The Dick Show - Episode 218 - Dick on Trickle Down Communism
Episode Date: August 4, 2020The Burning Dick festival, Vito is a hoarder, an inconvenient drug overdose, love in the time of masks, random construction, Tik Tok, Protestors blocking landlords, individuals with cervixes, ...the birth of Maddilox, a true ghost story, women and “rebound” relationships, a guy in search of a beard, and a Chainlink millionaire; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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He's had no called in one of the first times he called in about all the trouble.
Christian was having is he still involved in it?
Uh, Chris Chan.
Well, Christian never involved.
Yeah, they can't be involved in it.
He's too far gone.
He's too autistic.
But did he, did I gloss over?
Is he, did he found it?
It was founded based on his shenanigans.
Oh, he's so crazy and prolific at being insane.
Because it's for, feel like Lolkow.
Yeah, like he created an entire universe around Sonic and him being Sonic the Hedgehog's
Oh, like he drew his own comic about it.
Is that what some of the, like the Sonic and autistic comes from?
Some of it.
I think that Sonic himself, autistic people are drawn to Sonic for a lot of reasons.
Why is that?
I wonder if it's his manner of talking, which is like, that's passed.
I think that's part of it.
And kind of almost autistic.
Yeah, and he always says, like, exactly what he's thinking.
And he's very expressive.
Like, that's easy for them to read his facial expressions, because he's so over the top.
This is fascinating.
I was wondering what my mom will talk about it. It became a meme. easy for them to read his facial expressions because he's so over the top. This is fascinating.
I was wondering what my mom will talk about it.
It became a meme.
Yeah, that's right, your mom knows that stuff.
That's where I get all my insights into autistic people.
Oh, yeah.
And they say shit like they've spent over
in the high millions of dollars in wonder bread art.
Yeah, I know.
I'm probably like $500,000.
That guy is a that guy is a
fucking national treasure. A 2D animator hit me up afterwards saying hey I'm
down to make wonderbid man's dreams come true. Yeah. Hey man get paid. See
what money you might have. I don't know. I'm still holding on. How many is gonna be
the motive in this case? I don't know. I don't know. What do you tell me? I mean
no, but you can tell him it's in the high millions. He just has to wait. I'm gonna be the motive in this case. I don't know. I hope not. Well, you talk a lot. I mean, no, but you can tell them it's in the high millions.
You just have to read it.
I'm ill.
It's nothing.
It's like 500 bucks, you know what it's.
Oh my God.
That fucking guy.
Okay, so what's, why won't you be, hold on.
I wrote it all down.
I'm just gonna email you.
And then you read the,
No, I want you to tell me.
Just tell me.
Okay, I'll read it.
I'm gonna read it.
I'm gonna read it.
Once upon a time in the beginning with the Lord Autism. No, just fucking I'll read it. I'm gonna read it, I'm gonna read it. Once upon a time, in the beginning,
with the Lord Autism, no, just fucking to answer the question.
Give me what I want.
I prepared an entire story.
Yeah, he really did.
And I don't know if you've ever sent it to me.
His show idea is insane.
That guy's amazing.
He's so aggressive about his fetish too.
I need to be that aggressive.
You know, I need to be that aggressive about what everybody needs to be that, like, yeah, I'm fucking love getting swallowed man.
I'm fucking loving it.
I'm not just in the ditch.
I throw a down comforter in the bathtub and put it on, get it to the guy get it.
I sit there with a fucking thermometer, motherfucker bro.
What was he calling me bro the whole time? What is that?
Four yeah, four yeah, I sit there with a thermometer bro. It hits 98.7. I wriggle my way in there
I even have a soundtrack of Jurassic Park just
Playing as I wriggle down in them hard as fuck bitch. Yeah, that's a baby. Whoo
This is fuck bitch. Yeah.
That's like, oh baby.
You have brains.
He's brain to weird things.
And it's all the cartoons.
It is because all cartoons.
It's fucking all cartoons.
I found, I showed 80s girl, the Mandark kids
is lab destroyed by D.
Like this is it.
This is it.
And I remembered it.
If I remembered this, that means it almost worked on me.
Like it's whatever it did to him completely,
it clicked something that,
like something in here, he was for whatever reason,
whatever else happened to him,
however he formed like that turned the switch on.
I just realized that.
He's talking instantly I remember.
So my, he got the AIDS from that scene
and my brain immune system was able to fight it off.
Honestly, like, with huge tits,
somehow, somewhere along the line,
I got exposed to huge tits
and dominating women in a way
that would made me resilient
to whatever Wonderbread man had.
I think that was from Tails Spinn,
the dominating, I don't know.
You might be right about that.
I mean, you could probably go back
and watch all your favorite cartoons
and really narrow his head.
What is that?
What is that?
I think it was tailspin?
I actually think it was the Smurfs.
It's gotta be the Smurfs
because I was obsessed with the motherfucking Smurfs.
Me too.
I love them.
I mean, the Smurfs one fucking great.
They actually had one women.
One woman, yeah.
Yeah, like that's Gorda Melmator.
And I'm like, I'm all the Smurfs put together
and I have to, that's gotta be it. Smurfs. Smurfs. Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-Gar-G Yeah! Welcome to the, you want to get in, you love to get in, you get out of this with show,
where it is a contest, come to your life, I'm a fucking deep in the heart of the studio,
I'm your host, Dick Maschitz, an AK, the $20 million man, America's worst, Mexican, 60,
eight weeks running, joining me is always this world touring LA-based comedian, Sean the audio engineer.
Hello, Dick.
Thanks for not killing yourself.
Oh, yeah, thank you for not killing yourself.
Thanks for not killing yourself.
Everybody veto, thank you for not killing yourself, joining us.
I try my best.
We'll wear the ring.
I probably should kill himself.
I'm only yangled out, huh?
Well, once I put on the yang shirt,
I'm like, ag, I might as well grab the yanghang.
You might as well temper the yanghang as well.
The viola, the viola, y Yanghlands with some nice pink island breeze.
I don't even know what color, I mean, I call it pink.
There's probably a real color.
Coloring pink.
Is that what it, yeah, it's hot pink.
Yeah, it's hot pink.
It was a trend when the Yangh started trending
is that all these followers online
were like making vapor wave memes of him.
And the pink like, dad hat was kind of a thing.
Oh, that's a dad hat.
Well, that's a Coke-chealer hat.
Well, that's a thing as you couldn't get the dad hat.
I'm kind of be on Coke-to-where.
Yeah, that is.
I have so much fun for this then.
Wow, do you do Coke?
Man, I just really like you.
I just really like you, bi.
I really like the, I really like applied communist theory.
I couldn't get the dad hats made, so I had to get trucker hats.
It's the closest appropriate.
You, that's made you made oh
You're real industries motherfucker
You're always posting stuff now you like doing you like doing a lot of the things too because you're always trying to get people to get on
Your stock gambling
They could make a wheeler in put down he put down making grovers to make that
Are you selling grovers to the Grover's X-Men? You got to have your hands and many soups to make it in this A couple weeks. Are you selling grovers to the Grovers X-Men?
Man, you gotta have your hands and many soups
to make it in this,
Groves, making in this world.
Hand in many soups.
Yeah, stirring a lot of pot.
I have my hands and a lot of soup.
Are you autistic?
I have my hands in many soups.
I have my hands in many soups.
That's it, that's it for you.
That's adventure brothers' quote.
That's adventure brothers' quote.
Oh, okay. I won't point the monarch, goes, I have my hands in many soups. That sounds like for you. That's a venture brothers quote. That's what venture brothers are.
I won't point them on our goes.
I have my hands and many centipede.
That sounds like, yeah.
If they made a Wheeler and Dealer about like video games and guys selling bullshit like
store, Vito's hand liquidating like multiple video game stores.
You posted a picture of your apartment and my girlfriend said Vito's a hoarder.
I think he's a hoarder. No, he's an, I think he's an entrepreneur,
but I would need to see some receipts.
I need to see a sales receipt.
It's a mix of hoarding and entrepreneurship
because half the stuff I buy to resell,
I go, well, I should probably keep that part.
Oh, no, you can't do that.
I should probably have at least two colors
of Nintendo 64 in my life.
You know what, the first rule of dealing drugs is,
always do your own stash first.
Don't start dabbling.
Don't start dabbling.
You're gonna have to swear it off.
Anyway, if anyone wants to buy a GameCube, hit me up.
I have 12 of them.
Do they sell for much?
Yeah, I'm selling one for $100 today.
Oh, man.
Do I have to tell you about when my GameCube got stolen?
How did my car?
That sucks.
At work.
At work, it was like a memorial day.
How long ago was this?
It was 20 years ago.
I just went back.
15, 16 years ago.
Got it.
See, I can't remember how old the GameCube is.
Older than that.
It was trash when I mine got stolen.
That's what pissed me off about it so much.
I get off of work.
It was a memorial day, so I'm some little tipsy drinking to work.
I'm the only one there.
And my shatter proof, my glass is all over the ground
and my space pod that I had.
And the only thing that was worth stealing,
because I always stockpile my cars with just trash,
fast bags of fast food.
I know that.
And garbage.
I kind of do the same thing thing and then when I get gas,
I kind of throw it all out.
My game cube was in there.
I don't know why I had it.
It was because of the car.
I don't know.
I was going for like 25 cents at the time.
So it was a half day for kids.
I assume some kids did it and they stole a 25 cents.
It cost me $600 to replace the window,
but it was for 25 cents. I swear to God,
I was going through all the stuff with like a comb, like I was CSI, trying to figure out who it was,
while the cops were there. And I said, you know, oh my God, you got to look at this. Then one of these
pieces, there's chocolate. Yeah. So we're looking for a fat kid. I told you, it's called an APB for a fat kid with a game cube.
What kid should have a game cube at that age?
It was already an old system.
All right, probably the kid who looks like a game cube.
Anyway, it's like you know, it's got a smell of chocolate.
I think we're doing, we're trying to do a burning dick in October.
On a BL, I just found out about this.
Kevin, the engineer, sometimes replacement engineer, found some BLM land where you can
shoot and drive crazy and camp, shoot guns.
Drive wild and take it in the BLM land outside of LA, like across west of Baker's field,
or east of Baker's field.
So the Black Lives Matter land.
Oh, I know, yes, the Black Lives Matter.
Oh, yeah, we're doing a protest. Oh, yeah, we're doing a protest.
Sorry, we're doing a protest slash, we're doing a camping, shooting, driving, doing donuts,
donuts for Floyd.
I know exactly.
That's out on, that's out on like Highway 58, where it connects, Highway 58 connects like
Bakersfield to like north of the Antelope Valley.
Yeah, yeah, that's all this.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe we'll just get into a big gunfighting, it's all this, it's keeping my fingers crossed.
Maybe we'll just get into big gunfighting.
It's kind of, it's pretty cool out there.
When he said there's gonna be guns there,
I was like, I don't know if I trust half those guys
to be just shooting, I'll just aim in this general direction.
You don't have to trust half of them with guns,
you have to trust 100% of them.
That's the problem.
We'll try it anyway, maybe it'll be a big disaster.
20 dead. As long as I don't get hurt. That's the problem. Well, we'll try it anyway. Maybe it'll be a big disaster. 20 dead.
As long as I don't get hurt.
That's my most.
That's my most.
I mean, after all, who would host the show?
Let's see here.
What makes me a rage?
I don't know if I have any more bookkeeping stuff that I need to get out of the way up front.
Thanks for coming in, Vito, by the way.
Oh, thanks for that.
I went to Portland.
It was dead.
Dead, dead, dead, dead is a door now, right?
Dead is LA, maybe more locked down in LA,
but it felt like such a tremendous release
just to sit in a house that was not mine.
It was the greatest vacation of my life.
Just a different story, different scenery.
Just to watch alone.
Like we'll just to watch six episodes of a alone
on someone else's couch.
It's like I would have paid two or three times an amount for what this is.
I imagine that's nice.
Everything was a lot of bars were closed at 10, which I started even to internalize.
You're like, you know, maybe this is a good thing. You're not getting shit face.
Oh no.
Yeah, liquor stores are closed at 7.
I'm thinking, well, maybe that's a good thing as well. You got to plan out, you're drinking.
Oh, man.
There's no lead.
It was horrible.
But what made me a rage about it?
We're on this beautiful hike out of nature.
All we did was hike in nature and sit around the air
be and be.
We're on this beautiful hike,
two masks mandatory for everyone.
You have to put one on your mouth and on your asshole.
Oh, that's great.
That's great. People have have started breathing circular breathing.
So it's such a pain in the ass to breathing your mouth.
People start breathing in their ass.
Kenny G can hold a saxophone note for 45 minutes jamming it.
So Prano sax up his ass.
It's the new circular breathing.
It's like a self-duet.
I'm on the plane. I'm on the plane eating my, everyone gets like a goodie bag of everything that they have
because they're walking around in hazmat suits like Homer Simpson handing you everything.
I'm on the plane eating my six almonds out of the bag.
And I have my mask off for one second and this bitch comes over and, well, you got to,
you got to have that mask. You're well to eat bitch comes over and well you gotta you gotta have that mask
You're well to eat like how do you think I'm supposed to you think I'm supposed to shove this up my ass or
Absorb it into my fucking skin like an amoeba. What do you anyway?
Was it the it was the stewardess who was mad at you? Yeah, please flight attendant. Oh, yeah
Sorry the woman flight it was a woman? Yes. What do you mean? What is your deal?
What even there's men and women? There's what I'm saying, but it's a human. It's a goddamn human being.
Vito. All right. Fine. The worst possible of things. A human being. Yeah. So we're on the trail
and the great outdoors. These giant forests that we've never seen that all looked entirely fake. The whole movie.
Right movie.
Right movie.
Well, headed bear.
And everybody's messed up, double masked for fun.
This trio of campers, old people comes the opposite way,
going the wrong way.
They can read whatever, you know,
their own things as one way trails.
Keep everybody safe.
Yeah, I mean, you're 60, do whatever you want you're you're 60 do whatever you want
You're afraid of do whatever you want you know what flip it around maybe make me go the other way you do whatever you want
Lock everything down fuck everybody who's under 65, but you go out have a good fucking time go the wrong way on the trail
Where the mask however you want and I was fucking I'm watching come so you ran into a future version of you
I'm watching him come old you ran into a future version of you
Old man old man, right old man dead man walking dead man. What I'm fine. I'll be fine I'll get this thing talk about it on my podcast get a bunch of attention and pop right back with nothing
Maybe we'll fuck up my DNA in a good way. I don't know. I haven't decided yet
Walking and I fucking know this. I know this is gonna happen. I know it's gonna happen before it even fucking happens.
Cause I know how sick people are.
The mask, right?
To stop the ins and the outs of the goings on
and the virus to get whatever,
even though you wear,
if you were drywalling your house,
if you're putting up some new drywall,
this mask could do nothing.
If you're standing, if you're taking a,
if you're taking a, if you're trying to sand down a door
cause it gets stuck in your house
and you put on these fucking masks on,
you will be eating sawdust for lunch, right?
Sawdust about this fucking bag, okay?
I know what these masks are,
good for whatever, whatever it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
You're wearing it.
Yeah, sure.
I'm wearing it.
We got the mask so we don't accidentally
start shooting particles into each other's mouths, right?
This fucking guy!
I know it was gonna happen!
Walks up! Right where you are!
What is...
Keep your fucking mouth shut.
What are you doing?
The whole point of the mask is to stop things from getting into and out of your mouth and you're coming up with me with a bit with an automatic mouth assaulting weapon
For no reason. Why was this do you even understand what we're doing here, sir? Do you understand any of this?
Why don't you just inject me with the fucking virus? Just inject yourself.
Did he keep moving though?
Like, was he walking past?
He kept walking and walked right into his grave.
Couldn't believe it.
But he turned his head.
A fucking compulsion.
What is, what are you doing?
Why do you, why are we doing this?
It looks great.
It looks right at me and made me sick right to my face.
Just nod.
Just leave, give it a miss.
Just for the moment.
You've got all this, oh, I need to tell this guy.
You mean I?
Yeah, I can't nod.
I mean, what is that civilization anymore
if we're not telling each other hello?
You got to be like those women who have the,
they bring a tape measure with them.
Did you see that lady at the beach?
Oh, no, oh really?
Oh, yeah. She's just screaming and she clearly has a tape measure in her hands and you see that lady at the beach? Oh no, oh really? Oh, yeah.
She's just screaming and she clearly has a tape measure
in her hands and you're like,
I know what's happened here.
Well, yes.
Clearly she did not hear the PSA that said,
picture two large dogs into end.
Or she would have known she would have not
needed the tape measure.
She would have known exactly how far away everyone was.
I saw some, she has two golden retrievers at home.
They're very rescues. I saw some, she has two golden retrievers at home. They're very rescue.
I saw a woman in a store yelling at some kids
that they were killing her.
Oh yeah, all right.
In Portland.
No on the internet.
Oh boy.
Oh yeah.
The Airbnb.
No matter what it is,
some people will make it the most insufferable thing ever.
Yeah, I was worst behaved of anything,
anything that society is asked to do,
there will be some people who you just don't want
to be on your side.
Yeah, because they will put an awful face on it
for everyone.
They will be so insufferable that it undermines everybody else.
And you just go, oh God, I can't you just get it.
Can't you just get it and lose your voice permanently?
I was walking at this job.
I was like, can you just, don't say hi, man.
And you just do that forever.
Don't say fucking hi.
You don't need to do it.
You don't need to fucking do it.
Just, just don't, just give me that.
I like playing around off the fridge right there. These women are so excited You don't need to do it. You don't need to fucking do it. Just, just don't. Just give me that.
I'm like, I'm going off the fridge right there.
These women are so excited that they have something new
to complain about though.
I was in L.P.O.L.
and I'm like credit card hasn't been working,
so I'm like, I just, women, do where does?
Oh, whatever.
It's always women.
It's never guys complaining about this shit.
You're right. I was at L.P.O.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L.L. You're right. I was at El Pollo Logo and uh. That's the new trans test. You know how you're not supposed to use paper money now?
Yeah, that was something else I encountered.
I ended up popsicle with a dollar.
This fucking bitch.
I used paper money at El Pollo Logo
and then the lady who took it went back to making food
and the two other women and they started freaking out
and they're like, you just touched his paper money
and now you're touching the food.
And I'm like, look, man, I don't have cancer money.
Like it's fine.
I think it's been in my wallet since probably before this whole thing started.
All the cocaine on the money has killed all the coronavirus.
So I worry about it.
I think they looked at me and they're like,
yeah, something's wrong with that guy's money.
Just barely trusted.
Yeah, just burned it all.
It's worthless anyway.
He's wearing a pink hat.
The Airbnb.
The wonderful people at the Airbnb left us ear plugs on the nightstand.
This is nice of them, you know.
Airbnb is a continued and prolonged social experiment
to see how people will fuck people over
when they don't have to look them in the eye.
I don't know if you knew that.
It's a siaop that's done by the MK
Ultra people. Oh, they started Airbnb. Yeah. They're edgy. Like how the Chinese started
TikTok, the MK Ultra people started Airbnb and it's an experiment to see how badly people
fuck. How far you can push people. So they left earplugs on the bed. I saw that's, we
thought, oh, that's nice going to bed. That's interesting. Right. Do that. Then you found
there was a train. We find out that they're building about, oh, that's nice going to bed. That's interesting. Right. Do that.
Then you found there was a train.
We find out that they're building about, oh, they're building about six apartment complexes
around or maybe seven right in your area.
And they were built by, they were using cartoons to build them, I think.
Every pneumatic sound effect.
Yeah, they were using a sound effects board.
And they only had the trial version of every
sound so it was about four seconds of ease so instead of like edited yet.
Yeah, it's like they cut out where it says this is the demo version of a guy hammering
nails all day.
I'm like, well you could you could fall asleep to some rhythmic like that's right.
Like oh yeah, I started to dream about me building my own cabin and the woods and like
yeah, sending bombs in the mail to people.
Right, we tune out constants.
But they only had about three hits of the hammer.
And then the guy would like switch and saw half of a board and half, right.
And then stuff.
They'll throw a couple rocks at a wall for no reason.
And then they'd get a delivery, like they'd start backing a guy in.
That's enough of that.
Let me go back to that.
Let me go back to that.
Let me go back to that.
Hand this in and a couple,
droop, droop, droop.
Like see if the drill works.
I'm gonna drill this in,
but I'm gonna give it a couple pumps in there.
Vah, vah, vah!
Okay, that works.
Now I'm gonna hammer this back in.
Impact wrench, you got a fucking kidding each.
And it'll get one, and it'll what, you know what, it's shit.
Yeah, one of those, half of those actually.
So there's no satisfaction.
And ear plugs don't really take that stuff out
as far as I've encountered.
I mean, I don't know.
I'm too hung over to put you in the house.
Yeah, only the, only the, only the really high-end stuff.
If it's got base to it, it's you're here in it.
And I just hear my own heartbeat in my ear,
which is also on the high-end.
Out of control blood pressure.
Yeah, I have that problem too.
That my dad tells me I need to check every six hours.
Let us sodium.
When you, when you're really, when you've got retained
like a lot of water and stuff from real salty food,
you're more likely to hear that
Counting in your ear. That's why that's not given up sodium That's a contributor to all my freedoms. I'm not giving up sodium this year when you can next year when I get back
You try to go to sleep and you can hear your heart in your ear. Yeah, it's pretty weird. It's a line bugs before I give up sodium
Oh, cricket flower. Cricket flower, dude
Hell yeah, that's the future. Let me see here.
What else do I have?
The Black Lives Matters.
Remember those FBI warnings that we would have for copying video content?
Sure, after.
$250,000 fine or.
You know, it's like, did anyone ever use that?
It's fine.
That's where we live, fucking.
That's where we live, fucking.
It's a stupid app.
Fuck, could you possibly.
Yeah, that's it.
You'd have to copy a lot of tapes, like at least 10.
That's insane.
Every video, and then we all have it memorized.
That's gonna be BLM for this generation.
It's gonna be every, you know I'm telling the truth.
You're gonna open your fucking fast
with your bug burger and bugger king
or whatever you're eating, Bob.
And there's gonna be a fucking label. Buggerger king is that like you get fucked in the ass
is that so it's both as it turns out going to bugger king then over it's gonna have a label
the it's gonna be printed on the button eight eight minutes and thirty seconds whatever this is
as at bugger king we support but bugs and black lives matters
Every every product now is gonna come with whatever the latest social movement is stamped on it
There's only one social movement. Yeah, it's black people. That's all it is. That's all it's gonna be
You'll try to buy like a video game and all the covers will just say black lives matter
It's gonna go back to women at some point. You think so? No. Why not?
Black women maybe.
It has before.
Because women don't riot.
They got riots out of this one.
You can.
Let's be a point.
We're not.
I'm not eating a burger that says something good about women.
I'll starve.
That's, I'll eat a burger that has a positive message about black people.
But if I open a burger and it's like your girlfriend's right that thing's going straight in the trash
I'll be whatever
Whatever the opposite is I'll strike for I'll hunger strike for that. That's what I'm doing with that
Yeah, you're an instant vegetarian. Yeah, I mean I would like to vegan
I would like to hear from a black person like does this do anything for you when minecraft is like
Telling you about George Floyd like what benefit do you when Minecraft is like telling you about George Floyd?
Like what benefit do you think this is?
Did Minecraft? There's not no. Yeah
Somehow I don't somehow I don't think that too many people are gonna say oh yeah totally changed my daily life
You know, I mean, it's like solidarity which I get but at a certain point you know
I I assume the Minecraft guys are on board. Yeah.
I don't think they need to put it in the game necessarily.
I know everyone's, because it was a mod, it was a mod that put it in the...
Was it a mod?
Yeah, it was a Minecraft.
It wasn't Microsoft didn't do it.
I thought it wasn't a mod.
It's not that.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
So Microsoft is bigoted, though.
Racist, yeah, I was just gonna say, yeah.
Jack Whiz, I thought they did some progressive.
You mean, you need me.
Do you wonder if there's a black guy out there who's benefiting, now that, now that black
equality has been completely destroyed, you're asking if, you're asking if there's a black
guy there who appreciated that Minecraft makes you press escape, now to skip the FBI warning screen
while the new FBI warning screen.
I don't know if I'm going to put those on par with each other.
I'm that's what I'm saying.
That's the interstitial that you have to skip now.
Like, okay, that's fucking thing.
The winner's winners don't use drugs would be the video game equivalent.
I guarantee you, black people got busted more of that FBI warning than white people did. That's true. The only thing ever people who got busted for that, where there's people still in prison I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't you remember. Positivity. Positivity. Somebody told me that George Floyd was so high he would have died.
That's what killed him.
That's a rumor that they're a thing that people are trying to see.
And I said, okay, I mean, it's impossible to prove that someone would have died from drugs.
And I know this, we all know this.
Like, would you have died anyway?
Well, it's, we all know, we all know.
We all know.
We can say with 100% certainty that at some point
he would have died.
Okay, I do that.
What do you've dropped dead in the next 20 minutes?
No, I've heard that since the beginning.
Yeah, there's, if you had passed the 20,
grottin' his cigarettes, walked outside
and just gone, blip and died, right?
That's what I'm asking.
Because that's what you're fucking trying to tell me.
Oh, it's not the cops.
He would have died anyway.
Yeah, no, because it drugs.
He's done a killer cocktail, like grab.
Stop right there.
Stop right there.
Stop right there with the killer.
You're telling me 100%.
First of all, doesn't matter.
No one gives, no one gives as much of a fuck about one guy.
No one.
Absolutely no one.
People don't care about millions of guys.
Yeah, they don't care that there's millions of people
in China in concentration games, no one fucking cares.
Well, it's because one cares.
As Carl and I always said, you know,
that's because it's too far away to be any fun.
Yeah, you know, you need a closer to your house.
Yeah, so it's 6,000 people are killed today,
say, where is this in Pakistan?
He says, oh, fuck, Pakistan, too far away to be any fun be the fun it is crazy the amount of people that died abroad and we
know all you know what you know what you're gonna do on fucking
cares that's true it's the story if the story is engaging and it
and it is and I'm the hero I'm in yeah this is what's the story you got about
and I'm I'm the hero oh I'm in I give more I give more shit about this
and I do about myself.
Died, he would have died anyway. Yeah, I'm a drug overdose.
So, well, I mean, we both know that you can't say that
with 100%.
So, let me ask you, can you say that with 100%.
Yeah, okay, you're, that's it.
That's it nonsense.
What's wrong with Tee-Tee?
The coroner does not agree.
The coroner has said it was, you know,
based on the stress or whatever,
having something put on your neck.
Yeah, I believe the coroner, I mean, call me crazy.
I just don't, you know.
Well, yeah, I just don't care.
Yeah, you're telling me this.
Okay, well then, you know what?
Then here's what I think.
Unlucky day for the cops.
Because if you were walking down the street,
if you're walking down the street if you're walking down the street
and ten pounds of marijuana fell out of a plane and landed in your backpack and then you got
arrested they would not give a fuck right out of your like well I didn't I honestly didn't do
anything oh cops we honestly didn't do anything too bad million don't shout, don't shout. Don't shout, don't shout, don't shout. Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout. Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout. Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout.
Million, don't shout, don't shout, don't shout. Million, don't shout, don't shout. Million with that that I would defend to the death well defend to someone else someone else's death there right to say that right to say of course my own that'll cops have never done anything
wrong that horrible thug deserved it
people do you want to have mods we're banning tiktok now do you do you have any opinions about
that zaret uh...
well if my microsoft wants to buy it and make it fully american which would be fine
because i assume
i mean it's a deal now
it's like when they used to in ancient uh... roman times i think
the fireman
would show up at your burning house
and then ask for money
yeah they would either make you a deal on the burned up house
or say this is our price to fight the fire
and this is what
will pay you.
How's our job?
If you just let it burn down.
It is a weird thing to think about is that like we give all our data to everybody else,
but the second China wants it, we're like, well, no, I mean, Facebook can have it, of
I mean, I want them to exploit me so that companies make money off my advertising preferences.
I'm okay with that. I'm preferences. I'm okay with them.
I'm okay with them making literally all of our things.
And chips, but I don't want them to have data on what our horrors are doing.
I don't want them to have all the data on where a bunch of 15-year-old thoughts and sluts are talking about their personal journeys.
I don't want that. I think everybody should be worried about
giving their data to anybody.
Not just China is what I'm saying, you know?
Yeah, did you know those?
Go ahead.
You should be, it just be worried about everybody.
Don't stop at TikTok.
Did you see those hearings?
I didn't watch them, but I assume they were stupid
and pointless like the last time they did it.
Talking about data privacy and this nonsense in China.
It's like people are getting arrested
for trying to open their gym back up.
A guy in New Jersey trying to just open his business
to other guys to get more muscle dummy.
But get arrested.
Where did data privacy do that?
Did China do that?
What are you guys fucking talking about?
I don't give a, China has never done shit to me, ever.
Except make everything that I own.
Absolutely nothing.
I have never had any, the only reason I'm worried about data privacy is because your mother
fuckers will try to arrest me for doing something everybody is doing with it.
That's the only fucking reason.
I have videos of a Chinese sweatshop assembling my card game, so I love China.
It's the punch of Chinese women slapping the enemy weapon logo on a box.
They're doing capitalism right over there.
They are.
Better than we are.
They're very good at it.
The whole, the whole hearing made me sick.
Watching people line up, here's my new theory in communist countries, you line up for bread, right?
In capitalist countries like America,
you line up to suck Jeff Bezos' cock.
Like watching people pitch Bezos as an American success story
where his entire deal for decades is just to destroy
other businesses.
Like, that's the new American way.
Is it?
Is it?
Is it disruptor?
Come on.
He's a disruptor by driving diaper companies
out of business for fucking nothing.
Like he owns, I'm watching people line up
to defend these four corporate overlords.
Well, it's that if you can't beat them, join them thing.
I mean, is it, is it joining them just to
attach your mouth to their
ball sack uh... like a parasite
i'm watching people defend
guys who are unvilleifiable because not only the control the news
they control a newspaper are they control the gateway for all fucking news
you can't they're completely untouchable. If there was a guy marching
into Washington like Xerxes and the 300, it would be those four fucking guys with golden
chains all over them. They're evil. They're fucking evil. It is, it is, the only guys who
are making hundreds of billions of dollars,
while all of the labor in America was flushed down the drain
at the point of a fucking gun.
It is, we need trickle down communism.
It needs to start at the top, and we need it fucking now.
Because otherwise, we've got a system where,
if you don't want your kids,
if you don't want your kids going to school,
congratulations, you're gonna pay for it. If you don't watch your kids, if you don't want your kids going to school, Congratulations, you're gonna pay for it. If you don't want to have kids,
Congratulations, you're gonna pay for it. If the teachers that we stole your money from to teach your kids don't want to work,
Congratulations, you're gonna fucking pay for it. At every single fucking step, at every single fucking step,
you are taxed. It is taken from you. But he's four guys to get up there
and be praised as an American success story.
If that's America, fuck America.
They should be taxed at 200%.
And they can use all of their money
to convince the rest of us that taxation is theft.
Finally, don't you like walking down a man's street
and every story is shuttered?
And all the things you remember is a child
and everybody can beat you.
I can beat you.
I can't.
It's so fucking sick to me.
I got them all in the mall.
But I spent 15 years working at
and everybody's out of business.
Thank God.
For Jeff Bezos.
Thank God.
For transforming the American landscape.
And you can always go back to Subway, you know.
I miss that Subway.
His fucking story. Well, you know, my miss that Subway. It's fucking story.
Well, you know, my dad was an immigrant,
and my mother worked as a whore.
Oh, okay.
Oh, oh, oh, you're so relatable.
Oh, my God, thanks for this fucking story, Jeff Bezos.
Is that why you pulled down $100 billion
in the last four months?
Your mom worked as a whore or something.
Oh, my God, you're like, fucking Mickey Mouse man,
fucking thank you for this touching story.
I guess, like, yeah, why doesn't he just stop?
Here at he won capitalism.
Do you need to control every industry
to be satisfied?
Yeah, he has no choice.
Why would he not?
I mean, once you're beholden to the shareholders,
that's where you get into trouble.
I mean, what would be the worst thing that happened is if everybody just said, like,
ah, actually, we're tired of paying taxes, so you guys are going to pay all the taxes
first, and then when you're out of money, well, then we'll start.
Because it says, I mean, morally it's the same, like, either we're getting fucked, either
the dads, the bulk of the Lafayette curve, the guys who listen to the show, who have to
fucking work, all the essential workers who had to work
and didn't get any free money, you guys are gonna pay.
So you're gonna have to pay.
If they ever kind of wise-dup and said,
yeah, you guys are gonna get this bill.
You're gonna get the next one.
And the next one after that.
And the next one after that,
and so you've out completely out of money.
We know you'll do the work for free because you love doing it. Yeah. Cause only someone with a mental
derangement would go through all the hardships you've gone through to get to where you are.
So we know you'll work for us forever. Fuck you. You're gonna start paying.
Has Amazon, I mean, I know I always see the news articles that they haven't paid tax
or found tax loophole.
Taxes doesn't even exist at that level.
It doesn't.
What are they doing with their assets that they don't get taxed?
I think they sent them to Ireland.
I think Google sends all this to Ireland.
They send it all to Ireland and they have to pay taxes.
Ireland's been a tax haven for British musician since the 60s.
I know it's like one of the first things, like know, like the Beatles would establish residents in Ireland. Yeah, the police would do that
It's you know because yeah, because you get fucking killed on taxes back then and if they were in England
Everybody was mad at Apple for doing something like that reason like two years ago. Chickled down communism
Yeah, started at the top. We're already doing it
We're already doing communism round the rich up in the meatloaf for the poor
Hey, you know what you're already doing just, I mean, around the rich up in the meatloaf for the poor. You know what, you're right.
Yeah, you through it.
You through it.
Right there.
Like the opposite of, for real.
For a modest proposal.
I'm really let's do it.
Me and I mix them with some bugs, put them on a patty.
And good news.
Good to go.
Bezos, his wife is donating all of her money
to organizations.
You know, finally, a win for the working man, Sean.
The working man, the working man of all races and creeds is where's this country,
where's this going?
Are we, we're all still on board with that, right?
It's the working man shows up and works again, the powers country, very well.
Thank God.
Finally getting something back.
Bezos wife says she's donating to 116 organizations
working towards goals like racial equity.
LG, Ligabita plus equity, gender equity,
economic mobility, functional democracy,
mobility for everybody, that would be good.
Okay, maybe so that's a win for you.
Maybe that's a win for the working man.
Some of those just because it's so scatter shot
have to be wins for the working
you know people. Yeah, I think if I go into the ligabit is and I say is this gonna help you
the ligabit is they're gonna say like actually I just kind of wish it was just like maybe some
like a check. If that bitch could just cut me a check. I don't know because your small business
need a leg up. I just kind of want to hang around.
Public health, oh, climate change, of course, climate change.
Of those organizations, 91% of racial equity organizations
are run by leaders of color.
Oh, well, there you go.
Today, is that a manufactured good racial equity?
Is that equity the good one?
Equity of something that you kind of have in store, right?
I mean, like if it's your money equity,
no, it's very bad for you.
What's the difference between equity and equality?
Qualities give everybody the same thing.
Equity is give more to those who have less, is that correct?
You would know more than me.
I don't know.
You might be right.
Yeah, I think equity is,
no, you gotta give more to the people at the bottom
as opposed to give everybody the same.
There you go.
Let's see.
I could be wrong.
I'm gonna talk about cancel rent.
That was another one that came up.
Yeah, did you see the protesters blocking landlords
from getting into the courthouse?
Found that to be fascinating.
I was like, oh my God.
Don't break this.
Two guys want to cancel court?
Because the grudge for you.
Courts for you to, yeah.
Like, to fund yourself.
Yeah, the court's there so that guy doesn't just pay
10 of you to kill all the rest of you.
And you know which ones is going to hire, they're all cops.
Well, I guess they were there for what?
For eviction court proceedings.
Stop evictions.
They had the landlords were showing up to try and get everybody evicted.
I've got their demands.
I mean, these are always hilarious. It's complicated. I wish people would lower
rents. I don't think you can just stop paying rent, but I wish they would have like,
you say people lowering rents like like landlord's being like, okay, everybody's fucked. How
about you? Pay 75% for the next whatever. So I don't have to try and find the bank isn't
lowering the more. Yeah. They should get on. Everybody should get on board. Come on,
we're in a weird situation.
Well, it's weird.
You've got to be weird about it.
It's weird for the people at the top.
They're like, this is business as usual.
That's everything everybody.
All right.
Well, you can say Sean.
No, it's going to say because, you know, like, like, rental rights and stuff, I think
are set by each individual state, right?
Like, you have California law.
So it's like, that's interesting.
But then, like, you say, they're not changing
the mortgage rates.
So you got like things that are like from national lenders
versus tenants rights, rental rights that are set
by the state.
I know, I think California put some things in place
where it's like you can't evict somebody for,
or you have to give them a grace period of you can't collect rent for that. Obviously that
puts the landlord in a hell of a position because he's still paying them.
Yeah, he's the bank. It's his property. Yeah. It's just me taking all the houses and giving
them to the bank. Yeah, it's really, it's really fucked up.
Well, that's been the problem is everybody's blaming the landlords and I'm like, yeah,
well, you should look at the bank. I think they're the problem. Well, somehow they all feel like it always stops before the bank.
I think all of this messes it.
It's like they're invisible.
Because maybe they're all banks exist.
Never been to one.
Maybe, maybe they're all, I don't know yet.
Maybe it's our special glasses to see a financial institution.
Yeah, you put those on.
So they love the aliens that live inside every banker.
Oh, you're out of your party.
Piper kicks a shit out of somebody for 10 minutes.
What are you going to say? I think California, you're going out of somebody for 10 minutes. What are you gonna say?
I think California is gonna get on the mic too.
Can we get a mic?
Does he have a mic?
Where's the microphone?
Does he have a mic?
I can swap out.
No, no, don't swap out.
We just gotta get you a grab a,
see if you can find a mic with a dome head.
Cripple Jesus says his building manager said she's kicking out
anyone who doesn't wear a mask.
That's wonderful.
Guys, who did I say could call in today, by the way?
Tell me, you're gonna talk to me in the chat.
Are we gonna talk to Grover, fucker?
Maybe that guy's here.
I probably shouldn't call him that if we want to talk to him.
Grover's friend.
Maybe you would turn him on.
Tell me if you're in the chat when we get to, after we talk to these guys for a while.
Oh, Kexpon, yeah, sure. We'll talk, let me talk to you after like comments
and stuff. I'll talk to you first. Turn vacant units. We want a future with safe dignified
and cage free shelter already chooses beggars getting chooses after all.
They got a little cage and you're going to like it.
Dignified free range. Cage free shelter.
What the fuck does that mean?
Well, have you seen the Chinese cages
that people live in, where they stack you like three high?
Well, they're living somewhere.
I don't wanna live in the cage, man.
I don't.
Was cage on the menu?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know if cage was coming to America, I don't know.
Are there cities where they're stacking people up in cages?
They have like, they're getting into like dormitory style
housing in some places.
Oh, is that not good enough?
I don't know, man.
I think people should be able to have their own place
for an affordable price.
But if you live in like,
Don't listen to me.
Don't say the word affordable.
They've, the bad guys have learned that affordable
is what you want.
So they will, they have turned, they'll turn by the,
by the time we're dead,
mortgages will be 100 years.
They'll be the most affordable mortgage
anyone has ever paid and your kids will keep paying
for your fucking out.
Every time they say affordable,
they add 15 years onto the mortgage.
So yeah, and you know what that means.
It's a nice peach tree.
It's like free range, you know, like eggs.
Right, yeah.
Isn't it just being like a drunken crack head on the spruce? Yeah, that's free range, you know, like the eggs right? Yeah, just being like a drunken crack head on the space. Yeah. Yeah. That's free range. Yeah, you can be cage free anywhere
I'm gonna go run around in the field
They want cage they want cage free homeless
Sanctuary range homeless. Yeah, that's the tag you pull the ear tag
Yeah, or yeah, he's been he's been neutered. They'll come collect your homeless eggs.
We've been tracking his movements.
Every day.
They have one rooster homeless to keep all the other homeless
ovulating and shitting out eggs.
Go ahead.
Turn vacant units into safe homes.
And walk those eggs.
Salmon else, at least of your concerns.
Turn vacant units into safe homes homes and decrease, oh man.
You've kind of said that where we have all these apartment buildings or whatever that you
want, let homeless people in.
That's funny.
It's really funny to make in hotels and stuff.
Because you know they'll destroy it.
Well that's like, you know that they, it would be destroyed in a second.
Yeah, every wall will be like knocked in
and have crack hidden in and have a copper torn out.
One, you get one method in that building,
he's gonna pull every ounce of metal out of there.
It will be gone.
I can scrap your whole building for about,
I could get $12 a month out of this multi-hundred million dollar
apartment complex. Yep.
It does seem like they're defining cage free as prison.
They don't want people in the prisons right now.
Oh, that should have been a hundred dollars.
You don't strip the copper, the twelve dollars of copper out of this building.
Give me a hundred bucks a month.
They'll say, okay, then you come back.
And that's your double-dial.
And that's still gone.
I need you guys some more by the back.
100, okay. I want a little nuts. I need you guys more by the back. I'm not hungry.
I want a little nuts.
I need an extra 12 to pay the dealer.
The big, there's a math, the big.
You don't need running water in here.
Gotta fucking, we must, yeah.
We need running water for you.
You got math.
We must guarantee that every single person has a safe,
healthy home during a public health crisis
and beyond. I mean, you guys just didn't seem that upset about this when all the homeless
people have been shitting on this. Right.
La, blah, blah. We're the actual demands.
Mortuary amount of evictions. I see that permanent refuge. What group is this?
A Nidia group. How many do they have a, they have a name? Most idiot groups have a name.
Oh, okay.
We demand that local, state, and federal governments
turn all vacant units into safe homes
for people experiencing homelessness
are needing healthy housing now.
You're not experiencing homelessness.
I'm really experiencing homeless.
It's like unnecessary.
Unnecessary word, isn't it?
It's like you're fucking homeless.
I ain't got a house.
Sounds like the Damon Wayans I used to go.
The guy in prison that would use all the words
that he's just making up.
Like my experience is domestically homeless.
I'm situating like the cop.
He's got the $10 vocabulary from reading books in prison.
Oh God, I saw a CNN headline.
Individuals with
cervix is. Yeah. Doctors recommend that individuals with with cervix is right
because I can't right. Servic screenings every six months. Do you think the
public will ever take to that? Because I think that this is like a temporary
thing. And eventually we're gonna be like, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is getting
absurd. Well, go remember, it, the country's a big place.
And when it comes to stuff like that,
there are more actual reasonable people than not.
I think it's one of the, I think it's one of the,
I don't think that the majority of the country is,
they're going to go like, well, women have cervixes.
I mean, that's, I have trouble with my eighth grade biology, but I seem to remember that,
And like, that seemed to be an important part of the human state.
Yeah, women don't have cross-states, men don't have cervixes, right?
Well, they're trying to rename the Adam's apple to something that isn't masculine.
The dick and your throat, I heard that.
Okay, I didn't hear that.
You never heard of your doctor reference to that.
It's called throat boner.
Yeah. Like, let me just feel this
dick you have in your throat. Right. Like they'll say kids will say, like, well,
when do I get one of those dick and when I get a dick in my throat and
dads will say, when you grow ups on that's what. Right. Unless you go to
Catholic school, then you get one pretty quick. Right. If you don't think
public school, public school, even though there are more as well.
It's a funny joke, even though there are more child
molesters in public school.
What percentage wise?
Oh, yeah.
I'm sure it's an absolute number, that's true.
Yeah, one out of 10 kids is molested in public school.
Jesus Christ.
So all the teachers say, like one in 10,
the other in the education says,
the other nine didn't try hard enough.
What the, Jesus. That's what he says other nine didn't try hard enough. Oh, Jesus
I didn't give molestin. Thank God
About my ten closest friends and I'm like which one? Yeah, look to the left of you
Come to their item. You know who they look behind you because there's a gym. There's a teacher there
You just shove something up your ass. Yeah. Is that remarkable? That's that's horrifying
That's a department of education statistic?
Doesn't that tell you like, let's shut down the public schools?
So the teachers are like, we need to stop going back
to school for COVID to protect the students.
I'm like, you guys need to stop going back.
We stop raping kids.
Keep them in the home.
Let the parents do the molestation,
the way it's got intended.
Let's lower the list of suspects at least.
Yeah, hey, then you easily narrowed down.
There we go.
A lemon eliminated variables.
Probably dead.
Could be grandpa, could be uncle, usually dead.
You guys have any other guys that the kid turns out
to be a serial killer?
It's probably mom.
See, we know, we can figure that out. We know how kid turns out to be a serial killer. It's probably mom. Right. Yeah. See, we know we can figure that out.
We know how that turns out.
Experiencing homelessness or needing healthy housing now.
I mean, you can picture in a travel brochure.
It's curious.
I know homelessness.
The way I was in the movie.
I was in the movie.
I was in the movie.
I was in the movie.
I was in the movie.
I was in the movie.
I was in the movie. I was in the movie. I was in the movie. I was in the movie. I was in the movie. You can't even spend a day. That'd be switch. Like seriously, you have like a wife swap, but homelessness swap.
Yeah, you can live in my house and I'll be on the street.
That's, yeah.
I'll show you how easy it is to get you shipped back together.
Like the home where you'll take care of my property.
Just make them feel bad.
I'll lay the eggs.
Further, we echo the demands of people experiencing
Experiencing incarceration.
No, there was a conversation about that word, right?
Or did everybody just sign off on it?
And it's like, yeah, it looks good.
You know, like, that's the nicest one.
You know, whatever, whoever wrote it,
and yeah, I'm good at, you know,
I had a journalism class and they wrote everybody's like,
yeah, so it was professional.
I don't know.
That's the nicest way to say fucking in jail.
You know, this happens.
Currently experiencing incarceration. Inconven nicest way to say fucking in jail. You know how this happens? Currently experiencing incarceration.
Inconvenienced by incarceration.
Are you inconvenienced by incarceration?
This happens by,
are you temporarily inconvenienced by incarceration?
You send the copy around.
Make that experience more satisfactory.
They send the copy around and the people in charge.
There's always like eight of them.
That's how bad companies work.
They all read one part of it to make it,
to make themselves feel like they contributed.
They read one part of it and punch up their parts.
So all the same vocabulary gets inserted all over the document.
That's how that happened.
Okay. Further, we echo the demands of people experiencing incarceration and detention and call for action
to ensure the health and well-being of people currently imprisoned to mitigate the spread
We call for the immediate release of all people who are being held in immigrant and preach.
Also, they're going to make the problem worse.
Oh my God.
Increase the use of elder medical and early release,
immediately release all individuals
who are 50 years or older.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Release all individuals who have been here these days.
50 years or older.
At 50, you still got some good damage causing years, don't ya?
You could still be a right prick at 50.
50, a lot of rapes.
You can go out. Yeah, man.
Passing bad 20s.
permanent permanent refuge and moratorium on evictions.
Evictions for closures, raids and sweeps. And you know what's fucked about this is I read one of
the bills for to stop evictions. I think it was ill in Omar's. And there was like,
it was all no evictions, no evictions, no evictions.
And there's also maybe we'll do some kind of a stipend
for landlords.
Oh, you couldn't even, you couldn't even try.
It's like at the banks, you fucking bitch.
Okay, I don't know if any more, this is funny.
Individuals with cervixes, Sean.
Yeah. We're straight up referring to women I don't know if any more, this is funny. Individuals with cervix is, Sean.
We're straight up referring to women
for as a baby making, like it's Mad Max.
Like there is no humanity at all in them,
except their ability to pop out a kid.
It's wonderful.
JK Rowling got, that's why she finally got canceled
or at least all the fear started up.
It was something else.
It was like individuals with uterus, I believe, was the one.
Do you want, you mean women?
You know it?
Shut it down.
If you don't think that's going to catch on, I think you forget how much you have to temper
your language when speaking to a woman.
I'm just worried that like, once it starts making its's way into the official, like this is what you got
to say in school, this is what you have to say
as a government employee.
I already has.
Right, that's where you go.
You're going to fight City Hall.
That's why I disagree with John.
Dude, I think this stuff is going to take a lot of.
You think so?
Oh yeah, we're headed towards a hyper accelerated
super dystopia of this stuff.
It's of this language?
Of all of it, yeah.
I mean, you know, if you watch,
I don't know if you know about Catboy Cammy,
he's like on fire.
I watched his newest thing,
and so he's, you know, he's doing another
IRL-shaped post thing, and he pants himself in black face.
Well, he did yellow face this time,
which was kind of brilliant.
Um, um, what a description.
I just got really, really think about it.
Well, because,
John does, yeah, John does when the outrunners awareness isn't as equal.
That's, that's the statement.
You get what I'm saying.
Black face is a big deal.
Yellow face is, ah, what are you going to do?
You, you notice that.
So he's on this like,
oh, meagle, camera flips, camera flips,
new person, new person, and these kids,
these, you know, 13, 14 year olds,
and mostly the female ones, they're outraged, outraged.
Immediate reaction is, that's wrong, that's racist.
You're not supposed to be doing that.
From all over the country?
From all over the world.
From all over the world.
You know, you might be right now that I'm thinking
about different ages.
I keep that it's like, I'm not gonna be here forever.
There's, you have a point there.
I mean, there are people who don't use the...
I was gonna say you'll never die.
No, because you're not killing yourself.
It is a younger, because just not to get too far off topic, but
like I work obviously in a very, very liberal industry and it happens to be in a child
molestation industry. A lot of voice directors. I obviously, the majority of voice directors
are women, but they're not necessarily young. They're in their, they're probably in their
late 30s, 40s, you know, and they laugh as hard as anybody at the,
at like the cancel culture and like people getting offended
by anything, they're like, you know, fucking break.
I mean, they're really, because like they've worked
as like a professional for a long time.
So they look at the, at the younger,
generally I'll say, young white women are so indignant and up in arms about
fucking everything, but I forget like that's the generation that's coming up.
That's who's gonna be teaching schools. That's the future. You might have a
point because men, the young men, are not going to have any kind of ability to
make any money. They're going to have to do whatever those chicks say to
fuck their- If they have inability to even talk back or have an opinion.
You know, I mean, we're heading for it.
Well, without it being considered like aggressive, you're being so aggressive.
It's like, no, I'm like, I'm, I'm passionate about this point.
Man, we really gotta put like a fucking line in the sand and it's just so hard to do it.
What's the line in the sand?
Just a line in the sand and be like, you know what?
I'm gonna call them women, deal with it.
You know?
But if you're, it's like,
you're bringing all this baggage to the world.
Like Vito, we look to you.
You know, you know it's acceptable
because all of, I would have drawn the line.
I mean, I draw every single line.
I draw, you know what you say to,
oh no, what do you say to this line?
This is the line, this is the line.
But you gotta get, I mean, again,
you do need like a JK rolling to be like,
yeah, it's someone with a Uterus as a woman.
Can we just be reasonable here?
Yeah, you can't, I can't, you can't,
you can't more Harry Potter.
Right, you gotta get more people like that behind the sanity.
I mean, you saw that Harper Collins letter thing
that was going around?
No, it's not.
There was a big letter in a,
what Harper's calling is like a magazine, right?
You're like a, I think so.
It's like a big publication where they got like
a hundred people to sign this letter.
There's basically like,
we need to stop cancel culture.
We need to have reasonable discourse.
And we sign by J.K. Rowling and a bunch of intellectual names,
some of which you've probably heard.
And like a day after it came out,
I think like 20 of the people on the letter
were like, I'm sorry, I'm on the letter.
I'm so sorry. That's right. I did not know. And you're like, and it like a day after it came out i think like twenty of the people on the letter were like i'm sorry i'm on the letter
that's so sorry that's right i did not know
and you're like mother fucker like come on
come here you cox just that there's
that there's been new ones
give me a give me a big give me a big
you're not allowed to have any nuance
or take any thing nothing nothing's a gray area there's no case by case
this and that's that it's like no we're talking about this situation, this statement.
It's like, because it's just so much easier
to compartmentalize and just, yes, no, on, off, black, white.
It's, it's just, it's just dumb and you can't be.
Capital B, everyone can't.
Capital B or not, Capital B, are you referring to the race
or are you talking the color?
I don't know Oh
What ever?
Capital fucking B
Capital B black
Oh Lorquist W
I love the cat blight's wider your is meanwhile we're getting we're getting blood vaccination cards, right?
That's in the future to travel in order to leave America
We're gonna have to give our blood in the coffee shop this morning and they were like, mask, mask, mask.
And I was in the process of putting it on.
I was making a joke of, you know, pretty soon it's gonna be like,
tattoo, where's your tattoo?
And then I realized, how come you know how to tattoo?
It, it, like that movie is like a silly fun time.
The fact that the real world is so stupid, that it's becoming the stupidest,
like, er, dystopia.
Yeah, it's pretty depressing.
You know, but here's the irony,
here's the irony.
I don't have any faith in bureaucracy,
could not be made because they use the Epsilon or so much.
Like when you watched it and I'm sitting there going,
oh my god, like you couldn't say this shit,
there was a time, in my time,
reading was not just for Epsilon,
no way you can what you say that
that's because it was uh... bush error so there when they they took the bush error you
know and they extrapolated it into this hyper patriotic masculinity yeah they had like uh...
you know the macho comacho president american flags you know everything was like
i feel like liberals are adopting that too it's, there's so many liberal men who are like,
I fuck Trump up, like Ron Coleman is like,
I'm a super tough guy and Danero's like,
I got fucking take him,
and he's like, what is,
it's just both sides of WWF now.
Everybody talking about punching Nazis
is a starting to get on my whole punch the sh**.
Punch the sh**.
I don't know how to say it.
You've never got that punch in your life.
I thought that finally kind of burned itself out a little bit. It's very old, I mean, you've never thought that functioned your life. I thought that finally kind of burnt itself out a little bit.
It's very old, I know.
Because they literally started pulling the statues
out of the ground.
Like the violence, the violent rhetoric turned into actual violence.
All right.
I got, here's one, here's the last one I'll give you.
It's women turning on the water when they go to the bathroom.
You guys experience what's in nobody here?
Is that the sound?
So now every fucking time, every morning is shh, water going.
What do you, what do you think girls don't want us to know
that they fart?
You're drawing, now you're making me imagine
what you could be doing and how it would sound.
Like what is it like a Slurpy machine that's out of juice?
I'm listening to something like you've made.
That's listening harder.
You're listening more to Kaiser Soze in there
or it's just like a bunch of goo spraying out.
That's, are you laying eggs in there?
What the fuck is going on in there?
I could, the pee is normal sounding,
but shh, I'm waking up and is there it?
What's going on?
Weak or something.
Do I need to be concerned?
They don't want you to know.
They're all doing it.
I think they're in there, you know, pulling, pulling their alien out of their mouth and talking to it.
They're probably in there. We've almost enslaved the human race. We're getting there.
Yeah, they're updating their only friends. Oh, they're in there communicating with some
kind of, yeah, they pulled the alien that lives inside them out of their mouth and talk
to it. That's where it is. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's down in their stomach and they can, you know, summit it up.
Isn't there black heart?
Maybe it comes out of the lower hole.
I don't know.
I've never investigated the front hole.
The front hole.
Not allowed to call it a vagina anymore.
Capital H or lowercase massage.
That's misogynistic.
Oh, holy leather.
And a nightmare.
I got some, how's all your legals?
Do you want to talk about that at all?
No, okay. Nothing's going on here. And nothing's happening. It's always nice to talk about legal shit.
I mean, unless you get sued. I don't want to talk about any legal thing. Anything.
Let's get 100 protesters in front of the courthouse. They'll be fine.
One mask is murder. I was thinking about the mask mandate sweeping the nation. I gather that
people have equated a lack of response or soft response to COVID by elected officials
to murder.
Yet it's murder, right?
We've established that.
If you know where I'm asking you're murder.
Yeah, you kill people.
It's probably a little extreme, but it may be murder.
Maybe, maybe.
You're throwing murderers.
You're throwing murderers.
Shrodinger's murderers, huh?
Oh, yeah.
As soon as you look at him.
Oh, God, I've got it.
Wait, I have a good clip from Maddox first. Okay.
So this is always good for a togetherness.
I was surprised you needed these clips up for you to go through.
I'm surprised he does any of this for me to use.
I would pay him money to do this.
I would not be able to think of something that he could embarrass himself with this much and he's done it for me. I know. Is that an actual wig or is that
like the 30 software? I think it's a Snapchat filter. Okay. Because he does these like late
90s Conan character routines. He did move. Somebody found that he did move into this really
dog shit one bedroom. Where?
I don't even want to come close to saying.
But I mean, still in LA, right?
Yeah, still in LA, for some insane reason.
He is cycling through the Snapchat,
or the filters and his filtering program
and coming up with new characters to be.
And he finally stumbled on Maddy locks as we predicted they would
Here is the Maddy locks shit on Maddox, too. I
Don't know I hope so are these ab chat filters like the banana and everything there's some kind of filter
Yeah, I'm wondering where he's getting it from I know interesting
Here is the birth of Maddy locks. I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of
Here is the birth of Maddie Locks, so I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of the definitely feel the different personality.
Darth Scythi says continue the stream as pink-haired slut.
Hey, watch it, watch it there, Darth Scythi.
See, I'm gonna start developing this character.
Watch it, Darth Scythi.
So it's just like banana.
Let's tie him out.
Oh, Scythi, this is banana, it's not that anyway.
Does what, I forgot. Oh, it's really so oxalzad anyway.
Does what I forgot?
I was really so calm.
You guys haven't seen that article.
There was like an article.
Okay, this is, the my favorite part is how excited
he is at being called a pink-haired slut.
You know, you notice that too, right?
He's excited for, to be recognized.
Bluffs for his cervix in front hole.
He's really like happy about it.
Maybe like the pressure of being a man is too much.
I mean, there's a lot of that.
I really wanna just zoom in.
Let me see if I can isolate a switch to use.
Start to analyze.
Yeah, he's ready to switch life to easy mode.
Easy mode.
Yeah, it seems like if you're at your lowest point.
I mean, why not go for him? You couldn't. Easy mode. Yeah, it seems like if you're at your lowest point. I mean, why not go fam?
You couldn't bully him anymore.
Oh, what do you mean?
I can just point, I'm not bullying him at all.
There's no bullying him.
I mean, you at that point,
that's, you couldn't even make observations.
That's ground for a transplant.
That sounds like a challenge.
You leave Maddie locks alone.
Actually, this is what I just hope
Patreon stays in business.
Yeah, right.
I'm so excited about that.
I know that Patreon, no, it has, right. I'm so excited about that. I know that Patreon.
No, it has, that's a precedent that needs to be said.
Well, it would be great if a fun let had to bring
on Benjamin's hat.
Thank you.
Can you explain what you mean by that a little bit more,
So basically, after all the legal shit with Owen Benjamin's
fans, they have to go into discovery with every single patron and that alone will cost them.
Oh God.
Millions and millions and millions.
And now apparently, like Lauren Southern and Sargons bases jumping on that and basically
everyone in the dissident right is going to jump on that.
And they're just going to tear that company to pieces.
And I know, like, it sucks.
Like, I have friends that are on Patreon and they do well,
but this is a precedent that has to be set.
It's gotta happen, you know.
Well, I would like if they could like,
somehow negotiate with Patreon and be like,
listen, put us back on the platform.
That's fucking accounts back up.
And sell out MasterCard.
We know MasterCards making you do this.
Fucking sell them out and let the government take care of them.
Well, that's part of the precedent that could be set.
Yeah, right.
I mean, it's the same forces that we're up against are the ones that de-platformed you.
It's the same people.
So they need to get hit back.
And so ultimately, they are.
Can they be hit?
They are?
Oh, in fact, master card.
I mean, he got brought. Oh, God. I mean, master card, and then master card. And he got brought, but got a
master card.
Oh, master card.
Oh, how high can it go?
That's the thing.
The government can do whatever it wants.
At some point, the government can do whatever it wants.
You just got to force him to do it.
And you got to, I mean, if you got Trump's attention about it,
I mean, he's all about pleasing the conservative,
whatever you want to call it, base.
I feel like maybe people like Lauren Southern or two out there for him to get involved.
Yeah, he's doing a CD8 230 shit right now.
We need that 230, like we need it.
It just has to have.
But Owen Benjamin had what?
Like 300 patrons, I believe it is height.
I don't know.
And the minimum amount for arbitration is 10,000 a person.
From Patreon. From Patreon.
From Patreon.
Each one of those people have to pay that upfront.
And then I guess to set it all.
And then I guess to set it all.
I hope Sargon, they deserve justice.
I hope Mastercard actually gets roped into it
because they've been fucking around behind the scenes
for way too long.
That would be wonderful.
Yeah, I guess I'll wait and see.
It could vanc bankrupt like Patreon.
I think it's like that could just happen.
I'd be fine with that too, because bankrupt,
so you just liquidate, you just sell the assets
and somebody, like the VC company is just
gonna take it and give it to somebody else.
Yeah, the sites, the site costs nothing.
Fuck, I'll take it over.
Yeah, there's stuff here.
I buy it.
Right, there's stuff you want.
Fucking hell.
I'm in a box, 200 bucks.
That's what happened with Tumblr.
I mean, it was bought for pennies. Yeah
Okay, here's where to porn it was good. There's Maddox being excited about being a pink-haired slut
Darth Scythi says continue the stream as pink-haired slut
You got such a happy little laugh when they say that
Yikes, what do you think about that Sean? Yeah?
Yikes. What do you think about that Sean? Yeah.
I'm gonna give, oh this is like,
I'm gonna give you a little bit of
your shit points. I thought that was.
When you brought that up, I'm like,
all right, we got some needle stuff going on.
He's 3D modeling, I believe.
Which I actually would look like Doug should have,
that's not his 3D model.
That's not his 3D model.
I thought somebody said he was 3D modeling.
That was like his 3D model.
I was like, oh, that actually looks like a hormone thing going on there.
Now, I can't judge too much because I've been streaming games as an anime girl,
but I just find that funny.
Have you really?
It's kind of hot.
Yeah, I got the program that lets you be a 2D anime person.
You just talk like yourself.
I just talk like myself because I think it's hilarious.
Look at that, it looks like a blowfish.
This is what Maddox's 3D models look like.
I would wear that.
That's for a goof, though. No, it is notx's 3D models look like. I would wear that.
That's for a goof though.
No, it is not for a goof.
Everyone thought that.
Looks like a blowfish.
It is not ironic.
That's like, oh, that's for a goof.
This was his best attempt.
This is what his class was.
The ironic thing is that he doesn't do irony.
Did, did, did seem like a goof when he brought it in.
The first time.
Maybe it has turned into one, but the first time he brought in,
no, no, I think that was an honest attempt.
He was like, hey, I think I'm doing pretty good here.
I think so.
From what I recall.
Well, I look at somebody like that.
That's one of those things where an artist has no idea
how bad they are.
An artist or an artist?
Capital A.
Meanwhile, a chance I'll lead you. No, that's a good piece of art. Capital B, man. We get usually capital A. Yeah. Meanwhile, chance I'll eat it.
No, that's a good piece of art.
Capital B, man, we get some police reform.
I give you, I give you, I best I could do is capital Bs.
Can we get a capital W?
Absolutely not.
That's fucking way.
Just make, okay, just make sure the white people don't get themselves a capital.
You got it.
W is actually just removed.
It's just H.I.T.
They're no hives.
Like the lost the Dull.
Like a Korean beer.
Like a Korean beer.
It's a sentiment I've seen on forums,
a straw man example, so-and-so didn't force bars to close.
Blood is on their hands!
God, blood!
It stands to reason that if wearing a cloth mask
help prevent COVID, wearing two masks should help even more.
I'm not saying it would be twice as effective.
I mean, who knows?
There would likely be more diminishing returns,
but two should be better than one.
Why stop there?
Two is better.
Surely wearing three or four of cloth masks
will help slow the spread.
My point is any official who mandates
the wearing of only one mask is responsible
for the death of thousands.
Yeah, so I wear two condoms every time.
I do a condom that I-
One on each thumb.
Many Doritos bag.
Then another condom on top.
Many Doritos bag.
Yeah, it's got the foil.
For the texture.
Texture and also the foil barrier.
Yeah, it's...
Oh, she's like a developmental disorder or something.
I mean, sure.
She likes the noises. got developmental disorder or something. I mean, sure.
She likes the noises.
A wonder bread guy.
Something about that guy rubs me the wrong way.
I felt like he was playing to the audience.
I mean, God forbid someone play to an audience.
He is much more excited to share this with people.
Because I had my show, I used to have a call and show.
And for some reason I just brought him up randomly.
I'm like, there's this guy on the internet,
the wonderber thing.
And literally like a day later,
the guy emails me personally and goes,
Hey, are you talking about me on your podcast?
It was probably no like,
I understand that I was a reference
for my next show on your show.
I'm not sure that involving you.
The first email he sent me, he was hyped. No, I'm like, I'm like, I'm not showing them involving you. The first email he sent me, he was hyped.
No, I'm like, I'm like, I'm not gonna stop.
I just know the language, the flange of it.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, like a day later, he's like,
do you want me to be on the show
and you can interview me and I'll talk about it.
And I'm like, yeah, I guess.
I don't know, let's set it up.
And then I just like, you know, got bored and did not do it.
I don't know how cheap you can commission an artist
while demanding spur-glovel detail.
You can treat artists however you want.
That's what I get from Twitter.
They're always complaining about horrible their lives.
I think that means.
You just throw it back in their,
you just question their artistic integrity.
You know, why's it all about money?
Well, they then it's like, okay.
I'm good.
But if you can afford millions of them, I don't recall if he mentioned how many were digital
versus hand drawn.
Well, I don't know if he was exaggerating there, maybe he has a bit of an inability to
gauge what millions are.
I would say he's probably spent, you know, over a thousand because there are so many
I think, you know, the top you'd pay for an
image is about a hundred, but I think mediums like 50. Yeah, since 2012, I think he said,
but yeah, he'd have a hundred. I think he's a very difficult time getting to a million
dollars. $5,000 maybe. Not a million, though, unless he's got like a treasure trove just
hiding that he doesn't share with people. No. He has to work in a high demand field. I
think he was just off or goofing around.
Null really shouldn't be associating with Kraut
and his ilk.
He's digging his own grave.
Who's Kraut again?
I don't know.
I don't know who a lot of these people are.
I don't, I don't think Null is digging his own grave
by associating with people.
I know Ralph's getting a lot of shit right now.
Is he?
For dating an 18 year old.
Now what are you to do? Well,
not do what? He's a he's a groomer. Yeah.
You believe a man would want to date an 18 year old Sean.
And this United States of America, 34 year old man would want it. I don't judge people's relationships. And I mean,
if she's an 18 year old woman,
I mean, society's always changing their mind, either women are capable independent creatures,
or they're helpless victims that can't possibly form any sort of relationship with a man without
being a victim. You know, if she was a dude, this would be untouchable. Yeah. If he was if Ralph
was dead, he would have been 18 year old boy. Yeah. oh, if it was gay, yeah, you're right.
It would be untouchable.
Yeah, it's like how are you?
How dare you?
How dare you?
Oh, you said it.
I mean, sometimes I don't know.
When I take a position on something, I don't know if I want to take the one that is guaranteed
to piss off every hot girl from like 18 to 23. That's just me though
I'm not gonna take a position to spite Ralph to say hey 18 year old girl
Hey hot 18 year old girls from 18 to 23 you guys are fucking dumb
Everything you want is stupid and pretty much I should be in charge of it because I'm a 35 year old man who spends all day
bickering with people on Twitter and YouTube
like a little girl and pretty much you are not
at my maturity level.
So you don't deserve any part of this.
You couldn't handle this
because you're too fucking stupid.
That's just me, that's not the position
I would take on anything.
Dick pointed at his crotch when he was making up.
You could hear it into this.
Yeah, you could hear the this.
Okay, let's see if we get some more.
Females who tell ghost stories.
Hey, Dick, I'm getting caught up on the podcast.
Just listen episode 202 where you talk about ghosts.
It made me think about when my girlfriend told me
the story of the ghost in her parents' house.
About 10 years ago, her brother did a say-ons in the house.
Just a few days later, their mother felt hands on her shoulder while she was baking bread.
And she just thought it was her sister who she would bake with during the holidays and
have, I guess, and have lesbian interactions with her. Then a few days later, my dad's sister, or the, yeah, I guess.
Then a few days later, my girlfriend got out of the shower
and had three claw marks on her chest.
How could that have happened?
No, that's chowder.
Soaping yourself.
Oh my god.
Get out and there's,
Oh, that is a, some kind of a demon. That is a mystery. No, no. That's good. Get out and there's, that is a demon.
That is a mystery.
No, no.
That's how badly women want to be fantasized about raped.
Changed it there.
That is a,
they do have a ghost fixation, huh?
They've invented,
they've invented another realm
to enhance,
to enhance their sexual insecurity.
They've invented an entire other dimension
that lusts after them constantly to feed their fucking egos
They like the idea that the ghost is paying special attention to them not only to men in this world want to fuck me at all times
They're exist an entire other world full of men like creatures who want to fuck me so much so that they challenge their
Chee and tear at all in space time to
grow up in the fucking shower. That's
what this entire realm exists for in my
mind because I'm a fucking psychopath.
And she wants to manifest him and then
fix him and get him a manicure.
Yeah. I got to imagine punching a hole
in the ethereal barrier so you can touch a
woman's shoulders. Oh man.
Is that where you stop?
You're so irresistible with your fucking, with your highlights and your cellulite you dumb bitch that I sat around all day
researching arcane magic so I could punch a hole through space time and almost grab your tits.
I had nothing better to do all day with all the magic of the universe and my command
other than look at your fucking to your tits
Any tits on earth I could have, Tesla Fowler's tits
To tell me to knock a tits, your fucking tits are so alluring to me
That I had to rip through space and grab at them
You fucking idiot
If I'm coming back, I'm gonna go watch the new Marvel movie
Not touch anybody's shoulders, you know
That's a good point. Wouldn't the like,
Oh, is it?
Is it a good point that's a fucking crazy woman?
The hottest girls would be
Unsormed like,
Sure, I'm the rage.
Scratch to shit.
Yeah, they look like a cat scratching host.
Women are just stumbling down the street.
Scratch them.
Oh, they're all over it.
Yeah, yeah, that's what you get.
You gotta I'll go up so they go, stomp it. You know what's gonna happen? I mean, it. Yeah, yeah, that's what you get. You gotta all go up so the ghosts don't get you.
You know what's gonna happen?
I mean, it goes everywhere, right?
That's what you get for dressing the way.
Look at you applying logic.
They're all logic, though.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
Ask yourself, if you believe in ghosts,
why the fuck would N1 ever want to look at your ugly ass?
That is, that's the R. Okay,? You know what I'll give it to you
There's a bunch of ghosts. There's a bunch of ghosts around. Yeah. Why would they ever want to take a second look at you? That's
Assuming they can they can talk to me about this shit again. Yeah, so me these poor women
Let them have their fantasy
Let them believe that the ghosts don't tell me about it.
No, I gotta get that.
I gotta keep hard.
I can't hear this shit.
And tell it affects me.
It's fine.
Keep it to yourself.
Keep that stupid shit to yourself.
I'm gonna run out of blue chew.
And then I see you all on the thing is this is invented a whole other fucking reality of
guys that want to rape her. go cheating actually go down in the
Bismany make pottery all day whenever it feels right
What's crazy massage? Yeah, no, I can't
There were you say month nothing nothing
Probably best to leave it at that then some more days past and the same thing happened to her dad getting out of the show
Oh, no, well, he's the 21st since 2020.
And he doesn't want to be even in ghost world.
He can be canceled.
Did he miss?
Did he miss?
LGBT stands for ghost.
It's transphobic to a general preferences, Nick.
Leprechaun's ghost.
What's another one?
And boogie men.
Yeah, of course.
Yeah. T. OK,man. Yeah, of course. Of course.
Okay, Entry-Oltra.
Oh, Translucent.
Cause they're ghosts.
Translucent individuals.
Individuals of Translucent.
So they called the Native American to sage the house.
Wait, oh no.
Okay, yeah, too far.
And Spirit has gone.
Okay, good.
You should have seen my face when my girlfriend told me this story.
That actually did this.
I yeah, I thought she was just another dumb broad.
Were they on Craigslist or something?
Yeah, to who knows?
I think you just drive to one of those roads
side, you know, turquoise shacks,
selling turquoise jewelry and, yeah.
Are you a shaman?
Okay, goes, yeah, sure.
Sure, why not?
100 bucks.
When her mom told me, it was true.
I thought in my head,
apples don't fall far from the trees.
But when the father said it was true, I believed it.
The spirit had been gone until this weekend.
Oh, you believe that shit, one?
My girlfriend and her brother have both moved out,
so it's only her parents in the house.
The parents invited their nephew over
to have a sleep over last weekend.
He is four years old and kind of stupid.
Oh, man.
What a fucking, wow.
Usually stupid people have just genius children.
That's what I've seen on television.
So when they put him to sleep, everything was fine
until the middle of the night.
Exactly at 12 a.m., they heard him screaming
in the other bedroom, and when they ran in there,
the child was standing up with his head, hands pressed
against the mirror, which is the headrest.
The light in the closet was also turned on,
and there is no switch for it.
Oh, really?
There's no, what a great, what a great electrician.
I am a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great,
I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, I'm a great, The mom could have just went in there turned the light on and then fucking lied about it. Yeah, cuz they're all lying
Just fucking forgot about it. Yeah, cuz she's pumped full of fucking Xanax and gin
All the ghosts that are around
Is it a safer assumption than that fucking
Came into the house in just too much sage smoke
My girlfriend's mother tried picking him up
But she said couldn't do it. It's super strength and she could not pull him off the mirror
Finally she did and laid him down and he went right to sleep in the same room
Do you know ghost rules come on get out there?
Pop a boob in his mouth. It's not the father laid in bed during all this.
So I did not get an official point of view.
But he heard the scream too.
My girlfriend's parents decided not to tell the nephew's parents.
Oh my God.
The kid had a nightmare woke up screaming.
The kid decided they decided not to tell the nephew's parents.
So this kid is going to grow up a demon.
Okay, here's the official story. There's no such thing as fucking ghosts you moron.
There is no such thing as ghosts. They don't fucking exist. There's barely people.
There is barely even human thought. Only is only there because you can't specifically
disprove it, which is impossible, but you cannot prove you are actually conscious at all
other than through a fucking greeting card
that says I think therefore I am.
There is no consciousness anywhere.
There is definitely not consciousness
that's none tethered to anything.
Fuck you, there are no ghosts, there are no fucking ghosts.
Stop it, stop saying it, you fucking lunatic.
You think the science people are bad, goes the ghost people are destroying the fucking
There's no fucking ghost. Well, where are you gonna say? No, that's about it. Okay, some advice maybe
And you want to call in anybody in there want to call in or maybe with some
Some stories trying to call in
Thought so call it now Kexpon
What do you want to talk about?
Tell me what you want to talk about in the thing I'm calling.
Don't lie.
Don't lie.
Well no.
Love, loss, and LDRs.
Hey, Dick, this is some advice.
Feel free to read this on the show if you want.
I'm 22, fresh out of college, and in desperate need of some advice, I've been texting a girl.
I met online since February, and it's recently become clear that she wants things to become
much more serious between us.
It couldn't get less serious.
You've only been talking online, right?
That's what it says.
The problem is that we live about a thousand miles apart, which raises the tricky question
of how serious a relationship this can even be.
Yeah. You can just stop there and it's like, yeah, you can can even be. Not. Yeah.
You can just stop there and it's like,
yeah, you can just give up.
I've seen her picture.
Unless somebody's moving.
It's not.
I've seen her picture.
Oh, this guy wants to talk about chain link.
Okay, yeah.
Yeah, sure.
What's, do you mean chain link as in cryptocurrency?
Oh, okay.
I've seen her picture and she seems cute.
But it's still hard to feel that deep,
all-consuming attraction
without her actual personal interaction.
I beg to, I think it's gonna go less necessarily.
You don't feel attraction for a picture,
that it will no matter what,
because he hasn't romanticized and fantasized
the whole thing.
Yeah, it leaves that a physical interaction
will raise the level of it.
Well, the pictures are highly curated. Yeah. I'm sure you the best. What you're going
to get, I mean, what you're going to hear is water running in the bathroom while she's
shooting her brains out. That's reality. And then you're going to hear her speak. Yeah.
Has he not had a phone conversation? It's all been text because that's a problem. Maybe
yeah. Yeah. A collar. He has psycho. A collar that'll cure you. Maybe, yeah. The color is psycho.
The color that'll cure you.
On top of that, both of us are only recently single.
I got dumped about four months into a fling,
while she just got out of a six year relationship
earlier this year.
While I'm finding the constant attention
and affection she's giving me intoxicating,
I can't shake the fear that I'd just be a rebound for her.
I mean, you are.
Does that really exist?
For girls?
Are they?
Well, I mean, it's not a rebound.
They're gonna like desperately cling to you
in the hopes of rekindling whatever they just lost out on.
That's not they just always desperately cling to everything.
Yeah, but it's not.
It's more intense if you get out of a six year relationship, rebounding to me always.
I was like a girl and she got married three months later.
So that sounds normal.
Does it?
They're like, I got to lock the next one down.
I actually um, I see both of your points and I agree with both actually.
I've said, I got to lock the first one down.
And then it becomes, I got to lock the next one down.
But because there's so many necks, it just seems like the term rebound is real when it's just like constant compulsion to lock the shit down
Women huh
So you're saying they're kind of all because like you know the joke about lesbians is like the second date is like moving in yeah like it's yeah
All right
I'm also looking for a job
and I'm tempted to relocate to be closer to her,
but I have a feeling that might be a terrible idea.
I'm eager to hear your thoughts.
Just do it, who fucking cares?
What's the worst that could happen?
I mean, look, if you find it,
if you have one other reason to be there,
then that's a lot better than no other reasons to be there.
If you're not tied down, I don't know,
go for a month, sail you feel.
Who cares?
And you didn't tell us how bigger tits are.
So how can we possibly give you good advice, idiot?
Always include that.
Yeah, selfish.
I need some advice, things got weird.
If you happen to read this on air,
please don't say my actual name.
Dear Dickenshund, I think my dad is starting to suspect
that I'm gay and my mom fully believes I am.
Let's do it around the horn.
How gay is this guy?
Sean, don't answer because you might have already read it.
I didn't read all the way down actually.
Okay, then you still go last.
Maaz, what do you think?
He's gay.
Okay, one for gay. I was gonna assume he's not gay if he way down actually. Okay, then you still go last, Ma's, what do you think? He's gay. Okay, one for gay.
I was gonna assume he's not gay if he's worried about.
Okay, veto, not gay.
Yeah, not gay.
Why do you think he's gay?
I mean, if your dad is like, this kid's a,
he's never dead or real.
He's the first sentence again.
I think my dad is starting to suspect that I'm gay.
And my mom fully believes that I am. He's not, he knows. I think he's saying I'm gay. Yeah. And my mom fully believes that I am. Yeah.
He's not, he knows.
I think he's saying he is gay.
Well, the part that he says my mother believes is that I am makes it sound like it isn't,
because it's not that my mother knows that I am.
Well, I think my mother knows that I am.
What do you think?
I think he's gay.
I think he's gay.
I think he's gay and he's afraid of what his dad will really be.
By the way, if you get this wrong, you are gay.
That's what this test is. You know, By the way, if you get this wrong, you are gay.
That's what this test is.
You know, wouldn't it be if you got it right?
No, no, no, no.
No, that means you're straight.
All right, I've never had a,
I could be gay for the rest of the show, maybe.
Do you know the answer?
I know the answer.
That's why it's gonna be revealed.
Well, I guess I don't know the answer.
Okay, I think he's gay.
I think he's gay.
Okay, what do you think? Yeah. I, I think he's gay. I think he's gay. Okay.
What do you think?
I've never had a girlfriend or date with a woman.
Same story you hear a lot of.
Well, how old is he?
He might be asexual.
What's the age?
Well, I was going to ask the age too, but...
I don't know.
I've read.
You guys know everything I do.
I don't know.
As far as they're concerned, I am a kissless virgin.
Here's the problem.
You know, we didn't ask the winter break guy if he was a virgin.
I should have asked him.
No, he said that he had a girlfriend.
That wasn't me.
No, I know, it doesn't.
I know it doesn't, but he said he was gonna touch her tits
and they felt like wonder bread.
Oh, right.
And that's why he, the wonder bread thing.
Since Kung Flu started starring David Coridine,
fucked up the chances of getting a decent girl.
I have been dating.
You're dating? Caridine. Corona deenings, he said. Oh, oh, because Kung Flu Corid, okay. starring David Corridine fucked up the chances of getting a decent girl. I have been dating and
Corona Dean, he said excuse me because conflokora. Okay, uh,
I get it decent girl women love puns like that. Yeah
David Corona Dean. Yeah, that gets them so wet so clever
I've been dating and screwing people I've met on grinder. Yeah
Okay, but he said he's been looking for a girl I've been dating and screwing people I've met on Grindr. Uh, okay.
But he said he's been looking for a girl.
To, to, to, to Grindr?
I don't know.
To fit in.
He said because I couldn't find a girl.
I've moved on to Grindr.
So when there wasn't gay before, but the god damn virus,
I have no choice but to fuck dude after dude on Von Grindr.
No, maybe he, you know, in his mind dresses him up
in a little dress, you never know.
He's pretending it's a girl, he's seconder kind.
So he really is living, check out Maddie locks,
hit me up the other time.
It might be bisexual though, that's a technical win for me.
I've been dating and screwing people.
And I'm grinding.
Are there a couple girls on there?
No. So my parents' suspicions aren't entirely off the mark. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm just busy, defense. I mean, I don't think, well, no one buys that defense.
Yeah, but he's stick with it.
Is he saying he's looking for a beard?
Yeah, first of all, you don't need a defense
for banging guys, even if you want to go back to girls.
Like, no one fucking cares, man.
Well, yep.
I think it's his family dynamics
or why he's probably...
Fuck your family. That's threatening them. I mean, that's how you fuck family dynamics or why he's probably fuck your family.
That's threatening them.
I mean, that's how fuck you actually.
That's hard to tell somebody who is your,
has been your like king, you know,
basically of your family for, you know,
for yeah, growing up.
Who I hold my dad never thought he was the king of my family.
Who knows how old he is?
Second I burst out the womb, I was kidding.
It's everybody's family dynamics.
It's different.
He could be young.
You still think that they're worthy of being obeyed no matter how bad their ideas are.
And you don't want to disappoint them probably.
Yeah, you don't just throw that out.
I mean, it's logically you do, but people don't work that way.
The little Irishman, I don't know if I told this story.
One day he walks into his dad's,
this is my family dynamic.
He walks into his dad's home office,
and he says, hey dad, what are you working on?
And his dad said, well I'm, and he goes,
That's about right.
That's about right.
That's about right.
That's about right.
It was like five.
I'm a boy.
He just wanted to just set him up.
Just shut him up.
He just wanted to set him up and lock him down. Well I'm booring. That's about right. That's about right. That's like five. I just wanted to just want to just set them up. Just shut up. I'm up and welcome.
Welcome to everything.
He's one of his child was taking interest in him.
What a fool.
What a fool.
Should on grandpa.
No, no, his father, not my dad. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, We thought they had been better. Or if I should,
should I continue what I've been doing and stick with the, I like girls,
but am just busy defense,
or if I should actively pursue a more normal dating life
where I actually try to get a woman.
So is he sexually attractive to women?
Is the question, I'm confused,
because he doesn't really,
it sounds like he's okay with it.
Because he was talking about like,
I wanted a girlfriend, but I just wanted to get laid as well.
So it sounds like how far he wants to go for the beard.
Or what, I mean, if it is a beard, I mean,
if the beard is his, if the beard is his statement,
that he's busy or if it's an actual physical woman,
get a beard on purpose.
Don't try to get a relationship,
don't really try to get a relationship with a woman.
If you have any out, this is my advice to everyone.
If you have, if God gave you the bisexuality in your brain,
use it.
Whatever you do, do not, don't even pursue a woman.
Oh, could you, that would be just so much of your life.
Saved. Swiss. just so much of your life saved.
So much less time wasted, lies told,
you'd go to sleep a night with a clean conscience every night,
like I didn't lie at all today.
This, if God, if God gave it to you, take it for God's sake.
If you need a woman at all, get a beard on purpose.
You're saying embrace the homosexuality,
you'll have more fun.
And embrace the scam.
You can parents,
please tell us how,
like put it out there right away,
I'm looking for a beard.
I like banging dudes on Grindr.
I just want,
like tell you're a pirate.
I'm looking for a good beard.
Is that,
no, no, you keep a seeker from that.
Why to them?
Why to them for reasons?
But in your mind,
you know what is going on.
Then just head to the bathhouse, whenever you need to have some fun.
But here's where it gets weird.
There's this trans woman, pre-op, business woman,
negligible tits, nice ass, and is generally good looking.
Trans woman, pre-op.
Yes, has a negligible dick flopping around.
Business woman, negligible tits, nice ass,
and generally pretty good looking, think Cougar.
She sends me what time she's free,
and I essentially act as a dick delivery man
when our schedule's lined up.
It's been regular for a bit now,
and it's a pretty nice deal that both of us are happy with.
Okay, so you're in a relationship.
So he says,
I'm a Cougar.
Fuck buddies. So I'm gonna use a relationship. A 40-year-old're in a relationship. Trans woman. So he says, fuck buddies.
So I'm gonna use a relationship.
A 40 guy and a wig.
Matt, my, no.
No, that's very disrespectful.
This is, we have no way of knowing what it is.
She is.
This is all could be taken hormones.
Next stop, JK Rowling over here.
There's also this really cute guy
who is more feminine than most girls I know.
He's native, my age, native.
Oh, God, yeah, and very pretty.
We text and go out for lunch and stuff like that,
but not anything too serious.
If things were to go a bit further,
I wouldn't mind it at all,
but that's thinking way too far ahead.
Okay, so he's dating two.
This guy's got his hand in many soups.
I'm gonna make that a plan. Then there's this other trans woman who's closer to my age
that keeps hitting me up.
She's pretty cute as well, but we haven't done much.
Our work schedules don't match it up, but okay.
And there's some things along the same lines,
but you get the idea.
Basically, most of them seem to want a regular thing with me
because apparently a younger guy who likes feminine people
who have penises is hard to come by.
Yeah, well, I do like women, it's just much easier to do what I've been doing than try to pursue a normal woman.
So my issue is how much do you like women?
Nobody likes them that much.
Well, yeah, I mean, I mean, I mean, Trump's like, we're all rooting for sex bots for a reason.
Like I guess so, I mean, I think it tail looks like Rosie the robot.
As long as it can, you know, give me something.
I mean, I think his-
Oh, I think his whole and an encouraging word.
I think his divining rod is telling him that he likes men more than, you know, the rest
of him is telling him he likes women.
Yeah, I like women kind of- I do like women, he says, it's just much easier.
Well, it sounds like he likes the feminine, anything.
I do not want to come out in any way, shape, or form.
Okay, well, you're not Jewish.
You don't have to have a bar mitzvah for being gay.
I don't know what it's, I don't see what's in it for me if I do.
No, coming out is something that women have created,
that they want to make gay men do,
because they want to control them in some way,
like they control other men.
That's what's happening there.
That's what I was worried about the beard.
How much leverage does that woman have?
I mean, you get this beard.
It's been two, three, four months, a year,
and now she's like, I know your mom went to the mall,
I know your dad, and I know.
I'm gonna fuck you over.
You're taking your kids to the first
of their early marriages.
Your marriage is just divorce.
This is like, I'm gonna fuck up
the whole world.
The kids to your reality.
Yeah, that's not even your girlfriend.
The beard lifestyle is probably much easier.
You have to get a lesbian who doesn't wanna come out.
Yeah, it's still a one.
I don't want anything to do with any lesbians person.
You might have a good time.
Oh, man.
I love lesbians.
Yeah, they're fun.
Which kind?
Like HD.
Ah, that makes any sense.
Anyways, I hope you're doing well and keep up the good work.
Right, there you go.
Lesbians who suck dick minds, that's what we're like.
Yeah, I want advice about what to do. I think, God. Lesbians, you suck dick, man. That's what we're like.
Yeah. I want advice about what to do.
I think you just wanted to tell someone what he's doing.
You haven't phone with the training, man.
Well, you can't say that at anyone.
Oh, God.
He's homophobes.
You're not a contrarian.
All right.
Kex, Bond.
What do you want to talk about?
Tell me about Chainlink.
Where are you?
Can you hear me?
Yeah. What's up, man?
Hello. Hey, what's up, dude? So what do you
on? What are you doing on chain link? I put you a chain link investor. I'm absolutely
shitload of it. And now I have loads of money. How much did you buy? I don't know. I
basically spent like, you know, the big bubble in 2017. Yeah. Like where Bitcoin went up and then it went down.
Well, I got in then, but then when most tool gave up, I didn't.
I carried on and I put all my wages in the same coin.
How much chain link do you have?
I don't think you want to say.
Just tell me how much it went through about like $30 billion.
How much chain link do you have? how much chain link do you have?
I'm a 10 a.d.
It's not $1 million dollars. They'll go after his wallet man. Oh, how are they gonna know this guys a random guy on a
Never know no, you know what don't tell him don't tell me
I love to see him like really pissed
She caught you
Is it over a million not just let him wonder is it over a million dollars of chain link
I'm gonna let him wonder anyway to pledge you actually speak to you, but we've been listening to you like
Things the biggest problem. So have you cashed out or you still holding?
I I cast out right
When you know where the corrode yeah. Yeah, he said it's fucking cheap.
That's about 20% right at the absolute bottom.
I was about to buy with it.
What did you buy with your Elgatan with your winnings?
Don't tell them that.
Do you buy anything good?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I got some good stuff.
Basically, the entire reason I did it was because I thought I'd lose my job.
Because I, you know, that time. my job because I put it in different shit coins
in the end.
I managed over the past three months trade back to the position I was at.
I sold it one for you.
Captain Carl is all into gold and stuff.
He's never going to make much money.
So you still think chain link is a good, do you know anything about chain link or you're
just guessing?
I'm actually an advocate for it.
Yeah, why?
Can you explain it to me?
I mean, because I can explain it, but for the sake of everyone, I probably best start
Well, I mean, do chain link.
Everybody understands Bitcoin.
Everybody understands Bitcoin.
Is it a super computer?
It's a decentralized, oracle solution.
So the problem with blockchain is that you can't get real world data on it,
but a chain then allows real world data to get onto the blockchain,
first enabling all the projects, which we built on a theory that couldn't really do anything previously.
Test one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, keep going.
Google, like that's what it got big is when it turned out.
Google was using them.
So that's true.
Trying to, that's a hundred percent true, all verifiable.
I can post all the stuff in the investment corner and blah, blah, blah.
Like it is, it's like it, like the big meme is a thousand dollars end of year.
Do you have any chain link video?
You do fucked up finance.
I don't do any crypto.
It's a reason is because it's a, the way it works is that essentially you stake them to your node and then that
represents your word.
So explain it like you would explain lesbians, like stake them to your node.
The thing with crypto is it's 100 coins all you can take to be one coin.
The higher value contracts you can take,
you wouldn't want, like if I wanted,
we can have a deal yet,
like say that chain link is going to reach like $1,000
before gold reaches $5,000.
And we had like a million pound bet on it.
We wouldn't want to have the thing deciding
whether that happened, being worth less than the bet. Oh, I see. So the more chain links you have the higher value decisions
you can make, it's completely made. It's basically investing in the market, the beast.
It's just, but yeah, it's like you look like the COVID pass is going to be using it. It's people just don't understand.
Is it?
Who's changed like the name of the coin?
a chain.
It's taken.
What is it?
What is it?
Is it?
What is it now?
Hold on, hold on.
You're your audio is kind of fucked up actually.
Kexpon, do you have your gate?
What is it?
Do you have your gate to none of something?
That's better.
I don't know any of it.
Yeah, I've just moved the mic next to my face.
I checked it was a four bucks a couple months ago.
Chainlink, no, it's at like, yeah.
Yeah, it bucks now.
Oh, shit.
It's on a run because it's like, as soon as staking comes out, it's not going to be traded
Everyone's going to be pulling it off the market to state their nodes and it's going to
cause a price singularity.
Wait, what do you explain all of those things?
What do you mean?
Okay, basically at the moment, people are trading
it, they're trying to make money. But as soon as you can earn 6% per year by staking it to
your node, explain that. Explain that. Explain that. Explain that. Explain making 6% by
staking it to your node. And the thing is aren't established yet, but it's basically as soon as, as I said,
to the higher the value contract, the more collateral it will need.
Yeah. So the people will want to build up their collateral by taking it off the exchanges.
Oh, I see. You basically are an interest on it.
I'm in the past. The price goes up.
The demand is going to be fantastic and the supply will just go.
Because everyone will be using theirs to make money on verifying transactions or verifying
real world things and trying them to watch.
They're all sorts of deals and projects could actually work now because they can get real
world data off onto the blockchain.
I mean, that's interesting.
I told like a year ago, I told people to buy some, like an offhand comment.
I know a couple, I know Matt fuck face.
I could probably explain it a lot better if I wasn't like, I mean, also, I don't know
what to do.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. at the moment, like this, because there's a lot of capital on you would have. There's higher risk higher reward plays right now.
But I was getting it when it was a 4 chance scam.
And that's why I've made as much money as I have.
Right now, it's like buying Apple stock or Tesla stock.
So here's what I've seen recently is a bunch of ads saying it's a Russian pump.
And I've seen those two on Twitter.
Cost is a bunch of so of people doing a short and
paying trying to get it to go through. That's interesting.
People, do people mind it, they borrowed about $3.50, they borrowed a load of chain link and
they're so underwater that they've had to do all this to try and get it to push down,
but everyone today organized to do all this to try and get it to push down, but everyone today organized to
like do a short time. That's funny. What were you saying, Vido? Is it being mine? Can you mine? No, it's not. It's not mine. There was a big token sale initially
which people weren't supposed to get into. You had to put big boy money to get into. But then
a bunch of people from Fort Can all grouped together and bought some.
So a lottery ticket.
So that were most of the suppliers now.
Was it all the fortune stuff?
Of course.
It's a, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's all over the place now.
It's a, it's really, it's a pretty big community compared to how it used to be.
But you're saying a lot of people aren't holding it yet, but they're going to start
holding it. And that's why it's going to go up. There's going to be. But you're saying a lot of people aren't holding it yet, but they're gonna start holding it.
And that's why it's gonna go up.
There's gonna be less support, eh?
The price going up isn't going to be based off
like people buying it, like regular people.
The price will go up off people being able to fire
their lawyers and accountants, just save money.
I just waited.
Do you know what a smart contract is, Dead Dick? Yeah, I do. Do you know a smart contract is that dick? Yeah, I do. I think
I think it's all I have smart contracts to execute with data that's off chain. Yeah.
I think it's going to be very interesting. So Sean, if we have a smart contract that says
my I'm going to deduct bitcoins or whatever, we're not like like you're buying a house.
Okay. I'm going to it It's gonna cost me this much.
The smart contract in urine is gonna happen.
It's gonna transfer the money to you automatically.
Like escrow, there's nothing to say.
Well, actually, you actually gave me the thing.
There's nothing to say that
or when the price of something goes below,
something like there's nothing like in the real world.
So this is what, chain link is what does that.
That's what interested me in, that's what interested me in it in the real world. So this is what, Chainlink is what does that. That's what it interested me in. That's what interested me
in it in the first place. And then I saw Google and Facebook all jumped on it. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. It's like what the advice is of the team is Evan Chang from Facebook. Yeah.
I don't know. I mean, there are a lot of scams in crypto, but this is not one of them.
Well, a lot of the scams have no function. Like all of the Ethereum.
Dictic, Dictic.
Can I tell you another coin?
What is it?
Or serve it.
It's called it's called Arve.
And basically what it lets you do is you can deposit, I've got my
link deposited there at the moment and I can take out loan.
What's your one of the guests here?
So I've been using that.
So I put my link in there that I've been taking loans out and I've been putting it into
Generate low cat plays taking the profit paying off the load and it's just making it's just ridiculous
What's the name of that coin?
Which one the one you just said spell it out
Arve the governance token is called lend lend okay
is called Lend. Lend?
Yeah, that's spoken, but the website is called Arve, like African American, African American
vernacular English, but actually you saw.
Okay, Lend.
I don't know, do you have any predictions?
What's going to happen?
I think it's fascinating.
I think it's fascinating.
As soon as the staking comes out, it's going to rock it.
It's all I can say.
I don't know how high it's going to be, but it's going to be higher than it is now.
It might go down.
Where's that? It might go up. Where's the number four then?
It might go up by then.
What's taking the entire-
It's taking time-
Tide, shit-coing, Bitcoin.
So that goes down.
But if you actually look at the charts very closely, you'll notice that whenever Bitcoin
dumps, this is a regular thing that's been happening for about the last year, whenever
Bitcoin dumps, chain link immediately pumps afterwards because the Bitcoin whales are
trying to escape from Bitcoin into chain link.
I think we're moving into, I don't know if this is interesting to people, but I think
we've permanently fucked the currency after this.
Yeah, money per cent goes burr.
Like the mountain goes down to the argue, the one thing Bitcoin has got going for it is that there's a limited supply.
It's good for that.
I mean, I think that, I think our government,
like when the federal reserve so far,
every time there's been some kind of a huge crisis
with the currency, we'll nationalize whatever the competitor is.
Going all the way back to gold,
like Lincoln tried to get away from it. Gold tried to get away from
this. You know what? We're just taking gold. It's illegal for you to have gold. We're just going to
buy it all. Silver, we're on, we're, silver's out there. Silver is plentiful. Silver is all over.
It's fine. We're, we're finding it at a rate that, that keeps up with the population. Let's base
our money on silver and gold. And they say, ah, you know what,
no one at doing the silver anymore.
We need it, we need all of it.
It was, we can't control it,
so we're not doing anymore.
Gold, we're just gonna buy it all.
I think they're gonna, I think that they will
take over Bitcoin.
I think it's a lot easier than people think to do.
Like I figured it out.
I actually have to be called the cold back to cryptocurrency.
Yeah, I don't know. I think that I think it'll still be Bitcoin, but I think if they're all
reserve, we'll take it over. Like they'll just pay Jeff Bezos to run enough miners to
try to control the whole thing.
Ample for which is attempting to be the Federal Reserve of crypto.
Yeah, it's owned by the people. The supply goes up and down based on the demand.
Yeah. Um, but it's owned by the people. The supply goes up and down based on the demand. Yeah. But that, that, that, it's not, it's not, it's not people forget, everybody in crypto
forgets how violent the government is. They'll just take it. You can 51% scams are nothing.
The government could spend less money than it. The government could spend a Manhattan
project, a budget every day and run a thousand percent attack against Bitcoin.
They can take it over.
All of the Fed now documents are Ethereum based, visas, digital dollars are Ethereum based,
they have it well within their power to take over any of these cryptocurrencies, especially
if Iran starts using them.
All they need is to say, well, Iran's using crypto, we're just gonna take it over. Yeah.
And I mean, we'll be stuck in the same endless cycle with them,
but I think it'll be a little bit better.
It's interesting about Chainlink though.
Do you got anything that makes you a rage?
Um, when you're...
Well, if you're fair, it's probably...
When you can't fucking fight,
and something, and you're tearing everything apart,
trying to find it, and you can't find it.
It just makes you fucking furious.
That is just a classic, but you know.
All right, I get out of here, Keck.
Oh wait, Cantillians wants to talk to you about you.
Hold on, let him,
I'm gonna put you on mute for a second.
Cantillians, what do you wanna say?
Hey, no, I just wanna talk about the reason
why most people don't invest in crypto is because
you have people like Kexpon over here who are just so smug about all the millions of all
the thousands that they made and they don't prove it.
They just, they think that they're smarter than everybody.
No, I believe I don't want them to tell.
I guess it's funny.
I made 100% profits on what do you call it?
Where were the fuck that he was talking about?
On chain link.
On chain link.
Yeah, on chain link.
I mean, 100% profits.
Time to sack him now like up 100 bucks.
That's fucking wonderful.
You know what I have to hear?
This guy over here just comes on over.
He's like, oh wait, I'm just so smart.
I'm just better than a woman.
I'll tell you what. I'm just so smart. I'm just better than a woman. I'll tell you what.
I'm just so pretty.
I'm killing it in chicken wire.
I really like this.
This is why this why normal people will not invest in crypto.
We've got people like this.
We've got to think about they're just like so smart.
It's kind of everybody.
I mean, no, Dick, like you actually came out and you're like,
hey, like invest in this.
This is smart.
This is a good idea.
You know, and I'm like, I appreciate that.
That's a good thing.
But yeah, but I mean, like we get like people
from the 4chan biz board.
I think there's such a smart man.
And yeah, you're dead.
Nah, they ain't gonna work.
They're gonna buy $500 down.
They're gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it.
And the other response to that, the other response to the podcaster with the worst audio on the planet. gonna work. It's actually pretty good today. It's pretty good today. That's how he sounds
in real life.
Kek, do you have any response to that? I think that I can. I don't really need to respond
to other than I can just look at my wallet and be happy. Oh my God, there you go.
There you go.
You jealous, Angela?
I'm sorry, it's a smug frog.
What do you expect?
Anyway, Twitter.
I never mind.
You know, this is interesting, but you know, I do.
No, no, actually, actually, why don't you just give some advice?
If you are such a big guy, you're going to change by chain link.
I want to have another kind of advice.
Can you give me a little help?
I'm counting.
I deal with managers and the money managers all the time.
I need to give you a one.
You're not giving any advice.
You just buy it.
It's a name.
There's the advice.
I don't understand what the problem is.
You buy it, you wait, and then you've got money.
That's a pretty good advice. It's about making it, you wait, and then you've got money.
That's a pretty good advice.
And I'll make a smug fuck bill.
That's the point.
That's a fun.
It's a fun bet.
I don't know.
It's like going to Vegas.
It's gonna be happy.
All right.
All right.
Good to talk to you guys.
Thank you, Kex.
Kex Bond.
Twitter Kex Bond.
Bye, bye, bye, bye.
I'll follow him for all the chain link.
I don't know if I have some more chain link.
Why not?
I don't think he seems that smug.
Me either.
Hey, what's not to be smug about?
He made a bunch of money, I guess.
All right, everybody, this is Middick Show. slash the Dicks Show.
Vito, we gonna plug your stuff for you. slash Vito.
And if you want a cool Yang Hat,
check out
Maaz, will you plug your stuff as well?
Thank you for coming.
Yeah, I mean, I added a handful of new things
to the virtual dome store.
I got a lot of sales last time I was here,
so thanks to your fans, I'm glad you guys.
That's cool.
I want that stuff.
I hope you enjoyed it.
It's been really stupid because
a Printful hasn't let me upload a design for a month and a half now.
And I'm COVID. I don't know why that stops me from putting something up on a template.
That's one thing for someone to be like, oh yeah, like we can't manufacture.
But I can't manufacture those still.
Sure, yeah, I can't even like make a mockup. Yeah, like to really slow. I can't even like, make a mockup like to see,
oh, is this gonna look cool?
That makes no sense once a time.
I can.
No, I don't think you can do.
You can't.
Have you tried recently?
I thought I did.
I tried going on a prequel like a week,
week and a half ago.
It was long ago we could go.
It keeps changing.
It'll be like, one day you can do all over prints
and then all of a sudden they're gone. And they haven't been able to do like regular shirts like that.
I guess they don't want people to add to their stores because they assume if you're putting
up a new product, it's going to have demand and it'll overwhelm them.
Yeah, there's something on these sales shirts. They've created a bottle and a month wait
to get a shirt right now. It's probably even longer. Well, I mean, I'm just not experiencing
that. I so, but also, not experiencing that. I so I would.
But also, but, you know, people, I would think
you could put something like, hey, just in case
you fucking don't know, we're gonna be running behind
in the manufacturing process and people will be like,
well, fuck it, I'll order it when it's quicker
or you're still gonna want the shirt,
aren't you supposed to just fucking order the shirt
and get it when you get it?
I'm fine with all this six weeks for delivery.
We're like, oh, we're like back in the day.
That's all fine.
What's crazy is you can't even make any mockups.
That's what I'm saying.
That makes no sense.
No, it doesn't.
It makes no sense.
But you have any other alternate,
I was trying to find like an alternate partner.
It's all insane.
They all have a different version of this.
Oh, wait a minute.
I think I use printify.
Yeah, you're not using printify.
Printify is way better.
You can pick multiple distributors from there.
Use them.
Do you show up for the principal?
Yeah, and is it automated?
Yeah, connect and yeah, okay.
That's why I've been selling this all fucking time,
and fucking selling by and changing.
That's what I did.
Herfels got nice shirts though.
This is printful.
Their quality has come.
It is nice.
It has gone up from probably when you were messing with it,
because I was worried about that too,
and then I ordered a couple of my own things,
and they're actually quite nice.
Anyway, nice.
Page 9 of Comps, Slice, the Dixia.
Here's the hard man working hard with Hollywood military.
See you next Tuesday. Hollywood military train kill the celebrities what you gonna do when they come for you
Which is one bout one body guard in front, they fully stock up with their coke and their guns
The smash down the doors of the big white house, they gonna send a stall from the mean old truck
Hollywood military train kill the celebrities what you gonna do when they come for you
Bill and Ella never let cover of the slain
The part of wild train, the stone cold kills
It's a cold to once, we're what cost over Twitter
They bring in the best, yeah, they bring in heavy hitters
And they're not afraid to call you when a label you
They're not afraid to trash, suck and rainbow
They're not afraid to knock over trash cans and litter
So you better watch out, you can close up under no
Nazis, watch out!
Seller silver mungers, souts and about You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know You can kill someone to know Only one military train, Kill us celebrities what you gonna do when they come for you Watching one by one bodyguards in front
The fully stocked up with the goken hands
The smash down the doors of the big white house
They're gonna stay to solve from the mean old Trump
Only one military train,
Kill us celebrities what you gonna do when they come for you
Rolling down the boulevard,
A mountain map, a list for right and middle of Terry
Might have displayed authority in violent silos
Never shrink just to ride,
Put your head in the middle My God, it's the time for Another friend to bring you on the truck, Married in midletary, mighted as playable, already in violent cybers Mephrashriept is derived, with your bad and meeral
My god, it's the time for
Another threat to bring you on the trumped up,
Channers not a threat to string you up, be fuzz from the ratters
Another threat to fuck you up, a slash to dice
And gadget your eyes, the fuckers can be fucking alive
Nazis, you're dead!
Cassey Griffin is losing her head
Powerfuls, oh god
You're not the greatest of gravity, you're right Shit, Lord! That's a funny line He's losing half half Combo foes Oh Bob I'm gonna save you You got me
You got me
Shut up
That's a funny one
You're not gonna show you how to bust it
White man
Run, Pullman
As pissed on his hand
Oh God
Military sex and brutality
It's exactly what I was talking about
My neighbor who follows me
Honestly follows me
Nothing ever but you with me
He's got a villain
Nothing now
Who they claim to be
Jack Boots for King instead Your Corsese got me, a minnate
It's a Hollywood military petrature to think of feet
So where you gonna run, will they cover your family?
I'm a woman, I'm a real jettabit, I'm a fucking cop. with the recordiles years, the smash-tender doors of every house. The gunners say it's all from the mill of ourselves. Hollywood, military, dream, kill the celebrities,
where you gunner on, where they got for fun.
Oh, yeah! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha This is true. There's a bunch of really talented people doing shit together. I mean, Vita, these guys only have...
You see here.
2.26 thousand subscribers.
It's a shame.
You got a million views on your last video.
It's a shame.
You deserve that.
It's not for that for a lot of stuff.
They might be giants as like less than
a hundred thousand subscribers.
That's right, it's crazy to be.
And they've been up there for like nine years, all their music videos. Oh yeah.
I think that's it.
Hard man working hard.
Hollywood military.
Pat checked them out on.
Pat and Oswald has his boot on your neck.
Is that what it was?
And cat all this fucking people.
Listen, I mean, you know, lyrics are always, you know,
I've just always tried to ignore them. Try to make yourself dumb so you don't laugh at them.
I mean, I laugh at a lot of them,
but like, they're just, their stuff is just
always consistently good sounding and well-washed and well-washed.
Like, yeah, they just,
you have to just be really creative to do that and have good taste.
I mean, there's people who are creative
and it's a bunch of dog shit, but like they just,
they're always, I don't know, I just,
I'm always kind of envious of people who can just,
like poor stuff out of them.
It's just kind of like an endless supply, you know?
Right, with them it is.
Yeah, and maybe they're not,
maybe they don't think everything is the greatest thing
they've ever done, but it's like,
well, I'll just do another one, I'll just do another one.
And like to have that kind of reserve is,
that's what's impressive.
Impressive and pretty rare.
That's what the Spotify CEO was saying,
is if you're not making a new album every three months,
you're racist.
Well, no, you're screwed. He's like, all you musicians stop complaining, just make a new album every three months. You're racist. Well, no, you're screwed.
He's like, all you musicians stop complaining,
just make a new album every three months.
Well, and some people save up a lot to dole him out like that.
I know guys do that.
I mean, it's one hit.
Like it's always been one hit.
You got to write one hit to be.
Yeah, I'm gonna get a bit.
And then you got to write another one.
Yeah, well, it's really come full circle,
completely back to the single. Yeah. You know, the one hit, I well, it's really come, it's really come full circle, you know, completely back to the single, you know, the one hit. I mean, it was, and that was, that was true
up until, you know, the Beatles, really, it was then it became about the record and all
these bands, it's like, you know, really? Oh, yeah. He had to get the new Zeppelin album.
You had to get the album, the who album? It was they were, these were like to be listened to in their entirety and then, you know, it came back.
But again, the Beatles were putting out two albums a year plus singles that weren't on
the record.
I mean, that was prolific.
Bands aren't doing that these days.
Okay, here we go.
I'll tell you what makes me a rage.
Mike Drops.
Back in my day, Mike Drop drops used to be this cool thing.
It was like the morning drive.
This morning into this moment.
We're like, you remember like an orange in there's something.
And you said some cool ass fucking shit.
And there is no response anyone could have.
And you drop the fucking mic and you walk off stage.
Nowadays, it's been so cheap and everyone nowadays social media
but in obama did a mic drop
and all of a sudden anything interesting
when literally i'm like i'm obama
i was a president for a couple of years
goodbye i'm gonna drop the mic
it's not just you anymore
it's not you
you can do this
but in thing
it's perfectly good microphone
it's been a program
only dad
after that their kid birthday party doesn't like drop in some shit and it's perfectly good that that
that that
that that
that that
that that
that that
that that
that that that
that that
that that
that that
that that that
that that
that that that
that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that ruined. Because it takes a way for that cool act moment. Now it's actually cool to say something awkward
and clumsy. And then put the mic carefully back into the clip and awkwardly walk off. Yeah.
Oh yeah, well, I'd suck your dick. I mean, you would, if you, I mean, you would suck a dick,
not mine, it could be anybody's. Right. Are there any modern situations that require a mic drop?
Every interaction with everyone requires.
It's actually what I do, is it called a mic tomahawk.
So you say your thing and then I get the mic
and I beat you in the face, you did until you're dead.
And then I take the mic home with me
and I put it in a trophy case so that it never touches
the ground again like the fucking Predator's spaceship.
That's what I do.
It's like your own like it's the a different version of hash marks on like the side of your
You know, you know, you beat it until the microphone is destroyed.
Okay, here we go.
I'll give you big flat Stanley here.
Flat Stanley.
There's something that's making me a rage.
I was scrolling down Twitter and I saw two posts back to back and both of them had a pair
of pictures, one of something that knew and met and another of something that's old and good and can you guess what the captions were for both of these posts?
That's right. Reject modernity embrace tradition.
Oh tradition.
People do not stop posting shit with that caption and it's getting a minute.
I can get a wife that loved me if it was the 50s. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm drunk. I drink and I have a heart attack at 60. Yeah, when that caption was funny
Your traditional wife is not gonna watch you play minecraft
We are now way way way past that point. Can you please just like it was an ad you idiots
That's an advertisement that you're posting and reposting
That is not how was it that stock photography of the 60s.
That stock photography from the 70s
that was used to sell products.
By reminding you of the 50s,
that never fucking happened.
That's what it was.
You are celebrating a stock photography.
In 50 years, someone's gonna go,
someone's gonna pull up a fake board meeting
of people of several different races and say,
this is what it was like.
This is what it was like in the day.
They're gonna watch a sitcom of three guys and a woman and say, why can't we just go back
to the good times?
Like on friends, when seven people shared an apartment in New York and they had different,
and it was men and women living together because they never fucking happened.
That was never what that show's gonna never get shown again once people realized that
they were all white.
Yeah. that was never what that show is gonna never get shown again once people realize that they were all white. Yeah, I saw a great reject my modernity like.
I don't know how you pronounce it.
How do you pronounce it?
The modernity.
The modernity.
You like taking our jobs.
I don't even know if that's a word.
But it was some girl who makes her living by being like,
oh, I'm the 50s housewife, you know,
and type pictures of herself.
Yeah, yeah.
And all the comments were all,
you know, all our followers are like,
feet picks, can I see your feet? Where you feed it? Oh, of herself. Yeah, yeah. And all the comments were all, you know, all our followers are like, feet picks.
Can I see your feet?
Where you feed it?
Oh, I want to see those feet.
And I'm like, yeah, this is not,
you guys are not embracing tradition.
You're the same perverts as any modern man.
I saw Abigail Shapiro doing that.
She had this big thing about how you're supposed
to dress modestly.
And then it's just the comments,
just let's see those milkers.
Let's see those tits, man.
This is fucking tits. And those are the people who follow you. then it's just the comments just let's see those milkers. Let's see those tips. That's fucking tips.
Those are the people who follow you like it's not the yeah, you're there's no thing.
Just modestly. Oh, shit.
The fuck up.
Let them know.
Milkers fly, baby.
I'm all about tradition.
No clothes.
One guy fucks six thousand chicks.
That's the tradition I'm talking about.
Babylonian tradition.
And you step in multiple fruit pies for my pleasure
and i don't know what virus is probably a curse from god because you pissed them off right kill him
all right hey uh... just as an always bonus episode and notice that during your joke about uh the
disease that would turn everybody black and yes sh Sean brought up a really good point about how well then they'd start
differentiating. Well, we were black first versus oh, you were turned black by the
black first or whatever you call me. And that's actually really poignant because
like that's the entire like that is racism broken down to its pure form.
Basically, we have race like this and it's all this arbitrary bullshit where you draw lines.
That's why the KKK and them have pushed out where it's like they used to really, really hate Catholics and really, really hate Irish people, but they've kind of
softened that a bit because that's a completely
solid idea.
That's why they need to make it as wide as possible.
And then as they can only care about selling mess now.
You know, the two big, your cranium has too, uh, is too many inches wide.
So it's all this arbitrary bullshit that they use. So I just found
that to be an interesting parallel or like your joke.
I just think people will find a reason like to see differences because I think we kind
of just do that.
I mean, those gradients already exist in the black community.
Oh, of course. You're not black. You're not black enough. I mean, people with some white women,
people who come straight from Africa
and have the super dark skin are always like,
you know, telling American black people,
like, oh, well, you're not really black, you know.
Oh, I didn't know that.
I thought that was a thing as well.
I was just thinking in America.
Okay, like, there's basically,
yeah, there's like, the immigrants are like,
well, you don't, you know,
you're not from the black American experience.
You're not from Nigeria, You don't really know.
You're not truly black.
And then the American blacks will look at the ones who are mixed race or lighter skin.
And they go, well, you're not truly black because you benefit from inherent white passing
That was the only episode of hanging with Mr. Cooper that I remember was the girl that
he was whatever the guardian of.
Her friend had a bag and said, you're not,
you're lighter than this bag so we can hang out.
I said, you know, Mr. Hanging with Mr. Cooper.
Oh, no.
We all hung with Mr. Cooper on that.
And he kicked the shit out of her.
Yeah, that was the awesome.
He grabbed a little girl and then they did the cut
where they like switch it with a dummy.
And he started beating her against the camera. A little window.
Yeah, throughout the window like DJ Jazee Jeff.
Everyone in the audience was like, Woo!
Well, she ain't gonna be hang with Mr. Cooper no more.
Just solve racism.
It was a good episode.
They solved a lot of problems back then.
Every special episode worked.
When punky Brewster solved the drug problem, that was my favorite.
I don't remember that one.
What, she, I remember that one.
She had that one.
I remember that one.
Drug parade, like an actual, like anti-drug parade, they had punky Brewster riding on
some black-eyed shoulders just being like, we did it.
No more drugs, everybody.
I don't think you did that, Punky.
I think you did that, Punky.
You've seen cartoon all stars to the rescue, right? Yes. Yeah. That's a, I used to did that. I think you did that, Pogos. Yeah. You've seen cartoon all stars to the rescue, right?
That's a, I used to have that on VHS.
Just say no, the punky Brewster, best, very special episode.
Sole, Moon Fry.
Hugh, Hugh Prohibitioning, Motherfucker's Fuck You.
All right, one more.
Try to get the kids.
Hey, Dick, A. Sean, I'm pretty good guys, too.
Well, what's happening? I was you guys are well. What's happening?
I was looking to buy a monopoly game to play with my family and there's a supermortem
That's pretty cool.
You know there's classic monopoly.
But then there's this-
Don't play monopoly with your family.
I'm not voting women in history, Miss Monopoly.
I never have a problem with women.
How about a Miss Peel to miss you. Am I? Do I hate women?
Yeah, I don't know. What do you remember? Yes. Even women do. We were talking about women.
No, we haven't hate them. We were talking about what you saw that tweet where I put out where
Mr. Monopoly is the villain of monopolyopoly. Because Monopoly is all about it.
On a long enough timeline, everybody has no money.
Or all the money ends up in the hands of one person.
Monopoly's like the original, the last of us.
If you're the villain at the end,
you actually you are the villain.
It was originally called the Landlord's game.
It was a critique of capitalism.
It's just like, is that all we're gonna have timeline?
Yeah. And then they took it and they're like,
no, making money is fun.
No, man.
And they're like, no, let's not learn that.
We don't wanna be the millionaire.
It turned out that the satire was lost on the country
that's founded upon the viciousness of capitalism.
The original spirit of the game has been lost.
Yeah, where the winner stands up and goes,
fuck you, fucking like stealing from a bank
is part of the game.
Like the instant distress, wait, you can't be the banker,
you're gonna steal, right?
Yeah, this is all, this is country playing out
in your own home.
But yes, you do, you do, hey women, that's,
yeah, and you're right too.
Yeah, especially Miss Monopoly.
What a bitch.
Cause she didn't even work for it.
No, she inherited that. Yeah, to become Monopoly. What a bitch. Cause she didn't even work for it. No, she inherited that.
Yeah, to become a tech disruptor.
Is Garbage?
What are we teaching these women?
It is garbage, like,
cause they couldn't put an old hag
on the front of the Mrs. Monopoly.
Like they could have put Mrs. Monopoly.
Yeah, Mrs. Monopoly.
I'm even older than Mr. Monopoly.
So he should just buy the fucking Super Mario Monopoly.
And then it won't, I mean, right?
It's like, that's a critique of the mushroom kingdoms,
you know, gentrified policies.
I think Bowser's the good guy actually.
Okay. I think he's misunderstood.
Well, he just wants love.
Who does all the wrong places?
His battle over actually done anything either.
Like, I don't know.
He just, whoa, I don't know.
Maybe she want welling away.
Yeah, maybe it's just that up.
Is that what he said?
Believe all women.
He's just crazy from the heat.
I'll make you do weird shit.
All right.
See everybody.
make you do weird shit.
Alright, yep.
See ya!