The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: I’ll Work Hard ‘Til The End of My Shift

Episode Date: August 1, 2023

Dan begins today's show with the announcement that his younger brother, David 'LEBO' Le Batard, passed away early this morning. As Dan arrives to the studio needing laughter through his grief and sorr...ow, Stugotz, Greg Cote, and the Shipping Container are here to make that happen. The crew dives into Stugotz's flirtations with WFAN, Damian Lillard trade talk, why we're seeing Messi everywhere in Miami, the 'Bounce vs. Sway' when rocking a baby to sleep, Jimmy Butler's fame in China, and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Dunluba Tarshall with the StugatSpotCas. The original crew today on a Greg Cody Tuesday My wife loving angel that she is does not think I should be here today Just a got you need to turn off something that's echoing on your microphone. There is an echo. I'm not certain I should just start pushing buttons here That's it. Yeah, let me see if I can fix it alone Well, yeah, let me see if I can fix it. Hold on. It's nice to have you here.
Starting point is 00:00:48 It is nice to see you. You too. As I was saying, my wife doesn't think I should be here. We will see if I can get through today's show. We'll see if I can get through this segment. I told her I needed the laughter. I badly needed the laughter. We're off to a great start.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Well, this is not comforting news that I'm about to share and I understand that my energy is down and I want to apologize to the audience for being in and out of here physically over the last couple of weeks. And I want to apologize to you guys and the audience for being out of here emotionally for the last year, the hardest year of my life
Starting point is 00:01:31 that culminated with the hardest thing of my life at 2 a.m. this morning. My little brother, My only sibling, you know, my closest family member in a very small family that's very close responsible for all the art around night at 2am, I don't have a lot of experience with grief, but I have been grieving him for a year because when he was diagnosed more than a year ago, he's been steadily deteriorating since, and it's been, you know, brutally, brutally hard to watch a poison eat him up from the inside and one of the biggest spirits. spirits. I've ever seen consumed by illness. I will say that Jason Isbel wrote one of the greatest love songs I've ever heard about vampires. I've been, I've jujured put it on the pole, can one of the greatest love songs be able to do it. But I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I'm going to be able to do it. I'm going to be able to do it. until the end of my shift. And the hospital and the sickness, and basically I've worn one of those X-ray-letted vests for a year just draped on me walking around with something I never imagined that I would encounter. I was preparing for the death of my parents. So to have my father whispered to my brother last night, we'll see you soon. It was a special kind of heartbreaking because
Starting point is 00:03:54 I was just, this is inconceivable to me. It's something that I had never considered possible. But what I will tell everyone listening here, when you put a clock on it, because you hear all the time right about these things, changing people and changing life perspectives, when you put a clock on it, and you value the moment you get, because you don't know how many you're going to get in a way that's uncommonly present. What you get is the gift of gratitude that I have is for the last year I have spent because it wasn't a sudden, sudden, you know, a thudding finality of a car accident. I've spent the last year saying all
Starting point is 00:04:49 the things, getting a chance to appreciate him and say, goodbye and ask for forgiveness for the family stuff and pour out my heart to him. And I will tell you that there was grace and freedom at two o'clock in the morning. As I'm watching the monitors show the numbers going down to be in his ear, like physically mouth to his ear, telling him that it was okay to go. That he was safe. That he didn't have a reason to be scared.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And to see him stop suffering and to see him peaceful. I made the horror of that was a seismic and great beauty that I'll forever be grateful for and so I'm thankful to be able to do this show with you guys. In general, I'm thankful to be able to do this show for the people who listen to it. And I just want you to know to the degree that this show or me haven't been myself for more than a year, it's because I've been hiding in the pain of this and it's a hard way to do this. So I will try to do this with you guys today
Starting point is 00:06:37 and I will appreciate the laughter. It was thrilled when I came in and Greg Cody said, hey, first back in my day since May today. It's a Tuesday. Tuesday with the normal hosts. So yeah, regular show. That's what he does. We've got Brad Williams and Lucy in the other room. And we'll bring them in in a moment.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Should be easy to onboard them. Yeah. Yeah. Are they still here? They are still here. Billy, Billy's got to. Billy Lucy left. Working back, Billy.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Yeah, Lucy's gone. For good. For good, right? I snow on your loose. It was nice to come in today and see us to got to 840 smoking a heater in the parking lot and saying hey Sorry about the way I parked as I couldn't get out of my car because my parking space terrible job I had a foot on the other side and the squeeze in I felt terrible
Starting point is 00:07:35 I mean why didn't you just move the car? I offered to move the car. I did I did offer to move the car Did I not I was already part I know I saw something for the very already part. I know. I saw something for the very first time. I saw a bucket, right? Outside of the studio door, where a whole bunch of cigarettes was on. Just a dance bucket, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:53 Overflowing with cigarettes. This is like the shittiest way to copy the ending of Titanic. When Rose finally goes back to the boat and everyone's smiling and welcoming her, it just stews guys with a bad-barking job smoking me. Well, but it's just, it's surprising you with, hey, I did my job today. I regretted my decision as soon as I tried to bark and couldn't get out of my cock. Like I saw, I saw it's the God's first of all, I thought to myself, why is it he in
Starting point is 00:08:20 the meeting like talking about whatever things have to be discussed because I might not be here today? Nope, he's just outside smoking cigarettes. Are you preparing for your New York appearance? Like did you guys talk at all yesterday about him going and doing WFAN at the end of this week? So Mad Dog was on yesterday and Stugots was like in a very coy way asking Mad Dog if he needs to do prep for the show on Thursday and Friday, which was wild. Yeah. I felt like doggy was like, ah, it's all good. Just let it fly. Have some fun with Gio. Are you? Okay. So you're hosting a local New York show. Are you watching any New York
Starting point is 00:08:56 sports? Like are you watching any Yankees or Meds games this week? Like are you following the jets? That's why would I be watching them? Because the jets don't play until Thursday. You're posting a local sports show in New York on a station that you want to work for. Yeah, to Billy's point, you're back to work for. It's been spoiled by this show. You actually have to prepare in that market. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I do think we should stop the show briefly and acknowledge what just happened back in my days back. Yeah. Yeah. I think I speak for everyone that kind of rocked our world a little bit and I didn't know. I mean, obviously a new stuff was going on. I didn't know until that very moment. But we're all pretty shell shocked that the league
Starting point is 00:09:40 would issue that memo about Damien Lillard. It's pretty unprecedented. Ridiculous, man. It's honestly something that we've never seen before. To be able to sit in front of these microphones and have to do a show under the weight of that, is pretty unfair. Can't work on these conditions, Dan. I'm sorry. That memo was it not just basically don't do that anymore but you've already done it and therefore when Hardin's actively doing it we're going to make a big show of we don't love that
Starting point is 00:10:13 the players have this much power to control this stuff you'll be disciplined next time even though you've already done it it seems like something that's very silly and both Lillard and his agent would be like, okay, we won't say it anymore. We've already said it. If you'd want us to stop doing that because it's a bad look for your league, even though I don't think it's a bad look for your league to have the news stream for two months covered by the transaction or the possibility of the transaction or your team might get the guy. I do wonder if the memo would have been differently, different if he had
Starting point is 00:10:50 offered five trade locations, whether they would have said anything to him. Because that way you just keep everybody in the game and all you're doing is advertising all summer, the time that basketball doesn't get it's advertising. I will say that I had a smile on my face next to my brother's deathbed because... That's a sentence. I was sent, wait till you hear what I'm about to read to you. This could go anywhere. At this point, how that started.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I don't know who Gianatti is, but Gianatti is being quoted on Stugatz and WFAN saying the following. Gio. Quote, that Stugatz is always sniffing around here when things are open. The day the newspaper article came out with Craig Carton leaving, I got a text message from Stugatz asking if I was close with Chris Oliveira. Who is that? The guy who runs WFA. Stugat also said,
Starting point is 00:11:53 this GIO has got a motor mouth. I mean Jesus. Stugat also said, this is in the quote, to GIO, because they cut a big deal over there with metal arc media and he's making a lot of money. Yeah. That he would have worked here for free. That's not exactly what I said. He's taking it way too far. I mean, he's also quoted and saying you've been begging to work there.
Starting point is 00:12:16 That's not true, either. Exactly. What is true because you told us yesterday? I've been a great employee. I mean, you're the guy abusing the metal arc vacation policy enough. I mean, Jason Isbel wrote a song about Rick Patino, huh? I did read I read that. I'm like, wait a minute. He's gonna work in New York for free and not work for us for money. Don't lebertard. Cody decides to give his opinions on things. Right when we're
Starting point is 00:12:42 coming back, he started yammering about don't you hate the phrase controlling your own destiny destiny can't be controlled right an oxymoron stugots I fully thought you were to go in with tape the oxy out of it that's what you are I did't say I love you back. You're mad at me. Put it on the polkae, Airemo. Does Stugat throw what I love you? It's only to get I love you, Pat. Greg, I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Okay, feel better now. This is the Don Limita show with a Stugat. We're presented by Draft King Sportsbook, one of America's top-rated sportsbook apps. Draft King's has all kinds of ways to get in on the action, including seeing game parlay's props, live betting, and so much more. You just go down when you sign up on a Draft King Sportsbook app to check it out. Something that does not get talked about enough when people talk about the magic of Pat Riley recruitment.
Starting point is 00:13:43 This is from Sports Taxman on Twitter so you can imagine what this is about. Do you know how much Damian Lillard saves in taxes by coming to Miami? Do you want to take a guess? $10 million. $20 million? $21 million is what he ends up saving good job. But I was high there. Look, I know you've done it. Yeah, I just said it all out of me. Yeah, I don't believe him.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I was going on an origin, I mean. My guess was better for your story, better for your punchline. You got a guess low. Stugans has never gotten any good at life. That's a good question. Astronomically high. That's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:24 He usually savortages my ability to do that correctly by guessing so high as to make it my, he steals my punchline. This is what you're getting, Gio, when he gets to New York unprepared. Can I ask a question about this New York thing because I've seen conflicting reports? A lot of questions, man. Yes, so you told us yesterday that you originally agreed to Monday, Thursday, and Friday. I did not say that. I said I was asked to do Monday, Thursday, and Friday. I agreed to do Thursday, and Friday. Well, it's interesting you say that because what I saw was that you had agreed to
Starting point is 00:14:55 do Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and then bailed on Monday and put them in a bad spot. That's not true at all. I didn't put them in a bad spot. He asked me late last week. I said, I don't think I could do Monday. I could do Thursday and Friday, came back an hour later after thinking about it and said, I'm not doing Monday. Why do you play that game? I have the text here, Billy. Why?
Starting point is 00:15:14 We always play that game. Why are we saying that? I'll let you listen to the text. No, when you know the answer. Let's see the text. I have the text here. I would like to have access and say, you know, all your texts. Listen, I'm going to hand it over to you comfortably because I know what it did.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I mean, and that's when you know I'm not lying. Look, I'm all scurled up. I'll scurled up because when you say he asked you, I'm sure if I go back and I just scurled up maybe two inches, I'll see a whole bunch of you asking him. I've had it. Will you shave for this appearance? We'll see.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You're pressing a lot of buttons there. Is he deleting stuff? I don't know. I'm not doing anything. I'm just getting it right. I'm getting it right there for my- I don't know. I'm not doing anything. I'm just getting it right I'm getting it right there for my I'm updating the software See if I could find Would you like to update now yep start on Thursday go ahead Mike tell the truth start on Thursday Give me your phone Mike. I like to scroll through that
Starting point is 00:16:10 He updates the software Erase all the lies he gave once the app that just erases all the lies at which point Mike will try to read his text And there won't be any there All evaporate because everything he sends into the atmosphere is an untruth. I'm scrolling way up. You can scroll up, I don't care. I see a lot of long texts on that chain.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Well, yesterday I asked him if he was interested in certain guests, so that was probably the longest. Who's your crush, guys? I didn't promise him anyone. I just, yeah, go like Greg Cody has a back in my day ready. I am very excited to hear that we will get to these texts in a moment. I wanted to ask the shipping container and by the way the audience vetoed mission control. They said you guys can not be promoted to mission control. You have to You have to stage that mission control sounds too competent and and not scared enough I mean we haven't been to the moon like 60 years how competent are they over there?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Put it up on the pole judo how competent are they over there those people who try to go to the moon? Damn, was it your idea for suatsu originally go host on WFA? No, Mike. Yeah, because I'm going back to the original sin January 15th, 2021. One of the fun things me and Dan discusses how great it would be if I could. Oh, it's the first day, Mike. I mean, Jesus. I haven't told the license Thursday.
Starting point is 00:17:42 He's only doing what you wanted from these texts that I'm reading right now. It's all your idea. This is what Dan's happy for me. He knows like it means something to me. I'm not taking anyone's job. I'm going up there for a couple of days. Having some fun. Gonna spread some stugots all over WFAN.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And if they offer me a job across that bridge once we get to it. I mean, but Dan's happy. He knows it means something to me. I'm filling it for boomer. You and I would have a blast, buddy. Come on. Let's do this. Let's spread some su guys all over F a and sounds like STD. You're right. Put it, uh, how, how, go ahead and read the first, the original, the, the ground zero of, uh, first text over there that, uh, because, uh, Gio has claimed that Stugots has begged. This is publicly, I don't know Gio, I've not talked to Gio,
Starting point is 00:18:29 but Gio is quoted as saying Stugots has been begging to be on WFAN for a long time. Some of these text messages are kind of cute. You would not know it by his general care for the job, but he's actually proud of the stuff that he's done here. Yeah, he's like, we're about to do some cool stuff with accomplished stuff, not to brag too much, but we're about to do some big stuff. It's actually pretty
Starting point is 00:18:46 cool to see the history of metal arc through his prism. It's called a pitch bike. Have you guys, I want to ask Cody, this is someone who has covered soccer locally since the Fort Lauderdale strikers. Have any of you here seen at any point, our city wallpapered by an athlete, the way messy, is on every bus and every bus stop. I'm assuming that's a deedus. I don't think that's inner Miami. I think that's a deedus that's doing that. But if you guys ever seen an athlete in this town, it's been painted pink by everywhere
Starting point is 00:19:23 I look, messy's face is somewhere and it's an extraordinary cost to paint our city that way. When LeBron God here was there a similar vibe? Not like this, there were murals, there were some murals, but it wasn't what I'm presently seeing. Like, I don't know if you guys can remember an athlete arriving because to me it feels almost like I'm driving around and feels like Argentina in some of the places where I'm like, this is an overwhelming amount of,
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm seeing this dude's face everywhere from one day to the next. And it isn't just buses and billboards. It's walls of buildings, like murals of him on walls that are, you know, 50 feet tall. I mean, it's incredible. It's Apple, it's Adidas, it's Emma Lass. I think very little of it is actually coming out of Inter Miami's marketing budget. You're talking about some of the biggest most powerful
Starting point is 00:20:14 brands on the planet seizing on an opportunity. And so far, it's working out for all the brands involved. When you sign him, though, when you get him, part of what you're getting is free marketing. I mean, it's messy. Well, with endorsements. There are a couple of local establishments getting free marketing. I have enjoyed Photoshopping, Lionel Messi,
Starting point is 00:20:34 running with wings in his hand. I told you that at the hard rock. Is it chicken sandwich, the messy chicken sandwich? That's sandwich. So that is, he cooks it for you and he serves it to you. That is actually one of the few legitimate endorsement deals when it comes to messy, hawking food. And from what I understand,
Starting point is 00:20:51 that one campaign has received billions upon billions of impressions. I don't know how to anymore do calculations on ratings. So what I'm about to say to you that I'm just taking off the internet, I have no way of quantifying and I don't know if it's true. So you guys, please help me decipher what I'm about to read to you
Starting point is 00:21:15 because his unveiling was said to have done, and again, I'm saying said to have done because a lot of people lie to you now with the ratings you can't almost trust anybody who's releasing information because it's so hard to measure. But his unveiling viewed globally was said to have had 3.5 billion streams. The super bowl's 115 million. How is that possible? Can that number possibly be right?
Starting point is 00:21:46 Impression. So it takes into account people watching it repeatedly. Right. YouTube. I think that was a you. But still the number again, I'm going to say that again, 3.5 billion versus the super bulls 115, 150, whatever million. I'm guessing it's not apples to apples because of just video streaming versus an exclusive rights broadcast on network television. So the math is different. But to put in that context without any ability to quantify the numbers, saying messy is unveiling, is that much larger than the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, you haven't been living under a rock. You know this guy's the biggest thing on the planet, right? I know, but the Super Bowl is not small. Yeah, but it's so distinctly American. Yeah, but as you pointed out, also, a lot of people, they're streaming stuff put into that number and a lot of people just watch the Super Bowl on TV, and that's it, you know? That's the big difference for me between what's happening with Messi and what happened in 2010 when LeBron came here, is that one is a huge story in America, and one is a huge
Starting point is 00:22:58 story worldwide. I don't think there's a burrow on this entire planet where messy Isn't being talked about in some form because soccer has a reach unlike American football a hundredfold Billy who is a new father once again Congratulations on that I asked him on the way in after walking past all of Stugat's cigarettes and cigarette, but how's fatherhood treating you? And he said chaotic and that he thought about watching last night. I did.
Starting point is 00:23:36 The woman's world cup at 3 a.m. I did think about it. I was up. So I said, you know what, we're going to talk about this. I'm up. Why not put it on? And then I realized that's probably not the best remedy for sleeveless children is turning on the television
Starting point is 00:23:51 with lots of bright lights and noise and all that. So then I just quickly checked my phone, and I saw it zero zero, and I'm like, I'm good. Like, I don't need, I'm fine. I don't need to do that. Well, your analysis to me was not only did I not see it, I didn't miss anything. It was zero zero, and as far as I can tell I can tell what has happened well I can tell you what I
Starting point is 00:24:08 saw it then you want me to tell you please straight from the horses mouth over here good this is what I rather not paraphrase yeah I would rather you say you're well I get up and it's like three in the morning and I'm there changing diapers trying to calm down children make them go back to sleep talk of a bed do all this stuff there's this big world cup game do or die elimination game so as so we were told. So I think this is a big thing, the US has to win this game,
Starting point is 00:24:29 this everyone in the world will be watched, forget the messy numbers, everyone's gonna be watching this, even though it's three in the morning, you know, maybe if you wanna grow soccer in America, don't have games with three in the morning, but that's a story for another game. They are trying to grow.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I'll sell it in a short time, just saying. For a soccer in America, don't put the games on a three in the morning when they're impossible. You guys would have enjoyed Stugats. A program to me. You guys would have so enjoyed Stugats and Cody talking right before the show started.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Both of them agreeing, why isn't every time zone on my time zone? Great question. Both of them were just saying, why is it not 928 in the morning everywhere right now? But no one has a good answer. Like why is it not 928 in the morning, everywhere right now? But no one has a good answer. Like why is it not 929? No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Everywhere on the black market. Because it's black right now. They're in an ultimate East Coast bias. They're our time zone. That's a good answer. Time zones, I can explain it to you. You will stop. You will drift off and not listen to the explanation, but please, Billy, so that I don't
Starting point is 00:25:22 paraphrase you. Well, so then I start, I go to my phone and I see it's zero, zero, nil, nil, something people call it. And I'm like, I didn't, you know, didn't, didn't seem like I missed much. So then I start seeing, well, what's the buzz? What are people talking about this game? Then I saw someone call the man of the match, the post, because as Paul hit the post, Portugal hit the post,
Starting point is 00:25:39 and then if it would have gone in, I guess the US would have been eliminated. And then all the commentators were just complaining about the team USA dancing and celebrating after this nil nil nothing. And then everyone just got angry at the US. Yeah, everything. Don Lebertard, many of you, by the way, are writing in and you're saying, Dan, quit being so mean to co-hosts that you always deem incompetent.
Starting point is 00:26:04 That's the formula, man. Me being mean to the cohost is what allows two gods to take a very wealthy vacation right now. Still gots. It's a winning position for everyone, but me. Have you guys not figured this out yet? That's the whole thing is me being rotten straight, man, as everyone else gets to be incompetent than I yell at them for being incompetent. And here's the miracle of it. And the magic elixir, bad, which is the only thing Greg Cody can be, becomes good and lovable. And it's because standing next to obnoxious strident me makes everyone look that way.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. And the brush with death helped. Yeah. That was planned by me. The whole thing was contrived. This is the Dunlebahtar Show with the Stugats! Presented by DraftKings Sportsbook, one of America's top rated sportsbook apps. DraftKings has all kinds of ways to get in on the action, including same game parles, props, live bedding, and so much more. Use code Dan when you sign up on the Draft King Sports Book app to check it out.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So Billy's talking about putting babies back to sleep late at night. It's a, no one wants to be there. It's a tough spot to be in as a parent. What's your method, Billy? Are you a little bouncer? You get him on the shoulder, a little bounce. What's like, if you could stand up,
Starting point is 00:27:18 maybe give us a little walk through exactly the... You're gonna stay in the open. I said there's two methods to this. There's a bounce and then there's a sway. So you can be a side to side guy, and sway the baby back to sleep. We have a room full of expertise. Or it's a bounce.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I'm more of a bouncer. Have you guys ever put the baby in the car? Because. Oh, the car is money. Yeah, Rachel really liked motion. It would always put her to sleep, and so that was our trick when she was growing up. You would just drive around with the baby in the car as opposed to?
Starting point is 00:27:45 That's a popular move. No, we just lock her in the car. It's very quiet. We've got a room full of experts back there. Greg Cody and Stu Godzer, two old to remember what it was like to rock a baby. Roy's a bounce there. I can see it. Yeah, had on the shoulder and bouncing the round, walking around the entire house. Yeah. Oh on the shoulder bouncing the round walking around the entire house
Starting point is 00:28:06 Yeah, oh the whole house yeah different rooms. I like to stay in one room because you don't want to doors are loud Do you sing do you hum? Do you have a go-to song? Yeah, I was a big a Barney. I love you No, what the baby's going shut up already Billy what is your method since you weren't willing to and yes Chris code is forcing you something and you just to completely sabotaged what he was doing well No, I was asking if he wants me to like physically shot. I was looking around There's something that I can grab or to sell it show me how to do it. So I'm so not with me. No Well the thing is, Dan, my life's wrapped around his body.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It would be great if he was so good at it that he picked you up, Andrew immediately. I could put Chris asleep. I could put Chris asleep if I had to. I do a little humming, too. Do you guys do a humming? Sometimes there's the love by people sing songs. So you don't want to go full lyric.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Are you not confident? Are you insecure to sing in front of your child? It's not the singing. It's that I'm also not like I'm not humming tunes of songs that you would normally sing to a baseball tonight. I was actually doing it in Rikaeglis to send Henta the Sonas song and I just go Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I just don't sing any other kind of song except send you a song. The thing about two kids that I'm learning is that like before we as parents had the advantage and now we don't have the advantage anymore. We still play in man defense though. No. Two people like to say to parents.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Not two parents. No, because man, one more in your playing zone. They have so much more energy than I do. So like they have the upper hand in every situation. Like they're in charge and I just have to kind of trick them into doing what I want them to do at this point. And one of them is like three weeks old, which is crazy, but it's already outsmarting me.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Ha ha ha. Mike, are you a bouncer? Are you a swayer? Are you a singer? Are you a rocker? Oh, yeah. I'm a rocker, I believe. But two different directions.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I get in the rocking chair in Iraq. So you're getting all in. That's the move. You need to have multiple motions at the same time. So you can kind of do this, but also do something like that. I get like leg rounds. Like yeah, it's like a whole thing. It's just a bounce guys. You guys are over complicating it. It's just a bounce. Juju put it on the pole please and give me what the choices are here at Lebitard show. How do you rock a baby? Best way to rock a baby to sleep.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Put them in the car by themselves. Yep. Lock the doors. Bouncer, swear, rocker, or like a combo. Singer. Central songs. Central, central, central, central, or baseball tonight theme.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Or the baseball tonight theme. Yes. You have it. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:12 That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit.
Starting point is 00:31:20 That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. That's a little bit. Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba Boba sing in your sing sing. Can you guys get up on the screen for me because Cody evidently did not see this. Jimmy Butler in China, Cody, you have not seen any of the footage from China. I have talked before I imagine the audience at large is with me on the idea of nobody has had the star turn in basketball without winning a championship that Jimmy Butler has had in his 30s. This is a stardom story that doesn't have a precedent. And as people were awed by the size of the crowds for Jimmy and China, I don't know if people
Starting point is 00:32:35 had the thought I did. I wonder how many had the thought I did, which is, yeah, it's communism. Those people don't have freedom. Young people in China, I think the unemployment rate is over 20%. Those crowds may indeed all be there because Jimmy Butler is that famous in China, or they may be there because that's the way China would prefer all of that look when there is star power in China.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And I understand the NBA has done a great job of growing over there globally, but to just see Jimmy Butler not play, to see Jimmy Butler wave, I'm skeptical basically of any video that comes out of a communist country always. When I see video, I'm like, what's orchestrated there?
Starting point is 00:33:19 Those people aren't free. Those are not free people. It should be noted that Jimmy is the face of leaning and his current footwear deal is the same company that did Wade signature deal. So as big as Jimmy is over here, he is quite literally the face of an entire brand over there. So it makes sense, he's actually bigger over there
Starting point is 00:33:39 than he's here. We're looking at a propaganda video, quite frankly, for the Chinese government. I mean, it suits them to to have adulation uh... on an athlete who sells their sneakers you know i mean i mean i guarantee you the government arranged
Starting point is 00:33:56 for a crowd that impressive to be there i don't know i don't know i just am telling the audience that whenever i see video, I'm instantaneously skeptical. What Mike is saying is true. I know Jimmy Butler is very popular over there. I'm just saying that anything that comes from a communist country, almost immediately, I assume propaganda and then work my way back from there.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I mean, I think it's, you're safe to assume that, but those don't look like plants to me. you're safe to assume that but those don't look like plants to me those did they have time and time again had massive crowds for mba superstars go there during the offseason it looks like an absolute circus well basketball arguably is the is the most popular sport in china uh... more so than than soccer and and jimmy but was a star but i think the fascination with american athletes and with the NBA is such that a much lesser star Then Jimmy Butler can go over there and with a shoe deal and and draw a damn impressive crowd
Starting point is 00:34:54 And part of that is that you have so many Hundreds of millions of people in China that you know, you can draw a crowd for just about anything I would imagine so you're saying anyone could do it it I think I'm Cody Zellor could go I think the great Cody show could draw crowd like that would good yeah I think we could go there we could do an episode from there and draw this country they got 20 they got 20,000 plus a drive pink stadium to watch Messi come out during a rainstorm and hold up a pink shirt right the crowds were much smaller for Duncan Robinson got my dad that kind of thing yeah you never know for Duncan Robinson. I got my dad, that kind of thing. Yeah, you never know.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Okay. Oh my catchphrases will be said in Chinese from now on. And you know it. How do you say, and you know it in Chinese? Don't try. I think it's Mandarin also. Is it? Okay. Go sit in the penalty box.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Oh, Mandarin, Chinese. Go, go, not, yeah, don't make it worse. Go, Mandarin. I meant Mandarin. It's about to be a five minute major. Just go sit the pattern. I love a Mandarin orange, by the way. We're really juicy.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Easy to peel as well. Yeah. That's the original cutie, the Mandarin orange. Top five orange. Let's put that on the pole. Is the Mandarin orange the original cutie? Little sweeter too, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:00 You can peel it in the heartbeat. No seeds either, it's amazing. Right, no, it's great. I guess Natalie would. Can almost eat it in one bite. I'm tangerine, smaller than a tennis ball in the heart, babe. No seeds either. It's amazing. Right. No, it's great. I guess Natalie would. Can almost eat it in one bite. I'm tangerine. Smaller than a tennis ball. One bite.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah. Can I break them up in the little, you break it? I would love to see you try. You break the little piece. Can you eat a mandarin orange in one bite? Who eats an orange? You eat like an apple?
Starting point is 00:36:15 Give me a mandarin orange right now. Taylor, go get a mandarin orange, and we will see if Greg Cody can eat it in a question. He said almost a bite. In one, no, we're gonna, I know. Now we've got to all see it could you chill it though because if it's if it's got a little refrigeration I'm with you want to call the judge yeah I will ask you again to leave please Two minute but who's gonna eat the oranges? Oh, yeah, the orange I promise you given the efficiencies of metal art media will not be here in the next two minutes. Oh, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I know a lot of people's stugots have been talking about the running back situation in the NFL. I did enjoy Chris Cody becoming the face of Get Your Ass out there and work at a game for a better picture. Not a flattering picture we put out there. God, do I hate that picture? Terrible. But for all of the conversations about, hey,
Starting point is 00:37:06 the running backs are being paid less than the kickers that doesn't seem terribly fair. I think the greatest example I have for you of a holy shit this running back situation is really screwed up. Dalvin Cook is available, but not only is Dalvin Cook available, I would have imagined any time people would want Dalvin Cook. He's one of the best athletes I've ever seen out of Florida state. He's in the top five, but like Deon Sanders and Jalen Ramsey, Peter Warwick. The thing that I think is happening there that is emblematic of the running back payment structures really screwed up is everyone in the AFC East is Interested in him and his prices and going up right that never happens like you've got you know
Starting point is 00:37:53 What do you mean no leverage? Oh? What do you mean everybody in the same division wants him? He's meaning with all of them but below the Jets New England England, and the Dolphins. And I'm assuming that all these other visits are just to make the Dolphin offer go up because he wants to be in Miami. But the offer doesn't go up. And I'm like, Daven Cook's available. The entire AFC East wants him. Why can't he get more money? It's Daven Cook. He's pretty good. It's Dalvin Cook. He's pretty good. Over the hill.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I mean, he's a guy who had 1100 yards, eight touchdowns. I mean, he started every game last year. I can't answer that question for you. But that's why the running backs are in such a terrible, terrible spot here. Because you don't have the leverage to get your, you have leverage, but you don't have the leverage that you want, which allows you to get more money merely by flirting with the jets.
Starting point is 00:38:47 He also had off-field stuff. It's pretty murky. When has that ever stopped football teams? When they're trying to negotiate a price, if someone's on an open market. When it's a running back, that's true. The murky stuff doesn't keep them from welcoming him into the building and interviewing him It's when he asks for a certain amount of money that are because of murky here It prevents them from paying 50 million dollars. It's the last murky cheaper than it is expensive

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