The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 157 - More University and One Taste Inc.

Episode Date: March 7, 2016

Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds examine More University and One Taste Incorporated. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dollop. This is a bi-weekly American History podcast each
Starting point is 00:00:44 week. I read a story to my friend, Gareth Reynolds. Who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. Hey. Hi. Good to see you. You don't know? I don't. You don't? No idea. You don't know? I have no idea. What you've got on your little thing there, your little tablet. Oh you don't know. I don't know what is on there. Do you want to look who to do? I'll do one bottle. People say this is funny. Not Gary Gareth. Steve okay. Someone or something is tickling people. Is it for fun? And this is not going to come to tickling podcasts. Okay. You are queen fakie of made-up town. All hail queen shit of Liesville. A bunch of religious virgins go to mingle. And do what?
Starting point is 00:01:24 Pray. Hi Gary. No. Has he done my friend? No. No. This podcast is brought to you by our subscribers on Patreon. We thank each and every one of you. It really does help us, those of you who subscribe. And now we really appreciate it. Yes. 1934. Is Mark coming? I just let the hang. Victor Bronco was born in Oakland. He was the son of a black jazz pianist and a Jewish woman. A controversial couple. Classic pairing. Yeah. Just like your classic. You've heard it a million times in that game. Stereotypical 30s, 1930s couple. Oh what do you think? They got stares? He said he was the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:02:11 punching bag because he was, quote, a fat, smart-ass Jewish kid. And because I used multiple syllabic words and my parents were intellectuals. That's not why. Wait, wait, wait. He was a Jew? He was half Jewish and half black. Half Jewish, half black. And so he's saying he got punched because he was Jewish. Because he had a good vocabulary. A large vocabulary. Not because he was half black and half Jewish. Yeah. He was sent from one grammar school to another. I'm just making sure I started this because it seemed like I didn't remember. Okay. I did. Are you okay? He went to a school for what he called exceptional children.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Sure. Is he shining a turd? He became a bully in the seventh grade. He went to college on a football scholarship but stopped playing and left college after two months. Okay. Bronco also claimed he played in the 1954 Rose Bowl. He claimed. Well, do you see a problem with stopping playing? No, they hold it opening. They hold it on the first day of school. But unfortunately, that's not possible because it's college to not go to the Rose Bowl that year. Also, he had dropped out of school. Right. Two strikes. Two ways that make it very hard. Two different ways that it didn't happen at all. Yeah. He worked as a low rent hustler, then as a
Starting point is 00:03:31 bookie. And finally, he went straight working as a washing machine salesman and then a bouncer and then got a job flying people to Vegas to gamble. So just the regular chain that a job would follow. The right trajectory. What you do. Yeah. You sell washing machines. You don't let people into clubs and then you take people to other cities. There you go. Bing bang boom. And then he realized he could buy houses cheap, fix them up and sell them. Oh. Oh. The plot thickens. He resold. Oh, he and a couple of partners bought shitty houses at low prices, had hippies fix them up, then resold or rented them for a nice profit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Sometimes they would have hippies fix them up and then and then the hippies would move in and they charge them rent. Well, a lot of people don't realize that after slavery was abolished, hippies were enslaved for a long time. There was an indentured servitude period of the hips. At least 30 years. Yeah. Calling people the H word. Yeah. It's it's a dark time in American history. Yeah. And yet I wish it was still happening. Yeah. This is around the time he had an epiphany. Okay. He realized other people should hear how he became the man he had become. He had a message to spread. He had a philosophy. He's a motivation and a way to teach
Starting point is 00:04:51 people about life. Okay. Quote. How can I arrange to unselfishly serve the world and profit by it? Okay. What a sweetie. Do you see it? How can I save mankind and make a bunch of money? He started the Institute of Human Abilities. This name is amazing. And people began to follow him. Oh God. Of course. The Institute of Human Abilities. Don't you sometimes think it would just be worth it to just drop it and just say you're Jesus just to get like 30 people to live on a compound with you and just do whatever you say? Doesn't seem like it's that hard. I guarantee you. It just doesn't. I guarantee you we could get at least 20
Starting point is 00:05:37 people to be like you are Jesus. Most of us the vast majority of us wouldn't do it for the simple reason that you would get up in the morning and there'd be 20 people going hey hey. Yeah. Hey. Hey. Hi. How you doing? Do me a favor. Make some pancakes and then come over and fuck me. All right guys. I'm gonna turn in for a minute. Yeah. Keep reading your Bibles. That's pretty commonly pretty commonly how it goes. Yep. The Institute of Human Abilities was set up as a real estate corporation in late 1969. So it's very clear what's happening there. Barraco bought a 16 acre property in Lafayette, California and named it More
Starting point is 00:06:14 House. The grounds had a main residence and houses, a studio, a house. It says house trailer. It's gotta be horse trailer. A house trailer. A house trailer is a funny thing to picture. Yeah. But it's it's it's at the end of the house. There was a trailer with a house in it. Yeah. There are tenants courts and a sort of junk cars. The buildings were and still are painted a bright purple because that was his wife's favorite color. Sure. There was more to this than just profit. He also taught what was called responsible hedonism. Okay. And this was his bigger plan for the Institute. Quote, as the damn thing spreads, we suck up
Starting point is 00:07:00 the outside. Pretty soon we own the butcher, the garage, everything. Dig it. Now if it turns out that we do the whole thing, we sell everybody love, then we'll start selling hate. The same machine will work. I'm sorry. Many questions. So his plan is to he's gonna see he's gotta get a bunch of hippies in there. He's got this hedonism mumbo jumbo thing that he's gonna sell. Right. This philosophy, this way of living a life. Right. He's gonna sell it to people. Right. You got to get in to learn about it. You got to pay. Sure. And then if that works and everyone is fucking turned on, everyone in the world jumps on board,
Starting point is 00:07:42 then you fucking flip it and you sell hate. Flip that shit. He's still flipping stuff. Well, you still, you just come out, flip it out of the side. So now you've done love and then you turn around and you go, hey, what about selling this shit? Fuck you. And everyone's like, yeah, fuck you. And then you sell fuck you. And then what is the, and then the next big more money, it's more profit. Just because, okay. Sure. Just people are just buying ideas. Right. They're buying the idea of how to live. It's like when Garth Brooks became Chris Gaines. It's exactly like that. What isn't? In 1972, a book came out published by Rolling Stone titled Mindfuckers, a
Starting point is 00:08:21 source book on the rise of acid fascism in America, including material on Charles Manson, Mel Lyman, Victor Barranco and their followers. Wow. So that's who he's grouped in with, right? That's a good, I mean, we're just one shy of a Mount Rushmore, which is what, right? Those are three pretty nice faces to put on this. Yeah, true. But so he's in a group. That's a good pair. He's a fucking grouping. Quote from the book, a new kind of fascism has emerged in the wake of the so called acid revolution, born of boredom, loneliness and intense spiritual hunger. It has captured some of America's most creative young minds in
Starting point is 00:09:01 a period of extreme personal liberation. It has caused more and more believers to opt for servility to let their lives, their careers, pleasures, loyalties, even choice of lovers be controlled by the holy whim of one man. That's what I'm saying. That could be us. I know. That's what I'm saying. But that's that's the end game for the dollop. We're pretty soon going to be dollop houses. Dude, I'm very excited for the next chapter. I know. Think of all the pancakes. Oh, God, pancakes, pancakes. Why did you do it for the pancakes? We did it for the pancakes. 400 pounds each. So what was your plan? Just to eat a lot of
Starting point is 00:09:45 pancakes. There was a way we said that. We said, how are we going to get the most pancakes? Well, it started from a conversation where we both said we love pancakes. And how do we get all the pancakes? So he's teaching in the purple buildings. He's teaching people how to do this stuff. I mean, that's that's the right off the bat. If you're going into purple buildings to learn, you've got to be a little like me. Good. It's like a doctor's suit. Yeah. The Institute of Human Abilities pushed Aquarius magazine, published Aquarius magazine, that had ads for courses like basic sexual sensuality. Oh, a weekend with Vic
Starting point is 00:10:21 Barranco. Oh, boy. Now the weekend with Vic Barranco sometimes was a weekend without Vic Barranco. You would pay a bunch of money and sometimes he just sent his kids to tell people what he thought. So your weekend with Vic Barranco could also be not that at all. It's like when you go see a show and it's the understudy. It's like if you went to see Batman and Carol was playing. Interesting. Okay, so different. Still, people do put up the Carol signal in the sky if they want some lesbian action. Basic sensuality course description. Oh, boy. Two days, which will show you the physical and conceptual techniques to
Starting point is 00:11:03 overcome impotency and frigidity, to increase the duration and intensity of orgasm, to train partners and to experience pleasurable childbirth. Now, my guess is that he showed up for a lot of those. I bet he showed up for all of those. Also covers completely the concept of responsible hedonism, $45. Oh, that's it. Now, you as a man did not hear, you just went right past the term pleasurable childbirth, but every woman listener went, what the fuck? Right. Which is the appropriate response. It's exciting. Let him show you how to use your genitals that he doesn't have. The Institute also recommended mutual
Starting point is 00:11:41 masturbation as quote, a surefire way to a perfect orgasm every time. According to Masterson Johnson, the average number of contractions per orgasm for women is six to nine and eight to 12 for men. But we've had people at the Institute have as many as 250 contractions per orgasm. Okay. First of all, yeah, go. How does a man, are they, how are they? This is like during a day. This isn't like back to back orgasms. We're gonna get to that. Because there's no guy who's like, I'm coming again. Well, you don't know that you didn't go to the school 12 times. No contractions, just contractions. So what does that mean? Your dick just jiggles?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, when you're dick, you know, the dick. You have a cock seizure? I think it's technically called the dick jiggle. Oh, I've read about the dick jiggles. The contractions, you know, contract. No, there's a course called man and woman. Course description. This course deals with the roles and the language of the sexes and with the dynamics of the relationships these create. The course teaches how to interpret mannies and womanies and how to understand the math of one and two, $45. That seems like the math is really in the price. That seems like that course should just be called total bullshit. Yeah. Most importantly,
Starting point is 00:13:07 yes. So let's just let me tell you right now, there's me a lot of questions during this. Let's just stop and take a question real quick. So the mutual masturbation is so that there are just a bunch of people in a room masturbating together. Yeah, that's what's happening. It's so he's just for $45. So it's a purple barn to just people come in and they he hasn't taken off their you know, it's the 60s or early 70s. So he goes, everyone take off your clothes and then and then he tells them how to stroke or finger each other as only he can. He's Victor Barranco. Oh boy, that is. Are we gonna be able to say our names and where
Starting point is 00:13:45 we're from or do we just strip down right away, man? Oh man, it's gonna be a long dollar for you. Oh God. And most importantly, laugh. Barranco taught for a hefty price the meaning structure and teaching techniques. The meaning structure and what technique teaching techniques. So he's teaching how to teach how to be a teacher. Sure. For a lot of money, he would teach you how to run your own commune. Oh boy. Which you could then franchise as a more house. Oh boy. The incident grew to be a chain of communes so profitable that people in Berkeley called him the Colonel Sanders of the commune scene. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Commune Sanders. He was now rolling in cash. Communes were huge at the time. They're over 5,000 nationally and around 1 million people living in them. So great that the idea of like this movement is about sort of like independence from corporation and he's like yep setting up shop dumbass. One teacher said quote how to not get ripped off $45. 45 bucks. One teacher said quote this is a religious institution really. I mean it's a business true but the Catholic churches too. It's the same hustle in a different package but we fit into the tenor of the times. What with the communes and all. The Institute is a good
Starting point is 00:15:09 scam. We call ourselves hustlers and the other people marks. Victor hustles their asses and their souls. He takes their dough to feed himself but he sees to it that they win too. Because of the masturbating. Well they're getting out of it. The profound knowledge of how to live life. All the knowledge of Charles Manson's partner. Yeah they're getting the double jerk off knowledge while they their banks are emptied and then so everyone walks away good because he's getting the money and they're learning how to jerk each other off and he could open a sperm bank too while he's at it. That's what I'm talking about. The original
Starting point is 00:15:48 Morehouse became known as Lafayette Morehouse as other franchises popped up. Bronco kept expanding his commune business and forging head with his research. Right. Air-cloting. At some point his research led to the three hour orgasm. You weren't lying. The three hour orgasm. I mean good God. My first kid. And can you make it stop Victor? My first question is why would you want that? Why? Am I in a Chinese prison? Oh you just sleep for two days and wake up the next day and your legs are killing you. Like I feel like I rode a horse all day yesterday. My fucking dick is killing me. This led to demonstrations of the three
Starting point is 00:16:42 hour orgasm. How long were those? Right. The year is 1976. Oh boy. Quote. He had this is from a woman a young woman at the time. I believe she was 22. Okay. He had this idea that we would do a show and that we'd invite people to come and watch. I really felt special that this was going to happen. He had it be on the gynecological table to make it clear this was educational as well as fun because erotic too. Well a gynecological table always says educational as well as fun. Yeah. We want you to be comfortable and turned on. Now get on this sterile metal table that's cold. It was just him showing the coming having me come. It was for three
Starting point is 00:17:27 hours. It was a big haul and it was packed. Oh my god. He did me and the whole time he talked. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I think he's I don't know what I mean. I don't know if he's fucking here but I know that he's there's like a prolonged fingering kind of thing happening. He'd do everything. There's all all the things but I don't know if he fucked her but she did say he did me three hours. He did but they called it doing. They called it. They called the the the the jerking off doing. It's called the deliberate orgasm and the whole time he so he did me. Are there non deliberate orgasms. He's just waiting in line at the
Starting point is 00:18:07 bank. Fuck. Damn it. I gotta get a hold on this. I'll actually use the ATM. Excuse me. Excuse me. I accidentally orgasm. I did not mean to do that. Whoops. That was not a deliberate orgasm. He did me and the whole time he talked and demonstrated what he was doing. I really bang her hard. You just see him right now right because he's a smoker so I just see a cigarette hanging on. He's just fucking diddling her and he's like okay so I'm rubbing the clit right now. Still rubbing. Look at that. Look at that. All right. I'm still rubbing the clit. All right. It's like in the meaning of life there's that scene where John Cleese has
Starting point is 00:18:43 a class of students just bangs his wife in front of him and explains it. I bet that is partially based on this which is a movement. I bet it is. Shit. At the time this isn't as uncommon as you would wish it was. Listen. I'm ready. If we're ready to get back into this system. It was three hours long and he had me take breaks. It's a long. We're gonna take a union five. Just a union five smoke break guys. All right. Everybody knows you can't come for over 30 in union rules. We're gonna mop up and lay down some new tarp and then we'll get back at it. It was a long time to just lay there and get off. We had cigarette breaks. When that
Starting point is 00:19:19 demonstration was over people ran to every available space on the property so that they could get off to get the women off. It was really the women. After that he decided to have it be that he was going to certify people and wrote a course to teach people how to do it. What? So now you can get certification. So now he's a fuck doctor. This eventually became known as the deliberate orgasm. So he he monetized relentless fingering. Well when you put it like that. It would go on so long that sometimes students passed out fell out of chairs and pictures fell off walls and he kept the fucking going around a former member of the
Starting point is 00:20:09 commune named cauliflower. Sure. Cauliflower power said that attachment to a single sexual partner was frowned upon. Yeah. And most members were polyamorous sleeping in a group bed and regularly rotating sexual partners in what was loosely considered group marriage. Now that's very common to cults. Can you imagine if you like live next door. Oh to that. And then you know there I didn't go into it but the next neighbors were very not happy. Yeah. They were not happy at all. God damn it. There's fucking 50 hippies fucking on the lawn. Yeah totally. Oh my god. Oh my god. But there's there's something and I and I try to
Starting point is 00:20:50 investigate it but there's so much. This was a tough. This is the hardest one I've ever written. But but there is something to to breaking down a person grooming them for sex in a cult situation. Right. And and there is a control that is greatly associated with making people think that getting fingered in front of people is great. Right. You know what I mean. Like you groom them for that. The way you would brainwash slowly. The way you would groom a child from a station. Right. Groom an adult to break down all their sexual norms and think it's cool to do this shit that really isn't cool. Anyway that's fun. Three
Starting point is 00:21:27 hours. So all the while he was seeking legitimate to legitimize his practices sure. And that came in 1978. Oh god. Lafayette Morehouse became more university. Okay. He managed to get the school approved by the state of California to grant PhDs in sex in 1979. What. I mean California's California. PhD. That'd be great when you just like you just go back to someone's house and they're just like and you're in good hands. I'm actually a fuck doctor. Why'd you lay on that bed. Check out my degree. Right there. Says I can fuck. You could see I'm a veterinarian and I also have a minor in fucking. Right up there. I'm
Starting point is 00:22:18 mostly just I mostly just focus on the fucking now. You know what I mean. I have a major in fucking and my PhD is in fingering. He told me he had made truth in fucking but I think he minored because no. Just like an hour and a half. Still boring. Whatever. He managed to get so you managed to get the school approved. At that time California wasn't really big on rules and regulations for who could grant post education degrees. And at more there was a bachelor of humanities. A master of humanities. A doctor of philosophy and lifestyles and sensuality. A doctor of sensuality. And it was all for profit. You just you don't
Starting point is 00:23:01 know what he is and you just go to the doctor's office because you have a head cold and he's like yeah drop your pants. Why she's good. I'm just gonna finger your wife. Tell me your symptoms. Her arm is broken. I'm aware of that. I think if I let if I get her to come it's gonna set. I'll tell you in three hours my arms gonna feel like it's broken. Quote. It's like a boat. The woman is the steerer and the man is the motor. And once you can relax men and settle down into slavery in the motor room. What a gas. They take care of you sexually feed you and clothe you. They take care of all your creature comforts and all you got to do
Starting point is 00:23:38 is shovel coal. Shovel coal. Yeah. I'm not really sure what that meant but it was in there so I didn't want to take it out. I mean that's a that. It's a motor. You're shoving coal in the motor. Right. And then you come. I guess you're coming along. It's not great. You need to practice an analogy in the room before you go public with it. You know I keep shoveling coal inside of the boats pussy. Excuse me. They said the foundation of their philosophy and lifestyle was the concept of perfection. They believe that people and situations are right the way they are but include the potential for change. Then
Starting point is 00:24:16 they focused on making people come in front of large crowds. So it all makes sense. Because that's how you get perfection. You make people come in front of other people. The movement spread and grew. One of the studying at the university was a man named Ray Vetterlin. He began studying with Victor in 1969 1968. Ray eventually earned Morehouse's highest private qualification in extended orgasm in 1989. Yes I'm a doctor of orgasms. For a very long time I can do this. He's just got huge fingers. So he has a PhD in long long coming. Sure. Right. The long come. Absolutely. With the movies. That's an
Starting point is 00:24:55 Olympic sport right. Yeah. The longest come. Yes that was that but that was about that's the movie based right. A quote from Ray. There's really no such thing as separate orgasms or clitoral orgasms or anal orgasms. It's all an orgasm. Yeah. And the way to get a woman at that place is to have more attention on the woman than you do on yourself. So far this is knowledge for idiots. Yeah. How do you think you get a woman orgasm by jerking yourself off. Yes you come and then she does. You know I get my wife to come as I look at I go look at me. Yeah. Look at my dick. Yeah. Look at this shit. Yeah. A lot of that.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Where most men fail is they're always like when do I get my entitlement. You have to totally take all the attention off of yourself and put all attention on the woman to the point where you're inside the woman's psychic energy field and when the woman is having an orgasm or building towards an orgasm I personally feel as if it's happening to me. Residents call this the deliberate orgasm or D oing. So you are deliberately making someone orgasm. Now Dave this is just horseshit talk to get women to come into the program because they think men are selfish in bed. Yeah. Yeah. Because the
Starting point is 00:26:22 whole the whole premise is is like aren't you just supposed to try to make the other person get the idea. What I know about sex is that you both want to have fun. Yeah. And you don't. Your job is to not just be like oh man. Yeah. That was great for me. Like two cigarettes baby. Why are you crying. Why are you putting on your clothes. But people who knew of the campus thought something was up. First the Contra Costa Times started writing not so flattering articles on the goings on at Moore University. How can you be slanderous towards such an institution. I don't know. They're just how can you be angry at bang you. They're
Starting point is 00:27:01 just trying to make happiness. Yeah. In 1981 in 1982 more filed three lawsuits against the paper and all were dismissed. As a matter of fact Victor enjoyed suing lots of people and businesses such as the Contra the county of Contra Costa the San Francisco Chronicle who called more the Academy of Carnal Knowledge and also his parents. Oh really. He sued his parents. Sure. Well his dad wouldn't bang his mom in front of him. One resident of the university was quoted as saying we'll consider suing anyone. Boy they really sound a little trashy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But the school kept
Starting point is 00:27:45 suing your fucking paper. Fuck you. Fuck you. We'll sue you. What you say that we're like we like to fuck fuck you. We do like to sue you. Three hours. Oh the school kept cranking out degrees. Victor's own wife got her degree in sensuality from Moore University in 1980 after she became the dean of Moore's sensuality department. The dean of sensuality. Yeah. Do you know why I called you into my office. Because you need something special. Because you're in trouble. But not for spanking. No. I'm gonna finger you for four days. Yeah. I gotta be. I gotta be. I got a job. So I can't. Yeah. And I have a job. No
Starting point is 00:28:29 but no you understand what I'm saying. I can't do four days. I have to go to my job. Come on. Get your fingers ready. Fuck. Hope your arms ready to get tired. Yeah. I don't want to go. Welcome to bang you. I think I'm gonna. You see Santa Barbara. No they don't have any degrees in banging. Geography. What. Or just listen. Listen to me. Clear your schedule. Cancel your doggy style class and wet dreams. Okay. And then just get over here. Okay. And just tuck her that shoulder out. The dean of sensuality has spoken. Okay. Oh. Little hot for these panties isn't it. No. Yes it is. Get so hot over here. School kept cranking out degrees right. She gets her
Starting point is 00:29:13 degree in sensuality. Eleven of the school's courses were created by Victor. He said the mutual simulation program was quote making friends with another's crotch. That's always fun to become crotch buddies. Making friends with another's crotch. Yeah. That is a that is a very nice way to talk about sex though. She came over we had a couple cocktails I made friends with a crotch. We're going out Thursday. You guys you to make friends with each other's crotch. You guys shake crotch hands. But you know this is also a place where he's making spit on your friends crotch. This is the place where you make strangers do it right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Jerk off Larry. Julie you you get your Julie suck pens dick.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Welcome to college. Yo. In the mid 1980s California started cracking down on private education schools like more inspectors went for the first time to the university. Oh my God. They were a bit shocked. Why. What did they see. Quote it was an eye opener. Here were all these old limos and people sitting around in their underwear peeling potatoes. Oh my God. Sorry. What. Sorry. We must be lost. We're actually looking for more university and all I see are a bunch of naked sexed out hippies peeling potatoes. Yes. Also you guys have a lot of limos. Yes I would like french fries but I would also like to discuss why you're in your underwear. We don't wash our hands. They also said it was really filthy.
Starting point is 00:30:48 A guy named Jim came out of a building buckling his pants followed by a woman who was followed by a child. But again Colts you fuck in front of the car because you get them used to the sexuality. So when if you're raised in a cult you by the time they want you you're you're ready. Normal. Right. Boy that is a Victor said he was too busy to speak to the inspectors but they found some literature quote equipment to take to class a towel a mirror and all body parts. Oh my God a towel and a mirror. A mirror. Yeah. So weird. Watch your balls. Watch your balls. Yeah. There you go. The inspectors also were not allowed to see any classrooms. They also couldn't see the nursery because quote a child had fallen and is on the verge
Starting point is 00:31:44 of dying. Jesus Christ. That's more reason to see the nursery as far as. Yeah. They were allowed to. No you can't see the nursery because the kids dying in there. Oh he fell when I was banging the teacher. Yeah. Hey I got an A. Hey got an A baby. They were allowed to see one building that had a video studio with a gynecological table in the center. They're in there. There was a library. There's a library of video tapes with labels like Vick's birthday party. Oh boy. Well how do we celebrate at this university. It can't be good. There are hundreds of of tapes. The sex acts were always taped in front of students. Oh my God. As far as curriculum there was no reading requirements. Curriculum. There were no financial records.
Starting point is 00:32:33 There was no verification of faculty. They found 11 thesis by faculty. Good. One was about how Victor had made a woman come for seven hours and she questioned why her boyfriend couldn't do that. Julia I like your thesis a lot. It makes me look great. It's really good. It makes me look fucking great. Your boyfriend doesn't like it. Hey you know what you should do your thesis on. You know how I made you come for seven hours. Seven hours. Does your boyfriend do that. Seven hours. Does your boyfriend do that. No. Okay there's your thesis. Great. What are we talking about. It's all right there. So fucking write it up. My topic sentence. Why my boyfriend couldn't make me come for seven hours. I love your
Starting point is 00:33:12 thesis. Thank you. That boy. I mean but seven hours. It's a long time to come. It's insane. I don't want that. Nobody does. Who wants to buy an either end of that. Seven hours. Can you get me some food. More university failed 108 out of 111 evaluation points by the inspectors. I'm shocked that they passed three. The inspectors recommended the school be denied its status as a post education university. A hearing was held and more lawyers came threatening lawsuits against the inspectors. Yeah. Saying the inspectors were lying. More university appealed the inspectors reports. The state was changing its regular regulatory system at the time and the procedures the inspectors had used were not yet made official. Oh fuck.
Starting point is 00:34:05 So more won the appeal. Oh my god. Then while the state was coming up with new regulations somehow more was grandfathered in becoming officially an endorsed California post education university. What. What. How. I mean that one how that's just pure California baby. What a mess. What a mistake. It's like it's like the late 80s. It's crazy. More university then expanded to New York Philadelphia Chicago Atlanta and other cities. In the early 90s the university started taking in homeless people to give them a place to live. But critics saw this as a PR move and a way to avoid attacks. When criticized more would make it look like the people were going after the university because they were helping homeless people.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Wow. By creating a charity for the homeless the school also got tax benefit. Jesus Christ. Can you imagine if you're a homeless person you're like now I should tell you your new home will have food and you have. Yeah. But you're going to be fucking the whole time you're here. It was. It was. Yeah. So I know that there's the the downside is you'll just be coming the whole time. America's a PTSD man. I can't I can't do that. I go into that purple barn. What. And fuck this guy's wife in front of his son. Okay. The charity was called turn on to America. Turn on to America. Why not just come USA. But this created a person sized hole. Excuse me. Yeah. That's how I wrote it. I thought it was a pretty
Starting point is 00:35:57 good turn of phrase. Yeah. I think that's what this university is about. Two reporters two reporters from the Contra Costa Times could now pose as homeless people and get in. What a great gig. Yeah. I got to go undercover and fuck you. It wasn't very normal inside. There was now a closed circuit TV system that played sex tips gossip and party scenes from school parties. Oh God. It's like it's like a bar. Oh God. The school's elite lived on the hill on campus but homeless were not allowed near it. The reporters found out that inside the building on the hill women served men while dressed in tiny costumes without underwear. They were only serving men while the men played cars cards drink beer and smoked. The reporters
Starting point is 00:36:53 it's like an Oaks Club. It is. It is insane. But with cocktail ages without panties. Honestly and it's obviously there's brainwashing and I'm sure there's a lot of live but look if you're just sitting in a room where you play cards drink and smoke and then just walk around naked. It's pretty great. Maybe don't rock the boat. This is 20 years this has been going on. I mean it's a pretty good run. Pretty good run. Hmm. Did you want to get into that main house. I mean talk about looking like an orphan looking at a big meal. The reporters also took a course on basic centrality which including having people look at their genitals in a mirror and homework with questions about whether they would have sex with men midgets
Starting point is 00:37:44 and paraplegics. Jesus God. The mirror thing is so weird. Well that's the whole thing. The idea of like being somewhere like you have you have a dick that you can look at but a woman can't stare straight into her vagina. So the mirror thing now in a classroom setting it's weirder. It's just the idea of strangers just being like look at your Jen. Oh there we go. Look at her clitoris. Right there. I don't feel sweetie we're looking at your genitals. I feel terrible right now. Oh right there. Look at that. I don't want to do this. Look at this. No I'm stopping the podcast. Your skin's strange right there. Pull back her skin. Fuck. Hey guys look at my balls. Stop it. Get the mirror under my ball bag.
Starting point is 00:38:26 I'm actually going to punch my balls right now. All right. Tweaker nipples like you're tuning a radio. Don't. All right. Good thing we got these mirrors. The school made its own money. Fuck bucks. Which was made from old cigarette packs. What. That now have the university seal on them. Yeah that's right. Marble dollars. They would take Paul Maul cigarettes and they would undo the undo the undo the cigarette packs that was like flat and they cut off the bottom and then on the inside where where it didn't have any writing they would write the university insignia and that was their own monetary system. So impossible to counterfeit. Well this checks out it says it's money on the inside of this cigarette pack. Boy you really fallen into some good cash.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I didn't know we had a billion dollar pack. To get a doctorate in 1994. 1994. It should have said 1894. Yeah 1994. Because that's when this was happening. Normal. It would cost you $43,200. Perfect. Also in 1994 the Contra Costa Times reported that Moore had 1.7 million in real estate holdings and brought in an average revenue of one million a year. In 1992 a former student wrote to the state of California was actually say they wrote to like the whatever the the fucking name was too long but it was it's basically the the people who do the postdoc stuff. Right. It's not like sending a letter to Santa where you know California. I have bad news. And he said in the letter that he was encouraged to use illegal drugs which were
Starting point is 00:40:09 sold on the campus and that the school engaged in prostitution and that you actually had to pay for sex or you were threatened with expulsion. But in a way how do I go to use my loans. Well listen you're in trouble. You gotta buy you gotta buy a whore every every two to three days. Where's your cigarette pack money. I didn't know. But in a way I bet you legally it's not prostitution because you've invented a currency that isn't legitimate. Oh god. So I don't know that works. I've never. Oh that would be a great argument to hear your honor while my while the defendant did make people fuck and he gave them money. The money isn't real. Therefore none of this matters. None of this is real. OK. The state demanded a response to the letter but more
Starting point is 00:40:59 University just sued the student who had written the letter for 120 million dollars. Well either way who he then apologized. But the end was near. Boy I don't have a hundred and twenty million dollars. But the end was near for more university. Every five years the university had to be inspected and re-upped. That was pretty much the end of it. The walls came crashing down and the school was closed in 1997. But that did not mean that the fingering movement ended. They still existed. They still teach and they're still getting bigger than ever. Ray better line. Remember I brought up Ray earlier. No from Ray. Ray was the guy I had a quote from about. Oh right. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ray was one of those who learned the ways and spread the
Starting point is 00:41:45 movement. He spent years at Lafayette Morehouse and eventually had over 40 years experience giving women long orgasms. He went on according to the New York Times to quote achieve fame in sex circles by claiming to lengthen the average female orgasm to 20 minutes. That's nothing. So I don't know. They don't know about the Gareth method. That's for sure. That's nothing. Twenty minutes. Come on guys. What is this fucking amateur. What are we doing here. Come on. Oh is that what you learned how to do Ray. Fucking bend over Ray. I'm going to show you something. All right Ray. So guys like Ray were out there spreading the movement of I wish it wasn't spreading the movement. That's what I put down. It's just a very.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I'm going to use a lot of different terms. It's going to be they're going to be horrible before this is over. One of those women he taught was a woman named Nicole de Donne. Nicole ding dong. They don't. They don't. They don't. They don't. D A E D O N E. They don't. They don't. Like when it's night. Yes. They don't. Nicole was born in 1956 in Los Gatos, California. I guarantee you right now someone listening to this podcast it just got really bummed because they realized that this is a little bit about them. They're like my Nana. They're like oh I've done this. She's born in 1956 in Los Gatos, California. She attended San Francisco State University and got
Starting point is 00:43:07 a degree in gender communications and was on her way to get a doctoral degree with a focus on semantics which is a branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning and word relations. It's like a degree in being annoying. Well it actually means she knows language. She knows words. Me too. And she knows how to use them. Oh boy. So she's 27 years old going to school to get a post degree and then her father dies one day. He died in prison. He was there from molesting children. Nicole completely broke down. She says her dad never did anything to her as a child but quote my body turned to stone and crumbled. She quit school and opened the 111 minute art gallery. She then turned to Buddhism. Then came a night that changed her life. Nicole was at a party where
Starting point is 00:44:00 she met a Buddhist man. He told her he had been practicing quote contemplative sexuality. Where you just sit around all day and be like man it's so great. Oh wait that was my entire teenage years. That's true. She was intrigued because who wouldn't be. Right. This Buddhist man invited her to lie down naked and spread her legs. Then he set a timer and stroked her clitoris while he narrated what he saw while looking at her vagina. Feels a little sterile. He said the colors of her vagina went from coral to deep rose to pearlescent pink. She had a mood pussy. And her life was changed. Oh now you're angry. Now you're tired. You're thinking of dragons. You're thinking of dragons right now.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Nicole said quote I just broke open and the feeling was pure and clean in a strange way. I think at that moment I decided to live. For me there wasn't anything going on down there. There was nothing. It was like I was so contracted and tight and wanting to be a good person and be good that I couldn't actually feel. I couldn't get a whole big world of sensation that's now available in my genitals. For me it was an unbelievable breakthrough. Good thing she went to that party. She quit working at the gallery to devote her life to making sex and pleasure open. I'm giving you guys my two weeks. I'm going to focus on masturbating. I'm sorry. How are you going to make money? Huh? Oh don't worry about it. I've met a Buddhist at
Starting point is 00:45:41 a party. What? It was great to see you guys. Okay. Start finding my replacement. I'm going on a finger tour. Did you know your vagina could be coral? Okay. We're going to close the gallery. Why? It's just weird now. She said quote I have a legacy to bring light into an area of the world where there's a lot of darkness. Literally about a vagina. Yeah. Now this is where her declaration of what happened and others is a bit different. Oh boy. Nicole says she spent years training with Ray and that's what she told the New York Times in a puff piece in 2009. There's no mention of Victor Barranco but when she started teaching her version of spiritual fingering which from what I could find was around 2001 the story seems like it was a bit different. The history is very murky
Starting point is 00:46:39 on Nicole de Dung and I assume that's for a reason. Nicole has the shortest Wikipedia page of anyone of her stature I have ever seen in my life. Interesting. It's about six lines. Jesus. The official record is that Nicole founded a business called One Taste in San Francisco in 2001. She founded a business called One Taste. One Taste. Okay. Like Victor it was established as a business. One Taste says it is dedicated to researching and teaching the practices of orgasmic meditation and slow sex. But the central focus is female orgasm and sexuality specifically OM-ing or as it's called orgasmic meditation. Victor Barranco's was called de-owing or deliberate orgasm. So obviously they're very different. Totally different. There you
Starting point is 00:47:32 can't see any sort of connection. Now one is meditative. It seems as if the growth of One Taste was fairly slow at first. She opened two retreats in San Francisco and New York and she began teaching her methods. The slow clit jam as I like to call it. There were workshops, weekend retreats and one-on-one coaching programs. The earliest I could find an ad which is now gone but could be found through Google cache. Thank you Google cache. Was from the learning annex. Do you remember the learning annex? Yeah. The learning annex I was going to say was when I wrote this but is it still exists. As a matter of fact, I looked it up and hilariously saw some people teaching comedy there. Oh my god. The learning
Starting point is 00:48:15 annex is a private adult education school that was founded in New York. They had classes or schools or whatever they were in every single city in America. They were fucking everywhere. I remember being, I remember in the 90s because they taught everything. Anything someone could teach and people would pay to learn the learning annex had it. They used to teach stand-up comedy which is probably the best way to learn it in a classroom taught by some guy who really needed money. That's the way to do it. It still exists. People who are not good at subjects teaching others how to do it. So what better and more comfortable environment to have someone rub your clit in front of an audience. It's the seven hour punchline. Anyway, sure enough.
Starting point is 00:48:58 In 2006, Nicole shows up teaching a learning annex class based in San Francisco, a two hour course on the introduction to our gasmic meditation. Course description, learn the tools you need to experience greater essential freedom with this hands-on offering. Hands-on. This open and safe introduction will start you on a journey to experience a deeper conscious contact with pleasure and desire that can transform your life. At the bottom of the cachet ad is Nicole's bio. It says she is a graduate of a female orgasm course. It says she went to SF State and then it says, she has spent the last seven years devoting her energy to the work of Dr. Victor Barranco, founder of Moore University, and that she's been teaching for 11 years.
Starting point is 00:49:44 What? So we know she started teaching in 1995 based on that. And from the way it sounds, she possibly went to Moore University and did some very serious female orgasm study. Sure. But we can't say for sure that that's true because we just found this in a bio she wrote in a learning annex ad. Right. I don't know why you'd lie to bio for a learning annex ad in 2006, but hey. Right. Right. Like Victor, she was turning fingering into a business. Wow. Though she doesn't mention Victor, and there is no record of her and Victor having studied together on her materials or Wikipedia or anywhere else, both one taste and Moore say she only took three classes except Google cachet where things can't be erased, disagrees.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Now, one would not want to be associated with Victor as he did not end his life with a good reputation. He died in 2002 in Hawaii. He was at one point prosecuted for distributing LSD. The clear exploitation of young women was now obvious and the fact that it was a cult. Right. So when setting up a new clip rubbing business, it's best not to be associated with the Grendel of female orgasms. Right. And she is not. While building her new vagina business, San Francisco, Nicole wasn't alone. She had met another clip rubbing practitioner in 1999 named Robert Kendall. Robert had gone into sexuality when he had an honest discussion with his wife at Burning Man in 1998. Perfect place. Perfect place.
Starting point is 00:51:21 They tried swinging, but didn't like it. They ended up in a quote class about sex where Robert found he knew little about women and so, quote, decided to dedicate my energy and attention to my sex life. And that's how he met Nicole. The two started a school together in 2002. They merged with another company in 2003. Then in March, 2000 floor, they opened a center. They quickly got 10 volunteers and were running a yoga program, which at some point became a nude yoga program. Wow. And they were serving raw food and smoothies. Massages were offered. This was all to quote, bring the concept of orgasm to the world. And it quickly took off. The building looked like a coffee shop. So people would often wander in and these sales
Starting point is 00:52:11 these sales pitches would begin. Can I get a venti? Sorry, where's the menu? Have you ever come for like four hours? Do you have cappuccino? In my pussy? Hi. Look me in the eyes. Are you scared to look people in the eyes? Are you scared of intimacy? Do you guys have tea or biscuits? Look at me. I just I see a sadness. What did you say when I ordered a coffee? Would you like to rub my clit? Don't look me in the eye. Why are you scared to look people in the eyes? I I just came. Yeah, you came for coffee and your whole life is being opened up. I'll play with your clit. Do you guys have coffee in the but the clit room? Classes began with the usual spiritual we can make you better promise everything to get people into the building and then try to put them
Starting point is 00:53:17 into the orgasmic meditation classes. By now, she had both the One Taste Urban Retreat Center and the Insight Institute's Central Research Center. These names. Yeah. Well, she did study semantics didn't she? Jesus. It's not like Victor who was like, no, the fuck room. Yeah. And the jamming in the Connie place. Like she's she knows what she's fucking doing with words. Welcome to Jizz. One of the things the class would do is quote, show how a person can access raw sensuality anytime anywhere with anyone. Okay, that just just for just so everyone knows that to me sounds terrible. Sounds a little rapey. You shouldn't want to experience raw sensuality anytime anywhere. I could see you're looking at those French bread pizzas. I don't want to do
Starting point is 00:54:07 this right now. Let me finger you. It would also quote reveal a set of specific tools which will help you unlock emotional blocks that prevent you from living life fully. Okay, that's fine. Unlocking emotions. Very important. Never heard it before. Did you know the lock was in your pants? What? Let me use the key. Okay. This is how Oming works. Oming. First, the man and woman build the nest out of pillows and a yoga mat. So they make a fort. She lays in the nest. Bottomless. With a shirt on and yeah, shirt on and bottomless and spread. She's like porky pig. You're gonna just, this is Oming. Sorry. I guess she is like porky pig. That's a weird way to put it. Could you leave the class please? You're very disruptive. A lot of things sound like porky to
Starting point is 00:55:00 pig. Wait, are we doing like a porky pig thing here? So what? She's dressed like a fucking loony toon? She lays in the nest bottomless and spreads her legs. He puts on rubber gloves and puts some of the one taste proprietary organic lube on. Sounds very erotic so far. That's not supposed to be. Are you ready to get turned on by a pap smear? You don't have to put gloves on if you're in a relationship with the person doing the fingering. Sure. If it's a stranger, you use a glove. Of course. Yep. He massages her legs and looks at her clit. Hey, look at that. That's called the noticing phase. Hey, I found it. It was right here on your vagina. Now during the noticing, he narrates what he sees. Your clit. He breaks down the vagina
Starting point is 00:55:51 verbally. You mean like a drill sergeant would do a new recruit? No, no, you're supposed to use- You're the grossest vagina I've ever seen in my life. You're so barely a pussy, you're almost a dick. Look at the state of this. You got hairs here, no hairs here. You're not going to make it past two hours of coming, you little baby. It's the opposite. Oh. You're supposed to use non-value terms and use no judgment. Non-value terms being- So you do, you go like this. Well, your your clit is very red and bulbous. I'm going to come. You see that you have a pubic hair that is pointing up towards the ceiling and your lips are very full and swollen and they look like happiness. That's what you're supposed to do. This is a great nest. So then the dude gets in a
Starting point is 00:56:46 position which- Just like a regular nest, if you fingered her with the mother no longer treat her as her own. So I think he gets on her left and he uses his right thumb at the opening of her vagina. The hitchhiker. And the tip of his left index finger goes on to her clit. She can then tell him if he should move his hands at all and whether to move faster or apply more pressure, etc. Right. The dude is just supposed to say thanks. Right. After 13 minutes of this, they start winding down. Sure. I should say it's not always a dude. It can be a couple of ladies but the entire program seems to be about men getting women off. Right. The stroker as they are called are supposed to be fulfilled through pleasure by proxy as well as by enjoying the sensations in their bodies as
Starting point is 00:57:42 they stroke. The idea is basically similar to Buddhist tantric sex but without the sweet, sweet cash roll it in. So yeah, so a guy fingers a lady and then that's it. That's the whole thing. Does it for 15 minutes, rubs her clit, however she wants it rubbed. Listen to this conversation we're having. And then everyone just goes on their way. That's the only thing she has. I've read most from what I read most women don't come but it still feels great and it's supposed to be like meditation. They don't come? Not a lot of them do because they're in a fucking room with 60 other people. Still in a plate, you would think that after if you were doing this enough 15 minutes, you would imagine that this place had gotten off more women than
Starting point is 00:58:28 Gloria already. Yeah. And that this would be happening on the reg. Yeah. No, it should be, yeah. I mean, I'm sure a lot of women do come but there are a lot of women who can't come in a room full of 60 people. Well, get them out of here because they're not a team player. There's enough women out there who can't come just in a room with a dude who's trying really hard, Gary. Excuse me? You can take a 10 hour $195 introductory workshop at one taste. One taste is really again. Well, semantics. You can also buy the nest kit from them so you can buy all the pills and the yoga mat and this is before bed, bath and beyond exist. You can also buy the lube, the organic proprietary lube. It's all for sale. That's great that they have a little gift shop. Oemming is designed to let
Starting point is 00:59:17 the sensory system rise up, which lets the practitioners gain access of different forms of caution consciousness. It also lets them take your money. Right. The one taste urban retreat center had about 50 people living in it by 2007. They called themselves messengers of orgasm. Like a commune, they would cook, eat, do yoga and sleep together. The commune was made up of a few buildings in the same neighborhood. Up to 24 people would stay in one bedroom, two in a bed, 12 beds in a room. Good God. But one taste was not called the commune because again, commune has negative connotations. Sure. So she called it a research community. Better. Almost everything that has negative connotations associated with it has been changed
Starting point is 01:00:01 at one taste. It's as if somebody studied semantics. Who could it be? The messengers of orgasm would pair into what are called research partners. Lab buddies. But that's so fucking funny, though, to think if you're getting partnered in that phase, because there's probably, you know, varying degrees of attractiveness going on. So when they're just sort of like dodgeballing the teams together. Yeah, it's really what it is. It really, it sounds like it's like you. I believe from what I've read and it's very complicated because there's so many people on both sides of it. And I do think there is something to a woman learning how to fucking be open sexually. Yeah. Is yeah, you negatively looked upon our society. So this
Starting point is 01:00:46 this does have one aspect of it that's good. Sure. But at the same time, there it sounds like you are slightly pressured to like you should be open to doing it with whoever. Right. Or else you're closed off. Else you're weird, which gets into the weird cult, culty, shit, Scientology. Yeah. So basically, the, where did it go? Did it stop? So that's right. So there's there's not as a research partner, more than one person has said and Nicole would try to push two people together to be research partners. Come on, Smosh. Yeah. So she's like, you and Jeff would be good together. Go into the Smosh room. Jeff's like, I came here because women won't talk to me and I like the finger. Like, all right, Jeff, boy, I'm going to really
Starting point is 01:01:40 jam them in and out of you. A research partner could be someone you share a bed with or make out with or have sex with or have any sort of intimacy with sure have a research partner for just a week or over a year. A few people are in monogamous monogamous relationships, but the majority are not. We're going to be research partners for life. Everyone in the Urban Retreat Center gets together each weekday at 7am. And they do a group clit rub session. Sure. It's just sort of like the morning constitutions. Yeah, it's like the pledge of allegiance of your vagina. That's right. Then there's another session at 2pm. And then the last one at 6 45. Those are less attentive because people are at the chops and stuff. Right. Yeah. You've got to go to work
Starting point is 01:02:24 where you don't tell people about your vagina fight club you live at. It's hard to get over from Google to the place of two to get to. Sure. Yeah. To get back to Google. Well, off to the coal mines. They can sleep in one. They can sleep in on weekends before they start going after the little man on the boat around 745 a.m. We'll see you on the morning for the bean flick. After the San Francisco Chronicle wrote about naked nonsexual yoga classes, a lot of horny non-yoga dudes started showing up so the yoga classes went back to being fully clothed. I'm ready to do downward doggy style. If I was a fucking like kid who I found her third eye at center vagina. If I'm like an 18 year old kid who cannot get laid and I hear about this,
Starting point is 01:03:06 I'm down there in a heartbeat. My God. Keep me out of there. No way. If they throw me out, I'm getting into the skies kit. If I have. Hello, I'm Baron von Twinkle. If I have some shades of ass burgers and I have a hard time being intimate or dealing with people on a level, I'm looking at the. You're so right about the guys are like. Yeah, I'm here because I'm very curious about the female orgasm. Do you like comic books? At some point being a woman after cash, Nicole started becoming connected with Silicon Valley. And in particular, a man named Reese Jones. They started an actual relationship. He is a venture capitalist who studied biophysics at UC Berkeley. And at success at one point, inventing and patenting different things like
Starting point is 01:03:55 he patented like a basic sound level recording thing for computers. So he like gets tons of money from like that kind of stuff. Right. Either way, he's very rich, very connected. And he got into the awesomeness of rubbing ladies quote. It's a procedure to nourish the limbic system like yoga or Pilates with no other strings attached. When you go to a massage therapist, you don't take the masseuse to dinner afterwards. No, he's right. I don't. But I also don't get jerked off by them. Yeah. So I actually I would say comparing yoga or Pilates or a massage to rubbing a lady's clit for 15 minutes is weird. By the way, I do take them to dinner. Oh, right. Always. Never mind. All right. One hit TGI Fridays. The business boy, my back feels better.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Where's the closest chilies? Oh, my God. The business became more successful. Now they had a new building and everyone had their own private room instead of 24 packed into one. And suddenly, Nicole started getting attention. First came a pretty flattering piece in the New York Times in 2009. Quote, one tastes 2009. And one taste is but the latest stop on this sexual underground weaving together strands of radical individual freedom, Eastern spirit, or Eastern spirituality and feminism. This was the first time Nicole and her OMing plan really hit the mainstream. Some people found it interesting. There was a lot of ridiculing and some called the cult. Some ex members said it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. One woman said Nicole is the kind of
Starting point is 01:05:23 person who quickly understands everything about someone. Hmm. Two former members said they had left because they wanted to have a heart focused relationship, not a genital focused one. That's the hardest part to stroke. It really is the heart. By the way, I have a I have a workshop about stroking the heart. Oh, I want to come. Interesting. You would say that. Uh, they said, Nicole, Nicole will declare a message or something. And then everyone reflects it in the building, which is a little cult. Sure. And Nicole responded by saying that there is a potential for something like this to become a cult, but she doesn't like the focus to be the all powerful figure and that she moved out of the house because of it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I wonder if that was also because she could afford her own place. Yeah. Yeah. But the name and the word oming was now getting out there. And the more people heard about it, the more people wandered into the one taste urban retreat center on Folsom street to see what it was all about. There you get a hard sales push. There is a shit lot of eye contact unlike when you're getting finger banged during the there's a lot of genital morning. You're not by the way, you're not supposed to look the lady in the eye when you're fingering. Of course not. You got to look at the mirror near her genitals. There are a lot of things in the center people will try to sell you, right? It's like a amway for vaginas. Perfect. And the company's profile
Starting point is 01:06:47 kept going up and up. There were more magazine articles, newspapers and a nightline feature. Wow. Then in 2011 came the big moment. Since Nicole clearly doesn't like attention, as she told the New York Times, one could only wonder how Nicole ended up giving a Ted Talk called orgasm, the cure for hunger in the Western woman. It would be great if the Ted Talk was called how to not garner attention. The 50 minute Ted Talk was a huge hit. Wow. Now celebrities were on board. Deepak Chopra put it on his YouTube channel. What? Deepak? There it has been seen millions of times. She said orgasm is like a nutrient and women need it. And that by feeding and taking care of your sexual needs, everything else comes together. It's like a vagina elixir.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Sure. But at the end of the day, the goal of one taste is profit. So they are turning orgasms into cash. The Urban Monk program is for people who want to immerse completely in sensuality and cost $2,000 a week. Wow. The goal is to quote turn on. Right. Remember turning on America? Yeah. And those two words, the company has trademarked. Really? Turn on as far as I can tell is everything. Let go, energize, feel, it really feels like someone took a bucket and dumped every uplifting word into it. And that kind of language works for people looking for something in life, people coming off a breakup, people who feel depressed, people with unfulfilled needs. That's why the language was created. Remember, did I tell you Nicole studied semantics?
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yes, brought that up once. That's why some people call it a cult. Either way, they're saying quote, when they say turn on, they're saying quote, an awake and alive pussy will aid a woman's physical and mental health. God bless them. People come to the center for tons of reasons. Women can. I think I know the main one. Women can come with a partner or in search of one. Same with dudes. Learning to OM takes place in a one day workshop for $190. Six month master class goes for up to $7,500. Dave, we're going for the one day. Yeah. Oh my God, I thought about it, but I'm married. The coaching course. Not there you're not. The coaching course. Bring Heather, I'll find someone. We'll take a caravan. Could you imagine my wife in that room? Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Just take Fin to the theme park with a babysitter for the day. You, me and the couple of messages will just go down there. And number one, my wife is a psychologist. So she would be like therapy, you should be in therapy, not this. That's not helping these women come, darling. The coaching course costs $15,000. Yeah. There's a yearly membership fee of 49. Sure. A weekend conference for anywhere from 200 to 400. They will also certify your business as OM based. So if you want to do that for your yoga studio or a coffee shop or even a bank or legal office, legal office. What? Okay. So, yeah. So I assume that means, look, this is also a conflict resolution kind of thing, right? Oh, I mean, they want it to be
Starting point is 01:10:01 everything. Are they settling lawsuits with finger? It's like if you want to be kosher, if you want to have a kosher store, I want to take a 15 minute recess. Miss, can I see any other room? Yeah, I want to talk to the judge for a minute. Judge, I think this, I think this would be better if I could rub your clit. Sustain. Okay. Great. Get under the robe. They emphasize that they are in no way. Use the gavel. They are in no way spiritual. Right. Okay. Quote, we are not that we trust you can handle your emotions, your experiences, the world. But people come looking for something and one taste is offering answers. The company says it can
Starting point is 01:10:47 help with health benefits like increased energy, libido and reduced stress and irritability. There are clearly dudes who don't have any idea how to be around women and have rarely had sex. They hear about a room full of women laying around with their pants off that they can stroke for 50 minutes and they're in. The women aren't forced to do anything. Anyone can leave whenever they want. And in a lot of articles I read and there are a lot of articles of women have gone and written articles. Many women do leave thinking it's bullshit or because they don't want a stranger to put a glove on and rub their clit. Well, then get in a relationship with them. But many are told it's the answer to everything. Now, if you were in a weird place in your life and you desperately
Starting point is 01:11:26 want answers, you might sit there and think, Oh, maybe I can try this, especially when it's implied you're prudish or rigid. Yeah. Then you're coming on a floor around a bunch of people. Other people are coming on a floor and you're thinking, Well, this is kind of awesome. I mean, we're all coming. Get the Swiffer. At one taste, they call the buildup of sexual energy that needs to be released to messence. Sure. If you let to messence buildup, it will release itself in ways like becoming overly frustrated by someone loudly chewing their gum or losing your shit when someone else is late. Right. It's the same thing if you have feetons. Well, we all know how to get rid of those. But it's the exact same thing. Right. Yeah. Purge yourself of the bad. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:12 So they're bad as the buildup of sexual energy. Right. Scientology makes you clean a boat for nine years and sign a billion year contract. And then this one just says get fingered. This is a lot better. Way better. They have a mantra to messence where the problem is never what it seems and the solution is always orgasm. Well, there you go. And they use it for that. If two workers at one taste are having an issue, they might OM it out. All right, guys, enough fighting. Finger her. They actually would tell two arguing employees to go OM it out. Wow. I bet it works. I bet it does. It is literally the answer for everything. And the deeper you get into it, the deeper you want to go and pay higher costs for the classes. So it is Scientology.
Starting point is 01:12:55 It is now a top 5,000 company in the United States. Wow. They have centers in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles and London. They have over 15 cities worldwide listed on their website. Dave, let's go. They offer many classes. One, for example, is called 10 women want you to know how to handle a woman's pussy. They don't say vagina. They say pussy and they say cock because those words are more full of energy. Yeah, they are. And Nicole still has the smallest Wikipedia page of any human I've ever seen of her influence. But she has quartered the market on people who want women looking to learn to be more open, men wanting to feel more emotions, couples wanting more from their sex lives, losers who want to see what a vagina looks like, and even
Starting point is 01:13:37 a guy who set aside an advertisement for a class on quote how to handle a woman's pussy and decided to come. Amen. Well, that's something I would like to do. Great. I would very much like to handle know how to handle a woman's pussy. Hello. Is this the pussy Institute? Whatever it takes to get them in the door like a car dealership. Many women have gone to a class and written about it. And those descriptions often include seeing many individual men who you don't want anywhere near your pussy. And those men are eager to ask you if you want your pussy rubbed often with the first minute of meeting. But the women are where are you from? I am from Sausalito. Can I finger your pussy? Yeah. What's your job? Take your panties off. Let me get the glove on. Hey, I'm already lubed up
Starting point is 01:14:25 with the glove. Hey, I've got my lube glove. Hey, do you have a nest because I brought my own nest? Oh, you're vegan. Can I rub your pussy? There is. There's also a slow growing movement within one taste to stop using the noticing. That's when he describes the vagina. That's the part. Oh, they want to get rid of that? No, there's there's a movement growing within to make it one taste against it because it makes everyone so uncomfortable. Yeah. The women are like, I want to hear about my pussy and the guys like, I don't really want to talk about your pussy for two minutes. I'm kind of running out of stuff to say. I mean, how much can I say about a pussy? It's still there. It's red again. It's red. Apparently, it's super uncomfortable for everyone. The Deepak Chopra OM video has now
Starting point is 01:15:07 been seen in 2,378,000 times. Nicole's TED Talk has been seen over a million times. Meetups take place now in 43 cities in 10 countries. The company had a revenue of 6.5 million in 2004, and it continues to grow. But either way, right now, as we do this podcast, some guy somewhere is sitting beside a woman with a glove on and he just said, I'm going to touch your pussy now. And because of that, Nicole is putting more money in the bank. Whoa. Good golly. We got to go. Come on. There's one in LA. You can go because you're fucking single. Go, dude. All right. I'm not in a polyamorous relationship. Be my wife or monogamous. All right. Let me talk to her. I don't want you. You mean Heather. Let's go down to this
Starting point is 01:16:01 institute and look at some policies. How awkward it would be from here on out if you love my wife's clit for 15. Oh my God. I didn't even think you were going to put that spin on it. I thought I was going to be watching you be like, you know, Dave, you've been pretty passive aggressive ever since I put that glove on. It's a really weird thing to wrap your brain around, right? So it's almost like someone has looked at the crude. It's almost like it's like a business, someone with a very smart business mind looked at cults and went, I can do this in a business way. I can apply the, the weird pressure, the weird, the weird way you drop people into cults, the weird answers that you get from cults and plugged into a business that's about the human
Starting point is 01:16:51 body. You're like marketing orgasms to people, but it also ties into feminism and women taking control of their body. It is genius. It is genius. There's so many levels to it where you go, okay, it's a cult, it's bad, but then it's, I bet it's fucking helping a ton of women. And if you just, but to me, I always come back to him, if you just read a book, because she has a book out called Slow Sex, if you just read that book and learn how to do that with your partner, or even if you want to do with a bunch of different dudes, that's fine. But it's the city, a lot of 60 other people that's weird. It's also the, because it is true. I like, I think that about a lot of things, that you, you know, there's just a lot of stuff that is taboo, that if we were to break through,
Starting point is 01:17:38 a lot of good would come from it. So there is no, there really is no, it is a good thing to teach, to liberate women sexually and like teach fucking, you know, weirdos how to be with women. But I also think that you could, that should, you could do that in a relationship. You could do that with some, you should do that with somebody. Like the idea that you have no, that there's no communication as far as like what is going on and what the person likes is really, that's almost weirder. Right. To me, it's, to me, it's, well, that's where you get into the cult thing, because it, that falls under the grooming thing of when you, because there are clearly a lot of, there was one woman, I said, I went, there's Yelp reviews. And if you want to
Starting point is 01:18:20 share the Yelp, people fucking write up Yelp reviews, and there are people saying it's awesome, and there's one woman who was like, I found out I had been sexually molested because I went in and a stranger started rubbing me and I went, oh my God, I was, I was molested by a family member when I was a kid and she went into deep depression. And then she went back to talk to someone about it. And that person said, well, let's owe on my way out of it and then made it 10 times worse. So there's that level of it, which is you're talking about people who have no experience with psychology doing shit that is super psychology related and doing tons of damage. And on a side note, how weird is it when you're the guy who has like been fingering her and she
Starting point is 01:19:00 has, you're like, should I stop? She's talking about her uncle a lot. Yeah. Well, what's going on? She's like, oh my God, what a breakthrough. Should I take the glove off? Is, can I get a prof over here? And then anywhere you go and read about a story, if you go down, because I must have read 30, if you go down to the comments, really aroused. Oh, so hard. If you go down to the comments, there's always the first one that says, oh my God, this is so fucking ridiculous. Just learn how to do it with a partner. And the next comment is people who've done it, calling that person approved. Maybe there's something to it. I'll tell you, I'll let you know when I head down. They happen in LA all the time. One taste to get together. This is 10 bucks. Your first,
Starting point is 01:19:39 you go to 10 bucks, get together for 10 bucks. I think that's just how much to finger. I think that's the 1.99, 10 hour thing. Let's get a Kickstarter up. But if you go to a one taste meetup for 10 bucks, there will be tons of people there. There's tons of women who went to one taste meetups, the $10 one. And then there are dudes who would, you know, should be like, hey, I'm Linda, and I'm here. I'm Barry, can I finger you? Exactly. That's exactly what happens. One woman said that within every single guy she met within under a minute, he asked him to get a rubber clit. I mean, you want to owe him. You want to owe him. And it also, it's design language. So you're not, yeah, you're not being like, let me finger you. It's like saying, Hey, you want to
Starting point is 01:20:24 meditate together, but it's not because you're rubbing your clit. Do you want to meditate later? And it also puts men in this weird position where it's just, it's just feeding in all this cultural shit. It's very, it's very, it's almost like manipulative and rapey in a weird way. Like if you're a guy, it's very, it's very strange and it's got to be very, it's rapy-ish. But if you're going to do it with women that you have no idea who they are, yeah, it's super. From a guy's perspective, it's rapy-ish. And I know, and I know that this whole thing is built on giving women power and stuff. But when there's, when there's Larry off the docks coming in, because he wants to fucking see a bunch of vaginas, it's rapy-ish. Can I wear my crab and gloves?
Starting point is 01:21:10 We actually sell crab and gloves. Oh, Perf. Hey, I'm elbow deep. This chick's buzzing. You're not supposed to be elbow deep. I can't get it out. I'm lodged. Someone jump out of tummy and release me. Are you at your dice, Clay? Get King Arthur over here. Remove Excalibur. And I guarantee you, we have listeners who have done this and they'll say it's great, and then we'll get it. I'll let you know if it's great when I fucking go to the thing. Here's what I guarantee you. I guarantee you, but people will say it's great. And then I will get a private email from someone that says, oh, my God, this fucking ruined me. So that's what this is. We'd love to hear from the OMers. The psychological damage you can always do to someone
Starting point is 01:22:03 who is not prepared for what is coming is literally what's like. If you don't have a professional psychologist on hand while people are getting fingered in a room full of 60 people, you're being extremely out of line. For sure. In that situation, you need to have like this very, that needs to be very sensitive. You can't just feel the guilt of the moment and continue with this because there's people around who are liking it. Yeah. I mean, the thing about your fucking sexual organs is they're fucking tied to a lot of shit, especially people who have been fucked with as kids. So you can't just go and lay down on a floor and get finger-banged. You know, it's... Dave, FB, please. Don't be disgusting. Well, my group is called Fingerblast.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Hey, where are the blasters? It's just for dudes. It's mostly for dudes to FB, and you shoot your load on the chest, and the lady never comes. Your Fingerblaster, you use that lubricant to get yourself off. It's called manpower, baby. That would be the best if there was a guy who just like chewed the glove and started jerking off at the lube, and they're like, sir, sir, sorry, he's a mental patient. Get out of here. Oh, there's no way that they haven't had tons of problems with dudes getting fucking hard on and wanting to do shit. Oh, God. Do you get shamed for getting a hard on? The fucking predatory... The way this is set up, it is set up for predatory monsters to come in
Starting point is 01:23:28 and do shit. It doesn't fucking matter when sex is involved, shit gets weird, and they're trying to make it not weird. I get that's what they're trying to do, but the way... Just look at all the fucking misogynists and fucking creeps online. I now think 25 to 30% of dudes are completely fucked up out of their minds. More. More. Higher. Completely. And that's why the fucking Taliban exists, because dudes are fucking creeped out sexually, they can't fucking handle shit, they want to get fucking laid, they're angry, and this shit makes it... It's not good. No, it is weird, but send me the link. I could... You could seriously... You could talk about this for hours and not fucking crazy. There's gonna be tons of women that sent us things that say
Starting point is 01:24:17 help them out, so what are you gonna do? I am ready. Oh, wow, that was an hour 25. I'm ready. I'm gonna fucking finger blast you in the next century. We're fingering cars.

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