The Cryptid Factor - 32: #032 The Bingo Issue

Episode Date: December 15, 2017

This episode sees Rhys holding bingo nights, Buttons working out in a gym/bunker and Dan somewhere that is not London. The team - discuss clever sheep, Abu Dhabi police getting futuristic, Zombie ants... taking over the world, Fossil sharks, Sasquatch spray... what else? Oh, and we forget to tease a very important guest... Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson! No seriously... he's on the show!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Cryptid Factor with Rhys Darby and Dan Schreiber. Hello, we are back. Hello, hello. Hey, hello. It's a hello from myself Rhys Darby in Victoria, Canada. Hey, what are you doing in Canada? On tour, on tour with the Just for Laughs alternative comedy sweepstakes. Is that like a bingo night you're hosting?
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, it's just a new idea that I've got. It's not going well. There's a meat raffle and all sorts of things, but no one's interested. So we're finishing it now. And where are you guys? This is Dan Schreiber coming to you from London. No, not London. Coming to you from East Sussex, very near to Beck's Hill on Sea,
Starting point is 00:01:34 which is where a great medium Spike Milligan was stationed in World War Two. I went to go find his bunker the other day. Oh, wow. Yeah. Did you find it? No. Very well hidden bunker. Yeah, quite a lot of bunkers are well hidden.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Yeah. The funny thing is, Dan, if bingo was going to go well anywhere, it'd probably be East Sussex. Rhys, you need to go to East Sussex with your bingo show. It'd go off. Yeah. Well, that's actually a good point. We've come to the wrong area.
Starting point is 00:02:02 But we're just sort of testing out the system at the moment, you know. Well, this is Buttons calling in from Auckland, New Zealand. Oh, I see you're in the gym again. I'm in the gym. You're not so secret location. I've just finished a workout. I'm, excuse the sweaty bits. I see you've got your hoodie on.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Like I've decided to like do a boxing style. I watched some old boxing movies and Mahabharat Ali and stuff, and they wear a lot of hoodies in those movies. And I figured, I need an image upgrade. You're the only guy I've ever met that's upgraded his image by wearing a hoodie. It sounds like a downgrade to most people, but no, that's good. What were you wearing beforehand?
Starting point is 00:02:53 A singlet. I was wearing a dressing gown. It's also a very almost boxing look as well, the dressing gown. It's what they go to the ring in basically, isn't it? Depends if you've got your name on the back of your dressing gown or not. Well, I had my mum's name on the back of mine because I was wearing my mum's one. So that, there might have been something wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:03:12 But anyway. It's a shame. Yeah. I've got my sister's name on my hoodie. So hopefully that's going to help. You're wearing a lady's hoodie. You'd be the most amazing boxer. You have to go into the lost property box
Starting point is 00:03:26 because you've left your gear with you out. It's the wrong name on your back. Who's he going to be tonight, folks? It's definitely a lady from somewhere. And in the red corner, could you please just turn around, Mr. That's Susan. Susan in the red corner. Weekly World Weird News.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Crazy. Freaky. Watch out. Alrighty. So what have you got? Risi, let's kick off with you. Sheep trained to recognise celebrities in Cambridge University study.
Starting point is 00:04:02 I'll kick it with my headline. I'll kick it with my headline. Yeah. Abu Dhabi have announced that they're going to launch a special police force for the planet Mars. They're going to announce that, aren't they? They have announced it. You've just done it.
Starting point is 00:04:17 They have announced it. This is a cryptid factor exclusive. We've announced it before they have. I was going to call my son Abu. Abu Dhabi. Yeah. I mean, we seriously thought about it. Because I've been there, I quite enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Which one? The first or the second son? The second one. You have a bit of fun with the second one, don't you? You do. You're sort of bored of it. And you go, oh, what should we do with this one? What have you got, buttons?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Well, my one I'm really excited about. My one is the fungus that turns ants into zombies is more diabolical than scientists have realised. Oh, I can't wait to hear about that. Alrighty. Okay, well, let's start with your one then, Risi. Okay. Well, sheep have shown they can recognise
Starting point is 00:05:11 familiar human faces during a Cambridge University study. The trial looked to see if they could pick out actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Emma Watson, former US President Barack Obama and BBC Newsreader Fiona Bruce against other people and objects. So weird. After training, the sheep chose photos of familiar faces
Starting point is 00:05:39 over unfamiliar ones significantly more often than not. It is hoped the research might have implications for learning about neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's and Parkinson's. It's interesting that they've chosen sheep as their test subject to see whether they can recognise so they obviously they're studying the brain and they've gone with sheep.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah. Well, it's interesting. My friend Danny sent me that story last week as well, Risi. So I actually decided because I live on a farm and I've got my pet sheep, Minty, I actually decided to see whether or not it could recognise famous faces as well. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:06:28 I got a printout of all three of our faces and tried to see which face it went up to the most and funnily enough, it kept on going up to Dan's face. What? I'd say pre-Bingo Tauri, so you were definitely above me in the third level. Well, my status has slipped with this recent endeavour, which has failed.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Clearly Minty's drawn to good facial structure and youth and vitality as well. How's good with these photos? What was the Jacob quality? It goes to show that sheep are actually intelligent beings. Sheep can remember up to 50 faces. This is a really weird thing, but it can for two years, but only up to 50, you get to 51 and they're just like,
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm sorry, I can't commit your face. It would be interesting to know how many faces, yeah, we as humans can take in. And I'm guessing it's hundreds. It must be thousands. If you think of the most famous celebrities ever, and that was just shown you picture by picture, I reckon you could get to 10,000.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Well, let's crack into your story, Dan. Okay, yes. So my story, the headline once again, Abu Dhabi police to set up police centre on Mars. The Abu Dhabi police force have a vision for outer space projects. They've got this whole thing where they're going to try and accomplish a number of things in the next 100 years. And as a sort of celebration of the fact
Starting point is 00:08:05 that they feel like they're doing so well, they released a big document explaining what the next long-term goals for the next 100 years are going to be for their police force. They include 3D printed police patrol vehicles and even their police centres are going to be 3D printed. They're going to have robot cops. So robot cops are going to be going around.
Starting point is 00:08:27 They're going to be trained to speak every language on Earth so they can communicate no matter with who's causing a crime. 50% of the police force are going to be robots. 25% of all of the training that's going to happen for the police force are going to be done by hologram. There's going to be holograms explaining very futuristic stuff. The only holograms that I know of that we have at the moment are Tupac when he did his gig.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And he is not a great police tutor, I've got to say. What about Jim and the holograms? That's true, Jim and the holograms. Oh, yeah. That's the training unit for the moment. And then in 2057, they are going to launch this police station that they plan to put on Mars by the year.
Starting point is 00:09:22 They want it to be set up and running by the year 2117. And the idea, weirdly, that's going to be before actual humans are set to live on Mars. So I don't know what they're policing. I mean, this is a real push for the Abu Dhabi police force. I mean, before we even get to Mars, we're going to set up a police force there with robot cops. I mean, this is a bit over the top.
Starting point is 00:09:48 What about a bit of freedom once we get there? No, straight away, you're going to hear the sirens. All right, come with me, please. Yes, I've just got here. I'm just going to set up a colony. No, you're speeding as you came through the atmosphere there, I'm afraid. Have you been drinking, sir? I'm an astronaut.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yes, well, I'm a robot. I've been here for 10 years. It seems a bit strange that they are really proactive on the police front for Mars. What is that about? Well, I don't know. They've been this year as well, just generally, they've been quite amazing with their technologies within the police force in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the UAE generally.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So they've launched a robot car, which can now, it's driverless and it can chase after cars that have gone over the speed limit or anyone who's just committing any sort of crime. They can't chase them too fast. The top limit of the car at the moment is 15 miles an hour. So if you can get your car above that, you're going to get away. They're turning themselves into the future. They've got these, we've spoken about drones that are going to be
Starting point is 00:10:58 start taxing people around in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Who knows if any of this stuff is going to happen, but they're announcing it and they're just being bossy about it. It's like they've just tried to get every piece of future technology into that one article, 3D printing. Flying cars and robots and... It really is, it's PR, isn't it? It's Abu Dhabi and Dubai sort of flexing their muscles.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah, exactly. You guys, New Zealand launched your first rocket into space earlier this year. It was in part with an American-Californian company, but you guys are officially on the map now as a space agency. The rocket that you guys launched was entirely 3D printed. Yeah. So it's happening. It is happening.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And Abu Dhabi does have big, large, not buildings, but sort of tall houses that are completely 3D printed as well. So some of this stuff is... It's insane. Yeah, some of this stuff is happening. I still struggled to imagine how these printers are printing these things out. I mean, how do you print out a rocket? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Here it comes. Jig! Jig! Jig! It's coming. We're moving out of the way. It's taking over. It's the whole photocopy of rooms full of it.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Jig! Jig! Jig! Open the doors. Oh, it's really big. It's really big. It's coming out. It's a proper-sized one.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Jig! Perch! Who's this big rocket? Perch the printing history. Quick, Perch the... Quick. Stop it, stop it. Are you printing it?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Stop printing out rockets! Guard Almighty! Imagine being behind Geoff at the queue. You're just right behind him. Yeah. You're going to be a long mate. No, I just got one rocket. Quick, quick.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah. I might take long. I'm just about to finish the cockpit. Hang on. There's some full-sized seats here. Jig! Jig! There's one 3D printer which prints 3D printers and then people now print 3D printers with
Starting point is 00:13:03 it. So it's just forever now printing 3D printers of print. Oh, my God. It's like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. This is the world we're living in and I'm glad that we're on the forefront here on the Cryptid Factor with this kind of news, you know, it's not just about mysterious beasts. We're giving you the updated, lasest printouts on what's happening in the technological world. You heard it here first.
Starting point is 00:13:33 What's your news, Buttons? Well, my news is, well, it blew my mind really. I mean, first of all, I didn't... Oh, this could be quite small. Oh, doors open both ways. Did either of you know that there is a fungus that turns ants into zombies? Yes, I did read this. Effectively, what I found out is that this is a fungus that goes in and basically takes
Starting point is 00:14:03 over the ant and takes over the ants' muscles and forces it to do stuff that it doesn't want to do itself. It's brain sitting there thinking, I'm going to go get some food and this fungus takes over and forces it to do stuff it doesn't really want to do. This fungus forces it to leave its home, goes to the underside of a leaf and basically sits there and takes one big bite into the leaf and then the fungus takes over and weds it there and then grows a spore out the top of its head of which the spore then explodes and sends the fungus out to take over more ants.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That is so freaky. I've got a picture of the ant here to show you. Oh, yeah. You can see the fungus there has actually wetted it to think and then look at the top of its head up here so you can see the big fungus spore that comes out the top of its head and then explodes everywhere. Wow. It's totally manipulated by the parasite and it's all infected and it just looks like
Starting point is 00:15:15 a zombie. Its entire structure has been taken over. Have I ever told you guys about the explorer Wade Davis who went out to Haiti to research zombies? No. Wade Davis is an amazing guy who's a National Geographic Explorer in residence and when he was studying at university someone had spoken to him about the idea of going out to solve this mystery of reported zombies.
Starting point is 00:15:43 What they were having in Haiti were people who were declared dead and then seeing something like 10 years later working in another village in a complete zombie-like state. Wow. Yes. Yeah. Countless sort of stories of this happening so he went over to explore it and what he discovered in the end was it was actually it was through some sort of ritual that was being performed and it was to do with the fugu fish, the puffer fish and it's the specific
Starting point is 00:16:13 fish that has a toxin in it which reduced people to sort of such drug addicts that they were they were sort of you would take it and you would effectively die for three days. Your heart rate would go so so soft and so undetectable people assume you were dead and then would be brought to the people who administered it to them and then they'd be brought back out but they would be sedated through the topping up of this drug for their whole lives and worked for them as sort of slave zombies. Wow. Yeah and he uncovered this and so it was a big mystery.
Starting point is 00:16:45 He's very much an Indiana Jones type character this guy, Wade Davis. And so that's why I've bought this secret bunker hideaway out in the countries. I've started building a great big wall around it to keep the zombies out you know and that's my reason for being a prepper now is the zombie ants is you know is proof to me. It's given you more focus and more more of an argument against it not happening. Exactly. I mean it starts with the ants and you know we jest about this whole thing but I mean if we go forward 10 years who knows it's only going to take a slightly bigger animal to
Starting point is 00:17:24 start you know being zombified. We start hearing about dogs or something like that being zombified and attacking each other then you know it can happen to any living thing it's just a matter of time. It does happen with cats actually cats get infected by this weird little bacteria that goes into them and it does a thing to their system that makes them feel more brave so they take more risks and as a result so it'll be like if there's they're by a street and a car is coming the little thing in them will go you can you can jump faster than that car can get to you you'll make it across the street.
Starting point is 00:18:00 They go for it and they get run over and it's a it's a disease that convinces them that they can achieve things that are blatantly impossible and so it is it is getting to bigger animals and I think the big worry about stuff like the zombie ants is if you're a scientist and you're working for the bad side the bad team and you manage to harness what's going on what's happening what's the chemical breakdown. Imagine that is biological warfare that is yeah that could ruin us all. That's something to be worried about I reckon yeah hey one thing that we forgot to preview the fact that we've got a guest on the show today or at least the recording of a guest on
Starting point is 00:18:38 the show today. This is a late tease so if you have tuned out already you've missed out but those that are still listening wow what have we got buttons. Well as well here's a tease for you only the greatest popular scientist in the world Neil DeGrasse Tyson. He caught up with me a few days ago and we talked about cryptozoology and so I happened to record it on my phone and so we can we can play that later in the show. I think it's now isn't it.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's just later in the show. Well I see now that we've been taking so long to tease that part we can't tease it and then go straight into it. I think we have to do we should do crypto buzzer then go on to and then I don't know. Attention all personnel it's time for this week's cryptid. Help me. Well you would have heard about this prehistoric dinosaur era shark with insane teeth. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Found swimming off the coast of Portugal do you guys hear about this. No didn't. So the rare frilled shark is considered a living fossil because evidence of its existence dates back to at least 80 million years ago. 80 million years. Yeah they found one alive and thriving off the coast of Portugal. It has remained the same since the Cretaceous period when the Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops still roamed the planet this thing was alive five foot long fish 300 teeth.
Starting point is 00:20:27 That's pretty amazing. I'm going to try and name it I mean it's already I'm not going to be the official name but it has a name here I'll try and give it a name Gary I'm calling this one Gary. So it's known by scientists as chlamydosilaceous anganus yeah. It's incredibly simple and unevolved most likely due to the lack of nutrients found in its deep sea dwellings. Wow they'll have fossils of this 80 million years old and they're looking at the real live thing and it matches the fossil exactly type thing is that like it's completely
Starting point is 00:21:14 unchanged. Yeah absolutely. That's amazing. Five feet in length but at its longest around six and a half feet. Wow. I'm just reading some more information on it here because we're being patched into you. Just getting a few extra bits being patched in just as they're coming coming to me live pretty much all other sharks have separate gills but the frilled shark the one we're
Starting point is 00:21:46 talking about its first pair of gills stretch all the way across its throat. Oh man. How do you escape not evolving and how and how how do you remain hidden for that long I mean this is like this is kind of like the new seal of canth yeah and this is so amazing for cryptozoology because it proves that there are still creatures out there that we thought would just extinct millions of years ago. Scientists I imagine being able to find something that's unevolved from that era would help in so many different areas because there's things like what color were dinosaurs back
Starting point is 00:22:22 in the day if you've only got bones to go by you know how do you know that they were all gray or green or you know what have you. Well they think they were feathered right dinosaurs. Is that right. Yeah it's the latest theory they were completely they weren't bold at all they were like chickens like giant chickens. The T-Rex now all of a sudden is quite farcical with feathers on it. Well I don't think they were all feathered let's not jump to conclusions on the feather
Starting point is 00:22:48 overdose. Yeah maybe not all. Do you have any other cryptids. Yeah I got I got something to mention which is here's the headline North Californian woman invents a spray she says will attract any big foot within a mile and a half. What. $7 bottle it doubles as bug spray and that's handy and after so you spray it all over yourself and bugs won't come anywhere near you but there's a chance you could be approached by
Starting point is 00:23:22 a Sasquatch. Yes what's in it I think she keeps it a bit closely guarded kind of like Coca-Cola doesn't give it secret herbs and spices yeah she's also invented a dog deodorant called stinky dog spray so she's in the business of inventing this kind of stuff but yeah big foot juice supposedly and it was it's basically something that makes something feminine smelling so the idea is that you would you would be attracting a male Sasquatch by smelling a bit feminine I suppose. Tom Hoddon shared an article with us on our Facebook page and a message about somebody
Starting point is 00:24:05 being sexually assaulted by a Sasquatch earlier this week and Gledwyn springs in Colorado. That doesn't surprise me that doesn't surprise me with all these sexual allegations coming out he's being brought out as well it's all part of the Hollywood bring down. This one says that a 57 year old Daryl Whitaker was walking towards his hunting cabin when he was attacked by a gorilla like creature it says it dropped from a tree and then punched him in the face. Well that's not much of a sexual encounter. It says the creature began to tear at Whitaker's clothing and when the creature went after the
Starting point is 00:24:47 victim's underwear started clawing at his underwear Whitaker lost his cool and lost his cool at that point he was he was called to that point then he lost his cool at the point he was taking his undies off. You've taken it too far my friend and he stabbed the creature with his hunting knife and at that time the creature put this thing literally jumping out of the trees and ripping your clothes off that's how that's how powerful this this cologne is it's the it's the ultimate lynx effect I mean I think it is I really think we're sort of dealing in the realms of fantasy here look any any any forward thinking on you know trying to draw these creatures
Starting point is 00:25:31 out of their habitat is great as long as it's not going to harm them. I was told many years ago by a guy Brian Blessed who I've who I've worked with many times who is who is a Bigfoot Yeti explorer himself he says that the reason that we're unable to get even remotely close to any kind of mystery cryptid is particularly with the Yetis and the Bigfoot's is because of the sense of smell they can smell us coming from a huge distance away and there are animals that have that ability as well where they can they can smell for such long distances they go ah that's that's humans I'm going to step away from that there's a possibility that this smell is in fact a a sort of shielding
Starting point is 00:26:19 smell. My theory is that to get close to these creatures one has to be in the forest for a number of weeks like we did in the army and just really become part of the forest and then you are disguised and that's that's what soldiers do that's how because otherwise you know we can actually smell each other smell each other coming well from distances as we're attacking right is that how is that how it works in the army they have like well yeah your forward advanced post you know we used to have noses in the air and you know okay guys sniff and sniff up anything anything I've got something here sir what do you got there sir I'm not
Starting point is 00:27:04 sure I could be blue stratos that's me that's me Brian I've got a date tonight I'm going on leave don't put your cologne on before you leave your military training I think the future could be in sending in robots and I've often thought of this you know odorless creatures and we can see from the latest news on these amazing robots that they're making now that can do backflips I don't know whether you saw that recently if someone can afford to get one of these robots and also you know they're probably still not quite there in terms of being able to step over every shrub I can imagine it getting like 50 meters and then getting stuck by a tree and then just sort of keeping walking into the tree constantly
Starting point is 00:27:56 oh no he's stuck you know how much of that cost us oh half a million go and get him do a backflip can he do a backflip backflip out of it yeah but it's a bit like the Mars rover if you think about that kind of thing sending something you know that's obviously to another planet but that is controlled from a control station where you've got dudes who are pushing all the knobs and pulling the levers we could do that with a search a search robot yeah in the forest that's that's my that's my pledge that's a good pledge he's pledged out he's fully pledged out yeah pretty good yeah I did a good pledge you gotta get the money I don't know I don't know I pitched it as best I could the robot
Starting point is 00:29:04 the backflips yeah the whole backflip thing you know backflipping out of the control control center yeah control center you know I didn't say your name but you know one of us will control it but we need to get the money George yeah well you know I'm waiting here I'm waiting here with the C194 too yeah well it's coming together slowly okay coming together slowly fuck another backflip that's bloody good I love it my little bit of news is very quick is that when I was attracted to this story by its headline which was the perfect Christmas gift for the person who has everything but an alleged sea monster and I instantly thought of you because I've been worried about what to get you for Christmas Risi yeah I'm always difficult so this
Starting point is 00:29:56 one that's actually up for auction is the skeleton of a plesiosaur oh wow that would be amazing yeah so they're expecting the bidding to be fierce because Gary Campbell the recorder and keeper of the official Loch Ness monster sighting register hopes to buy the skeleton and put it on display near the lock possibly at a pub and doors oh here it is it's summer's place auctions is who's doing it they're expecting it to sell for between 20,000 pounds and 30,000 pounds which doesn't seem very much yeah I want that and and can you and that would come framed yes framed yeah we could we could look into that we have to put forward a pledge I know a guy and his robot mate who are pledging a few ideas at the moment apparently they've got summer's place auctions
Starting point is 00:30:56 in this catalog have mammoths you see there they've got mammoth bones expected to go for about a quarter of a million pounds so cool now are these 3d printed things or are they actual bones they say the actual actual bones I mean I did try and go and use the local riverhead printer the other 3d printer the other day and it did look like they were printing out a large volume of bones oh really yeah you were in the other day printing out a rocket what are you doing now all right well um I hate to hurry you guys along but I've got to catch a ferry so actually you actually have to catch a ferry yeah yeah oh no I've got to go to the airport so I'm getting my days mixed up getting your modes of transport mixed up more I like it okay well very
Starting point is 00:31:48 quickly then here is my little catch up with none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson I wanted to just get one thing passed and we talked about a few things maybe I can split what we talked up over a a bunch of different podcasts but the one question I really wanted to get to him was Reese's theory around interdimensional what what what what did I try and talk to him about yeah interdimensional cryptids creatures that exist in another dimension that can come through into ours yeah so I so I asked him basically your theory as to whether or not there is a chance that cryptids could live between dimensions and uh this is this is what he this is what he said interview these experts okay right now we're on the cusp of a whole new field of scientific
Starting point is 00:32:41 investigation into something called the multiverse and in the multiverse it recognizes the possibility that our universe our sort of spacetime causal space region of the universe is not the only universe that's out there there could be other sections of the total fabric of the universe that we don't interact with but it's a whole other universe unto itself with slightly different laws of physics perhaps and the current investigations into this which are all extensions of successful theories of physics but taken to their limits so there's no evidence for this there's only hypothesis that there could be an infinite number of these other universes part of what it is to say that there's another universe is to recognize that we're not causally
Starting point is 00:33:43 connected so to suggest that there are portals between them and that somehow things might be moving among them if there is they would defy any understanding we currently have of the spacetime continuum and you could ask would you want to do this if for example the laws of physics are slightly different from one universe to another which current ideas suggest that they are or that they would be if the laws of physics are slightly different it could be supremely dangerous to you to step from one universe to another because the very charge on the electron if it is anything different from what it is in our universe you could collapse into a pile of goo on crossing that portal so it could be a very dangerous activity if you did so in law as I understand it eyewitness
Starting point is 00:34:45 testimony is counted as very high evidence whereas in science it is the lowest possible evidence you can bring forth we invented science so that we didn't have to use eyewitness testimony that is why science exists to replace the sensory system of your eyes ears nose mouth and brain in an attempt to decode what is real and what is not in this world that's why we have chart recorders and document ways to document what is going on that don't involve your state of mind or my state of mind that's what science is so anyone who asserts we have eyewitness testimony from reliable witnesses is the person human therefore find another kind of evidence to bring forth if you want to convince a skeptic of something
Starting point is 00:35:48 especially if it is of an extraordinary nature and any sighting of a cryptozoological creature those among those that are traditionally described would count as an extraordinary thing and so I'm just simply not impressed with eyewitness testimony you need more than that like the body how about that then you've convinced everybody and you'll show the world that you were right go ahead I'm not stopping you but I have such low confidence that I will not be investing any of my energy to do this and to do this you'll have to go ahead and do it trap them get a net whatever find it bring it into the town square and you will be a hero and you will be remembered for generations to come go right ahead I will not stop any of that well that's that's good to know
Starting point is 00:36:57 well I was I was specifically asking him about you Reese as to whether or not you should go and find him and and that was his advice to you he was what I will say against that he's saying you know human eyewitness accounts cannot be trusted that he doesn't believe that's enough and he's saying that because all the senses of humans which is all we have is not reliable but then my argument against what he's saying is that you know the use of science is the only answer but is the entire construction of science not something that the human came up with so therefore the sheer existence of science is due to our human senses we created it so therefore how can we trust science if we don't trust our own human instincts that's that's man boom next time he
Starting point is 00:37:48 pops around for a cup of tea I'll I'll ask him that and I'll put that to him and see what he says I'm just glad that he's saying he's not going to start a cryptozoology podcast because we don't want to crowd up the market I'm a bit worried if he suddenly thought I'll be launching my podcast next week we don't want to split listenership so that's good I think we're safe I think that's so great to hear from him so wonderful that he spent time with you I know you're very busy and and he was very lucky to to to meet you buttons and to well yeah but it we'll play some more of his I I asked him about my theory about UFOs being time traveling humans from the future so we'll play that we will tease that for next show let's
Starting point is 00:38:38 just say there are a few if bombs dropped oh really wow hey guys if we if we slowly cut his audio into very small chunks and drip beat it over every episode he'll technically be a part of our podcast that's not a bad idea and we could actually introduce him as as part of the show and don't forget we've got our usual guest Neil deGrasse Tyson yeah and no doubt you bastards would actually put him on the actual intro sting as well yeah we'll work on that we'll work on that but next week with Dan Shriver and Neil deGrasse Tyson put three or four words oh fantastic stuff that was a great show guys once again yeah all the best well um god can't wait till next week to hear from Neil isn't it exciting
Starting point is 00:39:41 yeah it's just so great to have him as part of the show now um we may not need you buttons actually we'll see how we go we'll see how we go because you know four is a crowd isn't it that's the time because Neil can join your cryptozoological podcast and i'm gonna start an astrophysics podcast so i just need it okay something about uh what an astrophysic is hey guys see you guys

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