The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds - 213 - Mashers and Hatpins

Episode Date: October 20, 2016

Comedians Gareth Reynolds and Dave Anthony examine turn of the century mashers and the weapons used against them. SOURCESTOUR DATES REDBUBBLE MERCH...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're staying at an Airbnb you might be like me wondering could my place be an Airbnb and if it could what could it earn? You could be sitting on an Airbnb and not even know it. That in-law sweet guest house where your parents stay only part-time Airbnb it and make some money the rest of the year whether you could use a little extra money to cover some bills or for something a little more fun. Your home might be worth more than you think. Find out how much at slash host. You're listening to the dollop! This is a bi-weekly American history podcast
Starting point is 00:00:45 each week I read a story my friend Gareth Reynolds. Who has no idea what the topic is gonna be about you say in my name your body languages it's okay I'm the one who's got to get back and fight the traffic it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay that's a long flight to just kick an ass that's a huge glassy in flight shut up don't turn on me asshole not Gary Gareth okay someone or something is tickling people is it for fun and this is not going to come to tickle you clock out okay you are queen fakie of made-up town all hell queen shit of lies though a bunch of religious virgins go to mingle and do what
Starting point is 00:01:36 pray so what happened was we sat down to record our first podcast since we returned to America and the guys in Perth changed all the settings on the zoom that we record on and I couldn't forget how to do it so we spent 20 minutes so we recorded some of it we didn't have 20 minutes we didn't have because Gareth being a moron lives near Dodger Stadium where the Dodgers I love how this turns into me being a moron because I live somewhere I just told you it's cool I'm not asking you to take on my stress level very angry I'm not asking you to take on my stress very you don't need you know you're angry at me
Starting point is 00:02:22 for living near a place where I'm gonna have to fight traffic Gareth let me tell you sirp anger like that let me tell you something what are you an X-man we're gonna be I'm the usurper we're gonna be a usurp your emotions and I take it on his mind 1870 wait can I do the same jokes I did before yeah okay so were the 1870s like was that like was that when disco was big yeah okay yeah this is when a Saturday Night Fever came out yeah except Saturday Night Fever was like a real fever back then you're like my boy's dying he's got Saturday Night Fever I don't know if he'll be staying alive see
Starting point is 00:02:58 now I'm even punching it up yeah it's better it's better yeah we should always rehearse it once you should always do it once and then realize the sound isn't working yeah and then get it I think that's a good way to do it yeah yeah okay okay before the 1870s women were mostly never by themselves in public places what did I say before I was like I don't remember probably wasn't good before this they always had a man with them to protect their woman right I think I made a joke about how it's super different now which I've never made that joke before although this is was mostly a upper-class idea right that
Starting point is 00:03:39 the upper-class women would not rich women weren't alone right poor women whatever they're not they're not women no they're barely women right they're poor you know a lot of the poor women were widowed or you know some bad it happened so they were on their own right and so they would have to go to work or whatever they would have to be on their own so they they were kind of not considered part of this equation so the widows are just going to work alone and the danger is that a woman okay keep going well so a woman alone at this point they assumed that she was asking for it right now I remember this is
Starting point is 00:04:17 right around when we've got maybe a little further than this but but what the implication there is that woman was alone right then she was asking for asking for what I guess is the question I'll speak for the audience bad things to happen to her interesting so if she's alone that's a signal to that go ahead and trump her I'm yeah Trump away Trump on mashers would claim they were justified because a woman was walking about all alone okay this is this is new so which meant she must be loose okay couple a solo lady is a loose lady couple red flags are sticking out now mashers okay mashers please tell me
Starting point is 00:05:03 that that comes from like bourbon mash or something okay so there there were I didn't I didn't use the definition of mashers because there were three places that supposedly came from one was two comedians were doing a show and they went backstage and this and one of them said I mashed them and the other guy said is that what you did to the ladies you mashed them and then and then that that phrase caught on and masher was born so they had hacks back then too hacks were still out in green rooms there's also a French word that it's similar to that it may have come from and then I remember the third one but
Starting point is 00:05:48 there were three different versions of where it could have come from but what does it what does it mean in this what masher okay we'll get into it okay not liking what I'm hearing so far by the way when when a masher went to court the masher was often fined for using inappropriate language okay for instance five dollars for common woman for calling a woman a chicken or twenty five dollars for calling her a cutie hello okay weird really weird specific word fine it just pretty interesting and a chicken is negative yeah so a compliment cost you more yeah you were not supposed to compliment single women
Starting point is 00:06:32 on the street but they're all right they're asking for compliments they're asking for it a man was not supposed to approach a woman on the street totally really total no no no that you're a masher at that point what do you mean I'm a masher that's a masher a masher a masher approaches a woman alone yeah a masher if you just going up to her and talking to her you're you're a masher at that point and that's bad well then yeah now it's I don't think it's bad now you're confident hey I like you you're you're pretty you make my things feel weird you'd like to go get coffee that's totally fine is that time is that
Starting point is 00:07:11 fine do you think that's fine one could be fine for just speaking to a woman alone on the street regardless of the language it was just not done wow then as the industrial revolution came into being women left rural areas and moved to cities and this gave them the chance to go out on their own more often all right someone's bound to say something to one it's not like the ladies wanted to be chaperoned everywhere or sit in their house they actually would have preferred they did have to be feeling outside they had feeling and emotion yeah I believe what I believe they were human beings hmm it goes against what I think
Starting point is 00:07:54 yeah I know okay so with this newfound freedom came harassment it was much more difficult to harass a lady in a small town imagine they're like you know what we actually do want to be chaperoned now that we're seeing what it's like without it turns out it's fucking horror that don't approach us anymore go back to five bucks yeah you know what I'm gonna go with a chaperone yep it was much more to be able to harass a lady in a small town because everyone knew everyone else but there is an anonymity in cities in 1875 what did the man look like who said something to you ma'am what did he look like a man
Starting point is 00:08:31 all right we'll get him we're looking for a man who's talking to women that's actually what happened a lot which way did he go and what did he say in 1875 a New York Times article scolded men for how they were treating women getting on and off street cars men would quote pass her in and pass her out putting a hand on her waist or shoulder turns out women were not into being handled by strange men gosh mashers had all sorts of techniques one of the more common one was for the masher to drop a letter he was hiding in his pocket at the post office and then ask a woman if she had by chance dropped a letter oh god what a
Starting point is 00:09:09 weird excuse me miss you dropped the letter I'm not falling for the letter drop again are you sure that's not yours I don't think it is do you mind checking you sure man you won't pick it up and then the ideas they pick it up and you check them out and then you talk to them and then you talk to them oh you like letters I like letters I got a bunch of letters too you mash it what I'm not a masher we're just a little bit having a postal connection I did not drop a letter well I don't know I didn't drop a letter either I hate letters why are there 14 in your pocket huh cuz um you dropped all of them in my pocket maybe maybe
Starting point is 00:09:47 try to grab them oh you make my fun parts feel weird want to get coffee other articles discussed whether women could walk around alone it was largely accepted that women should not meet men on the street or he could turn out to be a masher a lady was to wait to be introduced by a friend or relative I'm just gonna take forever yeah I mean I'm not on I'm not on the side of grabbing waste when they're coming off a trolley but the idea that the only way you can meet someone is like with an intro to a proper intro we vetted him yeah he's ready to meet you now I'm super excited thank god we had friends in common you
Starting point is 00:10:24 make my parts feel weird I am we're not gonna do the introduction anymore Bobby in Los Angeles mashers were all over street corners on Saturdays which was considered quote the principal flirting day of the week yeah mash today men would just stand around insulting women as they come on we gotta get up we're going mashing hey Jimmy you want to go mashing today I'm tired from mashing last night ladies are gonna be out it's a Saturday all right I'll do it hair of the dog mash got your letters yeah I got a pocket full of letters excuse me ma'am did you drop a letter excuse me miss you dropped a letter excuse me lady you
Starting point is 00:11:00 dropped a letter all of you women have dropped letters when when bicycles were invented became the rage in the 1890s the mashers took to riding around insulting women insulting well but talking to them is considered right right okay it was easier to write also so much more intimidating now to have like because with the bike you can kind of circle that you can kind of shark the prey a little bit hey come on what do you mean you didn't drop the letter miss don't be weird don't be alone why there's so many letters around here if you're not dropping huh looks like I had let a tornado hit right over here
Starting point is 00:11:39 surely one of these thousands of letters must be yours it was easier for them to write up say something naughty and then speed off yeah a journalist described the bicycle mashers of New York City quote he is always just in the pink of fashion or what he regards as such his eyes are roving and the mobility of his face as a whole is striking his head had a weather vane action which is helpful to him in his maneuvers he delights in writing hands off and with one foot on the pedal boy this guy's asking for it so he's got owl head according to this article and yeah no he's got 360 vision as a matter of fact so he can spin his
Starting point is 00:12:24 head around and he goes hands off and one from the pedal he may be an owl he sounds hourly he has a charismatic way of slowing down whenever he meets a wheel woman young or middle-aged who he thinks might be outraged by his attention and he is always able to dismount with grace so so are the mashers are they just looking to upset the women I think I think that it's a combination I think some are looking to upset them I think others are thinking maybe if I approach this lady she'll be loose and I'll be able to get right okay but I think a lot of it's just to upset them but I but there are probably
Starting point is 00:13:02 a lot of lonely dudes out there who do not have me to me it feels like they're definitely trying to get laid but it's in there's just no real options so they're almost like kamikaze pilots who are just like yeah there were no pickup artists guidelines at this point well there's one have a letter have a letter in your pocket right besides that how did I meet Stacy over here why I convinced her that she dropped a letter what do you mean I thought I did drop that letter haha no I wrote that letter like a sociopath now you have two kids from me street cars became a favorite of mashers to approach woman two young
Starting point is 00:13:45 ladies boarded a streetcar in New York to get away from two mashers but the men followed them and sat next to them one worst-case scenario mobile mashing one kept nudging one of the women with this elbow and the girls became more and more scared and one finally jumped off the moving car to get away okay the men were then arrested okay it's it's just for giving them the elbow you know I mean it's so weird your honor I did not mean to give her the elbow such as see my elbow just moves on its own you're on it well I see no reason to prosecute this man he's just got a wobbly elbow hey sometimes I can't help it well you're
Starting point is 00:14:24 no longer allowed to have people sit on your left sometimes okay sometimes I just if there's a boob around it's especially you know into that are you familiar with the term talking yourself out of a sale or or the little pussies all right I'm actually definitely retracting what I said earlier and you are getting fined in in New York why should I said big pussies honestly contempt of court without question the hell's happening I was seriously about to let this guy go in New York on the L-Chain there was an older masher around 60 who would harass women on their way to work I've been
Starting point is 00:15:04 mashing for 41 years one woman heard him quietly excuse me ma'am did you drop that letter one woman heard him quietly whisper into her ear good morning little girl no no no no no no no no no he should be arrested oh he's Joe Biden in her he continued to pay her condom when she tried to move away he linked his arm and hers and held her kept her there she finally struggled and got away when she told the story at work two other women said they had been harassed by the exact same man no God serial masher pervy Pete masher's would even drop off masher notes grandpa mash wait what in Florida a woman moved to
Starting point is 00:15:57 the city of Ocala and within six hours she received a note from a masher at the boarding house she was residing in oh my god in Chicago a Frenchman sent a note to a respectable young woman asking if they could meet she took the note to the Chicago Tribune who printed it and called him publicly a masher wait so they're leaving letters now like this is now like a little romantic so this is what went down a guy wrote a letter he's from France he's like hello I would like to meet you he's like Serena de Berge a mash yeah and then all of a sudden it's in print in the Chicago Tribune of like a look at this French
Starting point is 00:16:31 monster excuse him oh man that was just communicating between you and me I just like to meet yeah and the meat the article made fun of his blonde mustache and hair calling him an albino son of a bitch you try to be nice to a lady the next thing you know you public freak he sued the paper for $20,000 that's right New York dealt with the masher problem for years the police had done their I think it's still dealing with the man yeah it hasn't ended private citizens rose on alert but it went on across the country editorial after editorial discussed the masher problem and offered solutions they
Starting point is 00:17:09 included everything from demanding harsher punishments to saying mashers should be beaten in the street okay but questions were always pointed toward the victim as well what was she doing there why was she wearing that yeah was she wearing a mashing outfit yeah she's get on a patch got expect to get matched at this point she's wearing clothes for it she's walking alone she's asking for it a Philadelphia newspaper excuse me ma'am did you drop this letter Philadelphia newspaper asked quote he will often not speak to a woman who offers him no encouragement it is manifest that the girls are to blame
Starting point is 00:17:46 for his presence upon the streets let them lay aside their dashing boldness and manner which they often foolishly imagine denotes independence but which is as dangerous as it is unseemly it is a little messy for them to try to be independent that is kind of sending the wrong I think we can all agree women shouldn't be outside yeah I think obviously they've entered the real world you know they're in the locker room now thank you sorry sorry you just sit foot in the locker room hey welcome to the locker room and then there's just the sound of a locker closing oh no hey what's up lady oh god the locker room
Starting point is 00:18:26 Carol run save yourself I'm in the locker room grab it you can hand me some of those tic-tacs we're in the locker room a Salt Lake City paper wrote quote as a rule the well-behaved girl is free to come and go as she pleases secure from obnoxious looks or remarks eventually women began to fight back physically in 1895 in st. Louis miss maple putt-off was working at the exposition with her sister a masher came by and started speaking to them I love that a guy who just tries to talk of conversation is a matter it's very confusing as to what the line is because there's no doubt in my mind there's no
Starting point is 00:19:09 line there's no doubt in my mind that men are extremely creepy and that a lot of these guys are totally creepy yeah but then by the same token it is just it's just hard to wrap your head around a society where you literally can't like talk you can't talk to someone so I think the deal is is that is that so you're essentially because of society's rules you are essentially a creep if you do this so anybody who crosses that boundary is what today would be a guy who would go grab someone's ass or something like oh like our future president right our future president right Hillary Clinton right right big-ass grabber he so
Starting point is 00:19:47 I think that I think that just because he's breaking that norm that he already is a creepy guy or else I wouldn't do it does that make sense it makes sense but I bet you there I bet you there's also like there had to be like like speak easy's but of like hitting on people where it was like you go into a place and they're just like you understand we're allowed to mash tonight and then you can go up to a girl and be like excuse me miss she's like don't give me the letter trick here you don't need to oh my god a real conversation so I wasn't even introduced by a friend so so this woman miss Mabel put off is working
Starting point is 00:20:26 at the exposition with her sister and a masher comes up and starts speaking to them and they ignored him but he continued talking so they left and went back to work then the master showed up there and began talking to them again okay now this is crossing the mash line yeah he then asked Mabel if he could have a hat pin or quote anything to remember you by she punched him in the face that'll do that's a memento and then she kept punching a crowd gathered to watch and he finally ran off kept punching is always good and Norfolk Virginia two sisters Ida and Madeline Shaw were on a car when a man started
Starting point is 00:21:00 making quote goo goo eyes at them so they moved so they moved on the car and he followed as he approached them they jumped up and gave him quote a severe punching with their fists great what a great era yeah miss Josie Sanchez was a rather large woman who was described by a newspaper as Amazonian cool good time for the press she and a friend walking to a theater in San Francisco when a masher said something offensive Sanchez recognized the man as he had done this several times before and he was much smaller than she was so she picked him up and threw him through a store window
Starting point is 00:21:51 just dynamite she was arrested for malicious mischief and paid 850 for the damages to the store which she said was worth it totally worth it totally worth it yeah that is that's the last time you get mashed at if you don't want it yeah the last time in Ohio miss Frank Gibbert beat a masher unconscious on a streetcar this would be a great era when she was done all the passengers applauded well then but women didn't just use their fists they also started using weapons first women began beating mashers with parasols but that was nothing compared to what was coming in Wilkes Barre Pennsylvania there was a
Starting point is 00:22:39 well-known masher and the police had received endless complaints about him and he had a favorite street corner that he would hang out on his MO was to drop a handkerchief when a woman walked by and say oh miss you have dropped your handkerchief so really it was just kind of a spin on the letter game really seems like the pattern was whatever it was in she dropped something miss you dropped your dog oh wait I don't have a dog who want to go out on a date eventually four women came up with a plan to deal with him one woman was used as bait to lure him down a street oh boy when he was in the right place the
Starting point is 00:23:19 three other women stepped out with cow hide whips it's like all of a sudden it's the man with no name yeah yeah they whipped him and he tried to fight back punching one of the women he was then punched from behind knocked down and whipped more eventually he got up ran off bleeding from several cuts on his body oh man okay well that might be the end of that match that's what time to go to a new corner at least right yeah it's time to switch up the area I'm gonna start dropping pens I'm just going to the new corner totally injured excuse me ma'am you dropped your handkerchief drops some blood excuse me ma'am you dropped two
Starting point is 00:23:59 of your teeth oh no shit no shit sorry keep going as you were do you want to go out and get a drink some tip boy these are really dropping like raindrops over here in Chicago in the 1890s woman was on a street car when a masher pressed his knee against her she was wearing she was wearing a silk must be belt fastener on her skirt with a long steel pin she whipped the pin out and stabbed him in the leg interesting he screamed in pain and ran off the street car she wiped the blood off the pin with a handkerchief as everyone on the car laughed it's great it's also it's both a time of violence and of a lack of humanity yeah
Starting point is 00:24:50 but it is like it's it's good that there's public support for women to be able to like just you know like that if they're breaking the rules do whatever yeah and you'll stop them yeah it's got to be like a freeing a freeing moment when you can throw a guy through a store window for under a grand hat pins would become the weapon of choice hat pins became more and more popular beginning in the 1850s women were straw hats and started using hat pins to secure them as the styles of hats changed so did the pins the hat pins became longer and decorated the height of hat pins was from 1890 to 1935 that's when the bonnet
Starting point is 00:25:31 strings went away oh boy and hairstyles got more crazy they were more elaborate and upswept women used artificial hair pieces to help hold down a hat and hat pins okay many hat pins so now they can just like hat pins usually usually made out of silver but also copper sometimes gold oh boy in the 1880s they were six to eight inches long but in the 1890s as the size of ladies hats got bigger and bigger oh boy time of birds huh yeah hat pins got bigger and bigger as we get into the 1900s hat pins grew up to 12 inches whoa shit that's a long yeah the hats were so big it was that's a hair sword yeah okay the hats were so big it
Starting point is 00:26:16 was not uncommon for a woman to have a dozen hat pins holding one up so she could just Wolverine be like get out of here they were designed to look like flowers leaves bugs and were set with diamonds and other stones like emerald she's put a crazy bug on me it's done me they could be used for all sorts of things that turned out in West Philadelphia an ice man asked a woman if he could use her hat pin an ice man ice man that's a guy selling ice a guy not like a Batman villain or something okay this is ice man and then the silver surfer also asked for an ice pick was the usurper there yeah okay good so
Starting point is 00:26:56 an ice man asked a woman if he could use her hat pin because his partner had taken their axe up the street she obliged and he used the hat pin to chip off a piece of ice and he delivered the ice to her he told her he usually carried a hat pin to use on the ice but his wife had borrowed it and forgot to give it back nurses were also known to use their hat pins to chip off ice to use on patients with fevers so these are ice picks well that just shows how serious of a business they are I mean they're no Joe they're not fucking around yeah they're not breaking hat pins were dangerous a miss Tetro in Scantra in
Starting point is 00:27:33 Pennsylvania moved to avoid a streetcar and fell hard on the pavement she had cuts on her head shoulders and back she was taken to the hospital but seemed to be most upset that she had lost her hat pin interesting when she returned home she felt the sharp pain in her right hip oh boy looking at it she discovered the hat pin was embedded in her hip oh silly me that's just deep inside of me oh foolish me of course Henry call off the search it's deep in my bone people became concerned because the hat pins were so large they stuck out of hats and could do serious damage to someone's face what is going on the
Starting point is 00:28:17 Trenton evening time just having cactus head walking around town the Trenton evening times wrote in February 1908 quote one sees them in twos and threes miniature a rape hears a flashing with most deadly threats at the human eye why the hat pin must be of such abnormal length that it protrudes inches of steel in all 8 to 10 on either side of the female headgear no man can fathom he can merely marvel at the recklessness with which women go about armed in this manner that's crazy streetcars were overcrowded and jerky which caused people to be impaled on hats Jesus what excuse me your hat pins got into my throat a
Starting point is 00:29:03 little but the potholes I don't know the Indianapolis news wrote quote a woman doesn't need a revolver or bone arrow when she wears half a dozen of these pins no hat pin is considered worth the name whose head doesn't protrude at least two inches behind the hat crown in Pasadena, California there were said to be around 130 passengers on a streetcar one day a young woman wearing a large hat secured by hat pins was standing in the way of the conductor he tried to move around the dangerous hat but as he did she also moved to get out of his way and they moved toward each other and the hat pin went through his nose dude how
Starting point is 00:29:39 many times have you had that interaction where you're like oh I'm going right oh you go oh you just imagine swords now yeah now little swords are involved yeah and if you overdo it you get one through your nose we're losing eye lord hat pins also sometimes used to save babies in st. Louis miss FH Jordan was in the kitchen when she heard her six month old baby laughing in its crib she looked it on the baby and saw a rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike okay the baby was reaching toward it the woman ran into the kitchen and grabbed a pot of boiling water her screams cost her upstairs neighbor to run downstairs
Starting point is 00:30:17 wielding a large hat pin mrs. Jordan poured the boiling water on the snake which hissed and lept at her and her neighbor then stabbed the snake with a hat pin that's not that's not you don't say that they're saving babies that's saying they kill snakes what saving a baby and the saving a baby is like it's choking on baby food and I dislodged it from its throat with a little hat pin there was just a snake in a crib for no reason she saves a baby weird order to in the crib I think it might have been outside the crib but still hot water and hat pin that snake was like I just want to leave I want no funny business just
Starting point is 00:30:54 passing through ladies although most happens became a weapon of self-defense May 28th 1903 Leo T. Blaker from Kansas was visiting New York City she got on a stagecoach which was very crowded the man next to her moved closer oh boy he was older and nicely dressed the horse quickened its pace and the coach jumped causing everyone to grope their neighbor now the man was touching her hip to hip shoulders shoulders excuse me then he lifted his arm and put it low across her back yes Leone reached for her foot long hat pin and sunk it into his arm he screamed and got off the coach at the next stop I do like that men
Starting point is 00:31:42 that that's that's where they draw the line if they get stabbed they run yeah they're like all right all right I didn't know you were stabbing it must be such an amazing thing to see oh and then you know there's totally some other dude is like I saw the what he did do back there that's guys in the city huh huh just grab your back oh god damn it and Brooklyn a young woman was walking home at night when four men tried to rob her they told her but she just flung her beehive around she spun around and around and around they told her to hand over her purse and whatever jewelry she had one of the men grabbed her by the
Starting point is 00:32:20 arm at which point she whipped out two hat pins and quickly stabbed him in the shoulder oh the other men tried to grab her but she just went on a stab in one of them she stabbed several times three of the robbers ran off a policeman nearby heard her scream and ran over in time to catch the last robber Jesus fucking amazing four dudes yeah with a hat pin yeah in St. Louis the night your woman was walking home late one night when three men approached she was suspicious and loosened two hat pins amazing that she's like turning the corner and she's like just adjust in my hair got two girls ready to go when I
Starting point is 00:32:56 need them got him in the chamber got him ready to go bring it up sure enough they attacked her they dragged her into an empty lot where she managed to get her hands on the two hat pins and stabbed two of the men it's great it's the fucking best hat been defend hat pin defense stories appeared in newspapers frequently all over the country the women were painted as heroic instead of just objects of crime society was changing and seeing women were capable of defending themselves hat pins could also break off when they entered the body oh a mrs. Cooper stabbed her husband with a hat pin when he was getting
Starting point is 00:33:33 into bed wow didn't want anyone to know what she had done so he didn't say anything wait why did we know why yeah she he said that she was being unfaithful oh boy that'll show you so she stabbed it with a hat I thought this was a safe place she told you how I'm feeling you asked me how what I was thinking about I know I'm sorry well we're not telling anyone about this the wound was in his thigh now part of the hat pin broke off and the hat pin traveled through his body and finally lodged itself in his lung which caused wait wait wait wait it went from his thigh yeah all to his lung well it must have been somehow she put a
Starting point is 00:34:19 torpedo hat pin in him what I don't know how it went in his bloodstream I don't know what happens but it's not like a kid it's not like floating around you like a canoe apparently it is maybe what is this interspace could be full of water it's okay so you might have been you might have been I'll tell you I'll tell you if you stab me with something in the knee and someone tells me that it penetrated my lung I'm gonna be like I want to see a real doctor well he died three months later Jesus she was arrested for manslaughter a better boyfriend was like awesome though now we don't have to worry about sneaking around
Starting point is 00:34:52 right in October 1908 in Pittsburgh there was a Mardi Gras celebration on the streets oh boy young men started throwing confetti into the faces of women well look every guy has a different angle on how to speak to him or they would rub they don't seem to like it when you throw paper at their face like a bitch they're good to it okay others would rub the women's faces with a tickler just like a feather I guess okay hopefully after a while the women started holding their hat pins and getting ready for the next asshole to throw confetti in their face oh boy and then the stabbing began oh boy the next
Starting point is 00:35:29 day hundreds of men visited local doctors to get treatment for hat pin stab once wow that's crazy Marguerite Leblanc was walking home in New York when quote a man well-dressed and of dark complexion thought to be an Italian walked up behind her hey how you doing a pretty lady hello you like a me bald he put his arm around her and said ah what they pretty girl and try to kiss her mm-hmm she pushed him off whipped out a hat pin and stabbed him in the arm and then in his cheek oh so that means it went through he ran away after screaming in 1908 people in a Spokane Washington became concerned as
Starting point is 00:36:19 a new industry was born jam holiday became began paying kids aged five to twelve five cents each for butterflies they caught the butterflies were then chloroformed and sent to the modern art and planning company to metalize them for hat pins okay he yeah created a butterfly genocide and used the children as his Nazis that's correct okay make sure even though the hat pin was clearly being used by women to protect themselves there was a backlash a man wrote in to the Sun newspaper quote I am a veteran of the Civil War wounded seven times and left for dead I was confined there but enough about what
Starting point is 00:37:05 I'm trying to hit on women I was confined three months in 14 days in Libby prison but I was never so thoroughly scared as when I ran alongside one of these women with that three acre hat and hat pin like a sword twice I have barely escaped being spitted I nearly lost my left eye last Saturday afternoon I dodged dead at least 16 times a week on average you know what he never says in there is that it's unwarranted he's probably out there purving out yeah he's purvin and he's getting stabbed and he's like god damn it come on I like to just grab stuff this is worse than I wanted no I'm not
Starting point is 00:37:43 as fighting for the blacks to continue to be slaves I'm a good person in January the Oregon legislature passed a bill prohibiting the wearing of hat pins over 10 inches long we just don't want our men to die from it any longer in March 2010 Chicago City Council took up deliberate deliberations on the following questions are women's hat pins long hat pins which are women's long hat pins which menace the noses eyes and faces of other people a public nuisance it seems like you've answered it in the question more than 11 odd women despite the danger of hat pins be allowed to wear them for self
Starting point is 00:38:26 protection Alderman baller said there was a law against wearing large hats in theaters so why not stop the dangerous hat pins quote I'm going to teach the women of Chicago that they must stop wearing hat pins a foot and a half long Jesus some of the pins stick out five to six inches beyond the brim of their hats from the gallery a woman yelled out doesn't your wife wear long hat pins no you bet she doesn't she wouldn't do such a thing the women who had packed the meeting prepared a letter quote on behalf of thousands of women in Chicago who are occasionally on the streets after dark I want to express an objection
Starting point is 00:39:11 against the proposition to curtain the use of hat pins a hat pin is a woman's weapon of defense she is no more permitted to carry a revolver or other weapon than is a member of the sterner sex I always feel safe going home at night with a hat pin available I get it ready in my hand until I'm safe within my door of my home the women applauded another woman said quote if the men of Chicago want to take the hat pins away from us let them make the streets safe no man has a right to tell me how I shall dress and what I shall wear yeah it's not that they don't it's not that they don't have a point it's just like
Starting point is 00:39:50 you know I mean the stop calling them hat pins mini-swords right they're tiny sort they're fighting for the right for mini-swords right and I think that they should be allowed to carry many so she should be allowed it considering what men are doing yeah they should be allowed to have hair swords yeah the resolution was referred to committee three weeks later the city council by a vote of 62 to 2 passed the anti hat pin ordinance oh gosh as the men made their vote women in the gallery hissed and booed oh this mashing celebration yeah I can't wait to figure you ladies god damn it they're back they're back yeah
Starting point is 00:40:24 the ordinance stated no person a while on public streets or in any street or elevated car or public elevator or other public place you could have just said public place anywhere just say anywhere shall wear any hat pin no one anywhere it shall wear any hat pin exposed point of which shall protrude more than one half inch beyond the crown of the hat when the vote was complete the women in the gallery chanted shame shame yeah okay a Chicago newspapers was concerned that women were just looking at hat pins as weapons of self-defense quote but may women not come to use the hat pin for offense as well as defense if the day
Starting point is 00:41:02 arrives when a woman looks upon the hat pin as purely a weapon she may wear her hat pin in a sheath at her side okay women may be ready to draw at the slightest provocation these petty coated to swashbucklers oh really asshole they intimidate men at the point of the hat pin into giving up his seat and on street car they're not buccaneers is it not possible that women may use force to secure the dream of the militant suffragette at the point of a hat pin is he talking about a military coup via hat pins he is he's saying that women are gonna get the vote via hat pin and will all be voted hat pin party for that
Starting point is 00:41:45 careful don't let them have had pins they'll get the vote they'll do everything they'll be mashing us with a no time next thing you know they'll be taking men's seats on street cars oh the nerve it sounds crazy but the writer understood the ramifications of the hat pin working women and suffragists had taken control of the debate speaking out against mashers and praised that hat pins allowed women to move freely in public without an escort yeah they fought back against the idea that women's fashion or their freedom had anything to do with being a victim that was all due to the warped mashers mind
Starting point is 00:42:22 they said not all cities were against the hat pin recognizing women should be allowed to protect themselves in Washington DC Mayor Sylvester explained that women could stab robbers and mashers all they wanted quote we have a little liberal yeah a tad bit stab away okay quote we have in Washington 16,000 more women than men and numbers of women are obliged to go about the streets at night without escorts and numerous instances have come to the attention of this department where women as a sale by marauders at night have used hat pins with telling effect 16,000 more women and that's where I would live yeah right
Starting point is 00:43:00 yeah for sure mash away he acknowledged there would always be accidents but the hat pins value outweighed the occasional loss of an innocent person's eye oh god I yeah the hat pins fucking took out eyes Jesus the eyes have it ah men threatened by the hat pin so men men felt threatened by the hat pin would freeing would freed up women to stroll about and they began to tell tales about innocent men who are harmed but what was being now called the hat pin pair called the what hat pin pearl oh god I mean can you imagine the embellishment on those stories you know they say that Danny might never hit on a woman again went
Starting point is 00:43:51 right through his tongue it oh Jesus what did he do he probably just said excuse me ma'am yeah all he did was rub his penis on this woman and then she and he said and he said I've got a gift for you and she put one through his tongue oh what year is this by the way 2016 okay I maybe have a little out of line I'm not gonna lie hit my head pretty hard a week ago sort of forgot what's going on one story was it and can I be president yes all righty one story is that a 19-year-old girl in Scranton was supposedly playing with her hat pin like fake sorting it with her boyfriend and accidentally stabbed him kinky huh whoa
Starting point is 00:44:33 what and killed it whoa what I think she's a murderer another story of a guy on a streetcar who was stabbed in his ear and died a week later so he just was sitting on the car in the league so that kind of means his brain then right so all these stories started coming out like that Jesus more cities passed laws against hat pins Milwaukee Pittsburgh Baltimore New Orleans Sydney Berlin Paris it was a worldwide hat pin situation that is crazy soon war on hat pins soon World War one would break out and with it the hat pin peril died out but the real end of hat pins was bobbed hair and smaller hats the flappers were
Starting point is 00:45:15 coming and the 19th amendment in 1920 giving women the right to vote Jesus that's crazy I don't even know we just used to treat women great well yeah obviously do yeah no there's yeah our big issue is that we still struggle to actually have equality well this still happens all the time women women getting grabbed on subways and shit oh yeah well I think even if you think about like the the Trump thing like you know there's a lot of this this is this is prompted nine women or so to come forward and be like oh he's did this to me but even outside of that like it it feels like most women are comfortable
Starting point is 00:46:02 saying yeah this is something that happens to us all the time and it's happened for so long and that it really sit when something like that just becomes the norm it you just accept I mean it is it's almost like it's almost like the like the racism that we still have in our culture like we just you eventually are just like all right well we did as good as we can we guess we really tried hard and we got a we got a pretty pretty good system pretty good you know you can't hit them ah you know yeah and you can't you can't force yourself but a touch here and there in the locker room but yeah so I mean it almost feels like
Starting point is 00:46:49 it's a little more fair if women have happened I think women should go back to wearing hat pants just our stabbing dude yeah I mean I've probably got two or three friends that would would definitely change their game oh I can figure some friends years yeah they'd be like yeah I'd be like I can't I don't go to big wings anymore I got a hat pin twice two Sundays in a row I don't go there anymore all right we sign them we sign cores you

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