The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 1: Heinie McGee

Episode Date: December 4, 2023

The New England Patriots are impossibly bad, and our Miami-based crew is reveling in it. Dan is still upset about the merch store. Was that a bit? Jess is still upset about "Foot Girls." Was THAT a bi...t? Then, Spencer Hall is here to tell us about all the wildly hilarious parts of what happened with the CFP committee yesterday and to explain why College Football is a perfect microcosm for America. Plus, have you ever wished the NFL had their own committee? And Dan wants to turn FSU into UCF. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Don Levertar Show with the Stugat Spatcast. Do you know how great a sports argument has to be in order for it to engulf in the news cycle? The 49ers and Eagles wanted to street fight yesterday At the top of the sport in the other conference where the Miami Dolphins are the number one seed and an exciting thing for the first time this century that has a chance, a legitimate chance in the, you lucky, we asked the division of the AFC in the division that's been dominated by Bella check who now looks totally incompetent. Like can stop Herbert, can strangle Herbert in bed whether to six nothing, but cannot score a point because he doesn't have a quarterback anymore because Brady left him in the gray.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And the gray cold of December, he does not have a quarterback. They scored 47 points in the last five games. 47 points. That's the weekend coming out of the way. It is a historic type of, the numbers are like since the 1880s, you haven't seen a team be this good at stopping somebody and never winning a game because they have no often. Bella check is Iowa. It's like the cruellest joke. It's 26 points that they've allowed in the last three games and they've lost all of them.
Starting point is 00:01:33 10-7, 10-6, 6-0. It's never happened. It's like the names of the players were like, Haini McGee and stuff the last time that stuff was happening. And it's Bellet check. Like, you can't make that stuff up because he dominated in this division. The way that they to do it is get the home games because you're in a shitty division. You're in the we lucky US. We lucky we asked division. I can't even get it right, but it's so great that used to be every other team in the division and the Patriots owned the AFCs.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Now the entire conference is there for the dolphins taking and a home and two home games and a buy if they could stay healthy. I checked in Heidi McGee never played for the patriots. I've got to look up one of the names there because it's from that era. But before I do, before I just talk about football and general, okay, Ruth is two for seven against him Tony you took the napkins out of your nose and I know it's because there was yeah there you got some football out there But Mike my weekend was it was ruined and otherwise peaceful weekend. It was Tushie McGee
Starting point is 00:02:39 Thank you. Yeah, that sounds about right Because the other complaint that brown angel brought me Was that we didn't have enough new designs on our new website. That's a real code, by the way, Samsung Sucks 20. Show how much Samsung Sucks get a 20% discount off everything in the store. But the only thing I ever wanted to do artistically with that merch store is make shirts in 90 minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Make shirts off of a live show, make shirts quickly that are funny. Angel, Brown Angel is telling me that- It's a weird way to call, not a fan of Brown Angel, it's just weird. He's my Brown Angel. Okay. He's the Brown Angel that protects my brothers.
Starting point is 00:03:18 He's the Brown Angel, that's one of my brother called him, because he protected my brother's spirit through art. Well, I guess it's okay now. That's right. Can I ask a question here briefly? The promo code was ready to go after local, but it wasn't a bit or it wasn't... I look, Jess, I'm with you. It appeared that none of that was a bit.
Starting point is 00:03:41 However, it did result in a promo code. Samsung Sucks 20. But they weren't that still $32. Okay, got it. Samsung S promo code. Samsung sucks 20. But they sure think they're still $32. Okay, got it. Samsung sucks 20. That's a 20 per so it's not, so it's not $37, but it's $32. Is that still too expensive?
Starting point is 00:03:52 Do I need to make them cheaper than that? Is, are they still too expensive at $32? I think maybe we do, Samsung really sucks, and it's like 25% off. Right. For the holidays, that sounds like a good idea.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That sounds like something we should be doing. Maybe we'll do that tomorrow. But Mike, the... Well, I'm on the website now,, and there's a lot of designs there now. I think the only thing that I found weird about it, pricing, I guess, I mean, I know
Starting point is 00:04:18 that the feedback to the pricing wasn't great. I guess it could be explained by quality, and no one's gotten their shirts yet, so I mean, let's wait and see. They are made out of silk, yes. I see what the quality feedback is actually as opposed to what they look like as a graphic, but my main takeaway was like, a show logo on a coffee mug. Like, there was just six items there and they were all pretty basic. And I know angels worked really hard in the past on his designs. But now when you go to, you see plenty of designs.
Starting point is 00:04:49 You guys will help me navigate whatever the corporate shit is here that Samson will steal the soul out of everything we're doing because they've got to make it. That's an honor. Are you asking or telling us? I was actually up until this morning pretty glad to be out of the merch store business. I was too! Suck right store business. I was too! Suck right back. I was too!
Starting point is 00:05:09 You know how many checks I had to write to Stugat. Thank you. I was so glad to be out of the merch business. I didn't get money from the goddamn merch business. It looks like the Pobletory finds out merch store. Oh, well, that's another thing. They're all New York. No, no, that thank you, Tony. No, those's another thing. They're all New York. No, no, thank you, Tony.
Starting point is 00:05:25 No, those guys are in cahoots. You have Pablo's in San Francisco every day. They're stealing everything from us. That's 75 shirts here. No, Pablo's team was organized and sent 70 things. Yes, we'll sell out. Yes, we'll sell out. You know, the next one has to be Pablo's sucks 20. How about we just give like 40 We'll find out So not a bit okay, I that was all I wanted that was all I needed to know yeah It's it's not a bit but like the merch store has been it has a checkered history, but we're trying to get it right and Dan's intention and putting David Samsung in charge
Starting point is 00:06:12 of this, I think was just to get this thing off the ground because we all agreed that a previous merch experience just wasn't up to snuff. Now in actually getting this thing launched, Dan wants to have his cake and eat it too because he put David Simpson in charge because he got it done. But he didn't get it done. No, but the personal touches that they went in the pervert. No, not just that.
Starting point is 00:06:32 My brother died over those two years. That was the protection of his art angel. Does a good job of making art quickly. Good art that you'd want on a t-shirt in memory of my brother. That was my brother's thing. It was never my thing. It's his best friend that want on a t-shirt in memory of my brother. That was my brother's thing. It was never my thing. It's his best friend that has the biggest t-shirt manufacturer in the United States. It's his best friend, not mine. Like all of that stuff that was, all of that stuff was made so that there could be a business around what it is that we're doing here. And there is now
Starting point is 00:07:00 art. There's actual art on the on the merch store. Yes. Now that we've answered that is foot girls a bit, I'm still not sure about that one, either. It's a hit. It's a hit. It's a hit. It's a, I've seen the numbers and you can do with it. What you want, I know that optics wise from my side of the glass, you guys didn't look super thrilled with a direction that I wanted to take your college football segment with but it's pretty irrefutable. The people love foot girls. Those microphones.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Not sure if it's a bit. Those microphones are the best thing that metal, dark media has produced. Can one of you go get one of those microphones, Tony, I think your football takes would be a lot better with one of those microphones. I believe that you can bring the foot to life for an entire different demo. I mean, now you wanna steal foot girls, it's just, you know, weird. That's a bad boy.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Do the foot. Do the foot. It's either there's or no one's. Right, do the foot girls like foot girls? They don't want it. They want a unnamed podcast, but Tony would be happy to have a football podcast that focuses on his feet and is like only, only, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 There's the next evolution. Tony can have the IP for foot girls Oh, you guys are sleeping on that one Mike gave you guys an absolute diamond in the rough and you guys are just gonna let it go to waste foot It's a great song Let's grab that open real quick. Oh, it's it's it's it is what it's it's a great song It's the problem is if you put catchy music behind it, you can make just about anything into something that looks produced big and sound.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And then you can get to the actual good football analysis that Jess and Lucy give you, which is very passionate. Yeah, it put up numbers. It really did. It's quantifiable how many people saw it out. Foot girls, I guess it's still pending your guys's sign off, but like I said, when I presented foot girls, I gave you guys like two months to come up with something better
Starting point is 00:08:56 or anything at all and it just went unnamed. What's the deadline here, Mike? So I think that is. I don't even get it. Look, I mean, right now, I was hurt by it because I worked really hard on this and they didn't really seem to get it. So I only had foot girls. Look, I mean, right now I was hurt by it because I worked really hard on this and they didn't really seem to like it. Let's play their initial reaction right now.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I know there's been a lot of debate and discourse about foot girls, but you guys know how much I value. You guys is individual talents and your knowledge of college football is second and none. I just think that we need to have some branding so we can get people to search out, college, football, girls, all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:30 and have a huge, huge show for you guys going forward, and I'm really happy with what we came out with. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Hey, guys, it'll lose the aim messing around. They're talking football, they're the messin' town. They got their toes out and the feet are small. And they are experts in college football. It's good. I mean, I went for gas. I it's good. I mean I went for gas and and I got it. I really think we nailed it. I will say
Starting point is 00:10:34 that the part about this that that is not fair is all that packaging and Jessica calls this yesterday the greatest experience of her sports life. That's how much she cares about college football and how great yesterday was. That she has never had in her sports existence anything happen as magical as yesterday. It was the greatest Sunday of college football history and it ended with Notre Dame playing in the Sun Bowl. That's how great it was. It was just, I have never, I just didn't think they'd actually do it.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I didn't think they'd have the guts to do it and they did it and the fallout was spectacular. And I think that was our, nope, nope, nope, nope. No foot, I think that Lucy and I main take on foot, the college football show last week was, no foot, it would be very funny if this happened. And I do feel really bad for Florida state players and coaches
Starting point is 00:11:33 and maybe not fans, but it was pretty amazing what happened. Foot after foot after they left them out of the playoff. But tell us about the six hour obsession. Tell us about how the magic carpet ride of, you're just watching Georgia fans and FSU fans totally unspooled. Yeah, I actually, like, I could spend the next three segments talking about what stopped stroking the big toe,
Starting point is 00:12:01 what the ACC did after this, which was like, send their bowl matchup, just everything went into chaos after the selection show. I also wanna talk about liberty making New Year's Six Ball Game because to me, they were one of the least qualified teams. They had the easiest schedule of all of the group of five teams and they are now playing in a New Year's Six Ball Game
Starting point is 00:12:23 against Oregon. No foot, no foot. No foot. You wanted SMU there? Because I want to see that again. But Mike, the numbers are irrefutable. Like it's just a bonafide giant head already. It's gigantic. People have the girls. It's the kind of search and college football. Girls, it was amazing. So what do we do with that?
Starting point is 00:12:44 I hate it, but it's so catchy You're gonna take it aren't you? Don't let it hard take a mental picture. Okay. I take a mental picture by blinking. Yeah I blinked it. Okay, great. Stoogats. So you've taken a mental picture. Now, she make a noise too. Did you get it? Yeah. This is the Dan Lebatar show with a Stugats. and college football, they're the most important things anywhere in sporting and he is reporting live all over the country and various ways and places
Starting point is 00:13:29 to bring you the gritty underbelly of these sports and I think the smartest way you will find anywhere on the terrain, like super rich culturally, like knows the history of these things that he cares about and when he pours his curiosities into things, he cares about, they are only two in sports that I know are like this. There's not a third, correct Spencer?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Is there a third that rises to the level of F1 and college football for you? I know, not even close. It would be college football, then F1, and then after that a series of interests, so geeky and nerdy that they really don't even bear, like mention. All right, so before I get into everything that you're doing
Starting point is 00:14:07 for us with us and all the things you've been doing in the middle of the night because of how much you like late Saturday football and just the insanity that is like such rich cultural shit in the middle of your sporting America, please tell me in your historic perspective, where does yet yesterday rank with the most fun and amazing things you've ever seen? You know, and as far as bureaucratic foibles is pretty good because the script writers for college football suck and they always have when they find a good storyline It's always by accident and like most writers honestly the people who write college football have never figured
Starting point is 00:14:45 out a way to put together a decent ending. It's not a strength to the sport never has been. We used to just basically have, I think, my favorite version of this, which was, they seem like national champions, national champions. We used to do that, right? Back in 1980, we would just say, you know, it feels good, feels good if Notre Dame's a national champion. That's used to vote on that before the balls. That's right. That's right. Right? I'm not sure if you're gonna be in the back of 1980. We would just say, you know what, it feels good. Feels good. Noted a day.
Starting point is 00:15:08 The national champion. That's used to vote on that before the balls. That's right. That's right. Right. Yes. We used to, we used to, like the balls used to be,
Starting point is 00:15:16 I will say this, if you want to know what was better back then, the bowl experience, because the bowl experience used to be, everybody's going to go to a dinner and we're going to watch coach get really drunk. That's it. Like that used to be like like Bob Devaney coming down from Nebraska and being like, whoa, I'm taking the belt off boys. Bell is out. Like that, that used to be awesome. And I really thought that was
Starting point is 00:15:38 a better approach. A lot of things are better now. I'm not into nostalgia, but I got to say I miss like in a bowl game when Bear Bryant could celebrate an M beating Alabama by picking up his protege gene stallings, which he did by the way in that like I think that was the 69 cotton ball. I might have the year wrong there, but he picked him up. Like imagine the outrage for Booster's Day being like, how dare you celebrate the other team. It's a bowl game. Doesn't matter. We're just all gonna vote with our feelings at the end. So I think we've kind of come full circle
Starting point is 00:16:07 because I feel like yesterday, the committee just decided to vote their feelings. They just voted vibes. They looked at a team that had an undefeated record and a conference championship at a major Power Five conference and said nah, nah. He's Spencer Hall. You can find him on DNF, the full cast after dark,
Starting point is 00:16:24 the shutdown full cast and the channel six newsletter Spencer a lot of the reaction to what happened yesterday was the was like oh my god This the sport has been sold to the television networks and it's just an entertainment property now And I guess my reaction to that knowing a little bit of the history of pause football is like this is more of the same So how do you how do you tell those people like actually, we've never had a perfect way to pick a national championship in college football. It's not just that we haven't had a perfect way.
Starting point is 00:16:53 We've never had a good way. Like at all, like the idea of crowning a national champion is not hard. Whoa, you're faithful to that one. You push that one. Oh, long weekend. You push that one right down. What was coming up there? Uh, that was coffee, gentlemen. It's been a very long day and I've been asked to be billiast about, uh, the situation for at least three different outlets. So pardon me.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Oh, because everyone wants your expertise. We'll take it even if it's burpee. Yeah. Uh, but, uh, fighting that one back, my disgust at the situation rising. We've never had a good way to end it. Never. We've never, like, the idea that, like, we once did this better. No, no, like, let me teach you a lesson about America in general, okay? It's always been stupid. Always.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We've always done the dumb wrong thing. We do the dumb wrong thing until there are no other options. And then we do a slightly less dumb option and a slightly less wrong one. That's college football is America. And that's why that's the country in the sport. That's the whole country. We do the dumbest, easiest thing. And then we do a slightly less dumb one.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Once the mileage runs out on the dumb wrong thing, right? That's the whole history of this country. And college football, to me, is like part and parcel of that because we like think about this. FCS has been putting on a 2014 conference or a 2014 playoff. 2014 sounds outrageous. Sounds like a league. FCS has been doing this for years with ease.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And you put it to the people who are important and college football and they treat it like it's a space program. And they always have. They've always been like, whoa, I don't know about that. That seems real hard. I can't even agree on what the space program is in FCS. No. Spencer, would you rather watch Alabama play against Michigan or do you think that you would have liked to see Florida state get the chance? I would much rather watch Alabama play Michigan, but that's not the point. I would much rather, I can put four or five teams against Michigan and go, that would be
Starting point is 00:19:01 easy. It's not my job as a pundit to sit here with two little dolls with football logos on them and go, well, what if they kissed? That's not my job. Okay, my job, but my job was to say what, what was the thing that you should have done and the thing that you should have done was recognize the right of a conference champion with an undefeated record to get a spot in what is obviously the invitetational you hold at the end of the season so that you can put a tiara on somebody and go number one. Look, they're obviously the best team in the country. They won another two games, but Spencer, why should they not factor in the
Starting point is 00:19:36 fact that they're down to their third shrink quarterback and when that game comes around, they'll be on their second shrink quarterback. Like, why shouldn't they factor that in? Travis is their best player and one of the best quarterbacks in the country. I like what the committee did, because they were going to break someone's heart, and I think they broke the right fan base's hearts. Yeah, that's really petty and short-sighted,
Starting point is 00:19:55 and I appreciate your sentiment there. Thank you. But I would also state this that like that ain't my job. I can't be psychic. I can't tell you what to expect in a team sport. That's the thing. This is a team sport. I can't tell like the dumbest football fans in the world recognize this. That is a team sport that you can and believe me, I don't want to be on Florida State side. That's not a good place to be. You're going to end up in stupid town real quick
Starting point is 00:20:22 if you decide to ride with the interest and preferences of Florida state fans Okay, you'll end up in a bad place, but for now we're all on the same square on the board Which is this that is that that Florida State's defense was outstanding their special teams were good They're offense Independent of Travis has been Incredible did I trust by the way did I trust might know or well with a plan to come up with incredible. Did I trust by the way? Did I trust Mike Norvell with a plan to come up with something pretty good for the playoff? I actually did because that is a staff full of serious coach ass coaches. That's and by the way, I mean that like you don't have a lot of like
Starting point is 00:20:54 guys who are just recruiters on that staff. These are dudes who love ball, love coming up with plans, love making like early in game adjustments, love coming up with outlandish plays, like an aggressive creative team. Would they've been the same? No, tape roadmaker is not the same. Their third stringer is not the same. But did they deserve that chance? Yeah, I can't write science fiction and say,
Starting point is 00:21:14 well, here's what would have happened with Florida State. I can't. I don't think you'd get a cardale Jones situation where suddenly they catch fire and manage to dominate and play off. But that's not my, like if I'm in charge of things and I'm never going to be in charge of things. But if I were, you put them in because all I can evaluate is the evidence I have in front of me. That's it.
Starting point is 00:21:37 You can't have you in charge of things with your hair this crazy. Like, nobody, nobody, you can't put someone in charge of things when stifling burps stifling burps and but but you know the history of this sport. So I ask you like seriously what you thought was funniest about yesterday because you've got a great sense of humor and my my guess is that you've rarely laughed the way yesterday made you laugh. I'll have to Nick Saban get another crack at this. That's funny to me. That to me is like every scene and like the first season of Farco and someone lets Lauren
Starting point is 00:22:11 Malvo go. You're like, he's going to kill somebody else. There he goes. Like you don't let, don't let the crazy guy out because now he's loosened the playoff and I believe they're capable of anything. I laughed at Florida State fans suddenly being like, like the greatest debaters on the internet. This is my favorite is that you would get some national pundit
Starting point is 00:22:32 who decided ill-advisedly decide with the committee and go, oh no, that's a better match up. I think he's just looking out for the game. Yeah, that's their job, guys. Great call. And then you get some guy who's basically like, he probably owns a nice refrigeration service somewhere and like Coleman, Alabama. And he's like, actually, I did some research, but he and just torching him in like an eight tweet
Starting point is 00:22:54 thread with like great numbers and facts about this. I love that. And I love ending up on the side like, I'm, I'm a Florida fan. I ended up on the side of Florida state. You end up going like, I am in the worst possible position here. They're right. They're 100% right. I laughed at the ACC yesterday. How much do we blame them for not being as good at campaigning for their conference champion
Starting point is 00:23:19 as Greg Sanky clearly is? Yeah, did we notice yesterday? I don't know if you were following bowl announcements or anything. There was a period between one and four 30 around where bowl announcements. They were going out very specifically and they were saying, it's going to be this team
Starting point is 00:23:36 versus insert ACC team. That's because the ACC was completely asleep at the wheel. The ACC did like have a conference call with their bowl partners, which is customary for the conference. And I thought wheel the ACC didn't like have a conference call with their bold partners Which is customary for the conference and I thought once the ACC once you know the committee determines that ACC games Simply don't count for the national title. I'm watching that delay going Conference might have blown up like conference might be dead like they might have just decided nap Let's let's let's wrap it here. I laughed at that. I laughed at the fact that we had to use placeholders because the ACC couldn't get their business together for bowl season, which is a season, by the way, where there are little markers
Starting point is 00:24:14 that say this team goes to this bowl. I need to ask you about Liberty getting a shot to play in a New York six bowl game. Now despite having one of the worst, like, competition-wise, one of the worst schedules this year. You're obsessed with Liberty. What are you obsessed with? I don't know how. She's against it.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I think if you're a Florida state fan and you want a Joker moment, it should be Boo Corgan saying that Liberty got the New York six-ball bid because they just kept winning if you need a reason not that you do as a florida state fan to just absolutely have a nervous break and crack it's that because they said liberty because they're undefeated conference us a champions they get this new year six bullbed not southern mess that is to fits the criteria more so that alabama does that jumped
Starting point is 00:25:05 and was good and they had their best defense in forty years sm you had their best defense in forty years so riddle me that and and like and that it's not that it really matters because there's going to be so many opt-outs and they've really devalued the new year six bull games but i just i just want to know what you think Spencer uh... that i'm going to enjoy org and grinding them to Spencer. That I'm going to joy org and grinding them
Starting point is 00:25:25 to a fine paste. That's going to be fantastic. I'm really, I'm really enjoying that. I have a general rule that if I get a chance, because I practice, I practice like class warfare when it comes to my bowl games and my interconference matchups. If I get a state school versus a private school, I was root for the state school always.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And so I get that in this case. Additionally, you get Liberty, which is, you know, in America, you can call anything university and that's fine. And you can feel the football team. And of course, the people I feel worse for in this instance are the players who are just like, listen, I don't know, schools weird, whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:04 They gave me money to come here and play football. Like I do sort of feel for the player somewhat, but seeing them get this spot in a new year's six game, especially over SMU, like I'm always going to ride for SMU too, because SMU pioneers and economically liberated colored football recruiting. That's right. I'll always restrict them for that. Didn't they offer Eric Dickerson an oil well or something like they were way ahead of the time? Spencer, you mentioned the way that national championships were previously handed out,
Starting point is 00:26:32 where the bowl games would matter, and then after the bowl season, the associated press would get together and crown a champion, and then someone like Alabama would just crown themselves champion and then it was mess. Sure. But if we had that previous system in place, you might see a scenario where Georgia could get back into the national title conversation. We just had a Georgia team lose by three back to back reigning national champions,
Starting point is 00:26:55 a 29 game win streak. This is a very odd way for this whole run to end. Can you put it in perspective? Well, one that when we talk about a run ending, we're really only talking about the actual number of games in a row. We're not talking about Georgia's overall dominance ending. Go look at their recruiting rankings.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Go look at their depth chart. They still have a disgusting amount of talent. There are very few indicators, indicator lights flashing on that dashboard, right? Football programs, big, complex thing. Georgia is still doing everything completely correctly. I want everybody to know, by the way, the weirdest thing about that game, it did come down to a turnover, like one turnover,
Starting point is 00:27:34 the team like one team managed to capitalize for three points on a turnover. That's the difference in that game. But the interesting thing about that game is this that they trusted Carson Beck all year long to run that offense and To throw 30 35 times they were more than comfortable having him in the position to Save them if they needed them to and that came they decided for some weird reason to run the ball I don't know why because that's not been their approach all year long the runs kind of been opened up by the past But otherwise like if you want to judge,
Starting point is 00:28:06 Georgia's dominance is not on hold. If anything that was a brief pause, they're gonna be back next year. All good Spencer. I thought they'll second half of that game. Like they made the defensive adjustments. Alabama couldn't really move the ball. Alabama's corners are amazing corner backs.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Texas receivers are way too big. And so that's what happened to them. But Alabama in that game, deserved to lose it at the end. They're like, Georgia was going to come back and win that game and they turned the ball over inside their own 20 yard line because they botched a snap. The idea that that champion would go down to a knee with that kind of grown and at the end of the committee
Starting point is 00:28:39 would be like, yeah, whatever, not the last few years when it matters that they won in that conference against the top 20 teams by a combined squad of like 140 to 40. Like we know that team is good. Period. If Alabama has to eke out a victory against them and we're all surprised by it because Alabama was the underdog, like we're all very familiar with the idea that George is one of the best teams in the country.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Like, if we're doing this about what we think about who's best, everyone would say that. Yeah, but we are making it up on the fly and we will continue to make it up on the fly. And if by the way, I'm not gonna go ahead and give people like too much credit here, I think in one point, if Georgia had come up in the debate over this, the fact that it was Alabama mattered a lot.
Starting point is 00:29:22 If there was an SEC West team that had managed to just creep in, like if we'd had a nine and four LSU team or whatever, come in and manage to eke out a victory over them. It would not have had the same impact. If it had been some like rogue wave Texas A&M team that had come in and done that, like some four loss team that managed to pull up the upset, then we would view it a lot differently.
Starting point is 00:29:41 A loss is not a loss, a win is not a win, and we're just gonna go on vibes. I think we're all clear on that after yesterday. You not a loss. A lot. A win is not a win. And we're just going to go on vibes. I think we're all clear on that after yesterday. You got a vibe embrace it. Do you have some sort of like wilds to gotsie and personal idea that has no basis in reality that you're just like absolutely firing from the hip? Hey, congratulations. You could be a committee member that you. Yeah. Uh, he got my matchups. I'm good. He does the smallest college football stuff out there and the F1 Of course Jessica is excellent. Oh, no, nothing. Oh, you said it. You said it. We all heard you approved it. It's been approved. That's consent Thank you Spencer. You're welcome
Starting point is 00:30:22 Don Lebertard. Do you realize that for 30 minutes now We might not have been doing good show But we were doing show for about 30 minutes and then you just decided to tell the story as if we were at the in the eating area Stugots so many refer to it as a kitchen right eating area Commentary who calls it an eating area nobody nobody right eating area. What's the bedroom the sleeping area? The let's hang on I gotta go to the urinating area. I'll be right back Eating area. This is the down lebertar show with this to got I
Starting point is 00:31:02 Mean think about all the time I mean, think about all the time. Yeah, 57. I think who was a Connor Cook that started that game for the Raiders and the playoffs? Think about all the times we wish we would have had a committee just say, uh, yeah, they got the wild card. They did what they had to do because they won the games, but come on, they're not winning anything with Connor Cook or why a title. So let's, let's just kick them out of here.
Starting point is 00:31:22 The dolphins, what the buffalo, they almost won the game though, but they went there with Skylar Thompson. Yeah, you're not that more Skylar Thompson. I'm sorry. You had a wonderful year. You did everything you needed to, but we're going to go ahead and, and put in, you know, Russell Wilson because he's a star. It's better. I want to pin Dan down for his top four in this college football playoff because it seems like he's made the argument for every team at some point today. Well, this is the last segment you were offended on George's behalf. This is FSU earlier. This is pick four teams, man.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You got eight teams. You got two college football playoff. This is where I am on it and thank you for calling me out on it. I also said YA title when I was thinking TJ Yates. It was really weird. I didn't understand where that YA title, maybe you're becoming me now. Yes, I can make one of you for misplacing names. Why?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Y-Tittle is a quarterback from like the 1940s. I was going with a great pull, TJ Yates, yeah, I got it. And it became Y-A-Tittle. I was, that's why you don't aim for the stars with TJ Yates. I thank you for calling me out on that, Chris, because, and you really have on mass me in a way that makes me feel naked in front of the people.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I've been dreaming for this day when it's just commerce and chaos and I could just make every argument in front of the team. Every argument on every side in order. No, but yeah, I know you guys want to get to the give you the teams. Maybe that'll be the big payoff at the end. I'll give you my four, but my own personal teams, but I want the content around. Absolutely, let's just have committees pay, let's have it be calling votes.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Let's see if we can figure out to make this totally democratic. I'm telling you, it's too got. If I told you right now, here's the pre-game show to what Jessica called the greatest sports day of her life yesterday. All of these schools, eight of them, you get to get one person, your fan base picks one person to go in front of America and make the argument on behalf of your team. And then America votes, combine everything, the debate and the argument combined with,
Starting point is 00:33:15 who do you just think is going to win America? And throw it to vote, I think you make college football the mass singer and makes it an even bigger hit. If I'm Florida State, I don't choose Deon Sanders. How do we all arrive at a place where everyone is so upset about Florida state, except the guy who should be upset about Florida state? And that's Deon Sanders. There is.
Starting point is 00:33:34 There is legit beef there. Deon Sanders has resented Florida state for the first time that he was up for that job. And they didn't pick one. You wanted that chance. And he wants to remind them of it every time out. And like you said, he's battling with them in the portal. It's gotten to the point now, maybe several years down the road,
Starting point is 00:33:52 who knows where Mike Norvel's career takes them. But I don't think there's ever a scenario in which Deon Sanders goes back to Florida State. That's how charred the bridge is right now. You're never gonna give us these four teams. I am, but I'm gonna tease it. It's Washington it. I'm gonna just get-
Starting point is 00:34:06 Yes, absolutely. I've loved Washington all year. Live where? One, two, three or four. Michael, tell you, I'm saying you're betting against Penex again. Are you fully playing the best quarterback, deep ball game in the entire sport?
Starting point is 00:34:17 So one, what's he watching? Sounds like you have Texas out. I would make a wash, okay. I would get there. Let's slow play this. Let's slow play this. Let's go, man. Guys, you guys, you guys, you're fully in.
Starting point is 00:34:24 I put a four-play, like you guys get right in there. You got, I gave you one. Okay. I will get there. Let's slow play. Let's go. Let's go. You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you because ESPN blocked us when we wanted to make UCF champions because all of this is assinine, it's stupidity, it's not about merit, it's about silliness. I found a blue. I was arguing at ESPN for UCF because, and it took me all the way to the campus president. Hey, we'll make a big scene about you guys are actually the national champions. Here's where I'm angling for.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I wouldn't put FSU in because. What? When FSU. Cover champion. Beach Georgia, I want this show to give it the Stugots trophy of you guys win because you beat Georgia and I know Georgia should be in there. Like I Georgia is one of the best team in the country like Michigan is not with Georgia. Wait, so if Florida state beach Georgia, you feel like they should win the national championship?
Starting point is 00:35:20 I think with your face on it. I think it should be the stugot. I think we should go to FF. I want to put Mike Ryan in the position where he has to lead a parade at FSU sponsored by Metal Law. He feels like a punishment, but also I do find. I'm going to tell. I do find FSU Twitter becoming UCF Twitter at the end of all this. Pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Because I see F's been having a day. Yeah, because they could see if they be Georgia, if they be Georgia, if they be Georgia in that bowl game, I'm good with it. Claim your national title. It feels super legit. We think they're gonna get dragged
Starting point is 00:35:52 and therefore they're gonna get bailed out. The committee's gonna get, but UCF didn't bail them out by beating Auburn. You know what, I would bet my life on that if we had the expanded playoff, I'd bet my life on FSU being ranked for them. I'd bet my life that this very same committee over a 12 team playoff would have then rewarded FSU for their season and said, well, don't worry, Alabama, they'll get in and they'll have
Starting point is 00:36:14 their chance to fight. But we'll put you number four because you deserve it. I would bet my life on that. They are plus 14 against Georgia. Don't, I don't care about that. I really don't. Right. First off, spreads are't care about that. I really don't. First off, spreads are made to get 50, 50 action.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And spreads aren't an indicator of anything. People have been wrong. They indicate something. I'm with you, the money. The biggest bullshit in all of this is everybody just consensus was, yeah, Alabama's better than them. Yeah, no, they would lose.
Starting point is 00:36:41 You know how wrong everybody's been over the last two weeks. Everybody. No one, no one had the iron bowl being that. No one had Louisville looking like that. No one had the FSU going into the Ben Hill Griffin stadium and doing that after the start of that game. So don't tell me how bad FSU is when they've been proven you wrong all year. Found a long horn.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Found a long horn.

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