The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 1: Politician, Gay

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

We catch Dan looking...happy? Then, David Samson and Adnan Virk are here to deliver their Top 5 Biopics of All-Time and leave us with some sound that makes the Shipping Container laugh uncontrollably.... Plus, JuJu's Thursday Thunder picks are in, and would LeBron James have value if traded by the Lakers at the Trade Deadline? Amin explains why he might not. Also, Mike Schur is here to deliver his January Observations! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe Kings Network. This is the Don Lebatore Show with the Stugatz Podcast. Dan is laughing at something. Dan, what are you laughing at? Dan, Dan, who are you texting? Respond LOL. Dan, what are you laughing at? Dan, Dan, who are you texting? Respond LOL. Dan, hello, hey, what are you laughing at? What are you laughing at?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Who's texting? You got a text from your wife? What's going on over there? You better respond LOL. I've never seen you look that way. You're smiling at your mom. A glow on your face. Genuine happiness from you.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Are you on BumblebeeFF2? I will tell you, shameful admission, what I was laughing at. I was laughing at Larry David kicking the shit out of Elmo on a morning television Hell yeah. That's a good answer. It's a perfect answer. Acceptable. Sorry, I didn't realize that I was glowing. I didn't realize that I was bringing it. Yeah, you didn't, you don't typically look that way. You've never seen you look like that.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Is that right? Yeah. As much joy as I've seen on your face and working here for about three years. It's one of life's small pleasures is when you're watching someone else do something and like they're in their own zone and it's like you're getting a glimpse of just like he's lost right now. He's just lost on his phone. I know it was nice. It was a nice moment.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It took the dark beating the shit out of a lovable character by an old curmudgeon to bring it out of me. So Twitter this week, poor Elmo, saw really the worst sides of Twitter. I thought that was hugely fascinating. Also very human. I'm at just at how he just asked the internet how it was doing and what you got was a glimpse of man everyone is sad, hostile, broke, angry. But at least we were sad, hostile, broken, angry together with Elmo.
Starting point is 00:01:51 We're going to get to David Samson and Adnan Burke here in a second. I have been trying to get Jeff Passon's Elmo character on the show, but it requires some negotiations that are uncomfortable. I'm afraid that Elmo, I don't know, you guys can put some pressure on Jeff Passon. Wait, hang on. You know, Jeff Passon had something very dangerous happen to him. Did you check in with him when that tree fell on him? Or you've just let all that time go by and you're just like, give me Elmo. Well, I didn't know that a tree had fallen on him
Starting point is 00:02:26 Oddly enough. This is the second person at ESPN who a tree has fallen on recently A tree has broken the house of Tony Kornheiser. He can't get it out of his house It's been there for for months right well this tree fell on Jeff and it was actually a very dangerous for months. Right. Well, this tree fell on Jeff and it was actually a very dangerous situation. Life threatening. If a tree falls on your friend and you don't hear it, did it really happen? I did not hear about this. Are there details? Have you talked? Have you reached out to Jeff Massen?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah, I've been talking to him and I let enough time go by to where I know Jeff enough to where I thought I could joke about it. And I I could but it was also a very serious situation. His life was in jeopardy. But he's fine now. All right, good. He's fine now but if you want to, you know, mend fences possibly because you put him off by not checking in on him and all you do is ask him for an Elmo impression. You should probably do that. No wonder he's passing on the opportunity.
Starting point is 00:03:23 That's actually not that bad, Jeremy. On a day like today where I can't afford you to actually leave, you can say do that. No wonder he's passing on the opportunity That's actually not that bad Jeremy on a day like today where I can't afford you to actually leave You can say for that I was just gonna hit the loser game show sound but Samson and adnan virk are preparing to join us now and then virk his podcast where he goes deep thespian stuff on all things film is Cinephile and David Samson, nothing personal, he watches a movie every day. I don't know what you guys are doing today. Where are we starting?
Starting point is 00:03:51 What is today's top five, Liz Samson? We're gonna do the top five ever biopics. Biopics. Yes. Off to a good start. Biopics. Okay, are you tired, David? You look like you're, you look a little fatigued.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Are you okay? I was good five minutes ago when the segment was supposed to start, but I have tails off. Yeah, Samson from deep. Yeah, he hates when we keep him waiting. All right, so the top five biopics of all time is what we're doing. All right, this is a comprehensive.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Biopics. It took some time. Biopics. It took some time. Biopics. Yes, let's start with number five. Milk. I am concerned at the audience, but stay with me. Milk is a movie starring Sean Penn about a situation in San Francisco with a politician,
Starting point is 00:04:43 gay, a performance that was outstanding, a meal hush, well worth your time, even if you've never heard of the situation, you will. Uh, good movie, had no desire to ever see it again. David's right. It's good performance to Sean Penn's excellent as always. But I'm shocked. I've, as Dan said, a comprehensive list. There's been a lot of great biopics. Milk at number five. That already smells like sour milk. There's not one on my list that I've seen twice because that's the purpose of a great movie like this. You don't, you only need to see it once. Number four, hold on. If I, if I may, I'm sorry, I did, I think I ruined it, but you just made everyone in here laugh because of the way that you said a politician, comma gay, like the way, the way that you said a politician comma gay, like the way the way that you cut right
Starting point is 00:05:26 it was amazing. And politicians gay, you have any other biopics on politicians that aren't gay? Please say politician straight. David didn't want to lead with that. You just use politicians gay. It was trying to work efficiently because we always end up leaving admin with 30 seconds So he just got right to the art of the matter politician I love you guys. I do you got me I didn't know how to present it to people who had not seen it or heard of Harvey milk
Starting point is 00:05:57 And I tried to blow right past it Dan you did it you did it one nothing you today number four You did it. You did it. What? Nothing. You today. Number four Capote about a writer. Yay That was good you like that one I don't know whether it's gonna be admin in your top five, but you surely you like that one Absolutely, Dan because I'm a huge Phil Seymour Hoffman fan. I thought he was incredible in that film, really more from the character, that high voice, the tight suits, the fact he's so conniving and just puffing off these people in cold blood.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Of course, the famous book, which the movie is based upon, Capote's excellent. Good choice, David. Number three, in the name of the father. True story about people who are charged with the crime in Ireland. It stars Daniel Day Lewis, and he should have won best actor for this. Also Pete Pastaway, who you may know
Starting point is 00:06:54 from the usual suspects, and Emma Thompson plays his attorney. An absolutely amazing true story where it's not new here, where people get put in prison for things they have not done. Great film. Daniel Day Lewis insisted on being in prison because he's a method actress. He was literally in there and I do a limited Pete Possil with. Don't you be lying to me when I can see the truth straight in
Starting point is 00:07:15 the face? That's not that limited. That's not that limited. That's outstanding. That's pretty good. Not limited. Congratulations. Do you do any other impersonations? That's all I got for today. I'll Do you do any other impersonations? That's all I got for today. I'll give you a compote next week. All right. Number two, number two, the King's speech. That's an Academy Award performance by Colin Firth on Queen Elizabeth's father who had a problem because he couldn't speak much like me sometimes after I try to
Starting point is 00:07:45 gloss over things. And he's got a tutor who's played by Jeffrey Rush, absolutely perfect movie number two, The King's Speech. I'm with David. I love this movie and people kind of crushed it a little bit at the time because they said the social network was much more forward thinking and aggressive and more street cred, etc. But I'm with David. I'm the king of speech is a sure it's old-fashioned, I suppose, in terms of its template, but I think it's funny. It's rousing and it's powerful. None of these are in your top five though, right, Adnan? You've got a different top five. Of course. Correct. Number one, David. Number one, biopic of all time, biopic stars Ben Kingsley. I watched it in high school.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Sexy Beast. Sexy Beast is a great movie. And it's called Gandhi. Wow. The Little Mermaid. This is a movie that's old, but it's about the most important person. And I wanna say that and tell you that I have no caveats.
Starting point is 00:08:41 To me, Mahatma Gandhi is the most important person of the 20th century. So here's the thing. Someone who was not studied properly. It's a movie, Candice Bergens and it, Ben Kingsley with the performance extraordinaire, Rich and Attenborough Academy Awards, but more importantly, lessons that used to be known by people that have been completely forgotten about how to act in the face of discrimination, in the face of terrorism, in the face of racism. And Mahatma Gandhi was the shining star of that.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And it is a movie that everybody should watch. Well, listen, that's very articulate, but I don't wanna conflate the fact the movie isn't as good as the person. Like the Mahatma absolutely is an icon and someone we can all aspire to be. But the movie, I mean, if anyone sat there, anyone, if Jeremy in the shipping container
Starting point is 00:09:24 had to watch Gandhi right now, he's not getting through getting through that movie David that's a ponderous film how else are they gonna learn about Gandhi they're gonna read a book the internet the internet google them tick tock by that's it that's the issue it's the only one who's even seen gondy and I'm telling you right now there's no way LeBarton's dialing up Gandhi. It's Congress. Well, no, nobody listening. This is going to want to watch it now. I mean, it's dated as well. Like it's watch it for the performance, kind of like the revenant in that the movie's not great, but you will admire the performance at the heart of it. Sure. A record three minutes remaining for Adnan Burke to get through his top five. Let's
Starting point is 00:10:04 do it. Number five, Adnan. You know, I love Paul G. Mottie as does David. I'm praying he's going to win an Academy Award for the holdovers. How about his great performance in American splendor? Five all the time. Yeah. So he played Harvey P. Carter, cartoonist, of course, great friend of crumb really put Gia Motti on the map as a leading actor one year before sideways. American Splendors inventive. It's got this great documentary style to it. Meta style. Hope Davis is very good. And American Splendors, a great, funny movie. I think you only thought of that because you were going through the IMDB of Gia Motti when he got nominated and he wanted him to win. Otherwise that would not have been in your
Starting point is 00:10:38 head. I watched the holdovers and I know you guys have had good things to say about the movie and you mentioned Philip Seymour Hoffman earlier And I occasionally will watch movies and I miss Philip Seymour Hoffman's performances so much that I imagine roles with Philip Seymour Hoffman in them to where it could actually Elevate the performance and I thought he'd be a good lead for the holdovers even though GMO He seems like he's going to win an Academy award that's eluded him for so long there. I didn't think the movie was all that good. A lot like Gandhi and, and the revenant in that the performances keep you, but really the way that they shot it too, made you, made it seem so much
Starting point is 00:11:18 different than it probably had credit being. But you thought you thought it was great holdovers. Do you think they said, listen, let's make it just like Gandhi. Number four, walk the line. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon make sweet music together. A Phoenix channel and Johnny Cash and by the way, bonus points for actually singing the music. You know, Jamie Foxx wins an Oscar for Ray didn't sing the music. He lip synced the fact that Joaquin fix it. Oh, I'll tackle Ring of Fire was amazing and Reese is incredible as June Carter cash James Mangold wonderful film Walk the line at number four one minute love with Reese Witherspoon at that movie and she's now divorced So she's back in play and the sheer her performance was outstanding number three is bugsy
Starting point is 00:12:03 David was recently crediting in that betting. It was fantastic in Bugsy and I love Warren Beatty playing Bugsy Siegel. Gotta get one gangster film on this list. Barry Levinson, James Toback Scripts. I love that film. Ben Kingsley, by the way. Wonderful supporting actress, Meyer Lansky. Number two, Schindler's List. Spielberg's glorious achievement, I mean, again, across the board performances. Great cinematography by Janusz Kraminski and that's scored by John Williams is unforgettable. And number one, Spielberg's crowning glorious Schindler's list, how about Martin Scorsese, who just eclipsed him on the most nominations of any living director? Number one is Raging Bull.
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Starting point is 00:13:21 Don lebatard. He's like he needs a wheelbarrow like Mike McDaniel this dog. Got a pair? Man does he get a pair. My granddaughter sees his schlong. What are you talking about? He says, what's that? Oh, she doesn't know. My granddaughter saw his sch song in the kitchen. And she said, what is that? What is this? A game of clue? I said that's what he pees with. I don't know how else am I going to explain. Stugats.
Starting point is 00:13:54 It was a little extended. I don't know why he was so excited. All right, very good. No. Can I take this out? It is a baby. Anyway, he ate my couch. This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugas.
Starting point is 00:14:15 It's time for Thursday Thunder. It's presented by DraftKings Fantasy Sports. Check out what DraftKings has to offer this season with code Dan, because life's more fun when you're in on the action. sports. Check out what DraftKings has to offer this season with Code Dan because life's more fun when you're in on the action. DraftKings, the crown is yours. Chris Cody, what do we have for this week's edition of Thursday Thunder? We have Juju Gotti cooking up another one. I'd say of all of us he's had the most success cooking these up for us. And he's a Celtics guy so we're going Celtics
Starting point is 00:14:44 Lakers tonight. We're going Chris Dapsaps Porzingis over 19 and a half points dude's been good this season Jason Tatum over eight and a half rebounds seems like a winner and this guy Derek White man you get a haircut change you finally come home he's a new player he looks like an all-star at times we're going over three and a half rebounds for Derek White you got Derek White over three and a half rebounds Jason Tatum over eight and a half rebounds for Derek White. So you got Derek White over three and a half rebounds, Jason Tatum over eight and a half rebounds, and Chris Thaps Porzingis over 19 and a half points. Juju Gotti cooking up that heat.
Starting point is 00:15:13 He is also cooking up new merch if you want to see the Juju Gotti collection. Some of the new stuff that he's got, is where you go. You mentioned the Lakers, and I mentioned in passing yesterday that in the middle of the night, middle of the morning, LeBron James put up an hourglass. You've seen the photos in the video of him staring at Darwin Ham, not happy with things. They are mediocre defensively and below average offensively. You know the hourglass was a tease for his DraftKings partnership.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Well, I know that now. I didn't know it at the time before he, you know, threw the chalk up in the air to form the crown of DraftKings, but he is doing a lot of deal-making in Hollywood, a lot of empire building. He has had enough success by any measure with the Lakers, even though the Lakers are something like nine and 35 against the Clippers, because the Clippers have taken over basketball winning from them, but not basketball relevance from
Starting point is 00:16:20 them because even though the Clippers are a good deal better, I got gotta stop for a second. I also get emotional when talking about hoops. It's just, it really just hits you sometimes. Boy, you're really after it. You're really going through it. You got this. Come on, we're here for you. Like, I miss LeBron as well, but at least he's our teammate now. We can't even stop when I'm having trouble breathing.
Starting point is 00:16:43 We can't. We cannot stop. I also would be super embarrassed that I got the LeBron hourglass thing that wrong We really botched that one and we're a draft Kings product. That's we were like, what's he mean by that? He must hate his teammates. Yeah, no, that's actually like the strategy I mean you probably talking and then Howder in the shape of a DK logo, then you good Brian Windhorst. I don't know I sound funny Do I do sound funny? Yeah, you'rees are fogged. You still laughing over politician.
Starting point is 00:17:09 You cough with so much ferocity that you fogged up your glasses. Is that what's happening? Yes, that is what happened. And I'm really unfair for us to not stop down. No, it's not. What's missing is loving this right now. This is what's going to happen to me in Vegas. It's going to happen during the live show. You guys are all gonna just be laughing at me. And we can't stop there either. So this is his training for a week from now. Whoa, how did LeBron blow the smoke, like the chalk in the shape of the Draft King's crown? That's amazing. Wow. That's talent. You haven't been blowing that? Well, you have that being a smoke That's right Dan when you're vulnerable sees on someone else's mistake do it doesn't he kind of throw up and blow it like that Was the whole like and Chris Cody is always there for you in that department
Starting point is 00:17:56 Brian Windhorst mentioned the idea that LeBron might not finish with the Lakers It's the first time that I have seen that finish with the Lakers. It's the first time that I have seen that mentioned. He has gotten everything that he wanted out of Los Angeles. All of it. Like obviously you'd like more winning, more championships. But the idea that he won there once, that he dedicated the last parts. And Dan, he won there twice. You're already forgetting the IST in season tournament.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I'm not counting that. What? It's a banner. You need a water. I probably do, but better for all my producers to just laugh at me. We'll bring some help. Apart. Yeah, here you go.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah. Here comes a mean old. Oh, that'll help. Yeah. He's always there for you, but it's good segment to never derails. It's good timing. I likeails. It's good time. It's like this one anymore I'm Dan, I know every animal's I
Starting point is 00:18:54 Mean come at the frog in it Lebron James and the Lakers. Yes, you expect What from that team the rest of the year you expect what from the rest of his Laker career? How long is his Laker career going to last? Well, I'm asking you that too. Oh my God, what a question. We're being salacious today, folks. How long is LeBron James going to remain a Laker? Well, he's not going to be the oldest player in the league and be 500.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Like that's not going to go without tension. That's not, he's not going to be okay with being mediocre, not being in the conversation when he's been in the conversation for 20 years. And this team doesn't look good enough to do anything. Yeah. I think this is a weird team. I don't think they're, I don't think they're good. I said that in the off season, when they made all these acquisitions and all this money invested, I said, these guys are not, you know, for instance, you threw a lot of money at Gabe Vincent, who gave Vincent was a critical part of a Miami heat run to the finals.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Gabe Vincent also wasn't that great during the regular season. Did not shoot well. No, got hot. He got hot at the right time. And so you, but they paid him like he's the playoff version of some, now he's- He was always good defensively. Yes, always been good defensively,
Starting point is 00:20:05 but in terms of the scoring and the shooting of the part where he looked unstoppable like against the Knicks and stuff, that's not who he is, but he's been hurt so it doesn't really matter. But even if he weren't hurt, I don't think he'd be what they paid him to be. This isn't the usual passive aggressive.
Starting point is 00:20:19 And again, the hourglass was a DraftKings promotion. And that was part of the plan to get people talking about him and then hit them with the draft Kings partner news. But if he wants to still be considered one of, if not the best piece on a possible championship team, it's either turning it around this season with the Lakers or being traded before this year's deadline. He's at an age where we don't see people perform the way that he is right now. And I wouldn't put it past him to do,
Starting point is 00:20:50 to do so next year, but every time that he does, he is establishing a new watermark for that age and the productivity. So I think it's not ridiculous to entertain him actually being someone that could be moved at the deadline. If he wants to actually win another one, I think trading LeBron is the ultimate, like you can't win situation, especially trading LeBron when he has an option on next year is even bigger. No one's going to want to give up anything because you don't, you have no idea this guy's, no one's going to want to give up anything because you don't, you have no idea this guy's going to want to give
Starting point is 00:21:25 up anything for a major draw for half a season. Like no one's going to want to give up anything for, for half a season, just the commerce of I get to see about an untradeable piece, someone that's not even allowed to be in trade discussion, someone that is quote untouchable like Duncan Robinson. Dan, we're not talking about like the Charlotte Hornets acquiring him. Like, wow, we'll do it for the ticket sales or the Atlanta Hawks. We're talking about a team that gives him an opportunity to win. And so when we look at those teams, like the Knicks, like the heat, why scares me him going to the Knicks. Does it scare
Starting point is 00:21:57 you? It scares me because they're good enough and they need someone just like him. That'll make Jalen Brunson clearly the second best player. I think they, they go through in the use. If they make that acquisition, I sincerely hope they don't what's, what's the give? If you're the Nicks, right? What's the give? I don't really know what they give up to get him. Probably find a way to get out of Julius Randall's contract to make them match up. But I think also for LeBron, he did it in Cleveland, won there, meant the world. He did it in Miami as the villain. He did it in Los Angeles. Can you imagine? He already has this really super complicated legacy because we usually see people do it all in one or
Starting point is 00:22:37 two uniforms. If he goes ahead and does one in New York, again, altering the math where one title to that market means the world. That's crazy. Yeah. No, absolutely. Like we know that that's, I mean, the only other place I could say where you could do that and it would blow everyone's mind is the Clippers, right? We talked about this years ago when Kobe was a free agent, it's like, you want to really make piss everybody off, go to the Clippers, go there and win with the NBA is dying for him to go to the Nix. can you imagine I
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like I in a weird way I don't want that happen because I want the Knicks to see this thing out there They're on the right path. I just don't nick it up. Don't nick it up by trying like a shortcut Let's do it this way. Do you think acquiring a 39 year old LeBron James is crazy? What he's saying what you what he's saying is crazy to me. He's so really good. I don't, you cannot be saying with a straight face that the Knicks have arrived in a position
Starting point is 00:23:32 where they can decline. Hey, we don't want or need LeBron James. Why, why Chris Cody? Couldn't you finish the segment? Two more minutes as a means. He lost his legs from power walking. Yeah, it was all that walking earlier, Dan. I, uh, I have, I don't think you're going to like that.
Starting point is 00:23:51 The entire international audience sees that you have Reebok brand underwear. I don't believe he took that break to fix it cause it's gone now. Dangerous game. The funniest part was he comes up to me and he whispers and then he just goes under the table like whoa What's happening here the the audio you were on your knees? Why were you on your knees doing the segment? Why was on my knees? Why did you bring a chair in here in the wild? He was there to help you out man like I got on the mic immediately Did you want me to stop pause walk around the table grab. No, you're welcome, Dan Levitar.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You know what, that is the wrong reaction. Get me the sound of Balmani choking during a segment, the way that I was, he hates that sound, says Chris Cody as the chair. He really does. Okay, but I mean, it just happened to me and I'm using the context of I was saying, help me in some form and when I get his amine comes in here and is on his knees and then Chris is a chair for a mean.
Starting point is 00:24:48 You need John. The idea that LeBron James would be available the second half of the season, I mean, is a bit crazy to me. And yet I don't think it's ridiculous. I don't think it's ridiculous for the Lakers to be in a tough spot with this because their team's not very good.
Starting point is 00:25:07 If you're the Lakers, you have to ride it to the wheels, Polo. You cannot, unless he comes into your office and says, get me out of here. You cannot entertain even for a second trading. But what he's going to come into the office and say is get me more pieces. Yeah. Right. That's, well, that's a different story. And maybe Anthony Davis is that name.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Do you agree with Stu Gatz that LeBron is a looter and a riot? At this point? Yeah, they're not a good. What? Welcome back to the right time. My name is Bomani Jones. I'm sorry about that Brian. In the meantime, how did that happen? Don Lebatard. All of us who were watching College 4, we have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here.
Starting point is 00:25:58 We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. We have a lot of great people here. I'm good something got caught down my throat. Sorry about that Brian in the meantime Don lebatard all of us who were watching college football Elevated everything the weekend was because we missed football in general so very much You didn't watch the ending of UTEP Jacksonville State. It was awesome. It's easy boom Stugatz. It's such a lane for you. Just everything in college football is awesome. Any single thing that happens she gets deliriously happy about.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Don't you miss viewing sports through that prism though? Like I'm envious of Lucy. Like I wish that I could still be happy. This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugats. I assume this happens in Florida more than it does in other places. You come out at night, you turn on some lights in your home and you see a cockroach scatter and come out when the lights are on. That is my introduction for Mike Schur as soon as the Miami Heat lose seven games, what happens? Look who reemerges with that beautiful head of hair, Mike Schur, to write on behalf of the program, one of the most esteemed writers anywhere
Starting point is 00:27:16 in television history has decided to do a January observations. Did the Heat win a game in January? Did they win any games in January? Because Mike Schur, I'm assuming you're here only because the Miami heat lost seven in a row. That's not true. I'm here because I've made some observations about Meadowlark media and the month you had in January. It's February 1st. It's the appropriate time to give you those observations. And here, here I am. That's nothing to do with the Miami.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I just don't remember December observations. I don't remember November observations. I don't remember October or September observations. But here we go. Are we ready? Are we ready to do this? January observations from Mike Scherr? I mean, relatively.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It's very popular. Everybody loves it when he does this because he just roasts all of us. Look at him. Look how stoic he is because he knows he's got it all lined up he's using his greatest gift his greatest tool to samurai sort us go ahead I don't get the intro anymore no no anymore I search for that was that's why
Starting point is 00:28:17 I said relatively Mike Shers observations wait a minute go get it more from the loins hold on a second let. Let's try it again. You are listening to Mike Scher's weekend observations from January. That's just a joe tessitore. You are listening live to Mike Scher talk about things from January. January observations is brought to you by Tony's Things to Ponder File. Do you like Tony's NFL Top 5, but think it contains a little too much insight and is a little too interesting? Try Tony's Things to Ponder File. Dan!
Starting point is 00:29:03 They had a championship pedigree, but after a rocky start this year we wrote them off. They seem to have lost a step. Maybe the league had caught up to them. Maybe their roster was getting old. But then, just like always, they flipped that switch. And Dan. Just like that, make no mistake about it. That Tampa Bay Lightning are back. Yeah, terrifying.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Eight of their last nine. They're haunting. The Miami Heat are better without Tyler Hero. It's just a shame Miami never made him available in trade talks. The Miami Heat are better without Terry Rosear, which is kind of a problem because they just traded for Terry Rose here.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Terry Rose here. Negative 72 in his first hundred and 14 minutes for the heat. Scary. Hey, the heat won last night. Congrats, guys. Yes. Yeah. Scary Terry chipping in with a harder and three points and 30 minutes on the floor On the left is Dame Lillard on the right is Terry rose here. They look pretty similar. Okay guys. Yeah, great good work You traded for prime Dame Wimbled. Good job
Starting point is 00:30:38 Victor Wimbanyama last night 21 and 8 6 blocks 2 steals 2 of 5 from 3 in 30 minutes. Or as Mike Ryan would call it. The SEC just filed charges against 3 people who stole $1.9 billion in a fraudulent crypto scheme. You'll never guess where one of them lives I'm surprised all three of them don't live here Four of them were in Miami for the three
Starting point is 00:31:23 $1.9 billion that's the most money someone from Miami has stolen since Eric Spolster assigned his extension I thought you'd go Samson there I almost went Robinson oh yeah you take your pick Coach Spoe bubble fraud. Oh, come on. Yeah. What happened there? What happened? The Angelo's family bought the Baltimore Orioles for $173 million billion. Someone please reassure a no-doubt worried David Samson that after all those terrible sad years of losing money, the Angelo's family is finally going to eke out a profit. Put it on the pole, Juju. Does asbestos pay? I'm pretty sure that's where the Angelo's fortune comes from.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Speaking of David Samson, how many times do we have to hear the story of him pooping in the military guy's house during a marathon? I thought it was only two. I thought yesterday was only the second time. He said hits its most shameful moment. He's talked about it on the show I swear like six times. We do a show,'t remember taxes and David Samson telling the story about pooping in the military guys house. According to the heat front office, Duncan Robinson is absolutely untouchable in trades, which in Miami front office speak means they have offered him to literally everyone. You know what the A and Duncan stands for Dan? I available. That's right. It stands for available to anyone who will take him. Well done. Good job by you. I'm on my game
Starting point is 00:33:12 the Miami heat lost seven in a row. Offense is a mess. Defense is a mess, which is going to make it all the more incredible when they reach the Eastern conference finals to a tongue of Iowa. Do it in the playoffs. Tyreek Hill. Do it in the playoffs. Yeah. Patrick Mahomes do it in the Superbowl and then do it in the Superbowl two more times and then do it in the Super Bowl two more times and then do it in the Super Bowl again and you'll have done it in the Super Bowl nearly as many times as Tom Brady. There come the Pelicans. Devin Booker, 60 burger, Yannis, 50 burger and 60 burger.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Carl Anthony Towns, the rare 60 burger with a side of L. Yoel Mbede, 70 burger. Luca, 73 burger. The NBA isn't a league anymore. It's a damn Wendy's. You know what the B and NBA stands for Dan burgers it stands for burger that's a good job by you for two watch out for the 49ers wait a minute yeah if the season ended if the season ended today, they'd be in the Super Bowl. They're favored. It's not how the watch out works.
Starting point is 00:34:48 That's not how it works. It's exactly how the watch out works. Dan, this week's two gods had an all-timer. He called the legendary coach of Liverpool FC, Jurgen Klopp. Jurgen. Like the hand lotion. Yet amazingly, that does not crack the list of worst name mispronunciations in show history. Top 5 wrong names in show history. Wow, going into the historic data bank. Alright.
Starting point is 00:35:23 O-L-I. Jurgen Kluff. Ha ha ha ha! Number five, James Mulvaney. Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha! Number four, Elimin Hassan. Ha ha ha ha!
Starting point is 00:35:41 Sorry, Hassan rather, Hassan. Sorry to mess up your. I'll I mean you know I got love and respect for you Inside jokes he means even a number three a freanie hardaway That's number three Never let that one down. That's number three. Tony calling Anthony Hardaway seriously reading off of a reading off the computer a freeing a freeing number three He and then then trying to cover it by just naming eight other guys
Starting point is 00:36:17 Just blowing through it. Just just pounding through it. Just tweeting through it as fast as he could number two Amino acid Inside joke with me and the godfather Yeah, and the number one mispronunciation of a name on the show's history 80 Lucy he saw a boast you got saw bow bow on a call screener and said 80. Well, go out to 80.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Let's go out to 80 on a mobile. And Billy, that's bow. Blink192 didn't even make a line. Wow, yeah. Amazing. It's my list. James Mulvaney represents where I see the descent of my life, calling John Mulvaney James Mulvaney while holding a turk Stick that was a watershed for you. That was it. That was there's like a before and after of your competence Dan keep an eye on the Edmonton Oilers
Starting point is 00:37:20 Great on the forecheck Great coaching experience guard play great on the forecheck great coaching experience guard play don't be surprised if the Edmonton Oilers find themselves in the elite eight the Oilers Leon dry saddle in them boys make it a run dana this my audition to be a guest on Roy's new hockey segment. It's a great comedic name. Roy's in Toronto. We don't know if we're going to get a hockey show, but he's in Toronto on Metal Arc's dime.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Maybe we'll have a hockey show. I'm going to fill in. I'm going to fill in. Talk about Leon Drysidle in Den Boys. Folks, I believe everyone should do whatever makes them happy. I believe in free speech, much like the great Boston sports fan Dana White, who's a personal hero of mine. However, if you get offended when someone holds your college logo upside down, or replaces
Starting point is 00:38:21 the word up with the word down in your college slogan. You are a child, and you should rethink your entire life and all of the choices you have made that have gotten you to this point. Where'd you go? You never heard. Enter Miami. Lost their first three pre-season friendlies with Messi and Luis Suarez. Enter Miami. Lost their first three pre-season friendlies with Messi and Luis Suarez. Enter Miami. The Miami is strong in you.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Dan Lebedard had a couple hours to spare recently, so we decided to take his wife to a quiet riot concert. The hell was he thinking? I know what Valerie was thinking. She was thinking I'm in hell. And speaking of hell, Art Bryles. Dan, those are the January observations. We always appreciate that you do that. Stugatz, by the way, read the internet wrong
Starting point is 00:39:21 because he told me that Quiet Riots lead singer was 52. No, he wasn't. He was in 2007 when he died, so I suppose maybe he's still 52 if we stop counting at that point. Yeah. Yeah, he stopped right at 52, I guess. Yeah. Gambley Problem, call 100 Gambler.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Age and eligibility restrictions apply. Voidware prohibited. See for details.

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