The Commercial Break - The Legend of Willy

Episode Date: April 4, 2024

We went in expecting Mountain Monsters, but came out with The Legend of Willy. It's a big day for TCB. Cold plunges & cold showers Roman baths A confusing pair of breasts Fan request! Mountain Mo...nsters, The Moth Man! Huck, Buck, Suck, & Fuck Buck went DOWN What’s the first thing you want to see after you pass out and why is it Huckleberry and Jeff? Podcast misinformation WILLY RETURNS! Jaah! Jaah! The biggest bug zapper ever built The Mountain Monsters Murder Mystery What is this little noise? Mountain monsters + commercial break = no research Be into bridges LINKS: Send us show ideas, comments, questions or concerns by texting us   212.433.3TCB text or leave us a voicemail Watch TCB on YouTube Creator: Bryan Green Co-Host: Bryan Green Co-Host: Krissy Hoadley Producer: Christina A.  Producer: Gustavo B. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This NBA season make every three pointer alley-oop and buzzer beater even more exciting with FanDuel. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sportsbook. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamling Tom, call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Don't worry everyone. I pulled the three people I know and no one's having a good time. No one's doing well. So if you're not doing well, don't worry. Everyone else I know also isn't. I think Mercury is doing like the renegade again.
Starting point is 00:00:30 So go to sleep, try again in a couple of weeks. On this episode of the commercial break. My rat grew up to be a bad monster. You did it, Willie. You did it. You survived! The legend! The legend of Willy! He's now a trap builder for the mountain monsters!
Starting point is 00:00:52 It makes total sense! It makes total sense! Oh, I love this! He went down into the sewers. He freed Willy and looked what he became. He went down into the sewers. He's like a teenage mutant. Yeah, he came in contact with nuclear waste and he became a mountain monster.
Starting point is 00:01:09 The next episode of The Commercial Break starts now. The 30th of March! Oh yeah, guys and kittens, welcome back to The Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is the Pop to My Tart, Kristen Joy Hoadley. Best to you, Kristen. Best to you, Brian. Best to you out there in the podcast universe.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Thanks a whole lot for joining us. We certainly do appreciate it. Both of you. We're betting on it. Both of you, we bet on it. We bet on it. Now you can string those episodes together, depending on which shirts Chrissy and I wear,
Starting point is 00:01:38 and then you'll know the real truth behind the commercial break. You want a conspiracy theory, dig into that one. Why are there so many shirts on the commercial break? But there aren't, there's only four. And if you tie them all together, all the ones where we wear the same shirts, it makes one long episode.
Starting point is 00:01:54 A number of four long episodes that you can listen to. At your leisure, please do. Cold plunges. I've been having friends that have been trying to get me to do this for years. One particular friend who I know you know. I'll say his name, Rafi friends that have been trying to get me to do this for years. One particular friend who I know you know. Yes. I'll say his name, Rafi.
Starting point is 00:02:09 He's been trying to get me to... He tries to get me to do all the kooky crap, crappy cranky stuff. But listen, sometimes it seems to really do things for him. Yeah. I just sometimes I do it and it doesn't do things for me or it does do things for me and I appreciate the trying. I appreciate the new suggestion. One thing he's been trying to get me to do
Starting point is 00:02:25 for years and years, cold showers, only cold showers, ice, cold showers, cold plunges. People have been talking about this for a while. They have been talking about this for quite a long time. Starts with that guy Wim Hof, which I have seen quite a bit of his material, read some of his material. Wim Hof basically is a guy who started doing this
Starting point is 00:02:44 to his own body and now has popularized popularized. Popularized. Popularized. I hate when my tongue doesn't work sometimes. This idea of cold plunging or taking an ice bath or meditating in a state of hypothermia, basically, that's the only way that I can think about it, the only way I can describe it, is that staving off hypothermia by slowing your body
Starting point is 00:03:12 down, slowing your breathing down, you know, realizing that the pain is good for you, yes. But if there's Wim Hof ho hum… I don't know if I could meditate while being freezing cold. This guy does it. He literally will. Cause you can train yourself. He'll jump in the frozen ocean, swim with a polar bear, go to the top of a mountain, sit there for hours in the snow, going like this with nothing but a loin cloth on.
Starting point is 00:03:39 The guy is insane. He's insane. And I applaud him for recognizing and being aware enough about his own body to recognize that this is something that's been really positive for him and for a lot of other people, apparently too. So I'm not poo-pooing the whole idea, but I'm starting to read more and more articles where actual doctors are like, eh, let's put our bodies in a super fight or flight mode for minutes, sometimes half hour at a time every single day and see how that does for us.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And now there's some people who are saying, and of course there's always going to be two sides to every coin when somebody comes up with something new. And I don't always believe the doctors, I generally do believe science, but I don't always believe like, you know, brand new information because goddamn everything's bad for you if you really look at it. But, but I don't always believe, you know, some of the stuff that gets out there on social media either. And so, while this seems to have done wonders for Raphael and other people I know, I tried, I tried, I tried my best. I tried to take cold showers, but there is just something about it that makes my body go haywire. It does not feel comfortable. It's the opposite of comfortable
Starting point is 00:04:50 to me. I don't like cold weather. I don't like cold rain. I don't like cold water. I don't tell my like cold water is when I'm drinking it. That's the only time that I like cold water. I do not want to be, I don't even like lukewarm water. Go into my shower right now because the last person took a shower with me. Go into that shower and see just how fucking hot my showers are. They're hot. I turn them out almost as high as I can turn them because that's just, that's like my default comfortable position. When I go in the shower every morning and every night and sometimes in the afternoon, I would like to be in a state of relaxation, not a
Starting point is 00:05:23 state of sheer panic. Right. No, I know. Because that cold water drives me freaking crazy. I know. Well, there's the whole, like the Romans have been doing that for a long time. The cold bath stuff? No, it's the Turkish bath. And I discovered this when I went over to Rome. Oh, yeah. And they had these whole spa type things dedicated where you go out to these mineral springs
Starting point is 00:05:45 and they would have it where you could do, and it's a whole regimen. Jared Sifton Yeah, you do the steam. You start with steam. And then you do the cold, like quick cold shower. And then you lie down on like a marble bench type thing. And there's some, I think there's some type of that thing where you do hot and then cold. Hot and then cold.
Starting point is 00:06:06 So you did that in Rome. So when Astrid and I are in Valencia, Spain, there's a hotel in Valencia, Spain on the beach renovated, it's called six or seven years ago. And Astrid and I go after one of our children was born. We go, he's probably not even one yet, but it's like, I think we're in there in like February or something like that. So it's a little chilly. It's not like, it's not summertime. You're not going hanging out on the beach. But mom-in-law, wonderful mom-in-law, says, I'm taking the kid for the next 48 hours. You guys go do whatever it is you're going to do.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I got it. Give me some milk. I got it. Which was a lovely offer. So Astrid and I, being the first time we've ever spent the night away from any child, we decide we're going to run down to this hotel. We're staying on the beach also in a condo on the beach. We're going to run down to this hotel. It's about a mile down the beach.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Brand new, renovated, we go, lovely room, beautiful hotel, lovely views of the Mediterranean coast. And then they have a spa. So anytime we can get to a spa for like a massage or something, we're like, hell yeah. So we go, we go in for massages. And then this comes with a day pass to this water spa that they have. And the water spa is very similar to what you're talking about. Numerous rooms with hot and cold, different water features, right?
Starting point is 00:07:32 There might be a mineral spring thrown in there. Hot steam, they have one called the snow shower, which is literally like frozen water being thrown in your face. They have the hot, hot jacuzzi where you're only supposed to be there for like two or three minutes. And then you go directly into the cold jacuzzi, which is like a fuck, it's 47 degrees. You're only supposed to stay there for one or two minutes. And then they have this indoor like water spa
Starting point is 00:07:56 with water massage chairs in the pool. Have you ever seen those? Like you sit back and the water jets go up and down your back. And then they have an indoor outdoor pool. So the indoor part, the pool's heated, but you can swim indoors and then you can go under that little thing and you can swim outdoors also. Right. So we're there. It's not very crowded.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's not that time of year. So there's probably I'm going to guess there's like ten people in the spa altogether with Astrid and I. So eight strangers. There are a pair of young ladies and two other couples, and then there seems to be like two disparate older men just are there on the ground, right? For what reason? We saw an old man in there and ours too. Well, I know exactly why, because in Spain, no one wears clothing, right? And especially not if you're at the water spa. People don't wear clothing.
Starting point is 00:08:45 It's just not a thing that they do. So almost everybody is in some state of undress, except for Astrid and I who are like, I'm not gonna make it in the, it seems weird. I'm not gonna do that. You Americans, you know what the Americans do. You could tell the Americans in there because we basically walk in with like a wet suit, a wetsuit on, like we're fully dressed from top to bottom.
Starting point is 00:09:09 A heated wetsuit. We're like, yeah, I'll go in the cold plunge, heated wetsuit, please. So we get, so we go through the regimen. I go in that cold water up to my knees and I get right the fuck out. I'm like, I'm going back to the hot one. Yeah, I can't even do it. It's just too much for me. Like my body starts to go crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm like, I gotta get out of here. And I go in to, Esther and I go into the pool where they have the water spa. So we're doing the water spa. And these two girls are topless, as are the two other young ladies that are with like two couples, right? And they're probably in their mid twenties.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And they're topless also. And one of the guys has no clothes on, right? So I'm like, okay, all right, cool. But this- When in Europe. When in Europe, look at dicks. I guess that's how it's gonna go. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I've seen a dick, I'm cool with it, whatever. Just, you know, just please don't put it on me and I'm fine, right? Everything's cool. And so we've been to Spain a lot. This is, there's nothing new about this. Like we knew that there were, there are topless people everywhere in Spain. And I love it.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I think it's great. I think it's great that everyone feels so comfortable with their bodies and no one's really staring. It's just kind of a thing. It's not a thing, actually. It's just part of the culture there. But the two girls who are with each other, they are talking in, not Spanish, they're talking in some, I think they may be from like Finland or Sweden or, you know, they got that kind
Starting point is 00:10:31 of accent, light skin, blonde hair. And one of the girls starts this like laying, floating, right? She's floating. She's doing this floating thing. She's just laying there floating and she's got her top off. And I have never in my life seen a boob job quite this way. I don't want to say it was bad or good. I just want to say that it was not what you would expect a natural breast or even a boob job to do. It was really weird. It appeared, it appeared as if there were, I don't know how I explain this,
Starting point is 00:11:07 like, you know those chocolate, you know the cookie dough rolls that you get at the grocery store? I think so. Like where they have the cookie dough in them and it's a roll in like plastic. Yeah, yeah, and you cut it up and then, yeah, okay, okay. Imagine you had taken the top off one of those things,
Starting point is 00:11:24 just chopped off the top of one of those things and it was bigger and then you put it on top of someone's actual boob, right? It would look just like a little lumpy and weird, right? This is how the boob looked. I could not stop for the life of me staring at this girl's boobs, not just because it just looked strange to me.
Starting point is 00:11:41 It didn't look natural, not that it's supposed to and not that I give a shit what your boobs look like. I really don't care, but I just thought this to be a rather weird boob job. It was kind of like weird. It was, I don't even, it was like a boob on top of a boob on top of a boob. It was like a triple layer boob cake.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I don't even know how to explain it. It was so weird. It was a different type of material or whatever that was in there. So she's floating around in front of me, right? I'm on the spa chair. I'm like laying back. I'm on the spa chair.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Astrid's probably irritated the fuck with me. Sure. She's not saying anything, but I can feel her eyes digging into the side of my head. And I'm just like watching this girl float back and forth. And I'm like, wow, that's interesting. That's a new way to do things, right? And then I see her friend who's sitting on a spa chair
Starting point is 00:12:31 on the other end of the pool. I can see her, and it wasn't Astrid's eyes I was feeling, it was her friend's eyes that I was feeling. I got so busted, like so busted, because I kind of looked over quickly, and she was like this. But she was also topless, so then she had her arms folded. Her boobs were like, you know, over her arms.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And so she's looking at me. Yes. And so then instead of looking directly in her face, now I look at her boobs because she's squeezing them together with her arms folded. And I'm like, I cannot win here. I'm the creepy old guy. But wait, there's two other single guys here. They're older with loincloths on. Why aren't you staring? They're staring at her too. Everybody, I'm not guilty. It's not me. Something's going on with your friend's boobs. I'm just trying to figure it out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:20 There's a triple layer boob cake going on there and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Well. It was the most embarrassing thing. But here's like the wrap up to that story is that- Did they jump in the cold pool? They jumped in the cold pool. They got out, they jumped in the cold pool, I assume, because Astrid and I got out a couple of minutes after that and they were in that cold. So then the
Starting point is 00:13:41 locker room is like close to the cold pool, right? So we're just, you know, drying off and doing this all night. And then he goes, those girls must have been in that cold. So then the locker room is like close to the cold pool, right? So we're just, you know, drying off and doing this all night. Now you're like, those girls must have been in that cold pool. I'm going to say 10 minutes. At 10 fucking minutes, those girls were in that cold pool. They had built up some stamina. How do you do that? How do you sit in 47 degree water
Starting point is 00:13:56 for 10 minutes without just dying? Dying, I don't know. Right? You got hypothermia in minutes? So this Wim Hof, and you could tell that they were also doing some kind of breathing exercise. And so, this Wim Hof methodology or this methodology passed on or passed down or whatever it is, has really taken off. But there are clear indicators that you go into fight or flight mode when your body reacts to that water like that. And that may not necessarily be great for all people,
Starting point is 00:14:26 like, you know, for Brian, who's a, you know. Just specifically for Brian. Yeah, who's basically a walking marshmallow. Brian is. I like to do a cool. Spritz? A cool spritz at the end of the hot shower. Oh, you do?
Starting point is 00:14:40 You just turn it on cool real quick? Yeah, I don't go cold. Yeah. I go cool. Just a spritz yourself? Because I like a hot shower too. And what's the point in that? Is just to like wake yourself up a little bit? You just turn it on cool real quick? Yeah, I don't go cold. Yeah. I go cool. Just to spritz yourself? Because I like a hot shower too. And what's the point in that?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Is just to like wake yourself up a little bit? Yeah, it's kinda, it's supposed to be good for your hair and your skin and stuff, so. I'll tell you as far as I've taken it. I've taken to doing this recently. I'll get up sometimes and I'll take the kids to school, but I don't feel like, sometimes I don't have enough time for a shower before
Starting point is 00:15:01 and there's so much chaos going on. I like that, I try to help. I say I like to help, I try to help. I say I like to help. I try to help. I usually just add more chaos to the situation. I think Astrid generally just likes it when I just leave everybody alone. Because I'm like, whoa, wash your hair,
Starting point is 00:15:13 brush your teeth, gotta get your clothes, where are your shoes? I gotta get out of here. There's five more minutes left. And Astrid's like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. It's fucking kindergarten. No one's gonna die, okay? All right, let's just settle down here.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I'm running around. Okay. All right. Let's just settle down here. After spending 48 minutes, yeah, blues barking because she knows people are getting geared up to leave the house. And, you know, I've spent 48 minutes in the bathroom doing my morning press conference and now I come out like a king and I'm like, okay, everyone brush their teeth, run on your shoes and get your socks. And the kids are, you know, ah, daddy. take that, run on your toes and get your socks and the kids are, you know, ah, daddy. Esther's just like, please, go back to the bathroom. Why don't you go in the car and just wait for the kids? I'll send them your way. But since I don't feel like I have a lot of time to do that, you know, 30 minute shower that I do in the mornings, I've taken splashing cold water on my face in an attempt to make me look like a human being when I go out there in the world.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Because I gotta get my Starbucks and I got these huge baggy Irish eyes and I just splash cold water on my face. But even that takes my breath away. Plus you don't wanna make sure there's anything on your face that looks like Goat Day. Oh God, I'll tell you what, man. Fuck, dude, I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:16:19 People are still looking at me weird up there. Still looking at me weird. It's a whole thing up there now. I know it. Either I'm very paranoid, which I know I am, or I'm correct that people Still looking at me weird. It's a whole thing up there now. I know it. Either I'm very paranoid, which I know I am, or I'm correct that people are looking at me differently now up at that Starbucks. They're not quite as friendly. They're like, well, he's a cokehead, so let's just, let's not get too attached to him. He's going to be in rehab any day now.
Starting point is 00:16:42 He's going to be in rehab any day now. Let's not get too close to Brian. You know what I'm saying? We're going to get our hearts broken. He's going to steal our till register money for a blow. He stole our tip jar for a blow. That guy, that guy. Look at him. You put in a five take out of 20.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I put out a five take out of 20? Oh man, I saw somebody do that one time. I saw somebody at a Caribou coffee do that one time. Oh no, that was bad. It was terrible. And I said something to them. Starbucks is now my place, but I used to go to Caribou coffee. You did, I remember the Caribou.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Two or three times a day. God, I was drinking so much fucking caffeine. I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack yet. So, but I knew all the people at the Caribou coffee. And here's the crazy part. You wanna hear the crazy part? There is a lady that works at that Starbucks now that worked at that Caribou Coffee. Nicole Soule-Nichols Really?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Jared Slauson Yes. And so I've known her for almost as long as I've known you. Nicole Soule-Nichols She's corroborating everybody's thoughts too. Jared Slauson She's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nicole Soule-Nichols I've known him for a long time. Jared Slauson I've seen him in all kinds of states of disarray. Nicole Soule-Nichols Exactly. Jared Slauson I think he used to meet his drug dealer at Caribou, which might be true. I don't know. Hey, maybe at the caribou. I gotta get my coffee on top
Starting point is 00:17:55 of my cocaine. You have any pills to bring me down? So I went to that care, but I'm waiting in line one day, very busy. Always. I I went in, this is actually when I had a day job and I would go in there when other human beings were actually there. And so, I went and there was a guy in front of me, he was a little twitchy, he seemed a little off, like he was nervous about something. And so, he orders, whatever, you know, $1.09 standard cup of small coffee. Lady turns around, he takes a dollar bill, he puts it in, he takes a 20 out of there and puts it in his pocket. And I saw this all go down and I didn't say anything
Starting point is 00:18:31 to him, but then I said to the manager and this lady that were working the counter, I said, hey guys, did you have a $20 bill in that thing? And they were like, oh yeah, I think so. And I go, I think that dude just like put a dollar in and took a 20 out. And they were so gracious. They were like, well, he must have needed it. And I was like, what? You just stole $20 from me. And they're like $19 from me. He's like, well, he must have needed it. I wish I could be that mature about anything. Really? Where's my maturity? When does that come from me? When's all this therapy going to start paying off? I don't know. It's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's got to happen at some point paying off? I don't know, it's gonna happen. It's gotta happen at some point, right? I don't know. You think I might be a lost cause at this point? I think I might just be getting worse, actually. I mean, my therapist is doing a great job. I'm just not sure I'm hearing it. I don't know, my therapist must be like, oh, Brian again.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Some months I go like once a month, sometimes twice a month, sometimes once every other week. Just depends on my schedule or what else is going on. But I know she must go, oh, how do I get rid of this client? Because of course I talk to her about the podcast. So of course she's listened to the podcast. I can't go to therapy without talking about the podcast. It's like a pretty big part of my life now. And so I know she listens to the podcast and each time I go in, I feel like I'm getting
Starting point is 00:19:48 the same look from her that I get from the people at Starbucks. Like, what a fucking degenerate. Why am I doing this with him? He could, she could also be saying, well, he's going to be a steady client for years to come. Oh yeah. She could, that's what she could be saying. She's like, well, it's the worst hour of the week or the month or whatever it is. But as long as he's doing that commercial break, I'm in the money. It can only get better. He's doing maybe just like the commercial break, he'll start doing
Starting point is 00:20:18 four times a week here too. He should. I should probably go back to one episode a week and do four therapy appointments a week. All right. We've got a fan request video to do today, Chrissy, and I'm excited about this. And somebody, Caden, our friend Caden, texts in all the time. Him and his girlfriend love the show. They like to watch it with their friends. They love Mountain Monsters. They're having a good old time with it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And so I thought I'd do Caden a favor and take on a fan request. I don't think we've done many of these actually. No, we have not. No, maybe once before, and I think it also- But we welcome them. Was this same type of video. So we'll get to that.
Starting point is 00:20:58 That's true, it was another- Yeah, another thing. Okay, I almost said it. I'm gonna pull you through the break. You gotta figure out what it is by listening to the sponsors, and then when we come back, we'll tell you what we're gonna do. another thing. I'm going to pull you through the break. You've got to figure out what it is by listening to the sponsors and then when we come back, we'll tell you what we're going to do. It's called a Segway Christmas.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Segway. Fancy. Fancy radio term for this podcast, which is not radio. But anyway, all right, we'll be back. Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right, it's 212-433-3TCB. And you can text us anytime you want. Or you can call and leave us a voicemail and we might just use your message on the show.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram at the commercial break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on Now I'm gonna thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G and here they are. This episode is sponsored in part by PrizePix. Okay, now a sporting season has come around
Starting point is 00:22:05 that I actually enjoy the MLB. He's back, baby. And I'm sitting here on Easter weekend and I am playing some games on PrizePix. And let me tell you how easy this is. I picked Joe Boyle, a pitcher from Oakland, to throw more than 6.5 strikeouts. And I got Aaron Judge, you know Aaron Judge,
Starting point is 00:22:22 hitting a home run on tonight's games. And that's it, it's that easy. You pick over, you pick under, you pick more, you pick less, it's just you against the numbers. Prize Pick is America's number one fantasy sports platform where you do not have to be an expert on any of the sports because you're playing against the stats. And while I'm playing Boyle and Judge tonight, I will be playing my boys from Atlanta later on this week. And now, because Prize Picks loves the commercial break listeners and you happen to be a commercial
Starting point is 00:22:48 break listener, you can go to slash tcb and then use the promo code TCB for your first deposit match of up to $100. That's slash tcb and make sure to use the code TCB for a first deposit match of up to $100. Now you'll have to excuse me as I go watch the Oakland game and I'll follow up with you next week and let you know what happens. slash TCB. Use that code TCB to get up to $100 on a first match deposit.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Thanks PrizePix for being a sponsor of The Commercial Week. All right. And we're back now. Now, finally, I'm going to announce to you something that probably has no suspense whatsoever. We're going to do a Mound Monsters episode. The Mothman has been requested by the Kaiden Man himself. Mothman. The Mothman.
Starting point is 00:23:40 He says he got to do this episode, Brian. It's one of our favorites. I love it. And I said, you know what? Why not give the kids what they want? Plus, it's good content for, Brian. It's one of our favorites. I love it. And I said, you know what? Why not give the kids what they want? Plus it's good content for the show. It's a content idea. I was missing Mountain Monsters actually.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I was too. I think it's been months since we've done a Mountain Monsters and you know, we did a Frankie B on our 500th because of course Frankie B. But then Mountain Monsters also does play some kind of, you know, smaller, but just as important part, I think, in our show.
Starting point is 00:24:03 In the lore. In the lore. And that is, gives you something to listen to besides us. That's funny. You know what I'm saying? So, here is the Mothman episode. They are chasing the Mothman, which I have no idea what it is. Haven't watched the video yet. First time. I'm a virgin, you're a virgin, everybody's a virgin here. We're all going to go in hard. We're going to go in raw dogging, mountain monsters, Mothman. Here we go. Night one investigation. Hold up, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Hold up. We're in Mason County looking for the Mothman. We're in Mason County, which I just made up. We're in Mason County, which is where we have been every other episode of Mountain Monsters. Right here behind the Walmart in Mason County. The field? Yeah, the field behind the Walmart in Mason County. The field? The field behind the Walmart in Mason County. I've seen some.
Starting point is 00:24:50 The mothman in this area goes back many, many years. These mothman sightings go hand in hand with tragedy. They go hand in hand with a good Reddit post. These guys are really bundled up. It must be cold out there. Mason Callahan. Huck and buck and suck and fuck. They're all out there doing it. He seems to have mystic powers. He hypnotizes people. You're ready to shoot them. Oh guys, I'm allergic to hypnotizing. I got a doctor's note. I can't do this one. It makes me break out in hives and dance like
Starting point is 00:25:22 a chicken. I one time got hypnotized by the guy. The guy at the local fair, you know, the Kings and the Knights and stuff, what's that called? The Renaissance Fair. I got hypnotized by the Renaissance Fair guy and for three days I walked around like a chicken with my pants off.
Starting point is 00:25:42 The other guy just said to Buck or which one is he? Chuck, yeah. That's Buck or Huck. No, that's Buck. That's Huck. Oh, fuck Huck. Chuck. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:55 We've been doing this for five years and I still don't know the names of these guys. We need a little chart. Yeah. We should have some- He just said, you're white. You're really white. You're really white. You're really white. Meanwhile, he's got a headlamp shining on his face.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I know. And the pitch dark. First of all, second of all, he was really white in the first place. I'm sorry, but I don't see Buck as the kind of guy that gets to Cabo very often. I could be wrong. I could be wrong. Seems to have mystic powers. He hypnotizes people. You're white as a sheet, Buck. I'm all right. I could be wrong. Seems to have mystic powers. He hypnotizes people. You're right, he's a sheep, Buck. I'm alright. I'm alright.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I'm alright. I'm alright. That was Buck. I haven't gotten to the tan bed this week. It's something we've never had to deal with before. Hang on a second. Hang on a second. I... I got the runs. I'll be right back. I got the runs. I'll be right back. Hang on one second. That baconator's coming back up on me, boys. I'm gonna have to go into the Walmart and blow that bathroom up. Destroy it.
Starting point is 00:26:56 We're gonna have to destroy that restroom. Would you do me a favor? Security guards? Run in there and see if you can clear out that portalette. Oh, man! Buck just went down. And I mean, he really went down. Like, let's see, he actually went down. Wow. That was, that almost doesn't look fake. Wow. That Baconator did come back up on him. Wow. So you can't see this because you're listening to the show, but they're all standing around. The four main characters in Mountain Monsters
Starting point is 00:27:32 are standing around. And Buck, who I think is generally known as the leader of the group, he's a very big boy and he just falls over, but it kind of looks real. Yeah. He base planted. Yeah. Oh. Buck, Buck, Buck, Buck!
Starting point is 00:27:46 We can't get him up now. Buck, Buck, are you okay? Because if I'm not mistaken, you just passed out and at your size, you probably had a heart attack or a stroke, but let me not dither. Let me ask you if you're okay. Like, shouldn't you immediately get emergency aid? These guys are standing around saying his name. The guy just went head first into the ground.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Buck, guys, he ain't faking. Come on, Buck. Let's get him over there. He ain't faking. All right, let me get a Red Bull. Like usually. Like usual. Yeah. Let me get a Red Bull and a couple of honey buns. We'll get them back. We'll get them back up. And poor guys like Elvis. Just keep plugging him full of fluids and trying to get him out on stage. Hang on now, just lay there for a minute.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Hang on. You okay, Buck? Breathe easy. As if he was gonna get up on his own anytime soon. Like, lay down for a minute. Breathe easy. You hit pretty hard. Aw, he's rubbing him.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Aw, they really do love each other. They're like little friends. There's a little group of friends running off their moth man out there. That's what me and my friends do when I'm days off. You passed out. Get up. Set him up here.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Oh, hang on, hang on. Stay right there. Hang on, hang on. I got some gas stuck in my rectum. Hang on, hang on. Let me adjust my monster cock. Talk to me, talk to me. Where's my flashlight?
Starting point is 00:29:13 We got all that stuff. We'll take care of you. Where's my flashlight? What we're gonna do is continue to keep rolling. Yeah, I'm just gonna keep rolling. No medical attention really needed. Wait, where's my flashlight and my Costco membership card? Get those two things before I get up.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I have no clue what just happened to me. We walk into the woods and then. Well, I'm not a doctor, but I am the third Huckleberry on this show. And if I had to take a guess, you were hypnotized by the Mothman. I'm just kind of dizzy. And the thing I know I open my eyes I'm on the ground looking up at Huckleberry and Jeff.
Starting point is 00:29:51 They told me that I passed out. That's exactly what I want to see if I pass out, Huckleberry and Jeff on top of me. Brian! Brian! I just wake up and it passed right back out. I'm like, ah! Uncle Barry and Jeff. Uncle Barry and Jeff.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Well, thank God Uncle Barry and Jeff were there. Doing nothing for you but rubbing your belly. I feel better. I'm staying a little bit. I've seen something strange. I don't really know what's going on. I just feel a little weird. I don't know. You got my shotgun?
Starting point is 00:30:29 I'll take care of it. You got my shotgun? That'll make me feel better. I know. I'm feeling dizzy. Yeah. You got my gun? I'm feeling dizzy and hypnotized and all out of sorts.
Starting point is 00:30:40 You got my gun? Loaded? Can I point it in multi-directions? What if he just takes a gun and starts swinging it around? How's everybody doing? Yeah. I'll fall down again. Ha ha.
Starting point is 00:30:53 You're covered here. You just worry about yourself. You just take care of Buck, all right? Your bandana? Yeah, thanks, guys. They gave him some therapy lessons there. They're like, you take care of you. You do you, Buck.
Starting point is 00:31:03 He has some Buck time. You need need some self love right there, buddy. Go draw a bath, get yourself a good magazine and a nice bottle of rose. You're gonna be right as rain by tomorrow. Bachelor finale is on. Go watch it with Brian. Oh, that's his beard. I thought it was a hazmat suit.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He's like a walking hazmat suit. Like you should have a hazmat suit if you're around him almost. ["The Last Suits of the Night"] That's scary. Well, that sucks. Guess we have to keep filming. Let us not-
Starting point is 00:31:44 We gotta get that Mothman. Let us not delay, the Mothman. Let us not delay. The Mothman needs our attention. I hope he's all right. I do too. I hope he's all right. We probably should go to the hospital with him, but we're going to stay here with our headlamps and run around like little children looking for Mothman.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I just don't know. I can't explain it. Now it's the next day, just to keep you abreast of what's going on. At his sighting, it was clearly shaken up by what he saw that night. Now it's time to go after the Mothman. Oh, now it's time to go after the Mothman. That was just a pre-launch party. That was a little tailgating before the fish concert. I've seen stranger stuff at a widespread panic show.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I see that every time. Guys going down on their face and other guys standing around going, hello? Hello? Gracious idea that these electrical currents attracted them off, man, just may lead to an idea that may help us devise a trap.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Wait, who's this guy Trapper who showed up now? I don't know, it almost looked like, this may be an earlier episode. Earlier or later episode, yeah. Well, because it said Buck, and then below it said Rookie. Oh, it said Rookie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Oh, he does look younger in this episode, too. Yeah, we don't know because we don't do any research before we start this show. But... We aren't aware of all the comings and goings of everybody because we fail to do any homework whatsoever. I'm reading this article the other day about podcasts and like spreading misinformation on podcasts.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And the girl wrote the article, which was, I think, well done, but a little snarky, was like, because podcasts, all they do is just claim they don't know anything while they spread misinformation. We really don't know anything. So yeah, but luckily we're only spreading misinformation about mountain monsters, so I don't think we're harming anybody. Here we are, Bill. Normally when I design traps, I design them for star... Willie! It's my rat! My rat grew up to be a mountain monster! You did it, Willie!
Starting point is 00:33:55 You did it! You survived! The legend! The legend of Willie! He's now a trap builder for the mountain monsters. It makes total sense. It makes total sense. Oh, I love this.
Starting point is 00:34:09 He went down into the sewers. He freed Willy and looked what he became. I freed Willy. He went down into the sewers. He's like a teenage mutant. Yeah, he came in contact with nuclear waste and he became a mountain monster. I'm so glad things turned out for you. It's me, daddy.
Starting point is 00:34:26 It's me. Daddy, come back. You can sit on my shoulder. You're a little big, but you can sit on my shoulder again. Just like the old times. I'll put you in a box with some of that shaved up cardboard. You'll be fine. Things will be great, just like they used to be. Oh, Ben, the two of us need look no more. And being able to hold and contain whatever creatures we're after. This one's totally different. I've heard about them all, man. I think it just go from... Like Wild Buildings before he was yelling.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh yeah. He was calm back then before the producers started saying, well, you're just not interesting enough. How's that? What have I just done y'all? Y'all are all the time like this. Come here, y'all are moth man. I'll be down by the creek. I'm down by the crate! Hey, yip! Turn in just a matter of seconds. Any kind of trap that I build, we're gonna drop down over the top and he can teleport
Starting point is 00:35:31 right on the outside of the cage. Teleport? What is this? Star Trek? He can teleport outside the cage? Why are you trying to build a cage for a creature that can teleport outside cages? It doesn't make much sense. And be free again.
Starting point is 00:35:46 So what I got here is a cage that I can electrify where she can't teleport through electricity. You know basically how a bug zapper works. Yeah. Well this is... Yeah, I sure do. Yeah, you needed to crank it up and on. I sure do. I've been...
Starting point is 00:36:01 I've got five of those in front of my house on my front porch. I knock into them every once in a while Arches bugzap, are you ever saying yeah, yeah, but yeah Yeah, yeah, what is job job mean? Giant oh, he said giant giant. I thought he said job job Wait one second. Let's go back. You might be right you ever saying yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, I think he said yeah You might be right. You ever sing, right?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Jot, jot, jot. Jot, jot. I think he said jot, jot. It's his own mountain monster language. But of course, he's talking to a full-sized rat mutant. Right. Yeah. A mutant rodent.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So he does probably have to tailor his language to his audience. He does. I got it. I understand. This is the idea I came up with two before galvanized electrifying wire. And I got this high voltage electric box that I brought with me. This will build me enough to I've got this extremely dangerous High voltage lightning box. We're gonna put right under the high power transmission lines I know it showed this I know like the electrical lines going through the whole like ten acres
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah, we've all seen it driving down down the road, somewhere a little rural, and then out of nowhere, there's like these huge power lines. They look like ski slopes. Yeah, ski slopes, they just go on forever. The ski things, the ski lifts. Those are the high wattage power lines that consist, that make up the grid in the United States, and they connect and they go for hundreds of miles,
Starting point is 00:37:20 maybe thousands of miles, I don't know, but they're underneath these things because they think that's where the moth man is gonna to be attracted to and their bright idea is to put yet another high voltage electrical thing right under the high... that's so dumb. Yeah! Yeah! Be able to energize this whole cage. Pull it up hard to the top of the bridge. Once he gets up underneath of it, motions will set it off. Cage drops down around through him. He's home to stay.
Starting point is 00:37:47 He cannot teleport to the outside. He can't touch the side of the cage. Can't teleport? I'm pretty sure if someone could teleport, electricity is not going to stop them. But I don't know. What do I know about teleporting? Because if he does, it'll be like barbecue.
Starting point is 00:38:00 So get her done, bro. You just tell me what you need to do. And the old marine. Tell me what you need to do. And I'm going to go get some crank and I'll be right back I'm gonna go shake up my Mountain Dew meth bottle and I'll be right back This is a unique cage trap it's actually the biggest bug zapper ever built There is some tall stuff brother
Starting point is 00:38:22 I've rewired up my bug zapper here at the house a time or two. Be able to catch these moths and millers and these damn little gnats. Who's at home rewiring their bug zapper? Who does that? I'm pretty sure people on Crystal Meth like to do that kind of thing, don't they? Don't they like to take apart TVs and put them back together? You know when you're at home, rewiring your bug zapper. When you're at home rewiring your bug zapper after a long day at a party with chiropractors,
Starting point is 00:38:53 you know how it goes. Oh, Lord. Okay, let's do this. Let's take a break and then we'll get back to our good friends here at Mountain Monsters. We'll be back. Let's take a break and then we'll get back to our good friends here at Mountain Monsters. We'll be back. Well, thank the baby Jesus. Brian took a breath and now I will use this opportunity to let you know that we've got a brand new phone number. That's right, it's 212-433-3TCB. And you can text us anytime you want. Or you can call and leave us a voicemail and we might just use your message on the show. Once Brian gets through all the messages he missed last year, of course. Anyway, you can also find and DM us on Instagram
Starting point is 00:39:31 at the commercial break and on TikTok at TCB Podcast. And of course, all of our audio and video is easily found on Now I'm gonna thank G one more time that we have sponsors. So thank G and here they are. I'm gonna thank G one more time that we have sponsors, so thank G and here they are. All right, we're back in our own Faraday cage over here at the commercial break.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Let's get back to the mountain monsters. They're currently building the world's largest bug zapper, which imagine what these guys could do if they put the job job job job job to fly around and aggravate you and bug you. But I've never in my life built a bug zapper this big. Why would you? I mean, for what reason? Oh, here. Anybody eating?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh, Mal, if we're gonna get eaten, bro. I have a lot of blood. He wants to get him fried up in here. Yeah, what's that? Let's get him fried up in here. We're planning on having some moth wings after we get the moth man in here. Is he drunk? Yeah, he is something. First of all, yeah. Moth wings. As the seasons go on, he gets drunker,
Starting point is 00:40:40 and that's why he gets louder. But he is something. Or maybe that's just the way he is. I don't know. Seems like a nice enough guy. Just does a lot of weird talking. Chop, chop! Damn, that thing starts easy. So now they're... Dang, that thing starts easy. Dang, that thing starts easy. I don't trust things to start that easy. Plug it in right there, Bill, and I'll show you how this little machine works right here.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Flip her on, brother. Power button. I know the marketing. Power! You turn it on. Electro cubes. That's amazing. That's how it works. Zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap,
Starting point is 00:41:29 zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap,
Starting point is 00:41:37 zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, zap, is having a cage that I can electrify, he can't teleport through electricity. How do you know that? Who has been teleporting through electricity? He's just guessing. Yeah, of course. Right back here, buddy.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Oh lord, oh yeah. Ah, you see them two resistors right there? You see those two resistors right there? You wanna have a great fight tonight? Stick your dick in it. Your hair, make your hair stand on end. Produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce,
Starting point is 00:42:02 produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, produce, You see those two resistors right there? You want to have a great fight tonight? Stick your dick in it! Your hair, make your hair stand on end! Produce electrical force that will fry his little ass. He'll think your Fourth of July's come early. He'll think the Fourth of July's come early. Do you think the Mothman has a calendar?
Starting point is 00:42:21 I'm just wondering. Well, Halloween's coming up. It's my busy time. It's my busy time. All the kids are gonna make fun of me again. Mothman costume again. That's how I was born. There's a lot of people down here in Mason County that have spoken about the red, big, pan-like, gazing eyes. Buck had an awfully terrifying feeling once the mothman had looked him straight in the
Starting point is 00:42:56 eyes, and I've got grave concerns. Wait, when did the mothman look him straight in the eyes? I don't know. He just fell over. I didn't see any mothman. Well, no, of course they didn't get him. Now he's just tired in the back of the... They're all riding in the car and Buck's like got his eyes closed in the back with his head's bobbling all over the place. We've been out on several investigations and
Starting point is 00:43:16 this is the first time we've came across something of this nature that would make one of the team members sick. You know, after seeing what I've seen up at Crash's Field, I've seen these two big glowing eyes. I got- That two big glowing eyes look like headlights about a mile away. First of all, second of all, I've never been on a Mountain Monster set, but I guarantee this is not the first thing that has made people sick on a Mountain Monster set.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I can only imagine what craft services looks like over there. And Billy. Well, I got extra Doritos, Taco Locos from Taco Bell, and Mountain Dew just like you requested. I do have to say, I bought the Taco Locos about a week ago, but they still smell okay. Locos about a week ago, but they still smell okay. Job, job! I'm gonna eat them! Say how's it getting to me? I passed out and I haven't felt well since. Oh!
Starting point is 00:44:10 We're getting ready to go on an interview. This guy was out in the woods. He's an avid hunter and trapper. He sighted him on a perch up on top of an old county bridge, then closed for years. Who's hanging around an old county bridge, then closed for years. Jared Sussman Who's hanging around an old county bridge, closed for years? I mean, I realize... Kirsten Well, there's not a lot to do on these cars. Jared Sussman I realize not everybody lives in Atlanta, Georgia. I get it.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Kirsten There's a lot of people, too. Jared Sussman I have been friends with, I have been to, I have been out in the backwoods, I know. I've been to parties in the woods where you pretend like you're in the backwoods for a couple of days. But I don't know who's at an old bridge looking for mothmen. We're headed over to see a man named Mark. How we doing? Pretty good. How are you?
Starting point is 00:44:53 Mark's telling us that he was out deer hunting and he sees this figure sitting on the top of this old bridge. It gives him a very eerie feeling. Oh, scientific proof. Back in the woods there scouting for deer, and I seen this big creature on a bridge. I love how they all have their notebooks out and they're writing. As if this is an Agatha Christie murder mystery. I had no idea what it was. It was a little bigger than me.
Starting point is 00:45:21 It had red glowing eyes, and I just stand there mesmerized by it. How tall was it? It had to be at least seven foot tall. I heard stories of... Seven foot, eight foot, nine foot. What makes it better for the television? We're creatures before. I told my buddies about it and they mentioned something about a Mothman.
Starting point is 00:45:41 That's entirely possible because... Well, it's entirely possible because we're doing an episode on Mothman right now and it's in the script. If my name isn't Trapper. Wasn't there a show called Trapper MD one time? I think so. Yeah, I think so. Back in the 70s. There's been a lot of sightings of the Mothman in this part of the country. When people have close-up sightings of him, the eyes is what really gets them. When people have close up sightings of him, the eyes is what really gets them. I'm very excited this took place. That's why he's wearing sunglasses. The guy they're talking to has sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:46:12 And that Trapper guy starts talking to him, like he knows what he's talking about, his mouth is wide open and he's just like nodding his head and then shaking it also. He's like, that's not what I said. I said, I thought I saw a creature. On a bridge, because that's the Mothman's portfolio. That's his M.O. His portfolio? That's his M.O.
Starting point is 00:46:33 His old county bridges, near deer hunting grounds where no one else can witness. I do see a pattern coming together here. Really like to see this bridge. Mark had the sighting of Mothman on this bridge, but the characteristics of it relate back to 1967 and the Silver Bridge Collapse. What's scary is to have a sighting of Mothman today. Everybody feels that whenever you see the Mothman, there's tragedy that follows. Like Buck tipping over, like a sleeping cow.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah. Man, that's a unique bridge. They don't build them like that anymore, do they? They don't build them like that anymore, do they? That's what? A three, four foot expansion bridge? That's why it's closed. Yeah, there's a reason why.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It literally has no road anymore. It's two pieces of iron swung across a creek, I swear to God, is no bigger than six feet across. None. They don't make them like that anymore. No, they don't. Because they could literally just put some dirt in there and make a road. – That bridge is way too little to hold anything, especially someone my size and the mothman's supposed to be bigger. There's no way to hold. Mark, we wanted to see your bridge because mothman... Yeah, but if you can teleport...
Starting point is 00:47:53 Now, if you could teleport, that's a different story. You just got to float above it a little bit, Chrissy. You're not thinking about this correctly in scientific terms. I've been seeing around bridges so much that actually we're going to incorporate a bridge into our trap. Yeah, I saw that creature sitting right up on top of that rail on the right. He was just kind of crouched on top of that rail. Are you sure it wasn't the DMT talking? It's just crouched.
Starting point is 00:48:23 He was just crouched. He was taking a Mothman shit. Poops the size of logs. It was amazing. And it just kind of put the fear of God in. That's when he jumped up and glided across. That's when he jumped up and made another dropping and then flew away. I collected the scat, would you like to see it?
Starting point is 00:48:52 It's the size of the Mothman. Rumor has it he's got straight intestines. Food just goes right through him. Rumor has it, Mothman has the biggest dung of any of the creatures we've chased. Jeff will know, the researcher. Yeah, for sure. Weren't they one time, like, sticking their hands in some, like, Wolfman scat or something? He just kind of... Nah. I just kind of disappear. I just got Everyone's doing the same same little noise. You just got up, you know Yeah, I don't want to say it on national television, but you know
Starting point is 00:49:44 Let himself loose. He really let one go. And it flew off. And it flew off. Flames coming from his anus. His dung literally set on fire coming out of his butt, and you know. Well that tracks with what we've heard from other Mothman sightings. Mark did have a whole lot of details or facts in this story. The story was very bad.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That's why we chose to focus on him. This is why we spent 15 minutes of this episode talking about him is because he didn't really actually tell the truth. He didn't do any facts or research or anything really beneficial. So I felt like we were getting into commercial break territory. So I just kind of let them go. This our whole episode is based on this one man sightings, but in hindsight, I do have to admit even for the mountain monsters
Starting point is 00:50:46 It was sounds a little sketchy But I think that he was just you know a little surprised you know, whatever he's seen it was dark What do you think about what his wingspan was from you know from where you saw him? Oh 50 feet at least I don't know What's in the script five five feet five feet feet. You know, when he opened his wing, you know, it just kind of came out. I don't know. All right, can we focus less on the pooping and more about him? I know, you know, he also turned his head and, you know, it just kind of... I'm guessing 12, 14 feet wide.
Starting point is 00:51:25 That's pretty big. Mark's story's not adding up. Some of the things he was telling us just couldn't be true. The bridge wasn't the right height. Whoa! I can't believe it. Wow. I've never seen the Mountain Monsters discount a story like this, but this is probably, I
Starting point is 00:51:39 think you're right, this is an early episode, and they're probably trying to give some credibility to this. Poor Mark. I mean, you go on the mountain monsters, you don't expect to be grilled by the mountain monsters. I don't know, but I just would imagine you're not thinking this is going to be an interrogation. I say, yeah, it's all the mouth, man. He's 48 feet high and 400 feet of wingspan. And you know, teleported away with his poop. I just really believe that he'd seen an owl. Mark, are you? An owl.
Starting point is 00:52:11 An owl. From a huge mouth man to an owl. This guy's like, I've been doing ketamine therapy after I saw that mouth man. Now you're telling me it was an owl? Wow, poor Mark. I mean, now all his friends are like, yeah, you're the guy that lied on Mountain Monsters. I mean, if you couldn't get any lower.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I appreciate you bringing us out here to spend the time with us. No problem. That had to been one hell of an experience. That's all I have to say. Yes, sure it was. I was pretty high then. I'm not so much now. I'm actually feeling not so good. If I could go back and do some more narcotics, I'll probably feel better. I'm not real enthused with his story because the damned old bridges are rotten and we're talking about a six, seven hundred pound animals sitting on top of this bridge and I'm pretty sure that...
Starting point is 00:52:55 Whoa! Arrrrgh! They got a CGI rendering. This is no Steven Spielberg work here. No Amblin Entertainment here. No Amblin Entertainment here. That's no James Cameron avatar. Pixar did not make this. It's a man-like creature with big wings and red glowing eyes, drawn by my son in preschool. You clapped with it.
Starting point is 00:53:23 The Mothman may have caused the Silver Bridge to collapse. I'm telling you right now, it ain't going to take much for that bridge to collapse. It's pretty rinkety, isn't it? We're going to make sure we don't get anyone out on there. You're not even going to send me this time? I wouldn't send you out on there, Buck. That bridge is so old and so decrepit, I don't even believe it would hold the weight of the Mothman,
Starting point is 00:53:42 let alone a trap. We definitely have to find another bridge to set the weight of the Mothman, let alone a trap. We definitely have to find another bridge to set our trap for the Mothman. And what, the Mothman's just come into bridges? That's all he does? Just hang out on bridges? That's apparently his portfolio. His portfolio.
Starting point is 00:53:58 That's his scene, Chrissy. You know, some people are into emo, punk, hippie bands. You know what I'm saying. He's into bridges and why not? Oh, okay. Oh, that's it. We don't get any more. Oh no, there is a follow-up video to this. There definitely is a follow-up video to this and I would love to show it, but not today. We'll get to it. We'll get to it next episode. I promise we'll finish up the mountain monsters, but we're running out of time
Starting point is 00:54:26 That was a good one. Good job. Yeah, and I will watch part two tomorrow So that we don't leave anybody in the lurch no one in the hang We got to find out if they actually see the mothman. Here's a little hint. They don't but you know Yeah, but at least they called out that guy on his bullshit You know they weren't afraid to say that guy wasn't truthful now I'm wondering from a production side because I am up. This is like how my brain works Was that guy an actor like a paid actor that they just busted on or did that guy? actually think he saw something and then the poor mountain mountain monsters come in there and just
Starting point is 00:55:01 They basically make him seem like he was. I think he was Buck's friend. I think so too. Yeah, because they had the same noise. Pfft. Yeah. Pfft. You know, he just pfft. And just pfft.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I don't know. He just pfft. I think Buck was like, come on down. I think they picked him out of the Walmart produce section. That's what I think. Hey, you ever seen a Mothman? For $20? For $20 and a case of Mountain Dew I did. A case of Paps I did.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Alright, well quick, make up a story. You guys told me to make up the story. What the fuck? I get out, I watch the episode, now friend's thing. I'm lying about Mothman I've got no respect in this here community. I demand a retraction All right You too can have your content here on air if you think there's something interesting that the commercial break should could or would talk about one two one two four three three three TCB one two one two four three three three eight two two you can also be on the show 1212-433-3TCB 1212-433-3822.
Starting point is 00:56:07 You can also be on the show. We'd love to give you advice live, hear your crazy story, or whatever you wanna talk about. Just text us, let us know what you wanna talk about. If you can teleport yourself. If you can teleport yourself. That would be great. I'll turn off the power, that way you can get in here.
Starting point is 00:56:21 And everything will be great. But we'd love to have you on the show. So do text us comments, questions, contents, ideas, concerns, all to that number. TCB All the audio, all the video free piggy fronting sticker. Hit the contact us button. You know what to do at the commercial break on Instagram, TCB podcast on tick tock and slash the commercial break. All right, Chrissy, that's all I can do for today. I think so. But I'll tell you that I love you. I'll say best to you and best to you out there in the podcast universe until next time. Jamba Jamba. Chrissy and I do say, we must say, we will say good bye. ["The Heads back on the ground, boys!

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