The Dick Show - Episode 118 - Dick on Paying Maddox's Rent
Episode Date: September 4, 2018A terrible thing I did after the PKA drinking show, the Little Platinum Books/Maddox Patreon conspiracy, Cody Wilson calls in to talk about women and guns, my investigation into the Alex Jones trans-p...orn incident, Kate the Russian news babe, false-flagging Neil Armstrong, 4D-printed guns, "Bad Hombre" the Madcast pedophile, Dr. Nurse defects to our side, UCB front holes, the fake police are called again, and my offer to pay Maddox's rent since he seems to be hard up for cash; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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Yeah, yeah, yeah, welcome to Nick.
You got it.
So show where everything is a contest coming to you live from a concrete bunker and Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Sean the audio engineer. Hello dick. Hey, what's up buddy? Oh man, what a, what a week.
Yeah, what a week.
I know you don't, I know you're not addicted to the social media is like me and everybody else.
I'm not.
So it's always a fun surprise to hear about things when I come in.
I don't even know.
I don't know if it's better that way or not.
It's funnier for me.
Yeah, that's good because I get your reaction to things where some, some things you're
like a hmm, but then something you're like, eh, yeah, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I, it's a, it has been a gas singularity.
I think we're approaching the gas singularity.
The theorized moment in the hot goss when the goss perpetuates itself into a self-sustaining, goss reaction that continues forever.
Critical mass, but it doesn't never stops.
It never stops.
Do you know what that, do you know what the singularity is?
Yeah, I've kind of, it's when computers
start inventing sex machines for us.
It's long theorized in computer science back back from the days
of Charles Babbage. He first wrote about it the day when computers would start becoming
sex workers for a man. Was that the downfall of man? No, that's the up rising of man.
That's what I was hoping you'd say. That's Pax Humana. Humana happens. But the
goss is approaching it. That's not what the singularity is.
The goss is approaching a similar situation, right?
I don't know if I can cover it properly.
I can't keep track of it.
I sat down to write all the things,
all the things that happened this week.
And I think, like I thought I was writing it,
a brief history of time, but it was only this week.
On the Dic show. It was only this week.
I did. We hit, we hit such lows as one of Madcast Media's biggest fans and some kind of a
moderator at Madcast Media, they tell me, was discovered to be a convicted
pedophile and uh, uh, uh, purveyor of a lot of child
pornography. It's disgusting. Oh, no, absolutely heinous
and terrible. Nicked at a whole stream on going over what
this guy did, but this guy has been this guy, the bad
ombre, who is like, he's got Instagram pictures with Maddox.
He's like Maddox's new weird Matthew McConaughey.
Yeah, pedophile.
Oh, that's who's convicted pedophile.
Oh, big time, big time.
I don't even wanna read the charges.
I didn't read them completely
because they were so horrifying.
She's right.
This is, this is who, this is who is defending Maddox online.
And this is just one of the,
this is where we started.
This is where we started.
Sean, we started here this week.
This was how the week started.
Let's kick things off.
This is what the magnet decided.
Let's kick things off with a hot, hot pedophile.
Asking you shall receive.
How do you, what gosh, possibly, Trump's that?
Well, it sounds like I'm gonna find out.
Oh God, I had one of the most embarrassing moments
of my life.
I mean, because you're pretty much shameless.
Oh, you would think, I thought so. Yeah. Well, I mean, because you're pretty much shameless. Oh, you would think I thought so.
Well, I mean, I think basically anyone who's not completely fucked has a point at which
they're like, oh, I'm actually a little embarrassed about that.
I found it.
Did you read it?
It's my Hasselhock.
My David Hasselhock needs a cheeseburg.
Yeah, on the floor or whatever.
All right. Hasselhock, my David Hasselhock needs a cheese bread on the floor or whatever. Yeah.
All right.
I, it started with me going on the pain killer already podcast.
You did that on Wednesday.
For their drinking episode, like they have an episode where they drink aggressively.
I was like, hey, boys, no problem.
You want to call the old masters and the old gunsling or out from retirement to show you boys
what a drinking episode is all about.
I've ruined podcasts from here to Mississippi
with my drinking and ranting about celebrities
on live streams, right?
I've gotten, I've gotten shows pulled down
and struck down by YouTube.
You've ruined entire cities in Europe.
I mean, I helped.
And it started with that and it ended with me.
I woke up on the podcast.
I blacked out during the podcast.
And it wasn't my fault.
I can't stress none of it was my fault.
None of it was my fault.
I started drinking on the podcast.
Yeah, I woke, I blacked out in the middle.
So please, nobody go watch this episode, just ignore it.
It's not, it's not even funny.
It's just embarrassing.
So don't take pleasure in embarrassing things
of other people that's a sin, I think.
Yeah, I think you're, I feel like you're being a little
insincere. I don't want people, I really don't want people
to watch it. I really don't. Okay. Like I've saw some of the clips
people are posting. Did you see any of them? No. All right.
I'm going to show you one. Okay. Yeah. You seem real
embarrassed about it. I'm mortified. But you have to chase
that feeling. I know. Or else you're not out. Yeah.
mortified, but you have to chase that feeling. Or else you're mad.
You have to learn, you have to expose yourself for God's sakes,
to minors, not minors, bad ombre, but to yourself.
Here is, here's one of the shots on me
on a huge podcast, looking like a homeless person.
I've forgotten that I'm on the podcast at this point,
of course, but just thought I was hanging out in my basement.
Here's another one of me.
Here's me eating chicken secretly, Sean.
This is me eating this is me trying to eat a chicken wing.
This is exactly what you do if you're really drunk.
You think nobody can see you I'm being completely covert. I'm invisible. No one can hear me.
I'm totally invisible. Yeah. I forget you forget that you're on camera. You forget about everything.
I've I've put so much attention into making this studio look professional and not like a raped engine that I've hidden my own cameras.
So I set them up and I don't notice
that I'm, and I don't remember
that I'm still on camera,
I think I'm just there having a nice phone call
with some pals.
Yeah, right.
With a nice checking dinner on the side.
They'll never know.
Yeah, I'm gonna try to put that in the,
let me try to put that in the feed record.
That's a pretty great shot.
Oh, it's disgusting.
Okay, there we go.
Yeah, that's a nice, yeah, it's great in the feed.
Yeah, you know, maybe not your proudest moment,
but to me, that's not, you know, not terrible,
not terribly impossible.
Why am I trying to hide it?
I'm not even hiding it well.
Well, you've done away the framing to eat the chicken.
And by the way, but you did it.
This is my half measure.
This is my second helping of chicken.
Okay. So then immediately I start arguing with the co-host about whether or not I've eaten
chicken already tonight because this is my second instance of eating chicken on their show.
Oh, you don't recall the first instance of eating chicken.
I don't recall any of it.
I don't recall any of it.
I started telling them I was going gonna kick all of their asses
and fight them.
Also not my fault.
None of it's my fault.
None of it's my fault.
They started the episode talking about who would win
in a fight.
So they planted the seed in the drunk brain.
And it was a drinking episode.
They did that to me on purpose, those guys.
Taylor and FPS Russia and Woody did that to me,
did it to me to make me look foolish.
Also things that were,
also people who were conspiring against me,
Consuelo, my cleaning lady.
You know she had the cancer.
Yes, she had the cancer.
Okay, right.
So she had to go to a doctor's appointment and the cancer has slowed her down a little
bit, the recovery.
So she took until the very, okay, they record their show at 4 p.m. Pacific time, which
is a ridiculous time to start drinking.
You can't, I can't eat before that show, right?
It's very difficult.
So Consuelo took all the way up until like 350 to finish,
even though I told her we got to leave at 330 because I got to do this show. She took forever.
Yeah. It's like, oh, I got to move, I got to put this mop away. Oh, I've got to put this bucket
in the, oh, I forgot my phone. And I'm like, well, you fucking, let's go. I got to get back and
eat some food before this drinking show. I got back two minutes before the drinking show and had to get right on.
See? Dry run. Not my fault.
And they start talking about fighting and doing shots.
These kids start doing the shots.
I blacked out in the middle.
I woke up. Fit is a fiddle.
Uh, woke up at 6am. Boom.
I'm ready to go. In here. No. In bed. Oh, look at it 6am boom. I'm ready to go in here. No, no, no,
no, no, no, you made it to bed. Which is a terrible sign. When you wake up with no hangover,
it is a terrible sign, Sean, because you're still drunk. It means it means either two things.
One, you threw up somewhere, mysteriously, but more importantly, when you wake up
with your mind already cranking at full steam,
you know you did something fucked.
Cause your brain has been working all night
to try to figure out lies to get out of it.
I open my eyes and say, oh wow, wonderful.
80s girls there, before she goes to work.
Yeah, he said, hey, what's up, beautiful.
I couldn't have done anything too bad.
No, no, I don't start like that.
I'll start with apologies.
Well, no, no, no, no.
I mean, the fact that she's in the house.
Oh, right.
You know, because she goes,
I mean, if you did something, you know, real bad.
There'd be like a vapor trail down the street.
Yeah. She goes, you're vapor trail down the street. Yeah.
She goes, you're in big trouble.
Oh, I said, oh, okay.
I must have been a real asshole last night.
I'm sorry, I'll never do it again.
She goes, yeah, you wanna see documentation?
You passed out, you after the show,
you went to bed and passed out immediately.
I said, fantastic. She said, then I heard you get up.
Oh, no.
And you went into the bathroom.
But I didn't hear a flush.
So I got up to see what was the matter,
like a Christmas tale, right?
I heard the bathroom, she got up to see what was the matter.
And I was apparently standing in the
doorway, like some kind of a demon, like a ghoul staring like a zombie, just staring down at the floor.
She's like, what's going on? What's wrong? I shuffled off down to bed. Like a children of the
like a Blair Witch project, right? I must in my drunk brain of thought, okay, you're here. This is that's I'm done.
She goes into the bathroom, uh, entirely covered in piss.
The floor of the bathroom is entirely covered in piss, right? Which I have none in the toilet,
not in the toilet, not even not one drop, but you did go to the right room, though.
Thank you. Thank you, Sean.
That's right.
I mean, I did.
There was some, I made it easy to clean up.
Deeply ingrained, you know, a little voice down there
that said, don't do this in bed.
Don't get up.
Yeah, get up, you maggot.
Get up, you worthless talk sucker.
You don't talk to yourself when you're drunk
the way Cernivage tells you to talk to yourself, right?
Get up, you son of a bitch.
Yeah, right.
Oh, I've only done that once before in my life.
What, just piss all over the bathroom.
Oh, I know that story.
I don't know if I've ever told it on the show.
I don't think you have.
It's pretty funny.
My sister's 21st birthday.
I'll tell it.
I'll tell it.
Maybe I'll tell it on my sister.
Also, not my fault.
My sister's birthday is the day after St. Patrick's Day. So I'll I'm drinking. What am I supposed to do anyway?
I hope those guys have me back. I hope I didn't ruin their show. I hope they don't take me
seriously telling them I'm going to kick all their asses. That was obviously just I was obviously
joking by saying it. I could kick all their asses. I just want to make sure that they don't
think I'm trying to back out of it, but yeah.
I think Cody Wilson is calling in at some point today.
I don't know what part of this gossip you want to get to first.
You know, surprise me.
Maddox filed for an extension on lawsuit against the stereo.
That is very last second.
That is just baffling to me.
Well, and I know we had talked about on the bonus episode that there was conjecture that
He was doing it to stave off sanctions
Oh, just delay it is just a delay it. I mean is that or I mean who knows I mean that
My mind knowing him now my mind goes to he thinks he can win
Well, so this is what I I mean, there's like this
mishmash of insanity around it.
Where he's just, I mean, he's so fucked.
This is a guy who's lived 40 years and has learned zero
with how to, that's staggering to me.
That's incredible.
Then you, yeah.
You haven't learned one goddamn thing.
You've unlearned stuff.
You used to know how to market his comedy
and he used to know how to write funny articles.
Remember, he said you had a fucking template for it.
All he had to do, all he I was talking to Nick about this,
all Maddox used to do was piss off normal people.
And then I think he started to hate the pressure
of having fans so much
that he turned that same instinct into trying to piss off his fans because that became his
new normal.
Those like the edge lords, which is, I mean, I am one.
It's fine.
It's not a pejorative, but then he just became about pissing them off with the anti-Trump
shit and like all his, all his crusades on behalf
of nonsense issues that he has no frame,
that he has no business speaking about black income disparity,
AIDS, like the guy who says,
the guy who says kill yourself like a man is giving life lessons
on fucking AIDS.
Can't even get the stats remotely right.
But the normies didn't take them in.
This normies don't fucking care.
Normies want,
normies want, this is America,
Sasha Baron Cohen dressing up like an asshole
and making known villains say silly stupid things
about themselves.
That's what they want.
They want the fucking minions.
They want Maddox.
They don't want some ugly old
X pro grammar telling them what to oh by the way happy birthday. Oh, thank you speaking of speaking of old fucks
Nice segue. Yeah, very good. Well, you know, you'll be happy to know this will be my last
You're going in Greenland. I mean, I've just opened up and I'm not celebrating your birthday anymore.
I never, I never have celebrated my birthday.
Did you get what you want for your birthday?
Nothing and no mention of it.
No, I never get that.
Yeah, that's too bad.
Um, what was I saying?
I don't know what Maddox is doing with the lawsuit.
It seems like it seems like a defense for that counter-suit that Astereos is talking
about because he's got to be proven to have done it with malicious intent, you know?
Not just like being a moron does not get you hit for malicious prosecution.
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
Nick says it seems like a solid case.
Other people say it seems like a solid case, but I know America.
Oh, it's a case.
Yeah, I know America.
I always think, I always think something fucky's gonna happen.
You can be as dumb as you want in America and you will get away with it.
And in this case, I can't honestly say that he's not.
Just too stupid to live, too stupid to understand how any of it works.
It's hilarious. There's new lawyers hilarious.
Maddox's new lawyer.
Looks like a fucking lead funnel.
Like it's like this guy's a long thought of what's.
No, it's a different guy.
Oh, it is, okay.
Yeah, let me see.
I thought you were pretty solid in your, in your,
me too.
Yeah, in your detective work there.
I've been solving a lot of mysteries.
I think I've also, I've solved another Sherlock Holmes
mystery of the case of the credit card fraud
between Maddox and Little Platinum books.
I'm telling you, don't, it weakest, fucking pack!
I haven't heard about this.
So I, where was, let me find this guy's name.
I just wanna make sure everyone knows
this cock suckers name. Jason Lebo to make sure everyone knows this cocksucker's name Jason lot lib o Jason
lib o. And as as you would predict his domain, his name is already bought, taken and redirected
to the lawsuit. So if you're going to if you're going to take part in Maddox's offensive
lawsuits, make sure you own your fucking domain domain name first idiots.
Nick said Nick also said that and this has come up a couple times.
I don't want to harp on Nick, but that everyone deserves legal representation.
I think it matters of criminality, of course.
And when you're defending yourself, absolutely, everyone deserves.
I don't get the worst of the worst. If you're getting sued for something if someone's coming after you, you deserve to hire.
Well, that's a constitutional thing, isn't it?
Yes, but also that the person representing you
is not morally responsible for what you've done, you know?
Yeah. Even if you're like the most
the biggest white supremacist
and you're getting sued for libel or something like that.
Yeah. I don't think I have no problem
with whoever's representing you.
If you are taking part in pursuing a lawsuit against something,
I see.
You should be burned at the fucking stake.
I see.
Because you will profit from that.
You don't have to put up the drywall in the death star.
You know what I mean?
I do.
You can just pass on it.
You can eat from the dollar menu that night, mother fucker,
because this is got,
oh, this money that you're making to cause harm for other people. You're not limiting harm on someone.
You are causing harm. But that's, that's so many lawsuits, is it not?
10 fucking times as guilty as the guy, as the moron initiating the suit, because you should fucking
know better. Yeah, you should. You're an ad in the yellow pages.
Jason, you fucking asshole.
That's my opinion on it.
Many people don't agree, but you know, morality.
It's interesting.
Whoever gets control of the AI that determines
like how self-driving cars, who they run over,
it's gonna have a lot of power.
You know, like if some, well that's true.
Well, because if you have,
if you're between a rock and a hard place,
well you gotta pick.
And if the bitch, if the person running,
the, if the person running the morality engine
of Uber's first self-driving car
is some Tumblrina with pink hair.
If they're the same people in charge of determining
whose YouTube accounts gets whacked,
we're fucking dead meat.
We might as well be driving around with sandwich boards
that say, I hate cars on them, right?
I hate new cars.
That's closer to the original joke that I'm trying to do.
Yes, yes, which is die hard three
for those of you who are older than 25.
You look good for a 41.
Yeah, well, that's fair.
That's fair.
Sort of keeping it together.
I think it's because I only see you in that shitty chair.
Like, if you were in a nice chair with some back support,
I think you'd look like standing up.
You have a commanding presence.
I'd probably look worse in a good chair.
Oh, you think so?
Well, yeah, because I'm out shining this shitty chair
right now. That's true. Some people think Max is trying to bleed a stereo stride with another
because he's the only one he's managed to actually damage. Yeah, because he's the most vulnerable. Yeah,
I mean, uh, guys got, does he really, I mean, at what cost? You know, I mean, he got does he really? I mean, at what cost?
You know, I mean, he just doesn't, is it just he's has a singular focus on
a stereos at this point and I don't know, man, I don't
much crazy shit that happened this week.
I don't know.
I had a one of the one of the UCB people, former UCB, I don't know, I wouldn't call
a friend. Yeah, a coin. know, I wouldn't call him friend.
Yeah, a coin.
Done stage shows with me.
He's a funny guy.
I'm not going to knock him for what he's not.
He is a piece of shit now though.
This guy iffy, no way.
Yeah, right.
I've heard that name or something close to it.
I woke up and saw it.
Is he no bray? Not him. No, I know. Right. I've heard that name or something close to it. I woke up and saw the array.
Not in. I know. I know.
I woke up in, um, it's just a guy, but the African last name, you know, all consonants.
Yeah. A lot of clicks. Yeah. No, I don't know. No clicks. No clicks. No.
I woke up to see that Maddox was doing a show with Hal Rudnick and if this guy, if he knew out of way, it's a comedian who I've known for years, done shows with. So I do my thing, my bad cop of the good cop, bad cop routine, of the good cop, good cop cancer cop, the cop toxic cop. Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I want to, I do want to talk about that.
I say, hey, you guys are doing a show with a guy who,
with Maddox who bankrupted your friend and just,
just applied last night. I bankrupted your friend, who's there.
Oh, yeah, the soap.
He's friends of theirs.
Yeah, you've known him for, you've known him for longer than me.
And I mean, he's, I'm an asshole.
He's not.
There's no, there's no excuse for that
Yeah, you're doing a show with him
What the fuck is wrong with you two he just filed an extension to gin up the same lawsuit that fuck that
Stereo's his life what do they think they think they're gonna gain by going on a He's got does anybody listen to him? It is literally
The the option for these fucking LA people these transactional friendship mother fuckers
How Rodnic included is to do nothing because the the idea that they could do
Anything is the implication that they could do everything
That's what I think is going through their mind to cancel one show to say you know what I don't But do anything is the implication that they could do everything.
That's what I think is going through their mind.
To cancel one show to say, you know what?
I don't really feel comfortable working with this guy
who bankrupted my friend and is like a real piece of shit
and his abuse is committed perjury,
is a literal fucking criminal.
To admit that one thing would mean they're admitting
they had, they could do something.
Yeah, you know, yeah, sure.
So they won't do it.
How smart doesn't say anything, doesn't answer anything.
Never says anything to me.
I'm sure he's the one who kicked me off
turning him into an appearance.
Oh, yeah.
Cause he's the one who's Mr. Brand guy.
Okay, he's the one going all over screen junk.
He's trying to be a fucking brand, trying to be the, um, the, who's the guy who did the, the, uh, was
a Casey Kasim who did the New Year's Eve ball drop. Yeah. Yeah. He's trying to be the new
fucking Casey Kasim, anything and everything they'll do. I'm sure he's the one, I'm sure
he's the one that kicked me off tournament of nerds, even though every single joke I made
and men are better than than women pales in comparison
to what every fucking comedian, the, the jokes that every single comedian makes on that
stage past 10 p.m.
You gigantic front holes.
You fucking know every single one of you makes jokes about babies getting killed or Hitler
coming back or space Hitler.
Like it's so ingrained in comedy.
It can't be avoided, especially at drunk night time shows.
And every one of you fucking liars knows what knows that, you know?
So he says flat out, this guy iffy.
Oh, fuck you. I don't want any part of this,
you pro Trump, pro rape.
I don't want any part of your pro Trump,
pro rape, podcast.
Pro rape rolls off the fucking tongue.
I'm paraphrasing because he's using like half ebonyx slang
and half normal English to make this,
and shumps should I had to look up.
Like I didn't, I don't know what this insult,
I don't know what B.I.H. is, dude.
I use complete sentences because I would like people to
at least take me, at least be able to decipher it, right?
Take it a little bit serious.
Yeah, sure, sure.
Pro rape, pro fucking rape.
So then after that, of course, not received well,
because it's gonna public square.
Next tweet, you know what,
I wish everybody the best, I don't want any part of this.
What about the pro rape thing you fucking asshole?
Yeah, right.
Pro rape, like there's such a thing,
like there's a platform. Pro rape.
I'm pro rape.
Not even rapists are pro rape.
When they, first of all, they hide it.
So no, they're not, they know they're not pro rape,
it's just pro them raping one woman.
They definitely don't like it in prison.
No, no it's.
And you know, you know what's fucked?
I'm starting to think that those guys actually are pro rape because they're the first ones
to say, oh, I can't, like, I can't wait to see that guy go in prison and see what they
do to his asshole.
Like, you shouldn't be cheering for that.
That's not, that's just, no, I know.
I'm a shaman.
There's no, like, why don't we just torture them then?
Oh, no, no, no, but I am looking forward to him getting raped.
Like, so it's fine because you're not the one just torture him.
Why don't you rape him?
No, no, no, the government tortures people.
Yeah, I just look forward to it.
Right, I look forward to private citizens raping other private citizens.
That's okay.
I mean, he got what was coming to him.
Some in jail for drug charges.
You know, we've got to, we've got to do something about the disenfranchised in the
country, except when they're raping other people that I find morally repugnant.
That's when I, that's fine then.
Well, I mean, there are morality is a funny thing, you know, it's like really, you know
what I'm saying?
No, it's not in charge of the morality engine that Google and Uber are going to have.
We're fucking dead.
Oh yeah.
It'll be, it'll be SkyNet for some
and Halcyon for others.
Is I'm using that word right?
I don't think so.
I don't know.
So let's say, let's have it.
I have it in front of you.
I had a bunch of stuff, other stuff that made me a rage too.
I don't know, let me know when you're board
of the Maddox guys, and I'll talk about this.
Actually, I feel like you might be calling in soon.
You got more, there's something, there's more, isn't there?
Well, I'm gonna get to, there's many more.
There's a lot more, we should have done two shows.
Is there stuff that is like,
is there stuff that is not substantiated entirely?
Yeah, there's two, there's two things that aren't substantiated.
Okay, well that's the right one.
Right, right, right.
Because I've heard a little bit.
One is this woman, Dr. Nurse, will call her,
who is a huge Maddox supporter.
Always fucking with us.
Always fucking with us.
She got one of my two-door accounts banned
because I told her that you can't learn the law
from osmosis when she told her that
she was fucking a lawyer.
Yes, your husband was a very funny.
That's a funny joke.
Yeah, sure.
Am I fucking account banned for it?
Because I said the C word.
Oh, yeah.
Not a big deal, another kind of.
Which we have a studio guest, Carl.
Can I say your whole name?
Carl Lewis, the sprinter, Carl Lewis in the studio.
Speaks in nothing but a bonnix.
I didn't really wear it.
I didn't want to appropriate your British culture
by using Kant so recklessly.
Oh, it's right, we love it.
Can you give him a mic, please?
Yeah, he's on right now if he wants to be.
Hi, Carl, how you doing?
I'm good, man.
How are you?
How are you enjoying LA?
Loving it?
Have you felt the stench of failure all over the city?
I can feel the hopes and dreams in the gutter.
Washing away.
The smog washes hopes and dreams away right now that got her.
That's how it works.
And you work in music.
So we're touring with an artist at the minute and so I'm just in time.
Can you say who it is?
People would be impressed by that.
My name is Mahalia.
She's from England,
and I'm staying out and then going on with UB4 to your reggae band.
UB4, I know them.
They've been around forever.
Yeah, my head.
They were, man, I cannot, when I was a kid,
I was in elementary school, and that song, Red, Red, Wine.
It was the biggest hit for like a year and a half, two years.
It was crazy, man, where that song was just everywhere.
Yeah, you'd put that on.
And they did, there's cover of the Elvis tune.
Yeah, put it on VH1, get some nice dry hump action going on
with your high school show, yeah, that was good times.
Oh, that's cool, they're still out doing it.
Yeah, Mehalia.
Yeah, what's the, what's the can situation going on?
Pretty good.
Yeah, all right, we'll have to check out her music.
That's the right, right, we'll have to check out her music.
That's the right right. That's probably interesting.
Anything make you rage about LA?
You wanted to show the drivers.
Uber drivers.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, one is fuck around the way in.
It was like a five minute drive.
He picked me up.
He was lovely guy talking about boxing, talking about England,
kind of a Lego football.
And when the Santa, when-Book app got to the end
of the, when he said it was at the destination,
it was about half a mile away, down the hill.
From my house?
Yeah, and this place is at the top of a fucking mountain.
That's correct.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So as soon as he let me out, he said,
you literally two dollars down, it'll be fine.
And just drove off at the speed of line.
And when I get to your house with like a bag of,
we just with me bag of beer.
So fucking sweaty.
Oh, what a cock-sucker.
Fuck me.
I need to get you five stars as well.
So I'm just, I'm gonna one-star that fuck.
You know his license plate, let's trick him.
Let's find him.
He dropped you off at the bottom of the hill.
Yeah, about half a mile.
Let's take, let's find him, steal his car,
and then we'll just drive his car like two miles away.
Just talk to the top of this hill, and then we'll just drive his car like two miles away.
Just talk to the top of this hill,
and then let him walk to it.
Here you go, dude.
Get on the fucking monk.
Have fun.
That's not your fault.
No, you're fine, actually.
Uh, okay, let me say, did I ever do that?
He's an engineer, too.
He knows, I could tell.
He was searching for the mic.
He had it set up for a midget.
So Dr. Nurse, who's this big supporter of Maddox,
she turned on him for some reason.
We don't know why yet, but now she's dropping all kinds of chat logs.
Maddox told her that he was going to call the police.
Well, that's his go-to.
See, the thing with Maddox is he thinks that every threat or every action he takes is the
A-bomb. Yeah. That's what he thinks. I, every threat or every action he takes is the a bomb.
That's what he thinks.
I'm calling the police.
Room cleared and then people go like, oh yeah, so what?
And then he goes like, oh, well, call the fucking police.
He's turned into, he's turned into an old woman.
Maddox has turned into an old white woman.
I know.
I think he's got a doppelgang.
I want to dom a paces to read this, but he couldn't make it.
This is, Mattics sends it to this woman who's just telling us that he's telling people that
he's a liar.
Wow, you're sharing my, you're sharing private details with me about my harasser.
You're sharing private details about me with my harasser, like a fucking me too, hashtag.
My harasser. So then the threatens to call the police on that. I should write a Mattics movie. about me with my harasser, like a fucking me too, hashtag. Yeah, my harasser.
So then the threatens to call the police on that?
I should write a Maddox movie and sell it to lifetime.
Like just like actual Maddy locks movie,
where a woman is harassed and she calls the cops and sues.
What details, they will laugh, moron.
You don't even know what city I live in, which cops to call fuck off, really?
This is Maddox uh, 15 minutes later. Here you go.
Uh, is he impersonating a cop now? Yes.
Shot cop called her. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
A cop called me. Yeah.
They're gonna, this is what Maddox says. That's great.
They're gonna follow up to take a report.
Oh, yeah, they'll get right on it.
They'll get right on it.
No, don't you, you gotta go to the fucking police station
to, oh yeah, let me call you up.
Yeah, this is Officer Jack Mehofer.
God damn.
I got some questions for you.
Yeah, what's your badge number?
Who's your superior officer?
Who do you like? I mean, just like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Really? Yes. Stop sharing my private details and stop harassing me. Stop harassing me. I'm calling the police.
Fuck sake.
I still can't believe it's real.
Either it's the funniest thing that's ever happened.
It's just a 40 year old man who has, who had millions of page views, right? 350,000 subscribers, calling the police.
So then this nurse woman that he's called the police on,
Dr. Nurse, she tells me,
because I'm talking to her on Twitter, of course.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me.
Is this, no, is this stuff that's substantiated
or you know, I mean,
if it's everything he's ever done so far. No, it this stuff that's substantiated or? I mean, everything he's ever done so far.
No, it doesn't.
It's the only question and it's a long shot
is like, are they baiting?
You know what I mean?
Like those two.
You know, look, I, if I am totally fine,
getting hoisted by my own retard, if it happens.
I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna slow play anything
and like hedge my bets on purpose
because you gotta go with your gut
because that's who you are, right?
And this is, my Bailey Wic is,
I know when you're fucking with me.
And I'm putting, I'm putting it on the line
because that's exciting.
I do not think, I do not think that a troll could possibly go to this length.
I don't think so either.
It's just, I mean, it would be like,
it would be like a Moriarty level super villain.
We're talking who could do this to me.
And if I'm being hoisted by my own retard,
then good for you.
You will get, I will give you the matrix of, of troller ship.
Trot, well, you do appreciate, you appreciate a good trolling.
It's well done.
It's craftsmanship.
If it's just some guy, if it's some kid in Shaboygan setting up all this fake shit.
Uh, we're talking about the game level with Michael Douglas.
Yeah. Right. Right. Um, you know, whatever. Yeah. We're talking about the game level with Michael Douglas.
Yeah, right? Right.
You know, whatever.
Yeah, but then she drops that they've sexed it before.
And Maddox has jerked off.
Let me, yeah.
That she got it, he was having a bad day.
And she's happy birthday to me. Hahaha. Hahaha.
Where is it?
Oh God.
Oh God, dammit.
Where did it go?
Give me a second to find it.
It's because it's too funny.
It's too funny.
One step thinking.
As I said, hey, is he ever sent you a dick pic?
Is man, it's ever sent you a picture of his dick.
No, but, no, but no
But we have gotten a little steamy before oh
One step thinker. Oh, let me threaten you I'm you have nothing. I mean, I'll scare you so bad
I'll scare you so bad. He won't yeah release all my sexting logs to my greatest enemy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha seeing this girl whose name was Ariel. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And who was from San
Francisco. And she came down. We hung out. We had dinner. And before she left, she matched
me on Tinder. Oh, no shit. Yeah. Let me see here. Oh, yeah. Okay. Here it is. You guys were
sexting. This is her.
Oh, hello, hello, hello.
New news, baby.
You can tell it because my voice goes up and I'll activate it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Every time a news baby, it's, come on.
Let me not say anything offensive.
All right, call it.
Get out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Get the fuck out of here.
Uh, I'm gonna read you this before we...
This is a guy, a woman, a guy who's always trying to mess with our show. He sued us for like $400 million
And he called, he's called her job like made up lies to get her fired. He's a bad guy. He's a bad guy
We're always, we're always having a little rivalry with him, right?
Rivalry. It's a very mild term to...
So one of his, a woman that has had cyber sex with him
recently contacted us and wants to dump their cyber sex
chant logs, right?
Very embarrassing for him.
This is her preview of the logs.
You guys were sexting.
She says, he doesn't even know how to do it right.
Instead of I'm going to XXXX you,
he would just say what he likes and asks what I like.
I got bored. he said he got
off not me I'm and I'm easily impressed yeah like a sex like an artist I guess yeah yeah
I'm trying to find the other one oh yeah here it is okay the only reason it got to that is
I was super drunk also I was worried about him being suicidal.
It's national suicide month, by the way. Suicide prevention awareness. Oh, is it? Yeah.
I thought it was a month to do it.
Yeah. Well, I'll say.
Where do you, who do you, what date do you have in the Maddox podcast, death pool? I don't know.
Also, I was worried about him being suicidal. I had a few Moscow mules and was calling it in while he jerked off.
The second time I was more interactive, it happened twice. All right. There you go. You walked into a mess, embarrassing mess. Okay, I'm going to try to call Cody Wilson and
see if he's around. And then I'll get to the other stuff much later. By the way, how do you pronounce your name?
It was all Russian symbols to me.
Ha ha ha ha.
Oh, that is just beautiful.
Hold on, I want to see if you get Kate out of this.
No, of course it was like Russian, but in English it's like Kate. Yeah, where are you from in Russia? Moscow? Oh Moscow?
Can you scoot a little bit closer to the to the microphone? Yeah.
Is it true that you can trade your pants for things in Moscow? I always hear that that you guys go nuts for Levi's and
Yeah, we have
What do I do? Can you like trade if you if I've got a pair of Levi pants jeans? Can I just walk down the street and like trade them to a guy for his car or steak dinner or something like that?
Yeah, yeah, really you guys like Levi's pants that like the western jeans and stuff that so it's hard to get in Russia
Yeah, yeah, when did you leave?
In Moscow.
When did you leave?
Sorry, I went, I like, two years and a half.
Oh yeah?
Yeah, so I'm here and away two years and a half.
What do you think?
It's awful, right?
No, I like it.
Well, in a beautiful woman.
Moscow is awful for sure.
But you just get to stay inside and drink vodka all day.
That sounds like paradise.
It's because of cold, you know?
You should drink it.
We got all this stupid sunshine.
You know what makes me a rage, really?
You know it's Labor Day?
You know what that means?
You know what a three-day weekend means if you're a man?
What's that?
It means you're doing two gigantic activities this weekend.
Oh boy.
That's what it means.
It doesn't mean that you get a day off.
It means that on Monday, you're going to a fucking fair
and you're gonna do exercise and walk around
and drop $200 and then get drunk.
That's what it means.
It means you're gonna be around as many people as possible.
Labor day.
And thanks for your Labor, Sean.
You know what it means on Sunday?
You're going to get to go to your family's house, but there's going to be 30 strangers there
that you've got to have the same conversation with all day.
Oh, are they throwing a Labor Day party?
Well, who then when you finally manage to explain to them what a podcast is, that that's your job.
They say, oh, that sounds easy.
Where can I get, how can I do that?
And you want to just ring their neck.
It's not easy.
No, okay.
It's not easy at all.
It's not easy at all.
You think it's easy to embarrass yourself on other shows
and drink yourself into a stupor?
It takes dedication and sacrifice.
Mess up the names of beautiful women constantly.
Yeah, it's very, it's very flexible.
It's very difficult.
It's dick, it's, it's Kate.
By the way, yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, that was,
couldn't that couldn't have gone better for me?
When Carl got here, I had to look up his name too.
He told me his name, but his accent was thick.
So he said, he said Kyle.
Kyle Lewis.
But it really is Carl.
It's Carl with a C or a K.
C, that's what it's the three day weekends.
Yeah, it means more work for the man over here.
That's what it means.
It means you're spending your Sunday planning for Monday.
To be drug-around and your hangover schedule is all messed up.
You don't know what you're waking up with a hangover on Tuesday.
I don't know what's going on.
You have to make them drive to the activity so you can drink.
That's a smart.
That's a grown-up piece of advice.
Oh, yeah. Here's what else I've found.
I know you're not allowed to have open containers in the car, but it's like, do you want me,
do you want me hung over and really pissed off and really resentful that I have to do this?
I mean, what is a container? Pick your reason. Yeah. Like there's space around,
what is a sealed container? Can I take it in Tupperware? Yeah, there's space between the molecules.
The liquid isn't spilling out.
Is that define a sealed container?
The molecules are a little bit further apart around the mouth.
I'm not a scientist.
What if I stick my thumb in it
and create that little vacuum thing?
You know, this is a sealed container.
This is a sealed container.
Also a sealed container.
You're not leaking anywhere. No. I'm totally airtight. Yeah, all through my container. Yeah. Also a sealed container. You're not leaking anywhere.
I'm totally airtight.
All through my body.
Thank you, Sean.
All right.
Kate, would you...
Would you like to read some news for us?
Well, we wait for Cody.
Cody, well, do you know Cody Wilson is?
I'm flattered.
He's the guy that made the...
He makes 3D printing...
He makes plans.
Oh, he created it, right?
He created it?
Yeah, he made the plans for the 3D printed gun.
So if you have a 3D printer,
you can put his instructions into it
and it will print out a gun. Cool.
And it all really works.
Oh, yeah.
It really works.
It's all in all kinds of self-defense situations.
It only, that's what he should say.
So he got like, the government hates him and he's been sued by all the Department of Justice.
Well, because they want that for themselves.
And they want to have the only, because they they want to take off the guns away. Yeah. Well, they want to
be the source of guns for their, oh, you think it's a lobby group from like Smith and
Wesson in that? Well, isn't the NRA like, I mean, or isn't who's, yeah, he talked about
this a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, he talked about this last time, didn't he? The NRA is the
lobby group for the gun manufacturers.
Well, I think that...
Well, the gun manufacturers, they want to license that stuff
to the government and stuff, right?
Wouldn't they?
I mean, they would, I don't know.
Whatever, I don't know.
That's very obscure.
I think the government's just doing it for, like,
political points.
Well, okay, no, certainly true.
They don't want people just printing out
guns. Yeah. That's number one. Yeah. But I think there's always a mon, I think there's always a
monetary, you know, string attached to it as well. That's what he's got to do though. Say it only
prints guns that can be used in self-defense situations, right? Yeah, like they, they don't work if
you want to go shoot up a family or something. Just say they're only, the license says they can only be used in self-defense situations.
I'll tell you what else is make me rage this week. Okay. Back to school.
Traffic. No. No. No.
Back to school. Well, I know, but the traffic that happens because it's just the back.
Sean, it's just, it's seeing every school bus I see loaded with kids
is like watching, is like watching old Holocaust footage.
Oh, God, you know, the train cars loaded with people.
You know, where they're going to someplace off.
They're all, they were dressed up in their best.
They were dressed up in their Sunday finest
getting into those cars.
But they're not going.
They're just getting relocated.
They just, they thought they were just getting relocated
for a little bit.
But that's not the way it worked out.
That's what it is when I see these lovely, beautiful children
and they're back to school, outfits from target,
loading into buses, being shipped off to camps
where they have to, or forced to concentrate all day
to education centers, to re-education centers.
There's just a homogenous mix of boys and girls,
having to learn, act in the same way,
having to sit still for unthinkable amount of times,
an unthinkable amount of time,
starting it too early, flying from,
flying from Burbank to Las Vegas.
I cannot get through without a drink.
These boys are sitting there for eight hours a day without a drink, without a drink.
How the fuck is a kindergarten, are supposed to take a nap without some, you know, without a lunchtime
martini? A little bit of whiskey in the milk. Yeah, that's just,'s let's let's figure and the homework is absolutely insane
hours that starting from an early a you know, it's funny
It's my mom said that that the homework is inside yeah because as she has like grandchildren and stuff
She's like, you know, we didn't have homework like that. Yeah, it's like it's they the kids they don't have any time. Yeah
That was like, she's like, the kids, they don't have any time.
Kate, you guys have homework in Moscow?
Yeah, of course.
How much?
A lot?
Mm, yeah, a lot.
Did you like it?
No, you hated it?
Okay, I have a solution for the homework.
The kids need to start making the parents do the homework.
If the kids are gonna have to do homework.
Yeah, right? Well, the parents do do the homework a lot of the time. They need to start making the parents do the homework. If the kids are gonna have to do homework. Yeah, right?
Well, the parents do do the homework a lot of the time.
They need to do more than that.
They need to do adult homework.
Like ripping out all the wiring on the back of Dad's TV.
Oh, I gotta do homework.
Guess what?
Stereo's getting disconnected.
Tying it all in knots.
Good luck, asshole.
You already know how to hook it back up.
Well, now you get to practice.
Yeah. All night, you get to practice your skills, just like me.
Pull the wiring out straight out of the walls.
You guys, you get to learn how to do drywall.
Dad, that's what I'm giving you.
There you go.
I just kicked a hole in the wall.
Or you can march your ass down to the school department
and start demanding some changes.
Yeah, for this homework that I'm forced to do every night,
that gives me absolutely no benefit in life.
Learning the same fucking things over and over.
All right, I'm gonna play a song.
I'm gonna play a song that we're gonna get to this from news.
Still waiting on Cody Wilson.
Somebody told me he was in LA too.
Really, that's dangerous.
Maddox is calling the police. I was that sound.
Sounds like a good one. Yeah.
Oh, it's a hazen cruise, huh?
Yeah, this will uh...
Let's see what's all Twitter today.
Wait. Wait, what? My D.
Tails are released
Now I'm calling up
Oh you this is Georgia me a put on blast
I'm a writer from LA trapped in a disaster
Sharing all my info when I'm being harassed
The shit is leaking faster and faster and faster
I'm fast-spied man look at my white knuckles
they're calling me a faggot but I'm just a couple
who's the person who's the person on my hand
even Rutka said fuck the fuck happy you man
so for the man
absolutely people on my profile are commenting
wrongly even though I'm shutting them down so stupidly
I got a file for chapter seven come back to my teeth
Tales are released now. I'm called
Police on you. I can't believe any of his best one. Yeah, I draw the comedy and hard work. I've done for free
Hey, soft Jay. Yeah, boss. This guy's IP who here can impersonate LAPD Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Oh Cody's here alright
This guy he's singing about calling the police on you.
Oh, very good. Well done.
Wonderful hazing crews.
Very, very good.
Now we got, we got Cody.
Oh, Cody Wilson, are you there?
That can hear me. Yeah, what's up, buddy, are you there? Hey, can you hear me?
Yeah, what's up, buddy?
How you doing?
Hey, dude, I'm good.
You sound like you're on the run.
I'm laying low, though.
Hey, thanks for calling in, man.
Thanks for making time.
I know you've had a very, very busy week this week.
I don't talk good, man.
We hit all of our fundraising targets and stuff.
Oh, did you?
I'm relaxing.
Yeah, yeah, I haven't really mentioned it yet,
but yeah, we did.
It's breaking news, Sean.
Yeah, breaking news right here in the Dix show.
There you go.
Cody Wilson is funding targets.
Hey, man, can you plug that stuff right up top
because I don't want to forget it
and I want to make sure as many people here it is possible.
Just like the money we're raising and stuff.
Yeah, and the website people can go to too.
Yeah, yeah, you can go to the beautiful Cade is here
in the studio with us.
He's from Russia.
She's a very good friend of Vladimir Putin.
Well, I don't know if someone can sound beautiful
but you sound very nice.
Thank you.
You bet.
Guys, I'm going to plug my website
That's where we're raising money.
We've raised about 400 grand in two weeks, not bad.
Couldn't have done it without the state attorney's general, right?
My ass for two weeks.
Appreciate it everybody.
But all my fundraising videos and all my other content
is like gone.
YouTube just purged it yesterday.
Yeah, they've been doing that.
I heard that man, my solution is very simple.
We've got us, every business has got to stop
serving YouTube employees.
If they don't want to serve our guys,
we don't serve their guys.
And I'm happy to tell you that Bonitis,
who is a custom furry porn artist,
who's a fan of the show, has already stopped
because of my campaign.
He says he will no longer serve YouTube employees.
I think it's a nice thing.
It would be nice if they could wear something
to identify them.
YouTube employees?
Yeah, maybe something on their clothing or like a star,
like a star, but not a star.
Well, if they want their free porn,
they gotta go somewhere else.
They're no longer served at Bonite as an agency.
Shit, that's half the employee.
Look guys, I appreciate you wanting me to come on and everything.
I'm happy to talk about whatever you want to hit, you know?
You know, I don't want to ask you the same stupid, like watching you
getting interviewed by journalists is like, not Alex Jones, of course,
but like, like, NBC and whoever, like the normie, the mainstream media channels, watching
them interview you is like nails on a fucking chalkboard because they ask the same.
Yeah, you know the question, stupid questions every single time.
For years, I mean, but they don't want to admit any other type of question and answer
into the discourse, you know, everyone's just struggling with the idea that what we have is
a single gun control, right? And that's kind of crumbling so they're doing whatever they
can to prop it up. Yeah. I want to catch everybody up on your story real quick. You got, you
were allowed to, you were allowed to give out your plans for the 3D guns and you were allowed to give out your plans for the 3D guns, and you were allowed to keep selling your kit,
but then state attorneys sued you.
Is that correct so far?
Kind of, yeah, me and the federal government.
Yes, and to get around the state attorneys,
you said, okay, I'm not going to give them away.
I'm going to sell the plans for whatever price people want.
Which could be zero.
Wouldn't that make them more mad?
Yes, really good.
And they're gonna try to do some stuff this week,
but ultimately it doesn't matter.
They don't have any laws to deal with it.
And it's hilarious.
They didn't see it coming.
No, no, no.
They barely saw this one coming.
What they're suing on here is a state department like regulation.
It's basically a federal regulation that deals with exports to foreign countries.
Of course, they want to use it as a domestic gun control within the states, but it doesn't
serve that function.
Of course, they would spend millions of dollars and go in front of this federal judge
who himself doesn't really understand the rules, but they know the outcome.
They want to stop me.
So they get the judge and say, okay, fine under the law, you can't do this.
And I'm like, fine, the law doesn't stop me from doing anything really.
All the controversy about for many years of the government, all that was about, was me
trying to give stuff away.
I could have always sold it.
So I needed to demonstrate that literally everyone
has retarded the media, the politicians, all of them.
And I started a new business, you know?
It's, you know what the craziest part to me is that,
like, as much as I love guns,
it seems like all of the conflict,
all the political conflict we have now is done in a,
oh, who's that?
A lady?
Sorry, my, sorry, my,
the Rooster Services trying to commit herself.
What was it?
How's keeping, how's keeping the spirit?
That's what I call her as well.
My date, my lovely date here told her to go away.
So here we go.
You got a girl, what's the, what is the. What's the girl pool like in the self-defense
second amendment community in the free space for you?
I'm not gonna be able to say that
while she's looking right at me here.
Do you really have a girl there?
Yeah, say something.
Say just say something.
Okay, she's trying to.
No, no, just give us a high.
Give us a low. She's got a prove that she's shining. No, no, just give us a high. Give us a low.
She's got to prove that she's
because it's guns aren't sexy enough.
We need to get the word out
that beautiful women love guns and guys
who support the second amendment.
It's not even the guns.
It's like, look, as soon as these magazines
tell the wider community that this guy is dangerous,
well, that's all they need to know. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I see. So you're like the you're like the Jesse James of
Look, man, I'm the Cody Wilson of
Jesse James was the Cody Wilson of the 1800s.
I'm saying it. Look, I'm just trying to do what I'm trying to do. If anyone everybody wants to try to call me dangerous, stuff
it's fine, but I mean, I know how to capitalize more from the flack than from the dude.
Like I would know what to do with myself.
If no one fought me, you know what I mean?
This sort of just been done on one weekend and you never heard about it.
But the fact that everybody wants to keep turning it into like some kind of,
you know, a question of a sovereignty of nations.
You just be some guy who is way too into giving his free guns away.
If you nothing, look at me. People would just make fun of you because of the look of the gun.
That'd be a giant nerd. They'd be like, okay, great. What a pointless thing. But instead,
we live in an endless drama of would be tyrants and stuff. Everybody wants to be your fucking master
or everything. And so now in the most dangerous way of life.
but he wants to be your fucking master everything. And so now in the most dangerous way alive.
Yeah, fucking is, it is the endless war
between the mob of like the neuro-typical,
like average, just average IQ people versus the people
that create and burst through the barriers
and change the world for the better.
It's like, it's a fucking, it's an endless, endless barter,
barter between those people, patent systems,
wars, wealth, everything, even the woodcogers.
Sure, but you know, in the day, it's even more simple.
I mean, look, Westerman invented the computer
and there's a bunch of these mediocre types
who think they can come in and with magical words
and laws on paper, you know, create
what rules for how the computer works.
It's just not gonna happen.
Yeah, we'll take it away.
We'll take the computer away.
We'll make something better.
And maybe we won't give you that one.
I've just say it's math, right?
It's like, look, no matter what,
I knew no matter what, this judge in Seattle,
like I'm being sued in four different federal courts right now, but this judge
and Seattle, he was the one, the old police, he saved us, Judge, there was, I knew that there
was nothing. I know the ACA, these rules, the underlying all the stuff, I, I lived with these
rules. Like, last time I called you guys, right? I lived under these laws for like four
years at that point. I know them better than anyone who walked into that courtroom. There
was nothing that Judge could have written down as sad that would have prevented me from doing anything I wanted to do.
And like, I'm the only one in America, apparently, that knows this. So we all awake with
beta breath for these headlines of, oh, what's he going to do? Well, it didn't fucking
matter what he did, right? Like, and I'm the only one just sitting there while all
politicians that are in the media like, oh, Cody, what other, does nothing you can do?
You know, just to charade at the end of the day. It's just nothing that can happen and at the end of the day with encryption and so
right, like what are you going to do? Magical think he's going to stop math, it just doesn't work.
It's every, well, I just try to convince my mom that the 3D that it's 3D guns is like a
bright to speech and you should be afraid of it and I cannot even convince her.
Like that is my problem with it
and I had the same argument to her like,
Mom, look, you can't stop me from doing this.
Like you realize this, even if you melted,
even if you threw every gun into the sun,
I can still make something that does this.
How about all that courtroom stuff?
Was that hot, Kate?
Yeah, it's fine.
I mean, was it, was, is he like more attractive?
Is Cody more attractive?
Because the law is after him?
Yeah, of course.
Of course.
Of course.
I've been sued too recently.
I don't know if you know.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Not in four places.
There's one.
It was for a lot of money though.
Yeah, that's true.
It's pretty.
You ever been sued by 20 different of the United States?
At the same time.
I got sued over.
I got sued over love though.
I got sued because I took a good love of a guy's life.
That's very romantic.
You can sue over that.
Yeah, well, Maddox can, yeah.
That's what he's suing me.
That's why he's, that's why all this shit
was happening with Maddox because I left a wedding
with the love of his life and I'm still doing it.
Oh man.
Yeah, oh yeah, so love story.
All this stuff.
Well, that's what it is, right?
That's the battle Troy that's everything.
I mean, it's all women in the day.
I definitely had him use when I was doing my stupid gun stuff.
You know, we're all motivated for extra rational reasons
Speaking of women. What's the girl with you now like
They're asking what you're like. What do you like?
This is a graceful woman
All right, this is tall dark, you know how it is. He uh
Rettley passive, which I really like that nature, you know. Passive?
You know what I mean?
Like, very graceful, like quiet, even soft spoken.
Oh wow.
Not going to comment on this crass podcast.
She's such as the dick show.
Did she come out of a 3D printer?
Where did you find a quiet soft spoken woman?
Yeah, exactly.
I had to, now look, man, I prefer women, you know, that I have history with,
you know, so I've actually known her for quite a while.
Oh, wow.
So you were friends and then you upgraded your relationship?
Uh, maybe not really.
Like I'm never really friends with, with women.
It's, it's either love or hate, you know what I mean?
Smart, love or hate.
Smart man.
Uh, you know, there's no such thing as friendship
between men and women, not really.
But I would look up, who am I to tell you that?
You're the sensei.
I wrote the book on it, you might say.
I know my experience, you know,
and I do what I do and the women in my life,
they find me and they find a way to compliment my life,
you know, that allows me to keep doing what I do.
Hey, I got a couple of ideas for you, for your, for, to help you out.
Because I'm good with ideas.
All my bonus episodes are about me solving problems and inventing things.
First of all, how is Alex Jones?
Usually revolves around toilets, by the way.
Jones is good.
I've met him a couple of times. I've done a show over the years
a few times. So he knows me. I've got us from number and stuff. Did he ever ask you
to look at transport? Yeah. Do you think he looked at that transport? You know, that
was the one thing I wanted to not ask. You know, like is is our traps gay, right? What
is he going to say? Do you think they are? Are traps getting, do you think Trafford?
I don't know.
Now that Alex Jones is into it,
it's like I guess that's the most manly thing possible, right?
So, I have been conducting my own investigation
on the Alex Jones issue.
Sorry I asked this.
I found, I see, because a lot of things didn't make sense to me.
And I know that globalists have an incredible reach.
The title on the thumbnail on his
phone that said, what did it say, hot trends? It said, it said like T girl, something,
Marissa Minks, but the title on the thumbnail on the screen that he was looking at didn't
match it. It said like big tits, something so it means I tried to find where this where this site existed
and I did find where that page existed on next videos and discovered that Alex Jones had to
have scrolled down halfway through the page to find it to scroll it back up. However, however,
through the page to find it, to scroll it back up. However, however, he says he was looking at reporters,
he was looking at their work, there's a thumbnail
to the right of it that's partially obscured.
And I also believe that he could have been looking
at a shady news site, clicked it and it did a pop under
that he then tried to get out of by scrolling.
And but then you know
once you've scrolled too far you can't find the like the popups are very
difficult so and and I also found this on X video if if the way that the thumbnail
was displayed on his phone it means he hadn't watched the video because when
you turn X video and you a thumbnail, it freezes at the frame you're
watching and the frame that is on his phone is a preview of that video.
Not to mention this.
I can confirm this.
Also, he would have also the thumbnail was taken in portrait mode, which are we to believe
that Alex Jones was watching trans pornography in portrait mode and not landscape mode with the way all the rest of the still well
But it will but it will flop not if you go to another tab while the phone is still rotated
Okay, so he would have had the thumbnail was made whilst the phone was in portrait look
I've been putting a lot of energy into this investigation
Yeah, he could be on a something else compelling. That compelling stuff. I think you could get him a quick.
Thank you, David.
Okay. Number one idea, assault printers.
Yeah. Well, it's going that way.
Yeah. I mean, it really is. A number of printing companies, you know, are now sporting
that they have like on board, gun detection software and all this other stuff. Now, that's
been happening for years.
I remember I kind of made everyone mad about the same thing five years ago.
And I guess people just forgot about it.
But back then, you know, Nancy Pelosi and everybody were, they were studying ways to control
like the plastic for 30 printers.
Oh yeah.
Make sure that your printer can't burn a gun.
And you know, like, I don't know, this will always be pursued to some degree.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
My favorite part is that like printers get like sold out of school libraries and schools
like stop buying them and stuff just because you know oh my god so we can make a gun with
I think it's great.
Like I think schools should also stop teaching classical mechanics and engineering because
hell someone might figure out how to make a gun.
No I know that was the first, watching one of your interviews
on like CNBC or something.
This chick was interviewing you,
asking about kids getting access to it.
I thought, wait a minute.
Shouldn't like inner city schools get 3D printers?
And aren't they just immediately gonna print 3D?
Like she's got a fucking point.
Like I'm, you know, I'm committed to the cause, but.
I think it's great.
Look, I think it's great. Look, I think it's great.
I mean, aren't these places of learning?
Don't you want a child to have enough skill
to know how to make something like that?
I mean, that's incredible.
You have a good educational program,
if that's in fact true.
Let me see.
How about, okay, here's my other idea for you.
4D printed guns.
Yeah, that's how it works for you. 4D printed guns.
So the printer is in the future and it only prints a gun for you in the present
when you need it.
It's great over here.
Put your 400 grand to that.
Sit down if you're not, if you're sanded.
Yeah, and if you're, if you're,
if you're not, if you're not,
if you're not, if you're not,
if you're not, if you're not,
if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're not, if you're yeah, and if you're I think we're gonna need more than 400 grand. You're not laying in bed with this beautiful
Quiet graceful woman. Yeah, she's wearing my shirt, too. I'll point out
This is a taste for woman. Uh-huh. This is a woman of taste
She sounds like California, you know, I thought it'd be nice to go to Laguna, Ngo, you know
Stay near the beach. That's nice down there. Yeah, I wanted to duck out of the, look, the press has been brutal.
You guys, it's been a very, like you've been sued every other day.
You're trying to hold me in contempt of court.
So I'm just trying to, you know, duck out for a little bit.
Driving all the girls crazy, he's like James Bond.
He's got this beautiful, mysterious woman with him and an exotic lagoon in the gale,
you're a mysterious woman.
No, you're wearing this.
Well, I don't drive an S and Martin, but I mean, I suppose if I wanted to, what do you drive?
Oh, nothing man. I ran out of car out here. Just put all that for that. Put it all into
a car and put it all into a Tesla and tell everyone to go fuck themselves. I'm afraid.
Look, I have to be, you know, brutally, brutally efficient with the money. So I've given
a lot of it already over to attorneys and, you know,
so they can drive Justin Martin.
No shit.
God damn.
Attorneys charged me, Cody, attorneys charged me to listen to two episodes of my podcast.
I really got sued.
How many hours like the whole the whole time for each one?
And I was like, yeah, I got a similar story, man.
I had this firm called Fish, like an awesome big IP firm.
I sent them a video, a little primer.
I was like, look, you need to watch this
understand some of the issues.
They charged me to watch the goddamn video that I made for them.
It was the first one I could understand,
but I was like, the second episode didn't have anything
about to lawsuit in it.
Did you guys just forget that you guys just start getting entertained and then you kept listening to it?
It's ridiculous man.
You know, worst is when you have lots of lots of lawyers and they spend time calling and talking to each other.
You know, and I see the bill at the end of the month, you like,
Jesus Christ, you guys like send an email.
They'll delete you alive.
I mean, I'm not, it's not like news to anybody.
It is though
like i i grew up with lawyers in getting this
just getting a stupid lawsuit thrown out was shocking to me how much it cost
uh... it's ridiculous and you know this thing
i've never had to do multiple state stuff at the same time i've normally had
it knocked things down one after the other
so my big case of good state yet i was like five years it was federal is very
expensive but at least it was one thing at a time.
This is, I have to have a quarterback firm out in Houston.
You know, we're coordinating actions across four different venues.
One of them are on offense and three are on defense. And of course, they're all
relate to each other, like a judge's order and New Jersey depends upon a judge's order in Washington,
for example. And so the pleadings have to be coordinated, you have to have local counsel in each place,
pro-hack vice, so that the guys can come out and argue,
and it is nuts, man.
I'm not general motorist, all right?
Despite how good you're talking me up here,
it is incredible, to even conceive of fending off
this type of a challenge.
But that girl shirt's coming off.
Right now.
That's pissing me off too.
That big gun companies don't get behind you at all.
They're like, no, they don't.
And let me tell you something else.
One of them threatened to sue me last week.
And I didn't even say anything about it because I'm not even ready to get the gun community
divided on this yet.
Like, I'd rather we all be perceived as being behind each other.
They're not behind you enough.
Not at all. I'm trying to stab me in the back. Yeah, they're not behind you enough.
Not at all, frankly. And I try to stab me in the back right now
because they smell how weak I am,
or they think I am, you know.
But I don't agree with anything the NRA ever does.
I don't think.
Every time they put something out,
I think, are you trying to make me look bad?
Like, I can't, this is just.
Their fate is the normal,
like consensus for public and fate. Like, they want fate is the normal like consensus for public in fate like they want credit for being a reasonable and they want to try to kind of appeal to a mainstream sensibility, but they're literally called villains and terrorists every single day.
I prefer their position because then what do you even do with me when I get on the news, right? Like you've already used the word terrorist on NRA like what the hell is even happening here? You know? It's a good point. Let's see here.
It's been great.
I got one.
Natsi is a, right?
Like peak Natsi is a, like I'm sure you guys you called Natsi's, right?
But like literally like, there's no penalty of like anybody who's right of Russian as
a Natsi.
Well then honestly, like there's no penalty for being like way more right wing about
your positions.
There's no additional cost.
You know what I'll tell you the truth?
I don't get called a Nazi.
I get called a pro-rapist,
but I think it's because I'm Mexican.
I think that they can't get the Nazi thing to stick
because my mustache looks like Danny Trejo.
Like I can't grow it in on the side,
but I think because I'm a darker shade of a paper bag,
like the rapist thing fits like a glove.
That's actually same. I got one a glove. Um, I got one.
No, no, I got one more, uh, one more suggestion for you.
Speaking of Nazis, you got to make a 3D printed gun that only shoots Nazis.
No, or rapist, like whoever, like the opposite of, uh, it's like on Westworld, like if it,
if it shoots a liberal, like nothing happens, yeah.
Yeah. Just tell, just say it only, it's like nothing happens. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Just say it only, it's only for self defense.
So it's 3D gun, I modified the codes
which only used in self defense situations.
You know, they never explain the guns on Westworld.
I don't know if you guys watch the show,
but how does it work that way?
Like, only kills the cyborgs.
Like, how do the hell does that even work?
I don't know.
I mean, that's the secret to that's the answer to our question. I dated
a girl who was in the big robot or G-scene in like the first episode. So I've really,
yeah, I put a G-hat on the show. We had a real ugly breakup. She went to my Pilates studio
and told everybody that we were still dating and fucked up my chances with a Pilates instructor.
What? Yeah. I was very angry about it. Just a, just a grief your life. Yeah. Yeah, I was very angry about it. Just a grief for life.
I respect that.
That's very bold.
All right, man, I don't want to take it more of your time
in Lagoon and a girl.
But you got anything that makes you a rage,
like in your personal life, that's not a rage.
I don't know if you have personal life.
I'm under all kinds of like, look, I'm
about to get owned, probably personally.
But I'll wait for the news to break.
I mean, everything to be good.
It's like I'm either about to melt down or I don't know.
What do you mean you're about to get owned?
What's that? What do you mean you're about to get owned in your first?
I guess you'll see. But everybody there, man, wants my scalp right now.
But he wants to make me and be the hero that stopped me.
Because right now I'm getting away with it wants to fucking make me and be the hero that stopped me.
Because right now, like, I'm getting away with it, you know what I mean?
And that's like unheard of.
I just be, I just be 20 state attorney generals in the open court, you know what I mean?
Like, my time is not long.
You got to, you got their scalp sent, like, do you get their ties?
Cut off their time.
No, no, well, sure.
I mean, that really literally did happen.
And the press falls up with all of them and they're just like, they got nothing to say.
They got caught flat-footed, you know, they literally had no idea what they're even
suing me about. So of course, they were going to get, you know, cream pie in their face. But
look, I don't know what to say about, I wish I could give you something like a substantive,
right? Like is there something, something you want to Like, uh, I actually do want to know what your parents think about all this. Yeah. Um,
look, they're nervous. My mom wishes that this was all over at this point. You know, uh,
it's one thing to fight it for five years. It's obvious it's gonna go on another five at this point. This is your whole life, dude.
Yeah, which is sad, I do want to do other things. Like I didn't want to just be the
plastic gun guy. I had like all this other stuff in mind, but it's obvious that I don't get to do other things like I didn't want to just be the Plastic gun guy. I had like all this other stuff in mind
But it's obvious that I don't get to do that, you know
What did you want to do? Oh?
Man, I have this like
Library and building I had this radio thing. I was gonna do like this frequency skipping like all kinds of tech stuff
Appeals to me
And I'm still trying to turn my company into this like general defense contractor or whatever for the public
Like I want to develop all kinds of tech and give it away.
You know, I got a method for how to do this.
Like I'd turn my company to a hardware company.
We sell mills and like I told you about you guys about last time.
I do well.
We're like a little gun company.
You know, so we just don't make guns.
And we have no patents or anything.
It's beautiful.
But if I have to spend literally all my profits every year for 10 years on lawsuits and stuff,
it just limits my ambition severely.
It's like somebody who would be a spark of innovation,
creating jobs in wealth for the country.
It's just non-sensitiously hamstered onto the dirt.
So we can send more welfare to the military,
and the inner cities.
It's sad.
So you have to do one little thing. To do one little thing, it's so expensive, because everybody wants to turn military. Yeah. It's sad. So, you have to do one little thing.
To do one little thing, it's so expensive,
because everybody wants to turn back to clock.
Everybody wants their chance at it, you know?
I have some of the best electrical engineers in the game,
period, you know?
Some of the best guys, I want to scalp this guy
from four months right now, materials guy,
like so many things I know I want to do and could do,
things I can see, and yet I got a, you know,
I got a nickel and dime, and I got a budget, everything, because I have to do and could do things I can see. And yet I got a, you know, I got a nickel and dime and I got a budget
everything because I have to spend all my money on the pointless shit.
Is there anything anybody can do to help besides funding your death cat thing?
Like anything.
I don't know where pussy hats and go march around.
There's actually things I'm not allowed to tell you, right?
I'm under, I'm under certain kinds of court orders right now about things I
can't tell you to do. And that's another thing. But so look, there's things I tell you, but I'm not allowed to tell you, right? I'm under certain kinds of court orders right now about things I can't tell you to do,
and that's another thing.
So, look, there's things I tell you, but I'm not allowed to right now, other than...
Are you allowed to say, no, if I ask, if I guess?
He could tell you, but then he'd have to print out a gun and kill you.
I suppose, yeah, funny.
I could say no to that, but you might be guessing it for a while.
Can you make the guns print out Star Wars guys on the side of the guns?
I think that would be, like, I'm looking at this from a marketing range, right?
Yeah, look, I mean, that's come up to me.
They'll see anything.
Star Wars.
We had a Russian, we had like a Russian partner one time,
not a partner, but a potential partner.
They were like, look, this needs to be like commercialized,
exactly the way you're talking to.
Not novelty, customization and stuff. Well, to me, it just, it distract to be like commercialized, exactly the way you're talking to them. Yeah. Not novelty, customization and stuff.
But to me, it distracts from the pure political purpose
of it, which of course is why the opposition is so severe.
If I wasn't political about it, no one would fucking care.
But instead, I get out and I'm like, yeah,
I think gun control's over.
No way.
No, it's not.
Is there anything you would have done differently,
looking back on everything you've been through?
Well, I probably would have waited on the press
on this last one.
I settled that lawsuit that I was running.
And I let everybody know that I was gonna start publishing
stuff at the end of July.
I probably should have just started publishing stuff
and then told everybody, but I'd have been sued either way.
So, that's cool.
No regrets.
All right, man. Thanks for calling in. Thanks for taking me for your day. And I'm glad you're busy. Thanks for thinking of me, you know, in
about another six weeks, no one's going to remember who I am again. And yet I'm going
to have four federal lawsuits. So, Cody, history will remember you. You are never far
from, I mean, I'm dead serious. My life coach and I get together and we review your case
and a case of beer at the same time.
You are affecting the lives of a lot of people
and you're on a lot of men's tongues
when they're enjoying themselves.
I'm trying to win, you guys, and I just try to close trouble.
I'm not trying to fuck it up for you.
I'm trying to win.
Well, you got to win. You got to win. I thank you for the kind
of words. That's what I told Trump. And right before he won, right to his face, not
choking. I thought you said you better, you better win. Yeah, you better win. You better
win. Yeah, I said you better win. Trump gave me an ad, affirmative nod. I like you better
that way, actually, like you better win. I like it. No options. So, you know, that's
good. I can handle it. Thank you. If you lose
We're all fucked. That's right. No pressure. All right, buddy. Take it easy. Thank you guys. Yeah.
Oh, man. I'm gonna play song. Yeah. What do you think of that guy Cody Wilson? Yeah, he's a good day. He's a good guy. Yeah.
It's a resounding endorsement. Cody Wilson.
That's it. That is a good nod.
Yeah, it's affirmative nod.
Russians aren't very emotive.
They're not known for being very emotional.
In Russian they're emotional.
In English, not so emotional.
Not so much.
Can you speak Russian for us? Like if I was going to go to Russia and talk to a girl, what would I?
What would I say to a girl?
What does that mean?
What should I say in Russian?
What should I say to a beautiful girl?
Like, if I was going to talk to you in Russia,
You're very beautiful.
The ocean, the sea.
The sea of oil.
That means I have, what is that?
I have Levi's jeans and a lot of money.
Is that what it means?
That means I.
Oh, you're beautiful.
Say it again.
You're very beautiful.
They're ocean.
Oh, super.
Oh, yeah.
I said it's slower too, Sean.
Yeah. To enhance the around the
emphasis of my face. Hey, I just need the I need whatever EQ you have on my voice to follow
me around. Okay. So I can do that. Okay, I'm gonna play this song. Okay, this was written
by Uncle Buck and the they're called the Cuck Sockers. Do you know the Cuckers? Super. Do you know the Cuckers? I love this song.
You like it already?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is feuding with Haasenfrues now?
Yeah, they hate each other.
Yeah, the rivalries.
This is exploding. All right, and a rich and a song we come for you We won't be through until your black head will
This before you'll run out of time
We will expose your crimes by writing face to your crimes
This is this means
Go fuck yourself.
The drum sounded great.
All right, Kate, will you,
do you have news items for us that you can read?
Yeah, I have some.
Okay, thank you so much by the way for coming in.
Oh, thank you too.
And to the middle of this chaos.
It's hard enough to understand and then there's probably a little bit of a language barrier, too.
Yeah, how can you understand?
I want me to...
Yeah, sometimes I understand, but sometimes...
Sometimes now.
But no, your English is very good.
Thank you. My English is good.
But I have a question.
This is allegedly, right? Allegedly. But I have a question.
This is allegedly, right?
See, reading is a whole other skill set.
I gave up reading.
I'm so sick of it.
Because English, I don't know if it's like in Russia,
but English has so many exceptions to the rules that they have.
And then there's like exceptions to those exceptions.
It just takes years to memorize some of these things.
It's fucked.
It's totally fucked.
It is.
It's fucked.
Wouldn't you agree?
Dine and Dash data faces 10 felonies up to 13 years
in prison if convicted.
A man is facing 10 felon accounts for allegedly going on dates with numerous women across
South-Earned California before skipping out on the bill, authorities said.
Paul Guadalupe Gonzalez, 45 years old of Pasadena, California is accused of withdrawing nearly $1,000 from a string of women
he met mostly through dating apps and online from
May 2016 from April through April.
So I should do it again, right?
No, no, that was perfect.
That was perfect.
Oh, really?
Yeah, absolutely perfect.
Guys going to prison for going on dates with eight women. And is he going to not? No, I don't. Yeah, they're just going to send him straight to prison. Yeah. Absolutely perfect. Guys going to prison for going on dates with eight women and just going to time.
And they're just going to send him straight to prison.
What's the point?
Why even pretend that this is any other reason than it will do anything to play Kate
women and eight dates.
Eight dates he splits out on pretty funny, right?
Well, that's my first reaction to this.
That's funny. Yeah. That's why that's what was my first reaction to this. I was like, that's funny.
Yeah, that's why he's going to jail,
because it was funny.
As we know on the show, if it's too funny,
straight to prison, they'll figure out a lot of charge you with.
Have you ever been stood up on a date?
I doubt it.
From like Dayton apps now.
Have you ever gotten a free dinner out of a dating app?
Like on purpose?
No, that didn't happen.
No, just like regular dating and you go do you ever go to just get dinner?
You know, no, no, it's always because there's some sort of attraction
or you want to see? I want to see it. Okay, okay. He's a hero. The guy's a hero. He's
gonna die and prison here. A's going to die and prison hero.
Okay, let's hear the next one.
No American flag in nail Armstrong movie.
The Neil Armstrong biopic first man premiered at the Venice Film Festival Tuesday.
Notably absent from the movies that are seen depicting the American flag as it planted
on the moon's surface.
When asked if the scene's emission won't deliberate,
Canadian act and Ryan Gosling responded,
I think this way, weirdly,
regarded in the end as a human achievement.
Did the moon landing transcended count?
There's better words.
Oh, yes, the word that nobody uses that word yeah transcended
countries and borders is showing off
Gosling and yeah and didn't think
Armstrong viewed himself as an American
hero we're very inclusive you know the
world achieved this.
Armstrong gets a free shot on Gosling for that.
Yeah, you're telling me what I've been to the fucking moon.
I was walking around in the moon
and you're telling people what I meant by it.
That's an actor.
You don't think that's a little much to tell somebody else
how they felt about their achievement.
Well, you ask, you pretty boy, ask.
Ryan, do you think Ryan Gosling's attractive?
I'm, to be honest, I don't know who is it.
I'm from Russia.
Oh, yeah.
Who's the, who's someone that you find attractive?
Not knowing in this room.
Yeah, or, you know. I like DiCaprio, Johnny Depp. you find attractive. Not knowing in this room. In actors? Yeah. Yeah.
I like DiCaprio, Johnny Depp.
People say that I look like both of those characters.
Yeah, and you look like another actor, but I don't know his name.
Don't say Jack Black.
Maybe. No.
Funny. Of course, it's an whole point. It's that America used to be or is an environment where excellence can raise all of society.
That's the whole fucking point of putting the flag on the moon because it's a system,
a unique system. That's a unique Darwinistic capitalist system that lets
That lets excellent people who you cannot test for or spot or or promote with
Nepotism or cronyism let them rise to the top and
Exceed and pull everyone with them guys like Cody a rising tide
Let's all boats. Yeah, it used to be that you idiot,
no flag on the moon though,
probably because then people probably because they can't sell it in China.
That's probably the only reason.
Well, I was exactly, it's probably fucking why.
Yeah, it's a marketing, it's a marketing move.
Of course it is.
And I'm no longer annoyed by it. Yeah. Okay. Next, please. What do you think about that?
Did you know it was America the America? Yeah, I went to the moon. Went to the moon. You guys have never been you guys haven't ever
But they were in space first. First in space. Yeah. I mean, it's like, you're the first one out the door,
but you forgot to put your clothes on.
That's not something to be proud of.
We got all the way to the moon.
He got excited, he was gonna be paid in Levi's.
I'm not the best, for sure.
Oh, wow.
Okay, next one, please.
KFC will pay someone $11,000 to name their baby
of Tacolonel Sanders.
Oh, that's a good one.
What a great story.
Like, colonel Sanders, or they can, they'll have to name them Harlan Sanders.
They have to name them the KFC Family Value Meal.
Sorry, there's more. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha on the colonel's birthday September 9th and the family will have to submit the information
to the baby harland web page.
The child born early.
Can we get knocked up?
Can we give a baby in that amount of time?
How quick is it?
How quick does it go?
Will they take a durable?
I don't know how long the gestation periods are of it.
The child born early and the day will receive the price money
They love the 11,000
Dollars amount was chosen to represent the 11 unique herbs and spices used in KC
I thought it was more than a lot. I thought was 14 herbs and spices or something
So it's just MSG. It's just the one spice.
Damn it.
Well, there you go.
If you're looking for 11 grand,
yeah, if you better pop that,
somebody's gonna be whipping that stomach.
Bitch, get that fucking 11 grand out of there.
Get that front hole working.
Bogey name, if you had a kid, what would you name?
Bogey name it.
Sano or daughter.
Of course, not a second.
Oh, you name it.
Here you go.
Who's girls got a sense of humor?
That's right.
Okay, let's see what else we got.
Four groupings in the funeral. Queen of Seoul, Arretha Franklin died on August 16, 2018.
Singer, Ariana Grande performed,
you make me feel like a natural woman
during the funeral broadcast on Friday and August 31st.
Many viewers noted that Pastor Bishop Charles Elis Third
called her singer over to him.
His hand was in a far-to-familiar place near the Muses Grandas press.
It was. Did you see it? Yep.
I love you, Lord of the Vexer.
Oh, yep. There it is.
What? He's happy. Look how happy he is. What? Oh! No. He's happy.
Look how happy he is.
Oh, I'm gonna load it up on the...
Yep, he's done that before.
No shit.
Leader of a mega church.
You guys try to do that to you when they take pictures of you
as a model.
Like get a little reach around going.
Anybody, do you have to deal with that shit?
No, never.
No, cause to like this.
Yeah, right.
Well, I think she wanted to.
It was on national TV and she was trying not
to make a scene.
She definitely fucking do it that man.
I wish I was, I wish I was a hot woman.
So I could just walk around and get guys to grop me and then cause a big scene.
Yeah, throw drinks and I would see by your, by your, by your,
you'd be a black woman.
I would be miss piggy.
Yeah, I would be way worse than a black woman.
I would throw it in, I would have a whole catchphrase lined up like Samuel Jackson and Pulp Fiction.
And I will reinvangence upon you and throw it in their fucking face.
Slap it away.
The B-Funk seems like the most fun part of being a woman.
Throwing drinks and slapping men.
Have you ever slapped a guy?
Yeah, what did he do?
Did you try and do like this pastor
to already run the, yeah?
Where were you?
In the club.
You were in the club and you tried to reach around and you'd turn around the, yeah. Where were you? In the club. You were in the club.
And you tried to reach around and you'd turn around
and crack them.
How hard did you hit them?
Just like this.
A little, just a little reminder.
Hard enough.
No, you're old, but.
Like a dog.
Here we'll understand everything.
Yeah, understood everything.
Oh man, that's hot.
That's strangely erotic.
A woman, do you have a thing like that?
What, women smacking me?
Yeah, getting like real intense with you, physical, slapping.
Oh, I don't know if like, slapping me,
I don't really like to be slapped.
What do you like?
This guy's so hard to figure out.
He doesn't like?
He's not attracted to cartoon drawings either.
I like my privacy.
Yeah, all right. Whatever, Sean. Ask. my privacy. Yeah, all right.
Sean, ask.
Happy birthday.
Yeah, thanks.
You know, it's his birthday today.
Oh, happy birthday.
Thank you.
How old do you think he is?
I think 18.
No, very funny.
Double it.
36, 37.
36, 36, 37.
36, 37.
No. 36. 37. All right. Double it 37 30 36 367
36 7. All right. I'll take that I'm 41. Oh, 41. Yeah
It looks pretty good for an old man. Yeah, really good. All right. All right. We want one more news item. Yes
Okay, let's try I like these. These are she reads them. They're always easier to, they've been easier to follow than,
they're better than Jamie's.
I'm jealous.
Who is Jamie?
Oh, poor Jamie.
His love given her shit.
She's from the,
she's from the country of Texas.
The country of Texas.
You, you know, Texas accents.
Oh man, she has two Texas accents.
I'm sorry, I told the time from Russia and I have accent.
She's about this tall and acts like she's about this big.
She had a lot of attitude. Okay, what's the last, let's do the last one.
This is what's the last one? Oh, that was the last one.
Yeah. Okay, well, there you go. Thank you very much. Thank you. That was a wonderful news reading. Thank you very
much. Thank you. I'm back anytime. I don't want to hold you here if you've got something to do.
Yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you.
We'll clap you on. Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you Hug make sure you hug anyone who has a birthday
Thank you Kate she's been through enough. How do you say goodbye in Russian?
Poka I can remember that one. All right everybody
Let's let's let's wrap it up.
Do you wanna get back on Mike?
Yeah, huh?
Come back on now.
Let's get you on the, do you mind being on camera?
Okay, let's do that.
Carl Lewis, famous Olympic sprinter.
Very famous Olympic sprinter.
Oh, let me, let me get you a sec.
He's got the depigmentation thing that like,
that's, that, you know, Michael Jackson had. Same duct, a little icon. Is that what I think that's what it thing that like, it's that, you know, Michael Jackson had a-
Same duck, the Vittal Ike.
Is that what I think that's what it is?
Yeah, that's like-
I don't know, I know that from Uncle Ruckus.
No, it's where he looked.
And he's a lot see, became slower as well.
Michael Jackson?
No, no, no, Carl Lewis over here.
Yeah, slowed down.
We can all go back to acting normal.
Now that that beautiful girl is gone.
I wonder what her, what her like ethnic background is.
Yeah, but well, because they have the little Mexican.
Well, no, she reminded me of my grandma.
They have like, there's some native people in Russia.
It's a, they're very small groups, but I don't know.
I mean, I know very little about this, but they can, they can look like that.
They're where it's almost a, um, well, Russia also includes China.
Like there's so many, I know, I know, I know, I know actually Chinese.
And Mongolian, right?
It's that don't, don't say it in a funny way, though.
How was that fun?
Don't you're switching the Ls and the Rs to be funny.
Very inappropriate.
Okay, I apologize.
I meant no offense.
All right, everybody, this has been the DIC show.
DIC dot show slash the DIC show.
We're gonna do Facebook news
and listen to a bunch of voice mails.
I really missed the voice mails segment.
We have done a lot of it recently.
They've been short recently.
Yeah, I got a bunch of comments too that I'm gonna read out of this.
Thanks for listening.
I'll see you next Tuesday.
I'm gonna play a prayer for Tito from Cameron Clark.
Who the fuck is Tito? Tito's bad ombre, the pedophile.
And one of Maddox's most ardent defenders,
absolutely disgusting, atrocious, reprehensible man,
should be drawn and courted.
And he's one of, he's a co-creator with him in Maddox
of the bad ombre character on the best debate in the universe. I didn't know he was on the best debate in the universe many many times
He's a regular
Are we seeing a theme here? Yeah, Mr. Burgers was a huge Maddox fan. He's the one the coin get raped
He's the one that was responsible for sending metal Jess all those racist death threats that he says he just did because he thought it
would be he just did for no reason. Yeah, he has no way. No one thought get raped was funnier than
Maddox. No one thought it was funny except him. He loved it. He fucking loved it. You can see in
the transcript. He says it once. Everyone laughs. He says it again. And he says Maddox laughs.
Yeah, because it's not it's not that funny in and of itself,
you fucking weirdo.
Okay, this is,
oh man, there's so many good songs.
Cameron Clark had a great week though.
He got a lot of good goss that I'm gonna get to
after the break, after we do the news.
So here we go, prayer for Tito.
That was Kate, did Kate make it out okay?
Did you guys hug?
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
You guys hugged, goodbye.
You were wearing that dress and you hugged her?
Did she kiss your cheek?
Did she kiss your cheek?
Don't fuck, don't.
Is that serious?
Oh my God, okay.
I'm gonna have to tell you. I got a break down. When you look in the mirror, Who is it you think you say? You guys remember?
Is that a cool song? Just deny, just deny, always deny. Been here since you rewrote your true truth. That's like a funeral dirge.
It reminded me of Burning Man 2.
I'm so pissed off.
I'm out there.
Ending, right now.
Right now.
Today be the last day.
Tomorrow is when I wake up, throw everything in my car and try to get out of there as quickly
as possible
The first year you haven't been in a long time. I didn't get well. I went to Israel. Yeah
How many years did you go to the US for I think I like to go
Absolutely should yeah, it is the women there are
Absolutely shit. Yeah.
It is.
The women there are unreal.
And because they don't have devices or bullshit,
it is like, I imagine it's like what,
picking up women used to be in the 70s.
Yeah, yeah, man.
It's the most-
The game's gone.
It reminds you of what, like,
it is to have a human interaction with someone
who's not constantly looking over their shoulder.
It's something, it's unbelievable.
It's expensive.
Uh, well, it costs 500 bucks to get in, you probably spent a grand on preparation.
But it's like camping for a week and a day.
Not getting into the stage, maybe a few grand then I do.
I think next year, it is, it's great.
It's fucking great.
I don't think it'll ever be ruined.
Everybody tries to say it's ruined every year, I don't think that's ever going to happen. Okay, everybody, let's do
Facebook news. I also fucked over, I fucked over Michael Wilde two weeks in a row. I feel bad
about it. Oh, yeah. Hey, Michael, you there? Hey, dick. What's up, man? You do the, you do the,
I'm blanking on the name right now.
The who are these podcasts, right?
What put?
Oh fuck. All right.
Why did I want you to call in? I forget. I'm sorry.
Because I made the cut cuts game.
Oh my god. Of course.
Oh, fuck. Sean, you got to see this game.
It's, it's cut head.
And you play as Maddox writing a little bicycle.
It's you, the game Cuphead?
Okay, Cuphead is a, is a game where you're a little guy with,
it doesn't matter.
It's a side scrolling platformer where you play Cuckhead,
writing your little bicycle and throwing books at Madcuck's,
a stereos and me.
It's fucking great.
It's fucking great, man.
And are you a developer or something?
It feels like a real game as you're playing it.
It's so impressive.
Well, I just felt it to program one year ago.
I always wanted to make my own game.
I also create my own comics because I'm a comic artist as a hobby too. Yeah, so I
Combined it then and I saw last year an interview with Mabot very breaks about making his own game
And I thought hey wouldn't it be funny if I
Would put a game so much?
I think it's drowning. Yeah, buddy. I'm sorry your audio is really fucking hard to hear.
Oh, sorry. There you are. There you are. There you are. What did you hear?
It was just kind of muffled. You could repeat any any part of it. Oh, fuck.
I tried to. Well, I saw an interview last year from Maddox where he breaks about making his own game.
Yeah. I thought about, um, yeah. Maddox was bragging about making his own game. Yeah.
So Michael Wilt is, Michael Wilde with this one out. Can you drop the, can you plug your URLs
and stuff so people know where to go? Um, I am on game cholt, but I put the game out. Okay. You can just search for
Cuckhead. Okay. Okay. I'm going to play. I'm going to play it at the end, but I'm going to
mute you for now because your connections, your audio is a little fucked up, but thank you so much.
I played it. I played that game for like a good hour, half hour hour of the other day. I know a couple of dickheads were streaming it too.
It's a lot of fun.
Um, thank you.
Thank you for having me here and playing my game.
Yeah, I'll, uh, we'll play it at the end of this.
All right, buddy.
I'll play some Facebook news.
Facebook news.
Hello, dick and hello dickheads.
This is the Facebook group news for the last couple of days.
To start off the week in the Facebook group, Matthew Asquith held a live stream where
he tried alcohol for the first time.
For his first drink, he drank the same bottle of wild turkey that Dick had on PKA 402.
Occasionally throughout the stream, Matt knew himself.
One episode.
He's an uneasy and sick, but he tells Dick had,
Not gonna throw up.
I'm definitely feeling it though.
The comments during this point in the feed are all saying to throw up and to try a bud
Near the end of the stream, everyone started asking Nick Riccata for wiggle advice in the
comments about their right to bear arms with many ludicrous hypotheticals.
A big thanks to Matthew for sharing such an intimate and important moment in his life
with us on stream.
Nobody's shit.
Next up is Al Khalil.
Al Khalil lives in Morocco and is looking to get advice from Dickheads and how to get
away with having sex.
Get away from it.
Al-Khalil is a good con-having sex for marriage.
It is implied there would be severe consequences.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
If he was older, this wouldn't be a problem.
So Dickheads told him to get a fake ID.
Other suggestions included joining the army, declaring Jihad and using the old analogue
who have many Christian
women have used for centuries. One dickhead told him to stay the fuck in Morocco after
Al-Khalil began explaining how Moroccan's praise Hitler for killing the Jews and how
everyone in his country has Jewish people. Unfortunately Al-Khalil is no closer to getting
laid now than he was when he first posted this right. Yeah, wait a minute.
Well, he needed a license to get laid and that devolved into how everyone in his country
loves Hitler.
Is that true?
I don't know.
Was Morocco where Casablanca was shot?
Were they a bad guy during World War II?
I don't fuck.
I think so.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Rommel was all over Africa, right?
Like, oh, that Rommel didn't do so out in the rage board last week.
He was at the very bottom.
Below click.
I mean, it's really weird.
I thought it was great.
Me too.
I'm not sincere at all.
And you got a, I thought it went poorly.
This is advice I will take to the grave and I will never stop giving in.
You've got to commit to the bit.
You do.
You've got to commit to the bit, especially if your bit is being offensive.
You've got to commit 100% and that is the only reason I didn't look like a fucking asshole on Dr.
Phil 100% commitment whenever they ask you it's yeah, I am a fucking prick because everything about you
Will want to be a nice guy and try to make people happy, but if that's the joke
Commit to it. No, that's that's that's that's long been good advice. Yeah.
The top performers would say, yeah.
Absolutely, whether it be, whether it be music,
whether it be stand up, anything like that.
Because the audience doesn't even have to analyze it,
but they smell a fake immediately, right away.
It's a power, power struggle.
You gotta keep it, keep that promise. Yeah. Yeah. My man struggle. You gotta keep it. You gotta keep that from him.
My man has that tattooed to his chest.
What's that?
Commit to the bit.
Not the worst tattoo I've ever heard.
No, he got it with a guy who got it tattooed on his arm and my man was like, oh.
I'll do it on the chest where I can cover it up if I like my heart.
This is a little brazen.
Okay. S, okay.
Snyder, who had an eventful morning and work
as contrary hates Jewish people.
Unfortunately, Al-Khalil is no closer to getting laid now
than he was when he first posted this thread.
And lastly, we have Garrett Snyder,
who had an eventful morning and work
for his job contracting for NASA.
When Garrett approached his boss this morning,
his boss seemed extra panicked and startled.
In the middle of the strange reaction, a meth pipe falls out of his jacket and shatters
on the floor.
Boss and stared each other for five seconds before his boss clues up the remnants of not
only his meth pipe, but his 44-year-long career.
There are any new advice on whether or not he should report his boss or stay quiet.
Dickhead's had plenty of feedback, including him. Get a blow-jacen pipe. a Strike first, fuck him, get him fired, and a discussion on whether or not to call him an addict because his method usage could just be a fun hobby.
It was a surprise to the responses as many of them harped on a duty of safety.
We all owe each other when working in nuclear and aerospace for the army.
Although Garrett never said any action in space was exported off the premise after he was seen sprinting back and forth like a maniac across the warehouse.
This has been the Dixiel Facebook maniac across the warehouse. Yeah. This has been that it shall Facebook news
for the last couple days.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah. That was packed.
The meth pipe falls out of your pocket.
Well, because then you're both guilty
because like what do you use?
Oh, nice meth pipe.
How do you know the meth pipe looks like?
Could have fallen out of your pocket, right?
That's how you false flag somebody in real life
reporting him for drugs. That's chicken shit. flag somebody in real life, reporting them for drugs, as chicken
shit, let it go.
So the credit card thing I mentioned earlier that I didn't get to.
I'll explain that to you now.
Okay, let's hear that.
This has been the weirdest part of this week. Maddox publicly acknowledged the lawsuit for the first time
because I started attacking his comedy friends.
I started telling them what pieces of shit,
how Rudnic and Ifi knew how to weigh.
I started telling them what cocksuckers they are in real life
for doing the show with a guy who's lost his goddamn mind.
Yeah, who's calling people trying to get them fired? Yeah.
Like, are you thought, like, what's wrong with you?
I don't want you to not do the show.
I want you to know that you're a piece of shit.
And you could burn in hell for this shit.
Get cancer, you cock suckers.
All right.
You are, you are the reason bad things exist.
Because you don't say anything.
And you say, you got nothing inside of you. You have nothing inside of you, but
but a
Craven desire for fame. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. How fuck you iffy.
I forget what my point was. Oh, yeah. So Maddox finally comes out and says these. Oh, yeah,
this is what these people do. They harass, they harass
people and then they cry when they get harassed. They get sued for harassment.
It's so great that in all of this, he's the only one who's committed any type of
harassment, perjury, harassment, criminal, perpetrator, frivolous loss,
exactionable losses. Right, right, right. Millicious prosecution, restraining order.
Yeah, it's like Jackass is making fun of you.
It's got all backward.
That's it.
I think he genuinely still has a point.
Oh, do you think he's just doubling down?
Well, I'll tell you about his parents.
And this is what I use to base all of his decisions on.
His, Maddox's mother is a degenerate
gambling addict uh... they burned through all as he says on the old show they burned through all
of his college money uh... maddox's mom is such a degenerate gambler that she will screech
in his car in public until he gives her hundreds of dollars to shut her up, whatever he has on her. Like straight up, shake down.
This is, I mean, which I only say to give
is some sense of like this is the mindset of,
this is the criminology report,
this is my criminology report of Maddox.
As I said on the bonus episode,
he's, Maddox's real name is from a guy,
his mom is still in love with and she tells him that. Like his father is so weak
that the mother speaks like this in front of them. Like there is no chance that Maddox has ever seen
anyone confronted, learned about confrontation, like he is a sh-
And you can tell.
And you can tell it.
You can tell in the way he looks and holds himself,
he is a shell of a cuck full of nothing,
but self-loathing and anxiety and gamblers' fallacies.
Which is why he would lash out like this
and do incredibly phenomenally stupid things and react in those kind of ways.
His family is sick.
Him and his brother regularly fight about who's going to inherit this shit pile house
they live in in Utah.
Like it's, they are Jerry Springer except everybody made the mistake of thinking Maddox's
website was a joke. It's not.
Not a fucking joke. It's all supposed to be literal.
The kids, the kid stuff is like whether it was or not he's twisted it up into thinking it's this
Brave new type of parenting where you should treat children like shit because it makes more Mozart's like he legitimately believes the forward of that book.
I think that when you've got a, when gambler's fallacy is the worst one.
It's right.
In my opinion.
It's the worst addiction.
It's 100 times more powerful than alcohol or methadone or heroin or cocaine because
every single time is going to be different and
every, like all the substance addictions, at least you're knocked out for a night, you
know, you can recover from that with gambling.
It's just, you can never stop dumping money into the pit.
And that's what he's doing.
That and the fear of confrontation that he got from his father, which prohibits him from
saying anything to me.
Like if Maddox tweeted about any of this, posted a thing on his site or any, keep in
mind, Maddox's reach compared to this show is nothing.
It's nothing.
His eye, his eye to his feet was a fucking joke.
He's still walking around saying that he won't mention Anita Sarkeesian because he doesn't
want to give her the followers.
Motherfucker, you have 30 people who want to support you monetarily in the whole world.
In the whole world, 30 people.
It's a classroom that you're teaching at this point.
How to fail one oh fucking one full of pedophiles and the deranged.
This is your audience
No one fucking cares what you say you stupid cock sucker
You are the third bill of a comedy act between a shill a nobody and a failing comedy theater the pack L.A
That no one gives a fuck about yeah Yeah. You are wildly delusional.
I don't think any human man, any human being,
can come to terms with that.
No, I don't think he'll stop until he gets a win.
Small, small or big, he needs that, I think.
I think that's, he needs to remember this
as like something that he got a win out of.
I'm gonna tell you something. That's what he keeps doing. That's where the gambling fallacy keeps him. Yeah, that's exactly needs to remember this as like something that he got to win out though. I'm gonna tell you something.
That's why he keeps that.
That's where the gambling fallacy comes.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said.
No win is big enough.
No, he got a stereosis job.
But you know what?
A stereos can come back from that.
Yeah, absolutely.
He can get another job.
He can explain it.
A stereos still has thousands of fans, a beautiful and hilarious girlfriend.
He has people who are willing to support him through almost anything.
The counter suits a whole nother, a whole nother thing.
It's irrelevant.
Sanctions are coming, whatever.
But Matt, with I know about gamblers is a win makes them emboldened.
Every win they get should have been bigger.
Yeah. I don't think he'll ever stop. I don't think he'll stop till he's fucking
glad himself with people who enable him. He's got, he's got fucking convicted pedophiles.
Are the people he brings into his show for bits? Like, when did this break this week wow, nick did a whole stream on it a full on convicted child porn
consumer. The very worst of the worst. Yeah. That's a that's
as bad as you can get in society. That's his that's his
engaged audience right now, which I'm not saying is like in
some kind of blame of association.
Yeah. But this is the thinking, these are the people left.
These are the people that you didn't chase away.
The pedophile.
Uh, and the deranged.
I don't know.
Does that, does that answer you?
Even approach the realm of, oh yeah, it didn't.
I just question who's, if this is just a good idea
in his own mind or he's surrounded by a group of people
who think that he's still right after all of this.
Yeah, because no one in LA will tell you you're wrong,
ever, period.
There are still, you know that in music.
Yeah, absolutely.
Every track is hit.
Yeah, that's like that's like a fucking dog shit.
If anyone can use you for anything,
they'll tell you that you're right
just to try and get something out of you.
Oh, yeah.
But back to the credit card for our thing.
So you remember those guys, little platinum books, did you hear about those?
They sponsored the episode of the best debate that I hijacked back, that I took back.
So this fat dummy pimping his adult books for kids, which is fucking weird.
Yeah, what?
Okay, yeah.
You're not gonna read a book about cleaning up a crime scene
to a two or three year old.
It's horrifying, you know?
Whatever, it's, it's, it's one of these,
there's a couple of things that Sikko's,
and the outskirts of Holly would always wanna do.
They always wanna normalize pornography. They always want like a mainstream media to feature hardcore sex on it and every it's like clockwork every fucking time
I'll see one of these creeps like okay
Let's wait for the movie pitch and then here comes the hard one the other one is
child stuff
But for grownups like the weird mix of kid stuff for grownucker, kids don't need to read books about this insane adult shit.
They don't like it.
They need simple stories that they can follow
where you scream one word every page
and that's when then they wanna read it the next night
and the next night and the next night and the next night
because they like to have that stability
that's right.
That's right.
They know what's coming
because they wanna show that they understand something.
It's not, what the fuck are you talking about?
So little platinum books goes on Maddox's show.
And that was when the feed hijacking hit.
So everybody on our side was boasting, bragging, dragging, Maddox's, hector's corpse around
the city.
And busting the guy's chops.
Like, why are you supporting this ass
whole show? Fuck you. So he gets a little goosey. It says, oh, yeah, well, all exposures,
he takes the all exposures, good exposure. I'll show you guys angle that does not work with us.
Because you can't always sink to our level Honestly like you that doesn't get to us
It just it doesn't fucking work. That's not a ha ha
Destroying your own voting system doesn't get to us bragging bragging about some convoluted way that our busting chops has benefited you some way
It doesn't work because we're not stupid. Like, we know that you're just a
loser trying to get a Kickstarter to make you stupid books happen. We all understand what it is
to dream about something, but we don't whore ourselves out to do it. And good for you for trying,
but we know what's going on there. Anyway, one day to one day, a left on his Kickstarter, and Kickstarter, if you don't know,
if you don't hit the goal, you don't get the money.
So there was already three grand
or something in his Kickstarter.
All the sudden overnight, Kickstarter jumps up
15,000 bucks, fun.
Why you need $15,000 to fund a bunch of kid books,
I have no idea, because it's because of your idea.
It's funded. So the reason for that is, I have no idea, because it's because of your an idiot. Yeah. Yeah. It's funded. So the reason for that is usually somebody wanted the small amount of money.
So they threw in their own amount of money. They took the 5% hit and they took it all.
They took it all out. Yeah.
I get it.
You want the three grand, you got to fund the entire thing, then you get less of your own
money back, but you get all this money that you didn't have access originally. Or else, or else you get zero.
So that happened and everybody said,
bullshit, because again,
the kids are not stupid, not at all.
By any stretch of the assholes, yes,
some, not stupid, none are stupid.
The next couple days, Max's Patreon bumps up to six grand.
This is a Patreon that's sat at $200 for two years. This was the original Babe Ruth
calling the shot failure that Max experienced, right? This is my Patreon, here we go.
I think it'll hit about 10 grand.
With Casey at the bat.
Oh, 200?
Fuck, I can't even eat on that.
That doesn't even cover my barista bill, right?
I can't get a new bike chain with this.
The fuck am I gonna do?
My mom is gonna scream her head off
and I'll have nothing to give her.
This is good for, maybe 10,
this is good for 20 days of soup, but 30?
How am I gonna fucking live?
He's got a big cauldron, like a witch.
So Maddox's Patreon jumps to six grand,
and everyone says, bullshit.
Yeah, why?
Here's, I'll explain how this happens.
This is how I think it happens.
Because I know how Patreon works,
and I know how scumbags work. Because I am one. Little Platinum Books guy says, also he says, Little Platinum Books,
Little Platinum Books guy fucked it up by running his mouth. That's how I pieced this together.
Because he said, an influencer, a YouTube influencer is the one who dumped it in. Yeah.
He's getting his balls busted by Cameron Clark saying, it wasn't you,
like you obviously did it and he goes,
no, it wasn't my money.
You wouldn't, I know you got this thing in your brain
that wants to make you confess.
So you try to turn it into a cute little twist,
but you're just saying yes.
You're saying yes.
And your argument is such that it's a yes.
I know that argument.
I think little platinum books got 2500 from their marketing guy who tweeted about it and
then Cameron Clark discovered that the guy who tweeted, I put in 25 grand, is their marketing
So you put in, because you can't put it in your, like they have safeguards for this shit because they want, they're running a, trying to run a real company.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, not just a take whatever you get, they're trying to say this is the amount that I need.
Anyway, I'm getting off into the weeds.
25 grand from the marketing guy.
Probably, 25 hundred.
25, yeah, 25 hundred from the marketing guy, and he's probably split the remainder between the guy's father who he said was a donor,
a big donor, and Maddox.
And I think Maddox.
Because that amount would then be the same amount
that Maddox's Patreon spiked up into six grand.
If we know one thing, it's not legit in any way.
And so here's where it gets great, right?
This was my theory. Yeah.
That they both, that little platinum book sky
probably has money.
Maddox, no money.
Got no fucking money.
Dr. Nurse said he has no fucking money
begging for money.
I know that motherfucker doesn't have money.
He thought, I'm gonna run up this credit card
on the Kickstarter.
The little platinum book sky
will give me the same amount of money.
I just turned credit card. I just turned a credit card into cash that I need to live
because the guy's dead fucking broke.
So as the week develops, he's got a, oh, lawyer's money.
He's got a federal tax lien for like 30 grand.
He's the, the, I'm better than your kids, I think, I think he got a $60,000
advance. He got 60,000 when the manuscript was handed in, but the sales were so bad. I
don't know that he got the third 60,000. I know he got upwards of 200 grand for that
book, but I'm not sure that he got the third payment. So he's been living on $180,000
for how long? Which goes very quickly. Yeah, which where he lives, I bet his place is,
I bet it costs 2500 a month,
and I bet he splits it with two to three people.
So even if he's selling t-shirts,
like he moved to spread shirt,
so he could throw that stupid cuff design up there
and all this shit, even if, it doesn't add up to me.
Hence the federal tax limit.
Anyway, as the week goes on,
the little platinum books Kickstarter gets defunded.
Oh yeah.
All the way back down to 3000,
which means the YouTube influencer, the dad,
and the marketing guys, donations are gone.
It's being suspicious.
They explained why, you know,
they don't want that shit happening
on their platform because then all the other backers
get defrauded.
It's essentially, it's fraud.
Because it wasn't backed.
Go over to Maddox's Patreon.
September one drops from 6K down to 150 or something
like that.
He lost even more people this month.
It's, it's down to like $150.
You can't live on 100.
He's, it's, it's, it's $150.
There's nothing to laugh at, but it is when you're trying
to perpetrate a credit card fraud scheme.
And it's, it's also something to laugh at.
And it's also something.
He always thinks he can beat the system in every way.
Yeah, the legal system.
It's a gambler's, it's got a system to beat the house
this time.
That's where we're at.
That was the, that was the, that was the,
that was the cost that landed last night
with both of their, both of their things getting kicked down,
which is very interesting because if he's, who knows what that six million is, you're the one fudging your, your
Patreon number. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I've read three hours of fake names. Well, it's like
everybody for telling everyone, telling, I wasted three hours of my life telling 3,000
imaginary people to go fuck themselves. That's what I like doing on my Thursdays. Yeah.
I, I said this before, but I can assure you
that the money I get paid is very real.
And that, and I doubt that you,
that you are just giving me money to keep up the facade.
I hate giving people money.
I fucking hate it.
I was, I lost the invoice.
So I'm really bad at it.
So that's where we're at. If if Maddox is desperate enough to start, and again,
I, this is all just the way I think it happened. I'm not saying it happened this way, but
it's, it makes sense. Shit, money doesn't appear out of nowhere. And there's no reason
to give yourself money because they'll know. And there's also no reason to pay the credit
card back if you are in a substantial amount of debt. It seems,
it seems, it seems like a credit card fraud money laundering scheme that blew up in both
of their faces. And I'm very excited to see where it leads.
Bankrupts, you're right. If you're, if you get caught defrauding banks, you don't like
that fucking jail. Yeah. That is the one thing the American government cares about is taking money from banks and
the government. Uh, yeah, I don't know. But I will, Matt, if you have, if you have money
trouble, um, it's, if you're this desperate for cash, I will, I will, I know rent and
Hollywood is expensive. I will pay for your rent. I'll pay for all you have to do is every day.
You've got to record a 10 second video of yourself shoving your fingers down your throat until
you throw up. 10 seconds and repost it on your main channel with no, no funny business,
no, just alt mattix. All you have to do, George, all you have to do
is every day, record yourself kneeling in front of the toilet, stick your fingers down
your throat for 10 seconds or until as long as it takes for you to throw up.
And then post it.
Post it online for my amusement.
And I will cover your entire, that's 10 seconds, what's 10 seconds a day?
30 days?
That's five minutes, five minutes of work.
That's all it take.
I'll cover your fucking rent buddy.
I know six grand is a lot to lose in Patreon.
You're probably counting on that money to come through.
Rent is due.
All you gotta do, that's five minutes of work.
It's, I mean, it's a phenomenal hourly rate.
It's a phenomenal hourly. it's a phenomenal hourly rate. It's a phenomenal hourly.
How much is that hourly rate?
Five minutes, that's 120th.
I'm paying only your half of the rent.
I'm not covering the whole fucking thing.
I'm not covering your degenerate fucking failure roommates.
Let's say it's a thousand bucks,
as he shared the rent.
Thousand bucks, divided times 20,
that's 20 grand an hour.
That's a yeah, that's insane.
I would work that out.
I'm the most generous person on earth.
You can't get that anywhere else,
you're gonna be making real money for your video.
Jeez, I'd vomit and need it for that kind of money.
That's bitmatics, that's been your dream, buddy.
Making money from your video content and I'll make that kind of money. That's bitmatics, that's been your dream, buddy. Making money from your video content
and I'll make that happen for you.
All you have to do is shove your fingers down your throat
every day until you throw up, you sack a shit.
All right, let's listen to some voicemails.
That's a hard deal to pass up.
Don't you think that's a good, great time to do that.
That's a hard deal to pass up great that's a hard deal to pass up
that's a hard deal to pass up
people say I'm too hard on women but you know I think I'm equally yeah that was
very equal you know you're a mother they're saying okay here we go
uh... i hope you don't mind but I cropped you out of the thumbnail for this weekend jerked off of that picture, baby girl
All right, I'll cry for you. Bye
Good for you. I did too. I actually I bought it one of those tennis skirts. I mean, oh nice see the thumbnail
Here take a look at this shit.
Carl, you saw the thumbnail the last week.
Yeah, true.
That's not the toilet.
Oh, right, right.
We did a bonus episode, of course.
A lot of toilet centric.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, let me see if I can find a big region.
What's the mighty fine thumbnail?
Ooh, boy.
Yeah, I got that tennis skirt. Yeah.
I can't say no to that. No. Looks like it. Lighter. Yeah. Lighter skin. Well, you got
a Mexican up that skin. Don't be afraid of it. Hey, Jake, just listen to the last bonus episode
you talked about. No, no, which you didn't ever sense the smell. I have no smell.
I can't smell anything.
Bad, good, doesn't matter.
Things stink, there was a lot of things.
I don't smell it.
There's a downside.
You also can't smell anything good.
They were like, oh, that smells so good.
Can you smell that barbecue or the smell that food?
I can't smell good, still bad. So it's good for the bad stuff, because I can't smell good skin, bad.
So it's good for the bad stuff,
cause you can't smell anything bad.
No, people, I always think of the bad thing
and I can't smell it, and it will sense.
Yes, not at all.
And then, then you have,
the other downside was the horrible part,
I can't smell nothing.
No, and I learned this just to be when I was just a conciliant.
I was like a conciliant, a conciliant, a conciliant.
Sean, there's a good side.
You can't smell anything bad.
But did you know there's a bad side where you can't smell anything good?
Very good.
See, but contrary wise, there's a good side where you can't smell anything bad. Well, then we should do that. But however, oh, I'm also a bad son.
Where you can't smell anything good.
I have no room to talk after my appearance on PKA.
I really don't.
I love all of you, Drunks, you know,
that you deserve it, though, as I do.
The first time I went to Europe and was at a topless beach,
I realized very quickly, I was like, I love all of you, Drunks. You know that you deserve it though, as I do.
The first time I went to Europe and was at a topless beach, I realized very quickly,
did you go topless? I did. I realized very quickly that it can be a double-edged sword.
Yeah. You know, and I didn't think, I didn't think, saddlebags about, yeah.
I didn't think it all through, but I mean, it just is how it
is in a lot of Europe.
And it's, it's all good.
And to me, the, the good outweighs the bad, but there, there, there is definitely some,
you know, some downsides.
Maybe he's got some more downsides.
Let's see.
I get my nose to the chili powder and nothing.
It blows.
So no, you're not going to have a sense of smell.
That was the other bad thing.
If you're about to gasoline, there's definitely
in a house and you're late, put the egg to hell.
No, how often does that happen?
Well, guess what?
I would smell it.
I would die because I can't smell nothing.
And also, you can sometimes swim when you stay.
You swim with other people's feet.
So you can't swim under the nose,
so you don't think before you go to the house,
well, I can't.
I have to ask other people how to smell,
because I can't feel.
I can't smell like jelly powder.
I'm not a yogurt, I'm just a soda.
I'm like, my own face, so.
How do I smell it? You can smell. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, all the people that do have to smell sir, realize how good you have it. I'm grateful, fuck off.
I'm fucking grateful, asshole.
Oh, do you remember how, do you remember how on the bonus episode we told people to tell
us to play the jerk off game to see if they were jerking off on their call?
And that we would have to guess whether or not they were jerking off.
Right. Okay, this gentleman off on their call. Yeah. And that we would have to guess whether or not they were jerking off. Right. OK.
This gentleman has sent one in.
Use my entry into jerking off or not jerking off.
What makes me a rage is when you're walking at night. Or like just night is just like in the evening.
And there's a car coming and a flash here breaks at you.
Because when I'm driving and the car flashes their brakes, I just flash my
brakes back so I get the instinct. This is flash so good. Like,
brakes back but I can't because they're all walking. So I just feel touched by cars.
And I think that's part of why walking honestly may have been a big problem.
You know, yeah.
Okay, so before I, because remember I said they had to say at the end if they were drinking
off or not drinking off.
Yeah, let's get a quick whip around here.
Well, Carlos, what do you think?
I think it's good acting, but not checking off.
Not jerky, so no, okay.
For exactly the same reason that's what I think he was.
I think he was.
100% drinking off.
You think he totally was?
And I could taste it in the back of my fucking mouth.
Oh my God.
Yes, jerky.
I just thought, man, I mean, it was great acting,
which makes me sort of think, maybe.
Yeah, that the breathing is what got it for me.
Yeah, I kind of like thought I heard something.
Yeah, you know, I don't know.
I mean, I'm, I'm going no.
All right, let's see.
Let's listen to the rest of it.
Hopefully he told us.
All right.
alright let's see let's listen to the rest of it hopefully told us alright uh...
i'm the answer
is i'm not jerking off of this
that and walking god dammit
aah that was a fucking good way to his fat and walking exercise
yeah well you got me here you fat fuck
well done go home and jerk off.
That's the game.
Are you jerking off or are you just fat and walking?
This is a, this is a classic show fit.
I like that this happened.
I like that this happened.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Dick almost threw up. did yeah, and that your imagination is a fucking terrible thing
Yeah, yeah, once I got a rage for you people who give a shit
People who give too much of a shit about their fucking car. Mm-hmm. I've changed over for a living
Dude sit in his car and change in his old two fucking drops from the old gun drip on his hood
And he freaks the fuck out
Driving a fucking two thousand and two Ford Explorer
On top of the fucking car
Yeah, I was wipe it all out six months to go what the fuck doesn't matter
I'm gonna wipe it off anyway.
Do you fuck your car, sir?
Is that...
That's the season of shit.
I hate...
I gave you money to yell at you like this, right?
Over my 2002 Ford Explorer.
That is a...
How do you make it that far
while still being a cox sector about your car?
Like I was a... I was a pressy bitch. What do you mean make it that far while still being a cox sector about your car? Like I was a I was a pretty bitch. I don't even make it that far a
2002 like how do you get that far without something happening that makes you just say oh fucking who cares?
Oh, no always that moment with a car wait the initial six months of oh god like yeah
I had a car that once it just started fucking getting hit like parked like in front of my house
You just you're way way way. What was it? You're rev four no?
No, no the the Nissan I had oh god. Yeah, I remember as that car started falling apart. I did nothing to it
I did nothing to this fucking you started a car battery in the back that exploded well
No, but I mean, I mean,
Xbox and Destroyer.
Yeah, the exterior is battery acid everywhere.
It melted, it melted all the plastic parts on mic stands
and shit like that, all the plastic melted.
Yeah, all the mic stands were dustly destroyed as well.
Like when we would use them,
they were all crumbled up and shit is scratching.
Well, because I kept meaning to go dispose of it
and I just didn't do it. no but when it was with the side
Would get somebody came by and like whack the mirror and I found it like laying in the street
That's I just I stopped washing it. I said because it was like no it happened twice
Then they knocked off like the rear quarter panel. There's like a little step on the side
You know like a molded molded plastic thing
I was like, I'm not blaming you. It's like, fucking damn it.
The fur and the feelers like, I've lived right up the street from you.
And one of the wee, it was more fucked.
And one of the neighbors was like, what's going, it was,
gradually turning into Ricky's shit.
It was so, it was so, it was so, it fucked up.
Like a black name.
It was a magnet.
It was so funny.
Oh, he's taking all the shit out of the room.
That's when you just, so when that started happening, when that started happening, you just go, what the fuck?
Are we going to wash it? What I'm it does happen? Like what one scratch done. Yeah.
That's it. Yeah. But this guy got into 2018 with a 2002 floor. It's still giving a shit
about a car. I mean, Jamie put her feet up on the dash on my new truck.
I'm like, oh, that's it.
I don't care about this car anymore.
Uh, that's a rage.
Chicks putting their fucking feet on the dash.
No shit on the window.
You walk around on the same ground I do.
Bitch, do you not know how like skin works on anything?
I mean, if I take your shoes off,
I've seen fucking transfers.
They love it.
I think they secretly love it,
because they want to tattoo them something
about themselves in your fucking brain.
Dude, this human skin has oil.
It goes on like, either vinyl or whatever else.
Alibration, yeah.
Yeah, no.
No, let's see here.
Don't do that.
It's presumptuous, too.
It's very rude.
Yeah, next one who does it,
I'm gonna just put my feet right in their mouth.
Yeah, you like it.
Yeah, it's basically the same thing.
I know, I find that shit rude.
Okay, you wanna hear a voicemail from the Ramo?
Yeah, why not?
I mean, what can...
I really enjoy that guy's videos.
I think he pulled his punches when he called in.
That's all the same.
And just like Nash, just like Adam Nash.
Well, he accused this show of pulling its punches.
Who did?
The Ramo.
You know, right.
Right, but I think the setup to that joke
is accusing us of pulling punches
and then going
way overboard on punch throwing. Because the premise is true, we definitely pull punches. Like, I don't say retarded, or, you know, I mean, well, you know, but the show is
to do that for the sake of doing that isn't, doesn't interest me in the slightest.
I mean, you can tell from listening to it,
like it's, that doesn't, I only pretty much say,
like what I think, you know,
sometimes I don't have a strong opinion on something,
sometimes I do.
Like I've never, I've never been interested
in being any type of a character
because I don't know how to do it
and I don't wanna learn.
What you've just said is a pretty good character.
But I, but I think there's always room for somebody who can make offensive things like offensive.
Like Sam Hyde does it very well where he just goes into a coffee shop and open mic night and
reads extremely homophobic content.
That's until people leave.
Yeah. It's content. Yeah. That's until people leave. Yeah.
It's hilarious.
See, once I've seen it, it boars me, generally.
Well, that's why it's a difficult comedy, angle to take.
It is.
I mean, it was, it's a cent, like, manner better than women.
It's like one, it's daffy duck swallowing nitroglycerin
and then blowing up, like, you can only do it once.
It's not funny again, because everybody's desensitized.
Which is the joke.
That's the joke.
It's like, you don't really, you won't care about this
when you see it a second time.
That's why it's so funny.
Well, it'll get a reaction the first time.
From idiots.
All right, let me play it.
But I like that guy.
He's doing, allegedly, he's doing Fight Night too.
Kimball has resurrected Fight Night. I don't know. I's doing allegedly. He's doing fight night too. Oh, Kimble has resurrected fight night.
I don't know. I'm excited to listen to it. I don't know if anybody else is.
Hey, Dick. It's me, Ronald Graham Cracker again. I just wanted to thank you for letting me on the show last week.
It was really a lot of fun and just I hope I did okay.
You know, it's like all the best internet trolls. I really just seek approval and acceptance.
And I hope I didn't upset you with any of my super,
super edgy jokes.
I was just so nervous and just racked up.
And I hope you'll let me call you again
from my grandmother's kitchen
and I can make more edgy jokes.
I've got more jokes like um...
It's about to get run over by a track.
Violent sexual assault, that's one of my jokes and...
Bisexual assault.
Context-less racism.
So if you want more content...
Please make the Facebook group stop making fun of me.
I wonder who this is.
That's him.
Why would it be him?
I don't know.
It says somebody, somebody sent it to me.
Oh, I think somebody called in.
Oh, I don't know.
One more.
One more.
I don't want to be, you know what?
I should have fucking hooked up that breathalyzer microphone
when I called into PKA.
What has that, does it work?
Have you got it working?
Oh, but you should have hooked it up.
I should have gotten it working.
So when work on the guy who made it,
the guy who made it said it needed to calibrate to sea level
or something.
So I should have let it run longer.
Because it had this countdown that was seeming,
seeming counting down to seemingly negative. That's what it's doing, but you're not at sea level though.
Well, it came from way way high up. Isn't it? Wasn't it a cool picture in Cody Wilson,
just like calling in in bed with some beautiful broad and lagooning a gal? At first, he said,
some beautiful broad and lagooning a gal. At first he said, he was hiding out
and I just pictured him in like a super trashy motel
with the blackout curtain drawn.
Like, but he's getting room service.
And there's some slinky bitch brought a woman.
Excuse me.
Like wearing a shirt and giggling.
Is he on the radio bragging about how cool he is?
That's good.
That's good.
I hope he never stops getting sued.
He seems good for his social life.
Yeah, he's really, he made time for us.
All in.
He did.
Talk about my cool plans to restore it to my 4D gun.
That's a good fucking invention.
Yeah. A 4D gun printer.
You never know.
It includes time travel.
You never know when you're gonna need a gun.
A 3D printed gun.
So get a 4D printed gun.
What are they gonna stop it in the future?
It's 1D better.
Laws are only applied to the present.
You write a law that applies to the future.
Good luck.
You look like a fool.
Do you know what makes me a rage incompetence? Makes me a rage. When you're working on a project
with your co-workers, you carry the whole bloody thing to the one yard line and your 80-year
The one yard line and your idiot bandmate decides to tackle you. Yeah.
I'm talking about when Uncle Cook decided to post the drum stems to our song instead of
posting the actual song.
Dude, you had one job to do
Fucking job
We brought this thing to the 99 yard line. We brought it all the way to the fucking end
Yeah, and you fumble it right before it goes in the one
He sounds like dummy of pesos
He does dummy was gonna call in and read some of the Maddox chat leagues, but I couldn't make
He's got to hear an attack of the giggles.
And his life is so contagious.
It's so funny.
It's hilarious.
He's like a fucking, yeah, he's like this little imp.
Yeah, he's a little grumlin.
Fucking hilarious.
I think this one's another one about the Uncle Buck to butt.
That time you uploaded the wrong MP3 for the show,
do you remember that?
You uploaded one that didn't have all the cuts in it.
Oh yes.
Every people lost their fucking minds on that.
Uh, yeah.
Hey, this is Rob from The Cucksockers.
Just wand away and on something real quickly.
When you, when you get drum stems, and then you lay down a bass part,
and then you wait for the lead and with the car parts,
and then you get that session sent to you
and you lay down like the extra vocals for that big sound.
It's not like that.
We imagined it all.
I heard it.
We should have just done a song over it now would have been fun
I'm a podcast that you were writing music for yeah, not just the fucking drum stems uncle fuck
Easiest you just send the email
The vile's it drums them
The violence that Trump's them. The professional reputation to worry about.
That's what you sound like Uncle Buck.
Oh God.
We are gonna play the song, right?
We did, we already did.
Oh, that was the song?
Yeah, there was war.
Got it.
This is war.
Okay, I didn't realize that was the same song,
but God was that funny.
It's the fucking weed.
It's destroyed my alcohol tolerance.
Yeah, because I, now I just smoke a little bit of weed.
Instead of drinking until three in the morning,
just have a couple hits of weed.
No, it'll be damned.
You get high, I get sucked into Twitter or whatever,
and then I stop wanting to get high and just get tired
and go to sleep.
It's so much healthier.
A little fucking vague thing.
No doubt about it. Making, making we, we being illegal, all of the heart deaths or a significant
portion of deaths and loss of lives are directly attributable to any congressman who is not actively trying to make we just legal,
100% legal, 100% legal.
It is so much healthier.
I don't think there's, I don't know anybody
who really would debate that.
Aside from an 80 year old man who actually believes
that we should be right.
Reformation madness is a documentary.
We're gonna dig, was McCain pro?
I, who knows?
You know what?
I gotta, if you're in,
if I don't know that you're pro weed,
you're taking up your corpse and fucking it.
That's my policy.
a lot of, a lot of corpse raping going on.
Point to the wall, the store policy.
That's my store policy. What do you wall the store policy. That's my store policy
What do you mean to do? Yeah, it's my store policy. So you got to stop raping that corpse no youtubers served my policy corp
Is rape what do you mean to do?
Hey man dick, I don't feel like
Constructing a rage on this at all. I just I'm not too tired. It's a fucking annoying. Sandra
Yeah, this is me off man like this this you would think
Bintons is right. It's like a goodwill. And where did God man like
I didn't know where I live. There's record street. And that's where all the
homeless people live. And I've lived in a lot of cities. I have never seen the
homeless coalesce in the corner, like it's before, I've never seen it.
Yeah, I would love a homeless documentary,
but not interviewing them,
like a national geographic animals homeless documentary,
and not even like interacting with them.
No, no, just, you know, they're coming up,
like, what the fuck are you doing?
I'm like, oh, the homeless is spying.
Right, that's right.
They're directed by David Dattinborough.
Oh my god.
But like, because having done all these road rages
and seen the ingenuity and the ingenuity of some homeless
and the weird behaviors and culture of other homeless,
it's fascinating.
It's more interesting than a bunch of stupid animals, right?
It would be fascinating to do a documentary that way.
Not respectful though.
I don't want them interviewed.
I don't give a fuck about their life stories, you know what I mean?
Because everything you gotta know,
you gotta know that.
You gotta know that.
You gotta know that.
You gotta know that.
Total hands off approach.
I mean, you are trying to be as low key as possible.
I wanna know about their experience.
I mean, you have to tear to it.
How do they have property rights?
Well, here's what you do.
They do have property rights.
Have you seen where they put something that looks,
it's a fake animal, like a tortoise or something
with a camera in it?
So the lion will come up and be like,
what the fuck is this?
And just see, like, you got to put like a model of a
like a shopping card with a camera in it.
Well, or a homeless person.
A random, electronic homeless person.
Just kind of see if they can tell it's real or not. Yeah. Like'm a electronic homeless person. I see a lot of homeless person.
Tell it's real or not.
Yeah, like a dummy like Mary would show
and be like, oh, what in there?
Fucking, he's on that new shit.
Yeah, he's crocodile.
He's on the crocodile.
Oh, God.
Yeah, all right.
That was a funny drug.
Oh, you sent people like two years.
That was a horrible epidemic in Russia.
Oh, yeah, horrible.
Oh, you see what I,
oh, it goes dead, your skin
rots off down to the bone.
I mean, expose bone.
Cause it's just, it's,
it's caustic as anything.
It's one of those things where it's like,
yeah, addiction's really tough.
I really hope everybody gets out of it.
But you're like crocodile.
It's as soon as, like it messes up everybody's life
and you know, I'm trying to get off of it
and therapy and blah, but it's also like,
well, I mean, if you're not going to do all that let's just make
a drug that gets rid of you as quickly as possible. Well that'll that's one of the ones that'll do it.
Yeah. Ever. Like a Tucson are all over the fucking place but here there are the all they all live
in this one little way. Like what if we took a homeless from Atlanta
and moved them to Portland and vice versa
and see how they adapted to their-
It'd be like the homeless Beverly Hillbillies.
Did I sit in?
Beverly homeless billets?
And see if we could crossbreed them.
To see what the hybrid homeless would turn into.
This might be like one of the one of the most offensive
Conversations we've ever had on this show actually. I think you're right. Yeah, it might be good to be
All the homeless people and of course it's like three buildings down from the charity and you walk by and
They're all eating free food. There's garbage fucking everywhere
And it's like what are are we doing to ourselves?
Why do we put up with this?
Why don't we be able to kind of be able to be able to?
Why do we have human beings?
And I have myself too.
What do you want, Andrew?
Like what the fuck is your solution?
They just not help people because I'm all about helping people.
I heard fear bottle clank.
Or at least having, he's waiting through home.
The option there.
When you're down in your log that gets some free fucking food.
These people abuse the system.
And we just like...
They're okay with living like rats.
And so often, easily scrubs would give them...
They fucking...
They just sit like a parasite in your city.
I mean, you're fucking...
What are you...
Maggie, you're telling me recently... People telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, you're telling me, I see this in Vincent's and I can just see the 19, I can see like the 50, 60-year-old woman
Catholic women who are like, oh no, no, no, no, we need to help these people.
They're just doing drugs like marijuana and stuff like that.
We can just give them some free meals and look at that.
They're fucking doing mess.
You don't understand that.
You don't understand how destructive it is to themselves.
And the rest of us, we're just going to probably really care about what people are going to is to themselves. And the rest of us, which is the only part I really care about, I don't care what people do to themselves.
But I just, I hate that we enable this behavior.
I hate that it's just, it's like a bucket of light in the city.
Something that should be a good thing
is just just mowing into ruin.
I'm gonna ask him one of the back.
How about for every person that comes to a Catholic
or a Christian charity, you have them,
I don't know, work.
You have them cleaning shitters in the confessional.
Other shitters in the confessional, I don't know.
The point is, I don't think so.
We really just knew what they were doing.
They'll take you in, fear one eye,
it's fucking thief on the run.
They'll take you in, they're gonna make you work.
Oh, right, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Ah, he's well-drawn with the homeless. Yeah. It does suck. Yeah. Yeah. He's going to have a problem with the homeless.
Well, it does suck.
So many help.
How come no one's ever like pitch day?
All right, we're going to social welfare, expenditure in America is going to always be
equal to the military spend.
How come no one's ever pitch that?
Doesn't this seem like that would be a good idea? equal to the military spend. How come no one's ever pitched that?
Doesn't this seem like that would be a good idea?
Well, I mean, yeah, what would you have to multiply
the social welfare by to get to the military?
I don't know, like probably a thousand.
Yeah, that's what I know.
That's what I'm making while.
Probably gonna have to start making.
It's just like, you see all the military.
You're like, why is this guy just lying in the fucking...
I would rather give him a sandwich than shoot a bunch of people.
I don't fucking care about.
Um, yeah, sex.
Well, you wanna do an Amish one and then that's it.
Yeah, yeah, and that's it, then we're done.
Hey, Dick and Sean.
What's up, this is Ziggy from Western New York, you know, so basically Pennsylvania and I was just listening to most read pretty some bonus episode
28 I thought I'd have my two cents about these up fucking omnis guys
Please do you guys didn't even get to the biggest problem that these fucking road diminishing shit. We don't know about them
No, so I I like to cruise you cruise around the back roads of my town.
Because you can't even fucking do that.
Driving and driving.
And driving.
It's become really fucking difficult.
Because Goddamn brother Ezekiel seems to like the way
for fucking horses to shit in the middle of a fucking road.
And then go over and throw it over.
Goddamn headlight.
Fucking confetti
all right now how the fuck am i supposed to take the apex of these turn when there's piles of shit
the size of my fucking higher scattered across roads like a fucking Jackson Pollock
he can't drive drunk because there's too much word in shenanigan
damn land and i think it's time we start round him up and suffocate him under piles with
a horse of shit you know jabad, he won't be waving at me. So enthusiastic. I wouldn't
fuck people who wake up with the sun. Aspilling. Yeah.
I have to be eradicated honestly. Oh boy.
I, I, the, the, the pan fucking bag of bonds to, to fuck their wives through
sheets because they don't want to emberied. What kind of fuck? Why is that? Like, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who, who See you, buddy. Wow, they're paying each vagabonds
to fuck each other through sheets.
I didn't know that.
No, fuck that, oh, I'm a shwem.
I mean, to prevent inbreeding.
Cause yeah, I mean, how big a,
how else do you get new jeans in?
Well, send all the homeless to Pennsylvania.
Now fix, that'll fix a couple problems.
There you go.
I always think that we drive around in L.A. and it's just dead
apartment buildings after apartment buildings. It's always funny to me to see the homeless camped
out in front of totally empty luxury apartments. Like, yeah, those exist. They're totally empty.
It's nice. It's a paradise in there. It's better where I live. You can't control yourself so we don't let you in there.
That's how bad your DNA is, which is almost identical to everybody else's.
That's how bad we all are.
We got to have a little piece of metal and you're too stupid to just figure it out and
get in there.
Like this is probably because you respect
the property rights around it.
As insane as that.
Like it's so funny, it's always so funny to me
to see the homeless camped out
in a building totally fucking empty,
which is all over town.
What the hell does this, what is the point of it?
What does the hell does this say about us?
Does that ever really tickle your funny bone?
No, no, that's not my thought about, I mean,
the juxtaposing the, the always,
and I don't know like, I don't know what the vacancy,
I don't know what apartment vacancy rates are across the city.
Well, there's always some.
Well, there's always building.
You know, there's always houses for sale.
It's like having to put up.
You mean like go in there and squat?
Well, because I mean, they're not paying any money.
They're not having a job down.
But even letting them stay in there is not an option
because of how fucked up they are and savage they are.
Oh, right.
You can't, yeah.
Like that is the point where it's,
because at one point they want somebody
to pay money for the place.
Yeah, yeah.
And like you can't, you can't just say like,
oh yeah, we've door open, you know,
you guys hang out in there chill out.
No, it'll be, it's like to be outside.
Yeah, I'll send some full tons in off Craigslist.
Like you can pay a guy 200 bucks, line it up and you can't.
No, you can't.
Because it's gonna get fucked.
Every time you have...
And there are cases of people doing that kind of stuff.
Every time you have that out of a good place.
Out of a good place.
And then they just, oh yeah, and then, oh man.
I've heard about that multiple times.
Can't do it.
Where it's just, yeah, shit was just fucking obliterated.
Ah, all right, everybody.
All right.
Have a good one.
See you later.
Where it's just, yeah, shit was just fucking obliterated.
Ah, alright everybody.
Have a good one.
See you later.