The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 19 - Ferguson

Episode Date: August 31, 2014

Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds discuss the history of Ferguson and the recent riots/protests/insanity.Tour DatesSources  - Main - Mother Jones Magazine Dollop MerchPatreon...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. We want to give a little warning on this one it's about Ferguson yeah it's long it's an hour and a half it's I would say
Starting point is 00:00:46 depressing at times there's some it's there's some tough moments it's not it's not the usual just funny story episode no we felt like we should address it so since I last saw you the United States exploded into a racial a racial nightmare remember a couple weeks ago it was all falling apart but we still had the seams sort of holding yeah so I decided we should discuss it all right now let's start first foray into really serious shit right Cliven Bundy Cliven Cliven right he's a legend he's a fucking moron but he's not are you but he's not like that was semi-serious but not
Starting point is 00:01:33 really serious well it's like you like there's always something out there to distract you so it's like at the time you're like this is fucking so and then like it's like before 9-11 like before 9-11 you're like this dirty congressman and then you're like oh right problems that's what a problem is right look at that okay I remember pain so Ferguson blew up literally the city of Ferguson and a lot of people in Australia were like I don't know what's happening and I think a lot of people in America were like I don't know what's happening yeah I wish I was in Australia yeah I knew what was happening because I live here and I
Starting point is 00:02:11 read stuff yeah so to start to start with the city of Ferguson you have to go back a ways take us right there in your magical time and an event like Michael Brown shooting it does trigger it yes but it's typically the pressure or tension that's been building up for years yes prior to the event that is the I think that was what was so startling about it perhaps was that so a lot of people it was like what's going on I didn't know about this at all yeah a lot of people that you shouldn't be there's usually a big range of factors that go into something like this so we'll go over them
Starting point is 00:02:52 the problems in Ferguson like I said started a long long time ago 1850s oh hello yeah I'm going all the way back to the 1850s this is where the camera pans down slowly the hustle and bustle of the streets in the 1850s a man walks on a dirty street hello blackie oh god oh god we're there already he's our hero god slavery expansion was was up for debate because there were frontier states and frontier states were choosing whether or not they wanted to own people or not yeah you know you're starting out a new state you're like gentlemen gentlemen should we own other humans pro our lives are easy as shit con morally that stings
Starting point is 00:03:39 me oh my goodness own another human I I shan't do such a thing then I will own everything so Missouri was one of the frontier states that agreed to be a slave state okay they're like let's do that yeah other frontier states decided not to now dred Scott was a slave who lived in non-slave states and then moved to Missouri wait in sorry in non-slave states he so he was living in non-slave states where he wasn't a slave but somehow stayed with this his employer at that point okay and then when he moved to a slave state then he reverted back to being a slave so like when you you think it's like impactful
Starting point is 00:04:26 one like your parents are like we're moving before your senior year of high school like this is like the mover like what was that like we're moving to the place where you're gonna be a slave now you're like well are we happy here should I not move with you stay here right fight the Indian like not his mask I'm not exactly sure what exactly went down but the master died and his wife instead of giving his freedom like I believe he was agreed that he would get his freedom upon the master's death decided no I'm gonna sell you because you're my property and and so they went to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court said
Starting point is 00:05:06 you're not free shocking you you have no rights yeah shocking any whites have respect like basically said you're no you're not a person no yeah so that's cool this is the first Supreme Court was cool back then hey look they're just flying by the seat of our pants hey whatever either way he person not a person as a member of the Supreme Court I can't say you're free cuz I own a bunch of you well see the problem here dread is that your skin's black and that's my argument so that's that's okay where we have in lunch so where's good so that was that's like that's like that happened in Missouri and that's like a
Starting point is 00:05:49 famous yeah dreads gun yeah it's a shame it's like a shameful case for you know lawyers and people of the and humans in general and really anybody that's alive anybody thought that that was cool so now you cut forward to 1916 and St. Louis became one of the first places to formalized racial segregation hmm by formalized formalized yeah by designating negro blocks where blacks would be concentrated and legally forbidden from leaving I thought those are like shitty Legos so okay so they basically would make so if you're a black guy they'd be like okay you could live there and you can't go anywhere else
Starting point is 00:06:38 you have like certain streets you can I don't know it's there they were called negro blocks and they couldn't leave them so they were like they were like trapped on blocks like they they would have to get a job on the block they would have to like it's the craziest fucking thing I've ever it's like it's like in a sitcom where someone puts tape down the middle of a room like you stay on your side of the room you except black person can go on all of the sides yeah I can I can do this but that's your area but I can do either side that's your area okay don't touch there's your p-box okay I have to cut off your
Starting point is 00:07:10 arm sorry so this is so you know that's like a I guess it's like a tiny apartheid I don't know it's like yeah well I'd never heard of this being from California we didn't really have stuff like this so I I'd never heard of this so it's it's actually a lot over that area happened in Illinois and we're a great we're great people hey great people great country feel good right so the Supreme Court actually struck down the negro blocks in 1917 and said you can't do that hello I would love to know what what the reasoning yeah we can own you yeah we can own you this is unconstitutional how can you put them on a
Starting point is 00:07:51 block now I'm gonna go beat the shit out of this guy excuse me it just yeah so what what happened was in response to that in St. Louis private real estate agents and other groups real estate groups created ways of enforcing segregation so in 1923 the St. Louis real estate exchange created zones in the city's black neighborhoods to limit the extent of black housing real estate agents could only sell to black families inside the zones so so nothing changed so yeah basically nothing changed so what they did was they said well if we can't make them stay there then we'll make them stay yeah well I've
Starting point is 00:08:36 got a solution let's just make them stay there that'll work right but the court said we couldn't make them stay and we should not we should not make them stay there okay plan B yes that's just mean I'll make them stay there okay all right all right good meeting everybody great meeting so if if a real estate agent did sell to a black family that was outside the zone they would lose the real estate license but also it's very healthy it's look it also very healthy quick question yeah how could anything go wrong nothing could go wrong here right everything's fine so those those areas those zones were
Starting point is 00:09:21 expanding into what we're called covenants which were like the Negro blocks yeah the remaining Negro blocks with a different name yes yes so they were all combined and so then they they were like swaths of them all put together right they would just say that's where you live what a luxury what a great what a just a great moment in time yeah it would make sense because again their skin colors different yeah so why wouldn't you yeah it just makes sense it makes sense in 1917 St. Louis was also home to one of the worst race rides in 20th century America how many K's was it oh how three it's a 3k run
Starting point is 00:10:02 running back that is a 3k I'm running a 3k why no that's got a good ring to it okay after World War two blacks being recruited from the south the working jobs and factories in st. Louis to drive down the prices right drive down wages good thing we don't do that anymore yeah and and so then you know that's not a good sign it usually leads to trouble so so they brought all these black dudes in and gave him white guy's jobs and then the white guys went on strikes and then the local newspapers sort of printing stories about how black guys are just there to fuck up voting which if you want to see stories about people of a
Starting point is 00:10:46 different color coming to fuck up voting just go read James Woods Twitter feed because it's what's happening with him in Mexicans it's literally what's happening today so strikes are happening and blacks were brought into a place the whites then a massive riot occurred over a hundred people died most of the black yeah I was gonna say so st. Louis do you think of Missouri you don't think like slavery harmony yeah you don't think like horrible horrible horrible but like it's like it's like right there with the best of them yeah it's it's still places now where you know you know more
Starting point is 00:11:32 racism is prevalent than other places yeah you think you go that play but you don't think st. Louis do you know it turns out st. Louis yeah segregated cities in the entire country that's good it's weird right we have these seeds are playing it's so strange that that this all blew up so so cut forward now it went on like that for years and and there were there were like you know there's the blacks only pools like we've all seen the only blacks only drinking fountains yeah all that shit is going on there is actually a picture of a bunch of kids beating up a black kid because the whites only pool had been
Starting point is 00:12:12 made open to everybody it's a great photo I mean if you want something over your mantel that just scream st. Louis it really is amazing to think that the idea that somebody couldn't be in the same water as you like terrifying have you seen caddy shack yeah I think that's that's what it is yeah that's exactly what it is so this one until the 70s when a lot of housing laws changed and they got rid of all those housing laws right so all of the 70s yeah yeah yeah yeah and that great it went until the 70s awesome how do you feel good like we like we make decisions when they should be made so that was wiped out and then
Starting point is 00:12:54 black people could buy by houses oh that's so nice of that's so nice of us areas and then white people were like oh fuck black people are moving here this is just like the pool this is the pool all over again don't touch the wall and Negro lives next door you'll catch black oh my god this is all straight out of the documents yeah so they all so then they started moving out to the suburbs call white flight and then the blacks moved into that that inner ring of suburbs they just won't get they just won't listen they're not getting they're not listening they moved into that inner ring of suburbs the whites move farther
Starting point is 00:13:40 away so places like Ferguson where all the blacks so it's like a sub it's like a working-class suburban neighborhood right which is starting to become more and more black okay but it was still pretty white I mean there were just a few families moving in not a lot the black population about in in 1970 was still pretty low now the places where the urban places where the blacks were mostly living in st. Louis just completely deteriorated because they weren't taking care of the infrastructure you know it's like this like Cleveland Rivers caught on fire yeah like well st. Louis lost about a
Starting point is 00:14:19 third of its population okay and that those people went to places like Ferguson and it got a great nickname it called it's called ghetto spillover oh that is that sounds like a good drink it's a good drink it's a good game it's a good policy board game yeah they actually named one of the towns ghetto spillover that's great even GS I live in G I got a high school GS so we have one chair ghetto spillover yeah feel good well I feel like one thing I will say about this country we normally put a good shine on shit but this time it seems like we know normally there's no shining this shit the freedom act you
Starting point is 00:15:06 know when it's just like this is about being able to raid your home but this we just went with ghetto spillover which is nice and clinical so I like that I'd rather that so the GS was going on white flight really took off in the 90s in 1990 Ferguson was 74% white and 25% black now it is 67% black and 29% whites completely reversed yeah this gets really simple st. Louis first had laws saying black people couldn't live in the suburbs then those laws went away then they put in housing restrictions then those laws went away then blacks starting moved to the suburbs and whites ran away like it was on fire well it's
Starting point is 00:15:45 all very healthy America it's all very good today the whites moved to the suburbs and laws are still restrictive because of like zoning like you can have a house but you can't have an apartment building right yeah so they still they're still there's still way there's still just there's zoning to keep out the racial bullshit yeah but I also live in the suburbs and I like it I don't poor people are upsetting as you don't want look I've always said the best way to deal with the problem is to not look at it thank you this is what I'm talking there's no need to have a conversation because why that's awkward while we're
Starting point is 00:16:28 awkward do you have any idea how awkward that's gonna be while I'm reading the story I'm very aware of the fact that I live in a place that is 70% white yes about 70% about 20% Asian yeah about nine and a half percent not about exactly nine and a half percent Latino right and point five percent black but just it sounds perfect I mean just your pool must be so fun I'll let an Asian guy dunk his feet in the pool but that's where I draw the line okay so we're on the same way the same way like so right so I can't believe there's still there are still fit you know still caveats inside of zoning restrictions of course
Starting point is 00:17:23 there are of course so yeah they still they still fuck with all this shit to make it hard for poor people to live in the bay in San Francisco Bay area there's a system called Bart and Bart is the train system that goes out to the East Bay and the South Bay and all over San Francisco it does not go to the North Bay because Marin County has maybe it's it's probably one of the top ten richest counties in the country they don't want to train going there yeah because then the the yeah because people who don't have cars can get there that exactly the poor people can get there so there's no way to access from a train the North Bay
Starting point is 00:17:59 well that's good okay nice and healthy just a shit hole I think that's the song it's good so St. Louis has gone through a lot of lengths to privately and publicly segregated itself it's basically their hobby now cops and some states this is a completely different subject switching to another reason why this all went down cops in some states have basically tried to make it legal to kill unarmed people yes it seems like they have all it was like they have okay like in 1974 in Tennessee two cops responding to a burglary and when they got to the house they looked out in the backyard and they
Starting point is 00:18:51 saw a 15 year old kid with a bag yeah and he was in the backyard fenced off backyard yeah and he the cops had halt right and then the kid tried to jump the fence oh well the cop shot him in the head yeah he really tried to get over the fence well yeah yeah see if he'd gotten away well yeah and then you have to go back to the station and also you know look when you're a cop you're tired from your day at work you don't have time to go running over fences oh no this isn't fucking Starsky yeah I'm tired I had a big breakfast hey guess what moves faster than officer Scott oh bullet oh look at that you don't have a way faster
Starting point is 00:19:31 so they shot 15-year-old kid which generally 15-year-old kids are horrific murders and they should be stopped at all costs think of Gacy so the local federal district court in Tennessee ruled that it was justified yep they said nice job good under their detective work under their opinion if the officer may be may use all the necessary means to affect the arrest now see that's maybe where there's a problem okay but so what they're saying is no matter what no matter what you if you say stop I get to kill you yeah no matter it's the no matter what that's the problem it makes sense it doesn't though else we'd have
Starting point is 00:20:16 criminals running everywhere but I but they if they didn't have guns okay then okay like this guy had a purse right so he shot a tinky-winky now the guy had stolen the first oh he stole the part well then he deserved to get shot I'm sorry so the kids father appealed to the Supreme Court what a jerk and the Supreme Court actually ruled that that was unconstitutional that you can't just shoot people down did they know about the purse hope so kind of the deal maker the the the justice Brian white wrote for them I know his name is white this could get sticky wrote it is not better that all felony suspects die
Starting point is 00:21:08 than that they escape so yeah so he was like well we can't just because it's legalizing murder chase chase chase chase also if he gets away all right he got away he's the one that got away the one oh no someone doesn't have a purse yeah and if they're not immediate threat to others like it if he doesn't have a gun if he's not gonna like I could see them shooting a guy with a gun who's just shot at if a guy yeah if there's totally if there's a guy who's got a gun and he's and he's if the guy's pointing a gun at a cop right yeah you then I like you see a video of that you're not like right what a prey I
Starting point is 00:21:46 mean at that point somebody's you know going to probably get shot yes but if he's got a spatula then I think maybe you don't shoot him I don't know oh man you're such a liberal yeah but even though I might have been making a bullet omelet or something right and that is a threat Garrett yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you for calling me Gareth I called you Garrett first well so the cop was never charged in that case even though the Supreme Court said no you blew but he learned a valuable lesson he did learn about a valuable lesson he learned that you can get away with chase by chasing usually cops aren't charged in
Starting point is 00:22:26 America after they kill someone yeah but I think that sets up a good system so so cop shitting unarmed suspects is actually rampant in the US no in Oakland California the NAACP reported that a 45 off officer involved shootings between 2004 and 2008 37 of those shot were black none were white one third of the shootings resulted in fatalities weapons were not found in 40% of the cases so a lot of unsolved mysteries out there unsolved mystery so if you're just if you just take a look at the stats in the numbers they killed a bunch of people and it's weird why then you would think
Starting point is 00:23:19 that like if they have a history of shooting a particular race you would find you'd find it strange why black people you know feel extra threatened when cops are around to maybe act a little sheepish weird idea it's so what you're saying is is that if you gun down a bunch of people based on the race that when you approach them yeah as someone who they might have heard about yeah that they might feel weird yes they might be like oh I know what they do in this situation they murder me maybe I should just run yeah okay I'm gonna run one actually in if you run I shoot if you move I shoot I'm gonna stay here if you
Starting point is 00:24:05 shoot I should if you stay here I shoot I'm shooting I just want to be straight up I am shooting one cop was charged in 2009 because he basically execute kid on a train platform while tons of people record it with their phones the cop later said that he meant to grab his taser they feels alike I don't know if you felt well because he kept his taser on one side and his gun on the other obviously Dave you're gonna grab if I pull out a taser half the time I'm like is that my gun yeah I don't have especially the guys laying on the ground not doing anything yeah then I don't then I'm like in just like a panic
Starting point is 00:24:44 well you know how much it hurts to taste someone execution style yeah it's very painful like a nightmare oh right in the back of it let me tell you this if I put a taser on the table and I put a gun on the table are you gonna be able to feel the difference if you close your eyes no honestly if I had like a couple seconds to look at them I'd be like I just react yeah so then we talk about it thank you yeah I'll do what I do then we discuss lessons so he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and got two years in prison man he must have just that's such well what I had to go oh wrap and all he did was just shoot a kid in the
Starting point is 00:25:18 back years he never get those two years back Dave thank you he'll never get those two years back and I'm sure they put him in a really really bad place really bad prison well I mean he's certainly in a sad bad prison yeah cops in the US are trained to shoot to kill they're not trained to shoot to injure I see that's a lesson I learned pretty recently oh yeah seeing some of their actions are they definitely do there's definitely they're allowed to shoot you shoot you which is something we're all learning which is really kind of fucked up oh yeah they they sometimes taser children like an eight-year-old girl
Starting point is 00:25:58 was tasered in South Dakota about a year ago because she had a paring knife in her hand well and what she learned was a lesson yeah am I wrong yeah she learned a lesson and she's right now learning how to get over a stutter that's right yeah a horrid stutter and forever it if anything ever happens to her she won't call the police nope I look if I ever have kids I've always said I'm gonna raise them raise them to taste them yeah no kids the program we have a thing here in our house and it's called use your inside voice or get tasered yeah yeah well and I think too I mean look you know you you're trying to potty train a kid if
Starting point is 00:26:37 it's not taking right step it up step it up bring the taser into the mix if you you're sitting on the toilet if you don't release your bowels yeah I'm gonna release them for you yeah it's a great way to just do it like if you're in a rush that's what mr. Rogers did so back St. Louis in 2010 St. Louis was one of the most racially segregated places in the US and with that confused services because the well because so the county is control the county controls all the services like the garbage and so the wealthy people up in the northwest west get most of the good services the poor people get less services the schools
Starting point is 00:27:13 turn to shit in Ferguson while the good schools up north survive on donations from parents and local charities where the train doesn't go right where the train doesn't go so there's much less money to be had in Ferguson in 2012 the local school district including Normandy high school where Michael Brown went to school was stripped of its accreditation which means it was like you were like graduating from your sister's house yes good I've always wanted to do that like so people were fucking pissed because they're like well the county runs this shit and now our schools are fucked how's this happening
Starting point is 00:27:48 well I mean I mean what a bunch of winers unbelievable this is what I'm talking about yeah this is all about winers yeah then what I'm gonna call this I'm gonna call this episode whiners complainers so Michael Brown attended Normandy high he was one of the 58% of students who graduated now that's a great rate yeah one out of two perfect well a little bit over yeah yeah yeah that's fine pretty cool so so obviously the people who drop out they're gonna have great lives and they're gonna vote and they're gonna do all kinds of great things yeah well that's normally how it
Starting point is 00:28:26 goes they don't sell drugs so with all this in the background comes our horrendous corporate society and the militarization of America let's fucking party president Eisenhower in 1961 Dwight Dizzle said about the military industrial complex he said that this was coming and we had to watch out for this shit and if we didn't control it it was gonna take over our country and then he left the White House and he took off and he got on a horse and he said fuck you he did everything but but shit in a paper bag of light on fire and go this is what's happening and people like be clear I don't know what you're
Starting point is 00:29:13 saying more cleared Dwight more so America's just trying to fuck itself in the ass as hard as it can basically now the thing about Fergus is is while a lot of it is about race a lot of it is just more terrifying and disturbing because it's about just how we fuck over poor people yeah so this is where I start to lean into the idea that there's absolutely no help for America all right there's no future hand me that scotch so in the 2000s because of our amazing Congress and our great president Clinton all the laws that were put in place to stop the depression were repealed yes finally and all of a sudden we had all
Starting point is 00:29:58 these subprime mortgages that were the cause of the enormous recession those are mostly used in places like Ferguson because you were finding people without college educations who would then trust the banker and then you'd have them side on the dotted line and then three years later they would their house would be gone yes and then you'd be like yeah I feel good all right perfect I made money so everything collapses right the economy collapses economy shits a bed 2008 unemployment rate for black people in Ferguson is three times as high as it is for whites among black man age 16 to 24 the unemployment unemployment rate
Starting point is 00:30:42 is 47% Jesus so that's good right 50 let's flip it 53% of people have jobs uh-huh flip it sure take that number and yeah oh 53 oh a majority of black so the glasses half full of shit okay I get it okay for people who don't understand numbers yeah that's a good number and we're talking about the people that we've disenfranchised so they can't get educations yeah right for them okay well you seem a little I'm a little spicy you seem a little hazy on the subject yeah I'm real hazy and then of course that's made worse by the the patterns of the the housing that they had created before so that the rich people are
Starting point is 00:31:30 moving further out into suburbs where the poor people can't get to to get to a new job that might occur oh nice so they're just kind of stuck there fermenting is that a good word sure yeah and then this is made even worse by the voting in Ferguson so Ferguson has just one black city council member and three black police officers out of force of 55 those are good numbers the mayor is white the school superintendent is white the police chief is white blacks aren't voting because and this is weird it's sort of I totally agree with it they believe that voting doesn't matter why where would they get I don't know why
Starting point is 00:32:11 would they think that after all of this shit that we've read why would they think what does it matter yeah I don't understand because what they can't change if they vote is the fucking the the the garbage company being owned by a black person yeah or they can't change anything because that's all done at the county level basically it's just a big pile of fucking dicks that they're voting yeah but you still if you vote you get a sticker oh and that's like nice so yeah you get a sticker so they should know that that if they if they vote they get as fucking sticker yeah exactly I mean the whole fucking the whole
Starting point is 00:32:44 Americans you can eat the sticker oh yeah it's like food to eat it yeah have that now you're welcome you remember this you go all right buddy basically America is legally is a legalized corruption that's what it is you pay the politicians and they do what you want so if you don't have any money you know no one's gonna do anything for you so whatever they're just basically fucked the entire system is fucked so basically almost all the white people left Ferguson except the same white government stays in place and rules the black people good that's right that's how it should be yeah that's that makes
Starting point is 00:33:29 sense that's good that makes sense that's good that that's happening I don't know why it would lead to anger so there's a marginalization from economic power in the local government there's the waste management contracts the sewer contracts all the municipal public work contracts that traditionally just go to white people because they're allies of the other white people no one's giving that job to a black company has anyone ever considered how racist this sounds towards the black people the white people in power like you know it sounds like they're really getting stereotyped here as bad leaders I'm I'm just gonna
Starting point is 00:34:05 say I'm just gonna say no yeah I mean I think that's I mean I think you know the real victims here are these white politicians who just can't get a break can't can't catch a break cuz yeah there are approval ratings in the weeds come on okay that's tough I hear what you're saying thank you and I disagree with it well that'll respect you 100% well so basically it's just a a whole system that is created to keep out black black people yeah and they live there and then the other thing is it becomes a transient city so because it's so such a fucked up rundown city and shitty schools so people are moving in and moving
Starting point is 00:34:44 out as fast as they can so those people aren't registering to vote they're like I'm gonna be here six months I'm getting the fuck out so just getting shittier and shittier and shitty then they do elections in the spring now presidential elections in November have a fairly large turnout but historically elections in April have shitty turnouts yeah so they for some reason this white County with the people in charge keeps having their elections in April when no one comes out weird yeah and then it's almost like they don't want people to come out it almost yeah okay I can see that dog barking okay so now the cops
Starting point is 00:35:24 are almost entirely a white police force so they're quote-unquote protecting the mostly black citizens of Ferguson of course they are protecting the shit out of yeah I mean yeah I mean the shit out of yeah I know someone who went to school with the mayor of Ferguson he's a real shit went to college with them and the quote he told me was he's a nice enough guy however I wouldn't hire that guy to run a Wendy's that's tough to hear as Wendy's is a good operation can be run pretty shittily after the protest started the mayor said we've never seen this kind of frustration this kind of tension between the races I know we've
Starting point is 00:36:05 always gotten along we run out of buns we need more buns what a fucking idiot no we can't no he he they general they not generally they completely believe this all to be true well they're just white people who are oblivious to everything's happening around them last year in Ferguson 86 percent of the police stops and 92 percent of the searches no and 93 percent of arrests involve blacks despite the fact that police found more contraband when stopping white residents than black ones what's so weird is being white yeah and being against your races side because it's so fucking stupid yeah so it's like
Starting point is 00:36:55 in a situation like this you just I mean we I we could we could lose of course you fucking hate them we can literally live right next door to a black guy and grow up right next door to each other yeah and have two completely different lives and I think you always know that you always you I think as an American you know that but you just don't right experience that right you don't experience it so then there's no change and that's what they thrive upon is the idea that you'll your give a shitness is enough to care but not enough to react right well good okay is your garage open can I put my car in there and fire it up fired up
Starting point is 00:37:35 really gasser up teenagers and their kids in the early 20s are stopped on a weekly basis in Ferguson one reporter asked a 20 year old how many times he stopped by police and he said about 10 times a month excuse me son three days you come over here are you are you being black right now yeah I'm gonna have to first get I'm sorry you're in possession of non-white skin turn around boy put around hit the floor there you go I'm gonna search you or shoot you yeah okay so why is this happening cuz cuz cuz it's so much exciting time it's so much worse than racism because cities like cities like
Starting point is 00:38:11 Ferguson are not well funded they don't have big tax bases a lot of the shopping centers and movie theaters and stores have gone out of business because the recession they're hit hard by the mortgage crisis obviously so what's what best way to make money stopping black people yeah and finding them traffic fines are Ferguson's second largest source of revenue and the only one that is growing municipal court finds most of which arise from motor motor vehicle violations accounted for 21% of revenue last year and were the equivalent of 81% of police salaries before overtime so they've created a new economy it's a
Starting point is 00:38:49 new economy okay so solved where the police okay so you have police but to keep the police employed you have to keep finding people it just happens most the cops are white and most the people are black so you mostly have to find black people so that's a good economy right it's a really good economy it's really good and it's smart because it's just it's not you don't who needs to worry about the problem right it's what's the symptom it's when the it is it is it's called the black economy yeah it's black economics so nothing about this so all those nothing nothing nothing ever I mean then the idea isn't that they you're
Starting point is 00:39:32 trying to stop crime which is a fucking no something crime anymore yeah you're just trying to make your mind so you can have a pool out in your white it's like a crackhead mentality it's just like you're not thinking like where's next week's crack gonna come from her maybe I should get off a junk you're like I will suck your dick for crack now that's what I mean that's the solution that's really what they're doing yeah perfect so to keep themselves employed they have to find them it's I mean it's almost like what they should do is they should just like black people in Ferguson or other places should just have 25 bucks on them
Starting point is 00:40:04 and when a cop pokes them just give the cop 25 bucks that system I think is easier for everybody I think it would be a lot easier far more transparent get tapped on the show that you turn on here's a cop yeah it's like tag like the city should just turn in a tag right any time a cop touches you give him 25 bucks there you go ghoul is your home it's all good I'm running for Senate so yeah the city 60 63 percent black but 86 percent of the people pulled over are black which is perfect so it's higher one famous incident happened in September 2009 oh I know this one a 50-year-old welder named Henry Davis who had just happened to be
Starting point is 00:40:45 black was arrested he had an outstanding might have just been soot from welding okay yeah he he had an outstanding warrant fair enough right they should change it from outstanding by the way that makes it sound good super he had a super good one he's got a fantastic warrant outstanding it's pretty yeah crazy good crazy good one yeah now the reason they stopped Davis was because he missed his exit on the highway and pulled off because it was raining sorry that he couldn't see it's illegal so illegal to be safe a cop walked up to his car and knocked on his door he opened it the guy knocked the
Starting point is 00:41:20 cell phone out of his hand handcuffed him and put him in the back of a squad car with no explanation sounds really legal well he was wet it sounds really legal and so they get to the station and they realize it's the wrong guy when they're bugging them they go oh he's he's he's the same is it Harry yeah Henry Davis but he has a different middle name and a different social security number so right there they're like we have the wrong guy so what to do well obviously just put him back on the streets and release him right so they put him in a cell right just let him go right so they put him in a cell right because he had a name that was
Starting point is 00:41:57 similar yeah so he had well his name is Henry Davis the other guy's name is Henry yeah the other guy's name is Henry Luke Davis and his name is Henry security yes the guy right right so they put him a cell right okay that's right and then he complained because they put him in a cell a cement floor no blanket no pad we probably wanted to know what the fuck was going on so yeah so he is complaining because and this is weird but when you're being arrested for something someone else did and the cops say oh you're not the guy and then they throw you in jail you get weird about it you're upset you're like well I don't
Starting point is 00:42:36 know what why is that you just wish you hit your exit so they beat him senseless yeah he's bleeding everywhere the paramedics are called he's lost so much blood that they take him to the hospital they beat him horribly horribly but he refused treatment at the hospital until someone took his picture he was like fucking photographed me motherfuckers so they took him back to jail and there he was held for property damage because he bled on the cop shirts well that's so that is his fault though I could see it being argued that it was the cops fault well but he got his blood on it was his blood right but it's not
Starting point is 00:43:28 like he shot it out of his eyes on them nobody but they beat him but it's squirted out of him because they beat him right but he should have kept it in yeah but that's not busy that's maybe where the argument here this is maybe the core of the argument here is you can't tell your skin to hold your blood in like that if it's open well maybe black people yeah black people can't I mean white people can we're magical um they eventually went to court and he the well the charges were thrown out but he sued them yeah why what a stickler well because they broke him because they broke him and then told them they
Starting point is 00:44:08 were gonna fucking find him for getting his blood on their shit I mean unfucking believable by the way one of these cops is now a city council member oh good so fucking assholes so these are the questions from the lawyer after mr. Davis was detained did you have any blood on you and the cop says no sir and then he hands him a copy of the property damage complaint which said there's blood on his shirt and he says is that your signature and the cop says yeah it is sir and what do you allege that mr. Davis did unlawfully here transferred blood to my uniform while he was resisting said the police officer and did I ask you
Starting point is 00:44:53 earlier if he got blood on your uniform yes you did and did you respond no so they all fucking then they all went in every cop did that and then they all lied and said that they basically filled out the report yeah and then they lied about the report while being questioned every single fucking one of them they all sat there and lied in court while the guy is reading him the thing and they're saying that didn't happen the fucking form is in front of them the form that they signed that says that this happened is they're saying it didn't happen and they all get to go home it's just none of the cops under oath would
Starting point is 00:45:41 say that he bled on their shirts you know they all had written a quarter of it you have to the guy just throw the Bible it'd be like it doesn't matter and then in the cases dismissed they charged him with several felonies for assaulting police officers that bastard with his face that bastard you know what people hit people's face with their faces all the time yeah so they all they all got off and even though even though the the guy had a concussion the judge said that he didn't have enough damage to to yeah well he was black so you know no rights so that's just so at that time the Ferguson PD this is 2009 was
Starting point is 00:46:19 allowing they have to write up excessive you have to have if there's an excessive force thing that happens you have to someone has to write up someone else comes over and goes hey Bob I saw that you just beat the shit out of that guy it was a great day I got to write up an excessive report file on you and we got to put it in your folder in your cop your personnel folder folder so what was happening in Ferguson was if you excessively beat someone you would then write it up yourself and then you wouldn't you wouldn't put it in your folder oh so good message in the bottle policy you write it and then fucking
Starting point is 00:46:55 throw it away hey there you're at that report on yourself yeah I flushed it down the fucking toilet I took a shit on it okay where we had lunch sounds good buddy buddy cop on it straight cop in it that did change in 2010 when the new chief came in but and this is a big but the cop who killed Michael Brown could easily have had complaints or force reports on him that just vanished like all the others before 2010 so they keep saying he's a straight-laced cop right right he hasn't done anything before but how would we fucking know none of them before they used to just take their reports and light them on fire
Starting point is 00:47:35 interesting yeah good that's good I'm glad that that's said play here yeah that's a thing yeah good the Davis case against police was tossed by a judge because the judge said he had not received any serious injury as I said even though he had a major loss of blood to the point he had to be brought to the hospital and a concussion so those are so much blood that the police were charging him with getting too much blood on their shit and the judge is like yeah I don't think there's enough blood he must be like what fucking catch 22 blood situation am I what magic blood do I have no legally in in the in the city
Starting point is 00:48:10 limits you there has to be a pool and a black person can't get into that pool of blood if there's a white person in it all right that's illegal yeah that's not okay so Thomas Jackson who's the chief of Ferguson police since 2011 said he's working to recruit more minority officers and then he would redouble his efforts and look for innovative ways to bring more minorities on the force innovative innovative because started a Facebook look we can't do the normal ways yeah like you come in and fill out well you will you black people can't come in and fill out a form we're gonna find a black person in Ferguson we be honest he
Starting point is 00:48:57 is black oh my god this guy is fucking black and he's saying that they need innovative ways to get black people to be on the he's not black we're gonna have him throw a ball through a hoop yeah yeah exactly it's the fucking most racist place on the first face well and that's why that like you know even if a black person is in charge of something like that it doesn't mean that it really it just means maybe white people are still outsmarting black yeah no it just means what how hard how they how how what can he get done yeah he's still a black guy in a sea of white people he's like hey do this and they go yeah and that's what
Starting point is 00:49:32 they did when all this shit started going down was it was just like you know first day it was all white people talking about it the second day there was like two new black cops hello I'm black guy in charge hey sorry I had the day off yesterday but I'm integral to this process and happen to be black when staffers from the center of police policing equity go to a police department they talk with community advocates police officers and the people of the city all of whom provide important information about law enforcement behaviors what they find is communities who have for generations felt like
Starting point is 00:50:03 they're not being policed but occupied and now comes the corporatization of America payday loans aha so I don't know if people in other countries have this but in America they don't there's something called the payday loan and it's a horrendous loading practice so if you can't so say you have to pay your rent and your kid gets sick and needs to because you don't make you make just enough money to get by every month you're like the majority yeah you don't even have 20 bucks to spare yeah and your kid gets an eye infection and you have to pay for that well now you can't pay your rent so you go to the payday
Starting point is 00:50:44 loan place and they charge you 17% on a hundred dollar loan yeah but it's due in two weeks right so if anything else happens and you can't pay that back then you owe another 17% so that means you have a 34% on that hundred dollars and then it starts compounding and so within a two months you could owe 215% it's so bad so on August the 9th the cop shot Michael Brown he was unarmed we don't know exactly what started it but we know that it just as Rodney King was the first videotape beating this was the first live tweeted shooting of someone that we know about and a guy tweeted oh my god the cops just shot that dude
Starting point is 00:51:37 running away and then ran over and shot him again so that was live tweeted now I'm gonna go ahead and say people don't make shit up while they're live tweeting yeah well normally he would hashtag a movie if he was in a hashtag let's be cops hashtag into the storm yeah exactly yeah then the cops left his body in the street for four hours while everyone in the neighborhood gathered around good place for it after his body was finally removed a makeshift memorial sprang up in the middle of the street where his body had been flowers and candles were scattered around neighborhood residents started gathering
Starting point is 00:52:19 many of them very upset and angry Michael Brown's parents placed candles and flowers on the ground and then the cops started showing up again good left they left a couple hours earlier and they brought dogs and then one of the cops brought his dog over to the memorial site and had his dog pee on it shut the fuck up this word of God that was that was verified by three state representatives the three politicians from the Capitol so the guy brought his fucking dog over to pee on the flowers I was the guy they had just killed six hours before just shows how fuck that meant like the I mean the mentality is
Starting point is 00:53:04 beyond being able to kill people there's like a lack of just total fucking a Batman villain wouldn't even do that yeah you don't have a penguin to be like have some fucking what the fuck and then I mean that is just so fucked up and then no and then they drove their cop cars over the memorial site and smashed everything so one guy was like dude so what a dog pissed on it get in we'll show him and then it was on so that's what started the shit they had a choice to make they had a choice to treat them like people well not like they just killed someone and and a lot of people have seen it four eyewitnesses who all
Starting point is 00:54:03 said he was gunned down running away and put his hands in the air he was running away he got shot out he turned around he put his hands in the air and he was shot again four people said that one live tweeted it and then they left his body for four hours and then they had a dog piss on the fucking flowers and then they ran over they did everything they could to cause the city to explode the cop who shot brown lives 17 miles away in a community is 94% white before he served on the Ferguson PD Wilson served in the neighboring municipality of Jennings whose police department was so plagued by racial tension and excessive
Starting point is 00:54:46 use of force that the city council disbanded the police department in 2011 Jesus so he came from a police department that was so racist that they had to stop being a police department like white people had to be like you can't be a police department I mean I am white and I need to just and to be out you guys are too white your that makes sense you're bumming me out yeah and I'm super into like I'm all about it but honestly I'm a crazy racist I live here look you're the guy at studio 54 that we're being like slow down slow enough with the blow enough with the blow I know there's blow all over your face I
Starting point is 00:55:22 mean you are a bag of blow with eyes you look like Scarface it's not good it's terrible I mean how we're and then he's just like I don't know what I don't know what has happened everywhere I go shit's racist it's not me right on me here's some quotes from people who live near Ferguson but are white now these these are very important quotes for me it's very important a reporter went out to a local town now it's very important to me that these quotes are not trying that these quotes do not support what happened it's important to me as a human right it's bullshit all of it they don't even know what they're fighting for so
Starting point is 00:56:15 they don't it's just a lot of misplaced anger he wasn't sure he wasn't sure where the age should be just that there shouldn't be any anger and definitely no stealing our opinion said the talkative one in a group of six women oh that's a horrible start is the media should stay out of it because they're just riling themselves up even more oh my god so far two out of the three I can't wrap my mind around I mean white people are so horrible white people are fucking a white person would say it's bullshit and be on the other side yeah it's bullshit that they that parking code in that memorial got flowers on that
Starting point is 00:57:03 officer's tires it's bullshit what is the fuck so they shot a black guy it happens all the time why the dog's penis smelled like a scented candle after it urinated on that sweet memorial it's bullshit does that happen uh yeah I guess this happens so this is oh you mean that the scent can hit a penis yeah I mean in my experience yeah this is happening everywhere the dogs are getting no not dogs not dogs penises okay sorry but the anger is boiling up everywhere yes everyone watched the Trayvon Martin case yes and I know people people can see people can say well he wasn't guilty fine but it's
Starting point is 00:57:43 legalized murder he also wasn't a cop which is he was a douchebag he was a total douchebag I showed you that the law was stupid but this is like this is a whole well this is just I really think this transcends race because this is this is not about black people or white people this is about like people and what we are dealing with as the guys who are you know protecting us technically but okay completely not so what it surprised you to know that there's no yes the answer is yes whatever you're about to say yes it's going to fucking surprise me what it surprised you know there that there is no national database for
Starting point is 00:58:27 comparing one department to another for people who are shot so there is no national database that tells us who's shooting more of what kind of people and when those people are being shot America with all its computers and all that not even access that has to be oh yeah no it's totally you could totally do it you could do it right because you fill out the I mean I granted Ferguson you just throw it down the toilet they could put the numbers in a little box that has connected to the internet nine Asian 45 black nun white shocking estimates are that one unarmed black person is killed by police every three days in America
Starting point is 00:59:12 unarmed unarmed that would be crazy enough if it was just every three days yeah person was killed but there are so many things coming together that with the the disparity of income the well that's what it's all it's all well that that's the white person quote you just read who was just like it's misplaced anger it's like you know what maybe it fucking is but it's all the fucking same it's all the same I don't know how you can live in this country and not be angry yeah and I don't and how you can I mean this and it honestly how you can't see how black people should be angrier right I mean curious I mean it's just my I
Starting point is 00:59:57 would be walking around in my head of exploding every 10 minutes and they'd be putting it back together like I just so the riot was the thing to itself right it wasn't about this that it was about a bunch of things and it was fucking insane it's it's it's basically what it's it was an example of what's been happening for years all you know coming to the perfect stop it was a perfect storm it's how we starve our people in our infrastructure and our cities and everything else and meanwhile while all that's happening while the city is being starved of services and schools that are accredited the cops are getting so
Starting point is 01:00:34 fat on weapons and getting so many like it looked like they look like stormtroopers it looked like they were ready for world war fucking three police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines thousands of pieces of camouflage and night vision equipment and hundreds of silencers armored cars and aircraft I mean from the Pentagon because because and as I said as Eisenhower said watch out now we're creating so many weapons that we came we're not even using them all in war so we're giving like the way you the way you drive your clothes down to the
Starting point is 01:01:17 goodwill because you don't use them anymore you put them in the bin that's what we're doing with weapons and we're a shopaholic I mean it's fucking crazy so we've created very aggressive police forces during the time we have been giving them all these weapons house police raids have increased exponentially last year we had over 80,000 home invasion raids what the fuck in one they tossed a flash grenade into a baby's crib the baby is severely injured they won't pay for his his medical bill because they say it was part of the deal well but they're all in the house baby didn't get any blood on their uniform
Starting point is 01:02:00 so it's got free there and it was like they were looking for some guys uncle that wasn't even there yeah well that's the problem is that there's no I mean there's there's just no they don't have to pay any price for this okay no they know they pay no price for it but it's actually worse than that so good I was gonna say most that felt like the bottom but it's good to know that the barrel and the barrel was on a hole so the raids are mostly against minorities right so that means people in Ferguson have been living with those kind of things yeah I don't live with it in La Crescenta no one's kicking in
Starting point is 01:02:38 fucking doors here and throwing flash grenades that that's not happening maybe in Tahunga so this is the first time seeing the stormtroopers come in through the fucking windows this is all being done under the guise of the war on drugs so they've been which is the most pointless yeah big of waste of fucking time and money war so they've been trained they've been they've been turning these neighborhoods like Ferguson into war zones for years but usually the stormtroopers aren't even needed the ACLU reports that the vast majority of cases where SWAT teams are deployed are in situations where a
Starting point is 01:03:11 search warrant is being executed to look for drugs cool not even that they're there for sure they're like you know what this thing might have some drugs well you know but they don't want to miss out on all the fun so they're not even it's a bonding thing for the guys like it's the guys out on a flash grenade the crib hey you want to say hey hey there you want to shoot a dog and kick it a door yeah so it's not even a percent of those jugs there they go in hard the ACLU report shows that in the cases where police thought weapons would be there they were right only 33 percent of the
Starting point is 01:03:47 time good good should I mention here no no don't that SWAT cops get paid more than regular cops good they have to train more they have to learn to do more things when they're on a SWAT team they get paid more so that means that the SWAT cops are creating situations where they have to go in his SWAT because they get paid more money to be good good good good good good good good good good you see where this is going yeah yeah no it's like it's like it's like you're the homeowner and the general contractor it's it's very it's good it's a good system and I'm glad that they're that they're able to do that have you heard
Starting point is 01:04:33 of have you heard of the SWAT economy I can't wait so it better have to do with flies so they're they're seeking any little piece of information so they can gear up and get fucking the extra pay and go kick in a fucking door so it's the same thing as the traffic citations they're doing up in Ferguson last week the national officers the national sorry the National Tactical Officers Association a lobbying group for 1600 SWAT teams across the country emailed all legislative staffers in the House and Senate to urge Congress to not take away their gear when was this last week they have a lobby SWAT teams have a
Starting point is 01:05:19 lobbying organization that go to Congress to lobby to get them more fucking toys and money to kick in more doors even though there aren't enough fucking doors to be kicked in so what the fuck it's fucking insane I mean what the actual fuck you know every other one of these you're looking back like that president had crazy fucking teeth in his head I can't believe rainbow man was in that fucking room what do you remember when I said fucking week ago this asshole said this shit so do you remember earlier when I said I think that America is completely fucked yeah I remember I remember so they they're mostly getting
Starting point is 01:06:03 the military gear from the Pentagon although the Ferguson police department apparently did not they bought all that shit on their own which where are they we're getting the fucking money while the schools are fucking going bankrupt and why do they fight it they had a fucking sound cannon which is that go it's a thing that makes that makes a loud noise and you're supposed to make you want to run away from it but it also caused permanent hearing damage honestly yeah go I would rather have permanent hearing damage than hear this when how many people stuck around no it's good I think this is important last
Starting point is 01:06:44 year the police department's got a half a billion dollars of military equipment Jesus do you know how many countries don't spend a half a billion dollars on their military yeah the program called 1033 started in 1977 so cops have been collecting this shit from the Pentagon for 17 years the program provides things like office equipment tents generators pickup trucks ATVs military aircraft weapons including grenade launchers and heavily armored tactical vehicles lot and forms law enforcement agencies just have to browse online to obtain small arms and other materials I'm so glad you sang it because before the singing it
Starting point is 01:07:25 was worrying it's like now it's a cute little jingle it's like they go to the gap yeah no yeah what's on sale hey I'm on zappos what kind of tank you guys want perfect oh my god we are so fucked it's good getting an armored personnel carrier is a little bit harder you have to fill out a one-page request form that's a lot of words instead of just clicking the that's a lot of words instead of just clicking add to cart and yeah check out and then check out yeah good and you can indicate your preference for a vehicle that has either wheels or tracks or or like a tank you know if I mean if you're feeling saucy
Starting point is 01:08:03 you know maybe get it maybe get a tank too part of the thing behind the 1033 drug the 1033 program was that if law enforcement personnel were waging a drug war they would need to be outfitted like warriors well there's a red flag okay good good priority for tactical vehicle requests is given to law enforcement agencies in high-intensity drug-trafficking areas again I mean it's just all this dumb but that's not good no it's not good it's it's no it's not good given priority no for places where there's more drugs and then they made more drugs be okay well 60% of the US has in this high-intensity areas okay so
Starting point is 01:08:53 Ferguson was the first time we saw military cops on the move in a city against civilians yeah it was the first time we saw an army and I think we can all agree it was fucking terrifying is the worst they looked like an invading army and I was I've you just notice in general like just driving around I don't even think it's just an LA but you know like the car it's shifted it's just become it's become less like cops and cars and it's become less but cops on bikes and it's become more cops and fucking huge machines and more judge dread-looking fucking yeah bike cops yeah but you're excited about military
Starting point is 01:09:34 outfits and weaponry aren't just worn as protection okay they're meant to cause this is what military this is just what military shit is for yeah they're meant to cause fear and elicit a certain response from people that encounter them it is meant to be nothing short of very unwelcoming unwelcoming combat gear is not a costume you wear it to look tactical so it's not for cops yeah cops are supposed to protect and serve not a cost terrifying it is a costume yeah okay so 40 years ago Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage conducted the first study that demonstrated what was called the weapons effect basically guns not
Starting point is 01:10:17 only permit violence they can stimulate as it as well hmm the finger pulls the trigger but the trigger may also be pulling the finger so it turns out guns don't kill people people kill people but they use guns which makes it easier for them to kill people basically if you have a gun you want to shoot things guns do kill people people also kill people right let's not let people have guns so you know the military has rules of engagement they have to follow mm-hmm they're very well trained which is always adorable and well it's but they're well trained and how to deal with enemy forces and they're actually I've there's
Starting point is 01:10:53 a lot of cases especially in Iraq where there were there were tens of thousands of people protesting and nobody got fucking shot or hurt because our guys kept their weapons down and we're trained not to fucking glare and I contact and say stuff like what's up bitch yeah it's it's like and holding it's honestly holding a loaded fucking right k-47 at a person yeah without knowing what's the situation is right it's just how is that acceptable it's fucking insane so so because the military is taught how to behave to not make a situation with civilians get out of control and part of the reason is because they know the
Starting point is 01:11:33 population is so much shakier and so much more worried about their presence yeah and our cops here are acting like it's my street yeah fuck off my street yeah I'll kill you if you're on my street well anybody I mean when was the like I I don't when I see a cop I don't go oh I feel better that the cops there I go shit obey every law I don't want to get fucked with right which is not supposed to be the reaction no and and that's and that's how I mean that has to be a 90% of people and I say this to everybody don't ever talk to cops yeah unless they ask you a question don't ever speak to a policeman ever unless they
Starting point is 01:12:10 do and then give them the least amount of words possible answer truthfully and get the fuck out of there the last thing that happened was the idiots flock to Ferguson right so there are a lot of regular people in Ferguson especially with the first couple of days but then came guys like Sam now Sam only give his first name to a reporter but he was on vacation from California I'm an anarchist and I was in the region so I decided to come what's happening here is inspirational the people are resisting said Sam who has slept out some nights so those those guys were there and you could see they
Starting point is 01:12:52 were there all of a sudden there were white dudes with bandanas on and you're like you fucking cunt assholes you're fucking there now yeah you're you're you're the guy I ain't nobody was throwing fucking Molotov cocktails and rocks yeah the first couple of days as a matter of fact the first to your gas when everyone's like what's happening yeah nobody through shit the cops said they threw Molotov cocktails and reporters like no nobody threw a Molotov cocktail you're just lying the cops just flat out fucking lied that first shocker and tell you French a local alderman warned of a new dynamic after
Starting point is 01:13:20 Sunday night's chaos there's a small group of people who cannot be defined as protesters or demonstrators they're more like fighters rebels insurgents they're they're okay to interact but it's a self-fulfilling prophecy because if you go into a town dressed up like you're ready for a war yeah and there are people all over the place who are crazy and anarchists and are looking for a war then they're gonna go to you to fight you with your little fucking guns out like it's yes yeah congratulations congratulations so then now you can't tell that it's between the hardcore rioters the insurgent guys and the protesters
Starting point is 01:14:03 well then you just fight it yeah then they're just fighting and mostly like it was a lot of the guys with their faces covered yeah but then but then other people started to figure that out when people in Gaza are telling you what to do in America then you've probably some people have probably made some mistakes yeah there was a guy named there's a guy named dang Django who named himself after the Quentin Tarantino movie trotting down the street on a horse good there are Buddhist monks and orange robes there are Muslims and purple tunics Evangelical Christians with megaphones quoting scripture and socialist
Starting point is 01:14:43 worker party activists advocating capitalism's overthrow so basically just turned into this giant fucking shit show yeah just sounds like a trade show when the cops went up to the press which we all know the cops are the best which we all know who else saw I mean it takes a lot for you to be like don't hurt reporters we need them but they clearly went off Al Jazeera first because they were like fucking Muslims like they didn't even get that they were just American reporters working for the American zero network because they're that fucking stupid well they heard Al Jazeera and they knew and they think
Starting point is 01:15:17 they're beyond the Constitution yeah because they are yeah because they are fucking are every cop in Ferguson should be fired yes and replaced with an experienced cop from somewhere else yes just like when an organ organ goes bad you fucking cut it out it's a bad liver cut it out put in a new one yesterday the head of the highway patrol no who was put in charge of Ferguson so the black guy the black guy that was put in charge of Ferguson you remember that guy yeah three days later they were like what about a black guy but didn't the highway patrol didn't they do a better job they did a little bit better job right but
Starting point is 01:15:51 their their boss was also a black guy right who lives in Ferguson I believe so he was put in charge of the situation in Ferguson a couple days after it started and yesterday he was asked questions by reporters and there were some protesters there mm-hmm oh 32 year old Anthony Pruitt asked Johnson he's a demonstrator why he thought he had been placed in charge of the operations carried out by predominantly white officers and Johnson said because the governor chose to make a change clearly the deal was saying yeah you're black yeah say it I think he was being called an uncle Tom there was he not well yeah
Starting point is 01:16:34 he is I mean he is and I mean you don't even want to like look I mean how do you you're tiptoeing around landmines as far as what is a racist thought and what isn't a racist thought in this shit anymore because it's so I mean everything about it is just so fucked up and it's all tied together but yeah in a situation like this it's just like it's a no-brainer that a racist white department will do whatever they can to appear not racist putting somebody who is has the same skin color as the people who have been supremely disenfranchised and basically rioted against will maybe digest that a little bit easier because
Starting point is 01:17:15 there's a more familiar face yeah so things are good Johnson describes seeing Brown's parents on the news that day I saw a pain that I never never want to want to have to go through and I don't want us to do anything to detract from that if the protests are gonna happen in Mike's honor let's do it with respect at that point Pruitt the demonstrator know this guy is is do you know what Pruitt looks like no but he's 32 he's 32 year old man all right broke down in tears we broken sir we broken we can't trust them we have no faith in them in a pain voice Pruitt bought up the killing of Kajimi Powell a 25 year old
Starting point is 01:17:59 black man shot on Tuesday by the St. Louis Police Department that's how we think that's what we live with we hurt we broken we and we ain't all criminals referring to the white officers around Johnson Pruitt said I can't even have a conversation with him he won't give me the time of day without pulling out his firearm first how can you all fix this tears are rolling down Pruitt's cheeks because when this camera goes and when you go when you go back on your highway we're still out here so they have created a situation where black men are just crying on the street because there is come to fruition because there is no
Starting point is 01:18:44 hope good everybody feel good good sometimes good good good sometimes we have to talk about this shit because it's out there I totally agree but it's not very funny it's really not I mean well no it look we're living through a fucking tragedy yeah and we're not fixing it no and that's why it's so I think that's what's so frustrating about living in this country is that you feel the fact that they've made you feel like you can't make an impact so I'm 47 and I have never felt this way about this country I've always been pretty down on it yeah but I've never felt like we're fucked and I think we're fucked for
Starting point is 01:19:36 reasons that are the NSA spying the militarization of the police the fact that we do this to our black population that had been doing it for fucking centuries and don't do anything to stop it just the squeezing economically of the middle class and the poor and well so that's so the rich can fly around on their fucking jets like it's it's so the Ferguson was the first yeah everybody watching that knows it's coming and it's coming again and it's gonna come big and yeah and I've been saying that for a while and I think some people think I'm crazy but also like things like things like Obamacare while it's good and
Starting point is 01:20:23 gives everybody health insurance but what about the people who make a lot of money but are in a lot of debt so they can't afford it but now they have to pay for it so that's one more thing they have to pay for and every time we put something on there it tips it a little bit down and a little bit down now maybe that'll help people on the other end but the problem is is that all those people are already fucked from the years without Obamacare unless you want to start everything over again from zero and reset all the credit machines everybody's fucked yeah all those people at Ferguson are in massive debt yeah
Starting point is 01:21:04 that's one of the reasons they all fucking went crazy debt they don't see any way out of it well because they're given the only way they're given out of it is to as a way that gives them more debt yeah it's a tiny I I I mean the fact that the the police force you saw in Ferguson it's just not it's not like hey Ferguson's the town we tested it in it's like it's everywhere yeah and I think you're right I feel like there is that's like preparation for something that's preparation for okay people being you know you know for riots well when when we're you think about California I mean people don't want to fucking talk
Starting point is 01:21:45 about the fact that we have like right now like 18 months of water right now right so they don't want to talk about that so what happens in month 17 when we're running out of fucking water right we're all gonna freak the fuck out everyone's gonna freak out everyone's gonna freak out and the police are not gonna be there to hand out water to the people who are freaking out the police are gonna be there to shoot the people freaking out the most and and at that point everybody's going to become a black person in Ferguson well because you're just going to it's it's not gonna matter it's gonna be us and that at the
Starting point is 01:22:16 at the end of the day the reason the police forces are being militarized is because shit is gonna go south yes and it's a lot of it is because of the climate but if we have another economic meltdown which we will well because they haven't changed any of the laws yeah and the same shit and they haven't changed the fucking thing so if we have another economic meltdown and it's worse or even the same that means another large chunk of people that are because we've had we've got like 10 percent permanently unemployed right now well even just driving around and you look around it's like like I used to have this friend when
Starting point is 01:22:51 I was growing up this this guy named Gary dolly wall and his dad like owned 76 right so his dad was it's like they were the huge Indian family and they bought the biggest fucking mansion yeah they moved in it was the shit by the time you graduated high school the house had completely fallen apart yeah and nothing had been repaired and that's what I feel like when I drive around now I feel like you just look around and it's like shit is falling apart everything's becoming a fucking pinkberry and well LA is a fucking disaster yeah it is a fucking disaster of a city because no infrastructure has been worked on for
Starting point is 01:23:28 us and that's anything is like bridges like a third of our bridges in America are ready to fall electrical grid yeah I mean the fact that we still have like telephone poles that look like they're from the 40s all over and they're spending all their money on weapons for the cops yeah so it sounds crazy when you say it but if you just sit back and look and go this is all there's something very wrong going on here there's something very wrong going on here and that's what Ferguson was it was the first and with with things like global warming and this these are issues you wish you were wrong yeah but
Starting point is 01:24:03 you're just not it's high time shows this shit and yeah was this a good episode I don't even know because because it's so I mean it's literally happening right now so it's a lot easier to make fun of the room than it is to you know think about this this moment but it's important and I'm glad I live up in the mountains that's all I'm gonna say fuck man it's not good no it's not good it's not fucking good no I don't know what the fuck we do about it oh well it's the military and military industrial complex at the end of the day and it's the it's the watching the the the Arabs have their revolutions you know Ferguson
Starting point is 01:24:53 wasn't allowed to come up on Twitter hashtag Ferguson they were they were they were deleting it so while all this was going on Twitter was running their quell the stop the government just said look if there's ever riots can you do this but what they're actually doing is stopping free speech yeah people who are freaked out watching at home going this is too much it's it's just big brother like people get to put fucking Ferguson out there and say I'm gonna meet on you know fourth and 29th and throw some fucking Molotov cocktails you can't stop everyone from tweeting for it but that's what they did they stopped
Starting point is 01:25:31 everyone from tweeting Ferguson so this was this was to me it was very much like a test run of what happens it's gonna happen in a big city yeah it's going to it just it just can't not with all the fucking poverty and anger out there there's no way and you would hope that they would not want it to but when you watch the police the other night it's all the shit Christmas day holy shit time to fucking flex the muscle and use the toys and and you know when the LA riots happened so many people died I mean there's 61 drive-by shootings you you there there aren't actually gonna be people on every corner with cameras
Starting point is 01:26:08 because yeah because there's gonna be too many people doing shit and people are gonna be people a lot of people cameras are gonna be running up into their fucking mountains and in their houses well that's what we're gonna be glad that we really loosened gun legislation whatever fucking gun they wanted that's this that's when you that's when I'll be like with like next to the NRA guys like I had your back the whole time guys hey let's go get that water from that guy let's steal his water so we could survive a week I love you guys you guys are my best friends that's gonna get that water from that let's go take that
Starting point is 01:26:43 guy's water that guy's got that jug of water we should just murder him and take it office depots those water now by the way big gallons well Dave I'm sorry gonna sleep well I'll be at the little joy later tonight drinking should I put a thing up front how depressing this one is maybe I mean yeah I mean I don't know I I think like you said I mean this is long this is crazy but it is right now which makes it you can't you can't parody it as much because this dude just got fun and when you see that other guy get shot six times with a knife I mean there you know what happened at tasers yeah I mean what about beanbag guns
Starting point is 01:27:28 what are what are all of it all of the things that have been developed that are non-lethal what are they doing six times people are gonna shot six times they just fucking yes not knees it's just gross six times and it's it's the cops are being trained to do that to do shit that that isn't always necessary and I would say a lot of the times isn't necessary what will be exciting will be that moment when there's enough people pissed that have galvanized to change everything that'll be fun you know when you just take the dictator out to the town square and he's like please I'm sorry I'm sorry and you're like we're
Starting point is 01:28:02 gonna treat you like a dog for an hour

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