The Commercial Break - Happy Stepford Wife, Happy Stepford Life!

Episode Date: October 16, 2023

It’s all about submission, repenting, and letting ME initiate for God’s sake! While Krissy is out, Bryan & Christina get into some backwards Christian beliefs, after all, someone has to tame our p...roducer! Being single can be Certified Bad We are wishing iconic Papa Joe well

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Never dated a Hawkeye who I felt like respect for. Yeah. Um, yeah. On this episode of the Commercial Break. I don't force women in giving me a blowjob before my sermon. I ask for light. They do it for God. They do it for Jesus. That's right. They're feminist, they do it for Jesus. That's right, they're feminists.
Starting point is 00:00:25 That's right. That's my day for Jesus. I got my knee up on the cross. That's what the cross is, just jigs. I'm sacrificing my knee just like Lord sacrifice himself. Something's gotta give it is my dick. Bank the baby. That's right.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I believe in feminism. Yeah. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Oh yeah, Kaz and kittens. Welcome back to the commercial break. I'm Brian Green. This is the first and voted most likely to hate my voice. Christina, our executive editor. Best of you, Christina. Best of you, Brian. Best of you
Starting point is 00:01:06 out there in the podcast universe. All the hilarious thanks for joining us we appreciate it. Yes Tee uh our good friend, Houdley the person who normally sits in this chair I must remind you he's out temporarily while she deals with a family issue we're sending all the love and healing over their way and I know that she is eager to get back in the chair. Yes. She heard your voice and she called me a medius. I said get rid of her. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Does that mean my paycheck is going somewhere and I was like paycheck. What paycheck are you talking about? I'm gonna give you fucking money on this show. You're the only one that gets paid here, Christina. Love that for me. Love that for you too. So yes, to all of the people who, first of all, we had a couple comments about you on the show all positive.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I think that was a good sign. Okay. So you accepted the second invitation. We'll see how this one goes. I'll take it. The nature of the TCV audience is fickle, so we'll have to see what happens. And then people don't hate me as much as I hate everyone on hinge. I just found that to be so fascinating.
Starting point is 00:02:05 I was just on the phone with Chrissy, and she had listened to the episode, some of the episode, and she was like, are you so glad we're not single anymore? And I was like, I am so glad we're not single anymore. It's not good. I felt excited to be single when I was single. I never felt like anything was wrong or I was lonely,
Starting point is 00:02:22 but I realize now how greener the pastors are when, I mean, in my opinion, in my perspective, when there's just some, like, as far as relationships are concerned, when there's some long-term stability there, it does feel good. Like, I don't think I was missing anything when I was single. I wasn't like, I didn't have a broken leg or a broken heart, but I do enjoy it quite frankly, waking up and knowing that I have a supportive partner. Yeah, I mean, there are definitely our days where I'm like, nobody loves me, everybody hates me,
Starting point is 00:02:52 and that's why I eat worms, you know? That's why I kicked her. It's really hard sometimes. You're fine, you're gonna find the one I have full confidence. I'm cool and chill. You're also just a child, so. Yeah, I'm just a little. You're just just a child. So, you're just a little.
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's one of my daughter says. Some days she's little, some days she's big. It depends on what she wants from us. Yeah, I get that. Sometimes she's like, I'm a baby still. And I'm like, you are. And then other times she's like, I'm big. I can do that.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I can watch scream for daddy. No, you cannot. I get that. She's an icon. She is. Who? My daughter. Yeah, she's really relatable. She's already had four outfit changes today. Same. She just Osteamed changes throughout the day. Oh, so do I. I really do. Yeah, I can't help it. Me too. My wife hates it. She drives her crazy. I don't wear one t-shirt a day. I wear four t-shirts a day. And I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I don't know. Sometimes it's just like a munchample all of a sudden and I need to change. I get an inch in my snitch and I have to go find another t-shirt to wear. Oh wow. But people enjoy you on the show. Okay. And then many people saying that asking about Hodeley and she is fine. Everything is okay. Between Hodeley and I, between the show and I, with Chrissy, she's okay physically and mentally. I think her, she's just dealing with some stuff emotionally, like every family goes through. And we wish her well.
Starting point is 00:04:14 We wish Papa Joe well too, who is sick and in the hospital right now and in hospice. She told me that I could share that information. The iconic Papa Joe who At 82 years old when I first met him I walked into a Christmas party that he was throwing He worked down at the Georgia farmers market, okay, and he was like a purveyor there But he had worked there for so long that he was like the custodian of the Georgia farmers market and the international man of mystery,
Starting point is 00:04:50 a playboy of epic proportions, a legendary coxman. And so Chrissy invites me, we're just newly friends, we've been friends for like six or eight months, she invites me to come to this Christmas party that he is throwing for the workers of this. Oh my God. Christina, when I tell you this, I say this without a bit of irony, sarcasm, or indulgence. When I walked in, he was 82 years old. He was on the dance floor running circles around people
Starting point is 00:05:18 half his age. And he was dancing with a woman who was so spectacularly gorgeous, probably 30 years younger than he was, and it wasn't, she wasn't doing this to like pacify Papa Joe. They ended up dating. They ended up being a couple for a long time. And I just was mesmerized by the way that he could navigate through a room without a bit of show, without a bit of like, without being patronizing. he was just one of those guys that he is one of those guys
Starting point is 00:05:49 that you just felt his presence no matter where you go. You were better for having met him. And so we love him very much. He is in his 90s. So this is, this is what happens. This is what happens. For sure. Fucking sucks. Fucking sucks, man. So Christina and I were just talking about this. I want you to share this information with the listener. Christina was explaining to me when we were testing the microphones that, what's her name? Ariana Grande. Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:06:18 She talks in a high-toned voice that is absolutely obnoxious. For a reason, I'm saying it's obnoxious. Not Christina. Yeah, I love Ari. I'm not gonna lie. I love Ari, I just, I think that that voice that she uses. Yeah, so like, you can tell obviously like, in the past when she was on shows and stuff, she would use, well, before her character had that voice,
Starting point is 00:06:39 she would use this like normal speaking voice and like, if I'm speaking to you right now, just like this, that's normal, but she uses this like affectation where you sort of raise your voice a little bit and you don't really use. You don't take that, you don't use any tone. Talk about just a little bit higher up. And it sounds so stupid, but you talk like this.
Starting point is 00:06:57 It's a little bit softer and it's supposed to be a lot better for your vocal cords. So she sounds like an idiot baby. But I love it. I love it. You know what else? So I never knew this until you told me this, but I know that there are legendary singers protect their voices in legendary ways.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I think Whitney Houston demanded that it be a certain humidity in the room. Probably. And it had to be a certain temperature in the room so that she could sing appropriately Celine Dion is notorious for being fickle and finicky about the conditions around her with their voice and she doesn't talk. I mean, the other thing I'm really talking about is the story of a young girl who is a young girl. And she's a young girl who is a
Starting point is 00:07:28 young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a
Starting point is 00:07:44 young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a young girl who is a because I'm not a legendary coxman. But sometimes I have this music playlist on YouTube and sometimes I'll play it when I'm sitting here on the computer and I'm doing something. You know the videos that go back and forth. I have this video of Celine Dion performing all by myself in Canada, in this auditorium. And then she's like lifted up on this platform 50 feet above the stage,
Starting point is 00:08:05 was gonna, oh by myself. I don't know what it is about that fucking song and that performance, but it gets me every time. But you cry? I don't know, I don't know. I just emotional. Chills, like the goose pimples, I get chills. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Reminds me of Bridget Jones's diary. My life is a little bit. My iconic scene and I'm like, yeah, that's me. That's me, man. She's like drinking a bottle of wine and she's alone on New Year's Eve or something. And I'm like, that's me. But no longer are you alone, you get to listen to my voice for editing purposes.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yay. I love my job. I find it really interesting that Ariana Grande is protects her voice in that manner, because it really interesting that Ariana Grande is protects her voice in that manner because it really does make her sound like a little bit of a baby. Yeah, she has a weird little baby voice.
Starting point is 00:08:52 A weird little laugh at the same as... That's baby Dante. I will say that. Oh, baby Dante. Baby Dante, that's not baby Dante. That's a good one too. Hi, I'm Eric Ranger. I appreciate you coming to my concert.
Starting point is 00:09:07 I have helium in the room to protect my voice. And I like to sing all my songs in the register of A-. So, through me. I mean, she does hit those whistle tones. You got to say. It's a little weird, isn't it? It's weird, but it's amazing. It is amazing.
Starting point is 00:09:24 I always see her in concert once and I would fall alone away. Did she do like a lot of, isn't it? It's weird, but God, it's amazing. It is amazing. I always- I don't see her in concert once, and I was alone away. Did she do like a lot of concerts on that platform? Yeah, she had like a huge tour. I don't know, it was like the sweetener thing. You next tour, that's what I went to. I don't know if she's, I don't think she's towards since then. Did you read about how Miley Cyrus was saying that her wrecking ball tour, she had to pay for all of,
Starting point is 00:09:42 by herself, and she lost a bunch of money? I did not hear that. It's a very interesting read if you get a chance to go through it. It was like a couple of weeks ago. I don't think it made a big news, but she explained that no one would back her tour. For...
Starting point is 00:09:55 I guess that kind of makes sense. She was in her banger's era. Yeah, that banger's tour, that's right. It was a banger's tour. It was a banger's tour. Yeah, she was fucking a lot of things on stage. That she does switch genres like a boss. Like I think that is so sick that she switches genres
Starting point is 00:10:11 all the time, like her rock album, she's got obviously country, she's got pop, she's got it all. I think the one thing that I really appreciate about Miley Cyrus, and I consider myself a Miley Cyrus fan. Oh, okay. Because I'm way too old.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I love that. I love that. It's me, you're home. Um, the one thing that I really appreciate about Miley Cyrus, because I'm way too old to have liked her during the, whatever that show was on Disney. Oh, yeah, Hannah Montana. Yeah, I did not know, I knew about Hannah Montana, but did not know Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana for years.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And one thing that, I'm sorry, I didn't, what do you expect, though, to me? So embarrassing. All right, it's embarrassing, but it's the truth. I mean, Hannah Montana, I was like, in my late teens when Hannah Montana came out. So I wouldn't have been introverted. No, you weren't, you were like 30.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I don't know if I was that. I was in my early teens. You were in your early teens? Yeah, I was at the twine. And when Hannah Montana, you were like 12. I was like in middle school. Okay, so maybe I was in my early teens. You were in your early teens? Yeah, I was at the train. And with the train. I was like in middle school. Okay, so maybe I was in my 20s when Hannah Montana was out.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Okay, Brian's trying to pretend that he's young and cool. Next thing you know, he's gonna be like, I'm a Gen Z. I just admitted that I like Celine Dion. Who does that mean? All by myself. And that I like Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:11:23 She's a Camillean. Yeah, I'm definitely not trying to pretend I'm young and cool. I'm older than out of it. One of the things that I just love about Miley Cyrus that I think is so enduring is her absolute credibility. She is herself and she doesn't give any fucks. She does what she wants to do. She is who she is.
Starting point is 00:11:43 She is constantly evolving. She is a badass bitch who just owns her own personality. And I think that is very attractive in humans in general. When I see someone that owns who they are, all the quirkiness, all the weirdness, all the outlandishness, when I see someone that owns that, I may not necessarily like their music or appreciate their art, but I do appreciate them being who they are.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. Yeah, only not. Unlike Ron DeSantis. I was waiting for that one. You're waiting for that one? You like that? Smooth. I felt it.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I called that a Segway there. Christina. That's, wow, the terms of the biz. The terms of the biz. Segway, celebrity, entertainment. Brian. biz, terms of the biz, segue, celebrity, entertainment, Brian, Brian, Hollywood, entertainment, jazz hands. I, you sent me this article,
Starting point is 00:12:33 I immediately went down the rabbit hole. Let's take the politics completely out of it, right? Ron DeSantis is a class A ass-hat of a human. I can't stand the guy. I just can't stand him. I think he's a real fucking shithead. I can't stand the guy. I just can't stand him. Terrible. I think he's a real fucking shithead. I don't think he's a Republican.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I don't think he's a Democrat. He's a fool. Yeah, he's a fool and he's like a mini dictator wannabe. He has such an Napoleon complex. And now it makes absolute sense of why? Now we get it. So for those of you that may not have gone down the same rabbit hole that Christina and I have to be in,
Starting point is 00:13:06 the word on the street is Rhonda Santis uses platform shoes which is platforms in his shoes, lifts, which is why he is always wearing those stupid fucking cowboy boots that tilt up at the bottom. You know, there's like little elf shoes. I look so dumb. If you see the video of like the Awaxas singers in Mexico that wear the shoes that look like...
Starting point is 00:13:29 I don't know how, but I'm gonna send this to you. ...of an ice picture in. Yeah. But imagine it way exaggerated. Yes. Like imagine a shoe that is elongated at the toe, curls upward. It's giving body BL. It's giving body the elf vibes, but it is really a fashion statement
Starting point is 00:13:44 for some of these mariachi bands down in Mexico. Rhonda Santas is like a little, his shoes are a little bit less dramatic than that, but not by much. Nah, not really. Yeah. When he stands in that shoe, it literally looks like he's got a crick in his leg because that's his heel. That's his heel. He's like sliding down into the shoe. Yeah. Because he's on his little tippy toes just trying to be a beg man. I can't believe this, but now it all makes sense as to why he walks so weird, why he stands
Starting point is 00:14:16 so weird, why those boots are always kicked out in a weird way. It all makes sense, why you never see him in shorts even though he lives down at Florida. It's all making sense right now. Rhonda Santis and the question is after reading this extensive article that someone wrote about why Ronda Santis is actually wearing platform shoes. I'm like 20 tick talks about it. Chris, I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed too.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Some guy wrote a like a 10,000 word essay and making his point, proving it with pictures, making drawings. Don't you love the modern media? I hate the modern media, but that's how I make my living, so I guess I should have appreciated it, some sense. Maybe a little. Ron DeSantis is wearing platform shoes.
Starting point is 00:14:58 There is no doubt in my mind. They are specially made for him. So now here's my question. Is he five, nine, width shoes, five, three without? Or is he five, nine, and real life, six, two, or three with platform shoes? Oh, no, we need to get some side-by-sides going. I know, we need to understand this.
Starting point is 00:15:15 We need to get, like, compare him to someone who doesn't wear lifts, who we know doesn't wear lifts because they don't need to. They were comparing him to Donald Trump in this. But we don't know if we can trust if he does or does not wear lifts. I guess he's quite a tall man, but. Donald Trump?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah, he's like six three. It wouldn't put it, I wouldn't put it past him. No. To wear lifts. No. Because he's probably like, make me mad and came again, you know? I gotta get me some platform shoes.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Yeah. I can't even do a Trump. No, I purposefully stayed away from it. That's fair. That's a Georgia W Bush voice, I think. I can't even do it. I know it's purposefully stayed away from it. That's fair. That's a Georgia W Bush voice, I think. I can't get me some platform shoes. Hey, down. Let's go down to the bootery.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Let's go down to the bootery. To the livery and we'll get ourselves some platform shoes. Oh man. So there's side by side reference with Donald and Rhonda Santas does not look, he looks shorter, but not that dramatically shorter. Like if you're six, four, and five, nine, there's gonna be a huge difference between the two people.
Starting point is 00:16:11 It does not look all that different in the pictures. It looks like there's probably, Donald has three or four inches on him, not almost a foot. So we'll guess he's like five, eight, five, nine. Five, eight, five, nine, which is- And just wearing really tall lift. Are you one of these people who asked to have
Starting point is 00:16:26 a relationship with someone that's taller or shorter than you? No, I always wanted to be a regular. No, although I did call 5, 6, twirps. I didn't talk about 5, 6, twirps on the last episode I was on, but that means I had no, I have dated or had had liaisons with young, young, not younger men. Well, young, eh. So lying. Shorter men young, young, not younger men. Well, young, ah. So liar.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Shorter men. Shorter men and younger men. A little bit of a little, a little, a little, a little bit. What is the youngest person you have dated? Like age wise, what's the age gap? Well, okay, you've got to remember, I'm fairly young. So, okay, the worst gap was like, four and a half years younger than me.
Starting point is 00:17:04 That's not bad. Yeah, but like at the time it was like four and a half years younger than me. That's not bad. Yeah, but like at the time it was like 22 and 28. Oh yeah, that's a whole different thing. No, not 28, no. That's a whole scene. I can't do math. 22 and 26. 22 and 26.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yeah, that's a whole scene. And then I quickly turned 27 and then I was like, oh my god, this is horrible. I am dating the most immature man in the world. No, it was bad. It was bad. It was bad. Because men's brains don't stop growing
Starting point is 00:17:25 to worth 37 years old. He rumor has that he's still working on that brain. I wouldn't know. He's still eating cereal in his boxer shorts and forgetting to clean up his toilet seat. Definitely. Oh God, that's so embarrassing for me. I never understood why people had such a big deal about height differences until I dated someone that was much taller than me. And then I can understand, yeah, I dated a woman and I'm 5' 10 and a half is changed. I'm not the tallest guy in the room.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I'm not the shortest guy in the room. I'm kind of average, I think. But I dated someone that was 6' 1". And then when she wore heels, which she'd like to do, she would be 6-3. So, I mean, she was very tall. And it didn't, it's not that I felt amasculated. It said it felt weird to always look up at somebody. I guess that was the weird part for me.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I guess, like, I wear heels a lot. I wear platforms a lot as well, me and Ron. And like, I wear my, I wear platformed dock martens a lot. I wear platforms a lot as well me and Ron and like I wear my I wear platform Doc Martens a lot and I feel like you would hate that for me because you went through such a Doc Martin phase. Yes, I love them. I love Doc Martens. When I'm always like six foot in them. Yeah, and I kind of I love it. I love the power. You like being taller than the people in the room. You like being able to see over. I feel in charge. Yeah. And I feel like it's also kind of hilarious when you're
Starting point is 00:18:49 like with a five eight man and it's just like face to breast. And I'm like, you know what? Good for you, sir. Good for you. And he's like, I'm having this is the best day of my life. Face politics. Like look at this. I'm like, good for you, buddy. As much as I'm having this is the best day of my life. Facebook. Like, look at this. Facebook. I'm like, good for you, buddy. As much as I'm sure you love listening to Brian Drone On, we really do have some bills to pay. Like my salary, so go to to find all of our audio and video. Check out our Instagram at the commercial break, our TikTok at tcbpodcast, and of course
Starting point is 00:19:24 our YouTube channel at slash the Commercial Break. You can also text us at 855-TCB-8383 with your thoughts and probably concerns. And now let's listen to some sponsors so I can continue to have a job. This episode is brought to you by Regain Couples Therapy by Better Health. When someone is asking for relationship help or advice and someone else replies, making a relationship work takes hard work. I'm not even sure what that really means.
Starting point is 00:19:56 You can go with all the low-hanging fruit, date nights, scheduled into mint time, put the screens down, get a babysitter so you can get away from the kids for a couple of days. But I recall asking my father one time for some relationship advice and his response surprised me. It was just four words. Go to couples therapy. It was the best advice I could have ever received and ever since I've been no stranger to couples therapy. From my perspective, relationships need good foundations, but even foundations crack every once in a while, and a good therapist understands how to impartially deepen your connection without bouncing on open wounds.
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Starting point is 00:21:08 about relationships, it's go to couples therapy. Visit slash BTY as in best to you. That's slash BTY. And thank you to regain couples therapy by better help for being a sponsor of the commercial break. When you look at the most successful people in the world, a lot of them are tall. Uh huh. And I feel like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, like him or don't like him, he's done some things in his life, right? I can go, you can go on and on.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I think Steve Jobs was notoriously tall. I think there's lots of tall people. How was it? Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift, Howard Stern. Like, you know, look at the entertainment industry, there's a lot of tall people, and a lot of short people, I guess,
Starting point is 00:21:59 two Tom Cruise, five, four. Sorry, I'm not Tom Cruise, five, four, and Scientologist a top praise five four and Scientologist. And he was with Nicole Kidman, who is like five foot 10, five foot 11. Yeah. There's something about being tall. I think that puts a certain perspective, you get a certain perspective that does make you feel in charge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And therefore you're like a natural leader. Mm-hmm. I think that's true. People who are taller live shorter lives. Just remember that. So, well, I may not be as tall as Elon Musk. I am definitely more successful, financially much better off. I can't even wait for my $100,000 bonus cut to this. I'm not Taylor Swift. I'm not handing out $100,000 bonus. What's the point in working here? I don't know if I'm being real honest, we're all still trying to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So I'm just sticking around for a little. The ever changing, the ever shifting sands of time here at the commercial break. I, you just look at people who are tall and you sense that they have an advantage in life. No, things. They know things. Yeah, that's me. The weather is different up there.
Starting point is 00:23:04 It's all a big brain Tina. How tall are you without? I'm only five nine. I'm not know things. Yeah, that's me. The weather is different up there. They call me big brain Tina. I know things. I'll tell her you without only five nine. I'm not that tall. Oh, okay. Yeah, but I just seemed tall. I think I have got broad shoulders and take old bitties and people are just like, wow.
Starting point is 00:23:14 You just seem like you people feel like there's your presence when you walk in the room. Damn. Look at that hot ass beat. Look at that hot bed, big titties, platform shoes and hot mime. Look at those platform dogs beat look at that habit big titties platform shoes and not like those platform dogs She looks fucking fire a broken knee and one of the most successful executive Aguitors
Starting point is 00:23:34 I can bring your knee into it You know what I'm doing your knee into it. I'm still restring the name. You're doing good You don't you don't walk with a gimp at most of the time this morning was a little rough. Oh You're doing good. You don't walk with a gimp. At most of the time, this morning was a little rough. P.T. is hard. Look at there. Yeah, you get up there.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I just look at everybody who's tall and I feel like, you know, they just have a different perspective on life. And I think that there's a bit of confidence that comes with being tall. That can help you navigate your way through the world. Like when I worked in the real estate industry, a lot of the most successful developers were really tall or really short. One the two really tall really short like the up and high up and up and heimer up and high twins the up the little bald ones you know selling sunset
Starting point is 00:24:16 selling sunset you not know about selling sunset I know about selling sunset is that those guys who sell all those the two little bald twins okay sell all the like multi million dollar mansions. Are these little like actual little people? No, they're just quite small. They're small in. Yeah, yeah. And they have this rack of women working for them who are all just like stunning tall goddesses.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Really? Slash, like now it's a TV show. They probably have like six seasons now or something. I don't know. Of selling sunset or their own show? Selling sunset, which is their show. Well, I've seen selling sunset. Oh, but I can't remember the two bald twins.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Jason is one of them. Oh, okay. And there's another one. Are we crushing here on the show on Jason? No. I'm a little bit. Maybe I am a little bit. Do.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Tell me. I don't know. Some successful, even if not short, dude, walks in, he's got a big old pocketbook. If you're selling sunset, you're a millionaire. If you're selling sunset, and you do, and if you do your job halfway decently, you're a millionaire. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:15 Those guys make on each of those transactions, millions and millions of dollars. I would gladly be a little, I wanted to say boy toy, because I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy toy. I'm not a boy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy.
Starting point is 00:25:34 I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I'm not a boy toy. I think I work best when I have a chip on my shoulder. I know a lot of people who do this, they work better when they have a chip on their shoulder, they're understressed, they're backed into a corner, they have to fight their way out. And I think that when you're tall,
Starting point is 00:25:55 you may feel like the world is your oyster. And when you're short, you may feel like, why the fuck did I get the short end of the stick? No pun intended, pun intended. So I feel like that there's a lot of people who are successful tall, but then there's a lot of also short people who just work really hard.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Really hard because they feel like they have to. Yeah, you know, it's funny though, like as a taller woman, I won't say tall because I'm not like that tall. You kinda tall. Yeah, but like, I don't wanna take it away from the six foot beaches, you know? they're my queens. They're my president and Sorry
Starting point is 00:26:31 Sorry, right. I love it. There's something like I've always wanted to be like a small petite woman Like I had always wanted that growing up like I hate it being tall But my grandma is a very, she's a very small, pretty woman. And like, she always, like every time I'm around her, she goes, oh, I wish I was tall, because she'll be like, can you get that jar for me or whatever? She has a little, a little spatula she uses to scoop them off the top shelf and toss them into her hand.
Starting point is 00:27:01 I love your grandma. She's incredible. She's honestly incredible. I love her so much. But she, yeah, so she's always given me a lot of confidence in being tall. But like, I think, I feel like short people always want to be tall, tall people always want to be short. It's just complicated. I think you're a hundred percent right.
Starting point is 00:27:18 And, you know, I think, like my wife is my same height. And there's always been this Discussion between the two of us. We're going somewhere when we have to take pictures. She's really consider it She's like do you want me to wear heels? Should I wear heels or should I not wear heels? I would never do that I know you would never do that. That's why you and I are married Well, that's one of the many reasons you and I are married She doesn't mention we barely know each other. That from our professional relationship. That's probably what stuff is. I just thought that I consider it.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But she's always considered in that way. But I always, of course, I don't care. Honestly, I really don't. So I'm like, where are the shoes that they make you feel good? If you feel good in the shoes, where are the shoes? But I always have to like prop myself up a little bit in the photos just so it doesn't look like too strange. I'm gonna get you some lifts for Christmas. I just wanna, you give me a pair of bright blue Doc Martins. We're talking like that color blue, like the background blue. You get me bright blue Doc Martins with lifts,
Starting point is 00:28:15 they may never come off my feet, just like they did in for the first 10 years of my adult existence. I love that vision. Christina, you are young, your hip, you're in with the kids. You know how things go out there in the IRL. You're not on the internet, you're out there, amixed amongst the young folks. Yes, I would say so.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And there's this, like, I don't know how to say this without being a total asshole. So I'll just say, go off, be an asshole. I feel like there is a push by some younger folks right now to really bring the world backwards when it comes to the female form. I really do. And I don't think I'm exaggerating this because I'm out on the internet all the time looking for this kind of content so that we can have it on the show. It's, you know, the show is subversive and it's satirical and all that stuff. But there seems to be a lot of women out there on YouTube, TikTok,, that are romancing the time when women's place was in the home, or the perceived woman's place was in the home.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And that's fine. They want to live their lives like that. That's cool. I have no, you know, whatever you choose to do with your life, however you choose to live it, that's your personal choice. I have no say in it. I don't care for the way sometimes it's displayed out there. I feel like it's really counterproductive, in the way sometimes it's displayed out there. I feel like it's really
Starting point is 00:29:46 counterproductive in my opinion, it's counterproductive. And I know that you are one of these women that are trying to pull us back to the 1920s. So, I think that's working. You want to be a housewife? I will marry Rich. That's why I think this often dude, these often twins. The twins. Yeah, the twins. I don't care remember the names, but I know that they're rich and bald. You could be a thrupple and an instant reality celebrity.
Starting point is 00:30:15 If you would just get with those often twins. Let's be honest, I'd be amazing on reality television. I know you would. I would start so many fights. Because you know reality television really well. Oh, and before we forget, before we get to the main potatoes of the show, Christina has her own podcast,
Starting point is 00:30:30 which is part of the reason why she sounds so good behind the microphone, is because she's been on the microphone many times before. So tell the folks, tell the good people at home. About your podcast, tell them what they can find, it's tell them what they can listen. Okay, well, my podcast is called to all the romcoms we've left before.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I co-host with Sarah Kelly, she's a comedian. Really fun. An expert on romcoms, like she honestly knows so much about pop culture. I feel like such an idiot around her, she's amazing. So yeah, we just, we chat shit about romcoms. You get old ones, new ones. The ones that are Republican propaganda secretly.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's amazing. It's really fun. You're also very soft spoken about your politics on the show. Sorry. It's a Republican beehive over there. It's like a conservative beehive over on your ship. No, you don't, don't apologize for, I am who I am. You guys should know by now. I'm not going to change. No. But I do have to say this, I am who I am, man. You guys should know by now, I'm not gonna change. You'll be huge. No. But I do have to say this, I have listened to the show, I've listened to hours of the show actually, and I find it to be really funny,
Starting point is 00:31:31 and the banter is really, it's really good. You two are really good together. Oh, thanks. You have a similar, if not more Sparky, like more Sparky back and forth going on between the two of you, but I feel like it's a lot like the commercial break in the sense that it's two friends that know each other well
Starting point is 00:31:47 that are getting together to rib each other about certain things and talk over some material that can be really funny. So we might be a little spicier. I think you're spicier. A little spicier. There's a lot of cussing that goes on in that show. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:31:58 A lot of fucking cussing. Oh, so much fucking cussing. Yeah. Which can't stop. I'm so bad. I have to tone it down sometimes because I feel like I'm being so bad about my cussing too. But you two take the cake.
Starting point is 00:32:11 If you had a coin jar, we'd all be rich. I just, I just doesn't even cross my mind anymore. Why the fuck would it? No one monitors these podcasts. No one gives a shit. I'm always like, who the fuck is listening to me? It's not all this bullshit. I don't know, no fuck is listening to me. It's not all this bullshit. I don't know one.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And they're funny. Go take a listen to the podcast one more time. The name is to all the round coms we've loved before. Okay, go check that out. So in an effort to Jolt Christina out of her clearly backwards ideas about where women should be in this world right now, I thought I'd pull up some material that would let you know just how silly this all is. And of course, it comes from the right wing Christian nationalist groups. And
Starting point is 00:32:52 God bless. God bless. God bless. So I don't give a shit what your personal political beliefs are. However, when I hate what I dislike with a passion is when people have completely asked backwards ideas that they push on other people in the service of religion. That drives me fucking crazy. It's a proselytizing for me. Oh, God, Christina, just drive me crazy. Yes, doing so much harm. This is me right off.
Starting point is 00:33:22 In the thought that they're doing anything good, it's just like beyond me. And one of the things that drives me a little bit bad is when Christian men and women decide that they're gonna use the Bible to figure out how to continue this incredible chauvinism into 2023. It's insane. So without further ado, I was trolling on the internet.
Starting point is 00:33:46 As you do. As I do like to do, look, you step right in there. We didn't even practice that. Oh wow. We have reviewed some of this material before Chrissy and I have, but I found a new couple that I'd certainly like to review who are talking about a Christian woman's place in the home.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Even Blues upset about this if you can hear in the background. That's episode number 412 out of 413 that Blues been in just letting you know. Alright, let's take a listen to these two ding-dongs and see what they have to say about what God has to say about what a place in a woman's place is in the home. We once heard an old preacher say you want to know what the secret to a good marriage is? Yes, ma'am. And we're like, no, this is a huge ottle in our culture. The whole thing of like pleasing your wife, being a servant to your wife. You know, just, yes, ma'am. Being nice to her, letting her out of the house every once in a while, not making her do
Starting point is 00:34:41 every chore in the house, maybe saying hello loadier own children every once in a while. Yeah, Christina opinions are overrated. I've heard a lot of them from women and I gotta be honest. Women don't know things. If you only knew things. We're just stupid. If you could only come up with a good idea, then maybe I'd listen. But I got keep telling Astrid.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm not sure what you just said because I wasn't listening. And a lot of people say that, like, happy, wife, wife happy life a lot of us just comes down to our cultural frame of weak men and strong woman, you know this has nothing to do with weak men strong women This has to do with you twisting the Lord's word to make sure that your wife doesn't speak up at all So that you have any easy life so you can whack off eat cereal cereal in your boxes on the couch, and not pay attention to your goddamn children. It literally is like these women, they have opinions and I hate that. I am not about to listen to no woman tell me what to do.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I don't want you to be happy. I want you to just shut up and stand there. I'll tell you whose fault this is, Kamala Harris. It's Kamala. Kamala. Where did Kamala go? This is the feminist dream.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Feminism is not about equality between the sexes. It's about an inversion. So, woman becoming man and the libertarianism, men becoming woman. What in the good for me, buddy? That is not it. That is not at all true. I think you got that all wrong there, buddy. I do not want to become a man.
Starting point is 00:36:10 You do not want to become a man. And libertarianism is not about men becoming women. No, that's not the definition, bud. Yeah, and some of those manly men, quote unquote, that you know that are world famous. Consider themselves lipiterian. They are hardly shrinking violets. And I would argue that some of them do not see the point of view of a female.
Starting point is 00:36:36 That's just what I would argue. I don't know them personally. I'm not trying to cast stones. I'm not saying any names, but this guy has a completely wrong. And I would argue. I would argue that maybe somewhere on the corner of the internet, there are always extremes in every one of these quote unquote groups, right? All these ideologies, all these religions. There's always extremes.
Starting point is 00:36:55 You are an example of extreme Christian behavior, right? But there are feminists and libertarians that take it to the extreme, but that is by and large, not what's going on. What is going on is that maybe the girls just wanna have a say in how their own lives are run. We just want equal pay, bad-a. A little bit of respect. Control over our own bodies. Yeah, not this horrific power dynamic.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, it's really sucks, man. It really sucks that you've been getting, I don't even wanna go through it. You know what, you're a jack hole,. Yeah, it's really sucks, man. It really sucks that you've been getting, I don't even wanna go through it. You know what, you're a jack hole, we already know it. You heard a great word from... Elizabeth Elliott talks about how the woman's role is to respond and how it's the man's role to initiate. And that is very clearly what God's design was for
Starting point is 00:37:41 with Adam and even the garden. And... Very clearly. Didn't you read it? It's explicit in the text. That's right, girl. That's right, girl. I don't know. I don't know. Even I have to disagree with you here.
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's me, Carl, a preacher from Hillsong Church. X, preacher from Hillsong Church. And I just gotta let you know, girl. You getting this complete reroll. What God said is, don't let Carl preach on a full dick. That's what Carl said. I don't force women into giving me a blowjob before my sermon. I ask politely. They do it for God. They do it for Jesus. That's right. They're feminists. That's my day for Jesus. I got my day up on the cross. That's what the cross is just to do.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I'm sacrificing my D just like the Lord sacrificed himself. Something's gotta give it is my dick. Thanks the baby. That's right. I believe in feminism. Somehow I think that Carl might be more of a feminist than this guy is. Genuinely. Yeah I actually think Carl looks be more of a feminist than this guy is genuinely yeah I actually think Carl looks good compared to this guy at least Carl asked yeah at least Carl asked and you see how this guy you really letter up to that question too he had to cut it so that she he could tell her what to say that's right he's like he said my job is to respond please tell me what to say so I can respond. I'm supposed to respond. He's supposed to initiate
Starting point is 00:39:05 Admissiate. What does initiate me? I'm wondering I've had one day in the life of these people is total hell total Arguing 24 hours a day. Mm-hmm The sin came when you've initiated and Adam responded and let's talk in magical fairy tale And let's wrap our whole lives around it. Yeah, why not? Yeah, because you know, it sounds completely plausible that Adam own lives that we've had to repent from. Yeah. And disciple out of our own up brings in this culture. You know, for me taught to be passive, taught to be the nice guy.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You know, just say yes to everyone, servant leader. Just be nice, just walk around, not punching women in the face for no reason. I'm just supposed to do that for no reason. What's not what the Lord said? Did she read Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve is not Adam and Steve, okay? And then this for my grandfather, who is a perfectly rational man,
Starting point is 00:40:13 killed all three of his wives. They were in subservient. God, I'm doing such an aggressive laugh today. I'm so sorry. No, be aggressive. Laugh for that. This guy, he's like, he's like, you know what? Being nice really wasn't getting me laid. So I'm just going to start telling them what to do. That's right. aggressive laugh it out. This guy he's like he's like you know what being nice
Starting point is 00:40:25 really wasn't getting me laid so I'm just gonna start telling them what to do that's right be the nice guy be the nice guy I'm like you can be the nice guy and still be a bit of a shit and still people don't want to shag you and that's okay I am literally proof that you can be nice it's a good to dick wet you know I'm saying girl hey who's that new girl in the chair right? Oh that's Christina. Shum. Delicious. Rose. Finder on hinge. I'm not allowed on hinge. The judge is still. No great. Oh yeah no it's okay. Alright I gotta go guys. But I'm don't worry Christina I'll drop some fat stacks on your mom's front porch. Whoops. I'll take the money. Yeah I'll take the money too. Split up with me if he shows up.
Starting point is 00:41:07 You know I hate interrupting Brian when he's yammering, but he's always yammering, so it's kind of my only option. Anyway, it is about that time for me to remind you to go to, text us at 855-TCB-8383 and check out our socials at the commercial break on Instagram and at TCB podcast on TikTok. Go on, Brian needs this. And don't forget to go to slash the commercial break for fully edited videos. I promise you're gonna love them. Also, it would mean the world to us if you'd support us by supporting our sponsors. So let's have a listen to them and then we'll get
Starting point is 00:41:42 back to this episode of the commercial break. The repent of that because that's not good for my wife, that's not good for my mission. And likewise, you're a thing. For me, it's like control the situation, make demands, be the one to initiate, like that has been my experience. And that is what as girls were pushed into through college, like we're put into a position where that's how you have to survive is by being the initiative person. So then, where were you getting taught that?
Starting point is 00:42:23 Well, I would have loved that. They have to make a connection between the liberal college education that everybody, you know, argues about. Forcing you to be masculine and idiot and all this other stuff. Teaching you to be an independent human being is not teaching you to be some radical, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:47 feminists who can't look at men without, you know, heads popping off the shoulders, that's just teaching you how to be a human being to ask for what you want, to initiate conversation, and yes, demand sometimes that you be treated equally. It's not that big of a deal, dude, but the Adam and Eve story from the beginning, I think sets it up, sets the entire rest of the Bible up for what's to come Which is complete domination by men and very little mention of women?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, except for you know Mary who like oh Dr. Brothers wife that's cool. That's cool. That's cool. Yeah, it's not big deal. Kill that guy. I just touched the pig skin When you get married. Yeah, so when we got married, yeah, Kelly was very headstrong, very, uh, great editing job here by this guy's by the way, great editing job. The Monday, very initiative in the masculine role. And here's me, the nice, kind, passive, um, guy, and it's like, you know, a lot of resentment starts building. She resents me because I'm not taking the lead. I'm not having a vision. I resent her because it's like, you know, a lot of resentment starts building. She resents me because I'm not taking the lead. I'm not having a vision.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I resent her because it sounds like he was just a little bit of a lazy shit. Yeah, it sounds like dude, you just, yeah. Sounds like you just sucked. It sounds like you still suck. It sounds like you were just like a little bit nicer. Like did more things around the house, just in general, she'd probably like you more.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I cannot imagine the conversation that goes down between Astrid and I, where we identify our marriage, our troubled marriage, not that we have one, but we identify our imaginary troubled marriage as the problem being that Astrid is not submissive enough to me. I would argue that, I would argue the exact opposite. I would argue that Astrid should take more days, should it keep us out of trouble. Why won't you just relax? Quick controlling things. Controlling things. So it's like, oh my gosh, we had to realize, this is not God's way.
Starting point is 00:44:43 God's way is I needed to repent of being passive, of being a libertarian, of being, well, she's her own woman. She can do what she wants, you know, as long as she's happy. It's like, no, that's, that's wrong. That's wrong. You shouldn't have your own happiness. Why does he keep saying libertarian? That's not.
Starting point is 00:45:00 He doesn't understand what's going on. I don't, you're, you're really missing it there buddy. Feminism and libertarianism are two totally different ideological spins. The libertarianism, I know, are not that nice to win them. Well listen, I agree with libertarianism. You do your thing, I'll do my thing, as long as we don't harm each other.
Starting point is 00:45:20 That's kind of the basis of libertarianism. All the other extra, ex-them temperanias bullshit that comes along with it, I think it's just like a newly found. But you're attaching a meaning to libertarianism that has, it's not at all true. I don't think he gets it. Liberalism might be what you're trying to say.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Yeah, I think that's what he's trying to say. I think so too. And I needed to repent of controlling and of being passive-aggressive when I'm trying to control him into doing things instead of just praying for him. So now the frame that we find ourselves in. Praying for, fuck, pray that he starts doing the dishes.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I pray, I pray that it'll fix that freaking shelf. I pray that that limb dick gets hard sometimes. I pray this by I grow worse. That might be the big issue in this marriage. You never know, Christina, we have a huge stranger videos than this. It's like, all right, Lord, what do you want us to do? And so for me, it's like, as the man I have authority in the relationship of I am the one who's going to have to give account for what our marriage, for what our family,
Starting point is 00:46:23 for what our life amounts to. To who? To who? Who are you giving this account to? Are you giving like an actual account? Like a bank account. Like a bank account. Ryan took God.
Starting point is 00:46:32 God. God. God. It was a penis by the way. We don't know that. I was at a store the other day. I swear to God. Not the other day.
Starting point is 00:46:42 This was a couple of months ago actually. I go to the store. There is a lady that's at the vegetable, individual thing, and I'm trying to grab some vegetables or fruits or something. And so I said, excuse me, ma'am, I just want to grab something in front of you. You know, I'm just being trying to be polite, let her know I'm about to stick my hand in front of where she's at, because she's been standing there for a minute. And she goes, oh no, God bless you, son,
Starting point is 00:47:05 may you have a blessed day. And I go, I really do hope that God blesses the rest of my day. I really like her. That's what I said, right? I really like her. Oh, I was like, okay, yes. I was just having a little fun, right?
Starting point is 00:47:19 I said, I really like her. And she goes, did you just call God a she? And I go, I did. And she goes, did you just call God a she? And I go, I did. And he she goes, that is not accurate. And I said, because you know how? And she goes, because of the Bible. And I was like, well, the Bible is turned out to be mostly 100% accurate. So and by the way, I don't think anybody ever mentions whether God has a penis or not. Yeah. So I just haven't fun with it. Kelly, what she has to give an account for is did she submit to me and did she pray for me
Starting point is 00:47:52 and did she honor me? Now a lot of people are just in mind, exploded this. My mind would have exploded at this. Like, you know, 10 years ago, like, I was scotty, misogynized, but it's like, no, like he had to put the gay Affectation on that. Yeah, there's a there's a very real scriptural Authority that like if I just say well Lord like she's her own thing like you know what she and the devil do in the garden Is up to her and the devil I was If you would ask me 10 years ago before I got brainwashed, I probably would
Starting point is 00:48:25 say a hazey and pedip is I feel like that's what people would just say about me just regularly. They're like, well, what you're doing with the devil. That's up to you. You're in the devil. That's my tagline. What Brian and the devil do is up to them. As whole. This woman you gave me, Lord, like, you know, and that is what so many of us do. We abdicate and we watch her eat, you know, eat the fruit of becoming a man, of becoming God. And we're like, well, let's see if she dies. And unfortunately, this goes, what in the good fuck is this guy talking about?
Starting point is 00:49:01 Let's see if she dies. All the way from family into institutions, you know, can a woman become a policeman? this guy talking about. Let's see because we're afraid we're afraid of her being upset because that's you know woman gets all upset when I go this is misogyny of the most incredible type I'm just like what the fuck I cannot believe that this guy is saying this that a woman can't be a firefighter or a soldier or a boss babe or a boss babe a boss babe it's like a boss babe. I was like, speak for yourself, bitch. Yeah, speak for yourself, dude. Uh, uh, uh. Wow, this going through his head. I want to know what happened to them in the last 10 years
Starting point is 00:49:51 that he went from buddy. If we're going to talk about being the masculine, you might want to grow a full beard. Yeah, and a full dick. I mean, just, I'm gonna go there. Just that, just say it. Okay, okay, as long as you're happy, what will make you happy?
Starting point is 00:50:04 And it's like, that is happy? That's like that is bad Fatherhood that is bad husbandry You know husbandry is when you have two cows fuck each other That's not the worst this guy is totally off face the biggest issue here is just that you can't fix stupid No, you can't and he's proven it right now over and over again And she's just sitting look look at her eyes right now in this paused position. She's like, oh God, just let me get through this video
Starting point is 00:50:28 and I promise I'll run away as fast as I can. Honestly, I'm like imagining that what kind of resentment is building up in her now. If she was mad at him for not doing the dishes, I'm like, imagine that over the years, what is going on in there. She must be having just the worst time. You're just being...
Starting point is 00:50:46 When she gets in therapy, she's gonna hit the fan. When they get a divorce, not a big of a divorce. When they get a divorce, and she eventually comes out of the cocoon, and she goes to therapy to start to heal herself, or yoga, or whatever when she meditates, she's gonna start to realize what a terrible situation she was in. Because this guy is controlling her and using the Bible to do it,
Starting point is 00:51:07 which is no different than someone using a rope to kidnap somebody. I mean, it isn't, honestly, it isn't. Your brainwashing this poor girl, and your brainwashed yourself. I don't know what you're thinking here, dude. It nuts. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Don't totally. We don't give in to our children's tantrums, and we don't give in to our wise tantrums. Since when do I not give in to my children's tantrums? and we don't give in to our wives tantrums. Since when do I not give in to my children's tantrums? I give in every day of my children's tantrums. And we don't give in to our wives tantrums. And the wives tantrums. What about yours?
Starting point is 00:51:34 You're having one right now. You're literally having a conibction for this video. Yeah, like you forced her into this video. I know. Now you're talking about this online, which is so embarrassing. By the way, can I say this? For those of you that aren't watching,
Starting point is 00:51:45 this is two white, middle-aged people sitting in front in their home, in a living room type area in front of a brick fireplace. And I'm looking at the decoration in their home. And I'm wondering which 1970s design, which person took the DeLorean back to 1970 to bring this stuff forward into their house? Because anytime you put a ladder as decoration
Starting point is 00:52:09 in Europe, but like with no blankets. No blankets, no towels, no nothing. Nothing on it, just a plain ladder. Just a ladder, just gonna prop this ladder up here. It looks good, doesn't it, huh? It's spatter. This is what happens when the men make the decisions. You're so right.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Ugly house, ugly life. If it was up to me, if I was to make all the design decisions in this house, it would literally look like this studio with Pearl Jambo's first bath of all. It's not great. That's not a good look. I don't think you even realize that you have those traits until you get married, and then it's like a mirror. And you're like, oh my gosh, I thought I've worked through so much because I would say we did as singles
Starting point is 00:52:50 We did we did great. We were some sear after the Lord Yeah, and then you get me since here after the Lord you guys were fucking like bunnies. Everything was great You're a nice guy. We were sincere after the Lord after the Lord Something I cannot save on this though. I know it it just drives me so fucking crazy, so brainwashed. And it's like, whoa, like I have a lot of work to do. But it all comes down to doing things God's ways. When you do things God. Here's a terrible part about this.
Starting point is 00:53:20 This woman seems relatively level headed and smart. Like she's well spoken. It seems like she would just be a kicking ass and taking names if it wasn't for her husband absolutely smothering her. Yeah, it seems like it. Yeah. That's ways. And when you follow God's ways, there is a blessing to that. And we've talked about this often. Most of our arguments have come from an inversion of our roles when we- Yeah me being weak and not leading. And when I'm reaching instead of responding.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And so a lot of people would be like, oh Scott, this is like you're saying your wife is upset and that you're the person. It's like no you don't understand, it's all from me. It starts with the man. It starts with my frame. What- Oh, it just really is fucking annoying. It does not start with you, you dipshit. You are just one person. Other people also exist. But this is the frame of reference that some of these Christians,
Starting point is 00:54:13 and it's not just Christians, there's lots of ideologies out there that have this same spin on it. And let me remind everybody, at least from my point of view, my perspective is that religion in and of itself, not a bad thing. If it makes you happy, it makes you a better person. If it makes you feel more whatever, if it makes you feel better, awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I just think that the ideology and the dogma are two totally different things. And the dogma is what gets me. It's absolute brainwashing. You can't think for yourself. You have to use the words and twist them up all these, you know, the Bible or whatever. The Torah, whatever it is that you're using to twist it all up. It gets all twisted up. And here what he just said is the root of all of the problems is that it all starts with the man or the priest or the pope or whatever.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You cannot have a relationship with God on your own, you have to have a conduit, and in a marriage, that conduit is the guy, is the man. I don't understand. Why can't she have the same relationship? Why can't she initiate things? It's just crazy, and it's like, we know that having men in these religious positions
Starting point is 00:55:19 of power has caused problems. And I'm not saying like in whatever, and he says, switch around, I don't know for me. I'm like, again, I'm like, you do what you wanna do, but if you are gonna cause harm to people, that I am not about it. Yeah. I'm not about it.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Do not force anyone into your views. Do don't do that. That's not cool. Don't force anyone into your views and don't force your poor wife to sit there and on the corner, on the couch for the rest of her life, because you have heard, have taken, have read your scripture in a way that allows you to basically kidnap someone's spirit.
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's fucked up. And it's like the thing is, like if you are in a relationship and you want to have a little bit like it sounds like it was very unequal before yeah if you want to have a little bit more of an equal relationship or like change the give and take like if you want to be a little bit more submissive like go for it sure if that is what works for you and you feel you both feel like care for and like taking care of and whatever That's great, but like don't come out here on YouTube and like put this shit out here being like you need it all starts with me It all starts with me and you need women just need to do what their husbands say and that's in the Bible That's the Bible. I mean it might not say explicitly, but like I could tell it also the Bible Man is it real? I don't know it doesn't matter, but it's this is my world. You're just living in it
Starting point is 00:56:41 That's over that you're 100% right other my world, you're just living in it. That's over. That you're 100% right, other dick-huming hit, and dick-having-huming. Yeah. I know. What if I just pretended? What if I put a little eggplant in my pants
Starting point is 00:56:51 and went around and I was like, look, man. What? Look, man, man, man. I'm actually a little delulu, and I feel like if I could pass for a male country singer, if I really wanted to. No. I think I could. Oh, I have the voice, you know?
Starting point is 00:57:08 You got a little bit of the voice, but your voice is a little, I think. I don't know, I think I could, I think I could do it. All right, say like a two sentences in your country voice. I'll do a little Morgan Wallen here. Okay, you got. Lars, not. Wait, we let the liquor talk. I think I could do it. Okay, it's not bad, it's not. Wait, we let the liquor talk.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I think I could do it. Okay, it's not bad. It's not bad. Maybe it's because you're sitting right in front of me that I can't totally get the vision out of my head, but you do. Yeah. But.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And imagine my big old dick too, yeah. I know. Join us Monday when Christina comes in as a man. When I reveal my big old dick, when we have country singer, country singer superstar, Chris, Chris. I'm holding for her to fill. You know, so there's this whole kind of idea
Starting point is 00:58:00 of a man will provide a frame and a woman will fill it. And if there's no frame, and a woman will fill it. And if there's no frame, then the woman goes into chaos. There's no boundaries, there's no strength, there's no, and there's anxiety. Exactly, Michael. Ah. I'm just gonna say women are the ones
Starting point is 00:58:14 providing the frame physically. Yes. And you're filling the frame, if you will. That's when I'm talking about girl. I knew I like this Christina chick, Brian. Keep her on the air. Hey, it's me, Carl, and I just wanted to say that's absolutely right, Christina. It says in the Bible, you provide the whole to the frame, and I shall fill it with the
Starting point is 00:58:36 word and the semen of the Lord. The word of the Lord. Fill it with the wet word of the Lord. Fill my whole with the word of the Lord. That's all I got to say. Fill my hole with the word of the Lord. If there's a hole that needs filling, I find it. Carl is on edge. Don't worry, girl, I got you covered. I'm going to fill every frame you got. That's right. Go empty that frame. I'll come back. I'll fill it again.
Starting point is 00:59:00 The sky's so barf. You know, why are we doing? What are the things? And then that's why a woman gets into, like, I'm going to reach. I'm going to provide frame. And then the guy is like, okay, it was actually a lot of hard work providing frame. I'll just fall into your frame. And so it's this thing that we're constantly having to repent of in our life.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Of like, it's not that she's evil or that I'm evil, or like, oh, it's a terrible marriage or terrible partnership. Like, no, this is the struggle of our generation. This is the struggle of our culture, is weak men and strong women. That is most definitely not the most worrisome thing about this culture in any way, shape, or form. Let me go down the list. This is what keeps me up at night.
Starting point is 00:59:48 When I think about my 10 to 12 children, some of them having to be, you know, vagina having humans. I am so worried that one of them is going to bring home a dip shit like this. And the more that I dislike him, the more that she'll like him. Ooh, that's concerning. Yeah, that's concerning.
Starting point is 01:00:03 So we'll get Chrissy on the case. If Chrissy can just talk to my daughters, I mean, I think my wife can probably have that conversation too. But then if Astro hates him too, then it's gonna be two against one. Yeah, so you gotta get Chrissy to be like the cool-and. I know. Anytime that my dad said something to me,
Starting point is 01:00:20 I did the exact fucking opposite than 28 years later. I woke up one morning and said to myself my dad was fucking right about everything every single fucking thing. I'm not there yet. Yeah, don't worry about it. Still a baby. It's bad.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Look I'm fine. You're going to wake up 35 and you're going to go my parents were always right. You go. I don't know. For some my parents were always right. You go, shit. I don't know. For some reason, parents are always right. Yeah, I guess. Well, listen, to the wet noodle in his wife, congratulations on your happy. It seems like very constructive marriage you have going on there. Glad I'm not your neighbor.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Oh, God, they'd be so annoying about trees and stuff. Oh, God, yeah, if I tried to take down a tree. Say, repent! Repet! They'd be so annoying about trees and stuff. Oh God. Yeah, if I tried to take down a tree say repent Repent Hot neighbor I thought I'd come over and ask you if you wanted to come to church with us this morning No, I've got to stick some hot needles in my eye, but try me again next Sunday. Thanks very much. I appreciate No, I'd rather be kidnapped. I appreciate it. Thanks DCV that's where you go to find out more about the show.
Starting point is 01:01:26 You can watch all the, watch all the video, listen to all the audio. It's all there. One place, huge library, lots of hours of the commercial break. If you can get through it. So many. You can also drop us a line on the contact us page. Just hit the contact us button.
Starting point is 01:01:39 There's a drop down menu. It says, I want my sticker. The brand new T-C-V bumper sticker is in production right now. I'm not going to say it out loud. I'll wait until I want my sticker. The brand new TCB bumper sticker is in production right now. I'm not gonna say it out loud, I'll wait until I can show it, but it is, I think the best one yet. So that's my personal opinion, mainly because I decided on what the next sticker was gonna be.
Starting point is 01:01:56 But if you want your sticker, hit the drop down menu, I want my sticker. 626, to ask TCB3, that's 626, ask TCB3, questions, comments, concerns, content ideas. Leave us a voicemail. We may play on air at the commercial break on Instagram. slash the commercial break. And TCB podcast on TikTok. Okay, Christina, that's all I can do for today, but I will say best to you. Best to you. And best you out there on the podcast universe. Until next time, Christina and I will say we do say and we must say goodbye I take a dick and a keep on liggin'
Starting point is 01:03:04 you

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