The Dick Show - Episode 237 - Dick on Road Rage: Tampa
Episode Date: December 15, 2020The Black National Anthem, losing the audio for Road Rage: Tampa, pretending COVID doesn't exist, smoking inside, over protective uncles, Maddox calls the police again, multiple TDS tattoos, Bell's pa...lsy and the vaccine no one wants, Erik Wong gets into a fight on a plane, and someone throws a drink at Ralph; all that and more this week on The Dick Show!
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I am a brownie boy, but the cookie man comes in the night.
All right, say something louder.
Get really loud.
You're talking about boys and coming.
Come on with this.
You're slapping my balls, buddy.
I hate doing this when Sean's not in studio.
I hate watching this fucking thing.
I know I'm two seconds away from fucking it up. It's running smooth. Yeah, yeah,
it's running real smooth. I'm going up a little bit more. Maybe it's just Sean's. What a crazy
show we've got to that. I fucking hate it. Oh, I've got your volume all the way up. That's why I don't know why. Oh, yeah, put it at 100
Mine. Yeah, yours yours. Oh, I'm probably yeah
That sounds a million times better
Any more stuff should I put them at like 100 100 and then you think one oh nine is Sue
It's got a needle exactly. Well, I'm saying you should just a mixer to bump him not that thing
Thank you, Vito. Uh, okay. Vito. I'm just saying if you're there, you don't want to clip the off. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm doing something. She's focused this person. I don't fuck it though. How do I get rid of the pop up?
Go to profile, just click profile and then exit the profile.
Discord looks like something fucking threw up
all over the screen.
I really just like that.
I'm just like, where the fuck do you find anything
in this thing?
Because it was made by pedophiles, that's why.
I knew it.
Sean, you're looking extra bat cavey this evening.
All right, that's right. You can see me bat cavey this evening. All right. That's right.
You can see me bat cavey.
If he's fucking late night shows, I can't,
I can't wrap my head around it.
None of, I can't wrap my head around anything this weekend.
I fuck, I fucked up so bad.
Oh my God.
You know, is the juice here how excited Vito and I got?
It's the year.
It was like really?
It's the time of the year.
You're gonna fuck up, you know.
Dixfile entertains me.
You know, I'm good for one big fuck up every year.
You know, just one, huh?
Yeah, one big one.
One in a capable one.
You order another round of dis just active pint classes or something.
That was last year.
I didn't even get to notice a Christmas present
because I didn't want to fuck up another one.
I was just going to send everybody Christmas cards
because I figured I'd accidentally send them
the fans, the supporters I mean,
but I was just like, well, I'll probably mix it up
and send them all a picture of my cock or something like that.
I run it.
So I just said, no, I'm canceling, we're doing it over.
We're doing it over next year.
I don't know why, I feel like I can't fucking concentrate
anymore during lockdown.
Like I feel like it's destroyed my ability
to concentrate period with too much internet
and nothing is highlighted, nothing is highlighted
that for me more than the trip to Tampa,
where you could taste the freedom in the air.
You could taste the freedom in the air,
and nothing will ever make me angrier
about this farcical lockdown,
than seeing a town that apparently doesn't even know
COVID exists.
They're just walking around like it's 1999.
No mask, right?
Fucking, I mean, a joke of a suggestion of a mask.
You've got to come, if you're coming into our restaurant,
you've got to put a mask on, walk to the bar,
where you can start smoking immediately,
which was even worse, which was even worse.
We can use, go.
You can smoke indoors?
Sean, that's what I said.
I said you guys don't even know where a mask is.
You can smoke inside.
They took that away from, they took that away from me
so long ago that my head just stopped spinning.
Not like partially inside, like an actual inside restaurant.
They have-
I got in close-pairing.
They have ash trays on the fucking bar in Tampa.
Oh, baby.
America, the reason Florida is the swing state
is because of America should be run by Florida.
Well, Florida is America.
That's what I've learned.
Let's start the show.
I don't know if my voice can hold it up.
That's why I'm drinking.
That's why I'm drinking.
It should be hard.
Yeah, that's why.
But I don't feel the pain of destroying my vocal cords.
Hey, welcome to the Acky Wonder, you need to get lucky.
You get out of it. It's a show. It's a contest of man, a vote of America's worst Mexican, 87
weeks running, joining me in studio is Vito.
Vito just walled the America's Cancrarian joining us remotely is half the time.
We're all touring LA, but just it's matter of who you are though, right?
We're all touring LA based comedian Sean the audio engineer.
What's up?
What's up?
So how did the clan rally go?
Oh, man, you know what?
Did you and all your Nazi buddies have fun?
Really wanted to.
We really wanted to clean up and go.
We're in So Nazi uniforms. Maddox called the, Maddox called the, the mayor of Tampa. I can
tell it all. Maddox, please, please do. I've been going for this for about a month. Maddox
emailed the venue about a month ago because he found, I guess he bought a ticket and I had,
I had their COVID waiver on the bottom or accidentally had the Cuban club, me or him, me.
No, he bought a ticket.
Well, he would have had to of because that's the only place where it was revealed that
it was the Cuban club.
That's a great, because I had cut it and it's been on there.
Their COVID waiver.
So you think he Googled the COVID waiver to discover what the place was?
No, I had the name in the COVID waiver that I had to put on the ticket.
So all that stuff to be it.
He took it alone to buy a ticket.
God, I sound like Tom Likus.
Yes, do you know what my voice like this?
Because I had to scream over Brian Long the whole show the whole weekend.
Who was who is fucking phenomenal?
Oh my God.
Yeah, if you could joke like we you could, if you could joke like
we used to, if you could joke, make jokes anymore, that guy would be world famous, but he's
never going to be, because people be instantly can't suck. That's so heartbreaking when you
put it that way. I think he knows it too, because he's so fucking funny. Yeah. Um, but you
can't make those jokes.
You just can't make those jokes.
You can't hurt somebody's feelings.
I hope he says, I hope he's so good looking
that they can't cancel him.
Maybe he'll have to lean into Christ
or something like that, but Jesus Christ, he was hilarious.
Well, we should never be able to perform
with a comedian of that caliber.
And yet we did it at the show.
Um, as I was saying,
Maddox emailed the venue,
all his usual routine, these are neo-nazis
and they're white supremacists and all this.
And that was when the venue contacted me and said,
this guy's a lunatic, right?
The moment the venue goes like, no offense,
but I mean, I don't want to offend you,
but this sounds like some guy who's just masturbating
in his underwear.
He's actually doing worse than that.
He's pretend I sent him the Twitch clip of Maddie Locks
writing vampire erotic by himself,
talking about boners for an hour and a half,
for $13 and super chats or subscriptions or whatever.
And then he emailed,
he emailed the mayor of Tampa also.
How did you find this out?
She's seed them.
That was like his, that was like his,
he emailed the venue and see see the mayor.
He emailed the mayor and then see see the vet.
This is what's going to, this is what I'm going to do.
You have Nazi storming into your town to drink for a night and have a good time. And then the couple days before, no, maybe it was the day before he contacted the, he contacted
the police, the Tampa police.
And we're having a Nazi rally.
He asked the police if they're aware that the Cuban club is having a Nazi rally tomorrow.
So the police called the club and said, here, club is having a Nazi rally tomorrow. So the police called
the club and said, Hey, are you guys having a Nazi rally? This is, and this is like a historic
club, by the way, it's like a historical landmark. Kind of a, we took the tour. Yeah, I hate
taking these tours. But then I like, you know, I like knowing the stuff. Yeah. I hate having
to sit through it because the internet has shredded my ability to pay attention like I can't
listen. What did they tore you through when you were like setting up? Yeah, yeah.
A war. Yeah. Roseville would come to get strangled by women or something. It was a club where you
paid 25 cents a month and you got all of your health care and a pharmacy and a gym and like a haircut. Oh my God. And they would even bury you.
It's 25.
Mad Cups.
I think that's probably a significant amount, right?
And with inflation is $55.
$55 a month.
All your health care.
All your health care.
All your health care.
All your health care.
And I get that.
And I get that.
And I get that.
And I get that.
And I get that.
Anyway, the cops came, the cops came to the event when everyone was milling around outside
and said, so.
Like Justin Robes and stuff.
Yeah, and we wanted to go rent some Nazi uniforms.
Carl and I thought it would be hilarious to go deck everybody out and just put up a big
Yeah, Carl with a K.
That would have been good, Optic.
Carl did open the show.
We got a projector just from him.
He opened it with a big picture of Hitler.
Wonderful. Jesus.
You got a lean into it.
It's what I'm here. It's a vow.
This is a leaner.
Unbelievable show though.
The guy showed up and they basically were like, whatever.
And this isn't a Nazi rally. There's a lot. There's at least two black
there's two black guys here. Yeah. I don't think that's the rule.
You got to. So thank God.
Not to always have one black guy around, but the second you get the There's two black guys here. Yeah, I don't think. That's the rule. You got two. So thank God.
Not to always have one black guy around,
but the second you get the second one.
Yeah, no, it would never allow that.
It would be like, no, no, no, no, shut it down.
Yeah, one.
For the absolute second, there's a second one you have hostages.
And it was, it was just shocking how much I missed seeing
people around, milling around, going to a bar like a human
I watched a fat girl Ralph Ralph and I got into an altercation with a fat woman in the
Well, Sean, you can walk around in cigar stores smoking cigars.
Could you ever even imagine that walking around inside of a building smoking
a cigarette life, not in my adult life either. Ralph got into an altercation with a fat woman.
And then she was dragged to her car by her boyfriend and then the police. And I swear to
God, I watched this hippopotamus roll around, slither around and roll around in the street
like American beauty watching the trash bag. Fire around rounds, just like, oh, man, this is what I missed.
I missed.
This is what I need.
There's video of that, right, I believe.
Somebody was streaming some of that.
I think we ought to video from the same side of the same person.
Oh man.
And dragged out of a bar and falling over.
It was the freedom.
It was the freedom.
That was freedom, man. That's what freedom is.
A big fat woman fighting with the police as they dragged her to her car and a bunch of guys
jaring and cheering her on. Oh my god. I can't take it. I can't come back to the night.
You just have that every night. And now it's gone. It's the new bullfighting.
It used to be I could go out anytime and watch big fat woman get rubbed off by the police.
Fat woman teetering on heels.
That's what you live for.
That's what I lived for.
And now I got nothing.
Now I'm the fatest person I see every day.
I can't live like that.
I can't live like that anymore.
Well, from experience he used to.
No, I was used to it. Yeah, that's the worst part. Well, you lost a used to. No, I used to.
I was used to it.
That's the worst part.
Well, you lost a lot of weight, right?
At one point.
No, I mean, I was used to this life.
He'll get it back.
He'll get it back.
He'll get it back.
I was used to living under arrest.
And there is nothing that makes this seem like more of a farce.
This lockdown seemed like more of a farce than an entire city going out
all the time and not giving a fuck for two months. Yeah. With nothing. With no, no, no ramifications
for it at all. Just people going out and living their fucking lives. So it's so frustrating.
I can't, I can't take it anymore. It's very weird because like, I mean, we're at the
point where like so many people aren't infected anyway
that it's like, well, I even shut it down.
We failed. Who cares?
Everyone's got it.
Yeah, everybody's got it.
Everybody over 50s in trouble.
Everybody under 50s fine.
Everybody, it's out.
It's out.
We didn't do it.
The plan didn't work.
Fuckin' abort.
Oh, anyway.
Well, vaccines come and you excited to get some bells palsy.
You know what?
And how long have I seen?
It's temporary, suppose.
You know, the worst part about that bells palsy thing
is that one chick is hot on the left.
Come on.
Why would you let a hot chick take this vaccine?
Were those pictures of the actual people who took it?
I think that was just like a stock image, right?
That was just people making a face.
I hope so.
Those were just journalists and they're like,
Hey, we got to write this thing on bells.
Can you just do it like a...
Yeah, I think they just found like some stock.
I don't think they went to each of the vaccine people
and they're like, all right, you're the new face.
I'll look in the stupid.
Congratulations on taking the vaccine.
You know, I really, you know, I really know.
Those crossies more common than people think.
Really, what do you mean?
I know, like people flared up for people.
I mean, you can get like a bunch of different ways.
People who have, just like randomly flared up at times
or something.
Really in their faces now.
Yeah, and then it like, oh my God, I was talking about that.
I was like a couple, less a couple months or whatever,
but yeah, so that's gonna be my thing.
If they need proof that I got the vaccine,
I'm just gonna go, I got it.
I'm gonna have to go on hiring, man. In fact, you're better than me. I's gonna be my thing. If they need proof that I got the vaccine, I'm just gonna go, oh, I got it. And that's about how I remember,
it's like, you better let me get on my plate.
When the vaccine police show up to your door,
you just screw your face up all crazy.
Are you vaccinated dick?
Oh, I can't, I'm real afraid of that.
I got a vaccine.
How are you?
Very healthy.
I don't know if you got a talk.
The 30s gangster voices got to go with that.
So they're doing, they're giving out little
stuff, you're filthy mother after.
They're giving out, I'm sorry, meals on the planes.
When you get on, now they've removed peanuts.
For, because they like everything, everything is now
COVID-ized except for one fucking thing,
except for one thing, which drives me insane.
They took out the drink cards, you no longer
get a drink at all.
They traded in, they traded in all service in general
for these little goody bags that they give you
as you get on the plane, right?
Which has a little bottle of water in it, no soda.
No, not even those tiny little chubby bottles of water.
Yes. That makes you feel like a child, that makes you tiny little chubby bottles of water. Yes.
That makes you feel like a child,
that makes you feel like you have a small dick.
I don't know why, but it's the shape.
It is.
It's weird.
Don't give me a small dick looking water bottle.
Don't give me one at all.
We're making it in a different shape.
I think it's just a regular one.
I don't know.
It's a water bottle that's constantly
giving me a full water bottle.
Put, did you save on the water on this?
Did you save on a piece?
I had a soup of pints of water or whatever it is in these.
They give you these little goddamn things
that are now a cookie instead of peanuts.
So the women, the graham crackers,
the women in the children are thrilled.
Of course, the men who would like to eat the peanuts and try to steal their girlfriend's
peanuts or perhaps some almonds.
No, fuck you.
You're getting cookies.
You're getting cookies now.
I was always a pretzel man.
I take pretzels too.
But here is the, and you have to wear your mask, wreaking, wreaking of your, wreaking
your own stench,
sucking your own stench back into your body,
the entire flight and the entire time in the airport.
But all that, we all know all that, right?
All of these things exist because of COVID, right?
Except, except the every flight attendant
and every pilot will still sit there
at the beginning and the end of your flight,
going, welcome to Costco, I love you right in your
fuck right in your fucking face for every single person that goes by and I'm thinking what do you guys
really? Absolutely no understanding of how of Iris works right you're just sitting there breathing
fumes into every fucking person's face and every single person. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, like just, ah, ah, ah, ah,
back in the time.
That should be a tie-to-early silent experience.
You're wearing bandanas on your face.
Is do you think that's not work?
Could you hear them?
If you could hear them, you're in trouble.
You're getting a foot away from the other
fucking person insisting that you talk
to every single one of them.
You wanna see a fucking problem with this?
I see only thing those flight attempts
having their lives.
He's that friendly face up.
They want the acknowledgement.
All of those, everything they did.
All of the regulations and whatever.
The one, all they had to do is,
hey, by the way, don't talk to anybody.
Just sit down.
Keep that virus hole shut while people
aren't talking to anybody.
How long was the flight?
Like five out to Tampa.
Like five hours.
Thought of sitting for five hours, recycling your mask
air just sounds like torture to me.
I mean, Eric Wong got in a, oh no, okay, somebody, somebody's wife, I think,
got kicked off a plane because you wouldn't put it on.
You know, people came to the show.
You're sneaking it down for all time. Yeah. Putting it up. Uh, you're sneaking it down. Right.
All time.
Putting it up.
You're trying to sneak it down over your nose or putting it up and trying to figure out
which flight attendant is going to be the bastard that tells you to put it back on.
I'm trying to like turn your head towards the window.
So maybe they don't see that you got it loose.
It's a far.
It's a hether.
It's always hether.
The whole thing is a fucking farce.
Um, let me see what else I got. Successful show though. It's a heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy,
heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy,
heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy,
heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy,
heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy,
heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy, same time. Yeah. I imagine it was out of control. We ran out of tattoo needles. What tattoo
was we're getting made? Just Ryan Long got a boy's cast tattoo on stage. Just like lettering.
Yeah. Yeah. No, boys. This kid's scar got a TDS tattoo.
Who was giving tattoo? Matt Miller, Inc. And he has like a tattoo gun, like a real one.
He's like a real legit. He's been giving tattoos to these shows the whole time.
Dude, the fight for co-ing her.
I was asking the guy at the venue,
I was asking the manager at the venue.
I was trying to like soft sell him this idea
of getting a tattoo on stage because, you know,
assurance and COVID and I was expecting a definite no.
So I was trying to soft sell him, like, you know what, man,
I just, we just got this like real silly idea.
Just tell me if little, real proof.
Somebody threw it out there.
I told him no way that you'd go for it because you're not cool.
But I thought I'd ask you anyway.
What do you think about us getting at somebody getting a tattoo on stage this day?
And he looked at me, he looked at me like I've never seen before.
And he goes, I don't care.
Over this desk, they look like a 70s cop movie. It's like papers, I don't care.
Yeah, this place sounds like you're forever home, dick.
It was awesome.
Yeah, join in the Cuban club.
It was awesome, except there was no.
I don't care.
There was no employees.
I found out the night before that they had no sound system.
Oh my God.
Top notch.
You gave me a whole tour with like in the ghost tour.
But you mentioned there's not a speaker in the house.
Oh, the sound systems invisible. Yeah. What you do there? Go rent some equipment real
quick. Yeah, it was a real pricey show. Really? Yeah. I bet.
And the best way to make it up would be in getting people to join Patreon to listen to
the show, right?
Or watch the show.
Because obviously I had top line sound guy and somebody videoing the event.
Plus you got, you've got Revenge of the Six.
You've got Ralph up there who's Ralph, Ralph's getting attacked for multiple angles all weekend.
Ralph's in a real happy place for it now.
That's it.
He got mad at me.
I was like, oh, man, I love you.
I'm not trying to do anything.
Ralph posted a picture of himself at his Airbnb with like a bunch of bottles of liquor
just saying like, here we go.
We're ready to party.
And people, people who hate Ralph, which are a ton of people, they found a painting behind
And they went through all the Airbnb's in Tampa and found the one that had that painting
on the wall and then called the owner and said that Ralph was having a party there.
And that he needed to be evicted.
And how much fucking work goes into that?
I'm not with you.
Make it everybody insane.
Even so though, I think even if there wasn't a lockdown,
these people literally just have nothing in their lives.
I wouldn't say that.
I understand, it's like the shy of a buff.
He will not divide us flag, except it's Ralph's man.
I'm not gonna argue that those people have a lot going on either.
Like, let me take time off from preparing for my doctorate to hunt down shy LaBuff's
art installation.
Maybe they were the people that cured COVID.
Yeah, maybe.
Now they have plenty of free time.
He was okay though, they didn't kick him out, right?
I said, these are crazy people.
For some reason, people in Florida are immune to insanity.
And they're just here like,
okay, that's probably a crank actually.
They are insane, I think.
So it's just, it's nothing shocking.
There's a guy eating somebody's face on baths,
so there's a guy who doesn't give a shit.
If you get multiple tattoos on stage,
he goes, I don't care.
He's like six years behind on child payments.
He's like dodging everybody.
He's got a couple of warrants out.
He don't give a fuck if you put, you know,
get a tattoo on stage.
These people got bigger things to worry about.
So, yeah.
And we got real problems.
So, as I was saying, you've got revenge of the system
up there.
You've got Ralph. You've got Mad Cucks, you've got Ryan Long, you've got Danny Polish
Shek, you've got Nick Rokita, you've got Carl, of course, from Who These Podcasts.
So I see in the green room now, I'm going to get in in a moment.
I figured, what's the best way to make some money back on this event is to sell it and
get people to subscribe on Patreon, right? Mm-hmm. And then, as I was saying at the beginning of the show,
my yearly fuckup after the show,
the audio guy hands me the USB drive, the thumb drive,
that has all the audio on it.
Oh, my way there, I knew it, on my way there, I knew,
I knew I was gonna need a drive, and I said I'm gonna grab one. I'm my way there, I knew it. I'm my way there, I knew. I knew I was gonna need a drive
and I said I'm gonna grab one of the big pocket drives
downstairs, this big one that I'm looking
at, this big travel drive.
I just got brand new travel drive, right?
You see that one, Vita right there?
Beautiful drive, beautiful drive, right?
Nice looking drive.
If that fell out of your pocket anywhere,
you would hear it walk on the floor.
You would probably put it in a bag,
like a book or something like that.
You would hold it in your rabbit,
drive falls in Florida, makes no sound.
But I forgot it.
I forgot the big drive,
so I had to grab a little drive from Mersh
when I got there and give that to the audio guy.
And he gave it to me after the show.
And I looked for my computer bag to put it in,
but that had already been taken
back to the Airbnb or something.
You know, Sean, usually I have a lot of help on these endeavors in the form of audio
engineering or somebody handling the audio.
Yeah, goes there.
No, as somebody handles the audio.
Do you have any go or somebody else who is usually there?
Who's usually there?
Who's usually there?
Australia, I's usually there. Australia having a deer.
Usually I have some assistance instead of just me
and it happened to be a lot of external externalities
pressing and kind of going, making me go,
I gotta run a sound system.
A lot on your mind.
A lot of it was on my mind.
All these people were out, I haven't been outside.
And, right, I mean, there, you were like a laboratory
chimp that saw daylight for the first time.
I was like the, and Project X,
where that monkey's brains finally get overloaded.
And crashes the jet.
I was gonna make another comparison,
but I can't because I just said Project X. He gives me the drive and we go out. I didn't even get that, but I can't, cause I just said project eggs.
He gives me the drive and we go out. I didn't even get that, I have to stress
I didn't even get that drunk that night.
Right, you know?
No time to get that drunk.
I don't know if I believe that, but
that's because I got shit-based on Thursday
so that Friday.
You were raining it back in.
Yeah, so that Friday I couldn't get drunk.
And then Saturday and actually, also wouldn't get that drunk.
Just because there's so many people you're talking all night.
Didn't even get that drunk.
Met up with Rusty Cage and it doesn't matter.
I woke up the next day and started packing up my shit.
No USB drive.
Every pen, every spoon, every bottle opener that I got a note from that apostrophose had
written to Keon to call him a virgin during the show, had somehow managed to take back
home with me.
But the one thing that I didn't have was the fucking USB thumb drive with all the audio for the show. And I thought, okay, I
just, I would like to, you want to jump off a curbscale, my, yeah. This is the greatest
night of comedy probably ever laid to a hard drive. I just lost it somewhere and I feel
horrible about it. I would like to eat my own head. I have been calling, I put
my, I put my, I was in Mars you got to call this, you got to call the strip club.
Right. Every, every outhouse, dog house, shit, in the area we called every Airbnb,
every Uber, checked in every pocket.
I threw my girlfriend shit all over the place
and went through mine very carefully.
Yeah, nothing, fucking nothing.
Well, that really sucks.
Yeah, it really sucks.
I'm really busy this week anyway, so I mean,
I'm, well, thank you.
But here's the thing.
Now, the camera audio, the show.
How about the camera audio?
Well, the camera audio exists.
I'm waiting for that.
But the guy said he missed the last 20 minutes
because his batteries ran out.
Still, why does that always happen to them?
You guys have multiple batteries.
Oh, man, my old camera set up.
I have like literally 16 batteries just in case of that situation.
Back and forth.
He said the next day, he's like, oh, by the way, I bought two more batteries for my stuff
after your show.
Oh, cool.
Oh, that's a good story.
I'm so glad.
A nice radio guy didn't save his own local copy. stuff after your show. Oh cool. Oh, that's a good story. I'm so glad. Yeah.
A nice radio guide in the Save His Own local copy.
That's what I thought too, but apparently it writes it
from the console to the card.
Like there's really, that's what, I don't know,
that's what he told me.
I mean, if he says it's mad, it's fast enough now.
I mean, back in the day, that wouldn't have happened,
but I mean, he probably can write he probably can write right to it.
All right, let me, I'm gonna bring Carl in here.
He's been waiting in there.
Uh, Carl, you in there?
No, maybe.
This is volume on?
It should be.
No, I can't click away. Hi Carl. Hi Carl
I hear me echoing through Sean. Yeah, I don't think you're getting anywhere
Well, leave them on
I mean that that USB stick it might still I mean if you put it might a PB there's still a chance I have
If you have the camera audio you can clean stuff up pretty good these days.
It might not happen.
It's not the same.
No, but you can, you can, no, but.
That's a good amount.
You can, I've got, you can do a lot.
It's a waste.
You're talking to this YouTube generation.
They don't care about audio quality.
They don't know anything.
Is that Carl?
Yeah, Carl's echoing.
Somebody's open.
Carl's open.
Alright, Carl, I'm using your video
of videos that come off of cell phone, you know?
Yeah, nobody knows what audio quality is.
I'm not the fucking same.
I mean, you're still a complete failure in this regard.
Yes, yes, I am.
Let's see, here's what, I have some stuff
that makes me rage to here.
The guest copy receipt.
The merchant copy.
The completely unnecessary thing that you have no use for.
Well, it always comes on top.
And then you're like, well, I already signed it.
What am I, I can't just, I have to sign this other one.
Yeah, because I don't, I know that you'll just bump up your tip
because you're a criminal mastermind.
You're just gonna write, if I put a dollar,
you're gonna put a hundred, you're gonna up your tip
on the other one and then sign the merchant copy
and throw the best copy of trash, right?
The whole reason for getting into the service industry is running scams.
Have you ever checked scams on the tips?
Have you ever kept track of your tips like if a restaurant ripped you off,
would you have any way of knowing?
Would you go and check your bank account?
I want to think about that.
Literally any waiter could be like, I'm just going to put an extra 10 bucks on here
and I would never think to look at my bank statement.
And I can't just crumple up through.
It's true.
It's true. It's true. It's crumple up through. It's true.
Because it says guest on it.
I know.
That's not, that's not how it works.
Anyway, there is, let me see if Carl's here.
Carl, you back?
Yeah, man.
There you are.
What's up, man?
Did you, did you tear your all of your shit apart
looking for my lost audio?
Ah, I did, man.
It's funny too, because I was listening to you talk about that.
And I thought your convinced it was in our uber.
So I'm like, motherfucking this guy.
Dude, you got to look for that shit.
I go through all your things.
Then I hear you, I hear you, I'm like, yeah, yes, the strip club.
I don't talk with that dude.
I told everybody that I was sure I left it, whatever they had access
I told, yeah, I told merch.
I told, I told merch.
I told merch.
I told you I was in my pocket.
I was like, no, I don't think it is.
I think it is.
I think it is.
I think it is still in your pocket.
I can't, it's, I can't fucking believe it.
I'm so, I'm so upset with myself at this.
This is the worst thing. It's the worst thing I've ever done. I sound glib about it, but I'm actually very. I'm so upset with myself at this. This is the worst thing.
It's the worst thing I've ever done.
I sound glib about it, but I'm actually very upset.
Well, I am happy to hear there's at least the camera audio.
I mean, it's not the best, but you made it sound like
the it was lost to the sands of time forever.
I mean, the camera audio though,
when it's recorded from the console,
it sounds like you are like a god.
And there's all these people trying to scream over you.
It's your voice.
The camera audio sounds like shit.
Anyway, just think of all those legendary comedy shows they talk about.
Like, yeah, had to be there the night Eddie Murphy, you know, threw up on whatever the,
you know, you did have to be there.
Yeah, to be there.
The night Bill Burr shed on Philadelphia for 10 minutes.
I saw, I saw a
slash bolt post on Reddit that he went there on Sunday night to see if anybody wanted
to go to the show with him. And he found out that he was Saturday. Oh, so he just completely
missed it. Yeah. Oh, damn it. Uh, they let you know. So bad. Who thinks a show is on a Sunday
night. Yeah. Anyway, Carl, did you have it a good time at the show?
Yeah, I have it for clan rallies.
So much fun.
Dude, that show was what four hours long?
Yeah, my voice was so hoarse, I couldn't talk.
They say, my wife was convinced I had COVID when I got home.
I mean, I couldn't talk.
I was just thinking, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, And they give an attached bathroom. And they give my wife a bathroom. It doesn't sleep in my bed.
She puts me in the guest room
because she's convinced I have COVID.
So that's what got tested.
And I'm fine.
I don't have COVID.
Which again, like you said,
Tampa, they don't give a shit.
But you must have COVID.
Like, no, this is all ho-
It's all ho-
Oh, all right.
Give it a couple days.
It's just a couple days.
They've been tested again.
They've had months.
They've been doing this for two months.
And it's nothing.
New York is still skyrocketing.
Florida's like, man, we still don't care.
It's fucking insane.
It's not a hoax, necessarily.
You know, these people living in Florida's lives, like it's nothing.
That's not a hoax.
They're choo-through-the-roof-to. The hoax is that you's not a, that's a hoax. But they're, they're through the roof too.
The hoax is that you are staying home thinking that you're doing anything like it's always
You can't smoke inside.
Well, you're saving all these fucking bartenders from getting cancer.
Okay, I guess so they're over there smoking fucking inside.
The thing is too though, nobody actually listened.
Like, nobody, very, I mean, some people did,
but like so many people were just like,
well, I'm not doing it.
What do you mean?
Let me to a thought.
Wait, what do you mean?
So many people are like, I'll do whatever I want.
No, but I didn't.
People didn't really follow it.
A lot of people were like, it's like a suggestion,
even in California.
Wait a minute, every part did.
How can, what do you mean by not following? Oh no, bars, I just mean, I just mean people in California. Wait a minute, every part did. So what do you mean by not following?
No, I just mean, I just mean people in general.
Like everybody was just like,
eh, kind of a sort of man.
I could not, we could not get people over here
for the last nine months.
I don't know where these people are.
Or they're just ignoring it,
but I aggressively tried to get people over
and they're all like, well, you know,
I'll come over but we're're not going to be making out.
For everybody who wonders, I was like, why has Vito been on the show so many times?
Like, I'm the only idiot willing to come over here.
You just trying to kill him.
Yeah, I got nothing going on.
Well, I am back in the New York state.
I had to sign off in this paperwork that said I would stay in my home for 14 days because
I came in from Florida.
Jesus. Yeah, cool. I in my home for 14 days because I came in from Florida. Jesus.
I left my house three times already.
My sister has to deal with that because she just went to England for her job and she's
not only to leave the place she's staying for two weeks.
She's got to stay in San.
I read this article saying that if you're like a rich enough, you don't have to do that.
Going to England.
Oh, you read everything down. Number one. Going to England, they shut everything down.
Number one law in the history of the world.
Yeah, yeah, they're definitely, they're getting number one law
of capitalism.
We've been locked down for so long.
They're right out of euphemism.
So now they're just saying if you're rich enough,
but they say it in a funny voice.
So people think that they're joking.
Did you know if you have enough money, rules don't apply to you?
Oh, I've never heard this before.
Oh wow.
Carl, your Adolf Hitler picture that you opened the show up with is now on the review
page for the Cuban club, which I don't like.
Oh, no.
I don't like that, but.
I don't like that either.
Did you do that?
I met Bag of Schmidt when we were down there.
Right, if you did that, man.
Take that down. I told him that. Tell him it's a Photoshop. That, if you did that, man, take that down.
I told them that.
Tell them it's a Photoshop. That didn't happen. That was not part of the show.
Now Maddox is going, I fucking told you guys. I fucking told you guys.
I was just a big picture, Adolf.
Well, fantastic.
I wasn't even on stage at the time, but I heard them talking about how it was a Nazi rally.
So I just stuck out there, put it behind them.
I didn't know it'd be hot.
That's wonderful.
Yeah, thank you for that.
You're a really well-in-good,
tell somebody's a white supremacist.
I really wanted to watch that Maddylox writing erotica, but I think that the crowd
was a little out of control.
I don't know what you're doing.
Yeah, I had a whole idea that I was going to do where I was going to show Maddy's had
this erotica story with a vampire getting his dick sucked by a robot.
It was the dumbest thing that anyone's ever seen.
And then there's a video of him actually writing it in real time, which maybe you and I should go through that or you move John.
I'm like, just a terrible attempt to comedy or something.
Yeah, like we need to really dissect that.
And by the time that you're like,
Hey, let's check out what Carl wanted to do.
It's like three hours in.
I'm like, I don't know, man.
I will see people are way back.
People are climbing over each other to get tattoos on stage.
I'm hitting on some poor woman whose boyfriend wins in the bathroom for two seconds.
I'll say the moment's past.
I think we're all sitting down and listening to this Ted talk.
And then the other thing I did, Dick, so you're talking about your fuck up.
I went into Digi and I haven't seen Digi since she was at my house when she was
he. And so I just know Digi as a dude that I'm at. And I called him man 16 times in a row. Yeah,
man, what's up man? What's going on? I even like to do bro bro.
Dude, dude, dude, dude, how the hanging? I kind of, I kind of apologize to have staged the next night. I run into him after the show and he goes
by the way.
You call them again, bro.
You call.
Wait, wait, what did you say? You call them one.
Her, her why I call them. I call them Digi Nay on stage. I've been a joke about her
and 80s girl, the way people are using the restroom. And then he goes, hey, just so you know
or she goes, just so you know, it's just
dig it out. I'm like, I can't keep up with this shit. Come on. It's hard. It's so hard.
I don't know how they do it in their communities. Vito, you're more adjacent to those communities.
How do they keep track of their shifting pronouns? They're just saying it all the, I don't
know. It's so hard to like rewrite my mind. I want you to know somebody as one gender. Yeah, that takes a while to be like, right.
You're a girl now.
Thank you.
I used to do it all the time.
I was like, yeah, yeah, she's doing okay.
And she'd go, well, actually, I'm a man now.
And I'd go, all right, yeah, I know.
Yeah, it was great.
It was really great to see everybody in the same spot kind of overwhelming, especially
on stage.
There was a moment when Ralph was threatening to go tit for tit with this e-girl, with
giant tit that came up.
Was that, am I getting that right?
He was going to show, he threatened to show everyone his, he was showing.
I thought you guys yelling at some girl on stage.
I don't know what it was about.
And I was like, oh, this can't be good.
I was like, well, somebody tried to throw a drink at Ralph and one of them to show before
the show.
He was just walking in the lobby and somebody tried to somebody full on through a drink
at him.
And both of the women that he was there with walked, like like, took the bullet for it. By accident or they died.
I'm not a burp, is they dove in?
I'm the same bodyguard.
Mr. Ralph, yes.
Wow, those are key tricks.
And then Ralph goes and chases the guy through the theater.
Was the guy like just a hater who snuck in
or was he like, thought he was making a joke?
First of all, there was no sneaking in
because there was no employees. Yeah. Besides bartenders at this place. Right. So I walk out before the show,
the show, I mean, it's doors open at six, I said, and it's like six, 20 and it's empty.
Still, I thought, oh, fuck, did I fuck up the email? Nobody shows up on time. Well, they
were all waiting outside, like good little boys and girls thinking that someone with
an accepting tickets was going to like.
Somebody was going to do this happen.
But there was no taking.
I know I can't supposed to be the talent not that ticket.
It's exhausting.
But the time the show started I was like, oh, thank God.
Now I can just sit and complain about things.
I got to have to complain about by the way.
I'm going to get a like a show runner or something. What was your favorite part, Carl?
My favorite part was the meetup Friday night before the show, which I was telling everybody
I'm like, this is the reason why we're all here.
Just hanging out with everybody and shooting the shit and getting drunk.
It was so much fun.
The show was like, okay, we have to do this because that's why we're here and you guys
paid money.
But the real reason for me here was for the meat.
Carl seemed a little nervous about meeting up with people before when I would say like,
well, there's people going here.
He goes, are you sure?
Are we going to, I'm sure we need, we're going to meet up with people right now.
Like, trust me, Carl.
It would be great.
Um, well, you're right to feel that way, Carl, I think.
Is that accurate? I don't well, you're right to feel that way, Carl, I think. Is that accurate?
I don't remember what you're talking about.
How many people showed up to the meetup?
How many do you have a big crown?
Oh, 100 over 100, I would say.
And what did you guys just pack into a bar?
Yeah, we were outside outside bar and just everywhere you looked, people were just telling
you how much they love this podcast
or that podcast or telling you about their stupid podcast, it was just fucking nonsense.
I'm like, I'm not going to admit this is like hell.
I thought you guys said it was fun.
Everybody's telling everybody about their podcast, yikes.
That's wonderful.
I think I left my USB drive at that bar, by the way.
Call them up.
I'll call them up for it. Yeah, you left them at the end of the night before the show. You left my USB drive at that bar, by the way. Call them. I'll call them for you.
I left them at the end of the night before the show.
You left the USB drive? Yeah.
I left it anywhere where anybody was.
Please go back and ransack the whole place, tear out the asphalt.
How big an audio file was it?
I assume it's one for every track, like multiple gigs
for every track. Yeah, I would be blown loaded.
It would be huge. It would be huge.
That would be huge.
Well, I looked for my computer,
but I had already been taken back
to the Airbnb after a while.
I got a shower on it.
Uh, keep everything together.
I needed an audio engineer.
Someone you can yell at.
Anyway, yeah, cry, go ahead.
For some reason, I was working audio.
I ended up being the DJ for Aggie,
which I was not prepared for at all.
I used Aggie walks up to me,
just like, hey man, I don't have any of my tracks with me.
Are you guys under the internet?
Can you download them for me?
I'm like, ah, sure.
So I'm like hitting the tracks for him,
and he's like, I don't know,
he was at his own pace or something.
He's like, nah, not yet, not yet.
That is how we want to do it. I'm like, are I getting paid extra for this, I don't know, he was at his own pace or something. He's like, no, not yet. Yeah, that is how we want to do it.
I'm like, are I getting paid extra for this?
I don't remember being a DJ extra.
Good boy.
Payed extra.
So Egi looked like he had just gone out of his swimming pool.
He was done with his set.
Yeah, it was great.
I mean, you know, Aggie. Have you ever watched his? Did. Yeah. He was done with his set. Really? Yeah, it was great.
I mean, you know, Aggie.
Have you ever watched his-
Did you open in Minnesota?
Yes, he did.
I didn't even know he was gonna be there.
Until the last minute.
That was when we looked at each other backstage
and we're like, how the hell do you follow that?
I'd, yeah.
I know.
I don't know how he was in Florida,
but in Minnesota, he was fucking kicking ass, seriously.
Mm. He was great. The other highlight for me is I had my computer set up I don't know how he wasn't Florida, but in Minnesota, he was fucking kicking ass seriously.
He was great.
The other highlight for me is I had my computer set up and thank you, Dick, for letting
me come up there and show some video and play my stupid soundboard.
I know what you're going to say.
Yeah, this was great.
Ryan Long.
Ryan Long was trying to destroy my computer all night.
He spilled whiskey out it.
He kicked it over three or four times at a wrong motherfucker.
It's in the same spot of the stage the whole time. whiskey out it. He kicked it over three or four times at a wrong. Like mother fucker.
It's in the same spot of the stage the whole time.
And then Ralph actually knocked it over.
Oh, no. Yes. Every, every time Ralph would get called on, he would stand up and take his shirt off.
That's a challenging people to fight.
And one of those times he kicked Carl's laptop off the, yeah, that was a little bit too much.
The length through some of our time, Ethan Ralf.
Anyway, thank you, Carl, for coming.
Yeah, man, I wasn't actually planning on coming out.
I was actually just, let's think,
because I was excited to hear you talk about it.
Oh, yeah.
Thanks for letting me recap her with you.
That was fun.
Yeah, all right.
Well, get out of here.
We'll do another one soon, I hope.
I guess once we all get our government, you know mandated vaccinations and our faces are all screwed up
What are the odds of getting your face? So if you get COVID there you have no chance of dying, right? Yeah, it's no chance
Not if you're under 50 if you're under 50. It's like 99.5 or something. Not if you're weird system. Sean is getting it.
I can't, I cannot imagine why anyone would get this fucking vaccine.
You're thinking about balls palsy.
Yeah, balls palsy.
When your balls, balls palsy.
Your balls is permanently paralyzed.
Very odd.
It withers and yeah, just kind of,
I mean, I don't know if you're gonna,
I think only a, does only a certain amount of the population
You just reading a you reading something that came out. No, I have no idea. I don't know. What do you mean Sean?
It's got people who have no people who took it got bills palsy
They're all fucked up. Yeah. Yes. It's a very small number. It's it's
Less than the number of people dying to COVID. Well, how many people have had the vaccine? percentage wise percentage wise.
You know, whatever they want,
everyone to get this thing.
What the fuck?
Do they want everyone to get it?
They're making 20 million,
like they're making 20 million tomorrow.
And they're not done.
They're rolling it out.
They have kept us locked down
until we get this fucking vaccine.
Well, it's gonna be the human race. It's gonna make us fucking vaccine. Well, that would be fucking fantastic.
It would be pretty fucking darn.
40 years, you know, 10 years from now, we go, oh, by the way, it makes all your kids come
out in fertile. So, see how the human race is.
You'd be like fertile by the bugger. Yeah, that's what I'm going to say.
Sean, one of the infertility side of X is, I can actually, Sean would probably like that.
Oh, yeah.
Carly, are you getting the vaccine?
Oh my God, there's no way at how I'm getting the back.
I will hide for the gunman.
Oh man.
There's no fucking way, man.
I would forge whatever document I needed to.
I'm not putting an mRNA vaccine in my fucking body
that was made by Trump and it's called Operation Warp Speed.
No, thank you.
Well, right now it is, it's not mandatory, you're right.
Well, it's only mandatory if you want to go to a concert or go on a plane.
Oh, I go to school.
You're in public, you have to have it.
They're going to school.
If you're a fan of radio, you have to get back to the day.
Otherwise, you're fired.
They haven't figured out how you're going to have.
They're going to have to have some system to demonstrate whether or not you've had it.
You're going to get an arm band.
That's this one.
Yeah, after we're a spot.
Yeah, I guess just the faces.
But again, you can fail as an arm band.
So I got my first test today for COVID.
You have to do the nasal swab.
Show that thing in the nose. And I tested negative for COVID, test today for COVID. You have to do the nasal swab. Yeah. Show that thing in the nose.
And I tested negative for COVID, but positive for cocaine.
Oh, how about that?
What do you know about that?
Oh, good.
Good for you.
All right.
Good out of here.
Thank you for coming.
I don't know how to mute people correctly on this thing.
Just mute.
There we go.
Hey, it went away that time.
All right.
Are you getting it?
Are you getting that vaccine?
I would prefer not to be forced into it until it's, you know, go through the...
Go on, they're brutal.
Yeah, basically.
I want like the first wave to go through and make sure nothing's wrong with it.
I just, I can't imagine anything other than like, oh, fuck no.
I'm not, I'm not worried about getting it.
I'm very worried about getting a bunch of science
ingested into me.
I assumed that they wouldn't have to give it to everyone
as long as like a certain percentage of
I don't know if crucial people take it, you know?
Like old people.
Yeah, people like government jobs or something like that.
I don't like it.
Like at the DMV.
That gives all of them the virus.
I mean, the vaccine. The DMV. Yeah. Give all of them the virus. I mean, the vaccine virus. Yeah. Guys just agree. I agree. I don't know how it works. I think
they'll have they've all got bills palsy anyway. I ever see them. Oh, yeah. I think so too.
But let me see here. Eric was here. He got in a fight with somebody on a plane.
Eric the red. Yeah. Eric the red. He got in a fight with somebody on a plane. Eric the red.
Eric the red.
He's up there.
Wait, Scar, are you in here, Scar?
Scar is the kid that got a tattoo on stage.
Oh no, I don't see him.
He would be with me.
Okay, anyway.
Do you see Merlodic, isn't there?
Oh, is he?
Yeah, he keeps tagging me on Twitter with his.
Okay, let's let him in. Exciting new comic developments. Merlodic, you there?
Yeah, I'm here. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Great, man. How you been?
Good. How was Florida? It was fantastic. It's another world. It's a world that believes in,
in life instead of science.
that believes in life instead of science. I mean, the liberty, the liberty of science.
They're not mutually exclusive.
They don't care on this case.
I mean, the preferable reason behind that is because the Florida governor just kind of
gave up.
He's like, you know what?
Fuck yeah, I don't care if you all die of COVID.
Fuckin' we're opening up everything.
Rest the world.
You know, they can do whatever they want,
but you know, we're done with this.
So I figured the reason why you went over to Florida
was because you know what?
I'm tired of shelter in place.
I'm tired of wearing a fucking gag rag
around my mouth all day.
I wanna go to Florida, I wanna be free.
I wanna be an American.
Dude, I wanna move there.
I really, I didn't wanna come back.
I mean, I feel like I'm back in hell.
I feel like I'm in hell being back in LA.
I can't, I want to claw my own skin off.
I can't, so it tells me they're moving to Florida
in the back of my mind to go.
Yeah, I'm going to retire like Kramer and the old folks.
What is it, no income tax in Florida?
Is that the deal?
Even know about that.
Oh, that's why they move there.
It's because it's a tax.
Tax purposes.
Yeah, it's tax haven. Yeah, old people go there because they're like, uh, save my money.
All right, Marlajik, what do you got going in its warm?
Yeah, what do you got going on?
Oh, you know, the number of things you mentioned now you're living in LA.
LA had like that massive fire that happened a couple of days ago.
So that makes like what six times this year alone near the end of this year, the California
has been on fire.
We have raging fires
in Napa, Gernville, Vacaville, LA. I sort of got this fucking states never not on fire
when I fucking heard we got on fire again. Thankfully, it got cold and wet enough to the
point where we wouldn't have to worry about the sky looking like the gates to hell again.
Yeah, but what about like weird porn stuff? Yeah, how's that going? Oh,
weird porn stuff. Fuck, when you asked about, you fucking art projects. I want to hear
you're hot 10 about the five years. There's really I have gotten to it. It's got to do it.
Let's see. I want to hear about wonder, bro? I can turn him down. It's too loud for you, Sean. You get into old. He's a hammer and everybody. Keep going past him.
I mean, fuck my guy. You want to porn. Why didn't you just ask? So you got a preference?
I got all kinds of new shit where you want me to dump it. Uh, send it to me, send me a DM with it.
All right. Fun. I take a year. The peen dude on Discord, I guess. Yeah.
You said, is this you, Mr. Masterson?
I'm here.
Just don't give it to him on a flash drive.
So this scar can.
Oh, man.
Dude, I can't even, I haven't even like accepted how bad of a fuck up that is and how I
have fucked everybody who was involved in the show by losing it. I can't believe it.
I would have done a better job. I would have done a better job just throwing it. If
that guy had given it to me at the show and I turned around and just fucking threw it,
I know that where they could find it. Send you, send you, send you to the theater and look
around for this fucking flash drive. I just turned around. I thought it would be funny.
I fucking threw it. What was the costume you lost in Vegas?
The Elvis costume.
That's right.
Does he want straight porn?
Well, no, no, no, nothing like X-rated.
Hold on, I gotta show you.
Oh, god damn it.
You should have sparse a fuck that.
I gotta damn it.
She should say for her porn.
You know what we're doing.
You can censor it after the fake. No I got to have this up in a couple hours
People are gonna be mad do people are really working because people really ride your ass
The fucking everything
Everything my star wars reviews are late by a week and everybody keep them like what do you care?
Care how star wars going right now?
How's the Star Wars world still bad?
It seems just so that That'll orient you.
It'll go somewhere.
It's finally starting to have the smallest semblance of a plot.
And I guess they brought Bill Burback.
So I'm excited to watch that episode.
Space Boston is back.
I mean, anything with Bill Burback.
Bill's going to do something like he's only working on that
and F is for family other than that.
Like, he ain't got nothing to do.
Yeah, he's probably hopefully working on his standup.
All right, so what is this, what is this, what the hell are you posting here?
Uh, nothing, just a bunch of fan art from characters of shows that I watched.
You didn't really ask for anything specific. So you just posted, you said posting it and I was new.
Well, what's your new, what's your new project? Yeah, what keeps on storyboards. I keep seeing
comic panels. Well, you see the thing is, you know,
that Grayson guy was talking about,
dude, ask me, it's like,
hey, you want to work on an animation together?
And I'm like, I love to.
And then months went by and he just fucking stopped contacting me.
Dude, ask me, is like, you want to work on a project together?
I'm like, yeah.
And then he stopped talking to me.
And I don't know what, does he have COVID?
Or like, did he just fade from this earth?
Like we were going to work on something and then he just disappeared.
Hey, well, who was that 3D artist that did something for you?
I think he had Pacifico with a chance.
Did I tell you that story was, I started, do you know that source filmmaker program?
It's like a steel.
I mean, I got one show down to what the hell happened to the dude,
but like, he also disappeared.
And there's guys who make like very detailed,
like porn animations in it.
And I was like, man, how are they doing that?
So I actually went on Patreon, I found a guy who like,
that's like what he does.
And I just signed up to try and see like,
what they were doing.
And they sent me a message.
And he goes, hey, it's Vito.
And I go, ohing off fuck I should
assigned a punter a different name and he's like are you looking for guys to work on that
wonder bread porn or something and I'm like not specifically but yeah I forwarded them
along I'm like I just wanted to see how you got you know Zelda bang and whatever the overwatch
chicks. I wanted to know how that happens. So what's your new, what's your new focus, Merlodic?
What's your like your new obsession?
My new obsession is figuring out how the fuck I'm going to afford all the people I owe money.
I owe a bunch of people money.
Oh no.
It's money to you.
Well, I owe, let's see, I think I owe one guy at least 30 bucks. I own other guy at least
65 books. I got
What do you do? What do you do for work?
Nothing like fucking 58 million people in this goddamn country right now are unemployed
and they're dependent on the government because the government said you're not essential.
You're only essential if we say you're essential. That's why you went to Florida.
Did you get fired because of COVID
or did you not have a job before that?
I didn't have a job before that, but you know.
I know, believe me, it's ironic.
I was in the morning before fucking shelter
and boys and I were beating you.
It's just that I said you have a job and you said,
well, no, it's a COVID and there you go.
I'm government, it's ironic.
Do you get any form of a before
great. Did you get any form of like government assistance at all?
I feel like me and a bunch of people are getting government assistance.
Why are the covid though?
Prior to covid.
Have you ever got like food stamps or welfare or anything like that?
Oh no, no, no, I don't have food stamps.
Fucking I make too much government assistance off of that is like I can have one or the other
and I'm like, okay, see you do get more different from government assistance.
You need or my billion to make porn.
Man, I really like starving artists.
Uh, well, I think you'll be able, you got to stop commissioning on credit.
My God, put the money in your pocket.
I know.
I'm just back this is back.
Right off the bill, fuck them.
What are they gonna do to you for $30?
Fuck them.
Just find a new artist every time.
Point that, that's the problem
when you're in your self-admitage.
You're a commission artist,
and you can run up on credit,
but man, it's a pain in the ass to pay back.
I have people who owe me money.
That's tab money I'm trying to collect.
I have one guy who goes me like 130 bucks
and I want to spend
on fucking projects and his tab got reactive because all he wanted me to do is buy him pizza rolls
and chicken nuggets all day. Man, you're really the world of commissioning fetish artwork is a
complicated one. Is this really all you do all day is like commission, your one like fetish art from guys all day.
He's keeping the economy alive to be fair.
It has been nine and a half months in shelter in place.
What the fuck is there to do?
Yeah, but what did you do before?
What did you do?
Nothing to do.
Dick, the only thing we can do in times of great crisis is think of kinky things for cartoon
characters to do.
And pay people to draw those things.
When everything shipped out, what the fuck else am I supposed to do?
What do you think of porn hub getting a getting de platform by master card and visa?
Wasn't that crazy?
I got to be fucking on another plane of reality thing.
I give a flying fuck about vanilla regular, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal,
normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal, normal Why do you need so much new stuff? Why can't you just have like the same, like the rest of us just have like the same regulars
you go back to.
The question in the very nature of capitalism right now and I need you to stop.
This is not capitalism.
Why did this is clear?
This is capitalism.
This is capitalism.
This is capitalism.
This is capitalism.
This is capitalism.
This is capitalism.
You should just settle for the wonder, bread pornography, you have at home.
No dick.
Constantly consume new things.
Is that like, do you need a new one every
time to get off? You do get off to this stuff, right?
I don't you remember joking, just consume product. Don't think about it. Just get ready and
get excited for next product. Yeah. I guess that is a fair question, though. Are there
certain images in your collection that you go back to who time and time again? Are you constantly
craving the new cycle? I obviously crave new things all the time occasionally if I'm really frustrated and I've hit the fucking wall my
Coom wall I fucking need something to
A cool wall is what you get when you feel like you want to masturbate, but it's been several hours and nothing's good
So you're just several hours.
You know, for a few minutes,
you constantly want new things to come to,
but nothing's good.
You sitting bed for three hours a day,
wondering why the fuck you haven't doomed yet.
It's like the opposite.
You should have come for three hours
with nothing happening.
How many times do you come every day?
Unemployed, you say? Not nearly. What's average? What's
an average number? I can find something, but even then it feels like a chore that I want to
do. I have nothing new to come to. I ain't got no money for commission, so I have no new porn. And since I don't like norbe porn, I don't come.
So I'm looking to get one dry orgasm, like once a day.
So is the only time you have a satisfying orgasm
is after you've paid $60 for a brand new piece
of Wonder Brit art?
Oh my God, my God.
When it's fucking finally done,
and I have that satisfaction of paying off
a commission artist been dying to get a project from I just make a Monet painting all over my
goddamn computer.
How many how many jerk off sessions do you get out of that one image before you're done
with it?
At least a couple way more than what I don't have new stuff.
You know what?
A couple of days.
At least like a week.
Like this one.
How long will it last you?
You paid 60 bucks for it.
You're saying when a new thing stops becoming a new thing, it becomes an old thing.
When it's new, I can jack off to it a couple times before I get bored, but when it becomes
the old thing, I can only jack off to it once.
How do you not get a commercial real estate?
Like you talk exactly like those guys, except it's about jacking off.
That's got to be selling mortgages.
How long is it last?
Keep going. What do you mean, how long is it last? Keep going.
What do you mean? How long is it last? The orgasm seconds? No, it means the new pornography.
The new point,
I'm going to be usually takes a while to pay for that shit because every
commission artist demands different rates. Every commission artist has
different quality that they ask for. And when you run on credit,
you might not always have that money you got. You got to fucking buy
time to get that fucking thing that you want to come to.
I'll tell you one thing.
I'm saying cool.
This guy is not a droplet.
This guy shoots.
So do you have any what's your new?
What's your new love of mother?
What's your favorite piece since the last time you called in?
What's your, what's been your favorite commission?
Post put it in my ironically,
it's the two I fucking posted in your DMs.
Well, one of those is just what?
Like a character sketches, right?
You got a, it's just like a chick with big tits,
a blonde chick with big tits,
then you've got a black chick with a medium tits,
making out with a red head chick with big tits.
Should we know any of these characters?
Are these all original creations?
No, no, these are very obviously not original characters.
These all just characters from different shows.
These are all characters.
They're not original characters.
Can you name some?
I don't recognize any of these people.
Fuckin' hold on, let me go back to your DM,
so I'll just name them all. Oh, you can't name
your favorite two pictures. You don't know them right at the top of your head.
Fucking pull me in a difficult situation right here. All right. Fucking look. The four girls
fucking at the bottom. The redhead, the brownhead, the pink hair, and the other fucking brown.
That's that's a Bridgiet from Epis for Family. That is. Oh, man.
Bridgiant from Epis for Family. That is so beautiful.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Wait, how old is she?
She's like, I said these are aged up characters.
They're not.
They're people that have a problem with that, aren't they?
Go that's fucking, you're still a pedophile because you aged up a fucking fake.
You aged up a age inappropriate character written by an adult man.
Yeah. So you're a pedophile.
Are we basing this off of the UK law, or if you have any kind of cartoon titty that therefore
makes me a pedophile?
Yeah, we're basing this off.
Fuck the new Christian, puritanical right.
That's what we're basing it off of.
Keep going.
I support you right to be left to age dope.
Whatever this is. Go nuts. Yeah. Fuck you. We don're right to be left to whatever age, job, whatever this is.
Go nuts.
Fuck you.
We don't have to amount one of my stuff.
I've got a sandwich.
So you have bread sandwich, if it's a little old.
All right.
All right.
Then we got Sophia from Sophia the first.
You got Eliza from Craig of the Creek and Fru Fru from Harvey Street.
And the two, the black chicken, the red hair, that's dot from Harvey Street and that's Kelsey
from Craig
of the Creek.
And then the blonde girl right next to them, that's the only OC in this fucking group of
That was actually a person of one of my commissioners, Drew, just because he just wanted to draw an
original character in this group of non-originality.
So do you watch any of these?
Do you watch like Elizabeth the first? I know
that's a so feel so feel the first like a Disney.
Friends show. Yeah. Yeah. Do you watch that? He makes that show because it's a girl show.
Quote for me. It's a girl show quote. Well, it is a girl right to be fair. Well, I mean,
he's not wrong. It's a fucking show for girls. It's marketed for girls and pedophiles, according to Dick.
No, no, no, no, he was cracking, he was cracking a joke. So do you watch Sophie the first,
Sophie the first?
No, I borrow reference material for that because sometimes you have to watch a show to
like a character. Yeah.
But every character shad men has ever made in his life. Like I doubt he watches most of
these shows. You just wants an exclusive drop porn.
I mean, I'm just wondering why you like the,
why am I wondering?
What's the next one?
He doesn't use too much to up that.
I'm not galaxy brain.
Intellectualism right there.
I'm not galaxy brain.
All right, so now this other one, this is your favorite
and you beat off to this.
I'm showing this one on the stream.
Yeah, these are just kind of.
Oh, my God.
Why do you think I'm here?
You asked me to bring you porn.
I brought you porn.
I'm a delivery man.
For sure.
Don't, please.
I'm making the kind of delivery
that I'm looking for.
I love it.
I love it.
I'm going to bring porn.
I brought porn.
It didn't specify what porn something.
All right.
Well, all right.
So you've got throw, throw this brunette and you beat off to this.
What I'm looking at, they're closed.
Because these are just like, what do you call it?
Like, not production sketches, but I mean, they're just like, sexual about them necessarily.
There's no, at least twice before it's boring.
We see that's the thing.
I don't always want just like fucking regular porn that be so easy. Like I also got to make it so I can post it so I can show people
fucking things. I just post straight porn on Twitter. I'm going to get banned. And the
last thing I fucking need is for another fucking internet. Yeah, you can post porn on Twitter.
Yeah, you can post porn on Twitter. Yeah, since when?, Go nuts. I mean some people might unfollow you depending but now
Yeah, no, you'll probably actually you'll probably get a lot more followers to be fair. So what are you moving into?
I'm absolutely 100% agreeing with you on that statement
I'm just being precautionary because in this fucking world that we live in we're censorship is becoming more and more normal
I need to be very careful what post because I don't want to piss off some fucking jandy someday
because I broke his TOS agreement or whatever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm in the deep lingerie or dumb trivial things.
So what's your, what do you want for Christmas?
Like what's your next phase of college?
I know what I want for Christmas.
I would love the same luxury that fucking Chris Chan got
when Kili Farms sent him a fucking basic care package
and then he complained about it.
You know what you have fucking kill if people were to send me basic care stuff like
Launder detergent.
And two pages.
I mean really?
Like, simple things.
I love you clothes.
I would love fucking cleaning.
Where's your Amazon wish list?
Why don't you put that up?
I'll send you fucking laundry detergent.
People have sent them food products, but he might fuck it.
So people are hesitant.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm not gonna be talking about that.
I mean, we're all your COVID funds, we're leaving you.
Okay, well, where's your post your Amazon wish list
or something?
So we can send you, you know, necessities.
All right. You know what, what I see, send you, you know, necessities. All right. You know, sounds like what I see.
Chris Chan, I mean, I, I think of a guy who couldn't possibly take care of himself.
You sound like you can get a job.
You're capable.
I don't know.
You need a caretable.
Fucking, I'm, I'm struggling.
Why do you feel you need a care package of basic human goods?
You could you not purchase these items for yourself?
I can. I'm just saying it's a spirit.
I'm like, Christmas town. If anyone's generous, it'd be more than happy to take a care package
full basic essentials. I would just, I would say that I think the generosity towards
Chris Chan comes from a place of, uh, sympathy. Yeah. But I don't think you're a sympathy.
Totally aware. You're okay. I am totally aware.
You just sound kind of like, you want to lay at home beating off all day to custom pornography
instead of getting a job.
And who doesn't?
As long as you're not too unlike the rest of us, as the pro, Chris Chan is a whole other
Maybe you're more sympathetic in that regard.
Just because he's daring to live the dream.
That's true. Well, to be fair, you know, if you read the CDC and you have a fucking aneurysm when you
read what they consider to be essential workers, it's the dumbest shit in the world. I mean,
Dick, you're self-employed. You don't have to worry about that. You got dedicated people
who give to your Patreon. So in a sense, according to the CDC, you're an essential worker.
I know. But the Constitution's an essential the central worker changes every fucking couple of months.
Yeah, but you didn't have a job before.
You don't have a job before that though.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, I know.
I'm pretty quick.
All right, Marla, you're going to have you ever try to teach yourself to draw or
take some art classes or anything? Oh my God, I would fucking love to learn how to
draw. I could draw. Everybody should donate you. I would think don't waste time with
commissions. I fucking get a job in Netflix. I think we're just checking off long enough
to pick up a call of counsel. Why don't you just stop saying that seaword that nobody
likes because I can't say that no more because people get mad
It starts with four letters from the room. Oh, come
It's top-sana. There's other ways to save that you can jack off and draw at the same time
Oh, yes multitasking got to remember that maybe instead of buying you detergent we buy you a sketchbook
And a whack-a-tap I will send and a whack-a-tap. A whack-a-tap. I will send you a whack-a-tap.
If you want a drawing tab with...
A fucking sketchbook is going to come up with a note in that says, fucking, you know,
always free time.
I'm going to be shy and more normal today.
I'm going to draw your hair.
It's a joke.
I buy him a whack-a-tap.
Hey, Jackson, I'm full of life.
I love it.
How come you, right?
Why don't you try to draw something and then post it?
Yes, because Lord knows I'm going to draw my perfect stick figure.
And I'm going to draw two.
Well, just fucking through there.
Just try it. Jesus.
I'm trapped inside with no lives left.
What if you spend an hour a day in a sketchbook?
You never know.
I mean, it takes you to press to start.
You're talking about cartoon.
It's 100% fucking true.
People are out developing new hobbies.
I want to get this guy some kind of how to draw cartoons the Marvel way or some kind
of shit.
If you draw like a half hour every day for a month, you'd be surprised how easy it
What do you think about that?
Are you willing to do that?
I want
to try your progress. I think it would be a good challenge for you. You love this stuff
so much. Yeah. This is literally what I love enough to pay for it. No, no, you're at
you're at the tribute to it. I just think if this is your central passion in life, you inspire yourself, create.
What would it take to get you to draw, like commit to drawing for a month, so you could
draw your own stuff?
What would it take?
When I fucking completely run a drive to pay commission artists to do that for me.
No, I don't know.
I would take.
What would it take for you to actually learn a craft and a skill,
what would it take?
A prayer from God, maybe.
Well, that's cheap.
That's true.
It could be a marketable skill for you as well.
Yeah, maybe you get it.
Is there anything that would, is there anything that would get you to commit to drawing,
one drawing a day?
One draw a day.
Yeah. I can't. One drawing a day. That draw a day. Yeah.
One drawing a day.
That's not, that's nothing.
You could try to, you could try to draw
whatever your fantasy was that day.
I'm already fucking professional.
Well, I would, I will give you money if you do,
if you commit to that.
I will give you money.
If you give me money to learn how to fucking draw on my own,
you might as well just fucking poor gasoline on that money
It's half the reason why I never asked for a contract
You have the money to give the need a waste you might as well just burn it. It's not a waste
We've been away from you mother fucker or try and inspire you
Don't you want you have any marketable skills have you ever had a job?
How much would it take how much would it take for you to draw one drawing every day of your fantasy for that day?
Good question.
I'm not really sure.
Well, come up with a number.
I'm not really sure.
Come up with a number.
I'm not really sure.
100 bucks a month.
Oh God, do not give me 100 bucks to draw a fucking stick figure.
It's I'd be so mad.
I wouldn't be able to fucking draw a fucking stick figure.
What is that too much?
You want to name it?
God, there's no way.
I fucking just delegate that over to a
I just don't know.
You've got to draw it.
You got a live stream at two.
You got a live stream.
You're drawing.
Say, this is what I'm drawing.
It's like Elsa, the second or
Sophie or the first.
Kissing. Francine. Francine. From family. From American dad. Sophie are the first kissing kissing.
Francis from family.
Yeah, from a American dad.
That's what I'm drawing today.
Hi, I'm Rilogic.
I'm drawing this one kissing this one.
And then you have to actually try to draw it though.
Oh, it's looking like Twitch live stream.
I'm going to draw whatever the fuck that master since I'll me to draw.
No, you come up with the art. You're a fantasy for that day.
I will, I will pay you, I will pay you 10 bucks a day if that you do that.
And you have to do all third.
You treat me like a minimum wage job.
No, that's way below minimum wage.
You're passing up $100 to draw your, your $300 to draw your chosen, to draw your chosen Wank material and
You're gonna say no
Could you get off your own shit?
We're gonna make you work
Send you toilet paper and laundry detergent now that's a fucking come
paper and laundry detergent. Now that's a fucking come on. You can't say no. You just point between the deal
right here. Hmm. I think you guys got to finalize this
agreement. What do you think? Come on. Definitely the
detergent. We got to get this finalized and writing out
and get a noterated. We got to get it all through. I got
to get a Jewish boy or a noterated. We got to get this
cum contract. Well, you do it or what?
Say yes.
Say yes.
I'm saying.
10 bucks.
10 bucks.
Every drawing, we got to do 30.
And which one?
30 drawings.
Say yes.
This is the start of your new life. This is the start of a new and improved you.
What's wrong with you? Hold me other than the old. There are too many to mention,
but this is a step forward, I think. All right, Merlager, if you're not gonna take me up on this deal, I gotta give this deal to somebody else. I don't think it'll take that.
I'll just put it under bread over there.
You're just gonna get the stuff in me over someone else.
You were to a commission artist, you actually think you're
actually the new manager.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you, you, I don't wanna give you
a fish, I wanna teach you to fish.
Yes, I would love to learn how to fish,
but I don't think I'm capable of
fucking fillin' on that promise.
If you pass on the deal, you pass on the deal,
but it expires when I mute you.
Why don't you try it for a week,
and if you hate it, you stop.
Final, try it for a week.
Is that a reason we'll make it for a week?
It's reasonable.
I'll let you try it for a week.
70 dollars.
All right.
One week.
Do not give me money, I'll just try it for a week.
I'll try it for a week, and it for a week. All right, for a week for free. Well, we're gonna send you some laundry to turn it. All right, all no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You doing whatever you want you can do it that day All right tomorrow take pencil and hand me to do it
All right per the order of the cum track according to the chat
All right get out of here you're gonna do it. I think it's locked in I did one right
I can buy goodbye
Thank you advice
I'm that change lives on the Dixho one way. One way. Goodbye. Goodbye. One hard find. Boom. Thank you. Goodbye.
Fuckin' hell.
That's a funny change.
Change lives on the Diction show.
It's gonna be terrible.
What are you talking about?
It's still listening.
It's gonna be great.
That's gonna be good.
And anybody, Michael Angelo started like that.
Well, that's what I was saying.
I just wanted to beat off to the Virgin Mary.
And he got, he had to get so good.
I mean, if you've consumed every muscular tune, porn, there's a very high chance that you've
internalized some of that.
I didn't even get through any of my, no, I'm sorry.
He'll probably, he'll probably turn into an incredible artist and then never want to jack
off again.
It's going to be like, now I can only, yeah, it's going to be great.
Porn hub had their processing removed. Did you guys see that? I don't understand that. No, I can only, yeah, it's gonna be great. PoornHub had their processing removed.
Did you guys see that?
I don't understand that.
No, I did not.
That's so much money that MasterCard's given up.
No, they don't care about money.
They just want control.
They just want control.
They, I read this thing saying, poornHub banned unverified users from uploading content,
Because allegedly there's all this crime happening against children, which of course is a short
cut for, um, that's how you get any law passed.
I think of the children.
Um, they had, let me see here, Pornhub had 118 incidents of some kind of abuse over the last three years.
And comparison, Facebook had 84 million instances of some.
And what's an incident like somebody uploaded child porn to Pornhub?
Yeah, some kind of...
Whereas on Facebook, that's happening constantly.
I'm on Twitter, that's happening constantly. But Porn porn hub, you know, Twitter doesn't even respond to it. People go to Twitter and they go,
hey, this account is just posting all this and they don't even shut it down for like weeks afterwards.
It's insane. I have the black national anthem too. You guys want to hear the black national anthem?
Kind of sort of. Yes. Yeah. It exists. I think I do.
kind of sort of. Yes. Yeah. I think I do. There's a black national anthem now. I don't know if they're going to have a national anthem for Mexicans or fat women too, but they got
a black national anthem. Oh, turn. Yeah. The Turner sisters. Here we go. Now here we go.
This is a standing for the national anthem. This is in the Michigan electoral college.
They are asking you before they do their thing to stand
for the national anthem of all Black people.
Oh, wait, they're doing both.
They're, ah, veto.
How else would we, how else would we heal as a country?
Oh, to know that there's two separate classes of people.
Please remain standing for the national anthem and the Black National Anthem. Oh, two separate classes of people. Please remain standing for the National Anthem
and the Black National Anthem.
Oh, the Turner sisters.
Javier and Jemlai went to.
Let every voice and say, say all we've got.
Let me live on.
It doesn't even make sense. It's the National Anthem. Oh It's a nation. We had to get to two checks to sing this.
It's terrible also.
It's not good.
Oh man.
This is like if the Mexican national anthem was like,
Day Chalores.
Day Chalore.
I don't know, Mexico.
It's a... Day color it
Maxim Hattens yeah
This is the black band I give way much better
What is this awful?
It sounds white. It sounds too white to be the black national anthem.
So there's no way a black person wrote this.
It has no rhythm.
Frankie's got keys, wrote this.
I know.
He's rough as a moe. To victory.
He's a moe.
Well, I'm glad we finally solved the racism.
Oh no.
Like, this is awful.
It's not even like, oh, well, that's got to at least beat
I can dance to. There's nothing here.
Terrible. Oh my god, they're clapping with a string. I can dance to there's nothing here. Georgia!
Oh my God, they're clapping with a straight face. Let's be clear that the black community
has been responsible for some fantastic music.
And you would know if you'd like to watch the cast music.
Black people who invented music,
today destroyed it with the black national anthem.
Well, I brought you into this world.
I can take it out.
Do you think white people are getting a national anthem too?
I hope so.
Yeah, it's the sexy, sexy anthem.
We just have the English drinking song that we call the national anthem, you know?
Is that, is it a drinking song?
The national anthem?
Well, the, the, the, the melody I think, yeah.
Oh, we stole it. We came? Well, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the They play that 24 seven because it's their theme. And they're like, this is a Confederate battle anthem.
I have so much shit.
I'll just have to cover it next.
I'm sorry.
No, I mean, Eric, Eric Wong, an old guy just tried to fight me on a plane
because I said, he said I cut him off while deboarding.
Ooh, I made fun of getting off the plane.
Yeah, Eric, are you here?
You want to tell that story?
What is the deal of deboarding?
Erica, there.
No, it is like a good bad idea.
Why do you send a tour?
Like you're just waiting for them to make the wrong move, you know?
Do you jump up the second the plane lands, though?
Yeah, I'm one of those people.
We gotta stretch your legs.
I gotta stretch my, yeah.
Yeah, I can't do it.
Yeah, I don't do it.
Erica, there.
Yeah, Dick, I'm here.
You gonna fight with somebody
when you were deboarding the plane from Tampa. I did. I did. And for one, I can say that I didn't try
to start this fight. I certainly didn't do anything to prevent it. But I did not get off
this plane with the intention of starting a fight. What happened? So, um, plane lands. And
everyone stands up and starts getting their carry on luggage as people do when they get off planes
Yeah, and the guy in the seat directly in front of me is still standing
Sorry, he's still sitting. I am standing with my bag on. I'm ready to go
So as soon as a space opens up in the aisle for me to walk out I
Start walking forward and this guy who was sitting moments before
shoots up out of his chair,
and with his right hand,
like pushes my chest and pushes me back,
it says, hey buddy, why don't you wait your turn?
Oh, okay.
And so my first thought was like,
is this guy fucking serious?
Like we're all, and I told him, it's like, look dude, we're all just trying to get off
this airplane.
Why are you shoving me?
And he says, because you need to learn, you're fucking turn.
How old was he?
So he had, I would put him in his mid fifties.
He was about my height, had short gray hair.
He made of them.
Do you, I mean, do you understand all these
boomers that we saved? We have to pay for them to live.
I like, like, this wasn't, this wasn't made clear to everybody when all this
lockdown started when I started right at the very, very fucking beginning.
Said all of these people, we have to pay for them to live.
This virus is a gift from God. Right.
Go out as much as possible and
what them off the face of the earth even after all of that we all bent over backwards when
dead broke gave up our jobs gave up our poor not our custom pornography habits haven't
touched another human being for nine months the gratitude we get in return is, you need to learn how to wait your turn.
From some point of a fuck on a plane.
I didn't leave my house for months on end,
so this guy could not die,
and this is how he repays me.
It's gonna be one person ahead
in the line to get off the plane.
Yeah, one more person.
Yeah, the next person that I can sign an airplane,
that we were on for three fucking hours.
And so anyway, so where was I? He's there.
He's on you.
Yeah, and he said, yeah, yeah, once it touches you, you're trying to get off this plane.
Like I'm trying to be diplomatic at first because like, I don't want to get on a fight
on an airplane.
Because I don't want to go meet some nice FBI agent going by late.
Yeah, I'm on a, I have a connecting flight to catch.
And so this is my flight to Cleveland.
So I don't want to be stuck in fucking Cleveland in a jail cell, like missing my flight of all
So I just like, all right, whatever, like I'm not taking him seriously.
He's a dumb Boomer.
So I was like, I'm just trying to get off the plane as much as you are.
He said, well, you didn't wait your turn.
So I was like, you know what, fuck this guy.
So I said to him, you know, you should really calm down old man.
You might give yourself a heart attack.
Pretty good.
Good for a short.
That's all I thought it was good advice.
And so he proceeded to do the exact opposite.
I don't remember exactly what he said.
It was something generic along the lines of,
I'll show you who's an old man and he grabs my shirt.
Oh, okay.
So as he grabs my shirt and I go from
not taking this guy seriously to,
okay, now I am gonna get into a fight on an airplane
and I am gonna miss my connecting flight.
And like, all right, well, I guess this is happening,
you know?
And he, after he grabs my shirt, he does that thing
where he tries to like pull backwards
and then push forward with his momentum
that he got from pulling back.
Like he's rocking into it to try to like shove me.
And he pulls backwards and just falls on his own.
Like I didn't touch him at all.
And so as soon as he falls, I immediately go from this is happening back to,
yeah, I'm not taking you seriously anymore.
But clearly you're not a threat.
He's a stand.
Yeah, yeah, with me,
with all the stand.
And by the time he fell, the flight attendant had noticed what had happened and had gone over
to break us up.
So the flight attendant wedges between us and pulls us apart.
And the old guy is like screaming and shouting and he's in my face and he pulls his mask
down to yell at me.
And I had this thought in my head where right as soon as he pulled his mask down, I thought
it was funny.
How funny would it be if I pulled my mask down and started coughing on him?
Yes, yes, yes.
Yeah, that's funny.
And for whatever reason, I just decided not to.
Because at this point, like, you pushed out, I guess I did. That was my shot and I'm like this gentleman. I guess so. I guess I did.
That was my shot and I didn't take it.
So the flight attendant pulls his part and he tells the guy who's like now in front of
me in the front, the front part of the plane, like just grab your bag and go get off the
plane before I call the police.
And the guy just stands there and keeps yelling at me for the next minute or two.
And I was like, I don't know why you're still angry.
No one recorded this.
Nobody recorded it.
Nobody on your flight.
What life did these boomers lead?
We're like, this is a great one.
Sush and a fr-
Great one.
I did everything.
The stadium.
The millennials are so entitled, but this guy's willing to fight someone.
No, the boomers got in. Which is probably a felony fighting someone on an airplane. They stayed at the whole. They stayed at the whole. Lettingals are so entitled, but this guy's willing to fight someone, which is like,
I don't know.
The Boos just got in.
Probably a felony fighting someone on an airplane.
They got in.
Just so we can get up to plane five seconds faster.
They had no laws, the cops didn't enforce shit.
They got in at the ground.
They created the laws.
Yeah, exactly.
They created, they created zoning.
They created all these occupational licensing and districting licensing.
Like everything they're using
to shut down the entire country for a fucking hoax
was created by them.
And they did it.
So they could sit in their mausoleums
and pump money into them.
So they could die rich and leave us none of it.
They did it all for that.
It's a big scam.
It's very odd.
All right, Eric.
What do you think of the show?
The show is fucking excellent.
The opening act, the rapper, not a fan.
But you go, I ask you how the show is,
and you go with the opening act and say you're not a fan.
What a fucking review is that?
Immediately with the bad thing.
Fantastic show. Yeah, because the bad thing was the first part of the show. Well, what was good? He's going chronologically
He's going wrong after him was the good part. Hey Vito. What did you think of Eric story?
The first part you it's a great story
I didn't like when you talked about the man on the plane
Great story except for the entire thing. Egy was great.
All right, here.
Get out of here.
Next time you get to pull the trigger later, can I?
Oh, okay.
It is true that they got everything they wanted.
They might have hit it, but it's up to you fell down too quick.
They got a better victory than you got to give me a chance.
The boomers got everything and now they're very confused when they got everything.
Yeah, and they're getting older and they still want to stay up right.
They still want everything.
I fucking hate them so much.
Let's see here.
We're moving.
And we vaccinated it.
Well, that's Cleveland for you.
Matt Smith, what makes me reach? Change it. Love the show. Keep it up no matter what the Democrats say.
We think about that, you know, well, I suppose you can, you have your right to free speech
there. But as Democrats will take that away, one of these days.
I saw guys cheering on that porn hub thing like, oh, yeah, good. Take, take the rest of it
down too. Really? I was like, they're nuts. What happened to like just don't if you don't like it,
don't watch it. I thought you guys were all about like if you don't like it, don't
want. Oh, you're not because you're just you're just the same psychos on the other side
that want to cancel everything you don't like because you want to suck cocks. That's the
real reason. That's the real reason.
That's bizarre fantasy where the world was the perfect. I you keep your wife happy and you know that's what you want.
Well, they have a traditional tradwife who would never engage in any sort of pornographic
No, we're not animals.
They just seem to believe that the second the internet came along and pornography websites
were erected.
Everything just got flipped upside down.
Humanity was always a disgusting animal.
All right.
I'm raging this week because every fast food place
in existence has digital screens
instead of menu boards.
Even in drive-throughs.
He spelled drive-throughs the full word.
It's T-H-R-U-S, I think.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, it's convenient.
It's quick.
Now, this wouldn't be so bad
if they had the entire menu on one board and didn't
consistently switch every 30 seconds when I need to order off the dollar menu in a line.
All of their new promotions will be on screen and it takes forever to cycle back through
the screen I need.
And likewise, when I get tired of their cut rate burgers and want to try whatever new fat
burger they're trying to push, surely they could spare a few trees to print out actual menu boards.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, have you ever used those touch screen ordering things
they have now?
I hate them.
My buddy went to McDonald's and he's like,
I don't think humanity's gonna last much longer
because I went and I was just like,
wanted to order a burger.
And she's like, sir, you have to use the touch screen.
And he's like, I just need human interaction.
I need to know that another human being exists, sir.
You need to use the touchscreen or you have to leave.
Because the problem wasn't the touchscreen,
the problem was the person on the other side of it
who's still reading it and fucking it up.
Right, like constantly.
I need to, like I can tell if I say I want a big Mac
and they're like big quarter pounder.
Like I can see it in their eyes that they didn't get it. With the touchscreen, now I have to put it in and look to see if they're like, big quarter pounder. Like I can see it in their eyes that they didn't get it.
With the touchscreen, now I have to put it in
and look to see if they're reading it
and they think you're reading it like,
big quarter pounder.
It does not, yeah.
The technology is not assisting them in any great way.
Insane hospital story from living in Shoda, hey, Dick.
On the most recent episode,
on the most recent,
you wouldn't drive to the hospital.
If you knew you had to pay 400 bucks,
I had a similar story.
Only the bill was seven times as much.
In July, my girlfriend relapsed on drugs,
crack specifically.
And I had a mental breakdown.
What does that mean?
I was off my antidepressants
cause they make me less horny.
And she was basically living with me.
I'm sure that's a thing.
So I needed to always be at the ready.
Week cans, not gonna lie.
I was so depressed.
She's uncrowable.
Come on.
I was so depressed after we broke up
and not being on my meds made me wanna end it all,
but I decided to call the suicide hotline.
I took down a phone number for a support group
and hung up.
Half an hour later, the police knock on my door.
Always get the government involved in your problems.
Yeah, that's always the way to do it.
I read they had like a couple hundred millions at a side for like mental health during this whole thing. Yeah.
I don't spend any of it. No, I'm sure. People were surprised by that, but I'm thinking,
well, how the fuck, what are you going to spend it on? Yeah. Like what do you, what do you line
item that with custom, Merlogic's custom pornography? Yeah, we bought everybody. He had access to the poor and he needs.
I'm being, and half an hour later, the police knocked on my door and tell me I'm being
taken to a hospital.
I told them I was feeling better.
Did he even leave a message or anything?
They can just hang up.
They just show up and take you.
What a, God damn it, dude.
These things are set up with the best of intentions.
Maybe they're not people from committing suicide.
And it's like, now we just want to give the cops
excuse to lock you away for no reason.
I told them I was feeling better,
and I didn't have the money for a hospital stay.
And then I was sure my insurance wouldn't cover it.
They told me if I didn't come willingly,
I would be arrested.
Okay, I decided I didn't. Me, dude, that's so stupid. Oh my God. I decided I didn't come willingly, I would be arrested. Okay. I decided I didn't.
Me, dude, that's so stupid.
Oh my God.
I decided I didn't want to be arrested,
but that's still meant.
They had to load me in the back.
Excuse me.
Of a police cruiser.
So my neighbors think I'm a criminal.
At the hospital, I told my story to four different doctors
because they had to keep changing my room
because someone on the floor was dying from COVID.
I finally told a doctor, this is fucking retarded.
I didn't want to kill myself, but now I might.
The doctor then called security who took my clothes and my phone.
I was held in captivity for 30 hours in the care of a 28-year-old who spent the whole time
eating subway and watching videos on
their phone. I was not kept in a room but in more of an indent in the ER with a curtain,
which I wasn't allowed to close. I did not have a bed but a gurney, and the space itself was only
about 10 by 12 feet. I wasn't allowed to leave my nook unless I had to use the restroom,
which I needed permission to do and they watched me do it. After 30 hours, a psychiatrist showed
up and said I was safe to leave. Two weeks later, I am hit with a bill.
Two weeks later, I killed myself.
That's how the story should end because fuck this.
Two weeks later, I am hit with a bill for $2,800.
Oh, damn. I called the suicide hotline and called them con artists to which they replied they were
helping me, but their help does not include anything financial.
So they certainly made me feel better.
Attached is the photo I took in the back of a cop car.
Obviously, I don't have that in there.
Well, if you haven't paid that bill yet, as they always tell you, go to the hospital
and say I want an itemized receipt,
and that'll usually cut it in half,
because the hospital goes shit.
Don't pay that bill.
Yeah, well first of all, don't pay the bill.
But if you ever go to the hospital
and they give you a giant bill, go,
okay, I want you to write out exactly
how you arrived at this number.
I didn't know you could do that.
You can absolutely, yeah.
That's a huge piece of advice for anybody
going to the hospital. Oh, that's great. Yeah, because I have to do that with You can absolutely, yeah. That's a huge piece of advice for anybody going to the hospital.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah, because I have to do that with my heart.
It's a half time to go,
we couldn't get to that number.
So we ended up,
we got to like half of it.
That seems reasonable.
Yeah, look it up.
That's common advice.
Unrealized games from,
games. Don't pay a thought.
You're from the lighten chase on it.
Page chick,
listening to your story about your losses in crypto
inspired me to check on an old investment account.
The year was 2010 and I had just gotten a bonus from work.
I did what any 20-year-old would do
and took a portion of it and bought some guns.
After spending about 7K on firearms,
I decided I was gonna use the remaining 700 bucks
and invest.
I opened a Scott trade account
and started trading penny stocks.
It took me about one month and that $700 turned into an impressive $60.
Early retirement here I come.
I didn't feel like transferring more money into the account to cover the commission
to exit the position, so I just left the money there and well forgot all the account info.
Fast forward to last weekend. I was listening to your story on the bonus episode
about the crypto shit show and remembered that old account I had.
Scott Trade had become TD Ameritrade.
So I had to reset some logins and the usual hassle getting into an old account.
After 20 minutes of legwork, I was in.
The account balance was 81 cents.
Made sense, I thought I fucking sucked at investing,
but there was an anomaly on the account value chart,
a spike during 2017.
Oh no.
I looked at this tower value that rose
from the flat line of 81 cents, and I wondered how much was this account worth?
Oh, no.
And it's peak $20, $50, $60.
My God, did I even break even at one point?
The answer was $27,986.
I'm a fucking dipshit.
Here's some investment advice for the rest of the
dickhead about that.
What's stock?
I don't know.
Buy some airline stocks because I'm maxing all my credit cards out on
tickets to Greenland Screen Start attached for proof.
Yeah, there you go.
How about that?
It's a pretty rough one.
Ah, what are you gonna do?
Easy, come easy, go ahead.
Come easy, go.
Ah, all right.
It's been a long episode.
And I'm probably getting too drunk to host the show.
And I'm just not pretty good.
Do I sound good?
Yeah, I feel like I have no hard time reading.
The depression from your complete screw up in Tampa is a
evident, but other than that, and back to back to prison land.
Yeah, in LA, it's all going to work out.
It's really a fucking joke. We're just going to go stand in the street and they're going to drive by with a vaccine gun.
Just shoot you full of needles. It's like a scatter gun. Yeah. Just everybody stand outside.
Fucking spackling everyone. They can't let the hot girls take it though.
Yeah, they want to want them. Come on, man. I just don't want everybody to be infertile.
That's my worry. I would everybody to be infertile.
That's my worry.
I would prefer to be infertile than the people that want to take the vaccine.
I would like them to be infertile.
That's true.
I mean, the virus had so many upsides to it and we did the bloodline.
We're blowing it.
We're blowing it.
We're blowing it.
Vile delinquent, dear Dick, don't read my email out.
Oh, don't read my email out.
Don't read his email address, I assume.
Let's assume that.
Don't read his email.
Next, even though I know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, email address.
I find myself in a precarious position.
You see, there's this girl at work.
I don't know her tit size because she wears baggy
but still very flattering shirts.
But I know they're huge. However, this bitch has the best pair of yoga pants in the tri-state
area. This girl jiggles when she walks in all the right ways. I have spoken and joked
with her a few times and she laughs at all my jokes. Well, then she's basically your girlfriend
already. Yeah. She has even said that I look good even when I am sick. It is really, it is the so weird what guys, the
compliments guys pick up on. She was so desperate for them. She said I looked good. No one
ever compliments a man when I'm sick. I went into work while sick when she said that.
Okay. And even one of my coworkers remarked that we have a connection,
but nevertheless, I ain't certain.
But here's the bigger issue.
I work in a family-owned business.
And one day, while returning from lunch,
I jokingly said to her as I passed,
how you gonna wear your hair up in cold weather
and down in hot weather?
your hair up in cold weather and down in hot weather. Hmm.
To which she laughed at.
But immediately after that, my boss, who I know is related to her, but I don't know how,
though I suspect he is her uncle, called me over and said, listen, Anon, I don't want
you ever joking with the girls in the office anymore.
Now get back to work.
He works at a temptation, I guess.
He is usually a good guy, so this reaction caught me off guard.
He caught me joking with her again today, and she was smiling and laughing until she pointed to him behind me
as he stared daggers into me.
Now, I need this job, but also this is prime grade
pussy man. Should I go for it? And if so, how do I handle this? For clarifications, she
is a Lebanese trump card Catholic. And I am a racist, Baptist fascist. The ass on this
girl would drive any of you to find a way to get around this
cognitive dissonance. So spare me the lectures. If you can fix this issue for me, then I guarantee
you an annual supervised visit to the ethno state. So give me some advice, sincerely a
horny. This perks here. The ethno state would have no, no one would ever have sex in it.
I mean, it'd be a bunch of white people.
It would just be a bunch of, it would just be a bunch of guys asking women's dads if
they can have sex with their daughters.
That's the ethno state.
Excuse me, sir.
Can I have, may I have sex with you?
May I, per chance, take your affair blossom.
And they would go, then they would go to their friends and say, well, her dad said I could.
So I think that might be a little munch.
That might be a, she's a whore, right?
And all of his friends would go, yeah, we're going to go ask our dads, we're all going
to go ask our fucking dads what we should do in this situation.
And then their dads are going to go ask their dads.
We're going to have 80 guys working together on if it's okay to fuck this one.
New religion of the ethno state is not that.
That's what it is.
That's what it is in reality.
A bunch of white guys who cut their hair every day asking their dads to ask their dads
if it's okay to fuck a girl who is clearly DTF.
Well, one generation in the ethno state.
Oh, what advice do you have for this gentleman other than the ethno state is not the promised
land you deserve.
So try to fuck him.
I would think he's another guy.
Take him out for a to the bar, get in with him,
and then he goes, that is a nice young fella.
I can come in with him.
This is a white man's response to the guy.
I think if you want to keep your job,
I know something about fucking up a job over a woman.
Yeah, but you don't care about,
you don't have to try to keep him,
I would never go to a dick to be like,
how do I keep my employment?
I'd be like, you know,
I think you got to get on the be like, how do I keep my employment? You're like, you know, I think you gotta get on the bus as you'd said, no, no.
Then he goes, well, this is the kind of fella.
No, because he wants to fuck her.
That's the guy, the uncle wants to fuck her.
Oh, the uncle, you think.
That's why men act like this,
because they want to fuck that girl.
But he knows he can't.
And that's why he hit him with that.
Why do you want to fuck her?
Nobody else is either.
Right away.
Hey, don't make, it'll make eyes at my niece over there.
Why do you want to fuck her?
I don't think that's gonna keep your job.
That's helpful.
I think you have to acknowledge that he wants to fuck her and by proxy, you have to make
it be like, well, if I was threatening him,
if you're his buddy, then by proxy,
you fucking her is almost like him fucking her.
Talk to her and say, he's kind of inappropriate with you,
isn't he?
Get him fired?
Yeah, from his walkthrough marriage.
He's kind of inappropriate.
Is it anyone who attacks this job?
Get a text from her, saying,
he's kind of, don't you think that's a little inappropriate that he wants to involve himself in your love life? And you go to, hey, I don saying, you know, you think that's a little inappropriate
that he wants to involve himself in your love life?
And you go to, hey, I don't want you talking,
I go, really, does your wife know
that she thinks it's inappropriate
that you're in her fucking love life?
New pencil dick fuck, what do you think about that?
Wow, look at that shit.
I mean, I don't know, how bad do you want?
How bad do you want both to fuck her and to keep your job?
How bad do you want it?
That's what I'm saying, you gotta play the politics game. You don't have to like it. How do you want both to fuck her and to keep your job? How bad do you want it? That's what I'm saying.
You got to play the politics game.
You don't have to like it.
How do you play a politics if a guy who wants to fuck his own niece?
Same way you marry any girl whose father probably molested her as a kid, you know?
You just don't think about it.
It's good advice.
What do you think, Sean?
What should he do?
Man, I have no fucking idea. Yeah, I do. advice. What do you think, Sean? What should you do?
Man, I have no fucking idea. My first thought is that the job is like a throwaway job. Yeah. It's probably something like, yeah, he's
like, yeah, I want to keep my job. But I mean, you know, I like a
vinyl. Well, I'd probably find out if, you know, maybe she was the
neat. He doesn't even seem to know the family dynamic.
Hide something important from the job. So they can't fire you. Hide something important.
Yeah. Like all the crucial chairs. Gather them up.
Yeah, listen, if you want those chairs back, I'm fucking your niece.
Them's the rules.
Don't you think that's how it would work in the ethno state?
There's a bunch of guys. There's a bunch of guys.
There's a bunch of guys that's dealing with each other.
What does the bunch of guys do to each other?
Consent is for men to ask other men if they're it's okay to fuck with.
I don't want to live in an all white ethno state now.
It does not sound.
Sounds fucking fun.
Doesn't sound fun.
I had some tacos tonight.
You did before.
Before, yes, but now the dick is laid it out.
I'm not really in the stand.
I think he's right. Okay. I'm done reading all this. This is a later to. Yeah, I think he's right.
Okay, I'm done reading all this.
This is a very long show already, I think.
We're at what, an hour, two hours.
All right, everybody, we're gonna do some voice mails
and this has been the dick show.
Vito, thank you for coming in.
Thank you for having this.
You have COVID now, obviously.
I very may well.
That was a super spreader event.
If there ever is anybody has it, it's you.
Yeah, I think I'm a me.
all we're going to find it.
Do you know your blood type?
It's USA.
Oh, okay.
Wait, that's only that only works for DNA.
I actually think it's oh, I think it's oh,
or a type of other rare one.
Well, yeah.
Yeah, oh, is that you may be a tougher for you to get. Oh, man. Red extensively on it. Oh, is that you may be tougher for you to get.
Oh, Matt.
Oh, Matt read extensively on it.
Matt Miller is here.
You want to call in?
Let me unmute you.
Hey, Matt, how you doing?
Hey, how's it going, Matt?
Hey, great tattoos at the show.
Thank you.
I wish I brought more.
Who knew that you would need to tattoo like five guys in a row
I know
You know that be like a line all of a sudden we're opening a top right on stage
I remember you asking on stage like saying well no, I can't do more because you know
You could get HIV and the next guy was like I'm a I'm a risk that I think that's okay
I'm a risk that. I think that's okay.
I think I can treat that now.
I'll be fine.
I got no problem with that.
I already got COVID.
After the show for me, you got way too much.
What happened to someone?
Someone gave me an anerole and then someone gave me an ex-ac.
It was just not good.
I remember the LA and E. I remember seeing someone at the bar after the show,
just kind of standing some some kid earlier, like an hour before I said, like, oh, yeah,
I just I did a bunch of acid for the first time. I was like, okay, fantastic. You know,
that's great. And then an hour later, I saw him just standing standing against the wall,
standing across a huge ball table. Yeah.
People's first-ass experiences are fun to witness.
I hope he got home okay.
Anyway, we haven't seen him.
He's still there.
He's still there.
Is that kid gonna leave?
I don't know.
I got no problem just staying there though.
That's funny.
How do you do the tattoos that fast?
That's what I want to know.
I just been doing them for a
while and you know you just you just do it. I'm gonna have to see pictures of these tattoos. Yeah.
They're good. They were probably upload some. They were done quickly. Yeah.
Yeah. It's got to have a certain charm then. Yeah. Yeah. It's just lettering so all it's like
it's just lining it. It's like it's like I wrote it out. So that's why it was so bad
So I wanted to do something like that because you know
I want to like be all there in a weird position. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's say I didn't want to interfere with your guys's act
Oh, I don't know how you could have done that
No, either yeah, I've been what happened. I was like oh
What was your favorite part of the show? I think I liked it towards the end when you were, when, when everyone was
pretty much arguing with you, when Scott was up on stage trying to take the microphone.
It was a huge show. It was awesome. It was great. Thanks again, man.
Does anything make you a rage? You know what? Now that everyone's doing Door Dash a lot,
the restaurant has shitty plastic forks. Yeah. It drives Right, we have like the 10 temp forks versus like the 50 cents.
There's almost no point.
Those forks are useless.
They like, they like warp.
Can't even get a good load of fries.
No, you can't do anything.
That's been my problem.
Those forks even get useful for nothing.
I don't know.
All right, Matt, I'll see you the next one.
We'll see, bring more, bring more needles.
I'll bring more needles. I'll be better prepared next one. See bring more bring more needles. Bring more needles.
I'll be better prepared next time.
All right, man.
See you.
You have a good one.
Okay, everybody.
This is been the Dix show, slash the Dix show.
Dix show.
See next Tuesday.
Vito, what are you gonna plug? slash Vito.
Come on by talking about the Mandalorian exciting stuff.
Are you really?
I've been reviewing it sucks.
You review every episode. I've been reviewing every episode. I've been reviewing it sucks. You review every episode.
I've been reviewing every episode.
I've been reviewing every episode.
I've been reviewing every episode.
I've been reviewing it sucks ass.
I break down why every episode sucks.
Is it even people are enjoying it?
It's, sometimes it's funny.
Okay, that's good.
There's other stuff on it.
This is Kendall and Hyde with fun, I think.
Another, Densmatics call the police again.
Here you go.
See you next Tuesday.
Dispatchers for Tampa Police. You're Tilly Field calls that are a matter of life and death. other mathematics called the police again. Here you go. See you next Tuesday. Yellow sacking like a huge gun Now I'm dialing 911 Why you always having fun?
Fucking round shooting cool guns
Hanging out with Russian mad pugs
Standing me in Ryan Ball
Is jealous like the really miss Shawn
Now I'm dialing 911
I refuse to be a man
People with success I can't stand
Never going away in a man
It's my fault and my death
What did you expect from me?
Silly mailing companies And it's my fault and my death What did you expect from me? Still emailing companies
And it's obvious, fault you're venue
When I talk to them, they act so confused
And your show's still on, but I'm going you
From the comfort of my bedroom
I'm calling the cops
How I deal with depression
Being at this for years
I'm still playing the big
Why you always having fun, fucking round shooting cool guns
I told you guys don't walk away, run, but you'd I not done
Yellow signing like a huge gun
Now I'm ninety nine one one, why you always having fun
Fucking round shooting cool guns, hanging out with version mancucks, Amy P and Ryan Law
I just saw Ethan Rouse going, now I'm ninety cop in this industry. The whole guy is old and then the guy seems dedicated to having this one man.
Shut that show down, I'm a minor.
The worst thing ever is that he's a cop.
He's a cop in this industry.
He's a cop in this industry.
The whole guy is old and then the guy seems dedicated to having this one man.
Shut that show down, I'm a minor. White, white, Nazi rally All night The whole night is all And then the house seems dedicated to this one man
Shup that show down
I'm a minority
The worst one by far
Is their lawyer, Rukina
A rest that guy, Carl
Is a churra
And I hate it
Why you always having fun?
Fuck around, you little guns
I told you guys to walk away
Run, but do I not die?
Yellow's acting like a huge gun
We now I'm doubly 911, we always having fun
Fuck around you through guns
Playing and out with person man tugs
And then you can ride off
We always kill us like the real him is sure
Now I'm doubly 911
Let me sample Sean Leroy book
I'm number one
Yes, I'd like to report a live comedy show.
Oh God.
That guy.
What a Nazi rally even look like.
I don't know.
Nothing wouldn't be in a fun club. Wouldn't look like. I don't know, nothing. Wouldn't be in a fun club.
Wouldn't be like out there.
Maybe outside, yeah.
Burnin' stuff.
Hey, what's up everybody?
Oh, hey, hey!
One of those classic junior Nazi comedy shows.
Live comedy.
Tony Robbins.
The way he claps.
He's out there.
He's out there saw a Jew.
He goes,
I know, I know,
simmer down.
Where was I?
I know you're gonna.
They're having a Nazi rally.
Nazis aren't fun is the thing.
If anyone's having fun,
it's not a Nazi thing.
They're not paying to rent that venue out for a rally.
They're going to go in the woods and they're going to burn shit and get mad
about people of different colors.
Not see rally.
Not see.
You guys got your goody bags.
All right.
Ah, God.
Maddox sucks so much.
I don't know why he's thinking about him disguising his voice again.
Wasn't that funny?
It's ridiculous.
Why does he care if he just shut up about?
He'll never be over.
He'll never be over.
He'll never be over.
Well, he cares, but he also does like, like we did on the bonus episode.
He just, he does these streams endlessly.
Every week, multiple hours spent humiliating himself as a banana or a Dracula.
And it's like, he's not even like playing games or anything fun, right?
He's just like hanging out as a cowboy.
No, he's talking to like three people on the chat.
Two of which are insulting him with what you're calling him a cock.
Okay, it is any.
Go ahead, watch on.
No, no, it's not, right?
It's great.
It's just bizarre.
I wish I could pay him into it.
It's insane.
It's insane.
Here's a Maddox voicemail, somebody sent it.
What's going on, Dick?
You know, I know the show is not about Maddox,
but it's really nice to bring about Maddox now and again.
Fucking, I watched one of his old videos.
Why does he need to get all these followers and fans?
Like, the video where he's making fun of all these followers and fans. Like, the video where he's making fun of all these
dipships on YouTube that he literally then became one of them.
Like, why does he need the,
this is, I'm not making this point.
Oh, fuck, don't ever have kids come,
Why is he desperate for validation?
Basically what I'm getting at is that he's a big bulldozer.
He's a're old Armenian man
why the fuck does he care what
the people on youtube think of him
but can't be like he should just
the whole group of great part about him about maddox when i was twelve
year old which is core audience i think
the only twelve year old
because he's a jamao
that he didn't give a fuck about
Society and the culture and shit like that. It was great damage. I'll critique
Crit critic because the whole thing I think
I'm Joe Biden. I can't fucking talk anymore. I don't sleep anymore
I don't sleep anymore. What are you gonna have kids?
You gotta be that shit.
Boomer boy.
You gotta have a baby.
God, you fucking, it's a cult.
Alright, boom, boom.
Take it easy.
What a thought.
So much estrogen in the fucking water every fucking guy?
When he had a baby, man, when he had a fucking baby?
I bet you'd love having a kid.
Why do you, why do they think about it though?
Why does so many guys have to pull you in?
So there's sickness.
This is an old tribalism thing.
We need more blood to feed the harvest.
I don't remember that when I I don't remember that one.
I was a kid.
Guys always talking about it.
Yeah, when you guys get in,
well, that's because back then,
you just popped them out without thinking about it.
My dad didn't send me down every day.
You know, so what are you gonna,
you gotta think about having,
you gotta think about having kids.
What are you talking about?
My dad would talk to you about abortions.
Yeah, my dad would constantly complain to me.
Listen, don't repeat my mistakes.
What was your dad say?
He would always be like,
oh, are you gonna make me some grandkids?
I'm like, you're dad?
You're dad would?
And keep in mind,
he had a 10 year old son at the time.
I'm like, dad, you still have kids.
It's a trick.
Yeah, it's a trick.
It's a scheme.
He really was Italian, wasn't he?
Yeah, he was.
He just loved kids.
Yeah, man.
I got uncles and shit who were having kids
into like their 60s, man.
Yeah, basically.
So he's got a nine year old.
That's the thing.
I'm serious.
You're like, what the fuck?
That's all there is.
Yeah, I remember a part of the Italian family
that like, this is your uncle.
He's eight. And I'm like, I was flipping part of the Italian family like this is your uncle. He's eight and I'm like I was fucking retard
No, my dad and one of his uncles were like three months apart. Yeah, it's so
Talience it's all yeah
That's the only out of no state I want
Yeah I just can't touch my pussy. Like, what a great, I spent so much more money that they just wanted to feel more fit.
Great, this is my old, these higher countries
should adopt this.
Go talk to yourself, great job.
I heard that a lot.
God's just saying that they didn't think you did.
You know, you touched the girls, you getting trouble.
They kick you out of him.
I mean, if you pay the money to get into the
champagne room, you could probably do whatever the fuck you want. But if you're just out
on the strip club floor, no touchy. Really? Yeah. Out on the floor, like in full view of
everybody, like there's like a little like corner, you know, it's like they put you
in your little box. Yeah, you got like a little box. There's like some chairs over there
in the stall. Yeah. But if you start the tellalleling, I'll touch that from a lot of guys.
It's the law.
Apparently go for it.
Go for it.
Yeah, if you want to get kids, just kind of something the guys heard and they're like,
well, you know, I'm not even a try.
You guys didn't go to a strip club in Tampa though, did you?
Of course.
What do you mean it didn't go?
When did you get one night?
Did you guys go to the strip club?
On some strip club,-s of strip club?
20s built up.
You got a stack of ones about this big.
I had to get through.
Well, fantastic.
How many people went to the strip club?
Was that the set was that Friday?
Oh, well, Thursday and Saturday.
Well, fantastic.
You should have come.
I, yeah, I don't know. You fucked up.
I didn't want to fly with the COVID shit. I like with COVID. Why? There's a vaccine. You
could get you're going to be impotent and have Paul's going through the fucking airport
in a mask and everybody's I don't know. Everybody's what? Yelling at you to keep it on the whole
fucking time because I don't wanna wear it.
Just put it down by your nose like this.
No, don't yell at you.
They will yell at you.
And everybody, you don't know what it's like
to be a big fat guy because they go,
oh, well, he's got it.
Cause he's disease.
Cause I've never encountered this no-groping
a strip club.
I think that people.
I went to a restaurant and I bought food
with like actual money and they flipped out.
Cause like, that could be tainted, we can't.
And I'm like, no, that's just cash.
It's fine.
It could be tainted though.
Like, well, I'm gonna have to wash my hands
after taking that.
I'm like, dude, I'm not.
Wait, no, no, yes.
Yeah, you should.
Yeah, you should.
That's all.
Yeah, deal with it.
None of this shit would have to happen
if you just washed your hands and stopped putting your fingers
and your fucking mouth.
Oh, I love touching my face.
It's like my favorite thing.
All day long, my face.
I'm just touching it.
All you had to do.
I'm touching your fucking mouth.
My mouth is my favorite thing to touch.
Okay, let me see here.
Oh, this is the kid's scar who got the tattoo.
I did a show tattoo.
Hey, Jake, sorry. I kind of scar who got the tattoo. I did a show. Hey, Dick.
I kind of focused the first voicemail.
This is a scar.
The guy who got the tattoo at Road Range.
Well, let you know what makes me a rage.
I was at the club the other day and I had this bitch working on me and her friend like
comes up and notices it.
I'm thinking that maybe she's a little too drunk, but whatever.
I'm having a good time.
Anyways, I slapped her ass and her girlfriend tells me,
oh no, don't do that.
Why are you stopping me when she's already twerking on me?
She wants me.
I'm gonna send you my daughter.
I can't get it.
Where's the money for the first time?
I love the derailleur for shit.
That's a shit, rage.
Yeah. That's a shit, man. I'm the only man. No, he's's a shit. They don't know how to get their women lay. They only know how to fucking like
No, no
No, good. He's arguing with him about the rage in the background. That's a good bit. Well, I like bad news for you
You fucked up the second force back to
All right one more
uh... here we go
hey there
after working a full day off three hours of sleep
burning the candles at both of them that the tams show
uh... anyway my rage happens
the past few times i stayed at, quote unquote, boutique hotel.
First of all, in the Bowery, in New York, in the second time in Hotel Haia, I don't know
what the point is for these showers that don't have doors on them are curtains.
So you take a shower and then after you're done, not only does the cold and gust of air
come in because there's nothing trapping the steam in the shower, but you're left with
your bath mat completely soaked and puddles everywhere of water that's just flying out
from the shower.
It makes no sense.
Well, it was wrong with shower curtains. that's just flying out from the shower. It makes no sense.
Well, it was wrong with shower curves.
What was wrong with the door?
Anyway, I had a great time in Tampa,
keep doing live shows if we can.
I'll fly to wherever they are.
And go fuck yourself, love you, Sean.
My parents too.
Yeah, shower doors are great.
Yeah, my parents made one of those stupid like half shower doors in their house.
I don't know why they did it.
I always encounter them at hotels and I'm like, I don't understand why you want your
maids to have to clean up after whatever ridiculous mess.
I make it here because I don't know what you want me to do.
If they're designed right, that's one thing, but most hotels don't have the room for that.
So he's right.
You get the fucking, it just goes right out onto the floor and your bath mat soaked and
whatever else you left on the floor.
It's fucking, it's so dumb.
I like the idea of having a room where I don't have to deal with anything and I can just
go in and get water, you know, walk around and have water sprayed all over me.
And I don't know where it's coming from.
Do you deal with opening a door?
I don't know where it's coming from.
It's just gonna be anywhere, anywhere.
I can't be bothered.
I can't be bothered, this is like showing out like a haunted house.
Ah, ah, ah, that's my ideal shower
and I'm sopping myself up.
And then you just leave and it's like nothing else.
And then it's like you wanna, you want to, you want a gas chamber.
Not for me.
Just for that.
And then, it's like a David Copperfield,
like lights are shooting all around.
And then it's like,
And then it just, then it towels
drop all over the place.
Just out to tell.
It's fall from the sky.
On top of you.
And people are clapping.
Yes, yes, people are clapping, you know.
The deal showering experience.
And then you start your day.
Yeah, but we don't get that.
I can't.
Yeah, I just not.
I could be.
I mean, what do you spend money on?
The whole showroom.
Yeah, right?
When I end my show.
Oh, dude, you gotta have kids.
Oh, yeah.
How about a shower?
We're in shoots everywhere out at you all the time.
And then a...
And then a t-shirt.
We're in the morning.
We'd get up and get our fucking conveyor belt.
And it would march him through and shit was shoot out of the walls
and brushes teeth all over the fucking place.
Nothing close to that. Just about to get a... What? What's about to get arrested at a car wash? Shit was shoot out of the walls and brushes teeth all over the fucking place
What's about to get arrested at a car wash
That was that guard dude running back before exactly what what yeah They did it for cars and guys sit there and we'll watch that car go. Oh my god
I wish that was happening to me right now. That's why they have those windows kind of true
How come they're in more of those experience?
But you have to go and there's like a drain.
You have to fiddle every morning.
What a drain.
It is true.
The modern shower experience could be better.
And you're like, oh, where's the towel?
Oh, yeah, here we go.
And then I look at the American toilet.
I have a bidet.
Me too.
And my life is a million times better.
Lucky Star. just got one.
Lucky star, you remember her, I think, was in here last week.
Yeah, yeah, I saw her.
So just got a bidet.
And her life has improved 2,000%.
Because I think of all the years I did not have a bidet and I go,
worth less.
Why did I not have this?
Waste of time.
Here's Scar.
Hey, Scar, are you there?
Oh, hey, what's up, dick?
Hey, what's up, man? Can you hear me? Yeah, good. How's your tattoo feel?
Oh, dude, it doesn't even hurt.
Like, and I wanted everybody to slap it, and I got that.
So I'm pretty happy about that.
So you're the guy who came up during the show and got your bicep tattooed with TDS on it.
Yeah, I actually was going to try to get you like your logo on it, but you didn't like,
he wasn't ready for that. No, I wouldn't wait. I was trying to get A log too, but that's just bad idea.
Yeah, you don't try to get A log tattooed on a lot of that. Yeah, that's, that it would have been a
bad idea. That I would forget. So you were telling me, yeah, you were telling me afterwards that,
that it was a good opener at a bar with a woman, the new tattoo.
Oh, dude.
People pointed out a girl for me and they're like, that's guy who got the tattoo and I brought it back to my hotel.
What she looked like big money.
Oh, pretty short.
Pretty short. Okay.
And the kind of situation was more like oranges.
Jim, nice ass.
All right, that sounds pretty good.
I don't really know how to like,
just like, just like,
just like,
I'm not sure if you mentioned it,
but I think it was probably like a big old peach.
Yeah, a big old peach.
Well, I'm a good one.
I think it was a big peaches.
Was it an attractive ass?
We usually would be like to go with,
yeah, it was a good ass, right? That's what's important. Did you fuck her? No the fucking hotel cucked me.
See I waited for my roommates to leave and they left early just so I could get laid but the
fucking management kept on knocking on us that we had to leave so I never fucking got laid. I was
pissed. Oh, were you trying to fuck her like before check out time or something? Yeah, I was trying to
fuck her before check out time. Time did you go back to the room? Just fall asleep together or something?
We went back to like 40 a.m. and like everyone went to bed and then like everyone took her early.
So I had time, but it just fell through because like I thought
felt like when we were supposed to maybe it was like three, but the actual time was 11. So I was
way off. Okay, so you got the tattoo with the show, then you met a girl with a peach ass,
and you brought her home, you brought her to your hotel with your friends and you all slept
in the same room.
Oh, yeah, we all cuddle and smooch together, me and Tinnacle and his little cosplay.
Oh, hey, I actually got a good story.
I can't tell you, I love this one.
Can't you really hit on Tinnacle, Prince while he was in cosplay?
A man?
Yeah, he hit on a man.
Sighting. One moment. Let me get. A man yeah, he hit on a man
Sighting one moment let me get
Yeah, I'm here What happened? What happened? What happened? What a cantileum.
So I get back to the room and this is like when I bring her back, he's like, dude,
while we were after we got done at the show, Cantileum walked up to me and like was talking
like he was hitting on me and he said, he said something among the lines of, who's he?
Who's he? He's trying to he? I'm just trying to fuck.
No, who is he that you're talking about?
Who's being hit on?
Yeah, who's being hit on?
Fucking tentacle prince in his Joker cosplay from Persona.
What are all those things?
Essentially, essentially tentacle prince was trepzed up like a chick. I was drunk. I don't remember it. I don't remember it. I don't remember it. I'm just taking their word on it. I don't think I did, but I'm not the answer to the question.
I'm just better than I can.
He's like, I'm the one who wants to.
Is he a guy?
I'm the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants
to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the
one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the
one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the
one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the
one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who wants to be the one who I'm just I'm just taking their word on it. I don't think I did but
Yeah, he's in here who
Technical Prince all right, let's see. Oh, there he is. We'll get the whole story
All right, technical Prince you were dressed up as Joker from persona? Yeah, I'm actually about to fall asleep right now.
Actually, I was like getting ready for bed, but just had this on in the background.
Yeah, I was just dressed enough for fun, just like, you know, just the old old foot.
You look like a very, an anime character.
Did Cantillion's hit on you?
Yeah, I thought he was just joking because I'm like, either he was drunk or he was just like,
you know, doing a joke or something.
Oh, okay.
Either it was pretty cool.
I don't know.
I don't remember it.
I don't know.
I don't know.
All I know is I got the bartenders phone number.
So I think that's
Nags can't be done with anything else.
Man, where are they dressed as?
So this Airbnb and I saw Motherfucker carrying a detour sign on his bike.
I have it on recording.
It's wild.
Okay, so Scar, you didn't end up fucking that girl.
You took her home at four and then just like slept with her and cuddled with her
I just
I am you've been out all night
All right, they not have the energy well we all have regrets
He took a risk on I'll summon up the energy and then banger in the morning and
Clock right now on work out't know what I got.
All right, well, better luck next time, Scott.
Make me a wage specifically.
Is the hotel fucking cucking me?
But everything they stand for, they can suck my dick.
I'm going to be back.
I'm talking to us for too long.
All right, get out of here.
Cantillians, how was your weekend?
Do you have a good time?
No. Are you guys?ians, how was your weekend? Do you have a good time?
No, are you going? Oh, gross.
It was fucking amazing.
I finally got out and see different people
and to hang out with all these assholes.
It was a good time.
Road Rages are always fun, so wherever it did not go,
you fucked up.
You fucked up because there's no recording,
as we know.
I'm going to walk to one.
Do the next one of Vegas Vegas so I can drive there.
No, it's too fucking expensive. Is it? Well, it fucked Tampa was even more.
What do you do with them? They cost everything.
They cost up four to two. You got to find where the Nazis are doing their rallies and do it there.
Do you never do them in California? They shut it down. You can't do it.
They'll bring it back though. Never. No. You don't think they're ever going to have live anything? No, because the older the boomers get, it's just going to be flu, like every, so they
They've combined COVID and influenza and the other one.
They combined it into a drug chart.
Every time Jack talks about this, he's, he's, he ends up looking like an asshole when I check it. There's
Nothing happened nothing happened through this whole thing now Biden is president
You're gonna wear masks where the box has this mask does
You guys you guys have been living in lock you guys have lived it been living in Marshall law for a year and
Nothing in a lock you guys have lived it been living in Marshall law for a year and the black national happens this goes. I think it's yeah, let me play it.
Let me think that would really suit this.
Black national anthem.
I think that needs I think we need that.
Well, I just show it.
Yeah, it's over.
It's over.
Hold on.
Alicia Kierstown.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Here we go. Here we go.
This is special.
They got to have her singing it at some point, right?
This is the one, they have a woman talking about football and that's how it starts.
Well, you know, of course, the Democrats have to do that.
No, just listen, just, I mean, this is, this is how sick society has become.
That we have some, we have some tubby chick pretending
to know about football, like any, any man on earth would have done this for fucking free.
But listen to this, listen to this.
There you go.
That's it.
In 10 seconds, that is, she knows a lot about.
Well, you know, of course football, big talk.
All right, give me a fuck.
Okay, okay.
Felt Sunday game kicking off with many players and teams acknowledging conversations about
racial inequality in the country in recent months.
So at the far cry from past seasons where controversy swirled over kneeling and just play it. God damn it. They're actually playing. No, they're filled out.
You're going to talk over the old one.
You stupid bitch don't talk over the, okay, hold on.
Just go to the news.
Just wonder why the NFL ratings are in the shitter right now because they put women
all over everything.
They put a bunch of fat chicks all over everything.
There, yeah, that one HBO.
Wait, I be known.
No, I don't have HBO.
No, right there.
The one black national anthem Amanda Seals.
I don't know.
Here we go.
Yeah, this is it.
This is it.
Let everyone sing to a birthday.
Why is everyone laughing?
Are they laughing?
Yeah, because it's a fucking joke. That's why. The different boys.
Was it ever laughing? Were they laughing?
Yeah, because it's a fucking joke, that's why.
Because all of COVID is a joke.
Nothing has happened.
Now they're rolling out and infertilizing vaccine
that they will convince you to take.
Meanwhile, China is laughing their ass off.
Because they did absolutely nothing.
They rounded up all the wiggers.
What the fuck is this?
She's a comedian.
It's a thing.
I don't know why you can't find it.
The black national anthem is so prominent that it's impossible to find anyone who can actually
sing it.
It's already been parodied so many times.
You can't actually find the original. Perform by the famed Morehouse College League Club.
This is black.
I was like, I was saying, how do I do it?
I don't think this is the black national anthem.
Supposedly it is.
This is left every voice.
Here it is.
What was I saying?
That everything's gonna be good.
Everything's fine.
I'll hold it.
This is a hoax.
The Democrats have this.
I'm the whole under controlist.
And they're gonna do masks forever.
It's gonna be lockdowns forever.
It's gonna be a vat tax to pay for the never ending UBI.
The never ending stimulus that rises for this.
It's gonna be bonds to China. It is going to be taxation at a level The never ending UBI, the never ending stimulus that rises for this.
It's going to be bonds to China.
It is going to be taxation at a level that you cannot even imagine.
That was never been experienced in the history of America.
Brought to you by a senile corpse, an America's top cop and black robocop, and the White House
That's what we're walking into.
Black businesses decimated.
Small American businesses decimated.
The middle class decimated.
All rolled up and dumped into Amazon's pockets.
We have restaurants, restaurants and venues closed.
Amazon's indoor cafeteria's booming,
higher in hand over fisted scraping, scraping souls,
piling them into fulfillment warehouses
that they will serve in, that they will slave away in
until the end of time.
That is it.
We have a federal reserve that is deflating currencies
at a level, they think it's printing money.
The best part is people believe that the money printer is real.
It's not.
They're just changing cash into bonds, which are fucking worthless,
and depositing the money into the accounts of the handful of accounts,
the power of the S&P.
That's it.
That's the fucking country from that one
And you idiot your dad home thinking that it's because of a virus
A virus that was taken from bats
Taken from bats in the middle of the- in the middle of the fucking goby desert
And fucked up probably on purpose
Some fucking moron just pulled the cap off of it and got it
In China, spreading it all over
Spreading it all over
Spreading it all over the fucking world with China doesn't even fuck about anymore, right?
This was that all that people shaking in the hospital and shit got
Doesn't exist
None of it existed all anymore
It's gonna it's gonna and it's gonna all disappear
It's gonna all disappear where it needs to because all that needs to happen for the media
It's for the news to stop talking about it
Because no one fucking cares about it hundreds out hundreds of thousands of old people die here. So what?
Everybody else is practically immune to it
How much time for your bed?
I can't believe it. I can't believe people still buy it. After all of this, I can't believe anybody still buys it. COVID is happening.
Or that it's real at all. I can't fucking believe it.
Good night, Dick. Ladies and gentlemen, the black
Enjoy your America you can't smoke inside you can't smoke inside you have to wear underwear on your face and you can't say any bad words
Or else we'll throw you in jail Good night everybody. Oh man God bless
I think all of the I think it all recorded okay.
Unlike the show, which is all gone.
God do it.
All right, goodbye everyone.
See ya, thank you.