The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - Postgame Show: Top 5 Logo Rules

Episode Date: February 29, 2024

Dragonfly Jonez joins us to discuss Love Is Blind, Cam Newton, Russell Wilson, and, in honor of the Clippers new logo, his Top 5 Rules for Sports Logos. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to giraffe Kings network. Been following this guy for a long time. He's been following us for a long time and he's got one of the grittiest coolest stories in sports media because he basically made it through the meritocracy by being better at Twitter than most people. The Jenkins and Jones podcast, he's the co-host, new episodes drop Monday and Thursday on the volume network, Tyler Perrier,
Starting point is 00:00:33 Dragonfly Jones on Twitter with us. Got a lot of things that I want to cover with you, but the first thing I wanted to do is because I've noticed that you seem to have, do you have a love is blind obsession or is it a guilty pleasure? What's happening with you and love is blind? Are you sad then too? Do you watch it? I don't, but our crew does.
Starting point is 00:00:53 They love. I'm locked in. I'm locked in, bro. Can we talk about Jimmy? Do you want to talk about Kenneth? Do you want to talk about who do you want to talk about first? Amazing. I mean, every man on this season is trash, right?
Starting point is 00:01:02 Jimmy's the worst. Jimmy's the worst. Like, bro, every man except that dude, the plain face guy who's got the Latina girl, who I think that's gonna be the only couple that makes it. Y'all know what I'm talking about. He's the only player ever. Right?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Like I think that couple's gonna make it, but everyone else is terrible, bro. Terrible. I don't, I'm not rooting. Like I watched this for the train wreck. So I'm not gonna lie to you. I did not watch this for the fairy tale happy endings. And it looks like we are gonna get a lot of those this season. I was just telling Billy So I'm not going to lie to you. I did not watch this for the fairytale happy endings. And it looks like we are going to get a lot of those this season.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I was just telling Billy that I'm going to just tune into the final episode just because I kind of like seeing when people get left at the altar. Yes, that's the best. I feel like such a terrible person, but these people weren't right for each other anyway. It's like it's best for all parties involved when they don't go through with this. I mean, it's an absurd concept. You're marrying someone who you've only known for like two or three weeks. You know, it's crazy. Chris Cody just whispered in my ear, I could hear Jessica's lunch. Yeah, it sounded good.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It was really good. I want to play for you some sound here because we reached out to the people who got thrown around by Cam Newton. And yeah, we were told by the guy who got most thrown around that they were quote, addressing the matter internally. And then they went on an interview that was apparently with their PR person. I believe, I'm not totally sure, but let's just listen to the sound of the people explaining how and why it came to be that Cam Newton threw them around.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So Cam has an organization. It's not just one team. He has an organization. It's not just one team, he has an organization. So it's just been a lot of trash talk, you know, from, you know what I'm saying, hitting more so his side. Just out of nowhere, just talking crazy to us for no reason.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And it's like, it's not nothing new. Like I've been around bro for five years. So like this typical Cam Newton behavior. The step you was right there? Yeah, it's a whole thing. So you heard him and you walked up. The step walked up there there. Yes You walked up Another stuff cams in stuff face I made y'all on responsible for everything y'all do whatever
Starting point is 00:02:51 Then he grabbed stuff me being my little brother and I'm walking up a flight of steps And I see a six is got grabbing my brother and that's the footage that everybody everybody's in So that was the first altercation Nobody's in like how he was talking crazy. Talk crazy. He's been past two days. Nobody's seen it. I say this as the person who requested a conversation with them.
Starting point is 00:03:15 No one is here for their explanation of what happened. No. I think Beaumonti hit the nail on the head when he said, we don't care if you were in the right. We are laughing at you because you were in the stupid. And I think that's the perfect way to explain it. I will say my favorite thing about that ass whip that Cam gave to all those people is,
Starting point is 00:03:33 it was such a lawsuit proof ass whip that he gave, right? He could have thrown some haymakers and cracked some faces, cracked some orbital bones and some jaws, but it was just straight tosses, bro. Like, he's Like, you know, he's been the game manager, game changer guy. He game managed that ass-flip and that he handed off that time. What do you believe is more impressive there? Do you believe the hat never moving is more impressive than never needing to throw a punch that would result in a lawsuit because you're good at rich people throwing people around without a lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:04:09 The hat for sure sticks out to me because that is a big hat, right? It's not like a baseball cap like I'm wearing now. It's like a magician top hat, right? Like he's got a rabbit in that moment. So that's saying on his head, he's unbothered, just tossing these dudes, taking all four guys at once. Cam's a different dude. Most football players are different dudes and people need to realize that, man. I'm wondering why it is that they wouldn't. It must be because he's a quarterback, right? Even though he might be the most physical of the quarterbacks we've seen. Right, right. Did you see that clip of when he met Luke Keekley Super Bowl weekend and
Starting point is 00:04:38 they had a really cool moment where they hugged Cam lifted that guy off the ground. He had, he had Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke,'s little toes, you know, just thinking in the air and that guy was a destroyer of worlds during his prime, right? Like Cam is just He's he's not just big for a quarterback. He's big for a football player, right? Like he's bigger than most like linebackers, dude. We all just want to be held like that. Don't we? Are clay and a d gonna get married or not? No, absolutely not. Right?
Starting point is 00:05:07 He's dropped on me too many times like, yo, I don't wanna cheat on you for real. I really don't wanna do it. I really don't wanna do it. But I'm just like, well, what? Like what? But I gotta deliver these jet skis. I can't be the man you need, right?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Like Clay is so full of. I'm gonna chop a newer. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you when everything made sense for this dude, cause I was like, he's got a really big ego. He's full of chopping newer. Yeah. I'm going to tell you when everything made sense for this dude. Cause I was like, he's got a really big ego. He's full of himself. Where did this come from? When we found out he was a track dude, I was like, okay, that makes sense. If y'all know track guys, they are a different breed. Like I guess a better frame of reference would be all NFL wide receivers were track guys at one point. You know, right? And we all know how big Divas, you know, those guys are. So everything made sense once I found out that dude was a track star and all American at South Carolina, right? Like he was no slouch. You have been someone who's been an astute observer and
Starting point is 00:05:56 perpetually cracking jokes at the expense of Russell Wilson. What do you make of his present predicament? It feels like a bit of a heel turn here, right? This guy was like the ultimate company man. You know, we've had his teammates go on record saying that, you know, he was just someone who just always sided with the suits, with the coaches, with ownership. Like, Marshawn Lynch talked about how he had to, when he wanted to reach out to Russell Wilson, he had to go through like a third party and then Russell will call him from like a block number.
Starting point is 00:06:29 He's just like a guy who has never been pro worker, right? But now he's got this whole thing going where you see him have to sit down and interview where he's kind of spilling the beans on how bad Denver did him. And he's got this whole little workout video. I don't know if y'all saw that where he was like married to the game, right? You know, which is, which is really kind of a clever angle for his team to push.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Cause the whole connotation there is, you know, I'm a guy who honors promises. I'm a family man. I'm a husband. Unlike the Denver Broncos who just reneged on their work. Right? Like that's the connotation there. So it's a really clever angle for them to go with on that.
Starting point is 00:07:03 But I do not think it's genuinely Russell like fighting the system or you know, being on the labor side of things here, he's just trying to show other teams like he's still got. He just still wants to get that bag. That's it. But do you look at this and wonder if we've ever had an athlete quite like this that we look at this way. A-Rod fills a similar place when he was playing at the top of his powers bear. But one of the great offenses with customers that you can have is someone that we don't believe is authentic, that it's like a lot of veneer, a lot of packaging. And I don't know that it's insincere for him. He might be that kind of, you know, square.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah. Yeah. He just might be, he's from Richmond. He went to a high school, I hear collegiate private school where if you're from Richmond, you're him being the way he is and knowing that he went to collegiate makes complete sense, right? But yeah, I don't even think it's him posturing or him trying to develop a brand. I think he's just really a different dude.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Like, bro, Russell Wilson should be like one of my favorite football players ever, right? Like, like I said, he's a Virginia guy. He's married to Sierra. Like he should, he's a Superbowl champ. He should occupy like the same place in my heart for Virginia legends, like, you know, Allen Iverson and Michael Vickdoo. But I just, I just don't see it from him. I'm just not a fan of the dude, bro. But what I'm saying to you is, do you understand how strange it is or how unusual your personality has to be for you not to be able to have all of those things in your corner and have us receive you as cool? Like that's a lot of advantages you have. Right, right. Exactly. Like I said, on paper, he should be like one of my favorite athletes
Starting point is 00:08:43 ever, but the dude is just like a robot. He is just like a company man robot, bro. Company man, $5,000 or whatever. Are you like me? Because I admitted something with a bit of shame on yesterday's show. You must not be like me. You must have known this already.
Starting point is 00:08:57 When the Clipper logo came out, I was unaware until the time that the new logo came out that the Los Angeles Clipper, the Clipper refers to a boat. I learned that the new logo came out, that the Los Angeles Clipper, the Clipper refers to a boat. I learned that when the logo came out and felt a decent amount of shame admitting it. Oh, you, you were not alone. I unfortunately knew it because I'm a nerd who just like Google all the time when I'm bored, but I didn't know it was a boat because I know they have that little San Diego history and all that. What did you think the Clippers were before?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like air clippers? No, I just hadn't considered it. I never, I didn't, I, it's not something I hadn't had the thought until I saw the boat on the logo. What did you think of the logo? Oh, I hate it. You know, they rolled out that logo and bro, I was just so underwhelmed and it feels like it's not just uniquely because of the Clippers. It kind of feels like there's just been this whole movement that's been going on in sports over the past couple of decades when it comes to logo It's not just uniquely because of the clippers. It kind of feels like there's just been this whole movement that's been going on in sports over the past couple of decades when it comes to logo designs
Starting point is 00:09:48 where they're just not fun anymore, dude. And it makes me think back, and I feel like the 90s were the last fun decade of sports logos and then everything shifted to logos that look, you know, that took themselves way too seriously. Like, I don't know why that should happen, but if for sure it happened and I hate it. And, you know, I think as incredible and in brawling and entertaining and sports
Starting point is 00:10:07 are sports at their core are silly. Right? Like basketball consumes my life and it's just a bunch of dudes in matching shorts that's throwing a ball at a hoop. All this shit is silly and I feel like the best sports logos, the best sports mascots are the ones that lean into the silly and not the serious. And I feel like we've just got way too far removed from the silly and all this. It's, it's so boring. It's so draft. Well, you are a style connoisseur. You are a fashion critic. So how about you help us with the top five rules for a good team logo? Do you think you could put that together off of the top of your head? We'll go five, four, three, two, one. I'll give you a second to
Starting point is 00:10:39 think about it. Certainly you are, you are somebody who fancies himself an expert in this realm, right? This is something that you can deliver without a whole lot of thought. Correct? Yeah. You know, free game right here for sure. All right. Number five. Okay. So like I said, when it comes to, I think that logos need to lean away from the serious and lean back into the silly, right? Because these silly logos just flat out look cooler. There's no other way to say it. Like the Clippers new rebrand, that shit looks like Kylo Ren, bro. It looks like a fucking Sith Lord.
Starting point is 00:11:10 You know, it looks like a Star Wars character. And as exhibit A for like the downgrade above this, it's like the Charlotte Hornets logo. Like if you look at the iconic 90s logo, which I loved as a kid, like when the Hornets hit, it was a game changer. And you look at what they did to him. And you, you know, you look at how they reach
Starting point is 00:11:31 it, how they changed that. Like they turned that into the Batmobile, bro. And it's, and it's like at first the Hornets logo was amazing, iconic even, you know, I love those big goofy shoes and those dumb ass gloves. Like he was perfect. And they turned them into like a syringe or some shit. Now I hate the new logo. Chris Cody, your timing was a little off there. He also needs to I love those big goofy shoes and those dumb ass gloves like he was perfect and they turn them into like a syringe or some shit now I hate the new love up Chris Cody your timing was a little off there He also needs to help you on the front end with a quick answer At the beginning so you can get the fanfare in number four number four would be it is okay For your logos to look nice and cute. They don't have to
Starting point is 00:12:02 They don't have to be imposing or intimidating. It's cool if they just look cute. Like take a look at the Baltimore Orioles, for example. I think that is one of the best logos in all of sports. And that is adorable. He's just smirking away, living the dream. It's such a good logo. And I'll put like the Baltimore Orioles up against
Starting point is 00:12:19 any bird logo in sports. Like I'll put it up against the Philadelphia Eagle, the Seattle Seahawk, the Atlanta Hawks, the Atlanta Falcons, wherever you want to bring this little cute smirk and mopping them all up. It's such a good love. He is cute. He, I've never really realized that till now. He's adorable. That's a great point. I'm trying to pinch those cheeks. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Number three. Okay. So we, I had this conversation on Twitter and a Twitter user named Tommy wrong the third made a great point that we need to bring back mascots who are actually playing the sport in sports logos, right? I feel like sports logos speak. When you see a mascot playing the sport in that team's logo, it's perfect. Like the New England Patriot,
Starting point is 00:13:00 getting ready to snap the ball, the Toronto Raptor and the Vancouver Grizzly playing basketball, you know, the St. Louis Cardinal getting ready to snap the ball. The Toronto Raptor and the Vancouver Grizzly playing basketball. Um, you know, the St. Louis Cardinal getting ready to step to the plate. We have, you know, the San Jose shark biting a hockey stick and half because, you know, yeah, he doesn't play by the rules. He's a shark. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And those are all like 10 out of 10 logos. And that to me is when sports peak, when we have like actual mascots playing the sport in the logo for sure. How does a clipper play basketball though, if it's a boat? That's why I think it should be clippy playing basketball. How about that? Right, right. There was someone put out a logo of some hair clippers
Starting point is 00:13:34 and I was like, bro, that's perfect. I love that. Like we don't have to be committed to this unknown ship that this team is named for. We can lean into like, you know, the barbershop side of this. There's a market there, there's a lane there. Number two, you know, like I said, I think the vibes were just better
Starting point is 00:13:51 with silly sports logos. You need good vibes with your logo, right? And at that point, I present the old Milwaukee's Bucks logo and the current Milwaukee's Bucks logo, right? Like you look at the old school logo. Current's better. Oh, yeah, the old school, like, bro,? Like you look at the old school logo. Current's better. Yeah, the old school, like, bro, that dude is just chillin'. Just good vibes.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Not a worry in the world, right? Old ones, great. He's so cute. Right? Right? And that was the logo of the Bucks teams that had like, you know, Kareem and Oscar Robinson, right? Where, you know, I'm sure there were like expectations for that dual to win championship
Starting point is 00:14:20 just year after year. You got the flat out best basketball player in the league and the best all around player in the league. But look at this guy. He doesn't care about any of that. Right. There's not a care in the world. He's got his cute little sweater on, spinning the basketball on his hoof. He's just whimsical as fuck out here, living the dream. I love it. And finally, the number one key, the number one rule for a good team logo is the sillier the better. You need, and you need to, you need to, you need to get your sillies, right? Like, you know, with the Clippers logo,
Starting point is 00:14:47 I get all the things incorporated. So I get that they incorporated the ship in it and the sea and the compass, but you know, something can be brilliant, but not ambitious. And that's what it feels like with the company. Tony, why are you criticizing his top five? I'm not criticizing his top five at all.
Starting point is 00:15:04 It just feels like it could have been a top two that we could have said be silly and then do things that aren't as serious, which feels like a top one. Okay, but a top two, no, but a top five is what I asked him for. I didn't ask him for a top two. I asked him for a top five.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Jaya Pai, what do you think about this love triangle though between Jimmy, Jessica, Chelsea, and also Trevor not coming into the picture after this very important. I didn't see the new drops, but Jessica. yeah, I know I'm in for a duty. But as far as, I still did not believe that Jessica is still hung up on that. I thought, bro, like drop on the mic drop on it. You're going to choke when you see me.
Starting point is 00:15:34 You're going to need an EpiPen. It was like, come on. Those are bars, man. Like that was some Game of Thrones level writing right there. That was some Cersei shit, dude. Like I was just amazed when she said that, but I still do. I'm still so, I don't know what they see in Jimmy and I know I sound like a hater, but I just do not know why these women are going kookal for
Starting point is 00:15:51 Cocoa Pulse over that dude. He's Tmoo Christian McCaffrey. He looks like Doug Fuddy, bro. New episodes drop Monday and Thursday on the volume network. He is the co-host of Jenkins and Jones. Thank you, Tyler. Appreciate the time. Oh, it's a pleasure, man.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Appreciate you all having me.

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