without sin and since the first Adam and first Eve
without sin it is fitting that Mary the new Eve would also be without sin and I
love how paragraph 722 says that even uses that term now is it necessary that
Mary would be without sin I don't think so I don't know but the church says it
is fitting it makes It goes on to
say, she was by sheer grace. Now this is so important because sometimes people think that
we're elevating Mary to a place that is beyond needing God. That's not true. It's the exact
opposite. It is saying this, that Mary by sheer grace, by the complete gift of God, was conceived without sin as
the most humble of creatures.
Now, to realize this, grace is the mercy that we don't deserve, right?
Grace is the love we don't deserve.
Grace is a gift that we never deserve.
And here's the catechism making it absolutely clear that Mary had done nothing, I mean,
obviously, before she even existed, she did nothing to merit her existence nor to merit
God's particular favor here. She was by sheer grace
conceived without sin as the most humble of creatures, the most capable of welcoming the
inexpressible gift of the Almighty. And it's just remarkable that we realize the more grace God gives to a person,
the more humble that they're called to be.
Why? Because remember, humility is not thinking less of oneself. It's not like
oh I'm no good, I'm super bad or nah shucks, I'm nothing. Humility is
thinking of oneself less. This is I think what Pastor Rick Warren had said once.
Humility is thinking of oneself less. So it's not being preoccupied with one's
own virtue, one's own beauty, one's own beauty, one's
own gifts, one's own self. It is this recognition of everything in my life has been given to me.
Everything in my life is a gift. You're the proud person has no one to thank. Really, the proud
person, they are self-sufficient. But the humble person, the humble person is humble and they're
always thanking, they're always rejoicing
They're always giving glory to God because they realize everything I have comes from the Lord. So here's Mary
Who's more capable than anyone to?
Welcome the gift the inexpressible gift of God the inexpressible gift of Christ in her womb or even Jesus in this world
Why because as the most humble she's also
maybe, you'd say, the most grateful, the most thankful. Then the Catechism in
these last four paragraphs for today, 727 to 730, talking about Jesus and the
Spirit. So as the Holy Spirit prepared Mary and worked through Mary in all
these ways, this massive and so important reality that the entire mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit
is contained in this, that the Son is the one anointed by the Father's Spirit since his incarnation,
that Christ's whole work is in fact a joint mission of the Son and the Spirit.
And so we can see this all the way through the Gospels,
that Christ's whole mission, the entire work he did, is a joint mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit. And we go through here in paragraphs 728 and 729 and 730 about all the ways in which here's
Jesus giving hints, hints of the Holy Spirit's work and then fully revealing the fact that
the Holy Spirit is now promised to the disciples, is promised to the Church.
And then in paragraph 730, when Jesus' hour arrives and he commends his Spirit into the
Father's hands.
At the very moment when by his death he conquers death so that raised from the dead by the glory of the Father he might immediately give the Holy Spirit by breathing on the disciples. Now keep
this in mind, right? All throughout the Gospels you have these hints of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of the Gospels you have the promise of the Holy Spirit and then at the very end
you have the giving of the Holy Spirit. So you have these hints, you have these promises
and then you have the giving of the Holy Spirit.
And in the last sentence, it's incredible,
the last sentence in paragraph 730 that we've read today
is just this shift moment and it's incredible moment.
We're gonna talk about it more tomorrow
and then in the next couple of days.
But it says from this hour onward,
the mission of Christ and the Spirit
becomes the mission of the church. And this is onward, the mission of Christ and the Spirit becomes the mission of the
Church. And this is really huge, so huge. We have the hints of the Holy Spirit, the promise of the
Holy Spirit, the giving of the Holy Spirit, and now the mission of Jesus and the Spirit become the
mission of the Church that God shares with us now. He is now entrusted to us in the power of the Holy
Spirit, his mission. So we look back and think, oh my goodness, Lord Jesus,
while you were on this earth,
your mission was to redeem the world,
your mission was to glorify the Father,
your mission was all these things to bring
all the scattered people of Israel
and the scattered people of the world, all the Gentiles,
that's us, most of us, into one.
Now that mission, to reconcile us to God,
that mission now is the mission of the church.
We're going to talk about that for a number of days from now on.
What is it?
You know, so often people will discount the church.
Like, well, did Jesus say it or does the church say it?
Was that in the Bible or was that just something the church teaches?
And yet we realize that with Pentecost, Jesus Christ has shared his entire mission in the
Holy Spirit's entire mission with his church.
And that's why right now we get to be part of it.
You and I are part of that mission, which is just absolutely phenomenal.
To be part of this mission, we need the Holy Spirit's help because without it, without
him, we can do nothing.
Without Jesus, without being tapped into Christ, we can do nothing.
So we need to pray
I'm praying for you. Please pray for me. My name is father Mike. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow. God bless