The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Hour 2: I'm Lookin' For a Neba

Episode Date: March 5, 2024

Is there any bread better than the Hawaiian Roll? Then, the Top 10 broadcasters better than Bob Costas, a game of Met or Jet, Adam Sandler movies, and Prince as a jockey. Plus, Stugotz wonders if the ...Dolphins should move on from Tua for Russell Wilson and wrestling is NEVER cool. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe Kings Network. Whoa, what are you listening to this for? Wait, who's talking? You know you're driving a 2024 Ford Escape with available Alexa built in, so you can change the music. Oh yeah, Alexa, change station to 99.2. See? Purchase a 2024 Escape ST line all-wheel drive with TechPack at 3.49% ATR for 72 months with down payment. That's just 267 by weekly. Cash value of $40,294. Plus, eligible Ford owners get a $1,000 bonus.
Starting point is 00:00:38 For details, visit your local Ford store or This is the Don Lebatore Show with the Stugatz Podcast. I believe that Arby's gets a bit of a bad rap when it comes to the fast food industry. They don't exist in a space where the Giants reside. They have the meats. How could you be more useless than you were last segment? Well, I was just telling you. I mean, they have the meats.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah. It's a good ass that make you fart. Yeah. Arby's now has a bacon, a sandwich of bacon and a Hawaiian roll. And I believe the Hawaiian roll is the greatest of all the breads. I don't believe. And you may... You agree.
Starting point is 00:01:24 You may object. The bagel would like a word. Little sweet. You know that's part of the reason that I like it not surprisingly. Hala. At LeBatard show what do you believe to be both the greatest of the breads. Money. The second greatest of all of the breads, and what do you believe to be the single greatest thing in fast food? Because as a concept, I think, I could get behind, and I've not had it,
Starting point is 00:01:59 so I don't know how good it is, it just sounds delicious. I have a couple years ago, they introduced these seasonal King's Hawaiian Roll menu items and I went for one and it was very good because it was on a King's Hawaiian Roll and King's Hawaiian Rolls are the best. Cheesy gordita crunch for me in all of fast food. I think number one has to be the McDonald's Fry.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Peek McDonald's Fry is the best. I would agree with that. I would say in terms of sandwiches, the chicken sandwich with cheese from Burger King is probably the best I've had. Spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's, from you also the Wendy's chili underrated. Put it on the poll please, Juju, at LeBitTarge show. Are McDonald's fries the single greatest fast food item in the history of fast food items? Greg Cody, do you have any objection to?
Starting point is 00:02:46 Hawaiian the Hawaiian roll being second only to money on the greatest of all the bread for me It's it's a little too sweet. I just don't prefer it I am not against it if presented a Hawaiian roll. I would eat it, but it's nothing I would go out of my way to choose By the way, what happened to Arby's used to have an arch, bitter arch rival called Neba's. Do they still, anybody else remember Neba? No.
Starting point is 00:03:11 How does this spell, I believe it's spelled N-E-B-A. They were like McDonald's and Burger King for a while. I've never even heard of what it is you're talking about. Neba's attempted to have the meats too. Did they have, they had roast beef? They were a Arby's competitor, like a direct competitor. It was like the Jets and Sharks back in the day.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, same kind of menu, right. But. How long, if you can find me, still got some information on Nebis. I find it hard to believe that there's a fast food that has existed in my lifetime that I have not heard of. Thank you for beating me to the same joke I was about to make, Chris. That's very useful.
Starting point is 00:03:48 It was built in the 60s. There's a Neba right there. Oh, wow. Neba Roast Beef Restaurants, When did they go out of business, old Nebas? It's a terrible name. They shared a space with Mike Subb, so. Neba's a terrible name for a fast food restaurant.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Arby's isn't. Fair enough. Arby's is fine, Neba's, I don't know. They declared bankruptcy in 1970. There you go. As of the mid-1980s, a few of them existed in Upstate New York in Miami. Craig, how is it possible that every segment on the show today that you go that we cannot have something that you reference that is within the last Half century here's the reason everybody else is drinking dr. Pepper. I'm drinking mr. Pibb
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's right everybody else is waltzing into Arby's. I'm looking for a Neba, you know, I just I'm not a front runner Behind the front runner. That's where you'll find me. The entire show has been a back in my day. Thank you. Whatever happens, Neba! Do you have, you don't have a back in my day, do you? Do you have an actual back in my day? I don't have an actual one or a facsimile. But I might next week.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So Tuesday. Quality control week, though. It is a quality control week. It was a rare Tuesday where he thought he might work on Monday. Right, yes, thank you. That's a good excuse. That's a good excuse, mate. So you're blaming me. It's fine. It's a rare Tuesday where he thought he might work on Monday. Right. Yes, thank you. That's a good excuse. That's a good excuse me. So you're blaming me. It's fine. You know, it's fine. I'm up at 5 a.m. for no reason, but that's fine. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You do make an interesting point about the bread though. You're saying the bread's supposed to complement the sandwich, not be the star of the sandwich. Yes, right. And it conflicts. Okay, if I'm making a pulled pork sandwich, I actively do not want a sweet roll, okay? Because the sweet roll might compete with barbecue sauce, might compete with the spice on the Boston butt. So, you know, I like the vessel to be more neutral. I find Hawaiian rolls to be almost cloyingly sweet, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You eat butt all the time. I do, yeah, and I really enjoy making it and eating it. I make fun of Greg Cody because of, he comes in here and he goes extra fossilized with us and I'm doing plenty around here to age out on my own as is Stugatz, but he takes it to another level. I will say though, I wanna circle back around on something because I heard from a few people this weekend who heard our show last week when we played a Bob Costas clip for the audience.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Can you guys get that clip for me again, please? I want to pair it with the Jake Tapper clip and play that that I've promised. But the Bob Costas clip, I have talked to him some. I want to get him on a South Beach session and do something long form because I've enjoyed and admired his work for a long time. But I thought our show was profoundly disrespectful to the past by simply forgetting when talking about Bob Costas because the framing of the argument that we were having is, I don't like and I don't know how to do this exactly because
Starting point is 00:06:53 I make fun of Greg Cody for going into the past all the time, but I do believe that young people today when they take over everything, they get awfully forgetful. I don't know what Stugaz's excuse was on this. They get awfully forgetful about what someone's resume was. And the clip that we played of Bob Costas was a political clip. And when you talk politics, it doesn't matter how you talk at Stugaz. It really doesn't matter how reasonable you are in 2024 twenty four uh... it doesn't matter what you say uh... people are lined up where they're lined up and bob costas got attacked pretty
Starting point is 00:07:31 evenly by everybody by going after both byton and trump with this clip we played last week there's that i've called from you come at this from a position of not wanting to see trump get elected you should state that at the outset true Yes, absolutely He is by far the most disgraceful figure in modern presidential history He's only become more disgraceful since 2016 and since 2020 He is a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits, and it's only those who are actually suffering
Starting point is 00:08:06 from Trump derangement syndrome, which is the way they and Fox News and all the rest of MAGA Media try to brush aside all the legitimate criticisms of Trump. You have to be in the throes of some sort of toxic delusion, in a toxic cult, to believe that Donald Trump has ever been, in any sense, emotionally, psychologically, intellectually, or ethically fit to be President of the United States, but his supporters are locked in on that. There is no cult of Joe Biden. Even if he had not run explicitly with the pledge that he
Starting point is 00:08:45 would be a one-term president, even if halfway through this term, he had said, look, I've done my job, I have some policy successes, I'll continue to do my job, and now the Democrats can get, as I said before, some people up in the bullpen and sort through it. He had a chance to be seen as a statesman and a patriot. Now his legacy is likely to be that of a man whose hubris prevented him from seizing the moment in an appropriate way, and at best, he can squeak by Trump, that's at best,
Starting point is 00:09:15 or he could lose to Trump and subject the nation to four more years of this kind of ongoing insanity, or if he squeaks by, it's very likely that he cannot complete his second term. He'd be 86 at the end of it. Now I don't know what it is that anyone in here thinks is wrong, factually wrong, about what he said, but the reaction to me was wrong because of the number of people who dismissed his entire body of work by saying something along the lines of
Starting point is 00:09:45 who is Bob Costas, who the hell is Bob Costas, and Stugatz was one of them. And the answer to your question is one of the top ten broadcasters ever in the history of television. Not just sports, ever in the history of television is the answer to your question. Someone who has, outside of sports, done entire shows that don't have to do with sports, that are about politics, that are about interviewing, that are about entertainment, someone who has gotten offered every meaningful job that there is in broadcast journalism, nightline, 60 minutes, all of them, and I just thought our entire show in its ignorance was wildly disrespectful to one of the top 10 broadcasting careers I've ever seen, and I just thought our entire show, in its ignorance, was wildly disrespectful to one of the top 10 broadcasting
Starting point is 00:10:27 careers I've ever seen. And I defy you to name 10 broadcasters better than him, history of the medium. Let me think about that for a second. He's a great broadcaster. I'm certain if I do a top 10, I'll probably be in there. You asked me, we played that clip last weekend, you asked me about the reaction to Bob Costas,
Starting point is 00:10:47 that people were saying, well, who was Bob Costas? When you go on a political platform and you talk politics, you're naturally going to get that, you get it when you talk sports, who was Bob Costas? Who was Dan LeBertar? Who was Greg Cody? And so I was just saying, while I respect Bob, and I think Bob is great like you, I was just saying, while I respect Bob, and I think Bob is great
Starting point is 00:11:05 like you, I was just saying I'm not surprised by the reaction of who is Bob Costas because they don't want their politics mixed with sports. I know, but you're ignoring a body of work if that is your dismissal. I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just telling you why the reaction is the reaction. He still is associated with sports cast you know even though he does uh... uh... uh... a great career of other stuff beyond and above sports he is a sportscaster first and foremost in my mind in the minds of most
Starting point is 00:11:34 and anytime i write anything that has anything to do with politics i'd stick to sports what he said it was wrong all in the eye agree with him politically so for me he didn did he say that was wrong? Oh, I agree with him politically, so for me, he didn't say anything that was wrong, but I see why people on both sides
Starting point is 00:11:51 would be upset with his take. You can get that. You could push back on accusing Joe Biden of hubris. I mean, he didn't say much that was wrong there, Dan, but half the country disagrees with him, so, I mean. He took out kind of both sides there and that he did, like Mike mentioned, accuse Joe Biden of hubris, but I think that everything he said, and when we had this conversation last time around, he came at it with facts.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Like he came into this with research and a base level of knowledge that he could come into this conversation and deliver something in 90 seconds that was rooted in truth. And I think that when you're dismissing someone who comes at you with research, that's our biggest issue. But it's not just that though, because that's one thing. Dismissing someone who comes at you with research. You've heard me lament before, sort of the rejection of expertise that we have. I know there are a whole lot of people listening to this and not listening to this who think they know everything while not knowing much at all.
Starting point is 00:12:55 I'm simply talking about the expertise of this particular order and the dismissal of this particular order if you're willing to dismiss the credentials of this person. You'll dismiss anyone. You will dismiss anyone because this person's credentials are unassailable. Agreed. They're simply, I'm asking the audience and I'm asking you guys legitimately. Let's have the conversation go ahead and tell me name all of the broadcasters in television history yeah I think you're having a different conversation I don't
Starting point is 00:13:33 think anyone's really pushing back on that we said earlier that this is fact based no that was all editorial that was all opinion and all of his opinions whether you like it or not are are subjective. And they're treated as such by both sides in this case because it was considered inflammatory. I agree with that. And it's also an opinion of his that Biden is too old. Now, I think they're both too old. I don't want to elect an 80-year-old president, but that's also an opinion, the idea that the Democratic Party would be better off with a younger candidate.
Starting point is 00:14:03 I guess the issue that we're looking at when it comes to facts, and I guess it's unfair of me to listen to that clip and say it all, is fact in what he's saying. It's that it's rooted in fact, it's rooted in knowledge, it's rooted in the history of what's happened over the last several years with Donald Trump and with Joe Biden. And so the issue in dismissing someone like Bob Costas is dismissing someone who is not just approaching things to be a gas bag But approaching things with a root knowledge and so this is where we have problems in deciding who's a journalist Who's a gas bag on TV? Who are the people that are actually coming at us with truth?
Starting point is 00:14:38 And so that's where all of these things become problematic in the discussion that we're having about politics overall I would say as well though that Bob Costas has spent a career so clearly trying to adhere to the tenets of fair and objective journalism that I do believe it can be hard for anyone to discern what his actual politics are if you're just watching his television career before this. Before right now. I can't tell when Cleveland's playing Florida in the 97 World Series, but I am aware that he is more liberal. You could if he says the name. That clip is pretty clear. Yeah, the reason why most people don't is because he's usually broadcasting things where they don't flash.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Now he was on that show to be a guest to offer up his opinion. Can you play for me? I believe a political clip that everyone by consensus in our audience will be totally fine with. Here is Jake Tapper on CNN. Jake Tapper as substantive you know, as substantive a newsman as there is in the modern age.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Explanation was not, they didn't like Donald Trump. They said he participated in an erection. And I have to, an insurrection, sorry, an insurrection. And I have to say I got up at five this morning to do Casey Hunt's show and I'm exhausted. That's some quick excuse. I'm sorry, I'm a bad durner. You got the strongest after Super Bowl week. It was some quick. Play it again. Play it again.
Starting point is 00:16:10 You're speaking to Nikki Haley too. Explanation was not. They didn't like Donald Trump. They said he participated in an erection. And I have to, an insurrection, sorry, an insurrection. And I have to say, I got up at 5 this morning to do Casey Hunt's show and I'm exhausted. Sure you did.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Casey Hunt is a tricky one too. That would have been another place he could have made a mistake. Remember the best vacation you've ever taken? Make your next one even better with Get Your Guide. With Get Your Guide you can book over a hundred thousand unforgettable experiences in the US and around the world. Want to see the Grand Canyon from a helicopter? They got you.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Watching a wrestling match in Mexico City? No problem! Or how about a guided tour of Rome's ancient ruins? Wherever you're going, whatever you're into, book your next travel experience at Don Libertad! A few blocks from here. Somebody was killed with a samurai sword. How the hell is someone being killed with a samurai sword?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Guess by impaling. Thank you, Mike. Stugats! We know that it was intentional because I know of someone that was stabbed with a samurai sword once, but it was an accident. Like the person was doing a school project and there was a scene where there was like a samurai sword like stabbing situation and the person was on the ground and they were supposed to roll one way and they rolled the other way by mistake and accidentally got stabbed with the samurai sword. As far as I know they've
Starting point is 00:17:35 made a full recovery but it could be an accident. This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugatz. Time now for Stugatz's list of 10 broadcasters better than Bob Costas. Well, I'm just asking. What do you mean you're just asking? All right, it's 10 broadcasters I think that are better than Bob Costas. Number 10 Stugatz. Number 10, Red Borber. Ten stugats. Number ten, Red Barber. Ha!
Starting point is 00:18:06 Ha! You don't know anything about Red Barber. Oh, I know everything about Red Barber. Say one thing other than his name about Red Barber. Great broadcaster. There you go. Yep. He died in 1992.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Damn right he didn't. Mm-hmm. Number...but he lived. Man, did he live. Number nine, Kurt Gowdy. Wow, good. You like that, huh? Yeah, I did. He's pandering to my dad.
Starting point is 00:18:31 That's my wheelhouse. Number eight, Mel Allen. Wow. You're reeling it back. Number seven, Howard Cosell. Oh, yeah. Number six, Dick Enberg. Number five, Al Michael.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Number four, Jack Buck. Number three, Marv Alberts. Number two, Jim Nance. Number one, Brent Musburger. That's who we're putting there. All wrong. Well, every, every left out Jimmy McKay. He's a good man. I thought four through ten were pretty good.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Every last one of those was wrong. Vince Scully. I got you. I mean, Vince was a better broadcaster. Let's be honest. But you didn't have them in your top 10. Oh, well, I Jimmy Cephalo. There you go. I'm not doing the sounder for that. I like it. Josie Gaggy. Are you guys ready to play Met or Jet? Oh, no. It's time for everyone's favorite game, Met or Jet. Yeah! Chick-Hern.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Stugatz, we have a list of Mets and Jets. Right. Ready for you. Okay. I will say their name. Right. And you tell me which team they play for. All right. Coin toss.
Starting point is 00:20:10 All right. First, Brett Beatty. Oh, Brett Beatty. He's a Met. He is a Met. Sounded like he put a question mark at the end of that. It didn't sound like he was very confident. Next up, Jake Deekman.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Deek. He's a mat. He's a mat. Sounds like a baseball player. Next up, Bryce Huff. Jet. He did lead the Jets in sacks this year. Look at Stu Gotts go.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Next up. Johnny Bose, by the way. Jordan Whitehead. Jordan Whitehead is a jet. Jordan Whitehead is a jet. Oh, I don't think this game is going well. Better than we thought he would be. This game backfiring on you.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It really is. It is 50-50. A four for four, man. Up next we have Tyler McGill. Met. You were hearing the first and last segment of Met or Jet. It's gone on five questions too long, some might say. Next up, DJ Reed.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Jet. Jet. Tamit Taylor? All right, this game's over. He's on Taylor. Blame Taylor. I have a game for you guys. Taylor, go sit in the penalty box.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Tyreek Hill said Tyreek Hill could have been a jet. Could have been a jet. You know why he said he's not a jet? That guy never becomes a jet. Do you know why he said he's not a jet? Why? It is actually I'm guessing because of state taxes, because the Jets offered more money, but the Dolphins were able to. I mean, is he the highest paid per year
Starting point is 00:22:10 wide receiver in the league, although many of them are getting money now. I think he's making $30 million a year. But he says that he was waiting for a call from Jets fan, Adam Sandler. And Adam Sandler never actually called him. And that is the reason that he is not a Jets because he is a big Adam Sandler never actually called him. And that is the reason that he is not a jet because he is a big Adam Sandler fan.
Starting point is 00:22:29 The sad man. It is hard to believe that Adam Sandler never called him. It is, I almost don't believe it. Dad, can you name three Adam Sandler movies? This is not the Greg Cody wheelhouse. You guys are still doing a segment on Greg Cody's show featuring Greg Cody. I'm wondering Greg think about it for a second if Sandler knew we had to make the call to to rekill it did it make the
Starting point is 00:22:53 call because then I question whether or not the Sandman is a jet-fan. I mean I have to. Yeah. What is that golf movie? Let's see. Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Let's see if wedding crash or no. That's not golf movie. Wed's see, don't tell him, don't tell him. Wedding Crasher. No. That's not a golf movie. Wedding Crasher. Single Crasher. Zoo Lander.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Two for two. What's a golf movie? It's such a better game than Medard Chat. Happy Gilmore. There it is. You got it. Happy Gilmore. Way to go.
Starting point is 00:23:18 That's the three. And the wedding singer. I said that. You said the wedding crasher. Well, no, he meant. Wedding singer is what I meant. We know what it meant. Yeah, and you know it. That's a good one. That's the three. And the wedding singer. No, you said the wedding crasher. Well, no, he meant. Okay, wedding singer is what I meant.
Starting point is 00:23:26 We know what it meant. And you know it. That's a good one. That's three. No, the second one was wrong. Wedding singer. You said the wedding crasher. Wedding singer, no, wedding singer and happy Gilmore.
Starting point is 00:23:35 The list was wedding crasher, Zoolander and happy Gilmore. He said little Nicky, I think. Who starred in Zoolander? Give us anybody that started Zoolander. Couldn't even that started at start in Zoolander. Couldn't even tell you what the, Ron McGill, I don't know. Alright, McGillie Cuddy. In fairness to Greg, he makes the same movie. Yeah, right, Adam Sandler, come on.
Starting point is 00:23:57 The Sandman. Ben Stiller. Walter Riekel. I'm not an actor. He's not here to be quizzed, guys. Thank you, Billy. Billy gets me. Billy, I thought of you the other day because I know I talk about the proliferation of shark movies. I really can't believe that these movies that are not cheap to make, okay, because movies in the water, using the water beyond CGI are not cheap movies to make.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Shark movies continue to get made at a rate that surprises me. It hasn't been made as well, I don't think, one time since the originator that has then... Don't say it. Spawned all sorts of others. I believe that Jaws is the greatest of the Shark movies. You can disagree if you want.
Starting point is 00:24:41 You could say it doesn't hold up, but it was the first of its kind, the pioneer. Everything else is an imitator of that but I saw the other day this movie and I couldn't believe this got made the name of the movie is no way up oh I like that and what happens is a plane crashes and then things get bad because the plane crashes. That's correct. Crashes in the ocean. Crashes in the ocean. And then there is a pocket of air
Starting point is 00:25:13 where the people are still in the plane in the ocean, but the sharks are outside of the plane and the people are too scared. There's no way up because they're outside of the plane, and the people are too scared. There's no way up because they're stuck in the plane with no oxygen, and there's just a shark waiting outside of where the plane is crashed. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I know what I would do. Yeah, but you run out of air. You have to like divvy up the airplane food, those sad cookies. What do you mean? You know what you do. I have the microwave working. You start kind of, I don't want to be grim here,
Starting point is 00:25:48 but you start kind of throwing out some of the carcasses for the shark to go after, and then you make a swim for it. They look distract. Exactly right. It's like I'm having a bad day right there. Then you go, you get the inflatable that happens when a plane crashes in the water.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I don't know who that guy is, but that guy's been in so many movies. Always just having a bad day. Was he in the water? I don't know who that guy is, but that guy's been in so many movies and he's always just having a bad day. Really? Was he in Con Air? I think he was in Con Air and the Englishman who went up a hill. What's his name? That guy.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, Princeton, the background there over his left shoulder. I think that's Tony Khan. Imagine crashing and being like, well, this can't get any worse. It is Tony Khan. You're in the ocean. When Dove's crying.
Starting point is 00:26:28 You're s- He's saying he looks like Tony Khan. You're still- how many Prince songs do you think you can name? Oh, I am a huge Prince fan. A wedding singer? I'm not sure. I think a quiz, but trust me on that. I know the purple one. That ain't kidding me. You know the purple one?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah, I loved Prince. Big fan of his. Very small man. I was in his company once, and he has the build, had the build of a horse jockey, like someone who would be riding a car. Was it the halftime show, press conference? Yeah, it was. That was a press conference where he didn't come out. He came out and took no questions, right? He just, him and his band played 10 minutes. That's what they did as their Super Bowl press conference. It was glorious.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Absolutely glorious. And then he plays in a lightning storm. Who does that? What a man. Big loss. How would calmly do under the reins of Prince I think Prince would have made a great jockey to be honest yeah really just the perfect size but 118 5 2 you know but can't be true calmly needs
Starting point is 00:27:37 needs somebody who can negotiate a soft surface that's why he runs exclusively in Europe so I don't know how Prince would have been riding a horse in muddy. Prince is indeed 5212 pounds. What? Thank you. Thank you very much. Boom. I know Jockies. You know, I'm a horse owner. And you know Prince, right? Thank you. That's unbelievable. Yeah. I wanted to talk to you guys about what happened with Anthony Edwards last night because Anthony Edwards
Starting point is 00:28:07 Didn't check in on time. It was kind of embarrassing for him because he's he's kneeling by the scores table Has anyone else considered this by the way? basketball probably should update that whole thing of kneeling near the scores table To come into a game that can probably be updated these multi-millionaires They don't need to kneel next to the court before they come into a game that can probably be updated. These people are multi-millionaires. They don't need to kneel next to the court before they come into the game, I don't think. But Anthony Edwards, they're tipping the ball off and he's running out onto the court late
Starting point is 00:28:34 and he says he lost track of time. And so the game started without the star of the Timberwolves. And the first thing I thought of, because he left a game last week at halftime, to make sure that he was at the hospital to see the birth of his son, what I thought is, that's a dad having trouble
Starting point is 00:28:57 with the first few days of whatever that must feel like, because I can't honestly think, whatever the joyous experience is. I can't speak to this. Many of you can because you have kids here. But whatever the joyous experience is, and I can't believe I'm having a child. This is wonderful. I love everything that's happening here so much.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Because I have been since childhood, someone who is a responsible person to my detriment, I would say. All I think of is I'm going home now without a handbook on how to handle everything that comes after this and that terrifies me. I am scared of going home from the hospital with this thing that if I drop it I will do irreparable damage and all of that seems scary to me so I just think that Anthony Edwards didn't check into the game on time because if you've had a child for only a couple of days you are now stir crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You're not sleeping well. The first couple of days I would imagine Billy this I think you're the one most recently to do this among us. The first couple of days of this are grueling and difficult, are they not? More difficult, I don't know if they get any easier, but the first couple of days are particularly hard, are they not?
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yes, no, they don't get any easier. I think I have like 18 to 20 years before this becomes easier, I think. No. Really? It doesn't get easier. You don't understand about this story. Anthony Edwards was not by himself somewhere.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Like he was in the arena doing something. No one knew what time it was. Like how did no one get him out to the court? I don't understand that. Am I the only one that just assumed he was taking a shit? I mean, that's where I went with that. I mean, I could tell you when I remember this, when I had kids, I didn't want to leave my kids.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I was so happy that I had, you know, my daughters came home and I was so happy. I didn't wanna leave my wife. I didn't wanna do anything. I just wanted to hang out with my kids. I certainly didn't wanna hang out with Nas Reid. I need to know, was he part of Warm-Up? Stan has him like, as if he's just arriving at this time.
Starting point is 00:31:01 No, he was there, supposedly before the game, he does like band stretching. Right, I think he was stretching and then just disappeared to the back right before. The quote is, I lost track of time. He was shitting. Oh yeah, he took a shit. Isn't there like the fourth guy on the coaching staff? Isn't he looking around the locker room going, hey Anthony, it's almost game time. There's a locker room attended someone, he's not walking around an empty arena. Yeah, it just Just with his headphones on and his locker just like
Starting point is 00:31:29 Track of time just like my right in front of the locker room is empty and they're like Anthony. Let's go It is kind of crazy. They just sent you home after like a day or two With a baby and like no instruction like yeah, you'll figure it out. Yeah, they're very careful leading you up to the threshold of the hospital because of liability Man that drive home The worst scary the slowest you'll ever drive. Yeah. Yeah driving nine miles an hour on the interstate Did you buckle her in right? Yes, I buckled her in right. Why don't you pull over mommy's back there like sitting next to I don't think you're in right. Yes. I did okay. We'll pull over you happy now
Starting point is 00:32:10 Put it on the pole, please juju at LeBertard show is it crazy that they let you leave the hospital after a day or two It's honestly with a human baby responsible reckless of them. Yeah, someone should look into this take care of my kid for a while Thank you. Yes, let him live at the hospital for the first six months. That's right Is it crazy? Irresponsible and reckless to let anyone leave the hospital with a human baby after just a day or two Because it's it seems It doesn't seem like a thing that would be very pleasant what it is that you're describing It doesn't seem like a thing that would be very pleasant, what it is that you're describing.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Your joyous, your wife is hurting, she's physically hurting, she's in a good amount of pain, and she's now arguing with you because you don't have any idea what to do, because you're a man and you're an idiot. At the time spent while she was in pain, should have been spent figuring out what to do. She doesn't trust you.
Starting point is 00:33:06 She should have never let you be passionate with her in the first place. She's never trusted you. And now she has to trust you with the ability to take care of this thing and help her when they should have never let you leave the hospital with it in your possession. Don Lebatard!
Starting point is 00:33:26 You keep mentioning Lou Harris and Lou Williams and Montrell Harris. You keep mentioning... Harold. Harold, excuse me. Stugatz. Nick, thank you so much for being on with us. Really enjoy your work.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Thanks for having me. Have a great day. Yeah. This is the Don Lebatar Show with the Stugots. That was a magical time when the Giants started strong and Brian Debal was a genius and Stugots had him on God Bless Football with Billy Gill and now, Seyquan Barkley is a free agent and Darren Waller is talking about retirement and Rich Eisen is reporting that the Giants are quote Absolutely done and quote with Daniel Jones, huh?
Starting point is 00:34:12 And so that happened quickly that was a big contract that was that was a playoff team, right? The Giants got to the playoffs they made it to the second round of the playoffs He got a contract because of that playoff game, the first game, not the second. And it all fell apart very quickly. I was surprised. Rich Eisen, for all the information people that are out there, Rich Eisen isn't normally the one who comes with the information that is better than everyone else's, even though he is credible to say that he is absolute, that the Giants are absolutely done with Daniel Jones, caught me off guard a little bit, even though I would understand that. It's not someone I've ever believed in, but he did have one season that did get him a contract, and that contract gets to the contract that he's angling for, where he can just walk into a room
Starting point is 00:35:02 and say, well, I deserve more than that guy. And he's right. Yes. Low bar. Stugatz traded to a during one of the breaks and took Russell Wilson took Russell Wilson for a couple million dollars and traded sent to away. I was just asking Greg a question because Russ said he wants to
Starting point is 00:35:21 play for a Super Bowl contender. There aren't many Super Bowl contenders who need a quarterback. And so I am just wondering of the Super Bowl contenders, the Dolphin seeming like the most logical when I'm asking this question. Would you rather have Russ than Tua? You get Russ for two or three years,
Starting point is 00:35:37 two million a year, you get to keep all the other players, you draft a quarterback along the way, and you have Russell Wilson. The shipping container is vigorously shaking its head with Science is two to three years to Russell Wilson when we don't know what he has left I mean, I feel like he has two years left Maybe three years left you can go to Kansas City and lose a playoff game because the last two years I've heard a lot about well, but why I don't understand how you're just good
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah, two three years on a guy that everyone kind of consensus feels is done. I'm not saying the last few years for Russ has gone that well. I'm not saying that by any stretch. I've said that Russ is playing his way out of the Hall of Fame, which is insane. Okay, I'm just it's more of an indictment on Tua than it is a question about Russell Wilson. You would think about it. You would have to think about it. I'm not certain how much better Tua is than Russell Wilson. I think your premise is that you spend less, the money you save by not giving two of the big contracts, you're gonna resign Christian Wilkins and stuff like that. Yes, Billy, what are you doing? Don't give him an argument.
Starting point is 00:36:34 It's insane. Like you're trying to now make sense of this argument that's nonsensical and then he's just agreeing and saying yes, that's why I made that argument. Because Russell Wilson's bad at football now. And my point is if you're gonna spend big money anywhere spend it on the most important position. Right. Which is quarterback.
Starting point is 00:36:50 But is that the guy you wanna spend it on? I mean. What do you wanna reset with Russ for a couple of years in a rookie? That's all I'm saying. I wouldn't but then again I think more of Tua and always have and have defended him more sensually even when he was being criticized three years ago
Starting point is 00:37:03 and two years ago. I think Tua's a good quarterback, really good. Other than the fact he's not a dual threat defended him more sensibly even when he was being criticized three years ago and two years ago. I think two was a good quarterback, really good, other than the fact he's not a dual threat and I wince whenever he moves around in the pocket. Other than that, I think it's not a little thing, but accuracy is even more important in this league. That's why all the quarterbacks are completing 30 passes a game now is because everybody's throwing shorter. When they have an accurate passer who can also hit deep,
Starting point is 00:37:30 I think that's the guy you want to reset. There is a mixture of, in the shipping container, of both disgust and horror. I mean, confusion. To a did-beat Russell Wilson, 70 to 20. Right. They took him out of the third quarter. Question to a did beat Russell Wilson 70 to 20 Right, they took him out of the third quarter. I mean Russ at 26 touchdowns eight interceptions He can get out of the pocket. He's won a Super Bowl. He's been to another should have one too Okay, but what does that help you now? I don't you you're saying that you like it helps you now from a salary standpoint
Starting point is 00:38:01 But for a rebuild so you're just giving up? Oh, I'm not certain. I'm not certain the Dolphins would be worse this year, for this year, if they get to re-sign everyone else. This is, this is their- With Russell Wilson as opposed to Tua. This is their championship window, though. You're saying in the middle of their championship window at the game's most important position,
Starting point is 00:38:17 bringing Russell Wilson because you don't want to pay Tua next year? Do you think he's a championship quarterback? Russell Wilson? No, Tua. Tua? He might be, but Russell Wilson is not now. Yeah Do you think he's a championship quarterback? Russell Wilson? No, Tua. Tua? He might be, but Russell Wilson is not now. Yeah, I think he's better.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I think he's quite easily better than Russell Wilson. I mean, not now. I mean, we're saying that about Joe Flacco. If I were making the argument on Stugats' behalf. What? I also wouldn't want Joe Flacco over Tua, Stu. No, cheaper. I hesitate to do this, but the argument that Stugatz is making is that a quarterback of
Starting point is 00:38:46 any kind, if you give Mike McDaniel the pieces, and that offense, you will turn that quarterback into someone better than what he's looked like. What is your evidence of that? Look at what happened with Tuwa. He was somebody that nobody believed in. No, your evidence is look what happened when 2-0 went out. Right. Yeah. Schuyler-Thompson did not become that guy.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So what do you? We almost won that Bill's game. Here's a Teddy Bridgewater. It's a money question. You also did not become that guy. Your evidence is when 2-0 goes out, it's not great. But you like to his chances without Christian Wilkins, without some of these other guys?
Starting point is 00:39:20 The question is simply, can you build around a cheap quarterback and have success, but that cheap quarterback needs to be good. That's what needs to happen for this all to work. You're a mess around with a title window, and I think even the most, I mean, critical of the Miami Dolphins would still say that they are operating in a window of contention right now. In a conference with Josh Allen, Patrick Mahomes, Joe Burrow, who was out a year ago, it's tricky, I mean.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Okay, but those people aren't going away just because you bring Russell Wilson into the team. No, but you're saving money at the most important position in the sport, and I'm not certain you're that much worse, is my point. That's it. Well, if it's the most important position in the sport, you should spend money there.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah, I understand that, but you have an opportunity to get a guy that I think for a year might be as good as Tuva with this team and this coach. Nobody thinks that. I do. Only you. You remember how bad Russell Wilson was two years ago? Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Just awful. I just can't meet you there. And now he's two years older? You're projecting a performance of Russell Wilson that hasn't been there in a while. We will talk to Mina Kimes about that coming up here in the post-game show. We will talk a little more, Russell Wilson, but I wanted to ask you guys something here about what the rock said.
Starting point is 00:40:33 The rock says that wrestling is cool again. He has trademarked a whole bunch of sayings. Gebroning, I thought that was the iron sheik's. I don't think that that belongs to the rock. Oh, he's gone. Now it does. yeah, thank you Yeah, the rock and being welcomed into the board of directors from TKO assumed full ownership of the rock The actual trademark of the rock right and everything that is in and around that character is now his property pretty sweet deal
Starting point is 00:41:00 but he said pro wrestling is cool again and It may be surging in the ratings interest may be higher than it's been in several years, but pro wrestling, and I say this as a pro wrestling fan, is never cool. It's just not water cooler talk. I know this because when people outside of a circle that I am comfortable with speaking about, try to approach me and talk about pro wrestling,
Starting point is 00:41:21 I think they're a nerd. I'm super self-conscious of how I sound when I talk about pro wrestling. Right now, I'm not doing anything from my brand by admitting that I like pro wrestling. It is never going to be considered cool by the masses. It is niche, it is male soap opera, it's athletic, it's great in ways that I'm not fully comfortable talking about inside this microphone, but it will never, ever, unfortunately, be cool. And I say that as someone that loves it.
Starting point is 00:41:48 The rock has trademarked 25 phrases. It's not just jabroni, it's candy ass, it's rock bottom. He is a businessman. It has been, he started at the University of Miami, obviously, and it tells the stories eloquently about going to the Canadian Football League, having his football dreams fall apart, driving out of the Canadian Football League with just a few dollars on him,
Starting point is 00:42:15 and that has led to the maniacal work ethic that you see today, but I feel- Have you ever been approached by a pro wrestling fan that just tried to talk to you about pro wrestling? Yes. Have you ever thought, man, this guy's basically James Dean? No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:29 I feel shame in last night following the trail that led me to what was trending, which was Seth Rollins saying of the rock, coining a new phrase for him that I'm assuming that the rock will not trademark, calling him Diarrhea Dwayne. See, it's just not cool. It's just not cool, you're talking about it
Starting point is 00:42:56 and I wanna leave the room. I wanna crawl out of my skin. Just let me like this in private with the people that I'm comfortable. My dad, who taught me how to like pro wrestling, tries to talk to me about pro wrestling, and I wanna stop liking the sport altogether. Now that may say more about my relationship with my father,
Starting point is 00:43:10 but I don't feel comfortable talking about pro wrestling in open forums because look at the way that Greg's looking at me. And Greg's not someone that I think personally is super cool, but when he looks at me with his judging eyes when I talk about pro wrestling, I know I have a losing hand. I just don't understand how anyone loves pro wrestling.
Starting point is 00:43:30 To me it's like being a huge fan of American Gladiator or some other made up sport that really isn't real, but it's just like fantasy. What are you doing? It's soap opera. It's a soap opera stunt show. It's predetermined, but these are incredible. I can't defend it. I sound so bad.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Has wrestling ever been cool? I feel like in the 80s it was. NWO maybe, Tom? Well, when Cindy Loper was adjacent to it and WrestleMania had its main mainstream moment, yeah, maybe, but even the Attitude Era was stone cold in the rock at their heights, and that's talk about glowingly.
Starting point is 00:44:05 When you were in it, it's not like we were cracking open the microphones and just talking unabashedly about our passion for pro wrestling. It's just not one of those things that you're never considered cool when you talk about pro wrestling. However, I can make an argument, not for zealot fandom from an adult, but I can make an argument that what I am
Starting point is 00:44:27 presently seeing in wrestling with athleticism is an insanity. That what these people do in the ring is so dangerous, so dangerous, and the extremes they have now taken it beyond anywhere that I could have possibly imagined falling from heights, leaving the ring, and going, you know, just through the air in a way that is re- like more dangerous than football, more dangerous than football, some of the things that they're doing that if they go wrong could result in paralysis i'm surprised that uh... more people don't get hurt and when i watch some of these documentaries about wrestling in terms of how it is that you harden the
Starting point is 00:45:14 body for pain you've heard right mixed martial artists from foreign land sort of toughening their shins by just kicking trees so often that the bruises and calluses become so numb that you are now uh... of the owner of a weapon because your legs don't feel pain uh... what wrestlers have to do in order to become immune to some of the pain of just falling on the mat people i think people watching that who don't have an appreciation for it,
Starting point is 00:45:46 don't understand how dangerous some of the things being done presently in wrestling, that never mind the 80s, where it's a Hulk Hogan leg drop, this is a totally different thing that you're watching now, where the 50th best guy in wrestling is jumping off of the top rope in a way that's super absurd Yeah, you use parts of your body that you don't know can be sore you have to develop a body callus Logan Paul is actually a pretty natural athlete
Starting point is 00:46:13 Say what you will about Logan Paul say what you will about that match But he did go the distance with Floyd Mayweather in a boxing ring as a total novice Jake Paul No, no, Logan. Oh Logan Paul, I'm sorry, it's a fine. Yeah, Logan Paul had that match against Floyd Mayweather. He's presently a champion in the WWE, took to it naturally. And he speaks a world of the athletic traits that go into that sport. I think it's, I'm right there with you, Dan.
Starting point is 00:46:39 I think it's incredible what these people put their bodies through just to entertain. But at the same time, it's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool, and I talk about it. Is pro wrestling unregulated? Because if what you say is true, it needs to be a regulated sport. I mean, there are safety protocols. Kristen Winske actually, the person that we accused of, well, the person that accused the dolphins potentially of manslaughter, actually got his concussions in pro wrestling. And he was a pro wrestler himself
Starting point is 00:47:08 and he's actually worked closely with WWE. And if you watch wrestling now, you won't really see chair shots to the head. You'll see matches stop when a performer is out on his feet or out of it, because these concussions do happen still. People are still colliding and whatnot. They are, it is much safer, but that doesn't make it safe.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Much like football is safer, but still not safe. How's that murder trial going? I mean, you're sending to a wafer Russell Wilson, so. Clearly, that was something to it. I've just asked you a question, that's all up to him. Murdered his career if you're entertaining that. Speaking of fun cussions, can you guys get me the UNLV coach again, Barry Odom, who decided to ride a bull and ended up, like this is clearly and obviously a concussion.
Starting point is 00:47:56 There is no disputing this, correct? I'm uncomfortable watching that. I mean, look at that. He has no legs. The walk away, right? He nailed the high five, though. The walk away, right? Oh. He nailed the high five, though. The high five.
Starting point is 00:48:07 What are we doing? The weaving, the weaving through the sand high five of... What led to this? Why did, I know it was a fundraiser, but... He's trying to raise money for the UNLV. Oh, not. Running on Big Sail football. Big Sail.
Starting point is 00:48:21 That's the way to go. Little Debbie Kicks. Chocolate bars. Do that. Oh, cakes, chocolate bars, do that. Oh, bake sale to raise money? Absolutely. Yeah, girls got cookies and anything. Crispy creams, love donut day, and pizza day, oh. This guy maybe permanently impaired
Starting point is 00:48:38 because of what just happened to him. I can't watch this anymore. Yeah, I just know I'm genuinely going to stop showing now. Please, video. We're gonna be jacked up all of a sudden. Let's you doing him, Joe? I don't know, I'm genuinely going to stop showing it now. We can stop showing it. Please, video. We're gonna be jacked up all of a sudden. Let's stop doing that, please. Now you're making the appeal
Starting point is 00:48:50 after we've played it 10 times? No, I made it three times ago. And playing it again. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh! Ha ha ha ha. I flop. It is disturbing.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Flop! Flop! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Now Mike, now Mike has me feeling great remorse
Starting point is 00:49:10 about what it is that we've done. I figure you put it in a rodeo. You make it a charity. You make it the UNLV program. You make it a bull. I felt we were safe to make it a fun gushin'.

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