The Dick Show - Episode 223 - Dick on the Testicle Hernia
Episode Date: September 7, 2020Fat Pig Friday, Sean's WAP, amateur bartenders, women sharing your food, sound-alike racism, the have-nots vs. the barely haves, trust the government survey, a guy with a testicle hernia, Colony, Zoomers don’t use punctuation, how to not get married, the "rock bottom" myth, clear garbage bags, real penis reduction surgery, the untested Swine Flu vaccine, and Madilox likes anal; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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But, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
I gotta wake up, man.
It's too fucking hot to live.
It's too hot to live, man.
It's 111 at my house right now.
Jesus Christ.
And it's hotter in the West Valley.
Am I parents' house? It was 300 degrees yesterday.
Yeah, we went up there.
The barbecue didn't even turn on it burst into flames.
And the flames.
And the flames.
We had to wheel the fridge out there to cook the,
to slow cook the pork.
Dogs go, yeah.
Dogs going out into the backyard or bursting into flames.
These dumb dogs, my parents dumb dogs.
This dog's plural.
Yeah, cause my sister brings her dog over.
Her idiot dog over.
She's got a, what's one of those Labradoodles?
They're one of these poor unfortunate shit heels,
idiot roobs who bought a Labradoodle,
who bought into that sale. Oh, it's like a lab.
It's all the things you love about the lab.
It's a big, bolder genic.
Yeah, never sheds.
You'll love it.
Flash forward four years.
We hate this fucking dog.
Why personality wise?
It's just a fucking spaz.
A spaz.
It's like a dog on meth and it has hollow,
like you can take a Labradorodle and fold it
until it's about as big as a football.
I didn't know that.
It's just gross.
You know, labs have some meat on them.
You could hit them like Rocky.
We'll have your,
boom, boom, boom, boom.
Have your bones.
Yeah, big bone.
Labradorodles are bullshit.
Don't get one.
They look creepy. You want to run it over with your car. Yeah. Don't perpetuate this.
Don't propagate this breed. They're spazes. They're horrible. Yeah. Yeah.
So these idiot dogs are a brutal fan and any capacity. I think they're ugly
dogs. Poodles. Poodles, all of them, the standards, the whatever look like.
He's hairless. They like, they take them, the standards, the whatever. Whatever, like, hairless, right?
They take like a cool dog, like a lab, and then just come to dog check it up.
Yeah, so these idiot dogs are just laying in the baking and the fucking sun.
And one is humping the other.
Sure, I never do.
The other is dry humping the other.
I don't think it has any balls.
And this is just on.
I can't imagine.
I couldn't be arsed to do anything resembling this unless it was 68 degrees.
Unless you're having some kind of a seizure.
Fantastic. It's working now. Great.
It's working now. Great. Great. Great.
You just can't cover up that little guy at all because I let it run for an hour.
And said, oh, this is overkill, but I'm really gonna test it and make sure it doesn't fuck up.
I'm gonna let it run in like a normal situation.
I'm gonna let it run all day.
I'm gonna let it run and never stop it.
I'm just gonna let it run for seven days
until it's time to record another episode and then.
Six days and on the seventh day, you let it rest.
But that's when it crashes.
Seven-thick crashes.
That was hard.
Right, yeah.
It's all fucking spin up, doing math for six days.
Work for six days and then it fucking crashed on me.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know, man.
I don't know what's up with that thing.
So now everyone's in a bad mood.
Everyone's in a bad mood.
Yeah, but I think the bad mood,
I think it's gonna work from here on.
The audience is in a bad fucking mood.
I think I'm feeling good about it.
Everyone's in a from here on. The audience is in a bad fucking mode. I think I'm feeling good about it. Everyone's in a fucking bad mode.
I think it's nowhere to go but up right now.
Because it's so hot.
It's so fucking hot.
That's why everyone is in a bad mode.
Is that thing?
No, too hot for a cold open.
We have to go straight to hot takes.
Keep, keep, keep, keep, keep, Yep. Take it. Take it. Take it. Take it.
Take it.
Hey, welcome to the air.
You want to get in, you get in, you get in.
But don't worry, the contest is going to be live from about
the bucket deep in the heart of the city.
Fair enough.
Oh, take measures to the NK.
It's $20 million a man for America's worst Mexican.
73 weeks running, Jordan Meas always was world touring
LAVS community and Shawnee audio engineer. It's hot. What's up, buddy?
Yeah, thank you for not killing yourself. I'm close to it. Fucking audio man. I swear to God. It's the heat. I fucking swear to God.
It's the heat. They can make anything that I can't that I don't want to use if I don't want to use it
They could make it it works flawlessly all the fucking time.. Every time, what was the pinnacle of human civilization?
What could you guys do that you could bet your lives on it?
We went to the moon.
I don't know, it seems like you fucked that up a couple of times.
We had a space station.
I don't know, it seems like you fucked that up a couple of times.
Oh, we kind of, I mean, we cured AIDS.
Ah, say a mancer.
We made a timer that worked.
We made a couple timers.
We made a timer that you did with your hands,
and then a timer that you spoke into.
That's about it!
Peak of civilization.
That's the high point, the high water mark of human engineering.
We mastered timers, everybody.
We've fucking mastered timers.
You need to know when you gotta do something
in 12 minutes, humans, look us up.
That's right.
But, no one throughout the galaxy. That's right. No one throughout the galaxy.
That's what we're good for.
The masters of time.
That and making plastic.
What else do they do?
I don't know.
They mean they kind of just are shooting from the hip everywhere else.
Pretty much.
Doesn't work so good.
They'll act like they know what they're doing.
They don't.
They're cutting their dicks off some of them.
They're just one power outage away
from becoming savages.
God, and you know what?
And they try to stop it, Sean.
Oh God, please, let's just have a little tiny bit
of Armageddon, come on, just, you know, wipe,
somebody needs to get wiped out.
When the less of them, us of them,
I don't quite care which one it is yet now anymore, but one needs to fall.
When the lights go out, everyone is feral.
Everybody, we're gonna shut the lights off for 10 minutes.
No, we're not asking any questions, what happens in that 10 minutes?
Kill amongst yourselves.
When we come back, we'll see who's standing.
We're starting like normal.
And we shant speak of this again.
No. We're starting like normal. Yes. And we shant speak of this again.
Uh, put your lab noodles down in that time.
We'll never speak of them again.
Oh, you mean the stupid dogs.
Stop carrying them around or put them down.
Put them down.
Put them down.
Put them down.
You mean like take a route?
I'm just, no, no.
Like, you know, man.
Bonus episode.
Wow, what a fantastic bonus episode.
I had a good time, that was fun.
That was a fun rarely are they, rarely is an episode
Sean approved.
Oh, yeah, one is.
Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't approve it.
No, it does.
That's what it, well, because you feel so much
that you have to say it.
That's like saying, just because I don't say I love you,
that doesn't mean I don't love you.
Like, yeah, I mean, that sort of means.
Oh, man.
Don't let you, why are you giving the keys to the kingdom?
Ah, to women.
Women don't listen to the show.
Don't be absurd.
Only hot women that have pussy control.
Wait, whatever the woman version of that is.
Pain is control.
Only hot women with that whap.
Listen to this show, Sean.
Okay. WhAP. Okay.
It's a crazy acronym.
Is it an acronym?
Or is it just WAP?
It is when you say WAP it is.
That's more like a, okay.
It's more like an onomatopoeia, isn't it?
You're describing a sound.
No, that would be like, schlork.
Yes, which would describe the WAP.
The macaroni sound.
Only those types of women listen to the show.
Macaroni sound.
Well, there goes.
Listen to any song.
They're going to listen to WAP.
They've been shaperowing it.
No, did you see what he said?
No, it's funny.
He's like making a ton of WAP that song,
Wet Ask Pussy.
And he says,
If you have a Wet Ask Pussy,
that sounds like a medical problem.
My wife's a gynecologist, and she told me
that it's not healthy to have a wet pussy.
She said something like that.
He might as well have just said that,
with a straight phase to the whole internet.
I don't know the song.
That's the, well, you could imagine what it's about.
Well, no, no, no.
It's a rap song.
No, it doesn't make sense.
Macaroni's selling.
You know, no, not salad, the macaroni.
Oh, whatever.
Yeah, no, I got it.
No, do you?
Do you get that?
It doesn't sound healthy.
Here you go.
You're on the Ben Shapiro train.
You're like, that's fucking watch it, man.
That's hilarious, though.
You don't want to keep whap.
You're going to be a whap.
You're not healthy.
My wife's a lot.
You're just. Is he just getting like that? It's like, it made fun of all the time. I mean, that's like, it made fun of for the rest of his life. That's a be a wide healthy keeper. My wife's a lot. Good luck. Is he just getting like, made fun of all the time?
I mean, that's,
that's like, that's a total bags of sand coming.
Oh, the worst.
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
It's a bags of bags.
No, I'm not gonna say that.
A big whole mots of ball hanging out on that one.
Bonus episode was fantastic. slash the dick show.
You can also get video of all the episodes for, only a dollar bonus episodes, $5. Get it, we had racist anonymous. That was fantastic. slash the dick show where you can also get video of all the episodes for only
a dollar bonus episodes, five dollars, get it.
We had racist anonymous.
That was a good one.
Hi, I'm Dick Mashstone and I'm a racist.
I think it was racism, racism.
Anonymous Lee.
Well, was that what it was?
Racism anonymous.
Oh, you're right.
That's what it turned into.
Racism anonymously.
I fucked that up.
Yeah, well, it turned into it.
First it was, well, because it was what was going on with life coaches.
It's almost like, yeah, we come scar face now.
Kind of his corporate thing, right?
Where everybody goes and says,
hi, my name is Blank, and I'm a racist,
which led us to down the road of support groups
and stuff like that.
But it's a disease, but then racism is a disease.
We realize that's a more dangerous than COVID. That's why there's all the protests. I'll get to stuff like that. But it's a disease. But then racism is a disease. We realize that's a more dangerous than COVID.
That's why there's all the protests.
I'll get to get to that.
Because that would be dangerous with COVID.
But because racism is a worst disease,
you've got to go protest to stop the racism.
Speaking of stopping the racism,
somebody commented,
this is hot news.
Just came in a Google developer,
it submitted a change in the Bitcoin core,
changing blacklist to blocklist.
Racism defeated Sean.
Racism defeated.
Somebody else suggested, we should change this to exclude list.
Yeah, that's it.
Let's take everybody all together.
All the second, all the people who come second.
That's what, you know, they always, they said this to me as a kid. I grew up in the desert in Arizona. And they always
said the rattlesnake gets the second person. The first person is fine. That's when the
rattlesnake is alerted. And the second person that comes by, wow, wow.
Makes sense. I've never heard that. Bet on your nuts. Yeah. And I always thought as a kid
all how terrible. But now I think, good I think good, that snake is our fucking friend.
First person goes, the first person goes through,
sets the trail, the second person comes through
and she's what's racist about it.
Thanks buddy, thanks for all your fucking help.
Not every time the color black is referred to,
is it denigrating a people, you know, I mean, this is real
the absurdity. Just stop being aware of it. Just we cut it out into the language altogether.
The absurdity is is just reaching new heights.
Uh, whap. Well, we got to get, we got to get blacklist out of this, out of this code
or else, you know, let's call it the wet ass pussy list.
Even though it's a, like, you know, it's a good thing.
Like, I'm surprised.
We call it the dry ass pussy list.
Cause these, these, these IP addresses are making me dry.
I'm surprised black Friday is still around.
It's not gonna be a no fucking way we get black Friday.
But it's a good thing.
You know what?
No, it's not. It's bad.
The black means violence.
They, they retconned it.
A marketer's retconned it to mean putting them in the black, but it started because of riots
in the very beginning.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I looked it up.
Are you serious?
They retconned it.
Retailers retconned it to mean, well, this puts us in the black.
Dick, that cannot be true.
It was some, it was coined like in the 1910s with some stupid riot in Chicago, some stupid
shopping riot.
You're sort of keeping a straight face, but that's true.
That's insane.
It's true.
Shopping riot.
Like the stock market, black people, whatever it is.
Black Tuesday.
Yeah, I want to just fell off a cliff.
Either way, either way.
Either way, I don't want to think of the word
black. No, I can't be. Is it stressful? Right. Oh, come on, absence of light. No, no,
no, just, just let's just call it Friday. Oh, shopping Friday. Hot deals, capitalism
Friday. Yeah, capitalism Friday. Right. Right. Right. Right. Sleep on the curb Friday.
Big fat morons wasting their time to save $50 on a television set that they don't need.
Let's call it that Friday. Yeah. Big stoop, stupid assholes lining up around the block,
giving interviews on local TV news stations, like fucking morons, giggling
and calling their friends.
Bigger on the news.
Look at me on the fucking news.
Get out there and buy you pigs.
Fucking pigs.
Call it pig Friday.
Fucking pig Friday.
All the sales you eat on you fucking pigs.
Troph Friday.
Here's the fucking sales you swavvnly fucks.
Come get your suey specials.
You fucking pigs.
We got it up.
Lap it up.
Shut your shit down, you goddamn pigs.
I fucking hate you Friday.
Special on rascal rentals on the way in.
You know what I was thinking?
You can have battle carts for that fucking big screen.
You know what I was thinking?
Buy one, get three more for 50% off. Give them to your fat pig, sons and daughters.
You fucking pigs. There's a bad luck at you. You fucking pig. You slut. You hippo. Fuck you.
You rascal riding pieces. We're gonna why don't you circle the rascals. You rascal riding pieces. We're gonna, why don't you circle the rascals?
You fucking pig and block this towering,
this tower of TVs and furbies, you fucking pigs.
I don't know why they're saying.
It's a satisfying to say.
I don't know what it is.
Look at you, you fucking pigs.
Manson, that's what they wrote on the wall
of the Manson murders, didn't they?
Death to pigs?
Yeah, one of the things, yeah.
See, they knew what was going on.
What was I gonna say?
You kept interrupting me.
I know.
You know what I'm excited about this year?
Maybe if everything goes to plan, if everything keeps going horribly.
Right. This will be the first year where we do not have to hear
about pumpkin spice season.
That's my, I've been thinking about this all year.
I've been dreaming about this since day one of the lockdown.
I'm like, okay, please God, I know Starbucks is open, man.
But there's gonna be so much fatigue and misery.
It might get steamrolled and we won't have to hear about pumpkin spice.
I think we're hearing about pumpkin spice.
Everything will be all right.
When does pumpkin spice come out?
Is it before or after the election?
Oh no, before.
No, definitely before.
I think we can, I think there's too much race.
We got to handle all these racisms.
But in another two weeks, 90% of people will have forgotten about it again.
Pumpkin spice.
And the pumpkin spice comes up to fill the void.
Here's what makes me rage.
You got to get those cops out there shooting people, keep the pumpkin spice away.
It's a zero sum game.
Can we just pump the brakes? Can we give cops a week off? hero some game. It's you.
Can we just pump the brakes on it? We give cops a week off.
How much how much bad stuff could happen in a week really?
What's ever happened?
Give them a week off.
Like you guys, we gotta have a week without it.
I mean, people get people are going to get killed all the time.
We know that, right?
Just take a take a week off, guys.
We'll pay for it. Money's not real. We'll pay. We'll pay for right? Just take a week off, guys. We'll pay for it.
Money's not real.
We'll pay for you guys.
I have a little staycation.
Yeah, stay at home.
Ah, go be with your family.
Social media.
Go on social media.
What am I?
Go beat on your family like you would if you were home more.
Look, here's 20, here's a hundred bucks.
Go kick your wife's ass on the taxpayer, all right?
Just don't film it for God's sake.
Yeah, put your uniform in your locker at work,
drive home, get to the fucking pumpkin spice latte
on your way home.
You're gonna sell the pumpkin spice
and then throw it against the wire and a rage
and take the belt off.
I can't take this anymore.
Take your sand brown off and fucking,
you know, have a whack at your kid with it, I guess. I mean, from across the rees got a man. You know, he's done something
when you were out there protecting and serving. So he better go weak off, just put a little
fear in him. It'd be fine. Oh God. Go to a fat pig Friday sale. We need two, we need
two black Fridays to turn this. I mean, two pig Fridays to turn this around. Yeah.
We need one after the other. We're going to need a whole Christmas season of pig Fridays
to get us out of this funk and to get us in the positive,
whatever it is that's not the unread direction. Okay. Non-read direction.
Okay. Even though it was originally coined for violence.
I think so. I mean, I'm not committed to that. Okay, non-red, red, correction. Okay. Even though it was originally coined for violence.
I think so.
I mean, I'm not committed to that.
I'm just acting like this is like a religious belief.
I never would've been looking it up.
That's interesting.
If there was a riot over, you know, like the side-feld thing.
Like as I rain blows upon him, I thought there must be a better way.
Yeah, that's true.
Here's what makes me rage.
Amateur bartenders, when you get the, what do you want to drink?
Just at somebody's house.
Mike, is that, are you like a, I know any of you?
Yeah, anybody who's ever asked me that, I know knows how to make zero drinks.
So I want to, I'm thinking, well, what is it that you, do you want just water as an answer?
How do you want from me?
And you're talking with transaction.
It's a transaction.
When it's basically implied that they're talking about an alcohol.
Like a whole lot better.
Yeah, exactly.
Nobody asks, what do you want from the transaction?
What do you want from the transaction?
You see they have like a decent selection of liquor.
So what do you want?
Like they can make everything.
It's more like, what are you comfortable making? What can you make? And can you pour coke and rum in a glass?
Is that something you can do? Yeah. I mean, if I asked for a margarita, would you actually
make one? Do you have the rest of me a fucking margarita? Are you asking me to start a
margarita party over here and get people on board? What if I ask for a specific kind of margarita?
I mean, do you have to give me more than that? What do you want to drink? Vagliminate. I already over here and get people on board. What if I ask for a specific kind of margarita?
I mean, do you?
You're gonna have to give me more than that.
What do you want to drink?
Valkylic lemonade.
I got whiskey over here.
I got a white claw.
But you said multiple choice.
Could you make a man drink?
Can you make a man, is that you muddle?
Have you been muddling orange?
You know what I say all day?
Do you know anything that, yeah.
What's your cherry situation back there?
How's your mint, fresh?
Uh-huh, make a mojito or something?
Are you comfortable with the lighter?
Right, because I don't want, I mean,
if you're asking, what do I want?
I'm expecting a real drink,
if you're saying that you can basically,
you can make me something.
Or do you just wanna hand me a diet coke
and the booze, whatever bottle is nearest
and I'll be on my way?
Yeah, what you're telling me is that what you want
my answer to be is I'd like a diet coke that you open
and then dump some of it out and then eyeball pour
in whiskey for the rest of it and then hand that over.
So here you go, I hope this is good enough.
What do I want to drink?
My mother asked me that yesterday,
we're over there trying to soak, soaking in the pool,
trying to escape the fucking heat.
Did you give her just a big berating lecture
about you don't know how to mix any alcoholic drinks, mom?
I said, what do you know?
What do you know how to make?
What do you mean?
What do you ask me?
Are you asking me so you can tell my brother-in-law
what to make?
Because that seems a little presumptuous, don't you think? I would imagine your brother-in-law, could just your brother-in-law what to make. Right. Because that seems a little presumptuous, don't you think?
I would imagine your brother-in-law, could just your brother-in-law know how to make drinks?
Uh, oh, yeah.
Well, because I've met his father.
What is that supposed to mean?
His father knows how to make drinks.
They both know how to make drinks.
He goes, this is how he asks if you want to drink.
Cocktail, right?
And I say, yeah.
And then he goes and makes them.
And you don't even have to.
Until we pass out.
You don't even have to say what it is.
Cause you know when it comes back, it's gonna be good.
Do you imagine saying what it is?
If it was anything other than whiskey,
he would take his big hands and strangle me with them.
His big Fred Flintstone hub cap bare hands.
And strangle me with them.
So she says, what do you want to drink?
So, this ought to be good.
What do I want to drink? I said, oh, this ought to be good. What do I want to drink?
What do you got?
What do you got?
What do you got?
Because we'll have a book.
Oh, a book.
Okay, so whatever I get, it's gonna have no alcohol in it.
All right, how about a mosquito measuring everything?
You wanna pop me out of mosquito?
Yeah, I could make a mosquito.
Yeah, okay.
Let's see how this turns out.
You got mint?
I have a whole garden full of mint.
Okay, not the spot that the dog pisses on.
That's what my dad said.
I saw that at my brother's house.
Yeah, apparently one of the girls told me
that there's mint back there.
I think it's like spear mint or something.
And it's like, and then said, yeah,
that the dog pee's back there sometimes.
Like, well, I'm not gonna be., but I'm just a dog isn't being there. So the
dog is not drawn to the most sentiast thing in the whole fucking yard. There's no really.
That's not the dog's domain to piss on. Okay. I cannot wait to get this piss mojito.
Then she goes, well, okay. She comes back with a book, she was like, I just have a question.
Can I substitute this rum?
I said, just stop.
So stop right there.
Go ahead and have a look.
Stop right there.
Just bring me whatever, bring me what you're going to bring me.
I don't have Myers rum.
You know, how they always, can I substitute gin for this rum in this mojito?
Just mix it all, just fucking do what you were going to do in the first jam, a bunch of Jin, for this realm in this mojito? No. Mm.
Just mix it all, just fucking do what you were gonna do
in the first jam a bunch of shit together.
Right, we'll call it a suicide.
Everybody knows how to make a suicide.
Yeah, so she comes out about an hour and a half later
with, first of all, the incorrect glass for mojito,
a glass tumbler.
Okay, I mean, it's not a I'm a, I'm a, he does it in a little, you know,
little type of metal container, not one of these.
Because well, here it is, how is it?
Here you go, how it is, how does it do?
How did it do?
What it do?
It looks like urine, so that's frighting first.
And nice shit in the mint.
Look at you, not.
Shit, you're not.
Off of the mint, a literal spider. Oh, drops off be the mint. Shit, you're not. Off of the mint, a literal spider.
Oh, drops off of the mint.
So you didn't run this under water or you got a literal?
You got me a drink.
What do I want to drink?
A fucking spider, a spider.
That's the, that's the,
This is a sitcom level of pornist.
A protein out there.
You've just given,
because what, I don't see a spider.
Let me see that.
You think I'm just fucking making it up?
To be funny,
that you gave me a drink with a fucking spider in it?
Do it again!
Spider, a spider.
A spider in your drink.
You ever fucked something up so bad
that there was a spider in it?
No. How'd your wife like the present?
You know what?
There was a giant spider crawl that of it out of her jewelry when I gave it
I opened her wedding ring to propose to her big fucking spider was in it. Yeah
Said no one ever no one ever like a fucking sitcom then it's worse with the women in my life
There's another thing that makes me rage.
My father's making these amazing slow pulled pork sliders
on Hawaiian rolls.
Oh, get cold sloth.
That's the shit, man.
Oh, man, and he got this truffle hot sauce barbecue sauce
and it was expensive, so he was bitch complaining
that everyone was taking too much the whole time.
What the fuck man
Between his no, I don't have enough money to go get my five hundred battery replaced
Truffle hot sauce. I pick up the Truffle hot sauce
He's gonna his truffles
He should go down to Compton and open a fucking wings establishment with fucking with Truffuffle hot sauce and see how long it goes
before it gets fucking burned.
The such an asshole like he's making this slow pulled.
Just owning a truffle hot sauce.
I suspect that he got it only for him and fucked up and put it out probably probably just
for him and forgot to put it away.
So then we got a crack at it.
I go for the bottle and goes,
hey, go easy on that.
He wants this Mexican card entirely.
Go easy on that.
Go easy on that.
It's truffle hot sauce.
We're a vote.
What the, how much is this fucking,
go easy on hot sauce?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Go easy on hot sauce.
And this is a, this is a barbecue, is it not?
So I said, oh, you know what?
I'm taking this to the table.
And I'm gonna make sure everybody gets a big fucking dollop of it.
It's gonna be spilling over.
I'm gonna wipe some off fucking napkin.
I look it up later as $14.
I know you mind.
This is a guy who says everyone's doing their part
to keep COVID contained.
Can't even eat his hot sauce.
I know.
Fucking boomers.
So I go over there, have two sliders trying to lose some weight, you know, doing pretty
good actually.
Yeah, good.
Not as fat as I used to be.
My sister says, oh, you don't look as fat as you used to.
Oh my God.
That's a sister cause that's a very family comment.
Thanks a lot. So by the way, what are you doing for your birthday?
I'm spending it with fans in the desert.
We're all going camping and cuddle back late.
Like we're all gonna meet up and she goes,
oh, you're not spending it with us?
No, it's because of comments like that
that I'm not spending it with you.
All I need is my fans and my guns.
And my women.
I need to be a doer.
I don't need this shit.
I don't need this truffle fucking tyranny. I don't need anybody
thinking that I'm not the greatest thing on earth. Thank you very much. That's not good
for anyone.
Should I go get, I finish my two sliders. The mini, like the King's mini Hawaiian rolls.
Yeah, yeah. You know, well, I do. That's not very much. No, I mean, that's, yeah, I think you'd be ravenous
still after that.
So I go get third one.
Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh.
This one I make really special, right?
Because I already know what I fucked up
on the previous two.
What was that?
Too much meat on one.
Not enough coleslaw.
I got a different idea to blend the sauces,
the Carolina hot sauce and the truffle sauce.
You got the truffle sauce, I just wanna use that
to spide it to this point.
I really don't like it.
I just want to make sure that my dad sees me dumping it
and then turning it over real quick.
So the sauce gets all around the rim
and I tighten it down as a blah, I'm r...
Oh, nice, he grabs it.
Oh, look how much is wasted!
Just wiping it on buns.
Got it, like something more buns. Karek, come back. It's like it on buns? Yeah. God, I make something more buns.
Karel, it's like vinegar, right?
It's acidic.
Or a Carolina barbecue sauce, right?
It is.
I don't think you can say that word anymore.
What use the V word?
What do I say?
Well, I'm not gonna say it.
It's a flavor that is sour to your taste.
Guess I vinegar?
Whoa, buddy.
Oh, God.
Not in these charged times.
That's fucking hilarious.
It's like the V word.
What did I say?
Did you see a professional Carolina
or a professor got fired for like teaching Chinese
and their word for, their word for no sounds like a racial
So they fucking fired him.
That's insane.
That like that's they've let me see what he's going to get reinstated, right?
Because I've seen there's I've seen a teacher fired before for something like that where he
used a real word in the, you know, the language, English language that isn't used too much
anymore. But it's the one that means cheap. Yeah, or stingy. Yeah, exactly.
A word he used during a lecture on foreign languages sounded like an English racial slur.
I don't even know if we can play this. That's like, you know, somebody's name being Dong. Like, except for that's not as offensive,
but yeah, guess what?
Not everything is about you.
That's just this generation of kids.
It's fucked.
It's really, really fucked.
Not everybody, but it's, but this.
Enough of them.
This thinking is fucked, absolutely fucked.
Yeah, yeah, it really is.
Let me see if this video will play to see what he said.
I have a lot of armorers and this is culturally specific. So based on your native language,
like in China, the common word is that, that, that, that, that. So in China might be naked,
naked, naked, naked. So there's different words that you'll hear in Chinese.
Oh, that was it. But their vocal displeance needs to say that, that, that, that,
that, there you go. That's kind. That sounded like he said, on leave.
He's like, he said, like NEGA was how that sounded.
Like a negative, like Negaduck.
I can't talk.
I can't talk.
And he got fired.
It's gotta be something.
There's gotta be something.
We need to let the cigarette companies
and the alcohol companies lose.
We just fucking have to,
we have to let them lose and advertise
and put everyone back in their fucking place.
Everybody who is not that guy should feel ashamed
that they have no knowledge.
It's fucking sickening.
It's sickening to me.
The fact that letter one or email one was taken seriously
at all and that person was not immediately told, beaten, pull your head out of your ass, you stupid motherfucker.
He's speaking Chinese.
Thanks for that email.
We're sending it to all parents and staff and children at the school and they're all
going to make fun of you until you fucking cry.
Thanks for this hilarious email that you've sent demonstrating what a fucking moron you are.
Now everyone is going to make fun of you.
We've just turned off, turned off thinking.
Somebody reacts emotionally and everybody sets rules based on it.
Yeah, they don't even care.
It's just fucking generation, NARC, looking for any kind of sound alike at all to report.
Oh, those pro athletes went out during COVID. We got to report it alike at all to report oh those uh... those pro athletes win out during covid
uh... uh... i got we got a report it we got a report it
oh this guy is uh... dming this
chick and and flirting trying to hit on her uh... trying to he's trying to he's
he's uh... he's trying to get his his uh...
fuck on right we got a we got hammer that we got a hammer that any fucking any
sound alike
sound alike go that sounds like that sounds like, that sounds like,
I don't know, it sounds like rape.
That's what it is.
That sounds like racism.
So it is fired.
Put on leave, whatever.
It'll be a real,
I don't wanna,
it'll be a real kind of mark on his career, right?
I don't know how to describe the mark,
some kind of non-positive mark. Oh, I understand. On his career, right? I don't know how to describe the mark, some kind of non-positive mark.
Oh, I understand.
On his career.
Can't say blankative, because that's the root, right?
So I come back.
Can't say absence of light.
No, no, no, no.
You definitely can't say that.
So I come back to the table with slider number three.
A vinegar?
Some kind of sauce on it. Yeah.
I come back to the table with what is my PS3's
installs, my masterpiece of the slider.
I mean, this thing is, I tore the bun in half.
I was so confident with the slider.
It's in a plate all by itself, a little like beans of light, shining down, a little
I come back, I set it down and I put my napkin in my, you know, thing like this.
My nephew's tried to say something about smash brothers and I say,
we should smash them in the, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Just get away.
I don't know about, I put the knife and fork down and I'm about to bite in and an 80s girl leans over to me and goes, can I have a bite of that?
Why do they do that?
If I order this, there's an old fucking ocean of food in there.
You bitch.
What do you mean?
Can you have a bite of what?
My soul, what are you talking about?
I have a bite of, this is a slider.
I don't understand it.
I'll never understand it.
And it may cause me to fucking go on a rampage one day.
That will be what does it.
I have three bites of this slider.
It's gonna be act one.
They're tiny.
They're fucking tiny.
Act two, the promise, act one, the presentation,
act two of the promise and act three of the prestige.
That's what I have in front of me.
Which act do you want to fucking bite from me?
Yeah, fine.
Take it.
Whatever one you want of the most.
That's what I'm taking.
Take, she takes bite and that's good. I'm you wanted the most. That's what I'm taking. Take, she takes a bite, and that's good.
I'm gonna get another one.
So you're gonna get another one?
After you just ruined mine?
Yeah, and you're not gonna make it with the same care
that I made this time.
So if I take a bite of clothes,
you won't be able to replace that bite.
That you took for me.
There's a bite out of my soul that will haunt me
for the until the end of my days.
So I eat, I eat what I have left.
You're happy.
Two and two thirds of a slider, fucking great.
Fucking amazing, thanks a lot.
And I look over at hers, one bite out of that,
one bite out of the new one.
Now I gotta go eat some spiders.
All right.
Time I as well just go eat spiders.
Yeah, why not?
Let's see what else I've got here.
Got any callers?
I think so, yeah.
It's at some point.
Racial sensitivity training.
Yeah, that's everywhere.
No, not anymore.
Trump killed it.
Oh, what?
Un-American. In what?
Un-American and federal agencies.
I want federal agencies. No more racial sensitivity training.
divisive and un-American.
That's the greatest thing he's done.
Flat out to, you know what?
All this like sense sensitivity shit.
Actually, it's really divisive and un-American.
So we're not doing it anymore.
I mean, you mean you, you just gotta,
just say that.
You guys got a lot to do before, you know what I mean?
Like there's, everybody should be busy already.
I just can't believe he said it.
I can't fucking believe he, someone finally said it.
So now everyone can say it.
I guess. Yeah. State, school, your company, if your company's doing it, can't fucking believe someone finally said it. So now everyone can say it.
I guess, yeah.
Stay school, your company, if your company's doing it,
it's on American.
They can go sit up there.
They can take the stance.
Go sit up there now with a straight face
and do your little TED talk and your stupid routine
about how calling drives or computer servers,
a master's slave, how that's racially insensitive,
this presentation to the most worthless people on the planet and do it with a straight fucking
face knowing that half of the country hates you.
Yeah, sure.
And thinks you're a fucking idiot.
It's just, it's the little things, Sean.
It's the little things knowing that you can now sit there in one of those jack ass presentations and know that they know that you fucking hate them.
On American.
What's worse than that?
I mean, this country is a country that prides itself on that.
Both sides will say, well, this is American.
This is American.
Actually, we're more American because America's forgiving.
Actually, we're more American because America's good because she's good we're more American. Because America's good, because she's good.
Because she's great. America's great, because she's good.
They go back and forth.
Who's more American than the other?
Oh, it's fucking beautiful.
I'm so happy about it. I don't know.
I want to, you're not.
Oh, no, I don't care.
You don't care.
No, I don't care.
Let me see what else I got here.
No, I don't care.
Have you ever had to do one?
No, no, no, no, because I've never worked in
like true corporate environments like that.
I've never worked for a network
or something like that where they would have that.
It's so prevalent.
It's probably more, I know. I mean, you spend more days just
with that shit and then actually getting anything done. Let's see. I got the CDC as America's
new landlord. I did want to talk about landlords for a little bit. Sure. I only pull this
article up. I also brought that vaccine in and I was talking about I found the interview.
Interview. Yeah, we were talking about it on the bonus episode.
That's the four thousand people, the 40 million people took it. What is it?
Tell me about it. It was the swine flu.
In 1976, you remember we were arguing about it?
Yeah. So in 1976, swine flu was predicted to kill millions of people,
the same kind of thing.
So they rushed a vaccine through.
For what?
40 million people took it in the US.
Why not?
I've looked for vaccine disasters,
like vaccine incidents.
That was possible to find.
What the, there's here, here, here.
There are wiki pages like listing vaccine incidents. This was from 60 minutes
1976 and this is the interview with the guy who says
That it was untested that the one they released remember what I said that they tested one and then the one that they released was the untested one
I'll play it in a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. This is interesting very interesting interesting. CDC is the new land, Lord, here we go.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
operating under the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services has asserted jurisdiction
over private residential leases nationwide.
It intends to curtail evictions
until at least the end of the year.
And in fact, it's new directive.
But CDC, how is that? How indeed? the end of the year. And in fact, it's new directive. The CDC. The CDC.
How is that?
How indeed?
How is it possible that an unelected bureaucracy
has decided you cannot kick people out of your property?
The CDC is now the unerased landlord.
This is from Mrs. Dottorg.
It's criminal penalties against human services.
It's trying as asserted jurisdiction.
Yeah, criminal penalties against landlord to ignore tenant declarations made using CDC
It's unclear to put it mildly how exactly this jurisdiction over private contracts and
state local courts flows even to Congress, much less than administrative agency acting on
its own. One federal official justifies this bizarre and legal dubious action based on
the CDC's broad charter to stop the spread of communicable diseases.
A charter.
Bizarre is right. They failed. So this is their plan. Now, whether or not it works, I would
say that plan in and of itself, the attempt of it is pretty fucking terrifying.
I don't like it. You don't like it. plan in and of itself, the attempt of it is pretty fucking terrifying.
I don't like it.
You don't like it.
No, well, at least the end of the year.
I would fucking be fucking kidding me.
Well, I mean, I can't kick people out of my own fucking house.
Well, then what?
Well, yeah, well, what are you gonna do?
Plus, what are you gonna do for the landlords
who aren't getting any, you know what I mean?
Like, if you can't pay, not a goddamn thing.
I don't think the banks are, you know, I mean,
that's the thing.
It's some, it stops with somebody.
Somebody's still wanting payments.
So I did, I threw this out on Twitter, you know, because I wanted to get, I like taking
a room temperature of how insane people are at the moment.
And what I found is that there are a tremendous amount of,
I guess we could call them communists,
or at least people who don't believe in,
people who believe that property is theft essentially,
like taxation is theft,
that they strongly,
just the ownership is,
and that ownership is inherently somebody,
somebody buying a property property and then intrinsically
gouging the people that rented out, like the economics behind their description of what
is rent is so baffling that you have to hit yourself on the hammer with on the head with
a hammer to understand what they're talking about.
Well, it's obvious.
You buy property and then they jack it up and fuck over the rent.
They're like, what?
What do you mean?
Do you even, do you understand what is involved?
First of all, if that's what they're doing, why the fucking rent are you idiot?
Why does it exist at all if that's the case?
Well, that's the thing.
Follow your own logic to its natural conclusion.
Look around.
It's like, oh, why would anybody, this guy who's gouging everyone, why the fuck would anybody
rent from him?
Just go next, go, why don't you buy a place?
Self or less.
You'll be packed or just go to one of the other, you know, you know, like a lay of
lawyers and capitalism works.
Just kind of constantly fucking undercat.
Um, uh, it came up because somebody posted this, what is probably a fake video I assume
of one of their renters trashing their apartment.
After they left, I assume it's a fake video.
However, what is not fake is that that happens all the fucking time.
Like, you rent to somebody, not only are they, not only do they probably believe that
the wires in your wall are causing, are causing nanobots in their body to produce string
that leaks out of their skin.
And I'm not exaggerating.
Like, if you rent to anybody,
they will constantly complain about things
you cannot even imagine.
Oh, sure.
Like, they're here.
That looks like a retail.
It's people, when my brother worked a retail job
in between going to his undergrad.
And how was that?
I don't know.
It's still like a fucking motorcycle or something. I don't know. So like a fucking motorcycle or something, didn't it?
Do we have a microphone outside?
Maybe it's a nanobot.
You know, but he was saying, the thing he took away from a retail job was he said, you
cannot believe what the public, the general public thinks they are entitled to.
Oh, yeah.
He said, your house, it is your property.
Is this logic of like what they think they can bring back after,
because it was a big sporting goods store.
And it was like, they bought a bike like a month and a half ago,
like trashed it.
Like trashed it.
And it's just like, yeah, I want to return this.
Well, but yeah, and, you know, and almost always,
they take the shit back.
Yeah, sure.
They almost always do.
Which is, it's crazy.
In what world do you think that's reasonable to basically have to destroy a product and
then bring it in and not even want store credit or want like a fucking refund. Yeah. Um, it is, it is, uh, is the war, this class war that I think people think they're fighting
is between the hat, that they think they're fighting between the haves and the have-nots
is being fought between the have-nots and the barely-habs.
Like this, this rebellion over rent is, uh, it's, it's, it's, is that in your house, it's only in my left ear.
Yeah, it's in my house.
Okay, so have nots in the barely has.
Yeah, and I looked it up to see if I was right.
I just thought I found, here's the stats on land,
lords that I found.
According to 2015 American Housing Survey,
there's 50 million rental units in the US.
44 million are occupied, so 44 million.
22 million, these units are, they're 22 million properties. So you got 44 million units and
22 million properties, right? Yeah. So it's about two in each one, average.
Two primary types of ownership, individual investors,
there's about 23 million units
and 17 million properties are owned by individuals.
So that means,
that means 22 million units in 16,
and 17 million properties are owned by individuals.
So that's everybody owns like about one to two, right?
The half of people own one to two things to rent out.
So like a person, like you're talking about
fucking over singular people.
Oh no, I don't know.
Half of the time you're talking about fucking over a guy
which is basically just like you.
We often describe these investors as mom and pop investors,
the remaining 26 million units are owned by businesses,
primarily limited partnerships, limited liability companies,
and they're like, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, there you go.
I don't know.
I think it's, I think it's gonna get worse.
The no, the cancel rent get worse. The cancel rent.
I think you're right, though.
The barely halves and the half-nots.
You know, I mean, that's what it's for.
It's not the halves and the half-nots.
Oh, yeah.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that.
You never really have that. You never really have that. You never really have that. You you had a cancel rent on a building. Okay.
I mean, you understand that this is why they have police
is to just kick your ass for doing exactly what you're trying to do.
Here's a, how much do you trust the government survey?
Let's see here.
What do you think it is?
It should be very, very low.
But I'm very low.
I think that it's probably higher than it really should be.
It started.
This is pretty shocking.
How much do you trust the government?
In 1964, it was up at 78%.
People are still remembering that we kicked ass in World War II, we're a world power, we
fucking showed everybody.
Things are... I guess that's it.
Things are great.
Oh yeah, no, it was just, you know, nationalism and just, I mean, we really, I think the feeling
was America, we really figured it out.
We figured out how to be the best country ever.
And then we went off the gold standard.
Oh, we got everything figured out.
Let's get rid of it.
And then in 68, it falls precipitously after that.
It does.
Gosh, I wonder what happened with China and the war on drugs.
Well, that's not using gold anymore.
What do you mean?
Well, the war on drugs really was, I mean, it's the 80s was really a big war on drugs
Yeah, Nixon ramped it up though.
He did.
He did.
We've always been warring on drugs, but Nixon started the federally we're going to go
after it now.
Yes, that's true.
And Reagan kicked it into high gear.
That's true.
That's true.
You on that.
Same thing with China.
Nixon started.
Let's have a preferential trade.
Well, yeah, he went and visited.
Nobody had gone and visited China.
Let's give them all of our money.
precipitously down to 1980, bottomed out at 25%.
Do you trust the government?
And then it looks like it bounced up to 40.
I don't know why it's fluctuating here.
Yeah, I'm trying to, I'm thinking about time periods.
Well, 2008, it's back down to 25%.
Look at the next high point, which is where, around 2004. Yeah. I'm thinking about time periods. Well, 2008, it's back down to 25%. But what?
Look at the next high point, which is where, around 2004.
Yeah, people, well, no.
Because another fucking war.
Well, but also people were fucking killing it economically.
And houses selling houses, buying bigger houses.
Oh no shit.
People tend to go, yeah.
Yeah, everything's okay.
I mean, they must be doing okay.
Sure, they're doing their things
cause they're in their fucking, they're in their lives.
The Clinton house shit, the house shit.
Look at that.
And look at that.
And look at that up in the 90s.
Well, look at that,
an extra, that was a huge fucking housing,
that was a housing crash.
Right there, right around 1990,
8990, bam, right.
Yeah, okay.
Starting to climb out. Good, bam, right. Yeah, okay. Start to climb out.
Good, bam, then it goes shit house again.
For fuck a thousand four, it peaks at 40%.
It seems like it's long.
It's directly tied to the economy.
It seems like.
It seems directly tied to free money.
How much free money are we getting?
That's how much I trust the government.
Oh, God, fuck people.
That's great.
Now they changed the question a little bit, I guess.
Oh, it's even lower.
Now it's bottoming at 12%.
People trust the government.
So what would you say you're doing?
Why is they?
What do you say?
Because you're born to here.
I told you I do with the customer.
So the engineer doesn't have to.
I'm a horrible.
I have people skills.
God damnmit.
Okay, a trans journalist uses a Bluetooth butt plug
to get off to fall guys.
How about that?
On, you have any interest in that?
Why did you even need to ask me?
No, no.
That's the most fucking bizarre headline I've ever heard.
Oh, the tweet's unavailable.
I wonder what?
I wonder what?
Guys, butt plug.
Pretty good game journalism.
Let's have a butt plug in my ass.
We invent Bluetooth and we shove it up our asses.
Yeah, that's where it belongs.
It's not good for anything.
No, I know, I know.
I don't see it.
Fall guys and butt plugs.
God damn it.
It's cause a duck duck go, sucks.
Can't find anything.
Yeah, here we go.
Today for the daily dot, I wrote about playing Fall Guys
with butt plug I.O.
Sexual consent in online games,
and whether all video games are innately erotic,
not sexual but erotic by nature.
This is the daily dot.
All right, let me see if I can find that.
Daily dot.
What playing Fall Guys with a sex toy
means for sex, tech, and consent in games.
I guess, so we can't get big, we can't get big tits in games. I guess. So we can't get any big, we can't get big
tits in games anymore, but we can play a game with a butt plug shoved up our, we can play
a game with a sex toy shoved up our ass where everyone looks like your average American woman.
This is the game fall guys. Yeah, yeah, where there's shapes like jelly beans, shape like a pair, yeah, an unattractive pair. That's perfectly fine. The game's journalism
crowd is perfectly fine, running around with a bunch of children competitors with an
ass plug in that goes off every time you collide with them. That's the actual world. And can you imagine that?
Just someone humping against you while you're playing a game
and they're home, getting off with them.
How do people find this story out?
Should they post it this?
What the fuck?
This was their goal.
This was game's journalism.
This is the point of game's journalism.
I do not understand.
You don't understand that?
You do not understand this world.
You can get something longer.
You do understand.
Less and less.
Oh, the flu is now mask season.
This was pretty fucked up too.
Let me see if you think about this one.
Arizona is getting ahead of it by promoting the lockdown stuff in accordance in tandem
with the flu.
Governor Doug Ducey announced the plan with health department director, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah.
The overlap with COVID this year presents greater challenges than the typical flu season.
He warned that a bad flu season on top of COVID presents a perfect storm of potential health problems.
Officials warned that flu seasons in years past have inundated hospitals similar to the peak
of COVID-19 cases that the state saw this summer. Are you hearing what I'm cooking over here?
Yeah. I'm worried that we're now stuck in a permanent yearly lockdown. I have said since day one, well, I think we don't put a number on this shit.
We're getting lockdowns every fucking year until pig Friday before Christmas.
Well, I'm pretty fucking concerned about that because the thing
I've been aching through flu season every year.
Yeah, you know, yeah, ignoring the shots.
Yeah, laughing at the old people. Yeah, living know, yeah, ignoring the shots. Mm-hmm, yeah. Laughing at the old people, yeah.
Living my life.
We're worried about this.
This is an Arizona as well.
Yeah, which is generally pretty conservative, isn't it?
Yeah, generally.
Yeah, well, they have a little bit of a walled issue there,
though, that's causing it to become less conservative.
Every year.
Go ahead, what were you gonna say?
No, I was gonna say, I think people,
depending on how dangerous society thinks something is,
if they were, if the death rates were way up,
people would be like, okay, I'm not doing this,
but I don't think without literal police action, like standing there
with guns, are you going to get people for an extended period of time to follow the rules?
I think like kind of soft lockdowns or whatever are basically self-limiting.
I mean, I drive around here all the time.
The restaurants outside, they're fucking full.
Go to North Hollywood.
It's so horrible though. 112 degrees outside. Oh yeah, well, I don't to North Hollywood. It's so kind of horrible though. It's 112 degrees outside.
Oh yeah, well, I don't know about today.
It's been better lately, but you know,
or their patios, with their mistres
and their coverings and shit,
they're all full, like people are all chilling together.
People are just, and I don't,
I mean, I see cops driving up all the time.
I don't see anybody go on like,
hey, you got, you know, so it's like,
I think it's just like
Here's what you should do. We're not really gonna do anything about it. You're not worried about this at all like a yearly flu thing
That just keeps us like this forever. No when when COVID's gone. No, I don't think I don't think
I don't think if it's literally just the normal flu season. I'm not worried about it But but I see how, I mean, see how they can just say, well, I don't think the odds are better.
But yeah, I see the line of thinking.
I see the line of thinking.
I mean, once you learn how to fuck one girl, you just use that same plan on every other
girl, right?
Well, I mean, you, you, you do not do that?
Well, you start there.
Yeah, you start there.
The flu vaccines remain a surefire way
to keep those hospitalizations, hospitalizations,
hospitalizations low with this upcoming flu season
with COVID-19 still circulating in our communities.
There's a potential that our healthcare system
could become overwhelmed.
Christ, Christ said Monday.
Last year, she said a new state saw the state.
She's some more than 36,000 flu cases.
Oh, wow, that's a lot.
She said the same recommendation.
Well, the officials made for COVID.
That's not hospitalized, right?
Just 36,000 in two cases.
It's not hospitalized, right?
So why would she use that number?
Because it's literally not important, right?
So why the fuck would she use, I mean, you see what I'm saying?
That's not relevant.
It's not relevant to what she's talking about.
So why use that number?
So 36,000 people in the state got the flu last year.
But you see the sale, like hospitals could get over.
Last year we had 36,000 cases.
You fucking bitch, that you know god damn well
That's not the relevant number to use there, but it's bigger
Yep washing your hands wearing a mask
Physical distancing and staying home when you feel sick apply for those looking to prevent what spread to the blah blah blah
Are they saying anything about like that they that they want to lock down or they're just saying this is a knot
They're saying masks. They're saying
masks. They're saying, it sounds like advice. Well, it's also sounds like we could have an
overcrowding situation. So all the same shit that we did this time.
Do you use your, do your part if you feel like if you feel sick, stay home. I don't hear
any, I don't hear anything that says like, we're going to require masks in or we're thinking about
doing that. Did you hear that the first time?
Did you hear that when we said 15 days to stop to spread?
Did you hear about any of this stuff?
They just kind of snuck it in.
What do you mean, like they never started,
they never started with, we're gonna make it illegal
to go outside with masks.
And we're gonna shut down theaters and schools
and bars, specific, we're shutting down gyms.
We might be shutting down gyms. They did not start with that. We'll know. They started with, we're shutting down gyms. We might be shutting down gyms.
They did not start with that.
Well, no, but they started with, we're gonna overcrowd.
It's gonna be overcrowding, that's pretty deep.
Each state put in the measures that they felt were
or were not necessary as more information became available.
Yeah, okay.
I mean, that's what I'm saying.
I mean, if that doesn't sound like too much big brother
right there, unless she's talking about,
hey, we may,
if the flu season's bad, we may institute a, you know,
Institute what?
We may do that.
I mean, I'm asking for for the, yeah, and the COVID too,
but next year or two, if they're like,
well, we may need to start doing this for the flu seasons.
Well, that's not fucking terrifying.
No, it's got to stop there.
All right.
It's got to stop there.
Okay, let me read some. I'm gonna read some
I'm gonna read some comments and then I think did I tell anybody to call in somebody to her any a thing
They wanted Johnson Brown said he wanted to call into
You talked to Chris
The Kiwi. Yeah, no, he sent me some he sent me some insane
Photoshoops the other day. Oh, he wasn't making any sense. Ooh, look at that.
Oh, more, more, more Tommy stuff?
All right, man, all right.
Maddix on gentle touches.
This is from Richard, special agent, Richard head.
Check out the attached screenshot.
Do you think COVID caused that?
Also, let's see.
Let's check out the attached screenshot, buddy.
From Maddix? Yeah. Of Maddox? Yes. By the way, right after we recorded that bonus episode,
Maddox introduced Maddy Locks, his new character. He's been talking about for 10 years.
Well, yeah, where he's completely acting like a woman, like not a Saturday night
live woman impression, like an over the top, like, oh, yeah, but like he's just has a slightly
affected voice. I just talking about being a woman. You think it's really remarkable? That
might be, that might happen with him. Yeah. He may become a woman.
I think so.
I mean, there's a chance, right?
There's always a chance.
Chance is non-zero, but maybe I'll play a clip
at the end of the episode or maybe in a second.
This is from Special Agent Richard Hood.
Queen War tooth said, how do people survive this long
without gentle touches?
Question mark.
COVID is the enemy frowny face.
And we see here that Maddox has liked this tweet.
Oh, yeah.
He follows her for her political takes, maybe.
I mean, yeah.
Sense of humor.
I mean, who wouldn't want to read that tweet?
That's what I, that's the kind of content I love.
Just a hot woman complaining about. That's how he of content I love. Just a hot woman complaining about.
That's how he gets touched, generally.
That's how he gets inspired to create his new hot content.
Let's see what you look at.
He's so good right off the cuff.
That's what I can't believe.
Every time we watch those banana docks and ox-mad videos, I'm struck by just how quick
and witty he is.
It's, it's, it's some gentle touches.
Look at this beautiful girl, Sean.
Talking about gentle touches, in comes Maddox swooping in.
With his fucking his follower count and his gorilla paws and his self-insert pornography.
Let me see if I have any Maddox clips.
Oh, I'll play one.
Brilliant. Man, I had a big argument Locks clips. I'll play one. Brilliant.
Man, I had a big argument with Andy Worsky on the kill stream.
About what?
Stupid lollies, shit.
I don't even want to get into an aisle.
Yeah, well, go check it out there if you want it.
All right, here you go.
Here's a Maddy Locks clip.
Just listen for the voice.
Okay. And give me your first thoughts after words, obviously. Here's a, here's a Maddylux clip. Just listen for the voice.
Okay. And give me your first thoughts afterwards, obviously.
This is a clip of Maddylux talking about how she is into anal.
This is my first ever Twitch stream.
So bear with me if I get anything wrong.
I like the cat bell necklace thing.
Thank you very much.
It's my little choker.
I like to wear it to signal to everyone that I'm into anal.
Uh, you know, it's a thing.
Let's see, 12 ways to unplug when you're sick of screen time,
but can't quit it.
How it feels inside Inferred Son of Blanket?
Detoxax on a skill of 30 seconds.
What does that mean?
An instant saffron latte.
Ooh, I love saffron and I love lattes.
Yeah, Ed Banger, I'm into anal,
it's not embarrassing anymore, everyone does it, grow up.
What do you think?
I think that's like 95% George.
Like he's not even really, he's kind of just talking like he talks about different things like a slight affect, right?
Very slight. That's weird
That's fucking weird. It's like a slightly brighter George like yeah, what's the big deal?
Everybody does it and he looks so happy while he's doing it. Let me pull up this picture. That's weird. It's very weird
It's weird.
Here we go.
Look at this screenshot.
Have you ever seen him look happier than that?
Honestly, have you ever seen Maddox look happier than that?
I don't think so.
I mean, I would,
I think he's mad.
Give it a try.
Give it a shot.
Give it a shot.
Maybe, and if he's,
maybe every time he'll take the super chats
while he's doing this Maddie lock shit by the way
So he has to keep doing it maybe everything will make a whole lot more sense. I don't know. I mean
Look at how happy talking about never talking about needing tender touches and
Being into anal with a choker on and shit. Oh
My god, something's going on.
It's very weird.
All right.
Let me find the rest of,
sir Richard Hedges.
Gentle touches.
Also, crazy broads have moved on from the way fair thing
to something even better.
Let's see what that could be.
She just brought me her bra down here.
She just brought it to me.
So I'm gonna cut it just like the lady did on the video
and show you all what I found.
Cutting a tag off of the bra.
Cutting a tag off of the bra.
Cutting a tag off of the bra.
Oh my God.
Hold on one.
There's this is a sex trafficking young women.
Hi, Dorida.
Mom. What are they in there? No, they said they want to eat. Hold on, hold on. There's this is a sex trafficking young women
Hold on
So there's a crazy person
Remember the way fair thing
Yeah, pause
This is a renter by the way. Not a landlord. Yeah. This is the fucking track and divide. Yeah. This is a sex trafficking device. Oh my god. Not from the Toyota secrets. But from pink. Here it is. Share this. What you got. I thought that was the good one Victoria Seekers Travis all kind I thought pink was out of that
That's wrong for this track and device. Are you fucking kidding me?
Look her otherwise
She's holding up an RFID chip from like for inventory control, right?
Amazing He's holding up an RFID chip for inventory control, right? If you just brought this one and I've seen them get amazing. And I cut it out.
So you all tell me who's crazy.
You, you definitely, you, sorry.
You might have heard it before.
Oh, okay.
Willie, dear Dickenshawne.
I'm the guy who wrote that confused email
about choosing guys over girls.
Oh yeah.
And I want to thank you all for the advice you gave me.
So far, caring less about trying to get a girlfriend and just going for guys has been
I've been having much more fun than before I stopped caring about what others might think
about me appearing either gay or single.
I haven't gotten a beard.
I just stopped worrying about it.
I also like to apologize for how disjointed my first letter was.
I wasn't very sober when I wrote it.
Don't apologize for being drunk.
Just to clarify, I guess I considered myself bisexual
or something, I'm certainly not straight at least.
Okay, so he acknowledges he's bisexual
and now he's just not afraid of acting on it.
Great, you're gay.
What the fuck in whatever?
If you, whatever, just, yeah, acting on it. Great. Great. You're gay. That anyway is whatever, whatever. Whatever. Just, yeah.
They act on it.
You don't really have to label yourself as any of these things.
Anyways, it's not even for any dislike of women
that I've chosen guys for now.
It's really just been easier to either have fuck buddies
or a male friend with benefits
than trying to pick up women.
Well, who is like that with fucking nightmare?
What's, the ball inflator? are a male friend with benefits than trying to pick up women. Well, who is like that with a fucking nightmare?
What's the ball inflator?
What's a no-d?
Like, he's by, right?
Like, he's got a boyfriend right now, but he's had girlfriends.
And then, you know, it's just like, yeah, whatever.
Thank you.
Thanks, honey.
Turns out, guys have more in common with another man than most women would.
And usually, this is a wear-and- wear warm. Do we not have any cold ones?
It's it's cool. It does like like holding a big a giant's cock. Nice warm soda. That's what I thank you.
Turns out guys deal with this man. It's not surprising at all to get a warm, I don't
think warm soda. It's cool. It's not cold, but it's cool.
Mine is cool. Mine is instantly heated now because I
touched it for two seconds. Turns out guys have more in common
with another guy that most women would and are usually
pretty open about what they want. Well, for sure, that is true.
Yeah. So I guess I would recommend to guys out there who are
bisexual or whatever, just try going gay for a bit.
All right, just to see if that's what you might like.
Worked out for me, thank you, go fuck yourself.
That's a happy ending.
God, that wouldn't be wild if Maddylox just took off.
We got to watch a bunch of those clips
on the next bonus episode, yeah.
As a veteran, hey, Dick, Sean, hurt Hawk here.
Oh, I like this one.
I just want to chime in on this topic of veteran worship
and the latest Atlantic article about Trump
is a topic on the show.
I've been active duty for my entire adult life
and I will be for the foreseeable future.
I love the army.
I love the challenge, the benefits, the camaraderie
and the lifestyle.
So as a veteran, anyone who actively puts the as a veteran
or God forbid the as family of a veteran card
and expects that to thereby make them correct
or more reliable in their views is a complete joke.
I'm set to receive a pension at 43.
My family and I have reliable health and dental care.
I get a solid housing and sustenance allowance
on top of my base pay.
Make no mistake, the military is Republican welfare,
except we get afforded the opportunity of advancement
and limited social mobility in exchange for our lives
at the whims of politicians.
It's not a bad deal.
Fuck the thank me for my service,
mob, with love, hurt, hawk.
I have never heard it put that way,
but I think it's absolutely true.
Like the military is Republican welfare.
Oh yeah.
What you can get out of it,
I mean, you really can use it to your advantage.
Yeah. Like big time.
Yeah, my concho always talks about that.
Like he's got a bunch of young guys under him
or around, I'm mean literally under him, like that he's plowing.
They're at the same level.
They're at the same level.
They're at the same level.
They're at the same level.
I don't know if they're at the same level.
I don't know if they're at the same level.
Career wise, but he's under, when I say under him, I mean physically, under him.
And he says that they, they can get like a ton of stuff out of it.
You can.
There's so much money available, but they never do, you know.
Tim Johnson. I may be in the minority,
but I think his thoughts on the Kyle guy
and defense against thought crimes have been pretty reasonable.
Yeah, me too.
People attacking you on this are also the same people
that would be exiled if non-internet people had their way.
Also, you should DM Andy Worsky your drawing,
so he is complicit and throws himself
into the thought gulag.
Why don't we have to do that?
Ball sack guy, what's popping honey clam?
I was the guy on your discord with the hernia
causing his intestines to slide into his ball sack.
Oh, is he calling in?
Let's see.
Is he in there?
I have to shove my insides back to my inside several times an hour
some days.
And I don't have insurance or a way to fund a surgery.
Without surgery, hernias don't get better and only worse than over time.
Oh God, I'm going to be sick until they become life-saving.
Like sticking out through your like, ball sack.
Well, yeah, because it busts through like an abdominal wall, right?
I mean, that's, is he here?
Dude, that's, oh, that's one of the.
Is it one of the, is that you?
Yeah, okay, let's hear it.
Are you there, buddy?
What's up, my wife, how you doing?
Hey, what's up, man?
Well, let me finish your, yeah.
You got me a little bit sick, bud.
Wow. Well, normally me finish your video. Yeah, you got me a little bit sick, bud. Um, wow.
Well, normally I would never ask this.
I've learned from your show that you need to always use any advantage you have in life
to help yourself and that pride probably isn't as important as staying alive.
I mean, it's not important at all.
It, like, the more, the more cellist fucking Wallace shit is shit is like yeah pride is it pride is something hurts
It never helps people value because they have nothing else
It is really a sick
Well, don't get pride and dignity confused. What does that mean?
You can dignity it
Pride is a is a hurtful thing like dignity means you being, you at least are entitled to be treated like a person
and act like you are a person.
Are you?
Dignity is, you think slave of slave is acting with dignity?
That's his all the way to the bank.
That's his choice.
So don't let people force you into do it
without getting your money's worth.
I'm just saying, I think there's a distinction
between pride and dignity.
How much intestines are in your balls?
Oh, and you violate either of those.
After some nudging from people in Discord,
I'm deciding to open a kick, fund me,
like a kickstarter go fund me,
and e-bag to fix my balls.
I'd love to call in about it and I think I could do it in a light-hearted enough way that
it could be fun for the show.
I'm working with Johnson Brown to work on the pay, okay, this seems to be logistics.
Thanks for reading this and not killing yourself.
So your intestines are inside your balls?
Yeah, just some degree.
It's like a little, it's like poking out like a little gopher
Sort of like a you know like whack-a-mole. They'll pop up every once in a while
We live if you
Upside down, where are you?
But where in your balls is the whack-a-mole popping out?
If you like reach behind so grab your nut sec and like right behind the test
So the right of your body. Yeah. Yeah. Just directly upwards and it'll slide out sometimes. Oh, no. Dude, what is like taking a shit like? I didn't think it was a big deal. I thought
it was just kind of like shit. The happens. And then like what I brought it over the
discord people like, oh yeah. No, that's fucking awful actually. Well shit, the happens. Uh, and then like what I brought it over to the discord, people like, oh, yeah, uh, no,
that's fucking awful actually.
Well, shit, the happens can be a big deal.
Uh, just just shit, the happens.
Oh, that's so, I mean, it's a fucking 37 car pile up.
Yeah, I'm like, like, built like a fucking, uh, like a, like a new Chrysler.
I like, like, I'm 20 with a fucking hearty.
How many people do you know they're that young and fucking heartiest?
I thought that shit wouldn't supposed to happen.
You're like 60 or some shit.
Yeah, but it happens because like an abdominal walk
and have a weak spot when it formed
and like you don't know about,
it could just be like a defect, you know?
This is giving me this ball injection flashbacks.
This is giving me that same pain in my balls.
So how much comes out and can we see a picture?
Oh. You wanna show we see a picture? Oh.
You want to show up on a picture.
I, it wouldn't, it's like, it goes behind it.
So it's like, it wouldn't show up on a picture?
No, it's like the nanobot stick.
Yeah, it's like a, it's in a spot.
So it's like in the center stack.
It's like right there.
So it's not really like, right on the side not really like, you can see it if you pulled
it to the side and like, but I'm not going to do that.
You're like a busted Furby. Like you got stuffing coming out of your seams down there.
Not like a, not from the seams, but sort of internally, you can say that.
How much comes out?
Like, what's the most you've ever popped out of your body?
And it's like, I just think you've ever whacked.
It's been, it's basically started, it started like pea size, right?
So when I first thought I'm like, okay, well, it's probably just cancer or something like
that some probably good cancer.
No big deal.
Yeah, I mean, if it's cancer like,, or something equally deadly, my thought on that is it's
going to be so expensive and out of outlandish to even worry about trying to fix or even treat
I'm just going to say you're saying.
I'm going to go.
Wait, wait a minute.
You're a reaction to having ball cancer is that it's probably too expensive to fix.
So fuck it.
That's how.
Yeah, I mean, what the fuck are you seeing with mother?
We've got a condition to think like that in this country.
Just take on debt, you idiot. Just take on the fucking debt and be bankrupt.
I can't go ahead and build some mother fuck. I can't take on any of this.
What's another 300k then? If you've already got thirty just three hundred curious cancer and declare bankruptcy
i can't i can't take out that for sure
i got
uh... school right now i can't take out student loans like it i don't have a
co-signer and i don't have credit
and i don't have
i have a talk about
because i was like sixteen
i was on a thirty day in a bill from the state.
Not in loans.
I have like two great in loans that I qualified for free.
But everything else is just, they just said, fuck you buddy.
So I got like 30K there.
I got no, the 2K in hospital bills relating to this
that they never figured out.
But I had to diagnose it myself.
So fuck knocked this.
And another fucked up is from the job.
Absolutely. They can't even tell this guy even though I don't know.
Maybe you got three balls. They're like, you're fucking job. So maybe I didn't want to
have to deal with this shit. You fucking. That's it. That's a val. Okay. What causes it? Is
there anything that causes it to you to top out? Yeah. What happens if you take a shit?
I'm so. I haven't been able to.
I was fighting, I was doing MMA.
I think I DMed you on Twitter a while ago,
because I was gonna call into the voicemail,
but I do MMA shit and I fight.
And when I got kicked out of the house and I was 16,
I started that and I was doing it like 30 hours a week,
like all the time.
Fucking I would go to work.
I would get up at like five in the morning,
go to work for like eight to 10 hours, get off work, go to the gym, and from the time they opened to the time. Fucking I would go to work. I would get up like five in the morning, go to work for like eight to 10 hours, get off work, go to the gym and from the time they
opened to the closed. And I would do it again every day. And that's shit. That best time
my fucking life. And now I can't go to the gym. Fucking all because it was closed. And
that's it opens again. Oh, guess what? You're going to fucking shit your balls out your
ass if you do that. So have fun. Would you like MMA and like rub your hernia against other guys face?
Yeah, just that you're finishing move.
You know submission by gross out.
Yeah, submission by real man.
I mean, in like a Mortal Kombat finisher, I grab it.
I yank out the intestines like,
I'm starting to move with it.
That's pretty funny.
That's pretty fucking funny actually.
Like a fiber wire, I'm like, ah.
So what's the biggest, what's the biggest mole?
What's the biggest amount that's ever come out?
Um, I couldn't quantify it like golf ball size.
Oh, golf ball size.
That's, oh dude, you're fine.
It's like starting to hurt a little bit now. So this is why I'm like kind of getting urgent about trying to get on here and
Shill to get it fixed. Do you think like maybe
In the general for it a tiny roll link and there's also another
Wordpress link. It's don't bust my tiny or all calm force us don't bust my balls to redirect to the go funny
If you're just listening on Tuesday.
How long is it going to cost? How long has it been like this?
About nine, nine to 11 once now.
I like it.
Oh, good.
It's around.
And if they cost between like the low end is four grand and the high end is 12 and a half.
That's it.
So I said to kind of like say, okay, because I don't want the, like I don't want to public
the fender of doctors working here by balls because if something went wrong, now beggars
can't be choosers after what I got.
It's just an end.
It's something that happens to my testicles.
Why don't you just get insurance?
Why don't you just get insurance? Why don't you just get insurance?
Is a pre, there you can't stop somebody
with a pre-existing condition.
I can't, insurance is fucking expensive, dude.
I'm barely paying right now.
I haven't had insurance.
But isn't it, it's cheaper.
Yeah, it's cheaper.
Yeah, isn't it cheaper to just get it for like a month
and then go get the surgery?
So you don't have to pay cash.
If I could fucking, mate, I don't know where to go. I tried to do it. I
sure. I think you have to wait until like 2021 for that. I don't
only do that.
I'm not a good. Oh, right.
So you need, you need four grind to get the doctor neck version. The upstairs
Hollywood medical school, Paul Tuck, and you need 12k for the Lexus premiere,
school, the ball tuck and you need 12k for the Lexus premiere. I put it like seven because I could probably get out with like five six and then in case
like I have to recover and have to like if I like I can't work if I have stitches in
my fucking crotch that need to heal probably. Like I, at least it's limited.
So I don't know how long there'll be,
how many hours I'll be able to get it work.
So that's just kind of for, right?
Are you worse receipts of everything?
Because I wanna, like I'm not,
because I fucking hate this go-fun me shit.
Because every time I see it,
it's someone trying to scam and squeeze money out of people.
Like fucking makes me sick.
So like, they can squeeze money out of me
when you squeeze out your intestines.
What's up?
No, nothing.
I've just taken a breath.
I'm gonna leave it.
You can't take a picture in the next time a golf ball pops out.
I can, I'm not posting pictures of my nuts.
Yeah, you're telling me you want to see this picture.
Yeah, I want to see what I'm putting my money in.
Yeah, so can you work right see this picture? Yeah. I want to see what I'm putting my money in. Can you work
right now? What? I can. But I'd like, recently I just stopped lifting heavy shit. Like, I
can still, like, I've been working. It's not like, that's why I didn't think it was a big deal
because I can still do shit. It's not hurting me. Can you have sex? And when I'm around,
then explain to me that it like push like the fact that I have to
fuck with it so often.
It'll eventually like it can kink up my insides.
Where shit will be clogged in there.
A Labrador.
Like a dog.
A Labrador.
A Labrador.
Can you have sex?
Do you have a girlfriend?
No, I don't.
No, girls have cooties, bro.
Okay, that's cool.
That's cool.
That's cool. Yeah, we'll let that check.
Yeah, he's right there.
Can you do like, can you use like a butt plug like that journalist did with fall guys,
would that help at all to keep it in there, or maybe some duct tape?
Can you, you know, put pressure on there?
I imagine I would put your foot forward and make it worse.
Like a, see, some kind of like down the drain, like a, like a fucked up slinky.
It's kind of a clamp, you know.
Why did you get kicked out of the house when you were 16?
Um, I think, I think the fucking statue limitation is up.
So I'll talk about it.
Uh, basically some, some other stuff.
All right.
All right.
Just about.
I'm fucking sorry about that. Let me ask. All right, all right
Some ass I didn't know I wasn't a church
To start telling everybody hey so and so so crosswords which I
Record would never do that. Oh
And it's just crosswords. We got around and Ren I had to leave the house
And mom's a little crazy luckily my aunt took me in and whatever.
That was good.
But you were selling crosswords?
I'm sorry, but I'm a little bit wild.
But industrious young man tries to start his own business selling
an entertainment product that most of America uses and he's
punished for it.
That's America for you.
I'm still pissed to brag.
I need to get on brap right now, because it's stupid as fucking,
he said, oh, roro, or police are here.
Oh, fucking, I have to, my actions have consequences now.
I need to start selling on everybody for shit that I don't need to tell on.
The fucking asshole, this fucking asshole says, oh, he said, oh, well,
I'm gonna do my job in the military.
Prove you knew shit
Prove you knew what goddamn thing. Prove you knew a fucking goddamn thing. All right, you're talking about
You're talking about the the bonus episode where Brapp called in and said there was a drug bus that is house
And then he decided to give the police a description of the people who left
Hey, you guys know where they left a minute ago and he decided to give the police a description of the people who left. Yeah. He was over and said,
Hey, you guys know where they left a minute ago.
You know what you say?
If they come up to you and they say shit,
Hey, sir, where were you like 20 months ago?
Did you see anything?
Oh, I was on the moon.
I don't know.
I'm actually, yeah.
I was at my lawyer's office.
I was, we were talking about how you never talked
to the police.
I was fingering my intestines back out of my balls in the box.
I have a description of those guys that were here
giving crimes and trying to get on your fingers right there.
I got a crab somewhere.
I rolled it up.
I was like, between one and 12 of them, there was like,
there were in either a car, maybe a SUV.
I think it was actually a school bus now.
I think about it.
There's all the kids for rocket power. There was in the bag that, maybe SUV. I think it was actually a school bus now. I think about it. There's all the kids for rocket power.
There is in the bag that a pillow cocaine
that we've done, but around doing little tricks and shit.
They're fucking right.
I think they're heading northbound actually, right?
Maybe south, might be in southbound.
Might be in southbound.
I'm bad with directions.
I wrote the description down and everybody involved.
And I rolled it up on a piece of paper
and shoved it way in my ass.
So you guys are welcome to go reach in there and grab it.
I'm all about Arnie, actually, that's what the image is.
All right.
Do you have anything that makes you a rage?
What should I call you?
I'm not calling you 58.35.
I think we're gonna say chords.
Chords, okay.
By the way, I want to say another thing about the go fund me.
If for whatever reason there's excess shit, I'm going to another thing about the GoFundMe. For whatever reason, there's excess shit.
I'm going to be sending it over to Orrin Sisters.
She has a brain system.
He has a GoFundMe as well.
I want to deploy that.
And I'm going to deploy a competition.
His Sisters GoFundMe as well on the WordPress thing for the Tuesday listeners if they want
to go because it was on a bonus episode.
So I want to make sure everyone can see it.
Sister has a brain system. If you want to go through everyone can see it. Okay. This has a brain system.
We want to go through shit.
If you go to don't,
you can find that there as well, but NeathMar.
Okay, so we'll do it.
We'll see who can raise more money.
The ball is bad.
The Battle of the Bulges.
It's a woman's brain.
The woman's brain versus a man's balls.
The Battle of the Bulges.
What's about the same intellect?
The Italian will be here next week because of his shitty chain is a man's balls. Right. The battle of the bulges. About the same intellect.
I'll be here next week because of his shitty chain link investments. This motherfucker,
he bought, he bought in chain link at $15. I forget when he bought it. He bought his shits
on. He's like, oh shit, oh shit. It's going up. It's going up. It's going to 12. It's
going to 12. Yeah. Sell it. Sell it at 12. It went to 18. That's my little fucking money. 18, he bought it to 18.
And when it goes to 10, he got $200 at 18.
He goes to 10. He's gonna be here next week
to raise money for his coronavirus and his mortgage
because his dumb ass is losing all his money
and he's fucking giving you.
This fucking idiot.
Oh my, this is the worst thing I've ever done.
He told me he got made fun of by fucking Amish kids when he was growing up. How the fuck do you get made fun of I'm just a little bit more serious. I'm just a little bit more serious. I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious.
I'm just a little bit more serious. I'm just a little bit more serious. getting high on your out there for the wagon. Anyway, what makes me a rage is podcast host who think they saw the fucking last of
me a while ago when I called into the voicemail.
What did I do?
You motherfuckin.
You thought you could get away with talking about Texas like that, motherfucker?
Oh, I was getting away with my Texas.
Oh, Texas.
Texas is about to be LA.
I got bad news for you. We're sending you all of our celebrities. Austin spreading.
You said he said Houston deserved the floods, which I fucking disagree with you motherfucker, but you got it on my side.
He's trying to trick me out when you said Boston deserve the bombing. So you know, I'd agree with it.
You know what I agree with that Boston deserve the bombings you motherfucker, but then you said the Houston shit. I had to call I had to call and I mean it brought them together
It it caused them to cheat to win a world series didn't it
Houston as not cheating dumbass putting cameras trash can ain't she it's called the home field advanced for their reason
in the trash can. You're using a resource as a motherfucker.
You're using these resources.
I was laughing.
You win more of user resources.
Fucking dummy.
Sounds like what sounds like a fun game.
It doesn't matter.
You're fucking a head signal's matter at all.
They don't.
You know what?
If it didn't matter, you know how many blind fucking.
You don't know what the matter?
Because you got one and you suck.
They do this fucking.
It's the biggest advantage that one has ever had in it. You're trying to have to fuck to a motherfucker. You think it for your cheatery and your invasive cheatery and your treachery.
You're banned from Australia. You're woman of treachery.
Everybody bull to go that they ask is a no-fly zone to you, motherfucker.
Can't come here.
Come here.
We're sending you all of our worst.
We're sending you Joe Rogan.
We're sending you Elon Musk.
We're going to send you all the rapists and all the Hollywood rapists.
And you know the DMT and fucked up cars that try to drive, all the cars that drive like
women to Texas, I guess.
You're gonna love it.
You're gonna love it.
We're gonna take L.A. and we're gonna spread it all over Texas like SRAN rap.
If I see you in Texas, you better up your background, some other fuckers.
Because I'm sending you a baby ass to the doom dimension.
I'm dropping the doom car to get you.
Not for you.
All right, good.
All right, don't you get that.
Good at it.
You're gonna be a monster bitch. Good at it. So don't you get it. Get out of here.
You're watching you.
You're watching you.
You're watching you.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here.
Get out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. Get this motherfucker money. All right, good. Good to be at the floor. God see, Jesus Christ.
Greatest call of all time, probably.
Guys, a real zeal.
Guys, that guy talks with a lot of
Hutzboth or having his intestines in his ball sack.
Do you want to do some Sean's animal corner?
Yeah, sure, why not? Okay.
Since that doesn't seem to be going away.
Ellen Rose said Sean's animal.
Oh, I know, Ellen from Australia.
Oh yeah, you always got to throw that in.
Otters are cute, but they're degenerates.
They'll kill and otter their plowing and just keep going until they're done.
And then maybe just plow the dead otter for a week or so.
Did you know that?
I did not.
All right, Ellen, you've stopped.
I did not shod.
I know that mallard ducks are rapists.
Oh yeah?
And they will, yep.
Prove it.
That's, you can find them real easy.
That makes you the text.
They'll do it.
They'll text it em back.
Oh, I really loved our time.
You wanna fuck me like that again.
Oh, they'll do it to dead too.
I took a picture of the bruises to show you how you own me.
They'll try it with other species too.
Yeah, but I know.
I didn't know otters were rapists.
Well, no, no.
It just says necrophiles.
Does that mean rapists?
Oh, oh, yeah, you can't rape a corpse, can you?
No, but I thought it was just, I thought it was like rape and then they killed
and utter they're they're killing otter they're plowing. So it's that's
lies consent. Okay, what a what a pie or not. Displiant. All right. Wow.
I know another one. This is not know that this is from Bill Bill. He says you're
three and oh, but he's gonna stump you. Oh, I just got stumped. Yeah,
I landed with like it was nothing.
Uh, which animal?
That sounds like an Alan fact.
She knows all about fucking chorus.
Girls come up to you with, with crazy, you know,
degenerate stats like that.
And he's like, all right, I see what, I see what's going on.
Uh, which ant, question?
Which animal has the largest penis size relative to its body?
Make him answer, he could just cheat
and say he knows the answer. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, say the answer, like, oh, I knew that already. So how is that a knowledge test is saying, telling them the answer and asking them if they
knew that or not.
And that's much more valid.
And it's just so confrontational to make someone perform.
That's not how this game works.
Which animal has the largest penis relative to its body size?
The answer is the barnacle.
Did you know that?
That's one.
I'm overjoyed.
Oh man, you're getting ace today.
Which animal has a foreheaded penis?
The answer is the echidna.
Did you know that?
I did know that they have multi-headed.
Yeah, I'll take that. I knew that.
See, if I said which animal had a forehead had penis,
you'd go like, I don't, fucking, I don't know.
The echidna, I think the echidna also,
the echidna also lays eggs, I believe.
I knew that.
The mammal.
But if you had said, I would have said,
I don't know, a platypus or something, women.
What does a female praying mantis do
after banging answer is eats the male?
Did you know that?
I think everyone here, yeah, definitely.
That actually you lose your original point
because that was so obvious Bill.
So you got zero and Sean got one.
So I'm one and two.
Yeah, one for three, right?
Cool, that's another good.
Well, I, yeah, yeah.
There's definitely stuff out there about animals that I don't know.
I'm about your caller defending Kyle, all the 17 year old Rambo. I believe that was blacklight. Your call. This is from Pedro. Your caller who was arguing with you about Kyle and how we have to do something to stop the zombie riots.
Is a perfect example of the end result of the US government's patriotic conditioning.
You know our school system is based
on a Prussian military school
that they use to condition the kids
for military service only.
The whole Pledge of Allegiance.
When did we start, I think we started making
that a normal thing in like the 50s, right?
Yeah, it was a Pledge of Allegiance, it was like an anti-communist thing.
Oh, for sure. Yeah. It was done. Yeah.
But we still do it. This is exactly why Americans are in love with the superhero movies recently.
Currently, they all have a hero complex. None of them realized that the government,
whether federal or state don't give a shit about you, I think that survey says otherwise.
That was like 12% of people trust the government.
I think we know the government's out of fuck us
probably why we want a superhero.
Yeah, I mean, I think that's also,
a lot of people just go,
well, yeah, there's a ton of crooks in there
and shit like that.
So it's like, I think some people actually sort of think,
like, depending on who's in power,
they think like, oh, we got the good guys in.
Oh, yeah.
I think so.
But as a whole, I don't trust them.
But I think we got that, you know, that's what it seems like.
I wish there was like a vaccine for believing in politicians, you know?
They don't realize that your employer does not give a shit about you.
I agree with you,
nobody should put their life at risk for their job
or even if they are getting their wallet stolen.
Unless you're the owner of the company,
if you're working for a company,
I would say they are always getting more out of you
than you are of them.
Yeah, of course.
It's just the, and people don't,
this, but don't risk a lot more too.
Company, yeah, it's true, but working't risk a lot more to company. Yeah,
it's true. But working for some of these, you know, like being a company guy, loyal
of the, dude, you don't owe them a god damn thing because they will fucking cut ties with
you so quick you can't even believe it. I'd rather have my car stolen and get killed or
maimed by someone. Kyle's employer at the dealership asked him to help him protect his business.
I bet Kyle's boss didn't guarantee him his job
for the next 20 years.
What if the dealership ends up closing in the next two years?
His sacrifice would have been for nothing,
even more than, even more so than now.
I mean, what if he was maimed?
What if he got shot in the,
he like, he shot that guy in the arm.
People are posting it, the hilarious meme.
Do you realize how small the, like, he shot the arm he had, the guy had with a gun that he
was pulling out to execute him?
If he had shot him in the chest where it was supposed to, he might have still been executed.
That was the most shocking thing to me is seeing the arm wound.
Ah, look at his arm.
Look at his arm.
Are you fucking serious?
You know, hard that is to hit.
It is like, that's a miracle.
It's like Apollo 11 landing.
Oh yeah, got him.
Did he guarantee him a living wage?
If he got maimed, defending his fucking dealership.
And, and is a 17 year old kid who wants to go out to get a sex change?
Are we supporting that life changing decision now too?
Collectively, I just want to know for the record.
Yeah, no, I know.
I just want to know, because one could have got his dick blown off or put in a wheelchair
for the rest of his fucking life.
People need to chill the fuck out and stop wanting to be a hero for corporations or the government.
If you see someone stealing something at Walmart, it's not your problem.
Man, I remember having this conversation as a kid.
Like, people would talk about working at Blockbuster and that they would be instructed
to not interfere with severy and it would surprise them.
Like, why would we?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Like, if you get hurt, that's a fucking massive insurance.
Oh, yeah.
Are you kidding? About a yeah, yeah. Like, if you get hurt, that's a fucking massive insurance pad. Oh, yeah. Are you kidding?
So, about a $10 DVD.
Walmart is not gonna pay you for stopping a thief
and saving their merchandise.
The government does compensate people for joining the army.
If you wanna be a hero so bad, then join the army.
They actually pay you to join, sacrifice your life, play hard,
to get they off for you more money.
And as you alluded to on the episode,
the army targets younger men,
because they are more likely to make a dumb decision and want to play hero for you more money. And as you alluded to on the episode, the army targets younger men, because they are more likely to make a dumb decision in one-play hero for you without
measuring risk versus reward. Does your collar seem to forget that 17-year-olds are very
emotional? A girlfriend or boyfriend dumps them and they think it's the end of the world.
When you're 40 years old, you get dumped and you simply shrug the pain off and keep moving
forward because part of you expected things to go south anyway. Seems to me like your caller send to the agent
when I say, oh, I don't need to be throwing these.
All right.
I think that's enough of that.
That's a good email.
Thank you, Pat.
Yes, yes.
Oh, okay.
Did I say anyone else could call in?
Johnson Brown is Johnson Brown in there?
Johnson Brown.
I know that it puts up.
Whoa, how the hell did you do that?
It's magic. Magic Johnson towers.. I know. What's up? Whoa, how the hell did you do that? It's magic.
Magic Johnson towers. Okay, so you are, you released your game, right?
It's releasing fully on Tuesday. Okay, full release. Full release. Plug it. What's it about?
Where can people go? It's an RTS and tower defense hybrid. You can just look for a
colony C John steam, but if you're a dickhead, just join the Patreon Discord and DM me,
and I'll send you a free copy. So, Dixiel Listener is for free. And I made a little promo
video in the live show links. Okay, let me see it. Wait, Orin has no internal monologue.
Are you fucking serious?
Orin, call in next week.
Wait, what?
He has no internal monologue.
I've read about this.
All right, let me pull out this video.
Live links?
No, live stream chat.
Somebody sent a link about Doug Raebus. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Oh, there's a Dixiel mode. All right. Nice.
So this is an RTS. What's that like, plants versus zombies?
Kind of is that what an RTS is?
No, that's rabbit.
The time is over.
This is rabbits.
Is that what RTS is?
No, no, I don't think so.
It's like, um,
Like, command and conquer, Red Alert.
Yeah, there you go. Okay. Got it. Here we go. Third time after
rewind all the references by 10 years to get what the hell people are talking about.
Damn it. Yeah. There was no place for Dick and Colony C's but he was all right. I'm flying around.
Sean, look at this. You asshole. Sorry. You missed the fucking cameo. Look, there, I'm flying around
on an odd, I have autism shirt in the game.
It's pretty awesome.
Also presenting crippled Jesus is in the game too.
He only in the chair.
That is fucking hilarious.
I'm gonna be funny. I don't stand for this.
This is brilliant.
Oh my god. Play with Dicks.
Okay, there's two of me.
I'm America's worst Mexican. All right, thank you.
And thank you for not killing yourself.
That's great, man.
How long you been working on this?
About four years.
Four years.
Oh my God.
Yeah, that's funny.
You'll need the chair.
Yeah, I did the artwork, but yeah, about four years.
So, kind of nice to finally be done with it.
Yeah, there's a Dixiel mode, so you just type in everything as a contest at the main star map.
And you'll have Dick and Cripple Jesus.
That's awesome.
Everything is a contest. Where can you get this game? Is it like Steam?
Yeah, just look for colony siege on steam, but again, like if you're on Patreon on the Dix show
Just join the discord and DM me and I'll give you a free key. That's nice of you
Does anything make you a rage?
Oh lately. Yeah a lot
I think one specific thing take a minute think about it
I'm gonna read I'm just to read some of this advice stuff.
Think about what makes you rich.
Sounds good.
I think I figured out a way to play Steam games at home, like broadcasting them to another
I think so.
I don't know.
I got to check it out.
Chocolonysheesh. Is it coloniesheesh. I don't think so. I don't know. I gotta check it out. ChikolaniCege, is it
That works too.
This is Rafi L. Hey, Dick, I'm a freshman in college
in California, so yeah, I'm broke.
I wanna start doing crypto, not trying to put all my eggs
in one basket, but I wanna know.
I wanna start, I know virtually nothing.
I wanna start, I know virtually nothing about crypto.
Do you have any advice, dude?
A Zoomers do not use punctuation.
I know.
It's fucking, it blows my mind.
Yeah, I know.
They just, they just go.
I used a semi-colon with one once and he ran away.
Yeah, he just ran home.
Freaked him out.
He thought it was a ghost.
This literally has no punctuation at all.
Hey, dick, no punctuation.
I'm a freshman in college in California, no punctuation,
so no punctuation.
Yeah, no punctuation, I'm broke, no punctuation.
I wanna start doing crypto.
I don't wanna feel punctuation.
I need to get the punctuation.
I know there's like shortcuts and stuff,
but I mean, you can just do double spaces and get a period.
You can at least get a period.
I know.
No punctuation, not trying to put all my eggs
into one basket, no punctuation,
but I want to start no punctuation.
I know virtually nothing about crypto, no punctuation.
Do you have any advice, no punctuation?
In, quote.
Well, just ask Cantillians what he does and do the opposite.
If he's buying, if he's selling chain link, buy it.
Funny. If he's selling it.
No, you gotta know, well, you gotta know something, man,
or else like, what are you doing?
And also go to class once in a while.
Go to class.
You're fucking, your structure needs work.
Read what the fuck is Bitcoin, punch that in there.
You don't know anything. You have to know what a question mark is, though.
You have to use the question mark,
put it in front of the sentence,
put it anywhere in the sentence,
it doesn't matter.
If you don't learn at least a little bit
about what you're putting your money into,
why do you think it's gonna work?
Like, why do you think it's gonna work
if you know nothing?
Virtually nothing is nothing.
So read a little bit about it.
Just read the basics.
Don't be freaked out by the little points on the page.
Be in it for the long run.
Yeah, you're not, you're a kid.
You're a kid, yeah.
So you have the long run.
Put a little bit in, put a little bit in every month.
And then I saw this thing that said retirees have an average of $45,000
in savings. Yeah, which is nothing. Nothing. Like, you're supposed to have 10 times your salary
from your retire, saved up. Yeah, yeah. And they have nothing, virtually nothing, such
that like, what state you're in? Ch chances are you're going to live quite a while
after retirement.
They should be praying for COVID more than me.
Put them out of their misery.
Put a little bit in no matter what it is, put a little bit in every month for the rest
of your life.
Girlfriend problems, please advice.
Hey, Dick, thank you for not killing yourself.
I'm a big fan of the show.
Your high energy ranting keeps, helps me kickstart my brain
every morning on my commute.
I never thought I would actually write into the show,
but here I am.
I've got myself into a sticky situation.
I need some advice.
And this scenario is something I'm sure you have experience with.
What gets semen out of hair?
Why would you want to get it out?
It's the wear out.
I'll try to keep this short and sweet.
I have been with my girlfriend for a year now.
We were both currently 25 years old.
Okay, I have experience with that.
Things are going great.
I don't have experience with that.
Without getting too deep into it,
we both love each other.
And we want to start a family
within the next few years.
Don't have any experience with that.
One and one. One out of three. One for three. You ask, she is drop dead gorgeous. Ten out of ten. And we want to start a family within the next few years. Don't have any experience with that. Nope.
One out of three.
One for three.
You ask, she has dropped dead gorgeous.
10 out of 10, I've never, I've only, I've only did a nine out of 10s.
I'm afraid you always gotta give them a little bit of, you know, room for, right.
Yeah, you got it.
Right, he's got to remove one point for his team.
10 out of 10.
Yeah, right.
They're done.
They're out.
But more importantly, we are very compatible
and we both feel lucky to have one another.
So she has huge tits.
Why else would you say all those things?
A lot of such, yeah.
The topic of marriage has come up several times,
but we just quickly agree that we are both not interested in it.
And then the conversation is over.
You want me to, I haven't read this.
You want me to predict what happens next.
Well, except that they are at least one of them
is very interested in it.
If not both of them are very interested in it.
Yeah, it turns out both of them are very extremely
interested in it.
Now to my problem.
Recently, she's had a change of heart.
He used to colon here.
That's nice, thanks.
But then he capitalized the
R and recently. So she wants to get married. And she wants my assurance that I'm going to
marry her eventually. Yeah, that's called marriage. Like the fucking the millennia started
with the millennials. That's probably started with Gen X, honestly, turning dating into this prolonged quasi marriage, like
dating became engagement.
And then this retarded back and forth negotiation about, well, you know, just, I don't want
to be married, but if we were to get married, I'd like to know that we're doing it eventually
in a proposal to me.
We're not calling it a proposal, but that's what this is.
This conversation has come up a few times now i handle it by assuring her
that i will absolutely commit myself to her completely
but that i will not
marry her
always got a keep it a hundred john
always tell them exactly what you're thinking
uh... and then defend it. Right.
When she can make a their fault, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
When she presses the issue,
why do you make me do this?
Why do you make me,
why do you make me think about this?
Look what you,
look what you did to me.
When she presses the issue,
I ask her,
see now let me tell you where you're wrong here.
It should be phrased when she gives me a second chance to give her the right answer.
I ask her what we can do after marriage that we can't do now.
Well, he's in, see, he's still engaged.
Well, be married.
That's what it is.
Yeah, he's married.
He's engaging in this.
It's just as important to you that she is on board with He's married. He's engaging in this. Right.
It's just as important to you that she is on board with your not marry fantasy
as it is to her that you're on board with her marry fantasy.
When you really just have to say,
nothing's changed in my thinking.
Like I still don't wanna get married.
I like things the way that they are.
Are you insane?
Yeah, no.
Do you want to have a fight?
Well, no, that's, she then she can walk out the door
if she gets, but I don't think she'll do it.
Well, you don't want, what do you,
what is, what kind of negotiation is this?
It's just, I don't negotiate with terrorists. I mean, that's it. Fuck you.
If you, unless things, all that you know, things change, but I'm not like,
life sounds like a fun conversation.
Right now, sure.
I, it's, that's why you would handle this?
Yes, I have.
You don't have to, I believe you.
You don't have to engage further.
I ask what we can do after marriage that we can't do now.
She never has an answer, that stupid bitch.
And the conversation usually fizzles out, and she drops it.
But I can tell that on some level, she feels like she's being treated like some kind of hoe.
Yeah, I mean, they will do that.
I love her, and I hate to make her feel this way.
But marriage is a raw deal.
So here's my question.
How can I express to my girlfriend
that I will never marry her without?
I mean, you never say never to.
Oh, is your negotiating after all?
Well, you can change your mind.
So you would say, no, but I might change my mind.
I'll say, see how you're behaving.
I'm, see how your behavior improves.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with her.
It's unstated.
It has to do with you, not her.
You mean yourself.
Without making her feel like shit,
you can't make women not feel like shit.
First of all, that's also...
From postures.
They love, that's their favorite thing to do.
What were you gonna say?
Well, I mean, there's a way, if you're mean about it,
then that's one thing, but it's like,
you're not, if she, she may feel like shit,
if you tell her that, that's not on you, dude.
That's not on you.
Don't ask me to lie, because I am embarrassingly terrible
at it.
Thank you and go fuck yourself.
Oh, you don't want, you can't lie?
How the fuck are you supposed to have maintain a happy relationship without lying?
What are you?
It's first thing out of your mouth.
I'll try this one.
Always have a, always have a series of cute animal videos.
So that when she pops, when you can feel the marriage
convo coming, just whip it out like quick drop.
How about this shit?
Ooh, these baby chinchillas.
It's like fight, it's a fight kryptonite.
Yeah, yeah.
By dog, they'll shut her up.
Yeah, that's like basically marriage light.
Because the easiest way out of this question
and you know it is, yeah, yep.
Well, yeah, sure.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And you're gonna have to, of course.
Well, when, when, bam, soon,
you're gonna have to,
any day now.
You're gonna have to keep lying.
Any, that's, yes.
Yeah, I know.
That's like, it's just so much
fucking easier.
That's like pretty much everybody.
I changed my mind about wanting to get married.
You want to do it?
Now, it's not, it's not romantic enough right now.
Let's wait till we're, throw up impediments that are, you know what?
I need, we need to be both secure in our careers.
So we need a lecture, we're getting up impossible.
Because thenchmark,
We want a destination wedding in the, in the Himalayas. Yeah. We got to wait till this COVID thing blows over
and all these tensions racially have to be cured. And I'm worried about like the economy.
Yeah, I can't fix that. That's got to be fixed. I can't get married until everyone who
wants to get married can get married. Yeah, I don't feel right about it.
It's kind of a sticking point for me.
My buddy, I need to get him married.
Unless everyone gets, unless everyone in the world gets the same rights and privileges
and, you know, as I do, as we do, then it's just not, it's immoral to get married.
Isn't this more fun than having a conversation about?
Well, of course it's more fun.
You know, I actually, I promised my, have this really weird like hang up, I promised my,
my parents were pretty, had a pretty rough thing.
So I thought maybe we just do something a little different, not actually, we did not
call it marriage, you know, something, like, we're living together.
We want to get a dog, you want to get a dog today?
We want to get a dog.
What's it going to take for me to, put you in a good conversation? Right. What's it going gonna take for me to put you in a bit of this conversation?
What's it gonna take for me to put you?
What can I do?
So there you go.
Let us know how that works out for you.
But whatever you do, don't argue about it.
Do either lie or do shons one and done, do not argue about it.
Spongy says, hey, Dick, I know you have a big platform. He's talking about
my penis. And it's been a while since I've contacted you, so I won't waste your time.
If you're busy, I really appreciate it if you reply.
Ty, you're wasting time. You're wasting a lot of time. I feel like these kinds of viewpoints,
questions are often redundant since it all comes to how the other person applies, whatever
is said, or if it suits them.
And I know you get a lot of questions for advice.
I mean, this is always in time, man.
Since you seemingly seem like the only one of the few people
on the internet with their life and shit together.
Yeah, probably.
This is except for Nick, probably.
This is maybe a question you've answered in the show too,
so don't get a lot of pressure.
This is a lot of pressure.
I know he wants, I know why he's doing it,
but yeah, okay, go ahead.
And his own mind, that's why.
Problem's gonna be something to do with that.
Don't keep pissing me,
it's just hard knowing exactly what episode to look for.
Short story, this is where the short story begins.
Since I dropped out of school at 15, I'm now 19,
I've had no consistent social friend
group or aspirations in my life.
Yeah, that's pretty normal, but I'm severely lifeless, can't focus, rarely leave the house,
isolated, lack passion, and a sense of personal freedom to the point where I nearly killed
myself, two words at 16. and a sense of personal freedom to the point where I nearly killed myself
towards at 16. So he's very depressed.
To press. No doubt about that. Your checks all the boxes.
Your chaotic sometimes loyalty to your sense of liberties in the face of any kind of adversity
from your audience or its political leanings or beliefs as an example,
and your consistency to not give a fuck is inspiring
in a pretty neutered and dickless society.
Is there any advice to achieve that mindset?
I keep hoping some kind of rock bottom
brings out a radical change in me and attitude.
We've get this question, something's going on with the audio, huh?
Let me give it a little pause.
Do you want to pause it and start it again?
Yeah, we get this question kind of a lot.
And with the specific caveat of I'm waiting for rock bottom to force me into making
a change.
Oh, it was just, I don't know.
Did Hollywood do that to us?
Did Hollywood train us into thinking that like there is a rock bottom that exists that you
cannot sink any lower than and that you're waiting for and that you will move in the opposite
direction once you hit it.
There's no guarantee you go anywhere.
Yeah, there's a,
you could stay there the rest of your life.
And I'm not, I'm not being funny about it.
That's what most people do.
Um, there's a, who go down that, that road.
Yeah, there's a thing in investing called the dead cat bounce,
meaning that if you drop anything from a high enough height,
it'll bounce.
Yeah, sure.
That's what life is.
There's not a rock bottom that you're gonna bounce
a ball off of and turn into this,
whatever idealized self you have, you're fucking 19, man.
You get literally nothing.
If you think there's a rock bottom,
if you hit it hard enough, you will bounce,
but it's not what you think it is.
I think, let me see here, your K-O,
for fucking unplug, you're not giving a,
is there any advice to achieve that mindset
and your consistency to not give a fuck
is inspiring and a pretty neutered and do,
I mean, I'm fucking old, man, I'm old.
I see people get manipulated all the time.
You see it all the fucking time.
I'm fight, I'm arguing with Andy Warsky over that, that retarded lolly debate retarded
to me because I've seen it every fucking decade.
I was alive when they said mortal combat, the video game and night trap, the video game
appeals to the pernicious and prurient desires
of our teenagers and as soon as they get bored of that,
they will go start committing actual crimes.
And as a kid, I thought, I mean, I don't know,
maybe that's right, but now I look back
at those things, they look like a fucking joke.
And everything that seems important will eventually look
like a fucking joke.
Every woman you love, every adversity you face at all, it's just nothing.
It will look, it will be, it will be an asterisk in a, in a biography that you will write as a
boomer that nobody wants to read. Well, I think these days that we're living in, I don't think we've ever been victims of
being prisoners of the moment in history as much as we have now.
Oh, interesting.
I think we're really, everything is just so important right now and last week didn't
happen and next week isn't going to happen.
It's just what the fuck right now and we're just jumping from that in this heightened state. Yeah. Your life at your age is ruled by women. Your tastes and desires
are set by teenage girls. Your freedoms are restricted by adult women, whether it's your mother
or the school system or even fucking college, which
are themselves restricted by an additional layer of women.
I'm going to guess that he's not even that interested in, and I don't know if he's,
maybe interested in girls or whatever, but if he's sounding from that, it doesn't seem
like he really has like the wherewithal to really just want to go out and do stuff and have friends and go be social.
If you're depressed, dude, you don't want to be social.
But you have to be.
You have to work out.
You have to work out.
Wait, I brought in a study on this.
Oh, working out is, yeah.
Let me see, let me see if I have it.
It said,
aerobic exercise, brain-to-study decreased symptoms of major depression by 55%.
Those who saw the greatest benefits showed signs of higher reward processing in their brains,
pre-treatment, suggesting we could target exercise treatments for those people for whom
it would be most effective.
No doubt.
They've, I remember growing up in school, they're saying,
exercise is good for not just your body,
it's good for your mind.
It's like we've seen, you know, at least,
you know, anecdotal evidence of that for a long, long time.
Yeah, you know, it's, yeah.
You have to work out.
Feel better about yourself.
It's everything, it's good for you.
You have to hang out with people,
you have to, even though they're a fucking nightmare, you have to do it or you will become
You will waste a lot of years that you can be spending developing multiple talents.
That's true.
And when you do try to drag yourself out of it, maybe go on to talk to a therapist or something
like that, you'll have to get over the regret of, I wish I had done this sooner.
I mean, this is why having a dad is so important because they'll just make you do shit.
That you're fucking hate as a kid.
And you'll look back and you'll go, God, I learned more doing that.
It really is one of the, one of the trueisms where, you know, like someday, kind of the
someday you'll understand type of thing. And you go, oh, maybe they did trueisms where, you know, like someday, the kind of the someday
you'll understand type of thing.
And you go, oh, maybe they did know, maybe they did know something.
They're just designed that way.
Yeah, of course.
They're designed to be assholes and making kids do shit they don't want to do.
I mean, it turns, it turns out that teaches you shit, cumulatively over 20 years, having developed skill sets that are non-related, but that can
be used in new situations is actually a tremendous benefit more than any other type of formal
education for ever be.
So if you don't have that, you have to build it yourself.
All right, everybody, this is Meticchow, page slash Meticchow.
Johnson, are you there? Did you come up with a rage?
Yeah, Windows updates.
Windows updates.
Yeah, I'll have like all of my work stuff open
in the middle of a project, all the tabs,
all the folders laid out,
we're in use to grabbing things
and all come downstairs in the morning
and everything's just blank.
It's just the Windows background and that's it.
And it's going look what I did.
I could I did.
I can't turn them off.
Yeah, I agree.
All right, buddy.
Good luck with your game, Colin Siege, right?
I'll play.
That's good.
I promise.
I see, man.
Looks cool.
See you.
This is the hard men working hard with Manlet.
Hit new song, Manlet. slash, I think HMW,
Their music videos are incredible too. Man, but the assures on the wall Pleading for 12 foot 13, 14, 15, fuck it 100 feet more
All I wanna know is who is the tallest
tallest of them all
I wanna be a big boy
I wanna be tall
I wanna be a big guy
I wanna feel small
I wanna be a big boy
I wanna be tall
I wanna be a big guy
I wanna be tall! I wanna be a big guy! I wanna feel small!
I can catch yeee!
I only think guys that's a 9.5 you cause you 5.9 that should really be a crime
Hey bitch that's the average height for a crime
Whatever you think it would have he has to set the knife
I know you have time if the shit if I'll hire nobody knew whatever try to speak to me like I'm a newborn
Look baby so small of sweet when he tries to act big so cute he thinks he's human
I wanna be a big boy I wanna be tall
I wanna be a big guy I wanna be tall
Do you wanna feel small? Who wanna be big guy? Do you wanna be small?
Who wanna be big boy?
Who wanna be tall?
Who wanna be big guy?
Do you wanna be small? Man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, man, I don't need something to pick you up. I don't need something to pick you up. I don't need something to pick you up.
I don't need something to pick you up.
I don't need something to pick you up.
Five, nine, and a person.
I'm such a white man.
You're nothing.
You're nothing.
Hard men working hard.
Manlet. Manlet.
It's a big problem. Hard men working hard. Manlet. Manlet.
It's a big problem.
Yeah. Manlet shame. Yeah. Heights.
Shaming. Mm-hmm.
Heights shaming. You hear a lot about fat shaming.
Which I disagree with. Never hear about height shaming. Not that much. Mm-hmm. Do you?
You ever hear about somebody saying? For being short, yeah.
I mean, I've heard comments.
I shouldn't be shamed for being short.
Never heard that.
Well, no, not a shamed.
Not a shamed.
Not one time.
I just, I don't wanna be a man, let me know.
That's what I know.
And I always am.
Everyone on the show is taller than me.
Yeah, you madcucks. I mean, much everyone.
I don't know, we're pretty close, I think.
Hey, Dick and Sean.
We both are.
I don't know if you know what I often said,
called an homage.
My rage this week is chairs and benches
and couches and shit better too low to the ground because
I have I've had this problem all my fucking life.
I was just coming out your balls.
Even when I was like a child and I was short.
Like I've always just had a really large legs, you know, proportional to the rest of my
So your knees go way out? When I was like five, sitting in like preschool,
my, probably not that early.
Like when I was younger, just, I always like sit down
at like a chair, and like my feet are like firmly on the ground.
And then my elbows are like sticking up into my foot.
Like I can't like lean forward.
I'll float, like I'll jab my legs. This can't like lean forward. I'll float like I'll job my legs with my hands.
This is my fucking knee. It's so goddamn annoying.
The hell do you look like? I can't what we want to couches and chairs and shifts that have like those
things underneath that so there's no opening
just kind of on the ground you just like
what the hell am I gonna do you know and it's already a fucking public binge it's not comfortable anyway sure you're sitting right though
like my back it's hurt
to like what am I gonna turn his back in the hotel here
It's hurt to like what am I going to turn his back? I'm going to tell you with my five eight.
I'm going to add down.
God damn.
Fuck me.
I mean, I see it.
Like, if you've ever seen like, you know, NBA players sit on like a, you know, like a
late show or something like that, which is weird.
Yeah, it's weird.
I mean, their legs do go up because they're fucking shins and their, and their femurs are
so fucking long, you know?
Maybe that guy has a long femurs.
I don't know.
Yeah, really uncomfortable.
What are those, uh, tibias or whatever?
Uh, okay.
Let's see.
Oh, I'm tired today.
Me too.
I was up by the pool the last night.
Nice. Fuck clear garbage bags.
You don't want to take out your trash and just look at it.
Oh, look at all the stuff that I have thrown out.
Yeah, I hate it.
I hate that.
It's disgusting.
Yeah, I'm just shit that comes through the years.
I'm not gonna lie.
It's just like, you know, they're putting these bags over protesters face or whatever.
Just imagine if they were clear and you have to see them
hopping and popping. That's the same way.
I have to when I throw a bag full of my own clear garbage, I need the black bag.
Yeah. I need that to be hidden.
So enough to be presented with okay about my own failings.
Yeah. It's not okay. Okay.
Fuck clear garbage bags.
All right.
I didn't know that they made those for any like kitchen.
I mean, you know, you've, I've seen really small bags that you used for like produce at
the grocery store or something.
I've never bought clear garbage bags.
There always, there always white or black.
Kind of fucking garbage bags you buy in.
Even when you're just looking down, making, making your own. And you feel the weight of all the trash
that you have like, come on.
Oh, and did I really need to make this much trash?
There's a lot of trash.
Yes, I do.
I did need to make that.
You never feel like, oh, geez.
What a pig.
There's all the kinds of food in here that I just threw away.
I get it out of here.
No, it's just, I chalk it up to not taking out the garbage
enough. Why did I let it get this full? I don't want it to be like a holding thing in
the house. Just want to get the garbage out. Get rid of it. You got, I mean, you got
nothing but a lamp. Land down your back. So you just fucking winged this shit off the
balcony. I do sometimes. I'm sure you get an apple and I get down to, I feel real saucy.
I'll throw that up back. No doubt there have been many. There's chicken bones back there. I forgot about that.
Yeah. I just got to be all kinds of shit back there. Probably some ribs. I don't know. I don't know.
I think it's an archaeological site. You know, I love it. This has the greatest biodiversity
of anywhere in Southern California. It's all d's fucking wings and shit. He says, yeah.
Look at this, chicken coexisted with buffalo,
because I hate having it,
I hate having a big bunch of trash in there.
I like to just have one piece of trash
and then take that out to the street.
Hey, Dick, it's Philip from Colorado here.
My favorite thing about that, Kyle,
whatever the fuck is nameless thing
and mom drove to the protest
have a good time
what can you need to fucking momy to go
only we've got
i need to go shoot black people
they were black
uh... i don't think she's a
from my own mother so Oh no, they weren't black, were they? I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so. You are. You are. And really, I bet he insides it to pocket shit.
If it did he have to?
He seems like a man.
He just like a pocket boy scout.
It's a pocket boy scout, man.
Like every pocket boy scout, it's got a pocket, dick.
And that's what we did.
They're probably forced to.
I don't fucking know.
So, um, fucking, one of the things wasn't interesting about it though is that
there were pictures. I think one guy
fucking bashed him across the head with a
skateboard. Another motherfucker pulled a
pistol on him. Somebody fired a gun
before he was like in the scene with
he's seen on the those guys should
also be on the timeline. But that guy
seems like for the fucking asshole.
Start shit from the looks of it.
So yeah, fucking connoisseur, man.
I have family around the area, and they say it's all just fucking ghetto shit.
Like, in a shod.
In a shod.
In Ashland, which is a town nearby, the police force will kind of just like the Native Americans
down there just breaks all the time.
No fucking ass.
Connoisseur, is he rapes?
I think he's a,, it's a rapes.
I think it's I think so.
Police I guess.
Fuck everybody.
Fuck everybody.
Sean, I want to say what we.
Oh, no.
You wanted to what was your suck my wee wee apparently?
Oh, man.
Well, that's you should see what Sean post on Facebook.
Before you say something like that.
Well, a lot of nothing. Well, self-defense. I mean, I hope he gets off, but there's a lot you should see what Sean Post on Facebook before you say something like that. Nothing.
Well, a lot of nothing.
Well, self-defense, I mean, I hope he gets off,
but there's a lot of incident guys in prison.
So I'm sure there are.
Hope the card dealership's gonna cover the legal fees.
To Pedro's note.
Yeah, and I just,
I'm just gonna carry that.
Oh, I'm sure he, oh yeah.
Man, don't worry, I'll take care of you for life.
We're doing this for me.
I mean, you're putting your life on the,
come defend my business. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, man, don't worry. I'll take care of you for life for doing this for me. I mean, you're putting your life on the, come defend my business.
Oh, wait, you're not, oh, you won't talk to me?
Oh, yeah.
We gotta go, you got that.
Go, fun, man.
I mean, you got it all in the media.
I mean, it's cool, right?
Yeah, you're doing it.
It's like your community, I'm your community.
My business is your community.
Don't let other people manipulate you into positions
where you're left holding the fucking bag.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.
And that's a, that's, that's something that happens to, to, to young people.
I saw a, somebody sent me a pick of that dude's mom too.
She looked like mob eagle from beductails, like with a, with a gun.
Like, she looked like, she looked like she was like,
she looked like she was the single version.
She looked like both Bert and Reba McIntyre
from Tremors, smushed into one big fat lady,
you know, locked and loaded,
ready to hold the government.
Just a few household chemicals
in the proper proportions.
Hey, Dick, hey, Sean, I was just listening
to bonus sets of 51 and you're talking
about a penis reduction
Interestingly enough, three weeks ago, I went to the infirmary about six hours away from
where I live to see a more special specialist than the one in my city for a nose bit procedure,
which is in practical practical application a penis reduction
Oh fuck you.
I have a birth there had a birth defect and to correct it they had to cut an inch and
a half out of my you know cock.
And then so it back up.
So I went from 7.5 down to 6 which I'm'm super pleased about but it's not really
i'm looking at the pictures of it i found myself in a position at work to be
talking about my cock
with a bunch of attractive women i hope they ask me why i'm going out
working i said you really want to know
and uh... if they continue to provide them to them i'll talk about that
yes it's a great meantime when you're covering it, it'll fire you for doing that.
Oh my God.
Wow, that had to cut an inch and a half out of his dick.
At least he was, you know,
at least he wasn't starting with like a three inch dick.
What do you mean?
I mean, still got something left.
Oh God.
That's crazy, man.
You think you give like the doctor,
like slip in 20 bucks before, like, hey come on, keep it fair, keep it fair.
That man, oh boy, woman doctor on that, no, I'm out the door.
So what we're gonna do is cut a big slab out of your dick here.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no.
I do not wish it.
Hey, Dick, Professor Donk here.
I got a rage about boomer privileges boomer privileges
I am with my girlfriend sitting outside trying to eat some food. She has a head she's a headband of
Flowers her top has flowers on it. She's very nice. She looks very nice
This old skinny motherfucker that's made of leather walks up and he says to me
at our table, oh, where are your flowers? I just look at him and say, I'm not wearing any
flowers. And she looked and then he's like, oh, it looks so nice right there. I'm like,
oh, yes, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Move on. You know, creepy old motherfucker, boom
or privilege is, you you know I could never do
that to anybody I couldn't do that to a man you will walk up to a man and say oh hey tell
me about those shoes.
There's no flowers.
That's me.
Tell me about your shoes.
All right fuck yourself brother.
Let me get involved in your relationship for a little bit.
Well she's smiling. She must have you for a little bit. Funny. Well, she's smiling.
She must have been having a good time.
It must be, it must be what happens to your brain,
you know, as you age, like some of your impulse control
for just talking to people, just lessons
and you have to talk about flowers and the day
and the weather and the, I don't know,
it's just talk to them.
Or maybe just don't give a fuck.
Yeah, I'm gonna say something to anybody.
It'll entertain me for five seconds.
Throw a drink at his ass.
Here you go, you go.
Yeah, yeah.
You wanna react?
Okay, here we go.
Hey, it's finance LA.
Guess which badass I am today.
Okay. Oh, if I see a landlord, I'm gonna send
the right to the pushers shop. I'm gonna fucking stab a landlord's or leech is all
fuck off. If I saw landlord today, it sounds like Bernie in time.
Meanwhile, and they're talking to their own landlord. Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. I'll try not to be late this month. Oh, yeah, I'm so sorry.
Please don't kick me out. Oh, man. Dude, I'm so sorry. Door closes. Oh, I got going.
Oh, I'm going to punch them right in the face. Oh, yeah.
We got to stop these landlords from having down payments that we don't have. I know.
People don't, people don't ever feel bad for landlords,
but it's like, dude, go do it then.
Yeah, it's so easy, right?
There are, I mean,
just show me on the paper,
just show me on the paper,
but fuck man, good landlords too, take care of shit,
and it's like,
get the bank wants their money right now.
Show me on the paper,
what year it becomes profitable for you
to have sunk 20% into the property.
Or, you know what, I'm feeling generous, just do three.
Do one of those FHA loans, scam loans.
Tell me what year of affordability it would take for your fucking rent to cover the nut
of the house, the mortgage, the property tax, the PMI insurance that I know you would
have to pay
because you don't have 20%.
Give me all that.
And then deduct what you think is a reasonable amount
of time for the property to sit vacant.
Show me the fucking year where it's profitable.
Just do basic math.
Back in the day.
Basic math that you could do a fucking spreadsheet
instead of typing on Twitter all day.
You dumb motherfuckers.
What are you going to say?
Well, back in the day, FHA had 100% financing.
You can get an FHA loan that was a hot.
When that graph was shooting up, yes, yeah.
Yep. Exactly.
I'm sure they did.
Hey, Dick, I'm calling in with another rage for you.
What makes me rage?
What makes me a rage is constantly rolling around in my fucking sleep.
I constantly fucking roll. I wake up in some stupid addition. My arms fucked up that day.
Yes. Yeah. I sat down on my bed, but I was a fuck because I can't stop fucking rolling around.
I don't know how to stop rolling around that. I don't know if I got a fucking time myself down to the bed for a couple nights. I'm used to not rolling, but I keep fucking doing it.
It's so bad from days where it's not even just rolling. Sometimes I'll rotate myself in the bed.
That's all fall super done. I've done that. I, but I don't end up with my head in a different place. Direction, like let's say pointing north and I'll wake up my head like towards the fucking south.
What the fuck happened here?
I fucking hate this.
I get a fucking a break last night.
So yeah, that's it's fucked.
I'm sick of it, but it's been going on for years and I'll probably keep going on for years
unless someone knows how to stop that.
Anyway, go fuck fuck fuck fuck.
You know what I'll buy?
Fuck this dog that wouldn't shit the fuck up
while I'm trying to record this.
And Sean, I love you.
Love you too, buddy.
So what happens, it's a phenomenon going on now
because everybody's a little bit more anxious.
Just everything this year.
So some people don't, whatever the chemical is that is released by your brain
to keep you basically stationary, you know, so you don't flail around and hurt yourself
in your sleep or punch someone or anything.
It's not getting fired out.
Not, yeah, it's if you're just a little bit more, it's, if you're, if you're susceptible
to that kind of extra activity, that little extra heightened, they think, is doing that.
And also medication that anything that's a little bit of a stimulant will do that too.
If you're kind of right on that edge mixed with this heightened state we're all in, there's
a lot of reports of people moving a lot more in their sleep, being active, you know, punching,
things like that, because you're not inhibited enough.
I would, if Elon Musk finally comes out and says he's invented
a, like a hyperbaric chamber where you can just float in with like a tube going into your
Would that not be the most relaxing thing ever? That's it, man. Just like neutral buoyancy,
We're just like the sci-fi movies where they're all cloning people. I think, God, I wish
I was one of those fucking clones. Look at that.
So relaxing.
Purely regenerative, restorative sleep.
Floating, not having to fucking twist around and everything.
Maybe now that we're not doing racial sensitivity training anymore,
we could work on something like that.
I think it would, everybody would be a little mellower.
Just get along and I just say, oh man, I slept great.
Like that's, you know what?
Normally that would get me upset, but you know what?
I'll deal with it.
It's cool.
I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do my own Tesla.
I'll call it, what's the other guy?
Alexander Graham Bell.
Who is the, no, who is it?
No, I had a Tesla in Edison.
Yeah, that exists. The current wars and things. I'll call a Tesla in Edison I don't know what the current wars and things I'll call it Lorentz
I don't know what the name is yet, and I'm just gonna beat Elon Musk to the punch of invent inventing fake inventing shit
That we all thought be cool as a kid. So I'm gonna do first of all my sleep hyperbarrick chamber regenerative sleep machine
The hover hoverboard is in there somewhere. Hoverboards, we were coming.
We were promised that.
And then Jurassic Park is real, everyone.
I'm gonna do Jurassic Park.
That's my fucking TED talk.
That's like you, Elon Musk.
That's the thing I would like really want to happen to.
It's happening.
I invented it.
I'm going.
Put me down for a season pass.
You wanna buy 100 bucks.
You'll be ready and deal.
20, 50, no refunds.
I'm, I don't know if I'll make it, though.
Oh, please, 20, 35, take my money.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Uh, okay, let's do a couple more.
Damn, Dick, usually you don't have the same opinion as me
on things that I think we're
fucking a bully and locked up on this shit.
I think the course you've purchased are real.
It's manufactured. It's fake. Just like all the box of police at the whole
fake. It's all just designed to fuck with us.
Yeah. And that kid showed his stay home. That kid showed his fucking stay home.
Let's go to the rescue. What are you doing?
Who is who is life for you making better? Who's life for you to make better?
Idealism got the best of him.
I think just being told to do that by your mom got the best of you.
Yeah, I get a lot of key for it.
Yeah, but I mean, I think he feels it's just the way you think.
I don't see you talking.
Fuck them.
You know, if you're,
and you think it's a good idea to go out
and there's a street with a rifle,
then you're just as delusional as it is.
And you're just a sorry, you are.
Well, he might not think that, you know, 10 years from then,
you know, I mean, that kid.
Yeah, I mean, again, we talk about,
it might be in fucking jail in 10 years.
No, I know, I'm just saying,
but there's a good chance
that if you were older with a little more experience,
he would have gone,
why the fuck would I do that?
Like that's not where I want to fucking hang my hat.
You know what I watched recently?
What's that?
So we're always talking about just like the ages
of whatever, age of consent is always something
everybody's harping on.
Because we're now, because we're watching the pendulum swing to the ultra conservative
now, like everybody's suddenly got found their bully pulpit, they're screaming about degeneracy
and God knows what.
The movie Weird Science, do you remember that?
Yeah, yeah.
They spend the entire movie, not once, multiple times bragging about how the boys are 15
and the girls 23.
So I would just love to hear, I would love to hear the right, I really want to see them
cancel that movie like the left has canceled blazing saddles because that, that's, I mean,
that's unconscionably immoral, right?
It's in the fucking movie, they say it multiple times.
I remember seeing it the first, the first time I saw it, I thought, fucking awesome.
So let's see it, guys.
So I'll sign the petition.
Ah, all right.
Don't know if that one's gonna have legs.
Is that gonna stick?
May not have legs.
I mean, not, as it turns out.
They shower together.
Okay, let's see here.
Oh, let me play you that video.
Oh, sure.
Swine flu vaccine, 1976.
Here it is.
To do do.
I'd have to, well,
it wasn't.
So here, let me play you.
This was the guy,
this guy was in charge of the CDC when it was rolled out.
They're interviewing him after the fact that they fire him after.
I don't know.
I mean, I, I've learned everything about it
from this fucking video and then just poking around
and they had a similar one released in Europe I mean, I've learned everything about it from this fucking video and then just poking around and
They had a similar one released in Europe that had like a similar effect of hurting the shit a lot of people
Do you want me to rewind it so you can get the intro the full 60 minutes Mike Wallace intro?
No, no, no, I'll I'll I'm gonna watch this too because it's interesting. Yeah
But yeah, but let me play me the pertinent part. Okay. let me pertinent parts here. So it does like, I pulled it up and it,
I mean, they did, they,
they inoculated at least a quarter of the United States.
Yeah, with it, which was a lot.
It doesn't appear the flu,
it's is it, was it a gillium bar syndrome?
Yeah, they think that that's what it caused, but they're still conflicted on that because there's
no hard definition for what that is.
But they did see, and they think that, fuck, a bunch of people's brains too.
They're neurological.
Yeah, it does appear to have done, I know it, I mean, it didn't kill like 4,000 people
or anything, but you're, but I mean, no, but your heart,, your heart more people than died of the flu. Your point is right. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Your point
is right. And they, and they blame it on, they said, yeah, they rushed it through.
Okay. Let me, let me quick. So you know that much. Then let me just play you the relevant
part. Yeah.
Uh, it wasn't here. And that was the one given to most of the 46 Okay, confirmed. Yeah, you began to give flu shots to the American people in October of 70s, October 1st
By that time how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported there had been
several reported but non-confirmed one their had been cases in
Australia that were reported by the press
uh... by the news media where it were
uh... the gun
did you ever uncover
and you're right
anywhere in the world
it's the it's the one they didn't want was to receive the shot in a public health
facility where a doctor might not be present.
Therefore, it was up to the CDC to come up with some kind of official consent form,
giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot.
This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested.
What it didn't say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine.
Oh no. And That was the one given
to most of the 46 million who took the shot. Not tested. That vaccine was called X53A. Watch
this response. X53A ever failed tested. I. He's trying to figure out a line. I would
have to. Yeah. No. It wasn't. I don't know. I don't know. Well. I would think that you're in charge of the prover.
40 million people took it.
I would have to direct go the records.
I haven't looked at this in some time.
I would, yeah.
I don't recall.
The consent form.
No, it's terrifying.
No, you're completely, yes.
What your basic, forget about the other people,
tell me.
The basic premise is that they did, yes, you are right.
You didn't test it.
Which is exactly what I,
which at, at, at, at, at, at, at, at, you have the tested one. You had the tested one. Right. You made a new right. You didn't test it. Yep, which is exactly what I, which, and you have the tested one.
You had the tested one.
You made a new one, you didn't test it.
But it was better.
Meanwhile, right now drug companies are now getting,
getting a card blanche to not be sued
for whatever happens to the vaccine they released.
So why the fuck would they test it?
Well, no, I would, anything be different.
Well, no, no, no, no, apparently the tests
are going really well right now.
They went well then. And then they just decided to use an untested one. Yeah. This is what I'm saying.
That I don't think that's going to happen, but the fact that it happened once, I don't think there's suddenly because
they're trying to get a vaccine so quick. I don't I can't see them all of a sudden going like,
oh, actually, we can do better.
Let's roll that one out.
My vision of the government, that is, yes.
That is frightening.
I want turrets, machine guns around my house.
Do not, unless until the government comes
and then it's stay, the hippity hoppery,
stay the fuck off my property, whatever plan you got, get rid, take it away.
I do not want to be part of whatever you guys have in mind
because you fucked this up every fucking time.
You have fucked this up.
That's scary that they fucked it up.
Seven six.
That, that recently.
Yeah, that recently.
They fucked it up when you could put on camera. They fucked it up when you could put on camera.
They fucked it up when we had computers.
You fuck it up in 1800s and I think, well, I mean, you know, a lot of stuff was going on.
Well, and you fucked it up while we had facts machines.
We still will look back.
We still will look back and realize how archaic our medicine is.
And you know, with just the way that we work on bones and shit like that, I mean, it's,
yeah, it's wild, but work on this bone.
That's what I say to the government.
Yeah, that guy, that's crazy.
Isn't, and as you can vouch for, it's impossible to find that.
Oh my God.
I had to look, I remember this and I had to look fucking high and low.
Like, there's no way I got duped into thinking this. I fucking know.
I saw the compass. But because you can pull up, it's like a list of what, you know,
adverse vaccine incidents. And you can pull up nothing.
There's stuff, but it's like all over the world, all over. Oh, yeah, the polio one and
55 was a big fuck. It was created., yeah. It was, it created the, it established the government offices like that.
So that shit doesn't happen anymore.
They had their propaganda campaign for this included famous people taking a vaccine, Henry
Kissinger, Mary Tyler Moore said that they took it.
This was their advertising campaign.
This is the CDC use.
They had one that tested and blah, blah, blah, blah.
And then they made another one.
Made another one.
You just gave it all out.
Yeah, probably a little cheaper.
That's a little cheaper.
That's what's 40 million bucks.
That's the same.
That's fucking insane.
So they had a propaganda arm to push this vaccine on people.
Yeah, sure.
And Mary Tyler Moore said that she refused to take the vaccine.
So she did you add?
Of course I'm taking this vaccine.
No, we all should do our part to stop the swine flu and never fucking took it.
That's scary.
Same playbook.
Yeah, all right.
You're my everybody.