The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz - The Best of DLS: Farewell Clevelander

Episode Date: November 23, 2023

Gobble gobble. We continue the Best Of with some memories. We talk about leaving The Clevelander and remember the garage. We don't necessarily want to keep those memories. Learn more about your ad cho...ices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Giraffe King's Network. This is the Don Levertar Show with the Stugat's Podcast. Dan, say goodbye, sweet Clevelander. I should tell the audience that we've got a bit of an emotional week, I would say, here, this week, as we are leaving this studio. It's been an eventful two years where the show has struggled and grown under the weight of trying to build a business, and we're going to move into new studios. Everything is moving after, I think it's close to 10 years here. And we're going to remember some of the things from the Cleveland, or because as expensive
Starting point is 00:00:50 as the property value has gotten around here, the neighborhood has really deteriorated. There has been, so is my health. There has been a lot of, but I should have thought. Shootings here recently and assassinations plural, and we need to get out of here and next
Starting point is 00:01:06 move is brought to you by Miller Lite 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces next week is going to be a little bit difficult because we're going to be in the change and these are not your problems they are our problems but we ask for yet more patients after two years of trying to build this thing. We're excited about getting into new studios and we will remember the Cleveland Earth throughout the rest of the week here because one of the great memories I have,
Starting point is 00:01:37 to God's, this is, it really is one of my favorites as I've gotten late in life and have learned to appreciate some of this nonsense that we get to do every day. Is the weekend before we were going to go on ESPN radio and start with whatever it is we were doing with them, they were going to make this studio look like all the other studios, which is just blue paneling behind us that would be nondescript. And my brother and I spent the entire weekend here putting all of this stuff up. And the reason that it's one of my favorite memories is because I remember the screaming phone calls on Monday when no one had been informed that that's what we would look like. And they didn't want us to look like that.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Or no one, no one had given them a heads up, I should say. It's not that they didn't want us to look like that. It's that they were going for homogenized at the beginning. And we put up all these tiles that we're at some point here going to just auction off because they've been here for 10 years representing us as we make a move to become a bigger, to become a bigger business. We've got Mike, do you know how many employees we have now? I don't know how many employees we have now. I walked into today's pre-production meeting and I was a little stunned at how many people were in that room considering. It's just jarring, seeing how we've started. And there was a lot of people here when we were doing HQ, it was even tighter back then in many respects because we had the equipment, but I think the
Starting point is 00:03:05 start contrast is from the pandemic days when ESPN would only allow you and me in these studios and people were zooming in. So I am maybe I'll have fond memories when we get get at it here and a look back on some of the stuff that we did here and created here fondly, but I cannot wait to get out of this God forsaken building. All thanks to me. Other light. Just 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. You win or three world beer cups. They don't just give those things away.
Starting point is 00:03:31 You have said that this place is haunted. You have come in hot from LA talking way too much about sponsorships and deals. We are moving. This is a growing business and a part that you left out was the answer to my question. How many employees do we have? Not I don't I don't know a lot. Yeah, I don't know there because there's a difference between full time employees and part time employees, but in terms of like people that are here, it's not it seems like
Starting point is 00:03:57 87. It's not it's not here, but it's not just here. It's a lot of people. It's much, much more than what's on air as we try to get up a video. You would think the show would be a lot better. You really would. But it's only gotten worse. Well, the solution to everything is higher more people. And then all it happens is more problems. This is what I've got. Again, the deterioration of everybody's health. Yes. That's part of what's happening. So do you have a
Starting point is 00:04:18 top five nostalgic therapy memories instead of hauntings? What? Let's do some top five list to celebrate our time here eight to 10 years. So Stu gots can be nostalgic so that Roy can be a 10 years for everybody else. It's been 20 to 30 for still. Yeah, it has all this baseball. Yeah, Billy, Billy can get emotional here. Teach. I don't want to leave. I, I, I, I, I feel that today in the garage. Bill, I said that to me. Yeah, revealed it on a day in the garage. Don't I said that to me? Yeah. I was having the heater in the garage. He was talking to coogs upstairs in the garage.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I was walking down. Who's coogs? Coogs. Oh, you know, I'm more worried about them finding a body underneath your desk than I am in Mel Reese. I have a plastic container. I have to take all this stuff today. I was told so that's what you don't want to leave because you got to clean up.
Starting point is 00:05:05 I like it here. Downtown floods, I don't know if we're supposed to say we're going to downtown. But if floods there, any time it rains, I'm going to have to get a boat or a kayak to get from my car. Is it a habitat stoppuff itself over there? No, I think one of the dancers took that. To be clear, we have a day in a time of great hope and you're already fearing change. You're already fearing. It's uncomfortable here. This place is fine to me.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Yeah. Billy's fear is brought to you by Miller Lite. Just 3.2 cars for 12 ounces. I'll see you in a new studio today. Maybe that'll change things. You don't want to move. You don't want to. I mean, I don't think I get a vote on this. I think it's happening whether I want to or not. Yeah. We're a little, we're a little further along. But I am excited for everybody to experience the new building. I've gone over there a couple of times and I was honestly moved to tears the first time just because there's so much space. So much space to do this. I was.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah, because it feels like you're wearing a hard hat. No, no, no, we're beyond that. But I did not get to into it. And I'm sure there's plenty of time for nostalgia and stuff like that. But I've been through a lot, man. It's been hard. We've been through a couple of different companies and a bunch of different incarnations of the show. I've had really good memories here, and I've had some professional lows
Starting point is 00:06:16 that I would just like to remove myself from. I feel like all those emotions, every time I come into this building, which is good and bad. And I'm just really excited for a new mile marker for the company. It feels like actual growth because we're going to do this in a much nicer place. And I'm excited for that. All that space in the new building also sponsored by Miller right. We will get to the top five. Good contribution so far, Greg. You're just a little bit slurred. I mean, when he starts to the drink, I'm like, yeah, I'm just leading,
Starting point is 00:06:49 leave him alone, I mean. He is, he's like, I'm just, we're here. But Billy thinks he looks great. He looks like he's had worked. I think you, Billy. I don't think Billy was being sarcastic. I was it.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I mean, you have a nice haircut, clean shaving, got a pep in your step today. Peppin' it. We have, I should probably just tell the audience because I remember promising Stugat's and I fly'd here and I try not to lie to the audience or anybody saying that I would show the audience, like what the last two years have been like
Starting point is 00:07:22 while we were doing it. We've just had to conceal some of it because it's been hard and messy and you've probably felt it in the strain of the show. The show had to change and be different and like we thought a lot of people were gonna jump with us and a mean came and it was a mean and then we looked
Starting point is 00:07:41 and it was still a mean and it's a mean and reinforcements are now coming Slow ever so slowly Pablo heroic Pablo Jesus Christ planting something that he get the memo the unlimited pto that everybody takes around here, but yeah Yes That was in retrospect in retrospect as a company policy. It's delightful. I like it spiritually, but it hurts.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yeah, it hurts the unlimited person. Well, we are. But it's a good policy. You got to make it. Well, the policy is we never know who's going to be here. I mean, here. I can, I can answer the questions on where's Pablo. But, you know, there's a lot that goes into this move.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And if you haven't been able to tell already, Dan will be making excuses on the front end for the dip in quality. And he's very worried about this move. And Pablo's not here in part because we're all worried about how Dan will take this move. There's a lot of stuff that we're throwing at Dan. We're changing the formatting of the show.
Starting point is 00:08:44 We're changing where the show is produced from. And I think just throwing Pablo and, hey, here's another body complicates things a little bit. So we're going to use Pablo into the rotation. Nobody wants to hear. Nobody wants to hear the excuses. And I'm not, I'm, I'm making excuses for whatever the content is next week when we're between studios. Dan's excuses are brought to you by Miller. Light. Excellent. What is your top five list about? Have you assembled the top five list?
Starting point is 00:09:08 I'd like to do this a little syrupy if we can because it is. It's an emotional week for me and for us, us, do God. Yeah, and the emotional week next week and the week after that too. They're all emotional this for it. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's a very sensitive ecosystem. Man, I'm very worried about changing the ecosystem around Dan. Well, this has been a comfortable place for us. I unlike I shouldn't say unlike like Billy. I am risk averse and uncomfortable with some change. I get comfortable in places, but this place has become physically uncomfortable. But Billy hasn't seen the new studios yet. You have. So I was fortunate enough to stop by last week to go check them out. They're beautiful. So I felt better about us moving. You've seen that. I'll tell you why though. I'll tell you I will tell you why and this is way inside.
Starting point is 00:09:57 But it's a it's Conan O'Brien learned it. Conan O'Brien when he changed networks and there's a big deal and he became an important person. They walk him into his new studio and it's a beautiful auditorium, beautiful, like the most expensive thing he could ever dreamed and he walks in and he says, oh no, not because of the pressure because they used to do an intimate thing in an intimate place in an intimate way in a way that connected with the audience, intimately. And no, you put it in a ballroom in an auditorium as opposed to a place I was here on the weekend with my brother putting up the signage myself. Like it becomes a different,
Starting point is 00:10:29 it becomes a different thing. And so I keep in mind, this place will also be in a minute. There's a difference between in a minute and crammed like a sardine can. Correct. This place has become physically uncomfortable and people are dying in the building and outside it. We have to move. Yeah. Billy, we have to move. All right. So here's my top five for today. It's brought to you by friends at Over at Miller Light who are sponsoring this entire move. And it's the top five guests that we ever had in studio here at the Cleveland. In studio guests, huh? Okay. This is going to be nostalgic here. Yeah. And this, uh, this also afford. This is going to be nostalgic here.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah. And this, uh, this also afford you guys the opportunity to chime in with some of your favorites. I, I imagine I've, I've missed one along the year. So we'll begin with the outside looking yet. Were they from, uh, for, here for highly questionable here? Are we limiting it to the show, our show? Uh, I'm limiting it to our show. I still have ice cube in there on my outside looking in.
Starting point is 00:11:25 The problem is most of that was with highly questionable. And I don't have a lot of frame of reference for that outside of one of the kings of West Coast rap just wandering through a very tight hole and being really embarrassed about how we'd entertain said king of. I was embarrassed by the hospital couch that had been sent for $50 by ESPN to represent our green room. It was a nice couch. It was a nice couch.
Starting point is 00:11:47 No, you got that. You got to be shitting me, Billy. You did not like that couch. That's a bad couch. It was a really bad couch. Billy's purpose. Billy on it. Billy, it was a terrible couch.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It was uncomfortable. It was the couch in a hospital room where they don't want you to spend the night in that hospital. It was harder than the floor. It was from highly up $50. Is what they sent us for a green room. The good price for a couch. Oh, yeah. Also, uh, OLI, Michael Irvin.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Oh, that was a lot. That was a lot of fun. That was a great day. That was wild. Do you have any sound from that? Oh, that was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:30 That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:38 That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was a lot. That was aed on you guys for dinner. I did. Yeah. That's what happened.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So Sioux Gots lands Michael Irvin as a guest. He has come here having consumed whatever it is was consumed on South Beach. And then I was having dinner with Michael Irvin and his brother and paying for everybody in a dinner. Sioux Gots was supposed to be at. Sioux Gots was going to dinner with them. He did not. I did.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. Thank you for that. Now Dan. He did not. I did. Yeah. Thank you for that. Now Dan sounded reckless, but I will implore the audience to just check this interview out and you can draw your own conclusions. I just said, I'm assuming South Florida. That's all I said. It was wild. That that experience outside looking in.
Starting point is 00:13:19 That's a hard to believe. Yeah. Yeah. And also final OLI. There was a moment during the Super Bowl down here where Aaron Donald and Rick Flair were in studio together And that was just really really fun. Mike that's outside looking in. Yes. Yeah, well this will give you the opportunity to The Cape up for years, but now we're in the the true top five number five Dan awkwardly hugging Josh Norman. I
Starting point is 00:13:42 Dan awkwardly hugging Josh Norman. I don't have a lot of moments I like more than us rummaging through the hotel security cam to get having talked about how awkward the hug was, but not having televised it in real time, having to go through security to get security footage that then revealed in an investigation that I had indeed hugged him in a way that was more awkward than even we'd explained was pretty good. We covered the shit out of those Carolina Panther teams and we had very good ratings in North Carolina because of it. We were the number one show.
Starting point is 00:14:20 We had a really good relationship with Josh Norman, but just no real chemistry physically when it came to bro hugging One of the great regret of watching sports in my lifetime is seeing Josh Norman churn through the machine and go from someone Who was interesting and fun and free to the interview I did with him a year ago where he was broken by the system and trying to get on a practice squad And it's like he would say nothing nothing nothing. It was, I, like, it hurt my soul seeing how the machine, I remember saying it when we talked on the first time, don't change. Please don't change. And then the machine got it. Yeah. Number four, Jorge Mosvidal, one of the great in studio hits of our shows history. He was so playful.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He ate so much. It was crazy to see his dad his dad ate a lot. Yeah, but he went outside across the street and put on a martial arts display with Sue Gatz. It really started a wonderful on air relationship between Moss Fiddle and this show and and Sue Gatz. And we got behind a fighter that reached the the pinnacle. I mean, I know he won a fake belt, but the BMS belt here in the belt. We saw that too, that was the same. When he came back. Well, we parlay that into the weigh-in
Starting point is 00:15:29 at Madison Square Garden, me and you. That was a really fun chapter on our show's history. Look, that kind of fun. Well, don't just get past that, though. So, guys, was on a stage barefoot with the rock, introducing Mosfiddle at the height of UFC for the belt everyone wanted as opposed to all the other belts in that sport. That was at the theater at Mass square
Starting point is 00:15:48 Garden. It was great. It's one of the highlights of my career. What made it even better was there was a dead show right next door afterwards. Wow. Oh my God. I got a lot of eight nights. I got to go. Number three, the relationship like many things during the pandemic broken. Yes. By the pandemic. Number three, Derek Dietrich. Oh, yeah. You've got two better than this. Yeah, well, sure. Yeah, we didn't actually book him. Right. He was just down. He was coming to the pool, yeah, partying at the pool. So his shirtless Derek Dietrich popped into our studio and was just hanging back there. Great body. Yeah. That was a fun, organic moment. One of those only in South Beach type moments, Dan. Again, this list is brought to you by Miller.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Like the part that you're leaving out is that I had said on a very popular local radio show in Miami that Darren Dietrich was not a major leager that the Marlins were employing somebody who was not a major leager. And when he came by here, he was no longer a Marlin. He was a Cincinnati Red and he had hit 17 home runs that month, 17 that month. It was like a record. He was coming in off that. I think that's why he was here. Sure, at least shirtless. I don't think it was the pool. I don't think it
Starting point is 00:17:11 was the party by the beach. I think it's because he ate because he hit 17 ohm runs so far not much pushbacks on these. I feel good about this top five list number two, the late great Bob Saga. Oh, yeah. Fantastic appearance on our show. He was doing Stugots reservations, but as Bob Saga, he was super playful. He told great stories on the air. And he was face-signing with Stugots' family. He became a good friend of the show and maybe he's getting bumped up a little bit because of his tragic passing, but Bob Saga, I will remember that fondly because he was so nice to everybody. It was just really cool. They have Danny Tanner here in the building. Put it on the pole, please, juju. Was Bob Sagitt, bumped up a couple
Starting point is 00:17:53 of spots because of his untimely passing. Rest in power. Yep. Our thoughts and prayers presented by Miller light. Number one, our move is presented by Miller light number one our move is presented by Miller light Greg Cody slur is presented by Miller light. Uh-huh. Oh, if you if you followed the and you know it. And you know what? And if you followed this show over the course of 18 years, you know that Dan's favorite show of all time is is breaking bad. And you're welcome. the majority of our show's I still can't believe
Starting point is 00:18:34 this happened. The majority of our show's history was spent making interview requests for Brian Kranson. And it never working out because Brian Kranson was a huge star and always super busy. And I'm not really exactly sure what happened. We had a request. We happened. What do you mean you don't know what happened? We happened. We had a request in. And this was when Alice was booking guests. And she's on top of everything. But I guess a message back to us that we were approved for an interview. Never got to us in time. And the message that Dan and Stu would not be in Studio never got out in time. We were completely dark on ESPN television
Starting point is 00:19:13 We were just audio only we had fillings the studio was very dark I mean we because we had no idea where the lights were it was George Sedano easy good ears and members of the shipping container We get a knock on the door saying I have Brian Cranston and Benjamin Brad here. And my reaction was, what? What? And so we on the fly had to fit Brian Cranston and Benjamin Brad into that studio with George Sedano and Izzy his equity areas at the time that there was no one in any industry that Dan wanted to speak to more. And he missed the golden
Starting point is 00:19:51 opportunity to interview the dream candidate in Brian Cranston and he also missed staring at Benjamin Brett's gorgeous skin. Really good looking guy. Billy, you took the newspaper that Brian Cranson was reading. Imagine having to explain all of this to Brian Cranson, by the way. We look like such an amateur operation. Well, they stayed sitting in an SUV for like 20 minutes because we had to, we were a fusion at the time and we didn't have enough microphones set up. So we had to go and crawl under the desk, a fusion to take a microphone, but the cord was about 200 feet long, and it had zip ties tying it to the bottom
Starting point is 00:20:27 of various portions of the desk, and then it went under the stage. So we had to cut all of that, take out a 200 foot long cord, and kind of spool it together and plug it in. And it looked like there's a giant extension cord just wrapped around where Greg Cody was sitting for some reason.
Starting point is 00:20:43 But you all of a sudden got the lights were off. You got pulled into engineering and no one knew how to turn on the lights. No idea how to turn the lights. It was all so surreal. It's just Walter White is just waiting for us to figure it out. But this is, look man, if we go all the way back, Mike, if we go back to original fusion when we did the interview with Lemmy, to try to explain to people. Lemmy!
Starting point is 00:21:03 Lemmy! Remember that. To try to explain to people what has been done in this studio. Like keep in mind, if you've been with us for 10 years, I know that some of you've been with us for 18 years. So you've seen the growth and you remember all of these moments and we're going to start packaging some of them in our library and and remembering them as we transition. We'll probably do some of that next week as we transition into the new studio.
Starting point is 00:21:28 But John Skipper one time asked me over dinner, hey, do you want to be on television with this? And I had never given it any thought. I just shrugged. It's all I did. And then they made a relationship with fusion, because I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. I wasn't sure I wanted cameras watching us
Starting point is 00:21:43 that I liked the intimacy of how we did it. And I wanted to do it. I wasn't sure I wanted cameras watching us that I like the intimacy of how we did it and And he wanted to do it. I didn't really want to do it I didn't care about television and and so he made a deal with fusion one of the few Miami companies that could do such a thing and Howard Stern's people or one of Howard Stern's people who put him on television was trying to do it from D'Areal through here with Billy wrapping Cords together so that Brian Kranson could come in on the day that we weren't in we made it work and yeah But can you man? It's probably one of the worst interviews settings. He's ever had right?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Settings wise. Yes, the interview was actually The Dan Laptop show was to got to sponsor by BetterHelp. The holiday season can stir a wide range of emotions and the specific emotions experience can vary from person to person. While many people associate the holidays with feelings of joy, warmth and togetherness, it's essential to recognize that the holiday season can also evoke various other emotions, both positive and negative. Adding something new and positive to your life can kinda act some of those feelings.
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Starting point is 00:23:24 Don't lebertard! first month. That's a bit of help. H-E-L-P dot com. Slice D-O-B. Don't let it hard. It's a slightly performance, but we need to establish a reasonable out. Yes. So I'm so glad to have everyone with the space. My way is more than you do. Still gots. I always like leave a hand on the chicken.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Because he's so vulnerable. I just unfairly fade down the tickets, he just really can buy himself. This is the Dan Lebatar show with his Tugats! Tugats is Cleveland Ergarage Top 5! Top 5, things you will miss won't miss about the Cleveland Ergarage, what's the list? Top 5 things I'm going to miss about the Cleveland or garage. Number five, wondering if someone sat in my car while we were recording because the seat settings have changed. It's happened. That actually happened to me. Thank you. Yeah. I've caught people in my car before. Yes, I did. In seven street. Not this one, but the one three blocks away.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I stumbled upon a woman in my car as her friends were playing lookout while she was just sifting through my stuff. And I was just like, hey, stop. You guys got to use that lock button. Well, that's how I was doing it from the far away, like just to scare them away. Make them scatter. Here's my theory. If you can still open the door, if I'm close enough with my key, and I feel like, but you can't start the car. And I feel like you have to be like literally within arm length of the car. That's it. Listen, somebody can't get into
Starting point is 00:24:57 your car. That's how people move in this garage. Okay. I'm talking, you, I'm getting out and someone else is getting in. And I don't notice because there's a cloud of smoke in front of me Like any any drones. Yeah, pro tip you leave your doors unlocked So if you're gonna steal something go here get it. Whatever you want brother. Just don't break my windows Well, I don't remember the details This is an upgrade for stew gots because when the original Miami arena was built Stugots went to his car and there were people smoking crack in the front seat of his car. Multiple people smoking crack. I don't know if they broke your window or not to get in though.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They did. They broke my window. They were smoking crack. I saw them from a distance. I called the cops. The cops came and did what they had to do. And I was on my way with a broken window. So an upgrade. The Cleveland garage from the start and sports and Miami sports he upgrades to simply people invading his car when he doesn't want them there. Well, wondering, I'm just wondering because the settings change slightly. It's like they're trying to get him back to where they originally were, but I can tell. Number four, the blood. You're gonna miss the blood. You're gonna miss the blood?
Starting point is 00:26:05 I'm gonna miss the blood. I mean, I don't know how to tell you. Gives you some charm. And it's a mystery. Yeah. Like what happened here? I always do that when I find a pair of underwear or a single shoe or sock in the garage.
Starting point is 00:26:21 What happened here? What's the story? I bet you there's a good story that involves this person leaving their underwear here. Number three, the use condoms. That's probably where the underwear is. The underwear got lost.? Yeah. That that can only be for one. Mike garbage can't number one. You can also be for a spare button. Oh, yeah. I'm really going to miss number one. The two little birds I say hello to every single day, Rocky and Apollo. Oh, yeah. Really gives you hope
Starting point is 00:27:08 Are they parents there have been parents landing on my balcony recently? What kind of bird? It wasn't the little piece of cute little birds human feces. Yeah, that was oh a lot. Oh a lot human feces Don lebertard you realize that for 30 minutes now We might not have been doing good show, but we were doing show for about 30 minutes. And then you just decided to tell the story as if we were in the eating area. Still gots. So many refer to it as a kitchen, right?
Starting point is 00:27:36 Eating area. I'm sorry. Who calls it an eating area? Nobody. Nobody. Right. Eating area. What's the bedroom, the sleeping area?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Let's hang on. I gotta go to the urinating area. I'll be right back. Eating area. This is the Dalai Batar show with this two cats. Last day at the Cleveland Earth. Juju Gotti begins his audition for executive producer today. There's a new sheriff in town. There is. We will see how that goes. This is our last official day at the Cleveland Der. We will have an awkward week next week
Starting point is 00:28:12 because we transition. We still have shows tomorrow. I understand. But this will last. This will be our last official day at the Cleveland Der. We have show to do tomorrow elsewhere. I don't know why you need to make that clarification on me. You know what? Go sit outside for two minutes. Go just go sit outside.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Just go sit outside. Send us. Send us as to help. Go to hell. Send us out. Go to hell. The penalty box. We celebrate our time at the Cleveland. I don't know if the rest of you are emotional about this or not, but David Samson is one of the new metal, dark employees. It has been a polarizing hire, but many people, many, many people love the content that David Samson puts out on nothing personal, which is now part of the Levitard and friends family and love this hour. David, today is our last official day at the Cleveland.
Starting point is 00:29:08 There are how many times have you been here? And what is your favorite Cleveland or memory? My favorite Cleveland memory. We used to spend a lot of time at the Cleveland. Because remember, we had a Cleveland during the ballpark. So I spent a lot of time there negotiating with the people who owned the Cleveland. Or back in the day, as we put together a deal to put the Clevelander in Marlon's Park. And we would go there for afternoons and we'd do a meeting and we would block off from
Starting point is 00:29:32 two to seven and the meeting would be from two to two thirty. And then we would just go hang out by the pool from two thirty till seven and have a lot of fun. I never felt unsafe. It was always an interesting fun crowd. There were times when we were playing games or jumping in the pool or all sorts of interesting things. And that was pleasure. My biggest business memory, I believe is the first time I came into your studio and I pulled my car
Starting point is 00:29:58 up right in front because no one had told me where to park. And someone came out and I expected it to be Valet. And it was someone who came out and said, you can't park there, that's where Dan Levitard parks. And I said, listen, I don't wanna take his spot, but I'm leaving my car here, I'll be back in a half hour. And the answer was, I'll have to ask Mr. Levitard. And I said, that won't be necessary, and I just kept moving. I gave him the keys and I came have to ask Mr. Levittard. And I said, that won't be necessary, and I just kept moving.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I gave him the keys, and I came up to your studio. Then what did you say when they asked you? Oh, they never came. They knew not to ask. That's my spot. They pretended to ask. Get off my plane. The fourth time that I was there,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I dealt when I was there for a couple of days in a row last year, and I had to deal with the garage, I had never been in that garage. And it did not seem like a professional outfit that I was a part of when I had to deal with getting from the garage to your studio through four back doors, a kitchen, and then up two flights of stairs. It's like good fellas. You got a good, good, great. I'd much thought. And the thing that I did not come since I lost my smell. And I was thinking to myself that I would have come way more often recently if you had wanted me to.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. I'm phrasing it brother. He has lost his scent. He has lost his scent. He is lost. He is lost. His sense of smell. He does not actually smell or he smells like nice things when I have smelled him. He doesn't come since he is a very, we already got that joke. It's been made four times already. Let's get to the point.
Starting point is 00:31:36 He sent me something, Dan. It's been done in Mexico. And once in the United States that they're giving shots and people's necks in the hospital that gives them their sense of taste and smell back. I've had a bunch of people get to me on Twitter with that and I've been deciding whether or not to do that, but I have, it's not FDA approved. And so I'm not sure what to do. The shot in the neck seems aggressive.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I have also seen that, experimentally, they are fixing some of the smell, uh, sent a sense of smell and taste for people, but I don't know how successful that is. And you, I can't imagine you trusting it. No, I, and I'm not going to go to Mexico to do it. Right. That doesn't seem and that's nothing against Mexico. I just feel like I don't want to be the first. I think I make a living. I'm not a chef. It is, it is, it is something against Mexico, though. It, no, because I would have said the same thing if it were any, almost any other country. But then it would be something against any other country. I believe you, I believe that you're not making that Latin specific.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Of course, Cody had a top five, right? Let's go to one. Oh, I got one. All right, what's your top five? Top five, Cleveland are moments for me. Some of these are in show. Oh, I got one. Five. All right. What's your top five? Top five. Clevelander moments for me.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Some of these are in show. Some of these are out of show. But just Clevelander moments for me. Oh, L.I. The early club segments. When we brought in like the curtain, what school did like the curtain reveal? I assume it works up, baby.
Starting point is 00:32:59 We did that for like months, where we would have mascots come in. We had Greg Cody appear, even though it was a Friday. The Cleveland girls. The Cleveland girls would come up. It was a time. My dad was dancing. Oh, and see Martin also.
Starting point is 00:33:11 What a time that was. Second OLI, this could be way higher, but Mike used this on one of his lists early in the week, so I don't want to double up on that. The Josh Norman Hub. It just has to be on. It has to be on everyone's list. It was just, it's...
Starting point is 00:33:24 Now, let me ask you guys a question. Do you think it was made funnier by the fact that it was security cam footage and not like an actual camera? Yes. Well, it was because I believe like Josh just came up and said Dan gave me, like how did we learn over the hook?
Starting point is 00:33:39 Cause we went back and we were like, we gotta see this thing. I forget who said. Now there were people around who saw it and said it was awkward. Including Josh Norman, who was made uncomfortable by it. Oh, classic times. Number five, Dan thinking a mean was a Clevelander waiter. The first time we met. Oh, he took my number one. And I thought Diana Rossini was somebody who worked in Deportis
Starting point is 00:34:01 too. I think when she was here, I didn't recognize her either. That was just, that was just, I mean, what was your thought there when he did that? Well, he didn't, he never addressed me. Like, what happened was I was sitting in this little, the place where I was sitting. I thought it was weird that a Clevelander waiter was having his sandwich lunch in our setting. I did think that was weird. So for the listeners, before you enter the actual studio area, there's a little kind of anti-room where Lewis has- You said-
Starting point is 00:34:31 Satisfied screenroom in the history of green room. Well, it used to be. It used to be the green room. It used to be our green room. Oh my God. So I was someone, I think Mike was like, you want to sandwich? Because I came early because I thought it was like
Starting point is 00:34:42 an ESPN show where we have to do a pre-show meeting and they didn't do any of that stuff around here. Exactly. And so you want lunch or something? I'm like sure. So I ordered like a turkey sandwich and I'm eating it right there and Dan walks in and walks right by me. And I was like, wow, this is Dan Levittar guy. He's all business.
Starting point is 00:35:02 He's going straight for the studio. You had your back to us. Yeah, I was, yeah, I was sitting there, but I looked out and you walked in, you walked, you walked straight past me and I was like, well, I guess he's all business. And this was like 10 minutes before Showtime. So, got showed up like one minute before Showtime.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And then I hear Mike say, did you meet a mean? And Dan said, no, where is he? Number four. Number four, Super Bowl in Minnesota, Mina Kimes doing a report from a zip line. Is that... Is that a proven-to-moment? I don't have to make me the best person in the world.
Starting point is 00:35:34 I don't like the talk, isn't it? They won't accept me, isn't that the best person in the world? Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh
Starting point is 00:36:05 So get the Brady with four. So got sounded so much better. Oh, the classic. By the way, this top five brought to you by Miller Lake 96 calories and 3.2 carbs per 12 ounces. Number three. Number three. This is a personal one. I don't even know if people remember this in here. We had a meeting once with important ESPN suits at Naked Taco about a block away.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And on our way over there, and on our way over there, I stumbled and tripped over like, like, you know, the side of the roadway. And I fell down and I'm like, okay, this is fun, not that embarrassing. And as I'm like, all right, everyone, all the suits saw it. So we stand up and we start walking continuing. So we don't stand up. You stand up. Well, we all stood up and we start walking continuing. So we don't stand up. You stand up. Well, we all stood up and we start walking towards Nagataka
Starting point is 00:36:47 and I realize as we're walking now, I have a gigantic tear in my pants right in the Crotchal region. So now I have to sit down at this big, like literally the most important people at ESPN. And it's like, I'm not gonna, so I have to hide and then a gigantic tear in my shorts the entire lunch We toss your legs. I did luckily it was not like a high top so like my legs were really exposed
Starting point is 00:37:12 I got in nice. We didn't actually they didn't notice I we unveiled this the next day on the air But it was just the peak of embarrassment for me. So that's got to be on there for number two Number two is the Greg Cody tumor hard network out. I just want to give you a sample of what Greg Cody sounded like, which set us all off in a panic. Everyone except for Greg Cody because he's old and he's stubborn. He refuses to go to the doctor. So that's what you sounded like for the better half of a month now.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Me, Dan, everyone. We told you repeatedly to go to the doctor. You ignored us. You finally went to the doctor and the results of your visit to the doctor were, were what? Yeah, after several tests, they found a tumor in my chest. Is dad, stool, got crick-cotties on the SP and radio Who was that talking by the way? Number one was a benign Tumor in my chest
Starting point is 00:38:24 They found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest.
Starting point is 00:38:37 He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He found a tumor in my chest. He's Dan Stoo and Precordy on the SBM radio.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Great work by Sue there. And us in the back, because we see the clock coming down. We're like, oh no, this is not gonna split. And I had to click the button. So that did it felt great. That was Sue. We all learned of the tumor together, I think.
Starting point is 00:39:00 He's Dan Stoo and Precordy on the SBM radio. Number one. And number one, this is probably a top moment for everybody else, a horrifying moment for me in the battery costume, down by the pool, waving my little jazz hands as Dan berates a security guard, not berates, but just defends our honor. And holy crap was that a moment. I'm still mad. About first take coming in here and eating all the muffins downstairs while they were trying to charge you guys
Starting point is 00:39:28 $9 for those muffins. I'm mad at everybody about that still David about the new studio Dan. I have a major question. Yes What is the bathroom situation? Much better. Yeah, A much better bathroom situation. Are there, do the doors go all the way to the floor or do you see people's feet? It's two individual bathrooms. Yeah, you get your own private things experience.
Starting point is 00:39:56 You lock that door and you got to sink to yourself, you got the urinal to yourself, you got the toilet to yourself. We're gonna have bathroom lines for the first time. Yeah. Well, a little backup. Yeah. I know what I'm saying? Little backup. Yeah. I wanted to add, how many times a day will they be cleaned? Oh, not at all.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Oh, shit.

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