The Dick Show - Episode 227 - Dick on Hassle Doctrine
Episode Date: October 6, 2020Frank Hassle calls in about Boogie2988 shooing at him, celebrating Trump's death is different than RBG, capitalize Blacks, Birthers vs. COVIDs, walking through a screen door, a guy finds a sugar-trans... parent, Mario64 still sucks, vocal fry, California paying reparations for slavery, a 10-day waiting period, period color, disavowing white supremacy like a thousand times, hegemony, never-ending advice from two Macho Mans, and my very crappy OxMad shirt; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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I enjoyed the Oxman brand.
I mean, but enjoying it would it compel you to buy this dog shit shirt?
Look at the great, look at the fucking glow and the gradient around it.
I'm wearing an Oxman, the Oxman wanted poster as a shirt that I purchased off of Maddox's
That color is really something else too.
That's something to be hold. color is really something else, too.
That's something to be hold.
That is a, well, you know, only the best, is it gilded?
It's worse.
It's like a Haines titty-chaf brand.
It's just so fucking, I didn't think.
I didn't think, I didn't think there was a brand worse
than gilded in, but this, I even got the medium,
the middle expensive one.
Oh, the middle, I thought you meant medium, size medium.
No, God, no. This is so so large and it fits like a fucking tent.
Look at this.
This is just dog shit quality.
Dog shit, absolute dog shit quality.
Is it thin but rough?
Yeah, that's the, how did you know?
Yeah, no, no, no.
It's crazy.
It's like how is it so thin and so rough at the same time?
It makes me feel like I just got a haircut and haven't taken a shower yet except all over
my torso.
Like that feeling, I can't get rid of that feeling.
I really thought, the first time I wore it on a piano stream, I thought I shaved just
really bad and left of all the hairs all over, but now I'm putting it on right now and
it feels like that all over my fucking back.
I wonder what it looks like after one or two washes.
Well, this is one wash, what do you think?
Well, do you still a horny woman that wants it?
Less so.
But it hasn't started to crack and peel off yet.
Wanted by, I mean, look at this.
Look at the glow effect.
What is the deal with this glow effect that's around the silhouette of Oxman?
Well, it can't decide whether it's supposed to be a shadow or a glow.
It's really fucked up.
The art design is really terrible.
It's like the color of a bruise that's faded over a week and a half.
Yes, it looks like a bruise. And it's flesh colored, so it absolutely looks like a bruise that's faded over a week and a half. Yes, it's a pretty, it looks like a bruise.
And it's flesh colored, so it absolutely looks like a bruise.
Just awful.
Bad idea, bad execution.
Perfectly consistent.
Well, see, I picked, I got to pick my own color.
How many, how many options?
All of them.
Just, you know, fitting whatever the consumer wants that's the motto if you want burgundy
Ray that's that's right. I'm ready. That's way to have a lot of unsolved inventory
Isn't it well, it's print on demand. That's why it's I mean, that's why it's shitty
I do I silkscreen everything's I have to have inventory. That's why it's good and it lasts like 10 million washes. Gotcha. I wonder how
That's why it's good. And it lasts like 10 million washes.
Got you.
I wonder how, I wonder how much demand there's been for the OxMab apparel.
I mean, are you one or are you like six or you know, I probably sold more than that
Ix did.
I mean, I posted it.
Oh, yeah.
I've been saying support him, support this content so you can get more of it.
Yeah, that's my motto.
It's truly a, it's a win-win.
I mean, it's, well, it's win definitely.
Upper case win, lower case win.
Lightly lower.
White case.
What did we call that?
Then the upper case black and then the lower case white.
Oh, what, what do you mean for what?
For the strung and wagg and Wagnoles style guide editorial,
they made black uppercase, remember that?
No, you remember that?
We didn't talk about that on the show.
I don't think so.
Newspapers now, black.
If they say a black guy, I haven't did a medic, did a cured cancer,
for example.
Sorry, I was thinking of examples I might read about
in the newspaper that I didn't want to sit.
Let's say, I haven't was the headline,
or that was in the article, they got to capitalize black now.
Oh, I haven't noticed that.
Because you're not racist, that's why.
It just looks normal to you
because internally you capitalize.
They said it was like an ethnicity or something.
Well, because it's Mexican.
Well, it's like, okay, like African-American,
that's a proper type now.
And yeah, proper exactly.
Black is not.
No more so than white is.
Well, white got lower, white now if you started.
Caucasian should be capitalized.
Yeah, but they don't say that.
Yeah, they just say the devil.
Oh, devil appeared today.
Why do you honky blue eyed devil motherfucker?
I'd like to ask motherfuckers.
Why do you honky crack ass blue eyed devil?
That's you got you got you got you got musk the trick that that one is the hyphenation.
You've got to figure out where the hyphens go.
Yeah, cracker ass cracker.
It's a description. So you cracker ass, hyphen, right?
Honky, hyphen, blue-eyed, hyphen, devil,
motherfuckers, space motherfuckers.
Yeah, I got it.
Anyway, black's capitalized.
Because you have an education.
Don't freak out.
If you see black on your newspaper, anywhere,
don't freak out and start tearing ass around.
Don't start tearing ass around town.
Don't do that.
It's supposed to be like that.
No, ask to.
If you are writing about a black guy in school, you have to say, who was a, like, Frederick
Douglas, comma, who was black, capital B, or you'll get fucking the red pin. Nobody wants the red pin.
How what do you think about that?
Lowercase red pin.
Yeah, lowercase red, lowercase pen.
Well, I mean, I think it's what it is now.
Well, I mean, I don't.
Can you believe in our lifetimes
we're living to see a capital black?
It doesn't offend me,
but I think it's grammatically incorrect.
Yeah, definitely.
It's like, yeah, well, these are like simple descriptive, like, oh yeah, you know the white
guy, oh, you know the black guy, oh, you know the, right, the person of black, you know,
it's funny because it's like, it's not okay to say like, oh, the brown guy.
Well, no, you know what I mean, isn't it, it's, it's funny that way, like a white and
black or like, oh yeah, we understand those and there doesn't have to have to be anything racially charged by saying the white guy or the black guy.
African American. But like, if you see the brown guy, then it's like, I don't know, man,
because there's, how about that? Well, because there's, because they're not literally black.
That's why we're not literally white. Right. So that's okay. Yeah. But it brown, they're
literally brown, you know, like, ah, it's a little too Yeah, but it brown, they're literally brown.
You know, it's like, ah, it's a little too much.
I can eat a little bit of abstraction.
That's true.
I call, you know, that's true.
And a little friend, not a, not a temporary whore, right?
That's not what we're, yeah.
Gotta call.
Yeah, so good, so good.
Call it what it is, that's very upsetting to people.
No, you need, yeah.
You need one degree of, of kind of separation from that.
Yeah, you're right.
Person of color.
What's color brown?
I mean, brown, some kind of brown.
Yeah, color.
Can't be any color.
Yeah, it's funny because.
Oh, wait, sorry.
No, go for it.
Go for it.
Go for it.
It's a long cold open.
My God.
Oh, baby.
I wanna get with ya.
And take your picture.
My homeboy's trying to warn me.
Welcome to the air.
You want to get you love it?
You got it?
If I show, I'm the contestant of Eli from Mount Barker.
People are hard to see.
I'm your host, Dave Mashstone,
Florida America's worst,
Mexican, 77, weeks on a road.
Jesus, say K, the $20 million man. Joining me is always this. World Touring, the American's worst, Mexican, have it, seven weeks in a row, Jesus.
Say, K, the $20 million man, joining me is always,
world touring LA based comedian,
Sean the audio engineer.
Hello, Dick.
Hi, I need you to fuck up the intro.
No, you didn't.
I fucked it up, actually.
If I would have squeezed one more line in,
we could have got something,
but that makes me go, yeah, you know, something funny.
Something funny instead of a non-sequentory,
something called a joke. Something called a joke.
Something called a fucking joke, a complete joke
with craftsmanship, not just an idea of a joke
that I kick out to you, pass you to it.
Is that what you've been doing coming up with cheese?
I got a actual comedy jokes.
Sean, can you believe, can you believe how insensitive people
are about Trump's COVID?
I just can't, I can't fucking believe it.
Can you believe these people, how inappropriate hold on?
I need to put on this mask that I just got my root beta,
God's bird mask.
Can you fucking believe the insensitivity of people?
That's amazing.
Commenting on Trump's illness.
He has a family that for them to just, for them to wish death upon him,
that's reprehensible to me.
That's repugnant.
But I know.
Not my Ruth Beda Gansberg mask is getting in my face.
Let me just put it just like this.
Pretty nice mask.
You like that?
This would be a lot funnier in the shirt,
but I didn't get that in time.
I didn't get my hate speech in time.
Oh, to do the show.
You know, you know? Yeah. That's how serious my hate speech in time. Oh, to do the show.
You know?
You know?
That's how serious the hate speech is.
I will just let a couple.
We don't have the resources to stop the printing machine.
That would cost us money.
We do hate hate speech.
But we're not gonna invest money
in throwing this inventory away.
So if the shops, if the show's a little off today,
then we'll know it's because we didn't get our hates.
I really didn't get our hates.
We got one arm tied behind our backs today.
Whoa, this is somebody who's made a tea spring shirt
of a lynching, an actual lynching that they,
that's hate speech.
Well, just let a couple of roles,
you know, we don't want to throw the merch away.
I mean, come, we got a perfectly good,
we got a machine to feed here.
You know, Trump's got COVID, and people are joking about it.
So insensitively, I can't, well, we're not, you know,
it's just a belief, it's sensitivity,
and empathy is not really in our wheelhouse these days.
They're bad people.
Yeah, they're bad people.
Anyone who would wish, I mean, if Gavin Newsom
or anybody on anybody, I mean, oh, so no.
Oh, I can't believe they would do that.
You know who's, you know who is, you know,
not looking down and smiling on anyone's RP.
Yeah, because she's looking up,
because she's in hell, possibly, But anyway, she is not pleased.
Oh, she's not pleased.
Just can't believe it.
I'm going to, I've got a list of all the people that I am morally superior to who are
I have to.
Who are those?
Let's go to the Trump dies.
Oh, maybe the next time you read all the, all the patronis you could put those in there.
I would, if Gavin, if Gavin Newsom fell out of a plane, landed in a big pile of cancer,
I would be so respectful.
It would be like an NFL tribute to the troops,
I would be so respectfully saluting with both hands.
That's how respectful I would be.
While doing pushups with my dick,
I'll do the other.
While doing dick pushups.
You just gotta do one.
Yes. One and done. That's your dick workout dick pushups. You just gotta do one. Yes.
Yeah, one and done.
That's your dick workout for the day.
If you could do one pushup with your dick,
you are the greatest man who has ever lived.
Yeah, I think I could do it.
Nobody could compete with that.
My Bruce Lee couldn't sniff that.
I can't fucking believe it.
I can't believe people are pissed about that.
Oh, they're so mad.
Can you believe people are wishing Trump death? Yes. Yeah, I totally can't believe. I can't believe. I can't believe
you can't believe it. I only want him to live because of my own entertainment and I know
finances. What do you mean? I don't actually don't care about you don't even know the guy. He's
just like a collection of things. Oh, whatever. Yeah. I also love, I've heard about every conspiracy possible
around his COVID.
They always do, yeah, it always happens really quick.
Oh, he doesn't even have it actually.
Well, he doesn't have it.
It's just code for him.
And he's ready to round up 100,000 pedophiles
and prosecute them, I think.
That's what China did.
That's convulsing,
because they jammed an electrode up pedophiles, files and prosecute them, I think. That's what China did. That's convulsing. Oh, I like it. Look at this.
They jammed an electrode up pedophiles, asses, and filmed it.
Oh, we got to lock it down.
Hey, speaking of locking down, who are those guys who were head blogs that were tweeting
about China in some way?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Send the, send the vans around them.
Make sure to put it on TV, Westerners, don't.
Tell them to stop picking up stray dogs and pick up these guys.
It came, here's the one I read on the LA Times.
It came off, they're talking about Trump.
He's doing fine, obviously.
Farza, no, yeah, I mean,
because most people do find them on it.
He's getting the best care.
He's getting the best care.
And if he takes, it's not uncommon to get sick,
have a slight improvement and then take the downturn
and then slowly and surely big it.
Yeah, I tell my dad has it.
Your dad has COVID?
Yeah, I got it two, two, two Thursdays ago.
Yeah, he just, yesterday got his sense of smell and taste back.
Oh my God.
It was gone for like over a week.
Were you worried?
No, because he, I was checking in with him,
my brother lives near there too,
but no, he was, he's feeling like shit, fever coming
and going, stuff like that, and then he would,
you know, get the typical symptoms
and like the no smell, no taste,
which is like pretty, a lot of people have that.
But yeah, he was feeling better than he wasn't feeling better.
And then now he got the sense of smell and taste back.
And like he was joking around a lot yesterday.
So I know he was starting to feel better.
So it was, yeah, but it's about a,
it's been about a week and a, about a week and a half.
You know, it's on him as long as,
as long as your breathing is cool, just write it out.
So, to give it to anybody that he hates.
Um, I don't think so.
That's a pretty good time to do that.
No, I think he's been planned by the rules.
But out of all our family,
like he's the one to get it.
Cause he's wild.
He is wild.
Life on the edge.
Yeah, that's definitely true.
But yeah, as far as I know,
I mean, I think he's probably out of the, you know, basically,
he shouldn't take a downturn at this point, I wouldn't think of.
A dickhead has it.
Ethan can't trail his own event.
Oh, yeah.
That's a later.
Really bad.
Oh, God.
How old is Ethan?
I don't know.
He's a kid.
He opened the Dallas show.
He's very young.
You remember he had that guitar and then I'm sure with Maddox stuff all over it.
Oh, yeah. Just hearing the acoustic guitar, he's very good, but he's on a ventilator and that's rough.
That's a rough spot. No, it is.
It's pressing to open the show, but you know. Yeah, that's the mother fucker is like it's just,
it's a little bit of a wild card. For most people, no big, you're sick. It's like the flu, but
yeah, some people have fuck, man. A bunch of smooth brains hit me up with the, oh yeah, some people have fuck man a bunch of a bunch of smooth brains hit me up with the oh yeah now
So now because I said god, hey get better. We're thinking of you get better
Everybody here's what's happening get better. Oh now now it's not so now. It's not such a not big deal
Is it dick now now that someone you care about it's got it dick now? I bet you're rethinking all your positions dick mm-hmm yeah you got yeah you got me guys
I never even oh oh god it's a virus we're talking about oh no I had no idea oh
God you can't hold two things in your mind at the same time can you just just admit it just fucking admitted that you can't hold two things in your mind at the same time
You stupid assholes. You fucking idiots. You fucking idiots. Just a couple guys probably
L.A. Times. It came off that we were says Trump's doctor. It came off that we were trying
to hide something. Here's their editorial he admitted
not he said right it's a bit it's a little bit of term fucking jerks
he's an idiot so he's faking it trumps faking it because he's an idiot for not wearing a mask
and because it's it's he it's a huge deal
so he's in grave danger but when he bounces back he's gonna have slayed the demon but it actually they're deal. So he's in grave danger, but when he bounces back,
he's gonna have slayed the demon,
but it actually, they're gonna say,
but he actually isn't a big deal.
I just want him just walking through
all the conspiracy levels.
There's lots of them.
I mean, I think he's got it.
I wish, I understand bug chasing now.
I wish I had Trump's version.
If I Trump could just spit that COVID right into my mouth.
Yeah, I would love it.
You like that one?
I want his.
You want his.
I want his COVID.
Maybe closer to him, you get his essence.
What is it?
His manly essence or his?
Yeah, I feel like it's something that would be a drink of pure grain alcohol and rainwater.
I feel like some of his essence would have gotten the COVID and a little bit be like a matrix,
like code copied over once or the other.
That's your invention, the weaponized,
with the weaponized, you know, cum,
is that what you were, something was cum, yeah?
You were, yeah, you were like,
what in my adventure?
Really had come on the brain that whole bonus episode,
it was, yeah.
I do have come on the brain, I gotta get it out.
Let me see here.
I walked through my parents' screen door at their house and this is somehow my... Through the screen door. They have a screen door at their house like a plantation, you know.
Okay. Well, on the back, on the back door and I get made fun of, I walk through the screen door
with a spilling a drink all over my, like looking
like a complete jackass face is smushed against the screen door, drink spilled all over myself,
walking out at the approach of evening when it's twilight outside and everyone's outside
having a good time. I think I got to get out there. There might be talking about me.
Yeah. I need to go out there and make sure to correct the record. Right. And like a Cocker Spaniel and a brand new home full speed. Yeah.
I like, oh, wait a go, idiot. Wait a go, idiot. First, it's fucking twilight. First of all,
everything is dim right now. There's no ability to see this screen door. You've got a screen
door on your backyard, on your backyard door. There's no, there's no, with no stripe on it or warning
tape or anything. How in the fuck is anybody supposed to know this at all? Well, this is
your faults to them. You did this to me. To them, it's obvious because they see it all
the time at any hours except twilight because there is like the perfect time where you
might not see that. Everything, I go to the bathroom and everything is dimmer.
Everything is dimmer.
And they've got some kind of fucking like double pain sound proof glass windows.
So everything is dim anyway.
And there's shade in there.
Bluup, there goes my drink.
Hey idiot, you didn't watch where you're going.
This is not my, I don't expect screen doors in the middle of things, walking into
the bathroom. Do you got any cellophane on your toilet that I need to be aware of?
Wait, there's a screen. I think I just glossed completely over what you're talking about.
Back door screen in the back door. Yeah, that's where it is.
Oh, okay. I thought you were, yeah. I thought you were somehow there's a screen inside
the house walking into the bathroom. Their might as well be.
No, okay.
That would be the same is what I'm saying.
Let's see.
Oh, the old toilet cellophane joke.
Have you ever done that?
Who'd you do to?
My brother did it to my sister and I think she peed all over the place.
Oh, it's grosser with girls for somehow.
Yeah, he did it to the upstairs bathroom in my mom's house.
Which sister?
The older one did it.
Sick. Your brother's a very sick man.
He's probably celebrating Trump getting COVID.
I don't know.
There's one of these sick people that have no morals.
I think he, I don't know how much he cares.
He does, like he's busy, the kids are back in school.
I don't know.
I think it's doubly hilarious because because now he's definitely gonna win.
Like now everyone's gonna be clapping for Trump
to get better.
Like he's gonna come out,
Trump's gonna come out of the hospital
and spend an entire month thanking God personally.
Well, you know how powerful that is?
Well, the average dumb fuck.
Well, I don't know.
God, I prayed to God!
I was so worried about missing my life and my family,
and I prayed to Jesus Christ.
I called him on the phone.
He's talking about miracles from God.
This is a miracle that I've been brought back to life like Lazarus.
God did this to me.
That's all you got to do.
I know it's more powerful than 9-11 in America.
Well, God did this to me.
Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if many people
are going to change your minds, who minds about anything at this point. No, I don't think
so either. Nobody watched the debate because of that. I heard. I don't know what the ratings
were. Well, too high were the ratings. It was funny to see Trump yell at Mike Wallace,
though. He really didn't give a fuck anymore. no. I was surprised, Biden could talk.
Mostly, I think a lot of people,
I thought a lot of people were surprised.
Let's see, 10 day, my 10 day waiting period starts now.
Oh my God.
Cause you finally got in.
Fucking got in, man.
You've got to go in.
You have to go in.
I don't know if this is just a California thing.
It probably is, but you have to go in,
you have to bring a passport, you have to bring your driver's license. And because they changed
it to the, yes, because they changed it to this real ID shit in California. Yeah. Because
so many illegals have driver's licenses that your driver's license is no longer proof
that you're a citizen. So you have to bring a fucking passport. If you don't have that
real ID garbage,
which I don't have and I don't know how you get,
and I'm not interested in finding out.
And then you get a fucking utility bill.
Oh, the elite, this, this, this meme,
the utility bill meme that we have established
in our society is fucking insane.
Well, you gotta bring a printout
from the power company
with your address on it.
And that, we'll believe, that we believe over any,
we take a look at that.
Our guys, take a look at that.
And the millions and the thousands
of different municipalities and power companies,
we take one look at that bill.
You're good for anything.
You're bonafide.
You can get credit on it, whatever you want.
I know it's wild.
I'd like to buy a house, please.
Here's my fucking gas bill.
Yeah, here you go.
Spectrum cable.
Here you go.
Spectrum, they're like, wait a minute.
Nobody would have spectrum cable.
Spectrum, this says you have a premium package.
Wow, you're bonafide.
Yeah, so what do you tell a 50% of the. So I want to cancel all my utility bills just so I
can have that conversation. Yeah. You have to bring a passport, a semen analysis and your utility bill.
I don't have a utility. I don't have any utilities actually. Oh, there was a, there was a point in time.
It didn't last too long, but I know because I went through it where apartment complexes wouldn't rent you or wouldn't, you had to show them proof that you had a phone like a landline. Oh yeah.
Put up to that residence. It's like, now, nobody would do, I mean, nobody fucking, I don't
know anybody at the land, do you guys have a landline? No, fuck no. I haven't had a landline
in probably 10 years. Yeah, exactly. I remember renting a part one time and they're like, okay, you have to have proof that your
Power is turned on, you know, your gas is turned on and you have a land line. Yeah, the fuck I just I had a cell phone
Take my driver's license. Just give me the shit. Stop making me stop making me give you my bills
Yeah, that blows my mind actually now that the fucking whole land line thing. It's like why were you not?
I don't know
Your cell phones weren where it is.
One time I got a driver's license picture rejected
because it was too good.
He said, well, we don't need a picture of it.
That can happen, not a scan.
You need a picture of it.
You need to see a fucking finger.
Here, I'm gonna Photoshop a finger into it.
Yeah, a little fuzzy black figure.
What are you even looking at?
I don't know.
What are you really seriously looking at anyway?
Okay, let me see here.
I've got this.
They're bringing kids back from the dead.
That's horrible.
Ha ha ha.
And this is the,
you want more of them running around?
This is just the funniest and most sickest thing
I've ever seen.
I'd like to watch it with you.
And then a young man named Frank Hasill is calling in to talk about the boogie debacle. Did you know anything
about that? The boogie debacle. No. What's a boogie? Is that a person? Is that a dance?
Is that a, it's all of those things. Yeah. Is that a brand of type of amplifier?
It is. Yeah. Um, also a ghost. Uh, oh, yes. Oh, boogie.
Yeah, but that's only one, that's only one oh, isn't it?
Don't they spell it like bogey?
Do they?
I think so.
Whoever they are.
If you remember, bogey was going to do a reboot of the biggest problem in the universe
with me.
And then he ghosted me and said at the very last moment, I don't want to do it anymore
because I don't want to be associated with that part of the internet.
I don't want to have anything to do it.
It's any more, in fact, I think I'm going to just get off the internet all together and
never be on the internet again.
Maybe I'll buy a cabin in the woods.
Oh, that sounds bad.
Just disconnect completely, go off the grid.
And I said, okay, Boogie, that's kind of a lot of explanation for just, no, you don't
want to do it anymore, but whatever.
You don't need all that explanation with me.
Just say no. you don't want to do it anymore, but whatever, you don't need all that explanation with me. Just say no, I don't care.
So then that, he went from that to getting
and screaming arguments with Frank Hassel on the internet
and ended up discharging, shooting a firearm at him.
So Frank's gonna call in and talk about that.
I'm so much more looking forward to this
than I was, you know, 30 seconds ago.
It's the funniest thing that's ever happened.
Is it going to break me?
I don't know, maybe.
I try, I invited Vito in because Vito is anti-Frank in this altercation.
I don't know how you anti the guy who didn't shoot a gun at an elementary, at a middle school
or a church, but anyway, here you go, speaking of guns, here is this video that we'll watch and make fun of.
I am Patricia Oliver, and this is my house, my money.
This is a, this is a,
change the ref.
So a guy who was killed in the parkland school shooting,
they brought him back from the dead.
And they used him to make a video about gun violence.
I think it's anti-gun violence, but I'm not sure.
So parents used AI.
AI, Sean.
They used the power of AI.
No AI was involved in the creating of this idea.
That was just I.
Yeah, but AI was once the idea was accepted with regular intelligence.
They used, which is, I mean, clearly superior to artificial.
They used artificial intelligence to do this to their son.
Two years ago, our beautiful son Joaquin was shot and killed at Parkland.
Every day I think about him.
And what his last moments must have been like.
Well, meanwhile, every day, nearly 100 more families lose someone they love to go on.
Maybe take a second cut of that one.
Every single day, we keep telling people it doesn't have to be like this.
They don't listen.
Oh, right.
So we found a way to bring back someone that no one will ignore.
It's very hard for me to do.
You see what they're going to do, Sean?
So please.
They're bringing back their dead son.
Please, listen.
It's like our son has to say.
Now, if you are going to bring back your son to carry this sort of message to the people,
what might you want to imbue it with?
Some sense of dignity, perhaps urgency,
somber, maybe.
This is his, not penultimate,
this would be post-ultimate words.
Something like that, sure.
Maybe something that he would be,
say something that he would be,
if something that he is a fully developed maturity
would look back on and be proud of, something like that.
Well, this is what they went with.
Here's comes the sun.
We use artificial intelligence to bring him back
for one last message.
Oh, I have a feeling you won't be his last message.
Yo, it's me it's guac
Guac I've been gone for two years and nothing's changed bro. He's wearing a beanie are still getting killed by guns and yeah
What is that I padd? Everyone knows it, but they don't do anything
He's like the
Mexican Jesse from breaking bad that's's you think, Vinyak?
The election playing basketball behind him. I don't know if they're dead and brought back to life or if they're real.
But I never get to choose the kind of world I wanted to live in.
So you've got to replace my vote.
Go to
Does it make you sick?
Register. Then go vote.
Well, it's just a vote for politicians.
This is a decade. Yeah.
Then the gun lobby's money.
Vote for people not getting shot, bro.
Well, it's, I mean, it's like a bunch of old white guys
trying to like, it's their idea of like a hip teenager.
We got kind of, yeah.
With this music, like Terminator, dun, don, don, don, don, don.
Yeah, it's this is where we're at.
It's the wrong tone.
Dead kids with a Hollywood producers hand up their ass,
puppeting them like a postrophose,
telling you to go replace their fucking vote.
Yeah, it's not the-
replace my fucking vote.
Bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh vote against the guns for me, bro.
Not how I would have gone.
Wow, that's fucking demanded.
Because, well, it takes away from the message too,
because you're looking at them and you're just like,
like, I'm trying to think about, was he a rapper?
Like, was he like, what was he,
I started to see a rapper?
I'm not, no, I'm starting to think about like,
what was this kid like?
I'm not thinking about what he's saying. like what was this kid like I'm not thinking
about what he's saying it's distracting it's distracting for him to do that.
It makes it it's sheepens the death for God's sake.
You know, I mean not today care.
Yeah, and I thought I really care but God damn what a misfire.
Who talked that's a horrible ad.
That was no fucking that was no hologram a misfire. Who talked, that's a horrible ad. That was no fucking, that was no hologram
a two-pocket.
I'll tell you that.
That's an advertisement, right?
It could be done for anything.
I want you to vote for me and then go buy Arbis, bro.
Arbis got a new burger.
Check it out.
This message of gun control is brought to you by Arbis.
The Arbis have burgers.
No, we call them burgers when I'm from hell. Let's see if we've been to an Arby's forever.
You know what I learned about Arby's?
That their meat is just a congealed meat.
And then they slice it, it comes in a bag.
And they slice it out of a congealed meat.
It's not actual meat sliced.
You can kind of tell.
You can.
Yeah, I think so if you look at it.
Oh God.
Go do replace my vote.
Oh no.
I hate those fat things that they do.
Boy, that's, let me bring Frank Fax.
Hey Frank Hasill, are you there?
What's up, man?
What's going on, brother?
Oh, wow, are you in prison?
You're going in for jail right now.
Oh, man, what an adventure you had this week.
This week?
I know, it was quite a few days, quite an interesting few days.
Yeah, honestly.
It's the funniest thing I think I've ever seen.
I remember that.
Yeah, no, please everybody, everybody, both of you guys need to set up the story and spare no
details because I've, you've got to help me walk Sean through it, Frank.
Yeah, so I think it all started with one of my fans went into Buggie's Twitch stream.
And he said something like Frank Castle is coming for you or Frank Castle is going to get
And he started having like a full on meltdown, you know, DMing me on Twitter, tweeting at me, blah blah blah, so on and so forth.
So I went on the kill stream.
Well now why?
Now, yeah, wait, watch what's the history of a book?
Well, book he's just extremely sensitive and you're right.
He's very spastic and the slightest thing will set him off and he was sending me messages
like, well, if you come
to my house, you can kill my dog. You can't kill my dog, but you can kill me. Just kill me, please.
Boy. Like the ultimate cry bully, you know? Yeah, cuz Frank, you do a thing where your
doctor, Don Mario, sissy hypnotist, right? Yeah, and I think that it's obvious to basically everyone that it's not like a real thing.
It's a joke.
It's not like I'm not actually going to hurt you on.
I'm not actually going to do any of these.
Sissy hypnotize.
Yeah, it's like it's like internet shit basically, you know.
And it is painfully obvious to everyone that it's a joke.
Yeah, yes, it's a joke. Yeah. Yes, everyone.
It was apparently certain that I'm going to kill and sexually assault him at his house.
And his, and his negotiation is that you can kill him just don't kill his dog.
As if anybody, he was the only one to bring up killing dogs and hurting people and stuff.
So it's kind of strange.
He just wants somebody to kill him.
I think I think you're right. I actually I think you're right about that. That doesn't
yeah, it doesn't sound exactly like a you know, it sounds like a fantasy. Yeah. Okay. So
yeah. So both of you go on the kill stream for a confrontation. I mean, I would not
don't know if I'd confront somewhere that I was worried about. They were going to
kill my dog and right. On the kill stream. Yeah. Wow. This is, it seems like a kill stream equals bad idea 100% of the time.
It is, I don't know what book he was expecting.
He was messaging me saying he wanted to have like a fake like meltdown like WWE type
And I basically just said, you know, no, I'm not doing him doing any like fake lame,
you know, scripted stuff with him.
So I went on and pretty hard on the stream.
And he said a lot of stuff like,
well, we don't call the police here in Arkansas.
We call him to clean up the dead bodies
or something like that.
He was talking very tough.
And giving me, making a lot of very empty lane threats.
And I guess the day after the kill stream,
I uploaded a highlight video to my YouTube channel
and my channel got deleted.
So I was like, okay, this is,
Boogie is obviously responsible for this.
You know.
So I made some joke Twitter posts about, okay,
you're in trouble, you know,
I'm gonna get you blah, blah, blah, blah.
So that all led up, I think, to the past week happening.
So then Frank shows up in Boogie's town wearing a snake that I guess they have some kind of
a crackhead that's on like their main track.
There was a tweak or letting people take pictures with a snake for $5.
And this is like a celebrity in their town, the snake picture guy.
You're a big guy, I guess.
So Frank takes a $5 picture and then posts it to Twitter that says, I'm here, you pussy.
I'm in your town.
I'm in your town.
You fat pussy or something to that.
I was actually not in town to bother.
Boogie, I flew in to visit a friend. And I thought, you know, while I'm here, it would be really
funny to do this.
So that's what I told Boogie.
Boogie, Boogie DM me saying that what you're doing is like criminal harassment and it's
got to stop and it only exists because good people say nothing.
And I said, I mean, secondly,uggy, I mean, you're saying
that he drove three states over to take a picture of a snake.
I'm not fucking poor, bro, I fly a place.
So why don't fuck with what I drive to Arkansas.
You're talking, I mean, he had, dude, he had like a,
I mean, it was, it was the weirdest,
A.B. testing where he's trying to get me to,
I don't know, say something and get involved
in what's clearly a bit between the two of you.
Like what one of these crime victims.
It's like a joke.
Everybody knows that I'm just trying to get under his skin.
Yeah, and he does too.
He 100% does.
And he wouldn't be playing it up so much.
Yeah, and then I guess I went to sleep at like, I think 9 or 10 PM that night or the next day. I don't remember, but somebody went and rang bookies doorbell I guess I went to sleep at like I think nine or 10 p.m. that night or the next day
I don't remember but somebody went and rang boogie's doorbell I guess because I woke up to like a million tax messages
Keem Star was messaging me saying he wants to do like a debate interview thing with boogie
Because I guess boogie had a little meltdown about somebody ringing his doorbell and just walking away
Yeah, it was definitely you right that's it
It was like it was a girl with a ponytail. Yeah.
And he was like tagging, he was tagging me on Twitter saying, oh, Frank, you fucking pussy. It's like
a five foot five woman. It's like very clearly not me. Yeah. I would, and I also wouldn't ring
somebody's doorbell and walk away. That's like fucking pussy shit. Yeah. Well, Frank, no, what's
the point? You do that when you're like 12. Yeah.
Yeah, it's not funny. And if I talked all this talk and then I just went to his house and
rang the doorbell and walked around the bushes. So then for a few, I had to miss 30 seconds
of his TV show. Fuck him. Yeah. So when we did that thing with Kim Star, we did the interview
with Kim Star and Boogie sounded like he was totally like sauceed out of his mind.
He threatened to kill me like 15 times.
Boogie threatens to commit all the time.
All the time.
All the time.
All the time.
All the time.
All the time.
He said show up at my, have I met him?
Boogie, I don't think so.
He's called in.
I like him.
I mean, I think this is a very funny thing that he did with Frank.
They collaborated on a very funny viral video.
One, one, one, one, one, one.
I'm putting on my video where we have a death threat counter.
And he says he's going to kill me 15 times.
Oh, can you, can you paste that?
Because I lost your YouTube one.
Can you paste that one?
I'll play a little bit of it.
His death threats are just hilarious.
I will put it. I'll put it. Where should I put it? Put it in the middle. Yeah, you can put it
in general. Okay, there it is. That's not the wrong one. I don't have the long one on me, but
it's really, really, really funny how completely unhinged she sounds.
Okay, Sean. There's a picture of Boogie.
How much does, what is he way, 350?
Like 500 pounds.
So he comes to the door.
He comes barreling out of the door with a handgun
that he's only just borrowed from this gentleman behind him,
a 44 magnum handgun, loaded and cocked.
Which, I have this, I think I have this model Smith
and Wesson.
It's like a two pound trigger when it's cocked loaded and cocked in his Tomb Raider shirt
and sweat pants.
Then you're on the trigger ready to uh finger on the fucking trigger.
You took this yes.
Oh my god.
Let me see.
Let me play a little bit of it here, Frank. And this is by the way,
this is after the Keemstar interview where Boogie says, come to my house. You pussy. Show up in my house.
You pussy. I dare you. You can't drive four minutes. You can't drive four miles to come to my house.
You fucking pussy. Then he does a little girl voice, imitating Frank as if he were to not come to his house say oh I'm not gonna give me a house you little fucking like for a half hour
Non-stop it was insane so you went to his house
Here let me play part of that break you do recently French channel has been banned off of YouTube
And he is blaming boogie 298 for it's not even necessarily about that really. I just think it's funny
This is not funny to me. You know where I live, Frank?
I'm waiting.
We're locked and loaded.
You show the fuck up.
I'm going to fuck you.
Kill you and take pleasure.
Kill you.
I'm going to fuck you.
Oh, you're going to take pleasure.
Fuck the fuck up.
Incom here.
Pre-meditate harder.
Fuck here.
You know where I live.
Not fuckers.
Not fuckers.
Mother fuckers. Not for other fuckers. What the hell?
You're watching, John.
This is now the-
Yeah, this is the altercation.
Frank is knocking his door.
Look, he's dogs.
You want to open the door?
And then, what, you gonna shoot me?
What's even funnier? it's not even his gun. It's his roommate's gun. Yeah
Yeah, I don't know if you can just borrow somebody's gun and then wave it around
I don't know if brandishing a weapon is as legal as he thinks it is
Which is a very threatening thing to do
It comes like it's coming out with the gun. Help it, it's sauntering out.
What the fuck, man?
This is a man who's allegedly afraid for his life.
Oh man, you scared.
They're there, but they're, I got two guns,
one for each of you, right?
Here we go.
Yeah, I'm gonna start.
I can so cavalier about it.
You fat fucking. Oh, thank God, you believed it. You fat fucking fucker.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, my God.
You believe it.
It's real.
Is this guy going to kill me?
It's easier to look at the air conditioner, Sam.
Is this what I have to do?
You're a fucking fucking fucker.
About 30 seconds, I'm going to fire a warning.
Fire it now.
Fire the warning.
Time's up.
Time's up.
I can fucking injure you. I don't care if I die as long as you do
Oh my god look at the
Right down his head
It's crazy, bro. He's dimmitted look at that what you rewind
He's a crazy bro. He's dimminton. Look at that. What should we want? Here's the shot. He's closing his eyes.
There is a bookie firing the
He looks scary, doesn't he?
Can't beach in his
pal Sean Phillips.
Okay, that's crazy how the
Mike heard that.
That little yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
It was much louder in person. I know. Yeah.
Okay. So first of all, just, just so you understand, that is the 30 degrees is the optimum angle
for distance and lethality of fire on that not 45, 30, which is exactly what he's holding it at.
Yeah. Looks like it's pointing it at a church, by the way. Is that where? That bullet will go, that bullet will go one and a half miles.
And it will still be lethal when it comes down.
Oh my God.
And I've saw people say, oh well, people are dumb.
If you shoot straight up, it's not fatal when it comes down.
Like, oh yeah, go ahead and bet your life on it.
Is that, well, some kid looking up at the, let's say there's an eclipse and I'm looking
at it with no protection like Trump would.
And a bullet comes down in the fucking eye. Like it's just, it's shooting guns up in the let's say there's an eclipse and I'm looking at it with with no protection like Trump would. And a bullet comes down in the fucking eye like it's just it's shooting
guns up in the air. No, it doesn't move. No, shooting at 30 degrees. That's lethal. All right.
What is going through your mind when you knock on Boogie's door and dare him to shoot you?
I thought, well, number one, he kept saying that he had an AR, so I wasn't expecting him to come out with a little sissy gun.
And also, I don't know, I thought, I thought I was totally in control of the situation, pretty much the entire time.
So I was also running on adrenaline, so I wasn't really scared.
I was just more like kind of in shock that he was just like firing this revolver off into the sky. Yeah. Definitely negligent discharge of a firearm.
At the very least, people walking around outside and he's just shooting a gun up in
the air like a freak.
Do you come as a neighbor?
Do you come over the next day and say, Hey, can we talk about you shooting pistols?
The detective told me that the neighbors are very, very, very unhappy.
They turned off.
They, you know, they were already pissed at his Halloween decorations. Look, we moved out of
Chicago for a reason here, officer. Yeah, he's in a pretty nice neighborhood too. And
I'm sure they just love having this 500 pound man firing rounds all during, during internet
weirdos to come to his house and then shooting pistols at them.
And also, and also before I went there, you know, on the kill stream, he said, Oh, you
won't have to even worry about me.
My neighbors will kill you before I even get a chance to see you, you know.
And it's like, no, obviously not.
Your neighbors want you fucking gone because you're completely unhinged and insane.
The neighbor's going to come like, you know, it's like, oh, yeah, man, we, we close ranks around boogie. Yeah, he's acting like he lives in like a trailer park or something.
When he's really in a pretty nice neighborhood that is probably, you know, middle-up or class,
where people are not just gonna come running out of their houses to, you know, they go into their
giant neighbor. They got like famed families. They have no rapids and PTA. Yeah. So what did was knock on his door?
I don't know.
Dude, I know, which is completely, I mean, there's, there is no concept of a society where
that is punishable by death.
Yeah, of course.
It's a really insane.
Yeah, especially if you open the fucking door.
Okay, so you're at the, you knock on his door.
When did you decide to go to his house, by the way? Kim Star said he wasn't going to release the debate. Yeah.
That we did and it was really, really, really funny. Yeah.
Because Boogie threatened to kill me a bunch of times, so I said,
fuck it. I'm just going to go over there. So why?
Kind of on the way. I thought it would be funny.
Yeah. I thought I thought it would make the interview come out too,
which I really wanted to see. So and I wanted other people to see it because it's hilarious.
So I was like, well, let's just make this happen.
Let's see.
If the news isn't going to come out, I have to make my own news.
So when you knocked on the door, did you get a, did you get a, did you get a, who is it?
Or the, the, a, a, people.
I, I, well, I think it's very funny is the in the the the the raw GoPro footage
He never tells me to leave after I knock at his door he is very excited to come out there and buy the gun
You're right. Yeah, never does he say I need you to leave he only says he wants me to leave after he comes outside with the gun
Because we were talking through the door for I don't know two or three minutes before he came outside
Well, he's like What was a conversation like talking to his roommate.
He says, well, it's just thing ready to go like, can I just fire this?
Bob, Bob, Bob, he never asked me to leave.
He never said anything about, oh, get out of here.
I'm calling the cops, Bob, Bob, Bob, you know, oh, that's interesting.
So he's really funny.
He's primarily concerned with making sure the gun is ready to shoot.
Where did you get the audio of him?
Like, he's fucking recorded it too. He was like, that's always going to shoot. Where did you get the audio of him?
Like, it's looking recorded to two.
He was like, he was going to his door, I think, or he was like filming on his phone.
Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
Yeah, but how did that get out?
How did the audio of him?
Was he posted it?
He posted it.
He posted it.
Oh, God.
He thought he's an art.
He thinks he's in the right.
Oh, my God. He even talks to the police the day before and thinks that they told him to murder Frank
Yeah, he said something like the cops told me if he steps on my property, I'm sure
that it's like, no, they didn't.
You fucking idiot.
What police officer in the right mind would tell you to kill someone?
No, none of them.
They would just say don't open the door, call us.
He's fucking brain dead.
So when you're standing outside the door, what were the, what were the chances that
you thought you would get shot?
When he was talking about having an AR, I thought he might just air me out through the
door or whatever.
I said like that.
But once I got there and he started speaking, I was pretty certain that he wasn't actually
going to shoot me just because he's like a huge pussy. and I don't think he has the ability to hurt someone.
And when he walked outside with that gun, I was, and when I heard him talking through
the door, like, okay, so what do I do with this?
You know, is this an have a safety on?
Is the safety off?
Well, it's like, okay, this guy is not a serious fucking person, you know?
Okay. It's like, okay, this guy is not a serious fucking person. You know? Now, there was how much time when he came out past between when he fired his warning shot?
Um, I don't know, maybe 20 seconds.
It's kind of a blur now, honestly.
There was a lot of adrenaline.
The most interesting thing I thought was that after he fired the warning shot and we talked
for a little bit and I left, I was walking off his property.
I also called him the gamer word.
Yeah, that's what got Ralph played this on the kill stream.
The video was on it.
Yeah, right when it came out, he just got it and played it.
And Frank says the N word in it at the end.
And it got Ralph suspended
from D. Live for a couple of days.
Yeah, and so I say it and I'm walking away. My back is to him and he goes, oh, you leave
him pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy, it's like bro,
you have a gun to my back.
Yeah, this is you're the bully.
Boogie, you have a gun and someone's back and you're calling them a pussy.
Like this is in no universe.
Are you the good guy here?
I can't even imagine it.
It's great.
So you did you guys talk after he discharged the gun?
Yeah, we did.
Yeah, he just, he's like, he kept calling me Sam.
I think he thought I was Sam Hyde or something. I don't know.
But I think he's just trying to rope Sam into it. Sam Hyde into it. Really? Yeah.
You don't think this guy's totally like delusion. You don't think he's a little, a little
out on his rocker. No, no, I don't buy it. Nope. You guys know him. I mean, yeah. I think
it's too successful to be crazy. Really? Yeah. Yeah. I think I think I think everything he said was pretty premeditated and planned.
And that's when I going back to the Kim calling me a pussy while I'm walking away.
It's like he really badly wanted me to turn around and charge at him so that he could just
shoot me in the gut or something.
I think you're really crazy, which is really, really crazy.
I have 100 disease, you know, afraid for his life or whatever.
We know that mentality exists.
Oh, yeah.
Give me a reason.
Um, give me a reason I want to be an internet hero.
I want to kill you.
And then everyone tell me how like I stopped bullying and then I, yeah, I stopped the dog
dropper, Frank Castle for a typical dog dropper.
Frank's the guy that follows people around and said, Hey, you've dropped your hot dogs.
Oh, yes, yes, yes. By the way, Frank, did you notice that the last thing
book he did before coming out and shooting at you was drop off his dog with his friend?
Yeah, that was really fun. It was, it was the HVAC repair guy or something. It was like
an air conditioning repair man. You got any guns too? I need my air fixed and any,
any pistols you have lying around bring
them over.
Standing behind and holding the dog.
Oh, the HVAC guy was his buddy.
I mean, I guess this roommate was like off camera or something like high because he didn't
want to be seen.
Oh, he had a whole posse there.
He had a whole posse posse.
Really crazy.
And fucking internet.
So what did you think when he raised his hand to shoot the warning shot?
Did you think he would go through with it?
I was like, this is the funniest shit in the world, man.
Were you surprised in any way?
No, you thought he would squeeze one off.
Yeah, I did.
Yeah, when he said it, I was like, okay, let's, let's make it happen.
Oh, yeah, because he did say I'm gonna fire a war. Didn't he say he was gonna fire a warning shot?
Yeah. Yeah, he did. Yeah, which is like, it's probably the stupidest thing you can do, I think.
To demonstrate how not afraid for your life you are by having just the wherewithal to set up a
warning shot and intimidate someone into.
And to calculate that 30 degree angle perfectly and tell them and count it down.
Just about 30 degrees.
I want to make sure that this goes all the way through the church.
No, get a protractor.
I know there's a church over there.
So you talked to the cops then, right?
Um, I spoke to them on the phone. Yeah. I'd left immediately after that. Yeah. Yeah.
I was going to go to Georgia. Oh, yeah. I've led the state. What did the cops say on
the phone? I probably shouldn't talk about that. Oh, I don't think that's a good idea.
But I think his neighbors are mad. That's the tidbit I'll give you.
Well, he said that the neighbors are very angry.
No, shit, I never considered that.
Like I knew Frank probably wouldn't press charges for any of the crimes that
bookie committed, but the neighbors, I can't.
Yeah, I don't think he's even up to me now.
I think they're like investigating and they have to decide what to do.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I don't know.
You know, I don't know.
Very stupid. Uh, that was, yeah, know, I don't know. Very stupid. That was,
yeah, not a lot of foresight there. I love the video. Where you got that Tim,
should that air horn. That's super, super funny. Did you?
The first day I got taken off a YouTube, like within 12 hours of being uploaded or whatever. Oh, yeah, that probably goes against their creator, creator, harassment policy.
I don't know, Frank, I think it's the high point of 2020. I think this is the watershed
moment where everything turns around.
That was such a good time.
Did you make any preparations for in the case that he did murder you or like deleting your internet
history or anything like that? Oh, nah, I wasn't worried about that. Oh, no. Jesus Christ. That would have
been crazy. I think he, uh, who the, he didn't want to kill me because he didn't want there to be
a video or something. Oh, yeah. I think he told, I said that to a bunch of different people that I know.
I said that to a bunch of different people that I know. Uh-oh.
It's fantastic.
What do you got any other shooting pranks that you have lined up?
No, no more, no other shooting pranks.
I think it's just going to go back to normal for now.
Um, okay.
Just making a funny video is at the grocery store.
I don't know if a boogie shooting type things can happen too often.
Maybe like once a year I can go to Ethan Klein's house and you know slap him around or something.
God, I wish.
I'm reading through the text that boogie sent me the night before you showed up.
Let me see if any of them are funny.
Why did he send you?
Are you this close to this situation?
I don't know.
People should.
Everybody, man.
Yeah, people kind of treat me like a priest, I guess. Yeah. God, I gotta...
Can you help me with this? Well, that's a bad, bad mistake.
I mean, he was messaging people. I know that he wants to kill himself because of that subreddit
that talks about the word, ever. So it's like... He does, he just...
He's messaging me about how he can't stop eating. It's okay. Why do you get away from the internet? Yeah, I even I said to him. I said I get that you have
anxiety. I promise Frank's just busting your balls. Frank's a nice guy. This is right when
it happened right away or before. Maybe yeah, here he said, why did he come into why did he
come to here if it isn't to harass me?
I said, maybe he's just in town.
He travels a lot to do videos.
You know, which is what happened.
It was weird.
He was like, it's like he has a monopoly on the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas.
It's like, bro, I can travel wherever I want.
It's not illegal.
Here's, I'm traveling.
He said, yeah, well, he's, he's a, I said, he's a comedian.
Boogie says, yeah, well, he's a pretty shitty one.
I mean, we know that's not true.
Yeah, boogie, the, the shiny example of comedic success online, just being fat and eating
Boogie says, yeah, well, he's a pretty shitty one telling me he's gonna hog tie and
rape and kill me.
Yeah, that's pretty funny, bro.
Yeah, the hog tying, two fat guys,
hog tying and raping each other.
The idea that he thinks about that is really funny.
Rape and kill me doesn't seem funny to me
and I said, I'm sure raping you was a joke.
Um, yeah, probably.
The way he probably is.
Oh, no, oh, sure. Probably. Probably. Oh, no.
Oh, boy.
He just let something out that's not supposed to be.
No, Boogie went on, Boogie won on the kill stream and said that his dad, that he jacked his
dad off.
Oh my God.
Something horrible.
What the fuck?
His defense to me, like, saying he's a piece of shit is to just start like vomiting his trauma.
Like, my dad jacked me up. Oh, God.
We would add a good show together, right?
I mean, this is the level of,
that would have been pretty funny, honestly, yes.
Yeah, I don't know how many you ruined it.
Frank, you're a man.
It's all right.
It's worth it.
It's worth it.
And then he said,
it probably have to do it now.
He's going to have to find some to do when he can sell a jail.
Oh, does he make us living have to do it now. He's gonna have to find something to do when he can sell a jail. Oh,
he make us living on the internet.
Yeah, unfortunately.
Because you said he's successful.
Yeah, like say, he's okay.
I think it was successful.
I don't know if he still is.
Yeah, you might be right.
Here's the last one I'll read you.
Boogie says, driving several states over to the middle
of nowhere to harass a YouTuber,
ain't a joke, my man.
That's stalking.
He may be a comedian, but I promise you, if he shows up, he won't be one anymore.
In fact, that shit ends today.
I said, what, what are you going to do?
Kill him?
So insane.
It's like everybody knew it was a joke, but him. He's fucking like, uh,
uh, and you weren't in town to see him at all. Oh, no, no, I know. I just, I thought,
you know what, if I post the picture that I'm here, he's gonna lose his fucking money.
All right. Frank, uh, when you plug your stuff. I know you got a gum
road. If I'm not subscribed to it, I'll do it today. Frank Castle, YT slash Frank castle.
Okay. That's about it right now.
Yeah. I'm talking stuff before boogie plugs you. Yeah. Right.
Could you ever imagine doing a yard pop, Sean? No. So Just shoot it down for God's sake. I don't like how about don't shoot it at all.
Just stay inside and call the police man. That's what I would do. Yeah.
Okay, buddy. Sanity. Have a good one. Thanks man. Thanks for having me on. I'll see you.
You can't see you. What a? You dropped your dogs.
But you dropped his dogs. All right. That's funny. Yeah, I- You dropped your dogs.
But you dropped his dogs, all right.
That's funny.
Yeah, I only dropped his dogs.
I hope everyone thinks that is funny.
That's as funny as I do.
I know Vito, I mean, it's in,
I mean, it's like the recklessness is fucking appalling.
You know, when you're like,
it is a fucking neighborhood with,
Oh yeah.
Like I, I know that that's, you do a lot of shit.
That's not something you would do.
God no.
You know, it's, it's, that shows just like,
like a complete, being a complete slave to your emotions,
like not having any kind of self control at all.
Well yeah, and because my thinking is,
you did it on purpose to look like a tough guy,
like I don't even think you're afraid. I think you just want you had this, this plan built up in
your head. Well, to fucking murder a guy and then say the biggest life time bully. Like all that,
you're a pussy. If you don't show up, I don't know how you can have the opinion of, oh, Frank's a
bad guy, but then, oh, you fucking come to my house, then you bitch, come to my house, and I fucking put you in a body bag.
I'll take pleasure doing it. Like, man, you fucking, that is literally asking for it.
Not even victim blaming. You're literally asking for it. Like with these people, the only fix is you get off the internet.
Yeah. Just don't, you don't, there, there is another life.
net. Yeah. Just don't you don't there. There is another life. Um, he likes it though. No, no, no, a lot of people do. They keep coming back. It's like a, you know, the internet's
they're, uh, you know, abusive relationship. It's funny content. Hilarious content. Yeah,
but clearly he's not enjoying it in any way, shape or form. Uh, yeah. He would be like that without
fame though. Still being around, you know.
Well, yeah, it's just, I think it's just magnified
when you're hearing from a lot of people on a subreddit.
You want some animal facts?
I got one from Reverend Scott.
I mean, Reverend Scott says, two dogs were hanged
during the Salem Witch Trials.
Did you know that?
No. There you know that? No.
There you go.
Reverend Scott, of course he would come in with the,
Did you know that no one was burned at the stake
during the Salem witch trials?
They always talk about bridges.
Or do they count as people?
Yeah, no, they were, they were, they were,
they were only burned witches.
They were hanged.
They didn't burn.
Yeah, really?
No, they never did.
They never, I was just reading about that.
Which is hanged, broads.
This country's never changed.
I don't know if anybody was, somebody was pressed to death with stones, you know, rocks,
like, and the guys said, we're not, that's a lot of work.
We're not doing, moving two tons of stones and then lifting it off.
Oh, I know, pain in the air.
We're building stone hinge here, people.
We're just trying to kill a guy.
It really, like like there was a guy
at that time who said guys there's no there's no witches what are you doing
what are we fucking they're fucking doing here and then someone said kill this is for the greater good
this is to protect everyone these witches are they're gonna get in and get fucked with your heads
and I'm I've I've already said that I've been fucking horrors because these witches are, they're gonna get in and get fucked with your heads. And I've, I've already said that I've been fucking horrors
because these witches put me under their fucking spell.
That's why I already told your mom that that's what happened
and she went with it and that's what we're doing.
So shut the fuck up.
Never, never one god damn thought has changed in 400 years.
In 2000 years.
I've been saying this forever.
It's so sick.
Yeah. That's so sick.
That's how it should be taught in schools.
Fuck the, what is the 1619 project?
Have you heard about that?
The 1619 project.
I think it's, I think it's called that.
No, what's that about?
It's this initiative that a bunch of woke idiots
have undertaken to teach the,
to teach the, to teach US history in schools.
Entirely through slavery. Like it's just hammering slavery into kids heads in a way that we could not even imagine even though it was it was a fucking overkill when we were in school.
Yeah, I got it. I mean, is this really, I can understand the concept. So do we really need to
spend every fucking day
going over every part of it?
I'm here.
I'm in school.
Trust me.
I know what it feels like to have your time taken away
by somebody else.
I don't need it every fucking day.
It is the initiative to make that more and bigger
so that it's the entire birth of the country's built on,
was built because of slavery
or some fucking cockamamae idea.
Something that's every day we stray further from economics, every fucking day.
We stray further from economics.
It's infuriating.
Is that a video?
That's part of that's Frank's continuing video.
You know, watch it.
I mean, I'd say I'll pay a little more.
That retard doesn't have a stick.
This is after he shot the gun in the air.
This is Frank's stuff.
Yeah. You put this up.
Boogie's school zone shooting,
because he lives in a school zone.
Yeah, so he's a perpetrator of a school shooting now.
So we're driving when the flock of birds
fell out of the sky and hit the pavement.
The pair pulled over to investigate.
Oh, their birds were twitching and they were in blood spots.
You know, like a little pool of blood here and there. Like they hit the ground hard. Youing and they were in blood spots, you know, like little pools of blood here and there like they were they were they hit the ground hard
You know they were they were dead. Yeah, so you know there was no survivor. I did in fact
Talk with the cops about this. They said you're not supposed to fire a warning shot
They said I should have fired at him if I was going to pull the trigger not suppose I should have answered the door
They said they said I should have just stayed indoors and called them. What happens with a warning shot?
Law and warning shot was probably
going to be considered a use of deadly force.
Keep in mind as well that what goes up must come down.
I don't know of a single law enforcement trainer who actually
suggests that it's a great idea.
This may not be the best idea.
One minute remaining.
Is this what we have to do?
I'm asking it'll leave.
Cameron, I don't know your fucking name.
I think that's the first time you asked me to leave.
All right, there we go.
Watch the rest of the conversation.
Let me see if there's a dude hanging out in.
Is this where we have to do?
So we have to do Frank. Is this where it's taking do? So we have to do, Frank. Is this where it's taking us, buddy?
One of us is going to regret this.
The other one won't be around to regret it.
The spy who supersized me, how about that?
Oh, very good.
Diet another day.
I just fired a warning shot through a church.
You got to ask yourself. Well, yeah. You got to ask yourself, do I want the supersized McNuggets? No breakfast after 1030, huh?
Let's see what my friend 44 magnum thinks about that. He says 11. He says 11. He says, he says
breakfast all day. He says, there's no way you ran out of McMuffins in three minutes.
I know you have some in the warmer back there.
I wanted to take another look.
I still have an empty cheek pouch.
I need to six more McMuffins to store.
I eat punks like you for breakfast.
That's why I'm 500 pounds, Frank.
Oh God, look at that.
Did I eat five sandwiches?
Or did I eat six?
You gotta ask yourself, but do you feel hungry? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Jav is such that, hey, Dick and Sean Lwood blues here. I think Sean's animal corner has been two
of a vertebrate centric.
So I'm here to spread the love of the rest
of the animal kingdom.
Don't do this, because I read all these.
Oh yeah, he sent them to you too.
Guys, God damn it.
And you couldn't resist reading them all,
even though you know the bit of the game.
You're still reading my emails.
I mean, I don't know if I got to them all.
Well, you read, I mean, you didn't see animal corner
in the subject line and say, maybe I want to read that.
Did it say animal corner?
I don't remember.
I just opened up here.
I was like, I got an email.
And then you read that intro
and then you went ahead and read the facts anyway.
I wasn't sure if he was sending facts or what?
I mean, I read things.
It's bullet.
It says, did you know?
And then there's a colon and then bullet points.
Is that all you got?
Is that all the only facts you have?
There's one more.
Is there?
Yeah, from Kellyn's stack.
Is this a good bit?
Yes, it's great.
You like it?
You guys, you're compelled to explain.
You're compelled to prove why you know everything or why you do every time.
That's why it's funny.
But it's like, there's why it's funny.
But it's like, there's so many animals.
Just be like, nope, didn't know that.
Nope, no.
Kalenstack, did you know that wombat turds are cube shaped?
No, cube shaped?
I knew that one.
Cube shaped?
Yeah, they're shaped like cubes.
Like ice cubes.
No, I didn't know wombat turds were.
They hate Jews as much as ice cube too.
I've seen wombat's up close, but never seen them shit.
I've got, let me see here.
I've got one, a porno guy.
The guy who made all those Dixio Tifa models.
God dammit, I can't find it now.
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do the shit, I just saw baby quals eat their mother's poop. Yeah, you know that? Yeah, definitely knew that. Wow.
Well, that was Panko, Panem, Zell, Zell, Zell, Zell, Zell.
That's how they need the gut bacteria and stuff.
Well, there you go.
I guess it doesn't matter if you read it
because I'm reading it to you.
I guess that's true too.
All right.
That was another good episode of Sean's Animal.
You read the, in vertebrates one, if you want.
I mean, I don't know if I'm gonna send a remember.
There's velvet worms trap prey by shooting glue out of their faces, just like Spider-Man.
Do you know that?
Okay, there you go.
Afids cannot produce all 20 amino acids, So they rely on symbiotic bacteria,
which they receive via oral anal feeding
from other aphids, ew.
I knew that.
How did you know that?
I think it planet earth or something,
or some, yeah, some David Attenborough thing.
I'm not sure.
The aphids eat each other's shit out of each other's
assholes, like human centipedes?
Yeah, because like, well,
because I think I saw,
I think I saw something on animals
that do that kind of stuff.
You know, like where they need other animals to live.
They're astamount animals.
It's a documentary you watched.
Something like that.
Many wasp larva are hyper parasitic.
Parasites living in parasites living in a host.
Did you know that?
Parasites live in...
No, I don't think so.
I don't think so.
No, I knew that wasps.
That's the reason we have figs is there's like wasp eggs in there
What we're reasonably have figs. Yeah every fig has like wasp egg in it. What that's what I heard
Mine are so much as fax as things that people told me that that would be the most interesting thing
I've learned in a long time if that's true. I think it's true somebody look it up
I love figs lie. Oh, I can't eat them anymore. I think it's true, somebody look it up. I love figs.
Oh, I can't eat them anymore.
I'm chuck full of wasps.
Yeah, fine, I'm fine with it.
Like a wasp queen over there with your gut full of wasps.
I love figs.
Lying about my age, hey Dick, just realize
you might get a laugh out of this.
I've been getting complaints from women
about my appearance for the past couple of years.
I've been getting compliments, excuse me.
Complaints, brain, just change.
Just random women. Yeah, compliments from women about my appearance for the past couple of years. I've been getting compliments, excuse me. Complaints, brain, just change. Just random women. Yeah. Compliments from women about my appearance for the past couple
of years. I'm a 31 year old, quite guy, and probably at least a six, nothing to write
home about. It wrote me about. The thing that does it is that I tell women I'm much older,
usually around 37 or 38 in my case.
I look younger than my age already.
Nobody expects someone to lie about their age
in favor of being older,
so people automatically believe me.
And women almost always respond with holy shit,
you look really good for your age
followed by suddenly getting very close and touching my face.
That's like a really fucking good idea.
Why don't guys do that?
Yeah, because then they think you're richer too.
And it's a really fucking good idea.
Add eight years to your age.
Well, maybe not eight.
No, I mean not eight, but 22, you 27.
Yeah, to have some kind of formula.
You figure out.
I've got seven, six, seven years.
Probably pretty good. Wow, you have such great skin. I've been in this for seven, six, seven years. Probably pretty good.
Wow, you have such great skin.
I would have been creeped out if she weren't hot.
In most cases, that's as far as it goes
because I assume most girls in their mid-20s
don't want to date someone who's apparently pushing 40.
Uh, you are wrong.
But in some cases, I have actually been asked out.
I've been in a relationship for five years
so it doesn't go past that.
But I do love telling my girlfriend about it
to piss her off for a laugh.
Cheers mates from Clinton.
No, I could still walk out the door anytime.
I got all kinds of options, bitch.
I'm desirable.
Rage, feel good military reunion videos.
Hey, dick.
Oh, what?
No, just those videos.
Yeah, okay, go ahead.
They're like for...
You watch those and you're like, man, who the fuck are these four?
We're watching the same TV.
All right.
The show's been on a real upswing lately, really.
I'm back in it, confident.
Every episode's been banger after banger.
Here's what makes me a rage.
Feel good military reunion videos.
What I'm talking about are videos
where a family member of a deployed soldier
is surprised by the soldier returning
I do hate those videos.
Well, because it's like, how long did he know about this?
And it's just fucking around with them for?
Yeah, he can't write.
Wouldn't they have maybe wanted to have something ready
for him
when he, you know, comes home?
Yeah, you know, like,
or just be relieved, just like living in anxiety
for three or four days.
On the way home.
I know I was gonna suck you dick a week ago.
Bitch, why didn't you tell me about that?
Usually it's a kid at school and they call him into the office
and make him think he's in trouble.
And then his dad who's still wearing fatigues for some reason, for some reason, indeed.
Sneaks up on him and surprises him.
Whatever, it's a heartwarming moment
between father and son, nope, it's an ad.
They hug each other and cry and everybody's happy,
but it pisses me off because it's actually
an insidious marketing tool by the armed forces
to generate closure for the problem of kids' parents
being halfway around the world for a long time.
You know what?
It's a better image than a child crying because he's seeing his dad for the first time since
A child who isn't crying because both of his parents are home with him.
Uh, yeah.
The parts the shittiest about it is not every kid whose parents are deployed gets to be
surprised in the school office by dad and fatigues.
Sometimes those kids get called up and find mom waiting for them instead.
Terry Ied with some bad news.
It's true. Mm. Very true. Anyway, thanks for them instead. Yeah. Terry Ide with some bad news.
It's true.
Very true.
Anyway, thanks for killing it on here.
That's true.
Tell Sean, I said, hey, you go fuck yourself.
Hey, you go fuck yourself, sir.
Truly a wonderful time.
Odd Guy is a hero.
Odd Guy.
Odd Guy, knock, knock, dick.
Nobody's home.
Nobody's home.
Laughter is head by all.
And Odd Guy doesn't try to force the joke.
God bless him.
That was really a remarkable exchange.
Nobody's home.
Very well.
Well done.
See something about penis surgery.
Let me see if.
Penis surgery.
Penis enlargement.
Oh, penis enlargement.
Hey, Dick.
Please leave email and name anonymous on this one.
I've recently broken up with my longtime partner because there's only so much you can take
having a breakup threatened and being told
that she hates you to keep your balls in her purse
before you have to do something about it anyways.
I've now been sleeping with a new woman
at least once a week picking up new girls
of all shapes and sizes just to fuck around.
I even fucked a couple of T sl sizes, just to fuck around. I
even fucked a couple of T slurs. I'll replace that and found it to be quite the time.
Sucking a dick isn't so gay when they're a pair of tits to fondle while you do it.
Yeah. How about that little adventure? He's very very open-minded. Anyways, I have recently run into a major fork in the road.
Yeah, I could probably a cock cock in the fork. Yeah, in the road.
Yeah, I can see what I'm in the fork in the road at the bottom of the
the, anyways, I recently run into a major fork in the road.
Yeah, for the path of the rest.
He hit the, he hit the, the evolutionary offshoot.
The, you know, he's at the, he's at the last common ancestor,
you know, before he goes all one way or all the other.
Yeah, sounds like it.
Um, the, the rest of my life could take all the rest of your life.
I mean, it's never bad to plan out the rest of your life.
Just so you know everything that's gonna happen
or how things are gonna go.
Well, you saw him for boogie.
He put in a lot of thought to that decision.
That, if that bullet would have hit a kid,
that motherfucker would be in jail for murder,
for a negligent homicide.
Yeah, yeah.
And still, everyone's talking about the fault being,
oh Frank, this's intolerable,
the way he bullied Boogie. He took a picture with a fucking snake. That's it. That's what caused all
of that. You can't fucking shoot a weapon outside in a neighborhood. You just can't do that.
I ran into a high, not with those conditions. No, not with multiple cameras. No, not when he
knocked on your door. I thought I was gonna have to eat crow
because he just shot down in the ground.
But something in my mind made me know
that he shot at the worst possible angle.
Yeah, that's about it.
I ran into a highly effeminate gay man
that I mistook for a teacler
and I hit it off with him very well,
with them, with them very well.
Enjoyed talking with them and got along very well.
It turns out this person is also insanely wealthy,
making over a million dollars a year and living in a near,
mansion estate.
That is an actual millionaire.
Millionaires supposed to mean somebody who makes a million dollars a year.
Not someone who has a million dollars.
No, because you, yeah, he out up all your assets.
Because it is actually the one percent.
It was a term invented to coin the one percent.
And it's still the, they have, in fact, taken a major liking to me and want to know if I
would start a monogamous relationship with them.
We got a Liberace situation here.
What was his dude's name?
I can't recall.
He wasn't completely gay, but Liberace, like, wanted him all the time and turned him into
like a mad demon.
Oh, that's all I remember.
That's right.
That's how he got his start.
This person is also near 40 though.
Well I am in my early 20s, and I would essentially
need to swear off pussy for the rest of my life
if I were to pursue it.
What's all this negativity?
So much negativity.
What's all this rest of my life stuff?
What's all this swear off pussy stuff?
You know, we invented this thing.
Maybe your girlfriend beat it out of you.
Maybe your last relationship, pussy whipped you
to forget what it's like to be like.
Yeah, we invented this thing called lying.
So you can have your cake and eat it too.
What happened to the cake?
It's still there.
It's not there, did you eat it?
You ate it.
I didn't eat the keg.
Someone who looked like you.
Was it someone you were having sex with?
Are you cheating on me?
For the rest of my life, if I were to pursue it
and effectively become their boy toy,
and possibly, husband.
Not if Trump's Supreme Court picks have anything
to say about it you won't't and never need to worry about
their money and you are never getting an abortion, sir. Oh, well, again, you've never never ever ever not on my watch.
It's a very hard. I can't wait to hear Trump. Thank God that he prayed. Talk about his praying to God. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, God.
He's so laying it on so thick. Yeah, no, sir, sir, that's not how you pray.
That's, you can, no, you kneel down.
No, no, I don't kneel to God.
You don't look up and talk to him.
Like, no, it's, it's a very hard situation.
Don't hold the Bible like that.
Come on.
Hold it between his knees.
Put the hands together like that.
It's a very hard situation
and I'm on the fence about it.
Before I had met them,
I could remember drunkenly joking with a friend
on what it would take to marry a dude.
And I said exactly this,
have you ever had that combo drunkenly with a friend?
You know what it would take for me to marry a dude?
I don't know if I have.
No, no, no.
There's definitely been,
I've definitely been party to the how much,
how much would it take
to, how much would it take for you to suck a guy's dick?
Who, you've been in that combo.
Have I?
Every guy has been in that fucking combo at 13
or whatever it is, when homophobia hits its peak.
Probably not, I don't recall anything
about 13 like that.
Oh yeah.
I've been drunk a lot with you in like some kind of
sophisticated, you know,
any homophobia in your teenage group. So we sure did. No, everybody, everybody does. I think when you're,
yeah, when you're like that, some guy I'll say, I wouldn't suck a dick for $10 million. You
know, you know, you would suck a dick for $10 million. Yeah, you would. I fucking sure would. Yeah.
I would suck your dick for $10 million. Yeah. 10 million. Yeah. You would suck your dick for 10 million dollars. Yeah. 10 million dollars. Yeah. You would suck a dick for a PlayStation 2, buddy.
Yeah. Let's be honest.
For them to be at least nice, be very wealthy and have a good place in an area that I like.
Well, that's all of that, but being pressed with the reality of it is very different from
the hypothetical you came up with while 10 glasses deep into a box of franzia.
Okay, you just go for it. What would you do here?
Can you offer any advice?
Feel free to use it for sure.
You're making these decisions under the influence of box wine.
Let the liquor do the thinking.
Have some zin.
Have a box of zin.
Franzia, man.
Franzia, man.
What are you talking about?
Just do it.
Let's go down to ride aid, get a cube of franzia and go figure out the rest of my life
You ever see you see rich people on their yachts with their millions of dollars and their cars and all their toys
You know what they look like every fucking time happy? That's why everybody fucking hates them
You ever see a guy walking around with a woman that he's in love with not fucking happy?
You know exactly what you're supposed to do exactly
Fucking do it go for the yacht. Exactly. Go for it. You fucking do it.
Go for the yacht.
You don't like it?
Cheat on him.
What's he gonna do?
Right, that's the thing.
Just cheat if it gets to that point.
Just fucking cheat on him.
Your life can go right back to how it was.
He might not even care.
He might not even fucking care.
Oh, you fucked a woman?
They're not even, I don't care about that.
Right. Just don't fucking he guys. Yeah. Oh, you fucked a woman? They're not even, I don't care about that. Right.
Just don't fuck any guys.
Oh, I mean, if he's anything like every other guy in the world,
oh, you fucked a chick, I don't care about that.
Dude, I strongly encourage it.
Yeah, yeah.
Fuck the guy.
You are a-
Right here.
Uh, do it, do it.
All right, Sean, let's do voicemails.
Everybody, this is him, the dick show,
page slash the dick show,
This one is, this one is Andrew.
This one is from Game Test Play.
It's a remix of,
remix of the show with Trump.
I'm playing it, I'm playing it so Trump gets over his This is from Reddit. Fat women are gross.
It says family members telling the same joke stories every time you see them and having
to fake laugh and act interested each time.
Yeah, people do that.
That's pretty rough.
Marshall Light, getting a title promotion, but no more pay because of COVID, guess better
than being unemployed.
Everybody got fucked with that so hard. But people are getting back 20% because of COVID. Yeah big
preventative too. But the whole title, the whole title and no salary thing is much older
than we are. Yeah. That's a that's the name of the game and the entertainment industry.
It's like, oh yeah, but when you leave here, then you can go in as I've said. Oh yeah,
yeah. It doesn't help me now. That it. This is a ray is someone else is gonna give you. Right this will just let you ask
for it. That's right. Can I just say that? Yeah. Wow. You know people just don't. I don't care
what you call me. Just give me the money. Carnova. Carnova. Casual gamer podcast host who get
filtered by Super Mario Brothers 2 there's two and Super Mario
Those games are great.
No, they're horrible actually.
They're horrible because they're not Mario games.
Mario 2 everybody know I'm not going to go through the story because it's painful being
retold this fucking story every couple of years.
It's not a Mario game specifically not a Mario game is just sold to Mario on the fucking
Not a Mario game.
There's nothing Mario about it. It's true. Mario 1 and Mario 3 are Mario games Mario Odyssey is a Mario game is just sold to Mario on the fucking titles not a Mario game. There's nothing Mario about it It's true Mario one and Mario three or Mario games Mario Odyssey is a Mario game Mario 64 is not a fucking Mario game
It's a tech demo for Ocarina of time. There's nothing Mario about it characters don't work the same
None of the mechanics work the same you're running around on ice permanently Mario 64 is not a fucking Mario game
It's a tech demo. It should have been given away for five bucks with the system.
It is a fucking, it is a garbage game.
It is a game that's not even finished Mario 64.
Somebody's favorite game out there, you know.
We've got two tech demos.
Someone right now is getting ready to kill themselves.
We've got an ad, Mario 2 is an advertising
for a television lineup, a network, and Mario 64
is a tech demo for Ocarina of Time.
They're not Mario games. Fuck you,
Carnival. Tom the Bomb says, every day on the website and mobile apps shoving notifications
by face about registered a vote. Sometimes multiple from the same site. A single day, first
of all, I'm already registered. Second, stop fucking telling me what to do unless you're
directly related to the function of your web service. Since wind of Snapchat or credit
karma, ever given a fuck about your civic about the civic
Responsibilities of your users same goes for celebrities shut the hell up and mine your own business. I looked it up. I looked it up somewhere
registering to vote
Where to go where to go where to go?
Where'd he go? Where'd he go?
Where'd he go?
Registered, it's like 50 million people
are not registered to vote or something like that.
And every, I don't know if they're the ones on Instagram
that are getting the message every fucking day.
Don't forget to register to vote.
Don't forget to register to vote.
Don't register to vote.
Because I know everybody, every time I see that message, I know the demographic is for people who would register to vote. Because I know every time I see that message,
I know the demographic is for people
who would like to vote to just burn me as a witch
or hang me as a witch.
And this is a roundabout way of the service
that I'm using encouraging that.
Don't forget to register to vote.
Man, fucking don't, there should be as many impediments
as possible to stop people from voting, as many as possible.
Well, that's the voting.
When you get it, you know what, we're gonna have fake registered of votes sites.
Registered of vote.Truth.
If you, I registered to vote, what?
I'm not sure if you're registered.
I don't like that.
You got fucking burned, idiot.
You got fucking burned and we don't want you voting in this election.
If you have to be told to register to vote, your vote is worthless.
You have no information and the step one of information to voting is knowing to register to vote. Your vote is worthless. You have no information and the step one of information
to voting is knowing to register to vote.
You didn't even have that much information.
You are the lowest information to voter
if you have to be told to register to vote
and you don't deserve it.
None of us wants you involved in the process.
Fuck you.
Fuck him.
Step number two to register to vote.
I don't want almost anyone involved in the process.
Not at all.
You've got, I'm gonna sit there at the front of the fucking door.
You've got a three gallon jug and a five gallon jug.
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug?
How do you feel for a gallon jug? How do you feel for a gallon jug? How do you feel for a gallon jug? How do you feel for a gallon jug? How do you feel for a gallon jug? How do you feel for a gallon jug? One question dick today's opposite voting one question vote for the person you don't want to win ah shit
I voted for the I voted for the one that I wanted to win well you guess guess you shouldn't vote next time because you have
Fuck you did the worst thing possibly you fucked it up another trick voting both
You got duped yet a fucking again
And I know they I know I know for a fact, they know that everybody there
telling to register is anti me because every single mother fucker at those tech companies
99% donate to Democrats. Yeah, well, the donating, the donating. there's a lot of, people can be anti you for a whole slew of reasons.
I think that's all I had for, oh god, I forgot to read the Civil War letter.
I'm going to read that next time.
Oh, I got another advice thing too.
I don't know, maybe let's read this advice.
Move it and then I'll talk about it.
Read Hey Dick. I'm down bad and need some chick advice in these trying times. read this advice you move it and then I'll talk about it. Read, hey dick.
I'm down bad and need some chicken advice in these trying times.
In the past year, I can't seem to hold a relationship
with a woman for longer than a week.
It seems especially bad now because the only consistent
made it way to meet women is through dating apps like Tinder.
I'm 22, pretty good looking at least to girls my age.
Shy, but not awkward around women.
22 and you're not awkward around women, That's a lot. Maybe you're gay.
However, I've had a hard time making and keeping romantic or sexual relationships with women recently.
When I was a teenager, I didn't have too much of a problem with this.
Jesus Christ! Good for you. But now it seems like I can only get a few dates and one or two fucks from a girl
before they get bored and ghost me.
For instance, this week I met a girl through Tinder
good looking great-can situation.
We hung out three times, both seem to have a great time
making out heavily each time.
The last time we went back to her place to fuck
only to find out that she
had just started her period. So, is that, I mean, shower? Yeah. What are you talking
about? To put a towel down. So we made out some more and called it a night. Oh God, what
a horrible night. That was a few days ago. and since that time, she doesn't seem to have much interest in seeing me again.
I'm honestly pretty bummed about this
as she is absolutely my type and was very down to fuck.
Well, you should've fucked her.
Everything seemed to be going great,
but all of a sudden she lost interest.
So my question is, what could I possibly be doing wrong?
You're boring.
Well, that's why you're not fucking with her head enough.
That's the problem.
I don't know, man, I don't know the guy. Well, why would a woman behave in this way that is not getting her dick as fast as possible? Why would a woman ever behave
in a way that's not getting fucked immediately? But like that's what I want to know.
He has like this pattern where they just stop talking to him. Yeah. I mean, I don't know.
I know. They're all picking up on something.
So you got to do something you normally wouldn't do.
That's what you got to withhold the dick, not because of a period.
You got to say, you know what?
My dick is kind of a special thing to me.
And I really want to be, and I really want to withhold it.
Sex gets in the way. and it's like Harry Potter.
It's like if Harry Potter had killed Voldemort
instead of just fucked him.
If Harry Potter had fucked Voldemort in the first book,
those next six books wouldn't have been any good.
So we got to save, I want seven Harry Potter's out of your ass
before you get my abracadabra's.
I phrase it like Harry Potter because chicks are dumb.
I don't know if you caught that.
Everything seems to be going great, but all of a sudden she lost interest.
I've had multiple situations similar to this over the last few months.
It's very discouraging to me.
Should I keep trying?
Should I switch up my approach?
The whole thing is very difficult for me because I have a few days of all consuming
depression each time this happens.
You have a fucking mental problem. That shouldn't have be happening.
You might have something going on buddy. I have a few days of all consuming depression.
Might be putting a little bit of weight. You might be putting a little bit of too much weight
on these relationships. A little bit too early and freaking them out. That's a scary way
the pussy, brother.
I'm trying to do much, oh man.
I think I be scaring them away.
Oh yeah.
I think you hit on something there.
You might be.
I can't wait, can I say-
You're hanging on a little too tight, brother.
You gotta get them in the ring there.
You're getting them in too close.
Too soon, brother.
You don't go for the chokehold right away, brother.
You're better at this than. Oh, well, maybe he is't go for the chokehold right away, brother. You're better at this than who?
Oh, well, maybe he is.
He's the only.
Maybe he isn't.
Oh, yeah, you gotta be a chameleon.
You gotta be a chameleon in the bedroom.
You gotta lure him in nice and slow until he's sweet things.
You're looking misalysed bit.
I don't fuck, I don't fuck misalysed a bit.
Right when we get home, I build it up.
Take it, sometimes I see, no, I'm preparing for a fight.
There you go, there's your two bad sets of impressions.
You're gonna come back.
Clint Eastwood and Bad Macho Man.
Mine was Clint Eastwood?
Damn it.
Well, I started doing Clint Eastwood a little bit.
Oh, I thought you were doing Macho Man the whole time. No, where he kinda, you know, he kinda got that in. We all gotta come and kid. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy.
He's a good guy. He's a good guy. He's a good guy. That'll do it in a very hip and urban way.
You'll believe you got to vote against guns dog.
What the fuck was that travesty?
Yeah, it wasn't good.
God damn.
They should bring back the, the Columbine shooters to do that.
Oh god.
Okay, we really regret.
What's the fucking difference?
Hey, you know what?
Guys, the reason we, they should just bring them back.
The reason we shot up Columbine is because of Donald Trump's racism.
I am Dylan Klebold or Kleclier, whatever my name is.
I know this happened a hell of a long time ago, but basically Trump was, we knew that this
would happen.
And we love Hillary Clinton and we love Joe Biden.
He has a huge dick.
We're from Columbine.
I've seen it on Jeffrey Epstein's Island.
We love Donald Trump.
Or we, yeah, we are from Columbine
and we love Donald Trump.
Sent from the future.
How is that legal?
No, I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.
It was just in poor direction.
Wait a minute.
It's illegal.
So if that child was killed when he was 16, he's 18 now.
So they are using an unlicensed likeness of an adult.
Well, I mean, a posthumous adult.
Well, that's illegal.
But the parent, well, the, oh, well, he's 16.
Who owns the likeness? Like, I can't just make it fake Elvis and say, Hey, look, Elvis
Presley. No, E.P. E.B. on your ass and a fucking heartbeat. They, so who owns the likeness
of that child? He does. Well, he, but if he's underage, can't the parents, aren't they
yours? His guardians? He's not underage. His death is, and now he's 18. But was that,
was that, oh, no way. he was killed at 16 two years ago.
Wait a minute, but he was at, was that college?
What, Parkland, oh, Parkland was, was a, was a,
element, was not the college.
I'm thinking of, I think of the college.
Parkland was with David Hogi.
I'm thinking of Virginia Tech.
They all run together.
They do.
They do, yeah.
Cause it's weird to care too much about them. That's why.
Well, it's just, you're just like, uh, another one. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Like, which one is, which, which one is this? Whatever. Now I'm gonna,
no, no, I have to, no, I have to go away for a while because I can't listen to you,
the sides, the two sides, yeah, just making it stupid. Yeah, too much noise.
Shut up. Too much noise there, but.
Oh, oh, great.
Now I have to wait 11 days to get my cool new gun.
Oh, man.
I got a lot of family members I need to take care of right now, brother.
He's 18.
He told me that his corpse is 18 days.
I'm never going to make it through Christmas.
You understand? Hey, boy, you got to vote against drug, fucking, His corpse is 18 days. I'm never gonna make it through Christmas
Understand boy you got to vote against drug fucking gun
Hard attack driving a car crash didn't do a tree brother
I'm just a shocked yeah at the level of
Calisness, where is my RBG mother?
I'm fucking shocked at it. That is tasteless.
It's defiantly offensive and tasteless.
That to me that they would do that to that poor kid
and not support my politics.
It really is kind of a nice mask.
It looks like it's well made.
I got another one too.
You do?
Yeah, I think Tom McCoy sent me this one.
This is Kiwi Christopher mask, see?
I don't like what you saying about me, Dick.
He's starting to upset me, see?
Yeah, got it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kiwi Chris sent me his fertility test.
But he got for reasons I have no idea.
He didn't explain it.
He just wants to prove that he's virile or, A fertility test. Oh, really? He got for reasons I have no idea. He didn't explain it.
He just wants to prove that he's, he's virile or I suppose so.
Maybe, maybe this is some kind of an own.
Doesn't say like do, do not breed, not for breeding stock.
Oddly enough, no.
They weren't able to detect any retardation with his Siemens.
Siemens fluid analysis.
Just him.
Sample reference range.
I don't know.
Period of abstinence.
He went three days without beating off.
Viscosity is normal.
I'm a sickness.
Oh God.
Color is cream.
Oh my God.
Why do they put this?
Is it medical?
They need the,
they need to know the color of them.
Medicalness of it.
I believe it's called eggshell, brother.
Yeah, it's a little more pure than yours.
This is like American Psycho.
They all bust out there.
Eggs, a cream.
I don't know.
Well, now I want to do this.
Just for the descriptives.
It's some kind of, it's measured, so it's some kind of a contest.
Wet preparation, examination preparation examination concentration total sperm number
122 is that a lot? I have no idea. I mean in what
Progressive motility 52 so does that mean how many are like good swimmers or something? Yeah, I don't know what this means non-progressive motility
15 okay total motility, 15.
Total motility at room temperature, 67, that's 40% of his semen.
I'm gonna throw up thinking about that asshole doing this.
All parameters within limits.
I don't know why he tested his semen.
I don't know why he wanted to tell me about it.
I asked him to call in and talk about it
and he did not respond to that stuff. Yeah, I guess he got what he wanted. He's about it. I asked him to call in and talk about it and he did not respond to that.
Yeah, it's, I guess he got what he wanted.
He's just getting weirder and weirder.
He doesn't need to come back on the show though.
Or not.
I like it.
I can haze just.
Here we go.
Voice miss.
Hey, big, hey, John.
I was supposed to say actually to the recent w
episode and the gimme thinking uh... you know what makes the race which is
and that's the term i just came up with right now
basically it's the people that
can't tell you something without giving a
kind of fucking contacts mhm right for it and especially whenever they go you know
hello my name is blah blah blah my pronouns are X
line said oh my the way you know I'm saying the time
X race and shit it's so fucking exhausting you know
the fucking real that shit but it's worse whenever you
see it in person and like happy years
It's like self-absorbed people
You really have to spend like five minutes listening to what they have to say all the time. It's always about them playing something
I you know I even um
You know I even like hung out with a guy in his girlfriend who's like, you know, it's kind of a hot like
big city cops.
Oh, check, right?
She has.
But she's such a fucking retarded, like liberal.
And all she talks about, all she does is that it's all gonna fry, you know?
Oh god, I don't know why they do that.
That's a burrow explanation.
Fucking stop, but the vocal science. Yeah, no, no.
The question, not everything needs a fucking asterisk and a whole thorough explanation.
Just, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't
like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't
like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't
like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I
don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the,
I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the,
I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the,
I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the,
I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like
the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the, I don't like the,, I don't like the, I don't like the, I go fuck yourself. Women have got to be set. I think the way they talk pains them.
Like I watch the women tell stories.
You mean that's what the vocal for are.
They can't support their voice to the end.
So just like it, because it's like a,
I think they would prefer to be quiet,
but they don't know how.
Like the way they tell stories sounds painful to tell.
The amount of different threads and nonsensical,
nonsensical, just static noise with no point or purpose
or rising action or fall is painful.
I want to help them, but you can't tell anything to women.
They just fucking blow their stack.
Every time you say anything, I say one thing about,
you know, one thing about what?
Did you see the UN is trying to stop mansplaining?
See that?
Yeah, we talked about that a little bit.
Oh, did we?
I think we did.
Yeah, something like that.
They just did something else like that again.
I don't know if they came out about
general mutilation lately, but.
Well, you know, you know,
what sucks is I actually support it,
general mutilation.
I support their crusade against mansplaining
because I really fucking hate it.
And I wish they hadn't a call that mansplaining.
Cause then I could be.
It's not just being in a box as fuck.
You know what though?
It's not our fault that the men
are the ones who know everything.
Yeah, but the guys who do this,
don't, nothing for that joke.
That's good.
But it's sitting,
no, that was a joke.
I said it in much your man's voice.
What the problem is,
they don't know anything, dick.
No, I know. I know all about that.
What are they gonna explain?
Well, how long can they explain nothing?
They just explain themselves.
That's all women do.
There's an endless explanation of themselves.
Look at that.
Another dog pick.
The thing about my dog.
No, there's no thing about your dog.
It's nothing.
It's like I'm addicted to the macho man voice.
I think you've said those exact words on here before.
And it's bad.
It's great.
I'm not doing it anymore.
California is having reparations for black people.
Do you remember all the black slavery we had in California back in the day?
We had fields of cotton and tobacco across North Hollywood.
We had, you could see all the way out to the ocean.
You remember that?
No, there were like fields of like a porn shooting, you know, porn studios and things.
No, no, no, no, no.
These are what I can see.
This was back in the 1600s.
You remember how California was just rife with the slave trade all over?
I think they called it the cotton capital of the world, California.
No, I remember that.
I definitely do not. Didn Did not learn about that.
San Diego, San Diego, shitload of slaves.
The slave trade. You don't remember it went from Africa and then like fucking Magellan
down around, this was before the Panama Canal, so all the way around to the Pacific Ocean,
they did this and brought down South Argentina.
Yeah, and that's where the capital of the fucking slave trade, the birth of slavery in the
United States, was in California.
So thank God California is getting ready to give reparations to make up for that.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, what is this for?
Task Force.
California Task Force will consider paying reparations for slavery 150,000 people sleeping on the fucking street every night in California.
150,000 homeless. I can't believe this is a consider paying reparations for slavery.
California fucking head. I'm not sure why the state, you know, I'm not sure why that's a state thing.
I'm not sure why I'm in it. And certainly why it's a California thing. Yeah, exactly.
Something doesn't it appear brother. Uh, 50 million people, I'll, or not to register to vote.
24% yeah. God, that's, that's perfect. Actually, 2012 study. One out of four people
does not, does not deserve to vote. They shouldn't be anywhere around a voting booth. You think
it's bad now? Yeah. Imagine if there was 24 people through their hats in the ring. Oh,
fuck no. Well, yeah, unfortunately, you don't get to pick which the one and four, you know,
there's a lot of highly motivated people who should not be voting. The ones who are not voting are worse. Let me tell you something. The
ones, the person who votes on their own volition is gonna be, is, oh, is gonna be better than
the one who needs to be told to vote. No matter what, I think that's a big, if all
of the people registered, that's a big influencer. There's some people who are probably just apathetic.
They may pay attention to what's going on, all that kind of stuff.
And somebody telling them to vote, go like, no, because I don't believe in this.
I don't believe we elect good leaders this way.
So like fuck it.
I'm not like, those are the people.
There's probably some people you would want voting, but I see your point.
Not all of them. No, not all of them.
No, I want to come to my party. No. Yeah. No, I don't want to come.
Okay. No pressure. Right.
You get 25 people, 25% of people who didn't want to be there there.
That's a boring ass party. Yeah, but then there's people there.
You know, you have to go in and make statements to the police afterwards
who come to your party. You know, it's like testify.
Well, I didn't want, yeah. Well, yeah, yeah, because they had to testify, right?
You know what, a cop told me, did I tell you this?
Yeah, he said that was like a really succinct and that was the best testifying I've ever
Yeah, in my whole life.
And he was a retired police officer.
Yeah, so he'd seen it all.
So he'd seen some real, real, not bad kid, real good test.
You want to shoot somebody?
I still got a concealed carry.
You're going to go out this with motherfuckers. A couple of few bombs right around the corner. That kid, really good test. You want to shoot somebody? Yeah. I still got to conceal it, Kerry.
You're going to go out this with mother fuckers.
Couple of few bombs right around the corner.
We're in downtown LA, nobody will miss them.
I'll give you the first one.
I got your reparations right here.
Let's fucking bomb.
Pop your cherry, kid.
You'll be.
You'll testifying.
I'm like, what call you as an expert witness?
Pantone released a period, a shade of paint called period.
Awesome. I can't wait to paint.
Wait, this is period. So you can-
I'm a period of-
Are we about your walls?
Are we about-
Are we about done?
Are we about done with this whole human experimentation?
Can we just- Please?
You know nothing that's good?
Can we just-
Can we just pack it in?
This took-
This took thought and hours and work and approval and things like that.
Can we can we just round all these people up and fire them into the sun?
We've been trying to.
Can we do that before?
Um, pan-town color institute is teamed up with Swedish feminine care brand in Timonia
to register a custom.
They had to team up to do this.
We're going to need to see a custom, they had to team up to do this.
We're gonna need to see some samples, brother.
Yeah, whose period blood is, that's not what,
I guess it kinda is.
It's blood.
I mean, period blood usually looks a little,
I mean, every time you encounter period blood,
it gets darkened, because it's dried.
You're like, God dammit.
Should've put a towel down.
The color appearing on social posts by the brand
in a campaign from Kau P.R.
is described as an original shade of red
that represents a steady flow during menstruation.
Can we need a football team called the boners?
The Baltimore boners.
Yeah, sure.
Cool, have your period, have your stupid period paint.
Paint your fucking office in it.
Paint your fucking woman's own office
in period paint, you dumb bitch.
Go into the boners game.
See ya.
Go into the boners game.
My bottom boners game.
Something about political violence.
I thought we weren't we doing voicemail?
Oh yeah, sorry.
Sorry. I just wanted to talk about this voice. Oh, yeah, sorry, sorry. I just wanted to talk
about this stuff and I didn't get to. Oh, binge drinking causes depression and anxiety.
That's fake news probably. All right, let's do some more voice. Hey, Dan, well, make
me a rage is the fucking debate. Everyone's take after the day. Oh, it's fucking shoot
show. All right. You know what happened though?
I'm debating two mother fuckers. That's that wall. It's true. Yeah, I read that too, buddy. You already knew he was. You think so? No, you know, you know, you're just debating walls. You're not going to have all Republicans that love Trump on the guy. No, you don't wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. No, wait. If you don't Trump, you got to act that Trump. When Biden made a comment, he pointed at
Biden on the phone, because they were acting different.
But he never asked fucking Biden
if you could then black lives matter antifa.
And Trump also said, he said, sure, like three times.
I mean, yeah, he did.
I know, I mean, when somebody goes,
hey, you want to take off the laundry?
I mean, yes, you can pass.
When do you want to do it?
He said three times.
That's, yeah, you want to take out,
you want to take out the trash? Sure. Well, when are you going to do it? Whenever. that's a mission. That's, yeah, you want to take out, will you take out the trash?
Well, when are you going to do it?
Well, why haven't you done it yet?
You just fucking, that's what that was.
That's what that, okay.
Did you not think that went down like that?
Do you condemn white supremacy?
Well, are you going to say it?
Well, you have to tell me, do you condemn white supremacy and militia groups?
Even the militia group is defining the constitution as something that the country's built on?
Yes, he said yes, his bill will preserve peace.
Well, Fox News and stuff was on him the next day.
He got, he got, he got fucking, he got, was getting some heat from the Republicans too.
For what?
Not condemning white supremacy.
Do you know how many times that motherfucker has condemned white supremacy?
No, I don't.
Dude. know how many times that motherfucker has condemned white supremacy. No, I don't. Dude,
uh, in the, I'm talking 30 years ago, when a parot and Jesse Ventura created their own,
their little political group after, after parot blew the, after parot went insane and
blew the election and the erection that I had at the time. Do you remember that when he dropped out for no reason?
Well, he stayed on for that, didn't he?
He dropped out and then he came back.
Yeah, when he came back, everyone was like, what the, what?
He still got like fucking phone like for you.
18% of the vote or something was a huge number.
He took away from the question.
Yeah, it was weird.
Like the energy, he really.
He's weird.
He took all the energy out of his campaign.
No, he did that.
Because then it just, forever after that, it was like, why did you drop out?
Like, I don't care about your ideas.
Why the fuck did you drop out?
When he created a part, a political party after that, Trump was in it and then David
Duke joined and Trump said, I don't want any part of David to.
Well, yeah, you're hooked.
I don't want any part of white supremacy.
Every fucking into it's bad to hang around those guys.
He's not a white supremacist. In 2016 intuit, it's bad to hang around those guys. He's not
a white supremacist. Yeah. In 2016, same fucking question of debate. He says, I disavow
it totally. I disavow it. I disavow it. I disavow it. White supremacy, who am I? Disavow
totally. I don't want to have anything to do with them. Um, that, that stupid fine people
on both sides. Quote. You remember that quote? Yeah. Sure.
To start with that quote saying there were KKK members of white supremacists who might disavow totally but otherwise there's good
people on both sides yeah I know you take you chop that in half and every fucking time
you ask he says yes are you you want to disavow white supremacists yeah yeah what about
Malaysia groups too I mean if it will make if it will make peace yes yes. We'll do it. Who the fuck, how many times do I have to fucking do this
to you for you people?
One more.
One more.
Yeah, it's one more.
It sucks because ask if you respond, yes,
it puts the idea in people's heads
that you haven't already done it a million times.
And he knows that.
And everybody knows it.
It's very, it's just so fucking frustrating. I don't know. What. And he knows that. And everybody knows it. It's very, it's very,
it's just so fucking frustrating. I don't know. What did you, what did you think about that?
Did you think he had ever disavowed them before? Oh, no, I've heard him, I've heard him
disavow. Yeah, I've heard him, I've, I have heard him do it before. Yeah. I thought that
was weird. Not challenging Biden on his green new deal support too was weird.
Trump said you support the green new deal and he said, no, I don't.
That was one of the, that was one of the like on fact check sites.
That was one of the things that he said it's not his thing, but it's not his deal, but
it's it really for.
Well, no, it really, he took pretty much everything from it and then eliminated the most
controversial points like Medicaid for all. But it's like, no, it really, he took pretty much everything from it and then eliminated the most controversial points, like Medicaid for all.
But it's like, no, that is the structure.
And that was one of the big ones from that night where it's like, this is what Biden
was lied about.
And there was the whole, why did your son get paid millions of dollars by that Russian
Like, what did he offer them?
And Biden said,
how dare you malign my son?
I was like, my own buddy, he's talking about like,
he's a pretty fucking good question.
Well, but then they were talking about,
they were talking about a bow or a ship bag.
No, they're talking about bow.
And that was though during the whole exchange
with the, I don't know, there.
Trump was talking about the deadbeat son.
And Biden said, how dare you talk about my dead great son? And Trump said, I'm talking about your fucking
deadbeat son.
We need fucking talking about it.
Well, they have that exchange with the, but that was all wrapped up in the military and
shit. I don't know.
Well, I know as God will cure Trump's COVID. If he's good, here's what makes me rage that
The whole fucking like hey, let's make a commercial break or let's take a break that podcast
Do as long as fucking YouTube videos. Yeah, like it's not fucking regular TV. Yeah, why the fuck are you doing this whole like?
Oh, let's take a break and all
they do is like playing music, you know, and nothing else. Oh, yeah. Like it's a real
thing. I don't do it. Just cut it together and yeah, I just cut it. Most of you are not
streaming live. Yeah. Or something, you know, we're an ad plays, but you know, the
ads on fucking playing. You don't really fucking care. Like. Like, I just fucking fucking cut it together. I used to be to do that.
I fucking hate that.
Don't fuck yourself.
Yeah, we listen to this pod quiz show.
Maybe he's girl loves it.
Yeah, we do like pod trivia show, but it's a podcast,
and we do it on drives, like give our answers,
and you know, keep scores and stuff like that.
And before the guy gives the answers every week,
he plays a song that somebody sent in.
And we always have to skip it.
It doesn't have anything to do with trivia
or anything like that.
The music we play always is something from the show.
Yeah, of course, it's pertinent.
But having to skip that fucking thing,
well, at least one person has crashed their car
and killed somebody trying to skip music in a pod
and other people besides you.
Yeah, right.
There we go.
Hey, Vic, here's what makes me a rage.
Smug European on Twitter.
we just have an interaction about like,
you know, the usual, like, oh, look at here's America being the police of the world.
Here's how many countries they've invaded.
Here's how many elections America, you know, medals in, whatnot.
You know, I just retweeted it.
I quoted it and it's like, you know, actually, there's a little bit asked for this and they
prefer it this way.
You know, this is not your, you know, the smug year, you ask the world,
not even America.
You're saying, you're being stupid.
And I was like, well, look,
did one person not ask for the input?
Guess what's back set up, the American military?
Do you want like, no?
No, shipping lanes to keep, you know,
TV made in China on stores in Germany or wherever.
No, I don't want that.
Well, guess what?
It's the American baby that secures that.
I don't want that.
I want them to all hit by a red insert.
The last thing I want to say here is that you don't benefit from America or like you don't.
I don't.
In fact, your entire well-being and your country's prosperity is based on one, America's
prosperity and our prosperity.
I don't want you to.
Which is really unjust why these countries do nothing for us. A little American-centric view of the world.
You know, at least acknowledge, hey, the facts are my tax dollars make free trade around
the world possible.
So like, you know, America starts to crew in some other country or whatever. Gary Badd, very violent.
You know, wherever the hell.
Who gives a shit?
Military adventurism.
The people of the country give a shit.
It's called Vietnam.
We're in the right.
Look, we're in the global hajimah.
You know, if we're not global Pokemon at all.
He has no, we have a whole lot of things to fix here.
Because he realizes that, you know,
that in fact, I'm correct that everything, you know,
of his cosmopolitan European lifestyle,
where the hell he lived, you know,
is based on America and being,
and America being the global power of what?
So he does the classic European thing and treats that me in some other language.
Oh, that's what this one is.
He told me stupid because he doesn't speak too much American.
You fucking know what he's saying about.
That's what he's burning about. American fucking
That's what he's burning. Oh, you got cut off. Oh, wow. That was three minutes of pro America felt like every second of it. Oh
God No, no, no, no, no, no. We don't need shipping lanes from China, do we? I don't I certainly don't need that
I would hope if Walmart wanted to sell cheap
televisions made in China that they could build their own military or they could just pay for
the entire thing. Maybe since they enjoy all the highway systems, they can just pay for all of it.
And we don't have to, we don't have to dick around with the drinking age and the control of states
rights by the federal government by accepting highway money that we all pay for that only corporations benefit from.
Maybe that.
I don't know.
Maybe that.
Maybe that.
Um, maybe it's just a big lie that appeals to your, uh, uh, sense of masculinity.
Patriotism, nationalism.
Maybe it's just a big lie that everybody gobbles up.
Could be that.
Could be that could be that
Let's see here one more sure
Maybe they can shine it's a new car. I know what's up I got a rage this week, which is I know like it's not it's just like there's a annoying little tick that you do like
Shit like I was the thing with like, I'll just be
like, I'm handled, but still, I'm like, I just naturally come like, yeah, I do that with
my nails. I kind of click them like this. I click my teeth. I'm constantly, I'm constantly
nail-biting too. I'm visual, but it's, it's me fucking with my fingers and it's like a thing, but it's like a knowing, because I'll be like doing something with my hands and then I'll like stop
and then drive me to the other.
He's doing it in the middle of each other.
And I was fucking annoying.
And it's like, I want to fucking kill myself.
You as shipping links.
I'm fucking fault, but it's not,
I can't like help it, you know?
Yeah, I got it.
This is like some other shit that I do too.
I don't know exactly what it is, but.
I'm sure your girlfriend does.
There's a couple other things that I think I do some other than that.
This is one of the best like regions, but I think it's a decent, I know it.
It's a minor in millions if you will.
God, the NRA should bring back an AI of Macho Man Randy Savage.
Oh, boy.
Yeah. What would he be here for? To talk about guns. should bring back an AI of Macho Man Randy Savage. Oh boy.
Yeah. What would he be here for?
To talk about guns.
Oh, to talk about how he would have stopped the parkland shooters
with a suplex or something like that.
And that's why you should support guns.
Got it.
I don't know how that would sound.
I'd neither do I.
No, but nobody's home.
How do you, I don't know how you argue with somebody who says like the world depends,
this built on the US military.
Like, yeah, because they're like, they have all the force.
So yeah, pretty much everything does whatever they want.
That's, you're correct in that the current world exists because of the US military.
Whether or not that is a good thing. We have the biggest sledgehammer,
as far as just as a country, the way we function,
people, all that kind of stuff,
I mean, we don't sniff the top 10.
What do you sniff?
What do you mean?
I mean, we don't as far as ranking,
just generally, where's the best place in the world to live?
For society, for people
what depends how much fucking money you have?
McAfee's looking pretty cool out there doing a bunch of drugs.
I don't think he has any money.
God, me either.
I think he's been down a long time.
Yeah, I don't, I feel like I have to explain my position because every time I say something
I'm really thinking.
But that's also a thing that it comes
after some years of having lived in society figuring out how things work, seeing, I don't want Chinese manufacturing at all. Nixon totally, Nixon totally fucked the whole
country for $300. He said the average American frame is going to save $300 a year if we set up
trade with China. It's like, man, how did you not, how did you not fucking see this? Is it just a huge scam? Yeah.
The current levels, I looked at this up recently, the current jobs of Americans is like 60%
in the service industry. So business to business taking raw goods that have been manufactured
into usable items and selling them. So some kind of sales marketing maintenance, like that level.
And the amount of manufacturing raw goods into raw goods and materials into goods is like
abysmally low.
And you know, there's so many people, there's so many people who just can't live without
those fucking jobs.
To give them away.
To give them away to China, to China, whatever,
Taiwan or whatever, and not compensate the people you're taking them from. Just say you're
compensating the people who are buying them explicitly, and then not compensating the
people who are penalized for that, telling them that they could be better off. They're
just not working hard enough.
Like, oh, you just need to learn job skills.
Like, no, motherfucker, they're dumb.
They can't learn job skills.
That's easy.
I can learn how to put a lid on something.
Some motherfuckers cannot.
They just can't because they're fucking stupid.
They put their jobs.
And over so many years, the types of jobs
that are being created are different.
And not everybody who had a job when it was one type of job
is able to do that new type of job,
which is exactly what you said.
So saying that, oh, well now that, that, which is already,
well, you've just introduced a massive inefficiency
in the system, you did this on purpose.
It didn't exist on its own.
You did this.
You just destroyed capitalism in America.
Hi, hi, you just ruined it this is now now now we're
encroaching on the communist meme uh... it's real socialism has never been tried real fucking
capitalism has never has never lasted for long before it gets ruined by this kind of shit by this
kind of uh... political hokeree pokery well i mean yeah the political tohokeree no capitalism is
a word it's it's it's, you know,
whatever the right likes to refer to
crony capitalism, right?
I mean, it's completely the crowning part.
Yeah, big time.
I mean, come on.
So now we need this.
We have free and open competition.
Now we need this.
Fuckin' long shot.
Now we need a military, now we need to,
now we need to guarantee by force the existence of an inefficiency that
you introduced on purpose to fuck people over. And the way to deal with that is to sell
those same people, the idea of American exceptionalism vis-a-vis the constant global exhibition
of force. There's no fucking universe where that makes any sense or that you should be
proud of it ever. Dick, I gotta say, you're making a lot of sense recently.
Make a lot of good points.
Jiggery pulgarine.
Good points.
Oh man, if Trump gets dies of COVID, I'll be so sad.
I don't think he's gonna die of COVID.
I don't think so either.
Okay. All right, I just want to see the t- he's gonna die of COVID. I don't think so either. Uh, okay. All right, I just wanna see the t-shirt.
Trump died of COVID.
Ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha.
Oh, they're so disrespecting my dad.
We're the tandem, man.
These people are disrespecting my dad.
Oh, God damn, if Newsom got COVID.
Oh, baby.
I'd be doing Santoria in the front yard.
But I'd be killing chickens. I have a license to kill chickens. I'd be at Santaria in the front yard. I'd be killing chickens.
I have a license to kill chickens.
I'd be at El Poio Loco drawing pentagrams on the ground
in the bathroom.
And you'd be able to hit a curveball.
Joe Boo.
I'll be paying to Joe Boo.
Joe Boo, right?
I don't know.
What's his religion?
Um, okay. I think that's it. Goodbye everybody. See
I leave anybody out. Brown was better. Oh God, that's stupid dog.
That fuck man. The Boston Dynamics dog. You seen that? No, what
I do died. No, I just runs around. Oh, you mean it's oh, just runs
around on the sidewalk and still like nomadic limbs or some
were never seen at the Boston Dynamics dog.
No, no, they, they, how the fuck is that possible?
It's been around forever.
They created a bunch of what?
It's paralyzed or something and they created a bunch of, or it's a robot dog.
Look, oh, you've seen this.
I thought it was a robot dog.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hi, I'm Russell.
Welcome to my laboratory.
I couldn't see this.
When you're standing next to spot, the striking thing is how small and sturdy it is.
It's just under three feet high and weighs 70 pounds,
which means it's light enough for a single person
to pick up.
A lot of the movements you're seeing,
that's cool.
That's cool.
You know, like a handful of basic skills,
you can do a lot of that.
Like 35% of those things have ended up in shelters already.
I don't believe you all of them.
Even inside a dance layer.
Hey, look at that.
The robots dancing.
I thought you were coming out real dog with like, you know,
with robot bus.
Get him right.
No, man, fuck real dogs.
Fucking Boston Dynamics dog, motherfucker.
I saw people more than one, a lot,
saying shoot that dog.
It's the same thing as Maddox's ass and I shoot drones shit. Like these
people are unironically posting from a fuck a GPS enabled tracking device to a network
that explicitly minds their data. How anti- like anti-technocracy dystopia, technic, whatever
it is, technological dystopia they are by
saying to shoot something that is extremely useful.
That technology carrying shit around, that is the, I mean, that's the worst thing you
go carrying shit.
How about war?
A war dog.
Fight it with wars.
Fuck, of course they're going to use that kind of shit.'re already I mean yeah people of course fucking EMP that shit should these shoot these dogs
shoot these dogs or else that little motherfucker running out there like ravage from transformers
or whatever carry and fucking strapped like a fucking terrorist you know what brother the war is
going to be the war boulder the war is going be a- Do it in the war, boulder.
The war is gonna be witch dogs, actually,
where there's gonna be,
whichever can get one dog over to the other guy's side.
That's who wins the war.
That's it.
We both made Ali Baba and Google made 10 million dogs
and they launch them at each other
and then just start malfunctioning and getting stuck
in places, you know, the one that makes it.
One made it over.
Oh, fuck, China won.
Ah, and everyone's gonna freak out and run away One made it over. Oh, fuck, China one. Yeah.
And everyone's gonna freak out and run away,
because it's so scared of this technological dystopia.
If we let these, if we let these extremely useful robots
that carry shit, $74,500.
Oh, if we let, if we don't shoot them on site,
we're really gonna be in trouble.
We're really gonna be in trouble. Like. Really gonna be in trouble. Yeah.
Like we're not already being totally programmed by machines.
So goddamn dumb.
Shoot these things.
Okay, idiot.
Run your phone away, man.
We're gonna start participating in robot dog fights.
Gonna feel their prisons.
I'm pro robot dog.
I'm gonna have one that just wipes out regular dogs.
That just goes out regular dogs.
That just goes around.
Go ahead, dog fight.
Well, why would you do that?
Because I fucking hate dogs.
That's why it just jumps into their yards, savages them, and then jumps over.
There's a male like Boogie, calls him a pussy until they come out with a pistol, and
then it kills them.
That's brandishing a weapon.
I bet Frank...
That doesn't sound like a dystopia to me.
I bet Frank would have been in the right just
drawing, slapping some leather with boogie.
If he fucking pointed a gun at him!
You can't do that.
Hey, come over to my house.
That's like a Simpsons episode.
I come over to my house.
Oh, you're here?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What the fuck?
Yeah, I don't, I. What the fuck? Yeah.
Yeah, I don't, I mean, you know, I'm not a lawyer, but I know that you can't invite people to your house
and then kill them, because I would have done it.
It would happen a lot more if that were legal.
Right, because everyone would do it.
Yeah, that's a, yeah.
There's a, that's a, that would be strange
if that was a loo pole that no one was able to exploit yet
I'm guessing it's I'm guessing it's not legal
The law frowns a problem. I think that's what that's what castle doctrine is. Yeah, I don't invite people over here
All right, all right everybody for real. Goodbye. See you. Thank you