The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: Go Race a Pigeon

Episode Date: January 19, 2024

The group has polarized opinions on Miami tight end Cam McCormick receiving his 9th (!!!) year of college eligibility as Dan joins the show from a freezing New York once again. Would you want 9 years college? Then, Chris Cote's limited fake Jay Gruden makes an appearance after Jay and RG3's Twitter squabble, Fletcher Cox sounds off on a reporter, Mike Tomlin's fire has intensified, and Stugotz is bored by the Patriots. Plus, Billy issues an apology, Jimmy Butler ignores Aleksander Barkov, Bills fans shovel snow, and Jeremy has a new show song. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. I remain in a very frigid New York. I'm being told by people here. It is the coldest New York that there's been in three or four years. And I'd like to hover over Stugat's shoulder again, please, because I enjoyed doing that in the screen behind him. Right. Stugat, I normally under these circumstances, I could ruin Jessica's weekend right now by
Starting point is 00:00:37 just talking anything university of Miami related because she speaks for a lot of the audience and wanting us to not talk about the University of Miami anymore. However, I have found a story that I believe that everyone in our audience wants to hear about and I would say it's the most relevant University of Miami player in 20 years in terms of people wanting to talk about somebody who's at UM, Cam McCormick, in a bit of a surprise, is not going to the NFL draft and has been granted a ninth year of collegiate eligibility. He is going to college, not for one year, two years, three years, four years, not even double that,
Starting point is 00:01:21 eight years, a ninth year of eligibility. I was making fun earlier this year when Colorado was playing against the Colorado State kicker who was 31 years old with three kids, but Tam McCormick getting a ninth year of eligibility. You feel how about that? Stugots. It's an embarrassment. Seriously, get a job. Do something. I mean, listen, he started college when he was 18, Dan. When you arrive at the age of 27, you become an embarrassment. I don't care if you play football or not. I don't care if you're the BMOC big man on campus. You are 27 years old.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Is it? Is it 27? I thought he was 25. He turns 26 in April. Well, he started college when I was 18. Okay, but you gave him two extra years. He doesn't need an eye. Listen, 25, 26, 27, 28, it doesn't matter. He's hanging around 18 and 19 to 20 year old kids.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Go do something with your life. I mean, Billy, I disagree vehemently with this because if anyone gave me, I don't even know how much I would pay to have four or five more years of college. Put it on the pole, please, everybody listening this at Levitard show. Would you pay to have four or five more years of college. Put it on the pole, please. Everybody listening to this at Levitade show, would you pay to have four or five more years
Starting point is 00:02:29 of free college life to go back into your adolescence or your childhood or your teenage years and be able to enjoy college all over again. He's not a teenager. Practically middle aged. It's one of you Stan. A fifth year is fine. A sixth year is even okay.
Starting point is 00:02:43 When you get up to eight and nine years, you become an embarrassment. You do. Wait a minute. People start talking about you. He's back again. Geez. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:02:53 When you get to eight or nine years, you're an embarrassment. He had seven. It's just Oregon. Right. Seven just there. Mike Ryan, are you getting flooded with people mocking you because you have a tight end and incidentally numerically, he's not, he's not great. I would love to be a college
Starting point is 00:03:10 football player that gets to have my college career never end and just enjoy college and free schooling. What if he just wants to learn more and get some free education? Oh, Dan, I'm glad you asked me because yeah, my mentions over the last 24 hours have all been about Kim McCormick. There's a lot of cam McCormick opinions everywhere. Everyone's like, wow, this guy's so old. He was a Nick Boses recruiting class. He just flooded with that. Yeah, as you can imagine. Billy, you side with Stugat. I'm alone and saying who among us wouldn't want more years of college? Like, I know people can make fun of this,
Starting point is 00:03:46 but why wouldn't anybody want some free education and extend, he's saying get, still got to say get a job when he hasn't had one in 20 years. It's a little creepy being around that long. Also like if you haven't learned it in nine years, it's not gonna take. Any other 25 year old hanging out with a bunch of 18 year olds, you're like,
Starting point is 00:04:03 what's your deal? Yeah, right. People start talking, Dan dad. They do Chris Hansen starts appearing Like stop it. What did he do that? He's a blocking tight end that had terrible injuries to start his career. I am surprised he got a ninth year of eligibility No one's ever gone this far, but there's nothing more to it than that. How many seasoned ending injuries before we're like, you know what, maybe this sport isn't for me. Well, he's at four already, right?
Starting point is 00:04:30 So like that's why he's playing his ninth season of all the football. And they've all come super early. Yeah, but Mike, I have a Tyler Higby situation. I stayed a fifth year in college. There was a kid he was there. It was his seventh year. No one was talking about me. We were all talking about him though.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Like he's back again. And if anyone knows what it's like, that's a bunch of 26 year old Tom campus, it's anyone who went to FIU. Ha ha ha. I can't believe how alone I am on this. Jessica Roy, you don't have any opinions one way or the other. You think this is a source of mockery,
Starting point is 00:05:00 a college student who gets nine years and gets to just extend his lack of general responsibility, not that playing college football doesn't involve a great deal of responsibility. One of those years, by the way, was just COVID. It wasn't even injury. It was just, hey, never mind that you're not counting that day. And he actually got hurt before the COVID season two. He suffered a season ending injury.
Starting point is 00:05:21 He got two years for that. When there was talk there, that there wouldn't even be a season. How about the Portide end that went to UN that wants to play, that wants to get his opportunity? And here's a kid, ninth season. Yeah, only they had options now. Those Portide ends that are stuck
Starting point is 00:05:34 behind someone else on the Dept chart. It's crazy, they're walking. I'm very jealous of him. In fact, I also, great NIL opportunities to partner with like AARP or something like that. Depends. I'm just wondering where Dan's line is though. Like if he's on year 17, are you like, alright, this isn't coming. No, but where's your line? Because two gots is like seven years is not a bridge too far, but nine, I'm sorry, that's
Starting point is 00:05:56 excessive. Eight months isn't too much. I mean, okay, look at what you guys are doing. I can't believe this. You guys, you guys haven't been old long enough is what the problem is with this. Anybody old listening to this? I am old. More years of college. No, you guys, you need to be older evidently. Your and your lifestyle is so reckless that it doesn't have a great deal of responsibility in it anyways.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You're perpetually living in a dorm room drinking rubbing alcohol by accident because you think it's a shot of vodka. That's your entire life. Yeah, but then I have daughters. They're in college. They're turning 20 today. Happy birthday to Emma and Rachel 20 years old. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I don't want them hanging around with a 27 year old. Please, I mean, I know. You understand that there's people of different ages on college campuses, regardless of if there's a football player with nine years of eligibility. Like there's grad students and PhD students and hockey players that spent a couple years in the juniors, like your college campus is not just like 18 to 22 year old. But for the most part, it's between the ages of 18 and 24,
Starting point is 00:06:54 for the most part. I'm saying. Making Camacormick a creep, because he's been making a creep. Why is that happening? What is that over all thing? We're not in here. It's too much. And he's a creep.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I mean, I don't know what the top he signed his letter of intent before Trump was elected. But he's on his third term. He started college when I was in college. Put it on the poll, please, Judeo at Levittar show is
Starting point is 00:07:18 came McCormick on his third term. I want to break out someone that I thought had been retired forever. I cannot believe that this character gets to be rejuvenated today, that we have the blessing of being able to bring to our audience an old favorite from the impersonation file that is, I must admit, very limited. So I'm scared about what's about to happen here. But to God's before I go any further, you haven't front of you the button to wish your daughters a happy birthday. Why don't you press the Stephen A Smith happy birthday button that's right there. I got to find it first. Hold on. Let me see. So sit.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Cannonball! So close. Oh wait, I think I got it. Oh Wait, I think I got it I can't read I can't say I'm getting old What's a joker roller white one joke or all? Who is that? But you just flipped to the because my amy Who is that? But you just flipped to the because Miami won't. That's not it. One, one, one, one, one, one, one!
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh, I got it. It just says, it says, Chris switching ham is a fancy lad. Happy birthday to her. I don't care. Good luck. Hers. The character that is getting
Starting point is 00:08:46 resurrected today, this would have been a better conversation, I think in 2016, right about when Cam McCormick was entering college, and RG3 was going back and forth with Jay Groot and but we have a Twitter exchange that I want to read to the audience because it's been fascinating and it's been kind of weird to hear them arguing
Starting point is 00:09:13 in public this way. But Jay Grootin and RG3 are talking about RG3's career in Washington Stugots. And I think we can all agree that RG3 was at the beginning. He was almost before his time because of how much football has changed and because of now how much quarterbacks run and allow the running backs to be disposable. But Washington used him up and broke his body. And so the context I would give to this, as they fight on Twitter, I'm gonna make Roy, RG3, for no particular reason.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And Chris Cody is Jay Gruden, because he's got his limited fake Jay Gruden. Robert, how long has it been since we've heard from limited fake Jay Gruden, Chris? Couple of years, man. More than that. I have a few years man a man i drafted this came a cormin i tried to draft this came a cormin guy band he was an algebra yet
Starting point is 00:10:09 okay it's a very limited impersonation it's best speaking and very short bursts but robert this is actually happening on twitter so let me see what the back and forth sound sounds like your rg3 and chris will play the part of jay gruden i'll tell you man if I ever put a quarter back through a filly's put in jail and through man out apologize Pickable blitz man say what oh I wasn't even talking about your art, but listen robber you weren't prepared man You told me you didn't know how to coach a quarterback who can throw and run like me so looks like you won't prepare j Boy here comes some sarcasm you're right man. We didn't have a good staff. Sorry, hope all is well with you. OG 3 responded with a video.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Oh, a long video. Yeah, we don't have the whole transcript for the video. RB3. And I'll jump in. Hey, OG 3, you really want to play this game man? You really want to play this game? You weren't good enough. Kirk was better.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Cleveland didn't want you. Baltimore didn't either. Quit blaming me man. Go race a pigeon Didn't he delete that tweet yeah, I deleted that shit man Roy how'd you feel about your efforts there two lines very good go race a Pigeon man, I don't know why you would feel good about that Robert and Kirk. I needed some
Starting point is 00:11:25 Thespian flourish from you. Why didn't he say say what? Yes. I mean, I mean, it's a tweet. He's a daddy was acting. You know what? You know what? I stand corrected. I did indeed hear you. Now, give me a name. I did in here. I did hear you say, say what? Chris, how insecure do you feel about the general return of J. Groot?
Starting point is 00:11:53 I felt better when I was reading. When I got out there before about the KM McCormick thing, I don't know why I did that. That part I regret. But the best part of this was the sarcastic, like we didn't have a good enough staff. Does that mean do you guys realize the staff that he had in Washington? I think it was McVeigh, McDaniel, LaFloor, who up, everybody, any good coach that we know now?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Bo Shana hands, both Shana hands. It's just ridiculous. All the mix. But is this part ridiculous? So do you guys disagree with the idea that rg3 was a bit before his time rg3 wasn't no my he was before his time no there were mobile quarterbacks no it's rg3 got hurt right rg3 blame them for the injuries but i think we had so many rg3 debates and we've even asked RG3 directly about how time has passed and that staff that he was complaining about proved to be incredible.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Like a king making staff, everybody on it. It just, it was an injury that stopped RG3. And when he was trying to work himself back from injury, he decided that he wanted to change his game. And as Jay Grootin told him directly, that game he wasn't as good at as Kirk Cousins. Kirk was better, man. The thing that I would say about that though is the season that he had when he was healthy
Starting point is 00:13:16 before he got hurt was a game changing type of season. He was a monster player who looked like somebody who was going to be good for a long time, who might be growing into something differently. I understand why you wouldn't question any parts of that coaching staff, but you would agree. Would you not that somehow Lamar Jackson being used similarly doesn't seem to get hurt that way. Lamar Jackson with a similar body type. No, not a similar body type. He, RG3 got blown up in ways that were unique to him. Yeah. He had a small frame. He was a bit frail.
Starting point is 00:13:50 He had this insane ability to get lit up and recognizing that he tried to change his game and he didn't necessarily have the skill set to change his game and he just blamed others for the failings of it. I mean, you have no greater evidence to this than what RG3's career became and what the rest of the staff's career became. I will say this though, his rookie season, I remember thinking to myself, and that he was
Starting point is 00:14:17 unlike any quarterback I had ever seen, like he was that good. He had 20 touchdowns, five interceptions. He ran for seven more. He ran for nearly a thousand yards. Like he was great that year. I mean, and the way they were using him was super creative. Stagats here. For my friends over at SimplySafe and telling you about them for years, why I have had their home security system in my house for many, many years, protecting both me and my family. I would not recommend anyone else. In fact, they were named best home security of 2023 by US News and World Report. Simply say if it's comprehensive protection for the whole home, detecting and alerting you not only to break ins, but fires, floods and other threats to your home, getting you
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Starting point is 00:16:42 Chris Cody made an appearance when we were talking about the possibility of Freddie Gibbs having actually having the rap album of the year at which point Chris Cody who is too young for this and doesn't know like athletes from the 90s Chris Cody says is that one of is that Barry Gibbs is he and so then the d uh... the bg bg start playing stu gots well said that that that that
Starting point is 00:17:12 that that this is the down lebertar show with the stu gots uh... let me switch to something else here because i saw uh... the reaction and i don't know whether you saw it or not. I saw the reaction of Fletcher Cox to being asked and if Nick Sireonne would or should be back as his head coach. Now, I've found fairly shocking, Stu Gantz, given the general success of Nick Sireonne that we're even talking about this, but the collapse was that kind of crazy in a city where they don't tolerate this sort
Starting point is 00:17:46 of thing. And so it seems it appears that Cereonis job is actually in jeopardy. And Fletcher Cox, the defensive lineman, longtime defensive lineman for the Philadelphia Eagles, reacted to a reporter's question with an increasing befuddlement and then a bit of hostility and an insult. I want to get your reaction to this from Fletcher Cox. You know, you've got any wind on what's going to happen. You have confidence. If you do come back, the confidence in him, the fees also that he could have. Like any news, what about me? Nick, I mean, there's obviously some speculation about whether he made me fire a child. Huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Come on man. That made a hit for the ball coach of this team man. Come on man, we ain't, man, man, they ain't even a f***ing discussion about it. Okay, you okay, you don't think it's gonna happen. Like I don't, I don't got anything to say about that man. You're a clown, man, get out my face, bro. You have thoughts there, Stugat?
Starting point is 00:18:43 It's a legitimate question. I don't know why Fletcher Cox has done aware of what's happening inside of his own organization with his own head coach. And no one should be shocked by this. I mean, Doug Peterson won a Super Bowl there and was fired a year later. He was fired. Seriani did not even win a Super Bowl. Do you believe that Fletcher Cox is completely unaware of the conversation?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Could you say he knows what's happening in the building. This isn't about in the building. This is what's being talked about outside of the building. I don't know how much inside the building, anyone is discussing the idea that a head coach of a whatever it was, a 10 win team or an 11 win team would be, you know, fireable. I don't know that that's something that's being discussed inside the building. I'd be shocked if it's not being discussed, if they're not aware of what's going on. We asked Austin Ecler a while back when Brandon Staley was getting fired.
Starting point is 00:19:33 If the guys in the locker room before he got fired, we're talking about it, talking about their coach being on the hot seat. And he said, yeah, we talk about it with our coach. So I have a hard time believing that the equals. So is he lying? Is he lying? Is he pretending? No, he doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:19:47 He's acting. I don't think he's pretending because he calls as a reporter a clown and that response there kind of makes me think that he's like, where's this guy coming with this when the reporter, as we know, because we're living in this, you know, Twitter sphere and know what people are saying about Nick Serionty.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It's a valid question, but Fletcher Cox is dismissal at the end by calling him a clown makes it seem like, wow, where did this reporter come up with this? Isn't that even a conversation? There was something similar that happened earlier in the, I guess the end of the season with the Steelers. And I can't remember which player it was, but they're after the J-Glazer report about Mike Tomlin. One of the Steelers players was asked about it. And he was like, I've been in locker rooms where you know the coach is on the hot seat and they're after the jay glazer report about my tommelon uh... one of the steeler's players was asked about it and he was like i've been in lock rooms where you know the coach is on the hot seat and they're not going to be there the next week and it just it's that you can tell and that's not happening
Starting point is 00:20:32 here so i do think that the players are very aware of what the conversation is outside of the lockroom and have a general feeling for if someone is actually on the hot seat or not that's being a problem did you see his uh... his quotes his fire has intensified of course it has i mean he is back uh... what is that means to got what are you reporting there his fire has intensified he said it not me i just got goosebumps what he said
Starting point is 00:20:58 it but we have to make some room to still is quarterback he's a fire extinguisher Mason it off the free agent and he may not be back next year. That's why his fire is intensified I mean no can he pick it might not be back either didn't he skip the exit meeting What are you talking about you? No, don't stop start rumors, Dan. He sports the only context where a fire intensifying is a good thing. Huh? Yeah, not on planes like we saw in that viral video from last night. Well, let's go to that in a second. I would suspect if you're an arsonist, a fire intensifying is probably a good thing,
Starting point is 00:21:34 but it's what you're going for, Dan. Yeah. Thank you. I'm for explaining arson to me. Yeah. Let's let's look at that video real quick of of and I don't know if you guys do this, but almost anytime I'm driving past the airport when I look into the sky, I'm always worried if a plane is nearby that something like this is going to happen because the planes flying low over
Starting point is 00:21:56 the highway. Am I the only one who thinks that way anytime? Every time you're by the airport, you're like, what if there's a plane on fire above me? Every time I see a plane just taking off, I think to myself, is this going to be the unlucky time where I witness some sort of horror of a something falling out of a plane or something like this? This is right near our building right here, Stugat. Can you imagine Jessica's been talking about this is also a Boeing. She's been talking about a different kind of Boeing jet that the door came flying off. But look at this thing. Like what kind of what kind of horror is this? This was actually a cargo plane that took off and landed back at Miami 50 minutes later. I just read a story about it in the New York Times. Like you mentioned, Dan, it's a Boeing 747 cargo jet. So not the same as the 737 MAX, which is the one that's been giving pilots a lot of trouble,
Starting point is 00:22:47 and has now been grounded. The MAX9 has been grounded, I should say. So yeah, terrifying. I can't say that every time I go past the airport, I expect to see a plane on fire, and I would suggest there are medications for that. If that is indeed how you feel when you see them. I'm not Dan though. I do.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I was like, when you're near the airport, it's like, it's today the day. Right. Yes. Yeah, I'm with Dan. I'm always checking out the planes. Please, please, Lansafely. Yes. I know how safe it is, but it just, it doesn't feel safe.
Starting point is 00:23:12 No, but lately flying is a dangerous game. It seems like it's a dangerous game. Certainly, Billy, certainly, Billy, you who are rock with fear at all times. Certainly, you have had dark thoughts when a plane is coming over 826 or and it's flying low overhead or leaving. Certainly you've had these dark thoughts. I cannot be the only one doing this. I mean, good answer. Thank you, Bill. Go sit in the penalty box, Bill. Thank you. Thank you for all your contributions over these 25 minutes. I appreciate it. I wanted to ask you to, God, if you have any interest whatsoever in the Apple documentary on the Patriots, because
Starting point is 00:23:54 it seems like it's interesting because they're getting everybody and they're talking about all of the stuff. Apple is trying to make these big giant things with legacy brands and legacy names and they've gotten everybody to sit down. And it's coming out like I think a couple of days after the Super Bowl. Um, am I interested? I think I, I probably all, I know all I need to know about the Patriots. I think I'm, I think I'm good on the Patriots. I don't know. They were good. They want six Super Bowls. Uh, Belichack is gone. Brady, he's the greatest quarterback ever. Is Wickersham involved in this? Do we know? I mean, no.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He didn't you announce the other day that that he had made the final one of his deep dives and you were relieved that Wickersham would no longer be doing deep investigative dives into the New England Patriots. Didn't you announce a celebration of sorts because you had seen your final Seth Wickersham deep dive into the Patri england patriots didn't you announce a celebration of sorts because you had seen your final set wicker shamb deep dive into the patriot every time i think i've seen his final deep dive into the patriot he has one more but this has to be the last one this is the last one i'm also concerned for wicker shamb like where's it going to dive into next he needs to find another team he is done seventeen deep dives into the
Starting point is 00:25:05 Patriots. This is his final one. I'm relieved is the final one. I'm concerned about the future of Seth Wickersham. I will give the Apple documentary a chance, but I'm over two on these because I saw Brady's man in the arena one on ESPN and I gave up after three episodes. Wasn't great. Yeah. And I'm presently trying to make it through. It's better to be feared. Seth Wicker-Shames book on Tom Brady and Bill Bellachek and Patriots. Deep dots.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Dynacy. And I think that the issue for me in trying to consume these documentaries and these books is, I don't think they're made for me. I think that they're made for people that probably followed the sport a little less closely. So I'm not finding them really revelatory in any way or informative in any way.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And these are long, ambitious, but long projects. And if it's lacking surprise for me, I kind of bail. Ha, ha. That's hard for me to believe actually, because he's done so many of these. I can't believe that it's dry. I can't believe I've read these and been interested, but the personalities are a bit dry. You're not interested or you're tired of the tension between Bellachek and Brady and
Starting point is 00:26:17 Oat. No, I'm fascinated by that type of excellence, Dan. I like those, that team, the unprecedented run. I'm a huge fan of the Cowboys, and it seems as though like the Cowboys in their four, five year run were way more interesting, even though it was about in retrospect, a quarter of the length of the Patriot run.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I am presently reading the book by Wickersham to gain insight on, I'm interested on how Tom Brady came to be. What's his driving force? What did he get from his parents? And even his parents don't know how this happened. So I'm not really learning much. You're listening to the book. I am real page turner. Don't let it hard. Chris Cody does an impression just be careful. Dangerous game. Yeah, it's a dangerous game. I don't want to play this game. No, man, I could do such a great. Oh, I don't want to play this game.
Starting point is 00:27:07 He's like, man, I just do work. This is who we're gonna trust. I mean, you do. Let's let a mean do it. I think still gots. I think you could do it, Chris, because you did a great Charles Barkley. You're one for one there. Did no one just hear the segment we just did with the mean? We cannot be taking judgment is not the best. From the local drunk on whether or not you should do the impersonation of a black man stumbling over his words like you don't see the bad child there was moza moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody moody mo We got it like we cannot do this. It's too close to the line. This is where the line is something legitimately funny Can't be funny because we're scared our ginger's gonna do something racist by accident carry the hell on Dan
Starting point is 00:27:53 Rachel then the line is where we feel alive though This is the down lebertar show with the stugatz I think we should start this segment by apologizing to Cam McCormick. Why? I don't need to apologize to him. I was supporting him. Well, we're a team, Dan. So I think we need to apologize.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's not what the scroll says on the exact way. Cam Levitard, Cole and Levitard, Colin, Chris Hanson, Colin, Cam McCormick, Colin Creepy. We need to apologize for this. It was unnecessary, it's uncalled for cheap jokes. God bless this kid, huh? Going out there, getting, I presume, an advanced degree of some sort, and you know, playing football. He should be a doctor now.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I would hope at least, right? A doctor of something, maybe a physical doctor, a doctorate of, you know, liberal arts or whatever. Well, we've made quite the turn promoting him to doctor from creep. I congratulate you. Thank you for moving off of calling him a creep for no other reason other than he's going to college for nine years. Someone asked to clean things up around here. You know what I mean? That's my job. And even though they call you the cleaner, do they? Even though I was a lone voice, it would appear in defending camacorn.
Starting point is 00:29:06 No, no, no, no, me and Roy also defend this. I hate it. I wait a minute. Unlikely some word of voice. Dan was the only one. I spent the whole segment asking, why am I alone on this? Yeah, I just want to say for the record,
Starting point is 00:29:17 I do believe that doctors can also be creeps. That's true. Yeah. Some doctors. Dan was the one who took it to a weird place. Dan did all that. Pushed it to four. Yeah, that was all Dan. Thank goodness I'm here to clean it up. Jeremy, thank you for your contributions. I haven't heard from you all show. And I said that he was in the recruiting class before Trump was even elected. So that's how we got to three terms. Why you always bring in politics to this. Yeah, that is my fault. I am.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yes. The very way. The book. Can you explain to me, do you have any, any news involving Jimmy Butler going to an FAU game as the, as the heat Homer, the resident heat Homer that's atop all heat homers around here? Yeah. Jimmy went to the FU game last night.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And there was a pretty funny moment on the back end of that game where Alexander Barkov of the Florida Panthers was also at the game, Sasha Barkov. But when Jimmy was leaving, there was all sorts of fanfare around him. Everybody's all excited. Everybody's taking pictures. And then you can see him walk by Alexander Barkov pointed out here on our video. That's Alexander Barkov and the T-shirt and jeans. But when Jimmy walks by him, he absolutely does not know that that is one of the other best athletes in South Florida. Just completely ignores him.
Starting point is 00:30:46 There's Barkov. You see Barkov put his head down a little bit. Barkov does the move. Just try to look like, oh, I'm going to tie my shoe. Barkov did the move of I was kind of thinking we were going to have a thing here. We're not. He's walking by me. So now I need to look down to make it seem like I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Or Barky. And the part that stinks is Barky's a huge heat fan. Like we all know that he's a big heat fan. He goes to heat games all the time. So he's honestly probably met Jimmy Butler before, but Jimmy just didn't recognize him. A hockey guy's kind of look like the common man sometimes when they're just wearing a shirt and jeans.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Which one was Barco in the video? I don't even know what he looks like. I have a question though. Why were they at the FAU game? Well, FAU is a final hit. They're good at what they're at. They're at the final 14. They're good. 25 teams. They're ranked. You go to FAU game. Well, FAU is a final. They're good at what they're. They're a final four team. They're good.
Starting point is 00:31:27 They're 15. They're the rank. You got to FAU. I got just like Butler and Barkov both being way up in Boca. It's just a little odd. It wasn't even like a match, like verse two ranked team. It's like, which of the toss state they play? I actually don't think it's too much of a hike
Starting point is 00:31:38 because Barkov plays and Broward. Yeah, do it every day. And Jimmy Butler is apparently always at the roundup. So it's just like a short jaunty. He is always at the round. I've never seen every day. And Jimmy Butler is apparently always at the roundup. So it's just like a short john. He is always at the roundup. I've never seen him there. I think Barcov lives in Boca, seriously. I appreciate Borlauderdale.
Starting point is 00:31:51 But Barcov, I feel bad for him because this is the second time as Jeremy pointed out, he does love Miami Heat basketball. And even though that video, that still image of him being disappointed as Jimmy Butler walked by without a doubt, that's not even the most sad barcov Miami Heat experience because several years ago, if you recall, Dwayne Wade jumped into the stands chasing a loose ball. And he was caught by Sasha Barcov,
Starting point is 00:32:18 and he had no idea who caught him. He just thanked him like a regular dude. And it was only until well after that Dwayne Wade was informed who that was. Hey, that's a captain of the Florida Panthers that caught you in his lap that he actually gave him to happen and respect. So he literally had Dwayne Wade sitting in his lap and Dwayne Wade had no idea who that was. Which one is he in this video? Can we go back for a second to the still shot of last night's FAU game because I want
Starting point is 00:32:46 a one word to describe how it is that barcoff looks here because you all went aww and I think sheepish is what I would go with. I mean, that still shot is not a fair shot by us. It's like a sketch. It's not too far used to work with. Thank you, Billy. Go sit in the penalty box again. Wow. I used to work with. Thank you, Billy. Go sit in the penalty box again. That's not, I asked for a word to describe him and not, I didn't want to hear, he looks
Starting point is 00:33:10 like a guy I know that nobody else knows. It does, he looked meek, does he look embarrassed? What do you, what do you see there? All the above. Can I apologize to Stugatral Fast? It does look like Barkov does have a house in Boka. It still got yours right? Holy s***, Stugatral's right. does look like bark off does have a house in bokeh it's too got your right holy
Starting point is 00:33:25 stug at your right uh... is the country is the country music album thing with jimmy butler is that real or i'd be full full by the internet that's real thing yeah that came from an article in the guardian uh... where clare de lune spoke with Jimmy and he basically expressed that he's not necessarily singing on this country album, but he wants to be the DJ Khaled of Country Music where he is technically the artist and the producer, but there are
Starting point is 00:34:00 all of these other people he's outsourcing the work to. He says that right now he has 60 songs recorded by different people that he knows in the country business, but that he wants 200 recorded before he decides to actually release the album. But after the article came out this morning, or it might have been late last night, Jimmy put a clip of one of the songs on his Instagram and honestly, it was really good. So Jimmy might be the next country music producer to run through Miami, which is not a sentence I've been getting once ever said. I thought for sure that that was something
Starting point is 00:34:31 that he was just doing to enjoy interviews to screw around. Actors do this all the time because they get bored with interviews and promotional tours. More so than ever, I would say. They just toss chum into the water and say absurd things, just because they're bored. And that's what I thought this story was. more so than ever, I would say they just tossed chum into the water and say absurd things just because they're bored. And that's what I thought this story was.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I thought Jimmy was screwing with a reporter. Yeah, Robert Pattinson does that a lot. And he's actually come back and said that like as people call him out on stories that he's told in the past on these media interviews, they'll come to him and say like, oh, so, you know, on the set of water for elephants, you saw an elephant die and that's what inspired you to give your performances. He's like, I did what? Because he's just for years been blatantly lying to people during these things. So what do
Starting point is 00:35:13 me, it's that the Jimmy was doing that, but not not this time around. This was a real story. Is that urban legend? True about Robert Pattinson where he took a stalker out to lunch, and then he just bored them. I think that was a fun. Yeah, I got a check. Probably told that the same story. I got a check. Snopes. I love Robert Pattinson.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I wanted to ask all of you something to see if you found it as funny as I did. You have heard me a number of times, just make fun of a multi-billion dollar industry where people are fighting, you know, breaking their bodies for inches, still doing actual measurements with old people carrying chains onto the field. How absurd that is. I would say not quite as absurd, but in the realm of as absurd is to play an NFL football games to gots and have so much snow like the bills do, that not only are you asking your fans to come over and help you shovel snow out of the stadium so that people can watch in a multi-billion dollar industry,
Starting point is 00:36:14 the game without snow, but you're not even paying that free labor that you're begging to come out, local citizens come out, you're not even paying them the way you did last time with food and drink. You're just asking them to come out and work as free labor to remove snow from the stadium that seems impossible given the amount of money that the sport makes and specifically the amount of money that Buffalo is talking about taking from its taxpayers to build a new stadium for this team because so much of their regional identity is tied up in these playoff games matter.
Starting point is 00:36:50 We've got a loser for many, many years, but Josh Allen is going to carry us to victory. So of course, we'll work as free labor. You don't have, you don't even have to feed us. It's part of the experience, Dan, of being a bills fan. And by the way, I think they're getting like $20 an hour for doing it. But it is, it's part of the experience. You feel part of the team and I get me. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Sorry, just a second. I understood Mike that they paid the first time, but this time they weren't going to do that. Correct me if I'm wrong. I am correcting you because you were wrong. Similar to last week, the rate is $20 an hour. Plus you feel part of the team. Plus you're doing a good deed.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Plus you should get a ring. I mean, if the bills win a Super Bowl, those people, even at $20 an hour, should get a Super Bowl ring, Dan, I believe that I don't. What just happened? I thought about it halfway through and I'm like, I got to go forward with this take and then I didn't really like the take and, you know, stick with it next time. And they don't know yourself. I had to. They don don't deserve a ring. I mean they're getting paid.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Chris Cody just had the cutest thing to me by the way. Did you see the video? First of all the Buffalo fans that were shoveling apparently and not enough of them were shoveling for the Steelers game because there was still tons of snow in the stands. They should have hired more people and there was a fan who was like trudging through the snow to get to his- Leading his family through the snow at the seat. Chris Cody's like, I don't know you could move snow like that. I didn't think you could walk through like a big thing of snow.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I thought that, I mean, it's ice, isn't it? Either way, we have sounded pretty ignorant on this story all around, but it does give us a license to play a song that Jeremy Tash created, and we have to play it now, otherwise I'm told they will age out if we don't. Cool Starting this season with a 9 and 3 Record you get comfortable Playing two and things like one and the ball Changing up my quick-dannier
Starting point is 00:38:51 We often started struggling Time reek is faster than a car car But it don't matter if you can't get him The ball and half the running Gain to have a half consistency Hold on to that tight sleeve Now you're losing week to week Struggle land
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's a septum Oh my brother Quarter bag Why haven't I found another A baller When times get harder Need someone to scramble round Instead of
Starting point is 00:39:20 A pocket pass I get in job To the ground Can you beat the pills? Can you beat the buffalo pills? Can you read the buffalo bills? Can you read the buffalo bills? If we did, then maybe I would chill But I don't think we do
Starting point is 00:39:33 So the bins end me up through That's really good, chill It's too good Too good Thanks, guys Billy, it's faster than a car really good. It's too good. It's too good. Thanks, guys. Billy, it's faster than a car. Billy looks wildly unimpressed. Well, what's it have to do with what we're talking about? That was the conclusion. We're talking about the bills.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I talked about the bills. Come on, guys. And beat the Buffalo bills. How much do I owe and find? So I got the Kenny Pickett, $75. I don't think it. I think the Jeremy loves his voice more than Cody loves his voice. Hey, it's Mike Ryan. I love football and I love Miller light. Why do I love Miller light? Well, dependable flavor, the fact that it's a beer that tastes like beer, the fact that
Starting point is 00:40:21 when I'm having a Miller light, I don't have to think for one second about the beer that I'm drinking. And I know that it's only 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. It's my favorite beer. I believe in the product. You might be sick of hearing me talk about it, but I'll be talking about it till I'm old and grey. Because Miller light is with me wherever I go, no matter the season.
Starting point is 00:40:42 And especially the winter time. I love drinking Miller light during the winter, because when it's cold outside, I don't need to coosy for it. It says a perfect temp. It is the best beer and it pairs well with Playoff football. Miller Light, great taste, 96 calories. Go to slash Dan to find delivery options near you or you can pick up some Miller Light pretty much anywhere that they sell beer. Taste like Miller Time, celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces.

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