The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - GBF- Golic and Tool Talk

Episode Date: June 9, 2023

Mike Golic joins the show and is interested in a power position at Notre Dame. They guys want to help him get that job. Will he let them? Billy derails the show with tool talk. Learn more about your a...d choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. God bless football Billy Gil. God bless football Mike Yeh. God bless football Mike Goli. God bless football each and every one of you out there listening and watching. Where are you today Mike Goli? I am in South Bend. I am at my place at Notre Dame before I start the swing of golf tournaments that I'm going to be playing in over the next couple of months. I am here getting my golf practice in Notre Dame campus and just hanging out, walking the dogs on an empty campus so I kind of dig that. I think people might be wondering where you are, because you appear to be in a doctor's
Starting point is 00:01:00 office today. Yeah, you do. I know it looks like a doctor's office. It's not. I am in my approach shop of my golf club here because someone next door, my neighbor, is doing a lot of drilling and making a lot of noise. And I drove over to the neighbor's house and said, Hey, how long is this going to continue? Because it is disrupting all my plans.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And they said, what kind of plans we have worked to do in the house, and I said, can you keep it down? Can you stop for an hour? They said no, and so therefore I had to come here because I know Billy Care and Mikey, I care about the sound quality. And there was too much sound, there was too much drilling going on in my house.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I almost got in a fight with the guy who was doing the drilling, go look, I gotta be honest. Why? I would have said the same thing to you. Listen, I'm doing work here. I'm getting my work done. I'm sorry if it interrupts with what you want to do, but to ask somebody to stop for
Starting point is 00:01:54 an hour, and you know an eight an hour, you would want to need it longer than that. Sorry, man, that's not happening. So you got a little who got agitated first your neighbor or you? Well, I got testy because it's very loud in my house. It's been going on for days It just won't stop and so I just went over there and said hey, when is this gonna end and can it end at least for an hour? To which he respawn It will take us it will take us long as it's gonna take. I don't give a shit about what's going on in your house.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I have a job to do, get out of my face. That's what he said to me. Wait, was this the actual neighbor? Was this the neighbor who was not even there? I got the worker. I got the worker, okay, I knocked on the door. The worker came out, he came to the driveway. I thought we were gonna throw down, I really did did I don't even know what I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:02:47 He would have poorly free pro he would have mop the floor with me, okay? The guy was big. He had big biceps. I was thinking man I could use my colic senior right now and he's a muscle and I quickly ran away. I would have been on his side I'm not stopping my work. That's my job. I'm going there to do. I'm not going to stop for you. So you made, you made the right move, you know, and go into your club. Right. I like that he has that work ethic too, because I've had work done in my house in the past. We had this leak and we had to redo a lot of the house.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And I kind of felt like there was some lolly gagging going on and it took a really long time. But this guy seems to mean business and he's going to be there as little as possible. So you can already move on to the next job. I like that. You like him. So you guys all fit. You guys don't side with him. Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Well, I mean, you went and asked someone to stop doing their job so that you could record a podcast like they're going to do. He's been doing the job for weeks. If it was any good, the job he'd done by now. I mean, I don't know that stuff. Yeah, listen, my dad was a bricklayer. He went out on jobs like this. I went out on side jobs.
Starting point is 00:03:48 These guys work, man. They work. And you know, and you know what, he's right. You know how long it's gonna take? As long as it needs to take. That's how long it takes. I guarantee I hand them $100. He stops for an hour.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I mean, why do you think about doing it? What? I was thinking about it and have a Hyundai on me at the top. There you go. That's a stunner. Yeah. I have a question for you, guys,? I was thinking about it and have a Hyundai on me at the top. There you go. That's a stunner. Yeah. I have a question for you, guys, because I read somewhere, I guess we'll get into football
Starting point is 00:04:10 at some point. I read somewhere that your golf course was shut down for like months because they were resodding the greens or something. Is that the case? So what do you do? You just, you look at a golf course, you can't access. They're redoing the entire golf course. All the members here have a stake in a golf course you can't access. They're redoing the entire golf course. All the members here have a stake in the golf course.
Starting point is 00:04:28 So there was a vote. Do we shut it down, redo it, renovate it. It probably needed to be renovated. So it's going to, we're going to be without a golf course here. God, this sounds terrible. It's till the end of, to the end of this year, pretty much. So what we do is we got other courses in the area. Like I've been playing a bunch of other courses
Starting point is 00:04:50 around my house and so it's frustrating. It is, I love golf, I wanna play golf, but it also, there's a lot of construction going on. And so, you know. We all have our own adversities, I suppose. I know these are first class problems that I'll be talking about. Well, it's exactly right. I was just asking.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Golf course was shut down. Yeah, I know. I was just curious to know how busy your pro shop would be knowing that the golf course isn't one here. That's why there's room for me. Like, there's one guy here because what he does for all the members, he handles like all the members want to play golf, we have reciprocal courses. So, he handles all the t times for those courses.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So there still need to be one person here. There was one person here, and he was nice enough to let me use his office to tape today's show. All right. So you put another person out of work for the time being. I give him a scene out. There you go. I wasn't gifted to the guy who was doing the drilling.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Goal, you do your own drilling, right? Like there, you have no workers coming to the house. You do it all by yourself. Do I do everything I can that I can handle by myself? I have a line for everything of how far I'll go. The two where I don't go far are electricity and water. Because one, I could lose power and not have my TVs or Wi-Fi, which would be bad.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Two, I could flood a basement. So everything else, like construction, wood, things like that, I'll try and go further, but those two things I kinda go easy on because I don't wanna screw anything up. Though I have been successful in the past at some of that. But like the area I'm in now is an unfinished part of my basement. I might drywall up myself.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, that's fun. Yeah, that's fun. What do you know about this, Philly? I have my bag of tools next. I saw when I bought this house as a fixer up and I did a lot of things that I had to do to save money. And because you know, I have a that I had to do to save money. And because, you know, I have a dad that likes to do stuff like that. And he thought it'd be an adventure.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Now it took forever. My wife was not happy that we were doing most of the work because of how long it took. But it was fun. Just see other day I glued down some baseboards myself. My dogs had like not on the corners of others. I got this like fake, like putty wood that I put on there. I reshaped the corners. I sanded it down.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I painted those out. I mean, I'm having a good time. I have a bunch of tools here that I can play with if you'd like. Big circular saw. I was actually looking into chain saws. Play with the saw. I want you to play with the saw.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Well, chain saws. Yeah, I was looking into chain saws because we have, I built the swing set in the yard for my daughter and we have this bush that's in the way. And what's happened is that my dog will run this path around the bush and they have like when they chase each other. So now that grass is all like just muddy and there's like a track and that bush stands
Starting point is 00:07:39 directly in the eyesight of my wife looking out the kitchen window to the swing set to see my daughter when she's outside playing. So she has told me that she wants that bush removed. So I was trying to figure out which chainsaw I should get. Should I get a gas? Should I get a battery? Should I get an electric? So I'm still looking into this because I feel like cost is going to play a factor into this. Yes. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. It's a bush, not a tree. Well, it's like, it's a bushy tree. So it's actually two that are right next to each other. And it's like almost bulb shaped, but it has two like roots. So it's something that I can easily change out. It just looks like a bush because of the fact that it's like lush and rounded, but it's really. I don't you get yourself an axe and really go that way and use the axe and chop the tree down. So there's two things, right? I love, I mean, I'm a big chuck Pagano guy.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I keep chopping. So it's in kind of like my mind all the time that I should keep chopping, but I also need to do a precision cut because I have an a little oak tree that started growing out right next to another tree that is going to grow to some massive size. So I need to get rid of that one as well, or the roots are about to take over underneath the terrace and wreak all kinds of havoc. So I'm thinking because I need to make two cuts
Starting point is 00:08:50 to get a saw because I'm gonna have to cut that one because it's right up against another tree. Lots of yard work that needs to be done. I also went to a, I went to a... You asked Mike. I went to a stool store. A stool store. There is a parking lot sale at a stool store
Starting point is 00:09:03 the other day. Oh my God, the things that I could show you about look at this. Look at this. 70 piece screwdriver set that I'm just going to go. Yeah. Oh, I love that stuff. I like that. The thing about tools you never throw tools away. You always like I've acquired enough tools over time to give Micah set, Jake a set, Ben, set, my son-in-law. You never, never throw tools away. You always find something to do with them. The problem with that.
Starting point is 00:09:29 The tools cut it up right now. I got to be honest with you. The problem with that set is that I really only needed, I lost my number two screwdriver, right? I pH two screwdriver. It's the most common one is the number two screwdriver. So I was always needing to go find a screwdriver something. So I really only need to buy this one screwdriver, right?
Starting point is 00:09:48 But that was 30% off, which 30 bucks is $10 off 1999. It's like, I can't sell it. I know I haven't used it yet, because I bought that multi-70 piece screwdriver set. It's $10 off. I'm never going to see that deal again. So why not? I'm going to lose another one.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I got these little needle nose pliers here also. I got one of these bad boys. My God, I don't know if you have one of these. It's a magnetic screw holder. So when you're on the job, so you don't lose a screw or a bolt or anything, you just kind of toss it in this little tin here and it holds them in place.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It's incredible. And this, how about this? Because I was doing some light caulking when I was putting down that piece of a baseball or doing some light caulking. So you just kind of jam this down the shaft of the cock and then you screw it in and then it's a it so that you don't burn it up on use. Exactly right. Was that the cocker? What? Cawk. I just want to clarify. Cawk. Jamie down the
Starting point is 00:10:40 CA you CA you okay. Yeah. There you go. You got it. I'll make sure Billy is hyped up. Oh really is Is that the power drill? Yeah, well, this is actually this is actually not a drill. This is a driver There's a big difference Mike knows the difference. Yeah, I was gonna go you Billy drill Drillie Gill To die like a cook huh God bless football It's really good. It's a doubly cook, huh? God bless football. Wow. When I love that goal, it gets taking golf lessons as if that's going to help two weeks before
Starting point is 00:11:15 it's ornament. It's going to become a better golfer. Oh, it's going to help me, me not hit anybody at some of these tournaments is what it's going to do. It's not going to make me better to be in contention for some of these tournaments is what it's going to do. It's not going to make me better to be in contention for any of these tournaments, but it's gonna it's gonna help me not hit anybody in the head. Okay, so in a couple of weeks, well you have your charity golf tournament coming out. Yep, and then a couple of weeks Is it after your charity? Yeah, you would either gonna be out in Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe. This coming weekend
Starting point is 00:11:44 I actually am playing at Greg Olson's tournament in Kielwa, outside of Charleston. Nice. And then my tournament is June 25th, 26th. And then the Tahoe event is what, the 16th or something like that, or the Wednesday or whatever through Sunday,
Starting point is 00:11:58 that we will be out there. Yeah, yeah, I've never golfed more than two days in a row and I've never walked more than two days in a row and I have to do four days. So I am, I'm scared to death. You are going to love walking the course of Tahoe. I can't speak to the other courses, but walking that course of Tahoe right along the lake, Mike, it's so scenic, it's beautiful. You're going to have a blast. I'm so happy that you're going. I really am. I am too. I am very happy at that. And I just, I just want to be good enough not to a hit anybody or be embarrassed myself
Starting point is 00:12:27 That's my goal All right, we're gonna well. We're gonna talk to go look There is some news that Mike revealed to us about Notre Dame in a prominent position And I think I have the perfect replacement for the person who's leaving and he may or may not be a part of the show We'll discuss next por el hombre que está viviendo. Y no puede ser parte de la historia. Nos vamos a ver. Pero lo más aterrador es no saber, ¿en qué confiar? Uy de las personas que os piden que mireis, si queréis seguir convido. Golek, you were telling us during the break or before we started recording here, that there is a prominent position that will become available at Notre Dame inside the athletic department. It's not the football coach,
Starting point is 00:13:34 he's gonna be there for a while, I think, I think, we'll see. But why don't you tell us, well, tell the audience what you told us and we'll go from there. Well, in 24, I believe it is, is or after the season I think in whatever, wherever in 24, Jack Swarbrick, the A.D. at Notre Dame is going to step down. I've been doing it a long time. So, Jack is going to step down and, you know, listen, I think this is the perfect opportunity.
Starting point is 00:14:01 For me, I live here six months out of the year. It's through the football season. I can stay here longer if they need, but I believe I got to throw my hat into the ring, right? I have to. You do. Yep. Yes, you do. How do you feel about that, Mikey? Hey, my goal is to see here as the athletic director at Notre Dame. I'm wondering how he can hook me up at Notre Dame football games. Wow. The AD is opposed to a local celebrity. Like which one is better for me? Well, all I know is as the AD, I'll have access to my suite. So I would say you'd be in a pretty good shape there
Starting point is 00:14:37 of coming up to the suite. So we'll see. Yeah, I got to get first before before you start looking at how you can use and abuse me with a new job I mean I have to get the job first So I have to I have to figure out how my campaign is gonna go for this because I have works. I have zero Zero experience doing this now, but I have sure somebody who loves Notre Dame more than Michael. Exactly. You know what I have I have 60 years of life experience. Yeah, yeah, and I think that goes a long way Which a lot of it was spent right here at Notre Dame. So I think I can put together a pretty good interview for this When you say your campaign Does it work like that like when you're running for school president like you make poster boards and stuff like that and there's a voter?
Starting point is 00:15:24 No, no, I think you just Is it work like that like when you're running for school president, like you make posts or boards and stuff like that and there's a vote or no. No, no, I think you just go to the president, father, John Jenkins here and try and get myself an interview and get in front of him. Right. Whoever else is going to, well, I'll lose there. There's plenty of people like I'm right bigger checks than me. I just, I just have to, you know, I just have to sell it, sell myself really well. Now, whether I come through with anything who cares, it's just about getting the job, right?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah. Right. So Billy, maybe me and you start a whisper campaign against anybody who's going for it. That isn't Michael. Ooh. Maybe a little bit of a start. We, we, we, we got some dirt on the other candidates. There you go. True my hands.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Clean from that. You know, keep my hands away from that. I, listen, I, I hear the guy they want to hire as a day drinker. I can't tell. I can't tell you guys what you do on your own time. So that's up to you. Um, you know, but uh, there'll be some pale before it in the end for you. Maybe father, whatever his name is, gets a little bit in the holy wine and we start saying, hey, you know what, we'll put it out in the press. Father Jenkins, good, dude. This is going to be, you know, again, with no experience, this may be a hard sell. So I may need help in all aspects of this. I have to get father Jenkins on the show next week, which I'm talking into this. Oh, that's a pretty good idea right there.
Starting point is 00:16:39 I don't think it will hurt your chances more than it will help. That's true. I never want head coaches to come on this show because I'm scared of what you'll do. So I would be like the president of Notre Dame coming on. But Billy, this is a good idea. Let's get father Jenkins on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. No, Mike was about, Mike was in favor of it until you taught them out of it, Billy. You know what? You know, I mean, this God bless football. That's true. Thank you. Initially, I thought, yeah, good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:03 But I thought about it then for about a second and a half and realized what a horrible life. Not only would I not get the job, you would make me sell my house here on Notre Dame Avenue and take away my season tickets. I would be an outcast. So let's not do that. I'm a little, and I don't want to, I feel like, you know, Mike, I don't want to say we're friends, we're friend, Leish, right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 I don't like the job for you. I don't want to, I feel like, you know, Mike, I don't want to say we're friends. We're friendly, ish, right? I don't like the job for you. I don't, well, because I feel like right now you're this beloved father figure, right? In the media and you're very well-liked. And when you're in that position, it's very easy for that person to be hated, right? And I don't think that it'd be great for you to be in there. And if things don't go great, because as you said, you know, you'd be kind of knew it. This is not a ton of experience. What would happen if you lived there? You lived there half the year and then everybody hates you,
Starting point is 00:17:48 then you have to sell the house and move like that. Why would you want to go through all that? There's another angle here too. Bill, he's right about that, Mike. And the other angle is I'm assuming it's a conflict of interest to be the AD at Notre Dame and do any sort of media. Or sell beef jerky or sell diabetes medication. And so you might really want to think this one through.
Starting point is 00:18:09 There has to be a conflict of interest there. Well, I mean, that's something I discussed in the contract negotiations, right? That I could still do media, that I could still sell my soul to anybody out there that wants to give me a check, and things like that. I mean, that part's a parcel, right?
Starting point is 00:18:23 You're missing it, Stu. It's the official beef jerky of Notre Dame now. Oh, see how you like that. I mean that parcel right you're missing it's due it's the official beef jerky of Notre Dame now But exactly right also official diabetes medicine of Notre Dame By side signs With it being Notre Dame though if you can't like self-sponsorship. Maybe we sell indulgences Sell indulgences. Yeah, is it that you sell, you pay off the church and then they forgive you over your sins?
Starting point is 00:18:50 It went back into the times back in medieval time, nevermind, we'll just keep it moving. It was a Catholic joke. Bill, you're starting to act like the tool that you bought. Whoa! Hey, now! Hey! I was actually thinking, you know, the way you kind
Starting point is 00:19:06 of like weaseled your way into to Northwestern. And you got your daughter in there. And now you're in the Northwestern circles. Maybe this is a way to get in the Notre Dame circles. Wait, Stu got to get in the Notre Dame circles. Yeah, maybe he goes off for the job of AD. Well, I like Mike is AD. and we're all working for Mike. We have positions within the athletic to play like that. I like that as well. I like that. The campaign begins.
Starting point is 00:19:32 You would hire us, right Mike? Yeah, yeah, just believe that. Yeah, go, we'll go with that. Mike, I'm good at sales. I mean, I'll get that dot beaty thing done for you, okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm going to work on that As my sorry and advanced podcast still has no sponsors, we're all good to tell, so. I gotta be honest with you, Mike.
Starting point is 00:19:51 I gotta be honest with you. I think the best goal for the job is probably your wife or Sydney if you want the truth, right? You would agree? Yeah, oh yeah. No doubt would you agree? Your wife doesn't give a bleep who likes her, who doesn't like her, she doesn't. That's exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She can like her hate
Starting point is 00:20:07 somebody just as good as anybody else. So that's not right. Mike in the NFL, there's some, I guess there's some were less than a hundred days away. So congratulations to everyone because I can't get the football quick enough. I'm tired of watching hockey. But Mike, I have a, I think that Deandre Hopkins stuff is interesting only because Deandre Hopkins is a guy that could really take a good team like Buffalo, Mike, or a team that needs a wide receiver who's close, who's knocking on the door. I know he's visiting with the Tennessee Titans
Starting point is 00:20:41 and we'll see how that shakes out. But I think like, you know, Deandre Hopkins, when certain teams say they're a player away or wide receiver away, they get Deandre Hopkins, and they're gonna be a great team. Meaning if you had digs and Deandre Hopkins, oh my God, Buffalo would be even better than they are now, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So, so I've always said this about, you know, free agents, whether it's a player, whether it's a coach, no matter what the sport is, what does the particular player and our coach, in this case a player, what are they looking for? He's 31 years old, right? He's made, I think $114 million in his career, he has been all pro,
Starting point is 00:21:22 he's been considered the best receiver in the league at times. So what does he want? Is his next move geographical? Is it a relationship like he's going to visit Tennessee? Vrable was with him when he was in Houston. Vrable is on the defense side of the ball. Is it a ring? Is it money? I don't know. Now, we keep throwing out a Kansas City or a Buffalo. We don't know if those teams have talked to him. We don't know what kind of money he's looking for. And maybe, maybe he does a one year deal betting on himself goes to a team like Tennessee, where the leading receiver, I think, had 53 receptions. Now, you have issues at quarterback there, but you go somewhere, be the man for that one year bet on yourself and then sign a big deal after that.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You saw Beckham sign the one year deal in Baltimore. It's getting what 15 20 mil in that area. So is that something to think about because I haven't heard of the teams that are either Super Bowl champs are right there. Have we heard of any that are courting him? And again, I don't know what his ask is money wise either. So there's a lot that goes into a player and or coach that is going to move somewhere else and actually has choices is what what drives them at this point? What should drive him at this point? If you're DeAndre Hopkins, what do you, no, no, I know, that's hard to answer. I'm asking you to jump inside his head. But for you, Mike, if you're in a similar situation, he's accomplished a lot in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:22:52 He has. It should be, you would think it would be a ring for someone like him, right? So if I made that, listen, and I played nine years in the league and I made two and a half million dollars total, right, total in nine and a half years. I did make 114 at this point and going up.
Starting point is 00:23:07 So, you know, there's money where you're fine with the money you have or you want more, you play that against what you could get now, as opposed to what's missing in this team sport that we all strive for is the ring. And I was always a guy who liked to strive for that, but I was never a superstar. So I was always, you know, part of the team. He is a guy that could be one of the best players. If not the best player on a team. So for me, it's always about the ring.
Starting point is 00:23:37 But again, everybody, everybody is different in that position. If I barely made any money, now I can make a lot of money, would I grab the money? You know, at this point, so that's the difference. But for him, he's had, you start checking off things, you know, best player in the league, all pro guy, made a lot of money, what's missing a ring. So you would think that's probably got to be on his radar somewhere. I think Mike EA is looking up how much the Andre Hopkins has made.
Starting point is 00:24:05 114. It's just a shade under it's just a shade under 112 million. All right. 112 million dollars. I would think it's the ring. Mike, here's the problem with Tennessee. It's hard to put up great numbers of one season at Tennessee. Well, it is.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It is. Well, because they've lived off the run. Obviously, they don't throw up a ball lot. So is it Cleveland, you know, for a year, reunite with to Sean Watson, who should be better than what he showed last year? Is it there for you? And I don't even know if it's a one year deal. Maybe someone's going to offer him a big deal, a three
Starting point is 00:24:34 or four year deal for a ton of money. You know, maybe that's what he's going to grab. I don't know. That's one thing we haven't seen as length or numbers of some of these possible offers. Mike, there's also, and we'll get to probably coming up in the next segment, but there are three or four running backs, big names that are available. What do you make of the running back position?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Because it's been kind of diluted in the last few years where teams are just willing to let a great running back go and they don't care where he lands. Yeah, they really are. I mean, then do you see differences like, you know, Saint-Guam Barclay gets the franchise tag? And you know, what deal is he gonna sign? But running backs do realize they have to make hey early because once they get through that first,
Starting point is 00:25:15 maybe second contract, it's gonna be a lot of trouble for them to make any money and they have to kind of reassess their goals. It's one of the tough positions. I had a kid, I had a kid now who was a running back, I'd make a receiver, a slot receiver, something different than a running back, because it just doesn't pay much now in the NFL.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It used to be the position that kids would choose. They wanted to play. They wanted to be Tony Dorsett. Now Michael thinks he's your saying, Hey kids, pick another position. No, I love that Tine end that pays a lot Well get to the running backs I guess the second but Mike
Starting point is 00:25:57 We just kind of yeah, we just kind of got away from the whole idea of you being the AD and How would you start? What would your first order of business be if you did get this job? Like let's say we have father come on and we talk you up and he says, you know what? The search needs to go no further than this. I was just on God bless football. You're in my goal.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Like you got the job. Where would you go from there? Blake, my pay probably is where we're going. Well, we're assuming that's negotiated already. You now have the job and building a billiards wonder is, what is your first order of business? I would think it would be to take down that terrible sign play like a champion today.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Wow. That's a, if I was in front of you right now, I'd punch you right in the face. Absolutely not. Yeah, like the drill guy. I would probably, I would probably in the AD suite. I would probably knock out the wall and put two suites together and make it a really almost like an owner suite in the NFL Make my suite a lot bigger. Well, you'd be costing the school money already because you'd lose a suite in revenue
Starting point is 00:27:00 We would make up for it in the amount of national championships. I would be winning as the athletic director We would make up for it in the amount of national championships. I would be winning as the athletic director Is that right? I think it's idea which boards I need room to stretch across we just we just saw across yeah go on right now We'll see women's basketball coming back obviously Marcus is gonna lead the fighting Irish to a national championship on the football field at some point here So and and of course, a lot of you know, the name is a fencing school. So I mean, the fencing team is certainly going to be stacking on their 13 national championships at this point. So there you go. Is that something when you guys all get together that you talk about the fencing team and that's
Starting point is 00:27:40 bringing in all the donors, the how the fencing team is doing. Uh, actually, uh, when I was out at me and Mike were out in Colorado Springs, that at, at, at a, at a deal where Notre Dame brought in a lot of their big donors and the fencing coaches there and a couple of fensors, they just come off their third straight, I think National Championship. It's very cool. I mean, it's very, it's very, very cool to see, you know, and we know there's, you know, we know what the revenue sports on the non revenue sports, but it was very, very cool to watch. Can I suggest an order of business that since Notre Dame's a fencing school apparently?
Starting point is 00:28:16 Maybe when you start things out replace touchdown Jesus with fencing Jesus. Interesting. Jesus with a sword in his hand. Yeah. Well, is it is it called a sword? It's fencing. I think it's called a lance or something, right? No, it's not a lance. I mean, there's there's street there's Epay, there's Saber, and I think there's something else. Yeah, we were in Gollis wheelhouse. Yeah, it's a fencing school, man. He tried to tell us. Yeah, I'm trying to tell you, man. It's phenomenal, phenomenal fencing school. Right. I would think the first order of business move the sign if you don't want to take it down Just move the sign from the stadium to the fencing wherever they fence, you know, go. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's got to stay It you know, we can just put it up in multiple places, right? Yeah, no Can only be a one spot is the fencing room one side and one spot the ad gets the juice
Starting point is 00:29:05 Wow, that's power. That is power right there. Wow. It's a pressure. Yeah. And obviously a saver foil. A foil, that's the one I couldn't think of, right. So there are three.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And from what I found out when we were talking to the coach and they had a couple of fences there, that the saber one is kind of the violent one. They said each point in that at last an average of like only 14 seconds because it is just an attacking style with the saber. And they had a demonstration there with two women, one's going to be a senior, one's going to be a junior, they have never lost in their Notre Dame competitions, never lost. They have, they have won national championships. And
Starting point is 00:29:50 yeah, it is, it's wild to watch up close. It's very, very cool. And the other great, go ahead. I was going to go ahead and finish up. I was going to ask you if you'd be able to fire a football coach if you had to. That's all. That would be tough, but you know, it comes with the gig, you know, I mean, you got to do what you got to do, you know, at times. And, and, you know, I think Marcus is going to do a great, a great job. But listen, I played other sports growing up as well. So maybe if I have to let a coach go in a certain sport, I would take over as that head coach in the interim. I'd be 80 slash head coach.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That was looking for new coach. What do we think? No. No. If I was father the interim. I'd be 80 slash head coach. I was looking for a new coach. What do we think? No, if I was father Jenkins, I'd hire you right there. Right? Like on the spot. Yes, saving money, I guess. That's what that's what Barry Alvarez did forever. I mean, Jack, the writer is coached.
Starting point is 00:30:38 What does that coach say to the other? The other big time perk of this is I I'm flying private all the time baby hell yeah Yeah, you are Okay, well no Can I say as some as someone who will never fly private in their life? It doesn't seem like it's that it seems like I The best thing ever great. It's great. It's great. It's great. It's great I'm great. It's great. It depends on the plane No, it's the greatest thing ever. Great.
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's the greatest. It's the greatest. It depends on the plane. You know, I've been fortunate enough to be on smaller planes or bigger planes that are private. But it's just the whole access part that you don't have to go through the airport. That was one of the great things about flying private or even when we were chartering when I was playing. You'd fly, you drive to kind of your own parking lot.
Starting point is 00:31:23 You get on the plane, you know, you don't go through any of that other stuff and you get where you want to go. So it's awesome. When you ask a billy, when are we taking off their responses when you get here? It's exactly right. Yeah. When a pilot looks back and says, you guys ready to go? I mean, you know, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And you sit there with a chicken cutlet sandwich in your right. Yes. Exactly right. Amazing. Sorry. First class problems. Anyway, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. to bad places. Very relatable to the guy. And a fighting with a guy is just trying to do his job. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, I'm a. Well, I mean, you said it.
Starting point is 00:32:12 We know it. Yeah. And for reasons I'm pronounced to us, Billy just pulled out the drill again. Yeah, yeah. I had a drill again. Billy just loves a tool in his hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:22 What? Yeah. I never know. Exactly. Mike, where do you think Dalvin cooks going to land? I was surprised the Vikings just released them tool in his hand. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My way to the Dalvin Cooks going to land. I was surprised the Vikings just released them. That's it.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Well, I mean, it's a big hit. It's what 14 mil. I mean, you know, on that cap. So and they like Alexander Madison, the backup who at this point, I think his best year was like 130 some carries almost 500 yards, 32 reception. So he's going to be, you know, the three-down guy now, because he can catch it as well as run it. And I think he's only a couple of mill
Starting point is 00:32:49 against a cap, and they like him a lot, and they didn't like the cap number for cook. So, you know, it's kind of a full running back room in Miami, but boy, to add another piece there, their roster is, you know, when you start breaking down cores of roster, their roster, again, this is on paper, is right up there with the best. And he would be a nice addition there, maybe Denver where the running back room certainly isn't what it is in Miami. But,
Starting point is 00:33:17 you know, are they prepared with Sean Payton now there to make a bit of a run? So we'll see, you know, between him, Zeeck's been out there. He may end up back in Dallas, obviously, at a big time cut price, or does he end up somewhere else? I think Joe Mixon is another back who may be looking for a home as well. By the way, that's how quickly it happened. Zeeck Elliott was like the toast of the NFL three years ago. And here he is, like, scrapping for a job and Michael back to Dallas for less money. Like it's great. We always, we always talk about that position of man, you got it, you got to score while
Starting point is 00:33:52 you're, you're playing hot there because it doesn't last long. And if you can get that second deal, a big deal, man, then good for you because it's, it's a rarity now because A, we're seeing more and more teams go to the two-back system and if you're in a two-back system you're not going to pay one back where he's making 14 mil you know against the cap or more so that we're we're in less and less teams that are just having that one-back carry the ball mid two hundred sometimes over 300 carries a year. So unlike, you know, kind of a lot like the Derek Henry's of the world. Sure. You just see that guy run everything. Now, now you're getting multiple backs and I get it. I get it. But it's just not relative to the rest of the positions.
Starting point is 00:34:37 It's just not the highest paying job anymore for what you're getting back from it. These guys are different makers though. Mike. Like Daven cook in the right situation could help a team win a Super Bowl. Leonard Fornet did help a team win a Super Bowl. He's available as well. Z-Gallion, guys like that, Joe Mixon, these guys are guys in the right situation on the right team, Mike.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Could help a team win a Super Bowl. Well, they could. And that's why I say Daven and Miami, you got a loaded running back room there. You would not be asked at all to carry the major load there. You would just be a, you know, another bullet in the chamber, you know, to help to help this team out. Sure.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And you're going to get them now again, I don't know them. If you get a few teams going after you, maybe the money goes up a little bit, but it's not going to be a ton of money on you. So you just look for, you know, the cap space these teams have. And just again, put in, put another asset on your team. I think Mike EA has the, uh, the rosters rank. Someone ranked the rosters, which I want to get to with just a second. I love a good ranking of rosters.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Billy Gilligan, I'm all excited there. It just don't ask me to rank anything. I just love rankings. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Where are you top 40 linemen that you said you would rank for us? Are we revealing 40 to 35? A, I never said I'd rank them and B, I never will rank them. I hate ranking.
Starting point is 00:35:56 I hate ranking players. Because I don't like doing it. I think it's, I mean, not a fan of it. Is it what? Is it mean? Is that why? It's not mean. It's I mean, is it mean is it mean is that why it's not mean? Mm-hmm. I just don't want to go through the pride there are two things I despise ranking the top whatever and Also in college when you're getting ready to go into the pro level this guy reminds me of this guy
Starting point is 00:36:22 I hate it. This guy in college reminds me of this guy. I hate it. This guy in college reminds me of Walter Payton or Barry's Sanders or some great player that has had a Hall of Fame career and you're saying yes This college guy who's never stepped on the field yet reminds me of this greatest one of the greatest players of all the time I hate that I hate it. I have a two-part question for you one Who were you, Mike Goliak reminds me of X, and then two, who was X reminds me of Mike Goliak?
Starting point is 00:36:53 Pick any mid-level defensive interior alignment, okay? Yeah, we're all the same, right? That's what you mean, Mike Goliak. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. God. But did you remind anyone like did you remind any of the draft experts when you were coming out of a guy who would play before you? No.
Starting point is 00:37:16 No. No. Absolutely. Mike. Yeah. That's great. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:24 That was one of a kind. But I just can't I can't who doesn't remind you of in the NFL Just stop that You're right. You're right. You're right. Oh, we're sorry Jesus And by the way, there has to be other things that upset you other than those two things Those are just too good on this show because you because you asked me to do a list of top 40 I don't even want to do a list of top three little on top 40 Yeah, but you like there's two things I despise there has to be more I mean, there are more that just happen to be the topic of the conversation as they come up
Starting point is 00:37:54 I'll let you know what I've despised the top two things some might say Grab another drill Bill He did! Billy Drill! We'll get to the ranking of rosters here in just a second. Goal accates it. Me and Billy love it. Mike E.A. I believe loves it. But I have a serious question for for all three of you guys and we'll start with Goli. Demore Hamlin suited up practice for the first time since since he went through that terrible ordeal and Cincinnati last year Mike and I'm just wondering like I was thinking about it when I read the news if I'd be able to go through
Starting point is 00:38:40 what Demore Hamlin went through last year and ever play the game of football again. And I'm not certain I'd be able to like we've spoken to certain players who sent us, hey, I had no idea that could happen to me out in a football field. And yes, it has to be rethinking the entire game. And so Mike, if that happened to you, and I know this is a really difficult question, but do you imagine you'd feel comfortable going back out there and playing again? So obviously the first thing you do is in which I'm sure he's done is you ask, can this happen again?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Right. And I'm sure there's a percentage that it could, but that we don't know because this was such a freak thing that happened. And then quite honestly, Stu, because this question went back like when I was playing, you saw more guys get carted off the field who lost feeling in their body
Starting point is 00:39:34 with the hits that they took when you were allowed to have different kind of hits in the NFL. And I would always be asked that question as well after I retired and was doing the show at ESPN is if you were laid on that field after a hit and couldn't move and then obviously you got all of your feeling back and would you want to go back out on the field type, it had questions like that. This obviously different. You are, you've actually passed
Starting point is 00:39:55 away and you need to be brought back to life. I think a lot of it's to is where are you in this? He's 25, okay? If I was young before I was married or even after I was married but didn't have kids yet, there would probably, I would, I would, 99% say I'm going back on the field. You know, we're all young and dumb, you know, and say this won't happen again or, okay, that was horrible, but it's not going to happen again. I, I, I will beat this and I'll get back on the field. You know, if I'm in my ninth year and I have two kids, Mike and Jake are both born,
Starting point is 00:40:33 they're a few years old. It's before we had Sydney, but you know, I'm going to have a third kid or whatever. You know, you're rethinking a little bit and you say, okay, you know, I got kids now. I'm getting a little older. Is this something that I want to, I want to mess around with? So I think that comes into play. Younger, little less people that you're responsible for, you may say, I'm going back and quite honestly, as your older son may say that as well.
Starting point is 00:41:00 But that would be my barometer of, if I have a family now, I have a wife and I have kids. Where you at the light. No, is that, do I want to risk that? So him being 25, I think I could easily say being that young now, I was married by that point, but if I was not married, and I, or if I was just married, I still think I would, I would, yes, go back out in the field. Uh, Billy, you think you'd be able to do it? I, I think exactly what Mike was saying. I think the fact that he's so young, he's 25, he still feels like he has something to
Starting point is 00:41:35 prove. And it's not one of, it's not like a nagging persistent injury history that he has there, right? It's something that kind of happened. And by all reports, it seems like he, he was out of it there, right? It's something that kind of happened. And by all reports, it seems like he was out of it immediately, right? So we don't even know how much memory he has of what happened. So it was just one split second to the next. So there may not be that in now, obviously, there's granted, there's the recovery time period that he had to get back to where he is. But
Starting point is 00:41:59 he probably saw as something to prove he doesn't have in the back of his head. I mean, I guess he could have what if this happens again, but you talk to your doctors, you assess the risk and you say, you know what? He's made the decision to go back there. And I think that a lot of young athletes that still feel like they have a lot to prove that they're not supporting, you know, young children's spouses, whatever might make the same decision, even if it is an injury history, right? Like athletes are just wired to want to go out on their own terms. And when that's kind of taken from
Starting point is 00:42:29 you, sometimes you say, you know what, this isn't how it's going to end for me. Like I still have something left to prove. I want to show people that I belong that this won't be what ends me. Like I will go out the way I decide. So what I'm thinking here is my key. yeah, would you do it before I was brought to that? I think they said it perfectly. It's really his choice. And if that's what he wants to do, that's how he wants to live his life.
Starting point is 00:42:54 And that's great for him. What, Mike, I guess what I'm getting at is there's a mental block. There has to be a mental block for him. Like, yes, I think we all agree, okay, if the doctor's cleared me, depending on where we're at in life, do we have kids, we get all that, we factor all that in. Once you get out of the field though, and you have to tackle a guy, and his helmet is coming right at your chest, don't you think you're pulling up a little bit, it's going
Starting point is 00:43:17 to take him in if we're him to get past that. The toughest thing, and this obviously is a major thing where we're used to dealing with blown out knees or ankles or elbows or shoulders or whatever. And one of the most difficult things coming back from an injury is the mental side. You do all the physical rehab enough to where a doctor says you're good to go. But then you got to get out in the field and is my knee good to go when I have to go full tilt and make that first cut? Is my knee going to be okay? That's where that's what you have to get past because you're physically fine. You know, you've rehabbed the doctor says you're ready to go. It's now getting over that mental hurdle. This, this is a guy who
Starting point is 00:44:00 took a hit in the chest and literally died on the field. Okay? So to think that that won't be in his mind because he'll have really nothing close to that until preseason games. Nobody really goes balls out anymore in practice. So that won't happen until preseason games when you're playing another team and there's going to be a hit. So where, how does he do that? Does he try and use his shoulder more so his chest isn't exposed? I don't know, but to me that's the mental side of it. He's been cleared. He's practicing. So physically
Starting point is 00:44:32 he's okay to play, but man, that does not mean you are mentally ready to go until you can get out of that on that field and not think about it because when you think about shit and you get nailed with it or that's a lot of times when it's in your mind, it can happen. So you got to play clean in your mind and be able to go a thousand miles an hour, which the mentally is the harder thing to do. I think at least, and I don't know, I want to speak for you, Mike, but I think also we're answering this if it was us. Would we do it? Right.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's not to say that he's necessarily making the right decision, playing again, right? It is ultimately his decision, as you as a former athlete, I was a college pulver, so it's a lot different, obviously, right? I had an injury one time where I didn't go deep enough. I missed the pads. I hit the metal box. I dislocated my shoulder. Every time I went upside down after that, it was in the back of my head.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And eventually I overcame it, right? But it's always in the back of your head. So he will have probably once you're getting into real time, real speed, it may come back and be in the back of his head and maybe his mind will change on this. That's what I'm saying. I would imagine me, if it were me, I would imagine the first time some guys coming straight at me and I have to tackle them, I'd pull up. Like, I don't know if I'd be able to go through with it. I just don't know. I guess, I mean, I guess he won't know what till it happens, right? Exactly right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:48 We can, you can talk about it all you want. But until it's somebody else going 100 miles an hour and you're going 100 miles an hour and there's going to be a collision and there's one every single play, you don't know. You don't know how you're going to deal with it until you get past it, until he goes through that hit and gets up and hopefully everything is goes through that hit and gets up.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And hopefully everything is fine. Each hit subsequent to that, even though we know it's a hit out of nowhere where it can happen, but each time he gets a hit and gets up and is fine, I think that will be a more of a mental relief to him saying, okay, I'm kind of back where I, where I'm supposed to be. Well, we'll get to Ross. There's a second clunky transition here, but speak of the hits. Okay. Levy on Bel said that he spoke pop before a football games.
Starting point is 00:46:32 And the news to me was that things that Levy on Bel says is still news, but he said it and it was news. Michael. I've ever spoke pop before an NFL game. No, I was not a, was not a pot smoker. I was a beer drinker. I was not, I was not a pot smoker back when I was playing at all. So no, I never did that.
Starting point is 00:46:55 My biggest vice before a game is, I was a home game and it was in Philly when I would go in with my wife and go into the wives lounge and you know, drop her off there is they had a big train. Big tray of donuts. I was worried. Yeah. Yeah, a big tray of cream filled donut and I was going. Where it goes goes.
Starting point is 00:47:17 This would be the last thing. I would be walking to the locker room and play my game eating a cream filled donut. So that was that was my vice. Mikey A explained to my goalie where we all thought that was going. Honestly, even when he said donuts, I thought he would be like, and they had this big tray of donuts and then we had sex. Sex, you might have a sex. Now Billy went to the same place, you were walking your way.
Starting point is 00:47:43 It's up there. We all, the way you had set it up is a strange set up. Yeah, my my set up led you to think I was walking my wife into the wives Lounge whether there are other wives and I was gonna have sex before the game. Yep, and a dog you get down is how you get down Whatever kept Reggie white clean man, whatever Clean wow Whatever whatever kept Reggie White clean man whatever I'm gonna make you white clean wow Oh you guys mines oh my god. I will you took us there you paint to the picture I'm not by painting it I'm walking my wife into the white house How is that painting a picture of I'm gonna have sex with her before I go over to the stadium and play a game
Starting point is 00:48:20 Wait there's four people all three of us thought the same thing Y'all are scum is what you are you let us there Oh my god And my wife can hear this and throw up he doesn't listen to this come on Who do you imagine I the Jets better be on there? Who do you imagine who ranked these Mikey a on there. Who do you imagine? Who ranked these, Mikey, the rosters? Was it ESPN? It was ESPN. I'm trying to see who it was at ESPN. It was Seth Walder. Oh, Seth. Analytics. All right. Mike, who do you imagine has the best roster?
Starting point is 00:48:59 I think it's probably San Francisco, right? Best roster in the NFL. Top to bottom. Who would I think or who would do I think? Who do you think? Who do you think? Oh, I think it's either Philly or San Francisco. Philly or San Fram. But, but the kicker about San Francisco, why they won't be up there, I don't think is,
Starting point is 00:49:16 because of the quarterback position. Even if it's Brock Purdy, he's still a second year guy, as opposed to what Jalen Hertz has done, what Patrick Mahomes has done, what I'm sure Cincinnati's up there, what Joe Burrow has done. So I could see San Fran being down because of that. I would imagine it would be Kansas City and I have been looked at the list.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I'd imagine it's Kansas City Philly Cincinnati all up near the top of this thing. All right. I think you just put you guys out of your misery. Well, hold on. I want you to do top five, five, four, three, two, one. But for the first time, I don't know if they're in there or not. But perhaps the jets have a top five roster for the first time in franchise history.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Number five is the Buffalo Bills. Hmm, we're doomed. Number four is the Miami Dolphins in case you're sure. What? Sure if we were doomed wow It is a hell of a roster it is a hell of a roster number three is the Philadelphia Eagles Number two is the Cincinnati Bengals. It's gonna be the Niners right and number one is the Kansas City Chiefs Wow The nine or nineers are ranked 10th. That's
Starting point is 00:50:25 What Billy nothing? The nine or nineers are ranked 10th. That's 10th. Hmm, what Billy? Nothing. You know what? You know what? I just got on, I just got to this list. And you know, they're the first team when you get to 10. They list the roster core. And when you get to 10 and it's the roster core,
Starting point is 00:50:40 they're the first team where the quarterback is not listed. That's why they're number 10. Interesting. Yeah, we're the first team where the quarterback is not listed. That's why they're number 10. Interesting. Yeah, we've heard the jets of this list. They're number eight. Ahead of the Niners. Ahead of the Niners behind two AFC East teams though. That's all matters a lot more.
Starting point is 00:50:57 This is all built on the quarterback because the quarterback means so much and that's what's not good because you're talking Nick, both the Trent Williams, Christian McCaffrey, George Kiddell, Fred Warner, it's a phenomenal core. But in a sport where the quarterback is the most important position there, they don't even have one listed there, so that's why they're down. All right, just quickly we'll get out of here. Where were the Las Vegas Raiders? Oh, here we go. I see where this is going.
Starting point is 00:51:22 They are 17. Okay, well they'll be top five. What's brainy returns? Yeah. Boom. Like clockwork. Not going to happen. I was hopeful.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Not going to happen. Go away with a boom.

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