The Dick Show - Episode 232 - Dick on Copium
Episode Date: November 10, 2020Trump Loses, Driving with Headlamps on, Consooming...
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Oh, a lotty, da, da, da, da, da.
What's up?
Is this the COVID?
Have a seat.
Yes, this is a COVID barrier that we have to protect Sean.
Yes, we must protect Sean.
So I have erected a COVID barrier that is the best,
the best COVID barrier you've ever seen.
That is SAG compliant.
In case you're thinking of saying anything funny,
I just want to assure you that that is a sag compliant barrier
that I erected in the middle of the night.
And I appreciate it.
Sean appreciates it.
Keeping me doing the show, keeping me keeping my job,
keeping me doing all this shit.
Because I can't, I can't have,
I can't have another episode with a remote Sean.
Yeah, they're so hard, they're so hard to time.
See, it's funny because you can, yeah, it's hard. You need time. See, it's funny, because you can get through. Yeah, it's hard.
You need to see, anytime I'm not here,
like somebody, somebody's got to be here,
you know, like I don't know, Vito or somebody,
even though, was it Kevin?
Kevin is great.
He did a good job.
He's great, but the entire show, I'm just thinking,
I know that thing crashed 40 minutes ago
and then nothing is getting recorded.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think he, I'm waiting for Sean.
The reality is that people don't understand is that I need Sean's interruptions.
More than he needs me, they always rip on him for interrupting, but I'm like, you don't
I need those interruptions or I'm going to say game rewards.
Yes, and I do, like, I know I interrupt.
And like, I've just given up on fixing it on this show.
That's not a defect.
Yes, not to interrupt means that you know someone enough
to know what they're gonna say.
I don't need to let this asshole finish what he's gonna say.
I know what he's gonna say.
That's true too.
Also, it also shows that you have a girlfriend.
Why do you say that? Because you'll never get a word in if you have a girlfriend. Why do you say that?
Because you'll never get a word in if you don't interrupt. Yeah, you just have to just, you just put your head down and just run through the wall.
And what you know, however, let the chips fall where they may.
Yeah, there may be fall out, but God damn it.
Yeah, you got through.
If she's complaining about my interrupting, then she's not complaining about the many,
many other things that I'm doing wrong
Right that are worse that I will not doing yeah, no
Well good guys Vito it's lovely to have you in on this celebration episode
Celebration episode I am so excited. Mm-hmm. I am riding with biting. All right. Let me play the theme song first
I didn't even get my shit in order here.
Who cares anymore?
We're doing the show in a plastic bubble, I hope you know.
Welcome to the day you had it, you had it, you had it, you had it.
You got it.
It's a show.
It's a contest giving you a lot of room out and bunking deep in the heart of the city.
If you'll give me a hug, take a match and a K, the $20 million man voted America's
worst Mexican.
Jesus, 82 weeks running.
Oh, fantastic.
If I'd have got Alex Jones on the show, if I'd have got Alex Jones on the show, I think
I could have retired that. Was that the goal? That was the goal. That was the show. If I had a guy, Alex Jones on the show, I think I could have retired that.
Was that the goal?
That was the goal.
That was the reason I went to Phoenix.
That's because you knew he'd be there.
Yeah, because I knew he'd be there and I wanted, I had a dress like Bugs Bunny that I was
on the side of the road pretending to be injured.
He drove his, he brought your own like curtain, you know, like stage curtain.
You could just raise up just a little bit, really hot legs.
And then you see fucking dick, small old face with fur all over it and he goes, I thought
you're gonna say my small dick.
And that's gonna be really pissed off.
I see he was leaving in his SUV and I tried to dive in front of it.
He was at the place.
Alex Jones came to the place and he like snuck in.
I saw pictures.
Uh, for any of you don't know, the Arizona, I went to the Arizona Recorder's office to stop
the steal.
Stop the steal.
Stop the steal of democracy.
Chinese interference veto.
Oh, it's the Chinese.
Is that what we're going with?
What do you mean what's what we're going with?
They interfered with the election.
Well, there's a couple different options for your chosen conspiracy theories.
Right, because what's a conspiracy?
You think China has less reason than Russia, who obviously interfered with the election
the first time, China did it this time.
And so, it's so obvious.
I went to Arizona to stop the steal.
The plan of getting Alex Jones on the show.
And he was, that would have been a get.
That would have been a get, right?
Oh yeah. He's a lot smaller than I thought. I don't want to set, you know, I own a poison the show. And he was, That would have been a get. That would have been a get, right? Oh yeah.
He's a lot smaller than I thought.
I don't want to set, you know, I own a poison the well, but he's smaller than I thought
he would be.
Is he really?
Not as fat as he looks.
He had a megaphone and I could barely hear him.
I thought that when he shouted, it would be like, it would be like, like a lot from a
Mount Sinai, the Moses, or yeah, it would be like the branch to Vity and screaming in my
face would melt off.
But he's been doing it so long that maybe he's losing some of his voice.
I think he's blown his voice out.
I think the time.
It's like the old, you know, aging rock stars, they always, you know, drop the hit songs
like a step.
I'm seeing a Zeppelin at the 2007 reunion at the O2 arena.
I think they were doing rock and roll like a step and a half down so plant could hit the
I was like, wow, those strings are flapping, man.
Like is a church him know at that point?
Yeah, flat.
Oh, real quick.
I have to mention it's hilarious that I can't actually see Sean.
So it feels like I'm on.
I design.
Yeah, but it feels like I'm on one of those TV shows where like they're interviewing the guy behind like a blurry filter.
Is this clear to you?
Is this clear?
I want to hold you, but last night to build Sean is fucking this beautiful,
sag, sag, compliant, COVID bubble.
It's a nice big cause, you know, like Randy says now that Biden's the president,
COVID went away. So now I don't have to do things like this.
Randy's been saying, it's not what he's been saying to me.
Randy's such a fucking doofus.
Randy's in an argument with coach right now
that Biden's not gonna do any more foreign wars.
I'm like, Panty, are you fucking,
what are you talking about?
Why aren't you arguing about that?
Well, I'm ganging up.
I don't know that I would go out and make, I mean, you know, it's so far down the list
of like things you're, people are even thinking about it's like, how many years are you thinking?
War man, keep us a war forever, I don't, but I love war.
I love war.
As a, I've been, I've been conning everyone this entire time with my Trump shit.
I've been riding with Biting since day one.
I've been stockpiling cryptocurrency for five years because I want to pay off your college.
You don't understand me.
I want to give $1.5 trillion to the most privileged class in America, while the more locks have been schlepping,
while the more locks schlep your food
from the Amazon Food Preparation Center
that has been market tested to be like Amazon Jose's
Mexican delicatessen versus Commander Wong's stir fry,
that's all gonna be mulched up bugs,
combined into a broth that they use to,
an emulge that they will deliver to your how that the more like will deliver to your house
Yes protein blog. I want that so I've been stuck by link crypto for five years and anticipation of this
I can't fucking wait I want round the clock war as a as a latin ex woman. I am a I support biding what are you laughing for? uh... no no it's the the passion that has me so
uh... he's on the next woman
I hate god by the way that's number one I went round the clock war
I want to print money for you guys right
oh god I can't I'm so fucking happy that biding
has declared war on uh on online harassment and bullying
that promotes violence against women.
Did you see that as part of his transition plan?
We don't see that.
But see, Vito is going to be up on all the latest tweets and things like that.
Look, are you, are you working on AOC's list?
Can you decide if I'm on it or not?
Do I?
Oh, is she putting together a list?
Yes, Alexandria Cortez said that the Trumps
sick of pants will not survive the purge.
We're making a list of all the Jews
and their conspirators.
I was heard she was talking about like,
leaving politics or something.
She's going back to bartending.
Well, because they're getting a lot of shit,
like, you know, because they didn't do well in Congress.
So this is an elaborate question.
She's feeling like ostracized
because she's like the progressive part of the,
you know what I mean?
And like the centrist or blaming people like her.
Sean, what do you mean they didn't do well?
There's a mandate.
There's a mandate to get rid of systemic racism.
You didn't hear about that mandate.
What do you mean they didn't do well in Congress?
I mean, you're about the mandate.
Is that what I think it, is that what I, does that word mean when I think it means you know what does a mandate mean?
Please well, it's what two men like each other very much right in addition president Biden will establish a new
Tasting horse online a task force on online harassment and abuse to focus on the connection between mass shootings
Wow, those are those suck right?
Yeah, we're about to run the red light. You know this this thing that we do on the connection between mass shootings. Wow, those are, those suck, right? We're about to run the red light.
You know this, this thing that we do on the show?
No, I don't.
So light turns yellow, right?
Guy, guy clears the yellow.
That's fine, right?
And then the guy goes after him, but then three, four, five,
they know they're not supposed to be doing it.
On the left or the right?
On the left turn, you know, if they pretend
that they're, they're just along for the right.
I'm in a train. I gotta keep they pretend that they're, they're just along for the right.
Intersection, they gotta keep going.
So anytime you hear a list online, it's that it's, we're running a red light.
So first is, first one, you threw the yellow.
Connection between mass shootings.
Yeah, that's how bills work.
You know, they attach all that extra shit.
It's like, oh, you know what?
I'm not passing that.
And on the surface, it looks like, wow, you just want to be focused, but it's like
raping children.
Yeah, it's like they attach this, this, this, and this.
So it's like, yeah, the overall result is like something that maybe I don't want to pass.
And not buying a new car every eight months.
That's what this bill is.
Well, wait a minute, I don't want it.
What, you're like raping kids?
What are you talking about?
Not just that.
I think the debts, establish a new task force on online harassment and abuse to focus
on the connection between mass shootings.
Whoa, that guy's through the yellow.
Online harassment, I don't know, that's probably the last one through the yellow.
Well, that's, I'm pretty extreme about the first and second amendment and you know, maybe the third and the fourth and
violence against women
Uh, as a woman as a woman. I can't support this enough. I am so sick of men. Yeah being violent at me
Yeah, did you go to the DMV at and make it official? Man, I hope I'm gonna go before they turn the DMV into a trap
Wait Vito you did that, didn't you?
I did, yeah.
You're a woman.
I'm a red woman.
She's all in me.
What, so, so your driver's license says female?
Yeah, that's fucking incredible.
I don't know why that makes me so happy, but it does.
The weirdest part is like at the DMV, I'm like, is anyone gonna like say anything?
But everybody's just really chill about it.
I'm just like, I want the form that says I'm a woman.
They don't even look at you.
Is it, is the show, oh, this guy, this guy fucked it up.
So I went to Arizona to stop the steel.
I went to Arizona to work, apparently.
To steal Alex.
You know what, let me, let me do a little announcement for all you, for everyone who's
not 40 like me.
But this will not be the first time that the Supreme Court in Congress picked a president.
I don't know if you guys remember, but Gore was our president for like a month and a half.
You remember that?
The Florida recounts, yeah.
And then they said, well, actually, we're not going to, you know, you're not going to get
those votes.
And then Congress said, yeah, and Bush is president.
So you can go ahead and take all those parties and those headlines that you were throwing,
and you can wrap them up and cram them right up your ass.
And now we're going to war and now we have the Patriot Act.
So that's how that turned out.
You were saying, Vito, please.
Oh, I don't remember what I was saying.
I'm just saying, you know, the system works clearly.
I went to Arizona to stop the steel. Yes, the Chinese government from stealing our election. Did you see any sneaky Chinese? Like going in and out? I did. Yeah. I'm dropping balance off. I was like clanging on a railroad spike. I see you over there.
I thought you should have been done. You should have been done 150 years ago. What are you doing?
Yeah, I caught these guys building a railroad
into the back office and the registrar.
They're so good at the, they had a whole mind and cart full of
my collates.
Yeah, yeah,
full of ballots and they were clanking away.
And they were timing hand cards.
They were timing it with people doing the Pledge of Allegiance.
They're clapping and they would wait and clang the railroad spikes.
Yeah, it's like Shawshanking, but I caught that one.
The Leight Thunder rolls and he hits the pipe to get into it.
Get into the shit pipe.
Yeah, it was weird when I was watching the video and all the ballots were arriving by Rick.
I thought that was a little.
So you saw that too.
Yeah, you saw that fucking too.
And we're just running in there.
I'm not looking out.
So yeah.
She had fun at least. Still looks like you had fun.
I did have fun, man.
I got to be on camera with Alex Jones.
That's cool.
I knew that would have had to have happened.
I started his arrest, Bill Gates, chance.
Do you have footage?
Yeah, I do.
Yeah, I do.
I think I have footage of that exactly.
I actually thought about driving out,
but I would have got there too late.
Dude, I missed somebody's, Eric Wong sent me a video of him and Alex Jones, or Alex
Jones said, like, hey, Dick Manchester, you're something like, hey, the Dick show.
Oh, around.
And going, he was there.
I drove about 95 miles an hour for the last hour.
I still missed him.
He shows up and everybody mobs him.
And you saw him on the second night, though.
The first night you missed him, second night you saw him. Yeah, You saw the second night of time and man, I'll tell you,
there are some real, there are some interesting characters.
You don't say it must be in, yeah, it must be tough being him.
Yeah, getting guys running up to you wanting to tell you
Yeah, for future elections, here's what I want to start.
I want to start some basic Republican sign making, sign making basics.
Sign making 101.
Where we measure, we think about how, what's the maximum number of words that we can put
on a sign?
Let's keep it under 50.
Oh, no.
Let's measure them out.
Make sure the lot, maybe pick three most important words, make those big and then fill in
the blanks with the signs about the Martian pedophiles.
We save those for a later event and focus on the core issue here.
But this is a perfect, you know, example of just how so many people go through their
I want to do this.
I just want to start.
It's like, oh shit, I kind of painted myself into a corner there.
Oh, well, I'm gonna get by with that.
Oh, well, yeah.
The St. God's memorial hospital.
You come out with a retarded baby.
Okay, here, let me show you me on Alexions.
I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.
Okay, so this is, which I cannot see,
but I will imagine it behind the sheet.
Yeah, just react to it. Just copy copy us like pretend you're not getting a joke
Okay, but that everyone's laughing right. Let me see if I can cue this up. Oh
We'll give you a little room. You can do it
See you there's nothing about the steel. He's really worse. This is
His China was tampering with his alpha male supplements
Here he's that's always talking to me
Can you see me can you see me Sean?
No, where are you? I am I what the fuck?
There I am look right there
look see oh yeah no shit
right there you are
you are a little red hat on
uh huh right
yeah there i am
what's a propeller on it
let's see if they got any of me screaming
where am i am
i don't know what it was
what's all this is you were looking for the camera
yeah that was
yeah i'm screaming USA.
That guy's like stoned out of his mind or something.
What's he?
There was this really weird woman who tried to like cram her way in because she had water
for Alex Jones that she really need to get to him.
Oh, yeah, that's what he should be doing.
Just taking strange water from people. Not a good idea.
Yeah, and I was like, hi, I guess this is like the woman
that cured herself of leprosy with Jesus.
Yeah, just warming her way in there.
Oh, okay.
I see.
That story seems a little bit different.
Oh, well, you know, I know.
You touch Alex Jones and your whole body gets red-pilled.
You turn your under-red.
You get that voice.
You can bright red like a pumpkin.
Let me see Nick.
Nick said he was calling in.
I want to get him on and,
I'm not sure what.
Let me know if Nick shows up.
Alex Jones doesn't fastenating individual.
Here, let me tell you,
oh, Christmas is canceled by the way.
Oh yeah?
Oh yeah, so if there's no president,
I cannot think about anything Christmas.
Really, what about Jesus being your president?
President Christ.
Well, that's what we're trying to figure out, Sean.
If it's Jesus or Satan, that's going to cheat his way into the White House.
Oh, okay.
You think I can't think about buying Christmas presents when I'm on Twitter all day, seeing
what kind of updates are coming in about who's defrauding who?
Did you engage in any of the praying to help stop the steel?
No, I actually, I posted a picture of myself
with people praying and said,
these motherfuckers are praying for real.
Like just got it.
That is great.
Well, I thought it was funny, but man,
people were pissed.
People get pissed that you didn't think Jesus was gonna help
out Trump and his time of need. Yeah, I mean, just like these people were pissed. People get pissed. The key thing to Jesus was gonna help out Trump
and his time of need.
Yeah, I mean, just like, these people are fighting for real.
That's dumb.
Like, okay, you're doing it because you like doing it.
That's fine, but it's kind of like you're just like masturbating.
Like if I was just masturbating in the middle of the parking lot,
people would make fun of me.
So, I got the very least.
I'm sure your God can handle a little poking fun.
I'm sorry.
Sorry for fucking, I'm sorry for fucking with you guys a little bit, but if you don't,
you start cutting heads off.
Like the historically religion starts doing some wild shit.
If you don't keep them on there, keep them off their toes a little bit.
You were.
I do forget that people take prying seriously, because whenever I see people in this situation,
I'm like, oh, we all know this is ridiculous.
And then I did get enough fight on Twitter,
so I was like, how can you insult the religion like that?
I'm like, they're praying for who's gonna be present.
Really easily.
Like, that's not how it works.
Oh, I was so glad there.
They're narcoleptic.
And then I realized that they're praying.
And then people are hitting me up with,
well, at least they're not burning cities down.
I don't care about why not.
What are you saying?
People who pray had an odd jump in logic.
There's two responses.
It's at least they're not burning cities down and you better watch out because the early
Christians prayed before they wiped out entire civilization.
You guys can't really. Oh, okay. Well, they also prayed in the morning
before a family member went out and got in a fatal car wreck.
So people prayed before a lot of things.
That's what I should have done.
You know, I mean,
artistically argue with them about the validity of their faith.
But it all gets turned around.
Maybe it'll, maybe the prayer is will have been the reason. What do you, do you think Biden's going to still be president? I think, here's all gets turned around, maybe it'll, maybe the prayers will have been the reason.
What do you think Biden's gonna still be president?
I think, here's what I really think.
I think they would take a lot to turn to,
because you have multiple states with multiple lawsuits
and you'd have to win more than one of them.
Yeah, and correct, you have to win too.
Sure, you don't have to win too,
but then that triggers a revot or a recount.
Here's the way I'm just a stupid, you know, I'm a dumb idiot that didn't, I'm a stupid
idiot that thought COVID was hoaxed by the Chinese to lock up political prisoners and
then it was used in America to launch a, to crash the economy and used to, and launch
a fraudulent mail butt in by a ballot. What about the rest of the world? But this is what
I think just based on me being a dumb idiot. What about the rest of the world? What? What was it used for in the rest of the world? Just for cover,
just for cover, just for fun. Yeah. I was like, I was walking everything up might as well.
Again, I was talking to the other ones that have it as well. Keeping the humor, maybe keeping
the humor. They don't start cutting people's heads off. Okay, wait. So this is, this is
what could happen, right? Pennsylvania loses a lawsuit and gets all the late ballots thrown out.
Is that, does that flip it?
Do they know how many late ballots there are?
Okay, just define a late ballot.
Well, that's kind of, all of this is kind of define what is because, right, well, because
each state sets for when the ballots can stop the account,
for instance, Michigan, regardless of postmark, says if they don't have a ballot in hand
by 8 p.m. on November 3rd, it does not get counted.
Whether or not it was postmarked that day.
Philadelphia can go after as long as it's postmarked.
But then that's two.
Yeah, go ahead.
No, no, that's it. So what I'm
saying is it's up to each individual state. That's how point you have to have a cut off
and they do. Yeah, but I also think that the Supreme Court said, no, you can't decide what
you can't push it longer than that. Like I think we're going to get into a situation
which is longer than what? Then 8 p.m. We're Philadelphia. They actually can't do that.
I don't know. Well, the Supreme Court will that. I don't know. Well, the Supreme
Court will decide. I think it gets there. The Supreme Court told one state to put ballots
aside. It's still Delphi.
Philadelphia. Yeah. And I mean, but Philadelphia said, fuck you, right? They're like, we're
in a key.
So if that happens, like, here's, here's what bother. Here's what is, I think this is
really unforgivable in a way that the media has rushed forward at such a strange time to say that biting is the president before
any of the electors were confirmed by the actual judgment.
Remember the media does this, they call races.
Nothing's certified or what you say.
I mean, that's
they just want to get the, you know, the clicks and everything else. Yeah, but I mean,
this has been done for, for decades. I mean, it's not, you know, it's all newspicks.
They say, yeah, it's not exactly. It's weird. It's weird, though, that they prepped us
for weeks, it's that they prepped us for months saying, oh, it could take weeks. And then
suddenly Trump goes, I'm going to do a press conference. I go, oh, it's a winner. It's a winner. Biden won. Israel, can you call, can you tweet at us and say that
you, that you've stamped this right now, please? Mexico is like, I'm not fucking, I don't
think you guys are. If Mexico is saying, well, dude, Mexico refused to tweet like, what,
are congratulations? Yeah, they said it's too early to, I don't, I'm not getting involved
in this because Netanyahu was like, hey, Biden, my buddy and my brother.
Well, you know, it was like just regarding Arizona, it was funny that, you know, multiple
news outlets called the state, the New York Times did not.
They thought that they said it's, you know, we don't think that we have enough, we're not
sure enough to call it.
I also heard that all the news outlets use like this one company's
data to see when they call an election. I mean, you know, that company, like fucked up
the percent that was in. They thought it was 98% when it was like 84% of the vote or something
like that. So that's why they called it early. That's why they call it early. Yeah, very
possible. It's an entire election that's counted by the TSA and the DMV. And I'm sitting there,
you're watching,
I'm watching these people sort through the ballots thinking,
there should be hundreds of people at each one of these
with multiple eyes, like you have everybody in the world
watching via Twitter, when they could just be looking
at the goddamn thing that it's such,
I don't buy, I don't buy the voting machines
for a second.
I don't buy the mail in valid shit for it.
Like that is, that the mail in valid shit
that was just created for COVID
and pushed on us like, wow, you know,
this is basically the same.
It's such a radical departure from anything
that I would consider like that I grew up thinking
was democratic.
I don't even know how, how to process,
how fucked up that is. What do you mean, What have you been created for? The mail in the mandatory
mail in baller, the unrequested mail in ballot system that was created to because of the dangers
of COVID. Well, right. But a lot of the states already have the no reason thing. You know,
what I mean, that's a sure, but this one was this one was wasn't this just sent out
even on requested. Well, I mean, but I think Sean saying some states do that anyway.
Yeah, yes, but not all not at all. I honestly don't know what changed with the
mail-in ballots because I never had done a mail-in ballot before this
Yeah, election. So I don't know what's changed. I'm an uninformed idiot, which is why elections work. Yeah.
I do agree that it seems to me that what security could there possibly be?
You have a guy counting the ballots and he's supposed to check if the signature matches
another signature.
And I'm like, yeah, but all it takes is like, you could probably get one guy in there who's like, I'm just going to like for a couple hundred of these, just screw
it up. Right? Yeah. Or if there's like a blank president, like, I'm just going to
feel like the, did you see how, did you see how the, the down ballot didn't match the president?
And like Trump is everybody who, a lot of most people who grow up for Trump also voted
for the senators and the congressman. Like, there was close. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But then it was the bindings. It was like, I don't know how that works. Everyone who, a lot of most people who grow up for Trump also voted for the senators and the congressmen, like there was close. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But then it was the biting, it was like, I don't know how that works.
Everyone who, like, hundreds of thousands of people voted for biting, but then didn't
vote for any of the, any of the senators or anything.
Like what you're doing, if you're about to harvest thing, why wouldn't you have them vote
for them too?
And if you're cheating, why wouldn't you have them cheat for those guys too?
Doesn't make any fucking sense.
I mean, I look at it and I'm like, I feel like we should all vote and then they'll be like,
okay, we'll get back to you in a month.
Like it shouldn't be this rush to count and figure it out or it should be like, well,
it seems like they're going to meticulously go through this.
It's not rushing to count.
I don't know, man, it seems like it's taking longer than this process.
Like, I don't know.
I don't know.
Like a year ago or four years ago,
I mean, here's the thing, they can't,
the laws preclude them from counting a lot of them
before November 3rd.
So they can have a change their law.
After 2000, when they fucked up so bad,
they changed it so you could start counting earlier.
So they would have, they would have all the time
in the world to count all the, the mail in people.
Which seems reasonable to me. I don't see what the, is there a problem with that?
I'm, you know, I'm not sure there must be some reason why they did that. I don't know
how good a reason it is or how applicable it is in, in, in this election. But all I know
is that I'm a woman now. Okay. Good. I'm a woman. I can't wait to take part in the,
not space force, but, but Biden's gay
ops force. Why don't we get rid of the, why don't we get rid of the reporting as it's
going on? Why don't we wait until every single vote is counted? And then instead of this
like, okay, 10% of the precincts are in. This is a meaningless number at this point.
Yeah. Like we don't need to know. I'm too blue to the counties are in. It's not helpful.
Good luck with that.
Here's what.
OK, here's what makes me a rage.
All of the idiot conservatives is a, oh yeah, we'll get you guys.
We'll get you guys back in 2024.
Like, do you guys not remember what it was like before Trump?
Like, Bush signed the fucking Patriot Act and sunk us into 17 years of war in the middle.
There's no, what do you, who do you think you're voting for?
Did you just get conned into being Republicans
for the rest of your fucking lives?
There's no difference between these two.
All they like to do is spend.
You asshole's it though.
Yeah, sure, go for it.
It's just wear the money.
It's a jab.
Wear the money is spent.
And the union has survived worse people.
Those people are driving me crazy too.
Like the union hasn't survived yet
we've been getting chiseled down since they fucking one
tax after tax after tax until there's not a god damn thing left
you don't have two nipples to rub together anymore
you can just you can work with me a single
for the first you can find the fucking copper inside of it and that's what you
have to pay off trying. You stupid assholes.
It's this macho dick wagging or, well, the union has survived.
The union has not survived fucking anything.
It just changes and evolves and that doesn't necessarily mean evolve into a good thing.
It just, it just, it just is.
It just is.
You know what I got?
I got, I got, I got woken up.
Maybe his girl sent me a, I was just coming out of a slumber and she goes I'm sending you a Christmas
Press sounds relaxing. Yeah, there's a little relaxing. So we slumber. I awoke from my slumber from a slumber
I feel a curious
A tackle on my nose. I'm not unknown unknown pair of hands upon my weener from my lesbian wife
She said I'm sending you a Christmas present. Oh, you okay.
I'm sending you something I want for Christmas.
It's expensive.
Oh, she's sending you a Christmas, what she wants for Christmas.
Yeah, I said good, because I'm not, I might not even have the cycles after all this fraud
that I'm going through online, that I'm sifting through the steel to think about what you want
for Christmas.
So steel.
So that's, thank you.
And it's this like yoga jacket.
Is that okay, whatever. Get you the yoga jacket. Yoga jacket. Yeah,'s this like yoga jacket. Is that okay, whatever.
Get to the yoga jacket.
It has like a, you know, design whatever jacket.
Like for the yoga.
Do you wear the yoga?
I don't know.
I, I, the chicks are just,
I want a yoga jacket.
I want a exfoliating hair umbrella.
In the future.
The hell is it yoga jacket?
In the future.
In the future. In the future.
In the future, you will wear sporting attire all around the clock.
Just tuxedos.
We'll be sports tuxedos.
Oh, jumpsuits.
You always have to look like you are engaged in physical activity at all times.
So the only clothing is yoga clothing, et cetera.
Oh, there's Nick. Let me get him in
and then I have legal questions for him. So I buy this jacket. Jesus, I sent you something I want
for Christmas. And it's expensive. Like, okay, okay. I got it. So I buy it. And I get an email
from the company. And the, you know how on your phone,
it has like a preview of what the email is,
let's say who it's from, and then it has a preview.
It says, oh God, it said,
good job.
The order, it was order confirmation,
and then the text was, the subject was good job.
Oh man.
Oh man.
It's coming from a retailer.
Yeah, good job.
I'm happy.
You navigated our fucking online shopping cart.
You bought a jacket, good job.
Let me unmute Nick.
Hey, Nick, what's going on?
Hey, man.
Hey, just swimming in this election drama.
Nick, as women, you and I are now women online who are sick of being harassed.
We're having a cop stream right now.
We're having a conservative cop meltdown, a cop meltdown.
Vito refuses to acknowledge that China stole this election.
Look, I'm going to learn Mandarin and that's the path forward.
What can I do? I'm fluent.
I've just been holding out on you guys.
What have you to say, Nick?
First of all, I love the quote unquote, cope.
It's a very popular comment on Twitter as a new trending word of the day.
It's not even the word of the day.
It's the word of the past six months, though. It's like if you comment on anything, you're suddenly coping. It's like, oh,
well, it does machines we weren't fucking allowed to talk anymore. That's weird.
The conservative Supreme Court is about to have a major cope, right up your ass.
Those voting machines, those voting machines are owned by the Hillary Clinton Foundation and they swapped votes.
They swapped 6,000 votes in the middle of the night.
Cope, cry harder.
I'm sorry I don't trust the people who stole an election from Bernie, you stupid idiots.
I'm sorry I don't trust those fucking guys.
Go ahead.
No, we always naturally end up with the worst two candidates.
We always naturally end up with someone that neither side really likes that much.
Because it reflects the people.
That's why it reflects the fucking populace.
That's it.
That's fucking well.
Our president would be wearing sweatpants if it reflect and it would be fatter than
shit if it reflected to populace.
What do we just have?
Two Shay.
Oh, damn it.
No, it's, I think it's, I think it's pretty funny.
The whole thing like here, here's the deal with the legal takes and all this shit.
And I've got a video I recorded this morning because for some reason I can't fucking stay
asleep today.
Yeah. Uh, so I I recorded a video about this.
Are you on drugs?
Do you move organ and do all the drugs?
Oh my God.
I was going to say, you must be excited about that.
Oh, baby, I want to get with you.
I'm going to roll and math.
I'm going to go to, I'm going to go to work and just do fucking heroin and every vein in
my body.
The all drug Olympus roll up to a police officer go,
here's my hundred bucks.
I am ready to get it.
Oh, there's a fire.
All right, here you go.
Can you hold this needle for a second while I get my wallet out?
God, and oh, and a oxy too.
They made, they decriminalized all of the pharmaceuticals too.
Well, it's just anything in your possession, right?
It's not a crime.
Is that my understanding?
It's a criminal, it's a personal amount, whatever that means.
But yeah, you pay a fine if you're caught with it.
Oh, what about the court?
That's great.
Drug tourism should be a thing, honestly, because there's a bunch of people out there who
are like, you know what, I really want to, I really want to try acid one time.
I really want to try cocaine one time.
So you go to Oregon, you have your little party,
you do your, all the drugs that you want,
one per day, you go for a week,
and then you go, and everything's fine.
It's brilliant, it's beautiful, I love it.
I think it should happen.
Long as you don't like it too much.
I mean, that's right, I don't think that's crazy.
Like alcohol is, on my life of doing drugs,
alcohol is without compare the most destructive drug
on the fucking planet.
I believe that.
Cause it hits the dad curve.
Like the laffer curve,
it hits the productive people in the middle of society.
Heroin hits shit bags.
You know what I mean?
Like the, it does a lot of damage,
but like whatever. Like you got people's lives are garbage to be enjoyed.
Licker destroys the family. Licker destroys the real people. Yeah, exactly.
Licker is garbage. Yeah.
Anyway, I think, I think meth is a close second in all honesty. I think, I think meth is
one of the most dangerous drugs. It is. Yeah. It's cheap. It's
available everywhere. And I've seen it just tear to families and people apart. And months
like well. Yeah. It's like, well, they wanted to try meth one time. Oh, I've really got
to try it. It was some. Yeah, we're going to go to Oregon. Let's go. We're going to
try meth. Let's do it. I saw it straight. They did design an experience.
They need a food truck.
Yeah, yeah.
They need a meth food truck.
That's a meth mobile.
Yeah, the meth mobile.
I thought it was the meth mobile.
No, the book mobile around load them up.
Hey kids, it's the meth mobile.
I really experienced Lord of the Rings.
Go ahead.
After you visit it, you can outrun it.
Yeah, the, so on the election stuff though, I mean, I think we're stuck in this weird
place between, we have the general election where everybody goes and votes, and that's
our fun pretend show.
And then we have the actual election in December where the electors get together and vote.
And then all the fuckery has to happen within that 36 or 37 days depends on when the two
dates fall each year, but it's like a 36 day window.
And now we're there.
And we've got both sides drawing their battle lines.
I mean, the media is like, oh, President-elect Joe Biden is like, he's not actually President-elect
at all until December. And then it's December to January that he's not actually president elect. Uh, at all. Until until December.
And then December to January that is president elect.
He's in his Jeep dealership giving a speech to what looks like Sims.
Uh, I don't, and it actually, it terrifies me how, how deep and mental decline he is
because you would think like a real person with an ego, how, would have some shame in the things they would do as president.
But when I look at him, I think, oh God,
it's just like a shadow, like literally specter
is running the country.
And that guy doesn't care,
that guy doesn't care what you think of him
because he doesn't have any awareness of it.
I'm just going ahead, VDO.
No, I don't have anything.
And it's like you do wonder.
Like so if Biden is in the throes of Autismic Alzheimer's, what do you think is that?
I was very surprised listening to him talk when both the debates, I figured, I figured
shit. He would fuck up a lot more.
I mean, I guess I had low standards.
I mean, they can pump you full of meds for dementia. They can really pump
you full of meds. Well, the, yeah, dementia does keep doing that. That's a risk for it all.
Or something that just, well, there's anti-psychotics. If you like, literally don't know, like, you
know, if all of a sudden, I think you're my sister, Dick. I am. I mean, identify as a Latinx woman now.
Just, no, you just, just give him like Provisual or, or, you know, Methylphenidate, you know,
Ritalin or something.
Get the brain juices flowing for an hour and a half, two hours.
That's fine.
Who knows?
If, but if he is in this weird state of like mental decline, you do wonder, will he,
will he know, will
he even recognize what he's done and then would he be able to empathize with the fall
out of it?
But I do want to get to the Republican side of this too, because the left is out and the
media specifically Biden won, Biden's president elect, and he very likely will end up being
the president elect. Right. That's will end up being the president elect.
That's the odds are strongly in his favor.
But Republicans are out here talking like the Supreme Court's gonna, gonna saddle up, roll
in and be like, no, election didn't happen.
We're invalidating this state, this state, this state.
It's like, well, the Supreme Court is probably not going to invalidate any widespread votes.
Any invalidated votes are going to be likely limited to a very few amount of segregated
out ballots for whatever reason, late votes, something like that.
People are out here saying they're going to invalidate whole districts or even fucking
What, you're going to invalidate all the votes in Detroit?
What are you gonna do, right?
For real.
We don't have bills in China.
In China, as you can burn down.
Fuck you.
You'll make Detroit a shithole if you're not careful.
I'm gonna build some doughy targets for him.
They're just not gonna do it.
No, no, no.
And so it's like, okay, there, there is an opportunity
and a possibility that some audits of votes and some challenges in places like in strategic
places in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan might overturn enough to, to swing the states.
It's, it's possible, but it's low probability. But Republicans are out here like talking
about all these things as if this is definitely going to happen. And I'm just like, you guys, you guys can't fucking do anything
on the average week. And we're expecting you to overturn an election in one month. You
guys, you guys should have been out harvesting ballots when you were bitching about cuties.
Actually, all that time you
spent whining online about how kids were in danger.
You should have been in the ghetto buying votes from disenfranchised voters and getting
them to fill in Trump because of his fucking platinum plan, you idiots.
Dick, we had to convince people to cancel their Netflix subscriptions with the most important
thing at the time.
Yeah. with the most important thing at the time. Yeah, they should have just written,
they should have scribbled out US election ballot
and written in Netflix cancellation for it.
They probably couldn't have people.
People would have been on top of that.
Yeah, let me, let me, let me give myself together.
Did you see me with Alex Jones?
Were you jealous?
I did.
And yes, I was. Yeah,
wasn't that amazing. Very jealous. One of my, one of my patrons was with Alex Jones in
Austin, not too long ago hanging out with him shirtless, late trevise or whatever. And
he sends me a message later that day. He's like, Alex Jones just got me laid.
And I'm, oh, that's a story.
So, so, you look like you come back to Bala and you're, yeah.
Yeah, I love when he came up, one of his handlers said to people, don't worry, he loves hanging
out and talking to you after he'll be, don't, don't bug him with pictures right now.
As soon as he's done, he's going to be talking to all of you.
He'll be your dad.
He'll adopt you.
He'll hear the interview.
That's what they want.
And then as soon as he was telling you, he was in his custody battle.
Oh, he'll be.
He'll cook chili with you.
I got to get away from these super spreaders.
He's back in the vehicle.
As soon as he was done, he booked it right back, like not even stopping one time. I mean, how many crazies do you want to talk to
at one point? There was some crazy. I assume we did Dick Lyshows.
I'm saying everybody who was there was insane, but I'm sure that Alex Jones has to deal
with some nuts. I mean, yeah, yes. Let me see is COVID over now is still or it's gonna be around forever, right?
Well, it's it's exempted from Washington DC right now
Specifically the area around the White House is exempted from COVID. It's fine. I fucking saw that some guy
What this this these people Sean not like these journalists are blue check marks
So whatever not an hour apart they will post a picture of somebody celebrating
at a sporting event and saying not the best thing
to do during a pandemic.
An hour later, party going off at the White House,
and it's like, it's even more packed
than the previous picture.
You got to be fucking, you got to be fucking kidding me.
How do you tweet this one right after the other?
Like, I feel sick when I get busted online.
I feel fucking sick if I get busted for like
cheering it obvious conspiracy or replying to a fake account.
I go, oh god, oh god, don't let my dad see that.
He's not a Twitter, but don't let him see that.
And you just right after the other,
it's like you live on that feeling,
that cringing feeling, it fills you up.
You're like a white hole to my black hole.
You fucking you sick piece of shit.
Uh, yeah. I mean, we talk about this too often, fills you up. You're like a white hole to my black hole. You fucking you sick piece of shit.
Yeah. I mean, we talk about this too often, but the idea that the scientists were like, well,
you know, these protests are more important than I, you know, preventing a spread.
I'm like, you don't even say that. Just don't even say anything. No, just shut the fuck up. Like, let us pretend that the scientists care. It's not just like, it was the stupidest thing.
I still get mad about that.
They have, they have any idea what they're talking about, with the virus that they've never
I mean, we've been studying the virus now for 11 months.
It's like, oh, great.
You still don't know shit.
It's 11 months isn't enough time to come out here and speak with authority.
You guys can't diagnose cereal in 11 months, much enough time to come out here and speak with authority. You guys can't diagnose
serial in 11 months, much less a fucking virus. The virus can tell when you're angry about racism,
and it kind of hangs out in the background. If you're angry about anything else.
But if you're at a biker rally in South Dakota, though, it's coming from Surgeon right back.
It goes, he's not fighting for social justice. So I'm destroying him.
Do you guys see the the fallout from Sturgis where where they're like there are
250,000 cases of COVID from Sturgis and
We did contact racing. There's there's like a hundred. Oh wow
Because the bikers are so fat they can't get close enough to each other
The bikers are so fat, they can't get close enough to each other. Yeah, they're shoulders.
They're spitting them from breathing.
Yeah, they're big beer bellies, just bounce off each other.
cigarettes and liquor and exhaust turned out to be the cure and.
Could be.
Could be.
Turned out new presents.
Turned out my dream.
Doesn't spread it at all.
Yeah, I'm trying to, the cube, I ran into some cue people.
Man, they're wild.
I have been meeting to go to one of these cue protests they have in downtown. I ran into some cute people. Nice. Man, they're wild.
I have been meeting to go to one of these cute protests they have in downtown.
They're talking about watermarks and shit, man, that doesn't even, like, that's not even
close to reality.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Watermarks, some of the watermark thing.
Oh, it's trying to make crazy.
Oh, some of the ballots are marked in a specific way or something.
They think it's Trump had like a secret plan to watermark ballots and then they're being
printed in like a Chinese factory and that Trump's like saving all this watermark evidence
to spring on them.
The last minute of the man you got your eyes like way too fucking wild to be talking to
me about this.
I want to know what happened.
People keep asking me.
Go ahead.
Well, I was going to say what happens to QAnon now that Trump's not in
there? How does their ideology more? QAnon knew this was going to have. So they see this
as a whole. You're going to find a foreign camp. You're going to find a foreign camp every
part of the point. I want to know if they think this is part of Trump's secret plan or
if they think this is the Satanists winning around.
I'll give you one guess who they think is going to be to blame for this debacle.
The Satanists.
No, the pedophiles.
Your first two don't count.
Your first two don't count.
God, I forgot what I was going to say.
You're going to go stand around the Netflix headquarters.
The queue and I'm next to you for a half.
About the watermark ballots, though.
Like, people were bringing this up because, and this is the information flood that is
just a pain in the dick with anything.
It's like, okay, there, there are legitimate concerns, but it's about like three things.
And that's all that really matter.
And everything else is noise.
And if you keep talking about the noise, we can't talk about the legitimate stuff very
easily. Yeah. The watermark ballots, it's like when, when department of Homeland Security actually bus
into an election complex, it says these ballots are compromised due to our sting operation.
Yeah. I think our election integrity is in much worse case scenarios than we've ever imagined.
When the government is busting in and arresting
for election workers. Sacking that the watermark ballots aren't, I mean, that's terrifying. That's
what happens in the Soviet Union. Well, election results no good, because we say so. You know what,
I love that. You know, one with 99% of the votes. Well, that's what I love. I love going through like a, like a,
like I love going through it as a forensics,
a forensic accountant because they will throw for like Iran
and Russia, the shit that happened in our election.
Errol, go like, well, that's fucking obvious fraud.
Like it's mandatory to vote.
It's mandatory to vote in Australia.
And they got 91% of people to show up.
And they got 90.
And here we got 91 in the 91 in places where people can't show up to work on time.
I don't fucking think so.
They're like, well, you know, everyone really hates Trump.
That's the reason for everyone just really hates Trump.
Why do black people support Biden and support an Obama?
Because everyone hates Trump.
Why doesn't it fit with Vince Prisla? Why doesn't it fit? Why doesn't any of the why don't
the voting patterns? And I don't know if this is true. Does anybody know if Benford's law
is a good, that's probably good disclaimer. Does anybody know about Benford's law? I
saw a graph of it. Night did not have a graph of it. Sean Benford's law. No, haven't seen
it. Okay. So I was I was reading the wiki about it. So I'm a bit Sean Benfrey's law and then Benfrey's law. Haven't seen it. Okay, so I was reading the wiki about it.
So I'm fully fucking educated.
I'm the expert on it then.
And then everyone will defer to me.
You've known about this for decades.
I have, because I busted Enron.
It is more of a guideline than a law.
It says that, so you start counting anything.
If anything that goes by,
anything that increments by powers,
like if it's,
like a population,
it grows in increments.
Anything that grows in increments by summation,
not multiplicative,
but anything that grows naturally,
exhibits the property where one is the leading digit,
like something like 30% of the time.
Which makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, so I'll give you a good example
because the science example is not gonna make sense.
If you roll a six-sided die,
all the numbers are gonna come up equally, right?
So you say, well, if I look at all the different populations
of all the cities in the world,
the first number is probably gonna be evenly distributed, right?
You might say that, that's wrong.
In actuality, the first number is usually more than often it's one,
because when you start counting from one,
what is one represent in the city?
No, the number one, there's a population of 1,200,000.
Oh, there's 1,200,000.
The first number's one, because when you start counting,
you start at one and you go up.
It's not randomly distributed, like where you're starting one
and you're going one way or the other,
you start at one, the two, three, four,
and then when it rolls over, the one gets pushed over and
you start counting. So you always start at one. And when you stop, it's more likely to be one,
slightly less likely to be two, slightly less likely to be three. In a very clearly defined
statistical drop off, where it's like 30% one, drops off 10% to two, drops off 10%,
where it's percent to three. And you'll find that this holds true in populations and financial transactions and
in elections.
So you look at like Iran or any or Russia or anywhere we're voting is fake.
And you see, well, what was show me the turnout and show me how many like how many ended
in double zero?
How if it's more often than not fucking fraud, right?
And this, this, which is much more subversive is how well does the data to conform to Benford's
Now, obviously, there's going to be anomalies.
It's all statistics.
Like, you can't say, well, it doesn't conform.
So therefore, it's fraud.
But we can look at all of them together, say, well, okay, exactly who's not conforming
more and where are they not conforming?
I hope we eventually get to see that.
It will be interesting. Maybe we'll get to see it when aliens take over and mine are of
skulls. What we can say, John? Well, no, I was going to say that's, I believe everything,
you can't cover up everything for whatever happened. I think it will come to light. I think
it kind of always does. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the, unless they make it illegal.
I mean, you know, the counter argument to Bedford's law though was when they, when they
looked at one of the Putin elections where he won by a, it just a ridiculous margin.
They said that the numbers conform to Bedford law too perfectly.
So it must have been engineered to conform to Bedford's law, which is like, it can be.
It can be.
It can be.
It can be, but it's, I mean, it's like that, damn it.
It's hard to use that as a metric.
It's still statistics.
You're not going to, nobody's going to overturn.
I mean, they're going to overturn the election if the people want it to be overturned.
That's going to be, it is.
It's same with impeachment.
It was like, well, everyone hates you, so you're impeached. And, Clay, Clayton, really, I mean, we're all, I didn't really do anything.
Fuck you. We got more votes. Now it goes to the Senate. Wow, we like you. So you're not
impeached. I don't know how you feel about that, Nick, but I've always said elections, impeachment,
all this stuff is political. It's not legal. They're just going to decide when we're together.
It is. It's, I mean, that's the process.
And that's why I think the court is unlikely to do too much.
I mean, outside of some specific guidelines that they want to enforce, the constitutionality,
the vote, the big questions are Pennsylvania and Georgia, where they had mandates to,
from the state Supreme courts of both of those
states to allow ballots that were dated on election day to be received up to like six
or nine days later, the Supreme Court had a split, split Supreme Court 4-4 before ACB
was on to say, well, we're not going to overturn the state Supreme Court. However, in Pennsylvania, they ordered that the ballots that came in late be segregated
Just in case they became an issue that the court had to rule on later.
Well, as it fucking turns out, Pennsylvania has become a very tightly contested swing
state, and they will have to rule on it.
That ruling will likely apply to Georgia as well.
And if they determine that a ballot that comes in after election day is unconstitutional, then they have to figure
out how to undo those things. And it very well may be unconstitutional to have a ballot
come in past election day. But they have had, they have been counting those for years,
have they not in other election?
Maybe they've had too many this time.
I don't like them anymore.
I believe for the general vote, all ballots have had to be in bi-specific time on election
really in Pennsylvania and Georgia, because I know that's the case for Michigan.
I was under the impression, I have to look again, of course, but I was under the impression of that they, no, no, no, that they do accept them as long as they're postmarked
up to several days after. That's what I thought I remember reading, but I can be wrong.
I mean, it wouldn't be odd to me if your vote is not counted.
I was going to say it would be odd to me that your vote is not counted because it didn't,
if you postmark it before the election, election, you put it in the mail.
It would be odd to me if I couldn't sell my body for sex, but I can't.
So, well, there's a couple things.
I believe those laws in Pennsylvania and Georgia were modified in 2019 to allow the
late arrival.
You have to remember, though, when they wrote the Constitution and when
Congress first set the dates for when the votes had to be done, people had to travel by
Puccin' Horsen buggy to places that would take them a whole day or two to get there. And
there was no sort of compromise for the fact that, well, they tried to get there on the
right day or they tried to get their get there on the right day or they
tried to get their ballot in on the right day, but they didn't do it.
In fact, the very first Supreme Court decision in the United States involved the fact that
something was late in regards to an election because it was put in, yeah, it was put in
the, or it was set to be delivered and it didn't get there
in time. Or no, it didn't, it wasn't something that was set to be delivered. The guy would
have had to return to, I don't know the facts perfectly, but the guy would have had to
return to the polling place basically to do this, to, to certify his vote or whatever it
was. And it would have taken him a whole day and a half to get there
because he had to travel by carriage.
And it just, they were like, that too fucking bad.
That's the pattern for the entire pattern
for the telegraph was determined by like an hour.
You talked about this before.
Yeah, Alexander Graham Bell submitted it before Westinghouse by like 30 or 40 minutes
because like his lawyer went to lunch or something.
Like our system is so fucked up when it comes to like lottery and time that the entire telecommunications
network of the future was awarded to one guy over a matter of a half hour.
Like that was the original sin to me
when it comes to everything online
and all this censorship and whatever.
It's not first to file anymore, right?
It is.
For what?
For patents, yeah.
It's not that way for trademark though.
It's also important to remember that like the,
an individual's vote is somewhat important,
but it's not at the same time.
We don't have a constitutionally enshrined right to a popular vote or a vote of any kind.
In fact, the Supreme Court has upheld several times that a state court can literally invalidate
the popular vote.
So right now, or not a state court, the state legislature.
So hypothetically in Pennsylvania, which has a Republican state legislature, what they,
what could theoretically happen?
Fairly unlikable.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
No, not faithless electors.
Faithful electors.
They just don't pick the electors at the popular vote pitch.
Yeah, Congress appoints a reason to do it. The legislature. Well, that's what I mean. Yeah, well, they're, yeah, they just don't pick the electors at the popular vote pick. Congress appoints a reason to do it.
Well, that's what I mean, they're, yeah, well, they're, yeah, they're not bound, right?
No, they're picking the other guys.
They're picking Trump's guys to go.
They don't pick Biden's electors.
They pick Trumps and they say, yeah, you know what, we're sending you guys.
Oh, okay, okay.
They can get there.
Go, you know what?
Extra take my mask off.
Actually, I was biting his guys the whole time.
So the Supreme, the Supreme Court has upheld the, the States right to do that multiple
What you would think they were.
I mean, what you would think, I mean, generally, I would think they would kind of keep
their fingers out of it because it's probably easier, right?
Well, that's a States thing, right? It's, and it is. I mean, I'm going to go to order.
And so it's important to remember that, like, and again, this is him, I'm contextualizing this
in the idea that their ballots coming in late specifically. Like, you don't have a right to vote,
you don't have an affirmative right to vote, you don't have a duty to vote. There's nothing that says that they have some special reason to
protect a vote. And they're like, well, just because it came in late, but that's depriving them
of their right. Now, I mean, you have a, you have a right to own a gun, but if you don't go by one,
they don't like undo everything to make sure you got one either. They don't provide you money. I want to fix that, but let's talk about fix the money. Everybody get a free gun.
Come on. Nick, as a black man, are you excited to see a black woman as a VP?
I'm, I'm thoroughly excited that two of the people following, following record low
black incarceration rates over the past four years. I'm, I'm thoroughly excited to see two of the people responsible for more black incarceration
and just about anybody in the country rise to the highest levels of office.
I can't wait, I can't wait.
I can't wait.
That is a stink that Biden cannot really shake.
No, it's shocking. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can't fucking wait for that. I cannot fucking wait, not mine. I'm using my own home brew product.
Oh, well, all your neighbors have rings
because Amazon's sending them to them for free, actually.
The fuck's a ring.
The ring is the doorbell camera?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bro, that's 100% coming.
Oh, God.
And this administration, they keep catching criminals
with those things.
They are the criminals.
I know. Okay, Nate, what are you most excited for uh... they keep catching criminals with those things uh...
uh... okay net what are you most excited for an abiding uh... abiding officer
president uh... administration which one of your kids is that number twelve
number thirteen
number five
she'd do it in charlie brown walk away
go apologize She's doing a Charlie Brown walk away. Go apologize.
That was weird.
No, no.
She's fine.
No, I'm excited to never wear black face again because I know if I do, I'll be arrested
or shot immediately under a Biden presidency.
Well, so they fixed my compulsion order.
Compulsion order.
No, man.
Nick, does everyone realize that not only is the Patriot Act going back in, which Trump vetoed,
pocket vetoed, Trump got rid of the fucking Patriot Act.
I know.
You think it's going back though?
You think the government is back in charge.
The people were in charge for four years.
The government is back, baby.
Not only is the Patriot Act going back in, not only is Operation Chokepoint going back
in, which made things like racism and firearm sales and hate speech, a violation of FDIC
insurance for banks.
So banks could not let anyone run, like the stuff that I did with new project to is times
a fucking million under operation choke point.
Not only is that shit going back in, but they are, they are, um, they will turn, they
will turn, they will make our money digital by the, in four years, our money will be digital.
And we're looking at race based taxes.
I 100 fucking present promise.
Oh, what is that tax?
Those are like, I'm interested in those predictions. Yes, I really am.
Yeah. Well, the government went forward to the reversion back to conventional foreign policy
in the Middle East. Oh, yes. Because I'm really tired of not fighting Arabs. I'm really tired
of not sending people to the Middle East to go die for no fucking reason
that I can determine.
I miss the military names to go back to war.
I want more shock and awe.
Every, every eight months, I need a new campaign name that I can beat off to in the show
Operation, Operation Desert fucking shield.
Operation shock and awe. I don't know why we think this is coming though with Biden's pick for a foreign policy advisor
of Dick Cheney.
Is that who he's?
Wait, did he?
That's the rumor.
Um, no.
Is that the right?
Oh, man.
How old is that guy?
As a woman, I wish he would have picked, you know, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, I just
figured out why he picked Dick Cheney or why they picked it chaining until Joe that's who he's picking.
They're going to have him go on a hunting trip in two years.
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, no.
It's a long con.
Sean, what you know what else makes me insane when people say, well, where's the evidence
of fraud?
Like motherfucker, people cheat at the world series.
You don't think they're cheating going on and like the most important thing ever ever
in the history of man.
I'm sure something's going on,
but the question is how would you find it
and how would you identify it?
It's gonna be.
Yeah, it's a right.
And you again, as we're saying,
you have a limited time frame to identify
what the hell went wrong.
Maybe 20 years from now,
it'll be like, oh, you guys didn't realize all this.
That's got Rob. You didn't realize that the Chinese sent holographic ballots that you can only see
under the right light or whatever. That QAnon was right about everything. QAnon was completely
read. Totally completely. Do I have Kate Jr. supervising the entire operation?
Well, that's the point of why people want stuff like voter ID, right? Because right now,
I get tired of hearing the same, same shit.
I've said every election, of course, there's fraud in every election.
It's too important, even down to local seats.
Of course, there's fraud, but they're like, well, but there were only three fraud
convictions and it only amounted to six total votes and they were all for Trump.
It's like, okay, well, you found it.
Only three people were retarded enough
to tell someone that they actually voted
in two different counties.
Yes, okay.
Everyone else just didn't say anything
and they all got off Scott free
because there is no way to track
whether or not you cast multiple ballots
because all you have to do is lie.
That's it.
And it's not that hard.
You just say, yeah, I'm this guy.
There you go.
You look in a phone book or
or whatever you pick a name and an address.
You walk in a place and say, yeah.
You know, mint, mint's mom, mint the artist for the show,
mint's mom,
don't get it from her.
Don't get her trouble.
She fucking cheat.
They sent her a ballot.
They sent mint a ballot.
And she filled it out for Biden and sent it in and then
Glow texted her gloating about it. Can you fucking believe that you lock her up?
That bitch is gotta be fucking lock up. I have fucking proof of that that absolutely happened. That's a fucking felony throw that bitch in jail.
As a woman that shakes me to my core. That another woman. The story's dick in vents for fun.
Never happened.
What an act of imagination.
That happened.
That shit happened.
I did like seeing all the pictures of people just in your ballots, you know, because you
get it in the mail and some people just toss it out.
I'm like, next election, I just want to like walk around check a trash can, see how many
empty ballots you can just find.
I didn't say this.
I didn't tell this story.
I forgot to.
I had it written down, but this woman showed up at my parents house.
They live in, I saw you texted about, or tweeted about this.
They live in 25.
They had a very tight runoff with that guy, Mark.
Yeah, California, 25 district.
They had a very tight runoff election with that guy, Mike Garcia. I think
that's the one that that chunk yogurt poisoned that district. Like you got, you got, you got
that. I don't know what that is.
chunk yogurt of the young jerk, the young Turks, that guy who says that.
Oh, chunk yogurt.
The guy who said that the Armenian genocide that they deserved it. Right. Good old chunk.
Yeah, chunk yogurt.
So a woman showed up at my parents' house
and asked them if they had received their ballot
and if they were using it, if they planned on using it,
and if they needed any help with it.
Oh, dude, so I have, my parents have a ring.
So I'm sure I have footage.
I've watched the video and it cuts
off. For some reason it cuts off when they start talking. Really. You can see the woman walk up.
She's a, she's a disenfranchised voter. I don't, I don't want to make any kind of guess over what
party she's working for. But she walks and to, my, where my parents live, it's an affluent area.
Like you've got a walk five or 10 minutes from house to house. So it's a lot of work sometimes. Yeah, yeah, it's a lot of work. So this bitch
walked up there. So you know they're voting red. Well, that's my point. Like you're showing
you're either there to make sure red people are voting or to get their ballots and use
them yourself. Like, is there any issue legally of saying, do you need help filling out your ballot?
No, you can even collect it in California.
You can just fill it out and I'll take it for you and turn it in.
But you can also say, well, why don't I just take that off your hands for you in case?
Why don't I take it off your hands unfilled out?
Why would I do whatever, well, what to just fill it out?
That's why I'm saying, why else would there be so many biting votes and no down ballot? But like, why would that exist?
Why would there be so many instances of just a president vote and nothing else?
I just want to get an explanation for that. I want to look in. Yeah, I want to, I'm checking that out.
I want to know what's the stats usually on that and then what's the deviation this time? And if it's
more than like, if it's more than 5%, I'm going to go, what the fuck? What the fuck? You got to be fucking
kidding me with that. That's got that's very interested to check that out. Yeah, who, you
know, because they would, they would make note of all that, right? Like ballot entirely
filled out or ballot for president only. Yeah. Interesting. That's interesting. Anyway,
they need to do that down ballot analysis
in within this election state-to-state because I've seen the numbers that are alleged so far
for the swing states. And it's a monumental amount, 100,000 votes, 80,000 votes per state type thing.
And that's a lot of that. That's a lot of votes. Remembering that in 2016, the entire election
was decided on a total of about 70,000 votes distributed across a couple states. And so
to have 70 to 100,000 votes coming up in five states with no down ballot votes cast,
I want to see the comparison for non-swing states, right?
Because if, if non-swing states, yeah, if it's, if it's doubled to triple the percentage
of, of down ballot votes, no, there's a non-down ballot vote.
Obviously, ring questions.
Fucking odd.
If you ask me, like, I want an explanation, I want to see, that would be odd.
I want to see the very successful canvassing
campaign. Like I want those, those heroes to be thanked if they were the ones who went
to our door doing it. I want them to get credit. Yeah. I've, look, I have too much to do.
I have too many bitcoins to buy to do anything bad to these people, but I think they deserve
credit. Of course. That's what I'm saying. Of course. It's a good move. If that's what
they did, that's a great move. But if they just frantically filled that shit out in the morning, because they didn't know the turnout,
because they only the only verification is they check the signature on record against the
signature on the ballot, right? Yeah. Which I don't know about you, but I see somebody
signature. I don't pay that close attention to it. Me there. But if you're told you're supposed to.
Yeah, but if I was a ballot worker, I'd be like, whatever, I just want to get this done with.
Well, that's, I hope you're never a ballot worker.
Well, don't worry.
They're lazy and dumber than, I'm sure that I'm impossible.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
I'm scared.
Yeah, go ahead.
Like putting yourself in a ballot worker in election, poll worker, whatever, they're,
they're shoes.
And they, they look at a signature and then they look at the other signature.
How different does that second signature have to be for them to actually decide that
they're going to make an issue out of it?
I think it's pretty, it has to be so obviously different.
Like different, a different name.
I think this is what it actually has to be.
Because my signatures, you know, like if I'm writing on a check and I'm like drawing it
on my knee because who use checks?
Oh, yeah.
And like, oh shit.
They all look different than if I'm signing something on a table.
No, totally, totally true.
I mean, they're not handwriting analysis experts.
No, they're not certifying baseball cards.
And also, we do have more important.
We do have more important.
We do have much more important.
But those guys, I do have a point out that we've learned from Kevin Landau specifically
that handwriting experts are bullshit.
And that is in a New York court opinion, excoriating Kevin Landau for hiring a fake handwriting expert.
I didn't know we did that.
Yes, he did.
Did we talk about that?
No, that was a different case.
That was the case he did before us.
And by the way, that guy, Rover Carrington is back in court.
He was Rover Carrington.
He's great name.
He's somebody else.
He's, he got Landau to sue like some exec at CBS, who's dead for his alleging that he molested him
or something like that.
Land out right in the ass.
He is right in the ass hole.
That's what it is.
That's what Land out.
Land out sued a dead guy for male rape.
And then he got, he got Rover Carrington up to, up to the point of potentially committing crime in his
And then he bailed on him entirely.
And what am I going to drive?
God, what a fucking piece of shit that guy is.
What a copes stream this turned out to be.
I was driving out of Arizona and I saw, I shit you not, I saw an eight by four like a
piece of plywood fallen.
That's the size eight foot cave.
Just with a classic eight foot.
With a guy nailed to it.
No, it was slumped over on, it was in an abandoned lot with a chain link fence around that
had weeds growing out through the asphalt and it was slumped over a street light in the
middle, like one of those, you know of those concrete cylinders that have delight in them.
And it's said in giant ugly spray paint,
suicide prevention, and then you matter.
And smaller.
That's a fact.
I think something that sad would make you kill yourself.
I said, how do you look?
Is it suicide?
She was like, what is that number on it?
I said, what would that do?
What would that fucking number on?
Just look at the piece of wood and don't kill yourself.
Look at this piece of wood.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest.
The saddest. The saddest. The saddest. The saddest. The saddest. So it looked like this. So his eye prevention was like tactile orange, bright in your face and the U-Matter was
like this horrific U-Matter.
I love the idea of just a piece of plywood that just, I'm picture of my partner.
I'm picture of my partner.
It's so sad.
And they had stood it up right at first because it was all slumped over and then went,
Nick, do you ever do this?
Do you ever yell at your kids for having the light on and the back seat of the car?
All the time. Oh my, you might have f**kered. Let me having the light on in the back seat of the car. All the time.
Oh my, you mother fucker.
Here's let me add the key.
And then half of those kids, you mother fucker.
My dad used to yell at me all the fucking time and I learned driving to Arizona, trying
to livestream in the dark, that is number one.
It's not illegal.
So every fucking time he ever told I was trying to play my fucking orange my green game boy
And the middle of the night I'm doing dad. I'm almost beating Castlevania and telling me to shut this shit off now
So I'm pausing it in between street lights you've ended the whole time. It was legal the whole fucking time
It was legal. You fucking lied to me. It's a it's abusive. That's child abuse
Don't let your kids have a headlamp in the background. You fuck, you let them have that
light. They have nothing else back there.
No, no, no, you listen here, you son of a bitch.
It's like, because you can't see the rear view mirror.
All of my kids have the weakest stomachs on the planet. And if they, if they so much
is look at a road sign while we're driving, they will vomit.
Oh, wow.
So, no, no, they, they do not get, they do not get a light.
They don't get anything.
They get shubb full of drame mean and told to go to sleep.
That's if I, that's if I'm driving to the post office.
So no, they can't have a light in the car.
First of all, it pisses me off because every time I look at my rear view mirror, it's fucking white. Why do you need to look at your rear view mirror?
I'm for. Are you afraid of tattoos, Jay? I'll never look to the past again.
Yeah. Yeah.
The kids season doesn't matter because like back then, yeah, you couldn't, but now they
got an iPad. You can see that thing. You don't need the light. Yeah, my kid's keep this
thing. They will throw up. Really? They're that sensitive. That's so weird.
They're motion sick. That's crazy. Yeah, I hate it. 80s girls like that. So I can't tell
her to look anything up in the car. Yeah. I can't imagine. I gotta do it myself. Thanks a lot.
I gotta read this while I'm driving. Look at what you're doing to us. You're putting us in danger. Yeah. Lady, Lady Rackets has always had a very
sensitive stomach for motion stuff. And so same thing, she can't look at it. She can't
look anything up. So I'm like, but she doesn't want to drive either. So I'm driving while
on the phone. So you should get off your phone. You should look at this stuff. So I don't
have to. Yeah. But she just read I don't have to. Yeah.
But then she just read me Twitter.
You bitch.
I mean, wait, some board.
All right.
Are you coming to Tampa, Nick?
Do you know yet?
Uh, yes, I'm coming to Tampa.
We have secured, uh, baby sitters.
And we will, we will be there.
I believe Thursday through, uh, I'm not sure if we're leaving Sunday or Monday, but
okay. Yeah. Tampa dot dot show. Probably not very many tickets left. Sean. Thursday through, I'm not sure if we're leaving Sunday or Monday, but yeah, Tampa.
That's a good show.
Probably not very many tickets left.
Sean, now that COVID is over, you should come, we're having a biting celebration in Tampa.
You are.
Obviously you can come to that.
No, no, nothing is, nothing has changed for me, sadly.
Oh, fuck you.
I think, I think Drexel may be coming too.
Oh, good.
How does he feel as a black woman like the rest of us?
He's, his response is, I saw the writing on the wall.
Fix was in from the start.
So he's not very happy.
Oh, yeah.
He also, he notoriously hates black women.
So he hates, oh my man, Paula Harris.
So yeah.
Did you see Kamala Harris's ancestral Indian home was a celebrating her win?
Oh, the village from which her family is great.
Yeah, they're so happy.
And she got a little power, Bob girl, too.
I saw that.
Wait a minute.
Did, uh, super ancestral, too. I saw that. Wait a minute.
Did, uh, love win.
Super in-stitch.
Indian home was celebrating.
Was it at war with Elizabeth Warren's in-stressually in-home?
Yeah, but you got both kinds of Indians, one, this time around.
Elizabeth Warren will be the next one.
Uh, you got dots.
You got arrows.
You got it all.
All right, Nate.
I go, go ahead.
Okay. I genuinely cannot wait, uh, for the, for the time when Joe Biden, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, you got arrows, you got it all. All right, Nate, go ahead. Go ahead.
I genuinely cannot wait for the time when Joe Biden either suicides himself or resigns
or whatever happens in two years and one day.
And then Kamala Harris is the first woman president.
And we all get to celebrate that the first woman president was elected because of a man
winning it for her.
We'll be the funniest shit.
Then we will have 10 years as a cop for president.
It is fucking, it is really a fucking nightmare scenario.
I just can't get over the people who are saying, well, you know, in four years, we're really
going to have it like, they've took, you know how much melt wealth they stole in the
last eight months, like they rolled up 60% of the wealth of the country
and what do you think's gonna be left in four years?
You're gonna be eating out of a fulfillment center,
you stupid idiot.
Yeah, protein blocks, get on board.
They're great.
You're gonna try the cheese flavored one.
You're gonna be paying off your college loans
with your social security.
All right.
All right.
We're gonna call him Bidenblocks.
I'll fuck, yeah, sure, I'll eat my book.
I don't care.
Make it at the, make it out of bugs.
There you go.
All right.
Bye, Nick.
See you.
Thank you.
All right, guys.
See you, buddy.
Freddie, I just wanted another four years.
That's all.
And we know, we knew it wouldn't be forever.
Okay, let's read some comments. Oh, I get an erotic story here.
Don't really check this out. I got the intro on the things.
Like that. Fuck around with an erotic story.
No hiccup for a week. Yeah, isn't that great?
Very good. This Biden's America, very impressed. We're healing now.
Uh-huh. No, just a slight pause for the next event.
Share. Erotic story. My first time at an Asian massage No, just a slight pause for the next only effect event. Sure.
Erotic story, my first time at an Asian massage parlor,
hey dick, I spent $100.
And because of my SSRIs, I couldn't get off.
The Asian lady made me wear a mask because of COVID
and disinfected everything.
There you go.
Sorry buddy. Stories from real men. There you go. Nice. Nice thing to do.
Sorry, buddy.
Stories from real men.
Wear a mask.
I brought you.
You sure was the SSRIs that you couldn't get off of?
Did you see there's some brothel where they have you separated
from the woman with like a sheet of plastic?
Like a glory hole?
Like this?
So what is it?
Has it a lower torso?
Yeah, well, no. Like a lower torso is yeah, it will.
No, like her lower torso is through the sheet is like,
so you can't breathe on her.
You just have access to her nether's huh?
Like like a like a stockade, but it's a whole wall.
I don't think it's like a plastic sheet like this is just,
just you just squeeze is like those things that could gun.
It's like those plastic barriers they have at the, you know, the store, except, you
know, there's a little hole cut out in the woman's store.
So it was popping through it.
Sounds, that sounds great.
That's what the future of sex is like.
Um, yeah, in restaurants, uh, Tanner Dixon, replying to the six foot six guy.
Hey, Dick, I'm writing into reply to the six foot six guy that claims being tall doesn't get you pussy.
I would like to say that I'm six eight
and he is still in the category of two short to get pussy.
No, Jays.
Grow taller, you idiots.
If you're below six seven, you should kill yourself.
That's bullying.
What do you, how tall are you, Vito?
Good answer.
Do you wanna get lifts like me and Sean, we're getting lifts.
Oh, really? Yeah. Huge ones. Yeah, We're going to be like six, three. I'm excited.
I think I'm like five, eleven and a, or I was five, eleven and a half. I think I grew
somehow. I don't know. I probably shrunk back. I think I'm five, eleven and a half.
Money Eat Noodles says, Roadridge Tampa, I check the flight prices,
and I can get a round trip for around 150 bucks
if I fly out from Oakland, I bought my ticket,
and I'm going to try and convince my friends to go.
I know you don't care, but I'm very excited.
Ha, ha, ha, why would I not care about that?
That's wonderful.
We have, of course, we have.
That's a dirt cheap flight too.
Yeah, that's how much was it from Oakland?
150 to Tampa.
That's cheap for cross country.
Come on.
Amazing. Good tickets before a biting opens up the economy again.
I gotta get a ticket. Let's see here. Matthew Mont Gammery,
an article against the treatment for deafness. Good afternoon,
Dick. I found this science article last month. You might find entertaining for the show.
Oh, God, I hate this shit against the treatment for deafness.
I think so. This article details a potential gene therapy shit against the treatment for deafness. I think so.
This article details a potential gene therapy
that could cure children's deafness.
The treatment doesn't require surgery or use of devices
and sounds like a promising step forward
in allowing deaf children to obtain the ability to hear.
Of course, that being 2020, this treatment
isn't a front to the deaf community.
Well, that's not even a 2020 thing.
They've been like that forever.
Right, right, really.
They don't trust people outside their community a lot of the times.
Like, it's like a deaf person is kind of, I think, shamed if they marry somebody who
can hear what?
I'm not on this right?
You're not off on this right?
They're a weird little cult.
They're like the Amish deaf people.
And they're like
mad about, you know, when they started inventing like those ear implants that, you know, the
cochlear implant. My, my step dad was one of the, um, first percentage engineers. No, engineers,
no, he got royalties for years. Oh, that shit. Well, hopefully made bank on that. He made a lot of
money on it. You made a lot of money on it. And he made a lot of deaf people very angry because
they believe that they're unique perspective
on the world.
Yeah, the cochlear implant.
Yeah, it's being removed.
They didn't like that?
No, they want kids to stay deaf, basically.
Like, they're weird psychopathic monsters.
This article details, yeah, of course, it being 20, so it's not 20, so a few quotes include
the following.
With that choice, with this choice comes the threat of eradicating
a minority group with a rich culture and language.
I mean, a rich deaf people have a culture,
a rich, a culture.
A rich deaf culture.
I mean, I probably, like if you have a radio in your house,
you are fucking out out of the club.
What do they have that's so rich?
You think you would have been sold it, right?
Well, you think the deaf would provide,
would convince us of their worth.
Look, if your culture has anything good in it,
it's been repackaged and sold at Target.
So that's probably true.
If nothing's been appropriated from your culture,
it's not that good.
It's not that good.
I have news for you.
If the white man hasn't stolen it,
it probably wasn't good to begin with.
It's not worth anything. It's trash. You should be ashamed of how shkitty you're going.
Nobody buys an aboriginal cook set. You know what I mean? I'll take one of those cool hats,
though. Tishiki hats. There you go. Purple suit. Mmm, cool. That means your culture has
validity. Once the white man decides to take it. Yeah, it does. That's our works.
The sea level. It's the blue check.
No one's taking sign language.
Would you like French or a sign language?
I'm not gonna, what are you talking about?
Get out of here, I'm not paying for that shit.
Such use, quote, such use of genetic technology
is a form of genocide.
Oh, my gosh.
And that's a large step.
Trump did this.
I'm sure.
And shifts humanity towards the creation of master peoples.
Oh boy.
You mean like people whose ears work, is the master race now?
Wouldn't you want your child to have, you know, every advantage he could possibly have in
life? I would want them to have all the afflictions.
Sean, did you just refer to hearing as an advantage?
Cause I can't stand for that kind of bigoted talk.
Yeah, you know what?
Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna stand by that.
All right.
I mean, I just think, I just think life is easier and you don't have so much ketchup to do.
I have to do why if you have the senses that, you know, that evolution has said that, you know, that you should have to do that you know that evolution has said that you know that
you know that you should have to get over here I can't stand it they are a
community and they should be celebrated I have often thought about stabbing
you can do to join if I have a kid community I would definitely
have a child definitely my own child yeah if I have a kid I'm gonna shoot a
microwave gun at them in the uterus.
So they have a unique DNA that is the only race of that kid.
So they will be the most disfranchised person in the ever-too-exit.
They will be the most minority of minorities.
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
That's what I want.
I want Tommy, the pinball, always-oot as a kid.
Defdum and blind.
Get on with the dark fenix possessed my kid. I'm just going to interpret them. I'm going to get him a boob job when they're 12. Yeah. Deft, I'm in blind. Get it on the dark Phoenix, possess my kid. I'm just going to interpret them.
I'm going to get them a boob job when they're 12.
Well, you know, for the people, for all these sick people, Vita.
I've never mind that. I've regret saying it.
From Howard Rosenman, who loved cuties, the 12 year old boob job.
Which was the goal of Nazi Germany during World War II.
Oh, yeah. Oh, Nazi Germany during World War II. Oh, yeah.
Oh, was it during World War II?
Well, they remember how the Nazis were trying to fix everybody's hearing.
That was their big thing.
Listen up, Jews.
That was to...
They don't listen up Jews.
Are you the dead Jews?
Step forward.
We're gonna force you to hear.
We got a problem, Hitler.
They're not listening, right?
They'll get on the cards, because we keep telling them to.
From Howard Rosenblum,
CEO of the National Association for the Deaf and Stupid,
I swear, something.
Okay, I swear some people, I added that.
Some people still find a way to astound me
with the absolute need to be oppressed.
Love the show, go fuck yourself. That's a, I know, astound me with the absolute need to be oppressed. Love the show.
Go fuck yourself.
That's a, I know, that's it, but it is a strange thing.
Vito, you knew about it too.
The oppression, the need for it.
No, no, just that it's a very tight community.
The very, they're very, you know, untrusting of anybody kind of outside it.
You know how I learned that?
I learned that on the first 48.
The pop show? Yeah. Was there how I learned that? I learned that on the first 48. The cops show?
Was there an episode with the...
That did happen.
And it was like, dude, it was like the...
It was like the...
It was like the people the whole time.
It just get stitches kind of thing.
Like, yeah, it was like, no, you keep it.
It's like the fucking mafia.
You take care of it in-house.
You don't...
You don't go outside the community.
You don't go outside the community thing.
Yeah, like it's...
It was very strange.
I was like, oh, I was like, wow.
Oh, you're a wife with shi-
Vito, that is gonna be you.
You're, you're, they're gonna buy that.
You know that I had such an inclination
to do that kind of shit.
And I just thought, you know what I just did it.
That Vito would be more online savvy
than I
Would not do something as dumb as that
Okay, okay, you're canceled
Okay, I'll see you all next week by myself
But that was out of respect for the vibrant deaf community that I admire their unique language
I'm gonna you're gonna try a bonnocks next.
As an audio engineer, do you hate death people?
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ.
I can't say I love the deaf.
Never worked with a deaf person.
I have a dude.
Did you hear anything?
Did you hear anything?
Did you hear anything?
What time did you hear the gunshots?
I didn't hear, too.
I didn't know.
I'm not.
All right.
All right.
You guys, they can't hear.
Who cares? Yeah. Can't hear what we're saying. all right. You guys, they can't hear who cares.
Can't hear what we're saying.
What are you gonna do, listen to a podcast?
There's gonna be some, there's gonna be some,
professionally offended on their behalf.
That the death chicken side felt was hot.
Remember that one?
Madeline, what's the name?
Mark, something, something Madeline.
Mary, Mark, and that's, Marley.
Marley Martensen, Marley Madeline. Mary, and that's Marley. Marley Martianson, Marley Madeline.
Let's see here.
Didn't you win an Oscar for playing a deaf girl?
Did she?
Pretty sure.
I don't know, man.
Pretty sure.
None of your business.
Hey, Dick, you're arguing about more testing
we'll lead to, I don't want to talk about COVID or what.
Yeah, I'm fucking dumb.
I agree with that call.
Here, let's play.
Oh, Sean's animal.
Oh, Sean's animal.
Sean's animal corner.
Oh, yeah.
This is harder because I can't see your face.
I can't break down if you're telling me the truth or not.
I would tell you the truth.
Things always honest, come on.
This is from Tim Miller.
Some orcas have learned to hunt sharks and raise
by putting them into a state called
Johnic immobility.
For sure knew that.
Wait, what is it?
And you flip some sharks and raise upside down.
And they go into like a trans-like state.
They often, they will do it for tiger shark.
They'll sometimes insert like tags into them.
They'll kind of perform minor surgery on them. And they won't move. They won't thrash. They won't do anything.
Just by flipping them upside down and they, you know, they don't, they don't keep them there for too long because they're worried about the breathing and stuff.
They are thinking that it actually does stress the animal, but they're kind of like in sort of like a paralyzed state.
What is the evolutionary purpose of that? actually does stress the animal, but they're kind of like in sort of like a paralyzed state.
What is the evolutionary purpose of that?
I don't know.
I don't know, but it's a...
You can do that to fat women too.
Yeah, I've done that.
No, that's not getting out of control.
Flip them.
It's like a turtle.
It's like a tortoise.
You can get them on their rascals and like flip it over
on a curb.
And like pull them up on those ramps
to get into the store and flip them over
and then just kind of, ooh, ease, ease, ease.
The only thing that works is like they're chewing and swallowing reflex.
You know, you just, yeah, they'll just do that so you keep shoving food in there and
write the ship. Wild orcas, when I say fat women, I mean over like 140 pounds,
but I just want to be clear. They're real fat. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
Wild orcas have been seen holding a shark upside down and then eating it once it becomes
Jesus Lord.
Yeah, cool.
They're very smart and they teach, you know, and they teach the younger ones.
This is from Bjorn.
I'm an environmental scientist, natural resource manager with some novel facts.
Did you know insect mouth parts are modified legs?
Did you know that?
When you say mouth parts,
like the little demandable type dealies.
Yes, anything in the mouth.
No, but modified legs.
I guess it makes sense with like crabs,
they have those little mouth parts
that they're like tiny little legs that kind of feed
the stuff into their mouth.
Yeah, that makes sense.
That seems like something that I should have known,
but no.
Penguin eggs when cooked are translucent.
Did you know that?
No, no.
The fuck's eating penguin, but you're in.
You're in there to eat penguins?
Well, I know he, it sounds like the name
It's like he lives in a cold place.
You know, we're there.
He's in the losing. I don't we're there. It's a loose.
I don't know if that's an animal fact though.
Yeah, it's all weird, but whatever.
Some sea slugs will get into penis fencing matches
where the loser will be forced to carry the offspring.
Did you know that?
I did know about the penis fencing matches.
And the offspring part?
That's half credit.
Neematoids make up to about 80% of all animal life on earth.
You knew that?
Yeah, I knew that it was a crazy hype.
You know, if you put a gun to my head,
I might not have said 80.
What would you have said?
I have like an overwhelming percentage.
No, I don't know.
I don't know.
What number would you have said?
I don't know how many percentage? No, a number i would have said more than 50%
i was not a fucking number i need a number you Irish prick you give me a fucking number right now or
you're dead you're dead right now 79% okay that's pretty close i you a full credit on that already. There we go. Last one here. This is, that guy sent a lot.
I'll be okay back to some of his.
Save him, yeah.
This is from Maria.
Probably let's go with Mariah
because it's Christmas time now.
Why not?
I have a fact, a fact slash story about a specific whale
to share with you that you might get a kick out of.
And I think it might stump Sean.
See how the woman's has already a whole story and a production to it.
About a specific whale.
A specific whale, a favorite type of story.
Watch it.
Watch it.
I might actually know this shit.
I might know this shit.
I might know this whale.
You're talking about this shit.
This whale.
I might.
Normally, when a whale dies, and its skeleton is in good enough shape, museums fight over who
gets to display it.
Usually, they bury the skeleton underground in Kalmanur, Manur, and dirt for years, and
the bacteria cleans the skeleton, and the heat produced gets rid of the oil.
But a particular museum in New England where I used to work wanted to show theirs quicker
in 1996.
So the oil leaked out of the whale bones.
It kept doing it, right?
So they put it in.
I think it was a small blue whale.
I think it was a small sperm whale.
No, sperm whale?
Pumped back.
Well, I guess in game, you're supposed to have it.
Doesn't that have any?
But I own it or not.
No, it doesn't matter because I knew that the oil leaked out of the bones.
So that's what it out in the harbor and let crabs and fish clean this Wellington.
Because of this, there wasn't enough heat produced
and the oil will still be dripping until 2060.
Also, it's a humpback whale and they named it quasi-modo.
Did you know that?
Well, yes, I did.
I didn't know that I couldn't remember the whale.
But did you know the story happened or did you know
what would happen?
No, no, no.
What would happen?
You knew about the dripping whale. happen. That the dripping whale.
I knew about the dripping whale.
I absolutely, 100% knew that that was a story
of for a specific whale on display.
How much oil is dripping out?
That's an hour.
Yeah, you messed the legs one.
Yeah, yeah.
What is that then?
You got half credit.
We said, are you one?
No, that was, I would give you four credit.
You want to fall on it?
Yeah, one, three, four.
Well, the penis fencing I got half credit, I think, did I?
You got four out of five for anyone keeping and keeping score congratulations
That's a good score. I've done pretty good pretty good the last couple weeks
Okay, did I tell anybody they could call in?
I don't think so and then we'll do I'll do some advice and I'll do voicemail. How about that fellas sounds like a plan?
Do you have anything that makes you a rage?
Yeah, but I don't remember what.
I never ever bring something in.
I hate.
Not hate.
Yeah, what makes me a rage?
I'm actually in a good mood lately.
Oh, you know what makes me a rage?
I know what you are.
I just put up a video about these these Indy hipster writer
kids who can't just do their job because the PlayStation 5 is coming out and the Kotaku
review of the PlayStation 5 the last paragraph is but really how can anyone get excited
for a new video game console in this era of, you know, horrible healthcare and the presidential crisis.
And I'm like, dude, I just want to know if the thing runs.
I just want to know what the frame rate is.
Please just do your job.
They refuse.
Because you're, I do your job because like you're, you're fortunate to have one.
Well, as I put it, I'm like, you are the one who's supposed to keep everybody like, yeah,
we know the world sucks.
That's why I'm reading stupid reviews of a video game console. So I'm kind of think about that for a second.
Some people it sucks and they have no job. Right. You have a job shut up, just do your job.
And you probably don't have any health problems. Like I'm just going to throw that out there.
No, definitely. It's the white guy who's making a good salary right in New York for a media website.
I'm like, well, the people I want to hear complain right now,
it's not you.
Yeah, you're the last guy I need to feel bad for me.
I have these, whatever else.
Whatever else.
I'm so bad and I can't.
Just tell me if Spider-Man is fun.
That's it.
I saw people,
a lot of protesters thought it was funny
to like threaten conservatives with free healthcare.
Like that's their funny joke.
Like yeah, we're gonna threaten you
with affordable healthcare.
Yeah, that's, uh,
we're gonna give you what you deserve.
And what you deserve is free healthcare.
That's what we're afraid of.
Yeah, I don't want it.
No, I don't want it.
I just want to pay for, you know, I want to pay for things.
I don't want anything for free.
Guys, the devil does that. The devil comes to you for, you know, I want to pay for things. I don't want anything for free. Gosh, the devil does that.
The devil comes to you and gives you free stuff.
Free college.
I don't want that either.
That's not on the table, is it?
It's all on the table.
The free college stuff, I thought that wasn't part of it,
but that was Bernie's thing.
There is no.
I mean, we'll see.
We'll see.
We'll see.
Yeah, there was no anything.
It's just whatever you want.
I'm opposed to the free college thing. It makes no sense. You are.
Yeah, I'm with you. It's like why give the most privileged people are the ones who can even get into college or make anything out of college.
They don't need another boost up. They don't need their student loans refunded. No, but colleges will make a fucking mint.
If it's free, the Ivy League people pulling down tenured professors
making hundreds of thousands a year will make and we'll do some government is still
going to pay the cost.
Yeah, and then banks will make an aslo just selling bonds and making interest, making
interest until you're fucking dead.
Zoomer advice, let me see.
This guy, I got a big ol' paragraph here, but have we we been going long Sean? No, we're at like an hour or 40
I thought this one might be too much of a downer
What do the downer? I need to feel better about
Let's all do the downer. Don't listen to me
Do it you you've always said you always have your pulse on pulse on the show. I like hearing about miserable people.
I saw a peace of plywood that told me I matter, so I can emotionally handle this.
Let's do it.
Well, with these downer ones, I honestly do try to give what I think they should do.
I don't really fuck around.
Luke, the first time I experienced a true blinding rage
was the other day.
Lately, I've been under a lot of existential doubt.
I left my previous job at the hospital
because I realized I had stagnated professionally.
I had given all my all and made proper changes
and provided coaching for those around me.
However, due to hospital hierarchy and nepotism
among old sour bitches, I felt I couldn't progress and left after five years.
I went into a government job regarding scientific studies,
which is quite comfortable since I can plan my own days.
The work isn't very titillating and very slow.
Most of my co-workers seem rusted up,
seem rusted up government employees.
It keeps looking to the future and it's not good.
Yeah, extra painful since my previous co-workers consisted mostly of beautiful 24-year-old
women. Yeah, hospital, do that. I changed jobs right before COVID hit and the low workflow
came to just a dribble, which is highly demotivating when you're starting somewhere and want
to pump a lot of energy into it.
Since then, I've realized that this isn't the field for me. And neither was my previous
workplace. I have a master's degree in the sciences of health sector, but I mostly just went in
this direction because it was kind of a path of least resistance.
I feel no passion for this.
I don't know what to feel passionate about.
No, so he's lost.
I've gotten more and more lethargic, regardless of everything I wouldn't complain if the
pay was okay.
I don't get paid at my level and my current job, and my salary barely enables me to save
It's even more difficult now since I had a baby in June
and I see my savings decline.
I come from a poor household,
so I have no trust fund set up.
I barely started from zero.
I will never be able to buy a house
unless I win the lottery.
All of this is depressing enough as it is,
but the lack of purpose really rekindled
my deep rooted self doubts on which I worked well
the last couple of years.
My household was somewhat emotionally abusive
and I grew up with difficulty.
Until my adult years, I've learned to self-analys.
It's a holy tiresome process.
I wasn't well before now and I know it.
I remember fantasizing about suicide being seven years old.
I'm very skeptical towards mental health care,
even if I have a degree in it.
As a teenager, I went to see a Jewish
psychologist who almost said nothing to me, which greatly disappointed me. I somewhat
seemed clear. Steered clear of these people.
They're not Jews.
Leaning. Until recently, I conceded. Until recently, I conceded, I do need help. Here's
my rage comes from. Therapy is very expensive. I did a couple of sessions
with some dude and I felt more or less okay until he ghosted me for a bit. Turns out he
was away at a conference for a couple of weeks and didn't put out and didn't put an out
of office email in which I hate those. Do we got to stop using don't don't try to guilt
this guy into using out of office emails with your suicide. Those are.
When I get one of those, if I get one of those, I'll kill myself.
So it cancels the suicide threads out, which I thought wasn't very professional, considering
I told him I actively hated myself and wanted to die.
Yeah, but everybody's telling him that, man.
Also, he made me write a bunch of personal stuff and take standardized tests, which later
he didn't use or even recall having asked for. Interesting. Writing those things can be emotionally
draining. But I got a press. Well, that's also kind of the point. Partial reservation of not wanting
to go to a shrink is the cost, but apparently if you have a note from a GP, you can get 10 sessions
at about a fifth of the price. Oh, that's interesting. Well, card stamp.
How about that?
I didn't know that.
That's what I was going to suggest, though.
There are, it takes a lot of, it's thousands and thousands of hours.
You have to accumulate in order to be fully licensed.
So you can go to a, like a graduate institute or a graduate school where they have, they've
been doing basically work, accumulating their hours.
They're total graduates, they have all the training, all the schooling, lots of experience,
but they haven't put all their hours together to take whatever state they're licensed in.
They often operate on sliding scales.
So you can, where like a normal shrink or something
like around here would be like 125 an hour,
which yeah, it's a fucking lot of money.
It is.
You could get it for like 35 or 40 an hour.
Yeah, it's going to like haircut school
to get your haircut.
What are you, it's gonna fuck up your brain.
What are you talking about?
You can find a messed up.
Now you can find some good ones.
And how would you know, you're all,
you're, you're, that's not.
And brains all fucked up.
How could you tell what you're the good ones?
Simply, how comfortable you feel with them.
You're gonna get raped if you do what Sean said.
You're not gonna get a scare of rape.
It's as easy as that, predators.
You just have to remember,
you have to remember if you get a weird vibe or you get a
They're going to give you an emergency.
If you go to the wrong one, maybe a fed you shouldn't over analyze that you got to,
you got to just operate on instinct when you go C1 at first.
Uh, I went once or twice a couple times and if it feels comfortable with your time,
something out of there. If she's not putting out by the third therapy,
that's not her.
Then fuck her.
All right.
Dump that bitch, dear.
Uh, I mean, that bitch, dear.
I wouldn't even got a note, but 10 sessions isn't very much.
And I asked the GP, and that's a lot.
You got to go on 10 dates with a guy.
Imagine that.
Dump that bitch.
It's not a bad like us, is it?
It's great.
It's better than him.
Now he talks like the crypt keeper.
Oh, he's got a real horse voice, doesn't he?
Yeah, he had some kind of infection.
Oh, really?
Or something.
What if I run out?
But it's a once in a lifetime government subsidy.
The GP told me that the biggest, because they're trying to hook you.
Look, the GP told me, oh, come on.
The biggest organization of accessible therapy.
If you do an intake with them, you're put on a waiting list, could take a year or more,
and then you can have affordable therapy indefinitely.
And maybe those first 10 sessions would tide me over.
You know what you should do?
This sun, this is tender.
We do, mental health is non-fucking existent
in this country.
Here's how you do it.
You go on Tinder, you catfish is a super hot chick,
and then you tell guys your problems, dump them on those guys,
and then get attention, and you'll feel better.
Then you go stuff, and then you send them
a pay me link or whatever
Maybe the same fans the psychologist who ghosted him as a chick online or
Probably is or guy don't make a fake tender account as a woman put up a first of all you're gonna get money
So you're you're already be happier than any fucking therapy will ever do you get a hundred would you rather have an hour of good therapy or a hundred
Dollars veto a hundred dollars obviously you rather have an hour of good therapy or a hundred dollars, Vito? Oh, a hundred dollars.
You could go buy the good therapy.
Bless you'll have all these.
I have a spider man, I don't like my field burner.
You'll have all these guys to dump your poison out on.
You don't even have to pretend.
Just go play one of these MMO RPGs, make a nice looking female character and have a little
treat you nice.
I went to this place.
Fucking Sony bitching about their jobs.
I went to this place.
I had a tire semintake session and they said jobs are what I went to this place had a tire
Semintake session and they said they get back to me. It took them so long. What do you mean said they'd get back to me?
Well, because it's a whole program
I'm like fucking yeah when I finally got a hold of them
They said I just tried to exist in life just trying to be a functional member of society doing something for himself to make it so
God damn impossible to fucking do anything.
I'm sure it'll get much easier when officer,
Madam President is in charge at a mental hospital for people with type B personality disorder.
The diagnosis like that ones.
I read up on BPD and found the emotional instability to be recognizable.
I told them that's not a physical monster B. I cost to be? I think that's what he meant.
Because that is one of them. I told them that's not a decision grounded in reality
since part of my anxiety is providing for my family financially and not leaving my wife
alone to take care of my infant daughter, let alone the stigma at work and around friends.
I think that everything Bukowski ever wrote was about this guy, actually.
So this they reacted sort of disdainfully,
like you want help, don't you?
Although their diagnosis might be sort of apt,
I'm good with people, though this is tiring to me.
And I have a good theory of mind.
I went back and forth with this organization
for a couple of weeks, the other day they,
so they weren't willing to put me back on the waiting list that I take their suggestion of being locked up for three months or just
fuck off.
How do we get here?
The only reason we get here is if they could lock them in their mental institution for
three months, they wouldn't put them on the quota, man.
Why do they think he needs to be locked up in any, I don't know.
Because that's how the program works here.
They've analyzed him as a type BB personality
and that's the danger to others or something.
Well, I mean, like a cluster B is like
anti-social borderline or narcissistic gamers.
Gamers, gamers, fucking gamers up.
You're all going to jail.
The next day I freaked out to my wife
and lost control a bit. I wife and lost control a bit.
I probably just lost control a bit.
There's a lot of definitions.
How are we just saying fudge?
What is that?
I mean, lost control a bit.
Is he lose control of his limbs?
Is that where this is going?
Yeah, he was like a wacky, waving inflatable tube man.
All right, walking around like this.
Imagine how difficult it is to overcome the threshold
of seeking professional help and then being rejected.
Yeah, I hate that they seem to think
being admitted uninterrupted for so long
is a realistic option for many people.
It's sort of a catch-22.
If I calmly ask for help, they said,
fuck off, the iron I feel from being treated this way
makes me want to channel myself destructive energy
into verbally thrashing these therapist fucks.
Well, let's keep it there.
After which they'd say, we told you so,
you needed to be locked up.
Yeah, right.
I know you're advice.
Given that I had, well, I think we got it.
I know your advice is workout and Sean's usually get help,
but what if the gym is closed and professional help rejects you?
I don't know how I managed to write all this out
since there's no point, since it was mostly former.
No, I'll press send, sorry to bother you.
Have I said, here's what you have to do. You cannot pay someone to
care about you. You cannot pay someone to care about you, but there are groups. You can
always pretend to be an alcoholic, find some fucking group. There are tons of people like
this who have absolutely nobody for them and who cannot find someone to pay. All of us,
every single man and often
Women are paying their psychologists there kind of running the grids man and women
That's a great that's a great answer are constantly paying for someone to love them men paying with money and women paying with their
Pussy and they can never find it because you cannot pay someone to love you
But you can find you can barter it though
You can find groups and you can barter with, you can barter in attention.
You don't have to pretend to be a woman on Tinder to get attention.
You can do that, but you can find people in the same spot as you because everyone on
Earth is in the same fucking spot as you.
You cannot buy love, but you can, you can, you can damn sure rent some first class affection.
You can trade, you can trade and the government doesn't want you to be able to do that, but you can barter.
You can still barter, you can still barter your love.
All right, but I like that.
I like that answer you gave.
Thank you.
So a group.
This has been the Dixho, slash the Dixho.
Dixho, Dixho, Dixho, Dixho, Vito, are you coming to Tampa?
I'm very close to the sidings.
Did they sidings?
Why don't the Dixho viewers let me know, would you like to see me or not?
Cause some of you would, how would you, would not?
I don't, I don't understand the veto.
Uh, it's like, it costs too much trouble on Twitter.
If you want, is that what it is?
So it's the other, it's the other half that I don't see.
Nobody doesn't follow me on Twitter likes.
Anybody who follows me on Twitter is like, what is this shitbag talking about?
Man, I'm gonna say all you people
who were pissed off about cuties and pissed off
about culture wars shit, while you were pissed off,
the left stole a fucking election.
Just let that sink in, they were out canvassing,
they were out ballot harvesting,
they were in the inner city, getting people
to fill out a fucking circle of the pan-ringing.
All sorts of stuff happened while people were freaking out about that nonsense.
You saw Australia just banned all of that.
And I?
I think they're banning regular animation as well.
I think we talked about that last week.
And the last I heard, they're like, if an anime features, you know, even adults in the
sexual situations, even if it's like an aromantic comedy
that isn't like necessarily pornographic.
So what?
They're just like, yeah, well, you could use it.
You could use it to groom kids is what they're saying.
Yeah. They just like, you use anything to groom a kid.
I'm really surprised that they got that kind of draconian
about, you know, just that of that far reaching.
I mean, they're the same way Australia has been banning
video games like for years now.
It banned me.
Yeah, that are very...
They're completely understand, but they're very behind in terms of free speech.
It's weird.
Is that right?
A lot of games have to be specifically censored for Australia.
I'll be damned.
Certain missions removed to meet their censorship board.
Or just get banned outright.
Did you ever see the game like hotline Miami?
No. Yeah, I played that. Yeah. it's such a simple little like pixelally game.
What do I think about grand that auto or shit? Like, oh, they don't like that. Is that
too violent or is that? Uh, I'm pretty sure that they remove content from the grand
theft autos or just make it so you can't sell it on a shelf. You can only sell it on a
black bag or whatever. Yeah, I come out of the bag with the fucking beads in the back.
I mean, it's actually a joke, but I believe it's actually how they sell it.
You can't display it because kids might be.
I had no idea.
Yeah, Australia is very behind.
I got to thank this guy.
Matt from, I think it's Matt from Washington.
I can't tell if this is a hanging shed.
What do you think?
Hey, what's up, buddy?
Have some beers on me, Matt from something.
I don't know, but he sent some beers.
I got that fridge over there.
Is that MN?
Is that Minnesota?
I don't know if it's a Washington, Minnesota.
Minnesota, I believe.
It's Minnesota.
Yeah, probably it's a beer man.
Oh, they've got some, Minnesota's got some good local beers.
They've had for a long time.
If you want Vito to come to Road rage, um, if you want him to come pledge $100 at,
slash the Dix show.
And if you don't want to be the show,
Patreon, they're going to come.
If you don't want to come, if you want him to come, if you want him to come,
pledge to pledge $20 and if you don't want him to come, pledge $25.
It's more than I just need to be peer pressured into it.
Let's be real.
You want to be asked like that guy. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. I just need to be peer pressured into it. Let's be real.
You want to be asked, like that guy.
Uh huh.
All right, everybody.
I see next Tuesday.
I don't think I have any songs.
There's maybe there's a Hardman working hard, son.
Did you, did you hear that song?
I don't know if you linked it where it's a, if you don't like this song, you're a pedophile.
It's pretty funny.
It's a good, it's a good song too.
And I'm like, I like it.
I like it.
All right. This is snooze Juice by the Hardman Working Heart.
Snooze Juice.
I will also always play.
Was this gonna make us go to sleep?
Maybe I.
It's calming.
I was just gonna make us go to sleep. Maybe I, it's calming.
Bapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapap I'm excited for absolutely nothing. I'm just waiting until everything just calms down a bit. I'm waiting for...
I don't know what I'm waiting for.
I'm just...
I'm waiting for the end of my life at this point.
Yeah, that's good.
Yeah, somebody said...
Somebody asked me why I was a copestreaming
or where the conservative meltdown would be.
And I'm like, I don't think you guys understand.
Me personally. I'm just... I'm waiting where the conservative meltdown would be and I'm like, I don't think you guys understand.
We're, me personally, and I think most guys who are excited about Trump are used to being very
disappointed about everything. Like, we're used to attending, we're used to attending diversity seminars.
Like, we're used to being told that we can't look at women in the street. We're used to being told
that we're not allowed to make fun of fat women or use racist voices
or that the company is promoting a woman of color in order to meet diversity, diversity of
voters. Like we're just used to being, we're used to not getting nice things.
I don't think there's going to be a big meltdown. It's like, okay, well I remember the government.
Like we're just back to the government. All right. California turned down a 20-card affirmative action.
No affirmative action.
Reverse of affirmative action.
Well, they were going to have actual affirmative action.
They were going to make a proposition.
They were going to make a precedent affirmative action.
They were going to hire only black people.
They were going to bring it back, right?
No, they failed the ballot.
They were going to make it legal to put on an on a
government job ad we're looking for a black woman to hire for this job right
which now they have to just hint at like diversity we're open to diverse
applicants and then inside there's like yeah we're doing that right keep it
fair keep it fair it's nice that it got denied, but I'm of the mind.
I'm literal, I like, I'm seriously of the mindset that once the federal reserve makes digital
dollars, they're going to tax based on race and industry.
Like every exchange you have.
How would you, can't you?
Cause they ask you for your race on the census.
Can you just say you're black?
You can't, well then everyone will just do that.
No, no.
Okay, but they will.
They'll figure out a way around it.
I'm going to get all those Eskimo tax credits.
They just look like Vito is getting a new driver's license.
I'm a lady.
I mean, why not go the full mile?
You could just cheat on your wife and lie about it, but people don't.
Lock in the female idea if you have the opportunity now.
I swear to God, it's going fast fast. It's gonna pay off at some point
If I get arrested I go to lady prison
Think about that all the time
Lady person probably way better. I don't think you do. Oh, yeah
I think you do how could they tell me no you want to get rid they're gonna pass you around like a dildo in lady prison
You see the size of those bruises. Yeah, you think
Would you rather be fooled you rather be blocked by 200
I'm like an fuck tonight.
Oh run ugly guy.
I was coming at this guy.
There you go.
Call my mom and I'm zen.
Anybody, can I tell anybody?
Oh I hope not.
That's a lot of stuff happening this week.
Trebek's gone.
Did he die?
Yeah, he died this morning.
Oh, wow.
His last wish was that Trump fight the election in court.
Yes, that's how he said he tweeted.
He tweeted together.
The Canadian game show host really wants to restore American democracy.
That's what his bracelet was for.
He took it off and he said, I've always worn this knowing that Trump would fight the communist
Chinese takeover of our government that was stolen from me.
We were for it.
I got to see what Norm MacDonald's been tweeting about all this.
And then he said, ooh, we were looking for.
We're all going to call out.
All right, go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
What have those words last words?
The answer we were looking for was Margarine.
I'll take death for a thousand.
God. And then his wife was like, it's your daily job.
I'll take uncontrolled cell division for 350.
Am I going to be okay?
The answer to the formal question. That's what he said as he
was dying. Yeah. Somebody got to hit his own song stuck in his head for his last moments.
Oh, you would go out like this. I saw him almost hit my car once. I think I've told this story. Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do just miss judge how quick the car was going. He was like and then he kind of they high-tailed it like across the street. He was like he knew he looked like a dumb ass.
So like he was kind of like playing it off like a. That's funny. Like I kind of meant
to do that. But he was he was scared. Fuck you buddy.
And Twitter, Twitter arguments while you're working.
Oops, sorry. to the
interesting observation
getting a
working out is the best
i bet
right i got one
the fucking gym
it's just fucking good you get the thrill of the Twitter argument anger
Well, also fucking squatting and shit. Yeah, so fucking good cool. Yeah
I feel like that would be distracted. Yeah, not an MC up man. Really. Yeah. Oh, yeah
I don't know what it is about it, but it's the new fucking thing. So yeah, this is
fucking next time you're about to max out your bench, or whenever you start calling motherfuckers, type of files on Twitter
and sites are in the shit. Nice.
That's right. No way. I can go wrong. Bye. Love you, Sean. Love you too, buddy.
Hey. All right. That sounds like a pretty good idea. That's funny. Actually, let's see
here. Oh, yeah. Hey, they can show on this. There's Dan from New York. That's funny actually Let's see here
Oh, yeah Hey, they can show on this is Dan from New York. Hey Dan from New York
I just went into the bonus episode where you guys were playing the Maddie locks
Ox med meets banana docs. Yeah, and holy shit dude
It is just like fucking Carton having the tea party in his backyard. Totally.
And Clyde Frog.
It's just a depressing pamphlet.
I'm just saying, this guy having a complete mental fucking right now.
He's either like, he's the only thing keeping him from fucking party.
I just wanted to share that. Go fuck yourself, Dick, and Big Smooch's to Sean.
Oh, thanks.
That guy sounded really tough.
And what do you think of me, Clyde Fragg?
Has he settled on a character?
Or does he just keep rotating him?
What a nice thing, is that he rotates him?
Yeah, he just keeps coming up with new ones.
And then he introduces them to each other.
Maddocks, Maddocks characters.
Kind of like a fucking right man.
Let him have it over there.
Yeah, that's right.
No, he'll go like, that's right.
Forgot we were talking about Maddocks.
And he doesn't know how to do transitions correctly,
like technically, so he'll go as Maddy Locks,
he'll go like, oh, I heard there's a fucking vampire around.
What do you think?
And they'll go, blue, but it'll still be,
it'll just be him with no filter.
He'll be ugly as soon.
He'll look like his AIDS.
And then it'll turn and he'll go,
blah, blah, straggie lugs.
Hey big boys.
Hey big boys.
Maddy Locks told me to say you're big boys.
And then it'll cut back and I'll like,
oh, I did tell him to say your big boys.
What the hell?
It's fucking weird.
He's designing all these himself, I guess.
You got to see this.
You got to see this shit.
I've seen like little clips of it.
Is there a fan favorite?
Is like, is everyone like, oh, banana docks is clearly the best one?
Banana docks is the dog.
Yeah, banana docks is the best.
No, ox mad.
Ox mad is the best. Ox mad still the bull. He sort of has like, that was the first one though, right. Yeah. Banana docks. Yeah. No, no, ox mad. Ox mad is the best.
Ox mad still the bull. He sort of has like, that was the first one though. Yeah. It's the only
good one. Yeah. The rest are bad. The rest are shit. Because ox mad is just normal him,
like not pretending to be funny or cool or likable. He's normal. He's actually what he
trying to say is somewhat cowboy sounding things. Yeah, he just talks about what a loser he is.
Well, yeah.
What a loser is, his nephew is.
He talks about all the embarrassing things
like he's done overseas and yeah.
It doesn't lie about them.
She's pretty good.
It's the future of content.
Hey, Dick. It's Scar.
It's my, uh, it's my 20th birthday.
Oh, and what makes me a rage is, when I was a kid, I never really could have anybody
over because every fucking November 7th, I would come around movie night or fucking fair
would show up at my school and take away
from everything.
And it wasn't just once or twice.
It was every year.
So that's what makes me remember.
Anyway, fuck yourself.
You're looking at things in the wrong light.
My birthday is October 29th.
I just take over the Halloween.
This is actually my party.
There you go.
This is all for me.
This is all for me. November 7 all for me. No, remember.
I'm just sad.
That's a sad one.
Like what big, yeah, like he's like, there's always a fair,
it's like, it's like, it's like a different event.
It's like a different event every year that's like,
yeah, you know, you surfing his birthday.
Yeah, they're having the beer and done playing festival again.
It's not being such a entitled drama queen
about your birthday.
Just lean in, take it over.
What were you gonna say?
I've never been a birthday.
Yeah. No.
When you birthday, that's actually, take it over. What were you gonna say? I've never been a birthday guy. No, when you were at the,
that's actually a secret.
Okay, we'll see about that.
It's in October.
Did it, is it on Halloween?
Is it in the first half or second half of October?
I can't give any more information on it.
I'm sorry.
Is it in the teens?
It might might be.
Damn, all right. You win this round. How was your 40thth by the way? I didn't get to see your horrible. Yeah, just horrible
Did I make it drinking it? I actually make it in a compilation video. Yeah. Oh God
80s girl left all 80s girl left both of your takes in she didn't edit you know
That's fucking hilarious. That's right. We're talking about that last week
See I knew that that might happen
So I made sure just to send worst
I'm gonna do it again
I'll do too and then she'll use which everyone's good
She left and she didn't do that to everybody
So noxious
Did anyone see that other than you?
Okay, good They should though.
At least it wasn't like a birthday party and you play it.
And it's me going, okay, and here's another one for safety.
Hey, buddy.
Oh, no.
I had to pause it.
I was laughing.
That's a nice, very funny.
Did she do that?
She's like, oh, you know, it's funny.
She's like, both of them were very good.
So she did it too.
She did it because it was funny.
And Collette, I put in extra effort to try and make your birthday good.
And that's it.
I've been humiliated with my second take.
So funny because I saw you go, okay, I'll give you another one.
Hey, why did you do that to him?
That's pretty obnoxious. I like. Okay, this one's called Soviet Sean.
How to stop again.
How to stop again? The death rates will always go up. People
aren't gonna magically stop fucking dying. Undyne. It is. I know.
A glorified flu. A positive test is even the same as a fucking clinical test
You can test positive in the esophomatic area of the medic you have no symptoms
You have no symptoms. You have not a fucking clinical case
Proposations are down that's are down who gives a fuck trumps are down
Is he is he lifting?
He's masturbating.
He left an earlier voice,
right before that, that's that he was joking off to gay.
Herodica. Fantastic.
They used reading it.
He was beating off pretty frantically.
Let's see.
One more.
Maybe a... Sure.
...finally go back to, nah, I don't know, here.
That's depressing.
Oh, God!
Reverend Scott has a response to that...
...other guy's voicemail.
Oh, good!
Here you go.
Oh, jeez.
Oh, I love these!
Heh heh heh.
Hey there, Dick and Sean.
This is Reverend Scott.
I'm the artist that sent in the Sean's animal corner jingle a few weeks ago.
I used live animal noises and a live voiceover recording.
I took two hours out of my day to evenly distribute a diverse yet recognizable variety of animal
noises, all climaxing in an animalistic, growling announcement of the segment name,
ending with what most might call a hilarious goat sound.
Yeah, it's good goat sound.
I did it for free, by the way.
I took a sick day from work to handcrafted.
I do IT for a living.
The very thing that brings you the technology needed
for the digital audio and the podcast segment jingle.
Only to have some dickheads,
cunga music, shit all under my noises and voice over. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I and love, boys. Well, say that was a,
Reverend Scott probably whipped that thing out in five seconds.
Well, I know.
Oh, that's a person.
I mean, he's talented at complaining.
That's good, I like this little feud there.
He took a whole day off from work for you, Dick.
Right, away from doing what brings us this valuable content.
Yeah, these two guys came together collaborated on this that's yeah
It works
I really like it actually
It's even better knowing that they and there's contention. I wouldn't change a thing. I like his I like his V.O. Over it
Yeah, me too.
All right, everybody.
Thanks to him, thanks to the other guy.
It's very expertly.
Stay out of prison.
Stay out of prison.
Stop the steal.
Find a group.
Stop Vito from stealing this election.
Don't jam, don't jam, Qtips in your ears.
You know I saw on Instagram,
was a Qtip that you never have to clean.
Or you never have to throw away.
You just wash it off?
I guess.
You had all these nubs on it and a good plumbus.
Stick it in your ear, head a little, you know,
like video wax in your ear.
I got through Q-tips like crazy.
Me too.
Always cleaning out my ears.
I thought I would check this one out.
Let me know how it goes.
Maybe I'll get you that for your birthday,
which would be when?
I would be sometime next year.
All right, goodbye everyone.
Thank you, see ya.
Have fun in cell internment camp.
Protein blocks, you're gonna love it.