The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 208 - The Australian Sex Philosopher (Live w/ Nick Cody)

Episode Date: September 29, 2016

Live from The Powerhouse Theater in Brisbane, Australia, comedians Dave Anthony, Gareth Reynolds, and Nick Cody examine the life of Australian sex philosopher William James Chidley. SOURCES TOUR DATE...S REDBUBBLE MERCH

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. Well that went badly thank you for the one Gareth sir that really that really helped. Hi everybody welcome to a reading of
Starting point is 00:01:07 Dave's new one-act play. Those of you who saw the reviews out of Melbourne hopefully won't be that bad. Made a lot of people cry yep but penguins are fucking assholes. Turns out you guys did some really bad shit to penguins. Oh boy what's happening don't okay everything's fine. All righty hello. First of all I want to say great great Pokemon here. You guys have a great Pokemon city I don't know Adelaide was fucking shit. Yeah I don't know what else happened there but the Pokemon are you guys are great. Yep so there's the compliment for the night. I haven't seen I haven't really seen anything else I went across one of your
Starting point is 00:02:08 bridges. It worked it was a working bridge it definitely worked. There's pink on it right. That's that's exciting. That was big for you guys. You guys put pink on a bridge. Yeah that's cool. These beers are gonna be warm. Sure okay well. This is a this is the dollop this is a bi-weekly American History podcast each week I read a story from American history to my friend Gareth Reynolds who has no idea what the topic is going to be about. I'm batting my ass. Your eyes just did some fucking weird shit. Ladies and gentlemen we have a guest this evening he is fucking hilarious and if you've never seen him do stand up shame on you. I mean
Starting point is 00:03:05 that. Easy on the eyes too. Easy on the eyes. I see some of you guys have beards but you did not have a beard like this. Ladies and gentlemen Nick Coney. Oh good. I thought those were just for me to put beers for you in. He fucking comes with a pony bucket. Get out. Oh and then. You continue later. Keep doing it. One at a time. Little dip. I'm almost done looking up the guy's name. Good vamping. I'm trying to you know this is my first time on a live on stage. Go ahead and talk assholes. Jesus Christ are you guys help out a little bit. Just cool watching an old man play with technology. This is definitely Pokemon related. He's like I'm looking up the name. Where's the green one.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Where's that green. He's out there. He's right out there. Now the bridge we went over was the story bridge. Well it's a good bridge. And a good story. I believe. There is. All right. No because I've been places before where I'm like. Right now. Right now. They're fucking right away. But you guys saw there are three there at once. Yeah. That's good. Get everyone involved. Your city's crazy. Yeah. We've seen all the sites. Your Pokemon the list goes on and on. The bridge. The Pokemon. The list goes on and on. Anyway. I would like to thank Evan. Bittner. So I'll put it out of the research or else this wouldn't happen because I'm not going to do research anymore. I think. Okay. Because the early details of William James Chimley's life are
Starting point is 00:05:32 scant. We don't know when he was born. Sure. We're assuming William Chimley. Chidley. Chidley. Chidley. You should. You should. I should. Should I. Yeah. Okay. I'm okay. It was believed that he was born in Melbourne in 1860. For whatever reason he was an orphan right off the bat. So they were like we don't. I think I know the reason he came out. They were like fuck this. No. He came out and they were like. That's an ugly baby when both parents just top themselves as soon as it. Yeah. I'm not claiming that. I like how that's all wet. Oh my God. 50 cc is a brain stack. How do you. Wow. I didn't know. I didn't know that's what happened but that's fucking crazy. The doctor was like you could have just left. We're kind of. Too late now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Young William was adopted by a toy shop owner. Perfect. John James Chidley and his wife Maria. That works out because his last name is Chidley. So they were like Chidley. Fuck him up. Fucking kids love toys as well. We have nine of these. Match made in heaven. It's going through Chiddlehead. That really you find out the pun lovers in the assessment early. So come out. Get my peeps. The people who go to Will Anderson shows. The Chidley's went adoption crazy at that point adopting three girls and another boy and then they returned to England for several years in the early 1860s. When they came back to Melbourne, William's father was self-employed as a photographer traveling around a lot working in many different locations with his horse drawn studio and
Starting point is 00:07:43 barely. Barely making. Hold that pose. Hold that. Hold it. Stay there. Am I moving too? This guy just loves doing difficult shit. It's hard enough to travel with kids now. Let alone let's get five that aren't ours and go to England. Fuck it. Why not? What an easy trip. So he's not making much money. Some reason the horse drawn studio wasn't paying off as you would think it would. It's weird. Headshots were big back then. The Chidley's belong to a new age sect devoted to the teaching of Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg. That guy's Swedish? . They practice free love.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And they raise. What does that mean exactly? They practice free. It's complicated on Facebook relationship. They also raised young William as a vegetarian. It's complicated. It's complicated. It's complicated. .
Starting point is 00:12:47 . . . . . . . .
Starting point is 00:16:45 . . Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
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Starting point is 00:46:00 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag. Jag.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Jag. I mean it's amazing if they fit in like his like in his loony bit at some point they'd just be like oh my god what have we done I told you this day would come let him out William show us we're gonna need a cork the size of the sun and spaghetti. The finalist supporters went out William Chidley was released conditionally on October 1st 1912 the conditions were that he must dress in men's ordinary clothes stop holding meetings in public places and to stop selling his book in the streets. Good news that October 1st time for some fucking. We immediately put on a student. He was again arrested and declared insane on December 26. And then released five days later he was continually being harassed by police William was charged with minor offenses like breaking the domain bylaws offensive behavior and street begging seven times in 1914 and eight times in 1950. His numerous fines were usually paid for by friends.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Friends are enablers. What he needs is an intervention you got to create the bottom right. The bottom. The continued harassment. The continued harassment by authorities in Melbourne and Sydney led to a popular campaign for his defense social radicals saw this as a. This case as an important fight in the right to free speech. There's many good. There's there's I agree.
Starting point is 01:10:48 We all agree with free speech but I mean this is a man in a tunic being like don't let your penis get hard. And then jam it in her. And then you come. It's not a 15 they could have just sent him off to World War one. It's coming. Not all Williams backers were from the left Archibald strong a non conservative thought treating either William or his book as I've seen was quote a perfect absurdity. He testified for a court in 1911. But most of the people who supported William did not endorse his horse sex message.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Like if you're defending him you're like the one thing that we're having trouble with William to see. I'm a big fan of William Asterix. Asterix the horse. No William. Boy he's got a hell of a dick. No. I have problems with the horse stuff. The bottle stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:16 The flaccid penis stuff. Besides that. Well they're just not being able to get an erection stuff. Okay. Yeah so other than that we see the world eye to eye. You and me. There were a few feminists who liked his condemnation of a thrusting man. That would still hold true today let's be honest.
Starting point is 01:12:44 But most people defending him were defending the public discussion of sex. Strongly against locking someone up and then the same asylum for speaking their views on sex. Because how far was that from locking someone up and speaking the truth. Patrick Wright one of the most important Australian writers was just a child then. He remembered William Chidley walking around in Sydney quote dressed in his white tunic. And looking jocked enough as he passed along the street followed by a laughing jeering mob. That makes it hard to hand your shit out right. Take me seriously.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Hey weird fuck man. Alright. It's not my name actually if you look in the answer you'll find some very interesting angles I'm working with. Ignore the mob. Society's all pretty much decided a long time ago that William was a nut and that his theories about sex should be ridiculed. However that didn't mean he should be arrested. The New South Wales Labour government didn't know what to do about it. He was still getting a lot of public sympathy.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Apparently ridiculing and jailing were quite different. And the government tried again. On February 16, 1916 William Chidley was found insane and committed to the Kenmore Mental Hospital at Goulburn. Galburn. Galburn? Yeah. What about you? Just ignore it.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Just ignore it. Just ignore that. You got that vowel out? Why do you guys have vowels? What about the you? Right away. What about the you motherfucker? This is for you. Huh?
Starting point is 01:14:21 Why do you guys stash and use? You'll find out. It's like a threat. The United States has been bombed with you's. Oh no! Oh we have our eyes. The official Chidley Defence Committee which in June appealed to the Supreme Court. William was granted...
Starting point is 01:14:46 The Supreme Court? It would be such a great thing. How do we find that too busy for this shit? What's happening? People say like before Facebook the world was just better. No it wasn't. It was a fucking crazy country with the Supreme Court. Talking about horse decks.
Starting point is 01:15:04 It was a terrible place. Technology is amazing. But this dude on Facebook you'd be like, ah yeah I love what he posts. Check out this video of my rights being squashed. Well... Hi. William was granted a leave of absence on bond with usual conditions.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Yeah, right. Yeah. Will you listen? No. But William was Williaman. Soon enough he was out addressing crowds in his tunic in the domain. I like the idea that any time he got released they had to give him back all the stuff that he came in with. Don't wear this.
Starting point is 01:15:40 No. Now these are your pamphlets. And this is your tunic. Your sandals. And we legally have to give it back to you. But then don't wear it anymore. I understand. I've learned my lesson.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Don't do it again. We've told you you've been insane four times. I would never do that. These are all your possessions. I would never do that again. I would absolutely... Do you guys want to learn about why we're horses and our penises? Take this pamphlet.
Starting point is 01:16:06 I'll see ya. I've learned so much from you. The real world bill. This guy properly doesn't give a fuck. As soon as he's out addressing crowds in the domain and according to the colonial secretary quote, there was no feature of sexual intercourse on which he did not expatiate in order to prove that his theory was the only one that should be followed by the human race. He stated that if that theory had been adopted there, there would have been no war. The conclusion which I drew from that remark being that there would have been no Germans.
Starting point is 01:16:47 You're not not right. The colonial secretary then had him recommitted in September. The press and parliament pushed for his release. His friends tried to get him deported to Canada or the United States of America. Good pals. In America you could have started a cult on heartbeat. He'd have been on Venice Beach and they'd be like, dude you're awesome. You play guitar?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Anything anyone tried to do was denied by the authorities. It all seemed pretty hopeless. The relentless government persecutions were clearly wearing William down. In September 1916, while in jail... I don't know if I can keep doing it. Find a good fight. I mean I know it right. We all know it right.
Starting point is 01:17:39 How much will do I have? You know what you read a lot of will. I can't do this. Women's fictures are vacuums. Yes, yes, yes! Woo! I'm back baby! Anyway, while in jail, William Chitly doused himself with kerosene and set himself on fire.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Like horses do. This being William, the fire was put out. He survived. Those tunics will really go up too. They're like curtains once they're on. But he appeared to be done. His fight was gone. He died of heart disease three months later on December 21st, 1916.
Starting point is 01:18:34 In the end, William Chitly caused real social change in Australia. One of his disciples was Norman Hare, a city-born doctor who had a prominent career as a sex expert in Britain and Australia from World War I until his death. His writings and opinions led to a breakthrough in the public discussion of sexuality in Australia. One of the last things William wrote was that he had been... He had had an unhappy life, but that he knew all of his misery had come from, quote, from that erection in boys and men. I mean, when you're leaving behind your life's document,
Starting point is 01:19:15 PSI, skip the virtual world. I just love that he, just before it dies, is like, shit and obviously it's because I had bars. Yeah, that's funeral. You know, how do you eulogize, William? Sort of a premise, but... I think that is true. It was really hard.
Starting point is 01:19:58 And it shouldn't have been if everyone here had just sipped their signatures up. So that's a normal guy from Australian history, huh? Yeah, that's one of your people. Seems pretty great. Who gets locked up for being insane five times? At some point they're like, the six is free, William. Keep bringing your car back and we'll stamp it. But if you're trying to fuck with a soft penis, you're insane.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Honestly, I think... I've got that taboo. I think that is true. I mean, there's obviously many crazy things to vacuum, but I have an idea that you're like, my lip-dick will come right away. Well, that's just not possible. We're on Facebook, so tonight, ladies, when you go home, take your snifter and let us know what happened.
Starting point is 01:21:18 If there's one thing we all leave here tonight thinking about, I hope it's baby boners. I hope that... What can you hashtag from the show tonight? I think it's the question. Baby bubbers, baby boners, sphincter vacuum. Sphincter vacuum. Don't Google that.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Oh, that's not what I thought. This is a three-part series in which we'll... That's the t-shirt, sphincter vacuum. Oh, I'm sure Fosdek will come up with something very... Didn't we have a hell of a day with Fosdek yesterday? Holy shit, the fucking... James Fosdek is the man who does the art and our posters and stuff, and we went with him.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Yeah, seriously, he's fucking awesome. You can buy one out there. They're really awesome posters. Yeah, and he's amazing, and we were in his laboratory where he does all of his art, and we were hanging out. He smokes pot. And we're sitting there, and he's like, let's go on a koala hunt, and we'll find a koala. And we're like, oh, sure.
Starting point is 01:22:30 We're like, seriously? Yeah. And he takes us on his walk, and he finds one, and we're like, what the fuck? And he knew everything. He knew everything in the park. He knew absolutely fucking everything. And so I said... I'll tell him about the story that he told us first.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Oh, he told us a story about a buddy of his. This is the most awesome thing we ever heard. A buddy of his, like, was walking his dog or something. Oh, he hears his dog outside barking. Yeah, so he hears his dog barking, and then he hears his dog sort of, like, you know, intermittently, like... And he's like, that's weird. That's not how a dog barks. And he looks outside, and a kangaroo, who the dog was barking at,
Starting point is 01:23:04 is just sort of, like, drowning his dog, holding it underwater in a pond. So his friend just fucking runs into his yard, jumps on the kangaroo's back with a knife, and slits the kangaroo's throat. And then I go, he slits his throat, and Faustak goes, he's drowning his dog. That's what we do here.
Starting point is 01:23:31 That should be on the 50 St. Cohen. Honestly. Like, if you could elect that moment Prime Minister. So now what do you call Faustak? The Australian Lebowski. Because he's so fucking great. Great as a dude. Also, we should mention Tickle.
Starting point is 01:23:55 The documentary Tickle is out now, and we're in it briefly. But even if we weren't in it, we would say, go see it. It really is a fucking... It's an unbelievably strange ride that we all gotta take. And yeah, and then... We sign cars. So yeah, we're gonna do... Probably like an hour before we get to sign a car.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Yeah, and then if you have a car you want us to sign it, we'll meet you outside and like most normal people will sign your fucking car with a pen. But we want to thank Nikodi, and we want to thank you guys for coming out. We really appreciate it. We love you guys, we love you, thank you very much!

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