The Commercial Break - Baby, I Love Your General Knowledge

Episode Date: April 14, 2023

From Marlon and his sugar mama to Iris and Mohammed, love is everywhere. What's getting these pairs together? Forget personality, all you really need is that GK! General knowledge, that is, not "ge ne... sais kuoi." Don’t get your news from TCB The Great Gander Treaty of 2023 Journaling makes you a better man Marlon update! Marlon has a messy past, but he’s trying new things You have to be careful with clothing optional resorts Bryan’s Ball Air makes a return Krissy got kicked out of a strip club ITV interviews an 81 year old woman with a 36 year old toy boy! The first night they used a whole tube of KY Jelly… They want to get married Bryan loves the way he rolls his tongue He’s not a Toy Boy, he’s a MAN! Mohammed is NOT shy in bed The dangers of YBRY3000 Iris is gonna speak the truth! General knowledge makes for true love... Hit 'em with that GK! LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Speak to TCB LIVE by calling 775.TCB.LIVE (1.775.822.5483) Tuesday-Thursday 12pm-5pm EST Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I had a little cry earlier and I had a big cry last night, but I'm not crying now. And I think for that, I'm doing so well. On this episode of the Commercial Break, I know when general knowledge, you don't find general knowledge. You don't find general knowledge. You don't find general knowledge. But when you do, it's That you fall in love with someone. I mean, nothing brings a couple together like general knowledge. Love is blind is basically an ode to general knowledge.
Starting point is 00:01:00 The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yeah, Kaz again, welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green, this is my dear friend and co-host, the beautiful Kristen Joy, holy best of you, Kris. That's you Brian. And best of you out there in the podcast universe. I got an interesting phone call yesterday from a good friend of ours, good podcast buddy of ours. Mike Pesca from the GIST.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Remember Mike Pesca from the GIST? Of course. He's been a long time friend and supporter of the show. And so let me, I want to let you listen to the conversation almost verbatim. So let me see if I can remember it. Recreate it. Yeah, I'll recreate it in my head. Which means it won't at all be accurate.
Starting point is 00:01:44 This is accurate. This is accurate. Recreate it. Yeah, I'll recreate in my head, which means it won't at all be accurate This is correct. This is accurate. Yeah, this is as As accurate as Brian will ever get Which is basically paraphrasing which is just a platitude so we're just Alright, okay here it goes. Uh, hello Hey Brian, it's Mike from the gist. Hey buddy. How are you? Yeah, yeah, doing good. Got a question for you. I hear you all over smart list. I see you all over the charts,
Starting point is 00:02:07 and I know you're doing very well with that show over there, the commercial break. If I want to call you a year ago and ask if you would have had this many listeners a year from now, what would you have said? Cause I got to be honest, I would have said no. And I'm like, oh, thanks Mike, I appreciate it. Yeah, I mean, let's be real.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Top 50, maybe, but I mean, top 10, no way. Well, it's being honest. He's being honest. It's a testament to how much content I think we're putting up. We do feel the same way. Oh, absolutely. I have no fucking clue why it's going. No clue.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Well, podcast review I read this morning, which I'm reading less and less by the way, because I love our podcast reviews, but I know that for every five we get that are good, we're getting that one. I like the sprinkle in. I like the sprinkle of the salty comments. Makes you feel like there's actual listeners out there listening. Yeah, totally. Yeah, and it kind of keeps you down, you know, I mean, it knocks you down a little bit. Do you remember like way at the beginning of the podcast, we it knocks you down a little bit. Do you remember like way at the beginning of the podcast,
Starting point is 00:03:04 we got like a bunch of reviews, let's call it 20 reviews. And they really didn't make much vocabulary sense, right? They were like commercial break, many happy. Yes, it's like, what? Many happy, it's commercial break. We had figured out we think was another commercial break was saying go and review the podcast or whatever they were doing and
Starting point is 00:03:28 all of a sudden we were getting these reviews for news podcast. Oh that's right. It was that other the commercial break. It was mixed in bad English and then yeah, you know great news articles, you know, I I'm up to date every day. I did my news from every day every day. Yeah, well, for you don't. Yeah, please don't. I'm sorry. For my was clear that they were not reviewing our podcast. What was going on? They were reviewing another podcast called commercial break, not the commercial. You tried to contact them. I did contact them. I sent them an email and I said,
Starting point is 00:03:59 Hey, guys, just wanted to give you a heads up. I think at one point they had responded to us too. The strange thing is some of those reviews, they actually went away over time. So I don't know. And I also had contacted Apple about them. It said, I think that we have a problem here. You were good and honest. I was. I was trying to keep, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:15 trying to play a fair game. Fair play, as they would say in the UK. Fair play brother. Also, we didn't want anybody thinking they could get news from us. No, please news. We tried a first couple of few episodes. We were trying to stay up to date
Starting point is 00:04:26 with all the pandemic information and then we got death threats, so I stopped. So we get this review the other day and it's like, this guy can't read an article without stuttering, I'm giving up or something along those lines. And I was like, what an asshole! What an asshole!
Starting point is 00:04:43 And then I thought to myself, I do the exact same thing on the show to other people. So I have to keep my mouth shut. I can't be all upset because what's good for the goose, as my dad used to say, is good for the gander. And I don't even know what a fucking gander is. So there you go. It's the flock.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Flock. Why can't I say what's good for the goose? It's good for the flock. I guess it doesn't sound as good. It's a gander, it's called a gander. It's called a gander. It's called a gander. It's the gander. Oh is it mm-hmm You know what I was Hustling around my neighborhood as I do in the car all angry getting upset at everybody you know god damn it stop start Go stop my son in the back. He'll be like fucking idiot. That's what he said the other day I go fucking idiot and my son goes dad., he's a fucking idiot. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:05:27 son. Yes, he is. And then we kept driving. I like it's an immigrant deal. Yeah. So I'm driving down the street. And there's somebody just stops in the middle of the street. Oh, and I'm like, God damn, people drive like idiots. And I go to go around the lady. And the corner of my eye, I realize that she has stopped for a gander. Oh. She has stopped for a gander. I don't think that's what they're called.
Starting point is 00:05:51 No, it is, you're right, I'm just kidding. I know what a gander is. It's like, does that mean the body? Wait, does that mean the whole thing? No, it's an actual, it's a gander of g. It's a gander of g. Okay. You know when you start, second, guessing yourself.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah, so I had honked up that's lady. I was like, BAM, BAM, you know, and as I go to go around her. We hit one. Yeah, I killed the whole of a gander. But I got to take a gander at the gander, Matisse. Daddy, there's duck on the windshield. For dinner, son.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Fucking idiot. Fucking idiot, Goots. So'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car. I'm a big fan of the car., my son could all have three down. Right. Yeah. One of my son's last memory to be of me, you know, saving the game. Fathers flying everywhere. Your legs are on the windshield. Yeah. Torses every year. What if I'm just broken in half? And the geese little baby geese just start packing at it. Yeah, just eating my entrails. Those geese they can be mean. Oh, I've had one chase me around the river.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Yeah, these chase. Yeah, we were at a party one time when my kids were, I mean, my kids were really young, but like two years ago, we were at a party down by the river. And Mia had just started walking, and Matias was running all over the place. And he was trying to chase a goose around and that goose turned around
Starting point is 00:07:27 and I went and grabbed Yangtom by the pants, like literally lift him up off the ground by the pants because I knew that there could be certain trouble with these geese, he's fucking geese, they're murderous. They have blood on their tongues. They do, they're very protective. Yeah, I don't know what we're talking about in this country, but the number one threat to our existence is ganders.
Starting point is 00:07:48 That's true. Put it right down in the book. The great gander treaty of 2023. Yep. If you see a goose on the road with a gander, run them over. The gander. They're going to murder you. They're certain to murder you.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So run them over. There you go. That's what that's my gander. Client over that gander with your big old truck. I've got a whole long list now of treaties. That's great. We'll never use them for what we I don't know. They're there. Whatever. Hey, guess what? Well, I was going to say I the last thing that I wrote in the
Starting point is 00:08:20 reg it because I have a I have a section related to treaties. You already know what I'm going to talk. You already know what I'm going to say.. You already know what I'm going to say. I have a section related to treaties and I have another section where I just write random things that go back and look at it, they make no sense. Yeah. So that's what a notebook is. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:34 And you said, don't book. I always am mesmerized by people who keep it diary. I know. Because it's like, I can't remember what I have for breakfast and it's two hours. I have tried journaling and I have tried all that stuff, but I just can't do it. And I don't find it to be very. Good for people't do it. And I don't find it to be very... Good for people to do. Yeah, I don't find it to be very therapeutic
Starting point is 00:08:47 because my handwriting is awful. Yeah, I know. And I'm like, it's sucks. I used to try and keep an electronic journal in my notes. And this is like years ago, but I still have them. So one day a couple months ago, I was scrolling through just the leading stuff and I went all the way back.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I think it was to like 2016 or 17, right as I was meeting Astrid. You know, I'm in love and I'm like, I'm gonna be a better man for Astrid. Let me start journaling. Ha ha ha. Right. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:09:17 That makes you better. Yeah. I didn't understand a word that I was saying. I've got like five different journals that I've started. But that, yeah. I don that, I love the books. The books are really beautiful. The books are amazing. But I have nothing meaningful unless it's 33 Willie Larix.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And I don't think anybody's going to be like saving those at any time soon. Well, going back to the note, but the last thing that I have on here is Marlon Wedding. Oh, do I have a Marlon update? So I'm so happy to hear this. So we talked about Marlon the last episode. And I had mentioned that I hadn't heard from him since I heard that they had gotten back together. Cause they broke up.
Starting point is 00:09:57 They broke up. Then they got back together. He saw her with another man. Saw her with another man, like, right after they got broke up, right after they had broken up. After their favorite watering hole. That's right. Wasn't his favorite watering hole behind his favorite watering hole. So then he stupidly decided to go back to her
Starting point is 00:10:11 favorite watering hole. It was like their watering hole. In the break up, someone's got to get rid of the bar. You have to lose the bar. That's just the reality of breaking up. Like when I got a divorce that were just certain bars, I knew I couldn't go into right because my ex-wife's friends and possibly my ex wife were going to be there. I just didn't go there. I just found a whole nother set of bars in Alabama to go to. I just went to Chrissy. That's when you and I yeah, really started hanging. I went to the brave stadium where all the drinks were free. Thanks, clear channel. So they broken up, he saw her with another man. Now this is Marlon. Marlon is a guy that I've known for many years. For those of you that have just
Starting point is 00:10:52 joined the podcast, maybe don't know what I'm talking about. Marlon is a friend of my guy that I've known for many years. And we touch base every once in a while. And months ago, he started telling me the story about how he went on a website for sugar mamas. He found a sugar momma much older than him to almost twice his age. And they started dating and she is filthy rich. And she likes to spend her money in the way that she likes it. And she likes her men to do exactly what she wants them to do. Like literally take care. Yeah, she'll pay for it. Yeah. If she doesn't think that you're going to live up to the style she's accustomed to, she will give you the money to make sure that you're going to do the things, the lifestyle
Starting point is 00:11:34 that she's accustomed to, which is just a maize balls to me. It's like, it sounds so lovely. It does. I didn't have to think about having sex with an 80 year old woman. That's the only thing that would hold me back, right? And I'm just being honest about that. And so was Marlin. So Marlin needed some help in the bedroom.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And anyway, they break up and she says, we're getting too involved. Emotionally, we're getting too involved and I have no interest. Well, he wanted her to meet his friends. Yeah. And she was like, I'm pretty simple, recrossed.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah. It's like an episode of love is blind By the way, and that love is blind none of those families appreciate what's going on So I want you to take a guess so I called Marlin because we ever talking about it yesterday I called him a text at him and then he called me this morning when I was taken a journaling when I was journaling down by the river. Okay. The gander. The gander of geese.
Starting point is 00:12:35 It's gander of geese eating my in trails. So he called me guess where he is. I mean, I can't even guess because he's been all around the world at this point of her is now currently as we speak at another swingers resort down in the Caribbean. Oh, another adult only, adults only, all inclusive resort. And they have decided to be together, boyfriend, girlfriend, which is a big step. But swing. But swing.
Starting point is 00:13:15 But swing. But swing. Because that doesn't seem complicated at all. No, as if things weren't complicated enough, Marlon has decided to take the extra step of allowing another dick in the bedroom. It's unbelievable. He has gone from, this will be fun as a joke too.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I'm all in 100% and she's letting him, in my opinion, walk all over him. The Marlon that I know, the Marlon that I knew, this guy through a TV, I'm gonna say this, I love you, Marlon, and it's not his real name, by the way, just to let you know. I went to Miami once with this guy. He calls me up on like a Thursday.
Starting point is 00:13:49 He says, something about my mom gave me some free delta tickets. Let's go to Miami. I'm renting us a room down there. So we had some room on Collins Avenue. This is like, we're talking about 30 years ago now. No, 25 years ago. He rents a room on Collins Avenue, right there near the beach. It's spring wide. Just, 25 years ago. He ran some room on Collins Avenue right there near the beach.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It's spring wide. Is that like that whole arts district area? One street back from the actual beach. Okay. So it's called Collins Avenue. It is. Yes, it's the Art Deco district. It is the strip. Yeah, the strip, the Art Deco strip. Or all the hotels are in stone. We ended up going to this place called the Lily, just still there to this day. It's a beautiful hotel, but it's a little boutique, artsy, art deco. You don't check in at a check-in stand.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You check in at the bar. You know what I'm talking about? You walk in, there's a bar, you check in, you get your actual physical key that you turn the door with. So he brings his sister, he brings his girlfriend. His sister is like three years younger than us. His sister and his girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And we have rooms directly across the hallway from each other. One night, I heard a bunch of yelling and screaming. And so I walked out into the hallway and his girlfriend was walking away toward the bar area in hysterics. She was like, crap. I don't know. But Marlon was nowhere to be found. walking away toward the bar area in hysterics. She was like crying. Oh no. But Marlon was nowhere to be found. So I followed her down and I was like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:15:11 And she is like so hysterical, sloppy crying. And she's like, the TV, the TV, he threw the TV at me and I was like, he threw a TV at you. He threw his Marlon? And this is before TV's didn't weigh anything. This is when TV's actually weighed something. And you're huge.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. Huge. You had to pick them up. They were like 40 pounds. He threw the TV out the window because the girl that he was with was talking to another guy at a bar. Oh, nice. This is not the same.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Now, it was a moment of drunk weakness and he didn't actually throw it at her, according to him, right? And no one was hurt by the way in this incident. But... He threw a TV. He threw a fucking TV because he was... Oh, so... ...over another guy.
Starting point is 00:15:52 ...insensed in jealous about another guy. And now he's allowing another dick in the bedroom. Yeah, you live in your learn. So I said, Ma'am, let me ask you a question. Are you like really allowing another dick in the bedroom? He said, I did last night. Yeah. You're like really allowing another dick in the bedroom. He said, I did last night. I said, you allowed another dick in the bedroom last night. He said, yeah, it was kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And we had to be careful not to touch heads, right? But we took turns pounding away at my 70 year old, so I was a girlfriend. I was like, this is crazy. Wow. This is crazy. Wow, it's crazy. With maturity. Oh!
Starting point is 00:16:27 The age of maturity comes help if it's offered. Oh my God, Chrissy, I just can't even imagine. This is very particular, right? She's very particular. Yeah, maybe he's just like, whoa, maybe let somebody else share the responsibility. It might be a relief to him. I never thought about that. Yeah, let him dick her down.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Right. Let her tell that guy what to do. So ready for this? I'll sit over here with a drink. So they get to the resort a couple of days ago and he told me that they went downstairs, they go to the bar where everyone's kind of going. Parts of the resort are clothing optional, of course. And so they're, you know, it's nighttime and the bars there and everyone's having a good time. It's Saturday night. Everyone's feeling it.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But the one man that they liked that they were talking to who was younger, he said like in his mid 30s that was younger. He was not interested in the proposition. They asked them directly, right? You want to come back up to the room. We'll hang out with the party and he was like, no, thanks, I'm just here to, you know, I'm here to have fun. Not be with y'all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So what they, that's right, not to be with your wrinkly old girlfriend. So he said that there was another man that was sitting at the bar, that they had been speaking with for some of the night, and they decided to approach him. And I go, what was his age? He was in his 60s, Chrissy, in his 60s. So this is Marlon in his early 40s.
Starting point is 00:17:53 This guy in his mid 60s and the girlfriend that's almost 80. I hold was she 30s, 74 or something like that? 74. And they went back to the room and they had a good time. And he said it was very interesting. He goes, I've never been involved in a situation like this. He said, I can't say I can 100% enjoy it, but I can't tell you that with all honesty,
Starting point is 00:18:13 I can tell you that it was all that. Trying new things, getting out there. He needs a brother husband. He's gonna be the next one on brother's. Yes, yes. See if you can hook him up with the TLC. I am so interested to find out where this goes. And I told Marla, if there's a wedding, I don't care what she says, I have to be invited
Starting point is 00:18:32 to the wedding. I have to be invited to the wedding because I could see them going. Oh, yeah. I can see it. I'm going with you. Chrissy, we're going to all get on that private plane and we're going to fly to wherever exotic location she wants to have the wedding at, but you know we have to be invited to this wedding.
Starting point is 00:18:47 We have to. He's gonna, he said no, because he doesn't want it all over the podcast, but I say yes. I'm gonna respond to that email from his girlfriend, and I'm gonna say we must be invited to the wedding. We promise we'll tell the story respectfully, but we must be invited to the wedding.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I don't know if I see a wedding coming out of this. No, no, no. It seems like she's very, you know, free. She's been married. She's been there done that. Yep. She wants to have fun now and not be legally tied to somebody. And, you know, just have a bite.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I actually think that she wants to protect Marlon, because she understands that she may only have another five to seven good years of independence left. Maybe not. There are people in their 90s. That was going to say that being said, there's plenty of people now living into late 90s. Late 90s. You would never know. That fucking dolly llama said he's going to live to 113. Keep on sucking those tongues.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That's all that story. That's crazy. It's crazy. So, there's the update. Now, Marlin is back together. They're officially together, but they have agreed to bring other people into the bedroom. By the way, works both ways. So Marlin can have girls into the bedroom as long as she approves.
Starting point is 00:19:58 But she told them- Medication's key. Yeah. Does she told them, I may not be that interested in getting involved, but you're welcome to open the relationship up. Where is this resort? Not because I want to go there because I want to make sure I don't. I can't make it. Oh, Jamaica.
Starting point is 00:20:13 I'm planning to jump to Jamaica right now. And I noticed we're so excited to go. I've never been. That's lovely. And I'm so excited to go, but I've noticed there's quite a few of these resorts that are like clothing optional. The sudden, it's in my fear would be that I would inadvertently book myself at a swing or resort.
Starting point is 00:20:30 You have to be really careful about which resort you pick. I know this about a couple of different places down in the Caribbean that you have to be careful about which adults only resort that you pick. If you don't want a family-friendly resort, you have to be careful that you don't get yourself into one of those. I mean, not careful. You just have to be mindful. That you may have a floppy dick. Yeah, there's...
Starting point is 00:20:52 You may go to sit and have a nice, you know, sunday and I have near the beach. Yeah, piniacalada. You might get a penis, oh, oh grotta, right in your face. Right, not if there's anything wrong with that. And hey, maybe when I'm in my 70s, I do want to go to one of these places, but I would like a different type of vacation first.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I would. To Jamaica. I have so many friends and potentially family members who have been to these type of places. And it's. It's like the secrets. It's what, yeah, secrets. What's your keyed inism?
Starting point is 00:21:24 Heed inism one, two, three, three and four they have a number of them. Four. Yeah, they can't they can't. We're gonna just stop with three. We've got a problem. hedonism, Ocho. Yeah. We've got a problem. We've got so many flaccid penises that numero, oh no.
Starting point is 00:21:45 We got to open up a numero dope. Yeah. I mean, you go into man supply demand supply and demand. And apparently, they're only becoming more popular. And apparently, they're only becoming younger in average age. Yeah. Marlin says this is more fluid nowadays.
Starting point is 00:22:03 He says that this is not what you would think of like a nudist swingers resort, which is, it's an old trope, but it's true. You think of old swingers resorts and you think of older folks being there, right? People who are retired. I think of like a really like a gray haired man with man boobs and extremely tan.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Really tan. Gold chain maybe. Possibly. A little tuff of hair right here. Maybe a little tuff of hair right above his balls. Yeah. Some wiry ball hair. And then just like a really long ball sack. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Hanging out, walking around the pool, talking to people casually. Hey, so where are you from? Uh, Georgia, that's great. He's as he's swinging his dick back and forth. Yeah, we're snowbirds came from Ohio to get out of the snow. Dan Mdick. Yeah, listen, but not so. You're saying he, Marlon say notes way younger. I can see that there's so many people that are totally fine with, you know, boy, girl, they, them, whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:11 It's a different universe. There's a whole nother universe. It's a different universe. He says that it's a relatively young crowd. He goes, I said average age. He said average age 35 probably. Mm-hmm. And so, you know, half of them fallen below half of them falling above.
Starting point is 00:23:23 He said, you still have a lot of the older folks because they're retired. And now that they don't, he talked to a guy last time he went. He talked to like a much older gentleman like in his 70s. And Marlon's question to him was why he's in the guy was like, I just started coming here like five years ago and I love it. And I brought a couple of my girlfriends here. And I just have so much fun here. I have, you know. I feel free here.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah. And Martin says, why only five years ago, were you not interested in this when you were younger? And he goes, oh yeah, I was a hippie kid. Like I'd loved to go to the parties and everyone was topless and make it. I loved that, but then I got a job. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then the internet came along. He's like, so two things. I didn't want to get fired for my job. I wanted to have my job. But number two, once the internet came along. He's like, so two things. I didn't want to get fired for my job. I wanted to have my job. But number two, once the internet came along, it was pretty apparent that everything could be essentially put in a museum called the internet and that it could be there forever.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Documented. Documented. He said, now the number's tired and I don't have to worry about the job. Who cares? Who gives a shit, right? So. There's a freedom in that.
Starting point is 00:24:23 There is a huge freedom in that to let your balls swing in the air freely let it get sun burned and all ball air is that the ocean no is that the ocean no ball air Bob just walk down look it up swing it as well you know what I'm talking about those guys in the banana hammocks it's just like the strippers. Feel that cool beach breeze. Oh wait. Chrissy. It's Brian. It's Brian's ball air. Look at him over there. This banana hammock, just making it go up and down. You know you've seen the old chip and day old videos where the guys are wearing those little banana hammocks and they're just throwing their dicks back and forth and it looks like the bathing suit.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I was going to do it, something else show. Oh my god. Have you? Did you ever go to this male strip club here? Blakes or not Blakes? No, it was like the Cornette club or something. No, no, no, no, no. The one that was half of the half man.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah, no, the one that was all men. Oh, yeah. Oh, swinging riffs. Swinging riffs, yes. I have. Were they all nude there? Yeah, I mean, there were different stages of undress, but yes, there was complete nudity.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Complete nudity. And so were these guys like half hard? Did they have like halfies? Yeah, they have, I mean, they, they, they, Did they have fully erections? Some of them? No. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I heard an old myth from a guy who was a stripper that you weren't. There's pills and shots, no, I know. But I'm like, can you actually have an erection? Like is that even legal to have an erection while you're on stage? Well, I don't know, it's closed now, Seth. Yeah, I know. But I'm like, can you actually have an erection? Like is that even legal to have an erection while you're on stage? Well, I don't know. It's closed now. Yeah, that's true. Close down. It's probably all that boners. Half the time. There was, yeah. Sir, I need to see your boner permit.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I can see the farce and fire of our so coming in. Okay, okay, okay, everyone's settled down. There's 12, 12 too many boners here. I think there's 12 boners out. I had a friend who was a stripper, remember I told you about this guy, he was a male stripper, clearly gay, and left me with his girlfriend all the time while he went to go, whatever he was doing.
Starting point is 00:26:16 He was his wife. His wife, excuse me, not his girlfriend, his wife. He's wife. Yeah. But he used to tell me, at least where he was dancing, that it was not allowed to have it. You were not allowed to have an erection and that if you felt one coming on, you had to dance your way off stage.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada What happened to Dave? He was cool. I like this dick. I got a halfie he had to leave. They're currently punching him in the pee. Fine, the curtain. Get that boner down. Good times. Good times indeed. I had no idea that they would have come to go on stage with erections.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Wow. That's aggressive. Aren't you scared? I mean, obviously there were copious amounts of alcohol and all of us that were there. So we were like, wow. Did the girls like touch the dick? I mean, there was not touching. There was not touching, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So a lot like a female strip club. Yeah, there was like, you know, they were dancing, music playing, shots were being taken. It was one of those. If you go to certain places, if you go to certain places, you can touch the girls all you want, as long as you're in the VIP area,
Starting point is 00:27:43 and they have approved of you touching them, right? I've certainly been to those kind of strip clubs, but the girls all you want, as long as you're in the VIP area, they have approved of you touching them. Right? I've certainly been to those kind of strip clubs, but the classier strip clubs you, like touching is a no-no. No. You can put like a hand on a back if you're getting like a lap dance or something like that if it's approved, if it's consensual, right? But most of the time you would get thrown out immediately.
Starting point is 00:28:00 No, and those security people are eagle-eyed. I mean, they are watching everything. Oh, yeah, that's time I got kicked out for throwing pennies on the stage. That was not me actually. Well, that's not me that kicked out. No, and their security people are eagle-eyed. I mean, they are watching everything. Yeah, that's how I got kicked out for throwing pennies on the stage. That was not me actually. Yeah, kicked out. Oh yeah. That was dancing.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I was dancing to the music. Yeah. You can't do that. You can't do that. No, but you were getting a little aggressive with it. So they didn't know if it was a tryout. You didn't actually strip. No, I didn't make clear about that.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Chrissy was not naked. She was just dancing on the table at the strip club. She was taking too much attention away. She was here years ago. Years ago, 2019. No, this is 2008, 2007. Who knows? Right.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So, well listen, I thought this was a good segue into something that I found online. Our good friends at ITV. We love them. The morning show at ITV is just the wildest morning show. The other day, they had a breast examination for Save the Tataw month. They had a breast examination on air with naked titties.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Okay. Yeah, so that's how the British role. They say, hey, you want some titties with your cruppets? That's one day, the next day, they're interviewing aliens. A ghost fucker, yeah. Ghost fucker, alien fucker, all the whole thing. But they're always doing these like, they call them, you know, they, what do they call them?
Starting point is 00:29:23 They have people's stories, lifestyle stories. Like, lifestyle stories. But really what they are, they're silly people doing silly things. I mean, God bless America, but they're kind of silly. Just to give a picture, because the most people I know are listening, they are in a studio that looks like a good morning America type studio. They're overlooking the River Tams. Yeah, it looks beautiful out there.
Starting point is 00:29:46 You know, there's nice furniture, they're coiffed and, you know, well put together. But they're talking about people who fuck it. And they're talking to the people. Yeah, they're seriously in reviewing the guy who thinks he fathered six million alien children. It's hard to take seriously. You're like, how did that happen?
Starting point is 00:30:02 And so tell me, what have been names? How do you name an alien child?. You're like, I counted that out. And so tell me, what are the names? How do you name an alien child? And you're like, dude, you just say you had six million alien kids and you want to know I named them? I have so many additional questions. I know. I would burst out laughing in a second, but they do not. Because that's not how the English roll.
Starting point is 00:30:21 They're really good at this. They're really good at poker faces. And that's what these two interviewers do. So anyway, we love them at ITV. And I was trolling on the internet. As you did. As I do like to do. T-C-B. Hey you, guess you.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I hate to interrupt all the fun, but I just want to remind you that is where you find all the audio and the video Plus you can contact us to get your free 21 EPM sticker Just go to TCB hit the contact us button Tell us you want to sticker, drop us your address, and off we go Plus you can write to us at 855 TCB 8383. That's 1-855 TCB 8383 for all of our international listeners We'll pick up the toll go ahead and text us If you want to view the commercial break in a whole new light, go to slash the commercial break to see the fully edited episodes.
Starting point is 00:31:22 You'll love it or your money back, I promise. While you're at it, hit us up on Instagram at the Commercial Break and TCB Live on TikTok. So let's take a minute to hear from our sponsors and then we'll be back to this episode of the Commercial Break. And I found a video that I think is apropos for the conversation we've been having about Marlin and his almost 80-something girlfriend now. And that is a woman in her 80s who claims she is not to sugar mama,
Starting point is 00:31:56 even though she is dating an extremely young man. You ready? Yeah, ready. They're gonna preface this by the way for us. Back in January, we met 81-year-old Iris Jones, who joined us on the sofa to tell us about her relationship with her 36-year-old toy boy, Mahamud. Well, none of us expected what happened next.
Starting point is 00:32:15 We're obviously fascinated as I'm sure is everybody else. Yeah. That night. The first night. Oh, the first night. Pretty rough. They do, they do get a surprise face. One, two, three, four.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Perfectly suited for women over 83, 84, 85. Please play your doctor as no for 90. None of these are in the brew body FDA. Of course, the FDA doesn't matter anymore because judges just voted down. We'll be back after these messages. It was real. I'd been, nobody'd been there, they'd been there for 35 years. I thought it was a virgin again. Oh, really? Anyway, but can I say what we use the whole tube of K-Y jelly? Oh. You can say that. You can say that. Oh, by.
Starting point is 00:33:05 This is the first time I'm seeing them actually have some kind of reactions. God, yes, because the 81 year old woman who by the way looks every bit of 81 years old, she's got the humpback osteoporosis going on. I mean, I'm making fun of that. I know that's a horrible thing, but that's how she looks. She's literally crouched over. And she's saying that her first thing was really rough. I felt like I was a virgin again.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And they used the whole thing, okay, why? You would have only needed one drop of water, every now and then. The slickest substance known to me, not an idiot it's made of. And the thing is, I couldn't walk the next turn. I felt as if I'd been riding a horse. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Go, Iris. Get it in. I've never even had a woman say that about me. I can't wait to be the boyfriend. Well, so it wasn't in it. Anyway, we got over that. Well, Iris has certainly being busy since we left. After some months apart, she's now been reunited with her 36 year old boyfriend,
Starting point is 00:34:12 Muhammad. They join us now from Cairo in Egypt. Welcome both of you. I was loving to see what is the great pyramid. They join us from the great pyramids. Mama, show us your dick. I know By the way Mohammed god bless his little soul is wearing a t-shirt for Pyrex dishes Yes, no, it's a digit says digital design over style. Yeah Pyrex dishes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:44 Number one number two Pyrex dishes. Yeah. Number one, number two. Pyre says, as a wig on. He does. He does. You gotta go to slash the commercial break. This looks like a joke. This is like, looks like an improv show. You, Muhammad Lovis, meet you.
Starting point is 00:34:58 No, please meet you. Asalam al-Alaikum. She's the both of you. I'm just a whole of England. Which is, which is a greeting? Oh, what is, what is she's a queen of Egypt now? Yes, she is. That's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt.
Starting point is 00:35:15 It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt.
Starting point is 00:35:24 It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here in Egypt. It's a lama like I'm from here certain fin. An Egyptian greeting? It means peace be unto you, or good morning, or hello. Well, that sounds lovely. That sounds good to me. So just explain. For anyone who missed you the last time you were on here, how did the both of you meet? We met on Facebook during the 21st, 2019. Muhammad messaged me because we found we had a lot of interest.
Starting point is 00:35:53 This is why. This is why. It sounds like the beginning of every one of those catfish type stories. Absolutely. You know, some hot guy. I'm waiting for Neve to come out any moment. Yeah. But they actually, they're doing it. They actually connected. He was an actual person behind that. He messaged her because he's a mom. Yeah. I don't know, mom. I'm reserving judgment on this one. The general
Starting point is 00:36:22 knowledge, and I always wanted to go to Egypt to see the Pyramid. He said he would be a talk-out there, and from there, he'd escalate it into... Aino sax! Sir, what exactly were you two wearing? With the inside of her vagina? That's the question. Blown love. Full blown love.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And really and truly Iris, we've never had a reaction to anything quite like the reaction when you were on here last time. And how has that been for you? Because you've become quite the celebrity, haven't you? I think I'm a minus celebrity. I wish I had the money to go with it. Anyway, as I say, Iris is a spitt-fire. Oh, man. I love how they connected on general knowledge. Yeah, on general knowledge. We have a lot of general knowledge in common. A number of geese is a gander.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Well, we was locked down. I had to come home because of coronavirus, hoping to go back in April of May of last year to get married, but it never, you know, planes were grounded, British Airways, Egypt, could we get over there? And I'm... He's like... I don't know why I fucking agreed to do this. So it could be at home designing new Pyrex dishes for my microwave. This is an important project. What's the plan?
Starting point is 00:37:58 What? Why is he so upset? Yes, he's angry. Well, she started talking about getting married? Yes, he's angry. Well, she started talking about getting married. Yeah, he started talking about getting married. He's probably still upset that she said that, you know, it took a whole bottle of KY because, you know, he's Muslim.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And one of the things you know, if you've ever watched a 90 day fiance or you just have any general knowledge, is that having sex with a random woman when your Muslim is not exactly smiled upon. Yeah. And it's just depends on how strictly you follow the religion, but I think he's a little bit uncomfortable here. Yeah. He's loose. He fucks anybody he finds on Facebook with additional general knowledge. The phone's going. So what, because you were also set a date in September, didn't you? We had an appointment at the Embassy for September the 16th of this year. And everything went according to plan. They wished as well with the Egyptian authorities. Then I got bunions and I had to call the whole thing off.
Starting point is 00:39:14 We had to go to next but there's been a few problems with them with degree absolutes and affirmation of there's so many documents, it would fill a directory, it really would. Well, thanks, Iris, for putting the entire audience to sleep here in the UK. Very frustrating. Go about it, I mean, you. Yeah, tell us more about the fucking Iris.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Actually, you're not that fussed about getting married. You know you're in love. You've got your man by your side. But for Muhammad, it's different. He really does want to get married. It's different rules and regulations over here. They prefer couples before, you know, they prefer them to be married before they sort of live together and it's part of their culture. You know, you can ask Muhammad about it if you want about that. So Mahamid, what is it about getting married?
Starting point is 00:40:09 Why do you... That guy cracks me, he keeps that interviewer. So Mahamid. What? Sir? What? Tell me exactly why you want to get married to this woman, who knows 81 years old? She'll have nice vagina. Her vagina is wonderful.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Sir, you telling me you'd rather pound an 81-year-old woman than someone your own age? Do you, sir? Only happy thank you to you and everybody in the United Kingdom. Sir, that's a question. You need to get married. و كلام يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن يجب أن ي and around on the world. My name is Muhammad Ahmad Ahmad. I am Egyptian man. I have Bachelor of Egyptian Business Administration. She just laughed out of me. Because he's doing like an introduction to a presentation. Hi, my name is Brian Green.
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'll be here to talk about podcasting. I'm here to command. You want to know why I fuck this girl so hard? That's kind of a weird question. I'm here to give a presentation on Pyreg's dishes. She's like rubbing his leg down with the roof. Yeah, because, well, I understand. It's not his language.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Right. And now he's on TV. Yeah, all of a sudden they became famous for no reason. He just wanted to have sex with an old lady and older lady. Now he's in front of everybody and he's probably practiced this in front of the mirror for 12 days. You know, he could just so he could, because that's what I would do.
Starting point is 00:41:54 If someone said, if Astrid said, I need you to go on TV in Venezuela or in Spain to talk about the commercial break, I would practice for days exactly what I was going to say to make sure that I got my Spanish and my idol in the answer. Appropriate. So I kind of feel for the guy a little bit here, because he's in a very nerve-wracking position. And the, I have... Which he was with her last night. He did want to break her little bones.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Engineering, of course, I am working in the world, in his Victor. I met Aris on net, أمامت أن أرسل في المدارس أمامت أرسل في المدارس أمامت أن أرسل في المدارس وأنه أريد أن أرسل في المدارس أمامت أن أرسل في المدارس أرسل في المدارس أرسل في المدارس ومدارس لأكثر من أكثر من أكثر أرسل في المدارس
Starting point is 00:42:41 أرسل في المدارس أرسل في المدارس So we chat, we chat, we chat, and then we fuck, we fuck, we fuck. We got on the bed. Yeah. But must, he chakar is entered our life and the mean as us, why? The love, don't you know any the front between religion, between age, ages, between countries, between the same. This is our life. Arrests, chase me, and I am a choice, I'm a choice. That's all matters. And I want to say thank, I want to say thank for all people attack our love.
Starting point is 00:43:21 One thing. I think it's so beautiful how they roll their tongues. No, the other language. How I think we're not a how they roll their tongues. No, the English. I think we're not a love. Yeah, oh, the love. I mean, this is not, if you watch the 90 day fiance series, the other way after the 90 day, all this other stuff, it's not uncommon for Muslim men, younger Muslim men
Starting point is 00:43:39 to fall in love with American or English older ladies. And I wonder if that's like culturally that's a thing, like they like the mother figure, maybe more is attractive to them. I'm not sure, but it seems to be something that's relatively common. If you watch 90 day fiance and you take that like your newscast, which I do,
Starting point is 00:44:00 then you would see that this feels extraordinarily common. Almost every single season of 90-day fiance or 90-day the other way, they have two or maybe three couples that are younger Muslim men with older women. Interesting. But I'm saying the way he rolls his tongue. It is beautiful. It's your nuclear business, focus your lives,
Starting point is 00:44:23 go to hell, that's your own. That's a very good thing. Go to hell. Focus your lives. Go to hell. That's your own. That's a very good. Go to hell. Focus your lives and go to hell. Focus your lives and go to hell. Geez, Mohammed. What did we do? We're just talking about. Well, you're saying it's all the the naysayers, the haters. Oh, well, it was your girlfriend that went on TV and said she got fucked with a bottle of lube. Yeah, you didn't have to do that. You didn't have to do that, Iris. Very, very passionate about his thing. It's penis. Wait, sorry. I am pleased, listen to me.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I am angry about saying on media, you say, and the old people say, toy boy, I am not toy boy. It's not toy boy. I am a man. I am a man. Yeah. And it says, I am a man, don't toy boy. I am a man. I am a man. Okay? And it says, I am a man, don't toy boy. And I am not gay.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Okay, please, please don't say that again. And the only way you would say that. He's not everybody straight. Wow, yeah, he's letting people know. He does not want to be called a toy boy, toy boy. And he's not interested in having people talk about his love life or question his motives by his love with Iris.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Sorry boy, it means a game, but our life is not a game. And normally Muhammad is very, normally Muhammad is very, very shy when he's speaking. He's not shy in bed. Well, so we've heard many a time. So we've heard many a time, so we've heard many. One round three thousand. You're reaching the limits of one one round three thousand can accomplish. But I'm just letting you know. Be careful. Be careful in that. You felt that she slightly overshared last time, she was on the show.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Iris did, he sort of have a bit of a word with you after that. Yes, he said, why was I so graphic? I said, because I had to speak the truth. I speak the truth. I mean, I bought a tube of ice. I speak the truth. He pounded my pussy so hard that night. It literally made me bleed.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Couldn't walk for days. He got me from behind. He got me from behind. He got me from the front. We did a lot and I mean a lot of wheelchair and walker fucking. And if you haven't fucked on a walkie yet, you gotta give it a try. Swing your legs around and let my homie go at ya. Okay, why, Shelley, would you this time?
Starting point is 00:46:40 This is not rules. We didn't open it. I will. We haven't used it. I might take it back to the shop and get me money back. You don't need it anymore. I told you. Don't you say that. I am very sorry. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I was so proud of it. I mean, come on, mom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, In public, I felt so proud, so proud. And then I realized that they were talking about another man. That's why we love Irish people. Yeah, definitely. So what about... As it is now,
Starting point is 00:47:33 pardon? We are trying to get, we are trying to rush the Egyptian embassy and the home office in Britain to get the papers sorted out so that we can say we are well and truly married and are able to prove to the world that age makes no difference to love. I mean, I used to dream, I mean, I've been saying, I made you one years old,
Starting point is 00:47:57 I never ever dreamed about a perfect love. But when I met Muhammad, I realized that dream came through. It is real true love. And the age gap just disappears into the distance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. We need careful about this. I wonder if any man, 34 years old, relatively attractive, could have come into Iris's life and this same thing would have happened. Like at 81 years old, of course you don't expect to find like the love of 45 year old. Yeah. Brian, you don't expect to find like the love of the 45 year old.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Brian, they had general knowledge connection. I'm sorry, you're right. Step back. I should focus then on what connection. Brian, I know when general knowledge, you don't find general knowledge. You don't find general knowledge. You don't find general knowledge. Every day. But when you do, it's generally known that you fall in love with someone. I mean, nothing brings a couple together like general knowledge.
Starting point is 00:49:14 No, miss. Love is blind is basically an ode to general knowledge. If you know a couple of platitudes about relationships and you have some general knowledge, then you're good. Last night, they're in the pods, and one lady is wearing a black sweater, and the other guy is wearing a very dark purple sweater. And so he says, tell me what you're wearing.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And she goes, oh, I'm wearing like a lavender blouse, or sweater, whatever. And he goes, it's serendipity. I'm wearing purple too, and I'm like, neither of you are wearing purple first of all. Second of all, what the fuck? I was like, serendipity, you're stretching there, bro. And then he asked her to marry her.
Starting point is 00:49:54 It's like, what the fuck are you guys doing? He would have been like, that's serendipity, especially if she would have been like, oh, I got an a scambi, little dog. I got a sneaky little top. He would have been like, I have a slinky little top on too. That's what he really wanted to hear. That would have been like, I have a sneaky little top on too. That's what he really wanted to hear.
Starting point is 00:50:08 That's right, everybody knows you were a sneaky little top and the second date, it's general knowledge. We're bent to be. People have materialistists. All think money, money, money. Money don't all think. Many people reach, but not have it. Many, many people, but not have it. Many, many people, but is happy.
Starting point is 00:50:28 We search about having it. I have a money. I travel many countries. I don't need anything from Aris. I love Britain, but Britain not even. Okay? I would like to say... Sheesh. Alright, we're going to have a good time. We get it. Go to, I would like to say. She's. All right, mom, if we get it, we get it.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Go to hell, everybody go to hell, and everybody's, you say it seems so angry, maha, but I thought you guys were in love. What's going on there? First of all, second of all, you guys have general knowledge. You'll be okay. Everything will be okay.
Starting point is 00:50:59 We have general knowledge. It binds you. Yes. Chrissy, when you get the GK, when you have the GK, when you have the GK, you know. And things are on the right path. And it is the average, it is the graph.
Starting point is 00:51:10 No, it does not. Because I don't even know how to spell, it is not a GNK. Not a GNK. But it's not a GNK. It does everything. Not a gynecological exam, guys. It's general knowledge.
Starting point is 00:51:22 My hammer is open to offers. You've only got to look at that face and that hair and it's got a perfect six pack. It keeps his stomach in. He's available for television work. And if anyone wants an 81 year old woman for a fashion shoot, I'm your woman. I wait. Wait. Oh, they're doing an audition for IT. They're selling themselves. But do you have general knowledge? That's the question here.
Starting point is 00:51:54 The only question needs to be answered. You are so generally knowledgeable to me. Can't you see? You know two plus two is four you know that the sun is in the sky you have so much general knowledge to me we could we could deal with the money because we've been spending like there's no tomorrow and meet you both again. Yeah. Belize, Belize. Yes, okay, then. Belize, I want to thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Nice to talk to you, Phil and Holly. Again, a solemn alike. I'm too much of you. I take care. Belize, I hope a sorceress helps us to complete our papers, our department. Our marriage. Belize.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah. Belize, I really love to borrow something. Oh, yeah, nothing like going to ITV to get the Hempacita. Help you get a marriage certificate. Well, Marlon, we have some good insight into what you're dealing with now. And good luck to you, sir. That's all I gotta say. I don't even know what to think. Like, now that I see it, now that I see it on TV, like I see what an 81 year old with a 40 something year old looks like, it looks a little much.
Starting point is 00:53:36 If I'm just saying so myself. But listen, far be it for me to determine who's in love or who's not in love or what you want or what you don't want because I got my own story and it's probably just as goofy to a number of people and Astrid and I also connected on general knowledge. So there you go. On the net. Net net chat chat fuck fuck you know we did the whole thing. I wish I could name that the the name of the episode. Net net chat chat fuck fuck. the name of the episode. Met, Met, Chat, Chat, fuck, fuck. Alright,, that's where you go for all the information about Chrissy and
Starting point is 00:54:09 I. You can listen to all the audio, you can watch all the video, you can contact us, especially if you want your free 21-EPM sticker. 21-Ejaculations per month, we're sending you a free sticker. And a little note, actually this month we're sending two free stickers, Chrissy. Yes, you got a special additional sticker. No charge. Free!
Starting point is 00:54:28 And if you'd like to talk to us, do us a favor. Texas, 855, TCB8383, 1-855, TCB8383. Questions, comments, concerns, content ideas. We're taking them all right there. It's toll free anywhere in the world. Text us, we'd love to hear from you at the commercial break on Instagram. TCB podcast on TikTok. You know we've gotten like 70 TikTok followers and like the last day.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Did you know that? No. It's crazy how that algorithm works. Yeah. Serves it out. Yeah, I'm sure we'll lose all of them the next time I post something. Yeah. Make one post, everyone's happy with you. Make two posts everyone leaves. You know what I'm saying? slash the commercial break for full episodes exactly at the same time they air here on the audio feed. And please do us a
Starting point is 00:55:18 favor. Go leave that review on Apple. I'll check it once a month and I'll let you know how I feel about it later. Okay, so Chrissy, I guess that's all we can do for today. I think so, Ryan. I think so much we can take it one after noon, right? That's true. That's true. So I'm gonna go decompress after watching Muhammad Elias.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I love you. I love you. Best to you. Best to you. And best to you out there in the podcast universe. Until next time, Chrissy and I must say, we always say and we do say goodbye.I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a fool, I'm just a you

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