The Dick Show - Episode 238 - Dick on Slow Meat
Episode Date: December 22, 2020Too old for this many drugs, seeing where all your missing stuff went in Hell, City Slickers ruins my life, getting a vaccination chip or kicked in the head, drinking and cooking slow meat all day, a ...Marshall plan for mom, losing the draw string on your shorts, how Trump can still win, the Wonder Bread guy draws some pictures, a fake funeral for a fake death, genderless babies, Twitch makes a statement on words, the Great Reset resetted, Madcucks moves back in with his parents, and Sean vs. Madcucks; all that and more this week on The Dick Show! Â Â
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That's what I've decided.
Look at the size of this beer.
It's a, that's a badass.
It looks almost like somebody, almost looks homemade, but-
It does.
The label feels like you printed it out and stuck it.
That's what I mean, it stuck it on there, but it looks cool.
The can is really cool.
750 nils.
This is an entire fifth of liquor in the can.
Oh my God, they don't even know how to pour the beer correctly.
It's right at the top.
It's almost meniscusing.
It's an IPA.
Dangerous man.
Oh my God.
That's a gift I take it.
Oh yes, this is a gift from someone from Minneapolis
or Minnesota.
Oh wow.
That's a good beer in Minnesota.
I can feel the beer going all
into my skin, soaking in through my body. Uh, everything's going to be all right, Sean.
I know. Well, that's the thing about drinking the next morning. You go, I'm going to be back
to normal in no time. Oh, we're on the liquor loop. We're riding the liquor loop.
Yep. High and tight. Sometimes that's the only, it's the only thing to do.
We don't even get through life.
It's the liquor loop.
If you're, if you need to function the next day, and you had no, no, no function.
Drive day drinking.
And you had no a discipline the night before.
I had to have discipline to do the amount what you did.
What you did.
I did last night.
Fair enough.
80s girl found me on the floor really the bathroom. Yeah.
And what about 5 30 p.m.
Five in the morning and five in the morning. She dragged me downstairs.
I think she had I think she had too much fun dragging me downstairs to be honest.
Boom boom.
Whoops. Oh, I forgot your wallet upstairs. Let's go back up.
Chris in your forehead where it hits every step on the way down
I'm just too old for this shit. Yeah, I'm too old. Yeah, you know what I made the mistake I'm doing this week. I didn't even write this down. Jesus
I'm getting too old for this shit. I can't be doing ketamine. Yeah, and DMT all night rigs
I got you know, I got a family rigs. I got
There's no there is no goblins.
Everybody says you could see all these guys.
It's just yet another lie.
It's yet another lie told to you so you think something is cool, but it is not.
Cause nothing is ever, it's like the robot at the end of Mike Tyson.
After you fight Mike Tyson, you fight a robot
or a shadow of your fucking eyes.
Everything is exactly as it seems.
That's the lesson today.
Could you beat Tyson?
No, fuck no.
I couldn't even beat.
You know what's more embarrassing?
I've only got, I, I, that was the,
one of the only other games I ever played.
And I can't.
My Tyson, yeah.
I got to Tyson twice, meaning I beat Macho Man or whatever. And that was it, but I never, I can't Tyson. Yeah, I got to Tyson twice, meaning I beat Macho man or whatever.
And that was it. But I never, I never beat Tyson. I think I don't think I can beat the second ball
bowl. And I fired that game up like I can be years years later. I found I thought I thought
Sandman was tougher than macho man. I couldn't be. Sandman. The, the, the, yeah, the black guy from
Philly. Was he black? Sandman? Yeah.
I have no idea what you would know.
I fired that game up years later to try and like dominate it.
I'm going to fuck Tyson up big time.
I watched all the YouTube speed runs.
I know about the blinking.
This is going to be a piece of cake.
No, I died at the same fucking Sandman.
I'm like, you got to be fucking guy.
I still I stuck, stuck exactly the same as I did when I was you got to be fucking guy. Still I stuck, stuck exactly the same
as I did when I was a child at this fucking game. There was a cheat. There was a cheat code
to get to Tyson. I think or it was. Yeah, there's a warp. What directly to Tyson or was it
to Macho? I can't remember Tyson. Yeah. Oh, seven something man. Those were the days.
How did we pass information? That information was reliable. That came to you from a guy who told a guy,
who told, how did we even get each other these codes?
I thought about that the other day.
I'm remarkable.
I thought about that the other day,
like how you found things out before the internet
and like it was, it was kind of tough.
Yeah, it was tough.
Jesus Christ, I'm bleeding.
I cut myself on my beer. That's how bad I am. Um, I made the mistake Yeah, it was tough. Jesus Christ, I'm bleeding. I cut myself on my beer.
That's how bad I am.
Um, I made the mistake, because I was saying.
I was made the mistake of watching city slickers this week.
I don't know why.
I love that movie, girl.
I think I, I think I remember loving that movie.
It's a lot of fun.
Best line, best line in that movie was when Daniel Stern's wife finds out that he's
been fucking yearly Smith, Lisa Simpson, like that. And she's like, that's it. I'm telling my father.
And he goes, do not tell Mr. Levine. And then I hate, you know, I hate you. I hate you more.
If hate were people, I'd be China. Oh God to great like these party. Yeah, we're all at Billy's crystals party
So the plot of that movie which I didn't remember seeing as a kid is like oh this is fucking hilarious these old guys doing this shit
Now it's a little poignant the plot of that movie is that Billy crystals turning 39
I thought it was a 39 or 40. No, it's 39.
I was like, oh God.
William Crystal is younger than me in this fucking movie.
No, where are those drugs?
Oh yeah.
Well, there you go.
Life is, yeah, just kick your right in the face.
Oh, wow, that's loud.
Hold on.
That's fine.
That's fine.
That's fine.
That's what I That's fine.
That's what I deserve. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 28 million dollars man, but America's worst Mexican. 87, 88 weeks running.
God, it's never gonna stop now after I lost that fucking audio.
That's never gonna go away now.
Worst world's worst Mexican for a very, thank you for joining us
for another very unhealthy show.
Joining me is always this world touring
LA based comedian Sean the audio engineer.
Good morning, Dick.
We're looking, good looking tip top. Good afternoon, newicks. We're looking, God, good afternoon, you mean?
Right, right.
That's right.
Oh God, I need to find, I have some topics to talk about.
And they're in the bottom of this beer.
I gotta find them.
You said, hey, can we push it to noon?
And I thought, I'm gonna ask that.
Maybe he, you know, maybe there was something he had to take care of
that he hasn't always taken care of.
And then I thought, I don't know.
I think maybe that he's not,
he might not be physically able to do this.
He was about to get vaccinated.
I had to run downtown and slap it out of her hand.
He slapped it out of her hand, yeah.
Okay, hot nurse was about to get vaccinated,
I had to run down there, not yet back.
But then when I got there, I discovered that it was a fake,
it wasn't full of anything.
It was just, they were recording it for the news.
It was just a fake syringe that they were pretending to jacked.
Are you gonna come home and take a nap?
Did you, yeah.
Did you see that?
Like, did you really see that?
Was that a staged vaccination on TV that I saw?
No, I haven't seen.
I think it is.
They have nothing in there.
And then I don't know.
I'm not like a needle expert or whatever, but I looked at it and people said,
oh, that's, there's nothing in there.
I looked at it and I'm like, is that,
did they really just try to do a fake vaccination?
I wouldn't.
I mean, I wouldn't think so.
They certainly wouldn't make it so obvious.
If you, why would, I don't have it seen it.
Who know, who know?
Why make it, why even try to hide anything anymore?
After Epstein.
This is a post Epstein world.
Why try to hide anything? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Epstein still, this is a post Epstein world. Why try to hide anything?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Epstein still Epstein's just still kills me. I just want to see Biden
on TV banging a guy saying, I'm not gay and then people talking about it saying, well, you
know, he's not, he's, he was, you, you didn't, you did see him banging Pete Butt Judge
on television, but he's not, he's not gay. That's what, that's always going to be a,
it could be a million explanations for what you saw.
It's always gonna be a contingency of people
that who believe what someone says
rather than what they're obviously doing
with their own fucking eyes.
Yeah, sure.
You lost your Twitter account again, I'm afraid.
God damn it.
You're back, I was just the coomianist.
I was just, oh, boom, God damn.
That guy is fucking so fascinating to me.
He's doing the drawings.
He's more logic, the wonder bread guy.
He's doing the drawing.
Did you ask him to do?
Yeah, they're hilarious.
Oh good.
He's drawing full on scenes.
Yeah, if somebody posts them in the chat,
if you have any, he's getting better.
And then somebody showed me somebody else
that was doing a like a drawing
a day thing.
And over they did it for a period of years and now they look amazing.
Now look, here's one of them.
So there's gotten much better.
This is, this is, this is what's his name?
Yeah, this is my logic.
The guy and it's laying that fucking child through this.
There's a coronavirus on one side.
That's what that is.
But that doesn't look like he drew it.
That looks like, you know what I mean? Like the, the, the yeah. But that doesn't look like he drew it. That looks like, you know what I mean?
Like the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
Here's another one.
This is the drawing of me.
Murr, I know you're behind that door not drawing MS paint pictures for the internet.
You had your fun on another person's podcasts, but now it's time for your self improvement
of your drawing skills, Dick Mash.
This is me. He's wrong with the square. Right. person's podcasts, but now it's time for yourself improvement of your drawing skills, Dick Mash.
This is me who's wrong with the square.
Which he obviously did not draw the square or he used like a straight edge to do it as
Oh, he did.
So he just said, Oh, square.
Here's another one that he drew of a woman, a blonde woman, you know, as he likes in a
wonderbred aisle.
There's all the wonderbreds.
What does the shopping cart have a spoiler?
I hear some fat ass on this side with a nut.
It looked like it.
It looked great.
This really is, this is really children's artwork.
Yeah, it's great.
Oh, guess what else I realized this week?
But if I would, you know how I lost the audio for Florida?
Yeah, are you guys still hasn't showed up?
What about the camera audio?
I'm still waiting, every time I ask that guy,
he's like, well, it takes a long time to upload.
Like, how long?
Fucking, is it taking like a week?
A week?
What do you mean?
You know, what have solved the missing hard drive?
Dick Leish.
The fucking Dick Leish that I brought in.
How many months ago on the bonus episode?
Probably, you know, I could have tied it around.
The dick leash, had the dick leash,
I never would have lost it.
That's true.
I never, the one fucking time that invention would have worked
was in this moment.
And I didn't have it.
It's one of those things where I just want to know
where the fuck it went.
I know, it's like floating around somewhere.
Where is it?
Where is it sitting?
You know, almost don't even care if you get it back or not. I just want to know. I just got, I just got, I know it's like floating around somewhere. Where is it? Where is it sitting?
You know, almost don't even care if you get it back or not.
I just don't know.
I just don't know.
I would just trade anything.
If I was at the pearly gates of hell, and I said, well, you can go to heaven or we can
tell you where that USB drive went, I would have to think about it for a minute like.
There's also a pack of magic cards that we're missing.
There's like a good magic deck.
How many missing things can I get here?
Just show me where all the missing shit was in my life.
And I'll walk willingly right into right into that cell.
There's no, there's no torment.
And then you know what they do?
You walk in and the devil goes, where's your watch?
And you say, no!
Right? Yeah, sure. Right? Get it.
Yep. I did. Yep. Oh, God. All the memory, what about all the hot girls that you banged
and even the fat ones? What if you want to see like a real of that when you die? Or do
you want to see where everything you ever lost was, including your watch when you were like 10. Yeah. Oh, you're all the sweat shirts.
Oh, that's where I left that shit.
Oh, that, it's right on the bench.
That's on the other side.
So I didn't see it.
Isn't that crazy how things,
isn't that crazy how things get lost to begin with?
Because really, makes no sense.
Because you look, you can lose something in the house
and you swear to God, you look everywhere.
And you look in crazy places that it would never be,
and you still can't find it.
Where is it?
Like, where is my fucking USB drive?
Is it on the street?
Is it in the toilet somewhere?
I honestly think that some things literally cease to be.
They just, I think so too.
Jesus Christ.
Somehow they turn into a different state.
I'll tell you what makes me a rage. Fucking gone. Speaking they turn into a different state. I'll tell you what just fucking gone.
Speaking of the dickly show the fucking waste band, the little waste band, the little
drawstring on my shorts, always coming out every fucking time.
I get my athletic shorts out of the watch, out of the dryer.
The thing, the drawstring is too far in on one side. So I sit there like an asshole trying to push
around like I'm trying to fuck with a limp dick
with no erection, saying, well,
am I going to pull it all the way out and do the safety pin thing?
Why does it do that in the wash?
Well, I don't know.
Why can't they just one little stitch in the back?
So it doesn't, why does it need this much give?
Give me one fucking stitch.
How, I don't need any of these stitches on the bottom. I can just look like a caveman.
No big deal. I don't need to have them on the bottom. Put one fucking stitch in the back.
So I don't have to go through this sharad. Every time I put on athletic shorts where I'm
sitting there, well, I guess I'll just do it later. I already spent all this time brushing
my teeth for one on the odorant. Now I have again, and now I have to add this this maze this fucking labyrinth torture of putting this
Drawstring through my shorts. No enough. I'm just going around with not tied shorts today
Okay, fuck my I'm not I'll carry my wallet around so it doesn't pull my own pants down
Yeah, how much I can't go anywhere anyway, because ever we're living in prison.
So it's, I only, if I have to go to the store, I'll just carry it in like a fucking idiot.
Why not?
Walk around carrying my wallet and all the cards can go flinging out.
One hand on your wallet, the other on your waistband.
Like you, yeah, like you got a huge load in your pants and you're trying to keep it up.
And then I get a little buzz on yesterday
Guys I started drinking at one. Yeah, okay as I was saying because I can't fucking take being back in prison
That's not that that's not and it's not a terribly early time to start one. Yeah, I am I woke
Welcome in the middle of the night last night that city that damn city slickers movie just got right on top of me.
Oh God, I got it.
Yeah, you didn't even know it.
Tell you're like, this is all about city slickers.
They're watching these 40, these guys talk to each other
about their life issues.
And I'm like, is this what fucking,
is this what guys were talking about during this time
of history, like whether or not to cheat on their wife
with eight space aliens, what the fuck are you talking about?
What the fuck are you guys talking about?
Yeah, yeah. Jesus Christ.
Grow a dick. All three of you.
Jesus Christ.
Well, the one guy had a really hot life.
No, why? I thought the playboy.
weren't they Bruno Kirby?
Yeah, he was, he was getting married.
So, girlfriend, oh, I thought they were married.
No, that was his big thing on the trip.
Oh, really? What about, he had some were married. No, that was his big thing on the trip.
Oh really?
What about, he had some dumb analogy.
What about having the same meal every night
for the rest of your life?
Like, I kind of want this talking about
getting married.
I think, are you guys fucking,
what the fuck are you talking about?
You're 40 years old.
Grow up.
Yeah, city slicker's on.
City slicker's on.
And then, and then, I took the drawstring out of the pants,
because I got so frustrated, I have shit to do today.
I'm not fucking sitting around with a safety pin,
sowing my own pants back together.
I threw it down on the counter and said,
I'll get to this later.
I come back later, the shit's gone.
So I say, well, just gone. Gone. Yeah. Do I even want to get involved in this
to find where the fucking drawstring of my pants are? So I'm at the gates of hell. And I
was like, where the fuck is my safety pin and drawstring? You show me. And he says,
oh, they're right here. Where's your watch? Don't you think that's a good joke? Yeah. I just made that up.
Are you ready for the deluge of fat nurses
tick-tocking their vaccines?
You're not ready to watch that?
No, are you as excited for it?
Are you as excited to get vaccinated as I am?
I don't know.
Warp speeds.
Are you as fucking excited to get vaccinated as I am? God,
I can't wait to be refused entry to a bar so I can drink until 7 30 PM because I don't have my
fucking because I don't have my fucking vaccination ship and we're not going to we're not going to
get it for a while. I don't think you mean we as in you like you and I, but we're not yeah,
we're still cov's way mutated.
It's still technically it's approved for emergency use.
Oh, God, like that's it's not even fully, you know what I mean, approved.
Well, I hope we have enough for all the old people and fat people to get it immediately
because they deserve it.
Yeah, sure.
They really do.
I saw somebody saying that white people shouldn't be allowed to get it.
Oh, I'm sure that people...
Yeah, cool.
Well, this is how we're doing this one.
White people shouldn't get it first?
I can't agree with you because I'll be banned.
Probably a white person who said it.
Yes, it was.
I would imagine some sort of a professor of white studies.
I had a quote from Andrew Yang who thought there's got to be an easy way
to have the, yeah, to show that you were vaccinated. And you remember Andrew Yang? I do, yeah.
He's that guy that pretended to run for president so he could get a job at CNN. Yes. I remember
him. Yeah. Here's his quote. I don't know. Oh, your account is suspended. Sean
It says, God, does there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated? Like a bar code?
Did he say that? Yes, like a bar code they can download to their phone.
Are you sure the phone parts? What if I lose my phone?
Where where might I thought he might be suggesting a tattoo.
I mean, that's how I heard that.
That's how I heard that.
Tough to have mass, tough, tough, Sean.
It would be tough to have mass gatherings like concerts or ball games.
It's tough to have, you know, like things America loves, like concert and ball games.
It's gonna be tough to have a ball, guys.
You like your ball games, right?
It's gonna be really tough to have those ball games unless you get your vaccine tattooed
to your fucking forehead.
Thanks a lot, Andrew Yang, without either mass adoption of the vaccine or a means of signaling.
I've been tested at a photo shoot or interview and gotten a bracelet showing I was negative for having a penis
Then we can then oh wow then
We can then we can interact more freely edgy more freely not free more
As soon as you get the barcode tattooed onto your dick
Andrew Yang is willing to let you enjoy your American ball games. Hi, I'm
Andrew Yang. I heard that you Americans like your ball games. Right. And this is all
living around more freely. He's, this, he's planning an attack. Clearly, they should
all be locked up. Bill Gates needs to be locked up. He needs to be arrested and taken to
hell. We need to build a portal. He'll
find his stuff. He's on his watch. We're going to build a portal and trick Bill Gates into
going into the portal and the portal will go like event horizon directly to hell for this
nonsense that these people are speaking that bars and restaurants can't open until 2022. Uh, yeah, um, and that we need to have barcoes to enjoy our ball games. Ball games,
you guys, you know, we all want to get back to those ball games, right? Maybe bold games.
I mean, I think they're more interested in going to bowl games than now. I mean, I
want to go to ball games. You want to go to ball games again, Sean? I do. And your yanks got a nice, cute, hard code
that you can paint on your tits.
You know, I love the Dodgers.
You know, it's never ending.
It's never fucking ending until we're all vaccinated in tattooed.
Well, they're going to have a tattooed
and we're vaccinated against a virus that mutated two years ago.
The NBA.
That's the end of it.
The NBA is going to have people.
And I mean, you know, it's got, no, so like,
I think it's going to be, I think it's going to be testing,
but obviously it's not going to be like full capacity,
but yeah, that's most of the sports I think
are going to start putting people back in
in some capacity.
There's people, there's Karen's all around the world right now.
We're asking their bosses when it's gonna be required
to vaccinate everybody at their company.
Hey, when is it gonna be required
that everyone who works here give vaccinate?
Because I love, I love going to, I love doing homework
over the weekend.
I wanna make sure, hey, you forgot to assign us homework.
Oh God, that guy, we should have beat him to death.
And we could have, that would have been a tough,
a tough juvie stint for a couple of years
for aggravated assaults.
If you don't spark enough, you'll get out and have it expunged.
You know, I don't even remember my teenage years.
Nobody does.
Barely at all.
Remember a couple of things.
What's one stint in Juvee?
That I don't even remember.
Come on, make the sacrifice.
Make the sacrifice because that kid has now grown up and he's in the office slack, he's in your office slack channel, which is the
most worthless communication. He's slack for work. No, no, no, no, but I know a lot of
people who do a lot of, you know, Disney ABC, like having one text thread that everybody
at work is on. No, totally pointless. No organization. No value at all. You can make different
mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob,
mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob, mob you can make different, you can make different channels, right? That include a different amount of shit.
Oh, people that can make different channels.
Why is that, I don't know, that's become like the default,
because people are stupid, that's why.
There's 180, it gets in there,
and then everybody flows down to their level.
Well, we got to tell fucking Johnson about the,
the report.
No, I understand.
He only communicates and slag.
Oh god, damn it. That does happen a lot.
Okay. Okay. I guess we're all doing this because. And then he's in Johnson's and they're asking when
all employees will be required to get a vaccine. I saw this headline this week,
will our employers in the right legally to fire you for not getting a vaccine? And I thought,
why are you even writing it? We all know that the answer is yes. There's no, whether it's yes or no, we all know that
it's coming. Why even why even participate in this shard that you're doing right now by
pretending to investigate? Well, we, we asked top legal experts about requiring you to get vaccinated.
experts about requiring you to get vaccinated, yeah, to be allowed to work. And they all said,
it doesn't matter, it's happening. They all said buckle up, buttercup. Let's see your ass. We're going to put a big QR code on it. Pucker up, buttercup, buttercup.
Pucker up, buttercup. Oh, feels nice to get it out. I got a new computer and various viewers online too. Another good movie. Yeah. I'm going to watch that. How old was Rooney in that movie?
Probably younger than me. I know he was in his 40s. He was doing pet file stuff too. Yes,
I know he was. Yeah, he's got busted. Can you make that movie today? Couldn't make those
movies today. That one. That movie dates just fine.
Even without cell phones. Yeah.
You had to pretend that they all lost their cell phones.
No, it all works.
Nothing is, that like even like the hairstyles,
the clothes, none of it is like, oh my God,
look at that flock of seagulls shit.
We're in a gordy how Jersey and fucking driving,
driving a 61 Ferrari.
Like you guys are saying, the audio is low.
Let me see here.
Low, huh?
No, that's fine.
What are you talking about?
That's going out at the, going out of the,
what's going totally, completely fine.
Your ears are low, maybe.
Your ears are low, Cesar.
Cesar, you see what else I have here.
Oh, your credit scores are not good enough anymore.
This is what I had on the,
do you think Trump's gonna pardon Julian Assange?
Wouldn't that be great?
I don't know.
I just pardon everybody.
Trump should really just pardon everyone
who's in prison for drugs.
Well, wouldn't that be great if he came out dressed like Santa Claus
with a giant scroll, two scrolls?
Because all right, everybody, I'm pardoning everybody
who's in jail for drugs today.
In jail for drugs?
Yeah, I can't.
I don't know, that's, yeah, right?
That'd be great.
Yeah, there's thousands and thousands of people
who really should not be in prison.
No, here is, oh yeah, here's the whites, whites,
and whites, wider elderly should wait
for the vaccine.
This guy says, a professor.
Oh my God, what could possibly be a professor of?
Good for you with a straight face.
Older populations are wider.
Society is structured in a way that enables them to live.
Why people do live long races?
That enables them to live longer.
That's what society is structured in a way
that enables them to live longer
and then giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them.
We can start to the level of the plan.
Is that what's making society the one that's causing all that heart disease?
Is that what is that what's happening here, buddy?
Well, I mean, you even you've been on that side where it's like what, you know,
with the restaurants, there are the food that's available in the inner cities and like the,
you know, the piss poor like the, you know,
the piss poor, you know, options and stuff like that.
But the CDC should use its own social vulnerability index.
Oh, I can't wait to see that to decide
how to protect older people who are more at risk.
So if you're white, obviously you're not as vulnerable
as society.
Well, I think the difference between what's the average black male life expectancy is
something like crazy low.
It is pretty low.
Compared to social security racists then, they don't get to cash it out forever.
Yeah, pretty much.
It's an anti-male too, because women get to sit on that chair.
Not only do women not contribute to it at all, Yeah, pretty much. It's pretty much. Yeah, I'm going to say, I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say,
I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, that far as civil lockdown has made me hate them so much more than ever. They're ruining your good time.
Yeah, I don't know that you can, that's kind of a blanket statement where it's like,
don't give white people back.
What, yeah.
I mean, white people just over all are like, yeah, and say it.
No, some white people don't, you shouldn't get the vaccine.
Some white people have had it piss poor too, you know, as it is.
There has high risk as anybody else.
There, you know, yeah.
Numbers wise, do they have it?
Are there more white people in poverty than minorities in the US?
It's got to be number wise, right?
Absolute numbers.
I would guess so, yeah.
I would guess so.
I would guess so.
You know, and that's not a contest.
Here we, let me see what else I have here.
Here is the Vatican Nativity Scene,
which looks like a supervillain made it.
Do you like Nativity Scenes, Sean?
Look at this.
Look at this.
This is the fucking Vatican.
This guy in a space helmet,
some kind of a weird Skellington Jesus.
Or something.
Are you seeing, are you getting a load of this?
Kind of.
Look at this. Look at this.
Look at this nonsense.
Reactions to the installation,
both on the ground and on the floor.
What the hell is going on in church?
Tournament desu,
blah, blah, blah, blah,
bunch of chips.
Look at this space Jesus.
And who is this guy?
Is this bad guy?
Is this man a merman?
Like what's a merman? You know the story of Jesus, a space man came? Is this man a merman? Like what's a merman?
You know the story of Jesus,
a spaceman came to earth and fucked a merman.
A spac alien, a man and a spacesuit came under the sea
and fucked the king Neptune.
And then he shit out baby Jesus.
You never heard the story of baby Jesus
and then the activity seen?
That's what happened.
Must have gone to a different church.
There he is from another angle. Wild stuff. I don't understand. I's what happened. Must have gone to a different church. There he is from another angle.
Wild stuff.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
As I was saying, credit scores are not good enough.
This one made me a raid this week just because,
just because I can see the amount of tyranny
coming to rule over us in the next four years.
What are you gonna need in addition to a credit score?
Well, you're a guest.
This is like getting loans or getting anything or a...
The second and most complex problem
is that certain kinds of people like new, Sean,
like kinds of people like new entrepreneurs.
That's who we're worried about.
Right. New entrepreneurs.
We just want to be able to let you do business
and have ball games.
Well, the status quo wants to keep things the way they are.
I mean, that's always been the case.
So if like you have these.
This is the IMF, by the way.
If you have monetary funds.
Disruptors and people coming in.
Well, they're high risk.
I mean, like new entrepreneurs, innovators, and many informal workers might not have
enough hard credit data available, even a well paid ex-patriot moving to the United
States can be caught in the conundrum of not getting a credit card or lack of credit record.
When has that ever happened?
And not having a credit record.
Fintech resolves this dilemma by tapping various non-financial data, the type of browser
and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches and purchases.
The history of online searches will be your fucking search history.
We'll be used to access your economic viability in the future.
Recent research documents once powered by artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence.
None of this sounds okay.
Machine learning. these alternative data sources
are often superior than traditional credit assessment methods
and can advance financial inclusion by example,
enabling more credit to informal workers
and households and learn, learn, learn, learn, learn.
Because they see what you buy on Amazon.
You see what you're searching for.
If you're searching for wet ass pussy,
you're not getting a credit card.
If you're searching for, if you're searching for a wet ass pussy, you're not getting a credit card. Yeah.
If you're searching for, I'm having my period,
is it because I have too much blood in my body?
Congratulations, you're approved.
You've got a big ol' stack of credit coming away.
Good stuff.
New York band, symbols of hate.
You see about that?
No, I did not.
Uh, symbol symbols of hate, which include?
Yeah, I bet you could guess which ones they are.
Um, symbols of hate.
Just New York governor, signs bill.
He wanted to get a little bit more anti.
He wanted to get a little bit more anti. He wanted to get a little bit more tyranny
before the years over.
Is he giving an example of a symbol of hate?
I mean, he's looking pretty serious.
I can say, there isn't any.
I mean, his arm is not straight.
Not good at these.
It's in that direction.
If you're waving, if you're waving to somebody,
you go thumb to thummed nipples. That's what I do. If you're waving, if you're waving to somebody, you go thumb to nipples.
That's what I do.
Okay, just in case.
And you still managed to get my Twitter band.
I don't even know what I did this time.
I'm sure you could probably figure it out.
New York, Covenant, Cuomo, not doing,
don't, what's a good rhyme for that?
Don't be a, don't be a something put your thumb to your nipple.
Oh, nipple thumb put your thumb to your nipple.
Don't be a, I want to say cripple, but that's not good.
That's not a good rhyme.
Yeah, it's just a good message, actually.
I don't.
We do not be a cripple.
Don't do that.
The bill reads the terms symbols of hate shall include, but they're not limited to.
In case you think that, well, that's legal speak for, you know, it's, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, that's all covered under there.
Engaiced you think that?
Put stuff in so it's open to interpretation later.
So a court can interpret it as something else later.
Look, these hate, these hates, these guys who hate out there, they're very creative with
their symbols.
Yeah, sure.
So I know what you're thinking.
If we just bans these, they're going to come up with a new way to hate.
So don't worry, we're keeping this open to ban all kinds of speech, limited to symbols of
white supremacy.
So there's, you know, a lot of people know a lot of them, but again, I can't make, I can't
make about 50 jokes that I just wanted to know.
Yeah, I know.
Neo Nazi ideology or the battle flag of the Confederacy.
So I guess the old Sherman, the dukes of hazard is banned.
Yeah, permanently.
The law prohibits the displaying or the sale of the symbol on any state property,
including fairgrounds and parks. Is this, is it, we're back at basics, I think.
Basics, like, no, you can't, you guys can't ban that shit.
Yeah, no. Yeah. I mean, this is like rule number, you can't, you guys can't be in that shit. Yeah, no. Yeah.
I mean, this is like rule number, it's number one.
On the constitution, no, you this, you can't do.
Yeah, just literally, you can't do that.
It says it right there, you can't do it.
Yeah, it's the right fucking that, right at the top, right at the fucking top.
Like, let's talk to you about all hate speech, which I would guess includes hate symbols are protected.
I mean, it does okay. You got me it doesn't say I'm allowed to be in my home smoking weed whenever I want
you're right. The Constitution doesn't say you are explicitly allowed to sit in your own
fucking house and smoke weed that you grew out of the ground. You got me there. Lock me up for
a go ahead. Go ahead. It doesn't say I could sell it to my friends. It doesn't say I could have people over and let them pay
me to make dinner that I serve them. You're right. It doesn't explicitly say that, but it
does explicitly say that I can have it, that I can say whatever the fuck I want. It's
right on the top. Yeah. Right on the goddamn top. All that other stuff we can argue about
all day except for that one. Yeah. So I the goddamn top. All that other stuff we can argue about all day, except for that one.
So I wonder, you know, because obviously this is a, this is a state, correct?
Or is it just a New York?
New York.
Is it the state of New York?
I think he also, I think so.
I also said fuck the Supreme Court when they said he can't do a lockdown.
Well, fuck you.
I wonder if it'll, uh, well, I wonder if it'll, if it'll kick up to, what does it matter
if it goes to the Supreme Court? They just sit it'll, if it'll kick up to, what is the matter of it goes to Supreme Court?
They just sit it out.
They sit everything out.
What good, what good are any of these people?
They just let everything slide.
Well, I was just a bunch of fat ass.
It's just a bunch of comfortable fat fucks smiling for the camera and letting everything
Oh, Texas.
Yeah, we have a problem with the election actually.
So we're suing in court right now. We're not going to,, we're not gonna take it. Where the hell are we? Where are
are we supposed to go then? There's nowhere else for us to book and go. Even if you just
said no, you're wrong. Well, I said, you can't, you can't sue on behalf of another state.
Where, where the fuck is a state supposed to go to sue another state if not the supreme court. Oh, a bunch of pussies.
I think they'll, that's what this is.
I think they, I think they may take that one and say that that's not, which not constitutional
this one.
I mean, it happened anyway.
I think it will give it gets over.
It's still happened.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, insane.
Well, the, yeah, the people are fucking insane.
Yeah, I don't know.
That one, they may say you don't have the, the governor does not have the power to, to
do that.
And I don't know what the precedent would be or, or whatever for that kind of stuff because
that is pretty much everything that, it's pretty much the free speech stuff to my knowledge
has pretty well been agreed on, I think, and established
as far as, as we're for recently.
And we don't remember this shit happening
when we were kids.
Unless you are victimizing a child or something,
unless you are inciting violence.
I'm threatened, maybe with a good time of the issue.
Everything else, everything else, no matter how distasteful it is, is protected.
Because again, for it to work, it has to be, it has to be almost absolute.
It has to be, like they're getting, here's the, here's what's funny to me about it.
Because it starts with white supremacy, like, okay, you mean like white supremacy, like
if I say that white people shouldn't get a vaccine before, is that, is that white supremacy like okay, you mean like white supremacy like if I say that white people
shouldn't get a vaccine before. Is that white supremacy? Is that just making it's having implications that I don't know if you're neonazi ideology like okay, they're none of those.
All right, I mean that's kind of a're doing, you're giving a history lesson of a
And then the last one, the battle flag of the Confederacy, like, well, that's just anti-government.
That is, the battle flag of the Confederacy represents an anti-government speech.
That is anti-US government speech.
That's what it fucking is.
It's a flag for a nation that's separated from the US.
You're banning the entire fucking point of the first one, which is censorship of the fucking government. That's, that's what you're
banning. Well, you know, it's right. Oh, it's pretty racist. It's pretty racist. Yeah,
it's also that. It is both things that you're banning. Uh, whatever. I didn't think I would
get so upset about that, to be honest. I would say that we're going to be having this conversation
about what isn't isn't free speech until the end of time, but I kinda doubt it.
I don't think we're gonna be having it in four years
because it's gonna be gone.
Okay, let me see.
Let me see what I got.
What else I got here?
Twitch bands, Simp.
You're not allowed to call people as Simp anymore?
Do you ever call it someone as Simp?
I mean, I think I've probably made a pun in here.
Well, you can't do it now.
You get your Twitch account, man.
Simp and A&Easy.
It's hard out there for a Simp.
Can you imagine being a child?
Oh, you're not allowed to call someone to Simp.
Sometimes I hear, you know,
sometimes I hear like kids, you know, kind of,
say, well, I'm like, oh, wow, like they're really kind of, you know, programmed
to be, to be very nerf, you know, like, because we'll get, you know, we'll have a,
oh yeah, I know the word you wanted to use there, but cannot.
Kid actors and, you know, stuff like that, which is like, it's just kind of how they're raised.
And I know they're probably raised, they're not raised, you know, in like middle America
or something where they might be maybe a little more like kids.
There is in Peta wood.
They're polywood where you work.
Yeah, they're raised in very, very, very PC environment,
but it even kind of strikes me where I'm like,
wow, like they don't, like they don't get to make,
they almost don't get to make like a little pussy, aren't you? They don't get to make they almost don't get to make like a little pussy aren't you?
They don't get to make like innocent kid mistakes almost where you just say something, you
know, they're so it's been they've had all the corners rounded off of them.
Twitch will no longer allow streamers and commenters to go around calling one another other simps the term, they also clarified. It's like replaced, it's almost replaced,
Cuck, you know.
Yeah, they got a symphos of funny.
It's a, I don't know why I kinda like that word.
It's so descriptive though.
Yeah, I got a symph, you're, you're,
like every time I hear Cuck, I'm like, oh God.
Like it, here we go, Cuck, you know,
it's like, yeah, I finally come around to Maddox's side on that.
Maddox and his, what is it, what does he call them?
His, was it his, like his, his flock of,
or his group of geese or what,
somehow he fucked up like what they were.
And then he made him sound like chickens or something,
you know, it's pretty great.
That was the last, that was it for him.
Yeah, that video was it.
That was so funny.
Oh God.
I remember coming into that episode, saying you didn't call, you didn't say it was okay
to be a cook.
Did you, that didn't happen.
And the look on his face was like, yeah, well, what do you mean?
Like you didn't say that, did you?
I don't know if he, yeah, I mean, I don't know if he's meaning because like it's a,
it's a fetish for some people.
It's like, I mean, their brains...
They're just getting sick of being called a cuck, just like him high-decker.
They're called something that they are and then they start losing their fucking minds.
I guess.
Uh, what were you saying?
I'm a recent favorite in the Twitch community that normally refers to men who seem desperate for a woman's attention?
That's no. I wouldn't say that.
We'll be banned when used as an insult under Twitch's upcoming revamp of its harassment policies.
When used as an insult. I mean, is that open to interpret it? What a beautiful sentip you are. Yeah.
Insell and Virgin will be banned as insults too.
This is Amazon by the way doing this.
Whatever purging.
Yeah, you can't call someone an in-sell.
What's left?
Like honestly, what is left to call anybody anymore?
The N words, okay, look at that.
It says right in the third paragraph.
They fucking said that crazy.
No, no, they actually did.
They said it's okay.
They said it's okay. They said it took policy.
I mean, I gotta read this one.
It's just so funny.
Fucking funny.
Twitch, N-word statement.
They released a statement on the fucking N-word.
I wanna ask Jeff Bezos, like, man,
what do you, did you see that your company announced
as policy on the N-word?
Did you really, did you stand by,
did they run that one by you?
Twitch finally gets around to addressing the N word.
So they've been.
Kind of loaded headline boy.
They've really just sat there with their arms crossed on that one for a long time, didn't
Yeah, I mean, it's just there's been so much confusion around the N word.
Just no one knows when it's okay.
Right, is it okay?
Is it not okay?
It's like, oh, because it has an R? A hard R? Oh, he's, when he's okay, is it okay? Is it not okay? It's like, oh, oh, cause it has an R, a hard R.
Oh, wow, that's so fucking mind melting
that you fucking told me that.
Like watching someone's dad do a, do someone else's stand up.
So then, then he said, he said, but when I say it,
it's, oh, just fucking shut up, man.
Just shut the fuck up and catch your soldiers and get it, Jacks.
We've had questions about the use of the N word on Twitch.
Okay, this is a serious company.
This is one of the biggest companies in the world.
That's how they lead that statement.
We've had some questions about using use
with a hard R is not allowed.
So, really, super racist people as long as that's the loophole.
So if you're, you can use it in like the most mean spirited way ever,
just don't put the R. I don't get it.
Like, how did they leave out the most important part?
Look, if you're black, you can use it.
That's the statement.
Okay, if we here at Twitch wanted to clarify the policy on the N word on our
platform. And it is us. If you're black, you can use it. But is anyone have a good day?
Is anyone even debating that? Isn't that just completely understood in society? I don't
know. I think they got I think I think I think companies got carried away locking down
our actual freedoms. And now they have to find new things to ban.
I've said this.
Like in Sel Virgin Simp and coming up with this idea
that people don't understand
when they can use the fucking N word.
Like it's, it's, if you're black, you can use it.
If you're white, actually you probably can.
If you're white, you cannot.
Like I just understand the rules.
Like people go, well, if they can use the I can look, I'm okay. I'm okay with not being able to
say that one word. I mean, I don't feel like you have taken a huge chunk of my life or liberty
because I do now that's now that you now you can't say simp. Yeah. Yeah. You got us on the end
word. And now we can't even, now I can call someone a virgin.
Simp and virgin has nothing to do with race or ethnicity.
You know what I mean?
That's the, that's the difference.
It's not willing to agree with anything anymore.
I know.
I know.
I know what's at stake.
Well, what is, what is banned if I say yes to this?
But it's like, yeah, just, you know what is banned if I say yes to this? But it's like Yeah, just you know what?
Just we have a creator can we understand that one thing just move just move on but the rest of this is like
Is it's I mean?
Oracle is we're living in a world where women
Women are paid paid by the government women are paid by the government to show their pussy's on only fans and to flirt with you over, to flirt with many men at the same time
over text.
And where the other side of the coin, you're not allowed to, you're not allowed to jerk
off anymore.
PoornHub is, poornHub is shut down.
Because, uh, because 12 children were harmed on it or something like that.
Meanwhile, public education is just fine.
Even though 10% of the kids get molested, but
we got it.
We got a shutdown porn hub.
Catholic Church is turning them out at record numbers and you can't, you go online to play
video games and you can't call anyone a name.
You can't call them, you can't call them retarded, right?
I guess.
I mean, oh, if you, if they banned Simps, you definitely can't call someone retarded. What can't call them, you can't call them retarded, right? I guess. I mean, oh, if they banned Simps,
you definitely can't call someone retarded.
What can you call someone anymore?
You're not economically viable.
That's gonna be you suck at video games.
You are fucking not economically viable.
Yeah, that's what that's, what is that?
What is the short version of that?
Not economically, Nev.
You fucking Nev.
You are not economically viable in these,
in current economic, in current conditions,
in current financial conditions.
Then the association of people named Nevin
have a problem with this and lobby Twitch and.
Oh God, I'm just sweating drugs and beer.
Sweating drugs and beer.
Oh, sweating drugs and beer.
How is that beer?
It's fantastic.
Is it really good?
Cool Ron, Hayes, what's the,
what's the, I'll call it, probably come to it. It's fantastic. Is it really good? Cool Ron. Hey, what's the, what's the, I'll probably call it,
not bucks.
It's like seven, eight,
per is a six point five.
Six point five is perfect.
That don't need a need today.
I don't need to blow my,
really an IPA needs to be probably at least six and a half.
Yeah, or else it,
the taste isn't worth it.
Or else the atrocious taste isn't worth it.
Here's something I fucked up big time on you.
I was doing a woke up yesterday with two things I wanted to do.
I wanted to.
It got neither of them done, right?
No, I wanted to drink.
Yeah, I just some day,
some day, you wake up.
I'm like, I'm just not dealing today.
I'm fucking done.
I'm fucking, I was still reeling from JP Morgan Banks
being allowed to buy their own stock back.
So, 2019, we just give them a bunch of money because they might have to pay more for the
money that they needed.
And this, the repo, the fucking repo crisis in late 2019 went completely unheard of because
it can't fucking explain.
They can't, you read about it.
People can't even explain it to themselves. What actually happened. The Fed just gives them a bunch of money. Then March
everything goes to hell as it as the government deserves. If you guys are going to lock the
shit down, let the fucking stock market collapse. This is you're doing it. Well, that's kind of doing
this shit. But they always in banks and even going back to Bush, they always have it both ways.
Yeah. So then they get infinite, infinite quantitative easing there. At the bottom of the,
at the bottom of the, at the bottom of the, the pandemic crash, pandemic, whatever sinkhole,
infinite quantitative easing. They turn around and go, all right, well, now that you guys
have got us through that, you're not loaning any money.
Like you're not fucking, no, you're not loaning any new
entrepreneurs or businesses money
because everything's fucking locked down.
So that would be an idiotic thing to do.
Now we're gonna let you take the money that we gave you
to buy your own fucking stocks back.
Congratulations. Congratulations.
Congratulations, America.
Fucked again.
What was I doing?
I was looking into something.
Oh yeah, I woke up with two things in mind.
To drink.
As I was upset about stock buybacks.
Still, and many things, many other things.
My pants, the lack of having a dick leash for the audio.
Right, the audio, yeah, sure.
Can you imagine if I had come in and said the dick leash
saved the audio?
Well, then I would have had to get on board.
You would have had to eat shit.
I would have had to get on board with a dick leash.
Damn it.
And grill meat and make some meat.
Oh, you did, huh? All day meat.
All day meat.
All day meat.
So you mean just not dinner.
Like I don't want to start at like 5.30.
Or you're just going to kind of meet at 6.
Or you're just going to kind of, oh, you mean.
All day meat.
You mean like a like a like a try tip?
You're going to cook for a long time.
Oh, okay.
Low and slow.
That's what I wanted.
Low and slow.
Got it.
So I put the, we got all the shit at the store, you know, pork. Yeah,
yeah, pork and shit, pork and shit at the store. It's like Franco American, pork and shit.
So into this slow meat, this low and slow meat, I didn't measure any single thing.
Yeah, what'd you do to it? Just put in some chili, some, a ton of onions,
okay, an entire onion, the biggest onion I had,
I chop that shit up with the slap chop.
Yeah, right.
You know?
Right, for Vince.
For Vince.
Slap chop, yeah.
Slap chop, that shit.
You bitch, you fucking slap a hooker.
Turn around, I said, one more, wha!
My girlfriend, where's there bitch?
You're gonna need a slap.
Did he slap a hooker? Yeah. He did? Yeah, there's a mug trying to have Vince. I don't know, I know, where's there bitch? You're gonna need a slap. Did he slap a hooker?
Yeah, he did.
Yeah, there's a mug shot I have fans.
I don't know, he did the sham while people were calling it like the sham pow.
The slap shot guy slapped a hooker?
Yeah, that's amazing.
Yeah, good for him.
That's a, yeah, you can find his mug shot.
Like I can do anything he wants.
As far as I'm concerned, that slap shop commercial, that's one of the best things
that anyone would ever.
Like the young guy looks a little bit like a speed freak.
He looks like Christopher Titus, like,
but he's on fire.
Yeah, he does, yeah.
He could do anything.
He learned from Conry.
People are more, I'm more excited about the slap shop memory
than I am knowing we went to the moon.
I've had to pick.
Did we though?
Yeah, exactly. I know that the slap shop exists. Right I had to pick. Did we though? Yeah, exactly.
I know that the slap shop exists.
Right, I've seen, I have one.
Did we go to the moon?
Man, I know.
I don't even know that the moon exists.
It doesn't.
Am I not?
So I load up all these ingredients for my slow meat,
low and slow meat.
What did you put in your turn?
Because you put it pulled pork. I put in a slow cooker. You put it in the slow cooker. I have a smoke outside. So you write, I and slow meat. Right. What did you put in your gun? Because you put it pulled pork.
I put in a slow cooker.
You put it in the slow cooker.
I have a slow cooker outside.
I know.
Yeah, so I thought you were okay.
Um, do you have to?
Is it a slow cooker or is it a pressure cooker?
Slow cooker.
I got pressure.
Um, there it's impossible.
You know what we did?
Well, 80s girl made some meat and the slow cooker.
And like it's extremely complicated.
It's like a spaceship launch to get this thing.
It beeps and all the wrong to ways.
Like, it's so counterintuitive.
So we waited three hours for this instant cook meat thing that she made one time.
Turn out that you have to like hit plug it in.
Yeah. Wasn't plugged in. Twice. Yeah.
Wasn't plugged in.
So we ate all the sides and then had to wait 40 minutes for the meat.
After finding it out.
There was a very sad, anyway, I did the same thing with my, because the knob on the slow
cooker had a little fleck on it.
So I thought I had it on high.
And it went on buffet instead.
Oh, I see. So I buffet cooked the meat on. I Oh, and it went on buffet. Oh, I see.
So I buffet cooked the meat on that.
I don't even know what buffet cooking is.
Just keeps it warm.
Oh, God, I got it.
I got it buffet.
You mean, so it never...
Nothing good happens anymore.
Yeah, probably not.
Here's something, here's something I'm using for you.
Here's something I'm using for you, Sean.
Money for moms.
Should moms get paid for being moms?
Some think so.
Well, I've seen what is a mom's job worth.
You know, I've seen that kind of stuff where it's like
a mom's to not be involved with their kids' lives.
Let's just give dad after the birth happens
and whatever, the milking or whatever.
The milking?
Yeah, once the boys, once the boys like two,
yeah, send the mom to an island.
So she cannot be involved in their life anymore.
After the milking.
The milk dries up.
When the, right, hit the road, bitch.
Yeah, that's my motto.
Keep the moms, keep the moms away from the children.
Right. If it's a girl, who cares? When the, if it's a little boy, when the tits are dry,
the mom goes by. Exactly right. I don't know. I mean, when those tits could probably do better than
that, but when the tits dry up
Damn it there should be something there. I mean cut it so it sounds witty. So it sounds really right right? You go to Oh my god. Oh my god. That's
That's too far
When the tits dry, everything's with up.
It's yeah, well, what else what rhymes with up?
Not you cup, cup, stop, shut, forget it.
This is never gonna happen.
Never mind.
Sorry, everyone, tribe.
Don't call me an insil.
We're simp.
No, this is like Maddox's dream world.
We're entering into you can't're Simp. No. This is like Maddox's dream world. I'm entering into you can't
call anyone names. No. It's my hell. It's my person. No, I know. It would be. Yeah.
I can't function like that. I know. Yeah. You would, you're going to function locked up.
You're going to feel this more than most. I go online. I can't call anyone any names.
The companies are saying that they have a statement about the N word that makes no sense.
They're creating a monster.
Hey, what's up?
We're having a good day.
We're Twitch owned by Amazon, biggest company in the world.
We had a good pandemic.
I got to know about you.
We had a pretty good pandemic.
I know.
I found it.
Made out like ban is no big deal anyway.
Feds buy in a bunch of our stocks.
Feds buy an Apple stock to smooth market functioning like bandits. No big deal anyway. Feds buying a bunch of our stocks. No, Feds buying Apple stock to smooth market functioning and ours.
No big deal.
But by the way, we just wanted to let you know we have a statement on the N word.
You'll be glad to know.
You'll be glad to know.
And the deal is no hard ours.
Is that it?
That's the entire statement?
That's the entire statement about the N.
That's, as you know, it's a very complicated word. We just want you to know this is this is this is this is all that we think about it. Yeah.
Go. Yeah. That thanks. Thanks for letting me know who's next.
Well, this is going to go. Should moms get paid for being moms? Some think so.
Well, this is gonna go. Should moms get paid for being moms?
Some think so.
There's a new plan to provide a $2,400 monthly stipend.
What if moms were given 2,400 monthly stipend
for their-
They just haven't come from.
What do you mean?
Where does that mean?
It's moms.
You don't wanna give them 20,
what do you mean, where does it come from?
Who cares?
It's just magic.
It just comes out of the fucking air.
I guess.
This bitch is calling on President-Elect. I never thought I would overhear that word. President-Elect.
Does it not seem like they're just cramming it? Every time I've heard it, like, in passing,
but now it feels like I'm being brainwashed with it. Oh, I always seem to, I always hear it when there's a new president.
Not like this I haven't.
President-elect president-elect president, just in case you were thinking there's even
kind of fuckery.
It's president-elect.
All right.
I can tell that I'm being, I can tell that I'm receiving an ad right now.
You fucks.
I know that I don't notice it.
I don't notice it anymore than I did the last time or the time before.
Because it's
always that I'm always conscious of the weird period of, you know, post because it's like,
you know, the president's the president until the next year.
So like I'm always it's like, oh, yeah, and then like so and so went to the White House.
But you think Trump's going to do the EO.
He can, what Trump made an executive order in 2018 that he can stop the election for foreign
interference. He can say, oh stop the election for foreign interference.
He can say, oh, there's been foreign interference. No, I'm throwing it out.
Yeah, we're getting the military is going to do it over. No, I don't know. I don't know that.
Wouldn't it be funny? I mean, that's a big ratings. I don't think he can stop it.
I don't think I'm done with thinking anything's funny.
I don't think I'm done with thinking anything's funny.
Sean, imagine how funny that would be. If he just said, you know what, me in the military,
we're just executive order that I did, China,
interfered, whoever.
We're talking about, that's a different country
we're talking about.
What conceivable way is that country
different than the one we're fucking in right now?
Right, that's what I mean.
No, no, no, no, I'm talking we're a different than the one we're fucking in right now. That's what I mean.
No, no, no, no, I'm talking we're a different country.
If we're going that route, I don't see a difference.
Like, what am I extra locked down that?
Can I extra not go outside if Trump says,
the election we're doing it over.
Yeah, never mind.
It'd be funny.
I'm done with funny.
There's no funny anymore. There's no funny. I find be funny. I'm done with funny. There's no funny anymore.
There's no funny.
I find nothing funny.
Sue Johnny is calling on President-Elect, Joseph Biden to create a task force dedicated
to implementing a Marshall plan for moms.
Oh my God.
So this is just some person.
Just some person to...
I mean, I don't know.
During his first 100 days,
man, they're gonna be writing some big checks
in the first 100 days.
The student loans, the student loan bank bailout is coming.
See, yeah.
The masks, everyone's gonna have their masks.
They're gonna have to use two masks.
One for their assholes.
Oh. You're going to have to use two masks. One for their assholes. Oh.
You're getting back.
We're getting vaccinated.
Everyone's getting vaccinated twice just to be.
Oh, literally twice.
Just to be sure it takes two.
Yeah, I think I think, uh, yeah, I was reading about that.
You got to get twice.
You got to go back for the second one.
Yeah, I think that's still, it's going to be the case for,
yeah, I think that's how it's working now, right?
I think it is twice.
I don't get how you, I don't get how you vaccinate
against an RNA virus though.
Like smallpox doesn't mutate that much,
but COVID mutates a lot.
So how do you vaccinate your entire cell?
Yeah, but it doesn't seem to have done it significantly.
Like it has mutated, but not significantly.
It's only been eight months.
Yeah, lots of time.
What's been close to it?
I mean, I'm not getting vaccinated,
so it could intubate and mutated me.
Yeah, just saying, I don't get it.
For what I know, which is not much, I don't get it.
Yeah, I don't get it.
See what I'm doing?
Yeah, making that face.
Right. We're like, Yeah, making that face.
You're like, mm, yeah, making that face like, mm,
you got the whole body tilt.
Trying to inject a little levity in people's lives here, Sean.
No levity.
For a history refresher, the original Marshall Plan,
also known as the Economic Cooperation Act.
God, I would be losing my fucking mind if I was alive then.
Past in 1948, provided funding, which totalled more than...
Ah, some amount of money.
More than...
12 billion to help the one I wanted to.
I think we should...
We got to...
We should give mom's money.
Okay, the rest of the sentence goes like...
First, before the student loans, because the student loan people are the most worthless people. I hate them.
Yeah, you know, yeah, moms at least like
All right, we give you it's gonna make dad's life a little easier. We give mom. I would rather give moms
24 hundred bucks
Mm-hmm, then give a student loan person. I would if if I got to kick them in the head personally,
a student loan person, as I gave them the check,
then like they put their hand out
and I just, I got to kick them in the head
and the same goes 50 grand.
You need to feel like you got something out of it.
I got something.
I understand.
This is a big fucking, I understand.
I don't want that.
Then I would do it.
But the mom's like, go like, all right, here's 24 hundred bucks.
This is making dad's life easier. Most people just go, yeah, you could kick
me in the head once. Odds are, I'm 50 grand. Yeah. Odds are, I'm going to be okay. And
I don't have this hanging over me the rest of my life. If it's so important, I think
most people would get on their knees and allow somebody to kick them in the head. That's
the litmus test. Yeah. Like, well, we really need this,
we really need these abortions.
Like, all right, well, can I kick you in the head?
I mean, just once and like nothing like, like a boot
with a big spike on it.
I mean, just a joke.
No, a regular somebody wearing a tennis shoe
kicking you in the head.
I'm not even going to soccer kick you.
I'll kick you with the toe of my foot.
Yeah, or you're not gonna wind up
and make a big deal about it.
Actually, I might not even do it.
But if you cash this check,
someone from the government might come to your house
and they get to kick you in the head.
So it's like a scene in fight club
where they think he's gonna,
like his breakfast will never taste so good as the next day.
It's like you need to know that that's coming.
So you better have made it worth,
you know, spending this money on you.
How much do you want for that student to do?
Something with it, if you don't, don't waste it.
And people tell stories about it too.
Like you'll never believe what happened to Dan.
Guy from the government showed up and kicked him in the head
for his student loan.
I didn't know they were really doing that.
Yeah, and they maybe that's not even true.
Maybe they just made it up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just getting blown up.
Oh, genderless babies.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, good.
Oh, good.
These are my favorite episodes.
We don't have anyone calling in.
It's just this.
No, really?
No, no call-ins?
No, because you lost your Twitter.
So it takes me a while to keep the call-in.
That's the only place.
People call-in.
Oh, can we talk to people in Discord?
Yeah, sure.
Who's anyone in Discord has something to call in?
I like talking to people.
The guy who faked his death had a fake funeral.
That guy.
That guy who broke up with that girl by faking his death.
Well, man, he was in France or something.
Right? Are you in there? Are you in there He was in France or something? Yeah. Right?
And he's like a buddy in the French police.
That's you?
Okay, let's talk to him.
Can we talk to you?
I still can't believe he did that.
And he's cut it up.
I know, it's not funny.
Mammalerings there, man.
What's up, Mammaler?
Matt tattooed two people at the show.
Oh yeah?
He does it fast.
Yeah. He does that shit fast.
Hey, what's up, man?
You got an update on that fake-your-own-death break up.
Oh, yeah.
Do I sound okay?
I know life time I came in a bit too high, so.
You sound okay.
You're okay.
I can't do anything.
No, I mean, we can hear you.
I turned you down.
All right.
As maybe a couple of weeks after I called in last time, I decided that maybe I should be
like, be a timeline with this.
So I, I got in the throw away.
So wait, this is the last time we talked to you.
You had faked your own death and a friend of yours called your girlfriend and told her
that you were dead and that they called off the search, right?
Yeah, he's missing technically, but declared dead, right? I mean, okay.
And then you decided he's not really dead.
It was a hoax.
It was a hoax.
Yeah, hoax.
Okay, so then what happened?
So a couple weeks afterward, just because I was like,
Hey, I hate to leave this open ended.
I need closer.
He needs closure.
Yeah, I got a local acting troupe together and I told them, a, I'm doing like this advertisement thing for a funeral.
Because I thought a friend was a buddy.
More lies.
Family owns your.
Okay. Yeah.
Maybe there is here left in the world.
So a friend of my buddy, his family owns the graveyard and if you're all home and
So he learned when there could be a freshly dug grave.
Oh my God.
I said, you squatted and then he I got a giant picture printed up myself.
I always found it in a few miles.
Okay, yeah.
How much was that?
So, I like 10 bucks.
That's worth it.
So, I got the local acting crew, all dressed in black.
They're all mourners, obviously.
I got my buddy and two other guys I know are dressed up
and they're doing like eulogies.
And she's also there.
She's there?
Who invited her?
How did she get invited?
Somebody I know that I got them to fake being
like a family member of mine,
I think, by the way, what's the name?
So she didn't know any of your friends?
Like you didn't know? No, because I, no, I gave her a fake name when we started the whole thing.
Are you serious?
This all really happened.
This whole thing happened.
Oh my God.
It wouldn't be funny if it was a lot.
No, it wouldn't be.
No, it, it, it sounds like he's telling the truth as Are you a sastic as it is?
Are you like mentally are you a neuro atypical in any way?
What did he go? I don't know.
Occulence, what were you doing?
There you are.
You you you you you were out.
Uh say whatever you just said again.
Sorry, uh best for it is about a hundred yards away.
I'm hiding behind a tree and watching this whole thing.
Are you fucking Tom Sawyer and Hushman? You're hiding behind a tree. Do you have any pictures
of it? It's like the thrill. I remember some of the guys from the architecture,
thinking small video of it, if I can get in touch with them, I'll send you the end with the video of it.
And they didn't like, they didn't blow your cover,
the acting guys, they didn't act like pricks or anything.
Yeah, they weren't caring for the whole time.
No, I got them, like, I promised them, like,
they did this correctly.
I pay them all, like 20 bucks each.
Some of them are like, I'll do pretty closure,
but the guys that really wind it really sold it well.
I had a couple of guys that were just falling correctly.
But they didn't like look for like a cut.
They didn't like stop acting and it's just around a commercial.
I mean, just show up on set.
I feel like you're at a funeral the entire time.
There's going to be hidden cameras like the Truman show, you know, just don't ever break
care out.
But did he do this?
That's what you did.
And what was she like?
What was the girl?
Why would she come?
I mean, I mean, like I said, she was like very in love with Quotan, go with me.
And I needed to make sure that this thing was
Like I thought it'd be funny. It's got the final thing. I just wanted it done already
So I was like, okay, how can I cap this off? I went with it. It went pretty well
So well, well you did something amazing you in the slap shop guy
Yeah, this is something that I'm something that I'm so happy that happened
and that I know about it.
I think about it from time to time.
So how long ago, how long ago did you die?
Is this funeral just happened?
Was it like a six month period?
No, no.
And no, this was, I'll say like two months ago or so.
And where did you die?
Because it was right around Lake Rotary, Delhi in canceled.
Oh yeah.
Oh god, that's a bad.
Oh okay, okay.
All right, man.
What an incredible story. Does anything make you a rage that you want to tell All right, man, what an incredible story.
Does anything make you a rage that you wanna tell us to?
Well, what's next?
Are you gonna come back from the dead and like,
surprise her and say it was all a big,
I mean, he kinda has to.
Yeah, like one like,
No, no, no.
You know what?
Just tell her you overslept.
No, sorry guys.
Sorry, I think this story is good for right now. I think it's funny
where I've left it. I think going anymore is going to be a bit overkill. I think this
story that I've done is good enough right now. I'm ready to leave it on and go to other
works. Yeah. It's really great. Oh, by the way, Roe Breach Tampa was amazing. Yeah.
So first Roe Breach ever went to. I'm totally going to the next one if I can.
Thanks, man. It was me. Did you meet him that like, did you know who
we meet? Did yeah. So actually, we did meet. I think it was probably the
worth first meeting I could have had with you because I think you
would do out of it. Remember because that was right. I was the
kind of, I was the Pudgy guy that had the suitcase with him whenever he came out
of the grotto.
Oh God, I dimly remember that.
I was hammered when I left the grotto.
I remember climbing on tables and stuff
and making crazy noises because I wanted to go home.
I had this thing where I can't admit
that I'm done drinking.
So I start acting out and like,
I'm hoping someone will take you home.
Yeah, I gotta go. I can't say I'm leaving. So I'm gonna drinking. Yeah. So I start acting out and like, clubbing someone will take you home. Yeah.
I got it.
Like, I can't say I'm leaving.
So I'm going to get kicked out.
I started like climbing on tables going,
ah, like, just being an insane asshole.
Somebody stop me.
Somebody stop me.
It's got this guy.
Um, yeah.
So if you did meet me at that point, I apologize.
Hey, no, that's fine, man.
I mean, next time hopefully I can catch you because I got there.
I made it probably been great if I got there like Friday morning. I mean, next time hopefully I can catch you because I got there later probably been great
if I got there like Friday morning.
I felt like a flight at 10.
Yeah, mid Friday night.
I always tell everybody come in early, like we come in on Thursday, it is not stop partying.
Yeah, the, the meetups are, are a lot of fun.
I think that's the best compliment I ever got was in Minneapolis.
Somebody said, Dick, you really throw a good party. Yeah. Thanks, buddy. No, you do. The only complaint
I have about road age is I went there and I was like, okay, I don't ever get to be patient.
It's going to be my two days of the pottery and just get to do what Patty C Cups think
party is all about.
Oh my god. Unfortunately, though no one offered me anything.
I was like, okay, I want this, I want this.
And I'm like, and would tell me if anyone's got anything,
they're like, you need drugs.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I don't know, better luck next time, I guess.
You can, I don't know, I have to drop you guys here.
No, no, you're there.
All right, get out here.
Good luck, wait, can I tell you what, make me very dope?
Hookers, ghosting you.
Who ghosting you?
Hookers, he has ghosting you.
Maybe they're dead.
I mean, I wish.
No, but I mean like I swear on a price.
I mean, though with everything, and then just zero.
And I had an experience recently with one.
And like, I'm like, well, I do some of them do it.
And she's like, oh, just maybe we don't feel like it.
It's like,
cause they're women.
Is that ever been ghosted by a guy washing my car?
Never been ghosted by a fucking computer repair man.
Never been ghosted by my accountant, hookers.
What, do you not do you not want a thousand bucks?
Well, what did that suddenly change for you?
Did you win the lottery?
Where the fuck did you go?
Yeah, I feel you.
Yeah, before I go, can I plug a friend of mine real quick?
Like up the ass, right?
Sure, yeah, sure.
Go ahead. That's all I heard it too well yeah go go
thanks uh he's on Twitter as prequel apology but prequel apology one but instead of
why at the end of apology it's an I so people call you one okay people, we'll check him out. All right, goodbye, Cross.
Stay dead.
Stay dead.
Be careful.
Enjoy being dead.
Really, really dead.
A great guy.
That's probably one of the most evil things, I think.
One of the most that I've ever heard of.
An elaborate death.
Pretty amazing.
Frank. Yeah. We got a, an elaborate death, prank.
We got a, we got advice or stories or main sale.
Guy who hung, you know what?
I had an erotic story last week that I didn't get to read
to see if I have it.
Oh, cool.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's cute, cute, cute.
Oh, God, it's a bit long.
Well, maybe I just printed it in city slickers font. It is, yeah, it's a bit long. Well, maybe I just printed it in the city slickers font.
It is pretty, yeah, it is pretty big.
Pretty erotic.
Hey, Dick, the guy who hung up on the suicide hotline,
it's fucked up advice, but you should never confess
to suicidal ideation to anyone.
The best case scenario is what that guy experienced.
Remember that guy that got,
he called the suicide hotline and hung up and they sent the cops
to arrest him.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but he's probably going to get a separate, exorbitant
bill from the physician service, the doctor who saw him at the hospital works for him.
They don't tell you about that, and that bill cannot be contested.
Hospitals often have low income financial assistance.
You can apply for, but the same isn't true
for the third parties of the staff,
the hospital with doctors that don't actually work,
oh, fuck, hate hospitals.
I saw this graph recently that since Obamacare,
the number of physicians has increased like a little tiny amount,
but the number of administrators has increased by like 800%
or something like that.
Oh, maybe they must be free.
Right, that cost can't be reflected anywhere else.
If you call 1-800-Suicide and hang up,
what happened, is that the number?
Is that right?
Yeah, it does fit.
What happened to him is definitely going to happen to you.
If you admit to suicidal thoughts to a therapist, they will immediately call the authorities. God. Well,
that's not true. Because I mean, that's not true. No, absolutely not. No. This guy's saying
it is. No, if they, if they think that you are, I've talked about that many times, no,
but it's ever called the authorities on me.
How do you know?
Because I've never had any authorities
come to get around.
Maybe they're going to get around to it.
They have an obligation to, if they feel like you're going to,
if they really think you're going to hurt someone else
or yourself, then they have a,
then they have a like an ethical obligation to really.
Yeah, if you, okay, but? Yeah, if, oh, okay.
But it's, so there is, I should never go to therapy then.
I don't think that they would take you.
I don't think there's any pre-compelling gaze.
Yeah, it talks about JP Morgan therapist.
Yeah, they do it under the pretense of preventing self-harm,
but it's really about punishment.
I mean, that's, yeah.
I know, has there been a therapist to do that?
Dr. Phil.
Has done it.
Probably, but no.
That's in practice that doesn't happen because a lot of people who go to therapy are very
depressed as it turns out.
And of course, they've idealized being dead.
So therapists are generally empathic people by nature, but they're human too.
And they have a shadow just like everyone.
What the hell does that mean?
They exercise their empathy muscle all day every day.
It gets fatigued.
So they naturally jump at the opportunity to demonstrate power and ruin the experience.
Yeah, I think.
Yeah, I don't.
Why do cops try to talk down jumpers?
It's not because they want to prevent a spectacle.
But he's sure not because they give a shit about the person.
It's because he wants to talk to himself.
And he's probably a, a little brighter than average guy who thinks he's a lot smarter than
he is. So he's figured he's reasoned it out and thought, oh, that's,
you're sitting on this guy.
Must be true. He's suicidal. You're going to, what he's going to kill himself.
Cause what you're saying right now? No, he's not. That must be true. He's suicidal. You're gonna, what are you gonna kill himself? Cause what you're saying right now?
No, he's not.
That would be a fun video game.
Try to talk down and jump her.
Yeah, I don't care.
Yeah, you don't care.
It'd be a fun game.
Oh, they always jumped dick.
You know, they always do.
Well, how many people have you say?
That would be a fun game.
You know, you gotta talk to this guy like,
because everyone's always wanted to do that. Like in the 80s when they had those movies, like, oh, let me talk to him. Let gotta talk to this guy like because everyone's always wanted to do that.
Like in the 80s when they had those movies like
oh, let me talk to him, let me talk to him.
And then they have, you know, everyone knows.
You get your ass down here.
You're not here.
And then he's like, oh, oh, oh.
I assume everyone is constantly thinking
about blowing their heads off,
but we've all learned to just live with the thought
like a ghost
You see all the time that no one else sees
Well, you that's true
Yeah, I mean a lot of people have thought about it some people more often than others some people
Some people will act on it other people will just never act on it and think about it all the time
It should be illegal to think about suicide
That's coming that's a Yeah, about it all the time. It should be illegal to think about suicide.
That's coming.
That's, yeah, that's twitches next.
It's illegal.
Suicide without the E is okay though.
Hardy suicide.
You can't talk about suicide, but use hardy.
You can't use the hardy.
But no, there's not a mass.
Should be illegal.
There's not a mass group of therapists constantly calling the authorities on you if you talk
about suicide.
There might be.
You just don't know about it.
What do they do?
Disappear everybody, their whole families and stuff.
So the, yeah.
Vito's advice about asking for an itemized statement is a good start to lowering the bill.
Also look into a particular hospital's low income,
and then a bunch of those stuff.
He has Mary Christmas.
Germ says, great reset.
I still don't know if I believe in the reset,
but listening to a show somewhere,
someone explained it as the boomers
thinking they'll never die.
Well, that's, they don't.
Realizing they are going to and soon,
and it's their last attempt to spread it away out of ideas. Yeah, the boomers think they can negotiate with God. That's right.
That's right. No, but Carlin said as much. Did he? Yeah, basically. Yeah, yeah.
Spread hippie ideas at the highest level. I thought boomers destroying everything on their way out
makes perfect sense to me. Love the show, Germ. I guess there is, is there? Have you had you ever
heard of the great reset? I think calling it even the great reset is a little, like,
kind of downplays, what it actually is. Yeah. It's a simple idea that if you can, once you're
done, if you can fleece America out of the wealth of its labor, which they have done,
which they have done for a hundred years. This is a one, this is a 100 year plan, starting with the income tax and the federal reserve
that is now tapped out.
Everything is so sweet.
It has been about, like, the Fed, it has been about a hundred years, hasn't it?
Ending with, ending with infinite quantitative easing that we'll turn into, they're called
Modern Monetary Theory, which which is just we print money.
Fed doesn't really print money. It's a funny joke. The money printer goes birth.
Fed doesn't actually print money. That, they just take that and make it to the size of the whole
world so that instead of just fleeting America out of the wealth of its labor, they fleece the entire
fucking world at the wealth of its labor where you fleece the entire fucking world at the wealth of its labor, where you take every resource,
both human and physical,
every single resource on the planet
stamp a QR code on it.
So it can be tracked and individually,
individually taxed and tweaked and made efficient.
So they move into green energy,
so they can, so it's to destroy,
so they can punish and destroy
the actual energy energy
creating the economy. They move into green with a full of a bunch of nonsense obviously,
but so they can make everything sustainable and sustainable just means siphoning off value,
constant and endless siphoning. So they can sustain themselves. Yeah, yeah.
Which is really, I mean, I don't even know how you, I don't even, I don't even
understand the point of it.
It's just, it's not even about the money, I would say.
It's just about the control.
It's about the control of, it's about the control of everyone's life on the entire face
of the fucking planet.
I think sometimes those two are, those two are, are pals.
Money and power.
And power.
And power around together.
Sure. Yeah.
I need people in this country, I would love a coke too.
People in this country don't realize how far it is when you are average, like they want
people in this country would like, some people in this country would like to average out
the 1% and the lowest 50%.
But they don't realize in doing so, they're gonna average out the 1% of this country with
the bottom 50% of the fucking planet.
And that is much,
much lower than where they're at now.
Bear back.
Will you grab me one, too?
Actually, I'll just, I'll probably just have another beer.
Who am I kidding with all this coke?
All these stories of coke?
Yeah, I got a fridge.
Look at the size of this beer can.
Can you believe that?
That's one beer.
That counts as one beer.
That I drank.
It counts as one beer.
That was a keg.
The great reset.
It's gonna be wild.
You're gonna have a that in your lifetime.
You will have household deposit accounts,
the Fed, not just for banks anymore.
You too can have money that you cannot pull out
because it is an account that the federal reserve.
What's that one?
This is Wolfpup.
Made right up the street at Golden Road.
Yeah, it's a good IPA.
It's so funny how cans are completely like
a thing. IPA was always like, you know, if you had beer and cans was crap, you know,
it was always they had a cell. They had to sell that like glass is bad for your beer.
There was a whole advertising campaign from the beer council, you mean because of the
light getting in and stuff, which is why they normally they normally tend to cheap to do cans and all the new micro brews that popped up. They
all put their money together and did like a cans or okay. So no cans are okay. Yeah,
they did. It was good campaign. I mean, the beer was good, so you can't say no, but they
did. Yeah, they actively did it. You know what? I found this out recently. You know,
I was called quantitative easing. No, why? The guy who came up with it originally was working at a money management firm in Japan,
or some kind of think tank in Japan. And he translated it was translated from Japanese.
So it was into English, so it makes no sense. Yeah, well, I always say it's like awkward,
it's just literal translations of the Japanese words that he was using to describe it. And he also, I know the concept, but he's just like,
oh, that's what you call it. You also have to say that never to do how they're doing it, never do it
the way they're doing it. Cause it's deflationary. I don't want to get, I don't want to go off
and around here. Yeah, say no. Road rage. Thank you. I don't care if it gets read on the show or not,
but thank you for putting on this show and holding this event.
2020 has been a long year for everyone.
And early in November,
I got diagnosed with Parkinson's.
Oh, shit.
That sucks.
Should've been wearing your mask.
Probably pretty young too.
I would imagine in Seino.
He's the guy that called in about farting.
Remember, he was farting around that girl in Walmart
and he got thrown in.
Oh, God.
No, wait, everybody hated that guy.
And I loved him and I wanted him to call back in.
Yeah, he's the one that got thrown out
of Walmart for farting.
There's like a kid, but he has Parkinson's.
I don't know if he's a kid, he's young.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to be farting around a Walmart.
Well, I mean, he's probably, and it's like early 20s, I would guess, right? Fuck a kid, he's young. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna have to be farting around a Walmart. Well, I mean, he's probably,
he's like early 20s, I would guess, right?
Fuck, man, that's a fucking card to be ducked.
Parkinson's, oh.
I guess Michael J. Fox can't really function anymore.
Oh, he can't?
No, I mean, like he's, he's not, it's out of control
to the point where even with medication and stuff,
he can't act or do anything like that.
Oh, so yeah. Driving 30 plus hours was definitely worth the trip, It's out of control to the point where even with medication and stuff, he can't act or do anything like that. I think so. Yeah.
Driving 30 plus hours was definitely worth the trip, meeting everyone, getting into shenanigans,
being on too many crosswords in a consistent state of drunkenness. Maybe feel like I was living in America again.
Are you sure it's Parkinson's and not like the cross-leary of the tremmins?
Yeah, right.
My girlfriend was mostly uninitiated into what was happening.
Wait, this isn't the same guy.
Yeah, Captain Insano is the one.
The farting guy?
But now he's got a girlfriend all of a sudden.
That kind of gets around.
That kind of didn't sound like he could possibly have a girlfriend.
Who does?
You know?
I don't know.
My girlfriend was mostly uninitiated into what was going to happen.
She watched a lot of your YouTube videos on the drive down and she ended up seeing my call in
where I started talking, she looked at me and said,
this guy sounds like you when he called in.
So she listened to his farting episode.
I should have thought to show her that video
just in case she got asked if she was the girl
from the story.
She isn't, thankfully, she was only asked five times.
Oh, she now thinks I have some moderate internet celebrity points
because I was recognized multiple times at the meetup,
real, which I didn't know if that's in my favorite out of.
Of course it's in your favorite.
What do you look like?
I don't know.
Oh, okay, you didn't meet them.
Or you did and you didn't know it.
I don't remember.
I think I did meet them, but I don't remember.
Thanks for signing my book in the middle of dealing
with idiots at the bar.
I remember that guy.
The show itself was awesome.
Nothing like being there live.
The videos I've seen people posting don't do it
just as of how wild it was.
It was very wild.
You missed it.
It was the best show.
Wasn't really, I think it was better than Chicago,
just because so many fucking,
I mean, that old theater was packed.
Well, from having gone to seeing nobody, to seeing like 300 people,
and it's cool. It had two levels. There was a, so it was like an old kind of like, like Philadelphia,
or even like the truck. Yeah. Yeah. And I warned them, we have kind of a reputation of things,
get just every time we have a show at a place, it is. We also have a reputation of breaking bar
bills records. We did that.
They were very happy about that.
Just, yeah.
Trust me, people who don't drink will get shit face drunk here.
Don't worry about the alcohol sales.
Pregnant fetish this guy has.
You want to hear about that?
And then just fine.
Yeah, sure.
I've heard of that one.
Hey, Dick and Sean.
I think that one's like, not common,
but I think that's like one that a lot of people have.
A pregnancy fetish?
Yeah, so I've heard.
More than feet?
Oh, no, I don't think so.
Hey, Dick and Sean, I'm not writing for advice.
I'm just writing to tell you about my fetish
as requested by Dick ads.
As a vol cell zoomer.
Oh my goodness.
You know what, we didn't even get to the genderless baby thing.
Oh yeah.
This is the...
Guess what I hear about genderless babies?
This is called, I don't know if you've ever heard of it, the new England Journal of
You've heard of it.
You've heard of that one?
I have, yeah.
Okay. You would say these people are experts. Well, it's a medical journal.
I think that's peer reviewed and yeah, I got your review right here, buddy. We believe that
it is now the time to update the practice of designating sex on birth certificates.
designating sex on birth certificates. Sex designation on birth certificates offer no clinical utility.
And they can be harmful for intersex and transgender people.
Moving such designations below the line of demarcation would not compromise the birth
certificates public health function, but could have played harm.
Below the line of demarcation, not having them.
I always thought that was a, England, that was a, that was a, that was a, that was a, like
it's like, I always thought they were talking biologically, which they should be, right?
Because biologically, you are, that's all anyone has ever meant with it.
Nobody meant, nobody meant, what do you like to present to be?
And like, they always meant, what's your fucking chromosomes?
So what the, what's your fucking DNA?
So the parents, and you can have, there's people with, what, there's people with X,
X, Y that are like, there's weird conditions like, but do they have to then you're talking like the parents,
then we're talking like the parents go, what, we want the kid to be like a non-enominationalist.
Don't list it. Don't list it at all. Oh, don't list it. Just don't even have it. Don't have it
on the birth certificate. That's, it could be harmful, but it could be, it has no clinical utility at all, is what they're saying.
It could be, I mean, I guess you, I mean,
like medically wouldn't, you know,
when they're infants, you would like check up
on the same things, right?
But like, why would you not have,
don't you wanna know the numbers of biological women born,
the numbers of biological men born?
You guys are a lot star kid.
How would you describe it?
Oh, you know, it's like a baby, like this big.
Oh, that thanks.
That's all we need to sense.
That sounds retarded to me.
That sounds retarded.
That sounds retarded.
You're England, Journal of Medicine.
We believe that it is now time.
Now we got to stop all this harm from happening.
This is, well, it looks like three doctors.
Uh, yeah.
Vadim Jessica.
Probably V.D.
Jessica A. Clark.
And Eli.
Just. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. a little bit smaller than the other one that's growing, is it growing a healthy, no idea?
Some babies just grow at a smaller rate.
They identify other babies, and we have no fucking idea.
Any way to delineate that at all.
But they identify as a larger baby,
so don't worry about it.
So fucking insane.
No, it really is insane.
Again, not saying like I want something,
we need to spend any time on.
I want to be a girl. Okay. Yeah. Hey, guess what? We're also going to not have
genders for babies anymore. Yeah. I don't know about that. What?
That's not what we had another one. There's another trend. Some of this trend is just getting so
as getting very out of hand. I'm fine with whatever you want to call yourself.
However, you want to identify if you feel, if you're a guy and you feel like a woman,
I believe you.
I do.
I totally do.
But why would you put go play sports?
That's always not going to be if you're going to be a woman go, go kick, I mean, go
I guess you're going to pretend if you're If you're gonna pretend, if you're gonna be a woman,
if you're identifying as just strap on some gloves, man,
you live the dream.
Get in there and ring, you know?
Slap them!
They call me the pussy annihilator.
I'm trying to find this one.
It's so weird.
It's about puberty.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,berty. Puberty, whoa, whoa, whoa, puberty,
trans probably, it also upset me quite a bit.
I can imagine.
Transgender activist calls for children
to be put on puberty blockers
until they can determine identity.
So this is some whack job.
They're verified though.
Well, you can't even have a Twitter account.
Yeah, they are verified.
Orlando trans activists.
If children can't consent to puberty blockers,
so right, that's pretty,
you can't give your kid puberty blockers.
Well, children can't consent.
Yeah, right.
They can't make the decision.
Which is why you, right, that's right. Well, let them do can't make the decision. Which is why you write. Right.
Right. Well, let them do call. We'll let them sign up for college and all that shit and the
military because fuck them. Yeah. But we're drawing the line of puberty blockers.
If children can't consent to puberty blockers, which pause any permanent changes even with the
relevant professional evaluation, here comes the kicker.
How can they consent to the permanent and irreversible changes that come with their own puberty?
Yeah. Right. With no professional evaluation whatsoever. Explain that one, Sean.
If they're too young to consent to puberty blockers, how can they consent to puberty?
Yeah, well, how's that?
How's that for a zinger?
Okay, yeah, that's okay, yeah, well, you know.
Just an idea now, but no, get bigger.
As a volsil zoomer, I have a kink
for attractive, thick pregnant women.
Apparently, this kink for pregnant women is called maizeofilia and is likely the result
of sexual imprinting while I was young.
Most guys are either turned off or ambivalent to pregos.
But for me, it inspires more sexual arousal.
Ken Bone has good taste.
There are plenty of reasons why fetishes exist,
but I'm here to describe why pregos turn me on.
If you have impregnated a woman,
the two of you have bonded in some form
and you have effectively claimed her.
The two of you have accomplished the most basic
in where his right starts getting serial killer-y.
That's good.
Have we read so many of these we can tell right away.
No, exactly. Yeah, well, you see what
see what really what pregnancy is really about. Right. Here we go. Exactly.
We're talking like a claiming territory and shit.
The two of you have accomplished the most basic and primal aspect of human existence,
reproduction and her belly
is a reminder of that carnal action. I'm no scientist, but I can assume that many of the same
reasons that people have impregnation fetishes overlap into maziophelia. Oh my god. Have you ever
looked up all this information on why you have any kind of attractions or anything.
I'm sure I have.
You have?
Yeah, I mean, I'll go down the rabbit hole.
All right, what was that song?
Where the guy said, the dog chased the cat.
What song was that one?
Oh, wow.
Was that that song?
I thought, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, wow.
Why does the dog always chase the pussy?
What song is that?
I don't know.
That's all I needed, that song in the 90s.
It's the, in the brain of someone with a prego kink, the belly is almost always the central
To me, it's like one giant boob has the sexiness of two sets of boobs.
The same things you want to do to boobs, I want to do to a pregnant tummy,
but tone down a bit because there's still a baby inside.
Chicks also get bigger boobs and butts
with a pregnant that often stay larger after birth,
which is amazing.
All right.
Personally, I prefer women with big pregnant bellies.
We're talking like nine months and ready to pop.
I know that's a thing.
Yeah, it is a thing.
However, when a girl's belly is too big, like if she has triplets, I just feel bad,
and it doesn't do anything for me anymore.
Oh, even he wants them like full term, but with one big.
She kid, yeah.
Another appeal of pregos to me is their femininity.
Being pregnant and growing a child
is the most feminine thing possible.
I mean, obviously, yeah, I get that.
I think screaming about a dream you had
is the most feminine thing possible
and parking, like running right up on a curb.
Yeah, parking.
That's funny.
A fuck, one of the ubers that picked us up,
drove on the curb in Tampa.
Like this bitch pulls, okay.
Over the, not the rules.
Not the, not the ramp.
The curb.
The entire car.
Just, yeah.
Car, all right.
Well, another opinion.
Um, some people accused mazio files.
Oh, God.
Mazio, all right.
Of being pettoes because there's a baby inside the woman.
I mean, I don't think that's what probably our pet files.
Yeah, I don't think they're fantasizing about fucking the kid
probably shouldn't even say that.
As far as I know, no one with mezzo philia.
That that name's not a good. Once they're dawn near a baby, the baby is just in a watertight seal unaffected by what
I'm talking about.
So that about covers it for my fetish.
That's great.
Here's some pictures of pregnant ladies that I find attractive.
Do you want to see these pictures or not?
What the hell?
This is like a pregnancy photo shoot.
Look at this.
Yeah, well, it's like, so.
What's the hell?
This chick's in like a jacket, a lace bra.
It's like obviously a hot chick, right?
My heels.
And she's very pregnant.
Because most pregnant women,
yeah, see most pregnant women,
don't look any fucking thing like this.
So it's a hot chick.
They're doing like pregnancy photo. So he likes hot chicks and that just So it's a hot chick, they're doing like, pregnancy photo.
So he likes hot chicks and that just accentuates
it a little bit, I think.
Ah, all right, hold on, I'm gonna pull these up on a thing.
That's not even showcasing, she needs to turn to the side
if he's really under the belly, right?
I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Cause that's kinda broad.
Yeah, you're right, this is minimizing the size of her.
It is, it totally is.
Let me see if these are all safe for work. Okay. Yeah, they are
Wow, well, that's nowhere near nine months pregnant, right? I mean, I don't know. No way
Okay, so he's just like he's really just in the hot chicks with like little baby bumps. Well, I
Guess it's lucky. It's weird. I don't think I could do this one. This is the
weirdest of all the fetishes that we've had brought in here. Yeah. All right. This is the same
chick. Yeah. She's not that, that's like, that's like four or five months. I knew a porn
still. Five, six, maybe maybe six months. We got fucked with the baseball bat while she was pregnant.
That was her big deal. Jesus. Yeah.
Okay, how about that? Well. All right.
Ah, this is kind of long. Let's do some advice. I'll read that next time.
All right. All right.
I do have animal corner stuff, though. You do? Yeah.
Animal corner. Let's do it.
Make sure that animal corner.
I was talking to Reverend Scott because you look lucky today. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show.
I'm a big fan of the show. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm a big fan of the show. even though they make it, I don't think it's, I don't think it's what it used to be. Well, that may be, but you go to like,
arc light, you get that shit layered.
Oh, man, there's not, I will go,
I'll eat a light lunch and go there just to eat popcorn.
I'll go to whatever movie,
just to eat the popcorn at the moment.
I usually get different stuff at arc light though.
But, but,
Scott was telling me that it's like, it's horrible.
He can't get any new popcorns, and bro, you got to get mushroom kernel popcorn. Let me see if this is, but, you know what Scott was telling me that it's like, it's horrible. He can't get any new popcorns.
Bro, you got to get mushroom kernel popcorn.
Let me see if this is really this pregnant bitch off the screen.
Was that what it is?
Mushroom kernels?
Mushroom kernels, special kind of kernels that are the biggest ones.
I see.
So they to give you that experience.
Check, if you're like popcorn as much as I do, enough to go to a movie.
I love popcorn.
Bro, mushroom kernels,
get one, and that's where it's at.
Hans, here's an animal fact that should stump
the animal-loving audio engineer.
Did you know that in sub-zero temperatures
when there is a lack of liquid groundwater,
young Tibetan snow wolf cubs will suckle directly from the penis of their father.
I did not know that.
Who will hydrate them with his urine?
I did.
There is no ready alternative.
That's one for one for the guy.
Zero for Sean.
All right.
Hans, you stumped him.
If that's true.
Liam says farmers sometimes put small spectacles on chickens with red lenses to stop them
from attacking each other and cannibalism.
Do you know that?
Bad day for you.
Uh, Slaithin.
Hello, this is Slaithin.
Did Sean know that tardy grades, common known as the water bear, are almost indestructible?
Yeah, I know this.
What did you know?
They can survive in space.
I think it's free.
They can get burned.
They can, yeah.
And that snails can sleep for three years.
Did you know that?
I knew they hype.
That's a different one.
Well, it's separate fact.
Three years?
No, I didn't know that snail slept for three years.
But what did you know?
I mean, I knew that they went into like a stasis or something,
but they, I don't, I mean, I,
not years would you have said before?
Not three.
I would have thought for like a season or something.
I, you know, okay.
Yeah, you missed that then.
Thank you and go fuck yourselves.
Dimitri says, did you know that road runners
are actually in the Kuku bird family?
And in fact, some subspecies of road runners
even practice the infamous art of cuckoldry,
leaving their eggs in another bird's nest.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't know what family they were.
Wow, man.
Where they were.
You got one.
Just to see them all the time.
You got skunt.
No, no. That's not skunk. That's bad. That's bad.
But it's not scunked. Shuns Animal Corner.
I expect to miss more than I hit on these. But you usually don't. Well, but I mean,
you can know, you know, I mean, like, because they go like, you know, you can Google search all day long, crazy fucking animal shit.
The Tarty Grade one, I knew you would know that one.
Yeah, that's kind of a shit.
Tarty grades.
Retarded grades.
Okay, here's the advice.
Definitely need advice, but maybe a real person
in need of advice, okay. Hey, dick, drinking here. Just call me Will.
I'm 28. I was working out four times a week before bat soup locked everything down, just
doing push-ups and pull-ups with a hint of too much adderol and booze to stay in shape.
Oh, it's a good plan.
I'm one good-looking mother fucker, but I can't online date worth shit.
This is all you.
They answered this, these questions.
Yeah, online dating is just fucking retarded.
You still are.
I'm sure you know how to do it.
But say you're six five.
Just put on there, yeah, I'm six five and a lawyer
and use someone else's picture.
Well, keep reading it.
No, but he says he's good looking.
And this not have never good enough.
Yeah, okay.
I'm one good looking motherfucker,
but I can't online date where it's shit.
It used to work that my lack of inhibition from drinking
and not being ugly would get me into their bed.
But now I'm stuck with only my awkwardness
with initial interactions.
I gotcha.
Like you really need just a playbook.
You honestly need like a simple playbook that you can just follow.
All of them.
No, you're right.
Women are, they're all exactly the same.
And they want to be treated like they're all the same.
A playbook, a playbook would be a good idea for that guy.
Was adopted on enough of them.
Was adopted at birth.
I think I've always known
Okay, if you're dropping shit like that on your online dating then I think we have we see the problem right I was homeschooled after we moved so no friends
Only started going back to regular school right so his personality sober doesn't match his looks
A year after my mom got cancer and died. Jesus. Oh, that's sex.
Two drunk, working out Marine Corps dog.
Marine Corps, he wrote corpse dog.
And being not ugly, had gotten to have sex with hood,
hood amount of broads.
26 to 28, I don't know, I'm 2-T-O drunk.
But I can't get past the first couple conversations. Any advice will be dope.
Go fuck yourself with love. Well, yeah, you need a, you need a playbook. Just come, you
sit there coming up with shit to say, what a waste of time. Just come up with a bunch
of, what part of shit? Which is every dinosaur? Oh, wow. The playbook may, may get in past
the awkwardness of sobriety because apparently like he's,
you know, liquor loosens him up. He's probably a lot more charming, probably, you know, unless he gets
too obnoxious, but if he's sober, then he's in his head all the time. He doesn't have any confidence
doing it without it. So he needs a couple wins to go, oh, this is, it's the same. That liquor charm
doesn't translate to text. You can be very charming with liquor in you. Yeah, it doesn this is, it's the same. That liquor charm doesn't translate to text.
You can be very charming with liquor in you.
Yeah, it doesn't seem like it would because it's all about inflection.
And then she gets it like 10 in the morning.
It's really this mess.
Right, right.
It's just nothing.
Yeah, get yourself a little more.
Because when you're in a liquor mood, especially a silly mood,
you tend to think that everybody is in that mood. So it's like, it's like, oh yeah, they'll totally think this is funny.
It's not really funny at all at 10 a.m.
Yeah, it is a weird system that women have devised on the on text dating.
Because you have to prove you're not going to kill them, but also that maybe you might.
You know, they want a little bit of that in there. Or they can help that out.
They can help that out if they would just tell me where they live.
Just tell me where you live.
Don't put so much thought into it.
Just get yourself a bunch of dumb questions.
Can't hurt to tell you where she lives.
What do you live?
Bitch, what do you live?
Hey, Dick Bigfanny's show, writing to ask for advice.
I'm a 23 year old virgin who's longest relationship
was when I was 21 and lasted a whole three months
with a Christian girl who wanted to wait
until things were more serious between us
before having sex.
Until I found out she was fucking two guys
behind my back the entire relationship,
including the typical friend I shouldn't worry
I don't know how chicks get away with that one.
Well, it's my friend.
He's a guy.
We're just like best friends.
Oh, yeah.
Like at how a wedding chicks will say, like, oh, I'm marrying my best friend.
Like that is exactly the same.
Like that.
All right.
What do you, I'm a guy.
I don't want to be friends. No, that's. That's do you, I'm a guy. Yeah. I don't wanna be friends.
No, that's.
That's what you mean.
You're friends.
What are you talking about?
Oh yeah, my mom has a bunch of guys.
She calls her guy friends up.
What's up, dude?
You wanna go watch the fucking game?
We're going down to the watch the fucking game.
It's like, you're fucking mom ever called a guy up?
It's extremely rare that that dynamic can happen.
It's very, very rare.
Hi, girlfriend, guys.
Happy birthday.
Last text I sent you was happy birthday.
Guys normally do not have platonic girlfriends.
What is the fucking, they don't have guy friends.
Even that is tenuous at best.
I work full time and go to university,
which is online due to COVID.
Oh man, I saw that the new incoming class
of freshman in college was like plummeting.
Sound, it was down 10% in college.
Because college is entirely dependent
on their ability to sell drunk girls.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, like well, there's no drunk girls there.
I don't wanna go, be on conference calls all day.
Full time as well. So I don't want to go be on conference calls all day. Right full-time as well
So I don't have much of a chance to go to other activities besides those to have a chance to meet girls
Not that I even could with all the covid restrictions. Yeah
Gotta do your part
University so it sounds like he's in England
I'm going to universe. Yeah anyways
I work as a security guard at a university apartment building,
and usually a lot of girls' residents will come down just to talk to me. Wow.
Few times, I was convinced a few of them were into me since they were obviously flirting with me
and took it well when I started flirting back. Oh, right. And some even gave me their number.
What the hell? Yeah.
Or social media and we would text, but the second I asked them out
or asked them if they wanted to hang out at my place sometime,
they all stopped, they all suddenly stopped coming down
to talk to me.
And one girl, you can complain to management.
I got in trouble.
So they all come down, they're firt,
and then like they know this is normal.
This is so fucking, this is such a shit, horse shit.
This is such a shit, they flirt, they flirt in a way.
They all do this shit.
You don't remember, you don't remember,
you don't remember, they fucking remember.
They put it on and you're like, oh yes,
you wanna fuck and all of a sudden is like
Oh, well, I mean I got all these like I don't know like I don't know why you took it that way because you're fucking talking to me
That's why I took it that way you have nothing else that I want I get nothing out of a conversation
Nothing no man has ever gotten anything out of any conversation ever
What are we playing chess? Oh, I'm Bobby Fisher over here playing fucking chess with the big with gotten anything out of any conversation ever.
What are we playing chess? Oh, I'm Bobby Fisher over here
playing fucking chess with that other guy.
Wow, this is so, that's what happened in that interaction.
Bobby Fisher playing chess with that other fuck.
Well, I guess that was kind of fulfilling.
I guess, I guess.
Complaint, he gets fired, is that what he's saying?
He got in trouble, he says.
I got in trouble.
Not capitalizing the eye.
Think more of yourself.
I mean, capitalize the eye.
Capitalize your fucking eye.
You capitalize two words, eye and god, okay?
Do them both.
I'd like to say that I get a lot of talking with women all the time because I'm such a great guy.
Oh, man.
Oh my God.
Yes, bad cuck.
Oh my God.
How are you?
You found out where we live.
Oh, great.
How many of your viewers are now sick and dying because of your fancy super spreader event where nobody was wearing a mask?
Or have you already covered that?
And I didn't hear it because I missed the it's the beginning of the show because I was too
busy riding my bike to the library.
It's just gonna give you a thing.
It's gonna be dope.
Yeah, we covered it up.
I have deals with everybody who got sick.
They're all reporting it as the flu.
Oh, good.
Nobody got sick.
Nobody got COVID.
The whole event.
The whole event.
Better luck next time.
Mad Cux.
I think my favorite part of Tampa was when I threw my nasty mask into the crowd and two
men fought over it.
On top of the two people who were like completely legitimately wearing like the fancy N95 mask
and one guy had a full face shield on and these two sweaty men are fighting over a soiled
mask, right?
And those two people's labs.
And I was just like, what the fuck did you think you were coming to?
And wait just like that.
So this couple, this couple right in the middle, face shields, masks on, um,
exactly as Mad Cux is right in front and center, right?
Like in the very middle, you couldn't, you could not see them.
And they're wearing the whole thing.
Mad Cux throws his mask off and these two guys dive over them to wrestle the mask.
Oh, that's fantastic.
Oh, fucking.
You guys are so contaminated.
Yeah, I mean, you have, you, you're trying to plug the Titanic with a cork.
You know, well, nobody, from what I understand, nobody's really sure like if those people
were dickheads or what because as soon as this
Joe and they just turned tail and rain I would imagine so
Yeah, I thought it was a bit. I but I didn't want to I didn't want to say anything from the stage because I was like
I don't want someone to steal my thunder up here
Mad Cucks did banana cucks. He came out way yeah, he locked up way and then came back out you'd have to give me
He you have to get the audio one way or another and
It was it was insane the
Tatsoo I was really tempted to like send you a picture of a flash drive that looked like your flash drive that I have at my house
That's fucked up right with like all my mad cook stuff me like hey, it made it in my stuff
But then I figured the disappointment will be so palpable.
You probably kill yourself.
I probably should have done it.
I'm not sure why I didn't do that.
No, you know, that sounds like something you would do.
And that's what is always up to like shenanigans, like legit skinks, texting people that were.
He's a lot of tell the story about the lily guy.
Somebody texted him while we were at brunch at a road rage.
Like they were in trouble for something at work.
And madcook starts like talking to them, like as though he is.
Oh, it was somebody who he didn't know.
He was a word.
He was a word.
He got all the weight that he was like, yeah, you're in trouble, come to my office immediately.
And they're like, who, wait, who is this?
And you said, I'm, I'm Sherry or whatever.
And he goes, no, I'm sitting in your office right now staring at Sherry.
Who is this?
And I said, what do you talk about?
I'm in your office, steering me.
Fucking hilarious.
Um, yeah.
Anyway, I can't believe I lost that audio.
It's so bad.
Pretty disappointing.
Pretty much fumbling at the one yard line.
Your buddy.
Yeah. 99 yard line. What was your favorite parts of the show?
I really liked talking with all the dickheads and added all the events. That was a ton of fun.
And I mean, the show itself was crazy. It was, I mean, it was, it's like, I mean, I've been on
state. I've been in a theater to work one time
in the last nine months.
Yeah, right.
Oh my God.
It was like a return to normal life there, right?
And then, you know, I left Tampa Bay at noon on Sunday.
And I drove straight home to Central America.
And I got up Monday morning and I found out that they're
ending all unemployment for everybody because according to the Department of Labor, all
unemployment and the pandemic's over. And I was like, Oh, it's crazy. The pandemic's over.
That means that people go back to work. Oh, no, sorry. I'm sure I'll fuck you. No, fuck you.
But the banks can buy their stocks back. Now that the pandemic's over, they can buy all
the stock bag where you know, you don't get any money. Actually, we gave you too much.
Yeah, it's amazing. Like all these pandemic programs that they launched in the wake of
the, you know, how horrible our life was going to become. They've all just kind of slowly
expired and nobody seems to give a shit about it. Like, through that, a federal, they're
going to pass another one, right?
Another Like a federal they're going to pass another one, right? Another
nine months.
Yeah, we're going to
stimulus bill right here.
Well, the
you know how they were packed.
When did the last time extra?
when did the last 600 expire?
You know, like because you're saying the state expiring.
The state and the federal is expiring.
Yeah, the 300 extra dollars that Donald Trump,
oh shit, we were getting into it.
Yeah, we were getting set under it.
That was all over in September.
That was like five weeks.
The extra 600 bucks expired at the end of July.
They don't give a shit.
All these fucking white liberals still need to stay home.
Oh, just stay home, okay?
Just stay home.
They don't give a shit about you.
You know, as long as you're gonna try and like demonize me
for one to fucking go to work,
the least you can do is call your congressman every day
and say, hey, why don't you stop fucking playing politics?
They take care of some of these fucking people
we put out of work for no good guy.
That's what they're doing, playing politics.
It's like, they're just fighting with each other.
The American people are the pawn,
and now the American people are pushed off
to the side of the table while they go back and forth.
They're not even getting, like, it's just give us money.
Like just send out a thousand, I mean, just send like two thousand bucks a month, anything.
Or, you know, care point just admit that it's over.
Like all these temporary programs because the pandemic, like my bank, my bank, we're
started forgiving overdraft fees in March, the March and April, they forgave all overdraft
And then in May, they're just like, oh, yeah, pain damage to over.
We're not doing that anymore.
They're going to have to keep with anybody in trouble in March and April, because the
problems got increasingly worse when people as like all these things start to expire until
it just builds into the snowball, which is just going to crush everyone in front of
Yeah. I really started to crush everyone in front of them. Yeah.
I really started to understand Timothy McVeigh.
Well, I'm sure you're in Minecraft.
No, that's...
These are the things you can't tell your psychologists.
I'm looking at a map right now of the potential U.S. home lost.
33% of Americans are not current on their rent or mortgage payment.
33% face...
That's a huge amount. 17 million. 17 million. I mean, 17 million Americans are not current on their rent or mortgage payment. 33% face.
17 million.
17 million Americans are not current
on their rent or mortgage payments.
33% face foreclosure reviction.
The next two months, this is gonna be so,
meanwhile, banks are spending their money.
Banks are spending their money on their own stock
and not lending it.
Like this is what caused the Great Depression.
They're gonna have to have the credit crunch because we're in a debt-based monetary system.
The lack of loans is what caused the Great Depression.
It's going to be a, it's going to be fucking bedlam.
A guy got shot at McDonald's down the street from us last weekend.
No, no, no.
Never happened.
Now, like this is a very safe neighborhood.
There's some old houses in this neighborhood who still have their bars up on the window.
It is, but people are like other citizens app that we have that reports crimes.
People getting shot, guy with a knife, like this shit is not, it is not going to end well.
Yeah, well, no, baby, I understand that.
I understand why.
What were you saying, Matt Cucks?
I forgot.
You're saying something.
I was going to have to do something to say.
Who let that fat Vita on your show last week? I forgot you say
Vito on your show last week
For lads or something and you start up on this great rant like this great rant starts then Vito with it's fucking like weird vocal fry
Hey Why don't you play the black national anthem under
that ring?
If you're fucking Marick, you can't hear it.
You're in like the black national anthem.
I think you've been trying to find a copy of the goddamn black castle anthem.
No, but it takes all the fucking wind out of the sales.
Shut the fuck up, shut up.
You think you know what was it?
I didn't have, I couldn't stay that late man.
I was like, there was a lot of,
you should have, you should have some extra work.
Oh, God, I would have been up to,
I would have been up to four a.m.
No, I would have been worth it for people.
You, and this is what,
this is what he tells me at the end,
he's like, you look, everybody understands it.
It doesn't have to be good.
Those words exist somewhere on that tape.
He don't take a lot of shit.
He doesn't have a lot of shit.
Yeah, well, he probably deserves it for being such a just
unlikeable douchebag on Twitter.
God damn.
Fucking comes on the show that fucking smug self-employed
liberal tone.
It just kind of damn it.
It's like fucking nails on a chalkboard for anybody
who has any kind of logical reasoning.
Not like the Millenium's tones of man-tie.
He fucking derails the show with his stupid bullshit.
You didn't need to buy a gun.
That's my job.
You didn't get rid of it.
You did all kinds of rants for five years
without any music.
It's totally fine.
Shut the hell up.
You're just here to pay us ideas off of me
and that's the last track.
That's what the guest in the audience, the studio up. You're just here to be on the ideas of up and then the last track.
That's what the kids in the audience, the studio does.
Jesus Christ, man.
I thought Matt Cux is back.
I thought Matt Cux had retired and gone off to an island
He's in Anna now.
So we had two bananas.
By the way, did you see that guy, Matt Cux,
when I saw that guy dressed as a banana in the audience,
I thought, oh fuck, this guy, we gotta keep that guy, at bay. Yeah, when I saw that guy dressed as a banana in the audience, I thought, oh, fuck this guy
We got to keep we got to keep that guy
Bay. Yeah, we got to keep that guy down that guy can't ruin because I knew Matt
I had a banana that guy to leave
You're ruining my bit here. Come on get out
Get out of here. We had both of them up up on stage at the end
Humping their banana stems together. Oh, Yeah, but he didn't stuff his banana stems,
so it had no like girth or weight.
Like you got to, you got to plan ahead
when you, when you,
you got to really get into the character of the banana,
you really understand like the fullness
and the vitamin K.
Well, he knows about that.
And the potassium.
Yeah, the potassium.
Yeah, banana.
If you're gonna do it,
you don't just do,
you might be 10% banana, you do whole banana. Yeah. If you're going to do it, you don't just do, you might be 10% banana.
You do whole banana.
Before the show, what was that eating banana?
You ate somebody bananas, you identified as a banana.
Nice and nice and firm.
I thought about throwing bananas out into the crowd when I came out of an horrible
They just thrown back it out or they just smashed in a nasty pulp on the floor.
And the Cuban club people were like, well, shouldn't let the Nazis be here in the after
Have you, have you ever tested the slipping on a banana peel thing?
What do you mean?
Like I'll get all the time.
I'm a fat to show.
I've seen how slow you were called it.
But I like the 10th card to you and I popped the seeds and prove where not they are true
or not. And yet my brother and I not. And my brother and I did it.
My brother and I did it.
How did you do it?
Pat him slip on a banana peel.
And he fell on your cock or something like that one.
Dude, it works exactly like the cartoons.
Oh, yeah.
Those fucking things are so slick.
I'm never for it.
Did it on the kitchen floor.
Steps out.
Dude went parallel to the ground.
Look just like a cartoon.
Him. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, making him do it. That's cool. He wanted to. Yeah,
tricked him into. Uh, yeah, no idea that was actually that slick.
Banana's would have come back at us like Boomerang's about a hundred miles an hour.
That's guys are all too stuff. Throwing bananas back. Um,
that projection screen would have just been done for. I mean,
it would have been, it would have been a huge disaster. Yeah, maybe it would have been a bad idea.
Like dad said that movies in like the, what are the 50s or the 60s when he was a kid,
they would take their boxes of popcorn if they didn't like the movie or if they were just
go stuff or whatever and collapse them and then throw them at the projector to try and
cut through.
And it would slice.
He's like, yeah, we just love doing that. We take the box, put it down and then throw it at the thing.
Just destructive.
That fuck is wrong with you guys.
Just, you know, kid shit.
Yeah, that's funny.
I love that Maddox is still going with the banana.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I love that Maddox is still going with fucking anything.
Yeah, dude, come on.
You're calling, you're calling the police.
I tell them that there's a Nazi rally going on. Like, are you ever going to read that email? I got to
get that email. And the woman, the manager of the club said that she knew right away that
it was a, it was a laughable because they had misspelled like goose a fir or something.
So you got a couple of emails. Goose a fir. Yeah. The, the, the Trump hacker guy. Oh,
that was the, that was what he went with.
Yeah, after getting, after getting blown out so many times, for getting caught doing
the shit, as if we don't know, it's him doing it.
Yeah, it's so obvious.
Like at this point, it's just, if anybody's fucking with this show, it's Maddox.
Yeah, I'm sure you see.
Yeah, I knew right away.
Because he always has the same.
He's the same.
He's the same.
The same telltale stupid shit. He always he always fucks up the details
Just tell my hey what's amazing to me is that like this woman Teresa River name was at the club
She's like the only person in the history of the world that has not just been like, someone complain came to the show. Yeah, I know.
Just fuck them.
Yeah, we like clearly crazy.
Clearly out of its fucking mind.
We're going to go ahead with the show.
She said she had to, she said the other owners of the club were like, well, we don't know
about that.
She goes, are you guys fucking, like, just go listen to a show.
It's just like a band show shit.
It's not a white supremacist.
No. Um, just fucking assholes show. It's just like ban show shit. Yeah, it's not a white supremacist. No
Just fucking assholes running their mouths. Yeah, they're just How it's dirty if how it's turned wasn't a huge content
Is your house
That's usually not been in Mad Cux
acular. Yeah, she's learned it
I've actually not been in Madcuck's vernacular. Yeah, she's.
Learned it.
I'm putting in Madcuck.
I got unpersent from the fucking internet.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
What a bitch.
I'm banned from Reddit.
I'm fucking no more.
For saying that.
You want to come cancel me?
What more can you fucking cancel?
Come on, come on and fucking bring it everybody.
I don't give a shit anymore.
Yeah, I saw that.
I saw that.
That's a bummer.
No more Madcuck's on.
Cause you started picking fights with, with, with, SJW Star Trek Twitter. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And, uh, thing, I just started
sending them this. There's a, so they, in Star Trek Discovery, they did this episode.
And some guy got like turned into nasty pulp. And they had, there's a conversation going on
while there were this guy's shoveling this pulp out of the transport or whatever.
And he's like shoveling it into a bucket.
And then he introduced himself and his name's Gene.
It's like very clearly that's the writers of this new show, Shitting on Gene Ronberry,
the creator of Star Trek.
And so I just started sharing that clip with people and going like, if you like this show,
you're not a Star Trek man.
And that really pissed them off.
So they went through all my old posts
and just started mass reporting everything.
Mother of fuckers.
That's crazy.
They're shitting on Jean Roddenberry in the news show.
The news show does not resemble Star Trek.
Like Star Trek is, Star Trek is conference calls and meetings.
That's what it is.
It's like a pharmaceutical company except in space.
Like all they do is meet and talk about meetings
and then talking about meetings that they had
with other aliens.
How did you ever get through a series?
They're in space.
Get them the whole way from a space.
You're in space, you're in space.
You're in space.
Get them away from Earth.
I'm in.
I'm in.
The woman with a titty, thick next to the bulk guy.
Yeah, I'm at home enjoying, enjoying technology,
not in space.
Not in space doing anything.
I don't give a fuck what's going on in space.
I'm at home hooked into the VR permanently,
just enjoying my life, looking at all the Apple store,
buildings all around.
You nerds, get them, that's going to be the best part
about space travel is getting all these fucking nerds
out of his place.
What I'm saying is you're like Star Trek. I love it.
I love it.
But it is a socialist utopia.
I mean, right?
Yeah, it is.
Yeah, it is.
No, it's not.
Well, because it's a society where they have a magic microwave that can create fucking
anything you could ever need.
So like, yeah, they don't have the federation doesn't have money.
It's not real boobs.
They're all about like making themselves better
as human beings, but it's not really a socialist utopia
because socialism doesn't even exist.
Socialism can't exist in a world
where everything can just be provided for you by
just going your microwave and hitting the popcorn button
and boom, you get movie theater, quality popcorn, just like that.
I always thought it was a little worse than the real stuff.
Oh yeah, because like you can never make the tee or gray high.
He never gets a right or like the booze or like the booze is not real booze.
It's not.
If you ask it to make you a drink, it's not like the full octane shit.
Cause in one of the movies, it's the haul.
It's in the haul.
Yeah, I don't even go back on duty very easily.
Was it?
Yeah, it's it's not, you would hate it.
I hate everything about Star Trek, actually, because they never used the holodeck for beating
off like they always use it for like living it.
Oh, Berkeley, Berkeley's just gonna say being off in the holodeck.
It's just not in the episode.
I mean, the episode with the first episode was Berkeley.
They go into his holodeck thing and fucking Troy's wearing this low cut Victorian tail.
Grape spiked pressure.
What part of that, what part of that doesn't end with him
fucking all of them?
I don't think Barthly could get hard.
I don't think he can get an interaction.
I think he just goes in there and talks
to the Star Trek people like their his friends.
I don't think that man can get an interaction.
And I don't know if any man in Star Trek in the future
can get an erection aside from data when he fucks y'all.
William Reckon, he does fuck you are.
He was fucking bitches left and right.
He was fucking dead and down binary.
He was always fucking, yeah, taking extended leaves on Ryza and shit.
James Kirk had a boner.
He fucking James Kirk collapsed, hold decided to the power of his weener.
What the fuck?
I missed that show.
The reboot is such horseshit.
I didn't watch any of those shows. He got tons of hate. I didn't watch any of those shows. What the fuck? I missed that show.
The reboot is such horses.
I didn't watch any of those shows on a five years ago.
I had a baby Jackson right inside of her.
Pull the jumbo line gumbo.
Good lord.
Wait, you didn't watch any star trek into like five years ago.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh man, that was me and my dad's thing.
Yeah, no, I gotta stay up to watch that in quality.
I gotta do it.
That's not really late.
Well, the new discovery thing, I haven't seen a mix of Star Trek.
It's like a Marvel movie.
What if Star Trek?
It's like a Marvel movie.
What if Star Trek?
Yeah, it also it sucks.
It sucks.
Like people have super powers.
They're all shooting each other.
Picard is like a...
It's just long seen to people explaining why they just finished crying to build up to
why they're about to cry again.
And that's what they think acting is.
It's a huge team.
It's like a WWE.
It's not real Star Trek.
And then in the most recent weeks episode, it's still going on.
I don't book a watch anymore.
They admitted it as much that it's not part of, it's not part of the real Star Trek
can anymore.
That sucks.
They got the card back too.
All they had to do was all they had to do was just do exactly Star Wars shitty carpet,
uncomfortable carpet on the spaceship, like little morality things, like, oh, wow, we're
in a trans, what if a transporter is an abortion?
Whoa, holy shit, stuff like that, you know.
Yeah. Yeah, levity. They didn't yeah funny stuff.
Morality plays. Morality plays. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.
It's Isaac. Yeah. Um anyway, Madcux, what are you doing lately? What are you working on?
Well, I'm working on moving on my shit back into my parent's house because I can't
work fucking anything anymore. Madcux is still living on his own and you have to move back in with your parents. That's, that's, yeah.
Thank you for that. I appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it's just, uh, it's just
untamble to try and, you know, the real work, the real work that I do is not
available to me. Um, even if it was, you have to go get tested before you can go take a call.
Yeah. Which can't afford the fucking test.
And if you do, if you can do the test, right, it takes them like fucking two weeks to get
them to you.
So if they call you like, you know, today's Sunday, right?
They call me a day and said, Hey, can you be, can you work on Friday?
The answer's got to be no, because there's no way I can go get tested in time.
Can you make a test?
I mean, like HIPAA, they can't actually get your medical records.
Can you just face a testing?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
because there's a, so I work for a stage hand union, right?
So I have to fill out a form that says, if I test positive, the doctor doesn't call
me and tell me the doctor called me in the union call.
How does the union not have the quickly, quickly, quickly, HIPAA? How does the union not have the quick and easy people?
How does the union not have quick testing available?
Like that, like not?
That's your problem.
That is not fast enough.
Don't do what he's doing.
Still, it should be free and fast.
It should be, but fuck you.
It's not, yeah, so I pointed out
that's a huge violation of HIPAA.
And they go, no, no, no, no.
You sign a waiver that says it's okay. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, so I mean, I'm pretty much, I'm pretty much locked out of fucking anything.
That's so nice.
I can't get a job.
I can't get a fucking, even like a job at Walmart because I have a bachelor of fine arts.
So I want more than $5 an hour.
You're like, we don't even pay assistant signatures.
12 billion.
Fucking boomers.
They just fucking did this to us.
They just fucking, they just took our lives and turned them into their 401, turn them
into 401Ks.
Like I can't even talk to my fucking dad about this anymore.
He's like, well, everybody's got to do their part.
Hey, even Randy is like, well, everybody should have worn their masks.
Like, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
Everybody wore their masks.
No, not everybody wore their masks.
Everybody who was ever gonna wear their masks. Every more people everybody wore their masks. Everybody who was everybody who was ever going to wear their masks. Everybody wore their masks.
Every more people wore masks than were fucking seatbelts. Everybody wore them.
They didn't do a goddamn thing. No, it's not true that everybody wore their masks.
It's spreading in your fucking house. It's in the goddamn hair.
I'm not saying that people, do you know Sean that aren't wearing a mask? How many people?
I see people all the time, not wearing masks.
Where do you go? Where do you go? Literally, where do you go? I don't even go anywhere.
I go to work in back every day. Everybody, I walk around in my neighborhood and
everybody's got a fucking mask on. People have masks on their fucking dogs.
Yeah, up here, up here, that's true, but no, it's all over. If you go to Venice, Santa
Monica, any place like that, it doesn't matter, it's real tempting to paint it as like a, oh, it's like a left-right thing.
It's just, it's just certain people.
It's just, usually younger.
It's not left-right thing.
It's not left-right thing.
It's an IQ test.
You put one on your stupid.
Yeah, that's, look, look.
By the way, this is Denmark.
This is fucking, I mean, people are acting.
Like, people are acting like because they've read
a headline or a news article
They suddenly have the ability to tell whether or not mask
Whether or not masks work at all they do
No, fuck they have no but the people saying it have no idea
Why are all these like here spikes here. This is Denmark. This is Denmark
Mask mandate, okay, they have shoots up indoor spaces mask mandate, okay. There are shoots up, indoor spaces mask mandate, okay.
Shutes up right after that.
This is, there is just no way you can correlate these gigantic increases in cases which by
the way magnify, magnify dead viruses that are, that are unculturable.
The tests we have magnify the, magnify the virus so much that if you get a positive result
there is a very low chance that that virus is culturedable.
It means they're testing for death.
So it depends on the test.
The test that we have in America.
The test that you have to get for treating, we have like three different tests.
The one that everyone does, not the rapid one.
The one that everybody has to wait 24 hours.
This is Denmark's, yeah, the PCR says, this is Denmark's effective mask mandates
on their amount of cases.
How can you fucking look at any of these numbers
and say, well, it's just fucking work.
There's always, every time you bring in something,
there's always more to it.
Oh, I do every no way masks.
There's no way masks do anything.
That is where I'm saying, go ahead.
This, I would love mask to do anything. That is what I'm saying. Go ahead.
This, I would love somebody to find it.
I remember you saying on the show how you thought it was so considerate that Japanese
if they're sick, like they wear a mask today.
Yeah, it is.
It's so considerate.
And then as soon as like, hey, you know, you should wear a mask.
Fuck you.
Well, it's not magic.
It's different, though.
It's not magic.
It's not magic, because they want you. It's different to those. It's not magic. It's not magic because they want to.
It's their choice.
Look, watch your hands.
Watch your hands.
It's taking away of the choice.
It's your hands.
Watch your hands.
Do we have a mask mandate here?
Uh, in LA?
It's illegal to not wear a mask.
You can't go inside stores and not have a mask on?
No, they can, right, right.
They can, they can fight.
Nobody's getting in trouble for it. But that's like, that's like saying everybody's smoking weed, so it doesn't
matter that it's illegal. If every, if everyone is committing a crime that is worse than having
reliable like criminal enforcement, you know, if like, like it doesn't matter if no one's
getting punished, it's that it's illegal. So they can arrest anybody. The efficacy of masks has been proven time and time again.
No, the whole point of view does not know that.
It's creating an opportunity.
Yes, I do.
There's no one you do not have.
You can take it by our terrible people
because we don't want to wear the mask
and we're the problem.
We're causing the spread and it divides us as people.
You put on the mask, it takes away your humanity.
I put on a mask, it takes away my humanity.
And you really do anything to me
in order to keep yourself safe.
And we've been willing to do anything to me
without a mask because you take it as an us versus them.
It's a huge dividing factor.
There's no reason for a mandate.
If you're afraid, wear a mask.
If you're sick, wear a mask, but it should be your choice.
You don't get to make that choice for me.
Just like, I don't get to decide if you can
or can't have an abortion, Sean.
Ha ha ha ha.
You don't know that.
You don't know, you're not supposed to say
that I have had an abortion on the air.
You don't know.
You personally, you cannot prove the mass work.
I don't have to.
But Dick, mount, mount, mount Everest was the highest point
on earth before you knew about it.
Yeah, but I don't have to legally say
that it's the highest point of an earth.
That's the problem.
Everybody who's saying that mass work
has no ability to prove that.
They just say no.
They don't because they're fucking stupid.
No, they don't.
They don't. Those personal people do not know a goddamn thing about anything that they're
talking about. That's the problem. God, what? You're leaving your water bottle. No, they're
mm. No, I'm not going to well, I, you know what? I forgot about that. No, Dick, it's
not me who has to prove it. It should be because it's illegal.
No, you're making the truth that we need to do a thing.
You should have to prove it.
Yeah, the truth.
The truth.
It's healthy until it's proven sick.
It's not me personally.
You're not arguing with me.
Yes, I am arguing with you right now.
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
I would refer you to multiple I would refer you to multiple
numerous studies, experts who have been doing this for years, showing the efficacy of
masks against the transmission of viruses. You're not going to convince me. Just listen
to all your fucking experts, all that you just Galileo just listen to the experts. The
center of the universe. The experts just listen to the experts,
the Earth is flat, there's no way you'll be able
to make it all the way around.
Experts aren't gonna listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts.
You can't even listen to the experts. You can't even listen to the experts. You can't even listen to the experts. You can't even listen to the experts. You can't even don't need experts. What I need is everybody who's saying the mass work to just admit that they have no idea
one way or the other.
They read it on the news.
The news could have said that the news could have told them that they're the opposite gender
and they would have said, well, the news told me I was a forget the news.
I can't forget the news because of the services.
I know that's embarrassing.
It's my neighbors.
They're keeping me inside.
And the sources are garbage.
The studies that show mass work are always like,
oh, we did a survey and we put a mask over a petri dish
and coughed on it and no bacteria.
It's like, well, yeah, bacteria and viruses
are very different things you fucking idiot.
Well, guess what?
They've done it with viruses too.
So you get vaccinated?
Yeah, I'll get vaccinated. You get flu vaccine every year?
No, I have before.
Not every year.
No, you kill people.
I almost never get the flu.
I mean, I almost never get the flu.
Why not?
Why not?
Like at the vaccine though.
Because the makes you back, you could be a carrier.
Because the flu viruses are not that effective a lot of the time.
Why do you think this one will be? Well a lot of the time. They're not at the rates. Why do you think this one will be?
Well, because of the testing, because of the testing of like 500 people, like they just
made this and they're sending it to 20 million people with no testing.
No, it's how many people got tested.
We don't have, we don't have a cure for HIV.
We don't have a cure for the cold, but this one that they rushed out in 10 months under a political plan
Because Trump in office this one's gonna be this is totally fine. Do you know how many people are tested? No problems
Don't worry about your ball shrinking and falling off. Don't worry about being like a weird invalid
Don't worry about getting super autism. Well actually super
I'm gonna do that. Yeah, I'm gonna fight the crisis. I might be I don't know how many people they tested it on do you?
No, not offhand. I don fight the part of this. I'm just, I might be, I, I know how many people they tested it on. Do you? No, not offhand, I don't.
See, but you're confident that they did,
but you don't know.
That's a problem for me.
That's, well, that's, you know it.
I will go, I will go find it.
But, but you already assume that they did.
Do you understand?
That's what I'm saying.
I know you already think that you have this knowledge,
but you don't.
This is a problem for me.
Like, it's safe.
They tested it.
Well, I don't know.
Well, then why do you think the first?
Because they've been talking about clinical trials going for months and months.
Yeah, but a lot of the clinical trials got canceled because people develop like terrible
side effects.
Not the Pfizer and the Moderna ones, but the other ones that were also part of this plan warped speed. Speaking of Star Trek, dumbest fucking thing I've ever
had. I know. I don't want to take anything with testing volunteers.
Did you bring Gates McFadden to look at the cure?
Maybe see if she can do some fucking Star Trek times with thousands.
Jesus Christ. Johnson and Johnson is cutting the size of its pivotal U.S. COVID vaccine trial.
The only major study testing a single dose of a COVID vaccine.
One dose.
Yeah, from 60 to 40,000, the only major study of a single dose.
The only other funny thing about this whole vaccine deal, right, is that like we've been
saying people like me have been saying for months that herd immunity
if we get enough infections will be fine, right?
And then and they said that was impossible, but then they want to do the vaccine.
But it's like if the if herd immunity doesn't work, then what's the point of vaccine?
Like this week from Boston, who got the China virus?
Who wears his mask all around and bitch is about people not wearing their mask. You could die this week from Boston who got the China virus. Yeah.
Who wears his mask all around and bitch is about people not wearing their mask and he
was like, he was like, yeah, I'll get the vaccine.
I'm like, why you already had it?
You're probably not going to get us for a few of her.
You're not immune from getting it.
How are you immune?
How do you get immune from the vaccine?
Yeah, it's the same idea.
No, if I had it, I wouldn't get it.
I think any girl had it.
I haven't talked about it on the show, but she had it tested positive a month ago.
She just couldn't come into the studio.
She was pretty sick, but I mean, it was like we almost went to the hospital.
Because it was like, body, she said that she got better.
That feels so horrible for the old people because it's like deep pain, like deep pain
or it's in your bones.
And it's still, and I didn't get it.
We had no, I don't think you'll precautions.
I don't think you'll get it too.
You may have that, there's talking about the, you know,
the bloodmine stuff.
Just my luck, I don't get it.
No, I don't think you asked my luck.
You said it's gonna expose enough being in a way.
Oh my God, my toes.
Yeah, we went out ammunition shopping
with a third friend of ours one night,
and then we went to dinner, went to a bunch of shit, and none of us are wearing masks,
went to multiple stores.
Then the following, that's Monday, Friday, first day he should have been pre-sintomatic
and being able to infect us.
The three of us got together again, hung out in my house, watching movies, and he's
And then Saturday, he gets horribly ill, he's saying for two weeks, Cam record the show, had to get He's, he's saying for two weeks. Can't record
the show. I had to get a fill in co-host for two weeks. Yeah. And we're out of the same
spots. He's a fucking shut in. He doesn't go anywhere. We're at, if anyone, either one of
us should, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're at the same spots. I don't get sick. No,
there is a post. I don't get sick. It's a fucking scam. The military did a study where the
transmission increased with people staying home. I mean, you can, there is, they don't get sick. It's a fucking scam. The military did a study where the transmission increased with people staying home.
I mean, you can, there is, they don't talk, they don't mention any of the studies because
they don't fucking matter.
Like no one fucking cares, but everybody's already bought into the mass thing, but I think
you can find it either way.
Yeah, I don't.
I don't.
I just don't buy, like we've had the cold for how thousands of years.
Yeah, it's never been able to stop that.
We had to flu constantly mutating.
I don't understand.
I don't understand why people think they can stop this because it's here forever.
Well, everyone has it.
Everyone has it.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
It's a crime.
It's a crime. It's a crime. It's a crime. It's a crime. It's probably because you had it in some very mild form. And in February or June, I've been tested for anti-bodies and stuff.
I don't have them.
You don't have to.
It's the last couple of months.
And then your T cell, your natural immunity takes over and it'll just block it out
in your life.
It's the way all immunity works.
It's the way you get a fucking monthsose vaccine. We are it's so easily
spreadable right now is why they're stopping this version or slight mutations of it, but then it still is here.
Like you can't stop.
But are you open the game? It's not smallpox like smallpox DNA virus. It's not.
Yeah, RNA mutates like fucking crazy. It's out. That's it. I'm glad that it attacks old people and fat people instead of young people with big
Well, but it's mutated, but it hasn't mutated like crazy.
It's only been eight months.
It's been out.
As viruses, more.
It's been longer than eight months.
They come around every year still.
The purpose of the virus is the purpose of all biological life.
It should reproduce exactly the thing going.
So when a virus mutates, it mutates into something that doesn't kill its host because that
way it can keep propagating.
So it's good to let it mutate.
The more it mutates, the more mild we're going to have.
Well, that's why we get cold now and you get a runny nose for a couple of days, and
a sore throat and a cough, and then you just sit down and you're done.
Whereas 500 years ago, you got a cold
and you probably dropped fucking dead.
Because you also had terrible medicine.
Terrible medicine.
Yeah, we're gonna sleep your wrist to let the ghosts out.
Yeah, well, the bleeding and the,
oh yeah, well, it marched, yeah.
Anyway, all I'm saying is,
the people keeping, the people who are telling me,
with full, who are confident enough
to affect my personal liberty,
cannot prove it, even to themselves.
They don't know what they couldn't even prove
that the world is round.
The same people keeping me locked up.
And that doesn't mean it isn't round.
But it is an important distinction to make to me.
See, yeah, but the, because it means they can be convinced of anything.
Here's that they don't know.
They don't know that the world is flat around.
But if you just angry about it, but they've been convinced that they know.
They've been convinced that they know.
But there are, you need to, there are certain people who you should probably hear what they
have to say and other people
you don't.
And that is, that's called critical thinking.
That is not called critical thinking.
That's called obeying.
There is an expert in this field.
There are absolute fucking people you should ignore.
See, that's, no, no.
Because you ask those people questions, you ask them a direct question about something and
they never never never
Not once they never say I don't know. They always have some fucking weird political roundabout cock-a-mamae answer
The people try to get away with the life of who agree to go on news programs
I could go outside and say hey, should I be wearing a mask and there is not there's not all than in my
Never say yes. Black and white answer. See this one. not always a black and white answer. See this
black and white answer for me. This line of arguing is to shift the burden of
the burden of proof is on you for shutting down the country. The burden of proof is on
you to tell me at gunpoint I can't go to a fucking bar. Of course the burden of proof is
on you. Those are that, that is a political
maneuver. All I'm talking about, political maneuver. That's because they're always going
to choose like life over, oh yeah, they're going to choose the politicians who want to shut
everything down like they're some, they don't want, yeah, they don't want, well you were
responsible for a need of that's increasing. I like care about. I know. And the people
that are telling me that I don't know
Just want to have no idea want the answers so I can make decisions for me. I don't like that everything
It's not that you don't like it. It's that it's killing people. It's that it's fucking killing people and ruining if you
Don't like it. It's that they're killing themselves because they can't go outside of the gift fucking
They're moving home on it. They're moving home. I know I feel end of your life for mad guys.
I feel terrible for mad cucks.
It's fucked up.
No, it's not just that.
I sit at home and consider putting my gun in my mouth.
I like we all do not the only one.
There are people that follow through.
If it weren't for the support system in my life, I know I'd be a dead man right now.
I know.
I know I've had everything.
Everything stripped away from me. I know you can't go to work. You're pissed off. I'd be a dead man right now. I know. I know. I've had everything. Everything stripped away from me. I know. I can't go to work. I can't go out and drink. I can't go
out and eat. I can't earn money to do anything. So I'm just fucking stuck. I'm fucking stuck
sitting and watching TV for the rest of my fucking lives at my parents house until the
government dames that I'm allowed to go have my liberty again. Yeah, I understand. It's fucked up.
I'm not in his position.
I'm fucking lucky.
I know he's, no, you're rightfully pissed off.
There is no, there is, it's just fucked all the way around.
It's completely fucked and I feel for you, I honestly do.
So no, he's just open the doors back up.
So open it back up. So open it back up.
Just open it.
Here's the thing, we just did not know.
There's no one here to do.
No, with masks and lockdowns and social distancing and all this shit hasn't made one single
fucking difference.
So why don't we do a science experiment, right?
And try a new variable in an experiment and say like, well, let's just open all the
way back up. Let's open all the way back up.
Let's open all the way back up and just fuck, let's fuck see what happens.
Let's give it two months.
Let me read.
Let me read two months.
We will go fucking put on our slave shackles and hide inside our homes to the rest of
Here's what they're, the way California is doing it is they're doing the restrictions
or lockdowns based on the capacities of the I.C.
So like total bullshit.
And I see you capacity is able to be flexed based on need.
No, they've all they've they've flexed it's it's beds.
It's space.
It's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's I think I know they're like 85% no, they're not. I see yous are always like, I guess they're not. I think they said, I'm TICU.
So I just make money.
If nobody's in bed, they're not making money.
Every day I turn you to,
but there's always a good line.
From one of the big news organizations,
it's like hospital training capacity.
Hospital training capacity.
We're talking like,
no, I'm not the training capacity.
You guys haven't fucking done anything
and you haven't flooded over.
Then why, it's not coming.
It's not coming.
Well, right now California is about as high as it's been for the ICOs.
Who cares?
Fuck people.
We have two holidays. I know. Well, that is your,
because you're killing way more people than the virus by keeping them inside.
I've you're killing hundreds of thousands of people and rooting their futures.
him inside. You're killing hundreds of thousands of people and ruining their, their futures. I, the ruining of the futures. Yeah. It's, that is, I just think that first part, you
don't believe? Passenibility. We printed $20 trillion. No. I don't believe you're killing,
like physically killing more people than the virus. Why not?
No, the sides are at all times. Yeah.
So yeah. But it's, but it's 150,000 people die per year in medical fuck-ups because the experts
fuck up and chop off the wrong god damn arm.
We'll put the wrong amount of medicine into your body.
These are the people we're listening to.
These fucking nurses that spent the first two months learning dance routines
and they're fucking off hours.
And then now they spend all their time to pick through themselves.
Oh, my.
I'm not listening. I'm not listening to nursing all. And then now they spend all their time pushing pick through themselves. Oh my God. I'm not listening to the news.
I'm not listening to the news.
I saw all the hand-meat Sam while he's dying.
Shut the fuck up.
Here's what I, here's what I was doing.
You're doing what I'm doing.
Go on, go on.
I saw a nurse.
Do your due diligence and go find this stuff.
Try to find the fact.
Try to find the fact.
I can't go outside either way.
What does it matter if I do any due diligence?
It's, well, it doesn't, it's here.
Why does it matter? Because here's this whole thing Well, it doesn't matter because here, here's
this whole thing. I'm going to let the dickheads in on a, on a big, on a big secret here,
on a big secret that this doesn't affect you. That's the big secret. The lockdown doesn't
affect you with dick. This is the first time in 40 years that he has ever been told no, and he cannot negotiate his way around it.
And it pisses him off.
And that is the be all end all of Dick's attitude
on the whole fucking thing.
But it's not just Dick.
It's not just Dick,
they're not explicitly about Dick.
They're just not allowed to go to work.
Not like the Great Depression
where whole industries collapse
because of
their own hubris. We were just told, we were told in March, just stay home for two weeks.
We're going to expand on the point. It'll just be two weeks. It'll just be six weeks.
It'll just be mass. It'll just be a few. It'll just be a little bit more time. And it's
always two weeks on the goddamn horizon. And people's horizons have quickly stopped being
there because they've started everything their lives.
Everybody who does it, suicide, fucking deaths of just despair.
Everybody, you don't think it's worth for the human condition to be trapped inside your
own home living with depression.
And then you get sick, you think your immune systems have full kick.
No, I don't think so.
I think it's, I think. This has been a distance.
For hundreds of thousands of people.
Medcux, hundreds of thousands of healthy, working,
good, decent people.
I'm just going to earn their goddamn way.
I'm going to agree with you.
I think for most people, it is much worse
to be locked up for their mental health.
And so I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I'm only saying the reasons why they're doing it.
To control you.
And why and why all the experts can do is give the information and keep updating as it's
There's a complete argument.
They don't give information.
They don't give information.
They selectively edit.
It's just like, it's just like the news.
Who cares what they, I mean, who actually cares what the evidence is if they're just going
to lock everybody down.
Like there's no amount of evidence that there is no amount of evidence I could be told
that would result that would justify the lockdown that's happening.
To you.
Well, now your parents might feel differently.
Fuck them.
Fuck our parents.
And that's right. And that's where you have to go.
If you want to stay home, if you're afraid
and you want to stay home, feel free.
I don't, I'm not a want to force you to go to Disney Land.
How do we get on this?
60, 60% of business closures from lockdown are permanent.
I know.
That's 100,000 businesses.
Oh, you knew that one?
Nearly half of black owned small businesses
have been wiped out.
Unemployment in the US is at 15% highways
are jammed with thousands of vehicles
who are waiting to turn at food banks.
Five percent of the population in the UK
went hungry during the first three weeks of lockdown.
22% of Canadians are experiencing high anxiety
four times from before the lockdowns
where more than 40 US states have reported increases in opioid
related mortality.
And there's the city cities.
The U.S.
domestic violence.
No, at least 100,000 excess deaths in 2020.
I agree.
We're not linked to COVID at all.
I 100,000 Americans were murdered by the government's imposed lockdown.
That's murder.
I mean, I'd like to verify this, but I've got to verify that one.
I verify everything, Dick.
But it's not possible.
Like you're, you can only speaking with confidence and statistics that don't exist.
You don't know that these, that, because you're not a lockdown work.
Because you're not aware of them doesn't mean just because, look, just because you have
a knot, just because you haven't thought of it, doesn't mean somebody else hasn't and
is looking into it and showing you, this is this, this is this, I'm telling you, I find
this stuff every week where I go, oh, stupid me, I took that at face value.
I can not be done.
I took it at face value.
A study cannot be done to prove that this has prevented COVID infections.
Not at this level.
With the entire country, there's no way.
The whole world.
I mean, you could say, this country did this, this country did this.
It increased all over the place.
It can't be done with the kind of certainty that people talking about.
Well, it's, you know, I just can't do it.
I mean, that's not like a position.
Sometimes there's, sometimes there's not a 100% 0% rate of answers. It's, well, it's either, no, it's certainty or it's not like a position. Sometimes there's, sometimes there's not a 100% 0% rate of
answers. It's, well, it's either, no, it's certainly or it's not, it's not. Well, it's,
how much certainty they have values for that.
You know what I'm saying?
I know to kill 100,000 people. I just want to know, I just want everybody to, I just
want everyone to know that who, if you support it it if you think it's like a fun like oh well
You know, let's just lock everybody down. You just decided to murder a hundred thousand people. Yeah, so I hope that you're okay
It's stated like a true asshole. I mean that's what happened more for a more
According to that guy's 21 for me
According to the city see to in the next the rest of my life anybody
Who's this guy? I support the arts my for my next question is going to be, did you support the lockdowns?
You don't support the arts because you killed it.
Look, you killed the arts.
I know.
CDC revealed that the young adults between 25 and 44 are the largest increase in excess deaths
from previous years is stunning.
26% jump.
I wish they wouldn't have said stunning.
Matt Cucks had no idea this was happening to Matt Cucks.
I really do feel terrible and I agree with you.
The lockdown for probably almost everybody,
look, nobody's having a good time in lockdown.
I think Gavin Newsom is.
He's having great guy. Yeah,
he may. Well, he's, yeah, his approval rating is starting to, starting to plummet. Did
you sign the recall? Gavin Newsom. No, I'd, I wasn't offered it. But recall Gavin
No, man, that's that. I'm going to say, that's, that's, it's fucked up, man. I, I, I
under, I understand why you're fucking this pissed off and you fucking should be. There's
no reason why you shouldn't be.
I'm a statistics.
No one listened to me. I said, I said it in the middle of March when they, when the day
that, that our, our company says, we had a million three o'clock that afternoon. I said,
we're being sent home and we're never coming back. Yeah. Nobody believe me. I'm not
going to, oh, you're crazy. That's why I told my girlfriend. You never, they're
not, they're never coming back. You never coming back. Well, I see, I think I should have done
forever. No, I think you will come back. But is it 20, 22?
But is it too? I think it'll be earlier than that. But just from the, what I've been
hearing about, because sports and stuff, it's kind of a interesting, you learn a lot.
I know they, they have learned a lot from sports
and people about how it spreads being in a more or less
controlled environment, how you can test
negative, negative, negative, negative, positive,
you know, where it's like, they get,
every day where you're like, oh, one person has it
and then forget I'm gonna get off on a tangent.
But anyway, but it seems somewhat encouraging
that it'll be more like 2021.
I don't know, man, I hope your shit comes back.
I hope that they start getting people into feeders
and you can go do what you do.
But it's really depressing.
It really is.
I'm actually very bummed out listening to Madcux.
It's illegal or at least unplatformable.
It's against every term to service on earth
for me to express how I feel about it.
What do you mean?
About this whole COVID thing in the lockdown.
Why, you can't, no, you can't say the types of things
that I want to say about it.
What do you want to, do you want to, hard or not?
Yeah, very, I want to use it upper case art.
Yeah, a rare pronunciation of the N with an upper case art.
Anyway, man, Cux, you have to spit coke off my nose.
Do you have anything that makes you a rage?
Yeah, women science, women are always like,
fucking doing weird experiments on their husbands and boyfriends
and like any male that's in their life.
Like I can't tell you how many, how many of my male straight friends with girlfriends
or wives have told me stories about how their girlfriend or wife has come home with burger
king and then been real fucking secretive about it.
It turns out, oh, I wanted to see if you be able to tell a difference between a regular
like the impossible burger and a regular whopper like. Yeah, it's terrible. Yeah, it's taking a whole week.
We've switched to a regular one.
We're with folders.
Women are always like trying to, if you're ever like a zit or something or like a weird
mold, they're always like fucking poking at it and stabbing it shit.
They're always trying to test with your food and your body.
And it's like, why can't you just mind your own fucking business?
Fuck women.
It's on your own pimple and test your own guy, Dan.
Yeah. Yeah.
All right.
It's weird. It's like, it's, it's, it's, it's systemic to the whole gender. They always
want to try and fuck with men and what they have going on. You can't just let you enjoy
They always want to try to fuck with you and you take a step and you're like, what the
fuck is this? Like, I want to test to see if Dr. Pepper was really
tasty the same as that.
I wanted to test if I could put a bunch of dirt in your soda if you would notice,
because I read a thing that said dirt is good for you.
And it would be funny.
All right.
I got a little low on my mind.
I started putting vitamins in your oatmeal.
Like, no, that explains how much fucking meat is passed like gatorines.
And he's girls started to put and I put this all the time.
Fucking collagen and coffee in our coffee.
And I'm like,
this collagen powder,
collagen powder,
it's some kind of like joint thing.
I mean, collagen isn't that more,
collagen is more like what your skin loses
while you get like wrinkles and stuff.
Like your skin sags.
And you're tended to try.
Oh, really?
Yeah, I didn't know about the tenels. Joint pain, it's big on joint pain. and stuff like your skin sags. Yeah. And you tended to try. Oh, really?
No, I didn't know about the 10 way pain.
It's big on a joint pain.
Anyway, all right.
Thanks, Mad Cux.
It's good to talk to you again.
See you.
I don't see your stuff out.
No, I want to go kill myself.
That's a lot of those a bunch of people came up to me.
Road rage.
Oh, man.
I hate that because I, you know, he, he can yell about this as much as he wants
as far as I'm concerned. It's a man that that's, it's fucked up. It's fucked up.
And I was my parents. It's like, well, you know, everybody's going to do their part.
Yeah, I know. He's easy for you to say, I know, you have nothing. You guys gave up nothing
for this. Everybody who you either profited from it or you gave up nothing. Let's open
some presents. Oh, you have multiple presents.
Hey, here, they're right here.
I think both of those are yours.
Yeah, open them.
I didn't give them to you.
Somebody sent them, I know that.
Can you grab me a beer out of that fridge behind you?
Thank you.
You want the big one?
No, yeah, I'll take a big one.
Let's do a big one.
I cut myself on that thing, so be careful.
Be very careful.
Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What am I doing?
Drag them over.
I think, okay, I think the FedEx envelope,
I think that's for you too.
Yeah, I opened it to make sure it wasn't a bomb.
But I think they're all for you, seriously.
I know.
Why is there a picture of Nick with tiny little shorts on?
And a mudkips.
This thing is fucking heavy.
I know, it's big. Watch out for that camera.
What are you showing me?
Now, is this supposed to be like that?
Three, yeah.
Because it was standing up.
Well, that's how they gave it to me,
but yeah, I do see that arrow on it now.
Sit down, sit down in your chair.
Great, hopefully it's not fucking,
you're right, there is an arrow.
Hopefully it's not.
Those are always suggestions.
This is Dangerous Man, The Crowler.
A Pog, P-O-G Wolf, double IPA, ABV9.
Oh, fantastic.
Well, this will be nice for the evening.
Wait, that's not the same one that you've got.
No, there were three pack.
Hi, baby.
Oh, shit.
Madcuck's called in, Sean said he didn't care
about any of his plight for COVID.
I completely care about his plight for COVID.
Are you open those?
Open one.
Do you need a knife?
Thank you to whoever sent these.
Maybe we'll find out.
Did you keys? Someone's gonna take a screenshot of your key. I'm a man.
I'm a man, Dick. You do. I've been playing a lot of piano. Have you? Yeah, I get in some
hand. Hand-chop back. What is it?
What is it?
That's what it was Diet Coke's Diet Coke
Thank you You don't understand my rage when I have run out and I think I have more under the under the table under a little table or
What it's like it's like a perfect gift.
I mean, thank you.
I don't know who'd ride.
It might have been the Lydia.
Oh, yeah.
So yeah, wish I, well, let me hang on.
Is the other one just more Diet Cokes?
I don't know.
Okay, so you got die coaks.
Why is Nick streaming in little tiny pants with programmer socks with a bunch of,
what is he doing? Look at those hairy thighs. Wow.
That's too much of Nick. Yeah.
I don't have any fingernails.
You pussy. Resorting to your keys after all. Yeah, I said I don't have any fingernails. You pussy. Resorting to your keys, actual. I don't have any fingernails.
I don't have any fingernails.
All right, what do you got here?
Let's see.
Just one, this is the third beer by the way that makes three beers
That makes three beers that I have oh look at that bag. Why not a nice present bag
Definitely is that from Amazon?
The card what where's the card? It's right on back. Should I even see it? Oh
This is for you. Oh fuck you you're about to open my present?
It's from, uh, it's from Sigma.
Oh, Sigma's great.
Sigma gives good presents.
The big box is for you though.
This one, probably more so to.
You know, it probably is.
Hey, Deck, thanks for another year of amazing content.
And thank you for not killing yourself,
Mary Christmas from Sigma.
Thanks, buddy.
Thank you for who,
to whoever sent, I have more Diet Coke now than I,
Is it more Diet Coke?
Oh, yeah, it's a hot time.
I had to bring, I had to carry all of that Diet Coke home
from the PO box.
God dammit.
I don't know who it's from. I think
on the idea because she told me that she sent you something. Well thank you
Lydia. Dicks. If it was you. It was a Dicks station. This is what sigma
sent plus plus series Synology DixStation. File, oh.
Oh, it's some sort of a hacker server thing.
All right, all right, man.
Wait, what is it?
Oh, it's a disk station.
Thanks, man.
Some kind of a media server, I guess.
Oh, right on.
I think you have this, too, as well.
This FedEx thing.
Thanks, buddy.
All right. Let's see here. Thanks, buddy. All right.
Let's see here. Ooh, I'm gonna have to blow it up on.
I hope this is full of childhood.
Fucking Del Taco.
I love Del Taco.
I'm gonna put all of my child pornography on this.
You got a Del Taco, gift certificate?
Oh yeah.
All right, everybody, this has been the Dix show.
Thank you very much.
Oh, shit, that's, how much is it for?
It's 100 bucks in Del Taco. It's a lot of time. has been the Dix show. Thank you very much. Oh, shit. How much is it for?
It's a hundred bucks in Del Taco.
It's a lot of time.
Thank you.
This is, thank you for the presents, guys.
I think I got the wrong one.
Oh, sigma.
That's sigma again.
Yeah, as well.
Thank you very much.
Thanks, man.
I do love Del Taco and Diet Coke.
This is a banana docks.
Minominop here at F2 songs for you.
Oh my God, I can't believe we made it through the episode.
I felt like I was gonna fucking die when I woke up.
I've never felt like that on liquor and drugs.
Well, and that hardest act,
scare was a distant memory.
I was gonna say,
well, it wasn't, you know,
I wasn't a heart attack.
No, so fun.
So I'm living perfectly fine.
Or else I would have had a sign of some sort.
That's so funny.
You know, everybody thinks like that.
I was even, it was all the eternal optimists once,
oh, I don't have to change anything after,
oh, it wasn't for real.
Because you just don't want to admit that like,
well, life isn't really worth it.
If I have to do it without drinking for me personally,
it's like, what's wrong?
But you're doing drugs, you're going crazy.
It's just like, eh, kind of, I don't know
if the rest of it's really worth it.
Well, I'll tell you straight up, that's something I struggled with.
I mean, that was like, you have to figure out why it is.
That's the trick.
If you can't,
that was the lesson of city slickers.
You have to figure out that one thing.
Well, you got to figure out why it's worth living
without what you're used to doing.
That's what Curly said.
One thing.
It's that one thing.
Yeah, yeah.
You got to figure it out.
Well, that was Curly's gold.
Yeah, right. City's lookers too. They never had to make the second one. It was just, yeah, you got to figure it out. Right. Well, that was Curly's gold. Yeah, right.
Cities look are stupid. They never had to make the second one. It was just, yeah.
Oh, wait, what? Oh, there's another thing. dogs. Oh, it's banana dogs.
Banana dogs.
I just said it but balls. Oh God, it hurts so bad. I'm never gonna do that again. I think I just farted. So 40 I'm gonna react to it a billion times.
It's for you to.
It's for you to.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it.
It's for you to do it. It's for you to do it. It's for you to do it. It's for you to do it. It's for you to do it. Oh Flip the fuck out huge meltdown
Tris gets wow how the fuck did somebody know that I like these
That's a good present my mouth watering
Six boxes six boxes of tris gets like an army. I mean I mean Maddox they've been flaking our Maddox I'm not Maddox that's cool or whatever
it just be nice that they had the decent scenery schedule
or have a good reason for not being there you know
it's from Pennsylvania
Banana dogs trisket's I mean it's shipped from
Oh it's shipped from
Banana dogs!
It's like the best flavor too
Oh yeah crackfapper the garlic ones are good, too.
Yeah, they're good.
Could you imagine eating all those in one night?
I'm making you for the five dogs.
Oh, dude, you're tongue would be like a, like a, like a waffle iron.
I'm drooling.
It's gonna be costly.
I'm coming to the police.
Oh, but I do need some money.
Ha, ha, ha.
I'm gonna be there, man.
I'm gonna be there, man.
Oh, sigma.
Damn. Sansa. Sansa close. Sands of gloss.
Thank you once again.
Sigma in there.
Hey, Sean, thanks for another year of some base commentary.
Thank you for not killing yourself.
Merry Christmas, buddy.
Enjoy the coke, too.
Thank you very much.
Banana docs, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude very much. Banana docs dude dude dude dude dude.
Banana docs dude dude dude dude.
Did you see they make this they made this drive picture of you?
What's that?
Did you see that?
No, I haven't seen that.
Oh, pretty cool.
All right, good bye everybody. Merry Christmas.
See ya. Thank you.
Fuck your Christmas.
Well, your parents jewelry.
If you have if you if your parents are alive, take their jewelry from their house because they
stole your future.
Steele everything that they have.
You know, don't give them anything.
I kind of endorse that.
I just can't, I'm just watching this theft happen in real time and I'm stunned every day
by it, by the magnitude of it. I cannot, I cannot, I will
not ever, I will not ever get over it.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh