The Commercial Break - Rascall Flatters

Episode Date: May 6, 2020

The Bits: We get a live report from newly reopened mall with Dandy Danderson. The Show: Bryan and Hoadley discuss the widely disputed nature of the round Earth. Flat Earth is looked at with a keen for the facts and a scientific eye. Yeah right... Don't forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode! Text us or leave us a voicemail at +1-661-BEST2YO (+1-661-237-8296) LINKS: Get a FREE TCB limited edition collectible sticker Follow us on Instagram Subscribe and watch the show on Youtube Join us live on Fireside New episodes every Tuesday & Friday everywhere you listen to podcasts! For advertising contact AdvertiseCast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Breaking news Welcome back to our special coverage of pandemic 2020 brought to you by Home Depot Groger and eggs eggs. It's what's for breakfast Malds and retailers all across Georgia are just now opening their doors to customers as the coronavirus pandemic seems to have Well gone away altogether We now go live to downtown Atlanta to the mall of the green where WSHI-T's senior retail and nightlife reporter Dandy Danderson is on the scene. Dandy, tell us how things are looking down there. Thanks Jim, I know it was you who took my white call from the big room by the way.
Starting point is 00:00:36 You are an alcoholic and you owe me seven dollars. Oh, now Dandy I haven't had a drink since my first wife left me. You know that. She left you because you're gay Jim, you tried to kiss me at the Christmas party and he is such a joke and the fourth-age lie cookout You have a report from the mall digger and when you volunteered to join me on assignment on that carnival cruise That was for an investigative report. We talked about this lady the name of the cruise was in the closet on the one Okay now clearly he's just kidding. Danny. How about that report from the mall? Yes, Jim I'm here at the mall of the Green Peacan, where just hours ago, doors opened
Starting point is 00:01:08 up to patrons for the first time in over three weeks. The governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, called on Georgians to stay safe while they enjoyed some retail therapy after being on lockdown. I had a chance to catch up with a few of those who braved the pandemic conditions to come and spend a little bit of that stimulus jingle jangle. Steve Thorough from Buckhead said he just had to get out and do something besides talk to his wife. Yeah, million the wife, we don't talk too much to be honest. I try and stay out at the house most weekdays and Saturdays. I think it's been good for the marriage. I was running
Starting point is 00:01:38 out of ways to pretend I was interested in what she had to say. Steve said it hardy's and a hooters double-dee chicken wing sandwich was just with the doctor ordered. I bought a couple sleeveless t-shirts I wear these when I'm riding my bike up and down the mountains on Saturdays keep spending too much time with my family. However, Steve was surprised to learn that his daughter had been hired at Hooters as a hostess. Yeah, that was a quinky dink.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Didn't even recognize her till I looked at her face. She got her mom's legs, you know. But it was nice to see her, I guess. Turns out she's friends with this waitress. I come to see you every Thursday and Friday. It was nice. I'm hoping to come by the house a bit more. I told him the buttlight line is for your mommy, but you could have anything else you could find. This reporter found Steve to be one of the more intelligent characters we met this afternoon, and that's saying a lot. Marissa Sutcliffe was out enjoying the sights and sounds this afternoon as her sorority had canceled all functions through the end of the school year.
Starting point is 00:02:30 We caught up with her at the Amber Comby in Fitch. Oh my god, I am so glad they're opening them all. I like, don't understand what the big deal is. I mean, we can like be aware of the socially distant and like make sure they're protecting themselves with like the PSP mask and like gloves and stuff. We just like keep the old people in the old people's homes and like anyone in their 40 can stay home and work from their phones. Marissa clearly had a grasp on the serious issues at hand with a mind toward safety.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Like, a hair-top gate, the founder of Powder Point, is finding a cure and we're all going mind towards safety. After listening to Marissa's brain suck wind for over 15 minutes, we met Daven, an entrepreneur who says it's time to get back to normal activity. I own a few businesses focused on Earth-friendly, biodegradable, sustainable private jets, and one focused on grass-fed grass that sells organic tree bark smoothies and vegan margaritas. We have two stores in Hollywood called Nothing Here Bleeds. And with a name like Daven, you knew the bullshit was right around the corner. Here Daven explains to us, white privilege. Our business is down almost 1.5%
Starting point is 00:03:55 amongst billionaires since this all started, so we're barely feeling the pinch. We actually had to suspend all paid sick leave for employees, and I myself took a 3% pay cut in my travel allowance. Gavin then went on to explain he's here to support his girlfriend, break out the credit card, and in this reporter's opinion, make sure the honey hole stays open through the lockdown. I think she needs some lip gloss, new jeans, and she was running low on purses. So we came to stock up before they're all gone, we know how that goes. She makes her living on Insta. She tried like a bathing suit thing and then she gives her old clothing, the less fortunate
Starting point is 00:04:29 families and the West Hollywood Hills. So a figure this is all for a good cause. Marissa told this reporter all in all, she's not too worried about getting sick. She doesn't even listen to the news. I heard UV and USB like kills anything that's living. I have a gold package at Tina Tan and tweez. to the news. Marissa went on to get a full makeup treatment at Sephora and told us she planned to visit a friend's house party later that night. We then caught up with Bonnie Bigman for me scab who told us, she hates her children.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Oh, and they are the worst. Really, there's such little ass hats. I can't actually believe I carried those little shitheads for nine months. We found Bonnie at Blakely's jewelry, buying a diamond necklace, to ease some of the stress at home. After three kids and twenty years of marriage, let me tell you, Dandy, I have learned one thing. Jewelry is like cash when you have to leave quickly. Bonnie told us, a good Margarita, vaik it in and some ambien will help get her through these next couple of months, but international travel was in her future. Well, I've always wanted my own bakery, and I figure Paris is far enough away
Starting point is 00:05:34 that my lazy husband won't find me. He can't even find his car keys without my fucking help. He is like a four-year-old. Paris will be great for me. I can get a small place near the ark and find a young Parisian man to make me tea in the morning and rub my feet after a long day of sightseeing." This reporter found that fantasy very relatable.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Delicious! And finally, we met up with Greg, who told us Alex Jones had predicted the opening of the malls almost three weeks ago. He said he was here to meet a man he said he met online. Greg said the man had secret documents exposing a cover-up between Donald Trump, Bigfoot, a Nigerian oil broker, and Angus Jones from 2 and a half men. Andy, the globalist elite are taking over but QAnon has started to see the government far from the reaches of the Libertard criminals, and this mall is where the new leadership is meeting every third Tuesday to discuss the coup. I have been on good intel that Joe
Starting point is 00:06:21 Biden has been hiding small, Scottish children in the sunglasses section of the Macy's trying to overthrow the Neocon movement by spraying 5G waves across the bedding department where President Trump is getting his daily pedophile briefings. It is pretty serious shit. I have been really tuned into what's going on, wake up white people, liberate Georgia. We didn't really understand what the fuck Greg was talking about, so we asked him which shops he wanted to visit. I like the gap, they have pretty cool t-shirts, you can wear the rallies, I'm into past stales, so yeah asked him which shops he wanted to visit.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Greg told us he'd been gainfully unemployed since 2016. That came as no surprise to this particular reporter. And with that, Greg headed to the foot locker to enrich the global elite with this stimulus money. All in all, Briss sales today at the mall, and I would say most people work in tend to be shopping again. However, the best part of the day for this reporter was watching Darwinism in action in real time. That's me, Dandy Danderson for WSHIT. Back to you, Jim. Thanks, Dandy. Well, you heard it here first, folks. Everything is back to normal and just fine.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Remember to stay tuned to WSHIT's special coverage of Pandemic 2021. Coming up soon! In early 2020, the world shut down, stores, restaurants, schools, and whole communities shut their doors in an effort to protect human life. As the world quickly changed, one man went on Facebook to get a degree in Internet epidemiology. Bryant, along with his lab assistant, hopefully, are curing coronavirus by commenting on fake news and reposting recipes of secret virus cures from a friend of a friend who works high up in government. Join Brian and hopefully as they discuss the world and life doing this forced interruption, learning,
Starting point is 00:08:41 laughing and loving in this real life commercial break. On this episode of the commercial break. Like all good reasons to get involved in a conspiracy pussy. We are like 2,000 people away from getting 2,000 people to listen to this vodka. You're telling me there's a chance. I'll tell them you there's a chance. My mom said the podcast was good and she was going to spread it around the retirement home like wow.
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's called Gubligock. Sine the dotted line where it says Gubligock. Now to write that. Do I have to use my real name? Whatever mode it is. Do I have to use my real name? Whatever motivates you. The next episode of the commercial break starts now. Well, try and make it through. Just laugh a lot and we'll be okay. That's all I ask you to do. Just laugh a lot and I'll see if I can carry the show. Well, either that or I'll just cut out
Starting point is 00:09:49 what you said last night and I'll throw it. So that's the back. And that's the beauty of podcasting. Yes. And by the way, we have a brand new website,, tcbpodcast. So it's not taking care of business. That is the commercial break
Starting point is 00:10:07 You can go there to check out all the latest episodes. You can leave us comments and questions. I told our designer, which happens to be my life, that you probably should not turn on comments because that's just gonna end up being a, you know, a fucking cesspool of bullshit. But she insisted that we turn on comments. So now we have the ability to comment.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You can email us there. We'll take your questions, we'll take your comments, you'll take your concerns and shove them up your ass. Maybe, maybe, maybe. If we like what you're saying, we might respond. That's right. We're only about good news here. We're about good positive, solid feelings, and with that, let's get into some bullshit. Chrissy, my friend, after last week's episode where we dug deep into the depths of the world of Christian evangelism, which I thought was a pretty good look at Christian evangelism. We could draw on it. Thirty-two million dollar planes. Tyler Perry, you fucked hard. There was a little meme going around to that. It was like
Starting point is 00:11:02 twelve celebrities and then twelve telephangelists in one picture and it said how much dollars they have donated to the COVID-19 response and every celebrity had donated some millions of dollars and then none of the telephangelist had spent one dollar on supporting the COVID response and doesn't surprise me. I don't know that it's factual, it's just a meme on the internet so I don't know that it's factual. It's just a meme on the internet, so I don't know that it's factual. Those are always factual. I believe everything is needed enough.
Starting point is 00:11:31 I am glad you're already suspending facts as a way to legitimize an argument tonight because we have a good one for you, my friend, HODLY. I am going to dig in to flat earthers. Ooh. Yeah. There are people to live on this earth that still believe that this earth is flat, right? That the earth is flat, that there's four corners to it, or that it's rounded, it depends on which you are.
Starting point is 00:11:55 They call it the firmament, or I think that's what they call it, is the firmament. And that, we're in a big glass bubble, essentially. It's just like a big saucer, and then there's like, you know, it's like a cake, it's a serving tray, essentially, is one of these, and it's held in by the ice wall, otherwise known as Antartica. I'm gonna say it right tonight, Antartica. And the other one, the South Pole too.
Starting point is 00:12:17 The North Pole and the South Pole essentially are the edges, and what we are seeing is not around it, or what we're looking at is essentially a flat earth. Now, flat earth has been around for thousands of years as a matter of fact. The original idea. That's right. It's the original scientific concept
Starting point is 00:12:34 is that we can keep on walking forever. And if you were born, if you had the unfortunate, you had the unfortunate circumstance of being born before 1000 BC, then the prevalent thought was, is that they are this is flat because of course you could only go as far as you could walk and that might be 10 miles, right? So it was a safe assumption that the world was flat. Along couple of these couple of guys named Aristotle and Copernicus and they do a couple of rude and rudimentary type of and they do a couple of rude and rudimentary type of experiments, but they figure out by measuring points on the earth
Starting point is 00:13:07 and then points in the stars, that the earth is in fact spinning around the sun and that this earth is circular and that it's turning every 24 hours as when they come up with. And this is pretty early on, it's even before Jesus Christ. And one of the tests that they do that I think
Starting point is 00:13:20 is pretty simple to figure out. This to me is like, this is it, right? If you look, this is the thing that I can do at home. And when I do this at home, it's pretty easy for me to tell that the earth is in fact round. I look at the fucking moon. And when the moon is a quarter of a moon, the shadow of the earth is rounded.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's not a corner, there's no flat edges, right? That's a do at home, test. That's a D-Y-I test right there. You're fucking Copernicus yourself. But don't let facts or science get in the way of a good conspiracy, my friend, because these flat-earthers have taken lots of time and lots of effort to scoot around all of the sides to make sure that they live in some alternate universe where flat-earth exists. My opinion is that in general flat-earthers are kind of harmless.
Starting point is 00:14:05 They did just like everybody else that belongs to a religion or likes a team or wants to be part of a group or you know is a hippie or whatever the fuck right. They're just harmless. They just want to be with other people and be accepted in a group and they have by and large found their home and that is unfortunately people that haven't gone to third grade for science. They miss that great. Yeah, they miss that episode of science. But by and large, I think it's just kind of a harmless conspiracy theory that you hang on to. Of course, it's like alcohol and drugs.
Starting point is 00:14:36 If it ruins your life, then maybe you should stop it. But by and large, I think the majority of these people are probably good, good, well-intentioned human beings who just like to go to Flat Earth conferences and noodle our hound with other Flat Earth people. Let's call them the rest of us. They have Flat Earth free-hap. Do they have Flat Earth what?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Re-hap. Oh, they've got to. You know that they do. I was reading a statistic today that people, but I'll be doing a couple of statistics. There was a survey done in 2018 and they asked 13,000 people that lived in the United States of America. 13,000 responses that they considered legitimate responses.
Starting point is 00:15:17 If they believed in a number of conspiracies, JFK, 9, 11 is Obama, a Nigerian oil trader, all this other crazy bullshit. The moon landing. Yeah, the moon landing. You know, on and on and on, we go. And 80% of respondents had some belief in some conspiratorial type thought, some theory, right? 2%, 2.3% of these people responded
Starting point is 00:15:41 that they believe that the earth is flat. Now, it seems like a relatively small number, right? If you play that out across all American adults, it's something like six and a half million people that still believe that the earth is flat, not still believe they are believing that the earth is flat. I find that number to be incredibly large, like six and a half million people, you're in the room with a flat earth or somewhere, right? But they're all coming out of the closet lately, and I believe that there's a couple reasons why and this is why I think where
Starting point is 00:16:09 Conspiracy theorists and these type of groups get in some trouble There's this certain element this extremism that jumps in there and it hijacks and otherwise kind of harmless Idea, right? There's a couple of you know a couple guys sitting in their basement, Newland around Hey, I think the earth is flat and it's held up by the mountains. I think there's a glass ceiling above us and we can probably shoot, scut bottle rockets and hit the top. And then comes some extremism in there and they latch their extremist views onto this as a kind of a counter culture, as a way to get people riled up. And so over the last couple of years, YouTube, Alex Jones, a lot of these conspiratorial guys
Starting point is 00:16:49 have really gotten the flat authors and they've taken them and now they are kind of the face, the extreme face of the flat or society. And so there's a lot of anti-Semites in the group, I don't understand why the poor fucking Jews always get pissed on. It's like we've had these guys have enough, have good face suffered enough. It's like you've had these guys have a knuck. Have you ever tasted stuff for enough?
Starting point is 00:17:06 It's the extremism that really bothers me. And that's why I think we need to take a good, hard, brine green and Chrissy Houdley look at flat irks. Okay, let's do that. I have dug deep into the internet. And I have dug at least four days of research to get to the bottom of what was going on because it's not hard to figure out.
Starting point is 00:17:31 So like any good conspiracy, you need a good face of the conspiracy. You need a nice affable human being out there, you know, telling your story and getting on the news and, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you for a long interview, right? No. So we have a great Sergeant in arms for this one. His name is Mark Sargent.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Mark Sargent is a guy who about five years ago started doing YouTube videos. He claims that he did the YouTube videos and he was keeping the YouTube videos private and he didn't want any attention and he didn't want to be famous. This just happened upon him. He started making these YouTube videos
Starting point is 00:18:01 kind of spelling out his exploration into flat earth. Now, that's all well-finding good. Mark pretends like he thinks the earth is flat. I actually have watched a lot of Mark out there and I don't think Mark believes any of this bullshit. Now, it's like Alex Jones at the televanze list. I don't believe the bullshit they're peddling. They just happen to be famous because of it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Now that they're famous, why stop the train, right? They're getting some money. Keep the charade going. That's right. I got some tail. I'm having fun. And he spells it out in one interview. I really think we get to the bottom of actually why Mark is now on the flat earth train. Let's get into one of the rules that flat earthers have. This flat earth society has for themselves.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And why that rule does not pertains to Mark, but why I believe Mark is involved in flat earth. Once you become a flat earther, you can only date other flat earthers. Yeah. Is that there's flat earth dating apps? There's a whole flat earth social thing happening out there. Yeah, because the paradigm is so huge. Have you been on that app? No, no, I haven't. But I didn't have to either. Because. Of course not. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Because, well, seriously, I'm not kidding you. When I would show up at conferences, I would run into people. Some wonderful women over the last four years. They would be like, oh yeah, I'm into this. Want to know more about you you and we start doing stuff. That's right. Like all good reasons to get involved in a conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Pussy, that's right. Like any good conspiracy-minded male, pussy is the reason that we get involved in these. They have an app, hopefully for people who are, who want to get together with other flat-arthers. I can imagine why you can't date somebody who's not a flat earther. That's because no one in their fucking right mind would date someone who actually believe that the earth was flat.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Correct. Have you been on our new dating app? It's like Bumble. It's for flat earthers. It's called Dumble. app. It's like Bumble. It's for flat-arthers. It's called Dumble. Dumble door. I would imagine the ratio of men to women on Dumble is pretty high. Pretty high. Yeah. Tilted in the men. I'm curious because now I've watched a lot of footage on these conferences. I'm curious as to what the matter is to how many of these guys actually get laid from the conferences. I don't see a lot of, I mean, I don't, I'm not trying to be a sexist, pig or anything,
Starting point is 00:20:30 but I don't see a lot of hot chicks walking around on the flat earth conference. Do they have the earth flat earth conferences like at the end of the earth? They should. They should. You can't get to the end of the earth because they're protecting it only.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Don't throw facts in there. What a fuck. What marks very first videos that he put together was kind of his cliff notes as to his exploration into flat earthing. So he puts this little cliff notes together and when you go to his YouTube channel it says start here, start with this video where he lays out he thinks his best arguments as to why flat earth is true. Let's start with his first incredible reason why you should believe that the earth is flat. For the first 4,000 years of our civilization, we believe that the earth was a flatish disc surrounded by a solid dome barrier called the ferment. So Mark, let's get this.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I've heard of fermenting. I love wine. Yeah, fermenting. Oh, that's the process upon which, uh, wine, wine, sugar turns into alcohol, right? It's called fermenting. But I haven't heard of fermenting. For fermenting is the process of your brain turning to shit when you're watching Flat Earth videos. I want to get, right.
Starting point is 00:21:56 But I want to get this straight, Mark. Mark my buddy. I'm going to call you Mark, because we're friends now, because I've watched a lot of your videos. For the first 4,000 years, prehistoric man was running around, clapping two rocks together, hoping fire came out of it. They didn't wipe their asses. They made houses from Rhino Dung, and they sacrificed children
Starting point is 00:22:16 to keep thunderstorms at bay. But you believe that these are the scientists that we should really, we should be believing in, is prehistoric man. We should go back, go back to that. Because, you know, no significant scientific developments have happened between here and there, how they heirloom, heirloom theories. Like the tomato? Interesting. I'm going to look into heirloom. We're going to start our own set of conspiracy theories and we're going to call them heirloom theories.
Starting point is 00:22:56 You know, the Egyptians actually thought that the mountains held up the glass ceiling, right? They held up the sky and that there was an edge to it. Mark doesn't, Mark forgets about Einstein and all these guys and girls who have come along and made all of these wonderful additions to science, including the people who built the internet that Mark is currently famous for. These are some of the same geniuses that on a daily basis don't have to think about whether or not the earth is round or flat. But don't let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy. Mark
Starting point is 00:23:25 is around a near, which is like an engineer for a round. A round a near. Let's learn a little bit more about what happened when modern man found out that the Earth was flat. Plains were invented around 1900, but until 1957, nothing could go high enough to give a true perspective of where we lived. And that's when everything got strange. The United States and Russia both sent up rockets high enough to take decent pictures, and what they saw scared them a great deal. How do we know they were extremely concerned about the sky? Because the US and Russia immediately started firing nuclear weapons straight up and they kept firing for the next four years.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Okay, Kamrad. Kamrad Ruski. We find the big shiny glass is healing in the sky. I think we throw a big boom boom and we scare the man behind the glass. Yes, Mark. A big boom boom in the sky make a man go away. Yes, Mark. A big boom boom in this guy, mega man, go away. Yes, Mark. But he never gets to why?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Why were they scared? What were they scared of? And why didn't they tell the truth? And what does nuclear bombs have to do with the price of tea in China? What are you doing nuclear bombs in this guy? They're trying to break the glass ceiling. I guess that's the reason but Mark never explains this he just makes you he just wants you to assume that because the US and the
Starting point is 00:24:49 Russia were throwing nuclear bombs in the sky that clearly meant that there was trouble in the earth was Clearly had nothing to do with the arms race or the fact that we're at war with each other It just had to do with everyone was scared. I Can imagine the phone Ronald picking up the phone, to Gorbachev. Hey Gorby, we got this problem. There's a big class ceiling in the sky. Oh don't worry about it, my mentee gave it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 There's a big boom boom, I don't want you anymore. You throw a boom boom, I throw a boom boom, everything okay. Mark explains what happens at the end of the flat earth. Only a year into the atmosphere bombardment, 10 nations including the United States made Antarctica off limits to any colonization. A treaty was put in place and to this day remains intact over 15 nations now have signed off on this treaty. Do you know any treaty that has lasted that long between all industrialized nations? Moreover, do you know any piece of real estate in the world that is owned by no one? Yes, I know a piece of real estate that's owned by no one.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's what's inside your fucking head, Mark. Mark. Mark thinks we live in the Truman show and the doors get there's someone there's a door where it's gonna open and I guess I don't know Who's that wonderful actor that's in the Truman show by the way the guy who plays like the guy? No, the guy. Oh The guy who was in Apollo 13 remember him. He's so good. What's his name? He's in the Westworld He's in Westworld. Oh, right. Yeah, Jean something. I don't know if he was God, I wouldn't be mad at this whole theory. Right. Like if there really was a guy at the end of the door and that was the God, then I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:26:34 be so upset with this theory, but Mark truly believes that we live in the fucking Truman show and then I guess someone controls the rain and the wind and these things are never explained either. Like what about the weather? If the earth is flat? How is the weather constantly turning in these patterns? But, you know, whatever. Let's find out what the first explorers did once they found out about the firmament. The firmament? Let's find out what the first explorers did once they found out about the Firmament. The Firmament? The Firmament.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's one thing to be told of the giant in peniturable dome, but it's a whole different animal when you finally stand right next to it. Then the tough decisions have to be made. Do we keep the secret? And how far are we willing to go to keep the status quo? All good fair to penetration. That's all Mark's thinking about. He's got that good, Fussy.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Hey Bob, you think we should tell John about the giant snow globe we're living in? No man, don't tell John. We're going to be shillin' ares. We're going to have millions of sh don't tell John. We're gonna be shillin' aers. We're gonna have millions of shillings everywhere. One's, we tell nobody. We're gonna be globe sellers. The globe sales people are making a killing off this,
Starting point is 00:27:54 I'll tell you, I'm telling you. It's the Jewish globe sellers that are making a killing off this. No explanation why. No explanation why. Once they get the secret in their hands, why they have to keep it such a big secret, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Why would you have to keep it a secret? Couldn't you just tell everybody and let them know? No, because that, that, that, because Denmark's not getting laid. So Mark goes on to explain that like every good American conspiracy theory NASA's involved. And that couldn't be more true. Establishing NASA as the front runner of space exploration also diverted people who would
Starting point is 00:28:31 have otherwise created their own space companies for profit. The best engineers, technicians, and pilots were recruited to the NASA space program. Once there, they were compartmentalized on a need to know basis. The astronauts know of the deception and are sworn to secrecy under the penalty of whatever motivates them. Under the penalty of whatever motivates them does not sound very scary to me. Okay, you listen to a few bunch of clear legal speak Brian. Listen, that is that's an every contract I've ever signed. In all 12 years that I've been a lawyer on the internet, I have learned a few things.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I am like the Perry Mason of Facebook and I'm gonna tell you right, that right there, it's like legal jargon you can take to the judge for sure. Under the penalty of whatever motivates you, you will not say a word. Sign this contract. It's called the whatever you think contract. However you wanna operate contract. It's called the whatever you think contract. However you want to operate contract. It's called Gubligak.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Sign the dotted line where it says Gubligak. Do I have to use my real name? Whatever motivates you. Will I be sued if I break this contract? I don't know. What motivates you? Will I be sued if I break this contract? I don't know. What motivates you? Right. I hear by declare on this the third day of December that I have found something that motivates me
Starting point is 00:30:01 by the penalty of law. You shall stick to whatever motivates you. On the bullshit's fly now, Mark. Well, I stop. You're on a roll, buddy. But what would happen? Mark says the space race is all made up. There was never any rockets in the sky. There was never any shuttles.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Poor challenger people. They probably hit the top of the ceiling. That's what happened to them, right? That's exactly what happened. That's exactly what happened. Listen to Mark's theory. Sector spacecraft are just not going to be allowed for several reasons. The most obvious is the collision with the dome itself. Make sense. I think he's onto something here. Clearly
Starting point is 00:30:36 we're going to hit the dome. That's what happened to the challenger. Do you remember that guy who went up in the balloon for Red Bull a couple years ago? Yep. Hit the dome, flew back down. That's what happened. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now.
Starting point is 00:30:52 All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now.
Starting point is 00:31:00 All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now. All coming together now is never show the tip. After over 50 years and thousands of hours of space travel footage, both by NASA and other countries, there is no exterior shot where the astronaut completes the simple act of panning the camera 180 degrees, let alone a full 360 degree sweep. They have a similar rule on Dumbledle,
Starting point is 00:31:25 which is never show your balls in a shaft picture. In a dick pic, that's right, never show the tip. It's always just a shaft. You gotta get close up, make sure you put something next to it so you can see the size. Never do 360 degrees around the balls. A panorama nut shot. Does that happen? On a side note, how many, how many unrequested dickpicks have you ever received in your entire life? Estimate. A few. A few? Like 100? Are we talking like 100?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Or were we just like three? I'm gonna go with maybe know three to five. None of those were me right? No. Okay, let's get back with the show. I just wanted to make sure. A few nights I can't remember there. I'm just making sure. Why couldn't you? I'm asking all the women that I know that currently so that if I ever run for president it won't come back and bite me in the balls. No pun intended. I guess you intended pun. Pun intended. Now Mark, why can't you just fly around the world and check and see if the earth is round, right? That seems like we get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 00:32:34 pretty fucking quickly. We go in a big zoom zoom, we go, when we go fly around and we see if the earth is round to do it, it's flat. Well Mark's done a little investigating. Years and years of investigating in fact, on travelosity. Line for pictures of the Earth from space, 95% of what you will see is a collection of artificial composite shots.
Starting point is 00:32:57 In 2000, when I did this search, there was exactly one picture by NASA showing the bottom part of Africa and Antarctica. Now that picture is hidden within hundreds of simulated images. There are HD cameras everywhere, and no one is taking a shot of the Earth, because you can't get enough altitude to do it. This is an easy thing you can check out in 60 seconds. Take a map reading of the distance between anywhere near Australia and anywhere in South America. It's a straight shot across the South Pacific. Now find your favorite travel site and try to get their non-stop.
Starting point is 00:33:32 See what happens. See what happens. It sounds like I've advertised before. Tells about home. See where you can go. See where you can go. Just try. That's just try. Try it. I dare you. Just look flights. Just book flights and hotels around and just keep going. Book a flight from South America to South America going to the left and then from South America to South America going to the right. See if the picture plane companies let you
Starting point is 00:34:03 do it. No, because the global elite are in on the plane companies do I'm traveling gnome No, he's a map maker too totally is Totally is and I'm pretty sure if Mark just goes to Google earth It shows the earth and you can zoom in. Don't get started on the facts, holy I told you, we're gonna have to suspend all that bullshit
Starting point is 00:34:29 for just one episode, okay? All right, so two episodes in a row. But just one episode for right now. That's all you gotta worry about. We'll take it one day at a time. We're like alcoholics here. Mark addresses this, holy. He says that there's only one picture
Starting point is 00:34:40 that's ever been taken to the South Pole of the South Pole, and that is now hidden in image upon image upon image of digital manipulation. Well guess what? So is Facebook and Instagram mark, but there's real woman behind that? Fucker. Here's the real answer, mark. As a pilot of four hours, I can tell you the real answer has to, it's all four of my accredited pilot hours tell me, there's a reason why you can't fly from South America to Australia and it has nothing to do with the roundness or the flatness of the earth. It has to do with the 747 which is the most popular long haul commercial airliner that
Starting point is 00:35:20 you would, that you fly on almost every time you go across ocean or in the long haul across the country, you can only fly for 16 hours at a time before the plane runs out of fuel, right? And there's not like you can stop at the fucking QT in the South Pacific. So, it takes 15 hours and 16 minutes to fly from the shortest point in South America to the shortest point in Australia. Now you say to yourself, there it is, there's the thing. You can have an extra 45 minutes of fuel. Now when you put people and luggage in a plane, you have to take away some of that fuel,
Starting point is 00:35:51 so the big fly fly thing can get up in the air, Markey. So the big room room can go, woo, spelling it out in flat earth language. That's the real answer. And also, most airline companies In the event of an accident or or something gone wrong in the air You probably want an extra couple minutes of fuel just in case you have to go somewhere else, right? Yes Yes, that's it. You're are you throwing facts in there? No, no, no, no, these aren't facts. I made them up
Starting point is 00:36:24 I actually don't even know that a 747 exists. I've only seen pictures on the internet Lest you think Mark Sargent is the only person actually might want to say this about Mark Sargent He looks like a rather nice and affable guy never heard him say a bad word about anybody else And all of the video that I've watched him all three days. I've never heard him say a bad word about anybody else. And all of the video that I've watched him, all three days I've been doing this research. I've never heard him say a bad word. Seems like an affable guy. He's never said anything anti-SMI,
Starting point is 00:36:53 at least on camera that I can see, or racist, or negative. He's just a guy who believes in flat earth, right? And he's become famous because of it. That's good. However, Mark is the exception and not the rules as far as these internet videos are concerned. We meet Nathan Thomas, who runs one of the largest Facebook groups for flat earthers. Now, Nathan wants to explain what happened to him when he got the bug for flat earthing.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I'm going to call him when he got the rascal flat. At first, I was extremely skeptical. I thought this was the craziest idea I'd ever heard and I was gonna debunk it in five minutes. And after about a month of not sleeping and really just digging through the information I was a flat-earther. So now we find out the real reason why Nathan's a flat-earther,
Starting point is 00:37:37 Crystal Math. Oh, who's not sleeping for a month and going through the internet? Who are these people? Do they not have jobs? See, here's, follow me here, Holy. I think what happens is these guys are either gainfully unemployed, right? Or they're just kind of like sedentary,
Starting point is 00:37:55 they're not really doing anything in their life. And when they find out that they, like this guy in this particular documentary, it says that this guy gets 2,000 Facebook friends, friend requests a day for his group gets 2,000 Facebook friends friend requests a day For his group 2,000 a day people Is that in same that is insane? I don't think I know 2,000 people in my entire life like that alone true Yeah, we we are like 2,000 people away from getting 2,000 people to listen
Starting point is 00:38:22 So in me there's a chance I'm telling you there's a chance. My mom said the podcast was good and she was going to spread it around the retirement home like wow. Irving. Yeah, Irving Kay from Sunset Flowers Retirement Home says, I can't hear anything. Let's do a review. That's the review we have on Apple. It's just myself.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Fantastic. Where's my prune juice? He's not on the TV, it's a podcast. It's a podcast. Oh my god, I don't know why that was so funny. It's a podcast. Oh my god, I don't know why that was so funny. It's a fantastic thing. I can't hear anything. It's been up on night. It's been up on night.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Think about Flat Earth. Nathan goes out on the street to talk to evangelize his Flat Earth philosophy. And he tells some folks on the street, talk to Evangelize his flat earth philosophy and he tells some folks on the street which scientist he's listening to. Everyone's coming out about all this celebrity shack, Pila Tequila, B.O.B, Tari Erving. They're all talking about it. They all are talking about it. So the flat earthers are taking their advice from the senior the senior scientists at the University of Fucktard
Starting point is 00:40:08 Teela tequila I Perk dried up when I heard that yeah, I know teela tequila. Where was it? We're known Well-known celebrity From both her sex tape and her recent appearance at the juggalo conference Where she gave a, oh, I'm sorry, I'm just still laughing about the whole thing. When she went right out the Juggalo conference where she gave a, she gave a hour-long lecture on gravity. Using her boot, using her fake boobs as an example. Teela tequila.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It's like, come on man, really? That's not helping the cause. Yeah, no. This whole influencer culture is just a whole bag full of rhino shit. Is Shaq really think that? Shaq really thinks that, Shaq, I don't know if Shaq really thinks that.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Shaq really said he thinks that, right? Here's the thing, I don't think a lot of these people really think it. I think it's a way to get attention and it's a way to cause controversy. Shek is like a multi, multi, multi-millionaire. He owns hundreds of businesses. And guys don't get that way, being dumb, right? I think he jumped on the bandwagon
Starting point is 00:41:20 to cause a little controversy and stir it up. However, I do think that Teelah might have some rocks in her head. And that she, it's possible that she believes it. So here we get into kind of the shady part of Flat Arthur's. This is where we start to get into the, the extremism conspiratorial view of Flat Arthur's. This is what I was talking about. Extremists taking over a rather benign conspiracy theory, probably all in good fun, but it's all in good fun until we start blaming other groups for it.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Here we go. It wasn't devised by men. It was devised by the devil who wants to deceive everyone. But NASA tells you that stars are billions of light years away. NASA in Hebrew means to deceive. Now, who speaks Hebrew? There's your answer right there. So you ask me who was behind it, and I think it's pretty obvious once you do the research. Okay. I had so much to unpack here. Obviously. Yeah, obviously. Clearly, it's the Jewish
Starting point is 00:42:21 people that have something to do. Okay, first of all, let me unpack this for a second. NASA in Hebrew does not mean to deceive, it means to lift. And NASA in Hebrew was not why the word NASA was started, right? I mean, it's the National Aeronautic and Space Association. That's what it's named after. It's not some secret code word for to deceive. And if's not some secret code word for to deceive. And if it was some secret code word for to deceive, they should pick another word
Starting point is 00:42:49 because it doesn't mean for to deceive. But hey, who cares about facts? When you have 30,000 fake followers on Twitter. Here we go again. And 20, 2000 a day trying to get into your group. Yeah, trying to get into your group. And these are the beliefs that you're putting out there on national Television right here. We go again. It's neo-Nazi and sheep's clothing. I
Starting point is 00:43:12 Hate this veiled Jew hating it drives me up a wall. Holy I don't understand it I don't understand why we blame the Jews for so much Like dick is small. I can't date IG models. I don't like me. I hate working at McDonald's. I blame the Jews. Fucking drives me crazy that these guys can talk this freely about this on national television, right? I remember a time, maybe not too long ago, maybe like 10 or 15 years ago, when you would have never said this
Starting point is 00:43:41 out of some, I don't know, some moral fabric in society where you just didn't talk about that shit because you didn't want to hurt other people's feelings or you didn't want to look like an ass hat because no one else thought like you did. And now you know that there are plenty of people out there who think like you did and a lot of them newly baptized into this bullshit
Starting point is 00:43:59 by the extremism that has come out. And I hate it. So now, don't you think so? Yeah., are we are we a little too old for this bullshit as a society? Aren't we a little too old to be hating on people for their religion for the color of their skin for the way that they look for the things that they Make me I mean, you know for the things that they believe and gods that they pray to whatever it is Are we a little too old for this bullshit? Yes, but now it's... Keep to yourself. To show you others what kindness and love.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Right. God. That's my opinion. You can think whatever you want to, right? But don't say it on national television. And then don't aggravate a group of other people to believe in the same bullshit. Because this Nathan guy is far from the only guy
Starting point is 00:44:44 who went on national television or video to say this. Yeah, I don't think they went to class. I don't think there was a class to be missed. Wait, you don't think Nathan was top of the class? You don't think he graduated sum code loud a or some bullshit at some school. No I think he was supposed to be home school, but they never got around to He was supposed to be
Starting point is 00:45:17 He was supposed to be But recess took up most of the day. Yeah, they didn't get around to it. Like any good conspiracy also, people have to meet and they have to talk and they have to have a few drinks and they have to know each other face to face. So they go to these conferences, let's just meet a few of the crazy people in these conferences.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Here's a lady, listen to what she has to say. One of the fine ladies. You can tell people you're gay. You can tell people you're gay. You can tell people you're Christian. You can tell people I'm part of ISIS but you won't get ridiculed as much as you say you're a flat-earther. I think she hit the nail right on the head on that one. I'm not sure there's much more to say about that one. Let's listen to the next guy. It can't you what he's saying. Kind of a star field firmament's about 6,000 miles above us and it appears to be a
Starting point is 00:46:09 sci-matic light field, electromagnetic energy, not gravity at all, gravity is a deception, the sun, the moon are these transcendental, sci-matic luminaries. Oh! Will you speak in French? No, no, no man, that's English. Did you not attend my last YouTube seminar? On rock psychology? What's rock psychology? It's the psychology of rocks. If you really get in tune with your earth and understand what the rocks are feeling, then you'll know more about life, the way that women think. Oh, you're getting your advice from a rock? Not only am I getting my advice from them, but they are life-sustaining. I have been eating them since third grade. I haven't shit since I was 23. I've seen that guy at Stone Mountain.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I've seen that guy at a few of our friends birthday parties. Once you come in the suede, suede trailer, make side manic with me. Vision. This poor lady can't take the rejection from her mom. That's why she's at the conference. Coming here. You're going to talk to people who have done the same journey and they've come to the same conclusions and they don't want to live alive. It's compelling. She's got a compelling argument. That's right. People will listen to you at flat-art conference. Because they think they might get late. I think we might have to go on a field trip to one of these.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I am thinking. I'm thinking too. I'm thinking too, thanks. Number one, we get to 500 listens listeners on one episode. We do a live episode, we take phone calls. No matter who calls us, we just take the phone call and we answer it. What do you think? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Live. We're in. Okay, 500, 500, zero, zero. Like and subscribe, Spotify, Google, all that. I'm not going to make this into a commercial. But if you subscribe, it's good for us. If you listen to every episode, it's good for us. If you go to our website, all that other stuff, you know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I don't need to tell you like some robot on every other YouTube and podcast. You can please listen to every episode, it's good for us. If you go to our website, all that other stuff, you know how to do it. I don't need to tell you like some robot on every other YouTube and podcast. You can please listen to us, please go and like and drop nice little comments about our stuff. So 500 listeners will do a live event in an evening. We've got a long ways to go, so should I. I need everybody, my mom's retirement home to jump on Spotify and like us.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Ask Alaska. Alexa. Alexa. So that's number one. Number two, I'm 100% with you. I think we need to go on a field trip. I think we get to 500 listeners. We do the live show, but then we'll let the listeners give us ideas as to which conference
Starting point is 00:49:01 we should go to. There's fur baby conferences. There's pickup artists conferences. There's Fur Baby Conferences, there's Pick Up Artist Conferences, there's the Juggalo events, there's some of our friends have events, I think would be fun to go to, and what we'll do is we'll do a podcast where we take all the interviews that we get from these
Starting point is 00:49:15 and then we'll slice them together and we'll make kind of our own little. You know, I love it. I love it. There's anything else to talk about? Yes, yes. And we'll let the listeners pick, or give us suggestions as to to which one we'll boil it
Starting point is 00:49:27 down to two or three, we'll let them vote as to which one and then we'll go out there and we'll take some good audio. Perfect. I have the idea. So listen, Hody, there's plenty more where this came from, but unfortunately we only have so much time on this particular podcast. So we'll get back to flatter someday. I'm sure there's a few topics we're going to come back around to. I know Televangelism is one of them and I imagine Flat Earth is
Starting point is 00:49:49 one of them and I invite anybody who is truly Flat Earth who really believes in this bullshit. You're welcome to come on the show and join us and we'd love to have a frank discussion with you. I want to say this about all of our episodes. We do this in all good fun. We are equal opportunity offenders as long as you are not hurting anybody. We have all the love and the heart for you. So don't feel bad if the feelings got hurt. People make fun of me a lot too. Maybe my wife. My mom's boyfriend. Herding. Go to Facebook and Instagram and like us. Drop your questions, comments, and concerns. We'll answer them. We'll try and answer them during during the show I'm not we didn't have any this week. We answered them last week, so we don't have any
Starting point is 00:50:29 Chris and you hold the I love you my friend. Thank you I love you, right and for doing this again for the second week in a row We had audio troubles. We had to go back. We had to redo a little bit of the show. I want to leave you with this Fact, right? I want to I want to give you an opportunity to hear from somebody who actually knows what they're talking about. You know, Neil, the grass Tyson, you know that guy? I love him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:53 He answers flat-earthers and starts with the... Start talk. Is that his podcast? Is that what it's called? Start talk? I'm not sure. That's the fact. He answers flat-earthers and probably about the best way
Starting point is 00:51:03 that I know how. Let's take a listen So tell me Neil Is the earth flat? We have video from space of the rotating spherical earth The earth is round Drop the mic that is it. I love you. We're gonna get through this We're gonna get through this. I'm you too. We're gonna get through this.
Starting point is 00:51:25 I'm gonna say that the end of every show, until we're eventually through this. Take care of my friend. We'll see you next time on the commercial break. Sounds great. Peace! Woo! Find us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Starting point is 00:51:40 at the commercial break. New episodes drop every Wednesday. We can be found on Spotify, at the Commercial Break. New episodes drop every Wednesday. We can be found on Spotify, iHeart Media, Apple, Google and all major podcast providers. The Commercial Break is a great middleweight production, written and produced by Brian Green, co-hosted by Chrissy Holtley. you you

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