The Dick Show - Episode 225 - Dick on Ruth Bader GONESBURG
Episode Date: September 22, 2020Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Gonesburg, the Pelosi Pooper calls in, Madcucks returns, Netflix previews "Real Steel", gun shopping in California, Danny Polishchuk and jokes and anti-Semitism, life-affirming ...herpes, my favorite restaurant closes down, Mario 64 is too hard, dating your therapist, busting an anti-porn crusader in real time; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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What is that?
Who's like?
That's a sex doll that they dressed up as cantilians.
I don't know.
Wait, and how was that?
They're in Kentucky and they wanted to make fun of cantilians.
I'm not supposed to.
Tell them I'm supposed to.
How am I supposed to recognize that that is cantilians?
You're not.
That's, that, this is a picture of his face there.
Oh shit, I can't see that.
I've seen it before.
I knew what they were doing.
They told me about it.
I see.
Very funny.
Danny Polish Chuck, Polish Chuck calling in.
The Pelosi Pooper is calling in.
I haven't imagine what that is.
Yes, the Pelosi Pooper Mad Cucks is calling in.
Uh, Dano, this guy, Dano, who, you know, rarely do I get, rarely does Randy get threats for
someone who's going to call
What do you mean?
But the, the Dix show, a fit like the joke account, Twitter account that Randy made to
just repost the episodes, because I always get banned.
So he made one, it's like Dix show official or something.
I forget what it is.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dix show something.
Randy made it.
Somebody, he just sent me this giant wall of text.
Somebody sent him saying,
I can't believe you're gonna platform somebody who's a rapist,
like, you know, the whole nine yard.
They're a pedophile and they're a Nazi.
So that's awesome.
How long until we find out it's George?
I think it's other, other Maddox is in the world.
Well, maybe.
I think we're crossing streams with other haters.
Our haters are getting together and co-hating together.
Only haters, that's the site I'm gonna open.
You pay.
Only haters.
Yeah, I stole that from Easy Peasy,
the like Encyclopedia of Dramatic Edmund.
What, Danny's not here, yeah, he's up.
He's here. I'm not talking about not, he's sure he's here.
And I'm not talking about Danny, I'm talking about Dan O.
When I say that, I'm talking about Dan O.
All right, now I'm in the zone, man.
Oh, talking about haters.
The hate apocalypse, that's what lockdown is. It's created a hate apocalypse, that's what this, that's what lockdown is.
It's created a hate apocalypse.
Little early on that one!
Welcome to the end, you want to give me a big, you look, you got it, it's a show, it's
a contest, gonna be live from Mountain Bunkie, the hardest city period.
I mean, I was taking Madison AKA, the $20 million man, devoted America's worst Mexican,
75 weeks running, trying to be as as always is world touring LA based comedian,
Sean the audio engineer.
Hello, dick.
What's up, buddy?
Thank you for not killing yourself.
Very unhealthy.
Very unhealthy.
Welcome to the very unhealthy show.
Very unhealthy.
If you don't know what Sean is talking about,
you are a broke-ass mother fucker,
or you have too much to do,
and not enough time to relax with your favorite bonus content
from your favorite podcast.
The crossover event, spectacular number seven, with Carl
from Who Were These Podcasts.
We did.
Those are fun.
A couple of days ago, we released it.
You guys want to hear about, if you...
If you guys want to hear about living with herpes.
You'll get no information on herpes.
You don't get all kinds of other useless information.
You will learn that everyone who has herpes lies about it
to everyone they have sex with
and the way that they cope with herpes
is by having sex with as many people as possible.
And that they also, it's like, it's like Shawshank redemption.
Listening to the people with herpes,
how they got the herpes, how the people in shop,
my lawyer fucked me.
I'm an innocent, you're the only guilty man in Shawshank. Everything. You know, we had the talk.
I asked him. I was using condoms. We didn't even have. We were only having cyber sacks.
I think Andy might be innocent. You mean like for real innocent? Only only man with herpes and only
man who had only one guy had unprotected sex and got herpes. No, if Shawshank prison.
Only guilty man in Shawshank. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Those people. sex and got herpes on the shot shake prison. Only guilty man in, shot shank.
Unbelievable, those people.
If you have herpes, please.
If you know, if you have herpes, congratulations.
If you have herpes out there, congratulations because apparently it's the most empowering
thing that will ever happen to you in your life.
That's the only way for you to cut loose and be free.
We're talking about women. You got this.
Guys, you're fucked.
I mean, you're fucked.
Nobody wants your fucking broke ass anyway.
So yeah, no one wants you anyway.
So you're at a net zero.
You know, it's just marry a sex doll and be done with it.
Fine, one of these hurt broads.
Do they want non-herp guys?
Did they, because they talk about the stigma the whole time.
Does that mean they want non-herp bows? Do the talk about the stigma the whole time. Does that mean they want non-herpos?
Do the hippo, do the herpy hippos want the non-herpos?
They could be like four, four, 11,
and they don't want to date anybody under six feet.
Oh, that's a sure, of course.
What's a little herpes on top?
So it's like, well, I mean, no, they probably,
what I'm saying is they probably do want non, you know?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, of course.
It's a stigma, by the way, you don't have herpes, do you?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh God, women.
God, women, then that is why, that is why we must line up
and take a running start to celebrate the passing.
Oh my God, I wonder how this is gonna happen.
Ruth Bader, Gondzberg,onsberg. You are out of here.
That's from baseball. That's a little thing that's called actually I think it's from
naked gun. You are out of here. And Rico Palazzo just saved the queen. He couldn't save
it. Ruth Bader Ginsburg though. Ruth Bader Ginsburg though.
Well Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
That is, uh, that is hubris.
On many levels.
On so many levels it's hubris.
Oh God, it's so good.
It's so tasty.
I can taste it like the Marquita's side eating little pieces of shit.
That's how good it tastes to me.
Ha ha ha ha.
Take that, take that women.
You fucking take that.
You have notorious fuck you bitch.
You shut the, hey, when did it become so fun?
She thought she was gonna live forever.
She thought she was gonna live forever.
That's just what happened.
It's like, I have so much power.
I decide when I die, right?
That's how this works.
She was well into her 80s during the Obama administration.
Lots of justices retire a lot younger than that.
We've seen a couple.
It's like, if you're so concerned about, you know,
who gets to a point, justices and such,
it's like, look, you've had a run.
But it's like, maybe you should start
saving for a retirement, Ruth.
Have you give that a, did you start that yet?
Or are you just gonna, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and then I made a t-shirt about it, not five minutes after I came up with it.
You see, people have said online that how long
was I saving that joke up?
Oh yeah, answer is, never.
I never saved that joke up.
Period, I came up with a t-shirt about it.
How dare you impune my integrity as a comedian?
I'll take all of the rest.
I've been imputing your integrity on anything else.
It's perfectly fine. Run away, break. I bravely run away. Every fight, I'll take all of the rest. Be imputing your integrity on anything else. It's perfectly fine.
Run away, break.
I bravely run away.
Every fight, I'll try.
Man, what are you, what are you supposed to go fight those guys?
They called your mom fat, either fat or skinny,
whichever one she doesn't like.
Do anything you want to the girl, just leave me alone.
Give me alone.
There, take my wallet, take the girl, too.
I mean, I wouldn't, I, I, I, I, I were you.
This kid's doing me a favor. Keys I mean, I wouldn't, I, I, I, I, I, I were you, just kidding. You and me a favor.
Keys to Alexis, huh?
The deal just,
such a take it,
don't take it away.
Go away, go away.
who's in charge?
Fascist, anti-fascist?
I'm, man, I'm with you guys.
I hate those other guys.
Sure, but my, but my integrity is a comedian,
absolutely fucking no.
I came up with that joke right then
and then I posted it right immediately.
It's the only thing you hold dear.
I mean, it's your purist essence.
Oh God.
They opened a portal to hell with the riots.
That's what happened.
They began an ancient ceremony
of opening a portal to hell
and Satan reached up out of it and grabbed RBG
before her time of 200 years old.
And sucked her down.
When you're, it's so funny, like, you know, we, we think when somebody who's like in their
60s dies, it's usually, you know, because it usually is like a progression.
Yeah, you know, like all kinds of different cancers, like a dog.
But when, yeah, but like when somebody in their 80s, it's like one thing happens and it goes fucking quick.
Here's a question for the kids at home
or the people who are not in America.
This is a valid question.
If you've got a system here, a lovely system
of Turks and Balancers or whatever you guys have got,
a legal system, does it completely fall apart
if one 80-year-old
can't dies?
Maybe that's a failure point in the system that should be addressed.
Hey, we got a great system here, one problem.
Kind of like, I wouldn't call it death star-sized, but if one bitch, if one old bitch dies, the whole
fucking system turns into riots and chaos and acrimony for eight years from and maybe 50. One
fucking problem with the, do you think that might be a little problem with the system?
If one old bitch dies, the whole thing goes to hell. All the like, all abortion rights are
done. All gun rights are done. Whatever, like basic freedoms in the country are annihilated
because one old bitch dies at the wrong.
You think there's a fucking problem there?
Well, does anybody think there's a problem with that system?
Yeah, but I think there, I think there wouldn't be if everybody just didn't have an agenda.
Like when it comes to, it's like, their, I mean, their job is to interpret the constitution,
On paper, the theory is that's what they do.
That's what they do.
But you did it checks, not to balance.
Yeah, but you do see a lot of kind of, you know, not polarization, but partisan shit
going on.
I mean, depending on who, there's some kind of loyalty to the people who appoint them a lot of the time.
I started, well, because they do it on purpose.
This is the funny, I'm gonna give them a timer
because I'm sure people don't understand why
it's like so funny that she died.
And it is funny.
She didn't retire.
When she didn't retire when Obama was in, right?
Life retired her.
Yeah, she didn't retire when Obama was in.
She said, my boxer is aging, but the ring retires you.
Yeah, you know, you get, you get in there and it's aging, but the ring retires you. Yeah. You know, you get,
you get in there and it's like, you just flat can't do this anymore. She didn't retire
when Obama was in. Then, then the GOP took the Senate. Yeah. And, and instead of nominating
a, instead of retiring then and replacing her with a, like a judge that everyone could
be happy, a judge that everyone could be happy with. Well, it's all just have one that
we all could be happy with, right? It's time that happened. judge that everyone could be happy, a judge that everyone could be happy with. Well, as all just have one that we all could be happy with, right?
It's the last time that happened.
Someone that we could all be happy with.
Basically, people were like, yeah, I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out.
I'm trying to figure out. I'm trying to figure out. I'm trying yeah, should have been a, that's right. That guy should have got it. No, but that
ruling was that the states, the, the, the, the Marshall ruling was like that the states
have that right to do that. Oh, they were. I thought that was a federal overreach.
Anyway, then, then, then, uh, GOP took the Senate. Yeah. She didn't retire. She didn't retire,
then, which could have, they could have put somebody in who both sides
Nothing wrong with that, by the way.
American people might like that one.
You fucking assholes.
So then in order to cram through all their federal judges, the Senate, the swing vote
Kennedy retired.
I mean, he used to, he was the kind of the wild card.
Yeah, and all the, I'll conservative, is always end up trend liberal over their, over
their lifetimes. This is the way it is people. No, you know what? I looked at that. There's
a, it tends to be the longer ones start going a little more conservative. Oh, really. Yeah,
over the last, I looked at the 20th century. That's again. Well, that's what I looked at.
Uh, yeah, that's what I looked at is they seem to, and the, uh, the chief justices. Yeah,
I should say, yeah, mate, I might be wrong at that. But the, the chief justices. I should say, mate, I might be wrong at that, but the
chief justices definitely seem to trend a little more conservative. They're in there.
Not huge swings. People don't go huge swing. They don't go from, you know, they don't
go from so to my or to Scalia or, you know, or, or Thomas or something like that. But
so then, then in order to get all their federal appointees in the Senate, Democratic Senate said,
we're gonna do the nuclear option and get rid of the two thirds majority and we're only
50% now.
That's right.
You guys are gonna, my colonel said, you guys are gonna regret this.
You're gonna regret this.
All you had to do was pick ones that everybody liked.
All you had to do was compromise and instead you fundamentally changed the rules. That's right. And you're gonna regret it it. And now you're going to fucking take it. Now you're going to fucking regret it. You motherfuckers.
No, that's absolutely true.
It's, you got to realize it's like, I know you want it right now and you feel like you need
it right now and you're a prisoner of the moment.
Look down the road when a lot of you people are still going to be in the same positions in everything.
And now shit is going to not go.
It's, it's absolute, you're 100% right.
It's our, you're being, you're being, you to not go. It's, it's absolute. You're 100% right.
It's our, it's, it's lack of foresight. It's a, remember, if you're changing the rules,
it works for the other side too. Don't change the, don't change the mix if you don't
know the flavor of the cool. Don't change the mix of the cool. If you don't know the flavor.
That's all. That's what Mitch McConnell was saying. I started crying. It was a two-pock.
Oh, was it? Mitch, I said, fuck the police. That's all, that's what Mitch McConnell was saying. I started crying. It was a two-park. Oh, was it?
Mitch McConnell said, fuck the police.
Those two might get mixed up.
I started crying and my kids were like, what happened, mom?
I'll tell them a hero died.
I tell them a hero died.
My son says, you mean like Iron Man?
I said no, like Wonder Woman.
What a fucking idiot.
You see why it's so funny? Iron Man's a fucking idiot. You see why it's so funny.
Iron man's a hero too.
If Wonder Woman's a hero, so is Iron Man.
The Iron Man.
No, like Wonder Woman.
What if the kid could equate proportion woman, maybe.
I don't see why the kid couldn't equate like an important woman to Iron man.
There's nothing wrong with that.
The mom sounds like she's really trying to steer the way that he perceives heroes
and perceives people. And Iron Man died on the movie. So he knows that he knows how to
associate that. Like Iron Man died at the end of the movie. Yeah. Like when Iron Man died,
no, Wonder Woman. Mom, DC sucks ass and you suck. How about that? And what are one of the life? DC suck my cock.
You idiot, mom.
DC fucking sucks.
And he spent the Wonder Woman sucks as well.
My seven year old son hugged me when I finished
my last B meeting at home.
That's bitch meeting, I think.
Okay, let's be meeting.
Bitch meeting.
Women have Zoom meetings every day where they get together
and figure out how to be intolerable.
I said, something terrible has happened. He said, I know, Boba told me, I'm so sorry. He knew how much I
loved and respected RPG. She was my hero. My daughter was sobbing as was I. She's almost 10. Oh,
God, she's almost 10. She, she's so wise for her age.
She knows that Voldemort is going to pick a new minister of magic.
It's going to be Dolores Umbridge.
And Dolores Umbridge is going to expel the armistar abortions.
This is, um, this is terrible to lay on kids.
It's it's it's saying it's not letting the be their, their, the be their their they should be twerking and dancing
like children. I'm not she's not thinking about the Supreme
car. Just a vow. There no, but I mean, really like you're a kid, a kid honestly should not
have any kind of an emotional breakdown over a Supreme court justice. It's it's it's
too big. It's too. It shouldn't touch their lives. It really shouldn't.
She's almost 10 and we looked up to RBG together
for a while now.
You're really, what did you guys go on that journey together?
Great mom.
Oh, my 10 year old daughter and I, we're pals.
We have the same role model.
Bitch, you should be the fucking role model.
I'm crying.
Like Carlin said, you know, if your kid needs a role model
and you ain't it, you're both fucked.
I'm crying, now I wanna send more
for women in quality in this country
than Ruth Bada Gonsberg.
Rest in power, oh God!
Just throw me in the street, don't ever,
don't talk about me when I'm fucking dead
with this rest in power, fuck you boys.
Yeah, you've always said that.
Throw me in the goddamn street.
Yeah, yeah.
Put me in a trunk and take it to the Salvation Army
unless I'm fucking nerd open.
Yeah, surprise, it's a corpse.
I'm looking for some Harry Potter quotes.
Cut down on a prime.
Cut down on my prime.
Let's just see, Voldemort.
I bet if we search for RBG and Voldemort, we'll get something.
All I'm saying is, RBG was the Hermione to my Dumbledore, the Wonder Woman of my Hogwarts.
That's, I think, satirical.
RBG dying is like when Dumbledore dies in Harry Potter and they have to keep fighting Voldemort with it.
That's a fucking serious, that's a fucking serious statement.
They have to keep fighting.
They're using Voldemort without it.
It's just so crazy how like how just fantasy
has informed so many people's lives.
Like Voldemort is going around making babies magically
that they making babies unkillable.
That's how people relate, you know, real life things to, you know, themself,
to make it so that they can, they feel like they can understand it.
Yeah, it's really weird.
It's just really, right.
It's like that's why we had the Bible and ASAP's Fables and, you know, mythologies, because
people could relate to larger than life characters, and Harry Potter
and capes shit has just totally replaced it, right?
And it makes fun of it, because it's dumb and it is,
but it's just as dumb as all those stupid things.
And I can't wait to see what's gonna take the place of that.
We're all gonna be comparing scotus deaths
to fucking Paw Patrol in 40 years.
Oh, this is like the episode when a writer had to put chase down.
Cause he broke his, cause his stomach got a knot in it.
We got paralyzed.
How did they get him a fucking wheelchair?
They could drag their legs around with an eye patch and a sew a button on the missing
It's not fucking cool.
80 year old people are not fucking cool.
Stop making it do that.
Stop doing what you're doing.
I'm fucking tired of hearing how cool, Betty White is.
I'm fucking tired of them taking the Tories.
RBG, it's fucking, it's not cool.
Grow up.
Where should people your own age?
There should be 6000 Supreme Court justices.
There's no reason there should only be nine.
There should be 6000. And they should never have the option
of saying no to taking a case,
you should just be able to redo it and redo it
and redo it.
Because Roosevelt was gonna add, right,
until he got the new deal through.
Yeah, but there's, since the very beginning,
there should have been, like they should be a roving band
of 6,000 judges that just keep legislating on everything.
Yeah, and even saying that there should not have
the option of saying no.
Yeah, people moving in, people moving out,
so they don't have like, no, I completely agree.
That's that, yeah.
Okay, here we got another one.
Here's what else makes me enraged this week.
Netflix, this one I will cancel Netflix for.
Yeah, cancel Netflix.
I'm on board now.
Netflix has decided to start teasing
upcoming releases of things and not like movies that they made that are coming out, like
Uncut Gems or something like, oh, look at this. Look at this gray movie we put together
with all your favorite stars and it's Mad Damans and he's like a new James Bond. Get ready
for this, sh**t. Get ready for this, shit. Get ready for this.
They started, they started previewing
the launch of real steel, okay?
It's a, it's this God awful,
campy movies about robot boxing from the 90s
or the early 2000s complete dog shit
that I want to watch.
You got me, you got me on. I want to watch that. It's
like battle bots. Yeah. So people build these boxing robots. It's a movie. So it's like
a big, you know, scary looking on real looking. It's dog shit. Oh, it's by. Oh, okay.
So it's Jackman's I think is in it. Oh, it's fiction. Oh, okay. It's something. I want
to see some engineering stuff with a battle bot guy goes out with an ice pick and destroys
the thing with a trash can. Some campy movie that you can see on you at the USA Network as a kid Netflix grabs it.
Sure, sure enough picks it up.
Put it in the schedule.
I'm in, right?
I'm in.
I love to watch it.
Oh, hey, great news for you, Dick.
It's coming next Thursday.
You want me to come back here next Thursday and watch this campy dog shit sci-fi movie? No. You're gonna watch it right now. I want to now
I feel dumb because you know it's not any good. It's not any good in the moment. You go. This is entertaining. I'm gonna put it on and fold some of the laundry in the laundry chair. Yeah, all right?
I'm gonna put it on and and try to and try to take a bite out of all of the many fuck-ups that I have waiting for me in my inbox
Sure now I got nothing now no matter what now I'm trying to find something that can fill that that void
Scratch that itch of real steel with huge ackmans with fighting robots, so I think well maybe robot jocks
Maybe robot jocks. Three little words.
Cancel Netflix.
Do not, do not pre-release movies that I have seen
and that are terrible.
You can, you can pre-release movies that you put some money
But not some property that you just bought.
Do not say, oh, hey, Dick, get ready for 2022
when we released Dr. Strangelo.
Now I have to go fucking find this on my own.
I love that movie.
It's a great movie.
That's a great movie.
Great movie.
They should have given that woman who was in it
an Academy Award, the Secretary.
That would have been so funny.
Yeah, that's the actress. But did you see the
did you see the requirements for the Oscars, by the way, that they're now requiring diversity?
I'm not surprised. I remember like you got to have like a Chinese guy, a black guy or something
like that. That's got to look like a stock photo. Yeah, exactly. I remember probably four, four, four years ago. Yeah.
You know, because Hollywood's always, you know, prided itself as being progressive.
And the first, you know, all this kind of stuff. Yeah, ahead of the curve and everything like that.
And then, when he 11, they say that, and then somebody, oh, yeah. And then somebody pointed out,
and then somebody pointed out that that particular year where a lot of this stuff was being talked
about, there were, there were zero, you know, black nominations in the Academy Awards. Like of any kind. And it was actually,
it shocked me because you think that like Denzel may be nominated. I mean, maybe Spike Lee
has a movie like somebody's going to be nominated who is, you know, like, but zero. There was zero
that it wasn't that many years ago either. And everybody was like, hey, what about that? And I think it's Cheryl Boone, Isaacs, I think, as head of the
Academy these days, she's just like, yeah. I don't know why I love it so much. Like, just,
yeah, fuck them. Because I don't, I think I hate the awards. Anyway, I haven't watched the,
since I, since I worked in marketing, I have not watched the Oscars just because I had to watch
all the award shows, had to because we would build
all kinds of different ads, depending on
with different combinations of congratulations,
or so and so, two times, you know,
for your consideration.
Not your consideration, we would do that,
but it would depend on who would win.
So it was like winner, best actor, best screenplay. You know, you, but it would depend on like who would win. So it was like winner best actor best screenplay
You know you have it would be nominated nine times you'd have every you know
So then you would have to fucking be on the phone with the publications to sub those ads in as soon as possible
So you get a foreign you see a little player in the entertainment. Oh god. So no it was the worst fucking thing ever
So it was like I have an I literally I have not watched the
Oscars and fucking 15 years at least. Maybe more. I hate them. I, they're all fucking hate them.
I hate all the games surrounding them. I hate the pageantry of them. I fucking hate
the speeches. Anything that makes them more alien and weird and racist, I am for. I love
that they're just saying flat out now.
Where a racist organization, your movie needs to comply with these racial quotas to even
be eligible.
Like, yes, fucking yes.
Give him, give more specific.
Please, please ruin it more.
Um, well, you know, I, I mean, I told you that, I don't, I don't, I want to be an
I like everything out in the open.
Well, no, every like say it.
Yeah, and everything is, you know, I guess they're called diversity clauses, you know, and
I'm not.
I would assume live action is following, but I mean, I think it all, it may all come from,
I don't know if it's a, I don't know if SAG has any, I don't know if it's, you know,
I don't know, producers, guild, things, I'm not sure who's involved with what, but
yeah, there's diversity clauses.
You know, it used to be kind of the cool thing about voice acting was that anybody could
play anybody.
You know, I mean, but no, no, no, no, it's, you know, and again, now only black people can
play every role.
Well, I've said this before, like LA has no shortage of really good actors, but I mean,
that's going to be tough in some areas where
you're trying to end, you know, the voice. Yeah, it's done out of, you know, it's done
out in New York and LA, but yeah, I mean, it's, you're limiting, you're limiting a talent
pool. I mean, ultimately, if you, if you, if you're just making that pain in the ass for
so many people, like, all right, man, yeah, yeah, I mean, I got to do, I got to find some
way to say it's racist without making it sound racist.
I can't just let everybody in.
Well, I mean, okay.
I would say maybe the guy who's, he might be the number one working male voice actor
right now is Eric Bowser.
He's Filipino, but he can, he can literally do.
He should change his name to Eric Filipino.
Uh, so everyone knows, believe it, he's, he is not hard up for work at all, playing
anything under the sun, but it's like, that just so happens, it's like that you would
cast Eric Bowser because he's fucking great.
You know, uh, okay, here's another one that makes me a rage from this week.
Uh, gun shopping.
You went gun shopping.
I think I pulled the trigger.
Um, huh, huh.
Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh.
Did it go off in your hand?
My brother-in-law and I went to go buy these Ruger PRS rifles, I think they're called, after
just, I hear PRS, I think guitars.
Me too.
That's why I don't know if I have it right.
It's the precision rifle system.
Is that PRS? Yeah. The ACNARM. We got matching. I wanted us to get matching guns because know if I have it right. It's the precision rifle system. No, that PRS, the ACNARM.
We got matching.
I wanted us to get matching guns
because he doesn't have a gun.
And my sister allowed him to get that safe.
And I didn't want him to only
leverage his balls in there.
So I decided to force the issue over a week
like peppering him.
Let's go today, today, today, today.
Well, you know, I got a lot of meetings.
I got a B meeting that I got to be on, Zoom call.
One day he will not have an excuse ready.
Yeah, that's when you get them.
I got to, I wear them down with persistence and alcohol.
Right, that has worked since the beginning of time.
Man, woman, I don't care, that's how you get results.
Right, so we finally go.
And this bad drink.
We finally go and I swear, it's like, you know, if owning a gun wasn't so satisfying, there is no other
item that I would, I'm probably not even liquor, that I would go through this much, that
this much waiting, cocktails, boringness, queuing, form, filery, dealing with autism,
nothing, no other product in the world,
except for a gun, what I tolerate this kind of shit through,
for, and the kicker is, I haven't bought a gun
in like a couple hours, so in California,
you have to get recertified and retake the test
to own a gun.
2880s girl take it to, just use there.
I was like, you know, let's just, let's just see how you do.
Let's see how you do, then you can own a gun.
I can get you a gun.
I'm like, no, let's just, let's just do it over here.
We don't wanna wait in all this, wait in this line.
That's all six feet apart.
That's through a, what looks like a hillbilly's garage sale.
Like all of the items in there are that shitty looking clamshell
that's yellowing around the side.
Like obscure parts.
And the lines now are like hours long just to buy a God,
did you go just in the turners?
Is that a burbank?
There's one in burbank.
I think there's one in burbank.
There's one in Pasadena and there's one in Valencia.
Okay. So I take the test, I take the gun safety test,
which is you've missed seven out of 30
or something like that, and then you're too dumb.
To own a gun.
The whole time I'm telling her, don't worry, it's obvious.
It's obvious shit.
That's what, just imagine how dumb people are,
and then imagine how many of them want guns. That's what this is for yeah the real real dumb real real dummies.
Um so we go to take the test and.
I missed I think three questions two of them were.
At what age do you have to be to buy a handgun or a rifle.
I thought oh well I was on my 18th birthday I went out and bought one so it's 18 yeah and say one more that's 18 or a rifle. And I thought, oh, well, on my 18th birthday, I went out and bought one, so it's 18.
And say one more.
That's 18.
Is it 21?
Yeah, we go up to get the test graded
and the guy goes like, oh, sorry man,
but this actually changed last year and it's 21.
Man, I'm fucking, first of all,
how is that in any way related to safety?
Well, old, I'm 40.
I never need to know this. And I'm sure
if someone did need to know this, they would come in, give you your ID and you would say,
the best, the best case they would not know it, because they would give you their actual
ID and you could say, no, actually, you can't own this gun. You need to come back. You
don't want them knowing this, because then they're going to come in with a fake ID.
Yeah, that's right.
Well, and you're right.
It has nothing to do with safety.
And then the whole point of these questions and taking a class and any of that shit.
The next one was the safety of the gun is, and then it's all multiple choice.
The safety of the gun is a, the primary method of the primary way to secure the firearm that keep it safe
for something like that. B, like a football team. C, something you say after you fart.
Like that's like, they're that obviously dumb and D, none of the above. And I say, okay,
yeah, I mean, A, obviously, right? But it's D, because it's supposed to be unloaded
or whatever. No, because the guy says, oh, actually, now it's actually,
do you miss this one? The first safety measure is your own finger.
Head, my own, my own finger is the first method of set.
Do you see why you gun people are self-fucking aggravating to deal with that your own finger is
considered? So the safety isn't it, it's my own finger.
What if I put my gun in a bag
and there's a bunch of screwdrivers in there,
knocking around and it fucking pulls the lever then.
How about that one, buddy?
Where's my finger on that one, Dickhead?
Where up your ass?
It's so fucking annoying.
So now I have to wait for this special order
to create more rifle to be shipped,
but you still get, I mean, you still pass the test.
I pass the test.
I think I got 100%.
The state of California disagrees.
I believe I got 100.
We missed the same ones too.
Is there a word with her with no studying ever?
We knew with not having read that done the tests in 10,
got 20 years.
Since the last time I, maybe a little bit sooner.
And then my brother-in-law who studied his ass off and had like an iPad there that he was reviewing. And he missed
him to book for. No, I think he missed, I think he just missed one or two. Now we got
a wait for the gun to get shipped to the store. And then that's when that's when the 10-day
course shit waiting period begins. Oh, once it's in store.
Yeah, I brought in some stats on the background check,
the FBI background check, which is bullshit,
because they get so many, here I'll just read them to you.
Internal report on the roof case found that the FBI
focused on background checks that could complete quickly
and paid little attention to checks
that took longer than three business days.
So if you've got kind of a...
Kind of...
If you're not, you know, on the up and up, then they don't worry about it.
Little has changed since then.
The newly released data shows...
This might be a little old.
2015, in 2015, almost 74% of checks that took longer than three days were never completed.
In 2018, that number was almost 73%. That's the same.
This just goes back to human nature. I got to get back to that. That's a pain in the ass.
Let me knock these out first. It's not surprising. We're buying so many guns.
We set up the check system and then continued
ramping up the gun buying and nobody ever really bothered to see if the check system was
so stupid. I'll just winging it. And the whole fucking world is just winging it. A 2016,
here we go, a 2016 report by the Justice Department Inspector General found that the FBI did not complete 1.3 million
background checks from 2003 to 2013 because they hit the 88 day marks.
What 88 days they have to just delete it.
Kick it out by law.
And if it takes longer than three, they 70% of the time they don't even bother with it.
So what I'm saying is why do I have to wait at all?
You guys are already full.
Just give it to me. I mean, like, just, I mean, what's the, why does I have to wait at all? You guys are already full. Just give it to me.
I mean, like, just, I mean, what's the,
why does it have to sit there in the system endlessly cycling?
I don't know.
A bunch of assholes.
Mario 64 is also making me a rage.
Okay, let's hear about Mario 64.
Yeah, I paid 60, do you remember that game?
I paid 60 bucks for that 3D All-Stars pack.
That stupid game is just as annoying and plotting as ever.
Do you remember when Mario 64 came out?
I do.
Having a feeling of like, this is Mario 2 all over again.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, fuck is this shit?
Plucking power or whatever.
Throwing vegetables at people.
What the fuck?
Where is Mario?
What is this running around in paintings?
Why does this camera suck so bad?
Why is so much of this platforming game?
Why is this game in 3D with such dog shit camera work
so obsessed with making me fall off of sticks
into avoid?
What the fuck is going on with this game?
Still just as frustrating as ever.
All right, let me see if I got to.
And you're out 60 bucks.
And about 60 bucks.
Objective survive.
I just can't emulate.
Now I like, I know how the emulator works.
I have an emulator, it just feels shitty.
Now you're talking over my head.
An emulator is like a system that can run
on a little computer. Oh system that can run on your,
on a little computer.
Oh, it can run, I see.
It can run games from other platforms and stuff like that.
Is it emulating like an operating system or something?
Uh, yeah, it's got like the whole insides of the Nintendo all,
but it, oh, okay.
That's the thing that it emulates.
Got it.
And then you put the downloaded cartridge in there.
You got to pick from like 6000 files
That's cool. Let me see what else I got here. Oh
I got some covid stats. You want to check those out? Not really not really no
I'm so over covid you're over covid bro. I'm just oh pdc shut down
Pete pd. Oh really? Oh
Yeah Talk about September 11th. Yeah You see shutdown. Oh, really? Oh, yeah.
Talk about September 11th.
Pacific dining, baseball, and you mean shut down, like forever.
Yeah, they sold, they said they're moving to an online model.
I don't know who the fuck is buying.
That's not why you and Martini's online.
No, that's not why you would go there.
Oh, that's a bummer.
It's horrible. They're putting all their shit in. why you would go there. Oh, that's a bummer. It's horrible.
They're putting all their shit on an auction,
like industrial microwaves and like valet vests.
They got a whole stack of valet vests.
You should buy something from there.
Well, I wanted to accept all of their
glassware they're selling in bulk. So I have to buy 140 martini glasses to own. You'll go through
them. Oh, yeah. Oh, God. Oh, my God. That's kind of a, that's an old L.A. landmark. I'm going to go
down there and hold a candle. Visual. Yeah, out there. Yeah.
I'm gonna tell people that a black guy was killed by cops
and front of PDC.
So we're doing a candlelight vigil,
but in my mind, it's just gonna be
for the port of the restaurant that is now dead.
Yeah, on Wednesday, Yelp released its economic impact
report revealing that, let's see, 163,164,000 businesses
have indicated on Yelp that they have closed a 23% increase since mid-July.
So that was only what two and a half months ago. According to their, according to their, whatever settings data, permanent closures
have reached 98,000.
So 60% of closed businesses will not be reopening.
That is a fucking lot of businesses.
Yeah, it's terrible.
Oh, that's a lot of dreams.
That's a lot of dreams shattered. That's a lot of dreams. That's a lot of dreams shattered.
That's a lot of loans not getting paid back or do getting paid back.
Here is, I got to read you these coronavirus deaths from Canada.
I'm going to load up the old browser, you know, yep, there we go.
So we've got total COVID tests in Canada,
five and a half million, total negative tests,
5.2 million, so the negative test rates 97%.
Positive tests, 127,000, so what, 2.4% total deaths
in Canada, 9,000.
Is that what it is?
Is this current?
August 29th.
August 29th.
Yeah, so not like way.
Total COVID deaths in all of Canada.
Yeah, no, no.
Here, this is my, this is the only part I care about.
Age group, 80 plus 65 hundred deaths, 70 to 80, 1600, 60 to 70, 650, 50 above 200, 40 above 50.
So in all of Canada, the 50 people our age died from COVID.
Yeah, let's, I'm going to cry.
30 and above 15, I mean above nine.
I just want 2020 to be gone.
Oh man, come on.
Open the shit back up.
Fucking a point Rick.
You know what?
To the Supreme Court and open the shit back up.
Open it up.
You know, I, I dissent.
Woo, bitch.
London just put in just tightened up their restrictions again.
I know.
I can't believe.
Did you see that Attorney General Barr said
this is the worst infringement of civil liberties and slavery?
Oh, wow.
That was a pretty bad one, right?
And I assume he's including marriage in that.
Because they're the same.
And implied.
Yeah, it's implied.
I think the worst, I would say, I would say he qualifies as an expert
A legal extconstitutional expert. That's what he does worst worst violation of civil liberties
since slavery and another a federal judge said that one of the lock that the
The pencil vania lockdown order was a violation of the first and the 14th amendment.
Fucking come on, man.
We gotta open this shit up.
People are going insane.
All of this, all of this idle hand, taking away everyone's entertainment and life has
really permanently corrupted people's brains, like fucking Ghostbusters too.
What do they, there's a principle, I'm gonna fuck it up.
Depression has tripled in the US.
So it's tripled.
I'm sure, I'm sure.
I'm gonna fuck the word up.
It's something like, is it like an allotropic point
or something?
What does that mean?
It's like a, it's just a, you know,
a psychological term where there's, you know,
there's like a breaking point where there's people just
kind of just at a certain amount of just external pressure, which is this like a perfect example.
Just like with everything going on, it's just like kind of eating at you. People about
election year, COVID, all that kind of stuff, fires, just everything kind of hitting at once,
where there's a lot of people right at that at the precipice of
start making bad moves man. No, I mean this is basic like and laying on tilt. You just will start
making bad choices. Two years. Two years making bad choices. Yeah. It just makes your reaction severe.
It is like does all that. Here's Kimball posted one of the questions from his college survey. Yeah.
This is a real doozy. This is what the money is for in education.
Here's the question submitted to the students in college.
What might be a good Google or YouTube search
if you are unsure how to submit an assignment
in your Canvas course?
Submit assignment, Canvas, UMM assignment,
or how should I submit an assignment in Canvas?
This is college.
This is.
If somebody presented this to me, I would slap them in their face.
Are you kidding me?
I, yeah.
All right, let me see if the Pelosi poopers here.
Okay, man.
If that's what you want to do.
Where the Pelosi pooper at? He's here. Where is he?
What's his name? He's taking a shit. Is he taking a shit? Oh, Mando. That's right. Mando
Griffin. Mando. Are you there? Hello, hello, can you hear me?'t. And you are the infamous Pelosi pooper. Are you not?
Yeah, great, but I got a flush.
He's pooping now.
Wonderful. Good. That's an honor.
That's an honor to be flushed on by the infamous Pelosi pooper.
It's right.
Can you just go?
Go ahead.
What did you do?
Tell everybody what horrible thing you did and why you did it?
Well, allegedly horrible.
I thought it was pretty honorable, honestly.
I took a shit outside Nancy Pelosi's
San Francisco House actually.
That's what I figured it was.
What caused, yeah.
What caused, what allegedly might have caused you to do this?
I do.
Is this even freedoms in America, man?
America's become a co-ination.
And I felt like the leaders had to get a big fucking turd, dude.
And just be like, we won't put up with this shit no more.
1776 won't commence again.
No, why is man, once what we said that, so I've kind of just brought the liberty to hurt.
Did you, did you, what you did there?
That's action, that's an action statement.
Well, and did you store up the turd?
Did you have to shit and then decide now I'm going to do it or did you work up a special
Did you eat something special for it?
Exactly, Sean.
Bro, I ate a lot of fucking trash, man.
Just to give you a quick recap, I was actually sleeping on the streets of San Francisco
for like four days at that point.
And I had only used the back of the ones, bro,
because those are fucking missions to find one.
So the day that I took a shit on Pelosi's sidewalk,
I've been holding my shifters by like two days, dude.
And I mean, everything under the fucking sun
that a poor person
can afford. So that's the burritos.
Yeah, oh my. Just trash food, dude. So I wake up and I'm like, dude, I really got to
fucking take a shit, dude, but everywhere is fucking closed. I'm like, I'm fucked. So
I'm bored. I go live on YouTube and I type them a dream hunting for a toilet.
And as I'm live chats like take a shit at Pelosi's take a shit at
Pelosi's and I'm like, oh, I could do that.
The problem was I don't know where she was.
I was fucking trolled and dude, I don't know that Nancy Pelosi really
fucking lived in San Francisco.
So I do it.
Chats like dude, you're perfect.
You're like two and a half miles away.
I was like, you got to be fucking kidding me.
Like she actually lives in San Francisco.
So I look it up.
I'm like, you know what dude, fuck your boys.
Let's do this shit for content.
So I get up there.
I start walking, bro.
I had to walk like three miles while desperately
trying to take a shit.
Yeah, that's rough.
Yeah, that's brutal.
That's rough.
In San Francisco, walking up hills and down hills and sweating. Oh my god. Yes
Dude walking up those hills while having to take a shit. Yeah, being 300 pounds and
There's not a fucking
Shit streaking down Lombard Street
Dude, that's what had me worried, but I thought my fucking show was just going to drip on my
pants, bro, because like, I was clinging so many fucking times, like, don't be times
where like, it felt like the shit just wanted to come out of me.
And I'm like, I can't do this, dude.
I got to hold it.
You're holding it.
Hold the line.
Hold the line.
Hold the hold for freedom.
Hold the line.
Like in the Patriot when Mel gives his running with the flag.
Hold the line.
Uh, uh, my God.
And what time was it?
Yeah, what time was it when this was happening during the day?
I, uh, yeah, as early early in the day.
Early in the day.
Like early enough for the rich white neighborhoods to be walking around that street of
potential heart harm.
Uh, and now, shitting on the street, that street, that's somewhat more common in San Francisco than in
other cities.
Is that not right?
It's far more common to find shit on the streets than you will find a Kentucky fried
chicken near you.
That's how common it is.
And this is, I mean, she really forced you into it with the lockdown having restaurants
The restaurants who are already dicks about homeless people messing up their bathrooms,
Or anybody messing up their bathrooms.
And I suspect in San Francisco is one of those areas where they're just like really
paranoid to like let a homeless person in because I think they're probably going to shoot
up in their bathroom and they're probably going to do something.
You know, some of the most common stuff to find in LA, I'm, sorry, in San Francisco is going to be feces on the street. It's going to be needles and then it's going
to be blood spots from the needle injections. And just homeless people all over the place.
So it's a fucking nasty city, dude. But you know, in sincere honesty, like the real reason
that I did do it, it was a peaceful protest and it was kind of like a message to bring back like there are people out here, there's people
out here in the streets that are going to a hard time.
No shit.
I don't think people like Pelosi and those famous people that live up there, they don't
ever deal with seeing feces on the streets.
So to them, it's a non-existent issue.
Wow, it really is a rampant issue.
Hey, bring the street to them.
Yeah, bring it to their doorstep.
It's crazy.
It's crazy in LA to the city government in LA seems to want to keep homeless people out
of cheap housing more than any, like they seem to want it.
Every time somebody tries to build them cheap housing, they put so much red tape on it that
the project is all over.
Well, that's the thing.
Yeah, they make it so cost prohibitive to do that.
So what was the consistency of it like?
Were you proud of the shit?
Of the turn?
Yeah, of the turn.
It was fucking iconic, dude.
I fucking took that shit.
And I'm like, oh oh my god this is okay
just to give you guys like a play by play of high work with taking the shit.
Did you get that picture? I fucking stood there. I was panicking. I looked around. I
dropped my pants as little as I can. When I looked to my left dude right at the fucking
garage door like three feet from me. It was like a high quality security camp for me
me. And I'm like, dude, how embarrassing
is it gonna be to be on this footage?
And I said, fuck it dude, I really gotta take a shit.
And when I did a dude, that shit felt like soft serve,
but it came out like fucking two little workers boots, dude.
It was a weird one.
To workers boots.
Yeah, honey.
Well, you're used to shitting in like a bowl, right?
So it kind of coils in a boat, but you're on a flat surface.
It could go whatever it wants.
And it stacks different when it's a free-fall shit, not plummeted shit into the toilet.
It's different.
Did Pelosi respond to this at all?
This protest?
Did it make the news at all?
Like, I made the news.
Yeah, it made news.
It got, dude, I went viral the first New York top the New York
Post is the first article that wrote about me then I ended up on Daily Mail then I ended
up like in a whole bunch of like other sites are like independent media. Then I ended up
getting emails from people in the UK or in England that wanted to fucking post my article
my story. Then I ended up like all over fucking YouTube.
Is there footage? That's it. We're viral dude. Oh yeah, is fucking YouTube. Is there footage? That shit went viral, dude.
Oh, yeah, is there footage?
Is there footage?
Did somebody upload that security camera footage
or anything?
Oh, no, but you can see the livestream of me shooting, dude.
You can see the show of me shooting.
Where? Where's your livestream?
Look up, look at Pelosi Pooper.
There you go.
And then it should have, like if you look it up on Twitter,
I know for a fact, but it's in general, dude.
We got it. Yeah, we got it. YouTuber, did you know for a fact, but in general, dude, you two were like,
did you get arrested for this, by the way, you got arrested, right?
Yo, dude, that was actually the fucking scary part.
I didn't get arrested, but I got detained by the bar police on orders of the US Capitol
Oh, really?
They interrogated me on the spot.
They asked me if I was on Tifa.
I said, no, cause fucking Tifa, they asked me what I thought.
Like if I was a fucking like, if I had any ill will
or anything like that against them.
And I told them I was like, no, I don't.
It's your sad tiring, it's a peaceful protest.
Yeah, I'm, we're looking at it right now.
We're looking at you, poop.
Yeah, I think.
It's's legendary.
Do you see it, Sean?
Do we see any poop coming out there?
It's hard from this angle.
You're not going to see me come out of my ass.
You're not going to see that for sure,
but you're going to see it there after I take the shin
I get away.
You'll see it.
Yeah, too.
Just standing there like little heroes of America.
Yeah, I don't know if we can see it from that angle.
Let's see, New York.
They have a picture of it.
They have some article, has it a picture of it too,
or I don't think that she did post a picture.
But yeah, there's definitely a picture of it.
Oops for Pelosi.
Oh yeah, that's a good one.
Well, do you have any designs on other people that you're
going to poop in their houses? Or was this a one-time, do you don't want to repeat yourself?
It seems more like a one-time thing, man, to be honest. Right now, I'm kind of, I feel like I'm
under the scopes of the feds. So I'm trying not to really be stupid at all. Yeah, I just, I want to be
smart with what I do. And I want to be smart with what I say, but,
you know, I'm not, I'm not planning on taking a shit anywhere at the moment, other than a toilet. If I could find one, if you can find one, yeah, that's a good idea.
I think Sean, if I can, if you can, well, yeah, are you, are you on the street right now?
Are you, uh, you got a place to stay, right?
Actually, uh, right now I'm actually staying with big.
I've been with bigaked for like the last
whole week. Oh shit. Okay. In Arizona, you're staying with Baked Alaska. Is Chad
get there too? Dude, Chad get in here. I've been fucking
holding him so hard. It's fucking funny. Oh my god. Last night, we're like dude, you're
doing a sleepshroom with us. He's like, oh no, I'm doing a sleepshroom. And like he
starts fucking panicking and the chat's like, you no, I'm doing a sleep stream. And like he starts fucking panicking.
And the chat's like, you gotta get mace,
you gotta get mace.
Dude, he's got this guy, man.
He's so emotional.
And they're like, fuck it, Tay is in there.
It's just funny, fuck it, we try to do.
Cause he's a genuine guy,
but it's just funny to shit, cause his reaction.
He's like a raw nerve.
Like whatever he's saying, what?
But it takes it, he's trying to understand immediately immediately like it's like it's serious, right?
Those guys, those guys last week with the fucking, the fucking sunglasses boys were like a,
we're like a married couple.
Like Tony, tell that story.
It was, that was such a high energy episode.
Afterwards I just laid in bed.
I was like, honey, I can't, I need the mower to recover from that.
It was hilarious.
I really go.
All right, Pelosi, poop, does anything make you a rage?
I ask everybody what makes them a rage when they call in, could be anything.
Well, I mean, like, what pisses, like, something that makes me pissed off.
Yeah, yeah, could be anything.
Dude, okay, anything.
Only fans, girls, dude.
They pissed me off, bro, because they're like a really poor version of a fucking porn
Some people might say that only fans girls are equivalent of porn stars, you know?
And it's sad, man.
It's sad.
Now, people want, only fans pisses me off so much because people want me to fucking
upload shit on only fans now literally what like poop
Yeah, dude. Yeah, I told me to make an only fan and just drop feces on
Yeah, it's weird you'd also probably you know weird all the way to the bank
Absolutely shit fetishes
Sure, yeah, you should I mean you you gotta get some money out of this.
Sell t-shirts or something.
Sell t-shirts with the poop emoji on Pelosi's head or something like that.
I don't know.
So an election you hear, everyone would buy that.
I bought a gay pride Trump hat a couple days ago because I was drunk.
I was drunk and somebody sent me the ribbon bow Trump hat.
I was like, I got to have it. I was drunk and somebody sent me the Reubenboe Trump hat. I was like, I got other say.
I got to have it.
I got to have it.
And because it was like order number three million
or something like that.
So I went back and searched for my first order number
because you know, they're consecutive.
Yeah, yeah, consecutive.
My first order number, my first Trump hat was order three thousand.
Oh, well, it was like 31 hundreds.
I was a 3000th person. That was my commitment to Trump from day one. That's a, that's like 31 hundreds. I was a three thousandth person. That was my commitment
to Trump from day one. That's a never waned. That's pretty early on. Yes. All right, Mando.
You want to shout out to anybody? Give your, give your stream address and stuff. Maybe we can get
them a shaman deal or something. Yeah. I mean, just that would be dope if I get a shaman deal, dude.
Only farts. Not only fans,, only farts. It's often this when I wipe.
Not only farts.
Not only farts.
How about that?
Do you imagine I had an only fanz?
I don't think that'd be a very attractive side dude.
Looking at a 300 pound guy who make a video of him shitting.
You know, it's not very attractive.
It's somebody's fetish.
Yeah, you're right.
Somebody could like that.
But, uh, nah, I just stream on YouTube.
Man, I'm an IRO streamer,
I stream my life. Usually in Los Angeles, I actually believe it or not.
Oh, okay. Yeah, I stay in Los Angeles. I just went up to San Francisco at the time because
when the whole orange guy's thing happened, I went up there and filmed that, but I got through
too late. But yeah, my YouTube channel is LifeSmabric, L-I-F-E-S, space M-A-V-R-E-K,
and my Twitter handle is OG Pelosi Cooper,
and if anybody likes photography,
my Instagram is a nomad vibe,
so that's A-M-O-M-A-D-S-V-I-B-E.
A nomad vibe.
Shout out to the fucking woke-ass people in this world.
Do you fuck these pussy's in this world that aren't fucking
woke that are constantly not questioning the people who
accept to be told what to do, when to do it, how to bow down
and lick a boot, fuck those people.
Shout out to the real motherfuckers in this world.
It's gonna be people like us that take back the system
and say, fuck you guys, this is America, dog.
We run this shit.
You start by taking back the sidewalks.
First we take back the sidewalks.
Then we take first we take back the toilets.
One doorstep at a time.
One doorstep at a time.
One piece he sat at time.
There you go.
And one fucking liberty never lost.
That's great.
Ah, get out of here. Wipe your ass. Clean your ass, sir. That's great. Beautiful. Bravo.
Get out of here. Wipe your ass. Clean your ass, sir.
I will. Did I really do got a shit, man?
Go for it. Right. Just hanging up first.
Fun guy. Yeah.
I'm going to go grab a Coke.
Then we're going to do some comments. I think Danny, how do I say his name? Danny Polish checks calling in Polish Chuck. Sorry. I'm going to do some comments. I think Danny, how do I say his name? Danny Polish Czechs calling in Polish Czechs.
Sorry, I know, take a piss.
Take a piss, you do that, man.
Oh yeah, we got to move to Arizona.
Oh no, man, I'm trying to think of somewhere to move.
What can I do?
I gotta be here to do the show.
This is like a five year plan.
It doesn't take that much setup to do it remotely and reliably. Yeah, sucks
Yeah, plus I'm miserable here. It's funny. I'll be I'll be back funny or when I'm miserable. Yeah, I really
Whoa, those are some huge tits. Those are some huge
Brapp if you have funny footage to edit, call in then.
That'll be better.
Oh, yeah.
Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh,
John, fantastic bonus episode and a rage.
People really liked that, Herpes one.
Oh, are you talking about the crossover
or the last bonus, yeah.
Cross over.
That's a good, that's a good bonus content
that we've got that you can get at slash the
dick show.
They're fun.
For five bucks.
Hey, Dick, the Herpes bonus show you did with Sean and
Carl was hilarious.
I hope the WATP, W-A-T-P, TDS crossover shows, never end.
I noticed something last week while I was at work, I was
thinking about Orin and not having an internal monologue and I came to a shocking realization that there
might just be the thing to make that I came to a shocking realization that might just
be the thing to make me book that ticket to Greenland. I noticed that my internal monologue
has my dad's voice at that moment. Wow. As I noticed that all my thoughts were being
narrated to me by my fucking dad was like being punched in the stomach.
I haven't been able to think about anything else since. I'm going crazy.
Anyway, smoochers to yourself, Sean and Carl, your dad's voice.
Man, I cannot relate to that.
No, no, no.
Not having your own thoughts in someone else's voice.
Yeah, your're dead.
And they remember things that they say.
I mean, you, you know, you hear their voice
when you remember things that they say, but.
Yeah, kinda.
Yeah, I mean, kinda.
Yeah, I can conjure up my dad's voice.
Yes, in my head.
Yes, mine.
The mind is a very disturbing thing.
Danny jokes is here.
Let me get him in.
Hop in the live show, buddy.
There he is.
We're just reading through some comments.
What's up, Danny?
Yo, what's up?
How you doing, man?
I'm just reading some comments from last week.
How are you?
Thank you for calling in.
I'm great.
I'm great.
By the way.
Hey, oh, this should have tail into it.
I know people are sick of hearing about this,
but I'm going to say it anyway.
Hey, say, hey, Dick, support of your opinion
on the QT's debacle.
I'm with you on your position concerning QT's.
It's less driven by emotions, and that makes the most sense.
I'm not but looking though.
I'm more team Sean on the COVID thing.
On that one, your spouting garbage
have a good one, buddy.
Love the show, Nick.
Abba Zaba, I've got my knife proof glasses. They're great. I've been waiting for these catching up on the stream.
Knife proof glasses. Yeah, the new pine glasses. I said out are knife. You can't scratch the logo off of the knife.
Yeah, you're right. For some reason, I thought he was in some crazy, severe underground fighting ring that was like, hey man, they go for the
guys. I got knife proof glasses like the NBA, NBA goggles are never going to be the
name. Yeah. Catching up with this stream. Amazing stuff. I think it's because you are the
best interviewer. I can think of no joke. Oh, wow. That's, you must not watch the
lot of interviews. You hear tons of crazy shit and find the entertainment value in it,
but you try your best to find the humanity in it.
Plus, you're very fucking funny.
Is this, oh man, too bad to say that wasn't a woman.
Go fuck yourself, give smooches to Sean X.
So, got smooches.
Nebula octagon, getting my oil changed.
A woman in the waiting room gave them the wrong key
while swapping to the right one.
She asked if they had gotten to it yet. The woman gave them the wrong key while swapping to the right one, she asked if they had gotten to it yet.
The woman gave them the wrong key.
When she asked for the right key,
she gave them the correct key instead of
you have to have gotten to it yet.
Yeah, straight to the sun.
Straight into the sun.
Adjection straight into the fucking sun.
No more on, we need the key to move the car
into the fucking shop.
Yeah, good one.
Talk about this on the show from Bag of Schmidt.
My wife told me this and I swear,
oh, he sends me a quote about RBG from someone.
My wife told me this and I swear it felt like I was just told
that the Ministry of Magic had fallen, but in the real world.
I know it seems dumb, but that's the level of fuck this
Trump's court will decide the election.
Oh, boy.
Pretty rough, pretty hilarious that Trump will have appointed half of the Supreme Court, isn't
It's wild.
How many, yeah.
Isn't that how, let me just say that?
Isn't that just hilarious?
Have turned over so quickly.
Well, I'm retiring.
Well, I'd, yeah.
Danny, you're a comedian.
Can you, can
you tell me if that is in fact hilarious that Donald Trump?
Find me the fight. So I was that on, was a Friday night when Ginsburg got, yeah. And I was
at this like, this guy's like place or whatever. And like he, they had like invited some
girls that they found, like to the, to his house house and then only in their early 20s.
And seriously, there's just that the one girl was like,
oh my God, she's like Ruth Bader Ginsburg just died.
And then they looked like they were all about to cry.
And we just were finding it so funny that they're so upset
and this one dude, he's like a Wall Street venture capitalist.
He goes, well, I guess we got another one for us.
And she was like,
and the thing was over. But it was honestly just
to piss them off. Yeah, we're like, we just want to fuck with these girls because we're
like, because it's one of those things where it's like, you don't know anything she's done.
Like, yeah, no. It's just that done whoever made up that notorious RBG thing. It's the only
reason they like it. It's like, oh, yeah, you made it a cool son. He's like, he's like, he couldn't have waited three more months. You're like, yeah, I guess
you don't know much about pancreatic cancer. Yeah, couldn't have waited. Yeah.
Yeah. It's not, it doesn't really wait on the election cycle. Yeah. Yeah. My friend,
man, my manager was over who's very, who's very liberal for a Japanese guy, like the explanation to him that like the
Democrats put his people in internment camps and like this is maybe like something that
he should rethink is all the irony of that is always lost on him.
But he's he was devastated by it.
So we laughed in his face for about not just like about three hours.
I mean, you also have to laugh a bit too. where you're like the faculty are like, yeah, Trump
like, it's totally within the power of the president to just a point, or I guess what nominate
one, right?
And she said it.
She said it.
Like there's an interview of her saying, the president, his powers in year four do not,
his powers in year three are the same as they are in year four.
So he's absolutely within his right to a point to do whatever he wants.
People are basically saying, no, he shouldn't do it because he came out in early 2016 and
people were like, well, he was saying that Obama shouldn't appoint a Supreme Court. He
should wait until the next president doesn't ever. But he doesn't give a shit about talking
out of both sides of his mouth. Well, that's what I said then.
And this is now.
Can you walk everybody?
Your new Supreme Court justice.
God, I hope he appoints himself.
That would be just if he loses.
He's like, you know what?
I'm appointing myself to the Supreme Court.
Never mind.
That's what that's all.
I just live.
Nothing went to the right.
Actually said that recently, but I'm like, no, that's like actually a lot of work.
Like he doesn't want to do that.
That's true.
That would be the one where he goes, oh shit, this is like a legit a lot of work.
Fuck it.
So you had, let's see, you're, you're on the boys cast with Ryan Long, right?
You know, I'm on fuckingomics with Ryan.
Oh, fuckingomics.
That's right.
That dude, by the way, is hitting
just home run after home run. He had him on. Have you? Yeah.
Digger after Digger. He did. Yeah, he did. He's on like Roseanne bars.
I can't. Roseanne bars podcast on Friday night. That's fucking great.
I didn't know she had a podcast. I didn't either. Me either. It's hosted. I just like work a phone. Yeah,
she does. She does the first half before her, her, her, what is that? Her, her ambion.
And she does the second half podcast. Got a very explicit second half after. Got it. So
you guys are part of like the Canadian comment, right wing comedy wave that's coming in and taking
all of our jobs.
Yes, I guess that's how it would be described.
Although neither of us considers ourselves right wing.
We're just not a pot like non-apologetically left wing.
So yeah, yeah.
That's a feeling I get from him actually.
I'm trying to pull up the shirt you had that I saw.
I thought it was so fucking funny.
It's so funny because everybody, like it really is.
I mean, yeah, my reaction is to a lot of folks.
You can, if you don't laugh at this,
again, shoot them into the sun.
Like you just, it's.
So then, too, is I would say all the people
who are really like, there is,
that out of the blue, that Dotsport test too much. Yeah, because like, pardon me, it was too is I would say all the people who are really like there is a lot of our dots protest too much because like pardon me was like man I bet some of you were like
actual fucking pedos and this is upsetting you yeah because it's like you're having to it's getting
thrown in your face like there's has to be some yeah there's done zero. Right. There's zero. No chance the number is zero.
There's, there's only so much jokes about my alcoholism that I can take from my, you know,
like eventually you get to put on like, all right, let's take it easy.
That one wasn't so funny.
Your shirt says, I watched QT's and all I got was this lousy erection.
And then there's an arrow pointing down to your penis
and your selling these.
You're selling these for,
as if that wasn't clear enough that it's a joke,
you're selling these for $99 a piece.
On team's free.
And you've got people,
like the same kind of people taking your picture
and like trying to, it seems like they're
just saying that you're Jewish in a pedophile.
Like you've got that crowd.
Yeah, so basically what happened, this is what happened.
So I posted that, some people got mad.
We were, like I wound up in all these like Q and R groups.
Yeah, sure.
But these like A political, or at least they say they're like A political group or whatever,
where they basically like this guy in a whatever. We're basically like this guy.
He's laughing in our face.
And then someone on Twitter was like,
started googling me and they found something from Canada when I was in this like
Jewish like news publication thing.
Specifically for a different controversy too, which is that's, that was kind of funny.
And then they're like, oh, look at it.
You know, they're like every single time.
Who could have it?
Who could have it?
But this guy knows.
She was once again.
She was once again.
Was gonna be Jewish.
And then at which point, like this,
there's this chick on Instagram.
Her name's, Mikaela Barapalla.
She's pretty hot.
There's like hot like Native American chick.
Oh, bad.
But I guess she hates Jews like a lot.
And she's a good QAnonner. And so then I guess she has like all these followers who are like damn. But I guess she hates Jews a lot. She's a good cue in honor.
And so then I guess she has all these followers who are legit,
I guess, me or Nazi kind of that realm.
So then she just put them on me.
And then it got crazy.
Then it was my notifications.
We're honestly the wheel on fucking prices right.
It was just nonstop.
Oh, God.
Yeah, it was wild though.
I was just watching it. I was just like watching it.
It was holy shit.
Like it was just literally non-stop for like two days.
I'm trying to find some of the things you posted.
It's so at hello.
I was wondering if you-
Oh, and here's another one too.
So I have a bad tendency to like double down on this shit
where people get really mad at me.
I'm like, I'm not gonna matter.
So then they were people were like, this is fucked up
or never, and then so I made another shirt. And I was like, oh, I me. I'm like, I'm not a matter. So then they were people were like, this is fucked up or not,
but then I ended up,
and then so I made another shirt.
And I was like, oh, I guess I see why everybody's upset
the shirts too expensive.
Here's a cheaper shirt.
That's funny.
So I go, here's a cheaper shirt.
This one's only $39 for all you cheap skates.
And that shirt, that shirt was,
it said in quotations, free pizza.
And then there was a contour of a baby and a slice of pizza.
God, man.
And then at the bottom, it said limit 13 per customer.
And customer was in quotation marks.
Just thinking about like that.
They were not bound to that. They were like,, like he's just throwing it in our space.
Like, these people are fucking stupid. It's a Jew. It's a rub of hell fucking ghost.
Oh God, they're so fucking dumb. I can't get over it. Man, is it just me or does it feel like people are just getting dumber at a phenomenal
rave in the last three months?
Like, skyrocketing.
This one woman kept trying to get me fired from all my own shit.
Like, she kept messaging like, she said, so I'm doing this.
I'll tell my boss, the hard times or whatever.
No, what, say what is it?
Is it hard money, man? Yeah, so anyway boss the hard times or whatever. No, let's say there's a hard money man. Yeah, hard.
So anyways, the hard times is like these punk satire thing.
They started doing this thing hard money,
which I'm like the editor of.
It's basically like I'm running it.
And we only started it on like this past Monday.
So literally like on Tuesday, one of the dudes is like,
hey, I didn't know you were a pedophile.
He's like, what?
He's like, and so people were like messaging
to try and get me fired. But so basically this chicken message is the hard money facial He's like, and so people were like messaging to try and get me fired.
But so basically this chick message is the hard money facial page being like,
hey, do you know like you guys are employing this guy who's like,
I'm a part of a file. He's a game. Oh my god, I am.
But those, but she thinks she's talking to the page. So I'm just like responding to her.
And so it's like, I'm talking with her. And I was like, don't worry,
there's like, Danny's been fired. She's like, I'll be right now. I was just like talking to her and so it's like I'm talking with her and I was like, don't worry, there's like, game he's been fired.
She's like, I'm just like, fucking with her for like two days.
And then she messaged the Facebook page of fuckingomics to be like, hey, just so you know,
you're like, employing a pedophile.
And so I'm talking to her to you, but like, she's so deaf, first off, she spoke pedophile
She's like, her whole life is crusading against pedophilia.
It doesn't even have to spell it.
She. Uh-oh. Oh, do we lose you?
She's like trying to get me fired for my own podcast.
Oh, no, I'm here.
I'm here.
There you are.
I've got a-
God, she's trying to get me fired from my own podcast.
I'm like, do you understand how podcasts work?
Do you understand that?
Like, it's not a job.
Like, are you only used to working with corporations?
Like, this is me and three other idiots that I've known for my whole life recording in our
You can't fire me.
This isn't even the top 50th worst thing we've done on our podcasts.
Yeah, you should listen more.
Yeah, listen to our podcast and you'll be, uh, send some dudes, send some dudes and I'll
think about it. I'll have a talk
Is it the bear paw chick
Go find her on Instagram. It's a my K a E L a underscore bear paw a
My K oops man, I got my K a
L a underscore bear paw, Am I K E O P's man, I got some. Am I K A E L A underscore bear paw. But so I had a guy message me, I'm holding on, I'm not going on the phone on my phone
on Discord.
If I go out of the app, it's not going to cut out right?
I don't think so.
And I think I'll keep you connected.
Yeah, so I go open up Instagram.
Yeah, so this guy sent me from like a basically like a,
like a, you know, a finster, like it was a fake and just like
whatever, Instagram.
So I get this message from him on Monday night.
It goes, I'm sure you know this is all,
I'm sure you know this already,
but as it heads up, you're being targeted
by a neo-Nazi account on Instagram,
the account is Michaela Barapoff.
I said, well aware, she said,
this is a fake account of mine
because she targets Jews constantly and we're out
for the refrain and coming up and now taking down from months she's a scary
Instagram is vialing with them.
Oh, man.
And then I responded, my Jew friends run Facebook instead of taking care of.
Oh, this bitch is hot.
And she's a big guy.
She, she, she tagged me at one point and And then I responded calling her a dumb motherfucker.
And then it, then it really took off.
It got a, what?
After dumb, yeah, after dumb motherfucker.
After dumb motherfucker.
Yeah, I got, Goddamn, you motherfuckers are stupid.
That's what I said.
And then she was basically being like, uh,
and then she was just stupid.
And then she was just stupid.
And then here's another pedophile trying to pass his perversion office comedy.
God. And plain sight. Instagram just gave me this log into continue after I scrolled down He's just stupid. He's like, here's another pedophile trying to pass his perversion off his comedy. Cut.
He's in plain sight.
Instagram just gave me this log in to continue after I scrolled down too far, like a
porn, like a free porn site.
And it was right when this pick of her in this little white slutty top pop.
God damn it, I am an idiot.
Okay, where can I post this, this, uh, which channel?
You can post in the general.
Yeah, the general fine.
That's everything.
And that's, that's the, uh, that's the, uh, that's the, the T shirt I'm in.
And that's her posting it up in the original.
Nice new shirt design for, for all you cheap skates is in
the sea.
That's fine.
It's so dumb.
This genius is cracked the K.I.
The anti-Semites online have just reached new levels of dumb.
Oh, yeah.
There are some, like, a lot of people who are disgusting.
I can't believe this is a real shirt.
You're like, it's not a real shirt.
You fucking moron.
I just want to-
It's not a real shirt. I want to help them out because they're getting to like, I know,
I know, I know, like I want to, I just, I like a good race war, like, you know, like any
American, I like a good race war. I want to help the anti-Semites. Like you guys, you
got to just stop, you got to stop congratulating each other on your parentheses on Twitter,
all, you know, the Jews don, all the Jews don't spend all day
talking about taking over banking and media.
They do it.
Yeah, we get shit done.
You guys just spend all day talking about it.
That's the Jews not see the difference here.
All right, gentlemen, let's not start sucking each other's dick quite yet.
Oh, so what was that controversy that you mentioned earlier?
You kind of the breeze over so when I was still living in Toronto like three years ago.
I as a joke remember there was the Mayweather holy f**k or not may weather Gregor fight.
Mayweather holy f**k you'll be a great fight.
I don't know what you're going to be going to be going to my followers.
So during so basically the night of the Mayweather McGregor fight, I put on this comedy show
in Toronto called, and there was a joke called the free speech comedy show.
And it was in response to, you know, but you know, like Jordan Peterson obviously, that guy,
yeah, he, he was doing this talk in Toronto at this campus called like, it was, it's called
like the stifling of free speech on university college campuses. And then it got shut down. And campus called like, it's called like the stifling of free speech
on university college campuses and then it got shut down and I was like, that's funny.
A talk about free speech or college campuses gets shut down.
That's hilarious.
So then I basically took their poster and I was like, free because their thing was about
free speech.
So I'm like, I'm doing a free speech comedy show.
Did it 11 p.m. literally exactly a star time as that fight?
And then he's like basically Antifa like
leftist type found out about the
show and then they broke the locks
of the comedy club.
So that's a show could happen
because they thought it was Jordan
Peterson related.
They just thought we were like a
bunch of like alt-right Nazis who
were like doing comedy show,
even though it wasn't at all.
Like it's not even close to that.
It was just like I was just
fucking with their poster. Yeah, like that's all it that. I was just fucking with their poster. Yeah.
That's all it was.
I was just making fun of their poster and them.
One good poster can do a lot of damage, what we've learned in the last month.
One good poster can make quite an impact.
I can piss a lot of people off.
One good t-shirt, one good poster can do a lot of heavy lifting.
But anyways, they fucking, so they broke the locks and then it just became this like national news story.
Like, it was like a huge, like, I wouldn't do like, Crowder and like, I was like, on Milo's
website and like, just a bench or a p-ro, like all the shit, they just like, everybody started
posting about it.
And then we ended up doing it in this giant theater instead because that's how it goes,
You like, you start telling people they can't like do something.
So then it ends up doing it just like sold out basically and then but they someone snuck in because they were they kept threatening the protest
The show so then they snuck in and they pulled the fire alarm like 10 minutes in the shop God
Fucking poor keys what the fuck is going on everybody's under so fucking
Literally thought they were like defeating Nazis. I'm like, like, that's what, like in their mind, they're like, yeah,
if we end this comedy show, they're like, we just, we just beat some Nazis and you're like,
you guys are fucking nuts. Yeah, you guys aren't, and you guys aren't remotely political. I mean,
I've, like, I've seen all of Ryan's stuff. It only seems political because everyone's so insane.
Yeah. Exactly. Like, he's, like,. He's not like a, you know, like
drooling leftist. So you're like, you see what you want to see. Yeah. You came to the
country recently, right? Yeah, me and Ryan, like Ryan moved here like maybe two months
before I did. I moved here basically one year ago, exactly September 15th. Okay. So you
got a little bit of America before we took it behind the blue shut in shot.
I'm getting it still, I'd say.
It's just a different, different flavor.
But not that good of me now, because I went down, I spent March to June in Miami, basically.
So I saw some shit down there.
That was a real, real fun time.
You did this Rob Ford movie, too, right?
I looked that up before. That was really fine.
That was a controversy.
So at the exact same time as all these left wing people
were calling me like a Nazi for doing this comedy show,
I had all these right wing people who were mad
because I made this movie about Rob Ford.
So I was like on the same day,
I would like log in from like one Facebook page to another
and depending on what one I was on,
I was either like,
on disgusting alt-right, like Nazi,
or like a loser, like liberal.
And like literally just people yelling at me
all day about both things.
It's so funny.
What's the movie called?
I'm gonna pull it off here.
It's called Filks City.
You can watch it actually, it's all on you.
Now it was like, it was pretty big in Canada.
Like we won a bunch of film festivals and stuff,
but just being the nature of Canada, just
that was kind of the end of it.
But it was a pretty fun movie.
It's called Filth City.
It's kind of just about Rob Ford.
Filth City.
Remember the greatest Canadian politician of all time?
God, he really, he's the reason Trump is president.
He really opened it up for him.
I mean, he's a trailblazer.
Thank God.
The shit he's done.
I know. We researched a trailblazer. That guy's cool. The shit he's done, I know.
We researched him for this movie.
The kind of stuff he, dude, he used to,
when you look at Toronto, the fourth largest city in North America.
Because the police were surveilling him,
because they thought he was basically tied up with these murders and stuff.
So they would surveil him.
And he would just like wake up in the morning, go to the liquor store, get like, you know, a pint of vodka, then he would just drive
to the woods behind his old elementary school and just drink by himself while he was the
fucking mayor.
Yeah, it's how he started his day.
No, it was how he was starting his day. This is legit.
I'm looking at the poster right now. Looks, that's a good poster.
Looks awesome.
Oh yeah, the poster.
I figured out what the guy who made the poster.
He actually lives in LA.
He's like, that's what he does.
It's science.
Movie posters, but he makes some badass show.
That's so trailer park boys is actually a documentary then.
I mean, it's closer than it's.
Well, we're finding that more and more shows like that are way ahead of their time.
Yeah, back to future two is actually
what happened to America.
Good point, Sean.
Yeah, he did some great, like, I don't know,
the sort of famous photo of him where he was like,
basically at this like trap house with these like three guys,
that's like kind of what started the whole investigation
into him, so I'm cracking everything.
And two of those three guys, either two of them are all of them
around up dead.
The guys who were in the photo, I think two of them,
I think one of them still live.
And like, no, I think it might have been all three of them,
actually, but one of them, they caught the killer
in two of them are like cold cases.
So there was like a while where people were like,
yeah, Rob Ford, like had these people murdered.
Oh, wow.
Is this movie, is it dramatic side?
Like is it close to what happened?
It's a comedy, it's a comedy, okay, it's like,
it's not like, we don't say it's Rob Ford.
Like, you see, it's like guys think Tom Hogg.
It's the mayor.
It's too bad Chris Farley isn't around.
It's a fun, like, we had a plan.
A bunch of it was maybe like, I don't know,
five or six hundred grand.
Wasn't anything crazy for like an actual feature film, but it was a fun little indie
movie film.
Well, what's next, man?
What do you got on that?
We had the pooper on a moment ago.
He says he's retiring the pooping bit.
He's not planning on dropping any more bombs.
He's a pooper.
The guy who pooped on Nancy Pelosi's doorstep.
Oh, you got him on your show? Yeah, right before you, he just, he just hooked off.
Tough act to follow.
Yeah, what's he supposed to do?
Where do you go from there?
I know.
You can't be, you can't pigeonhole yourself as the poop guy.
You gotta start with like pissing on her door handle or say you gotta work up to the,
the huge do something.
Yeah, not in San Francisco. Well, legal like, are you like to ask me again like a lot of trouble?
Yeah, not in San Francisco.
Well, San Francisco, San Francisco is like India.
You just poop right on the street.
No, they say shit.
I was trying to tell someone that's the other day where I'm like, yeah, San Francisco has
this problem with people shitting because their homeless problem is so bad, but they can't
actually deal with the homeless problem.
So they're like, we'll just pick up the shit.
It's so it's so crazy.
They've got like, they build themselves
as this like progressive tech utopia,
but they can't figure out the technology
to like make military housing.
Like just go, go a little bit over there
and build some, build some fucking tents
for these poor people.
Some barracks or something.
Like they thought you were gonna say
they can't figure out way together
to the shit more efficiently.
And then I was thinking, I remember that Ben St gonna say they can't figure away together in the shit more efficiently and then I was thinking remember that
Ben Stiller movie where it makes the yeah, the NV. Yeah, exactly.
NV. I mean they can't figure out how to put ads on homeless people like you
got all you got you got the homeless walking around everybody's looking at
them because they're screaming because they all have schizophrenia. You can't
figure out some kind of program where you put a QR code on them and then slap a Starbucks slot out on their back. Like this.
Come on.
Scary. I think a homeless person who stands still when you scan the QR code on an abdomen.
It's not shaking.
She's shitting them. They have to stand still where they're shitting.
Yeah. So you play right on the back. Their telephone poles are literally falling over because they get too saturated with
piss and it degrades the concrete under the poles.
The fucking poles fall over.
That's this city.
That's the city that's going to run the entire country.
You don't want that.
Well, it seems like a lot of San Francisco people are just like, they're like, there's really
not a point of living here now, especially with like, the way that like real estate prices,
like how expensive it is to live there.
Oh yeah.
So Silicon Valley's all being like,
we just do this on Zoom or whatever,
why the fuck would you live there?
Yeah, that's nice, but.
We're, California is preparing an armada of idiots
to go into Texas and Colorado and completely ruin them.
To turn them into California.
Yeah, a lot of people are leaving the state, going to be leaving the state.
Like more door.
We're getting all of our freaks and weirdos prepared to go out and take their insane
no parent thinking into other states and destroy them with voting.
It's going to be great.
Yeah, I see a lot of people from Texas be like, hey, welcome to Texas, but please don't
vote the way you did in California.
That's why you're in this mess.
Yeah. Well, shit, man, it's been nice talking to you.
Do you got anything that makes you a rage?
What's that?
Do you have anything that makes you a rage?
I always ask everybody.
Makes me a rage.
Nothing that makes me a rage other than, I guess, the problem is, is like, if people kept asking
me where not, because they're like, I'm not all these groups.
It's like, the space group says, like, this guy's a pedophile.
And people are like, are you okay? Like with all the anti-semitism and all the death threats? I'm not all these groups, the space groups, it's like this guy is a pedophile.
And people are like, are you okay?
Like with all the anti-semitism and all the death threats?
And I'm like, yeah, I'm fine.
I'm like, I find it all hilarious.
But I do enjoy making these people crazy.
But I guess in Rage is the fact that they're just also dumb.
Yeah, yeah.
You really are.
I can't believe, like some kind of, like, are you guys like can't believe like some kind of like are you guys like
it's like a joke like are you like pretending to be this stupid? No. No. No, it's fucking wild.
It's really it's really it's very disappointing. Yeah. But then when I'm like you know enjoying my
enjoying this like whole thing and working these morons up I'm like well glad they're also down but
like whole thing and working these morons up and like, well, glad they're also down, but.
The whole, this whole thing has taught me that wealth in this country is not concentrated
No, it shouldn't.
It shouldn't be the 1% that own 90% of wealth.
It should be like the point 0.01%.
You know what I mean?
Like, like these people shouldn't even know what money is.
But how do you just have meals delivered to them like in kindergarten?
But how do you slice it at noon every day?
And if they don't like it,
we'll send a cop to their house to beat the hell out of them.
How do that stop them from going crazy online?
Well, then what?
No, we need to take away their online.
Yeah, okay.
They can have their own internet.
Now we're talking.
It can be idiot net.
They just get on and call each other pedophiles all day.
Right, right.
It's, I don't know if you know this about me.
I made the site men are better than and like 2005.
And Brian, you're telling me about it, yeah.
And people, like I would write, I would write total nonsense at 11 at night, sitting with
drinking with my room, drinking fucking Bacardi 151 of my roommates.
Like these just nonsensical misogynist screeds on there, like top 10 reasons women are dumber than men.
And these articles would get a no bullshit, a hundred thousand comments on them of people
losing their fucking minds and unable to understand that this is like, it's obviously, like this
is obviously meant to wind you up because you are stupid, because it's so crazy that
they don't get that you're like, if there's just no response
from you, then like the likelihood of you ever doing stuff like that, like you all the
response makes you do this stuff more, not less.
And it's always been since then, since I started doing it, it's been the same people
right or left, just who react and then try to fuck up your life and try to get you wiped
off the internet.
Like all those idiots that are emailing your podcast to try to cancel.
Because it's a type of person and that type of person exists on either side.
Oh yeah.
You're either a pedophile or not.
I feel like there were like a lot of right wing people trying to get me canceled this
year around.
Even though recently that's been more of the domain than the left wing people.
And I think they just do it because they're like, well, if people are the left are doing that, then
like we should be able to do this too. And you're like, yeah, but you also like, you
know, you kind of have to make a point to talk shit about these cancel people and then
you're kind of doing it yourself.
Yeah, they only think that because they weren't alive in the 80s. Like they don't, it's
not the left and start this. You both of you idiots.
Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right, yeah. All right, man. Let me know.
Well, I mean, next time you do something, uh, next time you do something crazy,
call in, please. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. And have fun with your dinner or whatever
you're preparing there. Your lines. Oh, I'm not prepared. I'm just cleaning up my
fucking messy apartment while I talk to you guys. Uh, all right, man. Take, do you want to plug, where's your stuff?
We can plug where you're stuck.
You can just follow me at Danny Jokes on Twitter, on Instagram.
I'm going to start taking us some new t-shirts to make up.
No, you're the best part to do with the t-shirts.
So when they got really mad, I was just leaving on this.
When they got really mad and then they're like, I can't believe this is real.
And then all the neo-nazzi showed up.
That's when I went on T-Spring
and I actually made the shirts,
so you could actually buy them.
And then I was like,
the shirts are now available for sale.
All the proceeds of them go to the ADL.
They're taking me a piss off of Nazis.
I just, a lot of people,
I go to the Horses and they're like,
ADL and then this like child trafficking charity. Okay. Right. But I was only trying to be an AEO and then this child trafficking charity.
I was always trying to make a shirt.
And then people were like reporting me to Teespring.
And they're like, it's so funny to see someone who's like legitimately calling me a
And they're like, you need to go to the fucking gas chamber.
And then they're like, excuse me, Teespring.
They're sure that I'm like, yeah.
Yeah. T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T- and they're like, oh, you think I'm a character? Just because I want to get your shirt taken down. I'm like, yeah, literally. Yeah, that's what I literally is.
That's what you are.
All right.
All right.
Take it easy.
Yeah, thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, man, that's funny.
I have a shirt, by the way.
I just want to do this.
I did see that.
It says Ruth Bada Gonsberg, 1933 to 2020 hashtag rip. The rip could mean whatever you wanted to
mean. I left it ambiguous. I think it's, it's, it's understated. Maybe even cons.
Little elegant. Thank you. I don't have it. It doesn't, you know, there's no graphic on
it. It's not, it's a dark color. It's, I don't feel that it's in poor taste. No. I would like it if someone did that to me.
Sure. If I if I didn't if I fucked over the abortion rights of the whole country by not
retiring when it was obvious that I should do it. And then by dying womanly years later
before even Trump was out of office. I do wish that my fantasy had come true. I know. I know. I
know. I thought about that. I thought about that. Yeah, I watched that animation that they did.
Yeah, you did it for us.
You're having a fairly pretty good run
of getting things that you like to see happen.
Yeah, you know, I'm having a pretty good run, I don't say.
Where he looks right at the camera and goes,
Ruth Bagan's work, fuck you and then,
pee, that would have been great. But, you know, fuck you. And then, p. That would have been great.
But maybe next time.
Baby next time.
I got some animal corners for you.
Oh yeah.
Do you want to play that game?
I do want to play that game.
This is from Aaron Eseler.
Dear have sent glands under their eyes
and they rub their faces on trees for territorial purposes.
Did you know that?
I did know that.
Wrong, Aaron.
That's one for Sean.
Zero for Dickheads.
Shared says, hey Dick, I got some animal facts for Sean
that he probably doesn't know.
Dolphins are horny.
Oh, I know that.
Uh-oh, you're off to a bad start here, Shareds. Dolphins are horny. Oh, I know that. Uh-oh, you're off to a bad start here, Shreds.
Dolphins are horny in a way that makes an in-cell look like a unique.
Not only have male dolphins been observed dragging their dicks in the sand to get off,
wow, ganging up to rape female dolphins and trying to stick their dicks in human women,
but that puts the cove in a whole new type of light.
If there's a bunch of human-raping dolphins there, they're getting their fins cut off,
fucked them. But there's one record of a male masturbating with a decapitated eel head.
Did you know all that? Everything except the eel head. I'm gonna give you that.
But I mean, that's a little, yeah.
It's not an animal fact, really.
It's just like something in an animal.
It's behavior.
I know the behavior.
Oh, don't post nudes of boogie in their place.
Okay, one for Sean.
Lemurs will na on millipedes, not to eat, but to get high off the secretions of things,
like benzo quainon and cyanide they make.
They also rub it on their balls and ask.
Did you know that about lemurs?
Did not know anything like that about lemurs.
All right, Shrods, that's one point for you.
Here's two more.
While a kid knows have four heads on their penis, they can only use two at a time.
Do you know that?
I knew that, yes, you knew that.
I think you already knew that.
Yes, because I don't think,
I'm not sure that any animal with multiple heads
on their dicks uses them all.
You know what I mean?
I do.
Well, okay.
Michaela, hello, this is Eric Wong's fiance, Mikaela.
I have some animal facts for Sean.
How many different types of giraffes are there?
There are nine different types of giraffes.
You can tell the difference between them by analyzing their patterns, depending on who you
There are either four different species or five subspecies or vice versa.
Did you know that?
I didn't know there were that many types of giraffes.
I get the subspecies thing like, you know, one for Kayla, one for
You know, there's like, there's, I know, yeah, that's, that's tough
because sometimes that stuff goes back and forth, but I wouldn't have known it either way
that there were that many.
I thought there was a giraffe
and there were multiple subspecies, you know, basically,
but there's also a giraffe.
Oh, a giraffe spelled with a gif.
With a J. No, spelled with a G.
The inventor of the gif.
Everyone who says gif also says giraffe.
Giraffe. Yep.
Here's a galopagos, what the fuck?
She just says how often does a Galapagos's heart beat?
What the hell is tortoise?
I mean, this is a woman.
When resting, a Galapagos tortoise can be six to 10 beats per minute.
When active, it can jump up to 20.
Did you know that?
I did know that they've worked.
You knew that?
I did, yeah. Jesus Christ.
I knew it was in that range.
I mean, all right.
If you're gonna, yeah.
You are like three.
Three Codilians can slow it way down.
Like deep diving whales can slow it way down.
I think like a sperm whale's heart beats like nine times
a minute or something like that.
Like that when it's way down.
Yeah, those, I'd say you got four out of six.
And they only stop you two out of six.
That's a win. Yeah. Sean win. So you can look up. I'm sure I can get all get stumped
a lot because you can look up just like little known animal facts. And it's not like I know
a lot about, I don't know any of those. All this kind of shit. Okay. Who should we,
I don't know if this game is going to be as fun for for people. No, it's fun. Is it? Yeah, trust me.
I know a good game.
Yeah, you do.
Ha ha ha ha.
Okay, let's read some advice.
This is from Edward N. Word.
Where the fuck can I get...
Why the fuck can't I get a girlfriend?
Please at least read.
Oh, I think I know what the problem is right away.
Just tell me why you live!
Hey, Dick Heshon.
So I turned 31 on September 20th.
I've come to grips with my 30s.
Is that today?
No, is that today?
Subtain 20?
Happy birthday!
Yeah, happy birthday Edward.
Happy birthday, another year without a girlfriend.
What a loser.
Oh, shit.
Hey, Dick, John.
I turned 31 on September 20th.
I've come to grips with my 30s and the fact that I wasted my 20s.
Didn't you wait till you're in your 40s and you wasted your 30s?
Oh, shit.
When I was in my early 20s, I had a bit of a problem with heroin.
Oh, okay.
A bit, yeah.
It doesn't sound like a waste.
Well, man, you must have learned something.
I can't say I had a problem with heroin in my 20s.
A bit of a problem.
Yeah, I mean, a bit of a problem.
It wasn't, you know, maybe the worst, but...
The problem gets a little bigger every year.
I had a problem I had with heroin.
Ooh, baby.
Well, that's yeah sure
Jack black and traffic thunder. That was my problem. I have given it up and I have been clean for years
Well good. I also went to jail for six months in my early 20s. What the fuck? This is the most interesting 20s guy
Ways. Oh buddy. Well, he's starting to think that
guy a waste. Oh, buddy. Well, he's starting to think that not all experiences are, you know, some, some experiences just wasted time doing dumb stuff, but jail for six months.
Yeah. Hey, I was on Dr. Phil in my 20s. Oh, yeah. I went to jail for heroin. That's pretty
interesting. Well, it doesn't say for heroin. I'm just assuming that. Well, I mean, he
could be, you know, multi-talented. He could have been there for rape. You're right. Well, I mean, uh, the problem I'm having
is I can't find a girlfriend. I've tried everything. Tinder, hinge, going to the bar before
the pandemic and being social. But it never works. I should also add that the closest things I have to friends
are co-workers.
Well, buddy, that's bad to him.
I'm not sure if you remember,
but I'm the guy who got sent to the ranch,
but didn't shoot anyone.
With girls in high school, I killed it, man,
I had a new girl every couple of weeks.
But after the ranch, things changed.
I feel socially awkward and inept and awkward.
The ranch, what the fuck is the,
he went to one of those brainwashing kids' ranches.
It's parents sent to one.
We talked to one.
This wasn't that one where we talked about where they made the kid carry the fucking shit
That was a different guy, I think.
I think that was Johnson Brown, wasn't it?
Many extended his legs.
Oh, maybe so. Oh, yeah. Yeah.? Many extended his legs. Maybe so.
Oh yeah.
That was an interesting conversation.
That was.
I feel socially awkward and inept,
and the opposite of what I once was.
Well, prison camp will do that to you.
I have sex.
Oh damn man.
Yeah, like it.
See this is a guy who,
you have PTSD from being a little prison.
This was a guy who, yeah, you're fucked up.
I mean, this was heroin and points prison again.
No wait a minute.
Did he get, did he get on the heroin, he was on heroin after the camp?
Yeah, because he went to the camp and he was a kid.
Yeah, well no fucking while you're trying to, no, seriously, I mean, you talk of, try
to a sexy, I'm like, what a therapy.
I had sex with six or seven girls in my 20s, but went seven years without having sex
until last New Year's Eve.
Oh my God!
Mama Mia!
I had a feeling to go to a bar, so I did,
a 26 year old 9.5 out of 10 girl.
All right, buddy, just say 10.
Walked up to me and asked if I'd kiss her at midnight.
I did, but she came back and wanted to dance and stuff.
I asked if she wanted to come home with me and she did.
A lot of people say they hooked up with a hot girl,
but man, this one had it all.
Beautiful face, nice, rack, great ass, great stomach,
and an aesthetically pleasing pussy.
That's the 10, isn't it?
I mean, why you mess with the half a point?
Yeah, I mean, I know you don't have a spike.
I know you don't want to, you don't want to brag,
but you know, he's docking her for something for a spike.
Let's just say it's obvious she went to the gym regularly.
Then just say it.
Then just say she went to the gym regularly.
Yeah. Sean, let's just say obvious that she went to the gym
regularly and not let's just say she put in the workout time.
If you know what I'm it's like, let's just say she was very attractive.
Let's just say that she was very attractive.
She said she'd go home with me.
I was so excited to get back to my place.
We got back to my place.
We started laughing and kind of jokingly told her
that it had been seven years for me.
And she started drunkenly crying.
That's rough.
Oh, no.
It's a rough thing to lay on it.
Well, I knew you're safe.
Yeah, and just like this, let's start the year off, right?
I haven't had sex in seven years.
Yeah, I don't know if that is.
And then also the crying would be like,
you may have had too much of whatever you were drinking to.
Oh man.
It's like a tipping point.
You cannot break that damn.
It's like breaking the piss seal with women.
You cannot get them crying.
It's thinking about anything sad.
Telling me I should save myself or such.
No, she was saying, please save me.
That's what she was playing.
That was a prayer that she was saying to God.
Please save me.
I calmed her down and we still had sex,
but it definitely killed the mood.
And the sex probably wasn't as good
as it would have been if I'd kept my mouth shut.
To get to the point, what am I doing wrong?
I'm six three.
I'm a good looking guy, I'm fit,
and all that, I'm not autistic, I have a steady job,
but I can't even get a girlfriend.
You're putting out the vibe that you're not okay,
because you don't feel okay.
You're fucking not okay.
You don't feel okay.
That's why.
It's simple, it literally is as simple as that, man.
Go try to figure, you got lazy in high school,
then you went to a brainwashing camp.
No, it fucked you up.
It fucked you up.
They could tell something's wrong.
Yeah, that's right.
No, what's wrong?
They know something's wrong.
It's just, it's a vibe you're putting out there.
Like it just is.
It's not even, you gotta figure out a way.
You wanted to tell this girl that thing,
that horrible thing about you immediately.
Immediately, that impulse is in you to brabs spaghetti. I should never be anywhere near.
You got to be thinking about them. You are whatever you present. Yeah, you got punished
for something you never did by the people I'm assuming who you're supposed to look
to for, you know, like guidance in life.
Like, yeah, parents, people who do that kind of shit who send their kid, they're fucked up, man.
And like, you've got to, it's fucked.
And I'm, you know, I'm, I'm a, I'm a, nobody's even there to say, hey, you're fucking it.
What are you doing?
I'm assuming a lot of things here that his parents sent him to some extreme camp, like all that kind of stuff.
But man, you like, you, you've got to figure out a way to actually believe that your parents
are fucked up.
Maybe they thought what they were doing was in your best interest.
It was not.
And you aren't supposed to be, you weren't like this, and you're fault.
You need to figure out that you got lazy in high school too, because you're effective.
Whenever I see dorky looking guys with a hot girl, it piss, it fucking pisses me off right there. That's bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Don't be a hater. I also want to be
good. Be happy for them. There's a ton of hot chicks. I also wonder how about how do
I find a girl? How am I supposed to tell her? I used to be a heroin addict. Fucking
don't. What business is it of hers? No, that's, that's, that's when the SEC, you don't. What business is it of hers? No, that's when the SEC,
you're off to give her a filing
of all of your profit and loss over the last 10 years.
No, man, here's how.
You weren't a heroin addict.
Bleh, f**k forever.
It's like past relationships, all that kind of stuff.
Like, why would you want to talk about that shit
with whoever you want?
No, no.
That's like, no, that's, yeah.
Long down the road, that long down the road.
That's right.
When she says, I'm gonna break up with you because there's something you're not telling
Goodbye forever.
That's when you tell her about the heroin.
And only then, how am I supposed to tell her I went to jail?
You're not.
She's not your counselor. Get a counselor. If you need to tell her I went to jail? You're not. She's not your counselor.
Get a counselor.
If you need to tell someone, tell them.
Brett, I've been thinking about taking a trip to Greenland out of loneliness.
But the only thing that keeps me going is that, hey, if I pulled a girl as hot as the
New Year's Eve girl, I can do it again.
Yeah, you know what?
The secret wasn't that?
You just shut the fuck up and danced.
That was it.
It was cute banter like a rom-com.
If you don't hear it in a rom-com,
don't fucking say it to a girl.
That's how it works.
That's how you fuck them,
because they sit there and get brainwashed
by cheap skates about,
this is how you interact with men.
Also, if you're wondering,
that girl ghosted me.
Yeah, I mean, that's, yeah.
Be cladged to be grateful
she didn't meet to you as well. Also, Sean, I really appreciate the fact. Be cladged to be grateful to you, me too, you as well.
Also, Sean, I really appreciate the fact
that you know your three mono am,
three mono am, I mean neurotransmitters
and that more dopamine serotonin,
or Norepinephrine.
Norepinephrine, he says.
Uh huh.
Is it always a good thing?
Because of my drug use in the past,
I'm also fascinated by the kind of stuff
that you've always been on the money.
And knowing what you're talking about anyway,
any advice I could get, I appreciate
GoFuck yourselves or at least give me advice on how to fuck more.
I would just go talk to a therapist if that, like, I don't, you know, I never shut the
fuck up about that.
And I realize that people are just like, oh, I got to go talk, talk, talk, talk.
It's like, you know, but it, the right person,
they can help you come to conclusions that it's all getting you to think,
you getting to make connections, all that kind of stuff.
And yeah, I mean, like if you went to one of those
fucking camps, man, no wonder you're a different person.
Of course, you're a fucking different person.
You went to prison twice.
This is what you do.
Go to and a grad student like coffee shop or whatever and date a therapist. They are fucked up.
They are all looking to fix people. They all want to be an Sullivan. Go find a hot grad student
therapist and fuck her. Well, and she will want you to want to be your mom all the time,
but don't think that that's a good therapist,
because it's not.
It doesn't matter what you're thinking
as long as you're getting laid.
And find out that you're a therapist that you can fuck,
and you're all of your problems will be over.
Do not do what Sean's saying and go to therapy.
Combine the therapy and the sex into one entity
so that when it is ruined your entire life
and sense of identity will be destroyed.
Well, I'm not even gonna try to follow that.
It's obvious, obvious advice.
Go off, go fuck a therapist.
All right, let's see if Mad Cux is there.
He's home yet.
Was that five minutes?
Mad Cux, are you home yet?
Uh-oh, doesn't sound like it.
I'm not home, but I am available.
All right, I just want your sound to be good.
Say that again.
I just want your sound to be better.
Well, that one's down, that's like an hour from now.
Oh, shit.
It's like, it sounded like you were like rubbing the mic on your pant leg.
Oh, man, I'm not supposed to do that.
That sounded bad.
I do.
How do I sound now?
Clean. Yeah.
You're probably hearing the guy blowing leaves.
Oh, yeah.
Probably. Probably a bit, man.
It's been way too long.
I'm, you know, I'm pretty good.
I'm, I've got this nice little alleyway
as you're gonna see here in a minute.
And, you know, I think life's looking up.
Oh, sorry.
It's looking up.
Yeah, I've got prospects on a new job.
It's gonna be great.
Would you like us to play your video?
And then we'll talk about it.
Yeah, yeah, play that video.
Okay, let me see how big I can get it.
Theater mode.
Oh, yeah, that's big.
That's big, big, big, big, big.
Here is Batman Begins Decoded from Mad Cux.
Let's see what this is.
World premiere.
World premiere.
World premiere.
Mad Cux is in an alley. Uh-huh. Okay. So, uh, this is made
cucks, Kenan number 865309. I'm here. Shut up, dog.
Dogs. I'm here to, uh, this is my audition tape for Buzz
Feed News. Oh, today we're going to be talking about Batman, the I'm here to this is my audition tape for Buzzfeed news.
Oh, today we're gonna be talking about Batman,
the Dark Knight rises.
Yeah, sure.
begins the first time in 2004.
Christopher Dawn made his magnum opus to Batman,
Batman begins.
A ton of Batman begins as you may remember,
young Batman at this point known as little batman
goes to opera was his parents after having dramatic experience in a well
what kids and well don't mix he sees bats at the opera because they went and saw a bat
deemed opera which is really convenient being this is a Batman movie as if any other opera
isn't going to be playing in town and And then Batman gets scared, which is weird,
because you're Batman, why you scared of bats?
I don't really understand this part.
But anyway, you get scared of the bats on stage
and they leave the theater and the parents get killed
by a bad guy.
Trial version.
And then it doesn't explain what happens next,
but I guess you're supposed to understand
that the guy from a terminator's salvation
is the kid from the beginning of the movie.
Now full size Batman.
I think they could have done a better job
in explaining that to you the viewer,
but you know, whatever.
Here we are, now growing Batman.
He's in Gotham, got some real bad.
And he decided he's gonna go become Batman.
And he meets Qui-Gon-Gin. And Qui-Gon-Gin's gonna go become Batman and he meets Qui-Gon gin and Qui-Gon gin like hey Batman
I'm gonna teach you how to be Batman
So Qui-Gon gin man and he's like hey man
I'm gonna send you back to Gotham City destroy it and Batman's like hey man
I don't want to destroy Gotham City. I like Gotham City. That's my home and
So he and dog
Burnin' and house down so
then So he's a dog. He's a bird in his house down. So then, Schindler's list, he comes to Gotham because he's not dead.
And I went to pee for a little bit.
So I don't really know what happened, but I thought he died.
Anyway, he comes back and turns out he's a bad guy and he was going to destroy Gotham.
And he tells Bruce Wayne that it was his fault that his parents died
when he was a little Batman.
Over the ages our weapons have grown more sophisticated.
With Gotham we tried a new one, economics.
But we underestimated certain of Gotham's citizens, such as your parents.
And that makes big Batman very angry.
And so he blows up this neighborhood of poor people and destroys their only form of mass
transit because he's a rich billionaire and that's a rich billionaire's due.
They destroy mass transit.
He's kind of Lamborghini.
He's getting comfortable.
Anyway, Batman ends up defeating Schindler's list.
And I guess he frees those Jews or something.
And then the movie's over.
And I know you're probably thinking yourself,
why is man cook's talking about this?
This movie came out like 35 years ago.
The dog's.
Big problem, vote him up.
So here's what I'm telling you about this. Uh-huh. We all know Christopher Nolan is
He used to guy to make Batman
Created him in 2004 first bad man
Well, Christopher Nolan also may be made a movie that you haven't heard of called
Inception and
Inception is all about dreams.
And I had a dream.
And that dream told me to look at Christopher Nolan's other movies that are about time.
Like this new movie, Tenet that's coming out.
So Christopher Nolan likes dreams and time.
And he spoke to me in his dreams to tell me the secret of his success is that he's a time
Okay. He went to the future and he hid an
encoded message inside of Batman. And here it is. So as we all know, Batman's parents were killed.
And what are Batman's parents took off them? They're like two shining towers, pillars if you will.
Here we go. Community. Uh-huh. Oh, this is not what other two pillars of the community that were destroyed do the unrest
That's right the twin towers to the unrest
I want to get on that target at the top. Yeah
What else happens when the wings get taken down well?
He tries to grab her pearl necklace and it explodes
What else is the pearl necklace like the gets damaged but not destroyed because we know the pearl necklace exists in dark night
Rises when it's still around. I'll tell you what the pearl necklace is the Pentagon
That's right now. You're probably saying to yourself madcooks
Batman begins came out after tooth after the World Trade Center
So of course it did but this is the key to the code the Christopher Nolan sent me in my dreams
So I could decode and tell you about what's going on now?
What's going on now?
Well the world to unrest when the terrorists took down the twin towers we
galvanize ourselves and carry it on for now we're in another time we're on rest.
Much like the end of Batman begins
when Batman starts destroying all the poor neighborhoods.
That's what's happening all across the world.
So I'm telling you, Chris Renolen predicted the current unrest
and there's only one man who can save us.
That's right, Joe Biden.
Batman, Biden, same thing.
Far more than all of the other, shall we? Who's Biden's successor? Come on, Harris.
What's come all Harris? An unlikable cop who else was an unlikable cop?
That's right. Joseph Gordon Levitt as Tom Blake.
And what is Batman doing when he comes back to Gotham? He's trying to take down Carmine
Falcone Donald Trump. All these things are tied together.
And Chris for Nolan is trying to show us the way to solve everything.
To elect Joe Biden, our new Batman, our Batman and Chief,
he's gonna come in, he's gonna fix everything.
Because that's what Batman does.
He's got Batman movies.
So we have Carmine Falcone Donald Trump,
who's he working with?
He's working with the scarecrow.
Who's the scarecrow?
Vladimir Putin.
But they're not the ones that
are in charge of all this. They're just working together.
Uh-huh. Here comes the real evil. I'll tell you.
There's a Soros. Oh, my god.
Big Macerson is Rods Algrimos. The puppet master of everything. He's a bad man, guys.
Yeah. I had to come back to you. Yeah.
Take a mask. He's in. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, you're, uh, you're heading your dickhole by putting him on public transit and ramming
into a building. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's what Christopher Nolan wants you to do through my dreams
to tell you to To buy them.
I hope you enjoyed this Buzzfeed video.
And hopefully I get the job that way I can move out
of this little alley and stop eating a soup out of a can
directly without any heat.
Let me tell you, this can opener,
this can opener is fucking garbage.
Look at this shit.
I mean, it just doesn't work.
You just, and oh god damn it.
Look at soup.
Fuck it's.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
See that's good.
He's beating a can with a hammer now.
That's a good stuff. Oh, he's a tab can with a hammer now Uh, uh, Good stuff.
Oh, he's a tab on this.
Ha ha ha.
Oh boy.
I could have been eating it this way this whole time.
Very good.
God damn it.
God damn it.
Oh, he didn't get any.
He didn't get any soup.
He didn't get any soup.
He didn't get any soup.
If you're not seeing the video,
he did not get any soup. Till's down to the soup. If you're not seeing the video, he did not get any soup. I'm make up.
Very good.
Very good, man.
Thank you very much.
You're riding with Biden then?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
100% Biden all the way.
I mean, he's so charismatic and like everything he says makes perfect sense to me.
Yeah, really does.
He had a good one with bath houses, gay bath houses and Anderson Cooper this week.
Did he?
Did he?
Did he?
Let me see if I can pull that one up.
Biden, Anderson Cooper, gay bath house.
Hey, how's your new persona is going new, your new persona is going like banana
docs and Maddy locks? Oh, they're super popular. I get, I get dozens and that's about
hit of views on Twitch. People seem to love it. And yeah, just, you know, I think the next
stop is the sky or space. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe the moon. Yeah.
Maddie Lux.
You people are saying that you seem very comfortable as Maddie Lux.
Like people are buying you things off your Amazon wish list.
Like it's almost like you're really getting too into the character that there's a lot of
you in it.
Well, I mean, every great actor puts themselves in a role and puts themselves in a situation
that could be potentially compromising in the future, like calling people's employers
as Maddie Locke to try and get people fired.
Well, sometimes the role puts itself into you.
Some people are suggesting that that's what's happening.
You know, I had a guy offer to put a role inside of me and then we got back to his house
and he stripped down naked and I was like, what are you doing, buddy?
I thought we were just here for bread rolls.
Apparently that wasn't what we were there for.
We were supposed to have to draw.
Here's Biden talking about God knows what
with Anderson Cooper.
Remember Anderson, back 15, 20 years ago,
we talked about this in San Francisco
is all about, well, you know, gay, gay, gay bath houses and
So all about round the clock sex.
So, come on, man.
Remember what in the guy?
What in the guy?
Joe Biden.
He gets it.
He gets it.
Bath cows is six round the clock.
San Francisco, I'm on board.
Let's do it.
Come on, fuck Orange Man.
Bad. Come on, man. You remember that part? Come on do it. Come on, fuck Orange Man. Bad. Come on, man.
Remember that part?
Come on, man.
Come on, man.
Don't you, do you, are you not there?
You was here.
Yeah, you were there.
Come on, man.
Let's see.
You mentioned that you mentioned that bad man freed all the Jews.
Oh, did he do that?
Millennial might, I Millennials might think so.
I'm the underground railroad.
I've got, I got to survey nearly 20% of millennials, Gen Z in New York believe that Jews
caused the Holocaust.
Well, I mean, they did.
I mean, if you didn't have any Jews, you couldn't have a Holocaust.
Okay. So take a holocaust. Okay.
So it takes two.
You know what I feel like they have these two.
They need some of the blame.
So 20% of millennials are so smart.
They're thinking, they're not thinking the survey.
80% of millennials are stupid.
They're just dumb stupid idiots.
That's why I'm watching my content.
Uh, almost a court nearly two thirds of US young adults are unaware that six million Jews
were killed in the Holocaust.
Two thirds?
A quarter, 23% said they believed the Holocaust was a myth or had been exaggerated or weren't
One in eight.
So 12% is a nationwide survey.
New York only, I think.
New York only, I think. New York only one in eight said they had definitely not heard or they didn't think they had heard
about the Holocaust. Yeah. One in eight people. How can you guys possibly not have heard
about it when you're constantly accusing me of being Hitler on Twitter? Well, you can't
have it both way. Yeah. Haven't heard of it. How? How do I hear about it every 10 minutes?
Shocking. I think those one and eight, I think they're fucking around. I think they,
they're that funny. They're getting surveyed. They say, oh, we're going to ask you about
the Holocaust. What was that? Yeah. Oh, we gotta get your opinions down.
That's the move, kids.
You college application, you're black.
If you're answering any surveys about the Holocaust,
it's hollow, what?
What are you talking about?
Lollacoss, I know that.
Go ahead.
What about the holodeck on Star Trek?
That's pretty cool.
You can have sex with all your ex girlfriends, all you want. Yeah. That's true. You can do
that. That's what I was doing in there. I also brought in the, the sheet ball, the washing
machine sheet ball, mad, mad, fucks, that was the one that, that was the one I stole from
your Twitter this week. I was doing, I week and I opened up the fucking, uh, open up the dryer and
like somehow all of my sheets twisted together and then forced themselves inside another
sheet and then tied a knot so tight that I'm contemplating like just fucking throwing
the whole thing away and just throwing fresh.
Does that happen?
Are you sure?
No, what the hell is he talking about?
Oh, you're not saying that you're happening? No, what the hell is he talking about?
Oh, you, that's never happening.
You put that in the middle.
You know, like, what you're talking about a dry sheet.
You're putting a sheet in the dryer and just comes sheet to pick.
Oh, and all of the other wet and there's only one dry sheet.
You don't want the fucking dryer, like three more fucking times.
No, it sucks.
You can't even pull it apart.
I know.
Like, you're there with a screwdriver trying to work it open, like you're trying to get
into a coconut for the sweet milk inside.
And you're like, man, if it's just socks in here, I'm throwing the whole thing away and
starting over.
No, it's this is fucked.
I know exactly what you're talking about.
Changing your sheets, big problem, voted up.
It's a big, back and problem.
Should just left those same fucking sheets on the bed.
That's right.
All right, man, Cux, you got anything else?
Do you got anything else that makes you rage rage or anything you want to plug? Actually,
it's just me. You're so 200 of here so I don't get is recording tomorrow. Oh, nice.
Really proud of having done nothing with our lives for now 200 weeks. Congratulations.
That's great. That's a big ass milestone. Do you got anything planned for? Also, you know, Sean is Wednesday was great to talk to you and anytime you're ready to
end that hiatus, you know, biggest debate did kind of go its natural course, but it's like,
you want to hang out? We'd be totally willing to start that podcast right back up. I think
there's a lot of fandom and for you to be on a podcast.
And then I could also be there.
Right. And I think that'd be pretty cool.
Well, maybe we could try maybe just, you know,
watching a Batman movie first or something.
Well, we'll talk about it afterwards.
Yeah, feel it out.
I don't want to commit to anything.
Yeah, sounds good. Batman in a blow.
Batman in a blow.
Batman in a blow.
The movie or the substance or the job. I mean, I mean, that's, that's
what they call it when you hang out with your bros and you watch Batman and then some other
stuff happens. Right. Yeah. I was two strikes on that one. All right, Mad Cakes. Get out of
here. Thank you for your video. Congratulations on two. Congratulations on two-legged episodes.
Very good. All right, God, it's nice to see that guy again.
Yeah, I know.
I can't stop him.
I could just listen to him talk like that all day.
Very nostalgic feeling.
Amazingly in five years.
Let me see, I got one thing of advice here.
Maybe you wanna do that and then do what's meant to me. Yeah, I know what's the one that I sent one thing of advice here. Maybe you want to do that and then do.
I know what's the one that I sent you.
I don't know.
Hey, Dan, are you there?
And here, buddy.
What do you think?
Do we have enough time to get your video in?
You got to catch me up on it, too, because I rarely is at the case where people are preemptively
trying to get guests delisted when they know you're calling in. But really? Yeah, Randy got, let me read you this,
let me read you this, this email that came in that somebody sent to Randy's Twitter.
Some bitch sent it over. Charles Smileyface, Rose, hashtag BLM. So I imagine she's like an only
fans. That sounds, that screams only fans to me.
If that's your name online.
Charl, smiley face, Rose.
Rose usually means hooker.
That's how they say, Rose is like 100 roses an hour, 300 roses.
Hashtag BLM.
She says in the message, do you realize that Dan guy that's calling into your podcast
has made fake accounts on Facebook,
just to harass and talk to Rose's friends, right?
She's talking about you, who's Rose?
Rose is the person on Twitter who claims
to be Rose Kalimba, who was gang raped
when she was 14 by three men,
and that video is recorded and published a porn hub and then porn hub wouldn't take
that video down for six months. No, this is all made up.
Oh, this is all made up. Yeah. So this girl Rose claimed that she was gang-raped and it
was recorded and then put on porn hub and told everybody about that and none of that happened.
There was no video or it just it wasn't. Um, yeah, it's all made up.
It's just a made up story.
Um, the thing is, it makes it hard to prove or people
hard to believe it's made up.
It's because the BBC published an article about it.
But when you go through the article, it's just her story.
There is no, there is no corroboration.
And they know video, no investigation that, no, unreal.
Uh, you're giving a guy that has made fun of rape victims.
Postrophe S, dumb bitch.
Past, oh no, she's right.
Rape victims.
Oh yeah, because it's possessive.
Maipa, A rape victims past eating disorder,
a platform gross.
Very unhealthy, Sean.
Well, it is very unhealthy.
Oh, he's getting a bunch today.
Wow, okay, that was Cheryl. This is the young radical them. Name is young feminist
collective. So if the young feminist collective is listening,
fuck you. Why are you giving a platform to a man currently
violating the season desist order? Do you have a season
desist order against you? Yeah, they had a fake lawyer send me a season to assist. Do you have a season deceased order against you?
Yeah, they had a fake lawyer send me a season deceased and not the bottom of it.
It says sent from iPhone.
So I didn't take it seriously.
So you assume there was a fake lawyer?
It's a real lawyer, but I think they tinkered with the email and got him to or there's a
legit organization behind this person.
We have lawyers. So they might send me a real email. I don't really care. him to or or there's a legit organization behind this person. Oh, yeah.
So they might have sent me a real email.
I don't really care.
Can you send me that season?
He's going to require a lot of proof to take any of this seriously.
Yeah, that's best in life.
I represent screwball.
Did you ever see that movie tickled Sean?
Is this movie where a guy like makes tickle tickling porn for his own enjoyment.
He's a rich guy.
He makes, he tricks like young guys into, well, he doesn't really trick them.
He's, he says, we're doing a tickling league.
And it's who can last the longest while getting tickled.
And then he has other dudes come in and tickle them.
And he's basically filming like gay tickle porn for himself.
Yeah, sure.
He lies to them.
And then if they try to speak out, he sends them these insane legal letters that all turn
out to be fake.
Like it was just him at home, right, stealing, you know, letterheads and stuff.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, did that, that, that season, that's on my Twitter.
So if anybody wants to go on there, it's right there.
Oh, well, that's, that's where I would put it if I got a season.
This is the year.
Rose, Calam, but yeah, wow, you're right.
She said, it is on the BBC,
I was raped at 14 and the video ended up on a porn site.
And then she's bragging about being blocked
by all the porn hub accounts, model hub.
And you're saying she just made this up completely.
Oh yeah, it's completely fabricated.
Well, remember when porn hub was getting like accused
of all that nonsense,
like not really, but this big like moral crusade on porn site.
Fucking dumb.
What's the proof she made it up?
Like, I don't know the story.
Let me give you guys like a quick summary then.
Yeah, please.
So, so the story is that she was just walking in the middle of the night and some people picked
her up and took her to another house and gang raped her for 12 hours.
And then they released her.
They were released there.
And the video was uploaded to Porn Hub later.
And they kept it up for six months. All the evidence in the BBC article,
there is no evidence.
And here's a few little, little cool facts about her.
So when you take the BBC article,
that's like a watered down version of her story.
Her story is like spread out through all her social media.
She has tweets, she has blogs.
And you can tell it's all about this kind of emotional feedback
she gets when she tweets out like a little detail
about her story.
And so she's obviously addicted to that kind of attention
that kind of victim cuddling attention.
But is there any proof that this video existed ever?
The linker The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link.
The link. The link. The link. The link. The link. And I want to see if you're interested in getting involved in any of this again. Is this what you just sent me?
This is the season to assist.
That's the season to assist.
It doesn't, it's not really a season to assist.
It's just telling me don't do anything illegal or we'll get you.
Okay, why do you keep calling it a season to assist?
It's just an email from a lawyer.
Oh, then you did not get it.
I mean, a season to assist says, season fucking to assist.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It tells us you stop doing so.
Well, it's because I hadn't made the video yet, so he didn't really have anything to do, but I'm sure I'll get one in the mail now.
So she, she never ended up talking to cops.
They never took a report.
There was no like investigation that said we couldn't uncover any evidence that I'm just
not that you even file any information for that is that because the perpetrators were
white males and they had a high-paying lawyer.
Even though two of the gang rapists were adults, with their connected lawyer, they made them,
they made them go through as juveniles through the system and all they got was like a $400 ticket
and then they just got let go. That's what she says.
And there's no record of any of that because white people?
No, she says because she was a juvenile and everybody got tried as a juvenile.
It's all sealed and you can't find it.
Oh boy, I don't know that's possible.
Let me give you guys some interesting little tidbits about her story.
It's not the BBC article one, it's like the rest of the story that's in all her posts.
There's some interesting things when you put that together.
She had a sender block dropped on her head and her spine. She had a baseball bat to the head. She took a baseball bat to the head.
She was stabbed in the leg when she was hanging halfway out the window.
So she took her from where she was walking to another house.
That house belongs to the 17 year old, one of the attackers.
The 17 year olds, that's his house.
He's the guy in the camera.
So, he's in the story.
He's the guy who is recording it.
So, this is his house.
And in his house, his mom and his sister are home during these entire 12 hours that she's
being gang-raped.
Not only is the mom and sister home,
her Rose Columbus best friend is also in the house downstairs watching TV. So this is none of the
shit isn't the BBC article, but this is part of her story. The kidnappers showed Rose dozens of
videos like on a laptop or something. They showed her dozens of videos of them doing this to other girls. So that's at least 24.
What the day?
That's at least 24.
You want to hear things.
You want to hear things.
So you've known like five.
All right.
And even though they, so that same laptop
that they were showing her videos on,
there was another guy on the webcam watching this live rape because
he was supposed to be there, but he had to house it for his brother.
Oh, he's on zoom. Yeah. I can't, I can't make the rape tonight. I've got to have a
down dog need to be let out every 45 minutes. I'm feeling sick. I might give it to everybody
else. I'll catch you on the next one. Crazy thing about that guy. I know that we're on him. He later raped her when she was
for 15. That's her story. This guy found her and then he got what he didn't get that
God, and it all ties into, it was posted on porn hub and it's just not.
Yeah, and there's an it's all bullshit. So this is the group that, you're very confident.
I mean, you're very confident about that.
Shockingly confident.
I know it.
The group, so I was fine with just leaving all this alone.
So I looked into rows, I was like, oh, there's no evidence behind it.
It's probably a bullshit.
And I just left it.
And then I found out about this campaign called Trafficking Hub that's trying to kill
a porn hub.
They're trying to destroy a porn hub.
And it's run by a religious organization called Exodus Cry. So it's
all moral policing. They want to take down porn hub because Bible thumpers, you know.
Yeah. Yeah. We're getting a lot of those guys to grow and like roaches like roaches these
days. They don't they don't they don't care of the story is true. It's the ends justify the means.
This is fucking wild, man. Let me read these these comments that people, the young feminist collective
went on with. He is now creating, oh yeah, cease and distressed order, stocking and slandering an abusing a rape survivor whose story was fact checked by the BBC. Everything's a question.
I emailed the BBC about that.
For what evidence they have.
And they said, we have a team of lawyers and editors who look into stuff, but they
didn't say anything.
And they stopped emailing me back after that.
Does she name any names?
Sorry, there's a of thing about that Twitter account
or whoever's emailing you, the feminist collective.
I believe that's Rose herself.
So you're talking to the victimized person,
the victim's supreme.
That's what you're talking to.
He is now creating Facebook profiles,
posing as a woman and a school employee
in order to stock minors.
He believes that the victim victims true identity because they share
the first same first name. Are you doing that? Yes. Okay. Okay. Why? Because that's who it is.
What do you mean because that's who it is? That's the real, that's the real Rose Colomba. I know
who she is. Oh, so this isn't even the real woman?
Rose Colombo's a fake, it's a made up name. She just made it up so that she could write blogs
and articles with us.
Oh, I see.
And then she tacked on a rape story
and she just continued using that fake name.
Okay, I think I understand.
This man has a long history of stalking
and harassing rape victims.
Do you have a long history of that?
I know, this is my first.
And if you don't want to contribute to his abuse, I'd suggest not platforming him.
This isn't drama, quote. I mean, wouldn't you want your story out?
Yeah, she's not a word.
Well, it says because people, not everybody who listens to this is going to automatically
not believe her or believe
They might just raise, it's like, well, okay, let me look in, look at this.
You got to see what happens.
Try to see what happens for what you're saying.
Stockings, slandering, if you want to, this isn't drama, this is a deranged man, endangering
young women and literal children.
I mean, every time they overplayed that,
I just think, ah, you're lying.
Like, anytime it's this man is endangering,
ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now, I'm, now everything's going out.
You overdid it.
You know what I mean?
That's her language and it's easy to tell,
you know, what accounts are hers
because they all talk the same like that.
Oh, that's fascinating, man.
So you released a video on this,
let me, I don't know if I'm yet.
I assume it's very in depth.
It's like 17-minute long.
Basically, the video is a timeline.
I took all of the stories she's told about the,
actually all of her life until the end of the rape
that was supposedly recorded.
That's when that video starts
and the next video will take up the rest.
The video, like a compilation of all the shit she said,
so when you put it together, it's one like crazy story.
This one says video unavailable.
The one that you sent me.
Oh, yeah, that's a damn fun one.
Let me send you the route.
So yeah, I just want to read the title and look at it.
No, it's interesting because there is an obvious concerted effort to destroy pornography
online and I'll tell you this, all of this, all of this saved the kid shit.
People don't know this because I haven't seen it before.
I've seen it before.
All of this saved the any time you ever hear anybody say save the kids, their end goal is to eliminate your privacy.
In this case, all of the online shit, they're ramming their, their ramming, uh,
cruise ideas and platforms against the wall throwing shit at the wall to see what will
stick because they want to eliminate encryption online.
And they have this is the next run.
It's going to be, look at all this kid stuff.
We love the kids, right?
All these websites have to do to keep their CBA to 30 protections is to stop encrypting
And that's actually good because then we, the government, can make sure that no kids are
getting hurt.
And if you like kids, you should love this and they're going to yank all the encryption
out of everything.
So Twitter, Google, any company that wants legal protections, they are going to have to,
I think they called the Earn It Act, I think was the same, was this, that got held up
in committee or whatever and got abandoned.
The new one, I think, is the leaded act, but every single time they try to protect kids,
it's too fuck you over and it is never, never, never about the kids at never.
It's always some insane, religious right group that is trying to do this because they can't
stand, they can't stand that anyone has any freedom. They just can't.
They're evil.
They're just as evil on the right as they are
on the left edge of sin.
It's the same,
it is they are worshiping the same evil God
that the ones on the left do.
And it's not the Christian guy, it's not the Christian God.
It is a fascist and a totalitarian one.
They've been doing it forever.
They've been doing it for fucking ever.
Since the beginning of the century, since before that, since before that, they've been doing it forever. They've been doing it for fucking ever. Since the beginning of the century,
since before that, since before that,
they've been doing it for that long
and they will continue to do it.
So anytime you hear anything is about the kids, it's not.
It's about room, in this case,
it's about removing encryption online.
I'm a 100% sure of it.
I'm a fucking 100% sure of it,
including all the useful idiots that are chiming in about,
oh yeah, we'll pour an addiction
and well, porn will give you, like, make sure dick limp,
so that's all bad.
Like all these guys lining up to try to define themselves
as the guy who hates porn is their ponds
in a chess game that's been around for millennia.
It's fucking stupid.
So be aware, because it's happening and they will win.
Anyway, here's the video you sent in. Let's pull this up. Rose, Kalamba, the victim supreme. I'll
post it and I'm sure I'll get canceled again, but I'll see. If it's a real story, it's
a real story. I don't know. I'll give you a little
tip to let you know how real it is. So, BBC article, it has a picture of her father. Her father's name
is Ron Kalimba. The person that I found who is her, that's not her father. So, great. She just
paid some guy to stand in as her father in the article. It's great. Great investigating.
So a team of lawyers, and we all know that's bullshit, right?
The babies, journalists aren't, they're just churning shit out.
Like they just find, you know, like the finding never land people.
They just, they sit down, they run the camera,
whatever you say you say, and then that's journalism.
As, you know, we're just getting your story out there.
That's what we do.
All right, man, does anything make you rage besides this?
Yes. Go for it. So, you know how when you erase your phone, all your apps pretend you've
never used a fucking phone before and they want to teach you tutorials and show you how to
use their app that you've been logged into your whole fucking experience. I just have
a thing in your thing that knows that you've used this app before. Why do I need to flick
through tutorials? Okay, next, next, next, I get it Tinder. I know how to swipe. It's and your thing that knows that you've used this app before. Why do I need to flick through a tutorial?
Is it okay?
Next, next, next, I get it, Tinder.
I know how to swipe.
It's just so obnoxious.
Click the got it, button.
Got it.
Got it.
Let's go.
All right, man.
Have a good one.
See you.
All right, everybody.
It's been the Dix show.
What do you think of that, Sean?
I don't know.
Heavy stuff.
Yeah, I don't know. I haven't decided anything about it. I'm interested in it.
I don't like Christian groups going after porn. No. I'm with you. I'm with you.
Christian groups get involved in anything except giving homeless people money. As soon as they take
care of that, then they can move on. And I mean, homeless people worldwide. Yeah. I don't want to hear
anything from a religious group until they got to homelessness
and the hunger fixed forever.
Say the, you know, the charity,
it's the greatest thing that you can endeavor to do, right?
I mean, it's to provide charity to help.
I don't remember Jesus having any no fat conversations.
Maybe there's some obscure quote.
And if there is, I'm gonna say he missed spoke.
All right, everybody,
it's in the next show, this Todd Side L with no mask.
Mad Cux is, here's where I don't get.
I love that, that fucking title is such a good title
that they have on that show.
Here's what I don't get.
It is good.
I have to stop saying it on this show,
because I don't want to bite on their thing.
The pick yourself up a cutie shirt that just gave me this lousy erection, that's good for
100 bucks though, it's kind of steep.
But you could probably rip it off, Tandy Sound, like a nice guy.
It's time to sign out with no mask.
Dick Show,, slashdickshow,, see you next Tuesday. We show your baskets in its place When they will call you a big disgrace
Next I want to spend in your face I put two heavy feet to my feet
And look at you and what the pain on the face The home's so jelly beats me first
Ray and a can of mates It's virus isn and disadomance I'm never seen, where I'm asking every day
As hollow weeks as I can understand
What do we want, everyone become a drama queen
Just head inside the gate, a teen
If you never try to force up, that's gonna be
So I used to be that bad one, my way
And I'd never want my way
But I don't get the fire, I'm aware And no matter how so, you stand up, the bad one my way And I've been on my way But I don't wanna get the far away
And no matter how soon you stand up
And walk my way
I don't wanna get the far away
Don't mind
No I don't wanna get the far away
Where in a man
What happened to you last night?
This is a bad one
This is a bad one
This is a bad one
Maybe he's pregnant
All of that with a little. Boy, imagine that.
That's one hairy baby.
I was in Pops and Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops.
I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops. I was in Pops and Pops. You can start up.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here.
You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here. You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here. You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here. You can't get so in here, you can't get so in here. You can't get so in here, you can that? No. Target. Target. You got a target lately?
Have you?
I'm along with your miles of Target.
Probably true.
Hot side, Al.
No, Max.
There we go.
There we go.
I'm not even going to fade it out.
I'm going to fade it out.
I'm going to make you chop these you shan't.
Thank you, Todd.
Oh, no, don't worry.
Target is the battleground for this cultural revolution.
We have the burning down the target.
If you remember, for a while,
first of all, the white women had the target.
That's their headquarters.
That's HQ.
Target's making, you know,
targets, transmogifying into city targets,
into target minis, you know,
into taking, target's starting to sell produce, they're taking over, and then the minis. Okay. You know? Yeah.
And to target starting to sell produce, they're taking over.
And then the target was burned down.
You remember at the beginning of these hilarious riots?
I do.
I do have it at the beginning of this campaign.
Oh, yeah.
And then now we have no mask flash mob protests appearing at the target.
I didn't know that.
At target.
Groups of people with nothing to do because everyone's business is shut down. Yeah. But target,
except target, right. Go in there, take their masks off and they say, we will not, we
will not wear masks. That's happening. Target. Target. What happening at target? I mean,
somehow that's got to just increase sales. Oh, yeah. It always ends in that. Oh, yeah.
Of course.
Uh, this is Maddy Locks on stream.
Look at how happy this motherfucker is.
I've never seen him that happy.
Everything we ever did together only seemed to depress him, like selling shows or anything
like that.
It was all just, well, let's see how this could go wrong.
He looks free.
He does look free.
Um, I can't wait to look at some of the clips from Maddy Locks next bonus episode. Well, let's see how this could go wrong. He looks free. He does look free.
I can't wait to look at some of the clips from Maddy Locks next bonus episode.
He listening to Maddy Locks,
it sounds like there's no character at all.
I know because it's so natural and subtle.
Yeah, it's just like he's speaking his truth.
And girl, girl, he affected voice.
It's not even like a goofy girl voice.
No, it's great.
Yeah, it just looks like he feels like a pretty, pretty princess.
Hey, Deck, talk to Decks in here.
They're all like me, Rage.
And someone gives you a ton of useful information that just saying,
I don't fucking know.
Hey, honey, where's that thing I'm looking for?
Oh, you might be in my side team by the dresser.
Could be in the dresser, maybe the closet, maybe the guest room,
maybe in the cover, maybe in the pantry.
Could be in the garage.
I can look everywhere too.
I know everything.
I could think of this for a few days.
I know those places. I know those places too.
I know those places too.
That's fine.
I'm going to check all these fucking places.
I can know places.
Fucking hope of saying, oh, it might be in the, you don't fucking know.
Just so you don't know, it's an information.
Hey, what do you want to do tonight?
Well, we could watch a movie, we could play some video.
I mean, I know what we have.
Well, here's the where the where that could have gone.
The right way would have been if she wasn't sure,
but it was one of two places.
Well, it's either in the upstairs bathroom
or it's in the kitchen drawer.
Yeah, it'll be in what's confident,
being okay, thanks.
Cause I had no idea where it is.
But if you just name a bunch of places,
yeah, fuck, you're not helping.
No, you're not.
I don't know.
Okay, let's see. Yeah're not on no. True. OK, let's see.
Yeah, I got a fucking rage.
It's when people say the phrase,
I don't care about the context, but this fucking idiot
based Alaska used it, which is something you usually only
hear from, you know, don't care about the context of why you use the F-flirt, whatever.
Fuck's day to last day.
Go fuck yourself.
I don't care about the context.
Well, yeah.
Can you?
Can you just try?
Yeah, for me, yeah, you don't have to do it permanently.
Just maybe for like 10 minutes.
Give it a shot.
Well, it's the ability, it's the ability to see, you know,
another side of an argument or how something could be taken
or how something could be seen. It's, you know, it's a,
it's a measure of intelligence.
But this way, I cannot see the context.
I can very easily just not see it. What I'm worried
about is that you can't. So you have to, I can prove that I don't see the context. Yeah,
hate it. I hate that. Now you prove to me that you can. Yeah, for me, we'll do this both
ways, see how it works out. Meet me in the middle. Meet me in the middle. Meet me way on your side. Just meet me at tiny bit. Right. Just right. Okay. Hey, Sean. Hey, how's it going?
It's up. D.P. Makes me a rage is women that say they're sad. Now, the reason that makes
me a rage is because only fit women complain about their weight.
You never see some land manatee gently rolling through the hill stop and say, hmm, climb so
far, I should drop a click here or something.
No, those are the women that have really type booty shorts that say pink like they got
them from Victoria Secret on the the back but there are no way
Victoria secret whatever use that much material on one item of clothing
that's a little on
but a loss for the court
it's always the fifth women that do it
yeah it's really annoying because they don't need wealth
everybody can you lose a little weight but
they're going to do it because
if fat people were concerned about it we could cure obesity but always the women that
go to the gym and everything and I think that's so bad yeah because all they want to do
is their one attention and my friend of my wife said. I'm so fat.
I need to lose weight.
And I left and I said, every time you say that, do 100 jumping jacks.
She says, what?
If you think you need to lose weight, whenever you think that, do 100 jumping jacks.
Get out of the duum right now.
That's all there is.
You lose weight in no time.
Because it sounds like you say that.
Every time I see it, so go ahead and do 100 jumping jacks.
She sits down and goes, I guess I'm comfortable in my body.
My fat body.
Not fat bitch.
There you go.
Now that you guys ever said that I'm just right down there.
Yeah. Why not so fat today?
We have a tension.
Oh, God.
I need to lose some weight.
Put my hands on my hat.
Right, like this.
Roman, do a jumping breath.
Oh, God.
Never hear it.
No, only hot ones.
God, this again.
No, you're so hot.
I gotta gain three pounds over the weekend.
I ate so much salt and...
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Oh, I need to lose some weight yeah I need to lose
three pounds okay can I just put this app on my phone oh honey you look so oh
you look oh oh oh wow geez you look gorgeous wow oh so fucking soundboard of it please All right, let's see here.
Oh, good.
Did you come out of the parking garage, please?
Left his phone at the gate and he's talking from his car.
How do people have these bad of phones? Oh, we got it. It's a fucking life. It's fucking blade.
Doesn't make a sound. Doesn't sound doesn't go fucking wash better now move it
when you turn your wrist and go wash oh wait that guy's
pulling out a fucking gun hold on that's okay that was
I've also got a gun yeah I run spilling out guns what's
up with all the fucking sound effects my set it off I I'm not gonna start turning. I'm not looking at putting out something in here. Look fucking
nice. Oh shit. Now I gotta watch TV again. Not gonna shut up. I go fuck yourself. Sean,
I love you. And also, I really don't like Rush.
So what's your opinion on the band, Kansas?
All right.
Thank you.
Kansas, what do you think?
I think they're, I think they're good.
I think they were good.
Yeah, I love that movie.
It's not to say, Rush, Rush are great musicians.
I mean, it's, yeah.
No doubt, I'll never, I'll never shit on musicianship or anything. It. I mean, it's, yeah. No doubt, I'll never shit on a musician ship or anything.
It's just a taste thing.
I love that movie sounds now, like they're not even
the punch sound, that's not even like a real,
it's just, you know that sound at the punch sound.
That's right, well remember,
so you're making like sounds that sound like
other sounds like in movies.
Because it's, yeah, it's, it's,
it's the whole thing about sound design
and folies to create like a,
it's like a visceral reaction.
It's very, very, you know,
if you used an accurate rifle shot
for this particular rifle,
it's very unimpressive, very unimpressive.
And if you'll notice one thing,
generally when it's like a shoot them up,
like hero movie,
the hero's gun is generally bigger sounding than the enemies.
Unless he's supposed to be like pinned down by this, the weapon of all time, in which
But it's, yeah, they, you know, they do that for, I mean, you can have handguns that have,
you know, cannon shots crossed with anvil hits mixed with, you know, these sound designers know their libraries,
like the backs of their hands,
and you'll have a wrecking ball into a wall
could be underneath a cannon shot.
You know, you really, it's not,
you don't try to make it life realistic.
That's not impressive.
It has to be much more impressive than that.
There's this Hitomi Tanaka porn
where she fucks a tentacle monster.
Yeah. And all the com shots are like,
they put this boi sound.
Really? And then, yeah, they should do that
to more porn, I think.
It's actually, I've watched that video several times.
No shit.
And the boi boi boi.
Like the aliens shooting these fake ropes
have come on her.
Just whatever it is.
Production value.
I just assume that's what it is.
Whatever, really.
You know what?
They could put that in regular porn.
I think it would improve it.
Instead of just nothing,
you've been shooting porn for how long
and nobody ever thought to put a squirting sound effect
when the guy ejaculates the money shot.
It's still movie making.
Guys, you're just phoning it in.
Like, you could put, that would probably make it, well, why put a punch?
If it works for a punch, why wouldn't it work for a money shot?
Do you think, you know, people would be into that?
Scientifically speaking, are they into it in movies?
Like a punch sound that doesn't sound like a real punch.
You know that, but you interpret it in the hypnosis of movie making.
And it increases it.
Same thing for porn.
If I'm watching a porn O and a guy's ejaculating on a girl's face and it goes,
I'll probably think that's cool.
That would probably enhance it for me.
But a punch, buddy.
Okay, maybe.
But a punch does make a sound in real life.
It's different from the movie.
How much sound is coming out of your dick?
A little bit.
I mean, there's a little bit of a sound.
A very good hearing.
I have very good hearing.
Yeah, you maybe do.
There's a little bit sometimes, you know?
There's like,
no, it's not like that. Okay.
Don't put that on com shots.
Put mine.
What about like, go watch that Hattomi Taka video and tell me that...
Go watch that video and tell me that it doesn't work.
It works.
They timed it all out so it's like, and then it hits, sir.
Well, yeah, it's got a hit on time, right?
And it's...
It's got to be, have squirted out on time.
And then it hits.
Yeah, well, I know, you got to, it's, it's a picture.
Yeah, I'm telling you, they should put that in a porno
and just see, A, B tested.
Oh, okay, well, there, we should find out, I think.
Yeah, I'm all for finding out.
I'll do the Pepsi challenge or whichever challenge
that was, whome all for fine. I'll do the Pepsi challenge or whichever challenge that was. Who ever did it? Sure. Okay, let's see what else we got here. White people.
Thrift sluts. What are those? Okay, so our hosts, we all know our hosts. They're fine.
But you know what makes me a rage? What? Fucking the thrift sluts that go into the men's section of the salvation army or the thrift shop or the DJ max and
Go for like the men's sweaters and shit like are you that hard up for a boyfriend that you need to go into the men's section
I was looking at that fucking sweater and you took it right in front of me
right in front of me. I'm just trying to pay a debt.
I'm a lawyer.
I'm a fucking man.
And you bet.
I need, it's getting cold out here.
I need a sweater or two.
And I don't want to pay full price because fuck that.
Good, triven the washer will do it.
But you've just taken it so that you can look like a homeless person.
She can pull it down over your knees on the couch when you're at home.
Women's, I hate the garbage, Darrym. Yeah. I'm not going to say that. Have a good day. Fuck you. Fuck you, but you're a good restrain for whatever you're
going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you
are going to say.
Way to restrain for whatever you are going to say. Way to restrain for whatever you are going to say. Way to restrain for whatever you are going to say. Way to restrain for whatever you sure it was something to be disavowed. Dick, why the fuck is every white bitch from friends, the office, and goodbyes?
Shut the fuck up, you basic white-ass bitch.
I'm home for 10 to 10 bullshit fucking getting your fucking pussy, bro.
Holy fucking shit, I don't care who the fuck
what the fuck is Michael?
what the fuck is friend?
friends like this for real just like
they're away as my friends
and they're all the friends
the whole premise of the show is that
everyone fucks each other in the same group
everyone fucks everyone in the end
that's the premise of That's the premise of friends.
The only thing that's the premise of friends is really,
hey, let's make a friend group including girls.
Everyone fucks and fights all the time.
Everyone has fucking told at least one.
That's all premise of it.
That's only the first of it.
And every white bitch who loves this,
and it's all understood and wrong.
Anyway, see love this. And I don't understand why. Ha ha ha ha.
Anyway, see you later.
Who the fuck is Michael?
Who the fuck is friends?
Who the fuck is Michael?
That's a good one.
Who the fuck is Michael?
All right, let's do uh,
Andrew from Eugene, Oregon.
Let me see.
Oh, shit.
He's got a big one on what Ralph should do. I know
Guys, we did it. Congratulations. Yeah, we did it. We did it. We did it. We did it.
In the bird. There we go.
Scott, Gonsberg.
What a love is all these people say women are fuck women are fucked out.
And it's like, oh, I don't know.
I don't know what women are gonna get fucked by me.
So tell me, like, why?
What rights do you wish you had?
You didn't get what rights are you afraid of losing?
That you figure, you're gonna lose now.
All right, control, tell me.
Tell me, I want to know.
Yeah, that's right, abortion.
I just think it's funny to know what pain
then they have themselves.
Like, basically, what I see see that they're all saying that
because women don't have access to a portion of the good so on
that tell me three
average of the average moment tell me three things that we're better getting
for a bit for you
uh... well
important thing
but there's an equal back great so think
uh... the portion they i love that
they can go to the
the women are
fought because they can go to the where they are for
because they can't get a portion
uh... but i don't know what the word play with the right
it's funny to me because they're basically saying that women can't
close their legs
literally save their lives
got it like that
now i have a
but we can't have a
futures or totally
should you
not do this for a while if it means
you know we have to do that we have to be giant
giant floodside
why one of the bring this to you here you have to say
i think that i think it should be a coin toss who gets pregnant.
When you have sex, if somebody's gonna get pregnant,
this should be a coin flip.
Heads, it's three.
The eye tails and God flips it for you.
And then everyone who would have a way different opinion
about everything.
Isn't that the truth?
I mean, they just, the government has just put us
in this fuck spot forever.
Like, your health insurance should not be prayed for by your employer.
There's no reason that's insane to put the decisions that you make about your health
and your body in the hands of a group or organization that sees you as a number is absolutely insane.
They could give health insurance decisions
to anybody else but your employer.
They could give it to a random guy on the street
and the random guy on the street
would choose more compassionately than your employer.
Oh, I think that's true for sure.
So the whole preventing what was FDR
who said no more salary increases
during the war. So then companies started to give health insurance as an incentive.
Yeah, we're going to give you better health. We're going to give you better benefits. Right.
That that decision, more government overreach has permanently fucked women. It's permanently
fucked women like hobby lobby. That's the that's the, one of the dissenting things
that RBG weighed in on,
because Supreme Court said,
Hobby Lobby has every right to not put contraceptions
on their health plan and pay for it.
And women said, well, that's fucked.
I'm like, well, you know, fucking, that's the right.
Sorry, sorry that that doesn't work out for you.
But that's how you end up there.
It's just insane. It's insane that that
hasn't, it's insane that they have any kind of tax break at all for paying for health
insurance. It should have a tax penalty. If you're going to, however much, you're going
to pay for health insurance for your employees, we're taxing you double on that amount.
So fucking society is just run by the insane. Yeah. It's so dumb. It's so fucking dumb.
Anyway, there you go. Yeah. That's my, that's how I weigh in on it.
Have a great week.
Have a great week, everybody.
Very unhealthy.
Maybe it isn't an healthy show.
Oh, there's not, I don't think there's any doubt about it.
Because there's a doubt about it.
Very unhealthy.
Sometimes, sometimes it's exactly what I need.
Got emails me the other day, hey, where's that suicide shirt
on your store?
Oh, fuck.
So I'm watching my notifications.
Does this even have $5,000 purchase rolls in?
Oh, God.
I don't know how to feel about this.
It's up there.
I used to search for it.
It's all I'm done, dude. Search for it's off there. I used to search for it. I'm done, dude.
Search for it.
Anybody in there got something to say?
The, that's the new site.
The dot gay, domain name.
God, dude, Biden's a fucking mess.
How is he gonna debate Trump?
Come on, man.
Every once in a while, every once in a while,
he'll, I mean, he still tries to act like he's,
yeah, you know, man, like what, dude, you're,
you're pushing 80.
I don't know.
He's on, he's either,
got Alzheimer's or dementia, right?
I don't know.
I think, I think he's always been a bumble fuck talker.
He's certainly not, he's certainly not as sharp as he was 10 years ago.
I mean, dude, he says shit like re-elect Obama Biden.
Like he says shit that seems like not a fuck up to me,
but like he actually forgets what time he's in.
If he could, if he is on a dementia
or Alzheimer's medication, you have bad days.
You will go, you'll have good days and bad days.
Yeah, of course.
And if you have a bad day on a debate with Trump,
what the fuck is that gonna look like?
Like, you can't calculate that with drugs.
No, no, it's gonna look like a hilarious.
Well, it's gonna look like an infeable, you know, these,
yeah, he's not gonna be able to,
he will make no sense.
Everybody collectively will go like,
oh my God, this is really sad.
And now we got three shots of that, right?
We're gonna do three debates.
I don't know, I guess.
I mean, Trump is so funny.
The Joe Rogan thing when he agreed to that,
like, his whole thing was Biden's not going to do a debate.
So then he said he would.
So Trump created a debate that Biden cannot do.
The four hour Joe Rogan, whichever one wants more.
Of course.
It's hilarious how he fucks with people.
Look, it just happened.
Like, he can't stop.
What does that mean?
I'm just happy.
I'm not happy.
Listen to this one there's a two
but they should be it's estimated
is a two hundred million people
have died probably by the time I
finish this talk what the
complication of COVID-19
to two hundred and one
scarring here they should be
two hundred million people
two hundred million people have
died probably by the time I finish this talk.
That's a fucking, it's a lot of people.
Please tell me that's, please tell me that's fucked with.
No, no, this is, no, this is just a feed.
That's, it should be, it's estimated that it's 200 million people have died probably by
the time I finish this talk.
No, he's the complication of COVID-19, like long scarring and heart damage,
could become the next deniable preexisting condition for over 6 million
Americans. Just that this should be. It's the first sentence. Yeah, it's he's he used to do that sometimes
But he but he doesn't seems like he does it all the time now
Man, it doesn't even seem like he registered that as a fuck up. No
No, no, no, no, he's yeah, it things ain't right. Here's another one
Oh god, this was fucking hilarious.
But ay, ay, ay.
Ay, ay, Karamba.
One thing to say.
I got one thing to say, say it to me puppy.
This is, this is one of the worst pandering.
Some of the worst pandering.
Oh yeah, Biden.
There you go.
Thanks a lot of you. Come on. I got it. There you go. Thanks a little bit.
Come on.
I got an invited.
I'm starting to invite and see.
I'm sure you want to find the talent of any one of these people.
I'd be I'd be elected president by acclimation.
Oh, oh, yeah.
Feels me.
Oh, wow.
All right.
See you guys.
See you.
Thank you. Hey, uh, deals meal. I chew. Wow. Wow, wow, Gabron.
All right.
See you guys.
See ya. Thank you.