The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: A Cock In The Hen House

Episode Date: May 31, 2023

Dan announces today will be a 'different and less energetic' Local Hour. Is that an insult to today's Shipping Container of Billy, Jessica, and Tony? The crew dives into Stugotz's head to analyze a co...nversation he brought up around Erik Spoelstra during yesterday's show, and Dan thinks the casual Heat fan asking him questions on the street has never seen Nikola Jokic play. Then, Jessica's strange dream she had about Jokic, Stan Van Gundy and Tyler Herro's fashion beef, and Chris Cote's Day Off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Dunlabel Tarshall with the StugatSpotCas. This promises to be a somewhat different and less energetic local hour than the local hour that we had for about three hours yesterday And I've already got Tony and Billy looking at me funny But I want to explain myself before you guys get profoundly defensive even though the two of you are two of the places I'm going to make people defensive please Please do because it felt like an insult I felt it on there. I mean we were here for I don't I don't know I don't know if Billy who's here who's here for dad today. I don't see I don't see anyone
Starting point is 00:00:53 But me and Tony this is this is my point. It is Billy and Tony and Jess and Billy I believe even though I haven't been able to confirm it I believe at the end of game six in his house, Billy did the Tiger Woods fist bump. I don't know what to be true, but I also believe sources close to Billy have informed me that he might not be the person rooting most against the heat in our environment,
Starting point is 00:01:20 that there are people in our environment rooting against the heat. Who would do that? And the, I believe, the most energetic, pro-he person we have here is the one who wanted a microscopic chance at ping pong balls and wanted them to tank the season at the end of the regular season during the play-ins.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Are you insinuating there's a cock in the hen house? I am insinuating that we... It's a cock or fox. I think it's a fox. A fox in the hen house, right? The cock should be in the henhouse. I am insinuating that we... It's a cock or fox. I think it's a fox. A fox in the henhouse, right? Yeah. The cock should be in the henhouse. He's the one that kind of makes everything happen.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Not if you just want unfurlized eggs. Cocks in the henhouse, then you got a problem. But I think they've got it right. I think you just wanted to say that word. No, that's a phrase. That's a hundred percent of phrase. The fox in the henhouse takes... It eats all of the hens. That's why you of phrase. The fox in the henhouse takes, it eats all of the hens.
Starting point is 00:02:05 That's why you don't want a fox in the henhouse. You're saying that if a rooster makes its way into the henhouse, everyone's going to make eggs and that's a bad thing. We don't want, they can't eat fertilized eggs. Can you? Then you have little chicks in there. You don't want to eat chicken. Imagine Dan, if you went to, you know, your local grocer. And by the way, you pointed this out to me. Shout out to the chickens, huh? Working overtime and getting those price of eggs down because
Starting point is 00:02:28 everything is upright now, but eggs are right back down. So the hands, shout out to the hands salute to them. Again, I don't believe you got the phrase right. I don't know if Jessica is against the heat, but I know there are a lot of people in our audience who are against the show being contaminated the way it has been by heat and panther coverage. I'm kind of tired of that. They're in the NBA finals and Stanley Cup finals. Like we'd be talking about the NBA finals if the heat weren't in the NBA finals. We wouldn't be talking about the Stanley Cup final. No, that's so if not for the panthers being in. So, God, I do want to get inside of your head for a second on something that can you found to me.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I'm hoping that Billy can help me because I might want to pose these questions to Billy before I pose them to you. Okay. I'd like to understand, you're someone who takes after Mike and the Mad Dog. Yeah. Mad Dog is a bit of a sports encyclopedia. And at this point in your career, I believe you behave in a way that is not very mad dog is a bit of a sports encyclopedia. And at this point in your career, I believe you behave in a way that is not very mad dog in, and that your takes are shaped as you drive in just listening to Kishon and Max and whoever's
Starting point is 00:03:34 on in the morning. That's how you sharpen your takes. Don't leave out having Cohen. Okay, so you're driving down to work and it takes you a long time and you're just sort of consuming the way people would consume audio books. Give me a Cliff Notes version of what happened in sports last night on sports radio where some people are talking about it. It's just occurring to me that if Mad Dog's a sports in psychopedias, you got to the sports week of pedia
Starting point is 00:03:57 where it's just like a community thing, any information can be there. You never know if it's true or it's false, anyone has access to it. It's just kind of like a group thing type of thing, you know? Except Wikipedia actually cites its sources on the bottom of it. I think up Stugatz is more of a reddit. No rules. You just do what it is that you want.
Starting point is 00:04:18 But the reason I want to ask this question, Billy, help me, it's helped me because I do want to know what's happening here. Yesterday, on a day of heat celebration, Stugas did not hear this elsewhere, he crafted it on the way in. This was something he wanted, this was a shot he wanted to get off. He wanted everyone to know that Eric Spolstras should go looking for another job right now. And I'm just curious how do you think his mind is working where he decides before they've gotten eliminated for the season. He decides the tank he wants to have before the finals is Eric Spolstra is at maximum leverage. And I have a theory on what's happening with Stugots
Starting point is 00:05:04 here, but he's at maximum leverage and Stugatts always notices when anyone has maximum leverage. He doesn't care that the previous information does reveal to us that in Portland, which is, you know, kind of home for a spulstra, they were rumored or reported to have been offering him president, coach, one would assume more money, maybe equity stake this was offered to him an average team you know I mean if you must know the truth he started trying to get this off the ground when they were up three oh so what happened was he wanted him to leave mid series before they even made it to the finals and then they lost three games so in his eyes both lost some of the leverage but now
Starting point is 00:05:43 it's back because he has the leverage what is he doing i don't know man he's just coming in trying to feel some time uh... i don't believe that you know i don't believe that that's what he's doing i believe that he's trying to be the agent for well that he wants a percentage that he's right across from the arena now that if there's a way to get at a scam that stooots will figure out how to try to get near people who have leveraged so he can feel like he has leveraged. To Stu's defense, I mean, Spulstra's stock has never been higher than right now.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Thank you. The thing though, taking that team to the NBA Finals, he can write his own ticket, Milwaukee may be calling, you know, you got to say, I would say, merely just taking this team to the NBA Finals, his stock is higher now that it was when he went back to back NBA championships because no one gave him the credit when it was LeBron way to Bosch. And now he is getting maximum credit. Tim Legler told us last week on stupidity that Eric Spulcher, if he left today, could
Starting point is 00:06:40 pick any of the available jobs and he would get it on his terms and I'm just saying why not? Like why not think about that's where it started. Oh that's where it started. It started prior to that but legs kind of up to it and said that he could take any job plus a million dollars is what he would be worth. So whatever it is that they're offering plus million dollars. Now here's the problem with what's going what's going on with Spower right now. I don't know what's going on. Me.'s the problem with Spowe. He needs to act fast because these jobs are becoming available and then unavailable very quickly. Like if he wants to go to a golden state, he needs to go like now. I just told Tony that the box already hired a head coach to which
Starting point is 00:07:15 he said, eh, eh, I mean, it's a fire on that door. Who's an Adrian Griffin? Come on, please. If the Inc's not dry, you know, Adam boy. Jeff and Gundy said the other day that Eric Spolstra is the best coach in heat history. Oh my god. He's absolutely right. Ron Rossstein would like a word. Stop it. I mean bad. Got it.
Starting point is 00:07:42 He is right. Oh, boy. But I think he is also biased in that Jeff Van Gundy because those Van Gundies had a bad falling out with Pat Riley. Is it Van Gundies or Van's Gundy? Put it on the pole, please, Judeo at Levitard show. Is it Van Gundies or Van's Gundy? But both of them, Stugots, they have a relationship with Pat Riley, who did for them what he did for our expulsor.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yes, he did. Be a loyal soldier and you will have a lifetime of basketball opportunities here or elsewhere. But whatever happened with Stan at the end where Stan was coaching Dwayne Wade and then Stan was not coaching Dwayne Wade and then Stan was not coaching Dwayne Wade and Pat Riley was coming down from on high to win the championship. I think that Jeff Van Gundy could be telling the truth and also pin-pricing Pat Riley because I mean, this is ancient history, but when Jeff Van Gundy was hanging on to Alonzo Morning's leg in those finals, Pat Riley really ripped Jeff and Gundee for losing publicly, raising the stakes on a game
Starting point is 00:08:51 seven by ripping Jeff and Gundee publicly for losing his composure and saying he was somebody who just throws spitballs in the classroom and just like not not respecting the van's Gundy name. Here's a fun fact friends, you know who actually is the winningest coach in heat history? It's Stamvang Gundy by percentage. Like he's higher than Spau and higher than Riley. Riley said,
Starting point is 00:09:16 I had to trick there by Billy. How so? Like how many games did Stamvang Gundy coach? 185. And how many did spoke coach? 1,100. Okay. Just about Riley. Yeah, 10 times as many. Well, do better. Is Jeff Van Gundy taking out both Pat Riley and his brother there on purpose?
Starting point is 00:09:36 Riley did take it as well. I mean, Stan probably left. It would have a great if he said Stan was the greatest coach in he does three. He's not wrong, correct? I don't think anybody would dispute it, which is saying something given that Pat Riley, you see this stat floating around, I gave it to you a couple of weeks ago from David Aldridge, that Pat Riley as a player or executive or coach has been in 25% of the finals. D.A. I mean, that's crazy. That's totally nuts. 25% of the finals once every four years since basketball is played.
Starting point is 00:10:13 How does it even happen like mathematics? It's not. I, uh, I've had something funny happening to me recently. This could only almost happen in Miami as a sports town An American sports town People are coming up to me to God's because everybody's very excited and they want to you know just talk sports And they're usually not because I'm not in Fort Lauderdale. Don't you love it? asking me about the panthers
Starting point is 00:10:41 They're usually asking me about the heat the panthers. They're usually asking me about the heat. And they're just basically asking me something so that they can then talk. Like it doesn't matter what I say. It's just waiting for me to stop talking so they can then give me their opinion. But this is what I've known. Your opinion is a bridge to their opinion. That's correct. That is correct. Every sports conversation they learn from the best. They have to be out in my whole life by the way. But this is the funny thing that's happening. And I correct. Every sports conversation I've had in my whole life, by the way. But this is the funny thing that's happening. And I really do think it's something that can only happen in Miami.
Starting point is 00:11:12 I'm pretty sure the people talking to me, all of them, haven't seen Yochitch play. They're in for a surprise, man. Don't thank you Billy. I do appreciate all of your support there. That's good commentary from you very strong when the few places you're efficient. My wife asked who the heater facing the NBA finals. I said that guy I showed you on TV a couple of weeks, the best player in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:11:40 She said he didn't for my mother-in-law was watching the game the other day, and she's like, oh, wow, who the heat going to play next? And I'm like, they're playing the nugget. She's like, I haven't really watched much basketball this season. Who's their best player? I'm like, watch the game. The guy that you don't think is their best player is their best player.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It is, it's odd, right? To the uninitiated. They're going to think it's like those Sam Howzer minutes that the Celtics threw out there with a few minutes left to surprise people. They're going to be so confused. ¡Same, ¡más o menos! ¡Que el salto se deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace!
Starting point is 00:12:08 ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace!
Starting point is 00:12:16 ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace!
Starting point is 00:12:24 ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un poco de la gente se le deshace! ¡Que con un y las criaturas están por todas partes. Si me es... ¡Arais, bloca, arais! Escuchéis lo que escuchéis, tapados los ojos. La calle vamos todos a cieras, pero lo más aterradores no saberen que confiar. Uí de las personas que os piden que mireis. Si queréis seguir convido. Birdbox, Barcelona. Estreno en Netflix el 14 de julio. Te atreves a ver.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Dan Lebatard Bueno, mi punto de fondo es que en el Sabin han sido intentando cancelar mi para decir que Mrs. Met ha sido un chico y Bobby Bond lo ha dicho, Mrs. Met se ha hecho. Stugatz No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I never pay for a player. Now, what paper is meant to give me a lap dance? This is the Don Limita show with the Stu Gats. We're on a school bus. I don't know. I didn't like it. I don't really dream about it. He fits very often. It's a good question, Tony
Starting point is 00:13:27 But you would joke it. We're on a bus together. We were on a bus like going on a field trip It was weird. I woke up and I was like, oh, I feel weird hold on. We need to go deeper into this No, that's okay. You were on this bus. Did you get to your destination? I think you're going to like the field museum or something. Oh, we're on a like a field trip. Was he in his jersey? Yeah, he was. And his arms were bleeding. Do you remember any of the other details in terms of how much space he took up?
Starting point is 00:13:52 We fit on one bench together. I don't know why I'm doing dream revealing now. I regret this. I don't want to talk about my dreams. OK, well, it's too late. You've opened this particular hole to us. And I can't tell you the last time I had a dream about sports, like a dream about sports that wasn't like a nightmare about Notre Dame football, I should say. Yeah. Are you much of a dreamer in general? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:17 And you're saying that athletes, not the only one athletes usually don't appear in those dreams. Never. Never. It was weird. And I don't watch a lot of nuggets basketball. Yo, get you appeared in uniforms. Yes, in uniform. Total uniform. Like he was wearing the shorts, the. Yes. Bloody arms. Yeah. Okay. And you were sitting next to him. Yes. And we were on a school field trip. And were there a lot of kids where there were you wasn't an adult yokitch and you were a child in a school bus it wasn't a child yokitch. I think we were both our current ages but that is a fair question. Child yokitch. I'm not sure if I know what he looked like when he was a child. The same size. So you guys are students together like in the same class. No, he was a professional basketball player. He was a three time MVP.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And you were an adult basketball association. Yeah, I was me. And other kids were there. I don't know. I don't remember if there were children. So there could have been an empty school bus. No, there were definitely people on the school bus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But when Gilgit is around, it's just you and him. Exactly. Right. He's a two time MVP. No, that's OK. It should be a three time MVP. Yeah, they did. They just got bored. It should be a three-time M.V.P. They just got bored.
Starting point is 00:15:26 They wanted to give it to somebody else. And I suppose I should probably tell the audience that in these circumstances, throughout the history of basketball time, the MVP wins this series with no exceptions. The Miami Heat, if they were to win this, would become the biggest upset in the history of the sport. That's so there is no precedent for an 18 rarely does an 8 seed get this far. So got's they were down three with three minutes left in the playoff game at home after losing to Atlanta. team to leak into the playoffs. This never wins in basketball. And under every
Starting point is 00:16:06 circumstance, I've ever had a year like this in front of me when I'm watching like the Richard Jefferson nets and I'm like, they're gonna get swept. They're gonna get there and they're gonna get swept. I would say the heat will get swept or will lose in five games. But I've been wrong about everything. Yeah. Regarding this heat team, the argument I would have made is they would have lost that way to the box too. And they did not. So the only thing that I could sort of grab onto
Starting point is 00:16:33 in the analysis of the games to God's is that none of us actually understand how and why. The heater is good as they are at defense and no one in the analysis cares to analyze it while crushing BAM for being limited offensively sometimes and not taking into account everything he does to make them a championship defense. And now the unholy is test of his lifetime right here. It's the hardest thing.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's harder than Janice. Oh, it's harder than Janice. Yes, for him for BAM. It's harder than Janice. Bigger and stronger and you saw what Brooke Lopez did in the first series against Miami when you're faced with bigger, bigger and stronger. Plus, historically, the heat just haven't been good against the nuggets. Aaron Gordon's been great when he's guarding Jimmy Butler. Like there are a lot of things to be concerned about with this heat team and
Starting point is 00:17:22 with his matchup. But you've been wrong the entire postseason. And most people have, not just you, this would be the most improbable NBA champion we've ever seen. The nuggets are built really different than a lot of NBA teams. They're such a long team, right? Like they feel the lot of long guys and Yokeh, the thing with Bam, right? Like he would switch on to Janice when he can. Like nobody else can really help BAM with Yokeh.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Like it's BAM's deal now. And beyond that, Stu Gatz, I would say that if you're trying to formulate arguments, because this is not the coaching mismatch that the last series was. But if you're trying to formulate off arguments on behalf of the Miami heat. Yeah. What you're going to is that Denver's defense
Starting point is 00:18:08 isn't Miami's defense, but it doesn't feel very good as an argument. Like you don't feel like you have a winning argument. You could be hopeful, you can care deeply, but when your argument is, I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't understand anything that I've seen so far. And I've got to make the argument on behalf of defensive metrics when Stugots and Game 6 and Game 7, Miami was a getting trading ban because they're
Starting point is 00:18:35 not paying attention to the defense and I'm paying attention that that would have been in all time Celtics collapse in Game 6. We were denied an all time Celtics collapse in game six They missed their last 11 shots and against the heat team that wasn't doing anything right they gave up a 10 point lead Do they get Tyler hero back for this series? Are they gonna get Tyler hero? It's unknown. It's suspected and this one's tough to got I Have no earthly idea how hard it is to not play for that long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And drop into the speed and intensity of that series and be expected to be a playmaking guard who's, who's accurate with his jump shot and not someone who's being picked on defensively. Like they're going to end, not to mention, you got Zacklow and others talking about the ways that the heat are better defensively because Tyler heroes not out there to be picked on. That one's a tough one. Which guy, which one are you guys siding on when it comes to the Stan Van Gundy Tyler hero beef where Stan Van Gundy said that Tyler heroes fashion was bad and Tyler heroes said the equivalent of not as bad as him on the sidelines. Uh, Pick a side. No, but I'm sorry, but what he was criticizing is that stand on the side lodges as a coach.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Not fashion on the sidelines. Stand on a sideline coaching. It goes without saying. Well, that goes without saying. Okay, that stand is not fashionable. Okay, Tyler was saying that stands worse at coaching than he is addressing. Well, that's a tough one. I don't think that generally speaking, Well, that's a style person. Do you, Billy? Fancy yourself as having a distinctive fashion style?
Starting point is 00:20:51 I have my own. He definitely has his own style. Most people aren't in on it, but that's fine. I will tell you, I trust Smetty when he comes to fashion and style. I've never said that before. I mean, I do, I trust you. Tyler Heroes style then among the shipping container,
Starting point is 00:21:05 your thoughts are what? Because I'm not of the generation that would understand any of that. Basketball is always out in front in terms of style, a fashion style. It's the league that does that better than any of the others. Guys dictating and women dictating some of the fashion. I'll just say this.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I they've never commented on his fashion, but my kids, my daughters tell me they think Tyler hero is very cool. That's what they tell me. I think young people do find him cool. I mean, it's not it's not just that Jack Harlow thing. Did they did something happen between them? Why was Harlow wearing a Celtic jersey? That's that's a good question,
Starting point is 00:21:45 because he's got a song named after Tyler Hero, apparently they're friends, but that'd be striking my book. If you're gonna wear the opponent's jersey, as I'm sitting on the sidelines across from you watching you. Also, Tyler Hero, when you're rich, you can kind of wear anything. Yeah. Huh.
Starting point is 00:21:58 What is a strike in the book? What is that book? What is that book? What is that? You're striking a match in a match book. So, the strike's damn. You're doing an unpire strike. Yeah, an unpire strike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Like, that's one. No. You got me looking on that one. I had my battle my shoulder. All right. I got you there. No, not five. Everyone gets three.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Everybody gets three strikes. You're writing a book though, right? No book. Jotted down. That is not the phrase. I don't believe that a strike in my book or a cock in the hen house or phrases. Have you gotten to the bottom yet?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Did you look anything up here? Did you just throw it out into the universe and then do no work on it afterwards? Just got it wrong and we're gonna leave it alone. Well, we lost power, but the cock in the hen house apparently is a reference to a man working in an all woman environment. So the opposite of what this is.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Hand in a cock house. The fox was going to eat all of the hens. The cock is impregnating all of the hens. You don't wanna eat an egg with it. I'm telling you with a little baby chicken side dish. You mentioned that super- Imagine how traumatized you'd be if you go to make some scramby eggs, right?
Starting point is 00:23:05 And you scramble it, you crack the egg, then you go to toss it in a frying pan. And then all of a sudden, there's a little chicken there in the frying pan. You have to figure out how do I get this chicken out of the frying pan? It's like, and you're like, oh my God, I'm killing this thing.
Starting point is 00:23:17 You don't want that. Do you want that? I don't want that. Billy, I think it takes a long time for the egg to like fertilize and like turn into a chicken. I think if you get it at a certain point, you get it before it develops. Yeah the egg to like fertilize and like turn into a chicken. I think if you get it a certain point, you get it before it develops. Yeah, but you don't want like yulking a little beak.
Starting point is 00:23:29 That's weird. I'm not sure how all of that happens. I don't have many farmers in my group, the closest. I think I'm right. Any of you always do. The closest we come to anyone having some animal experience around here is Tony's wild ride on L.D. Oblowe in the Dominican Republic at Wild Horse. He underestimated it. Thankfully, it made it through, Dan.
Starting point is 00:23:51 He was a good Cuban boy who thought he knew something about horses and then he met him. Then he met a wild Dominican horse named El Diablo who took him on a wild ride toward the edge of a cliff. It's like a 500 foot cliff. Billy wasn't here that day when I told the story. Long story short, I was in the Dominican Republic with my family, we went on a horseback ride through the mountains and I got a horse that was,
Starting point is 00:24:14 thinking it was in the Kentucky Derby and there was like a 500 yard straightaway and we were kind of trotting in a line. I saw the horse saw another horse take off and this horse took off like sea biscuit. Running me like over a, like about to fly over a line, I saw the horse saw another horse take off and this horse took off like sea biscuit, running me like over a like about to fly over a cliff like 500 feet down. Luckily he made a right hand turn and put me into some mangroves and then just started eating it. A crazed wild Dominican horse which I feel like is is what this playoff time has
Starting point is 00:24:44 been for all of us. Don't Mangro's growing the water. How are they 500 feet in the air? Well, no, it's like a mangrove kind of, I don't know what the native plant was Billy, my bad. Where do you go if you don't go see Biscuit? Do you know the name of another horse? I think he saw it in the middle of the year.
Starting point is 00:24:59 He saw it in the middle of the year. Oh, night quest. Sure. Wow. He just wanted to get his Verland joke off. Like, you guys are entertaining his questions. Did you not hear the way he delivered it? He was my boyfriend in the dream.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Oh, wow. Don Lebertard. Oh, I like firing people. So I take the opportunity to fire whenever I possibly can, because I can use it as a learning experience for them and try to help them out and try to point out what they did wrong. But in this case, the employee was enough levels below where I was that I did not do the firing, but I had it done within moments of discovery.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I'm just like firing people. It's absurd. It's absurd. It's absurd. Stugats. I'm talking about people who I fire, who deserve it, who have done something that actively requires me to fire them. It is my unadulterated pleasure to do so. This is the Don Lebatars show with this Tugats.
Starting point is 00:26:01 to God. A helpful, reddit person writes in at what point does the lovable incompetence of the show start to lose them some of the audience? That hasn't been a stress eating at my everyday life for three years in any way. I don't know what you would have liked us to do about the power going down in a new building or new studio, but I assure you that however upset you were about what happened there, it was not nearly as upset as I was about what happened there. Can we talk about something that happened there yesterday because we had this conversation Stu Gotts and I privately at Tony was witness to it also. So behind the scenes power has gone out and we're figuring out well how do we make this work because
Starting point is 00:26:53 we need to do a show today we had off Memorial Day we had like this huge sports day we can't just be dark for the day it's not something we can do. So what we're figuring out what we're doing one of the solutions is let's do a show on a phone in the dark just to kind of finish out this hour and then we can do. So what we're figuring out what we're doing, one of the solutions is, let's do a show on a phone in the dark just to kind of finish it out this hour and then we can go and we can do like a proper show. And you are there hosting and obviously it's very frustrating what's going on.
Starting point is 00:27:13 We don't have a lot of answers, there's lots of people in and out, the air's broken, it's hot, people are getting cranky. It's like a whole thing, right? But it's also not exactly how we do the show. Me with one microphone and 11 people standing behind you. Well, that's the other thing is that it was like, everybody stand behind Dan, it's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:27 So we went and we stood behind you. We have one remote mic. One working microphone. I don't understand apparently the second power system was just enough to keep our audio up in the dark to Dan Patrick, but after that, all I had was one merc working microphone and a lot of employees behind me in a totally dark and hot room, not how we do the show, not optimal circumstances
Starting point is 00:27:53 to have the fun we have every day. Well, and everyone's kind of confused as to what's going on, where it's just going, whatever, right? So you start going, you do the show and you're in there as true, and then you say, the first person you turn to is Chris Cody, and you're like, hey, Chris, and you start going, you do this show, and you're in there the truth. And then you say, the first person you turn to is Chris Cody. And you're like, hey, Chris, and you ask him, I don't remember what it is that you ask him. But in that moment... Something about Bill Simmons, I think.
Starting point is 00:28:12 In that moment of that heightened stress, he said something along the lines of, I don't know, but I can tickle you and decided to start tickling you. Yeah, the wrong answer. While you were doing this. Not reading the room correctly. It was great.
Starting point is 00:28:24 It started going down. After me telling him several times. Not reading the room correctly. It was great. It was not me then. After me telling him several times, Chris read the room. You were saying it into your microphone, which wasn't working, because I had the only working microphone. But yes, there was, I did need some emotional and spiritual tickling there,
Starting point is 00:28:39 because I felt like I was drowning. I was not terribly proud of everything that we were doing. I felt a little bit far from the professional spaces we've occupied before. So you felt like that was a good thing that he did was to try to tickle you while you were limo there. I was frustrated with him for another number of different reasons. First of all, he's never re-emerged for his workday. He took the train home and then vanished and I later see him drinking beers at a Marlins game with a Bill Simmons picture on his hat. That's what he had a day yesterday, right?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Because you kick him out, he does the tickling, you kick him out, then he comes in and then he tries to double down on the tickling and he's like, I can give more to Edward and I think Stugat's like out loud, said while we're recording, hey Chris, read the room while we're recording. So I'm pretty sure if you go back you can hear that audio. Stugats has worked with me for a long time. I think I don't think I need to explain to a team of a dozen producers why I would be slightly uncomfortable and off-kilter again on one working microphone and important sports day in a dark room with 11 people I can't see behind me. Kuchiko-kucho. I think you got that wrong.
Starting point is 00:29:44 How did you got that wrong. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. How did you punch? How'd, and that's, and that's one of my teammates. I've got, I've got 11 people behind me. Kuchiku. Just, just stop.
Starting point is 00:29:56 You want to try to get, you know, let's see if we, let's see if still God's can get this right. I can. Let's try it again. Kuchiku. Oh, there you go. That's the second. Third time. Gucci, Gucci, coup. Oh, there you go. That's the second coup.
Starting point is 00:30:06 Third time, yeah. Bob Gucciberg. Oh my lord. So then we go, we have these split teams and then Chris was recording something with Adnet for like six hours. Yeah. We started at noon and then we're back at two
Starting point is 00:30:19 and then everyone's like, it's Chris okay, what's going on with Chris? And I like texted him privately, I'm like, hey, is everything okay? Like he's coming back is like, to the game, I'm like, no, like he is everything okay like he coming back is like to the game I'm like no like we're recording so he's like I'm editing and it's like you got like dude buddy we're working today you gotta you gotta come back. You texted him I texted him at about 230 where the hell are you 230 in the
Starting point is 00:30:38 afternoon because he had booked me as part of that ad man extravaganza he needed me to talk succession on whatever it is that ad-man was doing but he disappeared for that too so i'm waiting for an appointed time with Chris Cody that never appeared well i was looking at the calendar to and then he had like another recording i think like a three with i think i want to spoil their guesses but they're trying to Jennifer spazito and like what are we ever going to talk about taxi like what are we doing here that you have to be gotten for so long? We thought he had some sort of seven hour interview with Martin Scorsese,
Starting point is 00:31:10 but it's just gonna be Adnan giving you some succession thoughts. Without you, without me, that's correct. He was early to the Marlins game, I'll tell you that, because they were trying to get dinner at like 4.30, and I was like, I can't, I can't. 4.30 is not dinner by the way. It was really early. No, it got to a point, because it was me, it 4.30. And I was like, I can't. I can't. 4.30 is not dinner by the way. 4.30 is lunch. No, it got to a point.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Because it was me, it was Cougs, it was rad, and it was Chris. Well, I was invited. Chris had the tickets and he asked me if I wanted to go. I would have invited him. How did Cougs make the list? I don't know. Nobody knows who Cougs is.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Cougs, yeah. Well, that's because Cougs doesn't want to be on camera. Anyways, so they went. One of the few around here. They went to Malfungal to eat together at this thing and I was like, I don't know. So they're like, should we go up for 30? What time should we eat?
Starting point is 00:31:48 And I don't think everybody realized we just wanted to spend as little time together as possible. Like we committed this, but like we're not getting their Chris at three o'clock to hang out. This is a business trip. We're just going to watch the game and get out of there. And we left early.
Starting point is 00:31:59 There was a blackout there too, correct? What? Yeah, in the middle of like the A-thinning that there was, I guess really bad storms yesterday here in Miami, loud thunder and lightning that was going through the wind. A lot of wind and rain too. Yeah, it was really bad storms. That's every afternoon though.
Starting point is 00:32:15 No, but the lights went out for a split second and then came back and then I read, and I don't know if it's true, that they lost, I guess, broadcasting abilities for a little portion of the game, which hopefully it was the ninth inning because what a disaster that was giving a five runs in the bottom of ninth Put her on the pole please judo at Levitard show 4 30 p.m. Dinner or lunch It depends on where you live, right? Like I'm with Tony. I hold you are to 4 30 is closer to lunch for me that it is to dinner But Boca 4 30 is dinner time, you know? What time do you guys eat dinner? I eat late, I'm a lady.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah, 8.30, 9 o'clock probably for that. I usually about 6.30 or so, seven. That's like the time that you should want to, right? Because like if you eat too late, then you can't digest it properly, and then it's like not good for you. Because I also eat a lot of days, it's like nine o'clock when I'm sitting down to eat dinner.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But I feel better when I do like a 6.30 dinner. But then I get hungry later on. It's like nine o'clock when I'm sitting down to eat dinner, but I feel better when I do like a 630 dinner. But then I get hungry later on. It's like nine third and I'm like, hmm, I'm so little hungry. Yeah, but you're supposed to eat like Tony, ideally, you would eat dinner at like five o'clock. No way. Ideally for whom? No, ideally for your body. No, because my body works on a different clock, right? Everybody's body went to another human. Then the rest of the day. No, it's that if I eat later on in the day, like intermittent fasting windows, if I eat later on in the day,
Starting point is 00:33:30 I can extend my window a little bit further and my body. But if it's intermittent fasting because you're a young person, most people it would be 4 p.m. or 5 p.m. you stop eating and then you eat again at breakfast time, eight or nine a.m.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It makes it easier. It makes the fasting something you're just doing well. Half of the clock is different. It would probably be from like noon or one o'clock would be my first meal and then I can extend that noon or one o'clock to like eight or nine o'clock at night and then fasting again from eight o'clock at night or nine o'clock at night to noon or one o'clock at night. I don't think I think you just eat two meals a day. I don't think this is like a program. You just eat really late. It doesn't sound like a program, and it sounds like he's a young person, and it sounds like in 10 years,
Starting point is 00:34:07 he will be eating late at night and look like his father. Oh, wow. Yeah. I don't know about that. I just took out your father. Yeah, what was that? Unnecessarily so, but that's okay. Now, your father is Tony 30 years older.
Starting point is 00:34:23 That's your father. You know. And then my grandfather is Tony, but 30 years older. That's that's your father. You you know, and then my grandfather's Tony, but 30 years older than that. Is that every father? No, but no, no, no, no, no, I'm saying, explaining, you know, how, do you think that you're going to be your dad in 30 years? Do you think that you're going to live as in better shape right now than I'll ever be in? I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:34:43 So, so no, that's not everybody's relationship with this. Tony's, I'm not gonna do this anymore. I'm not gonna talk about it. Tony's family has kind of like this thing around them that is kind of like, I don't know, I don't want to cross them. I don't know what it is, but there's just like this aura there that I'm like, let me be nice. Well that's his father.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Thank you. That's correct. That is correct. Shirt open for buttons, chain. What if you got it from? Good cologne, good expensive cologne. He's not to be is correct. Sure. Open four buttons. I get it from good cologne good expensive Colossus not to be trifled probably a closet filled with good dress shoes I would imagine somebody who does formal wear well and yes someone not to be trifled for For more voice of FIU football, but also but also thick but also thick It's also thick, but also thick. I mean, it's a particular thing.
Starting point is 00:35:25 It's a particular thing. Cuban thick is different than American thick than everybody else thick. Not a helpful, Billy. Thank you. Well Cuban thick waist down, like big legs, big calves. Right, no, big butts. I wanna ask you a question, Sturghats,
Starting point is 00:35:39 based on some of it is, some of what it is that I see fan bases reacting to in sports. Okay. Can you explain to me because I I genuinely don't understand this emotional inconsistency. If you were someone who was yelling screaming up and down that in game six the Miami heat were robbed because 10th of a second 10th of a second where did that time go and you're making very stringent arguments on behalf of a clock shouldn't have been moved from 2.1 seconds to 3 seconds.
Starting point is 00:36:13 And then I present to you in game 7 the information of Jason Tatum hurt himself on the first play. And that probably impacted the rest of what happened in a way that shouldn't make you indignant because I'm somehow taking respect away from your victory. And 48 hours ago you were yelling at me about the fact that the refs jobged you while the Celtics fans laughed that the idea of that like yes, complain about the referees. That's what all losers do after they've lost. It's not something the winners very often do. And fans laugh at you. Go, yeah, go enjoy the two minute report. Maybe that'll hang that from your rafters. Take that, take that and put it in in the ceiling. The emotional inconsistency of that. Why can't the same people arguing on behalf of what a 10th of a second men in game six, just lend to the
Starting point is 00:37:05 Celtics that also part of the result might have been impacted by the best player getting hurt on the first play. My best guess, in fact, I would say that heat fans are saying no, it was 103 to 84 that it was a beat down on your home court. And even if Jason Tatum doesn't sustain that injury, the heat are still winning that game because your team played lousy that day. Okay, but you can say all that. I'm just asking you, you don't think that a sprangdankle
Starting point is 00:37:34 from the most important player on their team who couldn't move side to side in the second half, impacted the result without insulting the merit of the result. Like it's just sort of like, hey, this happened, that was fortunate. May it happen to Yokech early in that series. So we can argue for the arrest of time about whether the other team was actually better or not.
Starting point is 00:37:54 But I just don't get it. Not that fans have to be emotionally consistent, but I just don't get that portion of it. How you can see both of those things in yourself and not see the inconsistency. It feels like you're taking something away from the heat by pointing out that Jason Tadeem and you're taking something away from the Celtics by yelling and screaming about 9.10 of a second when they had one of their most memorable moments.

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