The Dick Show - Episode 236 - Dick on Black Hitler
Episode Date: December 8, 2020Fake Heart Attacks, Fabio hair, my prank crash dummy chair breaks, subsidized acupuncture, appreciating the little things in life, kettle corn, Biden's dog tripping story, gateway tyranny, diversity i...n the NASDAQ, marrying a sex doll, Ron Jeremy stories, a ten Asian orgy, the stupid monoliths, Adolph Hitler is back, and Lucky Starr is in studio; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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Oh man.
Thank you for not killing yourself. I really mean it.
Oh God, I really mean it. Let's get these in order.
Yeah, all my papers, advice. Thank you all for subbiting advice.
My correspondence.
Especially, yes, my correspondence.
Are they doing a fucking betting pool?
Okay, who had 10 minutes late?
Oh, you guys are doing a betting pool for 10 minutes late.
Jesus, God, man, I have a really embarrassing story.
I don't even want to tell it, but I have to.
Oh, and I appreciate your commitment.
Oh, that's a shameful.
You know, it's just so shameful.
I don't think I can tell it after the music either,
but it does make me a rage.
Raise your hand.
This is always something that I prided myself over.
Is the camera alright?
Is the camera alright?
A perfectly on time.
Yeah, perfectly on time.
Just 10 minutes on time.
Oh no, it's gotta be this camera.
There we go.
Nice and big Sean.
There we go.
No, not nice and big Sean.
Nice and big.
Sean's big enough.
If he's on it all, he's big enough.
Maybe I give myself a little boost.
Yeah, good.
Whoa, there we go.
I've always, my hair, my hair,
I haven't take my hair down.
It looks horrible.
It looks horrible up.
What would you think?
Excuse me, what would you think if I did some Fabio hair?
What do you think about that?
Isn't that Fabio hair already?
I mean like straight ass Fabio hair.
What do you think about that?
Did he use like gel in his and stuff?
Like, like, like, like, poop out?
I don't know, but 80s girl came home a couple days ago and I said, what is your?
I remember him getting hit in the face with a bird.
I said, who's your?
That's all I remember.
I want to roll her coaster.
Do you remember that?
Yeah, flashback.
Yeah, that was the inaugural ride of flashback, magic mountain.
Yeah, he got hit in the face by a bird.
He came out with like a broken nose.
Oh, yeah.
That's his nose.
And the goose dick, the goose dick went up his nose.
They didn't report that in the press.
Right, goose dick went up his nose
and shot goose gizz into his brain.
It's gonna be one of those guys.
He's never been the same.
He's never been the same.
What would you say if I had tried to join
Seagfried and Roy after that?
I don't understand what you mean by that.
I don't know.
I just thought I don't understand.
I don't understand.
He's in Gizz and oh Gizz.
Yeah, I mean, it was a stretch.
How is it rolling?
Give me a break, I'm stone cold sopper.
I'm surprised you didn't have a pun for that.
It was a stretch.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm way beyond everything.
What was I talking about?
I wish I could just communicate entirely in references
like that quotes and whatever.
I think I could pull it off, actually.
Yeah, it was from the moon and nights
for people who don't know.
Yeah, you just have to have somebody
who's who's hit on that shit too, where,
you know, it is funny.
You do end up making the same fucking references
and I'm, I do it all the time on the show
and I go, you know, maybe a quarter of the audience
is gonna get that less.
I don't even care.
You're a contribution probably much,
maybe a tenth of a tenth of a percent of people
get what you're doing with your references.
One, the one percent, Sean is the one percent.
I'll tell you.
Always saying, Fabio here, what do you think about that?
80s world came home.
I think I know what it looks like.
I mean, you could try it.
Straight, straight, straight Fabio here.
But I thought he had all kinds of like body in his hair.
I got all kinds of body man. Kirk, look at all this body. See, I got it in my bucket hair. If you were he had all kinds of like body in his hair. I got all kinds of body man.
Look at all this.
Look at his body.
I got it in my bucket hair.
If you were to all this body, it's a volumianizer.
If you were to, you know, probably, well, first hair, wash your hair, probably 10 or 12
or 12.
You know, life even listening to this podcast, we're talking about 10 or 12 times hair.
I'm talking about beta carotene treatments up in here, bitch.
What's on me?
That one's called the blow dry.
Protein coating treatments.
No blow drying.
No blow drying.
I mean, I think that's what he did.
That's what he did.
A throw it out right out the window.
I will not blow dry my hair.
I don't know how his hair is.
Because it damages the hair.
I will be fucked.
Oil, beef, I don't know.
If I have to blow dry my hair, I can't add anything on to. If I have to blow dry, I can't add anything onto.
If I had a set of teeth in my asshole,
I would just not brush those teeth.
Oh yeah, I can't add one more thing.
No, at least use a separate brush.
That's, I got one or the other.
I got one or the other.
I'm gonna be on minimum.
What do you think about your doll?
Don't be on the roof.
80s girl came home and I said,
dude, one of my ex-girlfriends, do your hair or something?
What do you got?
What happened here?
Is your hair dresser?
Is your hair dresser a gay man?
Or does she go, no?
And I said fat woman?
She goes, yeah.
I said, ah-ha!
I've cracked the case of the mystery
of what has happened to your hair.
And what tipped you off on that?
Well, it looked at trotus.
I said, I'm laughing.
You know, as a younger man, I might have danced around
this issue.
I was thinking, now I'm like, now I'm like,
come on.
I'm not fooling around.
I'm gonna start pouring now.
And then I'm gonna tell you what I think.
And your reaction is gonna determine
when I stop pouring.
This string.
She goes, no, it's true.
I know what you're gonna say.
It looks horrible.
Oh, wow.
Great. But it's a treatment. I what you're gonna say. It looks horrible. Oh, wow, thanks. Great.
But it's a treatment.
I gotta leave it in for this amount of time
and then once the treat, three days,
it's a three days stuck with this,
three days stuck with this and then...
Christ in the tomb.
Yeah, you come out glorious.
I said, well, go on.
I'm going to go in the COVID bedroom then
and don't come out for three days.
I don't want to see this.
I'm gonna push a big fucking rock in front of it.
Just to make sure.
With Dom Deloies.
So I did. I moved to Big Stone Aztec.
I thought he was dead and gay.
I was wrong on two counts with Dom Deloies.
He's not alive and he's not gay.
What? I thought he was dead in gay too.
Maybe a shit.
I don't know.
Are we talking about the same guy?
I don't know.
And watch me.
Blazing Saddles.
Watch me.
That's what he's gonna make that movie today.
That's what he said.
That's what he said.
That's what he said.
That's what he said.
That's what he said.
Sorry. Go get Calendar Wheel in front of the dorms. I'm going to go sign
up for an only fans. You talk to me three days. Sure, shit. Three days, she comes out. Boom,
Fabio hair. I said, what the hell? I'm going to, I should get this. I should get, I got
to do something because of the insanity that I'm undergoing. I got to do something here.
What do you, what do you think about some Fabio hair? If I get this, look at her hair and
then look at my hair and my hair could look like that.
I don't understand what you,
it's just not wavy at all.
It's perfectly straight.
Fabio hair.
What do you think about that?
Does Fabio have straight hair?
Yes, man.
Really straight.
No waves at all.
Maybe minimal amounts of waves.
Plus with my musculature, look at my body shape,
is basically Fabio.
People have told me that on the street. You look, they say, I'm trying to place what you look like, Skillshare, look at my body shape is basically Fabio.
People have told me that on the street.
They say I'm trying to place what you look like
and I said Fabio.
Right, I think they said FATBO.
You're right, it is straight hair.
You think I don't know Fabio?
Oh, you're so not gay that you don't know what Fabio looks like.
Whatever, I'll never question your Fabio.
We'll know it again.
Hey, how are you?
Welcome to the day.
You want to get in to the G-LV?
You got it?
It's a show where everything's at Fabio.
Welcome to the live from Mount Bunker.
Even the heart of this video, you're having a hosting, Madison AKA.
There's $20 million dollar man voted America's worst Mexican 86 weeks running.
Joining me is always this world touring.
LA based comedian.
Oh, I'm going to be a fan of the world.
I'm going to be a fan of the world. I'm going to be a fan of the world. I'm going to be a fan of the world. I'm going to be a fan of the world. I'm going to me a lot of her, a mountain bunker. Even the heart of this Eddie of Yale, you're having a hosting, Madison AKA, there's $20 million dollar man,
voted America's worst Mexican 86 weeks running.
Joining me is always this world touring,
LA based comedian, oh god, oh shit.
Bear my, bop bop bop, I'm chasing.
Wow, he's not like Rob Reiner.
You know what, I hate me as always.
This world touring LA based comedian,
Johnny, audio engineer.
Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay, I told you.
I told you I stayed up extra late doing all kinds of
jumbles of jumbles just to get the right energy, the right hangover energy for the show where
I'm asking God, why did I do this to myself?
A 30 and negotiating with Alexa for more slightly
and go to Alexa. I mean, I know it's the day of your daughter's wedding, but if I could
just get, if you could somehow find a way
to squeeze 10 minutes into the two minutes
that you've given me on this alarm,
I would be eternally in your service, Alexa.
If you could please do this for me.
She goes, how many times did you call me a bit?
You don't even have the decency to call me gov,
Oh, Alexa, Alexa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Oh, that's why I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
That's why I'm so amped up today.
And perhaps excited for the Tampa show.
I've got a new lease on life as well.
That wasn't even the embarrassing story.
I was gonna tell you about this morning.
Well, I walked in here to a broken chair this morning.
So we know, we know, and now last night went in a neat little pile.
Oh, this poor guy. So there's a chair in my house
that is broken by, that has been broken by Ralph and Riley on separate instances. It's a bit of a
joke prank chair. Yeah, good. If you want to say, I'd like to say next time you have a geriatric
over at your house, be sure sure to I've kept it around
and I keep I keep rebuilding it because I want coach or scar faces some people call them to break it next time he comes over if you ever comes over again.
Uh, yeah, Riley broke it.
Riley, who broke it first, Riley?
I, Riley did.
Riley broke it first.
What's he likely to do?
The Ralph ring back.
You know what I mean?
Like when you do the two legleg thing and fucking around like this and going oh, oh, oh, man doing his rap song. He's talking about promoting.
I'm like, man, what are you? He's leaning back in it like he's in third grade.
I've been like this, tapping it, but doing drum rolls and shit. Man, come on, man. No, he wasn't
doing all that stuff. He was just sad. Because it's old shit that my parents gave me.
Because my parents, my mother gives stuff away and then that's,
and then that's her it's cute to get more stuff.
So it's probably 30 years old or whatever, but I keep it because,
so my parents gave me this table, right?
You know, my parents.
Great people in theory.
You hear about, they gave me this table that they said.
I've always liked your parents.
They said, son, this was our table when we first moved in together.
This, what?
Butchers block table from the 70s.
Authentic vintage, vintage block table. I mean from the 70s. Yeah, authentic vintage retro vintage block table.
I mean, the very one.
This is we had this when we moved in together
and we want you guys to have this now.
And I said, well, yeah, I mean.
Allow me to be still this good table.
A table.
You mean, I have a fucking, my dad's like, yeah,
and it was broken, but I fixed it up too.
What do you mean, suspect?
What do you mean you radar detector number one going off?
So like the butcher's block parts separated
and he kind of glued them back together
but they didn't really glue,
what are you reading over there Sean?
What do you look at?
I'm just looking at it, just looking at it.
Yeah, I'm just sexy.
Oh yeah, sexy.
I'm getting them right there.
Go ahead, go ahead, do it.
Look, you're getting too distracted by the hold on.
I don't care.
I'm usually pretty good about that.
Yeah, you usually are.
So my, the butchers block segments that my father glued back together.
Are they, they're crooked.
Oh, they're like, you mean like the ones that are glued together.
They don't butt up, the height is wrong.
They're not, you can feel the seams.
Yes, not exact.
They're not exactly precise.
So it's like clipping your Everest or arm every time you go.
That's annoying.
And then it was just glue.
So they've started in the dry climate.
They've started to break and shatter.
And now I'm like, great, I've got a family heirloom.
And it's screwed into the bottom on this like,
rickety pillar.
You know, like one in the middle,
one pole in the middle holding it up.
So, really?
Well, you know,
yeah, wood glue, the wrong kind of wood glue is a,
that's a thing.
There's people who repair like vintage guitars
and everything, you know, you get a crack,
something will hit it, it'll have a dent and a crack
and those like spruce tops are super, super thin.
Yeah, on the really nice one.
So they vibrate really nicely.
And yeah, the right glue, that's, I mean, the difference of that thing lasting or that
thing getting worse or I got to get rid of this thing before they die, right?
And this, I mean, it was sitting in their garage forever because it wasn't good enough
for the air room.
And now I've got a family, a makeshift Mexican family heirloom sitting in the living,
sitting in the kitchen and I feel bad getting rid of, right?
But it's got these chairs attached to it that were equally poorly put together.
That's why they keep exploding.
And somebody, a skinny guy sat in one last night.
And the thing with these chairs is there's this straw.
Every time you put, every time I put them back together, it's more poorly done than the last.
And there's more pieces to be glued in.
So now it explodes like an incredible crash dummies.
Oh, that's great.
That's a good one.
What would be great is if you could rig it up to where it totally just, it gives way,
they end up totally confused with their ass on the floor and then one part falls off
five seconds later.
That's Kyle.
I like that.
Yeah, like preferably like hits them in the head
that would be hard to do,
but it would just be funny wherever he's like,
oh my God.
And it goes, boop.
Yeah, which is, which is just funny.
It's timing, it's comic timing.
And then he's going around stacking the pieces.
Like you don't have to, you know, this isn't your fault.
Yeah, you don't have to stack the chairs, but.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I ruined your shitty ass chair. Let me organize I mean. Oh, I'm so sorry. I ruined your shitty ass chair.
Let me organize your shitty ass chair.
I feel so bad.
Anyway, I do have that embarrassing story
that I was gonna tell you about.
I wanna hear the embarrassing story.
By the way, did you, I saw this guy
who makes balloon sex suits out of pool this guy who makes balloon sex suits
out of pool toys.
Wait, balloon sex suits?
We're not talking, it's not like a latex fetish, right?
It's just a, it's like an inflatable sex toy.
Yeah, so he goes and gets like balloons.
You know, like those killer whales at the pool store?
Yeah, that it's like a killer,
and it has the handles and the kids ride.
Yeah, I'm not sure.
He turns those into suits. Like full suits that you can wear and dance around it and have
your dick and they're trying to get them to call in and they're inflatable still.
They kind of resent inflatable.
That looks pretty good.
I don't know.
It's something funny.
I saw.
I can no longer call in.
You should call in.
No, I want one of those suits. I can no longer
was this is something that I had great pride in up until recently I can no longer consider myself
someone who has not driven themselves to the hospital because they thought they were having a
heart attack. I don't really. Yeah. Yeah. And let me tell you something. Yeah.
If I had known it was going to cost $400, I wouldn't have done it.
That's what I would have just risked it.
And knowing that is pretty fucking eye opening when it comes to the millions of people who
are dead broke in this country.
I was got, of course, I'm going, dude, I couldn't get insurance for years.
I have insurance.
And I'm healthy.
I'm healthy.
But it was like, because once I said to a psychiatrist that I had thoughts of suicide,
that was a joke.
That's a joke, son, yeah.
This is like, in my 20s, I couldn't get insurance for less than a thousand less than a thousand.
I even got a letter written by him like yes, this was he no longer presents with this is
he's a man like I'm afraid he's thinking of killing himself.
He presents as a big blubbering vagina.
That's not medical.
So he no, so he he's not a man mind as well.
Where it was?
It was going to be more than a thousand a month for me. In my late 20s, early 30s, great vitals,
all that kind of stuff.
No, it's a fucking horrific, what is happening?
Anybody who defends the insurance companies
should be fucking shot.
Shot out of it.
Shot into the hospital.
Shot into it.
Shot into it.
You're just getting fucked
and you don't even know how bad you're getting fucked.
It's a fucking scam.
I was thinking, I mean, whatever, 100 bucks and you should always, always, always,
good this cost, always fucking insurance company.
How can you get the chance?
How can you?
If you get the chance because they've been, I'm going to date you for years,
company CEO and fuck, I'm going to go gay, always fucking insurance company company. I'm not getting catfished on the on the regular
See all our greatest catfishing minds are wasting their time catching pedophiles and
Of the health insurance company charge because there's so much scamming bull shit. They are the scam
It's institutionalized scamming and that was the kickers like 400 bucks
That is I'm I'm upset about four hundred bucks
I was gonna get 80s girl a nice Christmas present but I had the hospital had to check your fucking heart
Look at look what you made him do the same day. She it was her fault by the way the same
That was the same day kind of 800 dollar I pay the eight hundred dollar bill for getting X-ray after after after
Open the bill and going to the hall, I'm never
paying this bill. I'm never paying this bill. She's like, I'm never paying this. That's
where every time I get a bill in the mail, that's where I do open it up. Thirty dollars
for the fire department for giving me a late brush clearing citation. I'm never paying
this bill. I'm never paying this bill. I'm never paying this bill. I'm never paying this bill.
I'm like, I got out of my system.
Now I can pay it.
Now I can pay it.
I'm not paying the bill.
I know.
I've done that where I let things pile up and got fines and late fees and stuff like that.
I didn't get about it.
Yeah, I had to go to the DMV one time for all kinds of shit like that.
Well, I'll take care of it.
It's just like the stupidest thing in the world
because it's just sheer laziness and you see,
and all of a sudden you're like,
oh fuck, man, shit compounded.
And I wrote a fucking $800 on this fucking ticket.
God damn it, because I said I was never paying this bill.
I know, I wrote like the stupidest fucking amount of check
where it's like, yeah, I wanted to,
it's like, I should just walk into traffic.
I just, I just said to the fucking lady,
I just go, you know what, I hope I never see you again.
And she's laughed.
Can't you just, can't you just give it,
can't you just write it off for me?
Can't you just cancel my student debt over here?
But don't you think it's funny as an aside
before I talk about my heart attack?
I'm a survivor.
But, good. Man, I was sitting in there, it's so embarrassing. as an aside before I talk about my heart attack. I'm a survivor. Good.
Man, I was sitting in there.
This is so embarrassing.
What hospital did you go to?
I can, the Armenian one.
I thought I would get to the...
The one where they play a Glendale one?
And it is, my girlfriend's fault.
I would have just played video games or drank through it.
My chest was, it's still all fucking tight.
I think it's working out.
Actually, the doctor said he came in with my test results.
And he said, well, it's not a hard to say,
your heart's all the tests came back fine,
except for this one, it says you're too muscular.
Too much of a muscular body.
In fact, your mind being, I said, Fabio,
and he goes, yeah, we all have a pool going like,
what? What the answer was gonna be? Yeah. Uh, what was I say? Oh, yeah, I was having, I was just
gonna go through it, but she goes, you know, one of the teachers I know, uh, they were even younger than
you. And they had a hard attack and they started exactly, they described exactly the same chest
pain and like a nausea feeling. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Fucking, that's exact, that's's all I want is me dead on the fucking ground and you saying, oh, I told you
so to all my family, I told them to go.
I told them, I was like, now thanks a lot.
Now you've sunk me into this by putting that idea in my head that I'm going to be dead
on the ground.
And we had just watched the Chris Farley documentary.
So I headed in my head.
And I'm reading all these fucking studies about, oh, it's actually anger and stress that causes all this stuff.
Like, oh fuck, that's just what I need.
To be on the show this weekend,
have a fucking heart attack on the live stream.
Well, you can have a hilarious,
you can have the symptoms and have it not be a heart attack,
like from stress or anger, anxiety.
It turned out to be too muscular.
I told you, I'm the most fittest podcaster
without going too far, I went too far.
That's all in the explanation for this.
And now when, when was this?
And what, what, two days ago was it?
And you were still fucking hurts.
God damn it.
What were you, were you sitting around watching TV
or, was beating off drunk?
As I do.
I wasn't drunk.
Actually, I woke up the whole of theunk. As I do. I wasn't drunk, actually.
I woke up the middle of the day.
I thought, because I always make fun of people who drive themselves to the hospital and thinking
it's always fat guy.
Oh yeah, yeah.
You went to the hospital, it turns out, and you had to sit there as the doctor pretending
to be serious and told you it's indigestion when he's thinking what a fucking moron.
Like fat guys who drive themselves to the hospital, are you saying because they don't
have anyone to drive them to the hospital?
Cause they're unlovable.
Is that where you're going?
No, no.
Ha ha.
You would never get anyone to drive you to the hospital.
You'll never have anyone to drive you to your deathbed.
I'm sitting in the fucking hospital.
Listening to Rob Deerdix.
Listening to four hours of Rob Deerdix ridiculousness.
Whatever that show is,
when they watch YouTube videos
and got awed at each other for a half hour
and then do it again.
And the hospitals,
I never got why that guy was famous for anything, like any, and then he it again. And the hospitals, I never got why that guy was famous for anything.
Like any, and then he's his friend.
Like the big black guy is friends dead, right?
But they had like a soap.
I think they had a falling out.
They did.
Had that show.
Had a hard attack.
I think so.
I think so.
And he had no one to fucking drive him.
I've been the last.
See, if you're actually, that should have been Mike Tell.
If you're actually having a hard to tack, you're a fat
and no one will, you have no one that will drive you there.
A.E.S. goes like, I'll drive you there, I'll drive you there.
Mike just give me a, I could use, I need some space.
I still like my arms better.
What you did, she didn't go?
No, cause I don't let you in anyway.
Oh right, right, right.
Yeah, sit outside.
Yeah, sit in the, sit in my car,
rooting through all my stuff.
I don't know what that is.
Give me like dead on the side of the road
with your fucking forehead on the horn,
just like 500 yards down the street. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa prepared in one hand. Yeah. It's ready. Yeah. That's it.
I was last tweet.
That was a good one.
I was driving by all that.
I was driving by as many schools as possible.
Oh, what?
So I'm in the hospital listening to Rob DeRick's
And when you say when you go up to the window,
you can go to EO, right get a E.R., right?
Well, there was a cute nurse there.
So I said, I think my problem, my penis is much bigger than it was yesterday.
I think it's that, can you check it out?
No, I just said, I think I'm having a fucking heart attack.
I mean, I've even had a thing that was just like chest pain, emergency chest pain,
pointing the same way. I don't know. It's just a chest pain, emergency chest pain, pointing the same way.
I don't know.
It's just a hysteria attack.
That's why it's so humiliating that I got fucking hysteria into going to the hospital and
burning $400.
I mean, you can have panic attacks.
You can get it.
It's not a panic attack.
It is a muscular attack.
It's too much muscular.
It's too much muscularity attack.
It's not a fucking panic attack. Yeah. Well, what am I panicking about?
Well, it doesn't panic attack can be different than just having those symptoms from anxiety or stress to a panic attack is acting like a woman
That's what that's what it is. I'll be damned if I'll sit here and listen to you tell me like a woman on moving day
Oh, there's so much for me. Oh, there's so much for me to think about and do.
On moving day.
I got my baseball hat on.
I'm freaking out.
Wait, I got my baseball hat on.
I can't carry anything else.
I can't carry anything.
Grab this, can you grab this?
Because I have to lock the door and I have my baseball hat on.
I have my baseball hat on.
I'm ready to move.
Oh, God. So I'm listening to Rob De Tee hee. Oh God.
So I'm listening to Rob Deer Direct's ridiculousness.
Deer to dry.
I don't know what the fuck his name is.
Listening to his ridiculousness and the internet is bad.
I guess it's the internet's been rerouted due to COVID.
It's clipping out.
Every like 20 or 25 seconds.
A soft, annoying, annoying, like man, and you have, you don't get a bet of course,
because they're saving those for the zombie horde of COVID cases that are due to arrive at any moment
in California, any moment, which were locked down again.
By the way, did you know that they combined the the ICU figures for LA and San Diego?
That's the size of the area that's being considered when they lock it down here to see what the
percentage is of ICU beds.
They want to, you know, if it gets to about 15% capacity left or so, what I was reading.
But they consider that all one area.
I think San Diego is like 13% but they average it out for L.A.
Do they?
Yeah, but as though I'm driving three hours to go to that.
Whoa, got bad case of COVID.
Mine's well, hop in the car and go drive down San Diego.
Well, you drove yourself to the hospital for a heart attack.
10 minutes away.
If it was $400, never would have done it.
Yeah, that would have just toughed it out. Well, let's wait and see. Yeah. If it was $400, never would have done it. Yeah. That would have just
toughed it out. Well, let's wait and see. Yeah. Let's wait and see. I got back, started
checking my healthcare plan, right? It's like, I got, I must have fucked up here. I
must have fucked up picking this thing because I'm just getting raped left and right, left
and right getting raped by these fees.
So I log in and check and I'm like, well, what does it cover?
First top two, right on the top, like, are you kidding me?
Fucking kidding me. I can't get jacked off stuff that most people are never going to use.
Cause they know clearly fraud. That's you it because it doesn't do a goddamn thing because most people think it does is a fucking moron
Most people know that so they're not gonna use it. So it's like oh, yeah look we covered this and this these are valumette
No, and they'll never have to pay out on it fucking kidding me. I you puncture is cut being pricked by little needles
Oh, wow
I'm so glad that I'm being covered
for getting bunch of needles shoved into my fucking skin.
Look, you can't artist fucks.
A lot of people say, well, look at the,
the wisdom of the, of the ancient East
and for they've known for thousands of years,
they treat this all these, all these drug companies.
Well, it's like, look, these are the same people
who think that ground rhino horn and tiger dick
Have actual health benefits. So let's fucking pump the brakes on the wisdom of the far east for a minute, right? Just give me a fucking break one fucking study. Stop it already one study
This is what I just stop. I am not I am not on I am nobody's gonna tell me
What the science and expert are saying as long as a portion of my health insurance
Is going to getting pricked with little needles. Well, you gotta believe the science. Okay, you know what?
Why don't you go ahead and remove acupuncture and chiropractic off of my fucking insurance and then you can talk to me about that
Science if I ever go to those fucker go to those I expect to pay for it. I
Don't expect that to be covered.
You do is, I was like, oh, it's less. Well, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, that it's, I'm like, well, this is too embarrassing for his day. I hope it's at least a little bit of art. I know that's a weird position. It's
like otherwise. I'm just going to be a fucking hypochondria. Yeah, I don't want to be, I
don't have to tell this. I'm not even, if it's not, I'm just going to bury this story.
Well, I'm going to kill my girlfriend. I apologize, you have to tell. I'm sitting in there
going, oh, I mean, what will this mean for my drinking?
This guy's going to come out.
They didn't even look at me in the eye when they asked me if I drink alcohol.
They could smell it.
I go, okay, age, weight, and the guy said, build obviously very muscular, too muscular,
Possibly boring on too muscular.
Supply at an L10, possibly an L11, right?
Alcohol, they made a, alcohol, go ahead and write drugs.
I'm like rock, shh.
I mean, what do you consider drugs?
Okay, that's actually an option on here.
Patient says, what do you consider drugs?
Right, he just circle everything.
Check everything.
Drugs that haven't been created yet, yes.
Here's a quote from, here's a quote from, you know, they're trying to pass weed.
So I'm making a deal with the devil or God possibly.
I don't know who I'm talking to in this.
I don't know who's working out these deals for me and the hospital.
Depends on which side you're on any given day.
Well, I know your partner is on there on, to be honest.
Depends on what's, what's who's doing what in the grand scheme of things. I'm like, look, I'm gonna stop there on, to be honest. Yeah, depends on what's, what's who's doing what
in the grand scheme of things.
I'm like, look, I'm gonna, I'm gonna,
I'm gonna get outta here, what if I have to stop drinking
a lot, that's gotta be, that's gotta be.
I'm gonna have a crisis.
Yeah, I can't eat, I mean, I can't eat wings
any, every day, or two times.
What am I gonna, what am I gonna eat when I get outta here?
I'm not the National Wing Council says about, you know.
Fried food.
I know I used to see a lot of egg billboards
that's saying, you know, five times a week is okay.
I'm certainly going to believe them.
Oh, so you think that science can be corrupted with funding.
The egg, you don't believe the egg board,
but you believe all the other.
No, no medical study.
No medical study.
No medical study say that like that much cholesterol is good, but they have changed
on cholesterol.
They have changed on.
The bubble gum council, you know that's a scale.
You should chew gum twice a day.
You know that's a scam, but global warming.
You know what they found with gum is that even, even sugar gum can clean your teeth.
What? Like it just the chewing action pulls you think?
Because there's tiny little like abrasives in there
they're saying, oh, chew sugarless gum,
it'll it can clean your teeth,
but it's like really, it's just the gum.
It's not whether it has sugar in it or not.
She goes gum, tastes like shit.
It does.
It tastes like a condom.
I'll move on from that.
I just watched cone heads.
So I got that part in my mind. I never saw that. You never seen cone heads the movie? No, that's a great movie. People will on from that. I just watched coneheads. So I got that part in my mind.
I never saw that.
You never seen coneheads the movie?
No, that's a great movie.
People will shit on that.
Really? That's a great movie.
It's like the original Tim and it's
Accra and Jane Curtin, right?
Chris Farley is in it.
Oh, is he?
Michael McKient, David Spade.
Philip Hartman's.
Sinbad is in it.
Sinbad is in it.
Who was also in Jingleham all the way
that we did in the conversation.
Sinbad is in it, really.
Yeah. That we did in slash on really? Yeah, that we did it.
We did it on slash addiction with VDO.
Isn't Conan, was it like 15 years too late, like at least?
I don't know.
That was like a late 70s sketch, I think.
Yeah, probably.
I don't know.
It's good movie.
All right, go ahead.
So you were, I was eating condoms on the way to the,
yeah, I'm making a deal with God or you and a rubber.
Man, I don't know.
One of you guys, somebody help me out here.
I'm not gonna, I don't wanna change my lifestyle at all.
I've never been about that.
No, so I'm hoping for a, but I will.
I'm prepared for the bad news.
Cut to, cut to, negative to my two muscular diagnosis.
I drive by, maybe get in the car.
We went to, we went to the only outdoor
restaurant open and I got onion rings, wings, two different types of hamburgers, two beers,
at the same time, two IPAs. Bring me your hard attackiest IPA, please.
Yes. Well, that's what happened. So what the fuck did he say? Too muscular.
Said you're too muskily.
Said it's nothing.
I don't know, it's a big hysterical fit.
Did you just-
Did you just work out a lot before you-
Did you do stuff that you hadn't done before?
I may have done that.
He said you're not nauseous too.
I know, that's what fucked me up.
Well, that's usually what the-
In the stories, the 80s girls fucking stories what fucked me up.
Well, then your mind starts running.
Freaking out.
It starts getting really creative.
Oh, man, anyway, Tampa.
Oh, I'm glad you didn't have a heart attack.
We have a decent seat to do it on air.
That's what I was thinking as well.
Like, am I gonna have to tone it down for the show?
Am I gonna have to go like, oh, welcome ladies and gentlemen.
So this thing really, what really makes me rage, actually,
is the federal reserve is quantitative easy.
It's actually deflationary.
I don't think the chairman of the federal reserve understands that
because the money goes into a reserve account
that cannot be used in the economy.
People are like, welcome to it.
Oh well, tick, tick P1.
Yeah, exactly.
I'm just gonna go get AcuPunk, try to spite.
Try to talk him into a hand job.
That's fucking hilarious.
Some's wrong with my dick.
I mean, I usually go to these places,
touch you and then, like, and then at the end.
At least stick a needle in it.
At least stick a couple needle in my balls.
So needles in my balls.
Okay, I gotta take a form.
I gotta taste of it and I could never shake it.
Like eating human flesh.
I could never shake that feeling
of getting stabbed in a ball.
Tiger that's eaten a person.
Yeah, you got to put me down.
I'm going to want this ball-stabbing for this delicious,
those delicious natives are just too tempting for me.
I can't pray on other jungle things.
80s girl figured out how to make kettle corn
and basically my life is over that
because I despised kettle corn.
Oh really?
Everyone who makes it, I hate it.
I wish it could be uninvented.
If I had a list of things that could be uninvented,
like from the rock, nerve gas, and all that,
Adam Barma's kettle corn right at the top.
Yeah, I don't like that.
That's not a kettle corn fan.
Is it a female general mutilation?
No, kettle corn.
I'm gonna go put kettle corn in the database
for the old show just so people can vote it up.
Cause it is the worst, it is the database for the old show just so people can vote it up.
Because it is the worst, it is the biggest problem.
It's just universe.
It's just to, it's so fucking sweet.
It's so sweet and it so sweet.
It's so sweet.
It's so sweet.
It's so sweet.
It's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
It's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet.
And it's so sweet. And it's so sweet. And it's so sweet. And it's so sweet. And it's so sweet. Mouth watering, I even smell the ozone of the microwave, even if it wasn't made in the microwave.
You understand? I still smell it from when I was a kid. I can hear it and smell that savory
feel it all in my head. Oh, yes. I don't have COVID because I can smell it already and then it
arrives in a big bowl covered in candy. Thanks for all this fucking candy. It's Valentine's Day and I'm a teenage girl.
Thanks so much for this fucking bowl of candy. Why don't we throw some skittles in here, eating
this savory, delicious meal that was destroyed and ruined by sugar, by women and their compulsion
to eat sugar with everything. We're going to have glazed kettle steaks in 20 years.
Oh no. After the great reset, I don't want to be eating candy steaks made from bugs.
The taste of meat will be written about in books that you could read about.
Only a little bit because they're mostly blocked out because women have destroyed the taste
of savory from the face of the earth.
The underground meat markets.
You have to go to underground savory markets where you can eat manly things like steaks and salt
and popcorn without a bunch of fucking candy all over it.
So now I have to make my own popcorn.
Now this is a thing where I have to debate and negotiate
to get proper popcorn that's not sucked
and covered in sugar.
Now we're eating, might as well have separate couches,
separate TVs, separate beds like the 50s and dead is the minus.
If we're having separate popcorn and kettle corn,
anytime it comes up, that's where the, you know,
that's where the cracks first form is in the food, you know.
It's a big crack.
You want some popcorn?
A chasm, a canyon.
A kettle corn.
No one has ever wanted kettle corn. You can't, you go to, a chasm, a canyon. A cattle corn. Yeah. No one has ever wanted cattle corn.
You can't, you go to the fair, tons of people selling
cattle corn.
Nobody wants it.
I'll have the deep fried raccoon ass on a stick.
Yes, no cattle corn.
That's what I want.
Here's a, there are a hundred days to where a mass,
did you know we're doing that?
Bydons doing a hundred days of mass queering?
Is that scientific that he reached the 100 days 100
of mass queering?
That's not very scientific.
I haven't heard this.
That's what he wants to do.
Okay, day one, hundred days.
Hundred days to stop the spread.
Yeah, a hundred days of, yeah.
I don't know if that's, it sounds like a, it days to stop the spread. Yeah, 100 days, yeah. I don't know if that's,
it sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a, It sounds like a,
It sounds like a,
It sounds like a, It sounds like a, It sounds like a, It sounds like a, It sounds like a, It sounds like a, It sounds like a, Close enough.
Natural log two.
All right. What else do I have here?
Why did I take so long talking about my heart?
It's fun.
Yeah, it is fun.
It is fun.
We've got a news girl.
I mean, she's still on.
So a little bit late.
Oh, that's fine. That's fine.
Hey, did you get that email about the guy who got robbed?
I did. I think he's here too.
Oh, good.
Said it's a funny story.
No, I know. I was like, it was a,
trying to remind myself to remind you to see in here.
Uh, let me see what else I could.
Oh, this, this really, this really made me a rage.
So the, uh, the Congress is voting to make weed. Lee, you know, I don't trust it. Uh, the Congress is voting to make weed. You know, I don't trust it.
The House is voting to decriminalize marijuana at a federal level, right? And it reminds me
of why I absolutely despise the GOP and why it's just only, it's only been Trump the entire
time. And somehow people have somehow people have, I think they've forgotten. Exactly how bad Republicans are.
And both are.
And both are and how bad both have always been
and that neither side deserves any support at all.
And I hate them equally.
And I will never vote for either side.
This is perfectly encapsulates it.
Because you would think this would be a no brain, right?
Decriminalizing, wait, yeah,
do you criminalize, wait, everyone's in fucking jail
over decriminalizing weed.
Bad bill makes, it adds a bunch of taxes
and a bunch of like oversight that I hate,
but whatever, I'll take it.
Get the shit expunge from people's records, you know.
It's either they got strikes against them
the rest of their lives, basically.
I mean, you're fucking destroyed, your family's life.
Yeah, if they're only in for weed people.
No fucking bankers are in there
because they got caught with the two bags of weed.
It's just all dead broke people here. I'm trying. Let me find this thing first. This guy just, it's
such an, it's such an absolute cock sucker thing for this dude. This representative to say
I really, it really fucking hated. I like your heading. Cock sucker.
Cock sucker. Many, I don't know what that means. Many Democrats speakers described the bill as a racial justice measure.
I mean, yeah, because they, yeah, because it is, because it is, because all the black
people they're in prison for weed.
Because the law, because the laws were to control black people.
So much of that was for weed in particular.
Yeah, it started with controlling Chinese people with opium.
Yeah. Literally, lawdenum was fine with controlling Chinese people with opium. Yeah, literally.
Lawdenum was fine.
The white people version was fine.
The opium den's really cool to fuck with Chinese people.
And most straight, I mean, the, it's Nixon really up to that, didn't he?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, the head, the early headlines against marijuana are that it makes people crack shooters.
It makes black people crack marks.
They're crack, it's just fucking insane.
They'll be able to kill you from a further distance away
and rape your wife.
We gotta control this shit.
Here is the, yeah, describes the bill as a racial justice measure,
following a year of anti-police brutality protest.
Yeah, I mean, pretty inarguable.
Here we go.
And here comes the pencil dick representing the Christian caliphate that doesn't want you
to do anything.
Uh, rap David Kerstoff as a former US attorney, as a former US attorney, has any statement
worth a damn ever started with as a blank, as a woman.
I mean, as a, as a writer, I could just, well, well, as a, I think if you're, attack helicopter.
I kind of think if your credentials are, are that like impeccable and you're talking about
national issues, like it should probably be fairly obvious.
Like, okay, yeah, this guy was like, this guy was a four star general for like 30 years.
Like, he doesn't have to say it.
Usually, right?
Like, oh, well, the peptides and this thing like, you know, as a chemical
biologist, I can say Michael Jordan, he's never had to say as a former NBA professional
basketball player as a gambler. Yeah, I would say to pay your debts before they kill your
dad. I mean, that could have happened. That's not the craziest, that's not the craziest
what I've heard.
As a former US attorney, I have witnessed first hand
how narcotics like marijuana lead to further addiction
and plague our community.
As a US attorney, I mean, I think we've all known.
You don't need to have been anything to notice
that you can't do drugs.
That's what I mean.
You're having as a social worker, I, as a drug addict,
I have noticed how drugs, the more act would only encourage
more reckless use of the drug and undermine our law.
They've always been saying that it's not,
I've noticed, not fucking drugs.
You know what I've noticed?
People who have control over themselves
want to control, that's not enough for them. They want to control other people me. I got no control over myself
Lucky you. I don't want to control you at all. I'm too busy working on this guy over here
Watch out for anybody who has control over themselves because that's not enough
Whatever that sick compulsion in them, do not do drugs,
they want to immediately inflict it on you.
Criminalize sobriety.
Again, yet again.
I have noticed in my life
that people with control over themselves
immediately want to exert it on you.
Immediately, it's such a fucking outrage to see this.
Because they're bad.
Yeah, I mean, I know what you mean.
I think you're right.
And in a lot of cases, they live their lives
with these really very regimented, structured set of rules.
And because they think that doing something is dangerous
or they don't understand it or whatever, and it is.
And it's like, I gotta control everybody.
Everybody needs to do this because I'm afraid
that this will happen to me or this will,
it's like, everyone should be exactly like me.
A huge stick up my ass,
a nice little headshot of myself, my beautiful fucking fan,
this is fulfilling to everybody.
Exactly how I live, going to bed,
wearing pajamas in a bed that's made and tucked in every day,
like a fucking lifetime movie.
I have a nice Travertine countertop.
This is a satisfying life.
Not what these drug addicts are doing.
Leading to more drugs, they should be in fucking prison.
Oh, what else do I have here?
I got white training.
San Diego Unified School District is forcing teachers
to attend white privilege training.
And which teachers had told you are racist,
and you are upholding racist ideas, structures,
and policies.
They leaked to the documents.
Oh, let's see what these documents are.
This stuff is with these documents.
This is always good.
For a few better chuckles.
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Let's see if I got, oh yeah, that's good.
That works right.
We acknowledge, you can always get video
a Patreon.
I'm slash the Jigsaw by the way.
So this is what they're teaching teachers today.
It's like a 12 step, it's their pledge of allegiance.
Yeah, it really is.
Didn't we have racist anonymously?
Oh right.
On this episode, that's right.
It must be what they, this is their big book,
Land Acknowledgement.
We acknowledge that we meet on stolen land
taken from indigenous peoples.
I am speaking to you from Kumieye land.
We must acknowledge the hidden history of violence
against indigenous peoples in an effort
to move towards justice.
God damn, I cannot imagine how painful it would be
to be a kid having to hear this shit.
Like yeah, what?
Wait, is this for the teacher training?
Teacher training.
San Diego, they're forcing the teachers
to attend white privilege, white privilege fucking training.
So what are they supposed to do about it?
I don't know. Like if you learn the historytraining. So what are they supposed to do about it? I don't know.
Like if you learn the history, I mean,
what are they trying to do?
Just make it, it's like, yeah, like,
I mean, I know what happened.
I'm not like, I'm not
be explicit about race and racism.
I don't know what to do about it
other than just be aware of history.
I see I love history.
Yeah. I find it fascinating.
And like, you know, it's like,
oh, how did we get here?
How did this? Oh, okay.
Like it's fun.
I like detective work going back.
And the irony in this is,
I would say that it's not one usable skill
that could like help for the betterment of the child.
I mean, this shit probably is,
you can sound like an asshole.
Like this is probably the most valuable skill
to have 20 years from now is sounding like a pretentious
asshole about race and telling everybody about it.
What else is there?
What else was there, what else was there to be?
What are you gonna pick up a shovel?
It makes it seem, a lot of this stuff makes it seem like
they want like all white people to just continuously
Like, and like, you know, I just, I came into being one year.
I'm not responsible for any of that stuff.
I like to be educated and understand things, but that's really, that's really it.
I mean, I, I, nobody should have to apologize for fucking who they are.
Emotions, quote, emotions, parentheses, racial stress.
Well, that's racial stress.
Why don't you, that's weird.
Emotions is this huge gamut emotions, you know, racial stress.
You know, that's what we're talking about.
That's weird.
Emotions that are racial stresses that are stirred
when making white people consider racial realities.
Guilt, anger, apathy, frustration,
close-mindedness, defensiveness,
prevents us from having racial dialogue.
Man, this is like the, these are the last people
I want having any kind of dialogue with each other or kids.
But this kind of stuff prevents honest dialogue,
like what they're doing.
Oh, it's just insane.
It's exactly the opposite of what they want.
Minorities, they don't want people,
you think they can't tell when you're being like super fake
about- Oh, as an African-American.
How do you, you know, I bet, yeah.
It's like, they're like, have you had a. How do you, you know, I bet. Yeah, it's like,
they're like, have you had a race? Have you had a race? Bitch, you know,
experience to get it. That's the best thing. The most honest thing you could say is like,
I don't get it. Like, I, I don't know what that's like. That the most honest.
I know what that's like. And they go, yeah, the most honest thing you can say is, I don't
give a fuck about things that don't happen to me.
I don't care.
Well, that's so true.
I don't fucking care.
That's, I have a lot of enough problems of having fake heart attacks and bills to pay
and dealing with mental harm.
It just is the way life is right now.
It's, yeah, it's, yep, people are all, and until that so many times, until it affects
them or something there, if someone very close to them,
they're just like whatever to it.
What do you want?
What do you want?
Pretty funny.
Turns race into the R word.
Nobody's saying the R word.
I draw the line there.
You draw the line there?
Well, the R word used to be retard, right?
I think you could, I don't know. Retard came back because nobody, nobody's calling any disabled people.
I don't think so.
I fit, well, but I mean, though, I don't think I can say it.
The left uses it a lot.
Yeah, but that's the change.
People, people, I'm around use it a lot.
It was, no, it was, it was bad for a while for everybody.
It came back because nobody, I mean, I hope nobody's referring to
some people, you know, with-
Of a retard who are experiencing a retard at first.
Whatever, like some kind of mental handicap
or disability or whatever, like nobody's,
when I say the word, I don't think anybody thinks
I'm talking about somebody like that.
I do.
I'm gonna get fucking retard.
Oh, I can't, I'm telling you,
you can't actually be old school retarded though.
I mean, I'm telling you, social norms and these things that are acceptable are going
to change at such a rapid pace.
They always are biting.
No, I mean, I mean, you're going to be, people are going to get fired.
Their fucking heads are going to spin like they're going to be like, what?
I got, I got fired for that.
But I'm a good guy.
Like I was, I voted for Bernie.
People, yeah, you're, no, no, no, you're done.
That's, once the, once the, you know, it's like the,
the, what was the French thing,
were they executed every revolution?
The revolution, they just keep executing
until they started executing each other.
Cause that's how the, that's how this system
that they've built works.
Well, it doesn't stop.
It just keeps going and keeps pruning down the hate speech
with your anti-establishment speech.
We've seen examples of them eating their own.
You know, in the past several years, even, too,
where it's like, it's gonna get worse
and you're gonna be hilarious.
Yeah, it's a really bad precedent.
The whole, you know, cancel, you know,
all that shit and everything. It's a, it's a, it's a really bad precedent. The whole, you know, cancel, you know, all that shit and everything.
It's, it's a really fucking bad precedent.
Attitudes towards women are unchanged.
The world economic forum.
I swear, you could just, you could just do a whole show
about only the world economic forum.
It really is specter.
Attitudes towards female leaders haven't changed,
despite success managing coronavirus.
This has got some figures in here.
I love, I love cruddies.
They want to cross the, what?
Have despite successes.
So they're going to say, we've got coronavirus.
Women did such a great job.
These women did a really great job.
And still men are not respecting us still.
I don't know.
You guys can't get down on your knees and suck some dick for these great women leaders
that saved your life from coronavirus.
You know, I fucking wonderful things.
But that's not for you right now.
Think women did that.
But that's not really like a,
that's two different things.
I don't know.
That's two different things.
Well, you're like, okay, attitudes toward female leaders,
that should be, if you're one, it apples to apples.
It's like, well, see how that's tracked over the last 10 years or 15 years or something
like that.
But why did that?
But then why?
Because coronavirus.
But why throw in coronavirus, other than just, you can understand how lucky we are that
all these women saved us from the woof flew, from the Kong flu.
How do they know that, how do they know that men in the same positions wouldn't have done
that too?
You could trump your question of science over there now.
Don't you understand that these women basically did basically saved us from another from
a Holocaust and we're not thanking them.
Okay, read your thing.
A study has found that despite female leaders being praised for their dealings, attitudes,
attitudes toward them have not improved only 52% of people across the G7 wealthy countries would feel, quote, very comfortable with
a woman as the head of their government, 52% only slightly more than half of people.
That means that means 48% of the people had the balls to say, no.
Would you feel comfortable with a woman in charge of your country?
Fuck no.
How about that one?
So these are all like officials, because who's in the world economic?
Yeah, I mean, well G7 are the top seven countries.
That's where the survey was done.
So all those people involved in America.
Involved in those groups though, right?
I mean, or with just the survey of those citizens of, yeah.
Okay, yeah.
Of those countries.
Younger people.
Younger people are found to be more prejudiced
than older generations about women in high profile roles.
Gee, I fucking wonder why.
I fucking, I really wonder why you've got kids
getting in the stuck in the gynaecracy,
getting what is obvious horse shit crammed it
into their down their throats every day
that they don't ever stop to think,
how why is this bitch telling me about who can use what bathrooms that doesn't make any fucking sense
why do I come to this classroom every day this bitch never says anything that makes any sense
why would I wonder why that attitude would exist i fucking really fucking puzzles my puzzler
yeah uh from news the only better go to the fucking ER
yeah could be a could be a puzz, it could be puzzler sepsis.
46% of men and 59% of women
will feel very comfortable with a woman
as the head of their, a woman as the head of their government.
Very comfortable, very comfortable.
Like what, yeah, again, kind of, you know,
I don't know, like, would you, would you feel comfortable with a man in charge
of your country?
Would you feel very comfortable with a man
in charge of your country?
Yes, no, maybe so.
Oh, would I feel comfortable with a man in charge of my country?
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, sure.
What about a woman?
Yeah, sure.
Oh, yeah, right.
You have to say that because you're being recorded.
I'll mark you down as a no.
Depends on the person.
Oh, see, that's not there.
There you go.
That's not a no.
Depends on the person.
While that did mark a six point rise from 2019, research showed no change in attitudes
when people were asked if men and women were equally suited to leadership roles.
I don't want to be full of doom, but we cannot presume that equality between men and women is going
in the right direction, said Michelle Harrison. Okay. I don't know. I think we could be pretty confident
that that's happening. We've made enormous progress, but right now nothing is telling us that we
are in an era of change. It could be just the opposite. I'm trying to find more stats because that's the only interesting part I don't care about.
Survey study, 23,000 people across G7, as well as India, Kenya, and Nigeria.
I wonder why they threw those in.
Britain and Canada came out of the top.
81% would feel comfortable from Britain and Canada,
beta, up from 73.
Well Britain has had a one,
I mean, they've had Margaret Thatcher, right?
Yeah, that's true.
She was a fucking badass, right?
I mean, she was like,
I thought you were gonna say something, huh?
Did you, didn't it sound like he was gonna say that?
73, up from 73 and 77 last year.
Wow, they love chicks over there, I guess.
Overall, it came in and unchanged.
Drag down by Italy, Japan, and Germany,
which fell to 66.
Nigeria came out at the bottom.
It 47% would feel comfortable.
I think we just want to eat.
Yeah, he's in it, so.
I don't know.
I don't know how poor Nigeria is.
Young men were significantly less progressive
than young women in most countries.
This is all just kind of...
It's because it's like,
grand, they can't even play video games
without getting shit on.
Like, young men have women
crammed in every forifice they fucking have.
Like, oh, well, you know,
you got to have equality got to have fucking
You got oh cool. I want to go see Ironman. This will be awesome. Yeah, congratulations
A chick is the most powerful woman in a character in the whole universe actually and she in real life hates you
God, yeah, I really am not so thrilled about that actually. I'd rather just go play Minecraft
Oh, you got any kind of racist microaggressions going on over there?
I like to know, your mom wants to know.
Britain, where's the kids?
The endless the kids?
Ah, fuck you.
Incomplete data set.
All right, let's read some comments and then,
See if anybody wants to call in.
News, skirt, lucky star.
Is that her name's coming in? No, wonderful, wonderful porn star. Lucky star is call in. News skirt lucky lucky star. Is that her name is coming in?
No, wonderful, wonderful porn star lucky star is coming in.
I don't even know.
I didn't even think I read any of this.
Did you see Biden fell when he pulled his dog's tail?
I heard read about it.
He pulled his dog's tail.
That's what made him fall.
I mean, I can't make heads or tails of the story.
Biting's pulling dogs tails and falling over tails of the story.
Yeah, I don't even mean that.
She trying to take its temperature.
Seems like you fucked the dog.
Said he's in the shower pulling his dog's tail.
I fell over and broke his foot.
You think Trump could go around pulling dogs tails?
I just grabbed their pussy.
I mean, so how do you think?
If Trump said I pulled my dogs tail,
don't you think people would be a little more than?
Is that what Biden said?
He said, I'll read the thing.
Trump said I was in the shower
and I pulled my dogs tail
and that's how I broke my foot.
He's very weird.
I mean, it's weird.
It's weird no matter who did it.
Yeah, it's weird. Tell me weird no matter who did it. Yeah, it's weird.
Tell me if the story makes sense to you.
Yeah, okay.
It's like, it's like happy Gilmore.
I mean, I get like, I didn't break the rake.
I was testing its durability and then I threw it.
I thought it wanted to be with its family.
So I threw the rake.
Here's a little bit here.
Here's a little bit over here.
So biting says he broke his foot, tripping after the shower when he pulled his dog's tail.
Like most people would just say like I was playing with my dog and I tried. Yeah, why is the shower part of it? That doesn't make any sense. None of it makes any sense. I was playing with my dog.
Did you fall into the shower?
I'm in a whole lot of time.
People trip over their dogs, people did, you know,
they're playing with their dog in the shower?
Not in the shower.
Well, why is that in the story, though?
Can you say after the shower?
Yeah, but how, like, when does after the shower to you?
Right, as soon as I leave the bathroom,
I'm now, the shower is no longer part of my,
No, I know. Like, you slip after the shower, I took a shit shower. It longer part of my, no, no, no.
Like you slip after the shower, I took a shit. It sounds like he just, you're still naked.
After the shower is still naked. Yeah. What happened was, always got a, always
everything. Here's the deal. Yeah. Okay. Well, you see what happened was I got
out of the air comes a fucking little comes alive. Here comes a, here comes a
wopper. What happened was I got out of the shower.
I got a dog and anybody who's been around my house knows,
dropped, little pup, dropped a ball in front of me.
Ah, fucking, after the shower.
And for me to grab the ball,
biting told CNN journalist Jake Asshole.
That's first post election at Joint Interview.
Oh wow, go, thank God.
They got this.
The dog dropped the ball, wanted to play.
And I'm walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom and I grabbed the ball
like this and he ran.
He's still naked then.
He's playing fetch with a naked fetch.
Kind of sounds like it.
And I'm joking. Running after him and grab his tail.
Right, so he's faking out the joking?
How are you joking with the dog?
The dog.
Read that again.
You see?
I'm walking and I grabbed the ball like this and he ran
and I'm joking.
Did he throw the ball like in a joking way?
Did he throw the ball in the dogs running after it and he grabbed his tail?
You could seriously injure your dog doing that.
I mean, it's not no grabbing dog.
Veterinarian study says that that's a good idea that I know of.
Pulling your dog's tail may result in, yeah.
Fuck your dog up.
Right, a herniated tail disc.
You know, because it is like they've wrapped it into their spine.
And I'm joking, running after him and grab his tail.
And what happened was, huh.
And what happened?
Well, you see, my trip fell and my dick went right into the dog.
It was the damnedest thing, dog.
How it happened, why?
Million to one shot that he slid on a throw rug,
and I tripped on the rug, he slid on.
I mean, yeah, I could see that.
Grab a tail, and he slid on the rug.
And I tripped, but he stopped and it bunched up.
What is he fucking running naked after a shower?
That's all I could picture.
What does the shower have to do with that?
I don't know.
I tripped over my fucking dog. That's what I said. Is the shower have to do with that? I don't know. I tripped over my fucking dog.
That's what I said.
Is the shower have to do with it?
I don't know.
And that's what happened was that he slid on a throw rug
and I tripped on the rug, he slid on.
That's what happened.
Oh man, not a very exciting story.
It became exciting when you threw all these
you made it weird.
Did you make it weird?
I don't know how to handle that.
I don't know quite how to handle that.
I just have this complete picture.
There's a movie in my head and I can't get it out
and I don't like it.
So all the COVID deaths, you know?
It's a big deal, right?
A lot of people dying.
Do you know how many people die every year
because women are too fat?
107,000, I like calculating. Because women are too fat? Yeah. That's how many people die every year because women are too fat? 107,000, I like calculating it.
Because women are too fat?
Yeah, that's how many people deaths every year
happen because women are too fat.
Because, yeah, 107,000.
That's women or they somehow causing the deaths of others.
That's due to obesity or weight being fatness.
Yeah, fatness.
Cancer and heart disease are two leading causes, yeah.
100, now you think we should do some
a little locking down of the women then?
If that's a lot of deaths, I'm very concerned about.
I think we should put a muzzle feeder on them.
Don't you think it should be illegal for Starbucks
to be giving these handbees so much calories?
That's a lot of deaths.
Man, we eat terribly.
We got to, we need 15 years to stop the spread
of this problem of Big fat women.
Don't you think that's a problem? I mean, wouldn't you agree that that's a lot of deaths?
Too many people die of preventable things. That's half of that's merely half of COVID deaths.
That's one death from being too fat. Is too many?
A woman is too many. That's all I'm saying. Where would your material come from though?
A woman is too many. That's all I'm saying.
Where would your material come from though?
Well, everybody slim down.
You gotta be vigilant too to make sure it doesn't come back.
I'll tell tales.
Tell them to these myths.
You can go on this squash.
You can go on this for the rest of your life.
I saw a woman.
I get it.
Oh, she doesn't have to adhere to our lockdowns.
So I backup my F-150 and I hear a tremendous slash right?
I could hear the gun in it. It wouldn't go. I could hear the bellow of a hungry woman. I hear learn off me. I'm starving right
Oh my god, I just oh no. It's gonna do it again
It's gonna happen again. Okay. Ah
Simper perspective hey dick after your conversation last week
with that Simp.
Oh God, that guy was great.
That was amazing.
That was like a 45 minute interview
and I wanted it to keep going.
Yeah, me too.
I don't know, did people like that?
They did, yeah.
I mean, some people had to hate it.
Some people hate everything.
Those people are beta.
Those people would love a woman in charge of things.
A big fat one.
107,000 deaths, man.
You're giving a macapunk sure.
That's a lot.
I don't wanna hear about these COVID deaths.
I can't go to a bar because of 200,000 COVID deaths.
Okay, you gotta run some laps.
You can't be eating Doritos every day then
if there's 100,000 deaths.
What's fair as fair?
I need these numbers down.
These are filling up ICU beds too.
And they're actually terrible for my mental health.
It's making me really want to have another fake heart attack.
So I could get away.
God, that's insane.
107,000 deaths.
This should be put on billboards around 15 days to stop.
You know, I mean spread of your ass cheeks.
I have seen like obesity billboards and things like I don't think right now, but that
includes men.
Well, that's not.
I'm only talking about women.
Let's work with one problem at a time.
Okay, fair enough.
Get the women one sorted.
Scent perspective.
After your conversation last week with that Simp,
that wouldn't admit to it.
I wanted to weigh in as someone who could be misconstrued.
Oh, hi, Lucky's.
Please sit down, sit down.
Actually, you could probably comment on this.
But you just came in ready to work.
Yeah, you're ready to go.
Oh yes, the same my first rodeo.
Can you introduce yourself?
Hi, I am Lucky Star. And what are you known for?
What aren't I known for if you know what I mean? Win-Wink, Nudge, Nudge, Nidemi? Say no more.
You're a money python, right? I think. No, no, no, no. No, I mean, no, I mean, I am an adult film performer.
I have been for the last 11 years. And you know, what else could I say?
What type of adult film? Yeah, like, like, like, smells like cotton candy and mint.
It smells good in here for the first time. Yeah, I was going to say, yeah. Is that me?
Well, somebody's meanty. Not me. Know that. Okay, see, this is where we're reading an email from
a Simp right now. After your
conversation with last week with that Simp that wouldn't admit to it, I wanted to weigh
in as someone who could be misconstrued as a Simp. If it makes it on the show, leave my name
out of it. Again, thank you. Put it. Send it from a fucking pro time. What was his name,
David? David. He didn't say his name, David. And also, I'm not going to name the girl because I don't want her to get harassed by
Over the last year, I donated or gifted maybe a hundred bucks on this girl, which is what,
like less than three hours pay.
Who cares?
That's nothing.
On the other hand, I have spent a pretty penny on her.
A lot of that is for content.
Plus she also does miniature paintings.
And I spent miniature paint she also does miniature paintings. And I spent
miniature painting. I breed miniature horses. I specialize in miniature paintings. What the
fuck is that? It's like a action figure. This is like Warhammer, I think, like a game that
you play with little figurines. Oh, like these, like those guys. Yeah. Well, I know, but
like miniature paintings. I don't know. I think that's for your doll houses
I know you think she's doing like miniature Mona Lisa. That's what I think you're probably right. I don't what oh
I don't know
This big I'm not even listening to myself
What do you think lucky? What do you think I see them do it? They do it like with like a toothpick and they go into detail about
Small they make it and stuff.
And am I on?
Am I live?
Oh yeah, you're good.
Can I sing?
Can you sing?
I don't know.
I am frightened.
I know my way around here.
It's not the word.
Get her to come out of her shell.
Hello, Android Lloyd Webber for you.
I think that it's an important difference
that's missed in this simple conversation.
The difference being a handout and commerce.
Oh, okay.
Sims that just make it rain with money and presence.
And I see people doing that for this girl
all the time are pathetic
and that they are spending the hopes of curing favor
and getting attention from the girl.
As long as I'm getting something in exchange
for what I spend, I don't think it's as pathetic as straight up sending money
or spoiling a thought from her,
oh, he's getting a miniature painting.
So he's better than the other guy.
Of what?
Sure, you can make the dumb case that I'm paying for porn,
but that's not really the point.
We always money on entertainment.
This is just another outlet.
It's barely different than spending money at a strip club.
As long as you don't think it will bring,
it will lead to bringing a stripper home with you.
Might that.
Pay for your porn.
Ha ha.
You think people should pay for their porn?
Damn right.
That's why a lot of the industry has collapsed.
It was because why pay for it when you can get it for free?
It is free.
But you want the good stuff.
You got to pay for it and a story just like anything is free. But you want the good stuff, you got to pay for it
and a story just like anything else in life.
What is the good stuff to you?
Well, what's a good pour to you?
Better quality.
Yeah, better.
If I don't have to sit through like ads that are really gross,
they're grossing me out at the same time,
I would like that actually.
Did they do that?
But you with the premium services,
you have to pay for it to get commercial free.
Every porn site, they cram it with the most obscure fetishes
And they're always, you have to block it with your hand.
If the ad blocker doesn't work to get to the good stuff,
like normal pornography, okay.
It's kind of like in YouTube,
how they're always like to shoving an ad there, it's all about just
advertising, making money.
Yeah, it's sure you can, okay, we'll spend,
yeah, I think I'm definitely spend money on content.
I don't know, I don't know about,
I don't know if you're any better
for buying miniature paintings.
Just give them.
You know, I'm still trying to figure out
what a miniature painting is already so. Also, you can see miniature paintings at patreon. them. I'm still trying to figure out what a miniature painting is already.
Also, it's the miniature paintings at slash the dictionary.
Yeah, right.
This is from, oh, let's see here.
This is from Chad Dad.
Duck Tales has a cultural appropriation warning.
I was watching Duck Tales with my daughter and all of a sudden,
at the beginning of an episode, there is a warning that the natives of Africa are depicted in a bad manner. What?
The original ductails. How old is this cartoon? Like,
not a 90s. It's the latest 80s, early night. Yeah. The new one, though, is very recent.
I don't know which one he's talking about. Are you serious? They are just shown as your typical
natives from Africa with neck rings and bones in their
Nothing deemed racist even to today's standards turns out ductails is not safe for women.
I guess so.
A pregnancy kink.
Oh boy.
Hey, Dickenshawne.
I'm not writing for advice.
I just writing to let you know about my fetish as a volcille zoomer.
I've heard of that fetish.
Yeah, Ken Bone added.
I have a Ken Bone, that guy with the sweater
that was on the town hall for Hillary Clinton and Trump.
Remember, he asked a question and everybody,
he had mustache, he's a fat guy with a mustache.
He asked a question and then...
I remember everyone found his like Reddit porn history
that he liked pregnant women.
He was talking about how they're a beautiful submarine. Do you remember that one?
A beautiful submarine. He's had a baby in them. Oh my god. And then everyone made fun of him.
Roon. Well, pregnancy is a fetish. Like there's pregnancy porn but then obviously you have to find
a bunch of girls that just happen to be pregnant. Yeah.
Do you have any fetishes that you serve?
Oh, gosh.
My fetishes are ass-eating.
You mean you have or ones that, guys, that you're stuck in?
I love personal, it's like my own personal fetish, but it's also like what I'm known for.
I want to say in the adult industry because I don't know why.
It's just something I do, but I will not do it unless somebody says, okay, yes, it's a go.
I don't know why it's kind of weird.
I just might think.
People who like it really love it.
Really like it, or they don't like it.
They really don't like it, but I'm not
going to do anything that somebody doesn't like.
Just because the rapey in me is coming out.
Rapping their ass?
Yeah, ass-rapping them with my tongue. And if they don't like it, because the rapian me is coming out. Rapping their ass?
Yeah, ass raping them with my tongue.
And if they don't want that, then please say,
that's not my thing, and I will gracefully stop.
Yeah, I understand.
As a vulc, please stop sucking my dick,
or I'll call the cops.
Oh, that could happen.
Some guys, you'll never know.
It's all about consent nowadays.
Just be like, may I?
No, that's not sexy.
You bring a lot of form, form, form,
like initial here and initial here
and only to thumb print and sign here.
I have, I've done extreme scenes where literally
I had to sign off on every little thing.
It was a very, very extreme scene.
And they put on videotape.
Will you be degraded verbally?
Will you be degraded?
You can't sense that.
I had to sign off at all of that.
Oh, and that's the thing.
A lot of my fans had to do it.
What kind of stuff?
Wait, what kind of stuff was on this?
It was a very, very extreme.
I had to sign off on everything.
And the second they yelled, action.
Like this hand went to my throat,
and then this fist came flying across my face. Black and white, it's right there in black and white. Like this hand went to my throat and those fists came flying across my face.
Black and white, it's right there in black and white.
I am not lying to you.
I punched in the face.
Oh my God.
Many times.
Oh, I'm not.
And that's the thing.
I just wanted to see if I could do that scene.
I, that's one of the few extreme scenes I've done.
And a lot of my fans were like,
why the hell did you do that?
I said, I wanted to see if I could do it.
You could.
Because also in that scene, like I had to deep-throat, which I can't do,
they made me do it. I don't know if I can.
You forced past that little glottal, that little
smooth bump. And then, the only time I did a DP in a scene.
A DP? One in each hole.
Okay. Yeah. Did you? That was for everybody else who might be wondering.
There's kids that listen to this show. They don't know that. I got to. I don't care. I'm not their parents.
That doesn't mean director of photography. It means. Yeah. I was going to ask something. But then I
forgot. Who's who have you starred with in these? Oh my gosh, oh, in movies?
Oh gosh, name it.
I don't know any, I'm sure I don't know any porn stars at all.
Not even Ron Jeremy?
Or you started with Ron Jeremy?
I'm in any time.
Many times.
Yeah, the fact he was one of the last guys I worked with before he went into prison.
Yeah, what, you have any indication that you've seen these days?
Well, the thing is with Ron, it's just like-
He's having too much fun.
They rest at him immediately.
He has like this weird mask who he's starting to lose it.
So he's going-
What do you mean?
Is it like a reaction or his mind?
No, he's losing his mind because he'll just start rambling on
and on his handle automatically go in a woman's hoo-haar
in her shirt or whatever, grabbing whatever.
And it's like almost like a second nature to him
to the point where-
On set or just in general. In general. And the thing is a don't industry can handle it but civilians
are someone that's not in the industry cannot.
Yeah, that caused at least surprise, mild surprise.
I did I met him at the rainbow.
That's very like something.
Yeah, and I was talking to him and I felt this weird sensation in my asshole.
I never figured out what it was.
It could have been.
I probably saw the long hair and you probably assumed you're a chick because he's starting to lose
But that's like that for many, many, many years. And he's just thinking that like a stealth
finger. There's nothing wrong with it because this is just his nature. And now he goes,
Oh, is this wrong? You know, and I think that's why he's in so much trouble. But he's
been that way for many, many years. And now it's to the point where it's just like the hand goes there.
He's not even thinking about it.
It's a shame.
All my heroes are in jail.
Harvey Weinstein.
I look, I used to have a poster of him as a kid.
Oh, geez.
Yeah, a poster of Harvey Weinstein.
I want to see, I want to see who I put out a limited run of Harvey Weinstein to poster.
Man, we're the producer.
I'm like, that's what I want to be like.
Why are you feeling like that?
What are you doing?
What about girls?
What are the hottest girls that you've been doing?
Oh gosh.
Let's see.
Have you punched them?
Who are your favorites to work with, too?
Oh my gosh.
What about the one with the biggest hits?
Let's start there.
The biggest hits.
And that thing, there's so many that right now I'm like I can't even
think of them. I've actually done more boy girl scenes than then girl girl scenes but I do enjoy
working with women a lot. I'm trying to think of big tits. I have like my good girlfriend's
or my favorite so like a lot of the Asian girl porn stars we all stick together like rice.
and girl porn stars, we all stick together like rice. Mm.
So you can say that.
Can't say anything.
So, you know, a lot of my girlfriends are a lot of them, but then I'm a little biased
because I am an Asian female.
And that you can say, right?
Oh, well, kind of, yeah.
What about her, tell me, Tannaka, have you ever worked with her?
Oh, wait.
Oh, what's her name?
Who told me Tannaka?
I have not.
She must have been retired before I started.
I started in-
Well, no, she's in Japan, though, right? I mean, let's her? I have not. She must have been retired before I started. I started doing that.
She's in Japan though, right?
I mean, let's see what we can do.
We can do it.
I'll kick start a flight to...
Yeah, I mean, I would imagine that she's around.
She was like, nice and tits,
voted at AVN last year.
Oh, really?
God, I'm surprised I haven't heard of her.
Have you ever won an AVN award?
I was nominated for an AVN award.
But I, best group sex scene. Wow. And also I was nominated for an AVN award, but I best group sex scene.
And also I was nominated for hottest milk and that was like two years ago.
And then, but I do have an ex-bus award.
An ex-bus is like similar to like the Golden Globes.
So ex-bus is like.
You have a Golden Globe of horn.
Oh, that's better anyway, I think.
Well, yeah.
Best group sex scene.
Best group sex scene.
And that was fun. It was so great about it. It was fun. Best group sex scene. Best group sex scene.
And that was fun.
It was so great about it.
It was fun.
It's all my book.
I'm surprised I didn't bring a copy of my book.
I have a book out of Amazon.
That was cool.
What is your book?
It's called I Am Lucky.
I can't believe I didn't bring a copy because I just...
I can't believe that either.
Hand them to my girlfriends.
Like, there are nothing.
Women once again.
Hand them out like Ron Jeremy puts his hands in things.
Fucking my fucking life.
And then the guy is in the basement, nothing.
I tell them, I say, here's my book.
And I want you to have it because it's my book.
Do me a favor.
Don't read it.
Because once you read it, you will never look at me the same way again.
I mean, I imagine that's true.
It's all about your, it's bad.
It's all about your career.
Because all my girlfriends just think I'm like this normal person and then, you know,
they find out not really so normal.
But anyway, so in I am lucky,
we're talking about the lucky, I'm sorry,
the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
And that was when we filmed a group sex scene,
which was like the orgy.
And then it was kind of surreal
because we had to do a dance number before that, called.
You had to do a dance in a pool.
I choreographed the dance.
So in the behind the scenes, I'm literally
unstead here.
I could hear the VCR from when I was a kid.
And the song was okay.
He has no appreciation for all.
He's a fucking philistine.
If I want art, I'll go look at Hentai, Sean.
So the dance was to time where go, let's do the time work.
I separate Chains of Lyrics.
Let's have an orgy again.
And I'd be like, a guy, your arms are five, six, seven, eight, and shimmy.
And then it's literally-
Follow me, friends.
And that's exactly what happened.
That's exactly what happened.
And that is, she looks like, hey, I'm gonna take it.
Let's all have sex. And that is just like, hey, I'm gonna take it.
Let's all have sex.
And that's why it was best group.
Because the thing is I'm supposed to be,
because of the choreography.
And then we all break into the origin,
G and everyone was supposed to be in different groups
in different parts of the room.
And then after a while,
I turned into a big ass free for all it.
Everyone was ever like Ron.
Jeremy was supposed to stay in his wheelchair.
And before I knew it, he's like pretending to do this army crawl. And then what supposed to stay in his wheelchair and before I knew it
He's like pretending to do this army crawl and then what's in a wheelchair
No, the guy in the wheelchair in the movie the Rocky Horror picture show
He's committing to the care that he's
Crawling is a army crawling
A cross in prison. It is just using his dick. He's not even having, he's like a swimming crocodile.
It's like a one-legged, a sense of pain.
He's just got his dickies.
It's pretty much what he did.
And then the director was yelling at him,
getting their chair off.
He was, what?
You know what?
If I'm in a wheelchair, I still move my arm.
I'm here.
I got a crippled Jesus would probably get out of his chair.
And he did everything he was supposed to do.
He came on command, but it was it was it was a crazy night but it was
probably the most the best night of my life came on command you know like clicker train
him for that right you just do yeah exactly it's like okay come come come come
that's a lot of guys don't understand is that you have to come on command if you cannot
do it get the fuck out or you're coming on command as long as it's, as long as it's,
it's immediately.
Can you do it?
You have to do it like that.
No delay.
No delay.
No delay.
And they're shining a light on your hoo-ha
and there's pressure there.
That's what's going on.
That's no big deal.
I gotta be funny.
That's what they say.
But the second one.
I think people forget that like, there are,
some porn has really high production value. Yeah, you know like there's guys eating a sandwich
It's not just like one guy with a camera in there or self-filmed
It's like actually it is most of it is, but if it's a actual big production
That's what I mean. Yeah, you still have to be able to do it. Do they get injections in their cocks?
I know some guys that do but most guys just
Um, wait with the camera jacks. Yeah, for saying hard, but God, my eyes.
How long does that last?
Here we go.
I'm just curious.
I mean, you wouldn't want it to last, you know, I'd want it to last forever.
I heard in time it makes your dick really lumpy.
So I wouldn't like lumpy.
Oh, lumpy.
Lumpy dick.
Yeah, yeah.
Like literally lumpy.
I mean, I could, I like that too. It still works when it's all lumpy dick. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Like literally lumpy. I mean, I could, I could,
nah, I like that too. It still works when it's all lumpy. Yeah. It's not very pretty though.
Good. So I don't like any part of it. It'd be pleasurable. But with the pill, that's what a lot of
guys do. And but Ron worked at an age where you didn't need the pill. If you had to do, if you
couldn't do it naturally, you couldn't do it. So that's why there's more guys.
I inflated my ball sack with saline on this show.
He did.
Right there.
Like to this, my balls were the size of a mango.
And I could have done more, but it hurt too much because I let a Frenchman do the print
for my balls instead of doing it myself.
He literally did this.
You got to work this, doing the show.
I know how to work this into your material. I guess like that. I've never seen a porno with a guy having enormous balls, but let me tell you
something. It was the greatest probably three days of my definitely her life. It did probably my
life. Did it hurt? It hurt only because I let another guy do the needle piercing of my sack. He said,
if you do it yourself, you can kind of like navigate around where you're nervous.
You feel where it's bad and then you'll back off.
And then I sat here with an IV just dripping in for like 20 minutes while a bunch of guys
doing my balls.
I've never seen that.
But then it was three days of gigantic saline filled balls.
Did it increase your sexual performance at all?
It increased everything.
I didn't move at all in bed.
I just laid there.
I completely, I didn't even take my own pants off.
That's how much my performance was increased.
Couldn't get up, couldn't move.
Should have filmed it, make money off of that shit.
No, we had some mistakes in the filming of porn and releasing them in this in the podcasting
sphere recently.
Oh, okay.
Well, did you have it?
Not here.
Not here.
Not a friend of ours.
Next time you talk to me, I'll tell you how do you make a buck or two off your off your
How are you making money?
Well, here's a deal when we're talking about all the connections.
Yeah, it completely
flipped the switch somewhere around 2013 and it wasn't big productions anymore. It wasn't,
or maybe it is, but it's very, very rare now. Everything has flipped over to fan sites.
And at first I didn't think I'm like, who the fuck is going to pay for this? Because like I said,
pay for your porn. And I started to only fan, so I'm like, no one's going to buy this shit.
No, it's not born. One subscriber, another subscriber. And now thank God, when the COVID hit,
it pretty much saved all of us.
From everything, because we couldn't do anything.
We couldn't shoot.
Oh, I see.
Yeah, sure, so you've got that,
and you can't get unemployment, right?
They won't give unemployment for porn.
No, and everything is 10, 99.
No, no, you can't do it.
They won't give, you can't be like unemployed as an erotic,
because everybody has an independent contractor. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, So you, so some man who's exactly like you and you can live vicariously through fucking your own kid. Thank you so much for that
I hate I hate I just hate the moral
Legislation yeah fucking hated and they've been gone for a long time
You remember how they were in the 80s and 90s the Christian right and they've been gone for a long time
I know they're coming back. I fucking know they're coming back. All their trash shit, it drives me insane.
Anyway, you were saying, sorry.
I can't remember where it's my thought.
Oh yes, fan sites.
Once you do the big productions,
you built a name for yourself.
Once you take that name, you bank on it any way you can.
So there's the fan sites, there's things like sex panther
where it's good literally, call, it goes right to your phone, or text.
Sex, panther?
So you can, sex panther.
That's like a 900 number for your phone.
Yeah, but it goes right to my phone.
So I was chatting with this guy all night, last night,
every single time he sends me a text,
that's more money in my pocket,
chitching, during the COVID.
What I saw, the numbers of how much I was making,
like holy fuck. Like, what I saw the numbers of how much I was making, like holy fuck.
What you making?
I see I've varied, but it was like this.
It was usually when things were more closed,
or things were more open in America.
When things were more closed, the numbers went up.
What's your highest?
What's your highest?
One pay period was like $1,200, and that was for two weeks.
But I mean, literally, it's almost like,
if I'm on the website,
set up like a chat room.
I was literally having like five different conversations.
She's going like, what?
And I have to look at the conversation
to see what I said to him last,
so I don't say the wrong thing to the conversation.
Yeah, that's under, you do have to do that.
Oh, shit, who did I send that to?
Oh, I'm gonna explain that one.
Or I've been selling like Skype,
and I'm like, heat guys email me for rates,
and you could have a Skype show,
meet all to yourself via webcam.
So it's been a lot of things
that we got really, really creative making money.
And at first I thought,
oh, I don't have to travel.
I could just stay here and make money,
but once everything started opening up more,
it's just like, okay, that kind of went down.
So it goes in these waves.
But I would say that that's especially for a lot of the adult industry, that's what saved
us when everything shut down because everyone's sitting home doing nothing.
So what do you think of the good?
Board of free pornography.
I need to be talk.
I need to be spoken to by real ones.
That's the allure, isn't it?
It's the, they want to make a, they're trying to make a connection.
Why do you think guys hate that so much?
Hate what? Like guys giving us who do that?
I hate only fans.
Guys hate only fans?
Yeah, they do.
A lot of guys do.
Guys hate guys who, yeah, hate, got men, other men who give money.
Does that mean jealous because they don't have the money to give them?
That's why they're mad.
Because like why are you giving it only fans?
Yeah, because I can't because you't, because I have a job still.
What has been your favorite lesbian scene?
Oh gosh.
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
You know, I don't know, they're so nice and they're thinking.
They're also good.
They're also good.
I can't believe I'm gonna see this.
What was your favorite, you know,
just what was the most recent one then?
A recent one.
Or maybe your first one.
What was the first one? My first lesbian was for, for house then? Oh, recent one. Or maybe your first one. What was the first one?
My first lesbian was for hustlers
and for all Asian girls.
All Asian girls.
And it was, how many Asian girls?
Oh, there was like 10 of us there,
but I mean, we're all paired up with each other.
I see.
And when I first went into the industry,
I'd never been with a girl before.
So, so this was your first time with it.
No, this wasn't my first time.
I actually had a crash course before I started doing
actual scenes.
A crash course.
A crash course, because I was with fiance number four.
And we met this, we stumbled onto a swinging couple
at a hotel.
And they didn't know what I was about, but I sensed something.
You could sense the thing.
Like a vampire thing.
Like you sensed something. You could sense the thing. Like a vampire thing, like you sensed something.
And then I told the husband that I was in porn
and he woke up and he woke up his wife.
Whoa, and he woke up his wife.
Yeah, he woke up his wife
because I think she just had surgery
and then he goes, okay, we're gonna put him in.
We're going our hotel and we're like,
those couples falling down.
What kind of surgery?
She's on a machine and it goes,
what the fuck? Pretty much. Shh. machine, it goes, boom, pretty much.
No, she just had a lasick surgery.
So she's kind of out of it.
Got it, okay.
Yeah, that's good.
That's good.
We all gathered around.
And it was like, you know, two guys, two girls.
And we did everything interchangeably with another couple.
And that was my crash course.
So, and that's a thing.
We're about to 10 girls now.
The 10 girls, okay. That was a scene for Hustler. And that was an crash course. So, and that's a thing. We're about to 10 girls now. The 10 girls, okay, that was a scene for Hustler
and that was an Asian-themed girl girl movie
and I worked with a girl named Jasmine Lee.
She's also another Filipino girl.
She's not since retired.
Oh, okay. Yeah. I think that was her last scene too.
Yeah, that's her. Yeah. That's what put her into retirement.
You put her into retirement? No, I think she was already like semi-retired already.
So, yeah. This must be her. Okay. Okay.
But I didn't put a toy inside her as one of those really big bulky ones.
And I had to go in at this weird angle
and she kept like whispering things in my ear
and I couldn't really hear him, like,
what, what, what, I can't hear you.
But yeah, no, that was a fun day.
That was a fun day.
10, wow, fuck, can I redo my,
what I want for my 40th birthday?
Ha, ha, ha.
Oh, ha, ha, ha.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, are you really almost 40 soon? Oh, I'm, I'm 40. I want for my 40th birthday. Ha ha ha. No. Ha ha ha. No. Okay.
Are you really almost 40, son?
Oh, I'm, I'm 40.
Oh, you are 40.
Yeah, I just had a fake heart attack.
No, I'm definitely 40.
It's the best because at 40, you don't even
a hold on to him, do you?
Oh, first of all, I started in the industry
at a very late age.
Like on her.
Like Rodney Dangerfield, that started in comedy at a late age.
You did?
No, I started in porn at a time
when everyone, you should be retired already.
I started at the age of 36, do the math.
So you're 47?
Oh, you're 48.
That's right, for 11 years.
But, you know, I like to still think I look good.
He's still got it.
Yeah, you look great.
And you were recently in the votes
and don't really lie, right?
I guess not.
You were recently banned from Airbnb, did that happen?
Now, okay, I got my boyfriend sitting here.
Just started Airbnb and J.
God, could you imagine if just these simple pleasures were legal, prostitution, sexual pleasures?
I know, it was just kind of like, how is that a crime?
Anyway, but Airbnb,
because women are a crime.
Figured out, first of all,
my Airbnb account is only under my non-industry account.
And I don't do anything in Airbnb
that is in any way adult industry related.
But all of a sudden, I bought, I was Christmas shopping,
and I bought a trip somewhere, I can't say it,
because he's here right now. For Christmas shopping and I bought a trip somewhere. I can't say it because he's here right now.
For Christmas shopping in quotes.
I got, I got,
I got,
Christmas shopping.
I bought a vacation to somewhere.
And I thought it would be like kind of nicer
to book an Airbnb.
But I booked the Airbnb and the guy emailed me
and he says,
oh yeah, by the way, we're all set.
And then also I wanted to check the reservation.
I'll send a locked out of my account.
And I'll say, I'm like, okay, this is weird.
So I emailed them and they're like, okay, so we sent you an email to your account.
I'm like, how do I get into my account if you locked me out of my account?
So I can't check my email unless you unlock me.
And then after a bunch of emails, someone finally emailed me back and I'm sure she did a real bad
on this and said the reason why we locked you,
or blocked your account is because of your involvement
with the adult industry, which could include
escort services and shooting production.
Oh my gosh.
I'm like, okay, so let me go straight.
So you might be running tricks out of an Airbnb
so they're gonna lock you.
So even though I'm planning a vacation, because I am up the adult industry, you're already
gonna assume I did this much and I look into it.
Well, it's not the government doing it.
At least it's just a venture capital firm that's entirely funded by quantitative easing
that's purchased by the government and it's appointed a bureaucrat.
At least it's not the government though.
When Don Cheetle can't get in,
Boogie Knights can't get the loan for his business.
Because it's like what you're involved in the adult
film industry.
I know.
Because if you have it,
this business is totally legitimate.
I just, as much I had to say,
I think about that part when I think about that
because when I think about Boogie Knights,
I'm like, okay, it's not that far off.
Everyone that goes in the adult industry thinks that's all fun and, you know, it is for a hot second. And
I was thinking about retirees. I know that hot second. Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. All right.
Not even being in the industry is what would make someone retire because the industry is
a blast. We're all friends. Everyone loves each other. We're all having sex. It's great.
Really? Yeah. Yeah. I know, is that weird?
It's everything outside.
It must seem like work every now and again.
It's gotta be somebody who sends emails too much.
It's like, oh God, this fucking guy,
God, I think it's just getting every after words.
It's kinda like that.
It's got pictures of their kids on the set all the time.
I'm like, come on, I just don't do work.
I can't even see this shit.
No, we're all friends.
We're all, it's like one big happy family
that has sex with each other.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, but it's all the bullshit outside
that makes someone wanted to quit.
It's how people from the outside world treat you.
It's about how.
Oh, yeah, there's a stigma, of course.
I just can't even, if a guy knows who I am,
he can't even talk to me like a normal person
without showing me a picture of video of his penis
because he's so proud of it.
And I'm just kind of like, dude, I hate to break into you,
but you look like every other fucking penis I've seen in the world.
Which is like a million.
So stop acting like yours is so much more special.
Anyway, so that was my airbnb story.
I can't believe you got banned.
I can't believe they banned you for you.
And I started another account under my adult industry email
and that got shut down within seconds.
Of course it did.
And they will not, for some reason,
like when it comes to housing discrimination,
they can't discriminate against me against like race,
religion, sexual orientation, whatever like that, gender, whatever.
But it doesn't say anything about profession.
So they can't do anything.
No, because that's a choice.
That's why they can do that.
It's like tattoos on your face, that's a choice.
It's so much easier to do to control people's behaviors
when you just fund gigantic companies
to take over entire industries.
When you run all of the, when you take over
all of food service and treat local restaurants like the mafia
charging them 15 20% for delivery fees you can just and then you can just
Prima like the black owned business one like wow, you know
We're just gonna turn on that. We're just gonna tweak the knob a little bit to kind of just destroy to just destroy
entire lifestyles that we don't like anymore
And I just don't understand,
and that's what I'm trying to figure out.
I'm like everyone's acting like what we do is wrong.
And I want to know why?
Why is there such a, what's the word?
Discrimination gets us, I just kind of wish if we could
educate people and who we are and what we're about
that we're not bad people.
Well, you got to control sex to control people.
That's like the number one, control sex, control the liquor. A lot of that we're not bad people. Well, you got to control sex to control people. That's like the number one.
Control sex, control the liquor.
A lot of people try to enlighten people.
It tends not to work out that well for them too.
They get killed historically.
It's like, hey, maybe the vote.
Lock him up, kill him.
How do we control these people?
Wow, just control who women can fuck.
That's number one, we got to take that away.
All right, would you like to read some news?
Yeah, sure. Where am I? Right on top. All right on top. Yeah
Thank you
Man named Adolf Hitler. Oh, no, no wins election in Namibia Namibia. Namibia. Yeah, says he isn't seeking
World domination. Oh, I'm with a name like that. I
That's as that is real name Adolf Hitler. Yeah, yeah, that's what is sinking. Anyway, a man named Adolf Hitler
He's a reasonable explanation for how that name probably satirical. He does have an African last name though, right?
Yeah, I know no off I'm for now though. No no, no. It has one local election in Namibia
with 85% of the vote becoming a counselor of...
I got a punja.
It does, right?
It's constituency.
And the punja, I'm saying.
Hitler is back.
Hitler's back and he's taking names.
Hitler's back and he's black.
He saw that coming.
And he's black. He saw that coming.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, The Oshano region he told German newspaper build. You just said no.
That's what his name say is known for.
World domination.
Nothing else.
Don't worry about anything else.
It's a good job.
Great job.
It is interview with Bill D'Uannonas said that his father had named him after the Nazi dictator,
but probably didn't understand what Adolf Hitler stood for.
That probably didn't name. He's like the for. You think? That's probably the name.
He's like the name.
He thought he was a good painter.
His wife, he said.
It wasn't many paintings.
His wife, he said, calls him Adolf.
That's nice.
That's sweet.
And he's black.
He's back and he's black.
Black Hitler.
Oh, gosh.
Very good.
Very good.
Very good. Okay. I'm not sure.
Okay, very good. Very good.
Nasdaq seeks a board diversity rule that most listed firms don't meet.
Nasdaq is pushing to require the thousands of companies listed on its stock exchange to include women, minority races, and LGBT individuals on their
boards in what would be one of the most forceful moves yet to bring greater diversity to US
Thank God.
Can't get on the NASDAQ unless you've got a look-a-beta or a woman.
That's good.
There are so many more letters.
Can I see them a little easy?
I applied for these grants.
I just put it on gay on all of them.
Yeah, I'm gay.
Matt, African, whatever.
Yeah, just checking the box.
My sister called me.
It said my father was filling out a grant form
for a business.
She goes, you wouldn't believe it.
He's putting that he's putting that he's a trans
on these things.
Yeah, I feel that one.
Of course, what do you mean?
Why do you not just do it?
That's why they put the box there for you to click on.
It's like a game.
It's like a toy.
Just click it.
Click it till you get what you want.
Because that's all that,
because the whole thing is a joke.
That's what you really got to understand.
What are they looking for?
It's the whole thing is a joke.
You've got to fill in the punchline when it asks you.
Amazing. God says, where do the punchline when it asks you. Amazing.
God says, where did the stairs go?
You say they go up.
I don't sit there looking at them with a stumped look
on your face saying, gosh, I really don't know what to do
that they're requiring.
A lot of them, they're requiring an identity
of something that you can easily be
and is totally in determined and detached from reality.
I wonder what could possibly be,
I wonder what could possibly be.
The decision I should make at this juncture. Yes. and then you can watch the guys who just say yes run far ahead of you
Truck up. He's gonna blow the hospital at a time. You name Hitler. Why'd you dad name a hailer?
You know what because you didn't know about all that Nazi shit. That's why how about go put that in your fucking paper
That are you sure? Yeah, that's why. Because he didn't,
because he didn't understand what Hitler was for.
That's why I'm named Hitler.
You dumb fuck.
I didn't know how I identified until I saw that box.
Actually, actually our whole board is full of lesbians.
And they're all, they're all, they all have penises.
And they're all, they're all, they all have penises and they're all white looking at them.
You would think that they're all just old white men, but they're all lesbians.
How about that?
Can I give, can you give me a fucking award, please?
Oh, we were gonna, we were gonna hire Elliot Page to be on our company, but she's a white
He's a white man.
So we fucking couldn't tell me what we would we really were gonna know you're gonna
fucking hire her cuz she's married to a lesbian I mean he's married to a fucking lesbian
Ellen Page Ellen Page was it was it was a lesbian woman now white man no no no this is this
is an outrage for you many parts for white. Too many parts for pregnant white men in this world.
Maybe you could hire his wife.
Who is a fucking lesbian?
She did nothing that way.
By the way, Ellen easy change.
Alan page.
Ellen page.
Alan page.
It's Elliot.
Not Elliot.
Now if you're fucking blown.
I don't know.
Completely blown. Ellen, Ellen page, what's the fucking blown. I don't know. Completely blown.
Ellen, Ellen pays, what's the man version of your name?
It's Alan, right?
Because it's exactly like Ellen.
Goes easily to Alan.
What is your name?
Like from ET, like from ATU, Googley, I bitch.
All right.
Shall we continue?
Thanks for your time.
It's so preposterous.
One of your board members
is gonna have to say that he's gay.
You mean, you mean the...
That's a Rochambo for it.
Yeah, you mean that Bill's gay today.
You mean the 12 psychopaths
that we have running this company?
Oh, you think it'll,
you think one of them has to say he's gay?
Oh, I'm gonna take him aside and break the news.
Hi, one of you psychopaths is gonna have to lie. One of you has to say he's gay. Oh, I'm gonna take him aside and break the news.
Hi, one of you psychopaths is gonna have to lie.
One of you psychopaths.
No problem.
One of you, I mean, I know in the general population
is what, 2% but in Wall Street,
it's like what, a 70% chance that you're a psychopath.
Why don't you just gonna have to take a cock for the team?
Oh, you're already sucking each other's dicks.
You don't actually have to do it.
Well, you know, why not?
Why not?
Why not?
I don't care.
I don't even have any kind of perception of the self.
Well, or yeah.
Where was I?
Fucking NASDAQ.
They're gonna fucking tank this.
Oh, okay.
They change operator file to proposal
with securities and exchange commission on Tuesday
that would
will ask me would require listed companies to have at least one woman on their boards.
In addition to a director who is a racial minority or one who self identifies as lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender or queer.
Companies that don't meet the standard will be required to justify their decision to remain
listed on NASDAQ.
In a review carried out over the past six months on NASDAQ. In a review carried out
over the past six months, NASDAQ found that more than three quarters of its listed companies
would have fallen short of the proposed requirements. Oh, wow.
Three quarters. Oh, man. Around 80 or 90 percent of companies have it.
Fundamentally changed the way that the business is run tire tech industry.
The entire fucking tech industry. The crazy when they've been scooping up money for months,
and it's at an all time high,
they are going to fundamentally,
this is, it was very disruptive.
Oh, very disruptive.
Oh, I can't wait.
Around 80 or 90% of companies had at least one female director,
but only about a quarter had second one
who would meet the diversity requirements.
Do you need two women? Two women?
Good. I can't wait.
I should get a woman on the show.
I'm all for a divorce.
You're all for diversity.
Here's the deal. I would not be who I am if it wasn't for diversity because you need
your token Asian. I'm sorry.
So, I mean, and that's why I am who I am because if I when
I tried to go into mainstream, was there any diversity in mainstream Hollywood? No.
So I think I went to make it runny playing a Chinese guy. I know. I saw that. I can make that
today. Oh God. That's so cool. How can that movie doesn't have a disclaimer? It's
a yeah. What does the display say? You'll know it when you see it. That's what it should
say. Yeah. Oh wow. Oh, thank you for letting me display say? You'll know it when you see it. That's what it should say, yeah.
Oh, wow, thank you for letting me know
that this is somehow offensive to the...
I was like, it's like this love,
like people love breakfast at Tiffany's.
See, plays a fucking Asian guy.
Yeah, we find that very offensive.
Who's, what do you mean we people?
Asian Americans, we hate Asian eyes.
Wait, is it,
is it Japanese or Chinese?
Is it Chinese?
Are we Japanese?
It's a Chinese photographer.
You just did a German face, though.
A second ago with that,
do you think Sean feels?
He's a German.
He's a right wing.
In German,
I was imitating Kristen Wigan-Bride Smith.
Really, that's all.
Oh, you know, we're on a watch list for right wing podcasts now.
Somebody released a, somebody released an analysis of all of the shows on YouTube and
where they fit.
I got no political party.
I don't.
And we were, the surveys, I mean, stupid. We were on the far right. Maddox was in the center
with all the other pluses, I guess. Anyway. Okay.
Oh, yeah, diversity. Because, yeah, no, because we need Asians and porn. They don't need
Asians in mainstream Hollywood without the insurance. That's true. There's a lot of well, there's a lot of well, there's a lot of well, there's a lot of
that's pretty much every man, doesn't it?
Yeah, yeah.
So without that, I wouldn't have.
You wouldn't without, I think that's like a natural diversity though.
Like guys can't be trained to not or liking or liking Asian.
But you think mainstream Hollywood would catch on when I first came here. My first move
there was there was nothing. So I went into porn because there was that you know me so horny chick.
Yeah, full of jacket. I don't remember that. They're going to get that. They're going to remove all
those scenes. All of those scenes. They're just going to cut out. I've done so many of those
important. I've baked so many bad accents. Really? Oh, you like, you like, said it?
Okay, for dollar, for dollar.
For dollar, make me happy.
I've done it all, man.
And the thing is, I can't do that shit now.
You were, I know.
Really, you're done.
Like, I did that in the beginning, but now,
whenever, people will ask me for customs all the time,
they'll quote them a price and then I'll want that
They'll know the what like a race play videos and I'd like no we can't do that anymore. We need you as Hitler
My fucking like wind up somewhere and I'd be
Races because that person
Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah, you used to be able to do that
Sure, sure. Yeah, because it is.
Of course, yeah.
Yeah, you still be able to do that.
No, I can't.
I think, I think the reason that,
probably there's not as many Asian people as Hollywood,
is Asian people don't waste all their money
on stupid bullshit.
So you can't really.
It's changing now, but it took a long time.
Why would it now ever?
There still are not that many Asian actresses and no actors
that you know. Like you know, how many like,
yeah, I mean,
five leading lady Asian American actresses, like Tommy Nakka and Rhea in mainstream Hollywood.
mainstream Hollywood.
I couldn't do it.
I can think of Lucy Liu.
I can think Liu, there you go.
Can you name four more?
Thank you. That's why vote. Can you name four more? No. Exactly. Thank you.
That's why I came here to call it when I came here to break all kinds of barriers
and I wound up just thinking into those stereotypes way more.
Because at the time, I'm just like, I'll do whatever the fuck they do as long as they
pay me.
It's all about the group.
Yeah, I'm show business.
I can't name any of you.
I can't name any of you, actresses.
I mean, Lucy Lou right
Seriously like I'm honestly out of loss for stopped
That'll change to a career to a career. There you go for Wayne's world
She had some nice tits. Yeah
I mean, God, I'm not even
discovered with my problem. Because they're aren't and can you, can you think of it? Yeah.
Any others? Wait, does half Asian count? I mean, I, I can you have one. I can't
reach this part Asian, right? He's of Hawaiian doesn't, but I think it's, it's okay.
Um, like you said, Lucy Lou. Yeah. I mean, we're talking women, right? So,
Ming Na when? What? Okay. No, I'm crouching tiger hidden dragon. Yeah, I mean, we're talking women, right? I mean, Ming Na Wen.
Okay, no.
Is that from Bramaching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?
Wait, no, no, no, no, that's somebody else.
Ming Na Wen was the voice of Mulan, and she was also Fennec Shand in the Mandalorian,
and she's not, well, technically she's a leader.
I'm a mama.
Okay, half Asian Vanessa Hutchins, she's half Filipino.
Half Asian Nicole Scherzenger, pussy cat, dog, she's half Filipino.
I don't know any of these people.
Oh my God, yes you do.
Yes you do.
I don't know.
I don't watch any of that box.
Okay, one more.
What more?
I only read articles about the Federal Reserve and investing in bonds.
That's all I do.
That's his fetish.
That's a thing I named for and there was a big stretch for me and I can't think of
a fifth. Okay, let's that? Let me see.
Most people would not be able to do it down here.
Riley sent some.
Oh, yeah, here we go.
Here we go.
What do we do?
We do.
Bodybuilder Mary Sexdahl after whirlwind romance during a coronavirus lockdown.
It's kind of like having Wilson.
You're like locked.
Yeah. Did he fuck that ball? locked down. Yeah, it's kind of like having Wilson. You're like locked.
Talk to. Did he fuck that ball?
Probably. But but they had like a falling out and then he started crying because they had a. Remember that. Through it in the. Yeah. Okay. Oh,
Yordie to look. Joe. I sounds Japanese. I'll start there. As a
pansexual bodybuilder, hello, start there. As a pansexual bodybuilder, Revently married to a sex doll in Kazakhstan.
Put him on the NASDAQ.
On-go, insexuals.
I was extramed.
Too a fucking sex doll.
Put him in charge of Twitter.
This guy's really out of fucking world.
This guy's got it all.
He's global.
He said his vows alongside sex doll Margot,
who is dressed in a flowing white gown,
and shared moments
from the day on his Instagram page with one caption reading quote,
it happened to be continued.
As he slipped into the ring onto the bride's plastic finger,
the couple first got engaged in December last year with Yuri saying
the romance truly blossomed during the year of 2020 logged out.
Describing himself as a sexy maniac on Instagram,
he shared images of the couple's romantic lifestyle
as they cozy up in the bath with one another
and snuggle in bed.
And one pose he writes, quote,
couples need to talk less and connect more.
I have to show you a meme that I just-
Maybe he's gonna figure it out.
I was just gonna say, I wish I was that insane.
This is a meme that I just got figured out. Maybe he's got it all figured out. I was just gonna say, I wish I was that insane. This is a meme that I just posted last night
on it's Twitter.
Oh, for fuck's sake, what else can go,
oh, they knocked up a sex doll.
Yeah, that's, oh, that's fucking funny.
Yeah, okay, maybe one more,
maybe one more article in the news.
And then did I tell someone to call it in there?
The guy who got robbed?
Is the guy who got robbed in there? Okay, go ahead.
Oh, this is a picture of the guy in Sextal.
Oh, I can see you. Okay.
Oh, she's pretty hot.
All right, we're knocking it, but that's a hot set.
Those are not cheap, by the way.
Are they not? No, I hear they're not.
We had to use it for a movie where it was like a stunt double for the curse, Triple
X, a star at Riley Reid.
And we used it.
You've done a scene with Riley Reid?
I didn't, but I worked with her in the show.
Like I was kind of like the behind the scenes person, she was the star of the movie.
But yeah, we use a sex doll as her stunt double for a lot of the scenes and that sex doll
got crew cockyed all around.
Crew cocky. Yeah. Does that. And I have a big cocky.
Does that mean what I think it means?
Yeah, pretty much.
It was fucked by all the crew members.
It wasn't literally, but I mean, we did everything
we could possibly do this doll we did.
But yeah, it was grand.
It's it ain't Jesus.
It ain't Jesus.
I mean, I think you're still coming out ahead
compared to a normal woman.
Hey, Chris, it's not bad.
Oh, Christ. Yeah. woman. It's not bad. No, Christ.
Last one.
Monolith similar to one found in Utah appears in California.
Thursday, a metal.
Yeah, I heard about this.
Metal Monolith was reported on a hiking trail at Stadium Park in Tassadero.
Oh, a Tassadero. A Tassadero. Oh, a Tascadero.
A Tascadero, okay, sorry.
And it's similar to other obelisks that have been spotted around the world, including
one in Utah.
And other one in Romania recently.
Naturally, the phenomenon has garnered the attention of the internet, where some people
think it's in our artistic or multiple artists creating works of public art.
Some think it is a marketing employee
or publicity stunt and others have theories
that are out of this world.
More than one week after one week after one of the monoliths
lists were discovered in Utah, it was filmed
being taken away by a group that said they wanted to quote
protect public lands.
It's currently unknown who originally put
any of these up or why.
I saw one where one of those was taken down and a crucifix was put up.
Oh jeez.
And people were talking, the guys were like chanting about how God is, you know, really important.
Like all of it was like, wow, that's, you guys showed that art.
You guys showed that marketing campaign really took that right over.
Good job.
Let me see if that guy was, thank you, Lucky.
Thank you.
Let me see if the guy who got really informative.
Very informative.
So this guy's saying, oh, this is Matt fuckface saying,
fuck those monoliths, those things are so slur,
I wish one was near me so I could spray paint slur on it.
That would be pretty funny, actually.
Some people just got a spray paint slur on things.
Like an end tower down the final.
Ah, well, good luck.
Go on that one, ABC.
Can't have nice things.
I don't know, look, I have a monical in it.
This is Sean.
Somebody sent us a big wiggling dildo.
Is that the guy that was there?
Yeah, it's on a gun rack.
Did the robber guy said he was, Matt, do you want advice for how to get laid? That was there. Yeah. Okay. It's on a gun rack.
Did the robber guy said he was, Matt, do you want advice for how to get laid?
This guy's a virgin.
We've been trying to get him laid for a year.
It's all about confidence.
I'm telling you.
It doesn't have any of that.
That's what you need confidence or money.
He doesn't have any of that either.
I like to think guys are always complaining about not getting laid.
Don't look on your, your looks work on your job.
Make sure making more money and then the women will come.
I brought what about just lying about how much money you have?
That's good.
Well, the thing is it would eventually burn you in the long run.
Yeah, but how do you long run over here?
I just feel like if you don't get it in, it's, I,
I just want that then love.
Yeah, yeah.
Doop them until you get some. that's how I've been duped
Do it to somebody else and do it to somebody there's no shortage of no shortage of duping this
That's the best way to do he's getting laid in but yeah, he does need advice
No, I honestly women like confidence and women like money. Oh, they like confidence in money
man, have you tried that have you tried having money or have being confident?
Right, let's see walk down to the corner store,
get yourself a six pack of confidence.
Sometimes it's like about like joining the right group.
Let's say he joined a community theater production somewhere.
Those women are begging to get laid.
Oh, they're okay.
You're right.
Right, she's down.
About like some horny boards of urban housewives
and their husbands are not giving them right at home.
You'd be amazed how many of those are out there.
All right, let me see the guy who got robbed.
Ooh, where is he?
I just saw him pop up, where the fuck did you go?
Hey, Johnny, you there?
Johnny, Johnny.
I mean, to unmute myself,
cause I'm fucking dumb and shit.
All right, you got robbed and it was fun.
I got I got advice here too.
Maybe we'll do that.
We will do that after you're getting robbed story.
Let me know if you have to go too.
Everyone just kind of hangs out.
I have no life.
What happened to you?
All right, so I'm going to make the intro part to this quick
because nobody really gives a shit about that.
That's true.
So. gonna make the intro part to this quick because nobody really gives a shit about that. That's true.
So, I've been working at this particular store inside of them all, inside like a bad area
of Maryland.
For the, since like July.
So I get told, ah, you'll be there a month.
You'll be there a month and we'll transfer you, you know, cause you're going like 45 minutes out of your way every day.
So we're gonna transfer you, it's gonna be fine,
it's gonna be great.
And we'll take care of you.
Trust me.
Yeah, I learned very quickly that everybody was fucking stupid.
So what ended up happening is
store manager got fired.
Got a new one.
District manager got fired.
New store manager quit.
Got a new district manager.
And we got a new store manager recently.
Wait, did you get robbed or what?
Look at that.
What a sell.
Yeah, okay.
So I've been trying to get out of here
for better part of six months.
Okay, so I fucking yesterday,
I'm required as somebody who opens a store
to take deposits to the bank every morning.
Oh God.
So I go, grab the shit out of the safe. I drive my car over to the
bank and I'm right in front of the fucking bank and I'm like no one's gonna rob me right
in front of the bank. I'm fine. Oh my God. That's what I go straight to the after hours
deposit box. So what they want you to think. That would be, wouldn't that be the best place
to rob? I mean, you know, the money's coming there. It's the overnight. You know, I thought about that too. I've been
thinking about bears wait for the salmon. They know the salmon are going to come right
to them. Just wait. Yeah, just wait. So then what happened? So I walk up to the after hours
deposit bucks. And you know, you see people walking around and everybody's wearing masks.
It's cold out. So everybody's got hoodies on. So I don't think anything of the guy that's like right down the phone.
Oh, do you tell the good guy on the back?
No, no, no, no, no.
Somebody robbed coaches doorstep.
They pulled packages.
This dude rolls up on a bike.
Yeah, this porch pirate rolls up on a bike.
Sits on coach's porch, my friend.
It opens up his backpack.
Grabs a package, puts it in, looks around for a second,
he's got it all recorded because he's got to secure his ass, but the fucking masks makes everybody anonymous, no matter what.
It's shocking.
I know.
Yeah, anyway, so he's guy comes up on you wearing a mask.
And so, you know, I'm about to fucking put the thing in the deposit. He grabs my left arm and he's like, give me the bag, or I'll fucking shoot you.
And I'm like, oh, what?
Can you run that by me again?
And he's like, give me the fucking bag, or I'll shoot you.
Did he ever get this point?
I say, oh, oh, this is real.
So I'm not playing around.
I give the guy the fucking money
cause fucking it's not mine.
And he tells me to go about my business.
What do you mean?
You don't want to Kyle Rittenhouse?
It up and defend your businesses money,
like a good American.
What are not?
On their most circumstances,
I would love to Kyle Rittenhouse it,
but unfortunately, I did not bring my parents firearms with me.
I live in the same state.
Do you?
Yeah, so if I was coming in from like a state over, then maybe this would have happened.
Was there a security camera?
It was right in front of the bank?
It does not matter.
You could still sometimes.
It happened right in front of the, because the ATM and the after hours
deposit box are like right next to each other.
And I found this out later when I'm talking to cops and I'm talking to pretty much everybody.
The bank has no cameras there.
Oh, the bank has no camera.
Sure, that sounds normal.
And they knew that they knew that they were hitting.
They knew that they can get away with it because they sculpted out the territory beforehand.
And is that what happened?
Did you see his gun?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
Did you see that?
Did you see that? Did you see that? Did you see that? Did you see that? Did you see that? You grabbed the money and took off. You know, to be honest with you, Dick, I didn't think, sir, please, I need to make sure
that you have a firearm in your possession before I hand over this money to you.
I'm just trying to slither you, flashed it or not.
Yeah, that's it.
Yeah, I didn't even think about it in your back.
And my fucking boss asked me the same thing.
It's like, well, did he show you the guy on the t-shirt?
I don't know.
That's what I would do.
Yeah, I mean, I'm trying to figure guy? He should have, he should have. That's the highway guy.
I mean, I'm trying to figure out why you just willingly gave away my cash.
Well, now you can just go lose it, make up some cock-a-baby story.
Yeah, this guy in a mask came on her own.
No cameras, no cameras.
Go figure this, what do you know?
I'm trying to be shit too, because I'm like trying to describe this guy, and I'm like,
black dude.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa. Whoa. Oh, mask.
All right, John, I'm sorry that happened to you.
Get out of here.
I'm not trying to talk about this.
This is funnily enough.
I got my transfer now.
So that's what I was supposed to ask.
So all that for a transfer?
I just needed to get it off. Goal achieved, you know? All right, all right. a transfer. Yeah.
Goal achieved, you know, all right. All right.
All right.
Get out of here.
We're going to read some advice on our advice.
Get along.
Bye. Bye.
Tampa dot Diktor.
I show.
Remember nightmares read this on the show if you would like to.
Hey, Dickinson.
Earlier this year, I wrote to you about my grandma having a dementia episode
accusing me of attempted rape and almost killing myself.
I remember that.
Starting this last Fourth of July,
I've been having nightmares about the incident,
except my family willing to talk about it
and see it didn't happen because my story
not having any major plot holes unlike hers,
they chased me out of the house
and it leads me to putting a shotgun to my head
and walking up right when I pulled the, waking up, right,
when I pulled the trigger.
I remember that like, his family was really fucked.
Yeah, if I remember right.
Me too.
Since July 4th, 2020, I've had this dream about 12 times.
I told my family and the only one who seems to understand
this is my dad that lives at his own house.
I would like to know how I should go about it
because since the lockdown started,
life has been unsurprisingly worse, but now that everything is shut down, I can't
do shit out of the house and my back is fucked up, so I can't get a job to get out of the
house. I guess what I really want to know is, does life get better? Because I've been out
of high school for two years now and nothing seems to get better. Wow, welcome to life.
Lockdown. Oh, man.
Two years out a high school.
That's like nothing.
You're still, you're like, I'm sorry,
I think you're still a child.
You're still trying to, you know, you can still play.
I hope.
You can't go out.
There's nothing to do.
There is, you just have to be patient.
Have you heard of only fans?
Oh, you're not serving all the fans.
That'll cure it.
That'll cure what ails you.
Oh, I'll, I'll.
Have you taken Jesus Christ to be your true
and personal behavior?
Oh no, those are shut down too.
Sorry, they can't go to church either.
You can go to church.
No, no, no.
Yeah, most play, I read the thing down.
They're not gonna limit gatherings
for their- After they got ruled in the Supreme Court,
tossed it out, I don't know.
No, just the other day I read like it's like the lockdown for California.
There's, there's exceptions for everything. Yeah.
You just find, gotta find those loophole.
No, they're like, it's like, oh, uh, this is, except for this, this, this, this, this,
it's like, oh, that's pretty much everything.
You can just, life give better. No.
It does.
Wow, I don't know.
The sooner you come to terms with that, the more, the easier it is, the easier the shit sandwich is to eat every day.
It just gets different.
You get used to it.
It gets different.
You used to the case.
You'll look back and you'll think like,
oh, when I was 18, I thought that this is what I'd be doing when I was 30 and where,
and like, you'll realize that you're in a different place.
And maybe, maybe you're like, oh, I kinda like how that worked out
or not, but it'll just, I think, I don't know about,
life can definitely get better or worse,
but I think for most people it just gets different.
You gotta really look for the humor.
For example, all the populist left people
are now going to be brutally destroyed
like the populist right people were
because they've established
now that they can just steal elections.
So now that they've done that and and decapitated the populist right and pushed them off onto
their own stupid platforms that the banking industry will soon destroy like as they destroyed
me now you get to watch it happen to the people who cheered it on which will be fantastic.
Now you get to watch now you get to watch
the government prop up uh... emergent now you get to watch the government shoveling
money to green industries that are based in china instead of wall street it will be hilarious
now you get to watch all the people just where i tested for the money goes the one percent
now you get to watch them push for a bank bailout which is what canceling student debt is.
It is directly, it is a payment to banks where your student debt is owed.
We don't know.
You have to look for the humor in these things.
You have to look for the humor in these things.
You're life, everyone's life will be destroyed, but at least you will have a good time watching
it happen.
Never forget the humor.
That's the secret that's the, that's the humor.
That's the secret to, to living amongst people.
And never forget that you were right.
Uh, career advice.
Hey, I wanted to ask you your opinion about the tech field.
Oh, you're experiencing it.
And what's the best job to go for it?
Just be a lesbian immediately.
And that's Zach is gonna be looking for, um, embrace it. Be the
most, I'm not joking. Be the most diverse and most identifying. Probably be like someone
of color. Yes.
A lesbian, probably in a wheelchair, you can get yourself a wheelchair. What else? What are
the grounds can we cover? Be like, uh, be like a furry, be a badger or something. You're
going to be a beaver.
Because they're dead.
I mean, you do, if however far you wanna go,
you do need to go with the flow
and you need to conform in your industry.
How you doing on a pansexual beaver?
Yeah, beavers are known as engineers,
and I hope you, that's right.
I threw it in subtly,
but now I'm hitting you over the head with it
because that's how marketing works.
I wanna check out my dam.
I wanna check out my dam.
I did a project to a bunch of logs jammed in it.
I did a college project to bring queer water to local communities. Queer data.
That's my, you've heard of big data? I've got queer data. Okay.
Okay. Much, much, much, all the malign data I collect and categorize in a way that's specific to
that that's more understanding of that data's needs.
Oh, I heard.
Oh, bam.
God, I heard.
Uh, second year of a bunch of other stuff, new project too.
Uh, I'm very bitter about this.
I see that.
Uh, that fuck.
Hey, Dick, you, you fat fuck.
How did you lose weight?
I work out daily, either BJJ, two blow jobs or heavy
lifting BJJ. He's a typo. That's either BJs or heavy lifting.
It's Brazilian Jutsu. Oh, yeah. So I was going to say, yes, probably not.
BBJ means one thing. BJJ means the thing. What, what's BBJ? Bareback, a bareback blowjob.
Oh yeah, it's second BBBJ.
B, B, B, B, B3J.
BJ, a BYOB, bareback blowjob.
Do you know what an ATM is?
It's not a cash machine.
Uh, uh, asked to mount.
Oh, there you go.
I knew that one.
Very good.
That is next week on No Your Porn.
No Your Porn.
Uh, well, you know what a, a cuckold is, right?
Oh, yeah.
A lot of experience.
A cuckold.
How about we kind of, uh, you know what a snowball is it's really gross
Like a chick blowing you and then it gets a little
Gumber mouth. Yeah, but then she has to kiss it back into your mouth into your mouth. Yes. Oh, she's gonna get a punch
After you come yes, they watch it. I don't even want to know she exists after I come
Come yes, they want you don't even want to know she exists after I come
That's a snowball. I want a stano snap that bitch right out of bed. Yeah. Oh, thanks very much snap whoa
Mr. Nick I don't feel so good
Some guys will are very into it and they ask for it. Do you know Tessa Fowler? Have you ever done anything with her?
Tessa who Tessa Fowler? I don ever done anything with her? Tessa who? Tessa Fowler. I don't. Oh, she has huge cans. All right.
How did you lose weight?
I work out daily either blow jobs or heavy lifting.
And I'm a fat piece of shit.
The only thing I can think that's holding me back
from being the adonis I know, I can be,
is my rampant alcoholism and subsequent binging.
Well, that would do it.
Subsequent binging like food binging? Yeah. Well alcohol's got a messy blow job binging. Well, it's like- Subsequent binging, like food binging? Yeah.
Well alcohol's got-
Unless he's blowjob binging.
You got calories and alcohol, you've got-
Yeah, and then you're fucking eating a bunch of shit.
I'm sure your caloric intake is just too fucking much, too often.
Yeah, I usually purge after the bad ones, though.
Does that mean throw up?
I guess, yeah.
Like a girl.
Yeah. I actually, I a girl. Yeah.
I actually, I loved that part after hangovers.
When I was hungover and I ate like a cake the night before I'd be like, oh, please,
God, let me throw up that cake.
I don't want to have to make myself do.
So as a man who struggles with addictions, I don't struggle with addictions.
You embrace them.
I don't get shit.
How did you lose the weight?
Well, you got to stop, you know, binging.
I don't understand why that's so difficult
for people to stand.
Diet next to size will probably be your best bet.
But then if you're depressed and you're drinking every night,
you're eating everything,
you're gonna do a lot of shit.
Don't buy chips.
I had to scream at ladies' girls
until she stopped buying chips.
Getting enough sleep is important for weight loss too
Mm-hmm, and lay off the blow jobs
A lot of calories and count. Okay everybody
Lot of protein do wait. I've got animal stuff too. Oh my god. She's gonna be forever. I'm sorry
I'm sorry. I know everybody loves me. I know we'll do one voicemail. Sure
Or we just do voicemails with people like the animal? Hey, I do, I guess they do.
Hey, do you can shine its rabbits?
I don't know how much I know about animals.
Sean, do you know that,
I messed up the format already.
Do you like, Sean, do you like amphibians
but wish you could see their bones without killing them?
Well, you're in for a treat.
Did you know the Spanish ribbed newt,
when threatened, can force its ribs
through its skin covering them in poison
and once they break the surface, did you know that?
No. Okay.
That's crazy.
That's listeners one, Sean.
The hairy frog will ent-
Oh, that's another frog one, don't fuck you.
Dmitry, did you know that Canadian wood frogs
can survive freezing cold temperatures in the winter time?
They freeze solid and their heart stops beating.
But when spring returns, they thought and come back to life.
Did you know that?
I did know that.
How did you know that about fucking the world?
Well, some think garter snakes, Canadian garter snakes do it too.
Unbelievable. Ooh.
This is from David.
The animal to receive the most military awards
for Galantry in World War II was the pigeon.
Did you know that?
That's kind of a military trivia thing though.
I knew they used a more of a...
I saw something like that in the movie,
The Producers by Thou's a joke.
Remember when Will Ferrell played that Hitler guy
and he was releasing the pigeons and put up.
What did you think was a joke?
Oh, that's the thing.
I didn't think that could actually happen.
That pigeons did messages?
Oh, yeah.
Carrier pigeons.
Carrier pigeons, yeah.
But how do they know where to go?
How do you know?
Because they have cryptic chrome in their eyes,
they can see the magnetic field of the earth.
They literally, that's why they yeah
They never they don't get lost. Oh wow. So they when they're flying they just like see colors like good
Yeah, it's as obvious to them as yeah, they just I just learned something. They just know. Yeah, they can't be blocked
Wow, did you know that?
Did you know that half half of the world's pigs belong to farmers in China? Did you know that half of the world's pigs belong to farmers in China?
Did you know that?
Oh, wow.
Seems like more of a commodities trivia.
Not like, not where is the pigs, but like...
I didn't, yeah, I mean, I didn't know that I didn't know that half belong in China.
I'm gonna, this is kind of a wash, guys.
You got it.
That's not.
It's not how the, that's not trivia.
That's not, they're not no there's not all number one here
Thank you for coming in like a sir. Where can people go find you on Twitter and Instagram at club Lucky Star
By the way, don't boycott air beer air B&B boycott it. Oh also only fans
At club Lucky Star and snapchat at one R two R's. Oh, also only fans at Club Lucky Star and Snapchat at two hours.
Oh, thank you for asking.
There's always an extra thing.
And Instagram Snapchat at Club Lucky Star.
Do you get free?
Well, here's the deal.
Well, Snapchat is just regular everyday shit unless you subscribe to my premium Snapchat.
That's the only way I'll follow you back.
It's all about the money, honey.
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know everybody is fucking sugar.
Sugar and Tampa.
No, no, no.
Pointers are spoiled.
You can't look at us, talk to us.
Anything unless you pay us.
It's worth it, though, because then you, you, then they're not texting you back. This is true.
That's the thing.
I, even the people that do subscribe, they blow up my inboxes sometimes, and it's so
difficult to keep up.
And sometimes they say really stupid things.
I don't know what to say back.
What's like what?
Just, oh, so did you like it when Sean Michaels, like, touched the back of your vagina with
the tip of his cock?
And I'm like,
yeah, I was okay.
Like that's how I asked.
Not even about porn.
Well, it depends if I'm not a sex pantser.
I'm like, oh yeah, I love that shit.
But then if it's just like something regular,
I'm like, yeah, it was okay.
Yeah, like, all right.
This is not every single moment you remember is infinitely
memorable for me.
To them, it's like, no, I know, but it's like,
to me, it's like,
it's like, it was a job.
The Star Wars people,
as obsessed as they are about Star Wars,
they're probably that obsessed about.
Oh, I know.
All right.
All right.
This is carved in stone by heavy headache.
Here you go. slash the Dixia.
See you guys next week.
So I wrote this like two days ago.
Oh, God. It doesn't really matter this list.
This was a simp we had on last week.
I'll start, I'll start, I'll start, I'll start.
I'll start.
Manipulation on both ends, different perspectives shown related to the relationship.
Some threats that pokey and fed had dated, debated debated and liked and nameless, for maybe pretend and hated, or rated,
Bill Lonefrenz-Wist, taking with force that sense of brand, brand, brand.
From what I can tell, one member fell,
and another one fell in the pain,
one vice versa, because I'm certain a bond deserves the space.
Oh, that bitch is high.
Thankfully, there was an intervention meant to make her strength
of face and time and time that got more patients,
the changes were too delayed.
It placed that man, and he had taken it, replaced the line a little bit, trying to keep it hidden, Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk.
Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk. The bomb is sounded great, and I'm still about to stay. I'm in the following days, remained about the same than out of camp.
I wanted to do it.
This is gonna be long.
Awful, lucky, something stopped him marching at my house.
Doing anything else?
He must have claimed he was too drunk,
the unknowns surrounding the situation
remains only between a blanket and a blanket.
He heard it the main part of the truck.
Look at that fat shit dog.
That's hilarious.
You ever seen that guy?
He was.
There's plenty of streams and anything
that they would scream at for their lives. That? There's plenty of streams in anything like that. What?
I was a dog at Deathly Camps like that.
Oh, God, he's taking the lives.
That's hilarious.
I think life is a dream at Deathly Camps.
Because everything on the internet is like it's not like in movies.
No, no, no.
Some are just you don't really have symptoms.
I think women are less likely to have symptoms than men.
Student have a war game.
Do you want to play the war game?
That's a war game.
It plays God, yes.
You just have to name.
I got a name when these wars happened.
Oh, I have to do my damnedest.
I'm really, really bad at this.
But we give it a try.
Just close.
Just, you know, the Revolutionary War.
The Civil War.
Oh, 1864?
World War I.
Oh, 1912.
World War II.
1941. 1941.
And the 7th.
Oh, 1968.
I'm going to give you a very fair out of five.
Yeah, the first one, 1776, this is the first one.
Oh my god, yeah.
Because the 1812 was they called it the second war for independence.
You said it confidently, though.
Yeah, I'm actually surprised I did as well.
You're right on with the Civil War.
No, Civil War was right there.
We usually get a zero out of five.
Yes, so on the end of the year.
I'm taking plays in the 90s.
Yeah, a couple years early on World War One.
It's been like 19 years.
No, there it is.. No, there it is.
Oh no, that's...
Doctors sometimes, PhD, K.
Oh, you serious?
Yes, we are as shocked as you are.
Yeah, that was, that's as good as anyone has ever done.
Oh, oh, oh.
See, it pays to play on the trivia games.
Oh, that's a good fight to take a while.
Learn a couple things.
You can stream in anything live.
They would stream it for their lives. Oh, wow, great.
That's the end.
I went to college.
Okay, bye guys.
Bye, bye.