The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) - Day 53: Man in Paradise
Episode Date: February 22, 2023In the beginning, humans were in friendship with God and in harmony with creation. The Catechism unfolds this harmony and introduces us to the “original justice” that our first parents lost in sin.... Fr. Mike reminds us that, although our original callings to leisure, love, and labor have been twisted by sin, they are renewed in Christ. Today's readings are Catechism paragraphs 374-384. For the complete reading plan, visit Please note: The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.
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I'm your name's Father Mike Schmitz and you're listening to the Catechism in a Year podcast,
where we encounter God's plan of sheer goodness for us, reveal then scripture, and pass down
through the tradition of the Catholic faith. The Catechism in a Year is brought to you by
ascension in 365 days. We're almost there. We'll read through the Catechism of the Catholic Church,
discovering identity in God's family as we journey together toward a heavenly home. I said, we're almost there.
I mean, it's day 53.
So I mean, we're closer than day one.
That's true.
We're reading paragraphs.
374 to 384.
I'm using the ascension edition of the Catholicism, which includes the foundations of faith approach.
You can follow along with any recent version of the Catholicism of the Catholic Church.
If you want, you can also download your Catholicism in your reading plan by visiting
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app for daily updates and daily notifications. See you guys the last couple days we've
been talking about human beings. We've been talking about man and there are four kind
of aspects for articles for assertions for things that we believe that can fall into
like four categories. Well, there's plenty things that we believe, the confolendent, like,
four categories. Well, there's plenty of things we believe. But here are the four categories.
In this section, we recognize that one, male and female are made in the image of God.
Number two, human beings are made body and soul, right? We have this unity of the spiritual
and material worlds. Number three, yesterday, human beings are created male and female. And today, number four, God established us in friendship.
And this is us.
That means so Bear got three, 74 starts out with human beings are man in paradise.
And then we have a little in brief.
We have some nuggets.
It's not exclusively nugget day today, but we have some nuggets at the end of this section
on man.
So what are we talking about today?
Well, man in paradise is highlighting this reality that God made us, for friendship with
him, that God made us not just to simply exist apart from him or to exist because he just
wants us to be out there somewhere, but he created us to be in relationship with him.
And when God originally created us, we had this thing called original unity, with this
original holiness, with state of original justice. And there's something
about this that it says in paragraph 375 that the grace of original holiness was to share in divine
life. This recognition, of course, that God's plan from the very beginning was not that we would
have broken, not that we would be separated from Him, was not that we would have to learn how to
love in this world valley of tears, right? But that he made us and put us into the garden of Eden,
into a world that was completely good,
and he made us completely good.
And by that, we were not made for death,
but as only through sin, that death entered the world.
And as through sin, what else happened?
Well, we were divided from God.
We were divided from each other,
and we're also even divided in ourselves.
And there was something about this, it says here in paragraph 377, the first man was unimpaired
and ordered in his whole being because he was freed from the triplican-cupidness that is
in first John, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. This recognition
that he was not afflicted by this. And so the original harmony that existed between us and God,
that friendship that existed, that harmony that existed between us and God, that friendship that existed,
that harmony that existed between human beings, and even the inner harmony that we've lost.
In fact, you know, as St. Paul expresses the problem that so many of us experience where
he says, I don't do what I want to do and I do what I don't want to do.
He said, war within himself.
And we find ourselves at war within ourselves,
but how God made us in the beginning was not at war within ourselves, but having this
paragraph for you 77, having this mastery of self. And there's something remarkable about
what we're going to highlight today, that man in paradise teaches us so much about God's
original plan for friendship with us.
But also it highlights the fact that when we lost that friendship, in disobedience, in
our sin, we lost that friendship, but God did not abandon us to the domain of death.
He didn't abandon us to go our own way, but he's done everything to pursue us.
And so God gives us this redeemed life,
God gives us this new life in Jesus Christ,
which is just absolutely incredible.
So we're gonna talk about that today.
So let's say it prayer because this is how God made us
originally was to share in his own divine life.
We lost that through disobedience,
but he's made it possible once again to have divine life.
He's made it possible once again by his grace,
by his life, death and
resurrection, by the gift of the Holy Spirit. He made it possible for us to be friends with
him again. And so we just pray, Father, and Heaven, help us to be your friends. We have made
us your children, even though we wander away from you, even though you've given us every
good gift and we turn our backs on you, you have never
ceased to call us to yourself. And so we ask that you please keep calling us. We ask
you please don't just keep calling us, but help us turn back to you especially in those
moments where we want to keep running away from you. You've created us for yourself. Help
us to be completely yours. In Jesus' name we pray.
And the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As I said, it is day 53, we're reading paragraphs 374-384.
Man in Paradise.
The first man was not only created good, but was also established in friendship with his
creator and in harmony with himself and with the creation around him, in a state that would be surpassed only by the glory of
the new creation in Christ.
The Church interpreting the symbolism of biblical language in an authentic way, in the
light of the New Testament and tradition, teaches that our first parents, Adam and Eve, were
constituted in an original state of holiness and justice.
This grace of original holiness was to share in divine life.
By the radiance of this grace, all dimensions of man's life were confirmed.
As long as he remained in the divine intimacy, man would not have to suffer or die.
The inner harmony of the human person, the harmony between man and woman, and finally,
the harmony between the first couple in all creation comprised the state called original justice. The mastery over the world that got
offered man from the beginning was realized above all within man himself, mastery of self.
The first man was unimpaired and ordered in his whole being because he was free from the triple
concupacence that subjugates him to the pleasures of the senses, covetousness for earthly goods, and self-assertion, contrary
to the dictates of reason.
The sign of man's familiarity with God is that God places him in the garden.
There he lives to till it and keep it.
Work is not yet a burden, but rather the collaboration of man and woman with God in perfecting the visible creation.
This entire harmony of original justice, foreseen for man in God's plan, will be lost by the sin of our first parents.
In brief, in Eucharistic prayer, number four, in formed man in your own image and entrusted the whole world to his
care, so that in serving you alone, the Creator, he might have dominion over all creatures.
Man is predestined to reproduce the image of God's son, made man, the image of the invisible
God, so that Christ shall be the first born of a multitude of brothers and sisters.
Man, the made of body and soul, is a unity.
The doctrine of the faith affirms that the spiritual and immortal soul is created immediately
by God.
God did not create man a solitary being.
From the beginning, male and female he created them.
This partnership of man and woman constitutes the first form of communion between persons. Revelation makes known to us the state of original holiness and justice of man and woman constitutes the first form of communion between persons.
Revelation makes known to us the state of original holiness and justice of man and woman before
From their friendship with God, flowed the happiness of their existence in paradise.
Okay, so there we are, we have man in paradise in this assertion, this recognition that God
did not just create us good, but also established us in friendship,
and in harmony with Himself, with creation around us, and with each other.
Bear with you, Fr. 74 says, remember this harmony, that God didn't just create us good,
but He created us to have friendship with Him, and harmony with the world around us,
with each other, and within ourselves. It goes on to say, this is so important
because I didn't say it in the introduction.
We have to assert it now.
This is a state that God created us originally,
a state that would be surpassed only
by the glory of the new creation in Christ,
which means what?
Which means that because of Jesus Christ,
God actually raises us up even higher than when He first created
human beings.
Yes, a state of holiness, a state of friendship, a state of our relationship and harmony,
but we recognize that one of the reasons why we say, oh, happy fault.
And you know, we're going to talk about the fault tomorrow.
We're going to talk about the first sin and at one point, St. Augustine said, oh, happy
fault, oh, necessary sin of Adam.
The one for us, so great every deemer.
That's what we say in the Easter vigil.
We pray that and every Easter vigil,
we recognize that because of Jesus
and what he's done in our brokenness,
we are to be elevated even higher than our first parents.
The redemption of God is in so many ways you can say even greater
than the creation of God. That's just bananas. It's incredible to think. Now it goes on to say
that we have this original state, this estate of holiness and justice, and the grace of
original holiness was to share in God's divine life. Now, this is something so important for us.
paragraph 376 says,
by the radiance of this grace, right, that grace of original holiness.
We are created in relationship with God,
and in harmony with the world around us, with each other in ourselves.
The radiance of this grace,
all dimensions of a human person's life, a man's life were confirmed.
As long as we remained, as long as he remained in the divine intimacy, man would not have to suffer or die.
That recognition of, oh my gosh, God did not create death. The Book of Wisdom says this, so very clearly, God did not create death. It's a result of sin. By the envy of the devil's sin
entered the world and so with it death, We recognize that the price of sin is that this harmony, this relationship, this intimacy
that God made us with and made us for became broken.
That the goodness, again, while still good, still ontologically good, this goodness became
We became broken.
And we experienced this brokenness every moment of our lives.
But we also experienced this incredible gift of God's grace.
They got enters into our brokenness.
Again, that's the grace that makes it possible to surpass the original glory that God
has given human beings by this new glory, one in Jesus Christ.
I want to highlight two more things. One is the mastery over the world.
I said this before, so that we have mastery over the world. But again, we talked about this yesterday.
The recognition that we're stewards, that we don't dominate, we're just called to live in harmony,
that there is this sense of mastery doesn't just mean I master the world around me.
this sense of mastery doesn't just mean I master the world around me. It says mastery over the world that God offered man from the beginning was realized above all within man himself,
mastery of himself. And that is so, so important. There's a book that I read. It's called
lead yourself first. And he's written by a man who has a background
in the United States military,
he has a background in education,
his background in leading people
and in training people, teaching people.
And one of the principles that he came up with
was this reality that, how can I lead others
if I can't lead myself?
How can I be influential for others
if I can't even influence myself?
And so the invitation of lead yourself first, before I can lead others, the mastery of herself
is the most incredible, incredible gift that God can give any one of us.
By His grace, we can achieve a degree of interior freedom.
With God's grace, we can achieve a degree of interior harmony as we continue to pray for that. Now, paragraph 378 before we come to the end here. It says this, it says,
the sign of man's familiarity with God is that God places him in the garden. Yep, and
there he lives to till it and keep it. This is very important. Work is not yet a burden.
We recognize, and I keep asserting this, and I've never read it in like official church
documents, but I think this is pretty clear from Genesis 1 and 2 is that God puts us in the garden
He makes us for these three things. He makes us for leisure right?
We rest on the seventh day. He makes us for love
It's not good for the man to be alone and he makes us for labor when he places in the garden to till it and keep it
Be fruitful and multiply. So there are these three elements that God makes us for love, for labor,
and for leisure. Maybe these are three things that we're called to do. Now every one of them because
of sin has become broken or twisted. We recognize that leisure is like collapse typically or we waste time.
That love is often twisted into lust, and our labor is often twisted into either its drudgery or I get my
identity from this labor. We're going to talk about this as the year unfolds. But in the beginning,
God made us to actually, He says here, collaborate with Him. It says originally, labor is meant to be
the collaboration of man and woman with God and perfecting the visible creation.
There's even in some ways a higher call because we recognize that those chapters of Genesis
talk about how the universe is made as a cosmic temple.
So the terms that are used are worship type terms like what we're called to serve the Lord
remember and for the Bible that the term to serve is often to worship.
So there's a worship there, but what does that mean?
Well one of the things that can mean is that our work in some ways can be downed to worship. So there's a worship there, but what does that mean? Well, one of the things it can mean is that our work in some ways can be downed to worship of God, that when we
work, we're collaborating with God in a unique way that when we offer him our work, it
can be down to his glory. There's something powerful about that. We're going to talk
again more and more about that as the year unfolds. But today, to recognize that yes, original state of holiness and justice in the garden
lost given to us a new in Jesus Christ in a unique way.
Means that yes, love that was turned into lust can become love again in Christ. And leisure has
turned into collapse can become leisure again in Christ.
And labor, which was twisted into drudgery or into our identity, can become that thing that is
offered to God where we collaborate with Him for the perfection of this world. And we offer it to
Him as worship. So inviting us all to do that today to offer our labor, our work today as
worship to God, to offer that and say,
God, help me to collaborate with you in this world for your glory.
You know, oh man, I'm praying for you.
You guys, please, as I say yesterday, please pray for each other.
I'm not going to forget that again, the fact that I forgot until yesterday that we need
to pray for each other.
This is a community of people.
And then this is not, it's different, right?
You probably have gotten that sense again, day 53, here we are. I've gotten the sense that this is a different kind of a journey.
But it is remarkable and necessary because as I said a couple days ago, we're not just called to
have more information. We're called towards transformation. We're not, this isn't just about learning
more. This is about allowing the Lord to do something in our lives through the truth that gets communicated to us.
And today, maybe that thing is the invitation and responding to the invitation to offer God our worship,
to offer God our work, to recognize that He has done so much to restore us in Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow, we'll talk about what was lost.
Talk about the fall.
Talk about the mystery of sin.
So I can't wait.
I am praying for you.
Please pray for me.
My name is Father Mike.
I cannot wait to see you tomorrow.
God bless.