The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 100 - Jade Helm

Episode Date: July 25, 2015

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine the Jade Helm military training exercise/invasion of Texas/crazy people. SOURCESTOUR DATESREDBUBBLE MERCHPATREON...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Hola amigos. ¿Cómo está? ¿Tú...
Starting point is 00:00:42 ...listenio? ¿Dóna podcastia? Sí, you are listening to the dollop. This is a podcast that happens twice a week. I like biweekly I just like saying it. It's very crisp. And then someone blew it. They're like biweekly every other week and now I feel like everything's just blown whole fucking operation. I think that could be a dollop. Anyway this is a twice a week podcast not as happy as it used to be. Each week I read a story to my friend. Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is about. I'm trying to I'm caught up on this. I want I want a resolution. This is a double a week podcast. Everybody loses. Everyone's lost.
Starting point is 00:01:26 God, do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Steve okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not going to come to tickly podcast. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail queen shit of lies though. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do my thing. Hi Gary. No. Is he done my friend? No. No. Listen if you call me pretty boy we might have... December 10th 2014. What? 9. 36. Well PM. Okay all right okay. This is a little much. This is a little much. This was two years ago? A year ago? This is not even. This is eight months ago. Wait what is
Starting point is 00:02:17 December 4th wait. December 10th 2014 9. 36 PM. Remember when I thought that was two years ago? Yeah. You're not good with numbers. Hit my head so hard earlier Dave. Numbers is hard bro. 14 what year is it? Mm-hmm. I've been writing 2017 for a few years just to get ahead of that. Yeah what you know? Huh excuse me? The Victoria Advocate is a daily newspaper published in Victoria, Texas. It is not good. Second... You know already. It is the second oldest paper in Texas and the oldest west of the Colorado River dating back to May 8th 1846. The paper serves the communities of the Victoria metropolitan area which is on the central coast of the great state
Starting point is 00:03:05 of Texas. On December 10th at 9. 36 PM the Victoria Advocate newspaper posted a story. A commissioner court had approved a request by the US Army Special Operations Command also known as the ASOC to host Operation Jade Helm. Jade Helm would be a realistic military training operation on private land. Quote the training allows troops to work covertly in foreign countries that need assistance forming a democratic government. The advocate reported the purpose of the training and testing is to perform the operations out of sight. So if a person notices anything suspicious they're asked to contact the
Starting point is 00:03:52 sheriff's office. Being seen Victoria County Sheriff Chief Deputy Roy Boyd said is considered a failure. Okay. Training was described as unconventional urban warfare training and would be held in several states across the country. But Texas would be heavily used due to its terrain. Victoria and Goliad counties were specifically chosen because they're close to the coast and offer an ideal environment. Okay. Most training would occur in rural areas and wouldn't be problematic for the community. According to law enforcement the training was to begin mid-July and run through September involving 1200 special operations troops
Starting point is 00:04:36 preparing to fight overseas. The training will include acting out scenes typically seen in resistance movements and may include parachuting and testing different areas for vulnerability. Interesting. So this is all just to test in case they need to go to another country to spread democracy. If we ever do that. We oh Dave we do do that. No we've never done that. Oh yeah. I don't think America's ever invaded another country. I don't know if you remember but Iraq used to be an unstable civil war-ridden oil drained shithole. Yeah. Then we went there through some of the D seeds in the ground watered them with freedom water
Starting point is 00:05:22 and Iraq as we know it now. Flourishing. Tremendous. That's why they call it the beautiful garden. Well that's why we can't leave. Right. It's too fun. It's too pretty. Who would want to leave. You don't want to leave six flags. No. Girl. But wait. So they are. They are just. This is happening in civilian like suburban areas. Well private. Yeah. But yeah. But still like it's. People are inviting them on through their land to do it. It's not like they're just. Texan Alex Jones was board February 11th in 1974. The Senate of two lines of Texas. Frontiersmen. He grew up near Dallas and later moved to Austin. He played high school football.
Starting point is 00:06:09 He also according to him came face to face with the truth of drugs. He says that at parties off duty cops would roll up in a truck sometimes still in uniform and deal pot ecstasy and cocaine to his friends. Quote a truck would appear sometimes with the guys still in uniform inside. Then on Monday they drug test us for football. I was like you want to drug test me when I know you're selling the stuff. I call them the mafia to their face. Yeah. That's right. And at the time I didn't know anything about CIA drug dealing. A lot of us didn't. A lot of us. A lot of us until just now. In his sophomore year
Starting point is 00:06:52 Jones was pulled over. He was driving a lot of license and had a six pack of beer in the car. In Texas that's called driver. I think so. Jones as all 16 year olds will do told the cop he was corrupt and had no right to enforce laws. Well OK. So he is obviously fringe. But that's awesome. I don't know if that's true but we'll pretend it is. Right. I think there's a little bit of blustering bullshit happening. This is coming from Alex. Yeah. All right. OK. Quote they brought me to jail afterward. One of the cops told me to wise up or they'd frame me and send me away. The next week Jones dad freaked out sold this dental
Starting point is 00:07:31 practice and they moved to Austin. OK. So dad's stable. Yeah. That's one of that. That's a guy who you want his fingers in your mouth. Well actually a few months later the county sheriff was indicted on organized crime charges. OK. All right. I'll back off in Austin as a teenager. Alex read Gary Allen's none dare call it conspiracy. It greatly affected him. He calls it quote the easiest to read primer on the New World Order. I started understanding the governments have been staging terror and dealing drugs throughout history. The whole program was there. After high school he went to Austin Community College. That's where he
Starting point is 00:08:12 first came to meet a microphone in Austin's community access cable station. He started subbing for sick or vocationing hosts and he mixed conspiracy theories with shitty reporting. Nice. A lovely combo. After the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 Jones declared that the government was behind the attack. Interesting. He then started to get mail from his fans who sent more information about the New World Order. Well that's that's the way it's supposed to go is fan fan to the professor. Well people don't know this. That's how Walter Cronkite all got all of his news. True. Actually honestly the Walter Cronkite evening news should have
Starting point is 00:08:51 just been called Dear Walter. Because I'm reading letters. Dear Walter. Rand reports declassified intelligence and yellow press climpings all came. Within a year Alex Jones had his own show on KJFK a local station. KJFK. Giving you all the hints including the president's temple. It's in Texas. KJFK. There's a station named KJFK in the place where his brains were blown out. Well done Texas. Yeah. But in 19... Number one with a bullet. KJFK. With all the hits you're not expecting from the grassy knoll. That's right we got two shooters coming up for you in the next hour. Also we're gonna be giving away concert tickets. But in
Starting point is 00:09:43 1999 new owners purchased the station and fired Jones for quote insider terror job stuff. That's that's just not a good way of putting it. 1999 was the perfect time. If stuff is in your like technical document for why he was fired you just really had no time. Stuff is great. Stuff. Stuff. 1999 was the perfect time for someone constrained by the gatekeepers of old media to jump into unrestrained new media and that's exactly what Alex Jones did. He started a website called and started broadcasting. He now could not be censored. He installed an ISD online at home which allowed him to beam his
Starting point is 00:10:23 broadcast to 10 stations around the country. My KJFK colleagues made jokes about it but I was reaching more people at home than the terrestrial station. He was one of the earliest pioneers in a trailblazer in digital independent media and he's completely fucking insane. Jones was given a job as a host for a Libertarian. I call it Libertarian. For what? Just because lies at the front. Oh okay. Loving syndication company they were just about pushing business to a gold company called Midas Resources. By gold everything is collapsing. So wait he got people to... All of the websites, all of the websites that
Starting point is 00:11:13 involve conspiracies, all of the websites that say there's gonna be a financial collapse, all the websites that say that somebody's gonna take over the country, every single one of them sells Midas Resources. Okay but wait do you not believe in some way that there's going to be some sort of financial... Yeah there will be because we didn't fix it the last time. We didn't fix it and we also are just printing money so at some point the dollar is going to... The world's gonna go off the dollar standard. Well maybe. Who knows but there will be another financial collapse because the same shit's
Starting point is 00:11:44 happening along the way. So Jones touched something in America because he quickly picked up affiliates. By 2001, June 25th, he was on 100 stations. That is the day he looked into the camera and made a legendary statement according to those who think the government does things. Okay. Please call Congress. Tell them we know the government is planning terrorism. Jones specifically mentioned the World Trade Center and warned that quote Bin Laden is the boogeyman they need in this Orwellian phony system. Okay. Now I am also a genius because I knew about Bin Laden because he was blowing shit up and I used to work at the World
Starting point is 00:12:35 Trade Center the day I left my job at the World Trade Center I looked at my fellow now ex-employees and I said I'll see you on the news when you're all blown to hell because we used to always talk about how that building had been bombed because they tried to blow it up earlier. Yeah. Bin Laden tried to blow it up. It's not hard to put one and one together. No. Because the World Trade Center had already been attacked everyone knew they were gonna blow it up. Bin Laden was blowing things up. It's not really an amazing thing. Well there's also a document that the Bush administration received a month before that that said
Starting point is 00:13:06 Bin Laden determined to attack in the US and it was said that he would use plans he had stuff to do. So seven weeks later Jones opened a show on September 11th by screaming those were controlled demolitions you just watched the government blow up the World Trade Center. He said that on 9-11? Yeah. Shit. Overnight if mainstream possibilities died but his place as a cult leader for people who know things about stuff was cement. That was that it felt like even if you thought crazy shit you had to shut the fuck up for a little while. That wasn't the day you said it. Yeah you didn't on 9-11 be like hey time for I told you so.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Hey I'm leading off with inside job. Here we are. You know I was embossed on 9-11 and it was crazy but I did still try to go to the gym later that day. I never closed and I was like that makes sense. I was like this shouldn't happen. But I was like yeah that's how insane yeah. By the time Alex Jones produced 9-11 Truth or Movie Loose Change. Oh he did lose change. Of course he did. He was one of the founders of a national movement. Jones says he can document every aspect of the New World Order the eugenics master plan the inside job terror the FEMA camps 95% of what I say is based on official documents and the
Starting point is 00:14:27 mainstream press. I don't speculate. I know I'm risking my life. But does he have these documents? No. These documents aren't released. No he doesn't produce them. Right. And if he does they don't tie anything together they're just the documents. Yeah right. I know I'm risking my life but if they kill me it'll confirm everything says Jones. This information that I've helped reverse engineers here to stay. I enjoy life but I'd rather they blow my head off at a rally when I'm 40 than die during surgery at 85. There's freedom and power in total commitment. So he's a fucking moron. Well he seems to be stacking the deck
Starting point is 00:15:04 for when he dies a lot of conspiracy theories. Yes. No matter what he dies of. Yes. By 2010 he had a listenership of two million. He's the lunatics perfect spokesman. He goes to a Methodist church on Sunday does not like profanity and is a family man and his conspiracy theories are fucking insane. A few months ago Oklahoma was hit by a super tornado. Oh get out. Jones discussed a theory that President Obama uses quote weather weapons to manufacture tornadoes. No that's actually that it's interesting he can actually rotate fast enough like a cartoon and he can create them and they'll fly off of it. It's
Starting point is 00:15:47 called the cyclin circle. It's kind of a wrestling move. Oh yeah no show me the birth certificate and then spin around 50 times and I'll believe you say you are. Okay so apparently Obama deployed helicopters and small aircraft to create and steer groups of tornadoes. I mean okay I'm not gonna lie some of the stuff you've said so far there are times where I do wonder now we're getting into some delicious stuff. So helicopters control tornadoes. Well they make them and then they push them the way they are. They make the tornadoes first. And who and if Obama could attack any state it would be Oklahoma. Well I mean obvious well it's
Starting point is 00:16:28 look it's the obvious one to do it at they already have a lot of natural tornadoes. Thank you. Who's good I mean who's gonna be able to blame you besides Alex Jones. Obama is also manufacturing juice boxes to manipulate the testarone levels of children. Yeah well a lot of people know that I mean he's putting a lot of yeah I mean he I knew that for a while. Well he does this to turn them gay. Yeah no I was just about to say sorry let me let me make my point and then you can keep going. Sure. Obama has been putting testosterone in juice boxes so that all of the little boys in our country fuck each other. Any questions?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Inside each juice box is an estrogen mimiker which the government is using to create homosexuals. The US government is attempting to reduce the birth rate. He also believes the first lady is a transsexual and the president is a bisexual. You know I mean I'll let you know when I have a question. I'll like raise my hand if you want like that can be a clear signal. After the Boston bombing Jones declared it was a false flag operation orchestrated by the government to further impose a police state in the US. It's got to be so cool to like hang out with him and like everything could be blamed on the
Starting point is 00:17:38 government. Oh my god. Like he can like he could be eating a hot dog and the hot dog would drop out and he would just be like shit there's one step ahead. Government hot dog waves. There you see what they'll do is they'll make the hot dog drop out of the bun make me try to eat the bun well then you know what happens when I do that I'm gonna grow tits. Gay. Okay. Jones actually sent. Don't drink that juice box Bobby. What happened? You don't know you're gonna fuck your friends. Jones actually sent one of his henchmen a former semi pro wrestler to press conferences after the Boston bombing where he stood in back and shouted false flag at officials
Starting point is 00:18:16 including the governor. Who better to get than a wrestler. How did nobody kill him. Who better to get than a wrestler. Right. Oh yeah. That's right. This was home grown. It's a giant guy. They're gonna call this a thing that happened with the Chechen and rebels but believe it or not this was USA. Oh my god when I get Obama in the ring and he tries to make his cyclone I'm gonna punch through him and then I'm gonna beat the shit out of him while he tries to kiss me because he's a bisexual and then I'm gonna fuck his man wife. Hey cyclone maker here comes the truther. Sunday Sunday Sunday. President Obama spinning
Starting point is 00:18:54 his cyclones. Where's your lady man wife. Let me suck your wife's dick. As far as the Sandy Hook elementary shooting is concerned. These theories are pretty fucking bananas. He doesn't believe it ever happened. It was a false flag operation so no one was killed and the parents are part of the conspiracy so much so that they aren't even parents the children actually never existed. Right I've heard that theory. I mean that it's yeah it's crazy. Yeah. His YouTube channel has more than one million subscribers and his videos have been viewed nearly five hundred and ten million times. Wow shit. He's got fucking
Starting point is 00:19:35 gangam style. He has also produced more than 17 documentaries. I mean we're air quoting documentaries. He was one of the leading voices. His documentaries by the way like when they say documentaries. Right. They're just pictures with someone talking over them and that video. Loose change every time something is proven absolutely false they take it out and replace it with something else. That's what makes the change so loose. It's a living documentary. Yeah well listen there's not a lot of documentaries that are organisms. He was one of the leading voices backing the Patriot movement and their defense of Cliven Bundy. Dave.
Starting point is 00:20:16 After two people left. That's where we started Dave. That's where we started baby. I love you. After the two people after two people left Bundy's ranch and went to Vegas and killed a police officer. Jones hit the airwaves saying he was not responsible for the couple launching a revolution but then went on to detail how 300,000 police officers would die in the impending civil war. He referred to the people who kill those police officers as Patriots. Oh boy. And on March 19th 2015 Alex Jones became hip to Jade Helm. Here we go. He opened his broadcast. We've got huge breaking news ladies and gentlemen. They're having Delta Force Navy seals
Starting point is 00:21:04 with the Army trained to basically take over. This is over the top. Texas is listed as a hostile sector and of course we are. We're here defending the Republic. It's not a good time. It's just not. Jones said an insider had sent him a now highly circulated slideshow accessed openly at the Army Special Operations Command website ASOC detailing Jade Helm with Texas, Utah and part of California label as hostile. Sure. His website headlined it quote feds preparing to invade Texas. They would just like it's almost like he's just giving something like like he's just giving Texan something to jerk off to. Yeah. Like
Starting point is 00:22:00 just like get ready everyone. We can take on. Everyone's trying to fuck with us. We're Texas. We can take all comers including the U.S. government which we are a part of so they don't have no reason to invade. Yeah. It's just like it I love Texas and I love a lot of people in Texas. It might be time to just make it Canada that's in between us. It can be its own place. Yeah. They're going to practice breaking into things and stuff. Wow. The stuff's got to stop. This is going to be hellish, Jones said. Now this is just a cover for deploying the military on the streets. This is an invasion. This in preparation for the financial collapse
Starting point is 00:22:43 and maybe even Obama not leaving office. Whoa. Okay. I'm telling you this is so huge. The next day the internet was losing its collective shit about Jade Helm. Oh boy. Soon officials in Bastrop, Texas began hearing from concerned residents. Phones were ringing in the county commissioner's offices. Messages were posted on Facebook and people began approaching community leaders at churches. Well wait, don't we hate community organizers? That's what Obama was. No, the local local fellows are okay. Okay. These are just community leaders like the treasurers. But Obama was a community leader at one point when it was a red
Starting point is 00:23:24 flag. They were worried about the government coming and taking their guns. Yep. They believed that President Obama would do anything to crush dissent. What is this theory of they're gonna take their gun? Like how do we see that actually playing out? It just never. But it's how do you even think that they're going to come and take your guns? I don't know. Like what are you picturing? You're just picturing like a government truck coming up and just like a bunch of them coming into your house and being like give me all your good like the idea that you in this idea that at any place you want to go get
Starting point is 00:24:01 guns. You want to go to Texas and take their guns. That's how 300,000 cops would die. They've seen a bunch of movies and in those movies there's a shootout in a house. Yeah. And they want to jerk off. And they want that. Yes. My jerk off fantasy too but I'm just able to contain it. In Bastrop, Texas, Terry Wareham a local Tea Party leader was one of the worried. She said probably a couple of years ago I wouldn't be concerned but with the federal government the way it is right now I'm really concerned about the military coming here and doing this kind of training. How do you how can you possibly think that and look I I don't
Starting point is 00:24:42 like I feel like the presidential elections are basically theater but how the fuck can you how can you be like well we're it's we're more dangerous right now with that Obama in office he's so careless it's like we you had eight years. I know. Of a fucking guy who invaded the wrong country. I mean yeah of a fucking dumb fuck. The chairman of the Bastrop County Republican Party said it's easy to think the president would trample their constitutional rights because they are already under attack from the Obama administration. Sure sure sure. If he's already unleashed the IRS on us is it a big leap to think he'd
Starting point is 00:25:24 unleash the military? Unleash. What does that mean? Unleash. Hey man they unleashed the IRS on me. They make me pay taxes. Hey you shut your god. No. Obama fella up there in his white house is making me pay money to him. Half white house if you ask me. That's right. Show me the birth certificate. His wife is a man woman. Yeah that explains the pantsuits. On March 21st the military tried to calm. You can see the outline of Michelle's dick if you look real close that pantsuit. That's a great dick. She's got a bigger dick than her husband. Holy moly. March 21st the military tried to calm things down. Stars and Stripes
Starting point is 00:26:06 reported the US Army Special Operations Command was pushing back against alarmist claims that an upcoming US military exercise is preparation for imposing martial law or subduing right-leaning groups and individuals. Army Lieutenant Colonel Mark Lestoria, a US ASOC spokesman, confirmed that there is an upcoming exercise called Jade Helm which is scheduled to- Oh here we go. A confession. A confession. You heard him. He said the J word. Alex Jones got him out of his fucking hole. You heard it. It's scheduled to take place in the summer locations in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, California, and Nevada. But
Starting point is 00:26:52 he denied the event is preparation for some sort of military- Of course he did dumb fuck. What do you think he's gonna do? That notion was proposed by a few individuals who are unfamiliar with how and why USA SOC conducts training. You're unfamiliar with how USA MSOC goes there. I'm trying to make a point here sir. This exercise is routine training to maintain a high level of readiness for Army Special Operations Forces because they must be ready to support potential missions anywhere in the world on a moment's notice. Bullshit motherfucker. I just came home and found you fucking my wife and you're telling me you're
Starting point is 00:27:29 checking for bees. The Houston Chronicle- I'm listening. Now looked into Jade Helm. Quote, Operation Jade Helm will bring a coalition of forces including Green Berets, SEALs, and Special Operations commands from the Air Force and Marines to Texas for two months of realistic Army training in a simulated hostile territory between July and September. Well, why don't you just sign the fucking confession asshole? The big for lower. Green Berets? Yeah. Oh, that's a coincidence, huh? Yeah. A black guy's in office and the Green Berets are coming here to just train for an exercise. That's a simulation, huh? How do you know
Starting point is 00:28:11 what a coincidence means? Oh, I think you don't know what a coincidence it meant. Okay, pal? Okay. Yeah. Don't try to take my gun, fuck me. I see you looking at that gun, cabinet. Look at your gun. Yeah, I'll show you one of the guns up close when it's in your fucking mouth, boy. Take my fucking gun. She's got a dick. You can see it in the pantsuit. Why am I son's gay? Why do my boys drink juicy juice for five years and now we're fucking their male friends? The paper learned that the sheriff's departments in more than a dozen Texas counties had been briefed on Jadon by the military who were seeking permission to host the drills in the
Starting point is 00:28:49 counties. They said the troops would be role playing wartime scenario and that Texas was indeed labeled hostile so the soldiers could stimulate moving around undercover. Sure. Victoria County Chief Sheriff's deputy Roy Boyd told the Chronicle, the troops are gonna set up cells of people and test how well they're able to move around without getting noticed. They're testing their abilities to basically blend in with local environment and not stand out and blow their cover. That quote hit the internet and now people were really freaked the fuck out. But okay, so wait, so it is, it is like, so they're just
Starting point is 00:29:27 having people go there and try to live as civilians without being known. I think one group is trying to find him and the other group is trying to hide. Oh, shit. So they're having a fucking cool birthday party in your town and you're mad at them. It's a giant laser tag. It's awesome. Okay, so on March 31st the Washington Post became the first national media to pick up the story in an article titled Why Operation Jade Helm is Freaking Out the Internet and Why It Shouldn't Be. The Post also pointed out that the military had conducted plenty of drills on privately owned land before. This was nothing new. Oh really, motherfucker? Lieutenant
Starting point is 00:30:06 Colonel Lestoria told the Post that Jade Helm was routine exercise meant to train troops on emerging fields of special warfare. Do I look like a dumb ass to you, man? But it didn't matter. You lying to me? Because Jade Helm was now national news and more people lost their shit. I'm fucking, I ain't had my shit in years, bro. I just re-lost it, okay? You fucking try to sit there and tell me this bullshit. I was born on a day, boy, but it won yesterday. I was born with a gun in my hand. Yeah, I was born with a silver bullet in my gun. You think Obama gonna come drag and get that from me? Yeah, Obama and Obama. I got 4,500 guns and he can't have
Starting point is 00:30:50 motherfucking water. He can't take one. I need all of them. He can't. It's time to just avoid Texas. If you're like anything like this, it's like just don't, everywhere else is gonna be like, yeah, fine, have fun. On April 16th. Oh boy. Jesus. Five Walmart stores closed at the same time. Okay, well, I stand, I stand corrected. Those keeping an eye on Jade Helm from their internet's pounced. They claim the Walmart's have been built as entry ways to a secret underground tunnel system that we be used to secretly transport troops and terminate civilians. I wish, I wish that was true. So bad. So bad that
Starting point is 00:31:42 just like we've gotten to the point where we have like decoy Walmart's like we're just that dumb and fucking commercialized and shitty that we're now just using Walmart's as like underground passages. It's such a great idea. Oh god. Because if you were gonna build an underground passage to invade, first of all, you don't need tunnels. Yeah. But if you're going to build an underground tunnel to invade, what of course do it through a giant store? No, well, close it down. It's very conspicuous. Dave, Dave, you it's not like people in Texas go to Walmart. True. Fair. No, they live at Walmart. Jesus. All news pipeline website
Starting point is 00:32:31 asked the question, will these massive stores soon be used as food distribution centers and to house the headquarters of invading troops from China here to disarm Americans? Wait, now I don't even follow the theory. Well, you know, it's Walmart. We're gonna just put we're just gonna throw a bunch of Chinese people in Walmart's and they're gonna attack us. And what you think? You think Obama's on our side or their side? The great Walmart of China. Thank you. Thank you. It's perfect. Walt China. This man, I'll tell you something, boy, I don't trust the Chinese. Their women got penises. Pay night. They're putting estrogen in their
Starting point is 00:33:09 soy sauce. Another website before it's news ran with Jade Helm explosive explosive new information underground government tunnels beneath closing Walmart's missile platforms, facial recognition, Bundy Ranch and Walmart tied to the Department of Homeland Security. They are all connected. Twitter went nuts with the news. Wait, they're throwing Cleveland in the mix? Yeah, it's all connected. Now wait, he's on the side of the Walmart? No, he's on the other side. Okay, it's all he's on the right side. I just want to make sure that he got damn patriots. It's a big circle. You see it. I don't need to connect it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 You see how it's connected. Oh yeah, it's all interconnected. Twitter went nuts spreading it to the informed all over the country. Hundreds of YouTube videos and blogs popped up. Videos showed police surrounding one of the recently closed Walmart's in California and the empty shelving inside the allegations of secret cross-country tunnels and deep underground military bases called Dumbs. Okay. Dave, I like a joke as much as the next guy, but that fruit hangs a little too low for me. Deep underground military bases. They even, I mean, that's where the tunnels go. The tunnels all lead to dumb. The tunnels were
Starting point is 00:34:31 traced to a 2004 online forum for Paulding County, Georgia. So they found out, some people investigated and found out where the rumor started about the tunnels. And it started, and it's on a online forum in a place called Paulding County, Georgia. Paulding County. In 2004. Right. There, local residents were discussing the construction in their area. Quote, the Tettling Project is a joint venture involving the National Security Agency, CIA, FBI, MIB, Homeland Security, and a few... The men in black? Yes. This goes that deep? Yes. The MIB. What? The MIB. Men in black. The galaxy defenders? Yep. Homeland Security and a
Starting point is 00:35:21 few others, one user posted, the addition of new Walmart facilities in northwest Georgia gives spur hubs and depots easy access to large areas that can be partitioned off for moving of very large equipment and large numbers of people in case of national emergency. So one fucking idiot posted this on a website 11 years ago about some fucking crazy shit involving the men in black, and they all ran with this. Yeah. Well, the truth is, they don't need to do, like, clearly the men in black weren't involved, otherwise they would have found this dude and just erased his fucking mind. There's a silver bullet on this theory
Starting point is 00:36:09 right there. Yeah, but he already posted online, so it's there forever. True, his memory could have been erased. Yeah, you can't erase it. It's a Google cache. No, no, it's easier to erase a whole brain than it is to delete a post. All the websites also posted a hand-drawn map of the nationwide underground total system. Well, that's how you know it's official. I mean, if you're being this serious about it, is it one of these people, an architect, or could at least just make blueprints? I love that it's hand-drawn. Hand-drawn. On the back of a fucking Denny's placemats. Stick figures. Yeah. Yeah. Tunnels. Walmart. Obama. The
Starting point is 00:36:45 hand-drawn map was dated 1978. Oh, okay. Dave, I mean, what? So now it's all connected. You see it, right? Yeah, that in 1978, the Walmart maps were drawn before Walmart. Because they knew about it back then, and so people feared that the closed wallmarts and tunnels underneath will be used by the military to disarm and imprison Americans during Jade Helm. It all makes sense. Well, it sounds like they'll be jailing some of the right people. While on a local right wing talk show, Senator Rand Paul was asked what he knew about Jade Helm, and his response was that, quote, he'd look into it. Good. Thank you. Good. Thank you for
Starting point is 00:37:23 commenting on that. That's how you know he's running for president. Yep. Now, I don't want to offend the lunatics. Fuck, right? Oh, yeah. That's all it is. It's all just a theatrical dance to not really saying anything and then get all the companies money. Yeah. Now the military really wants to get a handle on things because an armed, a scared population could actually do something. Yeah. It just takes one nut to shoot a kid in the military and we're in a firefight, right? So many militias are itching to start the revolution. That's something that happened with the Cleveland Bunny thing is now they're empowered and they want
Starting point is 00:37:59 to start a they literally want to start a revolution. It's time to start taking their guns. Yeah. So the ASOC comes to Bastrop, Texas to meet the people and explain the situation at the invitation of local judge Paul Pape. How'd you like that job? All right, well, you're the guy who's going to go explain to them what's happening. Lieutenant Colonel Mark Lestoria thought it would be a small civil meeting. Oh, boy. But he found himself before a hostile crowd of more than 150 people. They held protest signs like no Gestapo in Bestrop. Oh, I mean, it's not a basketball game. Give your sign brevity over rhyme scheme. It's
Starting point is 00:38:52 catchy. It's not even catchy. It's not catchy at all. It it's there's a PO on the end of both words. Po po po po. See what I'm saying? That's just fucking it all up the po po. Another sign said dissent is not conspiracy. Accurate. This was not going the way Lestoria or Judge Pape expected. Sure. Back in January, Bastrop County officials had held a public hearing and voted to welcome the military to town. There was no opposition at that time. Uh huh. What changed? Lestoria was being flat out told by townspeople. They did not trust him and they held firm that the military was coming to take over Bastrop. If they
Starting point is 00:39:38 really were, if the military was, they would not you would not be hearing any pushback. They wouldn't. They wouldn't say there's a million if they were. They wouldn't. First of all, they wouldn't say we're having a training exercise. They just fucking invade. Yeah. No. Lestoria answered questions for more than two hours at the meeting. The crowd was hostile. Those questions. Why is it not reasonable for me to see this as absolute training for domestic rendition program? One man asked. Well, like I told you before, it's not. We've been really honest and told you what this is. This is a one-sided conversation. Yes. Another man, y'all.
Starting point is 00:40:15 That you're that you're having to be clear that you're having. This is not a preparation for martial law. Lestoria said, that's what you say. A man responded. Yes. Well, that's what makes it a non one-sided conversation. That's exactly what I say because it's the truth. That is what I'm saying. Yes. Another man, Jim Dillon, a six-year-old contractor. Sixty-year-old. Sixty. Okay. Amazing. That's you're gonna get some good stuff out of this guy. Call Lestoria a liar. He said, our freedom is under attack. And where's the Walmart? No, Dillon doesn't think it's just happening with Jade Helm. No, this is one part in a larger plan. He
Starting point is 00:40:52 believes if Jade Helm is allowed to go forward, there will be more. People will grow accustomed to seeing military on American streets and at some point it will no longer be an exercise. It will become a way of life like that frog that gets used to the hot water only to later realize it was boiling. Hold on now. The frog, okay, the frog don't realize. What is the frog doing? Well, the frog is dead. Yes, so he's not realizing anything. Yeah, so the frog is in the hot water. Okay. And then he's dead. And then he's like, oh shit. But what did he think? Now, he's not thinking that when he's dead. What did he think before he was in the water? He gets
Starting point is 00:41:28 in the water and then you turn on the water and then the frog dies and he's like, shit, I shouldn't have done that. The last part's not true. I shouldn't have done that. The last part's not something he can do. I'm a hot dead frog and I shouldn't be. He doesn't, he's not able to think that because he's dead. Ribbit. I'm sorry, are you now ribbiting at me? Ribbit. Okay, but this, this is a one-sided conversation. Ribbit, sir. All right, you know what? Dylan has made his home as self-sufficient. If that chance started, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. Dylan has made his home as self-sufficient as possible. He has a
Starting point is 00:42:06 propane tank and he uses well water. He owns a dozen goats and has a huge garden. He keeps two pistols in each car and has a collection of shotguns. An AK-47 assault rifle waits near the front door. We have the potential, lack Nazi Germany did, to go really bad. If we don't nip this stuff in the bud once it gets its head under the tent, it's there. How the fuck, we're gonna nip it in the bud. Calling everything Nazi Germany at some point has to stop because. I'm sorry, can I stop you right there? No. Have you seen Obama? Yes. Okay, so there we go, that's what I was talking about. Well here, let's, let's see if we're living in
Starting point is 00:42:48 similar worlds. Okay, shoot. Barack Obama's wife, Michelle. Yeah, transsexual. Okay, never mind, there's no question. Then the politicians came to calm everything down. The day after the public hearing in Bastrop, the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, who was the state's longest serving attorney general before being elected governor, officially requested that the state Texas Guard monitor Jade Helm. Oh, well he had no choice. He has no choice. If you, if you are in Texas and you're an elected politician and you like your job, sorry, you just have to be, you have to be like, I agree, I don't like what I'm hearing. No, I'm not a fan of
Starting point is 00:43:33 what I'm hearing, no. During the training operation, it is important that Texas know their safety constitutional rights, private property rights, and civil liberties will not be infringed. Abbott wrote to Major General Gerald Betty saying he expects regular updates on the progress and safety of the operation. You mean the top secret operation? Thank you. Now even more people knew about the Jade Helm invasion plan. At the White House, Press Secretary Josh Ernest was asked about Abbott and Jade Helm. The entire press corps erupted into laughter as he attempted to answer invasion questions with a straight face. Wow. Texas was
Starting point is 00:44:12 officially the laughing stock of America. Oh boy. Abbott's office then said that Texan supported the US military and said the blame for fear is all Obama's fault. You know, that is a very interesting point. Isn't it, isn't it crazy that like, because one of the things that always really sticks in my fucking craw about the perpetual war and perpetual war is that if you, in this day and age, in this climate we have here, if you say, I am like, I would rather us not send people from this country to other countries to fight and to die, just in general. You know, I mean, I understand that there's things that are threatening out there,
Starting point is 00:45:00 but I really feel like America should just lock its doors when it comes to like war fighting. Sure. But you can't say that even if your defense is like, I want these people to live. That's why. What you're told is that you don't support the troops. Right. That's what you're always hit with, that you're not supporting the troops and that they're in a war zone, they're in combat and if we talk about them like this at home, like imagine what they're dealing with abroad and you're like, yeah, but my point is that, you know, which they should not be there. I'd rather them here where they're a way less chance of them dying. You
Starting point is 00:45:33 don't support the troops and now they're talking about the troops killing them and taking over. That's not supporting the troops. If you're a little, I'm a pussy rant done. I don't even know. No, they don't support the troops. They don't raise taxes to help take care of them when they get home. Well, yeah, the VA. Yeah. Well, the VA, the VA, I mean, the VA is the way we deal with veterans when they come back to this country after all the stuff that we needed to support them through when they were in another country completely drops once they're back here. Yeah. We support the troops. We
Starting point is 00:46:08 don't support the vets. Right. Yeah. Three days later, Jade Helm was being discussed by celebrities like Chuck Norris. Well, I will say Chuck has been a consistent voice of sanity throughout a lot of these times. Chuck wrote a column on the right wing website, WND saying that Jade Helm is quote likely more than a military exercise. If you haven't heard about Operation Jade Helm, you need to. The US government says it's just a training exercise, but I'm not sure the term just has any reference to reality when the government uses it. If anyone knows about training exercises, it's Chuck Norris. Fuck. Yes. Have you
Starting point is 00:46:47 seen him on that little machine where you can lay down and pull yourself up with your arms? That's what I'm talking about. That's a hell of a training exercise. Yes, it is. Yeah. To those who merely think we should check our brains at the door of the White House and trust what the government does, I would reiterate to you the words of one of our government's primary founders, Benjamin Franklin, Franklin, who said, quote, distressed and caution are the parents of security. We must fight until our dying breaths for liberty, especially when it appears those in power are trying to knock down all glory. True. But
Starting point is 00:47:20 Chuck Norris also just said, let's check our brains at the White House door. So I don't really like whatever you're quoting doesn't matter as much. Ted Cruz jumped in. Oh, good. More sanity. Said more shit. What did this Canadian running for president say? Oh, God, my office has reached out to the Pentagon to acquire about this exercise. We are assured it is a military training exercise. I have no reason to doubt those assurances. But I understand the reason for your concern and uncertainty because when the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy worthy in this administration, the
Starting point is 00:47:59 natural consequence is that many citizens don't trust what he's what is saying. So he basically says, I figured it out. But Obama's out of his fucking mind. So don't trust him. How you have like, Ted Cruz, people spend so much time talking about how Obama's not from here. Ted Cruz literally is not from America. And he's running for president. Like, how, how can you listen to him? He's a he's a moron through and through. But he literally is running for president. And there's a law that says he can't be president. Yeah. A poll was taken by Rasmussen. Oh, good. They found that 45% of voters are concerned that
Starting point is 00:48:45 the government will use US military training operations to impose greater control over some states with 19% who are very concerned. Another poll from the public policy polling revealed a third of Republican voters think the government is trying to take over Texas. That's a third of Republicans. Yeah. One third of the two biggest parties thinks the government is trying to take over a state that is already part of the fucking country. Yeah. Well, it doesn't need to take it over. Listen, it's not an independent country. We're gonna nation build a little here for once. Okay. It's, it's, it's like re gifting for
Starting point is 00:49:30 ourselves. A poll by the Texas Tribune and University of Texas found more Texans supported than opposed government Abbott's decision to have state troopers monitor J. Oh, interesting. Then to make surprising. Then to make things worse. The Pentagon said that no media will be allowed to witness the training exercises which allowed the conspiracy theory to run wild. How can you, how, like how could you not, how do you not understand that the, of course the army isn't going to let anyone film anything. Well, they can't because it's like a training exercise. And also you can't have the reporter there because if
Starting point is 00:50:09 there's a reporter then you know, then you know who the bad guys are. It's a whole fucking thing. It's like when you're playing hide and go seek in a yard when you're a kid and the dog's like sniffing around you, dude, he's gonna fucking know him. I don't mind this tree and the dog's like, what are we gonna play? You're like, we're playing human games. Get out of here. We're playing human games. Next news network, a website co-founded by Gary Franchi, former chair of Ron Paul's Super PAC, said that the start of the Jane Helm coincides with a druidic cremation ceremony performed by a secret society of Americans
Starting point is 00:50:46 Republican elite. Actually, that is true that the druids did close a lot of Walmart's right before. The Bohemian Club, whose members have included presidents George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Greg Barrett's father, meets every year in early July in Monterey, California. The club performs a ritual known as cremation of the care where members burn a coffin effigy in a show of forest worship. The news, next news network noted that that is the same date as the beginning of Jade Helm and speculated the ritual actually represents the physical
Starting point is 00:51:29 manifestation of the cremation of America. Now, that's the guy who was the chair of Ron Paul's Super PAC, which says a lot about Ron Paul. Well, Ron Paul said a lot of things that made a lot of sense, and Ron Paul also said a lot of things that were crazy. Completely fucking insane. Yeah. At least he said them. Thank you. The next news network also reports that Jane Helm already began secretly as a US military exercise. How can your network be called mmm? You're watching mmm. It's just some guy with a fucking website. Yeah, no, it's not a network. But tons of people watch it and read it. Like they do videos. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:52:15 mean, you know, fucking go to one direction video. There's a lot of idiots. But that's what they're getting their news. Not getting from anywhere fucking else. No. Well, the problem is my dad gets his news from a website like this. It's fucking crazy. They should get them on the show. NNN also known as mmm. Said the exercise was a show of force on public display unlike anything we've seen since World War Two. The training is probably in preparation to attack Russia or China. So now they're not on our side on that website. Wait, but okay, but that doesn't that go against everything they were just saying? There's a lot of there's a lot
Starting point is 00:52:50 of confusion out there because that I do believe is probably part of the fucking plan. The all news pipeline posted a report suggesting that Jade Helm may be a cover to aid Russia in seizing the southern states. Well, I mean, how the fuck in this day and age do you think that the US and Russia are getting along? Have you seen Red Dawn? You mean the movie from the 80s? I don't want to have this conversation anymore. Is Jade Helm about preventing Russia from assisting secessionists across America? Or is it more about helping the Russians return that land to Mexico? What I mean, is pondered? Is that was that a quote from a
Starting point is 00:53:32 wasted man? That was a quote from a guy who knows stuff. Think about think about think about it. Think about every like we're basically starting there's basically a second Cold War starting. Yeah. And we're thinking now that Russia and the US despite all that tension all those sanctions now we want to have Russia come over here to take away some states and just give them to back. Okay, I get I get that you're mocking me and I'm not mocking you. What are you doing? But who has the guns and who wants the guns? My guess is you have the guns. I don't know who wants the guns. My guess is you think the government? Russians
Starting point is 00:54:09 in the government. The Russians in the government want the guns. Because Obama is one of them. And his wife penis or no penis? She does have a penis. Okay, this conversation is done. Political magazine noted that the speaker of Chechnya's Parliament warned this spring that Russia would resume debate on the legal status of the territories annexed by the United States, which are now the US states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. How do you even think like I this country is going to shit right? It's just not in any like secretive way. It's very very obvious. Is it just a coincidence that the
Starting point is 00:54:52 states named by the speaker of Chechnya's Parliament line up almost perfectly with the map above Jade Helm, as well as the map of the Atslan territories that Mexico has demanded be returned to them. In fact, only Wyoming is missing. So you think about that stupid asshole? I'm sorry, is that a quote or are you literally calling me a stupid asshole? I don't know anymore. That's not the quote though. True News Christian radio host Rick Wiles said on air he believed that the government would go as far as deploying an EMP attack against the states that resist the landmark US Supreme Court ruling that
Starting point is 00:55:30 legalized same-sex marriage. Interesting. Interesting tactic by the government to allow and fight for same-sex marriage and marriage equality. Only to have the military come in to stop it. With an electromagnetic pulse that will stop all electronics. Okay, anyone have any questions? Does anybody see any flaws in this idea of mine? That's why we put all the estrogen in the juice boxes. That may explain why Jade Helm was taking place in the South and Western states this summer because we know that people are starting to rise up and say something's got to happen. Either we take a stand or it's over, it's finished.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Just relax. An anonymous Texas ranger wrote a letter to Dave Hodges, the host of The Common Sense Show claiming that there were trains moving throughout Texas that have shackles inside some of the cars ahead of the training exercise. He speculates that those trains will be used to transport political prisoners. The blog DC clothes line tells of a red list which is described as a list of key resistance figures who would be kidnapped and dealt with in advance. I'm excited for this list. Of the implementation of martial law. This would include so-called snatching grabs of people who've made the red list. The red
Starting point is 00:56:53 list? This theory was further published by a blog post at which claimed that Jade stood for Joint Assistant of Deployment and Execution and then Helms. There's just no way they would call it that. Like how do you like... What do you mean? Why would they... Why would any acronym they're using is not going to actually stand for anything like this that you're talking about. I don't know if that's true. That is the truth. They got to remember it. You know how it is. They would... So if they were going to do that, they would call it like... This whole thing would have such a cute name to it. Like operation. Operation make
Starting point is 00:57:32 sure we're good. I don't know if that's true. I think that Joint Assistance for Deployment Execution sounds about right. You think Helm stands for Homeland Eradication of Local Militants. As proof, the post linked to a military document that does not contain those acronyms. Why is that even... What is happening? It's almost like the argument for... For this is a public defender. Like it's the equivalent of having a public defender. The more you read, the more you think these places should be invaded. It's just like a lot of these theories sound like they've been answered on the fly. These people shouldn't have guns?
Starting point is 00:58:19 No, but who's gonna take them? That's fine. Jay Helm was cancelled in Victoria and Goliad counties because the people there are insane. On May 28th, big news broke about Jay Helm on all news pipeline. Only weeks after declaring that it will be several months before Bluebell Ice Cream begins producing ice cream again after a Listeria outbreak linked to them, a dozen or more Bluebell Ice Cream trucks were seen participating in a military convoy on Colorado roads. What's happening to your face? As seen in new videos. We know from the Bundy Ranch that the government uses vehicles
Starting point is 00:58:58 such as Budweiser trucks to transport clandestine cargo. Why has Bluebell suddenly gotten into the convoy business with the US military? The unfolding of the Jay Helm leads us to believe that Bluebell being shut down forced some thousands to be laid off and furloughed may be related to the closings of Walmarts across America. Why would simply the US military needs what you have and they need it now. They would just sell the Listeria ice cream to you idiots. These trucks are being used as refrigerated morgues which can be used to carry bodies out of sight and out of mind. You and that ties in with
Starting point is 00:59:53 recent disturbing email received by A&P days ago in which we were warned that there is a very real possibility that US troops might soon have to kill American citizens. A September 2014 story revealed that refrigerated trucks were used as portable morgues after 9-11. The president for use of these vehicles as portable out of 7 morgues has already been sent. Now you try to argue that one away. I think I'm overwhelmed with how to do it. How to do what sir? Tell you what you're saying is crazy. Okay so why don't you start with the fact that 10 ice cream trucks were seen on a road driving down together with each other and
Starting point is 01:00:37 military vehicles. There was a Listeria outbreak. The government would use some other wave and ice cream trucks. I mean that the government. They're cold and what do you do with bodies? Stupid. Why do they care if the bodies remain cold? Stupid. What? Because they got to keep them cold. Why? George Washington. What about George Washington? He died he was cold for a while. Have we learned about that? I don't know maybe next week. Well I think that's next week so I think your argument's a little early sir. Bluebell ice cream was forced to respond. Hey everyone never thought we'd have to say this but we're not using our trucks as
Starting point is 01:01:27 transporting body morgues. Wow so listen we thought the Listeria outbreak was bad but now that a bunch of right-wing lunatics think that our trucks are being used to transport bodies we're forced to respond. Everyone who thinks that we are using the trucks as morgues come on down and have a free bucket of Listeria ice cream. Get it while it's full of Listeria guys. They had to send this to this website because it was getting so much attention that Bluebell Ice Cream had to comment. So it basically be like walking down the street while a crazy homeless person was like you fuck cats you fuck cats you
Starting point is 01:02:10 fuck cats you fuck cats you fuck cats you fuck cats you fuck cats what do you gotta say? I need to tell you I don't fuck cats. Those trucks you refer to in the post below are trucks we are relocating from our closed branches to those that remain open. It just so happened that our trucks were traveling on the same highway as the military convoy but there's no relation to their activity. Can you please update your story to reflect the correct information? Thank you Jenny Van Dorf public relations market specialist Bluebell advertising associates. Do I look like a fucking moron? No sir what we are saying do I look
Starting point is 01:02:51 like I'm fucking stupid? No you because you're telling me that you had five to ten trucks yes driving down the same freeway. Well they were moving from driving down the same freeway. Yes sir. As military vehicles. Well they all had to drive on the same plane. That's my point to you. Well no. That's my point to you. It's a big play ours was going from. That's my point to you. Okay. What are the odds? Very astronomical. The ten of your trucks and military vehicles would be on on a freeway at the same time. I mean come on man. Why don't you just fucking admit what we can all see. It's fair it's fair. It's crazy. Do you like a coupon?
Starting point is 01:03:41 Um yeah I mean I love your ice cream so yeah I'm sure yeah I didn't mean to get uncomfortable. I just I hate black people. Obama's half black. On July 13th citizens of the Southwest States in America revealed Operation Counter-Jade Helm. It is a surveillance operation by citizens to keep an eye on Jade Helm. So the surveillance game of Jade Helm now has civilians surveying them. Yes. Well I'm sure this is going exactly how they wanted it to. There are about 200 people involved in Operation Counter-Jade Helm. The headquarters of the operation. Have you heard about Operation Counter-Counter Counter-Jade Helm? I've heard about that.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Yeah that's watching the watchers watching the watchers. Exactly thank you. The headquarters of the operation are at 44 year old former Marine Pete Lent Terry's house. Lent Terry is a former New Yorker living in Arizona. He made the Counter-Jade Helm Facebook page which has 6,000 members and he created a forum for field reports to be uploaded. Eric Johnson a 51 year old retired firefighter and sheriff's deputy is a surveillance team leader in Texas. He'll coordinate three groups of volunteers about 20 people in total who will try to monitor the SEALs Green Berets and Air Force Special Ops and Bastrop. It's just
Starting point is 01:04:58 kind of so fun to be a Green Beret who's like oh my god yeah hold on some fucking shit kickers trying to like follow me yeah yeah I'll figure this out pretty fun. Got my binoculars on you Mr. Military Man. Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you're telling me this whole time I've been looking for these motherfuckers and they actually do not wear berets that are green. What? You could have saved me two weeks. Holy shit. Fucking hey man. I thought that that little French fellow was one of them. Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Right? The fellow French guy? Yeah we killed that guy with the accordion. Yeah well. His
Starting point is 01:05:30 beret wasn't even green. He is eating bluebell ice cream now wasn't it? Sweet Listeria. Oh man you want some shaved Listeria? God damn right I do. No one knows exactly where Jade Helm will take place making the counter Jade Helm operation problematic. If a team member sees two Humvees full of soldiers driving through town they're gonna follow them Johnson said and they're going to radio back their ultimate location. They aren't worried about martial law he said but feel like they can't trust the government and want to make sure the military isn't under orders to pull anything funny. Yeah what
Starting point is 01:06:03 are you gonna do if they are? Yeah exactly uh well uh you want to hear a plan? Yep. We are going to fuck them up. Fair. Fair. Good plan. I like it. Yeah. They have a strict no camouflage policy to avoid looking like a radical group and they won't be armed. They will use binoculars and spotting scopes to record troop numbers uniforms and activity. One of Johnson's men's a man a licensed pilot plans on making surveillance flights with his plane. Oh god. Apparently one of the most difficult things about running counter Jade Helm operation is keeping the nut jobs out. No one among their I'm sorry did you say out? Out. No
Starting point is 01:06:45 one among their group fears the opening of concentration camps. Lanteri said as he struggles to keep that block of people off his Facebook page. Once I saw the freaking nut jobs coming out of the woodwork I was spending half my day discrediting what they were posting. No nut jobs will be put in the field. Here's a post from non nut job Lanteri on his Facebook page. Okay everyone here's a scoop on the Walmart and Galveston from my friend who is a manager at this particular Walmart. She said as follows she's not allowed to comment on this because it would cost her her job but she did say outside of the store that
Starting point is 01:07:22 there is something funny going on at those Walmart's and the public needs to be aware and prepared. Her body gestures were real nervous lag and she was scared on talking about what I asked her. She also told me weird shit is going on at night time at the Walmart's that are closed and she also reported to me that all managers are supposed to say they're having bad sewer problems with their plumbing pipes and that's why closings are happening there. Well she's fired. I mean he pretty much implicated her by name. A friend of mine is a manager at the Galveston Walmart. I mean it's not a great it's not if we're talking about if
Starting point is 01:08:01 we're talking about the military industrial complex or the New World Order taking up they'll probably be able to piece together who the night manager is at the Galveston Walmart that's friends with you. But let's also talk about the hierarchy of nutjobs because this guy is saying he's not allowing nutjobs on his site. Right. So yeah no it would be it would be like getting thrown in a prison cell and a guy who's covered in his own vomit and blood comes up to you and goes don't worry I'll take care of you. Another post from Lentary here's hoping we are in a shooting war to save this country by
Starting point is 01:08:40 the next 4th of July. Hey hey. In another post you wrote I can't wait to kill thousands of these fucks to another man who was advocating a revolution. Later Lentary explained that he wrote that because his dog had died that day. Well you know so that's the that's the non-nut job. Well I remember when my dog died in high school I thought the government was gonna make an attempt at a fair domestic coup. Fair. Totally fair. Makes sense. Fair. Yeah. Yeah. He probably holds out some ice cream. He did times. Jade Helm began on July 15th in Cristofal, Texas. No military equipment or personnel were visible. No tanks were rumbling past the
Starting point is 01:09:19 community center on Main Street. The scene of 4-H club meetings and family reunions but that did not mean that people were not on the alert. I've been looking said Dr. Jack Campbell who is picking up his mail at the post office. Dr. Campbell said he had concerns about the exercise and they had purchased extra ammunition for the weapons he kept in his home. Just in case said Dr. Campbell who is an emergency physician at San Angeles, Texas. He's an emergency physician. Another resident said a friend of his, a Vietnam veteran, started burying some of his firearms to hide them. Smart. Scott Denigir, a Navy
Starting point is 01:10:00 veteran, saw a Black Hawk helicopter flying over Cristofal on Sunday and he understands why people would buy firearms. With Obama being in there, that's the way he's already stomped all over the Constitution pushing his presidential authority to the max. It would only be just the stroke of a pan for him to do away with that. The man is total anti-U.S. I would love for these people to see what someone really fucking with the Constitution looks like. Well the truth is that the Constitution is, it is, it is fucked with. It is fucked with by every president lately and I don't understand why, like, why you connect it, why, why, why
Starting point is 01:10:49 him. It's just a little convenient. A black man? That he's black. Yes, it's very convenient. It's just like you can't go overlook the fact. He's black. That he's black. No, you can't. And that George W. Bush was white. Yeah. And was a war criminal. Yeah, war criminal. And is now in Texas painting dogs. And that Barack Obama has really done a lot of, you know, fairly, he's tried to do a lot of things that I think will, again, like he's, I think he's, I think he is, I think you have no choice but to be corrupt when you're president. So I'm not saying he's not a corrupt person. But how, how can you comparatively think that he is more
Starting point is 01:11:32 about taking away? Well, you just don't know. Right now, I'm talking to stupid. So, right. Throughout the interview with the New York Times, Denigir was skeptical whether the reporter and photographer were members of the news media and wondered if they were part of Jade Helm. Comfortable. Spec Ops grow beards, he said, referring to the photographers facial here. Y'all got military ID. Meanwhile, suspicious government activities everywhere. Two FEMA motor homes were spotted a parked outside of an Oklahoma shopping mall. Crazy coincidence. I don't think so. Questions have arisen about who is
Starting point is 01:12:10 actually running Jade Helm. If analysts are correct, it seems that Jade is an acronym for a DARPA developed AI quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and will be in charge of the drill in order to master the human domain and predict human response. Sure. Since Jade Helm began on July 15th, there have been no reports of politicians being arrested as political prisoners. Russian and Chinese troops and American troops have not invaded through Walmart and martial law has not been declared yet. Well, we got to wait for the Walmart shoot to drop. Then it'll happen. Well, it's so
Starting point is 01:12:57 much worse than I thought it was when I started reading about it that it's just fucking amazing how stupid people are. Alex Jones is a stupid fucking idiot and he has two million people who believe him and follow him. Is all of these fucking nuts think all this shit is true? They have posted all these videos. Is he stupid or is he extremely entrepreneurial? I think he is both. Do you think he believes what he says? 100%. So then he is both. So we have another, you know, month and a half of Jade Helm in front of us. Well, it's gonna, I mean, I will be amazed if someone does not die. Someone will die. This is America. You're
Starting point is 01:14:03 talking about scared people with guns. Extremely skittish with the most guns. Yep. And Bill Hicks and Hillbilly Bill Hicks is fueling the fire. What if a Humby is rolling down a street and a guy just decides to fucking open up on it because he's scared? I really think, like, honestly, even without Jade Helm, I think you could hedge your bet that in the next six weeks some big massacre will happen around this area anyway. This is where we live. I mean, we're and, and yeah, I mean, who gives a shit anymore? Right? We're just, isn't that the idea that we're just supposed to, just not give a shit? That's what we're all doing. Texas is a
Starting point is 01:14:45 problem. Texas, but Texas doesn't give a shit normally. Texas is like, if there's a shooting, Texas is like, you know, I mean, Texans are obviously more prone to guns than not prone to guns. There's certainly someone who comes to the defense right away of the, you know, the gun lobby. And yet here, here we are worried about guns. Okay, that's America right now. Anyway, Adelaide! Go to for all of the delightful, delightful sources on this one.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Yeah!

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