The Commercial Break - Flips. Flaps & Flops

Episode Date: February 8, 2022

Bryan shares audio from a North Korean news program regarding "The Dear Leader's" horrific injury. Then Krissy finds a group of scientists trying to size up Moby's dick. Is it large enough to make a r...obe?? Finally, Bryan has been doing some late night "research on sex. Whether your trying to compare shoe sizes or looking for a quickie, Bryan has the hard data (pun intended). It's the quarterly sex report from TCB. LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us or leaving a voicemail at: 1.855.TCB.8383 Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Written By: Bryan Green Exec Producers: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Content Production & Research: Tina Khano YouTube Producer & Editor: Morgan Please Audio Editing: Christina A. Executive Director: Astrid B. Associate Producer: Gustavo Episodic Contribution: Marianne, Diane, Natalie, Will The Champ, Will D** Huge Thanks To Our Supportive Listeners, Friends, Family & Spouses: Astrid & Jeff!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, you're listening to FUQU, Krab Apples only, soft and hard rock station. Sometimes it's like it's off, sometimes it's just hard. Rick Rocket Stevens here with you, you know what time it is, it's time for our good Fred James, Jimmy Jim Jim to come back into studio and rock you through the drive time hour. He'll make sure you get through that horrible Krab Apple traffic we're known for. Jim, take it away. A few minutes ago, I was letting in a little bit of information that I'm assuming was supposed to be secret But I was told that I'm gonna be let go on Friday after my show and I have since then I confirmed it and
Starting point is 00:00:37 You know what I've decided just say screw it and give the big middle finger to upper management instead of giving him an opportunity So first I want to say thank you to you. Thank you upper management for the not so great times. But in the end, I would not trade any of it for the world. I'm grateful we spent the time together. There is nothing worse than managers that think that radio people are like commodities to be used up and thrown away with, that are no longer valuable to the shareholders,
Starting point is 00:00:59 which by the way, I've been working without a contract. That wasn't a priority. Now, I find out there's another deal in the works with somebody else and they're only minutes away from handing me my walking papers Well, here's your 15-second notice kiss my ass and especially you Bill Hendrick and David is real you two empty suits I'll be lucky if this is the only time this happens to you and it's gonna be a bright day when your desks are emptied and radio is free of you Now this shows you how much to pay an attention by the way, because they should have been in here by now, and if they were really listening to the radio stations and knew what was going on.
Starting point is 00:01:29 So thanks for nothing, Rotten Hell Radio, I am gone. Well, shit, I guess this means I'm pulling a double. We'll be back after this commercial break. While it's probably wise to keep your children away from the commercial break podcast altogether, this particular episode is certainly graphic. Listener discretion is advised. On this episode of the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:01:57 From what I read within the article, it was another whale that had died. And he then was able to put on the skin of the dick as a robe. So you know what they call that? And this is an actual thing. They call it hisleather. What's that? What's that coping god on made out there? Let it hit. Oh god, yeah. Oh my god, that's the finest. It's the finest in Pizzle-Lena. I thought you did do some tantrums. I did, I did.
Starting point is 00:02:34 But I'm not going to call myself any kind of like tantrum, yogu, something. Yeah, I'm not okay with that. Like, guru. I'm not a guru, a guru of the penis. I'm not giving a whole of these sacrament to somebody. I didn't take a dab. I didn't want to send my son out there in a while,
Starting point is 00:02:52 then you know, have some disturbing interaction, especially as a teen. Well, that's true. Yeah. In locker rooms and sleepovers, whatever. I was thinking more of sex, but yeah, I guess the boys too. I was thinking more of sex, but yeah, I guess the boys too Like I think it more of that, you know that first awkward interaction that you have Yeah, you know, and you're fumbling around this teenager. Yeah, for me that was you know 11 but
Starting point is 00:03:21 The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh, yes, sir, yes, man. Another episode of the commercial break. Wow. How are you? I'm good. It's Chris and Hoby. I'm Brian Green.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Best of you, Chris. Best of you, Brian. Best of you out there in the podcast. Universe, thanks for joining us and yet another episode of the the commercial break the one and only the best yeah flying in the podcast heavens with with the greats when they say names I Conan O'Brien Rachel Maddow who's the other one Joe Budden they also say the the what there's The commercial what? Where those two fucking morons.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's me, it's her. Thanks for joining us. Chris, there's an announcement today out of North Korea, and I think I should play it because it's a very important announcement. Okay. And I'm concerned that I'm concerned about what's going on over there. I'm concerned for our dear leader, Kim Jong-un. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Kim Jong-un! Very concerned for him. After this announcement that I heard earlier today, I want to play it for you. I want everyone to listen very carefully. If you haven't already heard this on your state run radio, or television station, this is what you soon will be hearing about our dear leader, the Holy One.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Kim Jong-un! 그 다음은 I just came in this video for the more sick up to deep, I heard too bad Chrissy. You don't even have to understand the language to just feel the emotion. Kim Jong-un has a limp. He's got a limp. A limp. He's got a limp. A limp. A limp. And this is. Maybe it's because he does some poop. He doesn't poop.
Starting point is 00:05:32 He doesn't poop. No, that's what they've told everyone at least. He has scored a 36 while golfing. He scored a 36 when I'm golfing. He's only balls a perfect score. He's made the best movies he rides the best horses he can make a rocket at the snap of the fingers he is Kim Jong-un yeah a supreme leader of North Korea this is how they make announcements I mean you don't
Starting point is 00:05:57 even have to speak that fucking language to understand how much bullshit this is and you imagine if someone ran something like that about Joe Biden, Joe Biden has a limp. And what they're what they're saying is he has a limp. He's walking with a limp. He's in poor health because he's walking with a limp our dear leader. And what you see in the video, which I don't want to play because I don't want to be a target of North Korean
Starting point is 00:06:20 and internet activists, right. But what you see in the tweet that they put out of the video that they put out is essentially he's Kim Jong-un walking around like a military factory, and he tries to, he's walking with a little bit of a limp, it's actually not that bad, right? It's like he's got a blister on his little toe or something. And he tries to pick up a box of something,
Starting point is 00:06:39 ammunition or something, and he can't even get it off the floor and then he puts it back down and he starts yelling at the guy. He's like, you made this too heavy. It's like the amount I wonder and I have to imagine, I've always thought, I've always wondered this.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Because when you live in a world where there is no other form of communication, when there's no other thing that you know and you're just being spoon fed all of this bullshit, I know you certainly have to pretend like you know that he's the supreme leader and there's nothing else. But if you've never heard anything to the contrary,
Starting point is 00:07:16 would you believe this? Probably. Probably. Yeah, that's the only thing that you've got to go on. There's nothing else. Yeah. There's no other information that you have. So these people, most of them, I got to imagine,
Starting point is 00:07:28 blindly believe that he is the Lord and Savior. There is no religion. It's Kim Jong-un. Yeah. He's it. He's the guy. He's the guy. That's it.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I once watched a video of a couple of reporters who managed to get access to like a fair over there, like a celebration of fair. I mean, people do go over there, right? Yes. Not very often. Not very often because you get in up like that, you know, a warheimer guy. What was that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:07:50 He was a guy. He had a weird first name, yeah. Anyway, he was in a coma, he came back dead, basically, came back brain dead, and they had no reason to walk. But anyway, they were over there in wherever they were, and there was like a fair, like a, you know, a fairs wheel and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And it was sparsely attended. And there were just a few people there. And the reporters managed to gain access to people to talk to, but they only could ask a few certain questions. But what the- Is it like a staged fair? I mean, there weren't many people.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Who knows, right? Who really knows what's real or what's fake over there? And if the press, if the Western presses over there, you know that everything is highly guarded. Yeah, choreographed because that's the way that it is. So they were talking to these people that seemed like people they just randomly picked out of the crowd, but what the reporters or what the documentary makers realized afterwards is there was actually a guy that kept walking behind every but like in the shot This guy was just walking back and forth walking back and forth and the people they were interviewing would like look over and look at him
Starting point is 00:08:53 Right, it was like fuck it It's a pretty leader swear to God I believe on the bullshit I once also read a story about people that would run cell phones over there. They would run cell phones with preloaded stuff like the office or a movie or something like that, because there's no internet over there. So you aren't getting on the free internet,
Starting point is 00:09:18 at least, the free worldwide internet, but they were like preloading movies with the office or something and some dude got. People were killed because they were watching the office and it's like, whoa shit. I like Pam and Jim as much as the next guy, but that's kind of a bunch of, oh shit. I wanted to get right into something that actually you had pointed out the other day.
Starting point is 00:09:37 There are scientists, actual scientists, who are now trying to study the supposed size or they're trying to get to the bottom of, how big was Moby's dick, Moby Dicks, Dick, the whale and Moby Dick, how big was his shaft? Yeah. And because there's apparently a whole chapter, it's taller than a Kentucky in. It's what, as tall as a Kentucky in
Starting point is 00:10:00 and as wide as a, whatever, a freight train or something like that. It's really a weird chapter that's like all about sex and the dick. And it's almost like the, who's the writer of Moby Dick? Oh yeah, okay. This shows us how much we know, right? I never read it. I never had to in soul and then it just hasn't come back up.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It's my top, top ones that I've got to read. I think it was one of those things on a reading list. Yeah. Like a summer reading list. Here's one of the choices. And I always pick the ones about like war or nonfiction. I never wanted to read any of that shit. So I don't think I ever read maybe a chapter or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But anyway, so he. Herman Melville. Herman Melville. This came to me. I think that's who wrote it Oh, that's that sure Herman Melville the writer of movie dick says holey He wrote a whole chapter like chapter 11 is just apparently he went crazy for a minute and just started writing this I don't even know if it's Moby's dick
Starting point is 00:11:01 I think from when I read with in the article it was another whale that had died and he then was able Somebody put on the skin of the dick as a robe So you know what they call that? And this is an actual thing they call it Pizzle leather I Good old Pizzle letter. What's that? What's that? Coat we got all made out there. It's the finest in Pizzle leather I don't like my Pizzle leather well it smells a little funky That's what that's the sign of good Pizzle leather
Starting point is 00:11:44 Pizzle leather I'm gonna start calling my penis a Pizzle I'm like acid. Hey, you want some of this Pizzle? Can I chisel this Pizzle up on you a Pizzle? That's to be like what? I mean listen, it gives a whole new definition to the meaning. It's gotta spice things up. Yeah Well here's a question. It's a whole new meaning to the thought of circumcision, right? When you're thinking about cutting off a pizzle, and putting it on as a rose.
Starting point is 00:12:14 That age old question, what the age old question has always been, does size matter? Now, there are these scientists who take this entirely too seriously. I don't know why you would be studying this, trying to get to the bottom of how big Moby's dick was, or whoever's dick was involved,
Starting point is 00:12:29 whatever whale dick that I was talking about. But they're saying they estimated that it was between seven and eight feet long and like the girth of a car or small Tesla. Does size matter is the question. It's always been asked. It's like, it's almost a trope at this point, right? And everyone says, no size doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's how you use it. Is that true? Or does size matter? I mean, I think it matters up to a certain point. What is that point? How many inches is that? How many inches is that point? Let's not try to get to the bottom of them.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I'm trying to see if I'm up to that point Where it doesn't matter anymore? You know I think you would know well maybe Maybe I heard what of now. Well, that's true I don't take aster for the kind of person who would have settled for last But she certainly didn't get the supersides I'm not that big gulp you get over at the, I'm like a star bugs, you know, Grande. It's probably a little bit more than you need,
Starting point is 00:13:37 but you can, you know, you probably take it if you need it, you know what I'm saying? Like, you don't want the smaller wherever they call it. What do they call that one? It's a Grande, Vinci, and the smaller whatever they call it. What do they call that one? It's a Grande Vinti and regular or whatever they call it. Large or something. Yeah, it's something like that. Some fancy Italian name.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's all bullshit. I never remember. I just always say large. And so the small one is just a gulp. But then Grande is like, oh, you know, it's probably a little bit more than I need, but just right. And then the Vinti is always, you know, you're flying off the rafters.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I love the Venti. I bet you do. Chris is getting all excited about Pizzle. Yeah, so then I made me do some research, right? Because all my life I've heard this trope, but I've never really understood, I've never done any research on this. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I've never measured my own penis. I have no idea how long or how short it is. I'm sure it feels just fine to me. I've never had any problems with it. Fits nicely in my hand. Everything's going well. Oh, I could go ahead. I've never had any complaints,
Starting point is 00:14:39 but I'm not sure I would have dated anyone that would have been rude enough to complain. So you know what I'm saying? Or actually, that's not true. I think I did one time date somebody that was rude enough to complain? You know what I'm saying? Actually, that's not true. I think I did one time day, somebody that was rude enough to complain. She did, okay, so there you go. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:50 But I did some research. The average penis length in the United States, according to the most recent poll that I could find, or the most recent research that I could find, is 3.9 inches, 3.9 inches flaccid, soft, 3.9 inches, a 3.9 inches flaccid. Soft. Yes, 3.9 inches.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And there's a certain way you got to measure this. That's very important that you measure correctly, because if you don't, you're going to be walk-in tall or you're going to be depressed for the rest of your life. So 3.9 inches soft. Most women, according to this poll, according to this research that I did, in a study that was done, say that, so the 3.9 inches equals somewhere around,
Starting point is 00:15:34 like I think it was like 5.78, or something like that, right? You grow almost. Some people are growers and some people are showers. That's right. Most women said in this very scientific study about sex that five and a half inches was adequate. That six and a half inches was pleasurable and that anything over seven and a half inches
Starting point is 00:16:04 was maybe a bit much for most women, right? Now that's not every woman. That was like 59% of the people said seven inches is too much. And then anything over eight inches forget about it. It's like, you know, there's a very small percentage of the population. Most men, when asked how big their penis was
Starting point is 00:16:23 before measurement, would say six inches. That's right measurement would say six inches. That's right. That's right. Well, most men were actually only 3.9 inches, right? When asked how big they were hard, they said close to 10 inches. 10! They were only 5.8. So there's a big difference between perception and reality.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yes, there is. And this brings me to one of our top talking points today that I wanted to get with you. How long is ideal sex for you? How long? We've really turned into a show that my family members came up with. This is it.
Starting point is 00:17:00 What are you talking about? You play this episode of Thanksgiving. Trust me, your family members don't listen anyway. I know, I know. I have no fear. What was the original question? The original question was, how long is pleasure? You don't even have to answer in the first person. Just answer, how long do you think most people would say
Starting point is 00:17:20 pleasurable sex lasts? Yeah, I'm gonna go with like, you know, an hour, maybe sometimes last. Whoa, I'm sure. But an hour. Look, are you talking about? Well, like, for beginning to end. I'm so sorry, Astrid. From the moment of first kiss.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Are we talking about like when the movie starts playing? Till after dinner? Like, what a pizza walking about. An hour. What are you tantric about? You're sitting? You're doing an hour. There's no way. That's too much.
Starting point is 00:17:55 That's too much. It depends on the night, the mood, your mental state. I agree with you. There's that. Sometimes it can be less. Yeah, you also know that it can be more. Right. You don't have kids. Sometimes it can be more. Kids to rush and have sex around.
Starting point is 00:18:08 That's true. Click their sleeping. No, they're up. I have kid blue balls. Half a time. No, they're up. Yeah, they're up. Hi, Daddy.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Daddy. It's like, ah, fuck again. Alright, daddy's just washing mommy's back. What? The shower. What would you say or what was in the study? Well now I have studied, alright, not studied. I'm not like a, I'm not sting, right? But I have practice.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I thought you did do some tantrums. I did, I did. But I wouldn't, I'm not going to call myself any kind ofents to somebody. Right, I didn't take it that far, but I did study tantrous acts. I went to some seminars, I read some books, and stuff like that. Just because I've had some point in my life, I was like, it's interesting. And I wanted to,
Starting point is 00:18:56 I was like, I'm not a guru. I'm not a guru. I'm not a guru of the penis. I'm not giving a whole of these sacraments to somebody. Right, I didn't take it that far that. Just because I've had some point in my life, I was like. It's interesting. It's interesting. And I wanted to, I guess, be a better lover for everyone involved.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That's good. Yeah, I felt like even for me, I needed to, you know. Always improving. Sure, I was just that, you know, I'm a giver, not a taker. And I wanted to give, give, give, give, give, give. Yes, that's nice. For an hour. For an hour.
Starting point is 00:19:27 So in this, you learn certain techniques to keep it going and to make sure everyone's having pleasure. And the one of the more interesting techniques that you would learn in tantra is that you can have a dry orgasm. Right, I've heard. As a man. And that is, when you do that, that can be highly disturbing to some women, right? Especially if they don't know it's coming or not coming.
Starting point is 00:19:50 So, let's speak. That's the right way to put it. Hey, Dad, love you. Hey, Mr. Holy. So if you practice this, and you haven't given someone a warning about it, then they feel like they've not done their job or something's wrong with them, right?
Starting point is 00:20:13 I can't say that. I can't say that. It's fine, yeah, no. Who has an orgasm without coming, right? Well, it's a thing that happened. It is a thing. So, if you were to do that, then maybe in theory, you could last an hour or two or four,
Starting point is 00:20:26 however, you know, Sting once said seven hours. But I think he, that was a joke and it became a legend, but then he corrected it down the road. He was like, no, that's from the time we start dinner to the time we finish making love, right? He's not a whole process. But he said, it's a sacrament. You know, he takes, it takes his tantra very seriously.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I know, I'll work that out. I see it as an addendum to my already incredible love making skills. That's right. It's like a doctor. It's the cherry on top. It's a cherry on top. So I would say that 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:20:59 is probably a good, hearty session, right? And then between 10 and 20 minutes is a usual session, right? At least when you have kids, let's put it that way. Yeah, I can see that. And then there is of course, the quickie, which is under 10 minutes, including the cigarette. So, okay. In a 2005 journal of sexual Medicine asked a bunch of sex therapists for their
Starting point is 00:21:28 opinion on how long sex lasts. Now, this is sexual therapists, people who study this for a living and teach other people how to be healthy and bad. Their guidelines separated sex into four categories, adequate, too short, too long and desirable. Okay. They rated penetrative, yeah, penetrative, vaginal sex that lasts from two, one to two minutes as two short. Sex that lasted 10 to 30 minutes as too long. Meanwhile, Adequate sex lasted three to seven minutes while desirable sex lasted seven to 13 minutes.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Okay. So I probably, maybe I was a little aggressive on the thing, but okay, most partners say that good sex should last between 15 and 25 minutes. Okay, that's a good place to start. But most women reported that sex, most times, lasts less than seven minutes, while some reported that three to four was the norm.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Three to four minutes. Guys, what are you doing? Three to four minutes. Come on. You gotta, we gotta, as a society, I feel like we gotta do a, do bed. Do a better job. Yeah, we gotta do bed. Whoever you're making love to, woman furry. Whatever you want to love to you. You got to do better than 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:22:51 Like see though. Now I understand sometimes you got to get in and you got to get out It's just the way they did just right. Yeah, there's that. Oh my god. I want to fuck you energy and you know you just uh And yeah, you know, usually the guy wins in that scenario But everybody feels like you know, it the guy wins in that scenario, but everybody feels like, you know, it's a, it was an exciting moment. Yeah. And then there's the sweet, sweet love making. They, you know, can take 25, 35 minutes,
Starting point is 00:23:11 something like that. You know, let me kiss you all over. Yeah, it's a whole process. Let me make sure Matias is still sleeping. He's not, oh. Yeah, let me, do mind if we watch, do mind if we take a break for Sean Array. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh my God. Yeah, let me do mind if we watch it do mind if we take a break for Sean Array
Starting point is 00:23:33 I feel like this was a disappointing this is disappointing for all men out there How can we as a as a sex? Do our women dirty like that? Less than three minutes. Yeah, it's not right if you if, if most of your sexual encounters lasted less than three minutes, wouldn't you be completely dissatisfied? Yes. Yeah. But let me ask you a question. Not having to do with Jeff, right?
Starting point is 00:23:54 Okay. Take Jeff out of the equation. Okay. Because we know how to, we know what kind of lover Jeff is. That's one of the things we've seen the tape. That's one of the things we've seen the tape. We've drawn direct, vent diagrams. We've put Jeff right up there at the top. You know like Who's that? I mad and used to do that other teleprompter. I've watched I've been a look at that hip action
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's right. In the air right there. That is that is that is apex ass right there He's good. He knows what he's doing. Yes in your Experience in your conversations with other women around the world as you you do, hardly. So, represent of the female race. How do you think that that is accurate? Do you think it's accurate that most women experience vaginal sex for less than seven minutes? Most of the time. I don't know. I hope. Yeah. Most of the time I don't know When you and your girlfriend are sitting around and chatting do you about how long how long was your Conversation no either do we yeah, we don't want to embarrass our apparently not because we don't want to embarrass ourselves
Starting point is 00:25:03 Bob how long you bang bang for that's the three minutes pro sweet You got to the three minute mark I got to the three minute mark. That's right. I just had a hard time digesting this information because it seemed to me to be such a short period of time. I mean, we could sit here for three minutes in silence and we'd probably still have some listeners, right? That's how short that is. It's pretty's pretty short. It's pretty short. I thought you were doing a physical, when you're being physical, you know? I mean, three minutes could seem really long if you're talking in front of a crowd. Yeah, that's true, that's true.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But if you're doing something physical that you wanna be doing, that you're excited to be doing, I think you wanna do this. But I think that's the problem. I think that's the problem as a society, is that we see all of this really instant gratification. Do you know how long I also did this research? Do you know how long an average porn hub view lasts on a video?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Oh, I don't know. Maybe three minutes. 39 seconds. Really? 39 seconds. 39 seconds. None of this explains everything. This explains everything. 39 seconds. No, this explains everything. This explains everything.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I know, that's what it is. It's that we're so used to just getting out. I think that's what it is too, is that as a child, it's a shameful thing to masturbate. And so you do it quickly so that you can not be caught or whatever, right? It's in the corner in the dark, literally sometimes in the corner of the dark, we're the least sometimes in the corner of the dark
Starting point is 00:26:27 under your covers, pumping your mattress. Ah! Here comes Dad! Ah! It's understandable. Like, no one wants to be caught masturbating. That's an embarrassing thing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:38 But then that teaches you. It's embarrassing by a parent. God no. How many times I was close to, I was probably caught, but my parents probably just like were like, we're gonna close that door. What's going on in there? Why is Brian dressed up like a cat?
Starting point is 00:26:57 Man! Why is he pissing in the litter box? I don't understand what's going on over there. Yeah, that's that, but you're taught that it's very transactional. Where I think, and I'm not saying that women don't also do that that's transactional, but I think by design, it takes a longer time to get worked up. I'm just making some assumptions. You're the woman in this conversation.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, no, for a woman too, it's so very mental. It's not just what we're seeing or looking at. It's very to whole sensory thing going on that to me should last longer. You know, I just had this picture in my head and it's a really satisfying. You know, this guy, the one man, like back in the 20s, they had the one man band, the guy who had the symbol under his arm, the kick drum on his back, and the guitar and the harmonica. I always felt like that's how you had to come to the bedroom in order to make sure you're in woman ednaurgas.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I had to ching, ching, ching, ching. I only pressed the sliver and the sliver. I was like, I do the kick drum at the same time, and I'm blowing the harmonica. I'm just sticking my finger in your ear and put my tongue on your koo-chewed and make sure my penis is in your head, twist on your boobs, bite on your neck.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, I'll have the same time in order to get it. Communication is key. Communication is key. It's like, yeah sure. The communication is key. What does the other person want? What do you feel comfortable doing? You know, and those two things have to come together.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Weirdest, weirdest sexual request that you've ever heard in your personal life. Not I'm saying someone made of you, but you've heard someone somewhere Was in a conversation and said someone asked me to do this and I was like holy potatoes Thank you. Oh, you just thought it was weird. I Mean, I can't nothing comes to mind that I can really think of because again everybody's different What's weird to one person isn't even weird to another person. Well, what was strange to you?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Do you remember? Do you remember anything? Anything come to mind? No, not really. Maybe like, you know, some kind of dress up type thing, but kind of run of the mail, though, I've heard, like, nurses, schoolgirl, whatever. Yeah, I dated this girl for like a hot, hot second and she was a she was
Starting point is 00:29:05 into SNM. Uh-huh. Yeah. And it was way and I was in over my head from the beginning. Yeah. I mean, I was just in over my head, but she was the sweetest one. Sweetest. Yeah. One of the sweetest people I'd ever met my entire life. And I really liked her. I thought she was attractive. And and I knew that she did this on the weekend. She was older than I was. I was like at the time. I was like 19 years old. She was a professional dominator. She was a dominator. Cause I don't know if professional, but that's what she liked to do on the weekends. So she would go to these clubs here in Atlanta,
Starting point is 00:29:29 which Atlanta is known in song and history for having some weird, you know, club. Like every city I'm sure, but our red light district is healthy. And it was more healthy, like back to our Olympics, it was really healthy. We had like six or seven diamond dominatrix, you know, or SNM clubs. We had like six or seven diamond, dominatrix or SNM clubs.
Starting point is 00:29:45 We had certainly a lot of gay bars. We had, you know, Backstreet, which was open 24 hours and was just like, I can't believe that place was rated by the FBI every other weekend. It was like the most no shame anywhere. People talk about Studio 54 and how crazy that was. Right, that was our version. It was our version and I think it was just as crazy
Starting point is 00:30:05 it's a some degree and it was huge. It was like 65 rooms and you could find whatever you were looking for at Backstreet and it opened at midnight and it didn't close until eight o'clock in the morning. But this girl would make those circuits because she was older than I was. She was like 25 at the time so she would make those circuits. So we went out a couple of times
Starting point is 00:30:22 and then things got physical and then she was like do you want to try out? You know some you know some stuff I'm into and I was at the Sure, I was like hey, yeah, yeah, you know and she brought out like yeah ball gag and a And a leash and I was like Can we skip the ball gag and the leash and go missionary for a couple minutes? Feel about that. Can we like some candles? Right. We like some candles. The communications key. Have you ever been to the Lillith Fair?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Do you mind if we play some depeche mode? And so it was just it was like a bridge too far for me. I'm not into pain in sex. That's not my thing. I'm into pain in general. Like I just nod into it. It's not my thing. Right? No. But I mean, I try. I was like open to the idea, but then yeah, and then some things just like, it just killed the mood for yeah, that's scared. It was just more like, yeah, I don't want you dragging me around by the leash and doing all that. And I don't really see how that's going to get either of us off, right? I mean, maybe for you, it's interesting to see me in that position. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:29 But for me, it's not giving me a big, you know, it's not making my, my pizzel. My pizzel, snizzle. Like, you know, like I'm being doing that. Hey you, Mr. and Mrs. Podcastleistner. We're going to take a short break to let you know a few things. is where you can go to find out more information about Chrissy and I. If you choose, you can watch all the video there or listen to any of the audio. Our entire catalog is there at
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Starting point is 00:32:55 publisher. That's the way that we grow the audience and we certainly would appreciate any help you could give us. We really are grateful that you take the time to listen to our program every couple of days. If you want to support the show even more, if you're in the market for their products or services, you could use our sponsors, specialized URLs or codes. That's how they know that we're doing our job, and that means we can continue to do our job for you for free. And now a word from said sponsors. So in the context of me researching all of this stuff about sex, you serendipitously sent me a link yesterday that I had you had no idea that I was preparing this particular episode because we usually don't have a ton of
Starting point is 00:33:42 conversation. You like to keep things fresh on the show. So we don't have a ton of conversation ahead of time. We just kind of go in on the show, so we don't have a ton of conversation ahead of time. We just kind of go in, right? We go in, just, you know, bare back it, right in. Right? I'm just, yeah, we kind of pistol right in there, right? So, Odley sent me this, she sends me the weirdest, say weirdest, I guess it's not that weird,
Starting point is 00:33:59 but these two ladies who are running around Australia, running around the world, these Australians that are running around the world, taking pictures of vulvas. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's like the vulva acceptance project
Starting point is 00:34:12 is what it's called. Yes. So this girl in Australia is literally running around and apparently she has a wait list for this. And this is a very popular thing that is happening now. She has taken tens of thousands of pictures of vaginas, vulvas, which we learned from Dr. Sin is the actual term,
Starting point is 00:34:30 yes, actual term we use, right? Because of a giant is something more specific, but the vulva, and she's taken tens of thousands of pictures. Yeah, I think it's awesome. And they're on her website. Mm-hmm. So I didn't go to the website. I did, of course, I'm gonna,
Starting point is 00:34:44 I gotta get in there and research. I just saw the article pictures, which did not have a I'll give you the website guys. In case you were interested, it's comfortable in my That's comfortable in my And what this girl is doing is trying to bring awareness to the the varied versions of the vulva, right? They're all different. They're all different and they're all lovely. I have never met a vagina that I didn't like. A vulva.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, a vulva that I didn't like. Some guys say they're ass men or boo-men. I'm a vagina kind of guy, a vulva dude, right? And so this girl, project, is right up my alley. I'm like, oh, look at that. Thousands and thousands of vaginas. So I go to this website and there's two sections of the website, like split into two sections. It says browse, browse my boobs or flip through my flaps.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Oh, okay. I like this. It's cute, right? It's cute, or two. Yeah. So I click on flip through my flaps and up appears a never ending scrolling catalog. I need to check the south. Of vulvas in different varying degrees of openness. Let's put it that way, right? Some women are standing up, some are laying down, some have their legs spread, some have them closed, some are really letting you in there, giving them a little extra love and some are not.
Starting point is 00:36:07 There's a point to this. So last night I'm sitting there flipping through the flaps. And I'm like, wow, there really are a lot of different kind of vaginas, right? I'm not necessarily looking this in a sexual way. I'm just kind of trying to take it as intended, the best that I can. And I'm like, wow, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a lot of different kind of vaginas. You know, I don't have to get through all the description.
Starting point is 00:36:26 I have one. Yeah. Okay. So what I realized is that I was never going to be cut out to be a gynecologist. Oh, yeah. And I'll explain why. Because looking at the vulva in a very clinical way like that, like in a very like just kind of take it at face value, not not fantasizing about it, but just looking at it in a very clinical way like that, like in a very, like, just kind of take it at face value,
Starting point is 00:36:45 not fantasizing about it, but just looking at it in a way. I realized very quickly that I'm actually, that I got desensitized pretty quickly to the whole situation, and I was like, wow, if you were a gynecologist looking at this all day long, day after day, night after, I mean, it pictures in your head, you studied it for years, you know, that's all you do all day long.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Would you really then want years. You know, that's all you do all day long. Would you really then wanna come home and be intimate with your work, so to speak? And I thought to myself, that's a special person. It's really gotta be a very difficult thing to do to be a gynecologist and to be as a man, to be a guy, or I guess a woman too, as a person to be a gynecologist and then one is sexually
Starting point is 00:37:25 desire the thing that you spend non-stop working on in so many varied forms. And probably some varied forms that certainly aren't photographed, like, you know, on the worst of days, right? And I was like, holy shit, you know, after like, I don't know, 30 vaginas, I realized I could never be a gynecologist. I couldn't do it. I couldn't take my work home. I couldn't take my work home. It's so to speak.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah, well, there's everything too. You have to take the patient out of the office, the doctor's office. I mean, hopefully whoever they're going home to isn't laid up on stirrups in your future doing an exam. Hey, honey, go ahead and throw your legs on up there. I want to take a look at what's doing. There's a different environment that maybe would then
Starting point is 00:38:11 make you feel more sexual towards it. Well, I think it takes a special kind of person to do that because even after just 10 minutes of flipping through flaps I was totally desensitized and realized that while I've never met a vagina evolved in person I was totally desensitized and realized that, you know, while I've never met a vagina evolve in person that I didn't like, I'm sure that I'd come across one in my work that I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:38:34 I don't like it. This one's difficult, you know what I'm saying? And then how do they do that? I don't know, I'd be so interested to talk to a gynecologist and ask them their opinion on this. Like a straight man gynecologist, right? How do you look at vaginas all day long in their varied versions in their best of days and their worst of days and all this other stuff How do you look at them and and and work on them all day long and then go home? I'm sure as there would be fine if you called up for doctor
Starting point is 00:39:03 Starting to make me think they if to start and make me think that you've been started to make me think that the Asher's doctor is a little stranger than I thought he was. He's this Australia, he's like this guy's from New Zealand or South Africa, excuse me, he's from South Africa and he's the kind of guy who makes a joke but it's never quite lands the right way so you never know it's a joke
Starting point is 00:39:19 and then he'll give you, he's very like clinical, right? But then he'll make a joke, he'll be like, so, how's your an anus? I cut it wide open and you're like, wow. Did you say what? You split it wide open. I cut it wide open.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I'm just kidding, I didn't actually cut it wide open. Do you get that? Do you see that? Or he'll be like, I'm gonna give you these pills. And then what I want you to do is I want you to have sexual intercourse three times for four days when you could throw an o a fourth if you like. You're sitting there like,
Starting point is 00:39:47 I said, choke, should I actually throw in a fourth? Cause that sounds like a lot of work. You never quite get it. That I've been going for three minutes. So. Well. When you're having a baby on a clock, let me taste.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I'm about the timing of that. I wonder if we could do like a, like a Pizzle acceptance. Project like a, like a puzzle acceptance. Project? Yeah, like a penis acceptance project. Because I think penises are probably just as varied as vaginas. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Like a fingerprint. Everybody's got one. They're a little bit different. You just started. Yeah. And we'd have to go like, you know, circumcise and unsurcrime size. And that was a big decision to make with my son
Starting point is 00:40:21 about circumcision. How do you feel about circumcision? Yeah, I'm for it. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. I mean, it. Yeah, sure, why not? Yeah, I mean, the decision at the end of the day is made largely because I am circumcised. Right. And so to have you want that,
Starting point is 00:40:35 you don't want to have to answer a lot of questions about the differences as they get a little bit older. You don't want any, the doctor pointed this out because I had, I never thought about it until the doctor said, do you want your son circumcised or not? Yeah. And I was like, well, for some it's religious.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And then there's also too, like I think there's health benefits to it. I did a little research on this whole wild pack for some reason. It's about the cleaning and the whole nine yards. Like, but now the opposite argument is, you're cutting off half of the nerve system that goes there. So could sex be more pleasurable? Could be.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Could be. Well, I'll never know, but could be. Yeah, I don't know what the other half of my penis is, but it's gone. It's gone. And it's such a difficult thing to know is going on. In here in the US, if you're not a religious reason, you don't go follow the doctor in. And the doctor just does it real quick, right? He's like, okay, today, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:25 right before you leave the hospital, I'm like, okay, today's the day. But when they come back out, you know that that's an obviously upsetting surgery, right? It looks upsetting. And the baby's upset. But I never thought about it until the day
Starting point is 00:41:40 that my doctor asked, would you like to have your son's circumcised? And then I was like, oh, that's a good question. I don't know. And he made the point. He said, in my opinion, and I said, what do you think? Well, there are these, there are the school of thought out there that are many benefits to keeping the penis intact
Starting point is 00:41:57 and the way that it was intended, so that they've got all of their nerves and so the blah, blah, blah, blah. But then there's this other school of thought that the reason why we do it is to make sure that the penis stays healthy and clean and it's easier to, you know, kind of manage. And it's more. It's easier to manage. I don't think it ever gets easier to manage.
Starting point is 00:42:14 And so it gets out of control. It does its own thing. I'll say that much. So he says, you know, the, here's what I would use as my guiding light. My guiding light would be this, my guiding light. My guiding puzzle. That's the guiding puzzle, the puzzle principle. I've been straight like a lantern. Come this way, Brian. Come to the circumcidant, bring your penis.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Follow the penis shift, flashlights! So as the guiding principle, the the the Pizzle principle, as I might say, the Pizzle principle, it's the Pizzle principle. Oh! It's your Pizzle principle. Oh, it's your pizzo principle was our use circumcise. Yeah. And I in I am and he said, what? You want to see? And when I said I am, he said, well,
Starting point is 00:43:19 let's see. I'll try and do it. There's not I'll try and match him up. Another joke that didn't land. I'll see if I it this match. I'll try and match him up another joke that didn't land. I'll see if I can make him look the same. He said that and I was like, yeah, I am. He pointed out probably accurately. Well, when your son gets to an age where he's gonna Realize that daddy and dad, you know, daddy and me have the same thing. Right. You may you know, maybe easier to answer questions if everybody looks the same. Right. Plus, I think in at least in the United States, it's widely, it's, it's, there are far more circumcised men than there are uncircised men. Yes. So, you know, you don't, you don't want to, I didn't want to send my son out there into the wild, and then,
Starting point is 00:43:58 you know, have some disturbing interactions, especially as a teenager. Well, that's true. Yeah. In the locker rooms and sleepovers, whatever, you know. I was thinking more of sex, but yeah, I guess the boys too. I was thinking more of sex. I was thinking more of that, you know, that first awkward interaction that you have, you know, and you're fumbling around as teenagers. True.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, for me, that was, you know, 11, but. But I think I made the correct decision here. Yeah, for me that was 11, but... Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Starting point is 00:44:31 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Starting point is 00:44:39 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm trying to make myself feel better about the decision I made, right? What? I don't ever think I've seen it on circumcised penis in real life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah, no. Except for the, let me tell you a story. Right before we moved to Atlanta, my dad was looking at jobs all over the country and it was kind of narrowed it down to two different places. Spencer Iowa, which is in the middle of fucking nowhere, tiny town, right? I think I looked recently and I think Spencer's got like, you know, a hundred thousand people living it, but back then it probably had ten thousand people. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah. But it's where this job happened to be, this job for my father or Atlanta, Georgia. And so we took two trips to go see both places. And we went to Spencer. My dad was, I think, doing his best to make us feel comfortable, right? And so the real estate agent with my father took us around to go see some of the things that there were to do in the town.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Now I don't remember a fucking thing. Right. Like it was a baseball field, a movie theater, a grocery store, cow pastures, yeah, And to YMCA. And so for whatever reason, I think there's a locker store. There's a locker store here. For whatever reason, my father, the real estate agent said, why don't we go check out the YMCA? You can see, you know, all the things that we have, you know, a basketball court pool, like everything, the thing you see in every YMCA. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:06 But we walked into that locker room with my father and I will never forget the day lose of cock flying in my eyeballs. Right. Like I felt like it was just like, because at that time I was like, sure, it's very sensitive. I was very sensitive and I was right at the height of penis, right? I'm like 11 years old. So I was peen as high and there were just dick dick dick dick dick dick But not you know like old man dick right dick dick dick dick dick dick
Starting point is 00:46:31 And I just remember being so Mortified by that moment. I didn't know where to look right because I want I you because when there's a penis there You look at the penis right? But then thinking to myself and I never forget turning to my brother Turned to my brother. Turning to my brother and saying, what, there's so many dicks, I'm like, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:46:51 It's like, why is everybody naked? I didn't understand that. I'd never been into a man's locker room before. I'd only been into a child's locker room. You don't get naked then. You change your knee pads or something. That's all you do, but on your new shoes or whatever. You don't actually go in there and get naked.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And soap up. Even, did you get naked in high school gyms? No. No. Where did that come from? Why do we see all these movies where all these, you know, high school cheerleader tits too, whatever. I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:47:19 No, I understand, but remember we were listening to that movie from the 1950s and they were talking about how you know I saw Jimmy's penis and class or whatever Jim class Jim is showing off the damage pack I guess it depends who on the sport like the sports yeah, I wasn't on like a Physical very physical sports team. No, but maybe I would have taken a shower and that situation. Well, I mean, I went to gym class, but I never, not once, did I ever think about actually getting naked in the gymnasium.
Starting point is 00:47:55 No. But, gymnasium. Brian, get up here, climb this rope with your massive arm. I'm just gonna say, get the rope. But they could think I... I could...
Starting point is 00:48:10 Come over here and hump this rope all the way up to the top. I can't. I can't. They're literally laid down. I heard my pistol coach. I got a broken pistol. But I have never understood, I don't, even when I was in middle school, public middle school, and we would go into the locker room every day for gym class or whatever, I don't
Starting point is 00:48:33 ever remember seeing a naked boy ever. I think it became more of like a health club thing. Right. You go work out. Oh, now I go to the like fitness and there's Dix everywhere. It's a quick shower. Yeah, but it's always the old guys. Like the old dudes.
Starting point is 00:48:47 You know what I'm saying? Because they're like, whatever. Yeah, I guess they're of that generation where it's like, you know, it's just a dick. Yeah. Look at my dick. One of the two. Some of those guys, like,
Starting point is 00:48:57 ah, dude, come on, man, put that thing away. Sometimes it's like a little button penis, you know, the same micro penis, which is an actual condition. I shouldn't make it fun of it. But it's, it's you know, but the little button penis, right? Those, those, those, why are you going in the locker room just to put your stuff in there? To go to the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:49:17 Yeah. No, I'm going to put my stuff for everybody's dick is. Fuck that. I don't want to do your, I don't want to do your pizzolish nizzle all over my whistle. No, I'm going there, you go in there to pee. That's what you do. You go in there to pee and you go in there to wash your hands and you go in there to, you know, look at other men's pee. That's what you do. Way yourself, they can drop the towel. I turned the corner
Starting point is 00:49:39 of the other day. There was a dude there standing there weighing himself, but he wasn't facing the scale. He was like facing away from the scale and he was naked and there, standing there weighing himself, but he wasn't facing the scale, he was like, he's seeing a wave from the scale, and he was naked, and I thought to myself, what is going on? Why? Why? The idea, and I've been... Don't you need to look at the wave?
Starting point is 00:49:56 I came back and he's standing in the same place. I'm like, this guy either has Alzheimer's who really wants me to see a dick, one of the two. It could be best. That was strange. Yeah. And then there was one time where a guy was like, he was drying himself off, right?
Starting point is 00:50:08 And he was just going at his balls. He was just like rubbing under, it was like scrubbing him with a towel. I was like, what, he's going on. And I always hear those showers going, can't see him because there's a wall, but it's like kind of like a community shower type thing, right? I imagine, I've never been back there,
Starting point is 00:50:23 but if you can see that it's like, yes, I have, I'm curious just like that. So it's like a wall, and then I can hear the showers going behind it. So I imagine it's just kind of like a bunch of stalls and you just go and wash yourself up. But those showers are going every time that I'm in there, the showers are going and I hear guys in there
Starting point is 00:50:41 splashing around, dropping the soap all kind of stuff. Yeah. Hey Jim How you doing great I didn't know you're on circus as I'm gonna get your pistol Hey, is it easy to keep that thing clean? I? Just about hit the shower you want to wash me wash it? I'll show you how you roll it back and give it a good swirl. I was in the, I go into the bathroom, so there's the locker room,
Starting point is 00:51:14 and then there's a door in the locker room and that door leads to the bathroom. You walk first through a little hallway, it's got a mirror and a couple sinks, and then you turn the corner and behind that wall is the actual bathrooms. Okay. Two stalls, a couple of urinals, and then another row of sinks. So it's like a wall, and there's sinks and sinks, right? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:51:34 You know, I understand that the gym is a place where you go, and after you get dirty, if you got a thing to attend, then you should probably clean yourself up. But I've never, I've never thought in my entire life that there would be so many people that had things to do after the gym. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:51:49 There's a lot of people that are getting ready for stuff. Almost everybody, except for me, it's like, I'm always the one that wants to go home and get cleaned up. It's less than three-pointer. Yeah, well, especially on a lunch hour, I can imagine. Maybe because you go back to work. Yeah, okay, I don't a lunch hour, I can imagine. Maybe you could go back to work.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Yeah, okay, I don't get it. There's that. Yeah, if I had an important meeting after the gym or if I was taking a break from an actual office job, and this was close to my office, I could see possibly jumping in the shower, but I think I would dry off and get a towel around me first like before I walked out, but it's just, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:23 So I turned the corner and the two urinals, people are, there's guys in and that's why I go in the, in the stall, but what I notice is, just out of the corner, just catch out of the corner of my eye, is that there is a guy there and he is flossing his teeth completely naked. Just nude. Just nude. And he's got a towel out and on his towel, he's got like, you know, nail clippers, toothbrush, he was doing grooming. This whole grooming routine, standing there, naked. Dude, come on, man. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:52:56 I'm not paying $29.99 a month. Don't look at your hairy ass. Floss your teeth. That's the only thing I could think of. Is. Don't get your hairy ass floss your teeth That's the only good thing of that floss going around your hairy ass It's like I take a piss and I come back out It's in and I should you've been calling it? Did you take a little peeker you tried your best not to do that?
Starting point is 00:53:20 But I mean inevitably your eyes are gonna be like a quick flash Like you blink real quick and then you're like, I guess I'm out. I guess out of my eyes, it's a penis. It's your old man penis. So then I'm like, okay, now what do I do? Do I wash my hands in the sink next to this guy? Or do I leave and run the risk of looking like a dirty human being? Because I know I got to wash my hands.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I'm about to go do some pump and iron. I don't want my pizzo leather all over someone else's, you know, I'm just thinking of other people. I don't, I never leave the rest room without washing my hands. Sure, yeah, me too. So I'm like, in my head, I'm like, be a grown adult. Right, just go next to him. This is not the YMCA and Spencer, right? You are a grown man.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You're not gonna all of a sudden pop an erection and start making love to the guy. Like, it's okay. You keep, you keep getting away. Scott free. So I just decide, be a man. Yeah, go for it. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:54:20 You know, even though you don't have your penis out, he's got his penis out, two men. You're just two men just at the gym, right? Yes. So I wash my hands, paper towel dispenser, paper towel dispenser, and I go to do the, and right, nothing comes out. Oh.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And I'm like, oh, I gotta walk around this guy's penis. And so he turns his whole body toward me, and he goes, this one's got some paper towels. Oh my God. And I'm like, oh, look at this. Yeah, can I reach around you? What if I do a reach around? No, I've got to walk around this guy's naked ass and go over there and go
Starting point is 00:55:12 Oh my god, it was like these are just the things that go through my head. I know I'm fucked up But I just like oh my god. I don't want to reach around this guy while he's fawzing his teeth No, you can't reach around. Yeah, and by the way that ass just was like it was like a bushel of hair I mean it was yeah, it was like a bushel of hair. I mean, it was, yeah, it was all, it was as if he, I mean, I don't know, but his shit must have to fight its way out every morning like, it's like monster hunters. Yeah, like monster hunters. Like he could have braided it, put a little flowery cap on it. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And I know you can't control how much hair is on your ass. I get it. No. But if you're sitting there taking 15 minutes with your balls, you know, basically hanging on the counter of a public bathroom. And that's the other thing is like leading up against it and like brushing it. And I like to think about it. It's that naked, but there's naked balls just touching the counter. Yeah, you don't have to be naked.
Starting point is 00:55:58 No, you don't have to be naked to floss your teeth unless you're at the house. That's what you do. So all, so my thought was, I should talk about this on the podcast. Yeah, my thought was I should talk about this on the podcast. My thought was you don't have to be naked in order to floss your teeth. Right. Just as well, just gotten dressed
Starting point is 00:56:21 and then flossed and brush your teeth. At that point you're just a bit. Or at least a towel. Yeah, a towel, a robe. The minimum. A pizzo leather, something like that. That's because that's so wrong. That's so wrong.
Starting point is 00:56:33 That's probably what it'd been worse. I probably would have just rather seen as penis. Because the truth is, the truth is I think some of those guys, some of those people are just exhibitionists a little bit. They get a little tickle in their pickle, but you see, you know, watching other people look at them, right? And I've known some exhibitionists, trust me,
Starting point is 00:56:53 in my lifetime. I know you have. Oh, yes, I know. And it's bothersome, actually. Yeah. I dated a girl one time, and any time we go to a hotel room, she just had to walk in front of the hotel room, naked. I, I'm not even gonna say her, I'm not gonna say her name
Starting point is 00:57:08 because I think she listens to the show, but she'll know who she is. I dated a girl one time who took her top off at any, I'm sure she had a couple of drinks, any reason to get naked in front of other people. It was, and it was just so, at that time I was in my 20s, it was so bothersome to me. I was like, can I was like can you please
Starting point is 00:57:26 Can you please put your tits away from my family? Yeah, cuz you know my little brother would be like walking in the house and she'd be like hey You know I realized you know you got a great rack, but could you please not show my brother every chance you get right a day And he used to say man, I've seen this tits more than I've seen my own girlfriend unbelievable All right, that's your obligatory Gligatory sex at the start of the commercial Friends the obligatory sex we do want every quarter there it is get your family and friends to listen Send this one to mr. Hojo Gmail dot com yeah, no, yeah, you're not gonna tell dad to listen to this one to Mr. Hojah at Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Yeah. You're not going to tell dad to listen to this one? No. Well, I'm going to turn this microphone off and Chrissy is going to directly beg me not to run this one. She's going to be like, this is a canned episode, right? We have canned episodes for, we have canned worse episodes than this probably. Please.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Oh, no, ma'am. It's going on. Straight to mom. We got no, ma'am, it's going on. Straight to mom. We got through it. We got through it. I thought we brought up some good points. And I don't think we made it to graphic? No.
Starting point is 00:58:32 No. It's kind of like informational and entertainable. I like it. Entertainment, infotainment, we're at the cross section. That's what you get here at the commercial break season number three. We appreciate all of you. Every single podcast listener. Please do us a favor. Rate and review us on your favorite podcast publisher. It really does help
Starting point is 00:58:49 and it's working. We're growing the audience day by day. Thank you so much. We never imagined. Never imagined. I know we always. Never dreamed. Yeah, we are never serious on this show. But that is the truth. We never imagined, never dream. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We'd love you. Anything we can do for you, let us know. 661-237-8296-661. Best, the number two, Y-O-Yo. W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-D-T-C-B podcast.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Dotcoms, where you go. You find out more about Chrissy and I. You can listen to all the audio. Watch all the video. Whatever you want to do, it's right there on If you'd like your Tcb collectible sticker, go to the website, click on the I Want My Free Sticker. We'll tell you how to get it.
Starting point is 00:59:34 You tell us where to send it. That's how easy it is. slash the commercial break for content. You cannot find anywhere else. Our goal in season number three is to get to 5,000 YouTube subscribers. We got a long way to go. But I know we can do it. We can do it.
Starting point is 00:59:50 We can do it. slash the commercial break. Check out in the studio. You don't catch that on the podcast and clips every single day of the week. So I love you. I love you. Best to you. Best to you.
Starting point is 01:00:02 I don't know what else we can do today. Really, I think we've pretty much done. I think, yeah. I'm sure you've turned off by now, but we'll see how many people get to this entire episode. But there's a little thing that we like to do here at the podcast. We like to. We always do. We must do this.
Starting point is 01:00:20 We say, bye. The commercial break. New episodes on Tuesdays and now Fridays. New YouTube clips drop daily at Slash the commercial break. Visit for access to our entire media library. Follow us at the commercial break on Instagram. Each episode is written and produced by Brian Green,
Starting point is 01:00:46 co-hosted by Chrissy Houdley, with additional content provided by Tina Canno. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say you

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