The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Local Hour: Mankind

Episode Date: October 24, 2023

Billy dresses as Mankind to fulfill a punishment while Rece Davis is confused and here to talk college football. Greg is here on a Greg Cote Tuesday and trying his best not to blame the refs for the D...olphins loss in Philadelphia. Meanwhile, Billy is painted into a corner as the Kirk Cousins guy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 your listening to Giraffe King's network. All right, Dan is still out in LA. He is with the entire company. They are getting you ready. He is covering just so you know, the Lakers and Clippers as their seasons get underway. Dan is out there covering the scene for us. We appreciate it. We'll throw it to him.
Starting point is 00:00:28 It's just a couple of hours. Greg Cody is here. Billy is dressed up today. Billy, what are you doing? Paying off a creative death punishment, I'm dressed as mankind. Is that rule with an iron fist? This is a good look for you.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Things have to be taken seriously around here. Yeah, it's have to be paid. So here I am to pay. All right, you seem thrilled. I am, I mean, I'm having a nice day. Is it uncomfortable, I mean? It's not my wardrobe of choice, I would say, but I feel like it could look worse.
Starting point is 00:01:00 You actually look good with the hair. I feel like you should grow your hair out and look like that. You know, Jason, who works with us, has very long hair. I feel like you should grow your hair out and look like that You know Jason who works with us has very long hair I don't know if you guys have noticed because he always puts it up in a ponytail And I see him sometimes parking and he like lets his hair down and then he goes to put up in a ponytail Very nice luscious. I see him sometimes parking. What are you just watching people in the parking garage? I Park in a parking garage sometimes people part You and him have the same arrival time.
Starting point is 00:01:26 You have that with anyone at work where it's like me and this person just get to get here at the same time every day. Well, you two get here at the same time because you ride the train. Well, we haven't been actually. Good point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:35 The Orlando, they added an Orlando stop so it changed all the times. So I've actually not been brightlining the last few minutes. Wait, so you could brightline from down here to Orlando now? Yeah. How long does that take? Well, from here, I think it's like four, four and change from here, three and change from four Lauderdale, I believe, is roughly the time. We'll just keep moving past that shop billy. Just took them. It was a good
Starting point is 00:01:58 shot though. Is that their fault? They stay on the tracks, the trains. I mean, people get in the way what are you supposed to do? It's the people's fault Definitely. Yes, 100 per thousand percent. Yeah, they can't swear right of the way. Yeah It's never bright lines fault. They don't show it out behind bushes. It's a train track, right? Okay, they clearly those things go down a lot of a lot of bells and whistles. Yeah, a lot of a lot of those bells Yeah I reached Davis is going to join us in a couple of minutes here, the host of college game day. Greg was telling me a story earlier because I, we think Reese Davis is very handsome. He's a good looking guy. Um, and I was telling Greg that my wife
Starting point is 00:02:37 finds him to be very attractive. Uh, but Greg was telling me a story about his wife and Pat Riley. Oh my. Can you share that? Well, yeah, I mean... I put you in a bad spot. No, no, no. The silver fox. This is 10 or 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:02:52 So Pat Riley is like late middle age. He's just gorgeous. And he's walking in. We're at this event, this social event, which is a rarity for me. We're at this social event. My wife has never been directly in Pat Riley's company before. He walks into the room and she swooned like palpably, like and she doesn't, isn't prone to do that. Right. And the whole ride home, she could not stop talking about what a magnetic, good-looking man Pat Riley was to see up and up and close.
Starting point is 00:03:24 He is. Debitvin Air I might say. No doubt, right? That was happening yesterday with a bunch of people's wives in Nick Bosa, right? Yeah. Yes. Well, it happened with my wife and Reese Davis. Really? Yeah, we're watching college game day one day and Reese, you know, camera is coming across this screen and there's Reese Davis sitting right in the middle of all the action. And my wife says, hey, who's that?
Starting point is 00:03:45 And I know when my wife is asking, hey, who's that? She's really saying to me, that's a handsome guy. And it's a good looking set. So it could have been any of them. Reese, Reese, how do you feel about that? Sorry to make it uncomfortable for you. Yeah, it's not uncomfortable. I mean, it's just a David and some dude, guys, you know, so it just happened again. You know, no, I'm kidding. I know you're not. You want to see my wife's eyes roll. Let me walk into the bathroom and we're getting up and I look in the mirror and I go, wow! Happened again.
Starting point is 00:04:18 And she goes, what? And I go, I got better looking again. I mean, you want to talk about the ultimate, the ultimate eye role because she knows I'm full of it when I say that too. What is going on with the, like, Reese, you have a great office, you have all these jerseys. Why is Jay Billis behind your, I think it's your left shoulder there. Buck, man. Because, yeah, because I don't, I don't really collect memory of Bill yet.
Starting point is 00:04:44 So what I, what I do like to get, though, is when people are kind enough and gracious enough to share them, I like to get jerseys of people that I've worked with. So I've got Billus up here, I've got Mark May, Hubert Davis from North Carolina, Hubert Davis, Jersey has a prominent place in the house. I've got a Rod Gilmore, Stanford, Jersey.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I've got a Desmond Howard over there. Nice. So that's really, I'm not really a collector, but that's what I like to do. With Stanford Steve, give you a little mini fridge you can put in there. No, that's, yeah. I know I should get another because Gilmore played at Stanford.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I should get a Stanford 82, Jersey. I think he was number 82 when he played at Stanford. There gonna be at Salt Lake City this weekend, Utah and Oregon. Rasty, you get as excited now hosting that show, that wonderful, great show that we've all fallen in love with. Are you as excited this weekend as you were when you first started hosting the show? This do I am, man. I mean, maybe I'm just a nerd for the college football or something for the scene, for
Starting point is 00:05:50 the energy, but I always get the adrenaline going. And I'm usually singing the fight songs or doing OHI O last week and I'll be fired up for the mind of Utah student section. I mean, this is what I grew up with. You know, this is the sport that I loved the most from when I was a little kid. You know, so you could get to do this every week and just doesn't get old to me. So I'm, yeah, I don't dread it. I'm always excited for wherever we go.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And I'm looking forward to getting back to Utah. I don't have it framed, but when we were at Utah last time, they actually gave me a jersey too that has my name on it and the number from the first year that I hosted the show. We went the second year and they presented that to me, which was very nice. Reese, what have you made of the polarizing reaction to Pat McAfee and what his addition has been like to college game day? His addition has been great.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And it's given, you know, it's kind of funny because when you say gives energy, it's like we were all putting everybody to sleep before then. I hope that's not the case, but Pat is such a magnetic dude. And he's got such an innate feel for what resonates with the audience out there. And it's just been fantastic. He's an amazing teammate. It's you know, so I think that even people who you know will go wait a minute. Why is he on the show? I've been one one over I'll give you a perfect example. My wife's 85 year old
Starting point is 00:07:17 aunt. She didn't have any idea who Pat McAfee was when he joined the show. Right. And now I hope she still likes the fact that I'm on the show, but really what she wants to see is she wants to see Pat with the field goal kicker. Really? And she, and she, so she loves him. So he has, he's won over a lot of people who maybe weren't as familiar with him if they weren't inside. Obviously within his demographic, the reaction he gets from the college kids I've never seen before. I mean, you know, it's just it's really a fascinating thing. I'm delighted to have him on the show and hope that's the case for a really long time. Just remind Pat that Lee Corso is the star of that show. Okay, like I hope he knows.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Hey, it seems like he doesn't. You know what the thing is, Stu, is I think the one thing that shows Pats that I talked about that innate ability to connect with people. Yes. Pats does such a fantastic job with Lee, and being not only being respectful to him, but finding the right tone and doing the right thing. They had a thing early in the season on which they had different points of view. And Pat did a spectacular job of presenting his point of view, which was in direct contrast with how Lee felt about something without being disagreeable.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And it just showed, he's got a really remarkable sense for things, and he's worked his tail off to really get into the DNA in the fabric of college football because you know He like he buys only mission. He lean more NFL, you know during his show for a number of years So I mean he's been he's just been sensational and I think that I think that most people You know the one thing, you know, it's almost like it's almost like the I had to go biblical on you guys actually I really don't hate to you know the Luke the loop warm gets spewed out of the mouth, right? You're either, you're either hot or you're cold.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And so I think there's a lot to be said for that when people, uh, have the talent to generate the type of reaction to pat ducks. Reese, this latest controversy at Michigan, the, the sign stealing allegations, it, it has the feel of something that could really mushroom and and be serious what do you think well first of all sign stealing ragas you know is as old as competition i don't say that to the menace because it's it's it's in the rulebook and black and white and if michigan is found to have done everything that it certainly appears up to this point that they're
Starting point is 00:09:43 staffer uh, stallions did, then they cheated, and that's the end of it. You know, they gained an unfair advantage based on the rules, and they're going to have to be punished for it. The funny thing about it is that I don't think it will affect this year, because that would be record time for the NCAA, it would indicate something that quickly. I don't really see. I saw someone write yesterday that maybe the big catch and do something about it, but I don't really see that because that's sort of operating against your own interest if you rule them in eligible or something.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And then there's also a thought. Now, depending on how far it goes back, if you're doing it with Ohio State, which according to Pete Thammell's really in depth article yesterday, there are records of tons of tickets being bought and a number of stadiums by this person and transferred to someone else and some apparently according to the story I have videos for bailants of,
Starting point is 00:10:42 cell phones being pointed in that direction of the bench, you can gain a competitive advantage against your equals against your peers, but, you know, it sort of reminds me of what I had a history professor say about Watergate, he said, you know, Nixon could have been vacationing in the Bahamas for the entire 72 election and he would have won. He wasn't gonna lose, it was completely unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So, you know, if they were doing doing it the steel size from Rutgers, or even though Rutgers is having a good year in Indiana, then it's completely unnecessary. And you wonder why the operation was even undertaken. But when you start talking on a high state, Penn State, some of the others, and that's, that's you, it's all serious serious that's even more serious and you know I think you know probably at some point the question becomes is will the result be
Starting point is 00:11:33 that I don't know harboss suspended for the Raiders Broncos game next year or something I don't know done lebertard let's go to uh 80 go to uh 80. Boom. He was bow. Wow. I think Billy typed an eight instead of a beat. Five's a clear day. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Get out. Stugats. Number eight. He got three. He's Chris Carter on the line. He's seeing. VCC down. Limita show with his two got.
Starting point is 00:12:01 I have to ask you a quick off the wall question. It's good. Nothing to do with sports. Because you're a guy who grew up in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Now, I love that kind of music. And when I talk to, when I hear Muscle Shoals, I think soul music, what we used to call soul music, Aretha Franklin Wilson, everybody went through there. What was it like growing up for you?
Starting point is 00:12:21 How did that, the music aspect of Muscle Shoals, inform your childhood and your young adulthood? You know, I probably, Greg, I wish I had embraced it a little bit more, but it was just something that was normal. I mean, people would come to school and say, you know, I saw this artist or this group or whatever. And the other thing is, is one of my high school classmates and teammates is a man called Rodney Hall.
Starting point is 00:12:46 His father, and it sounds as if you've seen the documentary. So his father was Rick Hall, who founded Fane Studios, and Rodney actually runs the studios now. And they're still, you know, turning out great music, both on, you know, production level music, and also finding new artists and sending them to different places.
Starting point is 00:13:03 So it was something I wish that I'd really embraced more, but I think having Rodney as a friend and a classmate and it just being something that was normal with that with fame recording studios and muscle show sound, being in town. It was just sort of something that was accepted as kind of normal, but it was looking back on it. It was really cool. And I even learned a lot of things from the documentary a few years ago that I didn't know despite
Starting point is 00:13:27 it haven't grown up there. Rodney. Reese, I'm going to play a sound for you, okay? And I simply want to know what you were thinking when Desmond Howard did this on college game day. He's going to bring that, bring this energy. He's going to bring that, bring it in. What was that thinking? I was thinking after all of these years, the Washington quarterback is 24 years old.
Starting point is 00:13:54 He's on his second stop and you still don't know how to pronounce his last name. He's going to bring that Chris thinks that's the effect of Pat McAfee on the show. You agree? No, no. You guys know, you guys know our guys. They're all pretty strong-willed guys. Now, I think Pat's had a good influence in that he has sparked us in some ways to, you know, to be, you know, to say what we think and which we always should do. And I think we always have done. But I think that's just Desmond. I think that's just Desmond going from one there to be honest with you. I think everybody, everybody's pretty strong in their convictions on that show. I'm not sure. First wasn't letting you finish. He had to hit it again. Well, apparently, he apparently likes it.
Starting point is 00:14:50 The thing that, the thing that, I think, that when we reacted was Pat had a great line coming out of it. Pat said, that's it. Wow. I've been pronouncing his name wrong. I said, I said, I said, I said, no, you've got it right. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it Exactly what I'm saying. What? Nothing. What have we got going on here? Well, Billy explained yourself. So we do this thing called the bucket of death
Starting point is 00:15:31 recent and apparently from time to time, you have to wear punishments and costumes and such. And I have to pay off a punishment today. I'm mankind, the wrestler. Oh, OK. Are you a Halloween guy? Do you dress up for Halloween? No, I did not. The last time I did was someone back when I used to do the car racing show 100 years ago on ESPN
Starting point is 00:15:51 One of the sponsors sent me sent me one of those racing suits fire suits And so when I took my kids around to trick or treat I wore it and claimed that I was going as Ricky Bobby But I really it was only it was a I really, it was only, it was a half-hearted, it was a half-hearted effort at cost. race, I think you guys this Saturday should do it in Salt Lake City. You guys should dress as one another, right? Like you should come in as Pat McAfee, Pat should come in as you. Like, what do you think? Good idea? I can't, I'm not good enough shape to pull off the tank top. I need to get I need to get a little
Starting point is 00:16:26 more jack before I can do that. Maybe I can I can you know I can maybe dress as Herb Street or something because there wouldn't be that much different. I just have to you know I just have to go blonde there something. What's been the most interesting story for you in college football this season? I think the one that we're going through right now with Michigan, which has been the most dominant team and most consistently dominant team. Yet they've played no one who can, I'll put it this way, no one who can fog an elite mirror and play in our UNLVs. Had a good season, records had a good season,
Starting point is 00:16:58 but they haven't played anybody that's close to their level, but they have been consistently dominant. And now you have this side stealing thing coming around. I think beyond that, it's been the year of the near miss. We've had a number of games that came close to altering what will be the playoff picture, eliminating teams. If Oklahoma loses to UCF, if Texas takes a second loss, if you've said goodness of Washington loses,
Starting point is 00:17:27 there was on a state the other night, but none of it happened. So it's been sort of the year of the near miss, and now it's almost trending as if you're going to have, maybe with one interloper, some grouping of what's been the norm in the college football playoff. There, because if you had some combination of Georgia, Michigan, Ohio,
Starting point is 00:17:48 State, Alabama, LSU, Oklahoma, you know, and, you know, Washington's men before, Washington, Oregon, Oregon's men before, you're not getting all of this new blood that maybe a few weeks ago that we thought we were going to get to playoff. Now, Texas would be, if Texas makes it back for sure, and Washington would be like it. But all of those teams with the exception of Texas have been to the playoffs before. On the negative side, it's probably that Clemson hasn't bounced back and had another tough one down. Close to you guys, the other not.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Reese, for a couple of years now, people have wanted the expansion of the playoffs, and we're going to get it. Are you at all concerned that it's going to lead to average teams getting in? Just because of the fact that you're going to have so many teams in the playoff, once you expand to 12. It's my biggest concern about expansion, and I understand why people want it,
Starting point is 00:18:40 because we're conditioned to want the postseason, but just look at baseball. You don't have, I know you've got to win your class games, I'm not trying to diminish the teams that did advance, but you don't have the teams that were the best teams in the regular season. You know, 162 games, they prove they're the best and then boom, they're out because they don't play well in the series. But that's part and parcel of the way it goes. But in college football forever, we either had controversy about the champion which stoked a lot of interest or we had a very
Starting point is 00:19:09 small postseason, two teams, four teams and it was really really hard to get in and it put a premium on the regular season. So the price that we are going to pay as a sport is the loss of that all or nothing feel to games in the regular season, which no one else has. It's probably time to pay that price because the fans seem to want it, the enterprise, the industry, the business side of it probably demands it. So we is probably time to pay the price, but I don't think we should pretend that it comes at no cost.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Because what you said is exactly right. It won't be long until a three loss team gets an already four loss team or whatever it might be. And then you're going to start debating the merits of a three loss team from whatever is perceived to be the best league that particular year versus maybe a one loss team from a lesser league that's maybe outside what will be starting next year, the power for conferences. So there are a lot of changes that are going to come with this. We're going
Starting point is 00:20:11 to give up some of the things that make the sport different and make the regular season better than any other regular season in sports. But maybe, you know, maybe because of public demand and business concerns and all those things is probably time to move on and evolve. The good news is whatever we get, nobody gets more meaningful football. And so having a few more games in December and January that carry actual weight, that will be the good side of what we're losing on the front side during the regular season. You sound sad about this almost. Haha.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And no, I'm not. I'm not really sad because there, there just haven't been a lot of years in this 14-play-off era where you've had a major beat, maybe what, maybe two. Right. And so it's now you're just taking it on down the line. I'm not sad about it. I think it's exciting in a lot of ways.
Starting point is 00:21:07 But I do think, I go back to a couple of games since I've been on game day and really through the history of this board, but particularly 2019, we went to Tuscaloosa for LSU Alabama. Two of us coming off that injury, Joe Burrow was having that great year, which is, you know, on a rocket ship. And because they were in the same division, there was no real opportunity to rematch.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And that had an all or nothing feel in November and the intensity was crazed. You know, there have been several others like that. George's Tennessee, maybe not quite to that degree last year, but it was huge. And you don't find that anywhere else. And so that's going to go away. The flip side of it is, and I said this in the meeting this week, is that next year, if you played out what the bracket would look like at the moment for next year, Oregon would be in, but not safely at the moment. Still obviously would chance to win its conference championship.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And Utah would be on the outside looking in. So you would have a late October game in which there's a flip or an elimination coming way down the line. So that's, you know, there's some appeal to that for sure. And though there are a lot of those who counter what I say about the all or nothing field of the giant regular season games countering that okay, but there will be more games that matter at some point down the line too. Reese, this isn't so much a question but a statement and I'd like to get your reaction
Starting point is 00:22:39 to it. I love the idea of expansion because a multitude of teams like Miami, who know they're not gonna be top four, but who think maybe they sneak into 12, they're energized all of a sudden. The season feels different to a whole second level of second-tier teams that don't feel involved right now. Do you agree with that? I think it's fair.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, I think that's the fair sentiment about it is that, you know, you don't feel like your season's over. Like you don't feel like if you lose that big showdown game that you've got nothing to play for and, you know, you start thinking about next year and how much playing time am I getting? Am I going to stay here? Am I going to throw my transfer or whatever? You know, there's probably better opportunity to stay engaged and locked in. So, I do agree with that, and I do think that's the upside of the expansion of the playoff. I just think, my only point is not that we shouldn't be doing it.
Starting point is 00:23:35 My point is, let's not pretend it doesn't, that it comes at no cost. There is a cost, but it's one that I feel like there's probably time to pay. Ray, so you're going to be surprised if Alabama finds its way into the playoff this year. I am. Really? Yeah, it's, and I don't mean that disrespectfully today. I think they're tough, man. Somebody wrote it perfectly the other day, and I wish I had thought of it, is that they have somehow found the way to be the scrappy underdog,
Starting point is 00:24:05 yet still the juggernaut because of what they built. They're, you know, they've trailed in a bunch of games. Their quarterback is young and coming along very talented and sort of finding his way. Offensive Lyme was supposed to be a strength, it's not. So it's, I will be surprised, but I mean, they've really, they've really improved. They're not, they're not the same team they were when they played that second Saturday night against
Starting point is 00:24:29 Texas. They're much, much better. Lens to the minutes ago here, Reeves, has there been a celebrity guest picker that you've been in awe of? I don't really get in awe, but I'm not like that. But back in the day, I guess, was 2019 when Makanae came just, and he came again at the state's fair that she was not the guest picker, but he joined us on the show. He's got a sense, right? He's got a sense. He's got a great all-round presence
Starting point is 00:24:56 about it. I really, really, really enjoyed Ken Jong and Kigamaikon Michael Key. The guys who are professional comedian to then can come into that environment. The entertaining are are pretty impressive. All right. Check them out this weekend. Salt Lake City, Utah and Oregon College Game Day. The best show
Starting point is 00:25:18 anywhere in team on TV. Race we appreciate the time. Thank you, ma'am. Thanks, dude. Good to see you guys. Take care. All right. State Farm helps you score an affordable price when you button the home and auto insurance Race, we appreciate the time. Thank you, ma'am. Thanks, dude. Good to see you guys. Take care. All right. State Farm helps you score an affordable price when you bundle Home and Auto insurance with the personal price plan.
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Starting point is 00:25:51 the customer, availability, amount of discounts and savings, and eligibility vary by state. Don Lebertard! Listen, it could be Julius Randall's building. Have a look at that, Bemeca. Ars Julius. The Bemeca. Spugatz. Steve as Julius the mecca. Stugats Steve Martin was a prop comment.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You said that. I said it two seconds earlier than you. This is the down lebertar show with the stugats. All right, Greg Cody is in today. Thank you to restavis for joining us. Dana Lovsky can join us in just a little bit. We have some stuff to get to with Greg Cody. Do you have a back in my day done today? Unfortunately no, you know, Dan's not here
Starting point is 00:26:29 in the building, the acronym right here. That'll, oh, WDII, only when Dan is in. Thank you for remembering that. I should be offended by it. I mean, I know, but the worst part is that he has one, like he's written one, right? Or you least have the idea of it, we talked about it a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, it's certainly not, don't get me wrong, it's not an excuse not to do one. Right, it sounds like one. Huh? No, we may have one next week. I think Greg just knows to God, so when you're in, Greg has more to give than just a back in mind.
Starting point is 00:27:02 I don't wanna be pigeonholed this. He really knows me. He really knows me really knows me I Should be upset. I'm not upset. I should be but I'm not okay. Why should you be? I guess I shouldn't be great There's lots of things to talk about. What's up with that bracelet? Oh, I'm glad you asked This is a bracelet that I bought in Haiti a few years ago again I like to wear it occasionally when I remember too, frankly, because Haiti is going through a terrible time with gangs, violence, crime,
Starting point is 00:27:33 and it's overwhelming their police force, and I wish the US government or NATO or somebody would come in and save Haiti because the situation over there is just beyond horrible. I did not know that's where we were going to go with that. Yeah, well, yeah. It seemed like you guys worked that out. I honestly thought it was just like, I gave off Taylor Swift like, fun bracelet vibes.
Starting point is 00:27:53 So I thought maybe there was a fun story behind it, but that's it. I guess a good story. A serious story. It's a good job by Greg. I mean, there are neighbors. There are Caribbean neighbors. So let's help them. So you're supporting them?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Well, he's wearing a bracelet. Well, that's support. In case anyone asks. It's his guy to support Billy Kirk cousins, huh? Your guy. The Vikings are back. How about how about God bless football four for four on their Billy hit three for three. Juju gave you Osborne over catches. Nice. The money makers yesterday. That's what I'm saying. you guys just got to listen to us sometimes. If only you lived in a gambling state. We at that time if only I would be here today would have bet the farm buster on these farm. Yeah, but your dream of Kirk Cousins being a first ballot Hall of Famers alive I think. Which by the way I believe Hawks says that's an idiot take. Right. Yeah. Very hurtful. Craig been called him
Starting point is 00:28:43 a top 10 quarterback yesterday. I believe he's probably talking about present day, which isn't as impressive. The thing is the stucats, Billy transformation is happening so like frequently now was first like the same color shorts. Then it was like the hat and the sweater. Now what he's done is he's taken Mike Kirk Cousins' good take and is now completely flown by it saying he's a top, you know, whatever he's known.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Sure. First ballot Hall of Famer. He went up to you. Yes. Right. He put it in a place where you couldn't go any further. He's a first ballot Hall of Famer. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I didn't have that. Right. Billy did. Well, I mean, but it's an idiot take from Billy when I say he's a good quarterback. Now I went. Right. Wait. What?
Starting point is 00:29:22 No. No. Billy wins. No, still he gets it. You guys don't think he's going to be in the Hall of Fame at all. He will be in the Hall of Fame. I'm not certain he'll be a first ballot Hall of Fame. Well, his career's not done yet. There's still time to win some trophies, you know, some hardware. Yeah, I mean, if he wins a Super Bowl, that's the easiest entry point.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Thank you. Before last night, he was on a two and ten skid on Monday night football. Yeah, right. But a first ballot Hall of Famer. I mean, that's, that's reserved for the, the all-time great. Yeah, he. But a first ball at Hall of Famer. I mean, that's reserved for the all-time great. Yeah, he'll have the numbers. He'll have the stats. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:51 But there's a lot of. He already has better numbers than Troy Ackman. Thank you. You're welcome. And there's a lot of quarterbacks who had a lot of touchdowns, a lot of yards, Vinny Tessiverty comes to mind, not weird. Who never have a chance for the Hall of Fame.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I don't know if Cousins is a sure thing. Let me tell you something, Kurt Cousins. Better than Drew Breeze, I can do it. Oh, wow, really? Yep. Wow. He's taking the take even further, Tony. What you got?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Do you not think he's not better, you don't think he's better than Drew Breeze? No, I don't think he's better than Drew Breeze. What did Drew Breeze ever do? Please, he won one super bowl. He was an excellent quarterback for 15 years. Yeah. But I ain't.
Starting point is 00:30:30 What's Kirk? He's been a very good quarterback for the last seven. His career's not done yet. I agree. You know, on the writing of his career, but here's the problem that I've encountered. If I'm going to break the fourth wall and be honest here with everyone, the problem that I've encountered, if I'm gonna break the fourth wall and be honest here with everyone. The problem that I've encountered is, I will just say, I'll say things, right?
Starting point is 00:30:50 And when I say things seriously, they're ignored, largely ignored, laughed at, scoff, blah, blah, whatever, right? I feel that. And then I'll just say like a one throw away thing to keep things moving and then they get attached to me for the remainder of my life. Like Josh Allen? You see, we weren't even talking about Josh Allen. That has nothing to do with this conversation, but that gets brought up. Kirk Cousins often gets brought up. But you're saying that Josh Allen and your comment that he has a funny looking face was just a transition.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Stupid, stupid, stupid face. Yeah, that was a serious thing. You were just keeping it moving. That's right. I was trying to because we were caught in the mud that day and we were going back and forth in the exact same topic over and over again about the bills and I was like, how do we get this from point A to point B? You know what I mean? That's the thing. I often think of myself as a show conductor of sorts.
Starting point is 00:31:36 You know what I mean? I was trying to move things along, get from stop to stop. Conducting, huh? Exactly right. Keep the train on the track is Is what I'm known for. So that's what I'm trying to do sometimes. And at times when I'm trying to keep things moving,
Starting point is 00:31:49 people get distracted by the wrong things and they focus on those things. Like for example, the Jalen Hurtz thing, I didn't even say that on the air. I was trying to workshop something with Stugat's off air. But when you're workshopping something that's you're preparing to say it. No, not for me, I was trying to give him that.
Starting point is 00:32:07 I was trying to give him that take. I didn't want it. He gave it back to you. Wow. Then he said that I said something that I never said on the, is that how the sausage is made? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:16 And I'll show me that. I decide which ones I want for Billy, and I give the other ones back. I mean, it's a good take by Billy. It's not, and I didn't want it. I was trying to give it to you. But you can say that. good that he's going to have it whether he wants it or not. Exactly right. So now Andrew Hawkins thinks that you're a football idiot because you said first battle hall of fame or one trick point or a genius or Hawkins saying to himself right now,
Starting point is 00:32:35 wow, I was wrong. We need to listen. Guys, we can revisit this take in 15 years. Okay. All right. That's when we're back right here at 15 years. Let's wait and get. I don't know. Speak to any of you. 15 years. Really? It was a mean thing to say. I know. I'm sorry. I was an easy little hangover. I'm trying to look up first by the Hall of Famers so I can see how great this take of mine was. Uh, you're not going to like what you find, Billy. I'm sorry. Greg, what were your thoughts here? We discussed yesterday, whether or not we want to be that show that blames officiating for the dolphins losing to Philadelphia on Sunday night. I hate that you do. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:33:13 People go overboard. There were a couple of calls that were bad calls the the roughing the passer that probably shouldn't have been was certainly Arguable the pass interference call that was not called and involved a face mask grab clearly shown on a replay, that was an egregious missed call. But those things happened both ways. And unless you're implying that the referees had it in for the dolphins and intentionally made non-calls like that, then it's a moot argument.
Starting point is 00:33:44 The dolphins got out physical on both sides of the line offensive line play and defensive line. Now see I will push back right there. I rewatch the game yesterday on that cool NFL network thing where it's on where you can just watch an entire game in like 20 minutes. Yeah it's great. And the dolphins front seven I think played their best game yesterday. Granted think about who they're going against. They had they only got 17 points, the Eagles. They did not run the ball well in the dolphins.
Starting point is 00:34:08 The dolphins, long junior and Baker had their best games of the year. I think you saw Sealer and Wilkins make plays. Obviously, they didn't do enough to win. They were playing against the best offense line, but I think if you really forget about the results and just watch, I think the defense line in front seven had one of their better games yesterday.
Starting point is 00:34:25 That's arguable, but that's a fair point. Jalen Phillips back in the lineup really helped for sack on Lane Johnson since 2020. Yeah, no, you're right. That's a fair comment. It was crazy. It was the offensive line play and the lack of the usual running game that hurt.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And Mike McDaniel and two of both mentioned that in the post game. The idea that their identity right now is they have to establish the run and the play plays off that, the past plays off that and they were unable to do that. I think where they were hurt most on Sunday is where they were injured. The AJ Brown went off, they're missing their top two corners. We couldn't run the ball. We're missing three of our five offense alignment. I think with health, this can be,
Starting point is 00:35:08 I think with health, we know the dolphins can be in any game against anyone. They just got to be healthy at the right time. Funny you think of a running team as a power running team, right? But the dolphins are more of a finesse running team trying to get to the outsides, which is why it was so tough when they would run in that C gap, like Chris Collins would say, all of a sudden Hassan Reddix, theyan reddocks they're like hey guys I'm here and we're at 77 tackles.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah. And the injury to Devon a chance has really hurt them as well. He was closing in on CJ Stroud in the rookie of the year race before he was injured. I think the the game in Kansas City is going to be such engineer of his Interim. Right. Right. Or are in Kansas. I'm sorry. I mean, versus yesterday that Germany does not deserve such a great game. Can they get there? That's right. That's something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Because right now it seems to me that Philadelphia and Kansas City are way up here. And the dolphins are in a group with Baltimore, San Francisco, and a few other teams in that second tier. Yeah, absolutely. You have San Francisco going down to that second tier. I think it's like we're doing this thing. We're crushing the dolphins right now for being injured. The 49ers last night were missing Trent Williams, Debo Samuel.
Starting point is 00:36:18 I mean, I just think, yeah, like right now because of the result last night, we have to put the dolphins and the Niners. But I think with health, you can put the Niners and dolphins in that category. Obviously, we're dealing with a small sample size right now, so it's easy to say what you're saying, but I think that those teams are when healthy in that conversation. But that's the reason I love football more than any other sport. When you're playing 162 game season or an one game season It it feels like no one game really matters at all when you're playing a a Twelve or seventeen game season. They all matter. They all matter and everything takes on great weight
Starting point is 00:36:54 So yeah, you do rethink everything based on what happens Sunday or Monday, but Absolutely the dolphins are still a super bowl contender just as I thought they were before the season Hey chanys averagey twelve yards per car. It's insane. It's insane. He's as fast as Tyree Kyl. My dad found a third way to say his name a Chan. It's a Chan, I thought. First it was a chain. Right. And then he's like, I want it to be a Chan and you're through a flourish on it. A Chan. Okay. I wanted to be a train. That's what I would be great. Right. Let's have him on. Well, he's injured. So, I think I say at the end there. Let's have him on.
Starting point is 00:37:30 No, just ask him, just ask him the pronunciation of his name. That's what I'm talking about. Oh, wait, he's actually right here. Here you go, come on in.

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