The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - GBF: I Have A Game

Episode Date: July 19, 2024

Stugotz is back and Billy unleashes a number of new games on him and Mikey! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. Don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of AmeriMexpress. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. condition supply. God bless football, Billy Gill.
Starting point is 00:00:56 God bless football, Mikey. God bless football, Stu Gatz. Thank you, Mikey. A Fuentes is here. He doesn't have a microphone or a camera. He's got nothing for us. Well, he's working, doing, you know, the technical stuff. Yeah, he's got a microphone. Now all of a sudden he's got a microphone. Oh, no, he doesn't have a microphone. Why do you do this?
Starting point is 00:01:07 He said very clearly before, don't go to me. Don't do this today. So Billy, I have good news and I have bad news. What is that? The good news is 50 days until football. The bad news, 50 days until football. Or 48. Is it 48?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Yeah. Oh, the Thursday night game? Yeah. Oh, the Thursday night game. Yeah. Oh, the Thursday night game. Yeah. Oh, the Thursday night game.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. Oh, the Thursday night game. Oh, the Thursday night game. Oh, the Thursday night game. Oh, the Thursday night game. Oh, the Thursday night game. the bad news is 50 days until It was 50 days. 48 days. I have good news and bad news for you. Okay, what's that? 48 days until football starts. Wow. You want the bad news?
Starting point is 00:01:47 What's that? 48 days until football starts. Okay. Those two days flew. I need football. I need football, man. I have a new game I want to play. Really?
Starting point is 00:01:58 I just came up with it right now and I'm wondering and I'm going to play it specifically with Mikey. Not to, I don't want to exclude you, but I want to, I want to play it specifically with Mikey. Not to, I don't want to exclude you, but I want to play it specifically with Mikey so you see how it goes. Okay, all right. So the game's called Good News or Bad News. Ooh, Good News or Bad News. So you're going to play it with Mikey
Starting point is 00:02:15 so I could see how to play the game? Correct. Okay, all right. So this is how it works. Good news or bad news, and I will give you a stated fact, and then you determine is it good news or bad news. Got it. All right, so Mikey, ready?
Starting point is 00:02:27 You understand? Does everyone in the audience understand how good news or bad news works? They do. Okay, good. All right, Mikey, good news or bad news? Stu Gatz is back. Ooh, that's right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:02:40 That's what he likes to do. What do you mean? It's good news. It's good news. It's good news he's back. I agree. Thanks, you guys miss me's what you like to do. What do you mean? It's good news. Yeah, it's good news. I agree. It's good news. He's back. I agree. Thanks. You guys
Starting point is 00:02:48 miss me, huh? Yeah. Yeah. Fun little episode last week. Stu got to his way. He was at Lake Tahoe doing some recon work. I want to play the game now. Do you? Yeah, good news, bad news. Okay. I think that was the only one he had. I
Starting point is 00:03:03 wasn't Tahoe. I will tell everyone about Tahoe. I spent some time with Jason Kelsey. I am hopeful that he will come on this program at some point. I spent some time with Josh Allen, Billy's friend. He asked me how Billy was doing. I spent some time with Baker Mayfield. I spent some time with some football guys. You were doing some groundwork. You were laying some seeds for relationships to flourish, which I think is very important and you are out there doing that selflessly, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Um I think, yes. Yeah. Um yeah. It's interesting Mikey because I've been out to Tahoe now for five or six consecutive years, I feel like. Um but I was out there at a different, you know, I was on vacation so I wasn't really working and I built up a lot of equity I feel like with these guys because for the first time in my life, I wasn't asking them for anything. You know what I was a Did you interview almost Aaron Rogers again? No, I actually got it right. Jake Owen is his name. And I got it right. I redeemed myself.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I went up to Jake. I said, hey Jake, how you doing? He gave me a hug. He's friends with Marty Fish. Now I will tell you that I went up to Jake on the driving range and in Tahoe, they have a nameplate for your spot on the driving range. And so I knew it was Jake Owen.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah, because it said Jake Owen right in front of my face. Now, I think they did that because of what you did last year. Perhaps. Do you think they put the name? OK, I would say I actually think they were there last year. I just ignored that. I was just going to say, I feel like if they were there last year and you saw the name Jake Owen without knowing who he was, you wouldn't have thought twice about it. You still would have said hi to Aaron.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And for those in the audience wondering, I thought that my quarterback, Aaron Rogers, was a country music singer. I spent 15 minutes with him on the driving range. He really sunk into the character. He pretended to be Aaron Rogers. He knew it was a mistaken identity, and it did not stop Jake Owen, who was a great sport,
Starting point is 00:05:04 from making me feel worse and worse. Like he dragged the conversation on. I will say, thinking back to it, I remember like 20 minutes into it, why is Aaron still talking to me? Yeah. Yeah. Because it wasn't Aaron. It was Jake Owen. Now, Aaron was there. Did you talk to Aaron? I did. Yeah. Yeah. Said hello. Yeah. I mean, I spent the entire time, Mike, you'll love veteran. I did. Yeah. Yeah. Said hello. Yeah. I mean, I spent the entire time, Mike, you'll love this and Aaron is catching
Starting point is 00:05:30 footballs and shaking hands and putting his body in all kinds of compromising positions and I like at one point he almost ran over Jake Gollick's kid and I'm like, hey, Aaron, what like be what are you doing? Be careful. You're coming off a tour in
Starting point is 00:05:44 Achilles. Why are you looking at me like that? You said that to him. I did. Yes. And what did he say to you? He said I'm fine. He said I'm Jay Gullick. He said. He said. I lashed out at Jay Gullick one time because I said, hey, get your kids away from my quarterback. Yeah. So who were you actually upset with in this exchange? Well, who do you think I should have been upset with? I don't know. One of them's a child. I don't know necessarily. Well, no. Jay Gullick's the dad. It's Mike Gullick Jr the exchange. Well, who do you think I should have been upset with? I don't know. One of them is a child. I
Starting point is 00:06:06 don't know necessarily. Well, no, Jay Gollick's the dad. It's Mike Gollick Jr's brother. Yeah, but you said you almost ran over Jay Gollick's kid. I know, but he brought his kids out to the driving range where Aaron
Starting point is 00:06:14 was. So I'm talking to Aaron. Aaron turns around the kids right there. He almost fell over the kid. That's what I'm trying to say. That's on Jay Gollick. I mean, don't bring your kid to a driving range. I have a new segment I want to try. Love you Jake. If you guys want to play along with this segment and I
Starting point is 00:06:29 and I will admit to you on the front end, the name of this segment can use some work. Maybe we, you know, spruce it up with some imaging as we go on if this thing catches on. Mm hmm. But this is called Headlines. Ooh. Alright, I'm just going to start out with one if you wanna play headlines. So what do we do after you read the headline? I'm gonna give you a headline, it's related to what we were talking about,
Starting point is 00:06:48 which is why I figured this is the best time to play headlines. I was thinking of maybe holding onto headlines for later in the show, but it's applicable to what we're talking about right now. Okay. And that is Aaron Rodgers. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:59 This week in the headlines, news came out about Aaron Rodgers, where he was when he was away. Diana Rusini, friend of the show, friend of yours, friend of ours, reported, or I guess let the world know, Aaron Rogers' unexcused absence from Jets mandatory training camp is because he was in Egypt. And he had disclosed that trip to Egypt, to the Jets, and to Robert Saleh before the date was set for mandatory training camp.
Starting point is 00:07:27 So he told them, I will be in Egypt these dates. They then went ahead and scheduled mandatory training camp for when he was in Egypt, and then reported that his absence was unexcused, although he had let them know before they even set the dates that he would be in Egypt. But you expect the J jets to start their mini camps, their training camps around Aaron's schedule. You do. I believe, I believe, and you can check it out in
Starting point is 00:07:54 Diana's new podcast, Scoop City, that Robert Salah decided that he was going to do the training camp that day regardless. And my understanding of it, and it could not be what was reported, but my understanding was you're just trying to prove a point by doing so. All-star training camp when I want to start training camp, not when you're ready to start training camp. I think that that was what was implied. How do you feel about that, Mikey, as a jet fan?
Starting point is 00:08:21 I said all along that the problem wasn't Roger's missing camp. The problem was Salah calling it an excuse and now we go on to find out that he even called it an excuse when he scheduled it knowing Rogers wouldn't be there. Like if you're gonna go all in on a guy like Aaron Rodgers go all in or don't. You can't do this hedge thing where I'm in charge but whatever you want Mr. Rogers. But there's no in between there's no I mean Salah has to get the locker room back. He asked Mike he hasn't like no one respects him in that locker room because he's letting Aaron run the team and run the organization at some point he's got to put his foot down now. And do you think this was
Starting point is 00:08:58 the way to do it? Is this is this are all the players now going hey yeah I'm on Salah's side. Well what's he gonna do do, bench him week one? I mean, I guess you're right. Yeah. Don't call it an excuse. That's all he had to do. Don't call it an excuse. I would say as someone who doesn't have a horse
Starting point is 00:09:14 in this race, he made the situation worse. Like, yes, by doing what he did, he made the situation worse. Aaron already has everybody kind of talking about everything he does anyways, but saying it's an unexcused absence, even though Aaron apparently gave everyone a heads up that he was going to be doing this. He kind of made this when it didn't have to exist.
Starting point is 00:09:34 That's fine, but I feel like I don't want to hear from a guy who just came off in Achilles, missed the entire year, placed four snaps with the Jets, and he's dictating when we're going to start training camp? Let me ask you guys something as Jets fans. And he should. I guess you're right. Now that I'm talking it out. It's Aaron Rodgers. Now that you said it out loud, you're like, yeah, he should.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Let me ask you guys a question as Jets fans. In a new segment called, Who's There Longer? How many new segments are you? So here's how this game works. I want to play them every week. Alright, who's there longer? Aaron Rodgers or Robert Sala who's gonna be there longer or who has been there longer no who will be there longer Wow from this day moving forward mm-hmm Aaron Mikey I'm gonna say I'm gonna go optimistic and I'm gonna say Sala because Rodgers
Starting point is 00:10:31 gets into the playoffs retires Sala gets one year without him and then gets the boot hmm okay who do you think I think that I'm the host so I can't give my opinion on this well now you can but I will say this I'm the host, so I can't give my opinion on this. Well, now you can. But I will say this. I'm the host, so it's not my job to give the opinions. I'm just here to give you the prompts. But I will say this. I don't think Robert Sala is in a position to be trying to strong arm Aaron Rodgers right now.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Because? Because I don't think he has the job security to be strong arming Aaron Rodgers. Because Aaron Rodgers is your team at the moment. Your season will go as Aaron goes. If Aaron gets injured again, your season will likely go down the drain again. So it's best after Aaron played four snaps last season for everybody to be on the same page.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Which by the way, is probably why Nathaniel Hackett is still there to begin with, right? Because of the fact that Aaron only lasted four snaps. So it's kind of like, well, we can't really make a judgment call on Nathaniel Hackett. And we don't want to upset Aaron by getting rid of his friend before they even really reunited here. That's totally fair. Listen, the judgment call you need to make on Hackett is the two years
Starting point is 00:11:40 he was Aaron's offensive coordinator, who was the MVP of the league. So and so the Jets have not seen that play out yet. They want to see it play out. They haven't seen it play out, but I'm kind of with Mikey from this standpoint. If Rogers is healthy, the Jets are good enough. Rogers takes them to the playoffs, hopefully deep into the playoffs, maybe to the Super Bowl and Salah maybe gets another
Starting point is 00:12:02 year out of that, you know, I mean, Salah does have to get control of the locker room, right? But also... Yeah, but this is a way to do it. Like, it doesn't... So, if we're gonna say that, if we're gonna say that his success is tied to Aaron's success or lack of success, then none of this really matters. What mattered for Salah in this situation is he had to get some
Starting point is 00:12:23 modicum of respect back in that locker room because no one respects him. So, what did he do? the thing about Salah in this and the Jets kingdom rather than as solid. Suppose in a perfect world, the Jets win the Super Bowl. Yeah. How many years does that buy solid? It would take more than a perfect world. I understand. It's more about how the Jets culture. I'm just curious, how long do you think winning a Super Bowl would buy a coach years?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Can I throw in like another, I guess, aspect to this question? It's a good question, though. I was thinking when I asked the question, again, it's not my position to be giving you my opinion. But what I was thinking was, if the Jets do win the Super Bowl, Robert Sala will have a longer career, not just with the Jets in the NFL, because he'll be a Super Bowl winning coach.
Starting point is 00:13:25 So it benefits Robert to be on the same page with Aaron. So this is why it seems like this is not necessarily the issue where you want to kind of turn it into a thing, because they're going to butt heads, you would assume, right? It just seems to be the way things go. So if you're on the same page, why are you going to go on the offensive and then try to make him look bad? Which is just gonna potentially lead to issues down the road, even though even though it was reported that they're all good. I
Starting point is 00:13:58 Mean, I think the only reason you do this if you're Salah is to save yourself with the rest of the locker room That's it. It's the only you're billy You're making good points and understand what it is you're asking and what you're saying But but you do it you do it to save face in the locker room. And maybe Aaron's in on that because he wanted Sal to have some of that back. You could also just schedule it a week later or whatever, and no one will even know that that's why I was scheduled those dates.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Well, no one. Who do you think sauce is going to find out? You don't think Aaron likes the idea that he could dictate when a team's gonna. I mean, sauce is gonna find out. You know, the Aaron likes the idea that he could dictate when the team's training camp starts. He would let it out. Training camp starts when I show up. Since the dawn of mankind, we've cooked
Starting point is 00:14:39 our food over an open flame and debated the best way to grill. One thing not for debate, grilling and beer always go together and not just any beer will do. Whether you barbecue Texas style or just celebrate Wednesday with burgers and dogs, you need a beer that tastes great and is less filling. So you have more room for food. You need
Starting point is 00:14:54 Miller Lite. Whether it be charcoal or propane, boys, it's going to be a hot summer. Just take one step out your door and you know I'm not lying. And to cool down, you could really use a Miller Lite. Because Miller Lite keeps it simple. Undebatable quality, tastes as great as your barbecue. It's the beer that strips away everything you don't need and holds on to what matters most. The light beer with the most taste. Less filling and only
Starting point is 00:15:14 96 calories. The original light beer since 1975. A perfect companion for grill masters across America. With a Miller Light in hand, grilling doesn't just taste great, it tastes like Miller time. To get Miller Lite delivered right to your door, visit slash GBF. Or you can find anywhere that sells beer. Celebrate responsibly, Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 96 calories per 12 ounces. So, Stugats, we didn't come close to answering Mikey's question, I don't think. We sprinted away from it. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah. What was the question? Do you know? I don't remember. That's why I didn't answer it. the how many years does a Super Bowl by Sala in New York. Wow. I feel like winning a Super Bowl should buy you a lifetime in New
Starting point is 00:16:14 York. It doesn't know. So I'm just thinking back. I know Marty Schottenheimer with the Chargers 14 into AFC championship game. They'd gotten there a bunch. They had very good teams, talented teams. He was fired the next year. So we went 14 and two AFC Championship game lost that fire. Doug Peterson won a Super Bowl with Nick Foles in
Starting point is 00:16:38 Philadelphia and then was fired I believe two seasons later. Two years. Yeah. So we got a year. So we got a year and then he was fired or two years and then he was fired, I believe, two seasons later. Two years, yeah. I think it was two years. So we got a year, so we got a year, and then he was fired or two years, and then he was fired? Two years. All right. Two more seasons. So Philadelphia was starving for a Super Bowl as well. Peterson won them that Super Bowl, and he got two years.
Starting point is 00:16:57 The Jets, laughable organization, haven't won a Super Bowl since 69. I feel like Salah gets, the nation. haven't won a start off the right way. Now, I think that he'll get the two years. I think he would get two more years. Okay, do you think Aaron comes back if the Jets win the Super Bowl? I hope not.
Starting point is 00:17:36 What do you mean? I would hope not. Why, you wanna end it right there? That would just, what a great walk off, walk off. You just took a team that couldn't make the playoffs for 13 years, won them a Super Bowl, and then said, I'm gone. I can't see that happening.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Looks like- Me neither. Looks like Weeb Eubank. I know, what I mean by I can't see that happening is you wanting Aaron to retire after that man's won you a Super Bowl. You're gonna be begging him to come back. What were you saying about Weeb? Looks like Weeb retired as head coach of the Jets after the 1973 season. It looks like four seasons maybe. Four seasons. And I think that Coughlin also lasted
Starting point is 00:18:18 like what four seasons after the Giants won the Super Bowl. Four seasons. Yeah but keep in mind he got two. I know but they weren't waiting 50 years to do anything. Weeb Eubank did it in 1969. So you think what? That if Solid doesn't. What a great name, Weeb. Solid doesn't, what do you think? He gets to double the time that old Weeb got? Even though Weeb stayed on, I believe,
Starting point is 00:18:36 as general manager for a couple years after that, president and general manager. You got a promotion, huh? I think he may have been doing everything, I'm not sure. I mean, it's your team, I don't know. He was Jimmy before Jimmy, huh? I think he may have been doing everything. I'm not sure. It's your team. I don't know. He was Jimmy before Jimmy, huh? I don't know. Yeah. I think Salah gets five years.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I do. OK. Yeah. Weeb you bank. Yeah. Great name. Hey, I have a game I want to try to play today if you guys are interested. Jesus Christ. Oh, we got a new game. Cool. I do. If you want. It doesn't have to be now, but if you want, we can get to whenever when you guys want to play it right now. Really? Yeah. I do, if you want. It doesn't have to be now, but if you want, we can get to it whenever, when you guys want to play it.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Right now. Really? Yeah. This moment. Okay. This game is called Campus Visits. Really? Yeah. Okay. It's a hard turn.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah. Pointus is so upset he's not partaking on the air in this episode because he loves Billy's games. So this is, we're test launching campus visits today and then maybe we'll get a whistle or an airplane or something where we visit a campus, right? All right, our first campus visit is down to Austin, Texas.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Where news came out, the SEC has announced that they will not be punishing players for doing horns down as the Big 12 used to do leading to unsportsmanlike conduct penalties. So down at Texas now, I guess on the road, you can now do the horns down. Thoughts? Good. It's a harmless thing.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Why not? Like, good. Shouldn't be penalized. I think we should call the game Thoughts. No, no, this is called campus visits. The way this way. We're in Austin, Texas. Can't you? You can't.
Starting point is 00:20:15 And campus is a Billy set in the scene. Austin, Texas. We're flying down to Texas. I mean, we could technically be. We could be in Auburn, Alabama, because this is more of an SEC story playing against the University of Texas. I mean we could technically be in Auburn, Alabama because this is more of an SEC story playing against the University of Texas. So we're flying anywhere, any campus, because you would assume the horns down would happen on the road. Actually, you know what, if the team is feeling a little saucy and it's a player on the other team, they may be doing
Starting point is 00:20:39 this in Austin, Texas. You know what, we're going to stay on the campus, on campus in Austin, Texas. So we're on campus in Austin and someone does the horn celebration. The horns down. Yeah. Horns down celebration. They're no longer a penalty. I'm good with that. Okay. I mean, these kids are out there. They're breaking their ass. They're putting their bodies on the line. They want to celebrate a little bit when they score a touchdown, especially on the road.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Someone else's place. Like, who cares? Honestly, with everything going on in the world, who the hell cares what a guy does once he gets into the end zone? Seriously. I mean, I think we should do this as actual campus visits. Just go to the three of us. We go to, Fuentes can come too.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Just ask one question. We go to a campus. We ask this one question and then we get back in the road. Okay. Go to a different campus. You wanna make one more campus visit for the day? Sure. Of course.
Starting point is 00:21:23 All right. This campus visit is taking us to Clemson, South Carolina. We need airplane things. Like we're taking off from Austin. We're headed to Clemson. Right. Thank you. I want to take a train. High production budget we have here. Yeah. I do like Mikey's idea though of doing campus visits and we're actually visiting
Starting point is 00:21:41 the campuses and then we're just asking these questions of passerby one question care less. Yeah Exactly, right. So we fly in Austin Billy asked us that question and we're out. Yeah, I was thinking maybe we have ways to money Maybe we have some of the students, but I like your question. We just go there to ask you Yeah Or ask them and when they answer the other way you just say wrong and then you go to the next student Well, it's not my it's not again as hoes. It's not my place to you know, say right or wrong I'm just asking the question. We're going to Austin. You would say right or wrong. Yeah We're going to Austin did not ask a student a question. Well, we left Austin. We're going to Austin asked you a question
Starting point is 00:22:19 I could ask them right here. Yeah, we're in Clemson, South Carolina now on our next campus visit Okay, University of Clemson already landed. Yeah, we're here.mson, South Carolina now on our next campus visit. Okay. University of Clemson. You already landed. Yeah, we're here. Okay, wow. Here we are. Here's the question. Here's a big story out of Clemson.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So obviously there's all these media days going on now before the season starts. And they ask old Davao a question. You know Davao likes to answer the questions if you ask him. Sometimes Davao will answer questions you're not asking him. But Davao wanted to answer the questions if you ask him. Sometimes Dabo will answer questions you're not asking him, but Dabo wanted to answer this question. Dabo is concerned with the college football playoff expansion because he thinks that what this may lead to, according to Dabo this week, Dabo believes
Starting point is 00:22:56 that this may lead to teams who have already locked up a playoff spot having players opt out of playing or coaches resting their best players. So almost like a load management in college football now for the teams who are locked in. I'd like to get your thoughts on this. So if you feel what Dabo was saying is, if you feel like your team already has a spot, there's a good chance you might
Starting point is 00:23:17 rest some guys, get them ready for the playoffs, get them healthy, get them healthy. Maybe you hope that they don't get injured. Wow. It's an interesting point. I mean, Alabama's already got a spot, so they should just sit there guys week one. you're not going to be healthy. Maybe you hope that they don't get injured. Wow. Uh it's an interesting point. I mean, Alabama's already got a spot so
Starting point is 00:23:30 they should just sit there guys week one. Yeah. Right. That that is the point. That's the point he's trying to. That's the point. Well, I don't know. No saving. Now that's saving. Alabama's got. I don't know. Yeah. Right. Well, who? Uh
Starting point is 00:23:42 Georgia. They're in, right? Georgia's in. They're not keeping Georgia if it was, he wouldn't be worried about this. Uh, no, Clemson would get in every single year and he wouldn't be worrying about this and he'd be the one resting his quarterback, getting him healthy for the playoff run. That's where I disagree. Dabo very much seems like the type who will be running out there with like a 11-0, 12-0 record and get his quarterback injured. Bring your own guts. Yeah. BYOG. I could very much see Dabo getting a player important to his team injured because they don't take any games off. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:32 It does make me wonder, though, as someone who's just asked the questions as we're going on campus visits, it makes me wonder if this is an actual accurate prediction by Dabo, how many undefeated teams we will see moving forward? Because if you have teams that are undefeated, they're locked in, you just need to be what, in the top 12? Why would you risk it?
Starting point is 00:24:52 You know that if you have- That's a fair point. If you have one loss, you're not gonna miss the playoffs. So why, I mean, you could still rest your players and win the game and be undefeated, right? But are you going to have that team where it's that important to go undefeated moving forward? Um, no, I think it's a fair point.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I think I think and and I think I think it's very likely we're not going to see many undefeated team. No, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to you anymore. I don't think it doesn't matter to me. It might matter to the school to the coach to the players because only a handful of teams have done that undefeated with the national championship. It
Starting point is 00:25:28 might matter to them, but I think winning a national championship, obviously being healthy for the playoffs means more. I'm trying to pull up Clemson schedule here because this could benefit Dabo. What he's railing against, what if Dabo is 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, has a big game against a team that's already in the playoff and they rest their starters? So then it works out for Dabo.
Starting point is 00:25:52 What is he talking about? Dabo starts off the season with Georgia, so they're not going to be undefeated. I can tell you that right now. All right, so they're 0-1. First game, Georgia. Then Appalachian State, which is always a tricky one. Tricky one.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah. Don't do it early. I'm just warning you. Don't do it early, I'm just warning you, don't do it early, I mean. Second week of the season, and September 7th is like, that's close to, I feel like that August 31st is right around the week zero situation, right? So that's a- I think it is week zero.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So then September 7th, and that's a prime time game on ABC, the Georgia game. Then Appalachian State, that's a tricky one because that's early in the season, which is when you don't want to face them. Nope. Then NC State, Stanford at Florida State at Wake versus Virginia, Louisville, Virginia Tech, Pittsburgh, the Citadel, and then they end the season with South Carolina. I'm trying to find a game there where
Starting point is 00:26:42 Dabo could be the best, could benefit from a team resting at starters. Well, you think he could benefit from a team? Yeah, because he's really going to get something that could actually help him get into the playoff. Yeah, I don't. I realize it could hurt him as well, but could it also help him? I don't think South Carolina is going to be there. Do you? So what he's worried about is Penn State playing
Starting point is 00:27:01 someone and he's vying with Penn State to get into the college football playoff and the team that Penn State playing someone and he's vying with Penn State to get into the college football playoff and the team that Penn State is playing they sit all their starters because Penn State or that team feels like they're already in the playoff. That's what he's worried about. Yeah, it sounds to me like Dabo's always worried about a bunch of stuff that like is miles down the road that probably isn't going to be a thing. Yeah, because he knows his team isn't as good. That thing. Yeah, because you know, this team isn't as good.
Starting point is 00:27:26 That's that's that's why he's worried about it. Like, Kirby Smart is not sitting around worrying about this stuff. No. Cuz he knows he's going to be in the thing. I think Dabba is going to last at Clemson. I don't know. I think you're
Starting point is 00:27:40 starting to see the cracks. I think it's I think it's starting to be like a little bit. Alright, Dabba. Let's, come on, let's play the game. Yeah, but he's not playing the game anymore. I know. This game has passed him by. He complains about everything.
Starting point is 00:27:53 We're like Saban complained about it and then did it. Like Saban was like, I don't like NIL, but here's a big check for this guy because that's how it's done. And then Dabo's like, no, we're not doing, we're not doing the transfer portal because that's not the way I know it. And then there's Davos like, no, we're not doing, we're not doing the transfer portal because that's not the way I know it. And then Saban got out when it became too much.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Like he just, that's it. You see Saban at media day, by the way, SEC media day, like ESPN throwing it to Nick Saban with a microphone in his hand and he's there doing a live show by himself. Yeah. What are we doing? He hit El Duncan with a go dogs.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He's gonna be so good at this. Ha ha ha ha. He hit Al Duncan you a bonus ticket. It's best ball week at DraftKings. Download the DraftKings app and use code LAF. That's code LAF for all customers who enter the NFL best ball $15 million contest to get a bonus ticket and get a shot at being crowned one of two millionaires, only on DraftKings.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER. In New York, call 877-8HOPENY or text HOPENY at 467-369. millionaires only on DraftKings. Eligibility restrictions apply, one per customer. Enter the best ball $15 million contest by 9524 to get one bonus entry. $20 entry fee required. Reward expires at contest lock on 9524. See terms at slash DFS. We have Billy's story of the week coming up here in just a second. I like the campus visits by the way. Yeah. Yeah. I have a new segment around the week.
Starting point is 00:30:00 What do you mean? You have a new segment around story the way it's to. We didn't even get to story of the week yet. I'm just letting you know when we get there. We prepare because there's a little segment around. How do you come up with all these segments? You know, you're good. Uh,
Starting point is 00:30:13 well, I want it now then I do. Really? Yeah, I was going to go to Brandon. I you but I but I want it now. I have that in headlines, but we didn't get to it. Oh, you want to go back to headlines real quick? No, no. Okay. All right. Well, what
Starting point is 00:30:24 game do you want to do now? Whatever you want. You're All right. Well, what game do you want to do now? Whatever you want. You're in charge. Well, the game around your story of the week. OK, so it's time for my story of the week. Now, for those of you who have listened to this show before, you know that on the weeks that I remember, I will present you a story of the week.
Starting point is 00:30:36 And each week, that person then wins the story of the week. And at the end of the month, where we have multiple stories of the week, they will go head to head up against each other. And someone will be crowned the story of the month. And we have multiple stories of the week, they will go head to head up against each other and someone will be crowned the story of the month and they'll win a big prize that we have yet to be determined. So right now, the winner of the story of the month.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Now, we're not doing story of the year yet. That's a little bit crazy. So once we reach the end of the month, that's the story of the month. New month, fresh start. Okay. Okay. So last month, the winner of the story of the month was Les Miles suing LSU
Starting point is 00:31:08 because he had wins vacated. And as a result, he's now no longer eligible for the College Football Hall of Fame. Correct. That was the story of the month for June. Yes. Okay. I reached out to Les by the way.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Did you? Yeah, I asked him to come on. And? Get into it. Okay, good. So here is a little wrinkle for the story of the week. Okay. This is called listener suggestions.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Ooh, I like that. So we had listeners who were listening to our story of the week that then became the story of the month with Les Miles. And one listener had a listener suggestion. Okay. So as we previously stated, Les Miles is no longer eligible for the College Football Hall of Fame because LSU, unbeknownst to him,
Starting point is 00:31:50 vacated a number of wins and that brought down his win percentage below 600 which is what you need to be at to get into the College Football Hall of Fame. Was it his fault though? I mean, unbeknownst to him, I understand. Was he the one who actually like were the infractions on him? That's for the courts to decide. Okay, you're right, I'm sorry. Okay, so the listener suggestion,
Starting point is 00:32:12 which is something we had not considered, okay? That's the answer you get when you don't know. Pay attention, let's focus here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. In the middle of listener suggestions, we don't want listeners to think we're not listening to their suggestions. This is our first story of the week for July.
Starting point is 00:32:27 You're going to love this listener suggestions, you gots. I'm going to let the court decide. Listener suggestion on how less miles in LSU can fix this situation. Yes. Vacate the losses. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:42 So you vacate the wins, you vacate the losses, and then you end up more or less with the same win percentage. Wait, wow. So, you vacate the wins, you vacate the losses, and then you end up more or less with the same win percentage. Wait, but is it win percentage or amount of wins? No, it's win percentage. Okay,
Starting point is 00:32:52 win, I like that. That's a good suggestion. You said, right? Yes. Ellis, you should just vacate the losses too and then they're good. And I said, you know what? Didn't think about that. How do you vacate a loss? You know what? I like the idea
Starting point is 00:33:03 of vacating losses and just have every year like just announce like, we're gonna go back 10 years and we're gonna vacate all of our losses from the year 2005. And it's like, wow, LSU undefeated season, they vacated all their losses. So you gave yourself a national championship?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Exactly right. You vacate the losses. You say, you know what, this is a team. We really could have won that game, but we did some digging and it seems that, you know our our third wide receiver didn't do all their study hours and was ineligible so we're just going to vacate that game. Lost vacated, boom, undefeated season. Vacated, I love it. Vacate losses. you're not in your head in approval. I'm just waiting for like Texas to vacate their loss from last year and then they
Starting point is 00:33:48 have a better argument against Florida State. The thing with the vacating of wins and losses, I feel like it's always like five or six years removed, right? So like you just have to kind of put out a press release and be like, by the way, we've
Starting point is 00:33:59 vacated all of our losses. No one cares, right? No one cares. Right. We vacated all the all the losses. So, henceforth, undefeated season. I mean, Billy's right. You could say five or six years later, I feel like it's a good spot. You could say, hey, we vacated all those losses back in, you know, 2006, okay? We won the national
Starting point is 00:34:13 championship. Yeah. You could say it, you could celebrate it. No one's going to care. No one's going to think otherwise. You know, what's done is done. Bring the old players back. Exactly right. Give them a ring. Bring them a ring. Yeah, give them a
Starting point is 00:34:23 ring. Exactly right. Undefeated season. Brandon Skyler's got a few extra. Yep. So that was listener suggestions. I like it. For Billy's story of the week. I like that. Now time for Billy's story of the week. Oh wow. Yeah, we got distracted there. Can we vacate all the Jets losses? No, you only vacate losses in college. You have to make campus visits to vacate Yeah. Now, you only vacate losses in in college. You're right. You have to make campus visits to vacate. Because people would care. I think you also have to
Starting point is 00:34:49 win more than you lose in order to vacate losses. Right. And unlike college football, I feel like if I vacated all the Jets losses from five years ago and announce them as Super Bowl champions, people would be upset about that. Maybe. They
Starting point is 00:35:00 would. Yeah. They would. I think. Could be wrong. Anyways, my story of the week. Yes. Patrick and Brittany Mahomes have announced that they're expecting their third child. Slow down. Patrick has said, I'm done. Oh, god.
Starting point is 00:35:11 This is it. It's been announced. He's done. Done with kids. Third child. Yes. This is it. Hoping football.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Factory's closed. Thoughts? I would have stopped it too. Really? Yes. OK. I mean, I have to. I would have stopped it too. Yeah. Three. Okay. I mean I have to. I would have stopped it too. Yeah. Three's a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Three does seem like a lot. I mean and you're carrying a football team. Yeah. Just saying. Three kids, three Super Bowls. Just saying. Maybe, maybe he wants four. Maybe he gets four. You're saying for every Super Bowl he
Starting point is 00:35:41 wins he has a kid? Maybe. Maybe we also could, we could also maybe look in to see, you know, maybe gets four. You're saying for every Super Bowl he wins, he has a kid. Maybe. Maybe we also could, we could also maybe look in to see, you know, the Super Bowl led to the kid. You know what I mean? Can we check that out? Have. How
Starting point is 00:35:55 would we? Well, how old are his kids? Simple math. Super Bowl. Simple math. Yeah. Yeah. I suppose. Does he only have a kid after he wins a Super Bowl? I don't know. I have another kid. Wait, I need to know if Mahomes has kids only after he wins Super Bowls. Like, we gotta, I know it's a pain. I think we should get him on to ask him. Patrick? I
Starting point is 00:36:30 don't think that's true because he won his first one in 2020 and I don't think that his his first kid is that old but I'm not sure. I think he had a kid coming in. No. What do you mean no? Oh, first first child born. What do little. Maybe they made a premature celebration. Maybe they were planning on vacating that loss. Oh, you're right. Five years later. That's a win, right? Yeah. So, twenty-two, they won the Super Bowl, right? No. Yeah, they did. If you vacate. And so, it's twenty-twenty-one. Yeah, we're
Starting point is 00:37:15 talking about wins and losses, not when the conception was. Now, you've gotten me all confused. It's your game. I wasn't playing the game. They won back to back. So I won 20, 23 and 24. But do you believe, I think what Billy is asking is, do you think the shop is closed? Like, cause I know. Unless he did it in a way where he can never have kids again. I don't know if, like how old is Patrick Mahomes?
Starting point is 00:37:40 This is going to make me mad. When you tell me his age, it's going to make me mad. Why is it going to make you mad? Why is it going to make me mad. When you tell me his age, it's going to make me mad. Why is it going to make you mad? Why is it going to make you mad? Fuentes, are you saying he's 28? Why is it making, why is it going to make you mad? He is 28. Because he's won three Super Bowls already and he's 28 and he's been to five, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:37:56 But in September, he turns 29. So really, he's an old 28. 29 is like, 29 is right up there with the worst age, right? Are you going to agree on that? 29 is a great age. Nah. twenty-eight. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-two. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. Twenty-three. the game. When they won a Super Bowl in 2023 and 2024,
Starting point is 00:38:47 2023 is technically the champion of the 2022 season if you want to play this game but it seems like this is a bit of a stretch. That's a new game. A loose connection. Bit of a stretch. Right. Did a bit of a stretch. Yeah. But that's not
Starting point is 00:38:59 for this week. It's not for this week. Alright. Story of the week. We did it already. They're having like that was the story of the week. Uh. That was the story of the week. You want another Patrick Holm story? I can give you. Well, no, no, no. My apologies because I'm rusty because I was away in Lake Tahoe. I thought we did two, chose one, then took the winners and we did them all. No, no, that's when there's multiple stories.
Starting point is 00:39:14 That's yeah, there's multiple. I can tell you another Patrick Holm story if you want. My apologies, by the way. He took a TV to training camp so that he could play NCAA football, which is now known as college football 25 and so that he can play NCAA football which is now known as college football 25 and so that he can watch the Olympics. First time he's taking a TV to training camp. I don't know why that's a
Starting point is 00:39:33 story but it was a story that was out there. Seems like he's losing his edge. Is he? Yeah. I mean focus on the team. Okay. Focus on the prize. He's one three Super Bowl. Focus on being the greatest of all time. Yeah but he's you listen he's one three. He's still four away from Tom. Ooh's won three Super Bowl. Focus on being the greatest of all time. Yeah, but he's, listen, he's
Starting point is 00:39:47 won three. He's still four away from Tom. Ooh, I have a new game. You think Tom was bringing a TV at the age of twenty-eight to training camp to watch the Olympics? Wanna. Hey, give me a. Seriously. On the gymnastics team. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:39:59 What is he doing? Okay. Yeah. Bigger. Uh here's the the name of the game. Bigger distraction. Patrick Mahomes or Travis Kelsey? Who will be a bigger distraction? Mahomes is TV. Okay, Mahomes has the TV and he's gonna have a third kid now.
Starting point is 00:40:14 But Travis is now performing on stages at Taylor Swift shows. What if Mahomes' TV is showing Taylor Swift concerts? And Travis is there. What's the bigger distraction then? I will tell you this, something is definitely off in Kansas City. She's not even started yet.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Some people are saying that. I kind of wonder why it is that Patrick Mahomes can't just take his PlayStation 5 and plug it in like in a conference room in the facility. Why does he need to take a TV? It's a bad luck. Seems like a lot of work. the Why does he need to take a TV? It's a bad look. Seems like a like a lot of work. You think
Starting point is 00:40:49 Patrick is hauling in a television? Yeah. That's that's the story. That's him and Travers are carrying a 27 inch TV into the. That's the story. I mean it has to fit. That they carried it in and hung it up. I mean. That's what people are
Starting point is 00:41:01 saying. If I'm Andy Reid, I stop it right now. Really? Yeah, it's it's time for football. I think. It's winning time. You think Andy Reid sitting around watching the the David Girardi is the quarterback's coach for the Chiefs. Cushiest gig in the NFL. Put it on the pole, the Chiefs need a quarterback coach. David Girardi has the cushiest job in the NFL right now. But I feel like he needs to go in there and he needs to take a bat to Patrick Mahomes' TV. Just to save face. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 But what's really gonna happen is like, David's gonna show up with like, with the aux cord or whatever it is, and he's gonna like plug it into like, all the TVs in the quarter, I'm like, Patrick, you want a bigger TV? Let's plug it in right here. More TVs.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yeah, exactly right. Also, by the way, not to, you know. This guy has a good chance, Billy, if he did that, if he smashed his TV, that Patrick would fire him. I think that this is an opportunity and I think, was it Javon Holland we had on? I think this is an opportunity for TCL to come in here and give Patrick Mahomes a 98 inch TV
Starting point is 00:42:09 You know you want to play video games take our TCL 98 inch TV put on your wall Or just Dave the quarterback coach could do it. Yeah, David Gerardi. He's certainly making him enough money. Jesus Christ David Gerardi's job to carry Patrick Mahomes' TV into training camp? Is that what his job is? What else would he do? I mean, listen, he's paid his dues with the Chiefs. He started with an offensive quality control coaching job 2018 to 2020. Then he became the assistant quarterbacks coach slash passing game analyst 2021 to 2022.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And then in 2023, he became the quarterbacks coach. Okay, but you would agree that... Who was the quarterback's coach before that that left? Because that person is a dope. That was Alex Smith's quarterback coach. I guarantee it. No, he's a three-time champion. Alex Smith wasn't with the Chiefs until 2023.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, but the quarterback coach before that, I think, was the guy who was the quarterback coach for Alex Smith. Who had the opportunity to be the quarterback's coach for the Chiefs and then left? Can you imagine if you're this Girardi guy walking up the mall? Was it the enemy? It was Nagy. Matt Nagy. Oh it was Matt Nagy. Yeah. He took a head coaching job. Yeah go back to being Patrick Mahomes' quarterback coach is what I would say to you. Well, I mean, you're the coach. No, but imagine what's the
Starting point is 00:43:29 current guy's name? Uh David Girardi. David Girardi. Imagine if you're Girardi. You're going at it like do you even walk on? Do you do you go out to Patrick during practice? Mikey, say Patrick, listen, I think it would help
Starting point is 00:43:43 if you did this. This is how you do that. Like I wouldn't you're like, I, move my TV to the left. So Matt Nagy is the offensive coordinator for the Chiefs. So he didn't leave for a coaching job. Yeah, he became the offensive coordinator. Yeah, but wasn't Nagy with Chicago? That was prior to being back. Prior to being, yeah, yeah, it was one of those things. Seems like the Chiefs are like the Patriots where you can just kind of leave and just come back.
Starting point is 00:44:22 As long as Patrick's there. It's always a job, apparently. Well, as Patrick's there. There's always a job apparently. Well, because Patrick's there. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I mean, that team's gonna win so many Super Bowls. Bigger distraction, and Kelsey's not a distraction. I don't think he is.
Starting point is 00:44:35 No, I think that only becomes a distraction if the team's not playing well and people use that as an excuse, but. So I have, I have. I mean, Travis played great last year in the playoffs. I have a game of hypotheticals if you'd like to play a game of hypotheticals. With Kelsey's. Sure. I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:47 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:55 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:03 I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, All right, Stu gots. Before we went to break, I teased a game called hypotheticals. Yes, first game this week. It's not really a game. It's more so just like a hype. If I'm gonna be fully honest with you,
Starting point is 00:45:18 it's just a hypothetical question. Got it, I got it. Yeah. Okay. Okay, so this hypothetical question comes from Chris Cody and it was Do you think I guess not really a hypothetical question? It's just a question Do you think the Kelsey's are tired of pretending to like Taylor Swift music every time it comes on? And then that led to us discuss not a hypothetical it's just a question It's just a question then it led to us discussing and looking at the Chief's calendar.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Which week do we think Travis is looking forward to? Because we know for a fact he's going to get a little break. Taylor. Yes, and all that comes with it. Not that he doesn't love to. You think they're at that stage in their relationship already, because it's kind of new. You think the newness has worn off where he's already looking for a week away. He's traveling the world,
Starting point is 00:46:12 he's going to all these concerts. You obviously don't understand this, because you go to the same band's concert like 50 times a year, right? So you don't understand, I guess, it getting old or tired. But if you go every, to same show 30 times a year, you'd probably get tired of it.
Starting point is 00:46:29 So we were looking at the schedule, trying to figure out where on the calendar do we think that Travis Kelce is looking forward to a work trip. And by that we mean, here's a tough one. I think December 15th at Cleveland, Taylor's not going, That's a work trip. Why do you say she's not going?
Starting point is 00:46:46 She's not going to Cleveland. Get out of here. She's just not going to Cleveland in general. She's not going to Cleveland. I'm certain she's at concerts in Cleveland. Yeah, she's not going to Cleveland to watch him play. I was going to say she'll do a concert in Cleveland. She won't attend a football game in Cleveland. Business trip. Gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I think you're right about that. Because I was I was thinking that Steelers might be one Pittsburgh second to last week of the season, but it's Christmas Day, so I don't know if they're gonna be spending Christmas apart. And the week that they're in Buffalo for the Bills, I believe that Taylor is touring in Toronto, so she's gonna be close enough. Hmm. Yeah. Why are we dismissing this week? Training camp. I'm assuming she can't...
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah. No, she can. No, I'm talking during the season. Anyways, that's a game called. I mean Pat's bringing a TV Yeah, no one's focused over there. I mean that is true. Taylor is the equivalent of a 27 inch TV Is that what we're saying? I didn't say that I didn't say that either It seems like you could bring whatever you want to training camp in Kansas City. Hmm, and why wouldn't you they're gonna win anyway? You want one more headline before we leave
Starting point is 00:47:49 for today. Sure. And I'm going to give you this headline. Yes. You don't think at Buffalo, huh? No, because she's going to be in Toronto. She's in Toronto. Oh, you said that. I'm sorry. How about uh Denver? Cold winter. They've already had.
Starting point is 00:48:04 They already have the one seed locked up. They've had it locked up for 7 weeks. Where is already have. They already have the one seat locked up. They've had it locked up for seven weeks. Where is this? The last week of the last week of the year. Yeah. Yeah. But that yeah but that that's that's a maybe. Okay. That's a maybe. Alright. Alright.
Starting point is 00:48:16 At Carolina. I mean that Carolina one I think is a is also a maybe. A little boring. Yeah. I. It will be over before it starts. Never say that about the good city of wherever. Do you think Travis has arrived? Do you think Travis has arrived to the point in his relationship with Taylor that he says to Taylor, hey, this week, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:48:34 I don't know. I don't know how you approach that one. I also ask the opposite of that question, though. Do you think that Taylor says to Travis, I'm good. We don't need to be going to all the Paris shows. We're good Who blinks first? Yeah, gonna be interesting. I like that game who blinks first. So do I speak it up Taylor We have a Taylor who works with us. Yeah, we have Taylor here But here's the thing is I need to set it up with this other question first This is pre-planned so then I give you a headline and then that headline will then lead to Taylor's top five
Starting point is 00:49:02 Which is why he's here, but I haven't given the headline yet, so people don't know that that's what we're doing. All right, well just hurry, because I'm told we don't have a lot of time. All right, here's the headline. One more headline before we go. Joe Burrow, according to TMZ, has buzzed his hair and has shaved his head. Old buzz cut.
Starting point is 00:49:17 He had long hair going into it. We talked in previous episodes. Will this be a distraction? He's buzzed that hair, it is gone. Previously, I have stated on the record, it was the worst decision Justin Herbert ever made was shaving his head. And now Joe Burrow has done it. I don't like it. Okay. You haven't even seen it, but okay. No, I don't like it. I listen. I love I love
Starting point is 00:49:37 quarterback hair and I love hair coming out of the back of the helmet. Yeah, it's a good look. It's a great look. Yeah, I don't like the buzz cut. Brady long hair. Great. Brady buzz cut did not look as great. Results were the helmet. Yeah, it's a good look. It's a great look. Yeah, I don't like the buzz cut. Brady long hair. Great. Brady buzz cut did not look as great. Results were the same. I was gonna say probably still won like two Super Bowls. The buzz cut. He did. Aaron
Starting point is 00:49:53 buzz cut did not look as good as when he had longer hair. Mm. That's all I'm saying. I love quarterback hair. Okay. I do. And I'm with you on Justin Herbert. I'm agreeing with you. Yeah. Yeah, terrible decision. I got an off-air prediction.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Really? Yeah, for Coach of the Year before we even started today. But off-air? Off-air. I don't know if we're ready to go to it. Someone has already predicted their off-air Coach of the Year. I like a segment called off-air predictions. So the audience never finds out.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Off-air predictions. Never finds out. Alright, anyways. It's great to tell us. So Taylor's here. No, it's not my prediction to tell. It wasn't mine. Whose was it? I can Tell us. So, Taylor's here. No, it's not it's not my prediction to tell.
Starting point is 00:50:27 It wasn't mine. Whose was it? I can't remember. I think it was Mike Fuentes but there's a lot going on. There was a big ladder behind me. Remember who the coach was? I do remember who it was. Who was it? Can I tell him who it is? Oh, wow. I
Starting point is 00:50:37 gotta know. I can't give you the off air prediction. Next week. Okay. Off air prediction. NFL coach of the year. On air. No, this week's off air NFL predictions next week. Yeah. Yeah, exactly right. Got it. the NFL coach of the year. On I heard you guys pre-show talking. Pre-show. Joe Burrow's buzzed hair. Yeah. Right. I have to explain it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 That's okay. Good. Thank you. All ball team. We'll get right into it. Got it. Yeah. Alright.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So, this is your all ball team, not top five ball quarterbacks? It's an all ball team. Does that mean we have someone for each position? Yes. Really? One for the entire offensive line. One for the entire offensive line. Got it.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So, you have one guy representing all five on the offensive line. Yup. And then I have four wide receivers. We're going. So, it's not a top five. Not a top five. Just an all ball team. It's an all ball team. Do you have defense too? Yes. Oh, wow. Both sides of the ball.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Alright, so give us the offensive line first. I like this. The one guy representing the all ball team offensive line. New segment, Taylor's team. Yes. And then whatever we talk about is Taylor's team of those people. Forty-eight
Starting point is 00:51:44 days until they play football. Yeah. Come on. Offensive line, Lane Johnson. That's good. And he's a good offensive lineman. Well, that's yeah, he's picking just good players. Defensive line, Miami's very own, Jason Taylor. Yeah. Yeah. Linebacker, there was a controversy at Linebacker. It was Brian Erlacher but we're actually going to go with James Harrison as the representative because the bald community Has disavowed him exactly. Yeah, so you're doing one linebacker to represent the three or four. Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:52:11 Okay, got it, but our lacquer betrayed the bald community by getting here. He did. Yeah, he's right My running backs are Adrian Peterson and then Rex Burkhead Rex Burkhead is bald. Yep. Oh, yeah What he's like my fullback in this package wasn't Ricky Williams bald when he came back and Rex Burkhead. Rex Burkhead is bald? Yep. Oh yeah. Hmm. What? He's like my full back in this package. Wasn't Ricky Williams bald when he came back? Wait, Rex Burkhead is bald?
Starting point is 00:52:33 I'd like long flowing locks. Like quarterback here. No, he's bald. Burkhead? Q-ball. Huh, you think you know a guy? My four wide, we're going Chad Otrosenko. Is he bald?
Starting point is 00:52:50 Yes. And for the new age, Kenan Allen. Are they bald? They're all bald. Well, how do you define bald? Well, I mean, Joe Burrow has stubble. So is he bald? He buzzed his head.
Starting point is 00:53:08 But I think bald, I think like Kojak. We're getting distracted here. Pee in the hound, there's not a- Yeah, Taylor's never heard of Kojak. I feel like Taylor's hair might qualify when he gets a haircut. He's a little long right now. Would you say he buzzed his head?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah. Yeah. But he wouldn't be on the all bald team. No, no. I have a few more names. Okay. In the defensive backfield, we have Devin McCordy, Akib Tlaib, Malcolm Jenkins. Bald? I was going to say now, now, so you guys just get a question. How about Andre Waters? He's bald. Waters was bald. That's what bald is. Okay. Why am I getting so hung up on one definition of bald?
Starting point is 00:53:45 And I hope it's Andre Waters. If it's not, I apologize. Is that the whole team? I have a head coach and a quarterback. Okay, we gotta go quick. My quarterback, it's Matt Hasselbeck. Okay. Bald?
Starting point is 00:53:55 Bald and not bald, new game. My head coach, Tony Dutch. Wow. Bald? No Bradshaw. Not really bald, though. All right, bye guys. See you next week. God bless football. 48 days. God bless football. Since the dawn of mankind, we've cooked our food over an open flame and debated the best way to grill. One thing not up for debate, grilling and beer always go together. And
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Starting point is 00:54:58 original light beer since 1975. A perfect companion for grill masters across America. With a Miller Lite in hand, grilling doesn't just taste great, it tastes like Miller time. To get Miller Lite delivered right to your door, visit slash GBF. Or you can find anywhere that sells beer. Celebrate responsibly, Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 96 calories per 12 ounces.

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