The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Postgame Show: Stormy Daniels with Ricky Williams

Episode Date: September 25, 2024

The adult film star turned stand-up comic joins the Heisman Trophy winner turned our spiritual advisor, to compare the full-moon foundations of the presidential candidates, while Stugotz interrupts his Top 5 Athletes Who Connote a Storm on the Horizon. Then Stormy hangs around to talk about the ongoing toll of that night at the celebrity golf tournament 18 years ago, plus the four-and-a-half months of pain and resilience since she testified in Trump's hush-money trial... and why she's now barnstorming the country in an R.V. to get out the vote — and tell some jokes while she's at it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to DraftKings Network. not only satisfy your snack cravings for game day excitement, but they're also amplifying your football watching experience with a new daily fantasy sports game. Best of all, since Cheez-Its is made with 100% real cheese, the game is 100% free to play with a chance of winning real cash. Be sure to carefully select your favorite Cheez-It flavor to snack on.
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Starting point is 00:00:58 Look at Ricky Williams, how happy he is. He's always happy. If you want private readings, astrology readings with Ricky Williams, you go to and we're bringing in also another historical figure. Stormy Daniels is with us. She joins us from Tulsa. She's on a stand-up comedy tour. She has upcoming stops in Vegas on Friday, Palm Springs and Hollywood. Actually Vegas got canceled. Okay, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:23 What happened? Stormy, what happened to Vegas? It's not on Vegas. Vegas is fun. What happened to Vegas Stormy? Vegas was one of the ones that were giving us a little bit of a issue with venue security and it's a long drive to get there from Tulsa. I'm on my tour bus. So, but we did add St. Louis and some other dates.
Starting point is 00:01:43 All right. So you've got Palm Springs in Hollywood the weekend after Friday. You've got Denver, Indianapolis, and New York City. She's also got a voter registration effort at We'll get to that in a second. But she's a big fan of astrology. So we brought in our friend Ricky Williams. We haven't done this in a while, and we're going to do some astrological charts of the
Starting point is 00:02:03 candidates and get Stormy's thoughts. What are you smirking about Ricky? What is funny to you before we've gotten started here? No, that is cool. It has been a while but this is cool. It's gonna be a fun conversation so I'm just excited about it. Alright, what do you know Stormy about the chart of Donald J. Trump born June 14, 1946? We have an accurate time of birth, 1054 a.m. in Jamaica, Queens, and that's during a lunar eclipse. So there's going to be some probable insanity on this thing. Do you know anything about the astrological chart of Donald Trump storming? I actually do. So I have an astrologist, her name is
Starting point is 00:02:46 Stephanie Iris Weiss, she's a sex astrologist, but she contacted me for the first time years ago and I didn't know and she's like your chart is pretty wild when it's laid with Donald Trump's. First of all he's a Gemini and they're nuts. They have that personality thing going on. So his son, and I believe it's my Mars, they're like squared opposite of each other. So basically from the beginning, we are arch nemesis. I'm sure Ricky knows a lot more about this than even I do, but he's got an unusual star that's sometimes referred to as a demonic star in his chart.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Those are not my words. Those are the words of the astrologist. But yeah, it's we were supposed to like literally be battling heads from before we were even born, I guess. And I know that my little it's pretty it's, you know, goes against him pretty harsh too. But the other big one is that he has a, his Pluto, I think says he has a lot of childhood trauma and abandonment issues and he's, he doesn't like to be wrong. And I don't think we've ever heard anything more true than that. Right? All right. Well, we're going to get the expertise of Ricky Williams here in a second, but Ricky, have you heard of sex astrologist? I have not heard of a sex astrologist before. Yeah, I mean there's
Starting point is 00:04:08 astrologists for everything. Okay, so what do you see in Trump's chart that will add some context to what Stormy is saying there? Well, the idea of not liking to be wrong, you know, no one really likes to, but I think it's more in Trump there's a need to be right. I think the downside of the need to be right is you only surround yourself with people who tell you you're right. And often you turn a blind eye to the places where you might be off a little bit. Um, so, and the other thing that inside is, um, Trump was born just before a full moon. And what that means in astrology essentially is that the moon is on one side of the chart
Starting point is 00:04:57 and the sun is on the opposite side of the chart. So it creates someone who, who even more in the, it can aggravate the Gemini split personality. Because literally, you have a need to be right, powerful need to be right. But also Gemini split personalities, but the core of Gemini is really about curiosity. And it's the need to be heard. But if you're not curious enough to find out
Starting point is 00:05:24 where you're not right, then you need to talk, right? But you just talk crap. And so I think that's what we're seeing with with Trump. And the other thing Trump is a Leo rising. And on the darker side of it, someone who can act like a dictator. And so when you when you add all those together, you can see what happened Ricky that need to be right. Is that also on Dan's chart? another important thing about Trump's Yeah, it is
Starting point is 00:05:59 Thank you for clarifying that Yeah I mean there are some similarities. There's obviously differences. A chart doesn't describe a person. It describes the raw materials that a person is built of. And what they do with those raw materials are different. It's like, Dan has the need to be right, but I'm a Gemini.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And part of our friendship is our debates back and forth where I try to get him to see a different perspective. And sometimes it works, right? Sometimes it doesn't. Daniel Trump. Yeah, he was whispering that in my ear. Daniel Trump. The demonic symbol that she, that Stormy Daniels is bringing up, what is that, Ricky, that she's talking about there? I'm not exactly sure. You know, the sex astrologers and the different specific types of astrologers, they use specific types of tools. What I can't say about Trump's chart is he was born with the sun
Starting point is 00:06:55 on an eclipse, but the sun was right next to the planet Uranus, and Uranus is the planet of breaking the rules, you know, and there's a positive side of breaking the rules, there's a negative side of breaking the rules, and I'll leave it at that. Stormy, you were saying? I found it, because I just texted her and asked her what it's called, and I don't know all the stars to be,
Starting point is 00:07:15 like the, not the big ones, but it's called the Algal, A-L-G-O-L. Are you familiar with that one? No, I don't use fixed stars, but. But I don't know that's what he's telling me. Stugatz is going to help us with something before we get to Kamala Harris's chart here in a second. I know Al Groh.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Stugatz has, he's got the five athletes in sports, top five athletes in sports who canote by their very names a storm on the horizon. Any outside looking in? No, just a straight five here for Stormy. All right. Number five. Mike Cloud. Number four. Tim Reigns.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Number three. Brian Windhorst. Number two. Wendy. Dan Marley, Thunder Dan. Number one. Hale Irwin. Thank you. You got it. Excellent Al Gro reference as well.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Kamala Harris was born October 20th, 1964. Again, we have an accurate birth time, 928 p.m. in Oakland, the night of a full moon. What information can you give Stormy Daniels about her chart, Ricky? Okay, yeah, this is, Kamala's chart is fascinating because again, we have two candidates who were both born on a full moon, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Different full moons, you know, with Trump it's Sagittarius and Gemini, so it's more active and crazy, more chaotic. With Kamala, it's Libra and Aries, right? And so Libra is all about harmony and balance, and Aries is all about war. And I think of Kamala's life, because again, a chart just shows the raw materials.
Starting point is 00:08:58 You have to put it on top of someone's lived experience. And for her to become successful, she's had to find that balance of when to speak up and say something and when to take a step back and relax. And also what I think is beautiful about her as a presidential candidate is that some people might argue that our country is in need of some more harmony and balance, someone that can help two different sides appreciate
Starting point is 00:09:25 the truth that the other holds. And this is really the key of Libra, you know? But also too much Libra, right? It's we balance too much. But her Aries moon, we know that she's a fighter. Before Ricky gets out of here, rather, would you like to ask Ricky anything? Sure. Do we know what her rising is? She's a Gemini rising. Yeah. Gemini rising. Oh, so there's a lot going on there. I know that I'm Pisces all the way through and my move is Scorpio. So I'm dust couple water, which just means I cry a lot. And then sad, I believe is my rising and it it's that's the fire.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Stormy is a perfect name for your chart. It really is. All that water. All the water, but also Sagittarius, is like the need for adventure. So Sagittarius rules journeys overseas. And you think of someone in a storm but on a boat, right? That's someone who really is down for the adventure.
Starting point is 00:10:28 And when you were born- Which is ironic because I'm actually terrified of cruises and big ships. Like I'm terrified of going on like a cruise. Yeah, well, right, there's other kinds of waves to ride if you know what I mean. So also the planet Mars, which is the god of war, is next to your son.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So I'll punch you in the face, right? This fiery nature is great. And looking at your chart and Donald Trump's chart, when I looked at the two charts, it made me think I need to create an algorithm for my app, right? That when two people meet and they're deciding if they're going to take that next step, is that they look at the app real quick
Starting point is 00:11:08 and they see is something big gonna happen because of this meeting, or is it gonna be something that I forget in a week, right? And that will inform us on where to make these decisions. And if a astrologer looked at your chart and Donald Trump's chart, right? The day before you guys met, right? They say, watch out, right? If you guys have a meaningful interaction, it's going to turn into something really big.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah, I wish I'd have had that information. Anything else when you overlap the charts of Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels, you're saying much of this in some way could have been foretold. Yeah. Just when you look at two charts, you want to see how many planets are activating each other And when you look at Donald Trump and stormy's charts, it's like everything is activating each other Ricky Williams dot life is where you go If you want some personal reading before you leave to Ricky stormy
Starting point is 00:11:59 What would you do you have any questions for stormy before you leave Ricky? Just advice, you know is that you're put on this earth to be a truth teller, you know, so don't ever be afraid. Thank you, Ricky. Thank you. Good advice, good advice. Word to live by. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Stu Gotz, that's endorsed by Stu Gotz, a serial liar. Ricky Williams, God's life is where you go. Thank you, Ricky, we appreciate it. Before you go though, Stormy, the transition into standup comedy, and when you say you're someone who cries a lot, I imagine much of what you've been through has been the ordeal of a lifetime.
Starting point is 00:12:36 That's an understatement. Probably the ordeal of many lifetimes. I don't know who I pissed off in a past life, but it must have been some sort of a emperor or something because this is insane. But like I said, it's life hands you oranges and I've made orange juice. Well said you're on a tour bus and a comedy tour like explain to me how that journey happened.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I wrote a book called Full Disclosure and in 2018 and it taught me two things. One that a lot of people don't read and two the publishers really wanted to cut out a lot of the stories that I had been compiling over years. And originally Donald Trump was in that book. He was just in a chapter about celebrities. He was like two pages.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And somehow the publishers managed to create an entire book out of the worst 90 seconds of my life. So a lot of these like funny stories about being on the road, about being a stripper, about being a porn star, those got cut out. And my friend was like, well, you're such a good storyteller, why don't you just do it on stage
Starting point is 00:13:38 so that your words can't be altered? And I'm terrified of speaking in public, but I said, let's try this. And it was going really well. And I actually had of speaking in public, but I said, let's try this. And it was going really well. And I actually had an entire tour booked through live nation at the beginning of 2020, but then COVID happened. So that got canceled. And it's just now I'm getting back out there and doing some of these events again,
Starting point is 00:13:57 because I had to flee my home after being doxed on the stand. So best way to do that is just, you've got to be on the bus anyway. You might as well go out there and do some stand updates. And we've got Palm Springs, Hollywood, the Denver Improv, Crackers and Annapolis. You can get the links to all of this is on And yes, that website is safe for work. There's no adult content on it. So if you go to, the front page has links to all the tickets and all the shows that we have coming up. What have your last four and a half months been like since you testified at the Donald
Starting point is 00:14:33 Trump hush money trial? Pretty intense. And that's the thing is that people keep calling it the Stormy Daniels trial or the hush money trial. And it was not, It was about business records, falsification of business records. And I can't tell you how intense and crazy the death threats and things have been. People are like, oh, you need to drop these charges. I'm like, I didn't create these charges. I'm not the prosecution. I'm a witness. I was subpoenaed as well.
Starting point is 00:15:03 But the media likes to say Stormy Daniels trial because it's salacious and it's exciting. It's way more exciting than, you know, the box of documents trial. And so it's garnered a lot of intense hate. And the New York Post actually doxed me while I was still on the stand testifying. And somebody came to my house, my animals were attacked.
Starting point is 00:15:21 So we fled home and we've been living on the bus. So I was like, well, you know, I'm I got to do something. I've got to get the voice, you know, my voice out there and my my side of the story really told. And I combine it with my storm, the vote efforts and just trying to make the best of the situation, I guess. Stormy, who is that person in your traveling comedy RV that keeps opening and closing doors and isn't respecting your-
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's my husband and I keep glaring at him, but he's not listening. He doesn't care. He doesn't care, he's gonna keep doing that. You reprimand him when we get off here. Which of your recollections, when you think back 18 years ago to the celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe,
Starting point is 00:16:04 strikes you as the most bizarre. Oh my goodness. I mean, besides the obvious, besides- Tony Remba. When I walk him out of the house to find Donald Trump doing his best Burt Reynolds impression and his underwear, the whole thing was pretty severe. I also trust me the irony and the hilarity of the fact
Starting point is 00:16:27 that I was there with an adult film company and they were sponsoring a whole, his is not lost on me. I was thinking that perhaps the magazine he handed you with himself on the cover, like that was, I thought that that was pretty amazing. That detail was pretty amazing, but you're obviously, you're more qualified here than I am.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Slightly. You know what? And the fact that I did snoop through his toiletries on the bathroom counter, and I think that a man of that amount of money and stuff would buy products better than Old Spice and Pert Plus, but it also kind of sums up him in general, right? I gotta tell you, better than Old Spice and Pert Plus, but it also kind of sums up him in general, right?
Starting point is 00:17:07 I got to tell you, I love Old Spice. I mean, I do. Fantastic. Yes, but generally- I'm with you on Pert. Yes, generally though, when it comes to billionaires, it's generally not Old Spice. Stormy, before I let you go on this note, can you tell me, because many people who go through very difficult things and grow through the pain of those things, don't regret having done those things. So if I give you a do over, what do you do differently if anything at all?
Starting point is 00:17:38 If I could do something over, I would not have gone to the room. Everything that happened to me after that was not my fault. I have maintained that I was not attacked or part of the Me Too thing, but that's only because I didn't say no, I just froze. And then my choice to speak out and to keep fighting and to go to court and testify, which was one of the most horrific and terrifying things I've ever done. It's very intimidating. And all the death threats and the things that I've lost, the time I've lost my daughter, the amounts of money that it has cost and, you know, and the stigma that is placed on me and my friends and family.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I would still do all of that over because I spoke the truth and I stood up and it's something I want my daughter to be proud of. But if I could go even further back, I would still do all of that over because I spoke the truth and I stood up and it's something I want my daughter to be proud of But if I could go even further back, I would have said absolutely not To being invited to that hotel room Kathy Griffin talks about her experience with Trump and really describes PTSD I imagine you feel something similar, right? Like this is a mental health calamity that you probably don't ever really overcome in totality
Starting point is 00:18:50 No, and in her case and she and I are friends now We became friends about this and we talked about a lot of that the treatment things that she had to go through I think the own and you know, she lost a great deal of money She was put on a no-fly list She was you know all the same things that happened to me happened to her I think the only slight advantage that I had was that because I came from the adult industry the things that they were saying about me on a personal level I had heard a thousand times and You know, what are you gonna do? Kick me out of I was I wasn't mainstream
Starting point is 00:19:21 You know, I didn't have a job that I could get fired from like she could at the time. It's a lot easier to cancel somebody who is mainstream than someone who works in the adult business. And what are you going to do? Leak unflattering nude photos of me? As long as they paid their $29.99 to join my site and see my butt, who cares? So a lot of that is slut and the whore and you must have diseases and all that stuff. I had already heard that for so many years.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It's coming from being a dancer and an adult film actress that I was a little more ahead of the curve if I was someone who hadn't come from the adult industry. is where you should go if you want to make a difference democratically. Stormy, thank you for making the time. We do appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Thank you, Stormy. I can't believe I'm saying this, though. In the ingredients that we have here for what is an unusual interview, the most unusual thing throughout it is that Mike Ryan's only
Starting point is 00:20:22 contribution to it was to text Sugatse a photo of Al Groh. Former Jets coach Al Groh. Always there for you. There wasn't enough going on during that interview. Oh I enjoyed it. I mean I had a big smile on my face when Mike sent me that picture. We made an Al Groh joke today. Good work was done.

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